#sans au scenerio
itsastridsart · 4 months
So if you remember Alastors speech on hazbin hotel on how "a smile is a valuable tool and keeps your enemies guessing" well I wrote these two scenarios of my OC Aria with nightmare sans who i ship with her
If you're wondering who My OC is Aria is a demon she is immortal 335 years to be exact and she is kind of on a spectrum of working with nightmare and being in a relationship with him
(go below)
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But this isn't about my OC this is about my two scenarios, So I wanted to hear your responses of this.
First scenario:
Nightmare got to meet Aria who he became slightly over obsessed with, actually fell in love. the one time she actually did show a negative emotion he became kind of addicted to it wanting more over time. nightmare tried tricking Aria into being with him over and over until eventually winning her heart... or so he thinks... Eventually Aria does things that make Nightmare feel real emotions for her and finds out the she actually manipulated him to the point that he didn't know.... Which she quote on quote said, "how to predator became used by the prey" which leads to the question 'how did she?'
Which comes to my second scenario:
When Aria and Nightmare first met nightmare notice she smiles a lot....never ever stop smiling, kind of like how Alastor does. the only difference between the two of course is that Aria smile seems different...nightmare being the king of negativity, Can see that her smile isn't necessarily true. yet no matter how many times he tries to make her mad he cannot and she always smiles. If you look into her smile you see that her smile isn't just what you think it is... She was able to fool dream and killer and everyone around her. Her smile...her always acting such a joyful and kind person, when reality that smile was nothing but a manipulative trick.
Which leads you guys to tell me how would he feel for these two scenarios?
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ancha-aus · 2 months
Coming back to the idea I have moments ago.
(naming it SpiritSoulAU for now)
I was thinking. If this concept idea included all the AUs in one universe kinda deal.
I had two questions for myself.
one. What would the difference between Papyrus and Sans, and Dust and his bro be?
Like. Why is one positive and calm and the other hateful?
Two. What is the difference between ghosts and these spirits?
I will start with the second one.
Ghosts are actual monsters. They have a soul and magic and are alive so to speak. They are just incorporeal.
The spirits in this case. Do not have full souls anymore. More of a soul-echo. an echo of who they used to be. How they used to think. How they felt. and how others around them felt.
This echo of these feelings and them give them a chance to remain. But only for as long as those bonds hold strong.
(papyrus WANTED Sans to come back. And when Sans came back he remained because his little brother needed him. This is the easiest way to say this without starting a whole character analysis which i can and wil spend way too many words on if you allow me)
Which leaves is to the next point.
What is the difference between Papyrus and Sans, and Dust and GhostPapyrus (I will be calling him Ash because that is the name i like to give ghostpapy. you know. ashes to ashes and dust to dust? It is a stupid joke)
There are a few options. Mostly two that I think could be interesting. One, a character driven reason. Or two, a Lore driven reason.
Lets start with one. Character driven.
As I said before. Spirits return because of the soul echoes. if the echoes are strong enough any monster could return in spirit form (mits the monster wnats this and is strong enough to do this)
Which makes the difference between the two sets of brothers easy. Sans and Papyrus were on good terms. Dust and Ash weren't.
A Lore reason though?
What if.. getting a spirit back isn't as easy as just wishing it? After all. sure you are calling for a spirit to return. Reaching out. But you have no idea where the spirit of the one you are trying to reach is. and who is to say only they can hear you?
This is where you could get a split between benevolent and malevolent spirits.
Benevolent are those who actually died. Those who want to return. They are the ones you reach for and who reach back.
But what if you reach and the person you are reaching for doesn't answer/doesn't want to answer? but something else does?
I will also apply fae rules. Names. Have. Power.
The trick to not end up with the wrong spirit? Don't name it. Don't give it a name.
In this scenerio? Papyrus reached and reached until Sans answered. Until Sans was able to make it clear it was him and they kept each toher close. Papyrus closed the open connection by connecting with Sans to keep him here with him.
Dust also reached. But when a spirit showed up it wasn't Ash. but Dust asked hopefully if it was Ash. and the spirit. Said yes.
The differences between these two type of spirits are all on how the treat the one they are connected to.
As the spirits don't have souls they can't make magic and magic is part of why they can stay with the one who called. the one who called gives a bit of magic to the spirit. The connection i spoke of before.
benevolent spirits just take enough to stay and will always try to help their loved ones. help them move on. help them succeed. Just. help. in whatever way the one who called wants.
Malevolent spirits will try to drain the caller dry. But it is important the aller doesn't break the connection. So they will like any other abuser try to isolate the caller/victim. blame them. guilt trip them. everything!
And that is all I could think of for now.
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is a sanrio character f/o unconventional?
I'm not too familiar with the Sanrio fandom, I only watched a few episodes and never got too invested, so truthfully I'm not too sure? Unconventional F/Os are normally nonhuman or arent conventially attractive, some people treat it like anything that isnt an anime boy isnt conventional but i dont know how true that is, but it also like..depends who you're talking about, yknow? Like if you're selfshipping with Goofy I'd consider that unconventional, he's not a human and it's pretty unheard of to selfship with him, nonetheless any Mickey Mouse sort of characters, but if you are talking about like...Sans or different Undertale characters/AUs, then you've full swung into fairly conventional territory cause Undertale had a big boom of fans liking them in that sense.
You get a feel for it, I think. When I've had unconventional F/Os it's only ever been full swing unconventional, and I think it kinda depends on the scenerio too. Cause if the fandom is full of people ogling over the characters that kinda pulls it closer in to conventional F/O territory via acception, yknow?
Long story short, it depends I think😅 I'm not too much help here, appologies!
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jann-the-bean · 4 years
Fanfiction Cream and Nightkiller
Opposites attract? Part 5 (End)
Once the date was over the brothers headed back home. They were both flustered and in shock from the events that unfolded. Once they gathered their thoughts Dream broke down into tears.
“Dream? What’s wrong?! Did Cross do something to you?” Nightmare rushed to his brother but was prepared to bolt out the door.
“No,” Dream choked out. As tears ran down his cheeks. “I just.. Felt so happy.. before realizing I might’ve something beautiful..”
“Dream..” Nightmare escorted his brother to their couch wrapping a blanket around them.
“It’s just... era tan lindo hermano... que sentía que hasta el tiempo se paró... y... y...” Dream felt a lump form in his throat it was becoming difficult to get the words out.. “He confessed.. in the most sweetest way possible.. I.. I.. didn’t answer him because I wasn’t sure how I felt... but now I realized maybe too late.. that I like him too...”
(Era tan lindo hermano... que sentía que hasta el tiempo se paró = He was so sweet brother I felt that time had stopped.)
Dream covered his face with his hands attempting to hide. He was horrified that he’d shattered his opportunity at happiness. Nightmare rubbed his brothers back trying to console his distressed brother.
Meanwhile he was also regretting not responding to Killer’s confession right away himself. He was too euphoric that he forgot to answer the confession. Though the eyeless skeleton did say he didn’t have to give him an answer right away.
“Vamos Dream.. No tienes nada de que preocuparte.. I’m sure the Cross’ feelings for you are genuine. So I’m sure he’s more than willing to wait for when you’re ready. Besides, he’ll be more than happy when he hears those words from you.” Nightmare smiled reassuringly.
(Vamos Dream.. No tienes nada de que preocuparte.. = c’mon Dream.. you have nothing to worry about..)
Dream nodded while wiping his tears. “You’re right, I’ll tell him next time I see him.” The golden eye skeleton smiled while sniffling.
They both vouched they’d confess their feelings upon meeting again.
Two days passed since the date and the brothers became increasingly worried. It was a normal day like any other except something was different. The two skeleton friends where no were in sight. By this time they’d stop by the bookstore to say hi or even help out.
Dream had a disheartened expression. Was it possible that Cross didn’t want anything to do with him anymore?
Nightmare would glance at the door every time he heard it open. But alas the skeletons failed to appear. Nightmare began to frown upset that the eyeless skeleton didn’t appear. What was taking him so long..? Could something have happened to him?
Both brothers sighed closing up their bookstore. They had no choice but to go back home and hope that the skeletons would appear tomorrow.
The clouds loomed over the sky and a light drizzle of rain covered the city. Dream went in the opposite direction as his brother since he needed to drop off a few items. He’d forgotten his umbrella but he didn’t mind the rain was rather refreshing.
As he walked to his destination Dream could only replay the moments he’d spent with the red eyed skeleton. He felt his face burn as he recalled the close proximity when Cross helped him with reach the top shelf or when they went skating together.
He really wanted to see Cross so he could return his feelings. He was positive he’d be the luckiest guy in the world being next to Cross.
Finally he arrived at his destination and the rain had picked up pouring in the streets. Dream stared up at the sky before returning his gaze in front of him.
Suddenly he saw a certain red eyed skeleton walk down the streets with an umbrella in hand. He had a serious expression but appeared to be nervous about something.
Dream forgot his surroundings as he could only focus at the skeleton in front of him. Before he could think he’s legs moved on his own sprinting in Cross’ direction.
He had to get to him. He had to tell him how he felt or he would surely explode from keeping his feelings confined.
Cross noticed a small figure approach him but didn’t realize who it was until Dream tackled him with a hug causing him to drop the umbrella.
“D-Dream?! W-what are you doing here??” Cross exclaimed taken aback. He’d never seen Dream like this.
“C-Cross..” Tears began welling up within Dream’s sockets. “I-I..”
“Dream what’s wrong? Did something happen..? Whose ass do I have to kick??” Cross protectively embraced Dream tightly against his chest.
“N-no..” Dream managed to choke out. “I just.. I’m so happy to see you... I was scared you hated me..”
“What..? Dream why would you think that?”
“B-because I didn’t... I didn’t answer your confession...” the golden eyed skeleton mumbled as he buried his face against the other’s chest.
Cross lightly smiled while caressing the smaller skeleton. “I could never hate you.. besides I told you.. you didn’t have to answer me right away...”
“I know but..” the smaller skeleton sniffled regaining his composure. “But I... Cross... I..” He gently pulled back with a golden hue covering his face. It was now or never. “Yo también te quiero.”
(Yo también to quiero = I like you too)
Cross sockets went dark. He wasn’t sure if he heard correctly or if he was dreaming. “W-wha.. Dream... did you... I...” Cross was flustered he’d completely forgotten how to form sentences. He gently cupped Dream’s face in one hand while interlocking their free hands together. “Can you repeat that..?”
“W-what? I-I.. it’s too embarrassing!”
“Please for me..?”
“Y-yo... te.. te quiero Cross.”
(Y-Yo.. te... te quiero = I-I.. l-like you)
“Heh.. yo también to quiero Dream.” Cross whispered as he gently leaned forward. “You can stop me if you don’t like it ok..?”
(Yo también to quiero Dream = I like you too Dream)
“Wha-“ Dream was cut off when the others lips met his own. Initially Dream’s sockets widened from the unexpected action but soon he closed his eyes melting into the kiss.
When Cross pulled back Dream pouted wanting the moment to last a little longer. The taller skeleton chuckled. “Let’s get out of this rain before we catch a cold.”
Dream looked at their closed and realized they were soaking wet. He felt his face heat up in embarrassment. He’d completely forgotten it was raining!
Cross extended his hand out to Dream. “Let’s go back, shall we?”
Nodding with his face covered in a golden hue, Dream took his partner’s hand as they headed back home.
Nightmare stared up at the rain letting it pour down his face. He sincerely wished he could meet Killer. Sighing and returning his attention to the path in front of him his sockets went black as he noticed the familiar eyeless skeleton.
He gulped and clenched his fist gathering the courage to confess.
Killer had his classic grin plastered on his face. He had a jacket on with its hood shielding his head from the rain.
Killer’s smile grew softer as he noticed the violet eyed skeleton standing in the downpour.
“Whatcha doing hot stuff?” Killer playfully asked. However from the lack of response of the smaller skeleton his smile took a more serious turn.
“Nightmare..? Are you ok?”
The violet eyed skeleton bit his lips trying to find the words in order to confess.
“Oh.. hey so I uh.. got you a little something. Let me see your hand.”
Extending out his arm Nightmare felt something be placed on his wrist. It was a bracelet made with a violet glass centerpiece in the shape of a crescent.
“I.. kinda noticed you like a lot of moonlike related objects.. you keep a few near your checkout area.” Killer sheepishly rubbed the back of his head.
Nightmare wasn’t one to get emotional but seeing how much Killer paid attention to small details made tears well up in his sockets.
“Oh crap! What’s wrong? I’m sorry! If you don’t like it I’ll take it back!”
Nightmare shook his head while smiling holding the hand with the bracelet closer to his soul. “S-sorry I don’t know why... but the tears won’t stop.. I’m not sad..”
Killer let out a relieved breath. “So these are tears of happiness?”
Nightmare smiled and upon gazing up to the sockets he smiled tenderly. “Killer.. I really like you.” He closed his sockets while finishing the sentence letting tears roll down his cheeks.
Killer froze the instance he heard those words. Did he hear correctly or was he just dreaming. Nightmare gave killer a concerned look as he didn’t respond.
“Killer..? Are you ok?”
Finally processing the information he lifted the smaller skeleton. “How could I not be?! The love of my life finally confessed their feelings for me!”
“P-put me down p-people are watching!”
“Even better.” Killer proclaimed raising his eyebrows. “That way they’re aware of our mutual feelings.”
Nightmare face went a dark violet upon hearing those words. “Y-you idiot!”
“But I’m your idiot.”
“Ugh..” Nightmare hid his face in the crook of Killer’s neck earning a chuckle from the taller skeleton.
Killer gently tilted the smaller’s head up and gently pressed his lips against the others. Nightmare’s whole head was covered in a dark violet hue. His whole body tensed with the initial contact worried about the wandering eyes. However, his body relaxed and he shut his eyes enjoying the blissful moment.
Pulling back Killer grinned setting Nightmare down and embracing him. “You have no idea how happy you’ve made me.”
Nightmare smiled and hugged Killer back. “I could say the same..”
“How bout we go back home?”
“Yes let’s.”
Killer!Sans belongs to @rahafwabas
Cross!Sans belong @jakei95
Dream and Nightmare belong to @jokublog
Sharing with @zu-is-here because they are amazing and their page is so full of inspiration!
So I really wanted to include something in the story but no matter how I tried to fit it in it sounded way too forced or didn’t fit in the atmosphere of the sections.
The reason that Cross and Killer were absent for a while was because they were trying to change their bad lifestyle. They were trying to find jobs but because of their reputation it’s taking longer than they expected.
Also Nightmare and Dream agreed to let them work in the bookstore either indefinitely or until they found new jobs.
Anyway, this is the end of this piece! Hope you guys have enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Actually I had a separate scene for the confession scene for Killer and Nightmare but it didn’t feel right so I changed it.
Thanks to all of you for reading and your support! See you guys around when I start another fanfiction! <3
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lovexdejun · 6 years
Ateez Masterlist
boyfriend series
seonghwa•hongjoong•yunho•yeosang•san•mingi| pt.2• wooyoung•jongho
group reactions
you wearing their sweater
mingi—happy babe
nothin yet
nothing yet
dance studio, 10:27pm
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
Social Media AUs
finished☀️ in progress🌤 hiatus☁️
nothing yet
general masterlist
requests are always open!!
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Can you do the Undertale Bros, Underfell Bros, Underswap Bros, swapfell Bros, and FarmTale Bros (the sans and papyrus from those AUs) for this ask? It's a scenerio, how would they react to it?:
S/O spent a whole year handmaking a massive blanket and it had a ton of embroidery and stuff all over it. It was their comfort project for a year. they finally finished it, and got so excited to show him and their family and friends. They showed him and some friends were present. Then they leave to get a member of their family to show. While they're gone the friends are talking to eachother in front of him like 'its kinda ugly' 'they spent a year on THIS?' 'theyre so dumb'. (Even if it's actually super beautiful) When s/o comes back it's all fake smiles and friends give out fake compliments about their project.
Undertale Sans - Sans says nothing because he doesn't know them so well, but his eyes sockets turns black and he is holding himself back. He won't say anything while they are here, even if S/O can see something is upsetting him. He will wait they leave to talk about what happened, because he is way too honest to keep it for himself. And he immediately comforts his S/O behind telling that he loves the blanket and since their friends are too stupid to see how well made it is, they are not invited to your Netflix movie night under it.
Undertale Papyrus - It's one of the things Papyrus hates the most. People being mean behind his back or, in that case, behind his S/O's back. Papyrus is digusted. He stands up to go after his S/O. He's not staying next to them and he will definitely put their nose into their shit once he's coming back with S/O.
Underswap Sans - S/O can hear a very loud and pissed "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" from the other side of the house, and then louds stomps going outside, because Blue needs to calm down. His S/O took time on this, and it helps them to get better, and these idiots are ruining everything and he doesn't know what he is supposed to do now. He doesn't want to see you sad, it's the big reveal! S/O comes to see him, worry, and he just hugs them and acts like nothing happened. He prefers to not give credit to them. Though, you can feel it's a bit tense in the room, and Blue won't talk to any of your friend for the rest of the day.
Underswap Papyrus - Honey is too shy to say something, but he is also pretty shocked by all the horrors they are saying. He loves that blanket, and he doesn't understand why your friends feel the need to be so mean about it. He won't say anything for your own good, but in the future, he will avoid any hangouts involving them. He doesn't trust them.
Underfell Sans - He tried. He really tried to not say anything, but the more they were talking, the more it was pissing him off and triggering his protective instincts, until he let go a "the blanket is not ugly, your faces though..." with a dark cavernous voice. And they dare to whine to you quite immediately (mainly because they were scared Red actually attacked them). Red is regretting nothing, and seems they talked bad about him, he doesn't hesitate and explain what S/O's friends think of their hard work. Then he takes the blanket and leaves with S/O. They don't deserve you anyway.
Underfell Papyrus - Edge smiles menacingly. "IF I HEAR ONE OF YOU SAY ONE MORE BAD THING ABOUT THIS I'LL MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A REAL REASON TO CRY." He said that with such a creepy voice most of your friends pee on themselves and/or find an excuse to leave the house. Don't worry, it's obviously because they are so jealous of your fabulous work they couldn't stand it. Edge is very proud of himself.
Swapfell Sans - He just growls as a warning once and it's enough to make all your friends shut up. When you're coming back, Nox is alone on his couch and your five friends are squeezing against each other in the couch in front of him. Nox then reviews the blanket with his expert eyes, and compliments your work like the gentleman he is. After all, he helps with the small diamonds on it, so your friends also insulted his work, and he is not really happy about that.
Swapfell Papyrus - Oh! He almost forgot to make the tea. He prepares the tea in the kitchen, then comes back, put the blanket on the opposite couch and then... OH NO. He slips on the carpet and spill the very hot water on your friends, who are now screaming because it's burning in panic. Oh... Oh no... Let him help. He's going to pick his phone a towel to take a photo help you clean. At least, he saves the blanket, he would have feel terrible if he damaged it. But eh, with this big red spots on their faces and hands, your friends are matching the patchwork blanket now, you should thank him for that.
Farmtale Sans and Papyrus - Sam and Ben are extremely uncomfortable, and it's even starting to make Ben panic a little. Ben is easily scared of people, and this is triggering him so much. When Sam realises his baby brother is about to cry, it pisses him off even more. He snatchs the blanket then say loudly enough that the door isn't locked if they want to leave. Hypocrites are not authorised in his farm and you should consider yourselves happy he is not throwing cow poop at your face on the way out. When S/O is coming back, your friends are packing their stuff, scared, Ben is in fetal position on the ground, shaking, and Sam is insulting them with his loud rustic accent. He will then insists to use the blanket in your bed, because it's nice. But first, you are using it to calm poor Ben's panic attack.
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ackerfics · 3 years
Rory !!! Lately tpt is on my brain. I have been thinking these scenerios for a while.
1. Al and Cae’s little sister in cano verse. She is a spitting image of her mother. The twins and Levi are so overprotective of her. Eren, being oblivious, flirts with her. What happens when the three Ackermann comes to get his ass?
2. Back to tpt universe, Mikasa and Eren are dating. One time, when Levi and reader were abroad for their business meetings, he visited her at her home. Al recognized Eren at one glance. He didn’t know his aunt was dating. When he saw them holding hands, sitting together, he suspected. So for further “investigation”, he dragged Cae (poor cae, he is always dragged). They followed the couple to the garden (btw, al stole Oluo’s phone). When they were about to kiss, al took photo. Mikasa saw him, (she didn’t inform Levi, knowing that he’s wary of Eren. Only reader knows) . Mikasa be like
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3. I need to read more of Al and Mikasa’s friendship on canon verse. They are so precious 😭😭
san, little dove, hi !! this is why i'm still putting the epilogue on hold because i don't want to close tpt yet, i love that family of four so much to let them go :< now, these scenarios are absolutely amazing <33 (btw, i'll be using my chosen name for the twins' little sister --- elara)
1. let's say elara is just one year or two years younger than them. and her getting reader's genes??? that is one beautiful person right there whew. my headcanon for her in this canonverse scenario is she's planning on being a medic for the survey corps so she visits often to be the head doctor's assistant. you see, boys will always be boys. they see a pretty girl, they try to talk to her. so, in the infirmary, one can imagine what eren feels after waking up with elara's face right above him, the sensation of a wet towel fresh on his forehead (he fainted after overworking himself in one of hange's experiments). (if you've read heroes of olympus, the scene where leo and calypso first met, yeah, that's the one.) after that, the rest is history. eren constantly flirts with the poor girl without knowing that she's levi's only daughter. with the worst pick-up lines. pls eren, honey, you're embarrassing yourself.
as much as altair considers eren to be one of his best friends, he's chasing down eren the moment he hears "you know, no flower can compare to you, miss elara". if eren takes a step closer to elara, altair magically appears out of nowhere. caelum knows because armin talks shit about eren's pitiful attempts of flirting to him. the brunet will then feel his soul being sucked because of caelum's stare. it's so dead and blank and judging at the same time. oh, boy, when levi hears this shit, extra cleaning chores for eren jaeger. rip. these three will break him. we have altair ready to fight him, caelum sending death threats with a look, and levi being more levi than usual ... this boy won't survive. not to mention that they all look the same. nightmares.
reiner isn't informed of this so he flirts with elara, too, and once again signs his death certificate.
2. (idk if i was obvious but there was a hint, a tinyyy hint, that mikasa is dating annie in the tpt au but for the purpose of this ask, i'll take this as an au of an au dwhjd) mikasa will wreak havoc, i just know it. the moment eren goes home, the ackerman household is on fire. she loves the twins so much, yes, they're her only younger relatives but sometimes, she just wants to yeet them (only altair) out the window. caelum tries to sweet talk mikasa, being manipulative like her grand-maman, but to no avail. mikasa is angry and once mikasa is angry, there's no getting out of this mess.
3. mikasa and altair's friendship in canonverse is pure serotonin aaaaa i can write more scenarios of their friendship, plus cae and armin's friendship. since mikasa is constantly worrying over eren, altair finds it in himself to worry over mikasa even though the girl is older than him by months. at first, mikasa doesn't like this but eventually, she appreciates it to the point that she lets altair wash her scarf for her. it ends up smelling like one of levi's detergents but mikasa doesn't have to know that or else altair will be eating dust. they go to the marketplace together for day-offs, where altair buys strawberries for her. in short, these two act like the typical siblings, where they fight but in the end, still end up in the comfort of each other.
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askfallenroyalty · 3 years
Aw that's sad. The dark world arc is what brought me to your blog. Especially the Kris parts. They where my fav character and you did them very well... It's kinda depressing to see that your booting them out ;-;
as mentioned yesterday: i'll be working on making the original ending shared (needs some fixing for readability and fill in the gaps for the cancelled animation)
so we're still getting a fulfilling ending with Kris. and to be clear here: i adore kris. kris is my child, i love them sm. but i also am not as attached to DeltaRune and by extention Kris as much as I am with Undertale. likely because Deltarune only really started, and I don't have a full picture or the same bittersweet ending that got me so hooked onto UT. (i mean, my god, spending 3+ years and god knows how much time on an AU where the two main characters who didn't get a proper happy ending is why I'm so dedicated to it. DR doesn't have that. But I know I will love DR no matter what happens)
anyway, the darkworld 1.0 is still going to exist on here. it's not going anywhere! the rewrite is for better writing and to try things again -I think I pulled Kris' arc as best I could under the limits of: updating a lot of art in bursts/vs burn out, Tumblr Asks Kris format, improve crossover with Angel's Lullaby that was not originally planned ect. I don't want to replicate that lmao.
so the dark world thing only still exists in AFR because 1) it helps justify the absence of Papyrus and Sans in the story 2) because even though i had my fill of Gaster for a life time I still love the stinky ol binch and I still enjoy involving him as a character 3) Chara's character arc needs Feylow to work. It is SO satisfying to give a character the thing they desperately wanted so bad only to realize it was a farce and not what they needed. That sort of character arc fuels me.
anyway in this house we love Kris Dreemurr. I want DW 2.0 to have a bigger focus on a better character arc for Frisk (Ralsei and Lancer were too passive, MK and Suzy are more relevant to Frisk's life and character arc anyway) It's my second attempt at making this fantasy scenerio more fun and fitting to the larger story. I feel the original failed, and while it still exists and thats fine, I know I could of done better.
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xandyprojects · 3 years
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(I’m not good with english also sorry if its blurry) My second post for today! Okay I decide to do it because why not? also I am so sorry for Abyss I couldn’t resist (if u don’t know its a OPM meme) soo see the other skeleton? That’s my au character ‘Dragnix’ I’m still working at his and the other characters’ bio soon
Okay if you wanna know what happened before... idk its just a random scenerio in my head but I remember there was like a misunderstand both of them, then Dragnix saved Abyss by “Something” idk. Then Abyss is confused while Dragnix just forgotten Abyss and the first encounter and trying to remember him. Dragnix is just a forgetful with other people and that’s me everyday- Hench Abyss’es nickname for Dragnix is “Snowball Child” or “Clouldy”- (sorry not sorry, sorry) 
And do not repost the artwork nor claim it as your own.
Abysstale Sans belongs to @metakazkz
Dragnix belongs to (me) Xandy_Projects
Undertale sans belongs to Toby fox 
Artwork by (me) Xandy_Projects
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
(Munakata x Kusanagi scenerio) In an everyone lives AU how would their relationship work as members of rival clans, especially with one of them being a King and all? How does specter 4 & homra react to their relationship? : )
I feel like people would be less surprised about the rival clans thing and more that it's like specifically these two, who everyone thought didn't like each other. Imagine in Everybody Lives AU maybe Munakata finds himself frequenting the bar on occasion, like tensions between the two clans have eased somewhat and Munakata supposes it would be good for inter-clan harmony. Mikoto isn't quite so thrilled at having that guy hanging around and so he makes himself scarce whenever Munakata shows up, which leaves Munakata and Kusanagi mostly alone there in the bar to talk and spend some time together. At first it's the usual passive-aggressiveness and being fakely polite to each other but imagine they start to find that they get along in an odd way, like they're enjoying this back and forth. Plus in this AU presumably Mikoto doesn't have as many issues with his Sword so that big point of contention isn't there, though they disagree on how Mikoto should be accepting his responsibilities as King it's not them arguing about whether he should be allowed to self destruct or not.
When they finally admit that they've hooked up their clans are surprised, just imagine Kusanagi off-handedly saying that he's dating the Blue King and Mikoto's just like '….' while Totsuka starts laughing because funny joke Kusanagi-san. Kusanagi would probably say that if Mikoto thinks it will be a detriment to the clan Kusanagi's willing to let the relationship go, I think even if he cared for Munakata he would still put Homra's needs above his own, but Mikoto just shrugs and tells him to do what he wants. He and Munakata would probably be good at keeping their personal and professional relationships separate though, like when Scepter 4 finds out Fushimi's muttering that Captain might go easy on Homra now and Munakata just adjusts his glasses and is like 'certainly not' (and Fushimi suddenly feels a bit sorry for Kusanagi-san). Munakata has no qualms in forcing Kusanagi to handle clerical issues regarding Homra and Kusanagi doesn't expect Munakata to go easy on him, though then afterward they may go out for dinner and Kusanagi gets to shake his head and note that Munakata doesn't give an inch of relief to anyone does he.
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