#sarahbucky moodboard
tllgrrl · 11 months
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SarahBucky Fleur De Louve Month 2023 - Day 6 Prompt: “There’s no place like home.” | SFW
Sarah Wilson/Bucky Barnes, and Special Guest Cameos: Cass & AJ Wilson and Alpine the Cat
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He sees the front porch, and another piece of what he called “the Thunder-whatever thing” falls off of him.
Stepping out of the van, he grabbed his backpack and duffle, and nodded to the driver.
“Thanks, pal.”
“My pleasure, Sarge!”
The vehicle pulled away, and before Bucky mounted the steps, he looked around the yard, doing a casual perimeter check.
Some old habits can’t die.
Especially not now, when everything he holds dear is on the other side of that door.
He closed his eyes and heard the boys and Sarah inside:
“Luke! You can nevah defeat me!”
“I am stronger with the Force, Vader!”
“Cass! AJ! Are you done with your homework?”
And he smelled food cooking.
Meatloaf, greens, macaroni and cheese.
His mouth watered coming off of 3 ½ weeks of food from fast food stores and greasy diners, none of it properly seasoned as far as he was concerned.
A small white cat stepped onto the porch, sat, and waited.
“Hi there,” he said softly, scratching behind her ear with his right hand. She jumped up into his arms, and climbed up to his left shoulder.
“I missed you too,” he cooed. “You been good, Alpine?”
‘Mrow,” she answered, rubbed her face on his ear, purring.
Before putting the key into the lock, he placed his hand on the door jamb.
“Sikelela le ndawo,” he whispered.
Opening the door, he sees a lightsaber duel in full swing in the living room, accompanied, of course, by John Williams’ iconic music coming from the TV.
“Hey fellas!”
“Uncle Bucky!” the boys chime together, dropping their plastic weapons, running to hug him and tussle over his duffle and backpack.
Alpine jumps down heading straight for the kitchen as he knelt so they could all get their arms around each other.
“Guys? Did you hear me?” Sarah calls, walking into the dining room as he stands and closes the door. “Time to get ready for—“
Her face lights up, but her “Mama’s Not Playing” voice is what the boys hear:
“Are you guys lightsabering in this house again? You know better. Go put Bucky’s bags in the mudroom, pick up your stuff out of here, wash your hands and set the table. You can play space battle outside after dinner.”
“Okay, mama!” They snickered hauling the bags into the kitchen because they knew what was going to happen next: The Kissin’ Stuff, which they didn’t mind too much because it made their mama all smiley. Mama and Uncle Bucky.
“Hey Sarah.”
“James. Come’ere, you.”
She opens her arms and he walks into her embrace.
He removed his dog tags and placed them around her neck before he kissed her, and as he did, Alpine continued to purr as she wound her way around their legs and the boys carried on with their Luke vs Vader debate while putting plates and silverware on the dining room table.
This was where he wanted to be, and where Sarah wanted him: in kid’s hijinx, in cat chaos, and in her arms.
He meant it from the bottom of his heart when he looked into her eyes and said:
“There’s no place like home.”
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Posted HERE on the AO3 .
Thanks for reading!
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fleurdelouvemonth · 11 months
2023 Fleur de Louve (SarahBucky) Ship Month Prompts
This is collaboration with the original announcement post.
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Below you'll find a transcript of all the prompts for this year's ship month event! (For those who couldn't see it on the original image.) It's a mix of dialogue, subject, AU, and seasonal prompts. We tried to be versatile this year, so we hope you like them.
Don't be shy! Late comers are welcome, and late submissions are welcome as well. None of these have to be completed in order the day of/day before.
All that we ask is, if you like this ship and want to see more, then join us in the fun! No submission will be turned away.
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Week 1: Food Prompts (Nov. 1 to 5)
Halloween Candy
Sweet Potato Pie
Chai tea
Week 2: Dialogue Prompts (Nov. 6 to 12)
"There's no place like home."
"I think it looks nice."
"Tell me a story." "I don't know any stories."
"You've got leaves in your hair."
"I love you, but you have the worse poker face I've ever seen."
"Do that again."
"Would you like to dance?"
Week 3: AU Prompts (Nov. 13 to 19)
Celebrity/Bodyguard AU
Coffee Shop/Bakery AU
College Professors AU
Space AU
Tattoo Parlor/Flower Shop AU
Med School/Doctors AU
Mermaid/Pirates AU
Week 4: Seasonal Prompts (Nov. 20 to 26)
Falling leaves
Chilly mornings
Apple picking
Football game
Family dinner
Week 5: Tropes Prompts (Nov. 27 to 30)
They were roommates
Bed sharing
Found family
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janeykath318 · 9 months
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SarahBucky Christmas!
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fleurdelouve · 1 year
Did someone ask if there’s a ⛴️👩🏾❤️🧔🏻‍♂️🦾 DiscordServer?
There’s this one for all:
And there’s also one for 18+:
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sarahbuckybingo · 1 year
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As promised, our summer mini event! The weekly prompt list won with over 50% of the votes. Posting begins July 1, and posts will be reblogged all the way up to August 31. No signups are required for this event, but please tag your Tumblr posts with #sarahbucky summer and mention @sarahbuckybingo in your post so that they will be reblogged. AO3 Collection here!
All submissions must be new works - fics, art, moodboards, photosets, playlists, rec lists, etc are all welcome. If you’re not sure, please send an ask!
Alternate prompts can be used at any time. 
Sarah Wilson / Bucky Barnes MUST be the main pairing for each submission. Side pairings and pre-relationship works are welcome as long as SarahBucky is the main focus. 
All works must be tagged appropriately. NSFW works are welcome. 
There are no fill minimums for this event, as it is meant to be a no-pressure event. No worries if you don’t fill one of the weeks, or if you post the submission late for the week, but all fills (regardless of what week they’re meant for) must be posted between July 1 and August 31. 
Happy posting!
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jemgirl86 · 2 years
"There was also a blogger who was bullied and called fake black for shipping Sambucky more than Sarahbucky" The bullies had falling out because they were accusing each other of being obsessed with Sebastian. I knew it was the crux of their problem the moment they started acting out. They see Sarah as their self-insert because they wanna fuck Sebastian and they hate seeing his character being hc otherwise. Like, really taking it to an extreme.
Oh definitely. I know a lot of people use her (and Sam and Steve) as a self-insert.
Also, I’m a say this, but I’m not gonna name them. There was one particular SarahBucky blog that was so outrageous — they would bully other SarahBucky bloggers and they’d post moodboards where Sarah was represented by White women or ethnically ambiguous women — and then if you said anything about it, they’d try to attack you. They went after my friend simply because she said something about people refusing to acknowledge that Sarah is dark skinned in their moodboards. So, like I said on my other post, I do understand why some people didn’t want to deal with that BS.
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fluffyprettykitty · 3 years
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*~Sarah Wilson & Bucky Barnes
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SarahBucky Spring!
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The Wailing Winter Soldier
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Week Two of the SarahBucky Month @fleurdelouvemonth/@fleurdelouve
Day three: Fantasy: Haunted House
(W1,D1 / W1,D2 / W2,D1 / W2,D4 / W2,D5 / W3,D2 / W3,D4 / W4,D3 / W4,D5 / W5,D1 / W5,D2 / W5,D4)
G, 520 words, Fantasy AU, Ghosts, Curses, Ambiguous/Open Ending | AO3
As far as Sarah can remember, the screaming had always been there. Those whines of desperation, the cries of agony.
It’s being said that it’s been going on for centuries like this. A house, deep down in the woods, haunted by an evil spirit. The howling would get worse around days of winter, and whenever she’d get closer to the forest, she could feel the heartbreaking misery of those cries. The townspeople call it the wails of the Winter Soldier.
Sarah had never seen the house herself. Never been allowed to approach the deepest parts of the woods, where the ominous omnipresent mist would greet her. Her parents used to say that certain death awaited her there. Sam though, her brother, he had been at the house—multiple times even. He never told her, but she knows.
It took her a while to notice that every now and then Sam would pack some food in a lunchbox and disappear for hours. Hours, during which the faint cries would find a sudden stop. Sam must’ve gotten to the same conclusion she has: nothing capable of such anguish screaming could be of evil nature. These are painful cries of someone suffering and in need of help.
But whenever she asks, Sam evades the question, and Sarah has had enough of it. She is no innocent child anymore in need of protection—it’s been over thirty years and she’s a grown woman capable of making her own decisions. So, on a cold November morning, she packs a lunchbox and heads out.
It’s a reckless action, she’s aware. She’s got two boys waiting for her to come back home, and no husband anymore who could take care of them should something happen. But Sarah is no fool—she wouldn’t do it if she wasn’t positive she’d come back safe and sound. Sam is a fighter, and Sam never looks like he’s been in a fight when he comes back from his trips to the house.
For the first time, Sarah steps foot into the deep ends of the woods and lets the mysterious mist engulf her. With every step she takes, the screaming gets louder, almost bone-crushing, causing shivers to run down her spine and having her hurting more and more for this poor pained soul.
Eventually, she reaches her destination and dares to enter the abandoned house with thrill and a healthy dose of fear pumping through her blood. When she finally gets to the attic, where the cries seem to be coming from, she learns three things right then and there, and none of them are what she expected:
For one, the Wailing Winter Soldier is no ghost or evil spirit. It’s a man. A man, bound to the house for eternal torture, cursed by no one else but the Clan of HYDRA.
For another, it’s not the man who’s screaming, but the house itself—expressing what the man is repressing.
Lastly, the man’s name is Bucky. And Bucky has the bluest eyes and kindest smile Sarah has ever seen, making her heart beat faster as if she was again a teen.
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sarahandbucky · 3 years
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hi, folks! time for week 2!
🎄fake dating🎄
can’t wait to see what fun holidate shenanigans you folks come up with!
🎄multi-chapter fics, drabbles, one shots, art, moodboards, playlists, headcanons, etc totally welcome!
🎄 tracking: #december in delacroix
🎄as always, please tag adult content appropriately!
🎄and please no non-con or underage stuff
🎄submissions and ask box are both open
🎄questions? comments? concerns? feel free to tag, message, submit, or ask
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tllgrrl · 11 months
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SarahBucky Fleur De Louve Month 2023 - Day 7 - Prompt: “I think it looks nice.”
Sarah Wilson / Bucky Barnes
(Story inspired by Vogue Magazine’s photograph of Serena Williams in a custom Thom Browne corset gown.)
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When he was finished, she gingerly tip-toed to the mirror and turned around.
‘Oh…mygawd,” she whispered. “Wow…”
She turned again, stopped, and looked over her shoulder at her reflection. Her upper back was framed, and the red, white, and navy blue ribbons—that laced up the corset dress from the curve of her ass up to her waist, and from just below her shoulder blades down to the waist—stood in contrast to the black, hand-sequined fabric.
Bucky was the one who cinched her in and tied the two sections together with one bow.
The hair and makeup stylist Misty recommended was a dream. He parted her thick curly hair, braided it into 4 sections that met at the nape of her neck, then he added an extension, into which he braided one of the extra laces that came with the dress.
“You don’t think it’s too much, do you? I mean, this is New York, and the event’s really fancy, but…this. And unlacing it all later tonight is gonna be—“
She glanced over and saw him standing behind her, by the wall, as still as a statue, watching her look at herself in the full-length mirror.
His lips were slightly parted and she saw the tip of his tongue wet his bottom lip before his teeth rolled over it.
Then she saw the quick squint.
His left hand slowly flexed, and in his right hand was his EDC switchblade that he was opening and closing methodically.
He was looking at her as though he was mapping out access points for Special Ops maneuvers.
“I think it looks great, nandi. And getting you out of it’s not gonna be a problem at all.”
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Also posted HERE on AO3.
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Thanks for reading!
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janeykath318 · 2 years
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Flashback Friday: SarahBucky edition
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fleurdelouve · 1 year
Adepero Oduye podcast from about a year ago. Speaking on Creativity.
“Remembering who you are is powerful…”
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pxresoxl · 3 years
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For @fleurdelouve and @fleurdelouvemonth
SarahBuckyMonth2021 - Moodboard
PROMPT : Genre-Palooza
Day 1 - Fluff - Baking together
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jbarneswilson · 3 years
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fluffyprettykitty · 3 years
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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🍋 smut 🌺 fluff 🌩️ angst 🔱 dark
♡ Matters Of The Heart 🌺 🌩️
♡ Vicious 🌩️ 🍋
♡ Anamnesis 🌩️ 🐺
♡ Come November, Come January 🌩️
♡ Cold As Marble 🌩️
♡ Extravagant 🍋
♡ Love's Not A Competition 🌩️
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
☆ My Companion 🍋 🌩️ 🔱
☆ Secretary to your heart 🌺🌩️
☆ Morning on the beach 🌺 ☆ Rebuild the World 🌺
☆ Moodboards ☆
♡ Mob! Bucky
♡ Biker!Bucky
♡ SarahBucky
♡ SamBucky1+2
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