chaospage · 4 years
Long nails tap against cold stone of the under-castles walls. Glowing red hues peering from the shadows resting right behind the door way. He peers in at the webs, slowly making his way into the light of the room. " Malachi. " The king rolls the name off his tongue like honey. " My most loyal knight~ " His tone purred in admiration. " The sun has set. It's time to wake. "
Sensitive ears pick up on the tapping. Awakening the sleeping beast, just a little. But oh, that lovely voice. Calling his name. He can’t help the smile, and awaken he does. Fully. Two eyes, then four peak out and above the nest of webs.
His hand reaches out.
“ Why not a morning kiss, from my most handsome king?~ ”
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hellhathno · 4 years
" L "
Stabbed Meme ;; Accepting
Jason didn’t feel pain -- not much, anymore. Or quite as he did when he was alive. Pain used to tell him, in no uncertain terms, to stop doing whatever he was doing. To tell him tissue had been damaged, to alert him to slow down, back up, to cease and desist -- with no room for argument. If it hurt, then it meant stop, meant re evaluate. Meant watch out. Meant something useful.
Now? The pain signals were slow, sluggish. Taking him a moment to realize they were pain and not a tickle, or perhaps a poke. Pain drew his attention, sure, but not like it used to. Not as urgently.
Which is why it took the revenant a moment to realize it was a stab wound causing the sensation at his back and not a stray worm or critter.
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Ah. So this was how it was going to go, was it? Jason’s knife was bigger, and if the stranger wanted to play like that, he’d gladly show them just how much more dangerous it was.
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chaosnradios · 5 years
The last few days had been quiet. An unsettling sensation in the air. His duties had taken some of the edge off, keeping him occupied until he returned to his cave. Nestled safely under the belly of the castle, away from the eyes and ears of the others.
Which is why he found himself surprised at the sudden appearance of the king, and even more so, surprised to see him standing at the mouth of his cave. That look in those red eyes, the way the other held himself. He was immediately concerned, cautious.
“Would you like to come in? I don’t have much furniture.. But I do have a chair. A table..”
He moved as he spoke, offered as he dragged out said chair. Turned said table right side up and dusted it off.
“Did something happen?”
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soapallo · 5 years
What brushes do you use for shading ?
oh mAN i dont use any particular brush because I’m still new to CSP. but here are my current ones!:
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fortnitefiles · 5 years
" It's not very often I run into someone famous this late at night. "
He wasn’t sure when, but sometime during the night, his entourage of friends have dispersed. He blamed it on everyone not knowing the new island or their way around it. Now exhausted, he spotted a flurry of lavender and black. He kept his voice as even as he could. “And it’s not often I encounter the Vampire King out of his castle...”
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fortnitejesus-blog · 5 years
“ you can’t .   but the rest of them can seek forgiveness in the eyes of the lord ,  maybe . ”
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sancctumm · 5 years
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                                                     Who is the bad guy ?
                                  the vampire who kills people and sucks their blood ?                                                    or the survivalists who kill people to save their own lives?
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ofromulus · 5 years
:// @sancctumm // from X
“The seventh. To become your little fabled king status?” Pan replies, a casual hand on her hip. The only threat she poses outwardly is her grin - sharp teeth bared, and to most, it’s hard to discern if she’s actually happy or meaning mischief. 
“Oh... Love - “ She snorts, “ - larger than me at the current time? I’m at my smallest.”
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gumptioned-a-blog · 5 years
‘ don’t you trust me? ’
       ❛   any other time i would!   ❜
                     heights don't frighten her, but the thought of her body, seven stories below, outlined in white chalk nauseates her.   gloved palm edging around the skyscraper, knuckles colored ghastly white, nora's other hand presses her trilby hat atop tangled ginger curls, struggling against thundering slipstreams that drown her out, despite her shouts and cries.   she looks everywhere but down, soon settling on two holographic, beady eyes that mock her   ;   a rookie mistake to assume that a mastermind wouldn't leave a crime scene boobytrapped.
                     ❛ come inside the building and unlock one of the windows!   i'm not jumping down. ❜
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@sancctumm -
Armadillo sighed to himself at the look the vampire gave him, as well as those words spoken to him.
“Don’t give me that look... I just need yer help. Now hold still...”
He inwardly admitted that he was nervous, he hadn’t exactly done this before. He just hoped that Sanctum wouldn’t kill him, or would at least not suddenly stand up. He knew he had to be quick, for both their sakes.
First his right foot, then carefully his left foot followed, he stood up on the vampire’s shoulders and reached upward as far as he could to get to the top shelf. When he finally grabbed what he had been trying to get for the past 30 minutes, he carefully climbed off Sanctum and twirled a key ring around his finger. Someone had tossed Armadillo’s keys up on the top shelf, and it was a stroke of luck that he found someone as tall as Sanctum to help him out.
“Thanks man, I owe you one~”
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ofthejunction · 5 years
This time he took the normal route. Going up to the door and knocking with a single index knuckle. He shifted. Hands at his sides. They both gotten lucky- At least for now. So he waited on Dustys answer. An impatient shifting of feet. " Dusty. " He spoke aloud. Knocking once more. A little louder this time than prior. The sounds of sirens filled the distant air, mentally hoping he wasn't out during the events.
He had been. The blond had been preparing - he was sure other people around the Island were aware of the impending danger, so he had been making sure he was ready to assist in any relief efforts. Not only had he helped in moving and rescuing Island inhabitants, but he was ushering them to the proper refuges as best he could.
Sanctum gets no answer from inside, as Dusty isn’t even home — he is coming back, and his voice, however strained and exhausted, approaches from behind the vampire.
“… Sanctum?” He speaks, walking into the gate and dropping a bag. His appearance tells the other more than enough, and it’s almost harrowing to see him in a different way. He had been out picking people free, directing them to the proper help — but so many people were hurt. So many people were just … Gone. Though the closer he gets, his appearance is more clear. His hair is a much darker color, ashen and stained with the dirt and debris he’d been climbing through. When he pulls a respirator-like mask from his mouth, the difference in skin tone is great - pale skin contrasted against dirt, grime and ash. He’s not sure if the scrapes on his body are the cause of some blood, or if other bloodstains are from people he’s been helping.Nonetheless, he all but collapses into Sanctum’s arms - a tight hug, knowing that the other has been worried.“I was - helping. Everyone is stretched thin… I just thought I’d do what I could.” Dusty says. “But I’m here - I’m good. Are you?” He asks, his blue eye the brightest of the two against his dirtied skin.
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ironsguilt · 5 years
@sancctumm said  *✧・゚: *✧・゚  :   " I must admit I never thought i'd see the day when mortals figured out flight. At least not this soon. "   *✧・゚: *✧・゚random asks !!  ||  always accepting .
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      ❛          ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇs ʜᴀᴠᴇ   existed since 1903 ,   right ?        ❜     tony knew he probably meant the IRON MAN suit ,   but flight was flight .
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chaosnradios · 5 years
Malachi had overheard the other, on his way to walking to their room. A muffled voice through the door, which became clearer as he leaned his ear closer. What he had heard the other man speak, clear as day, had rattled his core with conflicting emotions.
“ Malachi is so... bloody cute. I don’t.. ”
The other hunter’s words rang clear in his mind, even now after spending some time outside to think. To be at war with himself. But he could not stay outside for long, a weariness settling in his soul and in his feet. He softly knocked as he came to the door of their room again, two taps of his knuckles before he opened the door and walked in.
“It’s just me..”
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gumshew · 6 years
       ❛ WELL, IT IS A THREAT; ❜   COQUETTISHLY PURRING AKIN to feline, gloved digits a metronome against the glass, orchestrating the sashay of her hips. Rising aloft! she hoists the bottle to the heavens, allowing the sun to reveal a perfectly———planted crimson lipmark upon its middle. ❛ But nothing more. I have yet to hear of any criminal activity since you've returned. Let's keep it that way. You and I can play nice, can't we? ❜
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sancctumm  /  x
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fortnitefiles · 5 years
❛ You really think that will help? ❜
He shifted uncomfortably under the crimson gaze of a man he was not familiar with. It’s too bad that he chose to elope from his responsibilities at his pre concert, and instead came face to face to someone with an intimidating stare. “Uhmm....” he started, rocking on his feet slightly. “I thought it would... did it not work?” 
What, cornering yourself? 
Being somewhere you’re not supposed to be? If only he had listened to his manager and stayed put, he would not have been in this predicament.
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fortnitejesus-blog · 5 years
@sancctumm​​ replied to your post :
clicks tongue.
looks like it’s time to get the holy water spray bottle .   “ begone ,  you glorified mosquito . ”
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