#sanders sides secret Santa
orbch · 5 months
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selfcest yaoi for the soul
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menace-sama · 9 months
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Dear @anxiouslyfred
Here's a little gift from me to you. The creative twins in a younger times where they could play around and worry less about the world.
May the year ahead remain kind to you as you move ahead. Happy holidays <3
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
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You look great, Logan :D
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loganslowdown4 · 9 months
So I had a bit of a break down because
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Hey that’s me! And my X handle hah
(Face reveal IG? lol)
Anyway, I made a reaction video of the episode and my reaction to the featured fander reveal is … well it’s a bit of a shock
Love ya @thatsthat24 💙
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musical--llama · 9 months
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My gift for @failingatfailing for the @sanderssidesgiftxchange this year! I had so much fun with the Roman drawing on Logan's arm prompt, and the reference resulted in my now favourite photo of me and my roommate!
I hope you had a great Christmas and a happy new year!
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starlocked01 · 9 months
Your Average Petty Sinner
AO3 link (pending)
Summary- Patton goes through an Emo phase and decides to hang out with the most notorious kids at school, going so far as to try to date their leader.
Relationships- Janus&Patton (Moceit), Remus/Virgil (Dukexiety)
Word Count- 5.4k
Content Warnings- swearing, mild description of injury, mild sexual innuendos
This is my @sanderssidesgiftxchange gift for @lily-janus 💛💙 I really hope you like it! Also a shout out to @infinitesimal-dna for beta reading and putting up with my shenanigans.
“I just don't get it!” Patton frantically paced the small patch of faded pale blue carpet that was visible in his cluttered room, “I literally caught them with cigarettes and lighters in the bathroom- how did they weasel out of detention this time?”
Roman barely looked up from the script in his hand as he lounged on Patton’s bed, “I don't know. Remus didn't say when Mom picked us up. They weren't going to hurt anyone but themselves.”
“Lighters start fires- they could have caused a fire alarm and some freshman could have been trampled in the ensuing panic while the science wing burned down-” Patton whipped back to face Roman who remained unperturbed. 
“And none of that happened. You saved the day, Padre. Why can't you just be happy about that?”
“Because they didn't get in trouble!” Patton crossed his arms tight over his chest and resumed his pacing, “why turn in the bad kids if they're just going to be let go?”
“Sounds like you want to put my brother in jail,” Roman snickered and briefly looked up, “I don't know why. Why do you snitch on them?” Roman countered
Patton bit down hard on his lip before taking a measured breath, “I am not snitching. They just keep breaking the rules in front of me.”
“I think you just want Janus to notice you. Trust me, he does, sweetie. Remus won't stop complaining about how much the goodie two shoes need to fu- leave them alone,” Roman replies, remembering too late the household ban on swears.
“SHH! Don’t let Mom hear you.” Patton whispered tersely, “you’re wrong. I don’t care what any of them think about me– especially not Janus.”
Roman snorted, “Yeah, right. That’s why you’re constantly tattling on him. Didn’t anyone ever tell you that when a boy’s mean to you that means he likes you?”
Patton stopped in his tracks and turned back to face Roman, “That’s… completely untrue.”
Roman rolled his eyes, flipping a page lazily, “Just keep telling yourself that, Padre. I bet if you just asked he’d go out with you.”
“I’m not gay and I don’t want to go out with him,” Patton countered, “will you please just be quiet? My mom would kick you out in two seconds for being a quote ‘bad influence’ if she heard you right now.”
“Mmm fine. Alright. I won’t talk about your obvious crush on Mr. Tall, Dark and Mysterious.”
“I am not- Why don’t you understand that not everyone has to like guys?” 
Roman sat up, “I’m not saying everyone. I just know you, Patt. You don’t like girls. You’ve turned down like twenty of them since homecoming last year. So if you don’t like girls, that just leaves guys. I know you don’t feel comfortable bringing a bf home because of the witch, but you’ve at least got to let yourself consider the possibility.”
“Maybe I just haven’t met the right girl,” Patton replied, not sounding as convincing as he should have to shut down the conversation.
Roman chuckled, “sure. Because she’s actually a boy named Janus and you’re looking in the wrong places.”
“Just ask him!”
“He hates me. And I don’t like him.”
“You absolutely fucking do!”
“Roman!” Patton hissed, flinching as he could hear his mother’s footsteps coming down the hallway. “Now you’ve done it-” he muttered as the bedroom door clicked and swung open.
“Patton, sweetie. What’s our rule for having friends over?” his mother asked from the door, a falsely sweet and disarming voice cutting through the tension of the argument.
Patton turned, “they need to follow house rules and not distract from school work…”
“That’s right. If I’m not mistaken, I believe I heard Mr. Prince here swearing. That is no way to speak to others, is it?” 
“No, ma’am,” Patton replied, head hung in defeat. 
She turned towards Roman, “Exactly. I’m sorry dear, but you need to leave and reevaluate your vocabulary and manners if you want to spend time with my son.”
“Sorry, Patt,” Roman murmured as he grabbed his backpack and walked past to leave, “tomorrow. Just do it.” 
Patton sighed with exasperation, “Please, Mom, let him stay? He didn’t mean to-”
“You know the rules, Patton. I think it’s about time you got started on your homework,” she brushed him off, escorting Roman out to the front door. 
Patton waited until he heard the front door shutting before closing his bedroom door to get started on his work, trying to tune out his racing thoughts about school. 
___ ___ ___
 Janus slumped against the lockers, ignoring the dirty look from Susan next to him when he accidentally shut hers for her. It wasn’t his fault her locker was so close to Virgil’s. He gripped the head of his cane to keep it from sliding into the throng of students that would trample and crack it without a second thought. The polished wooden cane had cost a fortune, stained black with a yellow snake carved around the shaft up to the handle. He'd refused to adopt a medical-looking metal bully magnet and protected his aide fiercely. Janus silently watched Virgil picking out text books for the next class.
“What a bitch, right?” he asked once Virgil had noticed him. 
Virgil nodded sagely, “Yeah. Who’re we talking about this time?”
Janus smirked, “Mrs. Hansen, of course. It’s like she doesn’t even care that I don’t give a fuck about Physics.”
“She held you after class again? That bitch!” Virgil gaped, closing his locker, “that is so messed up. You should tell the VP that she’s not respecting your accommodations, right?”
“Like he ever cared the twenty thousand other times someone tried to make life harder,” Janus scoffed, glancing at the disturbance coming down the hallway and opting not to warn Virgil.
With all the subtlety of a tornado, Janus watched as Remus pinned Virgil to the lockers, dropping his backpack at Janus’ feet in his hurry to get hands on the boy. Virgil grunted in surprise, pushing back against the attack until he recognized the lips pressed harshly into his neck.
“Rem-! Oh my god!” Virgil laughed breathlessly, “I told you not at school, motherfucker!”
Remus looked up with a devious grin, “and? Your mother said she loved it.”
“Gross,” Virgil chuckled and pulled his boyfriend into a tight hug, “I missed you.”
Janus rolled his eyes, pushing the discarded backpack away with the tip of his cane, “It’s been all of an hour since you two last molested each other in front of the entire school.”
“Jealous, Jannie?”
“Utterly green with envy,” Janus sighed, noticing the crowd in the hall thinning rapidly, “are you done playing tongue hockey yet?”
“Never,” Remus laughed and turned back to Virgil, cutting off his protests with a filthy kiss.
“I’m honestly surprised you haven’t figured out how to make gay love babies yet,” Janus replied, carefully readjusting his treasured suede gloves. The crowds of students dissipated and doors shut as the bell for the next period rang through the now empty halls.
Janus nudged the pair, “Biology will have to wait. Let's get going.”
“Oh come on!” Remus whined, “just tell Mr. Sawan you got held back and we're helping you-”
“It's not a lie for once,” Virgil added, leaning down to grab Remus' bag.
“And they say I'm the bad influence,” Janus scoffed, grabbing his cane to start towards class. Virgil and Remus reluctantly followed, careful to give him space to walk. 
Janus wasn't actually eager to get to class. Everyone always stared when he walked in late, despite arriving late by necessity every day. The scrutiny felt absolutely miserable. 
As they neared the stairs down to the mathematics wing, Janus paused to let the couple go first. The last thing he wanted was to slip all the way down into a concussion.
“Hey!” A voice called loudly from down the hall, “aren't you supposed to be in class?”
Janus glanced over and swore quietly at the sight of the world's most annoying goody two shoes coming towards them.
“Patton. Where do you think we're going?” He asked in a lazy drawl.
“Yeah, calm your tits,” Remus added less than helpfully.
Patton frowned, glancing down at his chest for a brief moment, “I don't have- the bell rang five minutes ago. You're supposed to be in class. I bet you're out here trying to smoke and ditch class.”
“How? You stole my lighter yesterday,” Virgil snarked back, arms crossed tightly over his chest.
“It’s against school policy-” Patton started.
“What's against policy is a student trying to police other students. I literally cannot walk the halls when everyone else is running around,” Janus spoke up, standing up straighter. “We'd have made it by now if you hadn't interrupted us.”
“You liar. You're just messing around to get out of class,” Patton accused, stepping closer as if to intimidate Janus.
He laughed, “we have this discussion once a week! If I didn't know better, I would think you're going out of your way to flirt with me.”
An inscrutable look passed over Patton’s face, freckles melting into a soft flustered blush. “I am not!” Patton whispered hoarsely.
“Then we'll just be on our way,” Janus sneered, starting down the first step, cane first.
“Hey!” Patton gasped, reaching for Janus’s shoulder. Janus flinched at the unexpected touch, shifting to toss Patton as far from him as possible.
Unfortunately, this sent the boy careening down the flight of stairs.
“Shit!” Janus exclaimed,  watching in horror and slight mesmerism as Patton came to a halt on the first landing.
“You killed him!” Remus cackled with glee at the possibility.
“Jan- what the fuck?” Virgil asked, not sure if he should move to help Patton or not.
Janus glanced down the hall, and seeing no one, made his decision.
“Virgil, help me get him to the nurse.” he instructed. “Remus, get to class and tell them Virgil and I cannot make it. Give as little context as possible, got it?”
Remus nodded and hurried to the class.
Janus hurried down the steps as fast as he could manage to the place Patton lay on the stairs.
“Wh- why?” Patton murmured, cradling his shoulder, “I- I wasn't-”
“Next time don't touch people without permission,” Janus snapped, reaching to pick  Patton up, “can you walk?”
“I- I think so?” Patton winced, trying to sit up with both of the others pulling him up, “d-don't pull my arm, please.”
Janus nodded, “right, let's go, before you die or something.”
“Good going, Jan,” Virgil groaned as Patton leaned more heavily against him.
“Shut it, Vi. I didn't do anything.”
The walk down the rest of the stairs and to the nurse's office felt impossibly long and arduous, as Patton moved slower than even Janus. And he moaned in pain at each jostle to his arm.
“You're going to be okay,” Virgil chewed at his cheek, “it wasn't that bad of a fall.”
“I- I hope so,” Patton murmured, “why are the bad kids helping me?”
Janus rolled his eyes, “who said we're bad?”
“I- you always get in trouble,” Patton tried to explain.
“Yeah. Because you're always trying to get us in trouble,” Virgil scoffed.
“I don't expect you to understand, Patton,” Janus stopped as they reached the nurse’s office, “ but sometimes people just don't think like you.”
Patton nodded then tried to walk into the office, “thanks, I guess.”
Janus rolled his eyes, turning to head back to class, only to be confronted with the imposing figure of the school vice principal.
“What's this, then?”
“Oh- sir, I can explain,” Janus offered hastily.
“You will,” the man nodded, pointing towards his office, “If you please, Mr. Shephard.”
Virgil fiddled with his sleeves, “It was completely an accident. We were just helping Patton.”
“He fell down the stairs after slipping on a spilled water bottle,” Janus protested, already tired of walking, “I think he hit his head so we didn't want to leave him alone before he could get over here.”
“I see,” the man eyed the two, “is that so?”
“Yes. That's what happened.” Janus nodded emphatically. He watched the disciplinarian's face to see if he bought the story.
“Get to your class,” the vice principal barked, and the two wasted no time disappearing down the hallway.
___ ___ ___
Patton stirred and sat gingerly up in bed. A needle of pain shot through his shoulder at the weight pressed on it. 
“Oh- f-”
“Patton!” His mother stood at the door to his room with a sour look on her face.
“I was going to say ‘fudge’,” Patton gritted his teeth.
“Honestly, when did I raise such a delinquent?” She shook her head and barged her way in, “bullying other students and now swearing? Certainly nothing I taught you.”
“I won't hear it. Luckily, some of your classmates collected your homework assignments for you. Behave yourself with them,” she scolded.
“I'm not a bully,” Patton muttered, gazing up at the ceiling as though the stucco could offer him the strength to endure her accusations.
“For the record, no one said you were but her. I don’t know why she thinks that,” Patton looked back to the door sharply, finding his mother replaced with Virgil standing slouched against the frame, a book bag slung over one shoulder. “Hey- I hope it's okay I- let's not worry about how I knew your address. How… are.. you?”
“I've been better. The doctor poked and prodded me a lot yesterday.” 
Patton nods, “I’ll be back in school by Monday. Unless I go completely loopy in the head. But I think the sprain in my shoulder is worse. Is Janus okay?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. He was tired from all the running around but like.. I don’t think he’s mad at you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Virgil glanced back to the door before leaning closer to ask, “is she always like that?”
Patton nodded, “yeah… that’s my mom for you.”
Virgil swung his bag onto the bed, “alright, well, I’ve got your homework for the classes you missed.. And I thought you might like some music to pass the time? It’s the kind I listen to when I get really upset,” Virgil explained with a pointed look as he pulled a disk in a clear cover out of the bag with the school books, “just.. Let me know what you think if you do. I’m really sorry about what happened.”
“It’s not your fault, Virge-” Patton shook his head and then winced, “thank you, though.”
“No worries. I- uh.. Look forward to seeing you..? Yeah. Get better soon.”
Patton watched as Virgil exited his bedroom, confused why he of any of the kids at school brought him make up work. He examined the CD, turning it to read the sharpie writing, a list of songs with artists listed in incomprehensible initials. He turned the case over, noticing a small piece of paper tucked under the CD inside the case. Intrigued, he pried the case open and popped the CD out, laying it on the blanket. He retrieved the small folded paper from his lap, carefully picking it apart. 
I didn’t push you down the stairs. I also did not try to help you after you tripped. If you tell anyone I did, I won’t hesitate to make you regret it. -J
Patton frowned, confused by the note. He tossed it aside and pulled out his portable CD player to listen to the mixtape without his mom listening in. He laid back, letting the beats and melodies wash over him. As he listened, an idea started to form, one of which he was barely conscious.
___ ___ ___
“Are you insane?” Roman stared far more openly than other students in the hall. Patton shrugged and pushed past his friend to his locker.
“I’m just trying something new,” Patton replied, hanging his backpack up and picking out books for the first class. He tried very hard to not express frustration when the bookbag caught on the spikes sticking out of one of his many new bracelets. 
“You look ridiculous. You hate black! What is going on?” 
“I can wear whatever I want, Ro. You sound like my mother right now.” 
That shut Roman’s protests up quickly. Patton hummed to himself, reaching into the bag to pull out a brand new makeup pallet made of browns and blacks, picking the darkest shade to dab onto his eyelids.
“How hard did you hit your head?” Roman asked, staring in even more shock and disbelief. 
“My head is fine, Roman. I told you I’m trying something new,” Patton explained.
“Oh Hey! When did you get hot, Pat-Pat?” Remus yelled, dragging Virgil behind him from down the hall.
“Woah- Patton, are you okay?” Virgil asked as they reached him and Roman at the lockers. 
“Looks like Jannie knocked some sense into him. Hot damn!” Remus leered, earning a smack on the shoulder from Virgil and Roman. 
“Guys, I am fine. I promise. I wanted to see how my mom would take it,” Patton offers, not so subtly searching the halls.
“Right. Suuuuuuure,” Remus giggled, “just remember that Virgie is mine,” he snaps playfully, “I don’t share and I certainly don’t do threesomes.” Remus winked, sending a shiver of disgust running down Patton’s spine. “Congrats, baby emo.”
“If you need to talk or something,” Virgil managed to offer before getting swept away by Remus.
Roman sighed, “Seriously, do you want to talk?”
“I’ll be fine, Ro. I’m still me. I just... I don’t know. It felt right this morning,” Patton offers as explanation.
“Well, you know where to find me. And if this is some ploy to get Janus to like you- it won’t work-” 
“I don’t care if he likes me,” Patton protests, “this isn’t about him.”
“It’s not?” Janus asked in a smooth voice, standing behind Patton as if he appeared there from thin air.
“Janus!” Patton whipped around, “how- when did you- um, hi.” he stammered.
Roman laughed and clapped Patton on the shoulder, “good luck, Romeo. See you at lunch.” He walked away still laughing as Patton blushed and tried to shake the teasing off.
Janus watched curiously. He certainly would never have predicted that Patton would show up in an all black pretend-emo costume. Amazing really how people could still surprise him. 
“I promise that Roman doesn’t know what he’s talking about-” Patton tried to recover his composure.
“He never does. Poor Remus got all the interesting and useful brains,” Janus sighed, examining his gloved hand nonchalantly. “Even if this were some ploy for my attention, I wouldn’t be interested just because you changed clothes and painted your nails.”
“That implies you would be interested in different circumstances,” Patton pointed out.
“Would I? I never said that. You understood my message, right?” Janus asked, changing topics quickly.
Patton nodded, “I- yes, I understood. You didn’t have to threaten me. Everyone thinks I broke my head and wouldn’t believe me saying either thing.” 
“Correct. No use spreading rumors,” Janus smirked.
“Do you think I’m a bad person?” Patton asked quietly.
Janus took a moment to think over the question, “Why are you asking me?”
“Because I think you’re probably the person I’ve hurt the most.”
Janus laughed, “Oh please. Like you could hurt me. Since when do you care about my opinions?”
“I don’t know- I’m really trying something new here, Janus.” Patton worried his lip between his teeth. 
“I see. I notice,” Janus nodded and turned to head towards class.
“Janus? Do I… seem like I have a crush on you?”
Janus stopped in his tracks, turning back slowly, “Do you have one?”
Patton shrugged his one good shoulder, “Roman says I must have one. I’m not sure. How do I figure it out?”
Janus studied the black clad teen he would have sworn had it out for him just two days ago. Who was he to answer this kind of question? And why wouldn’t he just ask Roman, the prince of failed relationships?
“I don’t know. Go on a date with me?” Janus was just as surprised at the words leaving his lips as Patton looked hearing them.
“Wait- really?”
“Yes. We can go out tonight. No need to make it formal. Just black, not black tie.” Janus nodded. It surprised him just how calm and collected he felt, proposing a romantic time together. 
Patton hummed, “um.. I assume Virgil… gave you my address,” he replied diplomatically, “would you be able to pick me up.”
“Yes. 9 o’clock?”
Patton nodded, “yeah, that works. I’ll see you then?”
Janus smiled just a bit mischievously, “yes, you will. Good luck in school today. Everyone is going to notice.”
“Notice what?” Patton asked.
“This.” Janus smirked and leaned forward, planting a lipstick stained kiss on Patton’s cheek, turning to leave just as the first bell rang out. 
Patton stood frozen like a deer, slowing reaching up to touch his cheek, “oh, shit-”
___ ___ ___
“Uh, Jannie?”
“Yes, Remus?”
“Where the fuck are we going?” Remus asked, hanging on the back of Janus’ seat.
Janus inhaled slowly, “We’re picking up my date for tonight.”
“Since when do you date?” Virgil asked, lounging in the back seat and scrolling on his phone.
“Since this morning,” Janus answered, “You two just made it look so fun I had to give it a try.”
“Ooooooooh,” Remus absolutely beamed, “so who’s the lucky virgin?”
“Come on, Re. Don’t assume,” Virgil chided, trying to pull his boyfriend back to the back seat. “Wait- I recognize this street-”
“Just shut up,” Janus growled, “You’re the ones who wanted me to date. He’s harmless and might even like me.”
“So you’re trying to go out with the guy who made our lives hell for over a year?” Virgil asked.
“I’m not being some sort of saint, I’m just curious about what Patton’s going through.”
“I’ll cancel the wedding bells,” Remus cackled as they pulled up to the door. The headlights swept over the porch, revealing Patton sitting outside in the dark. He popped up, rushing over to the passenger side of the car.
“Hey Janus- and… Virgil and Remus? What?” Patton squinted at the couple in the back seat, “is this.. A double date?”
“Somewhat. Get in,” Janus commanded, ignoring the snickering from the back seat. 
Patton climbed in and sat down, confused but not about to back out now. Not when Roman would roast him for failing to go on the first date he’s ever been asked out on. Janus pulled out of the driveway and continued on in relative quiet.
“So… where are we going?” Patton asked, a little too bright for his dark exterior. 
“You’ll see,” Janus replied cryptically.
Patton nodded and fell silent, watching the road slip by as they drove along.
“Woof. The chemistry is just bubbling,” Remus snarked after a few minutes of quiet, sitting back to cuddle into Virgil.
Virgil laughed softly, “give them time. I’m sure it’s just first date awkwardness.” He wrapped his arms around Remus and held him close.
Janus turned down a residential street and flicked off the headlights, “Well, Patton, since you’re exploring new countercultures, I figured it would be a good idea to bring you along to a protest.”
“A protest? At night?” Patton asked, fear glinting in his eyes, “what kind of protest?”
“One against ableism in the education system,” Virgil grinned, grabbing cartons of eggs from the floor of the back seat.
“Yeah! We’re gonna show that bitch what it feels like!” Remus crowed, opening the door before Janus could put the car in park and banging impatiently on the trunk. Virgil piled out as well as Janus parked and grabbed the latch to open the trunk for them. 
“This… is illegal, isn’t it?” Patton worried, glancing around the street to see if they had been spotted yet.
“Very.” Janus nodded, “but, lucky us that the Virus have the dirty work covered. We’re just lookouts tonight. Mrs. Hansen has been violating my disability accommodations. That makes my life harder when I end up missing the beginning of class because of the crowds in the hallway. So we’re making her morning a bit harder.”
“Oh.. that’s why you three were in the hallway during class time the other day?” Patton asked, voice softening at the realization.
“Yes. Sometimes we wait until after the bell anyway but she still shouldn’t be holding me back like that,” Janus explained.
“I’m sorry- I didn’t realize that,” Patton offered quietly, wincing as Remus started chucking raw eggs at the car in the driveway.
“Relax, Patton. They’re just letting off steam. I swear they would have burned the school down by now if I didn’t try to aim them at productive activities,” Janus chuckled, glancing down the road for any observers.
“Right. So… this is a date… why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Patton turned in his seat to face Janus. 
Janus slowly turned his head, “what do you want to know?”
“Um, I’m not sure. I’ve never done this before,” Patton laughed nervously, “maybe… when did you know that you’re gay?”
Janus snorted at that, “I still don’t know. You’re the first boy I’ve tried to date. You’d think hanging out around the twins would make that sort of question easy, right?”
“Right! Like, I’ve known Roman really well for years and he sure seems to know… some of what he wants. But I just don’t know how he understands what a crush is versus wanting to be friends.”
“Those two make it seem like you meet someone and suddenly they’re the only thought in your head ever,” Janus nodded to the couple who were busy laying out toilet paper strips in the shape of a penis on the hood of the car, “I’ve never understood it.” 
“Do you.. Feel that way about me?” Patton asks, “since you’re the one who asked me out.”
“Frankly, I find your change of aesthetic rather intriguing. And you seem willing to challenge some of your bullshit ideas right now, so why not?” Janus shrugs, “maybe I just want attention and don’t give a fuck about who you are. You can never know.”
Patton looked down towards his hands, folded neatly in his lap, “I think I’ve been jealous of you all.”
“How so? You seemed adamant about reporting us to the school like a narc for the past year,” Janus challenged.
“Because things like egging teacher’s houses and smoking in the hallways can cause problems for people! But, I do like how you all express yourselves.”
“Right. You just… get to be weird and stand out in classes. You get away with a disturbing amount of rule breaking. It seems really freeing,” Patton sighed softly, “Maybe I’m thinking about it wrong. I’ve just always felt terrified of disappointing people, and in just one day I’ve been able to disappoint almost everyone.”
“So, you’re just dressing emo to make people upset, not to express yourself?”
“I mean- maybe partially?” Patton shrugged, “I never knew you all were this criminal-”
“And… I think it’s maybe hot that you all stand up for yourselves despite what people think of you?” Patton says shyly, more of a question than an opinion.
“I didn’t bring you along to impress you with like that-”
“I thought giving Virgil and Remus a target would give us some time alone,” Janus explains.
“Time  alone to do what?” Panton leaned a bit closer.
“What we’re doing now, talking.”
“That’s all you wanted to do with me?” Patton asked, head tilted a bit.
“Did you want to kiss me?” 
Patton leaned in even closer until the backdoor slammed open, sending him scrambling back to his seat, blushing bright red.
“Drive- Neighbor might be calling the cops.” Remus replied, out of breath.
Virgil nodded and Janus jumped into action to get away from the crime scene. 
“Looked like a productive date,” Remus teased as Janus slowed back down to avoid suspicion.
“Wow what a rush!” Patton exclaimed. 
“Adrenaline wasn’t the point,” Janus reminded him, “Are you two ready to head home?”
“Yeah, Remus’ please,” Virgil nods.
Remus spent the car ride back to his place giving the lookouts a play by play of the night, with Virgil interjecting with certain facts and figures.. Janus soon dropped the pair off and the silence settled between him and Patton. 
“I just… you guys get away with bad behavior all the time. I wish I could do that the same as you,” Patton spoke up eventually.
Janus sighed and pulled the car over again, this time near a park, “Do you even care about why we do that stupid shit?”
“Well, tonight was about getting back at Mrs. Hansen, right? For treating you badly,” Patton recalled.
“And skipping class is because it’s too overwhelming to sit still learning useless crap with a bunch of jerks who know nothing about what it’s like to try and navigate when your feet don’t just take you to where you need to go. They don’t care that it hurts to walk and it’s just safer to take my time with friends by my side to catch me.”
“You just see me as some bad boy to upset people with. You don’t care how I feel about it, do you?” Janus challenged.
“That’s not true-” Patton tried to protest. 
“I’m not some average petty sinner to disappoint your family with at the holidays. I actually have feeling and wants and needs and I just- I-”
Patton reached over to take one of Janus’ hands, “It’s okay. I-I didn’t want to use you, Janus. Not in the long run. Sure, I wanted to experiment and see if Roman’s right about crushes, but I don’t want to trap you in a relationship you won’t enjoy. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Janus looked away, trying to pull his hand free.
“Just remember that you asked me out tonight. So, I thought that kisses were something you’re supposed to do on dates. Can we try again without interruptions this time? See if… well, if we’ll like that sort of thing?”
“Are you even listening to me?”
“Yes, yes I am. You are not a manic pixie dream boy or the dangerous rebel to scare my mom with. You’re Janus. And I don’t know you very well because I’ve never tried to get to know you. But we’re on a date. It’s past curfew. I think you at least deserve a chance at something properly romantic, since defacing property was just the distraction to keep Remus and Virgil busy. It’s too late to get food anywhere. So maybe we can try a kiss and start over again in the morning?”
Janus blinked, trying to process all of that at once. “Um… no.”
“No?” Patton sat back immediately, “did I do something wrong?”
“Not necessarily, I just… you asking makes it very clear to me that I don’t want to kiss you, Patton.” Janus tried to explain.
Patton nodded, “okay. I- actually, thank you? I- I was so scared…”
Janus chuckled softly, “I don’t think we’re crushing on each other. I’m not sure why not. But I’m glad you agree.” 
Patton nodded emphatically this time, “I very much don’t want to be the awkward one. I think… it would feel wrong or empty to try. And that’s not your fault-”
“I get it. I agree. We tried. Dating just… isn’t in our cards,” Janus laughed a bit more at that, “let me take you home?”
“Yes please. Maybe at school… we can just say hi?”
“That would be much more pleasant.”
Patton sighed softly and leaned back in the passenger seat, “I won’t tell about the eggs and toilet paper, by the way. Maybe I should ask Mrs. Hansen why she’s not letting you leave for class on time?”
Janus smiled, “That could be helpful. Maybe she just needs to see one of the responsible students concerned on our behalf.”
“Would have been a lot less illegal if you just asked me to do that in the first place,” Patton giggled, “It makes more sense than vandalism.”
“But throwing trash at her house is fun,” Janus grins, starting the car again.
“It may be fun. But there are much better outlets for the anger, I would think.” Patton grinned.
“Maybe you’ll be a good acquaintance after all,” Janus mused, pulling back out onto the road to take his definitely-not-a-date back home.
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kalakilo · 7 months
i rewatched putting others first because ive been into sanders sides again lately and it is actually so satisfying seeing janus be validated for the first time like. dude actually had a good point to make in svs and NOBODY listened to him. like he was right. all along. and when thomas tells him that in pof his reaction is so valid like FINALLY they acknowledge this guy is right. and was right in svs!! i am patiently waiting for the season finale to see what goes on and who the orange guy is
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You guys I haven’t watched TSS and are people being sarcastic??? About Virgil’s gift????? Help??????????
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bitterpoison · 10 months
Roman giving Janus his secret santa gift xD
The idea is from the November patreon stream with Logan 💙
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(I remembered mid-coloring that I wanted them in different outfits so I did two versions-)
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artisticallygay · 2 years
Happy holidays, @stardustlv! I was your Secret Santa this year, I really hope you enjoy the gift! I decided to go all out on your "Logicality gay panic" prompt
And thank you to the mods of @sanderssidesgiftxchange for putting together and organizing this year's gift exchange!
I had a great time with this year's secret santa, and I hope to be able to do so again next year!
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Winter Wonderland is Overrated
For the 2022 @sanderssidesgiftxchange this is my present to @artist-hope  
I hope you enjoy <3
Snow gently fell onto the ground, covering the ground in a white blanket. Except for the parts that were brown with dirt as cars drove by on the slushy roads, and the yellow area by the lamp post where people walked their dogs. 
“I’m gonna freeze to death.” 
“Hallmark movies got my hopes up,” Remus signed, pouting as he walked alongside his boyfriend. Having grown up in Florida, he hadn’t experienced snow before. So when Logan asked if he wanted to join him and his family for the holidays in Colorado, Remus jumped at the chance. Quality time with his hunky nerd, meeting his maybe future in-laws, AND getting to finally experience snow? Yes, please!
He had some regrets now.
“You should never trust movies,” Logan signed back, his shoulders shaking in a way that told Remus that he was chuckling. Or maybe he was as cold as Remus was. 
A smirk stretched on Logan’s lips and Remus knew for a fact that he was definitely laughing at him that time. 
“You laugh as I perish? Have I been dating a serial killer? I knew you were too hot to be true.” 
He grinned as his boyfriend shook his head in exasperation. “How could-” 
Gravity changed course in a blink of an eye and Remus felt his stomach flip. A hand grabbed hold of his arm, but it only slowed the sudden descent and changed course slightly.  
Snow was not as soft as it looked.
Remus gasped at the impact of the cold against his neck as he blinked up at the gray sky. It took him a solid minute, or maybe it was merely ten seconds, before he noticed Logan patting him down and trying to get his attention. “-okay?” He blinked again, looking at the other’s hands. “Are you okay?” Another blink before he nodded. Logan’s shoulders sagged but a frown rested on his lips. Remus wanted to kiss it away.
“Fuck snow,” he finally signed. “What is it even good for?” Logan shook his head at him, his lips moving as he did so. Probably talking to himself. His nerdy wolverine was pretty good about using his hands when he was actually talking to Remus. 
“You’re the one that wanted to go for a walk.” Remus stuck his tongue out at the fact. A snowflake fell on it and it just tasted like cold water. Yuck. “Let’s go home.” Yeah, that sounded good. With a huff, he tried to sit up. His puffy jacket made it difficult, so Logan grabbed hold of his hands and helped hoist him up. The snow that clung to his head from the landing slid down into the back of his collar. He yelped and jumped from the shock.
Fuck, that’s freezing! Now he understood fully why it was such a dick move in movies to put snow down someone’s shirt. He shivered and shimmied, trying to somehow get the snow out. But all it did was melt away and make him wet in a totally not fun way. He wiggled his hands free from his boyfriend’s grasp, whose brows were furrowed in concern, so that he could complain. “Fuck snow.” The furrow was gone, a sign that Logan deemed he was well enough. “Next year, your family can just come visit us. Or no visitors and instead we just have some hot and heavy-”
Logan grabbed his hands again, face red as holly berries. His glare made Remus giggle. It also made his blood heat up, but it seemed that was a fact he’d have to keep to himself since his hands were occupied. Since he couldn’t sign, he decided to go about the next best course of action.
The cold air had made Logan’s lips chapped, the texture rougher than it usually was when they kissed. It was kind of fun, getting the new experience. Like having their first kiss all over again. When it came to an end, Logan’s face was even more red and he let go of his hold in order to speak. “Your mustache is cold.” Remus snickered at that.
“Help me warm it up,” he suggested, wiggling his brows as he grinned. Logan shook his head but obliged all the same with his pretty red cheeks. Remus didn’t know if his mustache was actually getting warmer or not, but other parts of him were. That was, until a gust of wind blew by. Breaking the kiss, Remus threw his hands up in irritation before moving them quickly.  “No. Time to go. Go go go go go.” He began to stomp his feet, ready to return to the safety of indoor heating, when Logan grabbed his arm and pointed in a different direction. Wrong way, whoops.
He was pretty sure Logan was laughing at him again, but Remus was too cold to care. He shivered and huffed, wrapping his arms around himself. His nose felt runny. It was terrible. 
A sudden downpour of snow landed on their heads from a branch that grew too heavy. 
A hand grabbed his arm and tugged it free from his wrap, making him pout as he turned his head to glare at his nerd. Logan however, simply slid his hand down so that his gloved fingers could lace with his. The action made his insides feel all gooey. His pout turned into a grin, goofy and wide. He pressed in closer to the other and hummed happily.
Alright, he could concede that walking hand in hand in the snow was romantic at the very least. 
He took it back. Fuck snow.
Inside was better. So much better.
Why the hell would anyone want to go outside?
Remus wiggled in his dry pajamas and slipper socks, wrapping himself up in a soft, fuzzy blanket. He curled into Logan on the couch, seeking all the warmth he could. The vibrations of his boyfriend’s relatives moving and talking made for a lively beat. Though they didn’t compare to Logan’s lovely heartbeat. That was his favorite.
Well, second favorite. His favorite favorite was the vibrations of when Logan was co-
“You’re making that face,” was Logan’s answer.
A pinch on his arm halted that line of thought. Blinking, he turned to look at his boyfriend who was frowning at him. He grinned innocently but the other bought none of it, rolling his eyes behind those cute geeky glasses. They were a little steamed up still from coming in from the cold. Remus wanted to steam them up more.
Another pinch and he huffed. “What?” he signed.
“What face?” Logan grumbled something, the vibrations rumbling from his chest and into Remus’ side. 
“A face you shouldn’t make with everyone around.” Remus grinned maniacally. “Behave.”
“But you make me not want to.” He batted his eyes at the other, but Logan pushed at his face and he cackled. The air pressure changed and he blinked as Logan’s mother made her way over. Her lips moved, her vibrations softer from the distance. Logan’s hands moved after a moment of her speaking, translating for Remus what she was talking about.
“She wants to know how our walk was.” Ah a dilemma. Did Remus use total honesty, that Logan would or would not actually tell her he said, or be polite since this was his would-be mother-in-law? 
“It was an experience,” he decided and Logan translated. “It was my first time in snow.” 
“Did you have fun?” That was certainly a question. One that needed an answer. Future mom-in-law was not making it easy for him. 
“I’m frozen as fuck but your son is helping thaw me out.” She laughed at that, or whatever it was that Logan said instead if he didn’t actually translate, and patted his knee. 
“There’s cocoa in the kitchen if you want some.” He scrambled out of his blanket prison, feeling the laughter in the air as he did so, and hurried off towards the kitchen. 
A tap to his shoulder took his attention away from his drink, though it didn’t stop him from consuming it, and he turned his gaze back to Logan. “Better?” he asked and Remus nodded. He held the mug out for the other to try and grinned as he was met with a raised brow. Still, Logan obliged the silent offer, and took the mug from him. When Logan was done trying it, Remus began to laugh. 
A kettle on the stovetop awaited him, filled with boiled water that was ready to pour into a mug of powdery chocolate. The packets themselves were in their little box next to some clean mugs that had been brought down from the cupboards. He grabbed the one that had to have been Logan’s, it was space themed, and made himself a cup of the hot beverage. It helped warm his hands up nicely.
With a little skip in his step, he returned back to the couch and wiggled back into his place beside Logan while his boyfriend continued to chat with his mother. He blew into the cup to cool the drink down a little before taking a sip. A happy gurgle bubbled in the back of his throat and he took another sip. That’s the ticket, he thought, feeling himself get warmed up from the inside. Whoever invented cocoa was a genius. 
He would.
“We match!” he signed eagerly, before pointing at the other’s lips. The cocoa had given Logan a mustache of sorts and it was hilarious. Before his boyfriend could do anything about it, he leaned in and licked a portion of it off. The air moved with whatever sound Logan had made and Remus laughed again. He took off before his boyfriend could scold him for doing such a thing for all his family to see, sacrificing his precious cocoa to delay Logan from reacting quick enough.
It didn’t stop him nearly long enough and Logan was soon hot on his heels, better at maneuvering around his childhood home, and the relatives that filled it, than Remus was. Soon those surprisingly strong arms wrapped around his waist and lifted him up. He squealed at the action, kicking his legs and cackling as Logan dragged him off. The cackling died off when he realized they were heading for the door. He wouldn’t-
Remus gasped as the cold air hit him once more, now without the protective layers of his stupid puffy coat. “Sorry! Sorry!” he signed frantically, though he wasn’t sure if Logan could see. His feet dangled over the porch steps, where the threat of snow felt far too real. Then he was being moved to where the little swing rested on the far end. Logan released him right in front of it before turning him around and lightly pushing him to sit in it. The second his ass was on the cushion, Logan’s lips were on his. He sighed into it, relief filling him that his boyfriend was not about to be so cruel as to drop him into the snow.
He should have paid better attention though, because as they walked back to the door, Logan swiped some snow off the porch banister and pressed it against his neck. Remus shrieked while Logan dashed back inside.
When the kiss broke, Logan glared at him. “Behave.”
“No promises.” Remus grinned. Logan rolled his eyes and gestured for Remus to come back inside. He didn’t need to be told twice.
“So how was your trip to the in-laws?” Remus huffed at his brother’s question, giving a shrug. “Come on! Tell me!” 
“Fuck snow,” he responded, a phrase he had gotten familiar with during his stay. “The movies lie.” 
“Oh don’t be such a baby.” He glared at Roman and flipped him off. “Real mature.” He lifted up his other hand to give the same gesture. “Wooooooow.” 
“Seriously though, snow is the worst. I don’t see what the excitement is about. The only good thing is getting to cuddle with Logan and I don't need snow for that.”
“So I take it you won’t go next year?” Remus frowned and gave another shrug. 
“Well,” he signed, “I gotta keep up a good impression with the in-laws. And they have the fancy cocoa.”
“Fancy cocoa? Marry this boy.”
“If I’m lucky, he’ll put a ring on it.” Remus hummed thoughtfully. “But seriously, fuck snow.”
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menace-sama · 2 years
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Dear @creative-lampd-liberties ,
Your Secret Santa is here with postcard-kind-of-style for you! I took your last prompt requesting Janus and Remus’s first Christmas with the light side, with the focus being Anxceitmus, since this sounds the fluffiest. Unfortunately I don’t celebrate that, so I hope you don’t mind a generic “Here’s your first christmas sweaters- No, Remus, keep it on,” kind of situation (and yes, Janus is comfy in that)
Wishing the best for your upcoming days, weeks, months, eternity~
Happy Holidays <3
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halfhissandwich · 3 months
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listen I know it’s July but I heard a cover of this song and I had to draw it, also I hate drawing their sweaters, happy holidays?
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loganisanobody · 2 years
A Hot Cocoa Night
For @artistically-gay
Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 573 (there are two drawings at the end as well)
Virgil sipped on his hot chocolate, warmth curling up from the cup to caress his face, the drink smooth and creamy against his tongue. He let out a soft sigh, relaxing against the wall and looking out the window again.
He was perched on the windowsill, leaning against the cold window even as the mug warmed his hands. Snow drifted just on the other side of the glass, soft but persistent, soothing in its chaotic constancy.
Christmas music, the well-loved-oldie kind like that from Bing Crosby, floated softly through the air from the kitchen. Accompanying it was a warm light, the only light on downstairs at the moment, and the soft sounds of baking and quiet laughter.
Virgil let out another happy sigh, the warmth and quiet soothing over his heart like the creamy chocolate coated his tongue. At that thought, he took another sip.
More lights, colorful and many, turned on behind him, and he turned to see Roman bent over to plug in the Christmas tree. The prince stood and smiled broadly at him, though even his energy seemed subdued, quiet so as not to disturb Virgil’s gentle peace. Virgil gave him a small, soft smile, then each turned away, Virgil to his window, Roman toward the kitchen.
Virgil heard a burst of giggles from the kitchen, the sound of the timer being set, soft footsteps back out to the living room.
There was shuffling in the corner, the sound of someone setting up the movie for the night. Virgil took a breath, and downed the last of his hot chocolate, just in time before it got too cold. Then he turned and slid off the windowsill.
Janus looked up from where he was fiddling with the TV and gave Virgil a smirk. Virgil stuck his tongue out at him, hiding his own smile. He took a moment to take in Janus’ change of attire - the snake boy was wearing his Christmas sweater, swirls of yellow and black over his chest and arms.
Virgil joined Roman in the kitchen, rinsing his mug before helping the prince gather snacks for their own movie marathon.
When they came back out, arms laden with food, Patton had returned with Logan and Remus from upstairs. Remus jumped up and plucked a cookie box from Roman’s arms, to which the prince let out a cry of offense. Remus simply cackled and scurried away with his prize back to the couch.
Roman and Virgil shared a look, rolling their eyes. At least Remus was dressed, wearing his sweater as well, the black and green of his usual outfit softened in shape and fabric.
On the couch beside him, Logan gave Virgil a small smile and a nod.
Patton jumped up and wrapped his arms around his dark, strange son, sending him off with a squeeze before going back to snuggle with his three loves.
Janus pretended to be busy with the remote, but Virgil saw him glance over.
Virgil smirked and gave his signature two-finger salute to the group, then went up with Roman for their own watch party, the two single (oblivious to each other’s crush) sides letting the foursome have their Christmas movie date night.
The warm, “creamy” feeling stayed with Virgil, even as laughter and screams filled his room (he had convinced Roman to watch Krampus with him).
It was a good night. Snow fell. Movies played. Sweaters warmed.
Virgil wouldn’t change a thing.
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bailey-orphic08 · 9 months
Virgil's Gift: An Analysis on It's Symbolism and Possible Foreshadowing
Obvious spoilers for Thomas' newest Sander Asides video: What Makes the Perfect Gift? Go watch it if you haven't.
So the yearly Sander Sides Christmas special dropped hours ago. (Yippee!) And there's a surprisingly large amount to be said for it to be a 13 minute long Christmas special. In fact, I'd say it's the most story focused episode since Can Plushies Improve Our Health?, and that was an ad for the Sander Sides plushies. There's just so much to talk about this episode. There's the implications of Janus and Remus being invited to play Secret Santa; the mystery to what Thomas' message was with his gift to Nico; the underlying tension between all the sides that reminds us of the angst we've already seen and how things still aren't completely alright and that the worst is yet to come; and, most notable of all, the question as to WHY THE HELL REMUS WOULD WANT TO F*CK ANDREW JACKSON??
But the most interesting thing to me is Virgil's gift to Logan, his reaction, and how it reflects Logan's current situation.
Virgil gives Logan a newspaper, claiming that it seems like something he would like. Logan however, does not read newspapers and is very disappointed by the gift. Remus and Janus make some comments on how unthoughtful Virgil's gift appears. But at the end of the episode, Logan finds out that the newspaper actually has a secret message and is the first puzzle of an entire scavenger hunt, which excites him a lot.
This is by far my favorite part of the episode. Not only is it heartwarming, it also symbolizes how Logan has been treated as a whole, and may even foreshadow future events in the series.
When Virgil gives Logan the newspaper, Logan is very confused, and asks him why he would give him a newspaper. Virgil replies, "Cuz' you're the Mr. Smarty Pants of the group. You like reading and all that." Logan is still confused though. Yes, he likes to read, but that doesn't mean he will read anything. Roman chimes in with Virgil, reinforcing that they think Logan will like it. Logan says, "Is that all I am to you? The reading guy?..." And Virgil replies, "I don't know man, give it a read! I'm sure it has something you like."
This entire interaction represents how Logan has been ignored and misunderstood throughout the entire series. Virgil gives Logan a newspaper, something he doesn't actually want, because he assumes he will like it since he likes to read in general. He made an assumption on Logan's personality based off things he already knew, something Thomas and all of the other sides have been doing since the beginning. Throughout the entire series, Logan is considered the smart one of the group who always provides information and exposition, and little else is expected of him. In ACCEPTING ANXIETY part one, Thomas assumes that Logan knew what his problem was because he provides, "the explanatory exposition in [the Sander Sides] videos because all the other characters are too zany or relatable." And in Selfishness v. Selflessness, Logan is benched after providing information that supports both Patton and Janus' sides because they assume he has nothing else to offer. Time and time again Logan is reduced to his function and the traits that go along with it, such as liking to read. And why these things about him are true, he is far more complex that who they see him as. But, as Virgil didn't seem to care to get him something he would actually like, they don't seem to care to learn more about Logan...
They do care though. And that's shown through the twist at the end. When Logan discovers that it's a puzzle, Virgil jokes, "And you thought I would just get you a newspaper. Tsk. What do you take me for?" Though it appeared Virgil didn't put much consideration into the gift, and though Logan believed Virgil didn't, he did, because he truly cares about Logan. And throughout the entire series, though they don't always listen to him, Thomas and the sides show that they care about Logan. Patton is always nice to him, Roman, while the most harsh to him, does secretly respect him, and Thomas, as shown in the song, "Incomplete," is not only aware that Logan has feelings and is more than just logic, he wants Logan to accept it as well. He also seems empathetic when Logan is disappointed with his gift. This represents how Logan's insecurities get in the way of him being fully accepted. Logan is convinced that Thomas and the sides will only ever see him as his function, and that they do not care about his other traits. This is one of the reasons he represses his emotions, and is shown by how quickly Logan believes Virgil got him a newspaper simply because he likes to read. Though Logan may not realize it, Thomas and the sides love and accept him fully, and Logan needs to see that.
However, it seems that someone doesn't want him to see that...
And that's where the foreshadowing comes into play.
After the conversation Virgil gives Logan his gift, Janus chimes in, saying, "Wow Logan, looks like Virgil put a lot of thought into that one!" He emphasizes how little consideration Virgil's gift seemed to have. In doing this, he reinforces the idea to Logan that Virgil didn't care enough to give him a gift he would like, even though that's not actually true. And if he his doing this intentionally, he may also be reinforcing the idea that they don't care about him.
And Remus soon after joins in, proposing, "Kinda makes you wanna scream, huh?" This is obviously a callback to Logan's outburst in Working THROUGH Intrusive Thoughts. In that episode, Remus showed great excitement towards his outburst, implying that Remus wanted him to get upset. And now again, he suggests that Logan should get angry about it. It is very clear that Remus is trying to make Logan lash out on purpose.
Based off this, I believe that in future episodes, we will see the dark sides, or Remus at least, try to manipulate Logan into believing that Thomas and the sides don't care about him. In doing this, they'll persuade him into joining their side. Perhaps they'll make him a puppet for the Orange Side, or if Logan is the Orange Side, they will make him embrace it. Of course their plan won't work out though. Because even if the do get Logan to join them for a little, the other sides will show that they care. And perhaps if they do, Logan will finally be able to see that, and he will finally be able to accept himself.
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just-want-fluff · 9 months
not gonna get over
remus hinting at the orange side ("Kinda makes you wanna scream, huh?")
virgil remembering when he used to live w the dark sides and put up w remus' buffoonery ("I hate that I know that")
the countless other secret santa configurations we couldve had
virgil choosing to go along with everyone thinking he got a shitty gift as to not spoil the surprise for Logan
THE BITCH SLAP ⁉️ ?! roman janus drama goes HARD
versus the patton janus alliance
janus is such a wine aunt
c!thomas was just letting the chaos ensue
i missed them sm i just regress back to 2016 at the mention of sander sides
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