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throughtrialbyfire · 3 months ago
hopefully during NoSkipNovember, i'll be working on-
An Inner Sanctity (rewrite); the Ancano-fucked-up-and-has-to-learn-his-lesson fic, featuring my oc Athenath
Cycle of the Serpent; my main longfic featuring my three Last Dragonborns - Emeros, Wyndrelis, and Athenath! editing, plotting, and writing new material! we're at chapter 50 in the doc rn, and i need to keep my notes updated
Original works; assorted short stories, poems, and songwriting.
ive done two days of plotting notes for CotS, and i need to spend a couple days more on them while also working on other projects. i may write some TES one shots here or there when i need a boost, but we'll see!
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benthic-girl · 7 months ago
My most cursed but like 100% right realisation is that, from everyone we know about him and the lessons he learned and is just like consistent with his characterisation, Edward elrics gut moral position would be anti abortion except when its to save the mothers life
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anastpaul · 7 months ago
Our Morning Offering – 7 July – Soul of My Saviour, Sanctify My Breast
Our Morning Offering – 7 July – “The Month of the Most Precious Blood” – Pentecost VII Soul of My Saviour,Sanctify My BreastTrans. Attri. to Fr John Hegarty (1752-1834) Soul of my Saviour,sanctify my breast;Body of Christ,be Thou my saving Guest;Blood of my Saviour,bathe me in Thy tide;Wash me with waterflowing from Thy side. Strength and protection,may Thy Passion be;O Blessed Jesus, hearand…
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blogarteplus · 9 months ago
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desde Blog Arte Plus:
CASA CHUZHI, construida sobre una roca en la India.
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a jewish person could literally express like one of the most important beliefs of our religion and culture which is the sancity of life, and an antisemite could come up with a situation where they can go "um actually" and spew literal horseshit accusations at said random jewish person .
apparently "people dying is bad, for any reason" as a statement is controversial and hatespeech-worthy .
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martinblackwoodhater · 9 days ago
You know what bothers me even more than Jonmartin? - Jongerrymartin.
Why do you have to destroy the sancity of my favorite ship by putting Martin in there?
I firmly belive that Gerry is watching events go down from the afterlife, where he throws popcorn on the screen an scowls whenever someone (Martin) bothers his friend Jon (who is the only one that has been granted the usage of the nickname Gerry).
Now if you want Jon and Gerry to be in an OT3, then I would suggest Tim. The doomed by the narrative trio. The "we were always going to end up researching the fears because we were touched by them because we saw what they do to people around us" trio. The goth, the nerd, the jock. This way, at least someone in the relationship knows how to flirt or do dating
i don't like shipping anyone w jon but like... objectively i can appreciate this. and ughhh so true w the first bit, martin just does NOT need to be butting in to everything. leave that bitch in the lonely 🙅‍♂️
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tea-and-secrets · 3 months ago
something something internalised puritanism idk man it just always feels like I'm doing something (morally) wrong if I'm attracted to boobs.
doesn't help that im either gonna be percieved as a boy ("male gaze, all men objectify women, men only think about sex, attraction from men is inherently a threat"), or as a transgirl ("Deviant, predatory, she probably is only doing this to be allowed into women's changing rooms and perv on girls") or pass as a cis lesbian ("The love that women feel is so pure and perfect because there's no men involved and if they're lustful it must be because of maleness somehow corrupting the sancity of- i cant even make myself write down these rhetorics mockingly anymore they're too gross...")
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mantisgodsdomain · 8 months ago
I recently reread Hollow Fables and it reminded me of this post you made on June 6th, 2023, exactly 365 days ago.
I then waited a few days to ask my question about that post because I thought it would be funny to ask it on the one year anniversary of that post.
Anyway, my question is this. What would Team Snakemouth think if they ended up finding Mothivia in Hallownest somehow?
Depends on the context! Whether or not they know Mothiva is meant to be there is a major factor here.
For most crossovers, we'd say a solid "What the FUCK are YOU doing in this abandoned cave system?!", as the standard plot contrivance seems to be "it's a cave system and they wander off into it". Mothiva isn't supposed to be here! Hell, THEY aren't supposed to be here! How did she get there?! How did she get there before them?! Did she go after them, avoid talking to everyone in the town somehow, and then go down without comment or detection??? Lot of questions here!
If the Association is investigating Hallownest, the immediate assumption is probably along the lines of her trying to steal their shine again. Catty comments, et cetera. This doesn't change if they're down here for a world-ending plot or similar. The questions come, of course, when it comes to "how long have you been waiting here for us?" and similar such things.
There are not a lot of tactful ways to say "i've been living down here for the past few months and engaged in a constant spat with the extremely annoying spider down in greenpath who doesn't seem to understand that i don't care about the sancity of the kingdom while i'm busy getting lunch", and Mothiva will be phrasing this in a way that comes across as an insult to Team Snakemouth, one way or the other.
If they're here specifically to retrieve Mothiva after she went missing in a suspicious cave system for several months, then we'd imagine that the conversation would start with "where the fuck have you been???" and go in different, new directions. Like "is there even enough food down here to live on?" (yes, if you're not a coward), "where's Zasp?!" (comfy nap in Dirtmouth's most ungodly inaccessible crevice possible) and of course, "how the fuck did you survive for that long when you're such a... Mothiva?!" (willpower and raw tenacity).
Overall, no matter the scenario, we think that thoughts can most likely be summed up with confusion, incredulity, bafflement, and similar such emotions. A real ?!?!!?!?!???!?!??!???!?! type drive. Will not improve as they learn details on this.
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iridescentis · 27 days ago
sometimes I wonder if you have any theories for who we might be
(I don't want to know who you think I am tho, just wondering if you have theories about who we anons might be because sometimes I wonder if you do)
–🤖 / @robot-anonymous
I have a pretty solid idea of who everyone is yeah, it's kinda hard not to when yall are my mutuals too lmao
i will never tell though of course! gotta keep the sancity of the rock :D
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spookyserenades · 1 month ago
Ummm,sorry but can I ask when is chapter two coming for sancity,no pressure or anything just curious and excited after ur post on 21 dec 2024
Its coming! Lol I don't have a schedule any more. It was too much on my plate but I promise they're coming
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snailgrls · 3 months ago
i hate it when people say "oh misandry online alienated young men" because its a blatant fucking lie. its always been impossible to say anything mean about men (broadly, as a class) without some bitch lecturing you for 20 minutes about the sancity of the good men. bro, i honestly dont gaf about the male loneliness epidemic! i hope more of them kill themselves!
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thegianpieromennitipolis · 1 year ago
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"Beato Angelico", strana figura di artista, tra il rivoluzionario Masaccio e l'ineguagliabile Piero della Francesca. Nella scia del primo, precorre il secondo. Perde le tracce del tardo gotico nella rivelazione della forma plastica data dal chiaroscuro. Eppure, la luce che irradia sulle sue figure indica un'esigenza incombente. Vive anni di estremo conflitto religioso: la fine della "cattività avignonese" sfocia nel "Grande Scisma". Poi, gli estremismi conciliari che provocarono il "Piccolo Scisma" nel tempo dei tentativi di riunificazione delle Chiese d'Occidente e d'Oriente. Cambiamenti radicali che assegnano nuovi confini alla visione del mondo, infine sanciti nel 1453 con la caduta di Costantinopoli. Può udire le voci di Nicola Cusano e di Leon Battista Alberti. È uomo di fede. Appartiene all'ordine domenicano: sente la lezione di Tommaso d'Aquino e quella di Meister Eckhart. Questo il crogiolo rovente nel quale agisce. I suoi testi pittorici divengono espressione di un'esigenza mistica: l'ineffabilità di Dio è compensata dal sentimento del sacro. La matrice originaria della pittura occidentale, il fondo dorato dell'icona, lo induce a mantenere uno sguardo incantato su quell'alterità che non appartiene alla dimensione umana. Alterità che è distacco preminente dalla mondanità, caotica e conflittuale. Non vi può rinunciare: è una scelta. Schietta. La sua vena artistica appartiene a quella scelta. Nella quale, per coerente necessità, è escluso ogni dramma. Per queste ragioni, rimane confinato in un passato ideale. Ma l'esigenza del sacro, inteso come figura di pensiero, è rimasta desiderio irriducibile, capace ancora di percorrere, sotto altre forme o tentativi di forma, la pittura contemporanea.
- Beato Angelico, Fra' Giovanni da Fiesole, al secolo Guido di Pietro (1395 - 1455): "Pala di Fiesole", predella, particolare (Tutti i Santi), 1424 - 1425, Chiesa di San Domenico, Fiesole (Firenze) - In copertina: Maria Casalanguida, "Bottiglie e cubetto", 1975, collezione privata
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lasudio · 1 year ago
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VeronaHills, Round Five: Roseland
Plonked on the couch with Porthos at their feet, Alex and Cyd prioritised peacetime.
Each roommate shared a romantic win: Cyd was continuing to see Catherine Viejo, the silver siren of the village, and Alex shared a sudden steamy kiss on the sidewalk with Stella Roth. What a gift that such a glamorous woman had deigned to walk near their trailer! Too bad she wasn't the only uppercrust nearby, as she found out when emerged from the trailer in active getup.
"I saw that!" Betty Goldstein growled, emerging from the woods. "Groping my cousin's wife! You - you're disrespecting the sancity of marriage!"
Alex let her yoga mat flop to the ground and sighed. "Betty, I'm really not in the mood - oh." As she'd turned to send a sod-off message loud and clear, she noticed a new piece of gold wrapped around Betty's middle finger. The old bat caught on to where Alex's eyes had landed and her hackles shot up.
"Thief! I'm reporting this to the police!"
"Woah, get a grip. What, you gonna say I MIGHT steal something? Piss off, I don't want your ring." Alex paused. "Uh, congratulations?"
At this point in Alex's retelling, Cyd hooted and hollered with laughter.
Peacetime meant reconciling that not everyone in the village was a fan of their rustic presence - and acknowledging that was just fine.
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quanblovk · 2 years ago
It was a peaceful day, Sir Mordred had just finished his duties and decided to was a good time to head outside to Clockwork Castle's outdoor canteen. There, he was greeted with the lovely cafeteria workers and got his nutritious lunch. After that was done, he found a good spot and sat down to enjoy his meal. In the distance, Sir Uther notices Mordred and enthusiastically approaches his table, sitting next to him with a plate of spaghetti.
"Good afternoon, Mordred!"
He then proceeds to grab and ketchup bottle and squeezes it's insides out to destroy the sancity of a perfect, well-made spaghetti plate.
"You disgust me."
Mordred says as he disapprovingly looks down on Uther, who was stuffing his face full with the abomination he had just created, slurping the pasta that was coated in the worst substance ever known to be paired with it.
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White Jewish people really having a fun time right now discoursing about what is and is not definitionally genocide as if genocide knocks politely on the door and asks permission to begin instead of ramping up slowly over years of cultural violence and eradication efforts until one day the rhetorical threshhold for physical violence gets passed and blood pours through the streets.
Anyway if you want one of the more conservatively stated yet internationally recognized definitions of genocide, here's what the UN has to say:
Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
Article II
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
Killing members of the group;
Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
I'm not interested in having a debate with any fucking one about whether or not the trans community is currently among those in the US experiencing what meets the criteria for genocide in the US because as a matter of course the US is arguably in the midst of efforts to enact a genocide against a LOT of communities at any given moment and the trans community is just one of them. My fellow white jews can sit down and shut the actual fuck up with their "trans people weren't targetted during the Holocaust so stop comparing the two" oppression olympics bullshit.
Just because you're so enraptured by the sancity and holiness of your white skin that you're sure our Jewish genocide is too holy to be discussed in the same breath as any other doesn't mean you're not reinforcing the very systems of white supremacy and violence that will happily murder us next when you try to shut down conversations about the interconnectedness of these experiences. It was literally a month ago that my feed was full of people confidently shouting about how the nazis burned trans literature. You fucking know better.
I'm so tired of this constant need to tear each other apart for daring to suggest that our genocides are genuinely interconnected. They are. Plain and simple. No matter who they are committed against. A genocide against any community reinforces the rhetoric of genocide against communities like our Jewish ones and we should be more inclined to give a damn that some members of our Jewish faith agree with that genocidal rhetoric that reinforces our own genocidal unsafety than with the fact that the other communities suffering rightly point out the connections.
If it seems like everyone is quick to say the big G word right now that's probably because global fascism is rising at unprescidented rates, and fascists seek genocidal outcomes with the kind of tunnel-vision few could ever dream of experiencing. That doesn't mean we deny people the truth of the language. It means we start working together to resist an unprecedented scale of genocidal intent. Never again means for anyone, not just the Jews and if you're truly looking at the world right now and thinking that we're NOT at risk for genocidal outcomes unless we actively resist fascist waves, you're a fucking fool.
It's not doomerism to say that, it's realism. Doomerism says genocidal fascism is inevitable and we should give up. It's not! In fact it's quite easy to resist! But we DO actually have to do so actively, consistently, and across all fronts.
So why the FUCK are you people looking our comrades in arms in the eyes and telling them to get off the field??
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canesenzafissadimora · 1 year ago
Buonasera piovosa...freddolosa!
Ultimo giorno di ferie...rientro con la mia valigia rosa dagli unici due giorni lontano da casa da marzo.
“Il lavoro è la base della dignità e della libertà con cui si autorealizza la persona umana ed è un diritto di cittadinanza sociale al pari degli altri sanciti dalla Costituzione”
Bruno Trentin
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