#sara kost
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Här kommer genfx in i bilden.
Det lovar inte bara att stärka ditt hår, utan också ge det en ny livskraft.
I nästa avsnitt ska vi kika närmare på hur genfx kan hjälpa just dig!
Genfx: En Nyckel Till Ditt Ungdomliga Jag
Känner du att energin och livskraften har minskat med åren?
Det är något jag hör ofta.
Vi vill alla känna oss unga, friska och fulla av liv.
GenFX kan vara svaret på dina bekymmer.
Vad Är GenFX?
GenFX är en produkt som syftar till att stödja din kropp i produktionen av tillväxthormon.
Detta hormon har en stor roll i hur vi känner oss och ser ut.
Ju mer vi blir medvetna om vad som påverkar vår hälsa, desto viktigare blir det att välja rätt produkter.
Hur Fungerar GenFX?
GenFX fungerar genom att stimulera hypofysen, den del av hjärnan som ansvarar för produktionen av tillväxthormon.
Med naturliga ingredienser hjälper det kroppen att återfå sin ungdomliga balans.
Här är några viktiga punkter om GenFX:
Naturliga ingredienser: Inga konstgjorda tillsatser.
Ökad energi: Många användare rapporterar om ökad energi och mindre trötthet.
Bättre muskeltonus: Stödjer muskeluppbyggnad och toning.
Fördelar Med Att Använda GenFX
Att använda GenFX kommer med flera fördelar som kan göra skillnad i ditt liv:
Ökad Energi: Många användare har märkt en märkbar förbättring i sin energinivå.
”Jag kände mig så trött hela tiden, men efter bara några veckor med GenFX kände jag mig levande igen!” - Anna, 42 år.
Förbättrad Sömnkvalitet: Bra sömn är avgörande för vårt välmående.
”Jag sover mycket bättre nu, vilket har gjort underverk för min dagliga produktivitet.” - Lars, 35 år.
Hudens Utseende: Med högre nivåer av tillväxthormon kan huden bli fastare och mer elastisk.
Viktkontroll: Många upplever lättare att hålla vikten när de använder produkten regelbundet.
Varför Välja GenFX Framför Andra Alternativ?
Det finns många produkter på marknaden som lovar liknande resultat, men få gör det med samma kvalitet och engagemang som GenFX.
Vad gör denna produkt unik?
Den kombinerar forskning med naturliga ingredienser.
Det finns inga biverkningar rapporterade från användarna.
Det är enkelt att använda – bara ta kapslarna dagligen!
Användning Av GenFX
Att inkludera GenFX i din dagliga rutin är enkelt:
Ta två kapslar varje morgon innan frukost.
Kombinera med en balanserad kost och träning för bästa resultat.
Ge det tid – resultaten kommer inte över natten men hållbarhet är nyckeln!
Kundberättelser Om GenFX
Låt oss höra vad några fler användare säger om sina erfarenheter:
”Jag var skeptisk först, men efter tre månader känner jag mig verkligen yngre! Tack vare GenFX!” - Erik, 50 år.
”Jag rekommenderar verkligen detta till alla mina vänner! Det har förändrat mitt liv.” - Sara, 38 år.
Dessa berättelser visar hur kraftfullt detta tillskott kan vara för många människor där ute.
Om du letar efter ett sätt att återfå din ungdomliga energi och vitalitet, då är GenFX definitivt värt att överväga.
Det handlar inte bara om utseende; det handlar om hur du känner dig inombords också.
Så varför vänta? Börja din resa mot ett friskare liv idag!
Vad är GenFX?
GenFX är ett kosttillskott som syftar till att öka nivåerna av tillväxthormon i kroppen. Det kan hjälpa till att förbättra muskelmassa, energi och övergripande välbefinnande.
Hur fungerar GenFX?
GenFX fungerar genom att stimulera kroppens naturliga produktion av tillväxthormon. Det innehåller en blandning av aminosyror och andra ingredienser som stödjer hormonbalansen.
Vilka fördelar kan jag förvänta mig med GenFX?
Många användare rapporterar om ökad energi, förbättrad muskelstyrka och snabbare återhämtning efter träning. Vissa upplever även bättre sömnkvalitet.
Är GenFX säkert att använda?
Ja, GenFX anses vara säkert när det används enligt rekommendationerna. Men om du har underliggande hälsoproblem eller tar mediciner, är det bra att prata med en läkare först.
Hur länge tar det innan jag ser resultat med GenFX?
Resultaten kan variera från person till person. Många börjar märka skillnader inom några veckor, men det kan ta längre tid för vissa att uppleva märkbara förändringar.
Hur ska jag ta GenFX?
Det rekommenderas att ta två kapslar dagligen, helst på morgonen före frukost. Att följa doseringsanvisningarna är viktigt för bästa resultat.
Finns det några biverkningar av GenFX?
De flesta användare upplever inga biverkningar. Vissa kan känna lätt magbesvär i början. Om du upplever allvarliga reaktioner bör du sluta använda produkten och kontakta en läkare.
Kan jag kombinera GenFX med andra kosttillskott?
Ja, många kombinerar GenFX med proteinpulver eller vitaminer för att maximera resultaten. Se dock till att kontrollera ingredienserna så de inte krockar.
Var kan jag köpa GenFX?
GenFX finns tillgängligt online via olika hälso- och kosttillskottsbutiker. Se alltid till att handla från pålitliga källor för bästa kvalitet.
Är det värt pengarna att investera i GenFX?
Många användare tycker att de positiva effekterna motiverar kostnaden. Det handlar om vad du vill uppnå med din hälsa och träning – om målen stämmer överens kan det vara värt investeringen!
0 notes
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With birth years from 1992 to 2002, we received all the stars.
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No NSFW material was left out of the talk at Kost in each other’s honor. RedDoorz or any other location are the places to go if you want NSFW content.
0 notes
How Do I Talk to My Students and Co-Workers About Trump?
"I'm a middle school teacher in a suburban, mostly white area. I am "out" on a need-to-know basis, but everyone is very supportive and accepting. Everything that has been going on politically since the election has had a profound effect on me personally, and I have been struggling with how, or if I should even try, to talk about this stuff with co-workers and students. Any ideas on an appropriate way to bring it up?"
Question Submitted Anonymously Answered by Sara Kost
Sara Says:
Hello, fellow teacher.
Thank you for your question! I completely understand and share the same feelings around how this election and the resulting current Administration has affected us as queer teachers. I know for me personally, I’m lucky to have found comfort and solidarity with colleagues at work. I’ve also found a place to detach from the emotional stress of the news and just be in the moment with my students.
Many people in the education profession are feeling frustrated, sad, and fearful every time a new news report comes out. With the confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education (*shudders*), the rollback of protections for trans+ students, and the overall political climate as of late, we educators have a lot to be stressed about. We want to advocate for ourselves, our profession, and our students. We want to scream from the roof of our schools about how important free, public education really is to our country and our society. But most of all, we want to share our thoughts and feelings with our co-workers and students.
Talking with co-workers and talking with students are two very different situations, so let’s tackle co-workers first. Depending on how friendly you are with your co-workers, there have probably been times where you’ve had the opportunity to talk with them about a wide variety of topics. Lunchtime conversation topics in the teacher’s lounge may vary from personal life, to students, to curriculum, to current events and politics, to cool deals at Target, and more! Whenever current events and politics come up, you can absolutely add your opinion to the conversation. Of course, time and place matter. Talking politics while on hallway duty or bus duty or during a team meeting might not be the best time. Before school, after school, or during lunch when students aren’t around would be appropriate times to chat with co-workers about the state of our union.
You may find that your co-workers have differing opinions from you, or you may find that you share similar values. Respect your co-workers differing opinions, while challenging racism, sexism, homophobia, and overt falsehoods. One easy way to do this is by asking where your co-workers are getting their information from. Fact checking and exposing fake news is easy to do, and it’s one way to remind your co-workers that, as teachers, we need to be able to think critically about the news we are getting. Of course it’s important to teach students how to fact check, but it’s just as important for adults to do the same!
Additionally, you can steer your conversation topics to how current events have affected your students, students’ families, and their community, which may feel more relevant than broader election topics. You can ask how the election has affected your co-workers and their families, and you can also bring up how the election has affected you personally as a queer person. As we found out during the fight for same-sex marriage, knowing someone who is gay or lesbian affects how people view LGBT issues and, in turn, can affect how people vote. The more out, open, and honest we can be with our families and friends, the more likely they are to think about us when they go vote. Making that connection between their own lives and our lives is important because it humanizes us.
In addition, have you thought about checking in with your union or becoming a union steward for your building? Public education is a target of the current Administration; Rallying your co-workers around cuts to Education, either federally or in your state, is a good way to build coalition and community around resistance. Find like-minded staff in your building, and plan a time to meet up after school to write or call your representatives. Your resistance can and should be multidimensional and intersectional, and focusing on Education issues as well as LGBTQ+ issues is a great way to validate two very important parts of your identity.
As far as bringing up current political events with your students, there are a few things to consider. First, did your District or Admin provide any guidelines from which to work? For example, my District and Admin team sent out a few different emails right after the election with guidelines and tips to have these tough conversations with students. See if there’s a framework or any considerations your superiors have laid out for you first. Tread carefully: politics in the classroom can get and has gotten teachers in trouble.
With that in mind, some small ways you can show your support for your students might be to wear a safety pin, a rainbow pin, or another small token as a non-verbal signal that you are a safe and supporting adult in the building. You could also put up a safe space sticker or poster in your classroom, put up posters of diverse important people for your subject area, or make a poster with any number of supportive quotes that are going around social media right now, like #RESIST. I saw a quote from a teacher on the internet a while ago that started out “Dear Undocumented Students… Dear Black Students… Dear Muslim Students…” which I really liked.
You could also try to incorporate these topics into the curriculum! This may look different depending on what subject you teach. For example, current events in Social Studies are easy to fit in. Reading news articles, practicing non-fiction reading, and examining fallacy in arguments is good for English Language Arts. A Fine Arts class can examine forms of protest art. A Math class could look at the Elector count or the budget. There are ways to be creative and work these topics into your classroom, regardless of what subject you teach.
If your school permits it, you might also think about starting an after-school club for community service to turn your student’s post-election energy into action. The club doesn’t need to have a partisan lean to address important topics. Your students can design community service projects for local community problems, learn about community issues, and feel like they can change the world one small step at a time.
I believe the most important thing to help youth feel less frightened and more powerful is to encourage them to take action. As a community, LGBTQ+ people have been traumatized by the aftermath of the 2016 election, along with many other marginalized communities. Every day we reexperience some of that trauma anew with whatever recent screwed up thing is in the headlines now. It’s exhausting. Depending on the amount of energy you already spend in your daily life outside of school, it may feel good to spend some energy on your students, encouraging them to write letters to the editor, organizing an after-school community service/action club, or helping them find resources or information about participating in the political process at their age. Good luck!
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8 notes
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Cabaret - Bad Hersfeld - 1995 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT: VOB (no smalls) (SD) | TRADER'S NOTES: Act 1 only
CAST: Peter Heinrich (Emcee), Pia Douwes (Sally Bowles), Witta Pohl (Fräulein Schneider), Utz Richter (Herr Schultz), Frank Jordan (Clifford Bradshaw), Patrik Fichte (Ernst Ludwig), Annika Bruhns (Fräulein Kost), Barbara Köhler, Claudia Waucshke, Julia Hillens, Manuela von Englen, Nane Broning, Susanne Riegger, Suzanne Back
Cabaret - Donmar Warehouse - 1993 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Jane Horrocks (Sally Bowles), Sara Kestelman (Fräulein Schneider), George Raistrick (Herr Schultz), Adam Godley (Clifford Bradshaw), Michael Gardiner (Ernst Ludwig), Charlotte Medcalf (Fräulein Kost), Loveday Smith (Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Kevin Walton (Herman/Customs Officer/Max), Anthony Hunt (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Charlotte Storey (Texas), Christopher Staines (Victor), Matt Kane (Rudy)
NOTES: Pro-Shot
Cabaret - Fifth US National Tour (Roundabout 50th Anniversary Tour) - February 17, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Randy Harrison (Emcee), Andrea Goss (Sally Bowles), Sharan Cochran (Fräulein Schneider), Mark Nelson (Herr Schultz), Lee Aaron Rosen (Clifford Bradshaw), Ned Noyes (Ernst Ludwig), Alison Ewing (Fräulein Kost)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the new tour, with no obstructions. Randy does a terrific job in the role. Great cast and very strong performances! A+
Cabaret - The Netherlands - 1989
CAST: Willem Nijholt (Emcee), Alexandra van Marken (Sally Bowles)
NOTES: Generation loss
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - May 3, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Michelle Williams (Sally Bowles), Linda Emond (Fräulein Schneider), Danny Burstein (Herr Schultz), Bill Heck (Clifford Bradshaw), Aaron Krohn (Ernst Ludwig), Gayle Rankin (Fräulein Kost)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions and features the entire Revival Cast. Alan gives a terrific return performance as the Emcee. Gayle and Linda still give such beautiful performances that are wonderful to watch! A
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - August 19, 2014 (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Michelle Williams (Sally Bowles), Linda Emond (Fräulein Schneider), Danny Burstein (Herr Schultz), Benjamin Eakeley (u/s Ernst Ludwig), Kaleigh Cronin (u/s Fräulein Kost), Stacey Sipowicz (u/s Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Andrea Goss (Frenchie/Gorilla), Leeds Hill (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Kristin Olness (Helga), Jessica Pariseau (Texas), Dylan Paul (Victor), Kelly Paredes (u/s Rosie), Evan D Siegel (Hans/Rudy)
Cabaret - Third Broadway Revival - November 20, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Alan Cumming (Emcee), Emma Stone (Sally Bowles), Kristie Dale Sanders (s/b Fräulein Schneider), Philip Hoffman (s/b Herr Schultz), Bill Heck (Clifford Bradshaw), Aaron Krohn (Ernst Ludwig), Gayle Rankin (Fräulein Kost), Katrina Yaukey (u/s Lulu/Two Ladies Dancer), Benjamin Eakeley (Herman/Customs Officer/Max), Andrea Goss (Frenchie/Gorilla), Leeds Hill (Bobby/Two Ladies Dancer), Kristin Olness (Helga), Jessica Pariseau (Texas), Dylan Paul (Victor), Stacey Sipowicz (Rosie), Evan D Siegel (Hans/Rudy)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture with Emma joining the cast as Sally. She does a dazzling job in the role and very precise in detail. Lovely performances from Kristie and Philip. A
Caesar and Cleopatra - Stratford Festival - 2009 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Christopher Plummer (Julius Caesar), Nikki M James (Cleopatra)
Camelot - Second Broadway Revival - 1982 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Richard Harris (King Arthur), Meg Bussert (Queen Guenevere), Richard Muenz (Sir Lancelot), James Valentine (Merlyn), Barrie Ingham (Pellinore), Richard Backus (Mordred), William Parry (Sir Dinadan), Thor Fields (Tom of Warwick), Jeanne Caryl (Nimue), William James (Sir Lionel), Andy McAvin (Sir Sagramore)
Candide - New York Philharmonic - May, 2004 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Paul Groves (Candide), Sir Thomas Allan (Dr. Pangloss), Jeff Blumenkrantz (Maximilian), Kristin Chenoweth (Cunegonde), Janine LaManna (Paquette), Patti LuPone (The Old Lady)
Candide - Paris - December 31, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: William Burden (Candide), Lambert Wilson (Dr. Pangloss), David Adam Moore (Maximilian), Anna Christy (Cunegonde), Jeni Bern (Paquette), Kim Criswell (The Old Lady)
NOTES: Recorded by the BBC.
Candide - Scottish Opera Production - May, 1988 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Mark Beudert (Candide), Nikolas Grace (Dr. Pangloss), Mark Tinkler (Maximilian), Gaynor Miles (Paquette), Ann Howard (The Old Lady), Nikolas Grace (Cacambo)
The Capeman - Broadway - 1998
CAST: Ruben Blades (Adult Salvador), Renoly Santiago (Tony), Ednita Nazario (Esmerelda), Michelle Rios (Aurea), Elan Ruz Rivera (Cookie), Sara Ramirez (Wahzinak)
NOTES: "THE CAPEMAN" OBC 1998 (mp4) Very poor picture quality, but clear audio. Marc Anthony (Young Salvador), Ruben Blades (Adult Salvador), Renoly Santiago (Tony), Ednita Nazario (Esmerelda), Michelle Rios (Aurea), Elan Ruz Rivera (Cookie), Lugo (Baba Charlie Cruz), Sara Ramirez (Wahzinak).
Caroline, or Change - Broadway - July 24, 2004
CAST: Tonya Pinkins (Caroline Thibodeaux), Veanne Cox (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Anika Noni Rose (Emmie Thibodeaux), Chandra Wilson (Dotty Moffett), Chuck Cooper (The Dryer), Larry Keith (Mr. Stopnick), Alice Playten (Grandma Gellman)
NOTES: Fixed the brightness balance. Sound improved. Includes TV appearances.
Caroline, or Change - Toronto - February 1, 2020 (The Musical Speakeasy's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jully Black (Caroline Thibodeaux), Evan LeFeuvre (Noah Gellman), Deborah Hay (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Damien Atkins (Stuart Gellman), Vanessa Sears (Emmie Thibodeaux), Alana Hibbert (Dotty Moffett), Keisha T Fraser (The Washing Machine), Stewart Adam McKensy (The Dryer), Samantha Walkes (The Radio), Measha Brueggergosman (The Moon), Sam Rosenthal (Mr. Stopnick), Oliver Dennis (Grandpa Gellman), Linda Kash (Grandma Gellman), Moses Aidoo (Jackie Thibodeaux), Micah Mensah-Jatoe (Joe Thibodeaux)
NOTES: Features a speech from the artistic director of the Musical Stage Company regarding the commencement of Black History Month. This is my first ever complete video capture, save for a short blackout for about the last sixty seconds of the closing number. A worthwhile watch that begins Musical Stage Company's residency of the Winter Garden Theatre!
Caroline, or Change - West End Revival - December, 2018 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Sharon D Clarke (Caroline Thibodeaux), Jack Meredith (Noah Gellman), Lauren Ward (Rose Stopnick Gellman), Alastair Brookshaw (Stuart Gellman), Abiona Omonua (Emmie Thibodeaux), Naana Agyel-Ampadu (Dotty Moffett), Me'sha Bryan (The Washing Machine), Angela Caesar (The Moon)
Carousel - New York Philharmonic Concert - March 2, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Nathan Gunn (Billy Bigelow), Kelli O’Hara (Julie Jordan), Stephanie Blythe (Nettie Fowler), Jessie Mueller (Carrie Pipperidge), Jason Danieley (Enoch Snow), Kate Burton (Mrs. Mullin), John Cullum (The Starkeeper), Shuler Hensley (Jigger Craigin), Tiler Peck (Louise), Robert Fairchild (Fairground Boy)
NOTES: HD Pro-shot from PBS, recorded 3/2/13 at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center and marks the orchestra's 75th appearance on the series. Aired on April 26, 2013.
Carousel - Third Broadway Revival - March 2, 2018 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Joshua Henry (Billy Bigelow), Jessie Mueller (Julie Jordan), Renée Fleming (Nettie Fowler), Lindsay Mendez (Carrie Pipperidge), Alexander Gemignani (Enoch Snow), Margaret Colin (Mrs. Mullin), John Douglas Thompson (The Starkeeper), Amar Ramasar (Jigger Craigin), Brittany Pollack (Louise), Garett Hawe (Enoch Snow, Jr.), Andrei Chagas (Fairground Boy)
Carrie: The Musical - Broadway - May 15, 1988 (Closing Night) (Highlights)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Linzi Hateley (Carrie White), Betty Buckley (Margaret White), Charlotte d'Amboise (Chris Hargensen), Darlene Love (Lynn Gardner)
NOTES: Act 1 only.
Carrie: The Musical - Chicago/Stage Door Fine Arts - August 9, 2015 (Closing Night) (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Anna Blanchard (Carrie White)
Carrie: The Musical - Hamburg - August, 2019 (Rumpel's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Lorena Dehmelt (Carrie White), Kaatje Dierks (alt Margaret White), Larissy Pyne (Sue Snell), Tim Taucher (Tommy Ross), Rita Sebeh (alt Chris Hargensen), Nils Marckwardt (Billy Nolan), Isabelle Schubert (Lynn Gardner), Nicolas Schulze (Mr. Stephens), Kerstin Leowin (Norma), Selina Bögelein (Frieda), Dominic Angler (George), Piero Ochsenbein (Freddy), Sara Kettmann (Helen), Dominik Thätner (Stokes)
Carrie: The Musical - Hamburg - July, 2019 (Rumpel's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Lorena Dehmelt (Carrie White), Maya Hakvoort (Margaret White), Larissy Pyne (Sue Snell), Tim Taucher (Tommy Ross), Alexandra Nikolina (Chris Hargensen), Nils Marckwardt (Billy Nolan), Isabelle Schubert (Lynn Gardner), Nicolas Schulze (Mr. Stephens), Kerstin Leowin (Norma), Selina Bögelein (Frieda), Dominic Angler (George), Piero Ochsenbein (Freddy), Sara Kettmann (Helen), Dominik Thätner (Stokes)
Carrie: The Musical - Hartford - March, 2015
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Caroline Cannon (Carrie White), Diana Zee Chandler (Margaret White), Maggie Powderly (Sue Snell)
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - February 4, 2012 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Marin Mazzie (Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Great capture of this beautifully retooled revival. The performances were astonishing and the whole cast was senstational. Marin and Molly are pure perfection! The campiness has been removed from the show and there is such a sad and powerful story that remains. A-
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - March 18, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Anne Tolpegin (u/s Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Terrific capture, one of my favorite shows. Marin was more of a Barbara Cook portrayal, Anne was more of a Betty Buckley. Rare performance as Anne only went on a handful of times. A-
Carrie: The Musical - Off-Broadway - April 5, 2012 (Highlights)
CAST: Molly Ranson (Carrie White), Marin Mazzie (Margaret White), Christy Altomare (Sue Snell), Derek Klena (Tommy Ross), Jeanna de Waal (Chris Hargensen), Ben Thompson (Billy Nolan), Carmen Cusack (Lynn Gardner), Wayne Alan Wilcox (Mr. Stephens), Blair Goldberg (Norma), Jen Sese (Frieda), Corey Boardman (George), F Michael Haynie (Freddy), Elly Noble (Helen), Andy Mientus (Stokes)
NOTES: Highlights only, including ‘And Eve Was Weak’, ‘Carrie’, ‘I Remember How Those Boys Could Dance’, ‘Stay Here Instead’-’When There's No One’, ‘Destruction’. Recorded vertically on a phone
Carrie: The Musical - Seattle - October 10, 2013 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Keaton Whittaker (Carrie White), Alice Ripley (Margaret White), Larissa Schmitz (Sue Snell), Kody Bringman (Tommy Ross), Tessa Archer (Chris Hargensen), Andrew Brewer (Billy Nolan), Kendra Kassebaum (Lynn Gardner), Brian Lange (Mr. Stephens), Erin Herrick (Norma), Melissa Maricich (Frieda), Frederick Habreen (George), Riley Neldham (Freddy), Alexandria Henderson (Helen), Eli Wills (Stokes)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of one of the Final Dress Rehearsals. Top notch production and thrilling performances from Alice, Keaton, and the whole cast! This is quite a unique capture since it was the first time the blood was dropped. Too many amazing things to point out here, don't miss this one!!! A+ Well filmed with a nice mix of close-ups and full stage shots and no obstructions. Based on the revised Off-Broadway version, and presented at the Balagan Theatre. Because this was recorded at the final run-through prior to opening night, there are a few “holds” as they worked out any kinks: * After “Evening Prayers” there is a hold to change all microphone batteries, resulting in most of the song being run a second time (the sound check was removed and put as a bonus at the end of act two). * During the scene where Carrie is getting ready for the prom a microphone made a "farting" noise and Alice grabbed her butt and said "sorry" which made the cast and tech crew laugh.
Carrie: The Musical - Seattle - October 13, 2013 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Keaton Whittaker (Carrie White), Alice Ripley (Margaret White), Larissa Schmitz (Sue Snell), Kody Bringman (Tommy Ross), Tessa Archer (Chris Hargensen), Andrew Brewer (Billy Nolan), Kendra Kassebaum (Lynn Gardner), Brian Lange (Mr. Stephens), Erin Herrick (Norma), Melissa Maricich (Frieda), Frederick Habreen (George), Riley Neldham (Freddy), Alexandria Henderson (Helen), Eli Wills (Stokes)
NOTES: One of the first regional productions of the revised Carrie. Good to have Ripley in something.
Carrie: The Musical - Stagedoor Manor - July 31, 1999
CAST: Julie Kleiner (Carrie White), Vivienne Cleary (Margaret White), Nina Sturtz (Miss Gardner), Kaily Smith (Chris), Erin Evers (Sue), Blair Late (Tommy)
NOTES: Another abridged version. Video suffers from gen loss but has cleaned up decently. Piano is the only instrument in the orchestra, and it drowns out some of the singers. This has been incorrectly labelled as an authorized production,which is incorrect - this was an unauthorized production (e.g., no rights were secured before the production), though Gore (and Cohen) were in the audience of this performance and chose not to sue Jeff Murphy and Stagedoor over copyright infringement, partly because Gore said he had always wanted to see the show done with actual teenagers (reported by Jeff Murphy, the director).
Carrie: The Musical - Stratford-Upon-Avon - February 16, 1988 (Preview) (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Linzi Hateley (Carrie White), Barbara Cook (Margaret White), Sally Ann Triplett (Sue Snell), Paul Gyngell (Tommy Ross), Charlotte d'Amboise (Chris Hargensen), Gene Anthony Ray (Billy Nolan), Darlene Love (Lynn Gardner)
NOTES: Filmed professionally for the RSC archives on the third night of the performance (February 16, 1988). Shot from first row mezzanine center with no obstructions with audio taken directly from the soundboard. Mostly a full stage shots without zooms. This is usually incorrectly labelled as "Opening Night (February 13, 1988)", which is incorrect, as on opening night, Barbara Cook was almost decapitated right after the set changes from "Don't Waste The Moon", which not seen in this video (also verified by the person who copied this from the archives).
Catch Me If You Can - Broadway - April 27, 2011
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong), Timothy McCuen Piggee (Agent Cod)
NOTES: A nice capture of the short lived show. Disc also includes around 100 minutes of interviews, B-Roll, behind the scenes, etc. Great video with nice picture and clear sound. A
Catch Me If You Can - Seattle, WA (Pre-Broadway) - August 4, 2009 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong)
NOTES: This is a great capture of the show. The show is filled with wonderful talent. Aaron and Norbert have a great chemistry together and Aaron has a huge voice. Kerry and Felicia both have great songs and great vocals. The show itself is very sleek and mod. A
Catch Me If You Can - Seattle, WA (Pre-Broadway) - August 15, 2009
CAST: Aaron Tveit (Frank Abagnale, Jr.), Norbert Leo Butz (Agent Carl Hanratty), Tom Wopat (Frank Abagnale, Sr.), Rachel de Benedet (Paula Abagnale), Kerry Butler (Brenda Strong), Linda Hart (Carol Strong)
NOTES: Some very quick blackouts, none last more than 30 seconds or so.Very little obstruction, just heads on the bottom and the right, mostly in wideshots, and they're hardly noticeable.
Cats - Broadway Revival - July 22, 2016 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Ahmad Simmons (Alonzo), Daniel Gaymon (Admetus/Macavity), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Christopher Gurr (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Emily Pynenburg (Cassandra), Guiseppe Bausilio (Carbucketty), Corey John Snide (Coricopat), Kim Faure (Demeter), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Ricky Ubeda (Mr. Mistoffelees), Jess LeProtto (Mungojerrie), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Quentin Earl Darrington (Old Deuteronomy), Shonica Gooden (Rumpleteazer), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Georgina Pazcoguin (Victoria), Sharrod Williams (Pouncival), Arianna Rosario (Sillabub)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new Broadway Revival. Everything is nicely captured with dance numbers full stage shot. High energy performances with some choreography and song tweaks from the original! A
Cats - International Tour - April 22, 2019 (Closing Night) (Highlights) (mymummysaysimamiracle's master)
CAST: Elizabeth Futter (u/s Grizabella), Lloyd Davies (Alonzo), Thomas Inge (Admetus/Macavity), Dean Ambrose (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Sally Frith (Bombalurina), Matt Harrop (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Katie Deacon (Cassandra), Louis van Leer (Carbucketty), Fletcher Dobinson (Coricopat), Ella Nonini (Demeter), Amy Whittle (u/s Jellylorum), Grace Swaby (Jemima), Ceili O´Connor (Jennyanydots), Alex Harrison (Mr. Mistoffelees), Billy Mahoney (Mungojerrie), Jak Skelly (Munkustrap), John Ellis (Old Deuteronomy), Kirsty Ingram (Rumpleteazer), Dan Partridge (Rum Tum Tugger), Matthew Rowland (Skimbleshanks), Eilish Harmon-Beglan (Tantomile), Hannah Kenna Thomas (Victoria)
NOTES: Highlights only(Opening, Mungo and Rumple, Old Deuteronomy, Jellicle Ball, Skimbleshanks and Moments of Hapiness)!
Cats - Italy Tour - 2010
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Luca Giacomelli (Admetus/Macavity), Azzurra Adinolfi (Bombalurina), Gianluca Ciatti (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Silvana Isolani (Cassandra), Denise Brambillasca (Demeter), Federica Baldi (Jemima), Stefania Fratepietro (Jennyanydots), Salvatore Marchione (Mungojerrie), Roberta Miolla (Rumpleteazer), Roberto Colombo (Skimbleshanks), Tiziano Edini (Pouncival), Alessandro Lanzillotti
NOTES: Non-replica production. House Cam with no zooms.
Cats - Japan - 2006
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Koji Tomita (Cassandra), Masashi Kikuchi (Carbucketty), Yuka Takizawa (Demeter), Chie Inoue (Jellylorum), Kazue Haruhara (Jemima), Yoko Ishi (Jennyanydots), Hitoshi Tsuzi (Mungojerrie), Shoichi Fukui (Munkustrap), Kensan Ishi (Old Deuteronomy), Shinobu Aikawa (Rumpleteazer), Emi Takakula (Tantomile), Kyoko Sato (Victoria), Eliko Mulata (Sillabub)
NOTES: Filmed from the very front row
Cats - Netherlands - June 29, 2007
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Pia Douwes (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Cindy Belliot (Jemima), Marleen van der Loo (Jennyanydots), Mark John Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Marco Bakker (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Stanley Burleson (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
Cats - Netherlands - July 28, 2007
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Anita Meyer (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Veerle Casteleyn (Jemima), Maaike Schuurmans (Jennyanydots), Mark John Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Paul Walthuis (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Gino Emnes (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
NOTES: Starts at the The invitation to the Jellicle ball and missing a couple of minutes at the start of act 2 two. Act one is filmed in night shot, and act two comes with a verry clear picture. Veerle Castelyn is followed a lot.
Cats - Netherlands - September 16, 2007
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Penny Voss (Grizabella), Merlijn Wolsink (Alonzo), Pierre Alexandre (Admetus/Macavity), Daymon Montaigne Jones (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Anouk van Nes (Bombalurina), Paul Donkers (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Caroline Beuth (Cassandra), Michael Macalintal (Coricopat), Suzanne Heijne (Demeter), Veerle Casteleyn (Electra), Annemieke Van Der Veer (Jellylorum), Veerle Casteleyn (Jemima), Maaike Schuurmans (Jennyanydots), Mark J Richardson (Mr. Mistoffelees), Mark van Beelen (Mungojerrie), Roberto de Groot (Munkustrap), Paul Walthuis (Old Deuteronomy), Marjolein Teepen (Rumpleteazer), Gino Emnes (Rum Tum Tugger), Marcel Visscher (Skimbleshanks), Hannah van Meurs (Tantomile), Anique Bosch (Victoria), João Paulo De Almeida (Pouncival)
Cats - Tecklenburg, Germany - August 29, 2015 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Maya Hakvoort (Grizabella), Andrew Hill (Alonzo), Zoltan Fekete (Admetus/Macavity), David Pellerin (Bill Bailey/Tumblebrutus), Sabine Hettlich (Bombalurina), Yngve Gasoy-Romdal (Bustopher Jones/Gus/Growltiger), Lucy Castelloe (Cassandra), Tobias Joch (Coricopat), Caroline Frank (Demeter), Leah Delos Santos (Jellylorum), Celine Vogt (Jemima), Benjamin Eberling (Jennyanydots), David Pereira (Mr. Mistoffelees), Nils Haberstroh (Mungojerrie), Armin Kahl (Munkustrap), Reinhard Brussmann (Old Deuteronomy), Anna Carina Buchegger (Rumpleteazer), Shane Dickson (Rum Tum Tugger), Stephan Luethy (Skimbleshanks), Eleonora Talamini (Tantomile), Taryn Nelson (Victoria), Hakan T Aslan (Pouncival), Marthe Römer (Etcetera)
Cats - The Netherlands - 1987
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ruth Jacott (Grizabella), Kyle Boynton (Munkustrap), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - The Netherlands - August 18, 1992
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (Grizabella), Joyce Stevens (Bombalurina), Wilma Hoornstra (Demeter), Michiel Verkoren (Mungojerrie), Brian Galliford (Old Deuteronomy), Meike Staring (Rumpleteazer), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - The Netherlands - August 18, 1992
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (Grizabella), Joyce Stevens (Bombalurina), Wilma Hoornstra (Demeter), Michiel Verkoren (Mungojerrie), Brian Galliford (Old Deuteronomy), Meike Staring (Rumpleteazer), Fred Butter (Rum Tum Tugger)
Cats - Vienna - 1988 (Pro-Shot's master)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Broadway - April 20, 2017 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), F Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Ben Crawford (Mr Salt), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), Alan H Green (Mr Beauregarde), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs Teavee), Emily Padgett (Mrs Bucket)
NOTES: Great HD capture of the new musical based on the Roald Dahl classic novel. A fresh dark take on the material, which was fun and very enjoyable! A great comedic cast and innovative production. A
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Broadway - May 1, 2017 (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Jake Ryan Flynn (Charlie Bucket), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), F Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs Gloop), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Ben Crawford (Mr Salt), Trista Dollison (Violet Beauregarde), Michael Wartella (Mike Teavee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs Teavee), Emily Padgett (Mrs Bucket)
NOTES: Fantastic HD video with excellent picture and clear great sound; Video has great close-ups and good stage shots for dancing numbers.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - West End - January 22, 2015 (Lanelle's master)
FORMAT: VOB (no smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alex Jennings (Willy Wonka), Zachary Loonie (Charlie Bucket), Billy Boyle (u/s Grandpa Joe), Vincent Finch (Augustus Gloop), Amy Carter (Veruca Salt), Rhianna Dorris (Violet Beauregarde), Daniel Rhodes (Mike Teavee)
NOTES: Fun show with very imaginative staging, though I do wish they used more songs from (either) movie. The first 5 minutes of Act One has some wandering and blackouts, but after that it is a steady and unobstructed shot. Includes curtain call.
Chasing Rainbows - Paper Mill Playhouse - October, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Karen Mason (Ma Lawlor), Stephen DeRosa (LB Mayer), Colin Hanlon (Roger Edens), Karen Mason (Kay Koverman), Ruby Rakos (Judy Garland), Lesli Margherita (Ethel Gumm), Max von Essen (Frank Gumm), Michael Wartella (Mickey Rooney)
NOTES: Great HD capture of this Judy Garland bio musical focusing on her early years, leading up to The Wizard of Oz, with a couple of fun tap numbers! Act One starts when Judy sings a version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow (same tune but with different lyrics). Act Two starts part way through the number right before they enter the MGM studio. Please do not post screenshots of this video on Twitter ever. Gifs on Tumblr are okay after the NFT date, but don't go linking things to actors and shows.
The Cher Show - Broadway - April, 2019 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Stephanie J Block (Cher (Star)), Teal Wicks (Cher (Lady)), Micaela Diamond (Cher (Babe)), Jarrod Spector (Sonny Bono), Michael Berresse (Bob Mackie), Michael Campayno (Rob Camilletti), Matthew Hydzik (Gregg Allman), Emily Skinner (Georgia Holt)
NOTES: Beautiful HD close-ups but some long drop-outs and quite a few obstructed scenes. The rake in the mezzanine at the Neil Simon kinda stinks and I'm pretty sure the ushers were playing flashlight tag with each other the entire show. but I began to care a lot less as the night went on Video is very Cher-centric...choreography in "Dark Lady" is captured beautifully, but for the rest of the show I was mostly focused on getting those Stephanie, Teal, and Micaela zooms. We start at the scene before "Half Breed" and when Stephanie tells everyone to stand up for the finale it's all over for my filming ability.
The Cher Show - Broadway - January, 2019 (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Stephanie J Block (Cher (Star)), Teal Wicks (Cher (Lady)), Micaela Diamond (Cher (Babe)), Jarrod Spector (Sonny Bono), Michael Berresse (Bob Mackie), Michael Campayno (Rob Camilletti), Matthew Hydzik (Gregg Allman), Emily Skinner (Georgia Holt)
Chess - Netherlands - November, 2006 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jeroen Phaff (Anatoly Sergievsky), Joke de Kruijf (Florence Vassy), Jasper Kerkhof (Freddie Trumper), Mieke Dijkstra (Svetlana Sergievskaya), Ben Cramer (Molokov)
Chicago - Broadway Revival - 1996 (Highlights) (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ann Reinking (Roxie Hart), Bebe Neuwirth (Velma Kelly), James Naughton (Billy Flynn), Joel Grey (Amos Hart), Marcia Lewis (Matron "Mama" Morton), D Sabella (Mary Sunshine)
NOTES: Almost the full show (2 hours and 7 minutes). Usually referred to as Press Reels, this is actually the unedited footage shot for press or archival purposes. Decent amount on generation loss with some distortion at the top of the screen, and a time code at the bottom. Sometimes incorrectly labeled as 1995 .
Chicago - The Netherlands - 1999 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Simone Kleinsma (Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Stanley Burleson (Billy Flynn), Marjolijn Touw (Matron "Mama" Morton)
Chicago - The Netherlands - Fall, 1999 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Ellen Evers (u/s Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Stanley Burleson (Billy Flynn), Serge Henry Valke (Amos Hart), Marjolijn Touw (Matron "Mama" Morton)
NOTES: Good capture; multicam proshot. One camera is centre stage, the other is on the left balcony.
Chicago - West End Revival - 2004
CAST: Frances Ruffelle (Roxie Hart), Pia Douwes (Velma Kelly), Alex Bourne (Billy Flynn), Zee Asha (Matron "Mama" Morton)
NOTES: The same video as the March 27, 2004 video
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - Broadway - April 16, 2005
FORMAT: VOB (no smalls) (SD) | TRADER'S NOTES: PLEASE DO NOT REQUEST! Working on uploading
CAST: Raúl Esparza (Caractacus Potts), Erin Dilly (Truly Scrumptious), Kevin Calhoun (Childcatcher), Marc Kudisch (Baron Bomburst), Jan Maxwell (Baroness Bomburst), Phillip Bosco (Grandpa Potts)
NOTES: A little shaky at times, and some ducks, but otherwise excellent. Includes news footage.
A Chorus Line - Broadway Revival - September 30, 2006 (Preview)
CAST: Michael Berresse (Zach), Tyler Hanes (Larry), Brad Anderson (Don), Mara Davi (Maggie), Jeffrey Schecter (Mike), Yuka Takara (Connie), Michael Paternostro (Greg), Charlotte d'Amboise (Cassie), Deirdre Goodwin (Sheila), Ken Alan (Bobby), Alisan Porter (Bebe), Heather Parcells (Judy), James T Lane (Richie), Tony Yazbeck (Al), Chryssie Whitehead (Kristine), Jessica Lee Goldyn (Val), Paul McGill (Mark), Jason Tam (Paul), Natalie Cortez (Diana), Michelle Aravena (Tricia), E Clayton Cornelious (Butch), David Baum (Roy), Mike Cannon (Tom), Nadine Isenegger (Lois), Grant Turner (Frank), Lorin Latarro (Vicki)
NOTES: Commonly mislabelled as Opening Night (October 5, 2006), however menu says it is September 30, 2006. Video includes the playbill and some bonus news features of the Pre-Opening, Opening Night and the Review.
A Chorus Line - Hollywood Bowl - July 29, 2016 (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Mario Lopez (Zach), Spencer Liff (Larry), Michael Starr (Don), Mara Davi (Maggie), Robert Fairchild (Mike), J Elaine Marcos (Connie), Denis Lambert (Greg), Sarah Bowden (Cassie), Leigh Zimmerman (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Tiana Okoye (Judy), Cornelius Jones Jr (Richie), Justin Michael Wilcox (Al), Courtney Lopez (Kristine), Sabrina Bryan (Val), Ross Lynch (Mark), Jason Tam (Paul), Krysta Rodriguez (Diana)
NOTES: This all star cast gives energetic and nuanced performances, cast as a whole is a stand out with absolutely incredible dance numbers, nicely filmed, no obstructions, no washout, just a couple of quick dropouts, filmed from stage directly, screens are never shown, filmed in 16:9 with a mix of wides, mediums and close-ups, show is 125 minutes on one disc includes curtain call and playbill scans.
A Chorus Line - North Shore Music Theatre - November, 2010 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Derek Hanson (Zach), Kurt Domoney (Larry), Joe Grandy (Don), Cary Michelle Miller (Maggie), Jonathan Day (Mike), Hannah Chin (Connie), Aaron Umsted (Greg), Rebecca Riker (Cassie), Katie Cameron (Sheila), Sean Quinn (Bobby), Katerina Papacostas (Bebe), Bethany Moore (Judy), Delius Doherty (Richie), Venny Carranza (Al), Nancy Renée Braun (Kristine), Leslie Donna Flesner (Val), Christopher Shin (Mark), Miguel Angel Falcon (Paul), Julie Kotarides (Diana), Maggie Marino (Tricia), Brian Bailey (Roy), Michael McCrary (Tom), Sarah Shepler (Lois), Taylor Shubert (Frank), Wendy O'Byrne (Vicki)
NOTES: Performed in the round, two cameras and sound patched in from the soundboard.
A Chorus Line - Off-Broadway - July 12, 1975 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Robert LuPone (Zach), Thommie Walsh (Bobby Strong), Clive Clerk (Larry), Ron Khulman (Don), Kay Cole (Maggie), Wayne Cilento (Mike), Baayork Lee (Connie), Michael Stuart (Greg), Donna McKechnie (Cassie), Kelly Bishop (Sheila), Nancy Lane (Bebe), Patricia Garland (Judy), Ronald Dennis (Richie), Don Percassi (Al), Renne Baughman (Kristine), Pam Blair (Val), Cameron Mason (Mark), Sammy Williams (Paul), Priscilla Lopez (Diana)
NOTES: The original Broadway cast filmed prior to moving to Broadway. Professionally filmed using multiple cameras for the Lincoln Center Theatre on Film and Tape (TOFT) archives. Newly surfaced video which is a HUGE improvement over the previous version which has been in circulation for a while. This is also complete and includes the opening announcement alerting the audience that the show is being filmed. Amazing quality, but still has a little generational loss. In black and white. The DVD has been enhanced with chapter stops for all of the musical numbers. This, along with the tapes of Crazy for You and Passion, is amongst the only three TOFT tapes that have been leaked.
A Chorus Line - The Netherlands - 2002 (Pro-Shot's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Wilbert Gieske (Zach), Fons van Kraaij (Larry), Roy Kullick (Don), Marieke van Hulst (Maggie), Birger van Severen (Mike), Hannah van Meurs (Connie), Thomasj Vets (Greg), Ellis van Laarhoven (Cassie), Anouk van Nes (Sheila), Hans van der Heijden (Bobby), Manon Novak (Bebe), Carolien Canters (Judy), Perry Dossett (Richie), Job Vlaar (Al), Eva Roest (Kristine), Jacqueline Aronson (Val), Paul Boereboom (Mark), Hein Gerrits (Paul), Cystine Carreon (Diana), Cyrille Carreon (Tricia), Peter van Dosselaer (Butch), Axel de Graaf (Roy), Regi Severins (Lois), Peter Stoelhorst (Frank), Roeselien Wekker (Vicki)
A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong - BBC Special - December 30, 2017 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Henry Shields (Chris), Henry Lewis (Robert), Charlie Russell (Sandra), Dave Hearn (Max), Chris Leask (Trevor), Nancy Zamit (Annie), Greg Tannahill (Jonathan), Jonathan Sayer (Dennis), Ellie Morris (Lucy), Diana Rigg (Aunt Diana), Derek Jacobi (Scrooge/Himself)
NOTES: Mischief Theatre 2017 BBC Special proshot.
A Christmas Story - Broadway - November 7, 2012 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Johnny Rabe (Ralphie), Dan Lauria (Jean Shepherd), John Bolton (The Old Man), Erin Dilly (Mother), Zac Ballard (Randy), Caroline O’Connor (Miss Shields)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the Broadway transfer. This is such a fun show and a top notch cast that delivers the perfect blend of performances. Nice changes from the previous PreBroadway tour from last year and a perfect show to get into the holiday season!
Cinderella (Pantomime) - Mercury Theatre Colchester - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Mari McGinlay (Cinderella), Mari McGinlay (Prince Charming), Deborah Tracey (The Fairy Godmother), Nicholas McLean (Buttons), Nerine Skinner (Dandini)
NOTES: aired to raise money for covid-19
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Broadway - March 2, 2013 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: Laura Osnes (Ella), Santino Fontana (Topher), Victoria Clark (Marie), Harriet Harris (Madame), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Greg Hildreth (Jean-Michel), Marla Mindelle (Gabrielle), Phumzile Sojola (Lord Pinkleton), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of this classic show, with this being the first time having appeared on Broadway! Really a top notch cast and a beautiful production, nicely staged! A
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Broadway - April 17, 2014 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Carly Rae Jepsen (Ella), Joe Carroll (Topher), Victoria Clark (Marie), Fran Drescher (Madame), Ann Harada (Charlotte), Todd Buonopane (Jean-Michel), Stephanie Gibson (Gabrielle), Peter Bartlett (Sebastian)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture with no obstructions. Carly and Fran were wonderful in the roles and really gave them their own touch! Great to see the show still in wonderful shape. A+
Cinderella (Rodgers & Hammerstein) - Second National Tour - May, 2018 (House-Cam's master)
CAST: Tatyana Lubov (Ella), Louis Griffin (Topher), Leslie Jackson (Marie), Sarah Smith (Madame), Joanna Johnson (Charlotte), Corbin Williams (Jean-Michel), Nicole Zelka (Gabrielle), Antonio Beverly (Lord Pinkleton), Christopher Swan (Sebastian)
NOTES: Video is filmed in a house cam format. There is a lot of spotlight washout so you can't really make out faces, but the sound is wonderful. Soundboard. Location unknown
Ciske de Rat De Musical - The Netherlands - 2007 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Danny de Munk (Cis de Man), Hugo Haenen (Meester Bruijs), Hajo Bruins (Vader Frans Vrijmoeth), Mariska van Kolck (Tante Jans), Marjolijn Touw (Moeder Marie Vrijmoeth), Marleen van der Loo (Suus Bruijs), Ad Knippels (Kinderinspecteur Muysken), Sjoerd Pleijsier (Bovenmeester Maatsuyker), Ids van der Krieke (Oom Henri), Jacobien Elffers (Bet(je)), Ger Otte (Pater de Goey), Jorge Verkoost (Jan Verkerk)
City of Angels - West End Revival - March 9, 2020 (Preview) (BwaytoWestEnd's master)
CAST: Theo James (Stone), Hadley Fraser (Stine), Jonathan Slinger (Buddy / Irwin S. Irving), Rosalie Craig (Gabby / Bobbi), Rebecca Trehearn (Donna / Oolie), Rob Houchen (Jimmy Powers), Vanessa Williams (Carla / Alaura), Marc Elliott (Pancho / Munoz), Nicola Roberts (Avril / Mallory)
NOTES: Stage Shot filmed from Stalls. Awful audio.
Clueless: The Unauthorized Musical Parody - Rockwell Table & Stage - September 10, 2015
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Laura L Thomas (Emma), Tom Detrinis (Weston), Spencer Strong Smith (Josh), Emma Hunton (Tai), Corbin Reid (Dionne), Christopher Chatman (Murray)
NOTES: A production of Rockwell Table & Stage; well filmed from the audience with clear picture and excellent sound; musical selections included "I'll be There for You" (aka the Friends theme), "Wonderwall," "Barbie Girl," "Like a Virgin," "Rolling in the Deep," "Dancing On My Own," "Big Yellow Taxi," a brief excerpt of "Popular" from Wicked, "Always Be My Baby," "Love Shack," and a clever version of "Proud Mary" that incorporated the famous "rollin' with the homies" bit from the movie.
The Color Purple - Broadway - March 28, 2006 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
CAST: LaChanze (Celie), Elisabeth Withers-Mendes (Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Kingsley Leggs (Mister), Brandon Victor Dixon (Harpo)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of this show, crystal clear picture and sound, great closeups. A
The Color Purple - Broadway Revival - November 11, 2015 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Jennifer Hudson (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo), Joaquina Kalukango (Nettie)
NOTES: Excellent HD capture of the new revival which been stripped down and streamlined to focus on Celie's journey. Some beautiful moments in the show with the direction and simplicity spotlighting the story. A few blackouts in the first 5 minutes as clueless ushers fumbled around. A
The Color Purple - Broadway Revival - May 11, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD) | TRADER'S NOTES: Highlights
CAST: Cynthia Erivo (Celie), Heather Headley (Shug Avery), Danielle Brooks (Sofia), Isaiah Johnson (Mister), Kyle Scatliffe (Harpo), Joaquina Kalukango (Nettie)
NOTES: Beautiful capture of the ever stunning Heather Headley joining the cast. There really is no need to say anymore! A
The Color Purple - First National Tour - April 22, 2007 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jeannette Bayardelle (Celie), Michelle Williams (Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Rufus Bonds Jr (Mister), Stu James (Harpo), LaToya London (Nettie), Stephanie St James (Squeak)
NOTES: I have to say I enjoyed this cast more than the OBC. Jannette is amazing here and will give you chills and Michelle is stunning. Beautiful capture. A+
The Color Purple - First National Tour - September 6, 2009 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Fantasia Barrino (Celie), Reva Rice (u/s Shug Avery), Felicia P Fields (Sofia), Rufus Bonds Jr (Mister), Stu James (Harpo), LaToya London (Nettie), Tiffany Daniels (Squeak)
NOTES: This is the performance following the day Fantasia missed two performances from "Food Poisioning", which made the Chicagoland News. Despite that, she still gives a great performance as Celie and has such a powerful voice. Reva knocks it out of the park as Shug! A
Come From Away - Australia - 2019 (Highlights) (Press Reel's master)
FORMAT: M4A (untracked)
CAST: Zoe Gertz (Beverley/Annette & others), Douglas Hansell (Kevin T./Garth & others), Richard Piper (Claude & others), Simon Maiden (Oz & others), Sarah Morrison (Janice & others), Nicholas Brown (Kevin J./Ali & others), Nathan Carter (Nick/Doug & others), Angela Kennedy (Diane & others), Sharriese Hamilton (Hannah & others), Emma Powell (Beulah & others), Kellie Rode (Bonnie & others), Kolby Kindle (Bob & others)
NOTES: Proshot B-Roll of Welcome to the Rock, Me and the Sky & Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere
Come From Away - Australia - September 12, 2019 (WizardWisdom's master)
CAST: Zoe Gertz (Beverley/Annette & others), Douglas Hansell (Kevin T./Garth & others), Richard Piper (Claude & others), Simon Maiden (Oz & others), Sarah Morrison (Janice & others), Nicholas Brown (Kevin J./Ali & others), Nathan Carter (Nick/Doug & others), Katrina Retallick (Diane & others), Sharriese Hamilton (Hannah & others), Emma Powell (Beulah & others), Kellie Rode (Bonnie & others), Kolby Kindle (Bob & others)
NOTES: HD capture of the Australian company of this fantastic musical. Includes a video of a post-show Q&A with the cast in honour of the 18th anniversary of September 12. Shot from the back row of the dress circle, so a head blocks the centre at times but it’s shot around where possible. Most noticeable in the group numbers where a lot of the action is downstage. The first 4 minutes or so is mostly wandering shots as I was setting up my camera and evading ushers. A lot of great close-ups - Zoe’s “Me and the Sky” is a highlight.
Come From Away - Broadway - March 10, 2017 (Preview) (NYCG8R's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jenn Colella (Beverley/Annette & others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Geno Carr (Oz & others), Kendra Kassebaum (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Lee MacDougall (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), Rodney Hicks (Bob & others)
NOTES: A beautiful capture of the new Broadway musical. The score is fantastic and the production is wonderful.
Come From Away - Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master)
CAST: Becky Gulsvig (Beverley/Annette & others), Tony LePage (s/b Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Paul Whitty (Oz & others), Pearl Sun (t/r Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Jim Walton (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Kenita R Miller (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Petrina Bromley (Bonnie & others), De'Lon Grant (Bob & others)
Come From Away - First National Tour - February, 2020 (Hollis Mizner's master)
CAST: Marika Aubrey (Beverley/Annette & others), Andrew Samonsky (Kevin T./Garth & others), Kevin Carolan (Claude & others), Harter Clingman (Oz & others), Julia Knitel (Janice & others), Nick Duckart (Kevin J./Ali & others), Chamblee Ferguson (Nick/Doug & others), Christine Toy Johnson (Diane & others), Danielle K Thomas (Hannah & others), Julie Johnson (Beulah & others), Sharone Sayegh (Bonnie & others), James Earl Jones II (Bob & others)
Come From Away - Toronto - January 7, 2020 (The Musical Speakeasy's master)
CAST: Eliza-Jane Scott (Beverley/Annette & others), Jeff Madden (Kevin T./Garth & others), George Masswohl (Claude & others), Cory O’Brien (Oz & others), Cailin Stadnyk (u/s Janice & others), Ali Momen (Kevin J./Ali & others), Clint Butler (u/s Nick/Doug & others), Barbara Fulton (Diane & others), Kate Etienne (u/s Hannah & others), Lori Nancy Kalamanski (u/s Beulah & others), Kristen Peace (Bonnie & others), Kevin Vidal (Bob & others)
NOTES: As far as I know, the first ever video of the Toronto production! I had the entire show in VOB format ready to post but, unfortunately, I lost the USB it was on in the middle of an airport. Luckily I was able to salvage all but thirty minutes of the original footage, so all that's lost is part of the scene after "I Am Here" and a portion of "Somewhere In The Middle Of Nowhere". If you find a USB the size of a thumbnail around Pearson, it's a $5 reward! A flu passed around the cast that they were all just recovering from, and at one point you can see Bev take a tissue out of her pilot's jacket and blow her nose. It explains the large number of understudies on, particularly of interest is that of the role of Hannah being played by a Caucasian actress, which causes her absence for the bus scene and leads to a severely different dynamic I'd not seen the character played as before.
Come From Away - Washington D.C. - September 24, 2016 (SunsetBlvd79's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Jenn Colella (Beverley/Annette & others), Chad Kimball (Kevin T./Garth & others), Joel Hatch (Claude & others), Geno Carr (Oz & others), Kendra Kassebaum (Janice & others), Caesar Samayoa (Kevin J./Ali & others), Lee MacDougall (Nick/Doug & others), Sharon Wheatley (Diane & others), Q Smith (Hannah & others), Astrid Van Wieren (Beulah & others), Alyssa Wilmoth Keegan (Bonnie & others), Rodney Hicks (Bob & others)
NOTES: Beautiful HD capture of the PreBroadway try out in DC. Terrific ensemble piece telling the stories of stranded passengers during the 9/11 attacks. A
Come From Away - West End - November 5, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Thaxton (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Jennifer Tierney (s/b Bonnie & others), Nathanael Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: The bottom left of the video is slightly obstructed by a lighting rail. The master accidentally stop recording during '38 Planes' but realized right away so it’s only missing a second or two. Some nice close-ups. Clive misses the cue for the first “Welcome to the Rock!”
Come From Away - West End - April, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Shannon (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Robert Hands (Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Nathaniel Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: This video is never to be publicly shared on YouTube, tumblr, Facebook, Stagedork etc.
Come From Away - West End - February, 2020 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Alice Fearn (Beverley/Annette & others), Mark Dugdale (Kevin T./Garth & others), James Doherty (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Alasdair Harvey (Nick/Doug & others), Kate Graham (Diane & others), Cat Simmons (Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Mary Doherty (Bonnie & others), Tarinn Callender (Bob & others)
NOTES: Slightly obstructed by one head but worked around the best I could.
Come From Away - West End - November, 2019 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Rachel Tucker (Beverley/Annette & others), David Thaxton (Kevin T./Garth & others), Clive Carter (Claude & others), Harry Morrison (Oz & others), Emma Salvo (Janice & others), Jonathan Andrew Hume (Kevin J./Ali & others), Bob Harms (s/b Nick/Doug & others), Helen Hobson (Diane & others), Chiara Baronti (s/b Hannah & others), Jenna Boyd (Beulah & others), Jennifer Tierney (s/b Bonnie & others), Nathanael Campbell (Bob & others)
NOTES: Incomplete: starts 12 mins in. Shot around heads. The combination of the revolve and the lighting of this show might make it a jolty watch but the action is caught as best as possible. If I had to decide who to film, I chose Rachel Tucker.
The Comedy About A Bank Robbery - West End - August 20, 2019 (wheredidtherockgo's master)
CAST: Sean Carey (Sam Monaghan), David Coomber (Neil Cooper), Charlotte Duffy (u/s Caprice Freeboys), George Hannigan (Everyone Else), Liam Jeavons (Mitch Ruscitti), Damian Lynch (Mr. Freeboys), Killian Macardle (Officer Shuck), Jon Trenchard (Warren Slax), Ashley Tucker (Ruth Monaghan)
NOTES: My first video ever. I couldn’t see what I was filming so the camera has a tendency to film upward toward the ceiling. You can hear me laugh pretty loudly since I was holding the camera close to my face.
The Comedy About A Bank Robbery - West End - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master)
CAST: Tom Hopcroft (u/s Sam Monaghan), Ross Virgo (u/s Neil Cooper), Charlotte Duffy (u/s Caprice Freeboys), George Hannigan (Everyone Else), Eddy Westbury (u/s Mitch Ruscitti), Damian Lynch (Mr. Freeboys), Killian Macardle (Officer Shuck), Jean-Luke Worrell (e/c Warren Slax), Ashley Tucker (Ruth Monaghan)
NOTES: Masters Notes: Shot around 2 heads. A few dropouts that add up to about 5 minutes overall. Not the most focused capture and a lot of fidgeting from the master, but action is captured mostly well enough.
Company - Kennedy Center - June, 2002
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: John Barrowman (Bobby/Bobbie), Lynn Redgrave (Joanne), David Pittu (Harry), Christy Baron (Susan), Emily Skinner (Jenny), Marc Vietor (David), Kim Director (April/Andy), Elizabeth Zins (Kathy/Theo), Marcy Harriell (Marta/PJ), Alice Ripley (Amy/Jamie), Matt Bogart (Paul), Jerry Lanning (Larry)
NOTES: This video gets listed under various dates including June 5th, June 6th, June 15th, July 7th, and different copies exist in varying quality and size.
Company - Second West End Revival - January, 2019 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master)
CAST: Rosalie Craig (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Gavin Spokes (Harry), Daisy Maywood (Susan), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Jennifer Saayeng (Jenny), Richard Henders (David), Richard Fleeshman (April/Andy), Matthew Seadon-Young (Kathy/Theo), George Blagden (Marta/PJ), Jonathan Bailey (Amy/Jamie), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Ben Lewis (Larry)
Company - Third Broadway Revival - March 10, 2020 (Preview)
FORMAT: MP4 (HD)|Gifted: Upon Request
CAST: Katrina Lenk (Bobby/Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Jennifer Simard (Sarah), Christopher Sieber (Harry), Rashidra Scott (Susan), Greg Hildreth (Peter), Nikki Renée Daniels (Jenny), Christopher Fitzgerald (David), Claybourne Elder (April/Andy), Kyle Dean Massey (Kathy/Theo), Bobby Conte Thornton (Marta/PJ), Matt Doyle (Amy/Jamie), John Arthur Greene (u/s Paul), Terence Archie (Larry)
NOTES: Wideshot MP4 Gifted Upon Request
Company - West End - Novemeber 28, 2018 (Diodenes of Catania’s master)
Format: MP3 (tracked)
Cast: Rosalie Craig (Bobbie), Patti LuPone (Joanne), Mel Giedroyc (Sarah), Gavin Spokes (Harry), Daisy Maywood (Susan/Priest), Ashley Campbell (Peter), Richard Henders (David), Jonathan Bailey (Jamie), Alex Gaumond (Paul), Ben Lewis (Larry), Richard Fleeshman (Andy), George Blagden (PJ), Matthew Seadon-Young (Theo)
Copacabana - Netherlands - 2002 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Danny de Munk (Tony Starr/Stephen), Cystine Carreon (Lola Lamar/Stephanie), John Leddy (Sam Silver), Jacqueline Aronson (Gladys), Sophia Wezer (Conchita), Edwin Jonker (Rico)
Coriolanus - Donmar Warehouse - January 30, 2014 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alfred Enoch (Titus Lartius), Brigitte Hjort Sørensen (Virgilia), Deborah Findlay (Volumnia), Elliot Levey (Brutus), Hadley Fraser (Aufidius), Jacqueline Boatswain (Valeria), Mark Gatiss (Menenius), Peter de Jersey (Cominius), Tom Hiddleston (Coriolanus)
NOTES: Often circulated with hard subtitles. The June 4 2020 YT livestream version does not have them.
Coriolanus - Stratford Festival - 2018 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Alexis Gordon (Virgilia), Andre Sills (Coriolanus), Brigit Wilson (Valeria), Graham Abbey (Aufidius), Lucy Peacock (Volumnia), Michael Blake (Cominius), Stephen Ouimette (Brutus), Tom McCamus (Menenius)
NOTES: Great quality video and audio. This is a professionally filmed version of Coriolanus, presented by the Stratford Festival (Stratford, Ontario, Canada) in 2018 and streamed online on April 30, 2020. Original file format: one MP4 file
Cruel Intentions - Los Angeles - July 31, 2015
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Katie Stevens (Kathryn Merteuil), Constantine Rousouli (Sebastian Valmont), Molly McCook (Annette Hargrove), Shelley Regner (Cecile Caldwell), Tyler Sheef (Blaine Tuttle), Spencer Strong Smith (Greg Mcconnell), Alexander Pimentel (Ronald Clifford), Pamela Holt (Mrs. Bunny Caldwell)
NOTES: Notes: Well filmed from the audience with clear picture and excellent sound; featuring songs by The Goo Goo Dolls, Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Meredith Brooks, Natalie Imbruglia, Spice Girls, Counting Crows, The Verve and Christina Aguilera
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Broadway - November 22, 2014 (Lanelle's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Alex Sharp (Christopher Boone), Francesca Faridany (Siobhan), Ian Barford (Ed), Enid Graham (Judy), Helen Carey (Mrs. Alexander)
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Broadway - December 30, 2014 (Matinee) (SJ Bernly's master)
FORMAT: VOB (with smalls) (SD)
CAST: Taylor Trensch (alt Christopher Boone), Francesca Faridany (Siobhan), Tim Wright (u/s Ed), Enid Graham (Judy), Helen Carey (Mrs. Alexander), Mercedes Herrero (Mrs. Shears and others), Ben Horner (Mr. Thompson and others), Richard Hollis (Roger Shears and others), David Manis (Rev. Peters and others)
NOTES: "Nicely filmed. There's a couple of quick dropouts and not many washouts, but no obstructions or blocking. A-"
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - National Theatre - September 6, 2012 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Luke Treadaway (Christopher Boone), Niamh Cusack (Siobhan), Paul Ritter (Ed), Nicola Walker (Judy), Una Stubbs (Mrs. Alexander)
Curtains - West End - October 8-12, 2019 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Jason Manford (Lieutenant Frank Cioffi), Carley Stenson (Georgia Hendricks), Ore Oduba (Aaron Fox), Rebecca Lock (Carmen Bernstein), Samuel Holmes (Christopher Belling), Leah Barbara West (Niki Harris), Alan Burkitt (Bobby Pepper), Martin Callaghan (Oscar Shapiro), Emma Caffrey (Bambi Bernét), Nia Jermin (Jessica Cranshaw), Adam Rhys-Charles (Daryl Grady), Mark Sangster (Sidney Bernstein), Minal Patel (Johnny Harmon)
NOTES: Pro-shot streamed by The Turbine Theatre on 4/14/20 as a fundraiser for coronavirus relief efforts.
Cyrano de Bergerac - Netherlands - 1992, 1993 (Pro-Shot's master)
CAST: Bill van Dijk (Cyrano), Ryan van den Akker (Cyrano's love interest Roxane), Peter de Smet (Ragueneau), Danny de Munk (De Guiche)
13 notes
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Norikateatro’s Audio List! 💙
As of: July 31, 2019 😄!
Please message me if you want an audio! Do not comment *If you want to trade with me that’ll be really cool!
Wicked: Chicago January 06, 2008 - Dan'yelle Williamson (Elphaba u/s); Kate Fahrner (Glinda u/s); Michael Seelbach (Fiyero); Peter Kevoian (The Wizard); K. Todd Freeman (Doctor Dillamond); Barbara Robertson (Madame Morrible); Summer Naomi Scott (Nessarose); Stanton Nash (Boq) Wicked 9 September 2008, 1NT Cast: Carmen Cusack (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clark (G(a)linda), Christopher Russo (u/s The Witch’s Father), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessa), Brad Weinstock (Boq), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Madame Morrible), Paul Slade Smith (u/s The Wizard), Clifton Hall (Fiyero) Wicked: San Francisco March 06, 2010 - Eden Espinosa (Elphaba); Libby Servais (Glinda s/b); D.J. Gregory (Fiyero u/s); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Paul Slade Smith (Doctor Dillamond); Jody Gelb (Madame Morrible); Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose); Etai BenShlomo (Boq) Wicked Broadway: March 3, 2013 Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Randy Danson (Madame Morrible), Adam Grupper (The Wizard), Catherin Charlebois (Nessarose), F. Michael Haynie (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dr Dillamond) Wicked: Broadway February 22, 2014 (Lindsay Mendez & Alli Mauzey’s Final Show) Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Tom McGowan (Wizard), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Michael Wartella (Boq), Note: Lindsay, Alli, Kyle & Tom’s last performance. Wicked Mexico-June 20, 2014 Elenco: Viviana Barrera (u/s Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Paco Morales (El Maravilloso Mago de Oz), Anahí Allué (Srita. Morrida), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa), Sebastián Treviño (u/s Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Emanuel Gáitan (Chistery). Viviana's first performance as Elphaba. Wicked: London June 23, 2014 Cast: Emma Hatton (s/b Elphaba), Sophie Linder-Lee (s/b Glinda), Jeremy Taylor (Fiyero), Philippa Buxton (u/s Nessarose), Sam Lupton (Boq), Sue Kelvin (Madame Morrible), Martyn Ellis (The Wizard), Paul Clarkson (Dr. Dillamond). Wicked: Broadway January 27, 2015 Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Alicia L. Albright (Nessarose u/s), Robin de Jesus (Boq) The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Broadway March 14th, 1975 (Soundboard) Cast: Bill Miller (Brad Majors), Abigale Haness (Janet Weiss), Graham Jarvis (Narrator), Richard O'Brien (Riff Raff), Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter), Jamie Donnelly (Magenta), Boni Enten (Columbia), Kim Milford (Rocky), Meat Loaf (Eddie/Dr. Scott) Notes: This is a live recording made on March 14th, 1975 of the (very short-lived) Rocky Horror Show's original run at the Belasco Theatre on Broadway. Cat 1991 México DF, México Cast: Marisol Arreola, Hector Arroyo, Simone Brook, Olivia Buzzio, Gabriel de Cervantes, Maru Dueñas, Cecilia Huerta, Javier Diaz Dueñas, Manuel Landeta, Armando Moreno, Enrique del Olmo, María del Sol, Fabiola Zepeda, Lenny Zundel. Notes: Soundboard Recording Missing Overture. This could be an audio rip from the DVD, but I'm not 100% sure. Cats London November 8th, 1995 Cast: Admetus/Macavity: Richard Armitage, Alonzo: Nunzio Lombardo, Bill Bailey: Daniel Crossley, Bombalurina: Vanessa Leagh-Hicks, Bustopher/Gus: Tony Timberlake, Carbucketty: Sandy Rass, Cassandra: Deborah Shrimpton, Coricopat: David Olton, Demeter: Michele Hooper, Electra: Nicola Lee-Owens, Etcetera: Charlotte Peck, George/Rumpus: Steven Wayne, Grizabella: Clare Burt, Jellylorum: Carrie Ellis, Jemima: Kimberly Partridge. Jennyanydots: Beth Robson (u/s), Mistoffelees: Thomas Paton,Mungojerrie: Ian Meeson, Munkustrap: Andrew Halliday, Old Deuteronomy: Graeme Lauren (s/b), Rumpleteazer: Vikki Coote, Rum Tum Tugger: John Partridge, Skimbleshanks: Tommi Sliiden (u/s), Tantomile: Tee Soo-Chan, Victor: John Stacey, Victoria: Sandra Kater Chicago: Broadway - 1975 8 Aug Cast-Liza Minelli (special temp. replacement - Roxie Hart), Chita Rivera (Velma Kelly), Jerry Orbach (Billy Flynn), Mary McCarty (Mama Morton), Barney Martin (Amos Hart) Cats 15 July 1998, Hamburg Cast: John Partridge (Munkustrap), Kristin Hölck (Grizabella), Stephan Drakulich (Old Deuteronomy), Ray Strachan (Rum Tum Tugger), Damian Kacperski (Mr. Mistoffelees), Lachlan Youngberg (Bustopher Mürr), Tanya Christensen (Gumbie Katz’), Marco Krämer (Skimbleshanks), Virginia Lilly (Rumpleteazer), Livio Salvi (Mungojerrie) Cats: Seoul, Korea 2008 Oct 16 Cast: 신영석 Shin Young Seok (Grizabella), 대성 Tae Seong (Rum Tum Tugger), 홍경수 Hong Kyung Soo (Munkustrap), 이희정 Lee Hui Jeong (Old Deuteronomy), 김보경 Kim Bo Kyung (Rumpleteazer), 강인영 Kang In Young (Mungogerrie), 강연종 Kang Yeon Jong (Gus), 정주영 Jeong Joo Young (Macavity), 유회웅 Yoo Hui Woong (Mr. Mistoffelees), 문병권 Moon Byung Gwon (Skimbleshanks), 왕브리타 Wang Brita (Jemima), 백두산 Baek Doo San (Alonzo), 이은혜 Lee Eun Hye (Jellylorum) Cats London: December 27th, 2014 Cats: Broadway September 24th, 2016 Cast: Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Nathan Patrick Morgan (Old Deuteronomy u/s), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Callan Bergmann (Carbucketty u/s), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity), Francesca Granell (Rumpleteazer u/s), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Claire Camp (Cassandra u/s), Arianna Rosario (SIllabub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival) Cats (1989 Original French Cast Recording) Cats (1991 Original Mexican Cast Recording) Cabaret - Signature Theatre Washington DC - Date Unknown Cast: Wesley Taylor (Emcee), Barret Wilbert Weed (Sally), Gregory Woodell (Cliff), Rick Foucheux (Herr Schultz), Naomi Jacobson (Fraulein Schneider), Bobby Smith (Ernst), Maria Rizzo (Fraulein Kost) Carousel: 2018 Broadway Revival January 28th, 2018 (1st Preview) Cast: Joshua Henry as Billy Bigelow, Jessie Mueller as Julie Jordan, Lindsay Mendez as Carrie Pipperidge, Renée Fleming as Nettie Fowler, Alexander Gemignani as Enoch Snow, Amar Ramasar as Jigger, John Douglas Thompson as the Starkeeper, and Brittany Pollock as Louise Dear Evan Hansen: Broadway - May 15, 2018 Cast: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Will Roland (Jared), Phoenix Best (Alana), Alex Boniello (Connor), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Michael Park (Larry), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia) Notes: Alex's first show as Connor. El Hombre de La Mancha (1969 Original Mexican Cast Recording) El Hombre de La Mancha (2017 Mexican Revival Cast Recording) Little Shop Of Horrors: Broadway | September 16, 2003 DeQuina Moore (Chiffon), Trisha Jeffrey (Crystal), Carla J. Hargrove (Ronnette), Rob Bartlett (Mushnik), Kerry Butler (Audrey), Hunter Foster (Seymour), Michael-Leon Wooley (voice of Audrey II) Into the Woods National Tour (Fiasco Theater Production) 4/11/17 Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles Eleasha Gamble (Baker's Wife), Anthony Chatmon II (Lucinda/Wolf/Cinderella's Prince), Fred Rose (Mysterious Man), Darick Pead (Rapunzel's Prince/Florinda/Milky White), Bonne Kramer (Cinderella's Stepmother/Jack's Mother), Laurie Veldheer (Cinderella/Granny), Stephanie Umoh (The Witch), Patrick Mulryan (Jack/Steward), Evan Harrington (Baker), Lisa Helmi Johanson (Little Red Ridinghood/Rapunzel). *Includes BC/EFA Speech by Patrick Mulryan. Wicked (2016 Original Mexican Cast Recording)This was released by the official Mexican Page on Youtube. It’s a Soundboard recording of Wicked México. Sound is crystal clear, some of the songs have dialogue. Cast: Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa (Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa). Adam Sadwing (Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Anahí Allué (Senorita. Mórrida), Paco Morales (El Mago de Oz), Beto Díaz (Frexspar/ El Padre de Elphaba), Lizeth Navarro (Melena/ La Madre de Elphaba). Alicia Paola Sanchez (La Partera) Wicked - 2016.08.18 - International Tour Cast: Jodie Steele (Elphaba s/b), Elizabeth Futter (Glinda u/s), Steven Pinder (The Wizard/Dr. Dillamond), Bradley Jaden (Fiyero), Kim Ismay (Madame Morrible), Emily Shaw (Nessarose), Iddon Jones (Boq) notes: This was Elizabeth’s first show as Glinda! On Your Feet: Broadway April 1st, 2017 (Evening) Ana Villafañe (Gloria), Ektor Rivera (Emilio), Yassmin Alers (Gloria Fajardo u), Alma Cuervo (Consuelo), Amaris Sanchez (Little Gloria), Eduardo Hernadez (Young Emilio and others), Eliseo Roman (José Fajardo), Genny Lis Padilla (Rebecca) My Master: This show was great but there was a very drunk lady sitting next to me, she belted some of the lyrics to the songs! A Chorus Line: Westchester Broadway Theatre February 3rd, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Drew Carr (Mike), Tiffany Chalothorn (Connie), Erika Conaway (Tricia), Joseph Cullinane (Greg), Kevin Curtis (Richie), Emma Degerstedt (Val), Brian Dillon (Larry), David Elder (Zach), Tim Fuchs (Al), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Vicki), David Grindrod (Roy), Michael John Hughes (Paul), Tyler Jimenez (Don), Emily Kelly (Maggie), Ashley Klinger Kristine), Joey Lucherini (Frank), Erica Mansfield (Cassie), Alexandra Matteo (Diana), Logan Mortier (Bobby), PJ Palmer (Mark), Lauren Sprague (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Caitlin Wilayton (Judy) My Master: This performance was wonderful, it had no intermission. Avenue Q 1999 Demos Anastasia: Broadway July 21, 2017 ( 8:00 PM) cast: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Kathryn Boswell (Countess Gregory swing) My Master Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Broadway November 11th, 2017 (Evening) Cast: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), Kyle Taylor Parker (Mrs. Green), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), Emily Padgett (Mrs. Bucket), Kristy Cates (Grandma Josephine), Madeleine Doherty (Grandma Georgina), Paul Slade Smith (Grandpa George), Mikey Winslow( Jerry u), Stephanie Gibson (Cherry), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gloop), F. Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Jared Bradslaw (Mr. Salt u), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Mr. Beauregarde (Alan H. Green), Violet Beauregarde (Trista Dollison), Michael Wartella (Mike TeaVee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs. Teavee) (My Master) Miss Saigon: Broadway January 14th, 2018 Cast: Eva Noblezada (Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Dorcas Leung (Gigi) (Final Show) Mary Poppins: (2012 Mexican Cast Recording) Bianca Marroquin (Mary Poppins), Mauricio Salas (Bert), Catalina Farias (Winifred Banks), Paco Morales (George Banks), Daniela Meneses [?] (Jane Banks), Sebastián Gallegos[?] (Michael Banks) Andrés Elvira (Valentin), Mariano Bucio (Neleus), Alm Cristal (Mrs. Brill), Andrés Sáez (Robertson Ay), Laura Cortés (Ms. Andrew & Bird Woman), Sergio Carranza (Almirante Boom), Paloma Cordero (Mrs. Corry), Natalia Saltiel (Mrs. Lark), Vince Miranda, Eden Pintos, Marcela Nava, Alma Escudero, Yolanda Campos, Majo Perez, Julieta Martínez, Eduardo Ibarra, Carlos Pulido, Omar Rodríguez, Alexo Fergo, Antonio Mariscal, Alicia Paola Sánchez, Jose Sampedro, Kim Yañez, Raymundo Montoya, Óscar Hernández, Roberto Hernández, Cecilia Arias, Mariano Villarello, Marcia Peña, Ruben Plascencia, Lolo Jiménez. *Songs only. This was recorded from the soundboard from various dates throughout the run. Once on this Island: Broadway Revival January 22nd, 2018 Cast: Hailey Kilgore (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Tamyra Gray (Papa Ge), Lea Salonga (Erzulie), Norm Lewis (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), T Oliver Reid (u/s Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Alysha Deslorieux (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), Tyler Hardwick (u/s Beauxhommes/Storyteller). Frozen: Broadway March 4th, 2018- Cast: Alyssa Fox (s/b Elsa), Patti Murin, John Riddle, Jelani Alladin, Andrew Pirozzi, Greg HIldreth, Audrey Bennett, Brooklyn Nelson, Ann Sanders, James Brown III, Timothy Hughes, Olivia Phillip, Robert Creighton, Kevin Del Aguila Notes: Alyssa Fox’s debut as Elsa Chicago Broadway: April 1st, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Amra-Faye Wright (Velma), Charlotte d’ Amboise (Roxie), Brian O’ Brien (Fred Casey) , Evan Harrington (Amos) , Katie Mitchell (Liz), Pilar Millhollen (Annie), Donna Marie Asbury (June), Beth Johnson Nicely (Hunyak u/s), Angel Reda (Mona), Valerie Simpson (Matron “Mama” Morton), Chaz Lamar Shepherd (Billy Flynn), R. Lowe (Mary Sunshine), Jessica Ernest (Go-To-Hell Kitty) My Master: Act 1 only (Ends towards the middle of Cell Block Tango) Kinky Boots: Broadway April 28th, 2018 Cast: Charlie Price (David Cook), Blaine Alden Krauss (Lola u), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús del Orden (Young Lola), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Marcus Neville (George), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Kirstin Maldonado (Lauren), Natalie Joy Johnson (Pat), Jake Odmark (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Ciarán Mccarthy (Richard Bailey), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Kevin Smith Kirkwood, Alfred Dalpino (u/s), Fred Odgaard, Kyle Post, Charlie Sutton, and Joey Taranto (Angels) My Master: Ciarán Mccarthy’s Broadway debut! Mean Girls: Broadway 6/17/2018 Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Becca Petersen (u/s Regina George), Ashley Park (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kerry Butler (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Mr. Duvall), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Iain Young (u/s Mr Heron) Notes: Becca's Regina George debut Moulin Rouge: Boston Tryouts July 24th, 2018- Cast: Aaron Tveit (Christian), Karen Olivo (Satine), Danny Burstein (Harold Zidler), Sahr Ngaujah (Toulouse-Lautrec), Tam Mutu (Duke of Monroth), Ricky Rojas (Santiago), Robyn Hurder (Nini) Notes: Act I is pretty much the same but Act II has some changes. "Roxanne is now far more manic and powerful, Crazy/Rolling in the Deep has a much more desperate feel which makes the pain Christian and Satine feel much more obvious, and Come What May is restored in part to Satine's death scene." Be More Chill-August 2, 2018 (Off Broadway) Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Jason "SweetTooth" Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stock Boy) Once on this Island: Broadway Revival August 18th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast: Lauren Lott (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Merle Dandridge (Papa Ge) Darlesia Cearcy (Erzulie), Quentin Earl Darrington (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), Boise Holmes ( Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Anna Uzele (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), and Daniel Yearwood ( Beauxhommes/Storyteller) My Master Notes: This was such an incredible show, I cried a lot! Wicked - Broadway December 1st, 2018 Cast: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Ryan Mccartan (Fiyero), Jye Frasca (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto (u/s Witch’s Father/Ozian Official), Lindsay Janisse (Witch’s Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife), Dominic Giudici (Chistery), Ioana Alfonso, Larkin Bogan, Teneise Mitchell Ellis, Dominic Giudici, Dan Gleason, Josh Daniel Green, Jeff Heimbrock, Manuel I. Herrera, Courtney Iventosch, Lindsay Janisse, Britney Johnson, Katie Ladner, Marissa Lupp, Matt Meigs, Dashi Mitchell, Lindsay K. Northen, Jonathan Ritter, William Ryall, Kathy Santen, Hannah Shankman, Travis Taber, Jeremy Thompson (Monkeys, students, Denizens of the Emerald City, Palace Guards and Other Citizens of Oz) User: dnc445 on Reddit’s Master Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway December 12, 2018 Cast: Roman Banks (u/s Evan), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Garrett Long (u/s Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy) Roman Banks First Performance King Kong Broadway: December 13th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Rory Donovan (Captain Englehorn), Harley Jay (Barman), Casey Garvin (Fake Carl), John Hoche (Voice of Kong ) My Master: This show was really fun! James Retter Duncan (swing) and Nick Rashad Burroughs’ first show Wicked: Broadway January 10, 2019 (Evening) Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Brittney Johnson (u/s Glinda), Jake Boyd (Fiyero), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Jesse JP Johnson (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto as (u/s Witch's Father), Lindsay Janisse (Witch's Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife). Master: thediaryofatheatrekid Notes: Brittney's debut as Glinda! She’s the first woman of color to portray Glinda on Broadway! Beauty and the Beast at WPPAC, White Plains, NY January 12, 2019 (Evening) Cast: Belle ( Erica Lustig), Beast (Ezekial Andrew), Gaston ( Tom DeMichele), Lefou (Robert Peterpaul), Maurice (David M. Beris), Lumiere (Patrick Pevehouse), Cogsworth (Brendan Doyle), Mrs. Potts (Paulette Oliva, Chip (Robbie Crandall), Madame de la Grande Bouche (Katelyn Lauria) and Babette (Elizabeth Brady) My Master Wicked: Broadway March 30, 2019 (Evening) Cast: Laurel Harris (Standby Elphaba), Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda), Gizel Jimenez (Nessarose), Boq (Jesse JP Johnson), Fiyero (Ryan McCartan), Dr. Dillamond (Jamie Johnson), Madame Morrible (Nancy Opal), The Wizard (Michael McCormick), Witch's Mother (Sterling Masters), Witch's Father (William Ryall), Midwife (Kathy Santen), Chistery (Raymond Joel Matsamura) My Master Kinky Boots: Broadway April 7, 2019 (Last Show) Cast: Andy Kelso (Charlie), J. Harrison Ghee (Lola), Carrie St. Louis (Lauren), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Marcus Neville (George) Hadestown: Broadway July 9th, 2019 (Evening) Cast: Reeve Carney (Orpheus), Eva Noblezada (Eurydice), Amber Gray (Persephone), Patrick Page (Hades), Andre De Shields (Hermes), Jewelle Blackman (Fate), Yvette Gonzalez-Nacer (Fate), Kay Trinidad (Fate), Afra Hines, Timothy Hughes, John Krause, Kimberly Marable, Ahmad Simmons (Workers Chorus) (My Master) Jesus Christ Superstar: July 8th 2019 Barbican Center (Regent's Park Production) Cast: Robert Tripolino (Jesus of Nazareth), Ricardo Afonso (Judas Iscariot), Sallay Garnett (Mary Magdalene), Matt Cardle (Pontius Pilate), Samuel Buttery (King Herod), Cavin Cornwall (Caiaphas), Nathan Amzi (Annas), Matthew Harvey (Peter), Tim Newman (Simon Zealotes) Graverobber’s Master Les Misérables: London 13 July 2019 (Evening) CAST: Dean Chisnall: Jean Valjean, Bradley Jaden: Javert, Carley Stenson: Fantine, Elena Skye: Eponine, Toby Miles: Marius, Charlotte Kennedy: Cosette, Steven Meo: Thénardier, Vivien Parry: Madame Thénardier, Samuel Edwards: Enjolras Notes: The final show of the original production of Les Misérables. Includes Dean Chisnall's speech. Please gift this audio upon request. Instrumentals: A Chorus Line US Tour Pit Tracks Cats Instrumental Tracks (Mortifer) A lot of the tracks are synthesized, sounds like someone took a lot of karaoke tracks and put them together with orchestra but they’re some great tracks. Cats Mexico 1991 Orchestra Tracks (Teatro Silvia Pinal) Cats Backing Tracks (Midi) The Wizard of Oz Orchestra Tracks (RSC’ 1981) Les Mis US Tour Orchestra Tracks Wicked Orchestra Tracks Notes: This album is given to cast members when they first get cast in the show. People say this orchestration is the First National Tour one but it really isn’t, it sounds much more like the LA orchestrations. Perfect quality, includes every musical interlude, underscore, song, etc.
Audio Wants: Audio of the current run of Cats in Mexico, any production of Cabaret. Anything with Wicked, Cats México or Argentina, Dear Evan Hansen, Hadestown, Once on this Island, The Wizard of Oz, and anything I don’t have!
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all names in the lore:names category on uesp + brythonic deites + werewolf forenames
Abaed Abanan Adal Adara Adra Adwine Aenak Aeze Alcre Alduk Alinehk Alma Amet Amiome Amkaoif Amperan Anchanot Anel Anen Anger Anusele Apré Arbwd Arras Arsio Atahnch Aten Aulnyai Aurgunal Aurn Avecer Baak Baidi Baidril Balen Bars Bater Baton Begarath Bhen Biinnel Blanaa Blokae Blolf Blootath Borev Bragruth Bria Brixiah Bruzirex Burnit Burnus Cacif Caion Camotor Cargna Chafarog Chancher Chaus Chon Clon Colak Colo Copa Coph Crea Crev Crona Cuom Cyne Cynu Cynvaren Daaraya Dabel Dagrud Dakh Dakuledu Dalocing Danchesh Deae Deas Debo Debs Depe Devayz Deya Dirnaamo Dogdriz Dolear Dolf Dolgas Dothus Drahdard Dranlar Dreugis Drimbel Drothet Drum Druzoron Dubellax Dulkh Dulthiha Duus Dylaeli Dylood Ebranned Edguno Egrellax Elass Elfo Emel Eraa Eradamaw Eruught Esnaf Eteatekh Etith Ettar Etther Eyeyalis Eyrina Fexx Filin Firion Firlsolf Flaca Flag Flahi Fled Fosharok Fricha Gari Garn Gatvus Gela Geloadam Ghoth Gibaz Giler Gilia Glotiann Graaz Grag Gragra Grezaiko Gria Grizt Groel Groter Grukat Grux Gruza Gudhan Gulin Guomi'es Gwarer Hadu Hagolawg Harinnus Hasuce Heda Helezal Horiel Hosuu Houp Hrus Hrute Hulm Hunex Hunnic Hzumz Hzuol Iboth Ibrix Ihla Ihlooth Illus Imari Inchelm Insk Inus Iolf Ioll Iraago Irrundan Ismirata Ismyn Issete Ivgred Ivgri Ivgrul Izhar Jabri Jacif Jailyrin Jaio Jinil Jithlot Jnacki Joada Joodinsh Judged Kaina Kallicth Kamb Kannirev Kantrac Kari Kast Kath Kayta Keepala Kjarik Klorilis Kloth Knid Knil Kone Kons Kost Kothalg Kottak Kous Kupus Kuroelu Lantrog Larven Lazogtha Leaer Ledama Leon Lilarila Limb Limtevi Lindansa Linna Liril Load Lorach Lubet Lunus Luzizna Luzog Lyrog Macean Maeb Mairum Malin Manoth Marind Meht Minduu Mint Miren Mixas Moras Morrunk Moth Muril Muus Mysenin N'bute N'buteg Naag Naebu Nakeris Narik Nata Nazz Neid Nein Nifensa Nolf Nomanden Nomia Nomois Norfla Nulaak Nulcha Nulf Numas Numblith Ofepal Ograk Ohmai Ohmark Oladunth Olda Oled Oleddle Ontall Oruta Oruz Oseif Ozzt Ozzul Paponus Parvena Peseff Pheth Phina Phmo Phya Pirim Poic Prella Prenetal Pyna Qraz Radale Rakullof Razan Rers Riek Rizzun Roguna Roor Rorg Rorius Rotartix Ruis Rukha Ruzztis Sahant Sara Scath Scusur Sedaas Sell Sena Sertiric Shage Sham Shanulve Shazai Shiledd Shre Shutile Si'es Sida Siddy Sill Sish Skaa Skif Skynvar Slef Smasmai Sonden Song Sorne Sothacus Spirela Squelion Stoodwol Stor Stos Suft Suhloght Sulth Surn Talam Telu Tepal Teplider Therth Thil Thir Tidiussi Tiran Titeris Toeh Toothyn Torir Tsaw Tunta Tuzefk Tykey Tykk Tylamir Tysenith Tysiiril Udolok Udrenkyn Uldol Ulgh Ulous Ulrus Ulstic Umawg Unlos Unyail Urendaec Vahzgo Valmath Vekr Velai Vena Venakk Venvarus Verr Vheffar Viik Vik'nisa Vilient Vina Vonthed Vornaal Voryal Vroom Vrosh Vrum Vulada Vulof Wamulph Warrus Warus Whon Whonden Withi Wolar Wolf Woloutas Wonfix Xonnorit Xort Xoth Xvakele Yggori Yolf Yser Ysmazet Ysothemp Zalux Zambrend Zath Zeth Zoah Zolf Zuug Zyzerian Zzer
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Alex Danvers
Sekundäres Geschlecht: Alpha
Endgame Partner: Maggie Sawyer
Kinder: Ruby Arias (Tochter von Samantha Arias, adoptiert) und Kathy Danvers-Sawyer (adoptiert)
Kara ist ein Omega, also ist Alex ein Alpha. Sie war zwar niemals offiziell Karas Alpha, hat aber in vielerlei Hinsicht genau diese Funktion erfüllt, indem sie Kara immer beschützt hatte, koste es, was es wolle. Alex ist einer der umgänglicheren Alphas in meinem Verse, jemand, der von anderen Alphas lernt anstatt sich mit ihnen anzulegen um so irgendwann ein besserer Alpha zu werden und schließlich der Alpha und die Leiterin des DEO, was in meinem Verse allerdings um einige Jahre später passiert als im Canon. Wobei ich sagen muss, dass ich geschrieben habe, dass Alexs J’onns Nachfolgerin als Leiterin des DEO wird, bevor ich das Ende der 3. Staffel gesehen hatte.
Was ist mit Alexs Coming Out? Nun, das ist im Rahmen dieses Verse ein gewisses Problem, da es relativ normal ist Angehörige des gleichen primären Geschlechts zu daten. Deswegen ist die Geschichte dieser Alex Danvers eher die von jemanden, der selbst etwas an sich für falsch hält, was in der Gesellschaft niemanden wirklich scheren würde. Sie muss ihre eigenen Vorurteile überwinden um sich selbst zu akzeptieren und lernt, dass sie im Grunde nur am Frauen interessiert ist, was ungewöhnlich ist, aber nicht so ungewöhnlich wie sie zuvor dachte.
Was ist nun Alexs sexuelle Orientierung in diesem Verse? Das ist eine gute Frage und die Antwort lautet, dass Alex im Grunde genommen herausfindet, dass ihr Interesse nur Frauen gilt und zwar vornehmlich Beta- und Omega-Frauen. Sie ging zuvor mit Beta-Männern aus (und vielleicht auch Omega-Männern). Alex ist aber dagegen Alphas zu daten. Sie ging einmal in der ihrer Jugend mit einem männlichen Alpha aus, was böse endete. Daher ist sie selbst überrascht und ein wenig unglücklich darüber, dass sie sich mit Sara Lance, einem anderen Alpha, auf Barrys Hochzeit einlässt. Letztlich bleibt es bei diesem einem Abenteuer, da Alex eben jemand ist, der es für keine gute Idee ist andere Alphas zu daten. Im Spin-Off “Stranded on Earth-X” hält sie ihre Beziehung zu Sara nur wegen der Umstände aufrecht (weil sie beide in einem feindlichen Universum gestrandet sind und sich aneinander klammern, weil sie sich vertraut sind).
Okay, aber was sollte alles andere in “Stranded on Earth-X”?! Tja, zuerst muss ich sagen, dass ich Alex nicht hasse, ich liebe Alex. Ich wollte Drama und das Drama kam beim Schreiben aus der Tatsache heraus, dass Alex eine falsche Entscheidung trifft, basierend auf Wissen, dass sie aus ihrem eigenen Universum bezieht. Während “Crisis on Earth-X” wird man das Gefühl nicht los, dass Alex logischerweise die Person ist, die am Wenigsten von der ganzen Alternativ-Universen-Sache versteht. Wie auch? Bis zur Hochzeit dachte sie vermutlich, dass Alternativuniversen bedeutet, dass dort andere Leute leben als in ihrem Universen und wusste nichts von Doppelgängern. Ich habe sie aber überleben lassen, ihre eine Beta-Partnerin gegeben und eine Art Pseudo-Happy-End verpasst, nur eines ohne das, was sie am Meisten im Leben wollte: Ein Leben ohne Kinder. Warum? Nicht weil ich der Meinung war, dass Alex für ihre Taten Strafe verdient hätte, sondern weil Alex dieser Meinung war. Sie ist einer dieser Menschen, die am Härtesten zu sich selbst sind. Aber vergesst nicht: Alex ist ein Alpha und Kara ihre Omega-Schwester, die sie ihr ganzes Leben lang zurück wollte. Alex wollte unbedingt weg von Erde-X um herauszufinden, was aus Kara geworden war. Was eine normale, wenn auch bedenkliche, Alpha-Reaktion ist.
“Kara Danvers ist meine Lieblingsperson”
“Crisis on Earth-X”
“Finale Crisis”
Road to Finale Crisis:
“Das Geständnis”
“Nach dem Ende von Allem”
Infinite Earths Oneshots und Shorts-Sammlung:
“Kain und Abel”
“Von Krise zu Krise”
“Der Hüter meines Bruders”
Beginnings and Endings:
“Beginnings: Supergirl”
“Endings: Supergirl”
Spin-Off: “Stranded on Earth-X”
Nicht A/B/O-Fics:
“Erst der Anfang”
“Worlds Beyond Elseworlds”
“Up Up and Away”
Die Menschen von Morgen: Companion Piece:
“Krise auf den Parallelerden”
#A/B/O-Arrowverse#character sheet#Alex Danvers#Alphas#Supergirl#Tag for Dummies: this means fanfiction not canon
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Na een schudweggetje met enorme verkeersdrempels en hier en daar een resterend stuk asfalt, komen we bij de camping aan In Kromidovo. Nou ja, de achtertuin van John en Sara een Engels echtpaar. Er staan al wat Engelse campers en er is voor schaduw gezorgd met een op een frame gespannen groen gaas, hoog genoeg om er onder te kunnen staan met een camper.
Aan het eind van de straat is een mineraalbad. Een 25 meter zwembad met warm water. Om het bad heen staan bomen die voor schaduw zorgen over de tafels en stoelen. De uitbaatster van het bad met bar is een oude vrouw die ons om 17:30 uur wegstuurde de eerste dag. We gaan om 18:00 uur dicht zei ze kom morgen maar terug. De volgende dag zijn we er om 10 uur en we mogen de hele dag blijven voor €1.- p.p. Anna en Ivo zijn er ook. Onze Engelse buren op de camping. Anna is Engels maar heeft jaren in Portugal gewoond, waar heer dochter nog woont. Ivo is Bulgaar en spreekt uitstekend Engels. Zij zijn van plan in Bulgarije te gaan wonen en een camping te beginnen. We bestellen op aanraden van hen een bord gegrilde sprot, een bord patat met geitenkaas en een salade. Heerlijk. Het bier uit de koelkast in de bar vloeit rijkelijk en voor diner bestellen we om 5 uur nog een varkenslap. Als ik alles optel heb ik €19 betaald voor alles de hele dag. Lekker hoor.
Als we op de camping terugkomen is er een Nederlandse camper bijgekomen. De man drinkt een wijntje uit een plastic bekertje en zegt weinig. De vrouw daarentegen, kletst maar door. Ze lijkt op de vrouw van de Simpsons met haar vooruitstekende bovenlip en haar dat alleen bovenop alle kanten uit steekt. Ze zegt voor ASCI campings te beoordelen. Ik denk dat ze daar liever hebben dat ze dat niet doet. De bovenlip blijkt extra groot doordat ze is gestoken door een wesp. Als ik vertel dat ik allergisch ben zegt ze: maar dan heb je een spuit bij je. Ik kijk haar vragend aan. Ja, die moet je bij je huisarts halen en altijd bij je hebben. Ik kijk wel uit. Altijd met een spuit op zak lopen.
We gaan op aanraden van Ivo naar Melnik een leuk dorpje met veel wijnhuizen. Zijn we ook geweest, zegt mevrouw Simpson. Ik reageer niet.
De weg naar Melnik is goed te rijden. Zoals alle toeristische routes is het asfalt prima onderhouden en de wegbelijning ontbreekt niet. Anders is het als je een weggetje in gaat om de bergen in te gaan of een stuk af te snijden. Dan verandert het asfalt al snel in een karrenspoor dat steil omhoog of omlaag gaat. In ons geval moeten we door een gat in de berg om bij een waterval te komen. De weg wordt zo slecht dat we op 5 km van de waterval toch maar terugkeren.
We gaan naar het Rila klooster. We weten van te voren niet wat we gaan zien, maar met name de muurschilderingen zijn prachtig en verrassen ons positief.
Op de weg terug, passeren we weer een restaurant met grote vlakke parkeerplaats, die we op de heenweg ook zagen. Dat wordt dineren en overnachten. Er is zelfs een fontein met stromend water, zodat we ons s'morgens met stromend bergwater kunnen wassen.
Naast het Museumpark Vrana in Sofia is een autokamp, waar we voor €10 mogen staan. We hebben hier elektriciteit en Wifi. Ook is er een toilet waar ook in gedoucht kan worden. Anna had alleen ons de coördinaten gegeven en niet aan de Simpsons verteld.
Hier vandaan gaan we met de bus naar het centrum. Tenminste dat denken we. Na een drie kwartier in de bus te hebben gezeten rijden we weer langs de plek waar we opgestapt zijn en na een half uur op het eindpunt. De Bulgaarse mensen geven ongevraagd hulp. We worden ingelicht over waar we zijn, hoe we in het centrum kunnen komen en hoeveel het kost en waar we een kaartje kunnen kopen die in alle vervoermiddelen geldig is. Bus trolleybus, tram en metro.
Een vrouw tikt op een schuifraampje van een betraliede kiosk en besteld de kaartjes voor ons bij de dame die er achter zit. Dat raampje hadden we zelf nooit gevonden.
Sofia is een echte Oost Europese stad. In de buitenwijken veel flats en alleen in het centrum mooie gebouwen van overheids instellingen, musea en kerken. Ons hoogtepunt was restaurant Happy.
Een meisje leidt ons naar een tafeltje en zegt dat ze Elise heet en dat zij ons bedient vanavond. Ze draagt net als de andere meiden een rood minirokje, een grijs strak zittend poloshirt en sandaaltjes. Ze houd ons voortdurend in de gaten en weet feilloos wanneer we willen bestellen, en als mijn glas bier bijna leeg is komt ze vragen of ik een nieuwe wil. Stomme vraag aan mij, maar dat kan zij niet weten. Ik neem haar mee naar huis denk ik.
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Kapitel 6
Ich war im Zimmer und zog meine Rüstung an. Ich müsste mich irgendwie schützen es wird kein Spaziergang sein. Steve kam rein mit dem Blick, den ich hasste. Ich wusste was er fragen wollte deswegen ließ ich es ihn gar nicht fragen.
Diana: Ich habe ihn vor paar Monaten getroffen. Im Club. Er hat mir geholfen mit Sara, als sie sich mal wieder voll abgeschossen hat. Er ging anschließend noch zu mir. Wir haben bis morgens früh geredet. Ich verliebte mich in seine Art. Auch wenn ich den nur zweimal sah. Ich wusste nicht was er an sich hatte. An dem Abend, wo das mit Chad passiert es, ist er zu mir gekommen. Er wollte es nicht. Er sagte immer das seine Arbeit zu gefährlich sei. Was jetzt relativ viel erklärt. Er blieb auf meine Bitte solange bis ich eingeschlafen bin. Ich weiß du bist jetzt sauer und wirst mich wahrscheinlich verurteilen, wie dumm und naiv ich sein konnte. Und ich weiß du bist sauer, dass ich deinem Befehl nicht gefolgt bin und mich wahrscheinlich in Gefahr gebracht habe. Aber hätte ich es nicht gemacht würdest du Tod sein und ich hätte es mir nie verziehen können. Ich wollte mich auch nicht in ihn verlieben, was heißt wollte, es war nicht geplant. Er ging mit mir sehr gut um und ich war glücklich in seiner Gegenwart.
Er war still, zu still. Normalerweise hätte er seinen Senf dazugegeben. Oder mir eine predigt gehalten wie dumm und naiv es ist sah in einen fremden zu verlieben. Und ihn überhaupt nach Hause einladen. Stattdessen nahm er mich nur in den Arm und druckte mich fest zu sein.
Steve: Ich hätte dich verlieren können Diana. Aber wurdest du nicht da sein, wäre ich wirklich vielleicht Tod gewesen. Ich verdanke dir mein Leben und das weißt du. Aber ich verstehe jetzt warum er dir nichts angetan hat und dich beschütz hat. Du musst aber wirklich mehr auf dich aufpassen. Ich wurde es mir nie verzeihen, wenn dir was passiert. Und ich dich nicht beschützen kann. Ich verurteile dich nicht für deine Gefühle, wer bin ich schon um das zu tun? Du wusstest nicht wer er war. Ich meine Peggy und ich kannten uns auch nur kurz.
Diana: Du siehst doch ich kann sehrt gut auf mich selbst aufpassen.
Wir gingen zu Fuß zum Hauptquartier. Mit dem Auto wäre es viel zu gefährlich. Meine Waffen bestanden auf zwei Klingel. Ich war bereit dem Ganzen ein Ende zu setzen. Wir teilten uns auf. Ich wartete mit Sam auf ein Zeichen.
Sam: Bist du dir sicher, du kannst das? Diana: Werden wir sehen und du? Sam: Werden wir sehen.
Wir warteten in den Gebüschen vor dem Punkt. Es ging jede Sekunde los. Irgendwie konnte ich es nicht erwarten. Als Das Zeichen Kam Flog Sam los und warf mich auf den Platz, sodass ich mit meinen Fäusten einen Riss in den Platz machte. Ich wusste nicht, dass ich so viel Kraft hatte. Ich sah Muffin. Irgendwas war anders. Seine Augen waren voller Hass. Er war nicht er selbst. Er ging direkt auf mich los und wir kämpften. Meine Armbänder waren anscheinend gute Abwehr gegen seine Schläge. Ich hatte eine Aufgabe, den Chip in eine
den Flieger zu bringen und einzusetzen. Ich wartete nur auf sam der mich dahin brachte. Als ich den sah verpasste ich Muffin einen Kick, weswegen er fast von dem Gebäude fiel. Sam nahm ich und brachte in den Flieger.
Sam: Schaffst du das alleine?
Diana: Ja hilf den anderen. Ich komme hier irgendwie weg.
Dachte ich zumindest. Rumlow kam auf mich zu.
Rumlow: Na Prinzessin du dachtest doch nicht im ernst es wird so einfach sein oder?
Diana: Du widerst mich an. Entweder du lässt mich freiwillig durch oder ich muss dir weh tun.
Rumlow: Hast du ehrlich gedacht er wurde dich jemals lieben. Bis du ehrlich so naiv? Du warst immer nur seine Mission. Niemals mehr. Selbst die Entführung war er.
Diana: Wovon redest du schon wieder?
Ruhmlos: Er war der wenige, der dich damals Entführt hat und zu uns gebracht hat. Er sollte dich eigentlich umbringen. Aber doch stehst du hier vor mir und das Serum hat gewirkt. Du könntest eine perfekte Waffe für Hydra sein. Du könntest eine Führerin sein. Es ist noch nicht zu spät die Seiten zu wechseln.
Diana: Aso, wenn das so einfach ist.
Ruhmlos: Ehrlich?
Diana: Du kannst ehrlich nur von der Wand bis zur Tapete denken, obwohl das sogar schon zu übertrieben ist. Denkst du ehrlich ich wurde meine Familie für sowas wie euch verlassen und Verraten. Ihr seid Monster.
Ruhmlow: Das Monster, ist er.
Diana: Nein, ihr habt ihm die Wahl genommen und ihn dazu gezwungen. Aber ich werde für ihn Rache nehmen.
Ich ging auf ihn los. Ich musste irgendwie den Chip rein bekommen. Koste es was es wolle. Ich war stärker als er. Ich kannte auch die meisten seiner Kampfbewegungen. Sie wahren relativ lahm. Ich konnte die anderen nicht enttäuschen. Ich musste es schaffen. Es war ein sehr intensiver Kampf. Er verruchte mich abzuschießen. Ich war aber schneller. Durch seine Schüsse zersprang einer der Fenster im Boden. Es war meine Chance ihn los zu kriegen. Als er mich Angreifen wollte duckte ich mich und schupste ihn. Ich hätte nicht erwartet, dass er mich mitzieht. Im letzten Moment konnte ich jedoch noch die Kante packen und da nur runter wie er ins Wasser fiel. Ich zog mich mühsam hoch. Ich hotte ehrlich auf paar Schicken Nuggets verzichten können. Ich rannte und installierte den Chip. Als ich rüber zu dem Anderen Flieger guckte sah ich Steve und Muffin kämpfen. Steve wehrte sich nicht mal. Warum tat er das. Alles ging in Flammen auf. Er fiel ins Wasser. Ich stand immer noch in dem Flieger der langsam sich den Boden näherte und ich bereitete mich drauf rauszuspringen. Als ich raussprang knallte ich sehr gart auf den Boden. Sam Hälfte mir hoch.
Diana: Wo ist Steve und Nat?
Sam: Nat geht’s gut. Ich weiß nicht wo Steve ist.
Ich überlegte nicht lange und Sprang ins Wasser. Ich muss ich finden. Nach langer Suche, sah ich ihn am Strand liegen und ruft dort die Rettung. Er lebte. War aber Ohnmächtig. Im Krankenhaus angekommen wurde ich gezwungen mich abchecken zu lassen. Ich hatte keine kraft dagegen zu Protestieren. Die Krankenschwester brachte mich ins Zimmer von Steve. Er war schon wach.
Diana: Nach harte Landung gehabt?
Steve: Ich bin froh dir geht es gut.
Diana: Naja das kann ich von deinem Gesicht nicht behaupten. Es sieht ehrlich eklig aus. Sam lachte nur. Ich setzte mich zu Steve ans Bett und hielte seine Hand.
Diana: Steve was ist passiert?
Steve: Er war mit mir im Flieger. Wir kämpften gegeneinander. Ich glaube, dass du seine Schwäche bist. Ich sagte zu ihm, dass du ihn liebst. Er wollte mich fangen, bevor ich ins Wasser fiel. War aber zu langsam. Er rettete mich trotzdem. Er zog mich aus dem Wasser. Ich wollte, dass er bleibt, dass er bei dir bleibt. Er meinte nur, dass er zu gefährlich ist.
Diana: Weißt du wo er jetzt ist?
Steve: Er war verletzt. Vielleicht ist er wieder bei Hydra. Ich kann dir nicht sagen kleines. Tut mir leid.
Ich war froh aber auch wiederum traurig. Vielleicht hatte Rumlow recht und ich war nur sein nächstes Ziel, seine Mission. Als ich nach Hause wollte, traf ich auf Fury.
Fury: Bist du dir sicher du willst nach Hause fahren? Soll ich jemanden mit dir schicken?
Diana: Ich habe den Typen mächtig die Fresse poliert ich glaube so schnell werden sie mich nicht mehr angreifen.
Fury: Ich weiß. Dein Vater wird es zwar nicht mögen aber es ist mir relativ egal. Ich will dich bei den Avengers haben. Natürlich musst du viel trainieren um in Form zu kommen. Aber wir wurden so jemanden wie dich brauchen.
Diana: Aber S.H.I.E.L.D. gib es doch nicht mehr? Vor allem nicht, nachdem ihr die ganzen Informationen ins Internet veröffentlich habt.
Fury: Ja die gibt es nicht mehr aber Avengers wird es immer geben. Vor allem, weil die Menschen etwas brauchen an was sie glauben können. Also wurdest du dabei sein?
Diana: Wie könnte ich zu so einem Angebot nein sagen?
Fury: Gut du musst dich aber erstmal ausruhen. Es waren ehrlich harte Tage. Sicher du brauchst nichts?
Diana: Nein ich komme schon klar. Aber warte da wäre vielleicht doch noch was. Fury: Und zwar?
Diana: Ich brauche ein Auto. Ich bin genug gelaufen in den letzten Tagen.
Fury lachte nur und gab mir Schlüssel von einem der Wagen. Ich war mir nicht sicher, ob ich nach Hause fahren soll. Ich hatte da ein wenig Angst vor. Was wenn er da auf mich warten wurde? Ich fuhr zu Sara. Ich kam an und Atmet tief durch. Ich stieg aus. Das einzige was ich jetzt brauchte war eine Dusche und Klamotten. Die Röstung war auf Dauer unangenehm. Ich Klingelte und sie öffnete mir die Türe. Sie umarmte mich direkt. Ich habe sie vermisst.
Sara: Komm bitte rein. Geht es dir gut? Ich habe alles im Fernseher gesehen. Diana: Ja ich bin noch ganz.
Sara: Du musst mir alles erklären.
Diana: Ich glaube du hast mir erstmal etwas zu beichten.
Sara: Es tut mir leid. Ich wollte es dir früher erzählen, aber ich durfte es nicht. Wie hast du es rausgefunden?
Diana: Ich sah dich in dem Hauptquartier.
Sara: Ich bin nicht lange dabei gewesen. Ich sollte auf dich aufpassen aber dann wurden wir richtig befreundet und ich vergaß irgendwie die Mission. Ich habe dich durch meine Dummheit in Gefahr gebracht. Es tut mir leid.
Ich nahm sie in den Arm. Ich weiß wie sie sich fühlte. Dieses Gefühl kannte ich viel zu gut. Sara: Ruf deine Eltern an. Sie machen sich bestimmt sorgen.
Ich habe sie in dem ganzen Stress total vergessen. Ich Graf ans Telefon und rief sie an. Sie waren sehr besorgt aber ich konnte sie beruhigen. In der Zeit legte mir Sara Klamotten hin. Es war die richtige Entscheidung hierhin zu kommen. Ich telefonierte nicht lange mit meinen Eltern. Ich war total fertig.
Diana: Ich wurde schnell unter die Dusche hüpfen und danach dir alles erzählen. Ja?
Sara: Mach dir kein Stress, ich mache dir was zu essen erstmal. Ich kenne dei8ne Essgewohnheiten.
Die Dusche brannte an meiner Haut. Ich fing an zu weinen. Der ganze Stress, die ganzen ungeklärten Fragen. Ich hätte Steve verlieren können. Ich beruhigte mich schnell wieder. War das meine Bestimmung? Vielleicht war mein Leben bis jetzt deshalb so beschissen. Ich zog mich um und ging nach unten. Sara hatte Lasagne von gestern, die sie mir warm gemacht hat. Ich stopfte sie in mich rein.
Sara: Also?
Ich erzähle ihr alles was passiert ist. Sie guckte sehr oft sehr Überrascht und hatte ihr Augen weit geöffnet.
Sara: Also war der Typ, der mich nach Hause an jenem Abend gebracht hat der Winter Soldier? Und du dumme Nuss hast dich komplett in den verknallt?
Diana: Ich glaube die Königin von Fehlentscheidungen steht vor mir.
Wir lachten laut. Es war mal was Anderes. Wir machten uns was an und quatscht noch ein wenig. Ich schlief auf der Couch ein. Es war die erste Nacht die ich wieder komplett durchgeschlafen habe. Am Morgen entschieden wir auswärts zu Frühstücken. Die Zeitungen waren voll von dem gestrigen Ereignis und manche blicke trafen mich und starrten mich an.
Sara: Denkst du er sucht nach dir?
Diana: Ich glaube nicht. Ich meine Rumlow sagte es zwar nicht aber so wie es aussah war es seine Mission. Das erklärt es zumindest ein wenig.
Sara: Und was, wenn er sich wirklich in dich verliebt hat?
Diana: Ich vermute das werde ich niemals erfahren.
Egal wie sehr ich die Antworten wollte, nur er könnte es mir verraten. Aber ich wurde ihn nie wiedersehen. Ich meine er wird hier überall gesucht. Ich schrieb Steve eine Nachricht, dass ich mit Sara bin. Ich wollte nicht, dass er sich Sorgen macht. Wir hielten bisschen Smalltalk um von dem Thema abzukommen. Es war nämlich nicht gesund dauerhaft darüber zu reden.
Diana: Sollen wir vielleicht etwas shoppen gehen? Sara: Das klingt fantastisch.
Ich liebe shoppen. Ich meine welche Frau liebte es nicht. Ich kaufte mir paar neue Kleider und Passende Schuhe dazu. Ich vergiss die Zeit komplett. Es tat gut mal abzuschalten und einfach nicht zu denken. Wir gingen noch abschließend zu Starbucks. Ich fand den Laden zwar überteuert aber ab und zu kann man dahin. Wir tranken zu Ende und wollten gehen, als uns jemand ansprach.
Hallo, sie sind mir vom weiten schon sehr aufgefallen und ich wollte fragen, ob sie mit mir vielleicht mal auf einen Kaffee gehen wollen wurden? Sagte der Mann nett. Als ob ich nicht genug Männer Probleme in meinem Leben hätte.
Diana: Es ist sehr lieb aber ich bin zurzeit nicht wirklich an etwas interessiert. Also nicht, dass sie irgendwie nicht mein Typ wären oder ich sie Körben möchte, es ist einfach zurzeit bei mir sehr schwierig.
Oh, ja kein Problem ich kann es sehr gut nachvollziehen. Ich wünsche ihnen noch einen angenehmen tag.
Diana: Danke gleichfalls.
Er war so schnell weg wie er gekommen ist. Ich bekam einen Schlag auf den Hinterkopf. Diana. Aua spinnst du?
Sara: Die Frage ist ob du spinnst? Der Typ war total süß. Warum hast du dich nicht drauf eingelassen?
Diana: Wollen wir etwa vergessen was passiert ist als ich mich das letzte Mal auf jemanden fremden eingelassen habe? Und außerdem habe ich wirklich zurzeit kein Intere4sse.
Sara: So eine Lüge. Ich kenne dich mittlerweile sehr gut und weiß, dass du an ihn dauerhaft denkst.
Diana: Es spielt doch keine Rolle ob ich an ihn denke oder nicht. In meinem Leben geht grade so viel ab, dass ich erstmal klarkommen muss.
Sara: Du musst dich mal fallen lassen. Sollen wir dann mal.
Ich fuhr sie noch nach Hause. Meine Rüstung habe ich heute Morgen schon ins Auto gepackt.
Sara: Danke für den Tag. Ich habe es echt vermisst mit dir was zu unternehmen. Diana: Kann ich nur zurückgeben.
Ich fuhr langsam nach Hause, entschied mich aber davor noch in die Bücherei zu fahren, mir neue Bücher zu kaufen. Es war ja nicht so, als ob ich genug Bücher zuhause hatte. Ich entschied mich für ein ganzes halbes Jahr und Trust Again. Ich liebe Bücher. Manchmal beschrieben sie am besten meine Gefühle. An der Kasse traf ich an Sharon. Ich konnte sie irgendwie nicht leiden aber bevor ich mich verstecken konnte hat sie mich schon gesehen und ging auf mich zu.
Sharon: Du auch hier?
Diana: Ja. Hab dich hier noch nie gesehen.
Sharon: Ich zog kurz vor Steve in die Wohnung ein. Hab den Laden erst vor kurzem Entdeckt.
Ich glaubte ihr nicht. Sie sah nicht wie ein Mensch aus, der ansatzweise Bücher liest.
Diana: Ich wurde liebend gern weiter mit dir quatschen aber ich muss nach Hause.
Sharon: Alles gut, geht es dir seit der Mission gut?
Diana: Ich bin ein wenig angeschlagen aber sonst ist alles in Ordnung. Ich bin dann mal weg.
Bevor sie weiteres sagen konnte mache ich mich auf dem Weg ins Auto. Ich hatte nicht weit bis nach Hause. Im Parkhaus angekommen Atmete ich nochmal tief durch. Ich entschied mich die Treppen zu gehen, ich wollte nicht gesehen werden. Das Treppenhaus war mal wieder dunkel. Es kümmerte sich keiner, die Glühbirnen mal auszutauschen. Ich beeilte mich
nicht und ging langsam nach oben. Als ich die Türe auf meiner Etage aufmachte fiel mir auf, dass auf der Türklinge Blut ist. Es waren auf dem Boden tropfen zu sehen, die zu meiner Wohnung führten. Die Türe war leicht auf. Ich ging langsam und leise rein, mein Atem stockte und ich erstarrte, als ich die Türe öffnete.
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LGBTQ+ Books for the 2018-2019 School Year
By Sara Schmidt-Kost
The start of the new school year is upon us, and as such, it’s a good time for educators, families, and students to update their libraries with both fiction and non-fiction books. It is so important to keep our classroom libraries stocked with all types of diverse books to give our students the opportunity to see themselves and their families in the stories that they read. So if you’re a teacher gearing up for the school year ahead, I hope you consider adding any and all of these to your classroom bookshelves!
Elementary Fiction - Reading Level Pre-K - 5
Heather Has Two Mommies A classic children’s book about a young girl with two moms.
And Tango Makes Three Another classic children’s book about two male penguins who adopt an orphaned baby penguin.
Red: A Crayon’s Story A story about a blue crayon with a red wrapper that doesn’t know what it should be.
King and King A book about a Prince who decides he’s not interested in marrying a Princess, but instead longs for another Prince to marry.
Worm Loves Worm A children’s book about two genderless worms who decide to get married, but who will wear the tux and who will wear the dress?
I Am Jazz A children’s book about a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings, who helped write the book.
George A chapter book about a transgender child who dreams of playing a girl in the school play. (Read our own review of it here!)
The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher A chapter book about a family with two dads, and four adopted sons, each with their own interests, and a school year of hilarious and unexpected adventures.
Secondary Fiction - Reading Level 6 - 12+
These three are classic stories of coming out and teenage love for lesbian and bisexual women.
Empress of the World
Annie on My Mind
Keeping You a Secret
These three books are stories of coming out and teenage love for gay men.
Will Grayson Will Grayson
Rainbow Boys
Boy Meets Boy
These three books are about trans or gender non-conforming teenagers.
I Am J
Non-Fiction for Students
Who Are You? The Kid’s Guide to Gender Identity Drawn like a story book, this non-fiction book helps younger children understand gender identity and expression.
Pride: The Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag This book chronicles the true story of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in the United States, and Gilbert Baker, the designer of the pride flag.
Gay & Lesbian History for Kids: The Century-Long Struggle for LGBT Rights An easy-to-read textbook-style history book for kids about LGBT history with pictures and activities.
Queer: A Graphic History This non-fiction graphic novel chronicles queer theory and history in an engaging way for older students.
Queer, There, and Everywhere An illustrated collection of profiles of queer historical figures for middle to high school readers.
Being Jazz: My Life as a Transgender Teen The memoir of Jazz Jennings, YouTuber and trans teen.
Non-Fiction for Educators
One Teacher in Ten A collection of short stories by and for LGBTQ+ Teachers.
A Queer History of the United States A must-read to understand the history of queer people in the United States, and why it hasn’t been included in textbooks and taught in history class.
School’s Out: Gay and Lesbian Teachers in the Classroom This book explores how queer teachers struggle to reconcile their classroom persona and their personal identities.
We hope you have an exciting school year ahead!!
Sara Schmidt-Kost is an out, queer teacher in Minneapolis, MN. She spent five years as a leader in the LGBT student organizations at St. Cloud State University where she completed her undergrad in Secondary Social Studies Education. Sara currently leads the after-school GSA at the high school where she teaches, and she is thankful for the opportunity to support her students as they grow into amazing adults. Sara has also created workshops on LGBT Issues in Schools and LGBT Curriculum in Social Studies and has presented these workshops to groups of Social Studies teachers, other educators, and students alike.
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Norikateatro’s Audio List! 💙
As of: January 6th, 2019 😄!
Please message me if you want a bootleg! Do not comment *If you want to trade with me that’ll be really cool!
Wicked: Chicago January 06, 2008 - Dan'yelle Williamson (Elphaba u/s); Kate Fahrner (Glinda u/s); Michael Seelbach (Fiyero); Peter Kevoian (The Wizard); K. Todd Freeman (Doctor Dillamond); Barbara Robertson (Madame Morrible); Summer Naomi Scott (Nessarose); Stanton Nash (Boq)
Wicked 9 September 2008, 1NT Cast: Carmen Cusack (Elphaba), Katie Rose Clark (G(a)linda), Christopher Russo (u/s The Witch’s Father), Deedee Magno Hall (Nessa), Brad Weinstock (Boq), Myra Lucretia Taylor (Madame Morrible), Paul Slade Smith (u/s The Wizard), Clifton Hall (Fiyero)
Wicked: San Francisco March 06, 2010 - Eden Espinosa (Elphaba); Libby Servais (Glinda s/b); D.J. Gregory (Fiyero u/s); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Paul Slade Smith (Doctor Dillamond); Jody Gelb (Madame Morrible); Deedee Magno Hall (Nessarose); Etai BenShlomo (Boq)
Wicked Broadway: March 3, 2013 Cast: Willemijn Verkaik (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Randy Danson (Madame Morrible), Adam Grupper (The Wizard), Catherin Charlebois (Nessarose), F. Michael Haynie (Boq), Tom Flynn (Dr Dillamond)
Wicked: Broadway February 22, 2014 (Lindsay Mendez & Alli Mauzey’s Final Show) Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba), Alli Mauzey (Glinda), Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero), Carol Kane (Madame Morrible), Tom McGowan (Wizard), Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose), Michael Wartella (Boq), Note: Lindsay, Alli, Kyle & Tom’s last performance.
Wicked Mexico-June 20, 2014 Elenco: Viviana Barrera (u/s Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Paco Morales (El Maravilloso Mago de Oz), Anahí Allué (Srita. Morrida), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa), Sebastián Treviño (u/s Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Emanuel Gáitan (Chistery). Viviana's first performance as Elphaba.
Wicked: London June 23, 2014 Cast: Emma Hatton (s/b Elphaba), Sophie Linder-Lee (s/b Glinda), Jeremy Taylor (Fiyero), Philippa Buxton (u/s Nessarose), Sam Lupton (Boq), Sue Kelvin (Madame Morrible), Martyn Ellis (The Wizard), Paul Clarkson (Dr. Dillamond).
Wicked: Broadway January 27, 2015 Caroline Bowman (Elphaba), Kara Lindsay (Glinda), Matt Shingledecker (Fiyero), Tom McGowan (The Wizard), Kathy Fitzgerald (Madame Morrible), Alicia L. Albright (Nessarose u/s), Robin de Jesus (Boq)
The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Broadway March 14th, 1975 (Soundboard) Cast: Bill Miller (Brad Majors), Abigale Haness (Janet Weiss), Graham Jarvis (Narrator), Richard O'Brien (Riff Raff), Tim Curry (Dr. Frank-N-Furter), Jamie Donnelly (Magenta), Boni Enten (Columbia), Kim Milford (Rocky), Meat Loaf (Eddie/Dr. Scott) Notes: This is a live recording made on March 14th, 1975 of the (very short-lived) Rocky Horror Show's original run at the Belasco Theatre on Broadway.
Cats London November 8th, 1995 Cast: Admetus/Macavity: Richard Armitage, Alonzo: Nunzio Lombardo, Bill Bailey: Daniel Crossley, Bombalurina: Vanessa Leagh-Hicks, Bustopher/Gus: Tony Timberlake, Carbucketty: Sandy Rass, Cassandra: Deborah Shrimpton, Coricopat: David Olton, Demeter: Michele Hooper, Electra: Nicola Lee-Owens, Etcetera: Charlotte Peck, George/Rumpus: Steven Wayne, Grizabella: Clare Burt, Jellylorum: Carrie Ellis, Jemima: Kimberly Partridge. Jennyanydots: Beth Robson (u/s), Mistoffelees: Thomas Paton, Mungojerrie: Ian Meeson, Munkustrap: Andrew Halliday, Old Deuteronomy: Graeme Lauren (s/b), Rumpleteazer: Vikki Coote, Rum Tum Tugger: John Partridge, Skimbleshanks: Tommi Sliiden (u/s), Tantomile: Tee Soo-Chan, Victor: John Stacey, Victoria: Sandra Kater
Chicago: Broadway - 1975 8 Aug Cast-Liza Minelli (special temp. replacement - Roxie Hart), Chita Rivera (Velma Kelly), Jerry Orbach (Billy Flynn), Mary McCarty (Mama Morton), Barney Martin (Amos Hart)
Cats 15 July 1998, Hamburg Cast: John Partridge (Munkustrap), Kristin Hölck (Grizabella), Stephan Drakulich (Old Deuteronomy), Ray Strachan (Rum Tum Tugger), Damian Kacperski (Mr. Mistoffelees), Lachlan Youngberg (Bustopher Mürr), Tanya Christensen (Gumbie Katz’), Marco Krämer (Skimbleshanks), Virginia Lilly (Rumpleteazer), Livio Salvi (Mungojerrie)
Cats London: December 27th, 2014
Cats: Broadway September 24th, 2016 Cast: Leona Lewis (Grizabella), Tyler Hanes (Rum Tum Tugger), Ricky Ubeda (Mistoffelees), Nathan Patrick Morgan (Old Deuteronomy u/s), Eloise Kropp (Jennyanydots), Callan Bergmann (Carbucketty u/s), Jeremy Davis (Skimbleshanks), Kim Faure (Demeter), Sara Jean Ford (Jellylorum), Lili Froehlich (Electra), Daniel Gaymon (Macavity), Francesca Granell (Rumpleteazer u/s), Christopher Gurr (Gus/Bustopher Jones), Andy Huntington Jones (Munkustrap), Kolton Krouse (Tumblebrutus), Jess Le Protto (Mungojerrie), Georgina Pazcougin (Victoria), Claire Camp (Cassandra u/s), Arianna Rosario (SIllabub), Ahmad Smmons (Alonzo), Christine Cornish Smith (Bombalurina), Corey Snide (Coricopat), Emily Tate (Tantomile), Sharrod Wiliams (Pouncival)
Cats (1989 Original French Cast Recording)
Cats (1991 Original Mexican Cast Recording)
Cabaret - Signature Theatre Washington DC - Date Unknown Cast: Wesley Taylor (Emcee), Barret Wilbert Weed (Sally), Gregory Woodell (Cliff), Rick Foucheux (Herr Schultz), Naomi Jacobson (Fraulein Schneider), Bobby Smith (Ernst), Maria Rizzo (Fraulein Kost)
Carousel: 2018 Broadway Revival January 28th, 2018 (1st Preview) Cast: Joshua Henry as Billy Bigelow, Jessie Mueller as Julie Jordan, Lindsay Mendez as Carrie Pipperidge, Renée Fleming as Nettie Fowler, Alexander Gemignani as Enoch Snow, Amar Ramasar as Jigger, John Douglas Thompson as the Starkeeper, and Brittany Pollock as Louise
Dear Evan Hansen: Broadway - May 15, 2018 Cast: Taylor Trensch (Evan Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe), Will Roland (Jared), Phoenix Best (Alana), Alex Boniello (Connor), Rachel Bay Jones (Heidi), Michael Park (Larry), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia) Notes: Alex's first show as Connor.
El Hombre de La Mancha (1969 Original Mexican Cast Recording)
El Hombre de La Mancha (2017 Mexican Revival Cast Recording)
Little Shop Of Horrors: Broadway | September 16, 2003 DeQuina Moore (Chiffon), Trisha Jeffrey (Crystal), Carla J. Hargrove (Ronnette), Rob Bartlett (Mushnik), Kerry Butler (Audrey), Hunter Foster (Seymour), Michael-Leon Wooley (voice of Audrey II)
Into the Woods National Tour (Fiasco Theater Production) 4/11/17 Ahmanson Theatre, Los Angeles Eleasha Gamble (Baker's Wife), Anthony Chatmon II (Lucinda/Wolf/Cinderella's Prince), Fred Rose (Mysterious Man), Darick Pead (Rapunzel's Prince/Florinda/Milky White), Bonne Kramer (Cinderella's Stepmother/Jack's Mother), Laurie Veldheer (Cinderella/Granny), Stephanie Umoh (The Witch), Patrick Mulryan (Jack/Steward), Evan Harrington (Baker), Lisa Helmi Johanson (Little Red Ridinghood/Rapunzel). *Includes BC/EFA Speech by Patrick Mulryan.
Wicked (2016 Original Mexican Cast Recording)This was released by the official Mexican Page on Youtube. It’s a Soundboard recording of Wicked México. Sound is crystal clear, some of the songs have dialogue. Cast: Ana Cecilia Anzaldúa (Elphaba), Cecilia de la Cueva (Glinda), Jorge Lau (Fiyero), Marisol Meneses (Nessarosa). Adam Sadwing (Boq), Beto Torres (Dr. Dillamond), Anahí Allué (Senorita. Mórrida), Paco Morales (El Mago de Oz), Beto Díaz (Frexspar/ El Padre de Elphaba), Lizeth Navarro (Melena/ La Madre de Elphaba). Alicia Paola Sanchez (La Partera)
Wicked - 2016.08.18 - International Tour Cast: Jodie Steele (Elphaba s/b), Elizabeth Futter (Glinda u/s), Steven Pinder (The Wizard/Dr. Dillamond), Bradley Jaden (Fiyero), Kim Ismay (Madame Morrible), Emily Shaw (Nessarose), Iddon Jones (Boq) notes: This was Elizabeth’s first show as Glinda!
On Your Feet: Broadway April 1st, 2017 (Evening) Ana Villafañe (Gloria), Ektor Rivera (Emilio), Yassmin Alers (Gloria Fajardo u), Alma Cuervo (Consuelo), Amaris Sanchez (Little Gloria), Eduardo Hernadez (Young Emilio and others), Eliseo Roman (José Fajardo), Genny Lis Padilla (Rebecca) My Master: This show was great but there was a very drunk lady sitting next to me, she belted some of the lyrics to the songs!
A Chorus Line: Westchester Broadway Theatre February 3rd, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Drew Carr (Mike), Tiffany Chalothorn (Connie), Erika Conaway (Tricia), Joseph Cullinane (Greg), Kevin Curtis (Richie), Emma Degerstedt (Val), Brian Dillon (Larry), David Elder (Zach), Tim Fuchs (Al), Danielle Marie Gonzalez (Vicki), David Grindrod (Roy), Michael John Hughes (Paul), Tyler Jimenez (Don), Emily Kelly (Maggie), Ashley Klinger Kristine), Joey Lucherini (Frank), Erica Mansfield (Cassie), Alexandra Matteo (Diana), Logan Mortier (Bobby), PJ Palmer (Mark), Lauren Sprague (Sheila), Kelsey Walston (Bebe), Caitlin Wilayton (Judy) My Master: This performance was wonderful, it had no intermission.
Avenue Q 1999 Demos
Anastasia: Broadway July 21, 2017 ( 8:00 PM) cast: Christy Altomare (Anya), Derek Klena (Dmitry), Mary Beth Peil (Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna), Ramin Karimloo (Gleb), John Bolton (Vlad Popov), Caroline O'Connor (Lily), Kathryn Boswell (Countess Gregory swing) My Master
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Broadway November 11th, 2017 (Evening) Cast: Christian Borle (Willy Wonka), Ryan Foust (Charlie Bucket), Kyle Taylor Parker (Mrs. Green), John Rubinstein (Grandpa Joe), Emily Padgett (Mrs. Bucket), Kristy Cates (Grandma Josephine), Madeleine Doherty (Grandma Georgina), Paul Slade Smith (Grandpa George), Mikey Winslow( Jerry u), Stephanie Gibson (Cherry), Kathy Fitzgerald (Mrs. Gloop), F. Michael Haynie (Augustus Gloop), Jared Bradslaw (Mr. Salt u), Emma Pfaeffle (Veruca Salt), Mr. Beauregarde (Alan H. Green), Violet Beauregarde (Trista Dollison), Michael Wartella (Mike TeaVee), Jackie Hoffman (Mrs. Teavee) (My Master)
Miss Saigon: Broadway January 14th, 2018 Cast: Eva Noblezada (Kim), Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Dorcas Leung (Gigi) (Final Show)
Mary Poppins: (2012 Mexican Cast Recording) Bianca Marroquin (Mary Poppins), Mauricio Salas (Bert), Catalina Farias (Winifred Banks), Paco Morales (George Banks), Daniela Meneses [?] (Jane Banks), Sebastián Gallegos[?] (Michael Banks) Andrés Elvira (Valentin), Mariano Bucio (Neleus), Alm Cristal (Mrs. Brill), Andrés Sáez (Robertson Ay), Laura Cortés (Ms. Andrew & Bird Woman), Sergio Carranza (Almirante Boom), Paloma Cordero (Mrs. Corry), Natalia Saltiel (Mrs. Lark), Vince Miranda, Eden Pintos, Marcela Nava, Alma Escudero, Yolanda Campos, Majo Perez, Julieta Martínez, Eduardo Ibarra, Carlos Pulido, Omar Rodríguez, Alexo Fergo, Antonio Mariscal, Alicia Paola Sánchez, Jose Sampedro, Kim Yañez, Raymundo Montoya, Óscar Hernández, Roberto Hernández, Cecilia Arias, Mariano Villarello, Marcia Peña, Ruben Plascencia, Lolo Jiménez. *Songs only. This was recorded from the soundboard from various dates throughout the run.
Once on this Island: Broadway Revival January 22nd, 2018 Cast: Hailey Kilgore (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Tamyra Gray (Papa Ge), Lea Salonga (Erzulie), Norm Lewis (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), T Oliver Reid (u/s Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Alysha Deslorieux (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), Tyler Hardwick (u/s Beauxhommes/Storyteller).
Frozen: Broadway March 4th, 2018- Cast: Alyssa Fox (s/b Elsa), Patti Murin, John Riddle, Jelani Alladin, Andrew Pirozzi, Greg HIldreth, Audrey Bennett, Brooklyn Nelson, Ann Sanders, James Brown III, Timothy Hughes, Olivia Phillip, Robert Creighton, Kevin Del Aguila Notes: Alyssa Fox’s debut as Elsa
Chicago Broadway: April 1st, 2018 (Evening) Cast: Amra-Faye Wright (Velma), Charlotte d’ Amboise (Roxie), Brian O’ Brien (Fred Casey) , Evan Harrington (Amos) , Katie Mitchell (Liz), Pilar Millhollen (Annie), Donna Marie Asbury (June), Beth Johnson Nicely (Hunyak u/s), Angel Reda (Mona), Valerie Simpson (Matron “Mama” Morton), Chaz Lamar Shepherd (Billy Flynn), R. Lowe (Mary Sunshine), Jessica Ernest (Go-To-Hell Kitty) My Master: Act 1 only (Ends towards the middle of Cell Block Tango)
Kinky Boots: Broadway April 28th, 2018 Cast: Charlie Price (David Cook), Blaine Alden Krauss (Lola u), Cooper Lantz (Young Charlie), Jesús del Orden (Young Lola), Stephen Berger (Mr. Price), Eugene Barry-Hill (Simon Sr), Caroline Bowman (Nicola), Marcus Neville (George), Daniel Stewart Sherman (Don), Kirstin Maldonado (Lauren), Natalie Joy Johnson (Pat), Jake Odmark (Harry), Jennifer Perry (Trish), Ciarán Mccarthy (Richard Bailey), Adinah Alexander (Milan Stage Manager), Kevin Smith Kirkwood, Alfred Dalpino (u/s), Fred Odgaard, Kyle Post, Charlie Sutton, and Joey Taranto (Angels) My Master: Ciarán Mccarthy’s Broadway debut!
Mean Girls: Broadway 6/17/2018 Cast: Erika Henningsen (Cady Heron), Becca Petersen (u/s Regina George), Ashley Park (Gretchen Wieners), Kate Rockwell (Karen Smith), Barrett Wilbert Weed (Janis Sarkisian), Grey Henson (Damian Hubbard), Kerry Butler (Mrs. Heron/Ms. Norbury/Mrs. George), Rick Younger (Mr. Duvall), Kyle Selig (Aaron Samuels), Cheech Manohar (Kevin Gnapoor), Iain Young (u/s Mr Heron) Notes: Becca's Regina George debut
Moulin Rouge: Boston Tryouts July 24th, 2018- Cast: Aaron Tveit (Christian), Karen Olivo (Satine), Danny Burstein (Harold Zidler), Sahr Ngaujah (Toulouse-Lautrec), Tam Mutu (Duke of Monroth), Ricky Rojas (Santiago), Robyn Hurder (Nini) Notes: Act I is pretty much the same but Act II has some changes. "Roxanne is now far more manic and powerful, Crazy/Rolling in the Deep has a much more desperate feel which makes the pain Christian and Satine feel much more obvious, and Come What May is restored in part to Satine's death scene."
Be More Chill-August 2, 2018 (Off Broadway) Will Roland (Jeremy Heere), George Salazar (Michael Mell), Stephanie Hsu (Christine Canigula), Jason Tam (The SQUIP), Katlyn Carlson (Chloe Valentine), Lauren Marcus (Brooke Lohst), Gerard Canonico (Rich Goranski), Tiffany Mann (Jenna Rolan), Britton Smith (Jake Dillinger), Jason "SweetTooth" Williams (Mr. Heere/Mr. Reyes/Scary Stock Boy)
Once on this Island: Broadway Revival August 18th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast: Lauren Lott (Ti Moune), Isaac Powell (Daniel), Merle Dandridge (Papa Ge) Darlesia Cearcy (Erzulie), Quentin Earl Darrington (Agwe), Alex Newell (Asaka), Kenita R. Miller (Mama Euralie), Boise Holmes ( Tonton Julian), Mia Williamson (Little Girl), Anna Uzele (Andrea/Storyteller), David Jennings (Armand/Storyteller), and Daniel Yearwood ( Beauxhommes/Storyteller) My Master Notes: This was such an incredible show, I cried a lot!
Wicked - Broadway December 1st, 2018 Cast: Jessica Vosk (Elphaba), Amanda Jane Cooper (Glinda), Ryan Mccartan (Fiyero), Jye Frasca (Boq), Kristen Martin (Nessarose), Nancy Opel (Madame Morrible), Kevin Chamberlin (The Wizard), Jamie Jackson (Dr. Dillamond), Michael Di Liberto (u/s Witch’s Father/Ozian Official), Lindsay Janisse (Witch’s Mother), Kathy Santen (Midwife), Dominic Giudici (Chistery), Ioana Alfonso, Larkin Bogan, Teneise Mitchell Ellis, Dominic Giudici, Dan Gleason, Josh Daniel Green, Jeff Heimbrock, Manuel I. Herrera, Courtney Iventosch, Lindsay Janisse, Britney Johnson, Katie Ladner, Marissa Lupp, Matt Meigs, Dashi Mitchell, Lindsay K. Northen, Jonathan Ritter, William Ryall, Kathy Santen, Hannah Shankman, Travis Taber, Jeremy Thompson (Monkeys, students, Denizens of the Emerald City, Palace Guards and Other Citizens of Oz) User: dnc445 on Reddit’s Master
Dear Evan Hansen - Broadway December 12, 2018 Cast: Roman Banks (u/s Evan), Lisa Brescia (Heidi Hansen), Mallory Bechtel (Zoe Murphy), Sky Lakota-Lynch (Jared Kleinman), Phoenix Best (Alana Beck), Alex Boniello (Connor Murphy), Garrett Long (u/s Cynthia Murphy), Michael Park (Larry Murphy) Roman Banks First Performance
King Kong Broadway: December 13th, 2018- 2:00 PM Cast: Christiani Pitts (Ann Darrow), Eric William Morris (Carl Denham), Erik Lochtefeld (Lumpy), Rory Donovan (Captain Englehorn), Harley Jay (Barman), Casey Garvin (Fake Carl), John Hoche (Voice of Kong ) My Master: This show was really fun! James Retter Duncan (swing) and Nick Rashad Burroughs’ first show!
Instrumentals: A Chorus Line US Tour Pit Tracks
Cats Instrumental Tracks (Mortifer) A lot of the tracks are synthesized, sounds like someone took a lot of karaoke tracks and put them together with orchestra but they’re some great tracks.
Cats Mexico 1991 Orchestra Tracks (Teatro Silvia Pinal)
The Wizard of Oz Orchestra Tracks (RSC’ 1981)
Les Mis US Tour Orchestra Tracks
Wicked Orchestra Tracks Notes: This album is given to cast members when they first get cast in the show. People say this orchestration is the First National Tour one but it really isn’t, it sounds much more like the LA orchestrations. Perfect quality, includes every musical interlude, underscore, song, etc.
Audio Wants: Audio of the current touring cast of Wicked, Any Cats Orchestra Tracks. Anything with Wicked, Cats México or Argentina, Dear Evan Hansen, Waitress, Once on this Island, The Wizard of Oz, and anything I don’t have!
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Volgend seizoen in Theater De Leest IN HET GENRE 'CABARET' Elke week gedurende de zomerperiode lichten wij een (of meerdere) genre(s) uit. Zo krijgt u een goed beeld van wat voor moois er allemaal komt volgend seizoen én hoeft u ons niet te missen in de zomer. Twee vliegen in één klap dus! Deze week lichten wij het genre cabaret voor u uit. Dit is slechts een greep uit de voorstellingen in dit genre. Bekijk alle cabaretvoorstellingen op www.deleest.nl Wij hopen u te zien bij een of meerdere voorstellingen komend seizoen! O.A. TE ZIEN KOMEND SEIZOEN Max van den Burg - Paasbest vr 27 sep - 20.30 uur In zijn jubileumshow ‘PAASBEST’ laat Max van den Burg u alle hoeken van het podium zien. Goed gekleed en met een ruikertje op huppelt hij vrolijk door tien jaar cabaretgeschiedenis en komen in sneltreinvaart (goed) foute types, kleurrijke verhalen en gekke muziekjes voorbij. Dynamisch, fantasievol en muzikaal, maar bovenal hilarisch. Dolf Jansen - Oudejaars 2019 wo 30 okt - 20.15 uur Op de poster ziet de nietsvermoedende theaterbezoeker een hoop vrolijkheid. En inderdaad, dit is de dertigste ‘Oudejaars’ die Dolf Jansen speelt. Maar in plaats van een feestelijke avond in Ziggo Dome of een eerbetoon in Carré, speelt hij tachtig keer in het hele land. Met veel energie fileert hij dit jaar en niks of niemand blijft gespaard. Showponies 2 - De Alex Klaasen Revue wo 20 nov - 20.15 uur ‘De Alex Klaasen Revue - Showponies’ was een waanzinnig succes. Alle reden voor een spetterend vervolg, een rollercoaster van humor, slapstick, (zelf)spot, verkleedpartijen, dubbele bodems, jurken, pruiken en opgewonden hobbelpaarden. Urbanus - LIJ KNER GE SOP do 14 & za 16 mei - 20.15 uur Na drie jaar toeren met een luidruchtig rockbandje langs zomerfestivals kreeg Urbanus weer zin in de knusheid van het theater. In de gloednieuwe show ‘LIJ KNER GE SOP’ wisselt de Vlaamse komiek als vanouds absurde verhalen, grove leugens en gênante situaties af met broze of kinderlijk naïeve liedjes. Serie Cabaret Geniet met 30% korting van deze jonge getalenteerde cabaretiers: Arnout van den Bossche, Zoutmus, Kasper van der Laan, Janneke de Bijl en Oldenhermanns. Allemaal voor het eerst 'op de planken' in De Leest en stuk voor stuk topper! De totale serie kost € 60,73 (i.p.v. € 86,75). Meer info >> Let op: In verband met de zomerperiode is de Theaterkassa gesloten. Vanaf maandag 2 september is de Theaterkassa weer dagelijks (ma-vr) geopend.
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Imajinasiku kali ini mungkin sedikit dewasa, tapi ya inilah yang ada di benakku. Selamat menikmati, apapun yang kau nikmati!
Saat yang ku tunggu-tunggu pun tiba, berkenalan dengan sosok lelaki yang sebelumnya hanya bisa ku kagumi dari kejauhan. Jaka, seorang lelaki yang sungguh memesona dan memikat hati.
Terhitung tiga bulan aku mengaguminya, dan baru setelah waktu itulah aku menemukannya di sebuah sosial media. Hari demi hari ku pantau kesehariannya, tanpa berani mengirim sedikit pun pesan kepadanya.
Setelah satu minggu, aku pun tak kuasa untuk tidak mengirimkan nya sebuah pesan. Dimulailah petualanganku.
Banyak hal yang kita perbincangkan lewat pesan-pesan singkat itu. Hingga pada suatu hari, Jaka mengajakku untuk berkencan, "Saras, jalan yuk?" Tanpa pikir panjang, akupun langsung mengiyakan ajakan nya!
Hari ini adalah hari yang sangat ku tunggu, kali pertama aku berkencan dengan lelaki yang sudah cukup lama ku kagumi.
Kami berencana tuk menonton film di rumah persinggahan nya di bawah kaki sebuah gunung. Namun sebelum itu, kami menuju tempat kost rekan nya dengan tujuan menambah energi laptopku, karena di rumah persinggahan nya itu tidak ada listrik.
Sampailah kami di tempat kost. Kata demi kata terlontar, dilanjutkan dengan cerita hidup yang saling kita berikan, ditemani sebotol minuman yang membuat semakin hangatnya malam itu.
Rumah persinggahan itu cukup nyaman. Hanya saja butuh lebih banyak peneranangan untuk membuat rumah itu semakin nyaman.
Diputarlah sebuah film, masih dengan ditemani sebotol penghangat. Hingga kesadaranku pun perlahan menghilang... "Udah, gak kuat" aku berkata.
Setengah sadar aku pun bercumbu dengannya, hanyut dalam kenikmatan. Namun kemudian.. "Ahhhh, apa yang dia lakukan?" Hatiku berkata. Setengah dari alam sadarku merasa ada sesuatu yang menusuk ke dalam kewanitaanku, "Ohhhh, tidak! Tolong jangan renggut keperawananku!" Entah terucap atau tidak kalimat itu.
Cahaya matahari pagi itu bersinar tepat ke arah wajah kami. Ya, kami yang sedang bercumbu di pagi hari. Kelopak mataku terangkat dan seketika aku menyaksikan senyuman indah yang tersinggung di bibir nya.
Namun... "Kenapa kewanitaanku terasa sakit sekali?" Seketika itu sebuah bayangan menghantui pikiranku! "Mimpi kah aku semalam melakukan kebusukan itu? Atau....." aku langsung bergegas merapikan pakaianku dan beranjak, "Mau ke mana kamu?" Ia pun terkejut dan bertanya. "Hmm, aku mau ke toilet."
Saat ku buka pakaian dalamku, betapa terkejutnya aku melihat pemandangan berdarah di sana! "Oh Tuhan, apa yang dia lakukan?" Aku begitu panik dan marah.
Dengan kemunafikan, aku bertanya padanya "Semalem kita ngapain?" Dan dengan terkejut ia pun menjawab "Hah? Gak ngapain2 koo, kita tidur." Sambil merubah raut wajah menjadi memohon, aku pun menjawab "Hmm aku ngerasain ko, gak usah takut, aku menikmatinya hihi". Wajahnya pun kembali sumringah "Heheheh iyaa, maaf ya.", aku hanya tersenyum dan berkata "Lagi yuk, aku ingin merasakannya dengan penuh kesadaran hehe"
Kami pun kembali bercumbu, sambil tangan nya tak henti-henti meraba sekujur tubuhku. Desahan demi desahan terlontar dari masing-masing kami. Ahhhh, dia mulai menggerayami kewanitaanku. Tak ingin kalah, tanganku pun mulai ku selipkan pada celana pendek yang ia kenakan.
Bibirnya dan bibirku terus berpagut, sambil tangan kami tak berhenti memberikan kenikmatan satu sama lain pada area intim. Tiba saatnya ia meminta kesempurnaan kenikmatan. Aku pun berkata "Aku di atas yaa". "Saatnya telah tiba!" Batinku berkata.
"Ahhhhh" kata itu terus terlontar dari mulut nya hingga matanya tertutup rapat, terbuai dalam kenikmatan. "Dia telah tenggelam dalam kenikmatan, ini saatnya!" Batinku berkata.
Perlahan ku tarik pisau lipatku dari saku belakang celanaku, aku ayunkan dan mendarat tepat pada leher sebelah kirinya dengan pendaratan yang panjang! "A..a..." desahannya berubah menjadi sebuah penderitaan, tangan nya refleks menahan alur keluar darah.
Aku cabut pisauku dari lehernya, lalu aku buat pisauku menari di dada nya, "Hahahaha nikmat bukan mengambil keperawanan seorang perempuan suci?" Aku goreskan tinta merah di dadanya dengan bentuk abstrak. Tak puas dengan hal itu, aku tarik pisau itu ke bagian perutnya. Aku tusukan sedalam yang ku mampu, lalu aku membuat bentuk lingkaran di perut nya.
Ahhhh indah bukan? Aku tarik daging perut nya, dan terlihatlah isi dari perutnya dengan genangan darah yang menggoda. Usus. Hal pertama yang ku incar. Aku tarik ususnya keluar, aku potong-potong layaknya sosis. Ahhhh nikmat sekali perlakuan ini.
Setelah puas dengan perut nya, aku pun beralih ke kepala nya. Sambil aku elus rambutnya, sambil aku berkata "Tampannya kamu, andai saja kau tidak bermain api denganku." Aku mulai menguliti wajahnya dengan pisauku yang sudah berlumuran darah. Memotong batang hidungnya, dan mencongkel bola matanya. "Matamu bagus, aku jadikan kenang-kenangan ya"
Mengingat waktu yang semakin siang, aku pun bergegas membersihkan diri dan pergi dari tempat itu. Untungnya aku tau jalan lain selain jalan utama menuju persinggahan itu.
Ahhh akhirnya, sampai juga aku dipemukiman. Aku istirahat sejenak di sebuah warung sambil beralasan bahwa aku akan menuju puncak dari gunung ini. Namun tiba-tiba, seseorang berkata "Jangan sekarang neng, mending neng pulang lagi aja, itu di atas ada yang dibunuh sadis. Takutnya neng malah pingsan lagi pas ngeliat." Lalu dengan santai aku pun menjawab sambil mengalihkan pembicaraan "Oh gitu yaa bu, yaudah deh. Ngomong2, toilet di sebelah mana ya bu? Saya mau bersihin bercak merah di tangan saya nih"
0 notes
Is Nevada Power planning to raise residential rates again?
New Post has been published on http://www.getsolarize.com/is-nevada-power-planning-to-raise-residential-rates-again/
Is Nevada Power planning to raise residential rates again?
The Nevada Public Utilities Commission next week will give consumers another chance to comment on a Nevada Energy rate plan offered in response to the state’s new net metering law.
The Dec. 6 PUC session in Las Vegas delves into an array of topics that regulators, the utility, consumers and the solar industry have debated for years.
Net metering refers to a billing system crediting ratepayers for energy generated from rooftop solar systems when the power generated exceeds what the ratepayer uses per month. Supporters of such credits say they will help ramp up Nevada’s struggling solar industry, but detractors describe the credits as special-interest subsidies.
The Nevada PUC in 2015 moved to eliminate net metering at retail rates for new solar customers, but that action led many solar companies to pull out of the state. The legislature this year approved AB 405, a bill that reinstated net metering for new solar customers at rates of between 95 and 75 percent of retail over the life of the solar panels.
Nevada Energy last month proposed to maintain its current revenue needs over the next three years, but residential customers in southern Nevada would see their fixed monthly service charge rise from $12.75 to $17.36, an increase of $4.61, according to this initial proposal. The per-kilowatt-hour charges, however, would decrease. Overall, an average family’s bill would increase by about $2.64 per month, or less than 2 percent.
But the company on Nov. 22 updated its PUC filing, deferring any increase in fixed rates until after a 2018 statewide vote on injecting more competition into the energy market.
“The rate increase certainly shouldn’t be a surprise to anybody,” Michael Schaus, spokesman for the Nevada Policy Research Institute, told Watchdog.org. “Nevada Energy, a regulated monopoly, has to look for ways to recoup costs to compensate for revenue reductions resulting from the return of net metering,” Schaus said. “State lawmakers restored net metering to a level based on retail rates as way to get solar companies to do more business in Nevada”
“From our perspective, that was a step in the wrong direction,” Mr. Schaus said.
According to Schaus “The Nevada Policy Research Institute favors a more competitive energy market modeled after the one now in place in Texas. Under Nevada’s current system, the legislature is determining the net metering rate rather that an open market where multiple companies compete for a customer base”
“But one danger we see here … would be the renewable portfolio standards in the state,” he said. Those standards require utilities to have a certain percentage of their power coming from solar and wind generation – two sources that Schaus said are environmentally damaging.
Regardless of whether Nevada Energy eventually seeks and gets a major rate hike, consumers are going to see more increases in rates due to the renewable standards that have been imposed in Nevada, Schaus said.
Nevada voters will have a chance to approve a shift to a more competitive energy market in November 2018. Voters approved that concept in 2016, but a second favorable vote is required before it becomes part of the state constitution.
Peter Kostes, spokesman for the Nevada PUC, said the commission couldn’t comment on rate issues that involved pending litigation. “It is an open case, and the rate design phase will commence on Dec. 4,” Kostes said in an email to Watchdog.org. “A decision will issue as soon as possible.”
Sara Gersen, an attorney for EarthJustice, argues that Nevada Energy’s previous rate plan would shift the cost burden from those who use a lot of energy to those who use less energy, including lower-income Nevadans.
“What that means is that they want to make more money through the fixed part of the residential customers’ monthly residential bill,” Gersen told Watchdog.org, adding that the fixed costs can’t be avoided by cutting energy use.
Nevada Energy has argued that the company is simply responding to AB 405, she said, but the company is among many utilities across the country that have been requesting increases in fixed charges, a strategy that allows the company to reduce financial risks.
“It protects them and their shareholders in case customers decide to pay less money by using less energy or installing solar panels,” Gersen said.
EarthJustice represents Vote Solar, a solar power advocacy organization, in the current rate proceeding before the Nevada PUC.
Nevada Energy has had a history of opposition to net metering, according to Gersen, and the company has balked at putting it back in place despite clear language in AB 405.
“The Nevada legislature and Gov. [Brian] Sandoval deserve a lot of credit for AB 405 and taking the leadership to restore net metering,” she said.
The law will do a lot to reinvigorate the solar industry in Nevada and give residents a growing supply of renewable energy, Gersen said.
It is true that net metering does help reduce the need for the utility to find new energy supplies to meet future demand, but it doesn’t provide short-term financial rewards, according to Gersen.
“That doesn’t help Nevada Energy make money,” she said.
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Defining: Heteronormativity By Sara Schmidt-Kost
Welcome to another installment of our “Defining” series, where we unpack various terms and identities. Do you have a word that needs defining? Let us know!
Define It:
Heteronormativity is the normalization of heterosexuality, or sexual attraction between a man and a woman. Heteronormativity says that being heterosexual—or straight—is normal, and it should be assumed that everyone everywhere is straight unless openly stated otherwise.
Explain It:
Heteronormativity is everywhere, from literature to music, from movies to television, from art to history, to societal institutions, to everyday life. Heteronormativity dictates that heterosexual is the default sexuality. The straight default setting on our society can really start to mess with our heads.
As queer youth, we see heterosexuality on display everywhere we go. We see it in advertisements, we see it in music videos, we see it on the big screen. In order to see our own queer identity in print, art, and media, we have to actively seek it out. While representations of our LGBTQIA identities in print, art, and media are getting better and more common, they have not always been easy to find. In fact, throughout history, we have had to use coded language and coded imagery to avoid censorship and find our identities in a sea of heterosexuality.
Because being straight is seen as the norm, queer identities are often disregarded and heterosexuality is forced on children from a very young age (Hello, “Chick Magnet” and “Sorry Boys” onesies!). Age-appropriate playground behavior by young children is given heterosexual undertones by adults inappropriately sexualizing innocent actions. “Oh, little Johnny is just flirting with little Suzy.” “Is that your girlfriend, little Billy?” Many queer adults had some idea of their queer identity from a young age, but because of heteronormativity we were not able to explore or fully develop our own identities until we are much older.
Not only does heteronormativity normalize being straight, it also privileges those that identify as straight over LGBTQIA folks. Our societal institutions—marriage, education, hospitals, the legal system, and many more—give more power and rights to those who are straight. Even small things, like the way forms are written (husband/wife, mom/dad) normalize straight couples. Having to scratch out “husband” on a form and write “wife #2” is a small but painful dig at our identity and our relationships. It’s just another way to say that we’re not normal, we’re not the default, we are other.
Debunk It:
• Don’t assume identities
Heteronormativity is very pervasive, and it can be hard to not assume people's identities. But we should still push against the norm and do our best to avoid assumptions. When meeting a person for the first time, we can use inclusive language to allow a person to express their own identity in their own way. For example, using “significant other” or “partner” instead of “boy/girlfriend” or “husband/wife” language is more inclusive, gender-neutral, and allows the other person to claim their own identity.
• Make room for queer media
Because heterosexuality is the norm, we have to actively seek out queer media. By advocating for a wide variety of identities represented in print, art, and media, we can use our voices and our choices to push for more queer representation in mainstream media. Watching TV shows like One Day at a Time or movies like Love, Simon as a family is a small and easy way to introduce queer identities to the whole family.
• Learn queer history
The LGBTQIA community has always been here. We may not have had a seat at the table before, and our identities were pushed to the margins, ignored, or covered up all together, but we have always existed. We have a rich and important history that should be studied and included in the historical narrative of the world. Check out our Pride Month series, Know Your Queer History, for a 3-part history lesson on influential LGBTQ activists, artists, and politicians throughout history!
Be sure to check out the rest of The Defining Series right here!
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