#sanso oc
botan-kiri · 1 year
So there are 4~ gods, right? God of the sun, the forest, the earth and the sea. Nika is god of the sun, Sanso is god of the earth. Sanso came from a Greek name that means Justice, and I just learned it's also Japanese for oxygen but I don't wanna change it because I'm not good at coming up with names and I like Sanso >:(.
Anyway, since Sanso is god of the earth he was the one who made the first and the most immortals. Nika made the first being but the second he touched them they screamed in agony and died charred and bleeding not seconds after they were created. Nika was terrified of what he'd done and inspired the other gods to make beings that couldn't die. Nika didn't make any immortals for millions of years after that but that's a different story.
Sanso made the first immortals, he made them to do what he wanted and not question him, and only serve and entertain him. The other two also made immortals, but less of them and didn't treat them as badly as Sanso treated his. Sanso couldn't hurt gods, in fact Nika was the one to create hurt. The thing most entertaining to Sanso was hurting things, but all his immortals were far too loyal - they knew nothing else, they had no names, no pride, because Sanso didn't think to give them any. So, as an experiment, Sanso made an entirely new immortal.
Xebec, who had the will of a god but the power of a lowly immortal. While the others immortals' first questions were 'what is my purpose?' or 'are you my creator?', Xebec's first question was 'Where am I?', almost accusatory, looking around the moon he was made on instead of up at his god. Sanso loved it. He told Xebec it didn't matter where he was, that Xebec was his, before he even had a name, and his purpose was to serve his creator. Xebec's face scrunched, he finally looked straight at his god and asked 'Why?'. And Sanso simply said That was what he wanted, and Xebec had no power to deny him.
So Xebec served him, because there was no other option. Sanso loved the shame and anger and confusion Xebec always seemed to have, like he was trying to piece together why his god had made him as he was. He loved listening to Xebec try to speak to the other immortals when he thought Sanso couldn't hear, the way he would ask them if they ever wanted more and how every one of them would look at Xebec as if he were strange. Every toe stepped out of line had Xebec punished, even if Sanso changed where the lines were to suit him. Every day Xebec grew angrier, and angrier, sometimes challenging Sanso to fight, only for Sanso to throw him into the cosmos to freeze for a while.
Then Xebec got smart, and Sanso hated that. Xebec went to Nika, who was always far too kind to lesser beings since he started grieving the pile of char he still called his daughter. Xebec told Nika the immortals could be used for more, could use their small forms and infinite time to terraform worlds into paradises where all four gods could enjoy and explore. And Nika, soft and excitable, agreed. Nika summoned all the gods and presented Xebec in the palm of his hand as if he didn't belong to Sanso and no one else. Xebec spoke to the gods as if he were one of them, said that immortals could do so much more as a species. And to Sanso's displeasure, the other gods humored the speck of dirt that was Xebec.
Sanso provided a single, solitary planet for Xebec's little project. One close enough to a sun that the surface burned and far away that it would surely be both too hot and too cold to inhabit. Then Nika put a shield around the entire planet to keep it safe from the sun, and the sea god gave it so much water, and the forest god gave each immortal a plant to put on the surface of the planet, and when the immortals asked for more they simply gave more without question. The earth was a paradise, full of mortality and change. And Xebec started speaking more and more as if he were one of the gods - or worse, above them. Implying he knew more about the mortal culture and the ecosystems than Sanso.
But the planet was alive now, wasn't it? Full of life in every corner, and a life not able to be killed.
And Sanso assured immortals could kill other immortals when Sanso gave them the tools required, so what's a planet's difference from just another immortal? So he made the planet's lifeblood corrosive and painful, so any immortal who was drowned in it would die the same way the first lower being did.
But then, the war.
(I'm gonna stop this here for now >:3
I love it when we plan shit
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cherrio-krispz · 1 year
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tea-stained · 6 months
i had a dream that i was googling jojo characters and instead of "secco" i wrote "sanso"
it was the funniest shit
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infesd · 2 years
last update .  28/11/22
greetings and welcome to my mess of an oc / bnha blog hope you enjoy your visit or stay ! to make things less messy here are a few links and stuff !
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                                     QUICK LINKS MUSES
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fantasyripgirl · 6 years
Uwu disculpa me da una referencia de su oC y uno de sus babys plidds
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si puede ser cualquier oc tengo a este wapo a mano uvu
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y mssss el es uno de mis bebes sansos¿
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chaos-makes-themuse · 5 years
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil
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(Gerda from Maleficent)
Aesthetic and Backstory:
Chapter 1:
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oyaoyaoyasumi · 7 years
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oh my god i actually finished it. here’s the result of my jumping on the bandwagon MY BNHA OC! His name is Sanso Saito and he’s very fragile. please treat him well (uwu )
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botan-kiri · 1 year
Sanso lore drop?
Sanso is the god of earth and war (maybe other things but don't count on it)
Sanso is who made Xebec. He made Xebec a little too strong willed and this pissed off Sanso
this is all you get for now
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