#sanzu things
mulletmitsuya · 2 months
Tokyo revengers groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, mommy issues, mentions of deceased mothers, brother issues (akashi's), mentions of physical abuse, mentions of suicide, depending on what kind of person you are, this might be kinda dark
Side note: i think i may be projecting too many of my headcanons on these people so i apologize for mischaracterizations😔🙏
Desc: it's Shinichiro's birthday!! (sneaking in the fact that it's also mine and i'm 19 today😋)
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Izana: happy birthday Shinichiro
Izana: everyone's gonna say the same thing so i don't think there's a need for an influx of happy birthday messages
Izana: just dm, to prevent a pointless conversation
Shinichiro: aw thanks Izana😁❤
Baji: you're such a loser man
Baji: with all due respect and no offense of course
Baji: happy birthday tho
Mitsuya: aren't you a virgin, Mikey?
Mistuya: a bit hypocritical
Mitsuya: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Mikey: i had sex once, and meh
Mikey: 5/10
Mikey: being confronted with someone's dick and balls was crazy
Mikey: and i have mommy issues so i don't think it's a good idea for me to sleep with a woman
Mikey: but i would like to lay on one's chest as they sing me to sleep
Baji: what does that have to do with anything
Draken: no one asked you for any of that information, just so you know
Mikey: your mom asked me
Mikey: oh, sorry😔
Mikey: they wasn't even part of the joke. i'm genuinely apologizing😔
Emma: Mikey!
Emma: you know that's a sensitive subject 😠
Draken: not really, to be honest
Senju: why's it a sensitive subject
Emma: his mother left him
Senju: ...
Senju: Emma why would you tell me that
Mitsuya: i think we should word this differently or not talk about it, maybe
Mikey: Mitsuya's right, as always (boring 🙄)
Mikey: but Emma☠️?
Senju: yours left too girl
Emma: well i know that, so i'd be sad if someone made a joke about it
Emma: and so did yours🤨?
Senju: death is different. your mom CHOSE to leave you
Senju: skill issue
Senju: was that too far? maybe
Draken: guys
Chifuyu: ok guys let's calm down
Emma: of course a person with a mother would say that 🙄
Chifuyu: ...sorry
Emma: just jokes Fuyu😚
Baji: don't apologize Chifuyu, not our fault we have mom's
Baji: suck it, losers
Mikey: i really didn't mean to start all this, my bad
Draken: it's not a big deal😐
Draken: and Shinichiro-san, happy birthday, but you're still a virgin?
Draken: i'm not judging or anything. i just find it impressive
Draken: all the other stuff is overrated
Emma: 🤨
Emma: we'll talk about that later
Emma: are you actively practising abstinence?
Emma: i couldn't
Emma: not with Ken-chan around, at least😋
Draken: dude
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: don't call me dude☹️
Draken: okay
Draken: babe
Draken: your entire family is here
Emma: so?? they know we have sex
Emma: how else would we try to have a kid?
Draken: bro...
Izana: Emma was underage when you got together
Izana: something to think about, Draken
Draken: i was too???
Takeomi: who the hell are you
Draken: me?
Takeomi: obviously not you
Takeomi: "Izana"
Takeomi: who is that
Shinichiro: this is Izana, Omi
Takeomi: i fucking know that Shinichiro
Takeomi: why are you all so stupid
Baji: why are you brining your sour mood here
Baji: go die
Baji: no offense
Mitsuya: you can't keep saying bad things then saying no offense
Mitsuya: it literally doesn't mean anything
Shinichiro: i said i had another little brother remember?
Shinichiro: before Emma was a Sano, she was a Kurokawa. this is Izana Kurokawa
Takeomi: your dad was a man whore. respect
Shinichiro: dude, ew?
Izana: technically i'm no ones sibling because my mom lied to your guys' dad about being my father so i'm actually not related to any of you. not really supposed to be here
Mikey: dude give that up. we don't care 🙏
Izana: i was just clarifying
Emma: Izana-nii you know it makes Shin sad when you say that☹️
Izana: i was stating facts, but alright
Haruchiyo: happy birthday Shinichiro
Baji: you never speak on this group but oh, let the topic be about Mikey
Baji: all of the sudden it's a yappathon
Baji: "i wish Mikey would stick it in!"
Haruchiyo: and i'm speaking now, aren't i😐
Mikey: Baji leave Haruchiyo alone
Mikey: you're the one always scaring him away😔👎
Mikey: hi Haru😋
Haruchiyo: hi Mikey 🙂
Kazutora: happy birthday Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: um, sorry about... the incident
Mikey: (i told you not to talk about that in front of people, Tora💀)
Senju: what incident
Kazutora: uh
Kazutora: almost killing him
Shinichiro: buddy, i know you didn't mean to do that. it's all good
Kazutora: no, i fully intended to kill a person
Kazutora: it just wasn't meant to be you
Kazutora: and for that i apologize
Shinichiro: oh...
Shinichiro: well at least you don't have those murderous thoughts anymore, right? let's dwell on the positive 😁
Kazutora: i do have those thoughts
Baji: you don't always have to tell the truth man
Mikey: dude☠️
Kazutora: but they're about my father, mostly
Kazutora: i look exactly like him, so looking in the mirror is hard sometimes
Kazutora: i'm not allowed to kill myself, but killing him would be close enough
Kazutora: but i can't. because of the law
Draken: dude, are you okay? do we need to talk again
Draken: this is concerning
Kazutora: words cannot help me, Draken
Kazutora: anyway, have a good birthday, Shinichiro-san
Kazutora: i'm glad you didn't die by my hands
Shinichiro: ...
Shinichiro: i'm not really sure what to say
Senju: i love his thought process
Senju: (what the hell is wrong with this guy)
Draken: we can see the text inside the brackets 😐
Senju: fine
Senju: what the hell is wrong with this guy😭
Senju: you were the one who put Shin in a coma??
Senju: the power or friendship really carries this group's dynamic because if it were me, Kazutora would never see the light of day😭🙏
Senju: it helps that you're handsome
Kazutora: thank you. i'm sorry
Senju: you're welcome. you are forgiven
Baji: maybe let's change the topic
Senju: what's wrong with him?
Senju: no offense
Emma: his father used to beat him
Senju: Emma!
Senju: you can't be telling people this 😭
Emma: there's no malice!! i'm just telling you what happened!!
Inupi: happy birthday Shinichiro
Inupi: my sister has agreed to go on a date with you
Inupi: i see you as a really good guy so if you fuck this up, i'd have to kill you
Shinichiro: AKANE-SAN?
Shinichiro: she's too pretty for me
Shinichiro: ok um, please give me her number, Seishu
Shinichiro: thank you
Shinichiro: let's speak privately yeah?
Mikey: Inupi, this is the first time in your life you've ever been useful
Mikey: i'm impressed
Inupi: kill yourself
Mikey: Koko doesn't love you back👎🔥💔
Inupi: Takemitchy is married to a woman
Draken: break it up
Draken: and Koko does love him back, he's just fighting heteronormativity and internalized homophobia
Emma: ?
Draken: i'll tell you about it later
Emma: 🤗
Inupi: you will not
Koko: i am in this group, you know?
Koko: happy birthday Shinichiro
Koko: also Inupi, aren't we dating?
Inupi: huh
Koko: are we not dating?
Inupi: i mean, i wasn't aware of it
Inupi: but okay
Inupi: you didn't ask me
Koko: well, we act like we're dating so i thought we were
Inupi: okay
Draken: Koko you can do better than that
Draken: this is a terrible confession
Draken: i did not sit through hours of Inupi's yearning for this
Draken: do better
Koko: okay...
Koko: meet me at my place?
Inupi: ...
Inupi: okay
Draken: 👍
Izana: can't anyone solve their private matters, PRIVATELY?
Mikey: dammit
Draken: what?
Mikey: i don't like when he's happy
Mikey: i need to ruin this for him somehow
Izana: Inupi fucking sucks
Mikey: he's the worst
Mikey: i regret changing the timeline for his sake
Mikey: should've left him to burn
Baji: what?
Mikey: nothing
Baji: this was about everything, except Shinichiro's birthday ☠️
Shinichiro: to be honest? i couldn't ask for more
Shinichiro: my family being happy is the best present i could ask for
Shinichiro: i really love you guys
Izana: thanks
Mikey: too sappy, i'm out
Baji: that was so corny😂
Baji: (we love you too)
Emma: Shini-nii😭❤
Senju: Takeomi, take notes
Senju: i still don't get how you guys are friends considering the personality difference
Senju: Shin is so kind and lovable and amazing and sweet (and hot lwky)
Emma: ew😐
Senju: you um, you smoke, and you um
Senju: yeah i got nothing
Senju: still love you though!
Haruchiyo: he's ugly and abusive
Takeomi: says the dick sucker
Takeomi: i'm abusive because of the way you are by the way
Takeomi: besides, i've regrettably, never lay a hand on you
Baji: here we go again
Haruchiyo: in another life, i've killed you with my bare hands
Takeomi: do you seriously think you could beat me in a fight
Haruchiyo: i'll die trying
Shinichiro: okay guys um let's please not
Shinichiro: Omi stop being a dick 😅
Shinichiro: Haru, sorry for Omi being a dick
Senju: ☹️
Senju: we love you too, Shin
Draken: uhm i don't know if it's appropriate for me to say? but i love you too Shinichiro, i guess
Draken: this is a little awkward now
Kazutora: should i say it?
Baji: no, Tora
Kazutora: ok
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mimidiann · 2 years
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
Ah yes the perfect way to deal with noisy people when you want a quiet spot, just immediately fight them.
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firstdivisiongirl · 5 months
🍁My Name is Aly🍁
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{Hi Everyone}
I used to be Trafalgar D Vivi, but things have changed now. I combined my Tokyo Revengers and One Piece blogs together. However, I DO NOT WRITE FOR ONE PIECE ANYMORE. I write for Tokyo Revengers and Wind Breaker. If you've been here before, welcome back and if you are new, welcome to the blog.
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🍁Blog Information🍁
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{Rules} {Request: CLOSED} {Matchups: CLOSED} {Tags to look out for}
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{one piece} {tokyo revengers} {25 days of one piece christmas in 2023} {Emma x Draken love story} {Spring/Summer Date} {25 days of Christmas 2024}
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🍁End Notes🍁
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{I hope you like it here! Please enjoy and welcome to the first division!}
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windywriter · 6 days
Who has Pathetic Worm Energy when in a relationship
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Definitions/explanations under read more because this got LONG
Definitions: What is Pathetic worm energy?
To me Pathetic Worm energy has two definitions
The act of making a fool out of ones self in order to receive affection/pity from a loved one/romantic partner
The over correction one makes in order to avoid making a fool out of oneself in front of a loved one/potential romantic partner.
One's general pathetic energy for both funny and unfunny reasons.
Potential Pathetic Worm Energy:
A bit self explanatory but I feel that these characters have potential to be silly but only in certain situations. Additionally, this definition includes portrayals/characterizations that I personally find are close enough to canon that I could imagine it happening without straying too far.
These characters will only show a softer (wormier) side to them under very specific circumstances and feel as though they have a reputation to uphold.
These ones I feel either do not fit into any of the categories listed above or I just do not have a firm grasp on their character.
Has Pathetic worm energy:
Some of these characters are a bit obvious (Takemichi, Shinichiro, Akkun) however, I would like to explain why I put a few characters on here.
Kisaki: I feel like Kisaki fits into the over correction definition because when you look at what he did on paper, its kinda pathetic. He started all this shit, ruined friendships, orchestrated literal gang wars, killed/had innocent civilians killed all just to show one person, who didnt even really like him, how great he was.
Shion: Mainly because of how boisterous he is about his position only to get sandbagged multiple times throughout the story. And while the same could be said about the Haitani brothers, I feel like Shion's lack of charisma sort of gives him a different kind which pushes him to the top.
Takeomi: I feel he more fits the third definition. This is mainly because, despite the fact that he was moved to tears by Senju's genuine conviction he still fell to his greedy nature. And honestly, if that isnt textbook tragedy I dont know what is.
Has potential Pathetic worm energy:
Okay, these ones will require a little more explanation.
Rindou: For him, I have seen interesting interpretations of his character where he has a bit of an inferiority complex due to being stuck in his older brother's shadow. Which I find very interesting as it gives his character depth and a good contrast to Angry and Hakkai during their fight. However, I did not put him in the top tier because it is an interpretation and i feel like Rindou would only show that side in reaction to being compared to his brother rather than naturally doing it.
Mikey: While he is spoiled and possessive I feel like those traits only apply when he isnt locked in. I am also not including the other Mikeys because I feel like there isnt much to go off of. Though I guess Botan Mikey would probably be in "Pathetic worm" tier but for less funny haha reasons and more "This dude genuinely needs help" reasons.
Ran: Like Rindou, I feel like he'd probably only show a more cutesy spoiled side to him if it was calculated beforehand. He is the Charisma of Roppongi. However, I have also seen interpretations where the person he was trying to charm manage to outwit him (unwittingly or not) and leave him surprised. Which honestly, I find the gap moe very cute. Its fun to see The Ruler of Roppongi Ran Haitani left flabbergasted by someone he thought he had dancing in the palm of his hand.
Kazutora + Sanzu: I put these two together because while their obsessions are adjacent to Pathetic Worm territory, I feel like what stops them from going to that tier is the fact that they are incredibly dangerous people. And while that may sound rich coming from a tier list about Tokyo Revengers, with characters like the Haitani brothers on it, I feel like Kazutora and Sanzu ( particularly Botan Sanzu) are on a different level because they are willing to get their hands dirty and are not able to be talked down if you were to try to talk to them when they are in a certain headspace. So less funny haha, more "Oh God I need to get away now."
Takuya Yamamoto: Hes mainly here on the virtue of being apart of the Mizo Middle Five (Makoto is in the same tier is just forgot about him). However what holds him back from being at the top is his laid back nature. Yes he probably would act like a fool, but I feel like he wouldnt go too overboard. And I feel like hes too laid back to really worry about his reputation. Truly, hes probably the freest person here.
What convinced me about him for this position is his relationship with Yasuda and their dynamic. Its very sweet how far he went to help the sewing club.
Kakucho: The reason I put him here is because while he is very loyal and I can imagine that resulting in some entertaining scenarios, I also feel like Kakucho has a really bad habit of codependency. Additionally, I feel like hes just so sincere that he could say the sappiest pickup line and you'd still think hes cool.
Inupi: Mainly for similar reasons as Kakucho. However, I feel like what holds him back is instead is his kinda deadpan expression. So while he might say some out of pocket stuff, he says it so matter-of-factually you'll be the one reacting instead of him.
Angry: Like Rindou, I feel like he has a sort of natural inclination towards being spoiled being the baby of the family. However, what stops him from joining Hakkai is his eternal grimace + hes decently sensible so i doubt he'd go too far.
I feel like she approaches Worm energy I feel like her sincerity + natural charisma tips the scales a little.
Izana: Honestly, I think he'd rather die than be perceived as having a flaw in any way. He has his moments, but I doubt he'd make that much of a big deal out of them. And if anyone tried well, theyl'll probably wake up with a few missing teeth, and loved ones.
Draken: I feel like while he certainly does have his cute moments (especially with Emma). I feel like his straightfoward nature keeps him from truly indulging in the silly.
Smiley: Now, this is purely speculative but I feel like because Smiley tends to hide parts of himself in order to look cool
Baji: While he is quite honest with himself, I remember in the boyfriend tier list for Touman he was mentioned to be a bit tsundere so i put him here.
Hanma, Mochizuki, South: With how inscrutable Hanma is its sort of hard to pin him down. As for Mochizuki and South, I dont have a very good grasp of their characters so I dont feel very confident about them. Sorry.
Mitsuya, Yuzuha, Naoya, Benkei, Wakasa, Muto, Pah: I feel like they would just kinda be normal? Like, they'll have their cute moments but I dont think they'd go out of their way to act like fool to impress their partner.
Taiju: Excluding his habit of expressing "love" via violence, I feel like Taiju is so straight laced that he probably doesnt have a reason to do much outside of the basics for a relationship.
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seleneprince · 3 months
Has anyone noticed that Sanzu sounds very similar to Senju?
It might be my delusional ass, but I find it curious that out of all fake names he could've come up with, he made up one that sounds like his sister's but with displaced letters.
Sanzu. Senju. Sometimes I'm writing their names and the bar automatically translates them to the other, or it pops out the "Don't you mean Akashi Sanzu/Senju?"
They're close enough for Google to get confused.
If it was accidental, it's kinda bittersweet because it means that, even when he was trying to cut off ties with his family and leave them behind, his conscience still brought up Senju in someway and he kept it. And if it was on purpose, then it only makes it more beautifully tragic, because even when he left his family, he still decided to carry a piece of it in his new identity. The one he forged and stuck to for the rest of his life (excluding the final timeline ofc).
This hits deeper if you remember that Senju’s fake surname, Kawaragi, sounds like “Sai no Kawara”, riverbed of death, which is the shore of the Sanzu river. She's literally "right besides Sanzu".
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We have:
- Sanzu who's implied to run away from home frequently/definitively
- Takeomi who left the Akashi household as soon as he could (at least before getting indebted) and didn't seem to come back often if he even ever did
- Senju who hung out a lot in Wakasa and Benkei's gym
Then Wakui drew Takeomi and Senju's place; so they both live together during Brahman. Senju's still a minor, yet she isn't living in their family household
What are their father and grandmother doing. Where are they. How did they raise these kids. *muffled screams*
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I need to know I need to know I need to know
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stxrmylxve · 2 years
When your back hurts (likely because of them)
Massages it for you
-- Mitsuya, Draken, Inupi, Rindou, Hina, Taiju (kinda), Souya
Brings you food and something to drink and hopes it goes away
-- Ran, Kokonoi, Baji, Hanma, Izana, Smiley
Panics and calls all of their friends to help
-- Ryusei, Sanzu, Ran, Takemichi, Hakkai, Izana, Souya
Bakes a whole ass buffet for you to relax and eat
-- Mikey, Draken, Emma, Mitsuya, Kakucho
Hurts with you
-- Mikey, Hanma, Izana, Takemichi, Smiley
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seraphdreams · 2 years
oh to suck sanzu’s cock when he’s extra sensitive and watch him start tear up and sniffle a bit through his groans but not even in an overstimulated way but like in a feral way!!! AND HE GIVES U SUCH A THREATENING SMILE DESPITE THE LITERAL TEARS IN HIS EYES BECAUSE HES GONNA TEAR YOU APART AS A REWARD FOR MAKING HIM FEEL SO GOOD WHY CANT THIS BE ME IM GONNA BE SICK.
i have an issue when it comes to men crying i’m so so sorry 🙁
NO NO I GET THIS I UNDERSTAND THIS A WHOLE LOT!!! haru’s definitely the type to laugh when he cums and he’s such a pretty begger. his face is all red and he’s hiccuping through moans, begging for more :( he’s such a masochist too, even when he’s all red n raw, he still wants more—he loves the discomfort of rutting his hips up into your mouth or hand and shooting blanks over and over, he can’t get enough of the feeling. mmmm, tying him to a chair and watching his head fall back as he physically can’t take anymore yet continues to plead, voice hoarse n raspy from practically screaming all night and pretty pink strands of hair falling into his face :((
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sincerelyaudri · 2 months
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Mikey: What’s the straightest thing you’ve ever done?
Sanzu: *sighs*
Sanzu: I killed a man.
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mulletmitsuya · 4 months
Tokyo Revengers Groupchat (final timeline)
Warnings: suggestive, swearing, mentions of grooming (it's not serious), the word "pedophile"
Desc: a discussion about pride month takes a detour
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Kazutora: what does pride month mean?
Kazutora: like is everyone supposed to be gay for the month or?
Mikey: yeah exactly
Mikey: basically we all have to kiss each other
Kazutora: oh
Baji: we can do a circle jerk session to start off pride
Mitsuya: Kazutora, don't ask just google it
Kazutora: what's a circle jerk session
Mitsuya: 😒
Mikey: i don't think it's necessary to go that far, Baji
Smiley: some of us, are in relationships
Baji: why did you say that as if you're the one in a relationship?
Smiley: just defending my guy Draken
Mikey: Ken-chin will you still be at pride even if you have a girlfriend
Draken: i mean, i guess.
Baji: does Emma even know you like boys
Baji: nvm she probably does. she did have to compete with Mikey for your attention so idk maybe it's obvious
Chifuyu: are you guys actually going to the pride parade? it's gonna be on tv i'm pretty sure
Chifuyu: which means people from school would see us
Chifuyu: or work
Mikey: we haven't been in school for years?
Baji: are you scared to be found out Chifuyu
Baji: bcs everyone knew in school
Baji: you made it glaringly obvious
Baji: closet made of glass and whatnot
Chifuyu: does it count as actually being gay if it's one guy tho
Chifuyu: like if i cook one time, am i chef?
Chifuyu: something to think about
Mikey: dude you're in a relationship with him, what are you talking about🤨
Takemitchy: Mikey-kun you're actually pretty famous so a lot of people would recognize you
Mikey: i'm pretty sure people know that i've tasted the rainbow
Mikey: people make edits of me and Ken-chin
Mikey: they're pretty cute
Mikey: people also write fanfiction about me
Mikey: guys do i look like a daddy dom
Mikey: serious question
Mikey: could i pull it off
Draken: what are edits?
Mikey: don't worry about it
Draken: no no, Emma was bugging me about it earlier and i had no idea what she was talking about so just tell me
Baji: search "Doramai edits"
Baji: don't know how Emma's dealing with all that
Mikey: Takemitchy are you and Hina coming
Takemitchy: can allies come?
Baji: "ally"
Baji: that's all you are??
Baji: sure
Takemitchy: ?
Draken: what the fuck is this shit
Draken: how do you report this
Draken: this is all taken out of context
Draken: Mikey you need to release a statement about this. what the fuck
Draken: i have a wife
Kazutora: guys i'm still confused
Izana: can you guys please use your own private little groupchat
Izana: no one, of the 15+ people on this group talk, but you 6
Mikey: are you and Kakucho coming to pride
Izana: stop ignoring what i just said
Mikey: do you and Kakucho explore each others bodies?
Baji: who tops?
Baji: nvm, wrong question. who doms?
Ran: if Kakucho and Izana were to be together romantically it would count as grooming
Ran: just putting that out there
Mikey: so what i'm hearing is that Izana is a PEDOPHILE🤔
Mikey: interesting
Mikey: i'm telling Shin
Izana: oh you're telling Shin? i'm so fucking scared
Izana: kill yourself
Mikey: please don't try me. i WILL do it🙏
Draken: wait are you guys actually together? cause that's an actual problem i'm pretty sure
Draken: wasn't he 14 while you were 18
Ran: i'm sorry Izana, that's my bad, didn't mean to make this a thing
Ran: and in his defense, that was 10 years ago
Rindou: 10 years of grooming
Rindou: sorry, i wanted in on the joke but it just looks bad
Mikey: Izana why aren't you defending yourself
Izana: because Kakucho and i aren't in a romantic relationship? i don't know what the fuck you guys are on about
Hakkai: didn't the Haitani's go look for Emma at her middle school when she was 13 and they were 17 because they heard rumours about Mikey's "hot" younger sister
Ran: we didn't know she was 13 😐
Rindou: she was 12, actually
Baji: why did you double down
Ran: jesus christ
Ran: 12??
Ran: we still didn't know
Chifuyu: literally all pedophiles say that
Mikey: i beg your pardon
Mikey: why were you guys looking for Emma
Rindou: people said she was hot
Rindou: those people were definitely pedophiles, yeah
Rindou: which we aren't, btw
Rindou: we saw her coming out of the sixth grade classes and realized we'd didn't get enough information
Rindou: our bad
Baji: what would Ran be doing with Emma anyway
Baji: aren't you gay
Ran: no?
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Mikey: why would you add that question mark Ran
Mikey: why are you acting suprised that people think you're gay when you act like that
Rindou: sorry Ran i can't defend you on this one
Ran: is it cause i'm flamboyant?
Draken: who describes themselves like that man
Ran: Koko's flamboyant
Ran: do you guys accuse him of homosexuality?
Ran: nvm
Chifuyu: i was about to say
Koko: well actually
Koko: i am a bisexual man
Koko: i like men and women
Koko: the man i like is inupi
Koko: we are in a relationship
Inupi: you didn't have to do all of that dude
Inupi: but thanks 👍❤
Koko: i am out and proud
Smiley: i know this is supposed to be sweet but this isn't the place to do this shit😭
Draken: are you guys going to therapy? good on you guys
Ran: didn't you like his sister?
Rindou: she died
Rindou: keeping it in the family i see. i respect it Koko
Ran: that doesn't mean what you think it means
Takemitchy: Rindou why would you say that
Smiley: the Haitani's are weird as fuck
Smiley: can we kick them out
Ran: at least we're not ugly
Rindou: and we aren't even weird
Smikey: i'm fucking adorable, don't play with me
Inupi: Akane isn't dead. what are you talking about
Rindou: the fire
Mikey: what fire😐
Mikey: the fire never happened. i made sure of it
Inupi: what?
Rindou: nvm y'all, i'm tripping
Rindou: i suddenly got a vision of Inupi with a huge scar on his face
Rindou: and his sister being dead
Ran: i told you to stop spending time with Sanzu
Ran: he's schizophrenic
Rindou: schizophrenia isn't contagious🤨?
Rindou: and i don't think he's schizophrenic i think he has autism or some shit
Ran: 2 very different mental illnesses??
Rindou: he has the evil kind
Ran: what?
Rindou: evil autism
Rindou: like he weaponizes it
Ran: that literally doesn't make sense
Rindou: it makes perfect sense, fym
Sanzu: i'm not schizophrenic?
Sanzu: or autistic?
Rindou: sure buddy
Baji: what's autism?
Mikey: what's up with Haruchiyo!!
Baji: isn't he just gay?
Ran: why is that your conclusion to everything?
Ran: i'm starting to think you're the gay one
Baji: i've never denied that🤨?
Ran: oh
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mimidiann · 1 year
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this bug
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New chibi's!!!! We've got all of tenjiku, Shinichiro and Peke J!!!!!!
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maehemthemisfit · 1 year
Back from the dead once again (for as long as life allows it) but, it's been awhile since i wrote something...
I don't know how alive the fandom is right now but... Yall remember that Tokyo Revengers series I kept talking about on my blog? The one about you being a gang leader and having the ability to go back in time along with premonitions of the future?
Guess who's finalizing the prologue now??? And I actually decided on a title I like AND a description! I even made a cover for wattpad and everything. I'm crossposting here as well so dw, but idk if a banner or 3 picture layout would work better for aesthetics and recognizability...
Let me know what you think! Comments tell me more information than anything <3
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rinwhore · 2 months
is it just me, who prefers to call sanzu 'haruchiyo/haru' instead of..sanzu..
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