#sara rosen
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moxyphinx · 6 months ago
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"Voila, the cooch tent!" WATER FOR ELEPHANTS on Broadway (2024)
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dorothy16 · 11 months ago
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w4emusical “When they call places, there is this ritual we all do together as a company before the curtain goes up,” he says. “There is a line in the show: ‘Step right up and put some wind in your sails.’ So we form a circle and say ‘step right up’ over and over again until everyone has joined in.” - @grantgust for @townandcountrymag
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moviesandmania · 7 months ago
THEDÆMON Lovecraftian horror - trailer and Frightfest news
The Dæmon is a 2024 horror film about a man seeking to understand why his father took his own life. “The Lovecraftian slow burn follows a family attempting to reconcile past traumas, only to face demons infinitely more sinister than their own.” The movie was written and directed by Matt Devino and David Michael Yohe. The Isotropic Films-Whalefilm co-production stars Tyler Q Rosen, Oscar Wilson,…
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legallybrunettedotcom · 1 year ago
As promised @possession1981 and I have compiled a list of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and Angel) related academic text and books. I think this is a good starting point for both a long time fan and for someone just getting into the show, or just someone interested in vampire lore. I have included several books about the vampire lore and myth in general as well. Most of these are available online.
Fighting the Forces: What's at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer; edited by Rhonda V. Wilcox & David Lavery
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy - Fear and Trembling in Sunnydale by James B. South
Buffy Goes Dark: Essays on the Final Two Seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Television, edited by Lynne Y. Edwards, Elizabeth L. Rambo & James B. South
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Myth, Metaphor and Morality by Mark Field
Televised Morality: The Case of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Gregory Stevenson
Undead TV: Essays on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Elana Levine
The Aesthetics of Culture in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Matthew Pateman
Girls Who Bite Back: Witches, Mutants, Slayers and Freaks by Emily Pohl-Weary
Why Buffy Matters: The Art of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Ronda Wilcox
Into Every Generation a Slayer Is Born: How Buffy Staked Our Hearts by Evan Ross Katz
The Lure of the Vampire: Gender, Fiction, and Fandom from Bram Stoker to Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Milly Williamson
Blood Relations: Chosen Families in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel by Jes Battis
Sex and the Slayer: A Gender Studies Primer for the Buffy Fan by Lorna Jowett
Diseases of the Head: Essays on the Horrors of Speculative Philosophy; edited by Matt Rosen (chapter 2 Death of Horror)
Public Privates: Feminist Geographies of Mediated Spaces by Marcia R. England (chapter 1 Welcome to the Hellmouth: Paradoxical Spaces in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Open Graves, Open Minds: Representations of Vampires and the Undead From the Enlightenment to the Present Day; edited by Sam George and Bill Hughes (chapter 8 ‘I feel strong. I feel different’: transformations, vampires and language in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
The Contemporary Television Series; edited by Michael Hammond and Lucy Mazdon (chapter 9 Television, Horror and Everyday Life in Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Joss Whedon and Race: Critical Essays; edited by Mary Ellen Iatropoulos and Lowery A. Woodall III
Buffy and the Heroine's Journey: Vampire Slayer as Feminine Chosen One by Valerie Estelle Frankel
The Existential Joss Whedon: Evil and Human Freedom in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly and Serenity by J. Michael Richardson and J. Douglas Rabb
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 20 Years of Slaying: The Watcher's Guide Authorized by Christopher Golden
Reading the Vampire Slayer: The Complete, Unofficial Guide to 'Buffy' and 'Angel' by Roz Kaveney
Hollywood Vampire: The Unnoficial Guide to Angel by Keith Topping
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Monster Book by Christopher Golden
Slayer Slang: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lexicon by Michael Adams
What Would Buffy Do? The Vampire Slayer as Spiritual Guide by Jana Riess
Bibliographic Good vs. Evil in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by GraceAnne A. DeCandido
Undead Letters: Searches and Researches in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by William Wandless
Weaponised information: The role of information and metaphor in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Jacob Ericson
Buffy, Dark Romance and Female Horror Fans by Lorna Jowett
My Vampire Boyfriend: Postfeminism, "Perfect" Masculinity, and the Contemporary Appeal of Paranormal Romance by Ananya Mukherjea
Buffy, The Vampire Slayer as Spectacular Allegory: A Diagnostic Critique by Douglas Kellner
"Buffy the Vampire Slayer": Technology, Mysticism, and the Constructed Body by Sara Raffel
When Horror Becomes Human: Living Conditions in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" by Jeroen Gerrits
Post-Vampire: The Politics of Drinking Humans and Animals in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Twilight", and "True Blood" by Laura Wright
Cops, Teachers, and Vampire Slayers: Buffy as Street-Level Bureaucrat by Andrea E. Mayo
"Not Like Other Men"?: The Vampire Body in Joss Whedon's "Angel" by Lorna Jowett
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Domestic Church: Revisioning Family and the Common Good by Reid B. Locklin
“Buffy vs. Dracula”’s Use of Count Famous (Not drawing “crazy conclusions about the unholy prince”) by Tara Elliott
A Little Less Ritual and a Little More Fun: The Modern Vampire in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Stacey Abbott
Undressing the Vampire: An Investigation of the Fashion of Sunnydale’s Vampires by Robbie Dale
"And Yet": The Limits of Buffy Feminism by Renee St. Louis & Miriam Riggs
Meet the Cullens: Family, Romance and Female Agency in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Twilight by Kirsten Stevens
Bliss and Time: Death, Drugs, and Posthumanism in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Rob Cover
That Girl: Bella, Buffy, and the Feminist Ethics of Choice in Twilight and Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Catherine Coker
A Slayer Comes to Town: An Essay on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Scott Westerfeld 
Undead Objects of a “Queer Gaze” : A Visual Approach to Buffy’s Vampires Using Lacan’s Extended RSI Model by Marcus Recht
When You Kiss Me, I Want to Die: Gothic Relationships and Identity on Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Ananya Mukherjeea
Necrophilia and SM: The Deviant Side of Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Terry L. Spaise
Queering the Bitch: Spike, Transgression and Erotic Empowerment by Dee Amy-Chinn
“I Want To Be A Macho Man”: Examining Rape Culture, Adolescent Female Sexuality, and the Destabilization of Gender Binaries in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Angelica De Vido
Staking Her Claim: Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Transgressive Woman Warrior by Frances H. Early
Actualizing Abjection: Drusilla, the Whedonversees’ Queen of Queerness by Anthony Stepniak
“Life Isn’t A Story”: Xander, Andrew and Queer Disavowal in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Steven Greenwood
S/He’s a Rebel: The James Dean Trope in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Kathryn Hill
“Once More, with Feeling”: Emotional Self-Discipline in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Gwynnee Kennedy and Jennifer Dworshack-Kinter
“The Hardest Thing in This World Is To Live In It”: Identity and Mental Health in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Alex Fixler
"Love's Bitch But Man Enough to Admit It": Spikes Hybridized Gender by Arwen Spicer
Negotiations After Hegemony: Buffy and Gender by Franklin D. Worrell
Double Trouble: Gothic Shadows and Self-Discovery in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Elizabeth Gilliland
'What If I'm Still There? What If I Never Left That Clinic?': Faërian Drama in Buffy's "Normal Again" by Janet Brennan Croft
Not Gay Enough So You’d Notice: Poaching Fuffy by Jennifer DeRoss
Throwing Like A Slayer: A Phenomenology of Gender Hybridity and Female Resilience in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Debra Jackson
“You Can’t Charge Innocent People for Saving Their Lives!” Work in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Matt Davies
Ambiguity and Sexuality in Buffy the Vampire Slayer: A Sartrean Analysis by Vivien Burr
Imagining the Family: Representations of Alternative Lifestyles in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Vivien Burr and Christine Jarvis
Working-Class Hero? Fighting Neoliberal Precarity in Buffy’s Sixth Season by Michelle Maloney-Mangold
A Corpse by Any Other Name: Romancing the Language of the Body in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for the Adam Storyline in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Amber P. Hodge
Sensibility Gone Mad: Or, Drusilla, Buffy and the (D)evolution of the Heroine of Sensibility by Claire Knowles
"It's good to be me": Buffy's Resistance to Renaming by Janet Brennan Croft
Death as a Gift in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Work and Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Gaelle Abalea
“All Torment, Trouble, Wonder, and Amazement Inhabits Here": The Vicissitudes of Technology in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by James B. South
Staking Her Colonial Claim: Colonial Discourses, Assimilation, Soul-making, and Ass-kicking in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Jessica Hautsch
“I Run To Death”: Renaissance Sensibilities in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Christine Jarvis
Dressed To Kill: Fashion and Leadership in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Christine Jarvis and Don Adams
Queer Eye Of That Vampire Guy: Spike and the Aesthetics of Camp by Cynthea Masson and Marni Stanley
“Sounds Like Kinky Business To Me”: Subtextual and Textual Representations of Erotic Power in Buffyverse by Lewis Call
“Did Anyone Ever Explain to You What ‘Secret Identity’ Means?”: Race and Displacement in Buffy and Dark Angel  by Cynthia Fuchs
“It’s About Power”: Buffy, Foucault, and the Quest for Self by Julie Sloan Brannon
Why We Love the Monsters: How Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Wound Up Dating the Enemy by Hilary M. Leon
Why We Can’t Spike Spike?: Moral Themes in Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Richard Greene and Wayne Yuen
Buffy, the Scooby Gang, and Monstrous Authority: BtVS and the Subversion of Authority by Daniel A. Clark & P. Andrew Miller
Are Vampires Evil?: Categorizations of Vampires, and Angelus and Spike as the Immoral and the Amoral by Gert Magnusson
The Vampire Lectures by Laurence A. Rickels 
Our Vampires, Ourselves by Nina Auerbach
Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality by Paul Barber
The Secret History of Vampires: Their Multiple Forms and Hidden Purposes by Claude Lecouteux
The Vampire Cinema by David Pirie
The Living and the Undead: Slaying Vampires, Exterminating Zombies by Gregory A. Waller
Vampire Forensics: Uncovering the Origins of an Enduring Legend by Mark Jenkins
Slayers and Their Vampires: A Cultural History of Killing the Dead by Bruce A. McClelland
The History and Folklore of Vampires: The Stories and Legends Behind the Mythical Beings by Charles River Editors
Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology by Theresa Bane
Vampires of Lore: Traits and Modern Misconceptions by A. P. Sylvia
The Vampire: A New History by Nick Groom
Vampyres: Genesis and Resurrection: from Count Dracula to Vampirella by Christopher Frayling
Race in the Vampire Narrative by U. Melissa Anyiwo
Vampires, Race, and Transnational Hollywoods by Dale Hudson
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maybeeatspaghetti · 1 month ago
Alright, here are the CBorle mentions in Spamalot Diaries:
‘However, there are many pluses. Christian Borle, the young man playing Prince Herbert, a newcomer to many, is quite brilliant. He is a really funny guy. In fact, the cast is impeccable. Steve Rosen is hilarious as Galahad's mother. Despite a wander across the north of England, ending up in Scotland for the accent of Doug Sills, Christian is quite benevolent and well-meaning and he draws lots of laughs. He has charm and what John Du Prez calls "a delightful swagger."’ Pg 54
‘She chose an epic day to come to rehearsal, as she witnessed a rather dramatic scene. Mike greeted her with joy and sat her behind us at the table, where we were watching Doug Sills failing to be amusing with young Christian Borle as Prince Herbert. One day, lad, all this will be yours. What, the curtains? No, not the curtains, lad… While Doug was fine as the rather vain Sir Galahad, he could never get anywhere close to Michael Palin's Father of Prince Herbert role, neither the Yorkshire accent nor the gradually mounting frustration. He seemed only able to go straight to rage. Mike gives me a worried glance, and then suddenly and without warning Doug begins slapping Christian around. Real hard slaps, until Christian says, "Whoa, stop that! Time out." There is a moment of stunned silence in the room. A shocked Casey says, "Take five, everyone" People stand around confused. What just happened? Mike walks me over to the big window for a private talk. "What do you think?" he says. "Well, if I work with him, I think I can help him with the Yorkshire accent," I suggest. "No. I'm going to fire him," says Mike. "Might as well do it now." And he does. Just like that. Takes him out to lunch and Doug doesn't return. I love that about Mike. He doesn't tolerate anything for long.‘ Pg 81
“We move from the strong powerful voice of Tim and the sweetness of Michael's Patsy through the silliness of Christian (a uniquely gifted clown), to the magnificent control of David, who is cheered to the rafters for his amazingly deft and delicate and hilarious rendition of "You Won't Succeed on Broadway." Add the charm of Hank, the sweetness and confident lunacy of Steve, and top it with the amazing genius of Sara, and it is a heady recipe.” Pg 95
‘Wow. Spamalot was a triumph. Its first public dress rehearsal last night opened to prolonged, triumphant laughter… They adored "I Am Not Dead Yet”, and Christian throughout was a hit.’ Pg 100
“Prince Herbert was hilarious, largely because Christian is so funny.” Pg 102
‘On the way into the hotel my flight for the next day was already showing canceled, so I canceled my car—I knew I was going nowhere Saturday. Best see the show again. Which I did (twice); and to give myself a little fillip, I suggested to Christian that I come on as the Historian at the start of act 2, then he could come on and tell me to "fuck off." He liked that idea. Peter, the stage manager, was nuts about it, so I dressed up in the second costume, with the Historian's tweed jacket and waistcoat and bow tie, and stepped out onto the stage. Most of the cast was in the wings. I wasn't sure what the reaction would be, but I could never have expected how it was: the audience went absolutely crazy, there was a roar and then applause and then cheering and then a standing ovation. They wouldn't stop. I didn't know what to do. I tried to deadpan my way through and hope they'd stop so I could say my one line. But they wouldn't. In the end I had to smile and nod and recognize them, and even then they wouldn't stop; so I gestured for about a minute for them to quieten. Only then could I say my line. Then there was Christian standing next to me with hands on hips. "Fuck off, Idle," he said and I exited meekly to roars of laughter. "Everyone wants to be a comedian," he ad-libbed.... But it sure started act 2 with a wallop and the cast were overjoyed. "Thanks for waking them up," said Tim and David.’ Pg 140
‘NOTES: At the top of act 2, Eric Idle appeared as a Faux Historian in his own costume. He began the Historian's speech to loud cheers and applause from the audience, and was then interrupted (planned) by Christian, who said, "Fuck off, Idle." Eric promptly, obediently, left the stage-again to great cheers.’ Pg 143
“What Mike did was to find the very best and finest. Casey was a brilliant call. His first gig, too. Sara is about to be a star, Christian Borle is a comedy genius, Hank is a pillar of laughs, and Christopher Sieber, who came in at just the right time, is extraordinary. Mike is probably the best casting director in the business.” Pg 167
These are awesome ✨
Thanks for sharing!!
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izzy-mccalla · 11 months ago
Water for Elephants - Broadway - March 3, 2024
Gregg Edelman (Mr. Jankowski), Stan Brown (Camel), Wade McCollum (Wade), Joe De Paul (Walter), Sara Gettelfinger (Barbara), Paul Alexander Nolan (August/Charlie), Isabelle McCalla (Marlena/June), Grant Gustin (Jacob Jankowski), Antoine Boissereau, Rachael Boyd, Paul Castree, Taylor Colleton, Isabella Luisa Diaz, Keaton Hentoff-Killian, Nicolas Jelmoni, Caroline Kane, Michael Mendez, Gabriel Olivera De Paula Costa, Samiel Renaud, Marissa Rosen, Charles South, Sean Stack, Matthew Varvar
do not repost
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 months ago
𝐎𝐂 𝐱 𝐎𝐂 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Part 2, 1961-2010
⤷ part 1 (1870-1960) | part 3 (minor ocs)
An open offer for oc x oc interactions for all of my HP OCs and the types of relationships that they’re open for!
This functions as a reset for all of my OCs’ dorms and as such, there are anywhere from 1-4 open beds in most of the dorms. OCs of the same gender, house, and year share a dorm. There’s also a soft reset on friendships, so please let me know about those too! One OC is available for a love interest.
If you are interested, please comment, reblog, or send an ask with: the name of your OC, the name of my OC, and the preferred relationship!
Eras Involved: HPHM, HPMA, Next Gen, Miscellaneous
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𝙷𝙾𝙶𝚆𝙰𝚁𝚃𝚂 𝙼𝚈𝚂𝚃𝙴𝚁𝚈 𝙴𝚁𝙰 | starts hogwarts in 1984
Ruth Abigail Rosen | profile
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house: ravenclaw
date of birth: july 17, 1973 (cancer)
pronouns: she/her
blood status: muggleborn
personality types: infj & enneagram type 8w9
extracurriculars: prefect
professions: charms professor, early childhood teacher, author
faceclaims: millie bobby brown & tatiana maslany 
love interest: conor o’donnell
dormmates: badeea ali | tulip karasu | open | open 
open for: friendships, 2 dormmates
Ryan Michael O’Donnell | profile
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house: gryffindor
date of birth: august 18, 1973 (leo)
pronouns: he/him
blood status: half-blood
personality types: esfp & enneagram type 7w8
extracurriculars: quidditch (chaser)
profession: cursebreaker
faceclaims: jaeden martell & killian scott
love interest: penny haywood
dormmates: jae kim | ben copper | charlie weasley | rohan khanna
open for: friendships
Cara Rose O’Donnell | profile
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house: slytherin
date of birth: august 18, 1973 (leo)
pronouns: she/her
blood status: half-blood
personality types: enfp & enneagram type 8
extracurriculars: quidditch (chaser)
profession: illustrator, artist
faceclaims: sadie sink & jane levy
love interest: rowan khanna
dormmates: ismelda murk | liz tuttle | merula synde | open
open for: friendships, 1 dormmate
Sara Ailis O’Donnell | profile
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house: hufflepuff
date of birth: august 18, 1973 (leo) 
pronouns: she/her
blood status: half-blood
extracurriculars: prefect, headgirl, hospital wing assistant, frog choir
personality types: esfj & enneagram type 2
profession: healer
faceclaims: malina weissman & elizabeth henstridge 
love interest: barnaby lee
dormmates: chiara lobosca | penny haywood | nymphadora tonks | rowan khanna
open for: friendships
Conor Lorcan O’Donnell | profile
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house: ravenclaw
date of birth: august 18, 1973 (leo)
pronouns: he/him
blood status: half-blood
personality types: istp & enneagram type 5
extracurriculars: quidditch (seeker), prefect
profession: architect
faceclaims: jack moore & TBD
love interest: ruth rosen
dormmates: talbott winger | andre egwu | victor ketsuki | open
open for: 1 dormmate, tentatively open to friends (private, self-conscious, and anxious… partially his nature, partially from trauma, and partially due to a stutter)
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Nicholas Wraxall | profile | starts hogwarts in 2000
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house: hufflepuff
date of birth: february 2, 1989 (aquarius)
pronouns: he/him
blood status: muggleborn
personality types: isfj & enneagram type 1
extracurriculars: frog choir, quidditch (seeker)
professions: auror, astronomy professor
faceclaims: grant gustin & tbd (might change again idk)
love interest: frances fersen (@endlessly-cursed)
dormmates: open | open | open | open
open for: 4 dormmates, friendships
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𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙸𝙲 𝙰𝚆𝙰𝙺𝙴𝙽𝙴𝙳 𝙴𝚁𝙰 | starts hogwarts in 2008
Finnian Joseph “Finn” MacKade | profile
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house: ravenclaw
date of birth: december 30, 1996 (capricorn)
pronouns: he/him
blood status: muggleborn
personality types: istj & enneagram type 4w3
extracurriculars: quidditch (chaser), hogwarts arts club
profession: professional photographer (photojournalist, freelancer)
faceclaim: tom holland
love interest: scotty rosier (@drinkyoursoupbitch)
dormmates: open | open | open | open
open for: friendships, 4 dormmates
Nathaniel Brian “Nate” MacKade | profile
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house: hufflepuff
date of birth: december 30, 1996 (capricorn)
pronouns: he/him
blood status: muggleborn
personality types: isfj & enneagram type 2w1
extracurriculars: quidditch (keeper), prefect
professions: archivist, historian, history of magic professor
faceclaim: tom holland
love interest: nova hartley (@fischerfrey)
dormmates: open | open | open | open
open for: friendships, 4 dormmates
Jack Edward Whitten | profile
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house: slytherin
date of birth: february 28, 1997 (pisces)
pronouns: he/him
blood status: muggleborn
personality types: estp & enneagram type 7
extracurriculars: quidditch (beater)
profession: magiopalentologist
faceclaim: luke newton
love interest: sage carridan (@kc-and-co)
dormmates: open | open | open | open
open for: friendships, 4 dormmates
Thea Vinh Whitten | profile
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house: gryffindor
date of birth: may 29, 1997 (gemini)
pronouns: she/her
blood status: muggleborn
personality types: esfp & enneagram type 4w3
extracurriculars: quidditch (chaser)
professions: herbologist, florist, baker
faceclaim: lana condor
love interest: noa march (@thatravenpuffwitch)
dormmates: robyn thistlewaite | open | open | open
open for: friendships, 3 dormmates
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Sophia Josephine “Sophie” Power | profile | starts hogwarts in 2011
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house: ravenclaw
date of birth: january 7, 2000 (capricorn)
pronouns: she/her
blood status: half-blood
personality types: isfp & enneagram type 4w5
extracurriculars: quidditch (keeper)
profession: wand maker
faceclaim: ruby stokes
love interest: luke battersea
dormmates: victoire weasley | open | open | open
open for: friendships, 3 dormmates
Luke Percival Battersea | profile | starts hogwarts in 2011
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house: gryffindor
date of birth: july 21, 2000 (cancer)
pronouns: he/him
blood status: half-blood
personality types: intp & enneagram type 6
extracurriculars: quidditch (seeker)
profession: tbd
faceclaim: cameron chapman
love interest: sophie power
dormmates: open | open | open | open
open for: friendships, 4 dormmates
Declan Ryan O’Donnell-Lee | profile | starts hogwarts in 2015
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house: slytherin
date of birth: September 1, 2004
pronouns: he/him
blood status: half-blood
personality types: istp & enneagram type 5w6
extracurriculars: quidditch (seeker, captain)
profession: professional quidditch player
faceclaim: kit connor
love interest: tbd
dormmates: titus greengrass | open | open | open
open for: 3 dormmates, friendships
Jude Thomas Cozens | profile | starts hogwarts in 2016
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house: gryffindor 
date of birth: june 13, 2005 (gemini)
pronouns: he/him 
blood status: muggleborn 
personality types:
extracurriculars: the hogwarts ice hockey club (founding member)
profession: estj & enneagram type 8
faceclaim: ashby gentry 
love interest: noor verma-dhendron (@legilimenace)
dormmates: open | open | open | open
open for: friendships, 4 dormmates 
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kalifissure · 10 days ago
### **🔭 Observational Signatures of Neutron Emergence in Voids**
If **neutrons emerge from Einstein-Rosen bridges in deep voids**, we should detect **unique physical signatures** at void centers. These could include:
## **1️⃣ Ultra-Cold Monatomic Hydrogen (Dark Matter-Like Signature)**
🔹 **Prediction:**
- If neutrons decay in voids, they create **cold, diffuse hydrogen gas**.
- This gas should be in an **ultra-low-energy Rydberg state**, behaving like weakly interacting mass.
🔹 **How to Observe:**
✅ **21-cm Hydrogen Line Surveys** – Use radio telescopes (e.g., **FAST, SKA**) to search for **anomalous, ultra-cold hydrogen** in voids.
✅ **Gravitational Lensing Studies** – Look for **dark matter-like effects** without typical WIMP interaction signals.
🔹 **Expected Result:**
- Void centers should have **nonthermal hydrogen clouds** that are colder and more diffuse than those near galaxies.
## **2️⃣ Anisotropic Gravitational Lensing (Directional Matter Flow Signature)**
🔹 **Prediction:**
- Neutrons should **emerge directionally** from ER bridges, creating **subtle gravitational distortions**.
- This effect should **align with the flow of hydrogen into the cosmic web**.
🔹 **How to Observe:**
✅ **Weak Gravitational Lensing Surveys** – Look for **nonrandom distortions** in background galaxy shapes within voids.
✅ **Kinematic Mapping of Void Filaments** – Compare **hydrogen velocity vectors** to predicted neutron flow patterns.
🔹 **Expected Result:**
- Void lensing should be **slightly anisotropic**, indicating **matter emergence in preferred directions**.
## **3️⃣ Low-Energy Gamma-Ray & Neutrino Excess (Neutron Decay Signature)**
🔹 **Prediction:**
- Free neutron decay emits **low-energy gamma rays (0.78 MeV) and electron anti-neutrinos**.
- Void centers should show an excess of **diffuse MeV-range gamma radiation**.
🔹 **How to Observe:**
✅ **Gamma-Ray Telescopes (Fermi, INTEGRAL, AMEGO)** – Look for a **diffuse MeV gamma-ray background peaking at 0.78 MeV**.
✅ **Neutrino Detectors (IceCube, JUNO, Hyper-Kamiokande)** – Detect **anomalous low-energy anti-neutrino flux** from voids.
🔹 **Expected Result:**
- A **spatial correlation** between void centers and excess MeV gamma/neutrino signals.
## **🛰️ Best Current Data to Check**
- **21-cm Void Hydrogen Surveys** (SARAS, EDGES, LOFAR)
- **Fermi-LAT & INTEGRAL Diffuse Gamma-Ray Maps**
- **IceCube & JUNO Neutrino Event Distributions**
Would you like me to **search for any existing anomalous data in these areas** or propose a specific **observational experiment**?
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girlsforxiao · 2 months ago
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⎯ DNI ꒰ 𐙚 ꒱
Basic DNI criteria (especially racists bc there's a lot on here lol most of my x readers are written with black women or at least women of colour in mind sorry not sorry)
but beware I am a pervert this blog will be filled of icky perv nsfw things you have been warned!!!! Yes I write but if you're uncomfortable with nsfw DO NOT COME ON HERE AND VE SHOCKED WHEN I POST SMTH WILD
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I've seen so many creators get called weird for being kinky or perving out and I'm always like ??? What did u expect !!!! maybe it's just me I don't kink shame 😔 WAIT– SPEAKING OF KINKS...
⌢ ꒰੭.Kinks:
“‘Kink’ is an umbrella term for any sexual activity or turn-on that is outside of the mainstream of what is generally considered to be sexual,” says sex therapist Sara Rosen, LCSW. Via this article
With that out of the way- in no particular order:
• Age play (women only)
• Bdsm (women only)
• Breeding
• Extreme breeding/fluid bonding
• Cnc
• Humiliation (women only)
• Exhibitionism
• Hypnokink (Rafayel from LADS+++)
• Size
• Nylon (women only obviously, keqing from genshin+++)
• Ownership
• Quirofilia/cheirophilia (Athletes +++)
• Sadism
• mazophilia
• Free use (ESPECIALLY in women)
• Lactophilia/galactophilia
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artisticlegshake · 2 years ago
1st Ava Wagner - LARKIN JP!
2nd Carly Thinfen - NOR CAL JP!
3rd Adare Haas - EXPRESSENZ JP!
3rd Kaitlyn Tom - NOR CAL JP!
4th Skyla Bonnett - THE COMPANY SPACE JP!
5th Gianna Liva - THE DYNAMIC JP!
5th Isabella Jarvis - LARKIN JP!
5th Garris Munoz - SOUTH TULSA JP!
5th Avery Lau - SOUTH TULSA JP!
6th Reagan Stafford - NEXT STEP JP!
6th Emma Donnelly - DANCEOLOGY JP!
7th Isabel Reese - NEXT STEP JP!
8th Drew Rosen - DANCEOLOGY JP!
8th Mercedes Lorentz - LARKIN JP!
8th Clara Gough - SOUTH TULSA JP!
8th Jenna Kryder - EXPRESSENZ JP!
9th Mia Ibach - THE ROCK JP!
9th Emma Hallenkamp - DANCEOLOGY JP!
9th Caroline Skrable - DANCEOLOGY JP!
9th Beth Anne McGowan - NEXT STEPJP!
9th Cambry Bethke - THE DANCE KOLLECTIVE JP!
9th Kamyle Stamp - PAS DE DEUX HAWAII JP!
9th Gianna Mojonnier - DANCEOLOGY JP!
9th Cami Redpath - LARKIN JP!
9th Sara Allen - CLUB JP!
10th Ava Lopina - NEXT STEP JP!
10th Dasha Vishnyakova - NEXT STEP JP!
10th Brooklin Cooley - CLUB JP!
10th Mini Preston - LARKIN JP!
10th Phoebe Campbell - THE COMPANY SPACE JP!
10th Sami Sonder - DANCEOLOGY JP!
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bookaddict24-7 · 2 years ago
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New Young Adult Releases! (May 2nd, 2023)
Have I missed any new Young Adult releases? Have you added any of these books to your TBR? Let me know!
New Standalones/First in a Series:
Chasing Pacquiao by Rod Pulido
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli
I Like Me Better by Robby Weber 
We Don’t Swim Here by Vincent Tirado
The Unstoppable Bridget Bloom by Allison L. Bitz
Lose You to Find Me by Erik J. Brown
Liar’s Beach by Katie Cotugno
Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl by Brianna R. Shrum & Sara Waxelbaum
Lying in the Deep by Diana Urban
Warrior Girl Unearthed by Angeline Boulley
The Strange Case of Harleen and Harley by Melissa Marr
Lion’s Legacy by Lev A.C. Rosen
The Isles of the Gods by Amie Kaufman
Solitaire by Alice Oseman (This is a new cover reprint)
Your Plantation Prom Is Not Okay by Kelly McWilliams
The Weight of Everything by Marcia Argueta Mickelson
Time Out by Sean Hayes, Todd Milliner & Carlyn Greenwald
When Death is Coming by Jen Woodrum
Stranger Danger by Maren Stoffels
New Sequels: 
Path of Vengeance (Star Wars: The High Republic) by Cavan Scott
Happy reading!
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moxyphinx · 6 months ago
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Sara Gettelfinger at Water For Elephants for @thedressingroomproject 📸 Michael Kushner
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thewritepartner · 2 months ago
Veronica Noble & Hayden Darmody Maria Reyes & Josef Volkov Jane Song & Nova Volkova Princess Aurora & Martin Saunders Naomi Connelly & Charlie Walker Elise Drew & Clyde “Rory” Donovan / Daviau Virgil Dawes & Delphine Rosen Elena * & Felix Daviau Maxima Falcone & Amya Daviau Cleopatra Rios & Claudia Daviau Rosemary Daviau & Sidney Ahmed Aurelie Grimaldi & Villanelle Rousseau Alicia Bradley & Tommy Donovan Murphy Bowe & Sara Avraham [RETIRED] Lydia Asensio & Beth Heydari Adele Lim & Alexander Roscoe Aristides Karatasos & Amada Rosewell Eve Champion & Atlas R.ose Elijah Hadley & Jeremy Rider Elijah Hadley & Claudia Daviau (brotp) Clark Joseph “Joey” Hale & Beatrice Bowe Iris McCool & Adrian Valentine Romana Ventlukova & Francisco “Paco” Juarez Winter Ohlin & Harvey Hargrove Clover Klein Reeves & Jason Reeves Heaven Jacobs & Ricardo “Rico” Valdez Destiny Nash & Jayden Vanderbilt Aksel Markov & Zhenya Azminova Hunt Clayton “Huck" Sutter & Esme Dupont Marguerite “Mags” Couture Daviau & Ford Daviau Hector James “Jimmy” Fields & Echo Daviau Vivien Stone & Noah Roscoe Diana Keats Hart & John Hart Emma Silva & Cora Reeves Jesse Forbes & Yvette Mitchell Keeley MacTiernan & Evie Faraday Willa Nolan & Elektra Rush Lucy Pace & M.alcolm B.right Isobel Fraser & Richard Wayne/Blaine Hannah Roth & Rachel Temperance Piper Bloom & Louis Carter & Gale Demir Zoe McCrae & Violet Darling Charles “Charlie” Foster & Defne "Goldie" Adanir Chase Albertine & Reginald “Reggie” Hale Scott Bowen & Audrey Knox Martina Rocha & unknown (edited) Natalia “Tallie” Christiaens & Prince Nicolas Amari Kelsey Alice * & Patrick Thompson Kim Mi-rae & Max Sheffield Elvis Vega & Regina Jones Hunter * & Michael Valentine Zara Cavalcante & Andre Almeida Delta Kourakis & Lorenzo Fox Miles Takamoto Shields & Lunanera Rosano TBA (Gael Garcia Bernal fc) Tiffany Weiss & Gabriel Pelaxtla Jewel Weiss & Jared Arjona Michael * & Marta Rostro Byron Drew & James Drew Paloma (M.elissa B.arrera fc) & Zed Medini Devi Decker & Arman Demir Julia Baer & M.att M.urdock Ethan & Suna “Sunny” Bereket Jenaye & (C.hristian S.erratos FC) Arlo Smith & Baylee Blackwelder Enrique “Ricky” Narvaez & Avery Hebert Carmen Tomás & Giovanni “Gio” Murray Sade Bello & Maila Rule Danny & Honor Lancaster Juan & Carolina Burke Leticia “Tish” Reis & Mateo Landry Harris Lorraine Santos & Amber Halliday Nicholas Hirsch & Sloane Barry Hirsch Andrea Love & Zeppelin “Zep” Paige Derek Knox & Lily Hammersmith-Vane Sabrina Daenzer & Cash Dennison Adam Kimble & Celeste Morrison Aspen Smith & Cecilia “Cece” Morrison Diya Sharma & Niamh Curran Johnny St. James & Alma Dorset Zahid & Olivia Chevalier (Eve Hewson fc) Jason "Jay" Reyes & Charlotte Kamura Ford Daviau 2.0 & Grace Sterling
HOTEL CALIFORNIA MUMU: Benny Clemmins (1920s) & Celia Sedgewick (1815) Reyna Stokes (1990s) & Betty Miller (1967) Shane Shipka & TBA (Grace van Dien fc)
HEAVEN SPRINGS MUMU Star & Preston Knox Constantine & Robin Khang Cadence & Dougie Fray Owen & Luanne "Lulu" Castillo Raine & Circe the Siren Dawn & Carter Jacobs Moon Romero & Jinx Vanderbilt Rowan Lefebvre & Laurel Hemingway Rebel Vanderbilt & Javier The Vampire
SWEET SPOT MUMU Deacon & Savannah Newman Paris Kent & Josh Harris Tatiana Marie Cutler-Grace & Ethan James Camille “Cam” & Dylan Ramos (Rami Malek fc) & Nour Nazari
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lgbtqreads · 2 years ago
Any sex positive ya/na recs? Please and thank you
Yes okay! I definitely do not mind recommending my own books for this - Cool for the Summer, Home Field Advantage, Going Bicoastal, and Out on Good Behavior. L.C. Rosen is always reliable for this in gay YA - Jack of Hearts, Camp, etc, Jay's Gay Agenda by Jason June, Full Disclosure by Camryn Garrett, Margo Zimmerman Gets the Girl by Brianna Shrum and Sara Waxelbaum and Fresh by Margo Wood for sure. I haven't read Shara Wheeler to know if it specifically applies but I would definitely count Casey McQuiston's NA novels as sex positive. By Any Means Necessary by Cam Montgomery. I feel like the books I've read lately have all been pretty sex-positive and honestly I'm struggling to think of things that don't fit, but these are a good start!
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fullmetalfisting · 11 months ago
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Forgot to post my March reads so here
Infinity Son by Adam Silvera ⭐⭐⭐
How Can I Help You by Laura Sims ⭐⭐
The Will of the Many by James Islington (read twice) ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Prisoner’s Throne by Holly Black ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Other Lola by Ripley Jones ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Bad Like Us by Gabriella Lepore ⭐⭐
Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera ⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Resort by Sara Ochs ⭐⭐⭐
Hate Mail by Donna Marchetti ⭐⭐⭐
Antarctica Station by A.G. Riddle ⭐⭐
Lion’s Legacy by Lev A.C. Rosen ⭐⭐⭐
A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle L. Jensen ⭐⭐⭐
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rosanna-writer · 1 year ago
For the book ask: 1, 45 and 47 please!
It's a tie between Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross and Lavender House by Lev A. C. Rosen
45. Answered here (I'm Ilona Andrews trash)
47. What are the last three books you read?
Assuming it's books I read AND finished, My Roommate is a Vampire by Jenna Levine, Barbarian Mine by Ruby Dixon, and The Night Flowers by Sara Herchenroether
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