samuelreed1-11 · 6 years
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You believe the earth is flat I believe the Earth is round I believe in touching the sky You believe in under the ground But it's all the same to me You can believe what you wanna believe But just believe in me Like I believe in you Just believe in me... #samawry #samuelreed111 #samreed #sing #love #believe #poetry (at International Office of Creativity)
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
Make It Right #makeitright #jazz #acapella #singer #original #samuelreed111 #songwriter #poet #groove #jam #sing #song #jingle #creative #recording #snippet #sang
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
Samuel Reed 1:11 - "The Message (On the Warpath)" EXTREME UNDERGROUND ECLECTIC Available for download and FREE streaming, exclusively at SamuelReed111.Bandcamp.com #warpath #bandcamp #samuelreed111 #samreed #themessage #hiphop #real underground #eclectic #extreme #extremeundergroundeclectic #down #gr #grandrapids #michigan #ojibwe #chippewa #anishinaabe #michigan (at Grand Rapids, Michigan)
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
Donnie Destro - "The Cleaning Lady" (featuring: Samuel Reed 1:11) Extreme Underground Eclectic Available for download and FREE streaming exclusively at: SamuelReed111.bandcamp.com #donniedestro #samuelreed111 #extremeundergroundeclectic #extreme #underground #eclectic #cleaninglady #music #real #truth #electricvillain (at Grand Rapids, Michigan)
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
Me #mercymercyme #thingsaintwhattheyusedtobe #marvingaye #classic #truth #samuelreed111 #singer
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
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The ole' girl has been to Holland quite a few times in her tenure. Usually right around this time of year, when the tulips are blooming. #grampasvan #iocmobileunit #ioc #woodywagon #voyager #plymouth #ilovethisvan #plymouthvoyager #smoothride #needspaint #kingrichardschariot #samuelreed111 #van #tuliptime #tulips #orange #woodpanel #blinker (at Tulip Time Festival)
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
Exodus 13:21-22 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people. #moses #arkofthecovanent #hailesilassie #rastafari #iam #itsme #samuelreed111 #getfree #tree #blunt #burn #hebrew #bible #bibleverse #symbolism #symbolic #truth #fire #smoke #cloud #weed #pillarofcloud #pillarofsmoke #pillaroffire #sanctuary #temple (at Egypt)
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
Now that I know the man I Am, I see the responsibility in my hand. I gotta travel cross the land, so I can see the day my Lover takes my hand... #istillfeelthesame #samuelreed111 #rastafari #hittheroadjack #wantingtoleave #stillinlove #grownmandecisions #shouldistayorshouldigo #michigan #ojibwe #home #deeplyrooted (at Battle Creek Tabernacle Seventh Day Adventist Church)
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
Mercy #mercymercyme #thingsaintwhattheyusedtobe #marvingaye #real #oldschool #blackandwhite #ojibwe #samuelreed111 #singer
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samuelreed1-11 · 6 years
Everything I knew before was a lie. #alwayssomethin #samuelreed111 #hiphop #real #truth #rasta #reborn (at Ramblewood Apartments) https://www.instagram.com/p/BexpHy8AA6j/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sph6wwhvgnht
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samuelreed1-11 · 6 years
Get Me up out of this prison cell... #iwannagohome #rastafari #dallas #unitedstates #landofthefree #homeofthebrave #blackandwhite #ojibwe #michaelchevis #samuelreed111 #platinumpalace #original (at United States)
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samuelreed1-11 · 6 years
When it all comes crashing down, what will you do when you have been found wanting? #pendulum #backandforth #running #earth #world #globe #toolate #samuelreed111 #video #spinning #turn
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samuelreed1-11 · 6 years
Get off the phone and look up! The closer they get to the top... The smaller the size of their blocks... #dontjudgemechallenge #dontjudgme #samuelreed111 #dontjudge #imdifferent #truth #tree #wistler #original #underground #eclectic #unique #oneofakind #notahypocrite #lookscanbedecieving #rastafari (at Wyoming SDA Church)
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samuelreed1-11 · 6 years
Jesus Is a Rock #jesusisarock #samuelreed111 #samreed #jesus #love #rock #shelter #storm #shelterinthestorm #folk #church #sabbath #godless #land #theland #wearyland #babylon #rastafari (at Babylon, New York)
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
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"we keep resurfacing" -Bob Marley #iii #111 #rastafari #samuelreed111 #wekeepresurfacing #awake #woke #broke #bw #rasta #bingy #northernman #sam #cherubim #mercyseat #temporary (at Michigan)
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samuelreed1-11 · 7 years
"Just My Imagination" Sam Reed and Sonny Manley with the Motor City Music Cartel #smokierobinson #motown #justmyimagination #temptations #samuelreed111 #sonnymanley #sonny
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