#sandu voltron
nesonkin · 1 year
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Of what could have been...
Today marks 41 years since the episode "Temporary Truce" aired and our beloved Galveston pilot named Sim first appeared in the show! Also, the same day that he died by the hands of his superiors...
That's why today is the unofficial Sim Appreciation Day. May of 12 every year from now on.
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voltronfandomhag · 6 years
Drule Character Bios
I’ve discussed the Drules as a people  on this blog before but haven’t talk about the individual characters very much besides Hazar and Dorma. Therefore I’ve written some brief biographies about some of the Drules in the Vehicle Voltron season of Voltron: Defender of the Universe. Keep in mind this is not a complete list of all the Drule characters. There are A LOT of them, so I’ve narrowed it down to the ones who either played a major role in the series or who I personally found memorable. I might add more characters to this list later but for now I think I’ve covered most of the notable Drules.
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Name: Emperor Zeppo
Dairugger Name: Emperor Corsair
About:  A greedy, power hungry schemer. He manages to avoid capture by promising Hazar he’ll give up his war making ways if the rebels let him go. However, upon escape he makes for planet Dema where he’s secretly building up a new army to resume his conquests.
Episode to shine: Zeppo’s role isn’t nearly as large as you’d think. He doesn’t get much screen time until late in the series.
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Name: Grand Viceroy Throk
Dairugger Name: Supreme Commander Al Caponero
About: Throk is one of the most power hungry, prideful, and outspoken members of the Supreme Council. He’s vocally opposed any sort of cooperation with the Galaxy Alliance, seeing them as invaders out to steal planets that rightly belong to the Drule Empire. Not only that, but sees making peace with the Alliance as an insult to the Drule’s honor, something he ties strongly to their military might and conquests, and pride. He absolutely hates Hazar for his attempts at peacemaking and, it’s implied, is jealous of Hazar’s power. At one point Throk imprisons Hazar in his palace.
At the end of Vehicle Voltron he and a few other members of the council flee planet Drule and presumably joins Emperor Zeppo on planet Dema.
Episode to shine: Plays a major role in many episodes, but if I had to pick one I’d go with “It’s Anybody’s World.”
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Name: Commander Hazar
Dairugger Name: Commander Socrat Teles
About: Is one of the highest ranking officers in the Drule chain of command at the start of the series. While he original hates the Alliance and wants the Drule Empire to dominate the galaxy, he gradually realizes the war is only further endangering his people by wasting time and resources. When he starts reaching to the Alliance in hopes making peace, the Drule command turns against him, leading to his exile and eventual imprisonment. At the end of Vehicle Voltron he leads the rebels in overthrowing Emperor Zeppo.
Episodes to shine: Plays a major role in most episodes.
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Name: Captain Twila
Dairugger name: Captain Emma
About: Captain Twila is one of the Drule’s top scientist and the only female Drule officer in the series. She is stubborn, prideful, loyal, and determined to prove her worth as a military officer by any means necessary. At one point she’s injured and taken aboard the S.S. Explorer for treatment. Commander Hawkins attempts convince her to join him and help bring peace between the Alliance and Drules, but Twila doesn’t buy it. She escapes and, more determined than ever to prove her worth, almost gets herself killed trying to destroy Voltron and the Explorer.
Episode to shine: “This World’s For the Birds”
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Name: Dorma
Dairugger Name: Sirk
About: A brave and passionate woman dedicated to liberating her people from the rule of the Supreme Council and bringing peace between the Drules and the Alliance. She also deeply loves and admires her brother Hazar. She was once a member of the Supreme Council but, unfortunately, the we never learn why she left the council. After repeatedly trying to convince Hazar to led a rebellion against the Empire to no avail, she ends up joining the Underground Rebel Forces (URF) herself.
Episode to shine: “Color Me Invisible”
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Name: Chancellor Mozak
Dairugger Name: Home Secretary Socrat Tes
About: Mozak is Hazar and Dorma’s loving father. Wise, humble, and trustworthy, he’s also one of the very few Supreme Council members not blinded by paranoia or a lust for power. Because of this he’s ignored and undermined by his follow council members. Late in the series Dorma convinces him to assist the URF by pleading their case to the council.
Episode to shine: “Hazar is Demoted”
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Name: Marshall Keezor
Dairugger Name: Commander Al Luciano
About: A scheming, nasty, underhanded weasel of a man with an annoying nasally voice. He’s a high ranking member of the Supreme Council and a continual  thorn in the side of both Hazar and the Galaxy Alliance. He’s also notable for his brief but significant role in the first Lion Voltron season where he orchestrates the coup to overthrow Zarkon and place Lotor on the throne of planet Doom.
Episode to shine: “A Man Made Sun”
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Name: Captain Mongo
Dairugger Name: Captain Drake
About: Honorable, proud, and dependable, Mongo is one of the first Drules to open up to the idea of peace with the Alliance. He’s also Hazar’s best friend and remains loyal to him even after most of the Drule leadership turns against him. About mid-way through the series he goes into self-imposed exile after losing to the Alliance forces.
Episode to shine: “Hazar on the Carpet”
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Name: Captain Nerok
Dairugger Name: Captain Lafitte
About: One of the most underhanded, nasty, deadly, and destructive Drule officers. He’s a backstabbing sycophant who’ll do just about anything for power. Seriously, no blow is too low for this guy. His only loyalty is to himself.
Episode to shine: “Nerok Scores Big”
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Name: Bakki
Dairugger Name: Bakke
About: Bakki is the leader of the Underground Rebel Forces, which seeks to overthrow Emperor Zeppo and the Supreme Council. He’s deeply concerned for the happiness and well-being for his people, which is his driving motivation. Late in the series he convinces Dorma to join the URF and helps break Hazar out of prison.
Episode to shine: “Color Me Invisible”
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Name: Captain Brack
Dairugger Name: Captain Barataria
About: Another paranoid and ambitious Drule officer who believes the Galaxy Alliance is a rival empire out to conquer the universe. He views himself as a patriot and at one point leads an unsuccessful mutiny against Hazar. His fate after the failed revolt is unclear.
Episode to shine: “Who’s On First”
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Name: Sandu
Dairugger Name: Sim
About: Trained to be soldier since he was a child, Sandu is a young but loyal subject of the Drule Empire. However, after being injured and taken aboard the Explorer for treatment, Commander Hawkins convinces him the Alliance only desires peace. He could have served as a bridge between the two sides if the Drule command hadn’t labeled him a traitor.
Episode to shine: Only appeared in one episode: “A Temporary Truce”
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Name: Lieutenant Antor
Dairugger Name: Captain Antonov
About: A young officer who was in charge of a major Drule supply base until it was captured by the Alliance. He warms up to the Alliance thanks to the kind treatment his men receive after being taken prisoner and their subsequent abandonment by the Drule command.
Episode to shine: Only appears in “That’s the Old Ball Game”
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mateushonrado · 5 years
How I would've done VLD (part 7)
Status Post #8015: Continued from part 6.
The multiverse/destroying alternate realities to find the perfect reality storyline wouldn't be the main story for season 8, given that this version would be using the serialised storytelling than the story arc storytelling as said storyline would become a miniseries instead, especially that Empress Allura from the alternate reality would appear in person for said miniseries along with Sincline.
Each season would be 26 episodes long.
Dorma, Hazar, Twyla and Sandu would appear with Dorma and Hazar ultimately revealed to be Acxa's long-lost siblings.
Because Zeppo is younger than his Vehicle Voltron counterpart in addition to being the Paul to Lotor's Ash, he would have a similar hairstyle as Anakin Skywalker in Revenge of the Sith.
Keith doesn't leave Team Voltron to join the BOM. Instead, he would remain part of the team after Shiro's return as he would go behind the scenes along with discovering more clues about the current whereabouts of his mother.
The Altean colony is instead Altea's sister planet Pollux.
Adam survives in this version.
Sven is Shiro's maternal cousin since Shiro is half Swedish from his mother's side and like in DOTU, does end up with Romelle.
Hira does appear and is the tyrannical queen of Pollux.
Part of this influence is due to @sunset-spring and @manifi's @askthecadetsquad.
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anamelessknight · 7 years
Episode 21: Meanwhile Back at Galaxy Garrison
Previous Episode: 20 Defend the New World
Episode Master List
Let’s Compare Voltrons
And it’s said, every episode already.
A city is engulfed in flames.  Another Alliance supply base is destroyed, though all personal were safety evacuated.  The Explorer calls for another supply escort.
Meanwhile, back at Galaxy Garrison.  Commander Steele wants to send support to the Voltron Force but committee is taking it’s sweet time!  Ultimately, the decision rests with Space Marshal Graham.  Luckily all Alliance forces are on ready since there’s war games going on.
Steele and Captain Newley arrive in the defense council but are opposed by obstructive cost-concern bureaucrats.  He accuses Steele of using the overpopulation as a scare tactic to increase military funding.  Steele throws back at the Adjutant, saying from the high castle of Galaxy Garrison you can’t see the suffering below.
Steele cedes the table to Newley who has a more hands-on experience with the Drule troubles.  Using good old VCR and tapes, he shows a map of a viable world reduced to ruin by Drule aggression.
Commander Hawkins radios in demanding more support or mission canceled.  Steele promises his full support even over political opposition.  He inquires about morale, and Hawkins gives a brief on the Voltron Force’s training.
They combine a bunch.
Vehicle Teams Combine:
Air Team: 6
Land Team: 5
Sea Team: 6
Steele is glad to know Voltron Force is doing their job.  Even if the Adjutent is doing his job.
Some other guy gets prissy about the supply situation with the Explorer.
Newley’s pleas are swaying some minds.  Plus they’ve been narrowing in on the Drule’s home planet.  There’s been some intercepted chatter about Drule troubles in High Command with Mongol.  Which means no peace. 
More money or no mission.  The Adjutant is pissed off about this ultimatum.
Hopefully Space Marshall Graham is having more luck at the Premier’s party.
It’s not, as he gets zinged by the stand-up comedian doing a bit.  He gets called away to video-phone to talk with Steele who’s hoping for some good news.  But Graham just doesn’t have the influence Steel’s crediting him with.  He was the butt of a joke!  Him!
So then a couple walks by back-talking about Graham being an old soldier fear mongering for money and glory.
Construction on a new Alliance base starts.  By Commander Hawkins orders and over any Alliance objections.
Meanwhile back at Galaxy Garrison.  There’s still indecision but Commander Steele insists, accepting any responsibility.  Captain Newley backs him up.
Jeff talks with Hawkins about the red moon signaling conflict in the future.  Krik’s had a bad feeling, which Hawkins dismisses as superstition.  Still, Krik’s bad feelings have been right before...
The Voltron Support Fleet is launched.
They approach Space Station Fourteen (whew, missed 13) which is in Alliance control.  The Station launches escort units as they prepare to receive the fleet.
Meanwhile back at Galaxy Garrison.  The Premier’s party is still ongoing so either travel is super fast or this is the longest party ever.  Chatter still goes on about the Alliance’s skewed priorities.
Steele hosts a clip show of Voltron deeds.  It’s invincible!
And any attempts to assemble a secondary Voltron based on plans made by Doctor Loring.  Who’s now dead.  And his secrets to making Voltron work went with him.  As Voltron 2 is destroyed effortlessly in a test.
And no one even knows what Drule wants beyond new worlds.  Everything’s a mess of mixed signals.  The Drule people have been brainwashed by High Command.  Sandu, the Drule pilot from Episode 11 who was bombed but censor-lived, headed back to try and reach his people off camera.
Staring over a duck pond at sunset, Graham muses that his inaction towards peace may have led to war.  He understands Steele’s go-ho attempts to support the Voltron Force.
Space Marshal Graham arrives back at Galaxy Garrison and supports Steele’s actions.
The Voltron Force get the news and are pretty dang happy about it.
Hawkins orders Voltron to go greet the incoming support fleet.
Voltron Formation Rallying Cry:
Go Voltron Force!: 3
Go Voltron!: 7
Let’s Go Voltron Force!: 1
Voltron Formed: 20
And it ends.
Like, really, it ends on Voltron forming.  Weird episode.
Previous Episode: 20 Defend the New World
Episode Master List
Let’s Compare Voltrons
Next Episode: 22 Nerok Scores Big
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chibi-pix · 3 years
You know, as much as I would love to keep going, I think it’s best to watch this show in small amounts, pace myself, and not get burnt out.  That being said, I watched another five episodes of Voltron: Defender of the Universe.  To be expected, some things I vaguely recall to an extent from DaiRugger. Of course, there are definite changes. 
Let’s start with episode 11. Hello Sandu.  It’s nice seeing a Drule boy aboard the Explorer and being peaceful with the others. Or at least as peaceful as anyone can be with Shannon being bitter. But we’ll get to him in a bit.  I love just how reasonable Hawkins can be. He doesn’t see Sandu as just some “Drule soldier”, he sees someone who needs help, recovery, and who could help them seek peace between the Drules and Galaxy Alliance. And offering hot chocolate, in my experience, cocoa often makes everything better. Unimportant, but I had hot cocoa earlier today when I was in a mood and it made things better for me. Now I’m going to be honest, I do understand why Shannon’s angry about Sandu and the Drule. As much as my siblings and I butt heads, I’d be a little miffed, too, if they were captured. Well, if some were captured. Some of the others, well, then they’d be the enemy’s problem then. But anger doesn’t get anyone anywhere. Well, at least he learns. And it doesn’t take a number of episodes. Yeah, I”m looking at you, VLD Allura. But at least you, too learned to get past it. And no one had to punch you like Hawkins hit Shannon.  And I’m glad Sandu decided to seek peace with Shannon, too. Bless.  Everyone working on Sandu’s ship, regardless of if I’m watching DaiRugger or Voltron, will always amuse me. But really guys, have none of you ever taken a course in mechanical engineering? Goodness.  I’m pleased that technically Sandu didn’t die. I didn’t cry, but I had feels watching DaiRugger, if memory serves me right.  Also! Fun fact! This episode (or rather the DaiRugger version, but still,) is what had inspired one of my chapters for my VV/VLD fic! Having Shannon bitter about the Galra but getting past it. 
Okay, that took a moment to write.  Now on to episode 12.  I adore getting a touch on Wolo’s background. It’s nice and letting his memories both distract him but also help when fighting against the next robeast. Perfection. oh! Hazar shower scene!
Episode 13 comes next. Krik’s voice and accent. It doesn’t annoy me. But I’ll be damned, I sometimes mistake what he says. When he said “pack up and go home”, it literally sounded like he said “fuck off and go home”. I had to do a double take on that one. 
Let’s dance on over to episode 14 and be hit with cuteness. Chip. Is. Short. He can’t see past the others. But at least Rocky is a good friend and picks him up. I can see Pidge and Hunk doing that. Be it DotU or VLD. “The end result was mass hysteria.” And then they cut to people jamming to music, the guy on the sax stopping briefly as planes go past then he continues the music. Oh yes. Plenty of hysteria. 
And finally, episode 15.  In DaiRugger, Mongo, or Drake as I think I remember him being called, seemed like a pleasant guy and I was fond of him. And I’m fond of Mongo. I like that he’s trying to make a sort of effort for peace in talking with Hawkins. He also reminds me a smidgen of Commander Bogh in VLD. He, too, was reasonable and willing to work with others for the sake of his base/people. It’s such good energy.  “Sir, we’re outmatched!” “Don’t you ever say that I’m outmatched!”  “Correction, I should have said outwitted.”  Oh. OOOOOH! Burn. That is a brilliant insult and I love it. 
Anyway! That’s it for the night. A lovely watch night of Voltron: Defender of the Universe.  I hope y’all are enjoying my input when watching this show. To be honest, I don’t know what I should be saying half the time, so what my thoughts or what I like seems like a good thing.  Well, until next time. 
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voltronfandomhag · 6 years
Oldtron People and Places: The S.S. Explorer and Crew
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The Stellar Ship Explorer, or simply the Explorer,  serves as the Vehicle Voltron Force’s mothership in their quest to find new habitable planets for the people of the Galaxy Alliance. It also serves as the Voltron Force’s home where they can eat, rest, refuel and repair their individual ships. In this sense the Castle of Lions in VLD has more in common with the Explorer than its DoTU counterpart. True, the DoTU Castle of Lions could turn into a spaceship, but 99.9% of the time it was a stationary fortress. Also, if something was to happen to the Explorer or the vehicle team were for some reason separated from it, they could potentially be in a situation similar to the VLD paladins in season seven. Vehicle Voltron and its pilots cannot do their mission without it.
While its mission is exploration, it’s a military ship and can defend itself in battle with an array of cannons and guns. It also resembles an aircraft carrier; indeed, when the Explorer does land on a planet’s surface, it almost always does so in a lake or some other body of water. It usually travels with a small fleet of support ships.
The Crew
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Name: Commander Hawkins
Dairugger Name: Captain Shinji Ise
Role: Commander of the Explorer
About: I’ve mentioned in past posts that Hawkin’s is stoic, dependable and seeks peace with the Drules. I think it’s also important to note this desire for peace between human and Drule doesn’t stem from naive idealism but rather from a place of genuine compassion for both Drule and human. He knows from encounters with Drules like Sandu that they’re not bloodthirsty or evil as a whole, but rather a desperate people kept in line by fear. However, he knows all too well what the Drule leadership is like and doesn't hesitate to call them out for their cruelty and deception, nor does he waddle obliviously into traps disguised as peace talks. To me, he comes across someone who is very duty bound and, I suspect, feels that if it’s possible to bloodlessly end the conflict between the Alliance and Empire, that’s the route he must take.
He also feels a strong sense of duty to his crew and will do what he must to protect them. Hawkins is also fond of each member of the Voltron Force, though, out of all of them, he’s probably the closest to Jeff, even if does get under Hawkin’s skin at times.
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Name: Captain Newley
Dairugger Name: Captain Dick Asimov
Role: Second in command of the Explorer. Interestingly, he actually outranked Hawkins in Dairugger. While the reason for this change isn’t clear, most suspect it’s because Hawkins gets a lot more screen time.
About: Newley is confident, outspoken, and dedicated to the Explorer’s mission. In “Meanwhile Back at Galaxy Garrison” Newley returns to Earth to convince the Alliance that they need to continue supporting the Explorer program. He and Hawkins have a good rapport and agree on most things.
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Name: Professor Page
Dairugger Name: Doctor Search
Role: The Explorer’s scientist and medic
About: Professor Page loves analyzing the all the little scientific details about the planets the Voltron Force explorers, often giving lectures on the planet’s ecology. He seems particularly passionate about plant life. More often than not, he’s also the one patching people up from injuries. Thankfully he’s kindly and has a good bedside manner.
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Name: Debbie
Role: Scientist and nurse
About: Debbie functions as Professor Page’s assistant in both the lab and infirmary. Quiet and kind.
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Name: Sammy Klotz
Role: Chef
About: The very untalented chef of the S.S. Explorer. While jovial, he has no talent for cooking and Hawkins will sometimes punish Jeff by making him eat Sammy’s culinary horrors, like ice cream and veggie sauce or mashed coconuts with giblet gravy. He is, however, a very talented guitar player.
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voltronfandomhag · 6 years
Oldtron People and Places: Shannon, Tangor, and Zandee
The Sea Team, unfortunately, contains two of the least shown and personality-less characters on the Vehicle Voltron crew. I’ve included as much information as I could but sadly this particular post isn’t going to have a lot of meat to it. Sorry. With that said here’s a closer look at the remaining members of the Sea Team: Shannon, Tangor, and Zandee.
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Name: Shannon
Dairugger Name: Tatsuo Izumo
Team: Sea Team
Ship: Multi-Wheeled Explorer. Forms Voltron’s lower right leg.
Special Relationships: Is friends with a young Drule fighter pilot named Sandu.
Personality: Shannon is broody, impetuous, cynical, and arguably has the worst temper out of everyone on the team. He has an intense hatred of Drules because his brother was imprisoned by them and left to rot in the dungeons of Planet Doom. Displays of emotion and sentimentality irritate him, putting him at odds with the sensitive Lisa, who he considers too emotional and child-like. While he can definitely be a jerk at times, he occasionally shows a softer side. In one episode he’s able to put his prejudices aside to befriend a young Drule named Sandu. Episodes to Shine: “A Temporary Truce”
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Name: Tangor
Dairugger Name: Saruta Katz
Team: Sea Team
Ship: Space Prober. Forms Voltron’s upper left leg.
Special Relationships: Is the same species as Wolo.
Personality: All we really know about Tangor is his huge appetite. His speaking lines are pretty few and far between and he doesn’t appear much outside of group shots. The only other information we have is the his brief character bio provided in the Vehicle Voltron DVD, which describes him as “tough talking” and the last guy a Drule “would want to run into in a dark Space Station.”
Episodes to Shine: None.
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Name: Zandee
Dairugger Name: Barros Karateya
Team: Sea Team
Ship: Multi-Wheeled Explorer. Forms Voltron’s lower left leg.
Special Relationships: None
Personality: Unknown, sadly. This guy is the least shown of the Vehicle Voltron team and only very rarely gets a speaking line.  The character bio provided by the DVDs claims he’s a friendly crack pilot who’s loyal to the team. We’ll just have to take their word for it.
Episodes to Shine: None.
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anamelessknight · 8 years
Episode 11: A Temporary Truce
Previous Episode: 10 Planet of the Bats
Episode Master List
Let’s Compare Voltrons
Peace settled across the galaxy, if just for one day...
Some sort of gas is bubbling in space.  Like the surface of a star.  Drule fighters fly nearby on practice drills.  Pretty hardcore training, honestly.
A hotshot new pilot named Sandu has earned the attention of a Drule Commander (Zabar maybe?).
A training accident sends Sandu hurtling off towards... Planet Sentus.  He, the Explorer’s still there.  And the Force is on the planet when they get the alert.
Sandu crashes with an enormous explosion.  Jeff thinks this might be a trick but they have to check it out anyway.
Sandu has survived an explosion larger than any of the buildings and has been knocked unconscious.
Jeff, Ginger and Cliff save him and bring him up to sickbay.
Over in sickbay, Ginger puts forth the idea that Sandu fled the Drules since he’s just a boy.  Cliff retorts that he might have been trying to attack.  Ginger says no, one guy against Voltron is stupid.
It was Zabar, who gave a report to a grunt that’s being told to Hazar now.
A bald commander walks into saying that Zabar is a fool and he should be in command of the search.  Hazar chews him out as being too ambitious despite being an idiot.
Sandu wakes up when Hawkins is in the room, and the Commander gets to questioning.  Name: Sandu!  And that’s all you’re getting from him!
Hawkins asks if Sandu ran, which is a no.  Also something else.
Hawkins wants to be a friend and won’t ask Sandu to violate a pledge to his homeland.
This convinces the guy to talk about the accident.
Hawkins goes on about peace and friendship as he hands Sandu some hot chocolate.
Sandu starts believing into Hawkins words as he relates how the Drule empire conditions people to just fight.
Professor Paige goes on that Sandu should join a Voltron Team (whut?) and talks about Voltron’s formation, and the five minute energy limit.
Voltron’s Energy Limitation is Mentioned: 3
The idea is enticing but Sandu won’t reject his homeland that easily.  Hawkins invites him to a lunch-in and they check out the lounge.  Ginger and Lisa are intrigued by the guy but Shannon is furious and has to be held back by the ladies from starting a fight.
Voltron Force Members Named (Episode Named):
Air Team: 5/5; Voltron Force Commander Jeff (1), Ginger (1), Chip (2), Wolo (2), Rocky (2)
Sea Team: 5/5; Sea Team Commander Krik (1), Lisa (1), Zandee (2), Tangor (6), Shannon (11).
Land Team: 5/5; Land Team Commander Cliff (1), Hutch (1), Marvin (1), Modok (2), Cinda (2)
And that’s everyone!  Wow, Shannon got shafted relatively.  Maybe his name came up earlier and I missed it?
Shannon’s brother was captured by the Drule’s and enslaved on Planet Doom.  Guess Lion frees him, eventually.
Lisa tries to calm him down as Sandu looks downcast.
Zabar gets word that Sandu’s on the Explorer... somehow.  Zabar’s secret mission will have to wait until they recover Sandu.  Or kill him.
Zabar has a brilliant idea of praying on the Alliance guise of peace.
Shannon gets exceptionally more pissed until he threatens to go though Hawkins to to do.
So Hawkins cold-cocked his ass and sends him a good ten feet.
Hawkins is furious.  Everyone here’s got someone they care for in a Drule prison and wouldn’t hesitate to take their place but Shannon’s out of line going after someone unrelated entirely.  Sandu is a guest and should be treated as such.
Sandu runs off in frustration and Jeff tells Shannon he owes the guy an apology.
The Team Leaders come up to a lone Sandu offering apologies and friendship (I’ve heard it’s magic).
Zabar gives a short rallying speech to a couple of young Drules about Sandu’s capture.
Hawkins gives Galaxy Garrison a call about their guest.  High Command splinters on action.  One guy wants him as a prisoner with high guard.  Commandant Steele declares they’re not at war (THEY ARE!) and wants to treat him as an envoy of peace.
Hawkins gets the OK from Steele that the decision is in their hands.  Captain Newley suggest they let Sandu head back to show their intentions as peaceful.
The engineers are eager to take apart Sandu’s wrecked ship so Hawkins heads down to sort them out.
Hutch squares off with Sandu in a game of cards while everyone looks on in good spirits.  Except Shannon, who’s sulking.  Sandu notices this.  He folds and goes to confront him.
With a handshake of peace.
Shannon looks at his teammates who are all egging him on.
Shannon extends a shaky hand outwards... and reciprocates.  To everyone’s cheers.
“If there is peace between our worlds, it began here.”
“Because of you.”
Commander Hawkins, claps the loudest.  Proud of Sandu and the Force for putting peace ahead of hatred.
Hawkins heads out, leaving Shannon to wonder what’s gonna happen.
Hawkins answers they wanted to help Sandu get back home, but the repair crews are refusing to work on his ship.
That’s... such a strange turn...
Shannon is now full-on peace and cooperation mode and rallies the Force to repair Sandu’s ship themselves.
Which means going back down to the planet.
It uh, doesn’t go well, but it convinces the repair crews to do their damn job.  Things are looking up!
Time for Zabar’s fleet to show up.  Zabar calls in asking for prisoner Sandu’s return.  Hawkins agrees, but he’s a guest.  Explorer extends its offer.  Zabar accepts, but when the call cuts off claims the Alliance ran out of use for Sandu.  He has a surprise in store for the traitor.
Sandu’s ship is repaired to everyone’s thanks.
Sandu and Shannon are being best bros as Sandu gets ready to leave.
Zabar’s fleet descends and Sandu takes off to join up with them.
Zabar berates and threatens his goons, hmmm... soldiers for not shooting down one of their own.
Zabar pushes one of his men out of the way and fires, shooting Sandu down.
Shannon runs at the crash sight, tears in his eyes.
Zabar laughs and returns to his throne.  His fleet retreats, instead of killing the Force, or attacking the Explorer.
Shannon runs up to Sandu’s wreck.  The ship’s on fire and ready to blow, and Sandu waves off anyone getting any closer.
Shannon pleads with him to come and explore with them.  He agrees and will come to them.
Hawkins says that Sandu’s back in sickbay again but will be ready to go home in no time.  Ahhh censorship.
Jeff and Ginger muse on the situation and the episode ends.
Also no Voltron this episode.  Weird, isn’t it?
Previous Episode: 10 Planet of the Bats
Episode Master List
Let’s Compare Voltrons
Next Episode: 12 Planet Stop for Repairs
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anamelessknight · 7 years
Episode 52: The End of Hazzar’s World
Previous Episode: 51 The Drules Surrender
Episode Master List
Let’s Compare Voltrons
This was episode 49 in the video order.  ALSO IT’S ENDING THANK THE NINE.
Jeff narrates over Voltron’s success, while Voltron stands amid the carnage it caused liberating Planet Drule.  Including the Robeast carrying Throk and company.  Then we’re back in present time with Jeff wondering what Emperor Zeppo was thinking?
Remember last episode when the teams left to pursuit him?
Hazzar’s down below leading the people and asks for Voltron’s help getting off the breaking planet.  They repeat the same plot points and Mozak gives yet another explanation of Planet Drule’s impending destruction.  They’ve only got hours!
Jeff orders Ginger to escort Mozak to evacuation plans with the brass.  But molten lava starts bursting through the ground!
The Alliance Fleet is milling about the surface and Newley and Hawkins are gonna do everything in their power to help.  They’ve too few ships, but another reinforcement fleet is on its way.  Ginger and Mozak arrive and before Newley can even announce their names Mozak collapses to his knees begging for help.
They’re obviously going to and start transferring the women and children first.
Ginger heads off to spread the information as the Alliance Fleet heads back in.
Back below, Jeff angrily asks Hazzar why there hasn’t been any evacuation prepare and Hazzar recounts that all the escape ships were repurposed for the war.
Rocky relays Hawkins decision and they cooperate with Hazzar to get things underway.  The vehicles help shepherd people on the way.
There’s no word on the reinforcement fleet.  Just as the people pop up on the surface.
Newley relays word from Professor Paige that they’ve collected information on a similar planet to Drule for recolonization.  Wonderful!  And the reinforcement fleet will have enough ships!
The Voltron Force starts leading people on the ships.  There’s a couple struggles when the men try and rush things but Hazzar calms them down.
The planet’s explosions grow worse and more trouble starts breaking out...  The Force try and keep the peace...
Hawkins still has no word on the reinforcements and Paige informs them there’s only two hours left!  Two, desperate hours.
Commander Steele is leading the reinforcements but they’re running into gravity disturbances.
The transport shuttles are overfilled.  People look on grim and despondent.
Krik and Cliff run in on Hawkins asking for orders for the increasingly unruly crowd.  Newley calls in and orders lift-off.  It’s cruel, but they have to save whom they can.
The mood on the Explorer is dour as they leave.  Jeff believes in the hardiness of the Drule people.  They can survive.  Like Sandu!  And Antor!
Why.  It’s your last episode.  Why are you showing flashbacks.
Seriously, three minutes of flashbacks!
Hawkins gets a staticy call from Steele, explaining the situation.  Steele has a risky technobabble plan to get into Planet Drule, but he’s confident he can make it.
The Drule surface starts sinking and the Explorer Fleet blasts off.  I guess they were in the middle layer?  Didn’t look like it, honestly.
Steele’s fleet shows up to everyone’s relief.  Hawkins orders the Force launch to help evacuate.
Hazzar narrates as the Drule people safely depart their planet.
The fleet leaves and Hazzar announces everyone to look forward to their new lives, as their old planet falls apart.
If Emperor Zeppo tries anything the Force, and Hazzar will be ready.  Hazzar confirms their pact of friendship.
Planet Drule explodes.
The Fleet deposits the people on the New Planet Drule.  Where they’ll have peace, and freedom, because of Voltron: Defender of the Universe!
And that’s the end!  WHOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOO!
This was such a chore to do.
Counts + Final Thoughts
Previous Episode: 51 The Drules Surrender
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Let’s Compare Voltrons
Next Episode: Lion Force Voltron Season 2: Dinner and a Show
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anamelessknight · 7 years
I just noticed Sandu is wearing the "Robot" uniform, outside of the helmet. I also just read that a scene of the "Robots" eating in Dairugger was cut in Vehicle Voltron.
Yeah, they’ve been far more consistent with declaring them robots in vehicle compared to lion.
0 notes
anamelessknight · 8 years
Episode 17: No, Who’s on Second
Previous Episode: 16 Who’s on First
Episode Master List
Let’s Compare Voltrons
Who’s on first.
The Voltron Force are testing out their combination times in space.
Vehicle Teams Combine:
Air Team: 3
Land Team: 2
Sea Team: 3
Two seconds faster than last time awww yeah!
Hazar is hosting a meeting when Guard Captain Raddik comes in.  He reports that Nerok wants to lead an attack on the Galaxy Alliance.  Nerok.  Who should still be in jail.
Hazar’s back to being a war-hawk which just leaves me so confused.  Am I watching this out of order, or something?  He orders Nerok’s arrest.  Again.  How did he weasel out of jail time for treason?
Mongol’s angling for Nerok’s command.  But only if Hazar’s plan to lull the Alliance into a false sense of security with a false peace goes through.
I guess Hazar’s supposed to be gripping between loyalty and his own ideals of peace but he flip-flops between extremes so much he comes across as unstable.
Commander Vargel, a  dark-gray bearded fellow is named as ship comes in from the time-warp carrying Chancellor Mordok.
Mordok, who has a pencil mustache and sounds exactly like Brak, meets with Hazar on the bridge.  Hazar’s plan is taking too long for Mordok’s liking.  Planet Drule needs to be evacuated now.
Commander Steele (who either rank changed again or...) calls up to request Captain Newley replace a leaving adjutant over at Terra Base One.
I... but... It’s Earth!  It’s literally been Earth in the opening for 69 episodes!  Planet Terra is an entirely different thing!  Pidge and Chip’s sister is a Space Explorer there!
I know Terra is oft-used Earth-name but this is absurd!
Newley accepts with resignation.  This new duty is so important it can’t be said over the comms.
Cliff is walking and writing a letter to his family.  He’ll be heading to visit them on his next leave.
Ginger warns him not to walk into a wall.  Why is there just a random dead end hallway?
An announcement calls Cliff, Jeff and Krik to Newley’s office.  Cliff is the last to arrive and the news is broke: Captain Newley’s leaving.
Surprise, shock, respect.  SECRETS.
Hawkins now has chair command and the team leaders are now assistant-captains.
This makes way more sense in Dairugger since Newley is the CO of the ship and Hawkins is the XO.
Hazar reiterates his fake peace, lower defenses, ATTACK plan to Mardok.  But Planet Drule will explode before the next lunar cycle goes by.  They need to take over the Galaxy Alliance’s home planet Terra, or Earth, as soons as possible.
DAMN YOU AMBIGUOUS WORDING!  Do they mean “Terra, or Earth?”  Or is it Planet Terra, also called Earth?”
Mardok goes on that without a planet they’ll roam the universe like gypsies.  ...Was Nomads really so more difficult to remember?
If Hazar’s plan fails he’ll spend the rest of his short life worse than a slave.  Mardok orders Nerok’s release to launch another attack on the Alliance.  Mardok hands off a book of Drule’s destruction to Hazar to let him contemplate the price of failure even more.
Hazar thinks about how peace might lead to the Alliance helping find a new planet.  But oh thinking about this could get him shot!  Hazar’s gonna rely on Mongol to keep Nerok’s warmongering on a leash.  Gotta keep up appearances...
A farewall party is thrown for the departing Captain newley.  The Voltron Force gives a few rounds of “For He’s A Jolly Good Fellow”.  Which is kind of hilarious since there’s like, seven voice actors for twenty people in this scene.
Gifts are given, applause done.  Captain Newley departs to everyone’s well wishes.
A ship fires off in salute as Captain Newley reminisces... about how Hawkins punched Shannon.  No, he really starts his fond memories with the CO punching out a pilot.  Hilarious.  Then Cynda nearly being drowned and the Force nearly killing themselves to repair Sandu’s ship.
Hawkins’s orders shifts back to normal.  Cliff and Krik remind Jeff it’s his time for assistant captains.  He bolts for the bridge and gets a mild chewing out.  And Hawkins has him sit on a stool next to him.  What an honor!
Engines on; full speed ahead!
Nerok is watching a recap video of Voltron smashing some Robeasts up.
Mongol says Voltron’s power is exactly why their peace-backstab plan is a good idea.  Nerok is furious that a warrior like him is being all sissy and Zabar chimes in to Mongol’s defense.  Mongol insults them both and screams attack about five times.
Mongol’s sick of his idiocy and just leaves before he does something Nerok regrets.  Nerok shouts at the others what do they think of this peace and Zabar says Nerok’s doing enough war-talk for all of them.
Mongol heads over to Hazar’s... office, I guess.  Also Hazar vey clearly calls him Mongo here.  Anyway, Hazar knows Mongol’s here about Nerok’s stupidity.
Hazar shares with Mongol the planet;s end.  War?  No, the peace plan’s working.
Hawkins reports that a new message of peace was sent to Galaxy Garrison.
An enemy squadron shows up.  Jeff orders a launch but Hawkins belays that.
This causes the pilots, in a run, to crash into each other a bit.  Poor Chip.
The fleet approaching the Explorer is Mardok’s.  He’s going with Hazar’s peace-plan and siccing Nerok when it’s time.  He sends a message demanding no use of Voltron.
Jeff wants to ready themselves for a fight but Hawkins is going for wait-and-see.
Mongol reports that Mardok and Nerok are getting trigger-happy.
Hazar calls up Nerok, who laughs, claims he’ll ule everything this side of the Far Universe and hangs up.
Mardok’s fleet is getting too close but Hawkins still won’t fire the first shot in this fight.  They intercept the Drule Fleets constant back-and-forth and Hawkins orders them retreat.
In the lounge, Cliff wanted to wallop the Drules but Jeff’s flipped back to being peace-guy.
Mmmm, hot chocolate!
This episode was weird.  That non-ending was almost incredible for how it sapped all the attention and it really felt like half the running time it actually was.
Previous Episode: 16 Who’s on First
Episode Master List
Let’s Compare Voltrons
Next Episode: 18 What’s on First
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