kelinswriter · 9 months
Ao3 wrapped 2023
Tagged by @smarterinabsentia
Works published: 1, still unfinished, plus some cleanup editing to some older fics.
Wordcount: 43,598 (and counting)
Kudos: 44 (plus lots to older fics, which always makes me smile)
Most popular by kudos: My all time kudos champ is still Eclipse with 814. Yes, I will finish it eventually.
Longest/shortest (irrelevant when there is only one): The Pirate and the Spy at 43k, but by finish it looks to be close to double that. A proper novel it is.
Most Comments: Comments are a dying art form, which makes me appreciate the folks who still do it all the more.
Fics that made me cry: You Don’t Remember Me, But I Can’t Forget You by @segfaultfault is the Sanvers fic of the year. It takes that murderous mindwipe and stands it on its head.
Fics that made me smile: Sometimes Through the Stars by @smarterinabsentia was my big gulp this year. Love this world. Also her What Eats You series and @segfaultfault ‘s Operation Unmask the Masks, which I just finished. Looking forward to catching up with more fic in 24. I’m so behind on my reading!
events: Sanvers Big Bang 4.0 and also a short lived revival of SanversCon. Hoping to get on a more regular schedule in 2024.
Tag yourself if you like! Here’s to a creative 2024.
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