#samsung girl descending to the world
shop-korea · 9 months
This Time I'll Be Sweeter
Original Short Cable didn't charge
Samsung - Galaxy - Old - S Series
Used Long - Both New Solar - yes
Old Thick - Solar then - worked US
Things like this - Why Sulli hanged
Herself - 2 bad - 'Home Alone 4'
was not what she watched
earlier - 6th floor finally
talked 2 me - Cast out a
demon from Born again
Meaning - He thinks the
Holy Ghost can be Held
Hostage - when He resides
in our Spirits - but - Korean
Girls - We don't turn Blonde
when we become Living spirits
instead of Dead Spirits - he and
others thought - like - Disney
'Descendants' - Blk Girl other
Show - Dual Personality that
I was talking 2myself 4 yes
Christians not great with
Business - Thought I was
talking 2 Satan - Calling
Boost Infinite
Fifth Third Bank
Social Security
LA Fitness
White Guy I liked - 1:30A
Probably left - already
Asians - unite
Americans wanted 2 tell me
Holy Ghost can be - Roped
Binded - Held by Satan and
Demonic Spirits - that if I
Receive his prayer I will
get - Freedom
Korean Girls - Depart from
HDG Banks
Bible - 'Last part Christians
can't handle much less 1st part'
These Americans - Religious
weirdos - Not coming - near
us - 'Money answers - all'
These Miami Christians
Casting Demons their Quest
But asdwmon leaves - Goes 2
Dry place - Gets more demons
Goes back - Now person is yes
Worst as she- he goes2 their
Bible Study - then knives yes
herself - and shows nudity as
they cast out demons - then
they get - Legion - Leader
Now thousands of demons
in her - Korean Girls - Pulse
of Hatred - Violence
Your Mickey Mouse watches
Point - She evaporates then
Disappears - God tells her
'You are unclean - Sheol
your Last Stop & Final'
I was just wearing a panty
when I talked shared time
difference with Asia Seoul
Advance - I have 2 adjust
Not otherwise - Good 2 know
what Americans - say
Special Marines
Special Air Force
Special Navy
Hats and Uniforms
Bulletproof - Fireproof
Boots 2 fly us
2 - Depart from - Age 246
Strange Americans
God doesn't believe in religion
But if they insist - what neglect
as men - Visit windows in times
of need - Add God's heart visit
Orphans 2 - Holidays - Birthdays
Their time of need - Visited me
while I wore my panty
Not a widow or orphan
Casting Demons - Demon
Busters - Bible Study
Jesus said - Food 4 Hungry
Drink 4 Thirsty
Cloth Naked - Alexa Sharkay
Place 4 Homeless - Hiltons
Strange - Americans
Willfull - Disobedience
as we leave - Miami - and
USA - Depart from - Evil
Depart from Age 246
Braggarts - Murderers
Robbers - Rapists
Gets Pregnant during Violent
Age - Dangerous - Perilous
Korean Girls - Depart fr US
Men and Women
Forget - Karaoke - Fried
Chicken - Forget Dancing
God said - Sing and Dance
2 the Lord God
He said - Demons inhabit you
God said - He inhabits the
Praises of Him by His people
When you praise Him - He
Resides in you not just
visits you not Time Sharing
White Male said - God not
in me - Demons reside in me
hearing my conversarions
Koreans learn American
French of Paris France
World's best sounding language
USA - F word - S word
World - Crass
Oppressive - Offensive
Abuse - Torture
American - Harrassment
Italian - No 2 - Like a Musical
Korean Girls - App - Per
French Word - Speak
500 billion won - per
Tax Paid
Italian - each word
250 Billion won - per
Speak 2 App - Unlimited
Daily - Speaking American
Joining - Torture - Abuse
English of England - like
a - Melody in our hearts
British words - spoken
Heals gently our spirits
Have 2 wake up - 0600
County Males only
Torture - Harrassment
No one Touches - My Tent
Speaking - American english
Koreans touching my - Tent
Blk Males - Hispanic Males
No 1 and No 3 - Criminals of
the World - We have declared
War - USA - Haiti - Spanish
Speaking Countries 2 - yes
Slaughter - French - Saber
Swords - Submarines
Coming 2 Florida - CA - NY
World War 3 - Jesus is Lord
0 notes
lindalisa · 2 years
Origin of ginseng
Ginseng has been discovered since ancient times, with a history of more than 4,000 years. Ginseng originated from the tertiary period of paleontology. Due to the arrival of glaciers in the Quaternary period, the area of ​​their distribution has been greatly reduced. Therefore, ginseng is an ancient relict plant and survived a variety. It is rare and valuable, and is recognized by the world scientific community as a special species. Efficacy of precious medicinal herbs. The earliest origin of Chinese ginseng is only the Changbai Mountains. The appearance of ginseng in the Changbai Mountains of Jilin has been more than 1,700 years ago. The medicinal use of human ginseng artillery originated in the Three Kingdoms period, more than 1,600 years ago. There are many folk legends about ginseng in Changbai Mountain, Jilin. The ginseng culture in Changbai Mountains of Jilin has a long history. Su Dongpo, a great writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, said in the poem "Second Rhyme Zhengfu Travels with Baishui Mountain": "The first one went to the Shao Shi of Yushun's style, and the second one went to the Sixth Patriarch to go to Nanhua. People's elixir is not my own." Su Dongpo called ginseng an elixir, which shows that in ancient times, literati and writers wrote ginseng into poems, and it was passed down. Su Dongpo also wrote in "Zanshen": "Shangdang is the ridge of the world, Liaodong is really at the bottom of the well, Yuanquan pours into the sea, and white dew sprinkles the sky." He praised Changbai Mountain ginseng as sweet dew, like sweet wine, let People are refreshing. There are many folk legends and stories about "stick and mallet" and "samsung girl descending to the world", and these legends have become an important part of the folk culture in the Changbai Mountains of Jilin Province. Ginseng has a long history of medicinal use. According to research, it was recorded in the "Ji Jiu Zhang" by Shi You in the Han and Yuan Dynasty (33-48 years). The cultivation history of ginseng can be traced back to the late Western Jin Dynasty, more than 1600 years ago. Ginseng is divided into wild ginseng and domestic ginseng. Wild ginseng, also known as wild ginseng, is mainly distributed in certain areas in eastern Asia, with a small amount in China and Russia, and has disappeared in Japan and North Korea. Home-grown ginseng is also called artificially cultivated ginseng. China is mainly distributed in Jilin Province, Liaoning Province and Heilongjiang Province, with Jilin Province being the largest. Its planting surface and output are more than 85% of the country and more than 70% of the world.
#Second Rhyme Zhengfu Travels with Baishui Mountain#The first one went to the Shao Shi of Yushun's style#and the second one went to the Sixth Patriarch to go to Nanhua. People's elixir is not my own.#Zanshen#Shangdang is the ridge of the world#Liaodong is really at the bottom of the well#Yuanquan pours into the sea#and white dew sprinkles the sky.#stick and mallet#samsung girl descending to the world#Ji Jiu Zhang#Ginseng has been discovered since ancient times#with a history of more than 4#000 years. Ginseng originated from the tertiary period of paleontology. Due to the arrival of glaciers in the Quaternary period#the area of ​​their distribution has been greatly reduced. Therefore#ginseng is an ancient relict plant and survived a variety. It is rare and valuable#and is recognized by the world scientific community as a special species. Efficacy of precious medicinal herbs.#The earliest origin of Chinese ginseng is only the Changbai Mountains. The appearance of ginseng in the Changbai Mountains of Jilin has bee#700 years ago. The medicinal use of human ginseng artillery originated in the Three Kingdoms period#more than 1#600 years ago. There are many folk legends about ginseng in Changbai Mountain#Jilin.#The ginseng culture in Changbai Mountains of Jilin has a long history. Su Dongpo#a great writer in the Northern Song Dynasty#said in the poem : Su Dongpo called ginseng an elixir#which shows that in ancient times#literati and writers wrote ginseng into poems#and it was passed down. Su Dongpo also wrote in : He praised Changbai Mountain ginseng as sweet dew#like sweet wine#let People are refreshing. There are many folk legends and stories about and
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reginaldbunyan · 3 years
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0 notes
There's something I have to ask you that has some of its roots far before Descendants, but seriously....wtf is up with Frollo?! I'm interested in his character because of his deep complexities for a Disney Villian (never mind the Hugo novel), but why cant he get a grip on raising children and building a healthy family? Even as a product of the medieval era , that can't be an excuse for his dysfunctional relationships with others(progressive people like Esmeralda and Phoebus existed back then 1/2
Mymain question to you is ,what do you think it is about him that cantsee the pain he causes to claudine/ not esme and the entire HONDcast? What ever happened to him in his childhood ( nature vsnurture), that makes him nearly impossible to reach past his veil ofdarkness. Even in his attempt to redeem himself in the eyes of hisLord, with Claudine, is he forever delusional? Can he change in thisuniverse and what would it take? 2/2
There’sthree key concepts that explain why Frollo still can’t redeemhimself, see the pain, the suffering, the wrongdoing he’s causingin the name of God and his ideas of what is “Good.” These are:
TheMyth of Redemptive Violence by Walter Wink, and
SexualSuppression in the Catholic Church, and the ideas of ReligiousLeaders being beyond the common man
Allof these are actually easily explainable using the lyrics ofHellfire:
BeataMariaYou know I am a righteous manOf my virtue I amjustly proud
BeataMariaYou know I'm so much purer thanThe common, vulgar,weak, licentious crowd
Thentell me, MariaWhy I see her dancing thereWhy hersmold'ring eyes still scorch my soulI feel her, I seeherThe sun caught in her raven hairIs blazing in me outof all control
Here,we see what Frollo thinks of himself: a saint among sinners, a man ofstrong faith in a land of unbelievers, someone who does Good whereasthe rest fall into Temptation and Sin.
Likemajority of the leaders of the Catholic Church, and especiallybecause it’s in the Medieval Era, he is seen as someone who isinherently above his fellow man, better, purer, more virtuous, whichis why he deserves to hold his position, and use all the power andinfluence that affords him.
Butthen, Esmeralda comes along, he is tempted by her beauty, and herealizes that he is not as invulnerable and incorruptible as hethought he was.
Unfortunatelyfor all of us, he refuses to take responsibility for it.
It'snot my faultI'm not to blameIt is the gypsy girlThewitch who sent this flameIt's not my faultIf in God'splanHe made the devil so muchStronger than a man
Here,he refuses to believe that there’s any fault in him, that he isstill prone to temptation despite his beliefs; rather, he engages inwhat is called “Scapegoating,” putting all the blame inEsmeralda, going so far as to irrationally cast her as some wickedenchantress with powers that he doesn’t stand a chance ofresisting, than just a woman he is fully capable of getting over.
However,that involves him admitting that he was wrong about his belief thathe is incorruptible and “holier than thou,” and he wants toprotect that idea, more than he actually wants to be it, simplybecause it’s less distressing for him.
Thisis called Cognitive Dissonance, the stress someone experiencesfrom having a belief or more than directly oppose their actions andbehaviours.
Otherexamples of Cognitive Dissonance are:
Someonewho believes themselves a healthy person despite having a pack-a-daycigarette habit;
Someonewho buys a product or a service and it doesn’t turn out nearly asgood as they thought it would, so they make all manner of excuses andjustifications to make it better (in their minds); and
Someonewho stays in a relationship that has long past its expiration date,because they don’t believe themselves to be someone who gets it“wrong” with something as important as romantic relationships.
Peoplesuffering from cognitive dissonance often find ways to “spin”things and defend their original beliefs, rather than reevaluate whatthey thought was true and their identity. Rationality, logic, orconsistency ceases to matter to them; sparing themselves from thedistress that they were wrong or are acting against their beliefstakes priority above everything else.
Withthe above examples:
Thesmoker convinces themselves that cigarette smoking isn’t reallythat bad for their health (it’s actually worse);
Thatthe price, the manufacturer, or some other quality of the product orservice automatically makes it better despite the reality of it, likewith the exploding Samsung phones incident, and people refusing toreturn them in spite of the danger to themselves and everyone else;and
Thatthey can still salvage the relationship, that all the problems andissues are not nearly as bad as they are, and that they simply haveto try harder.
WithFrollo, he chooses the Myth of Redemptive Violence.
Inits essence, it’s “Good Vs Evil,” “The Final Clash,” theBook of Revelations where the forces of the Righteous do battle withthe Wicked, purging all that is unholy and ushering in a new, betterworld, or bringing all those deserving into heaven.
It’sinteresting because you see this constantly with all of Disney’sfilms with a classic “Villain” antagonist: there’s PrincePhilip slaying Maleficent; Tiana and Naveen outsmarting Dr. Facillierand letting his Friends from the Other Side do their thing; andTarzan doing battle with Clayton.
Theymay or may not have a direct hand in bringing about theirdoom—Clayton accidentally hung himself because of his refusal toaccept Tarzan’s help, for example—but it’s always VERY clear tothe audience that A) the protagonists are “good” people, B) theantagonists are “evil” people, and C) there is no redeeming the“villains,” there’s only killing, jailing, or trapping them inan enchanted lamp, because they will never turn to good.
Asstated above, Frollo believes himself to be a righteous man, theepitome of goodness, the Holy Servant of God, and people that don’tfit into his worldview are declared “Wicked” and must beslain. He has killed numerous gypsies, has been responsiblefor the death and/or suffering of numerous innocent civilians, andalmost drowned Quasimodo in a well, if it weren’t for the ArchDeacon warning him of his hypocrisy.
Inhis views, there is no salvation, no forgiveness of the sinner, noramending for your wicked ways—there is only judgment, and yoursentence is death.
Protectme, MariaDon't let the siren cast her spellDon't let herfire sear my flesh and boneDestroy EsmeraldaAnd let hertaste the fires of Hell!Or else let her be mine and mine alone
Here,Frollo shows just how extreme and devoid of nuance his sense ofmorality is—either you live, or you die. He also shows more of hisCognitive Dissonance and Redemptive Violence once more, where hepleads that—against the customs and the traditions of the church,and the scandal that would erupt— Esmeralda be “given” to him.
Thisis especially poignant as the Catholic Church has a massive,well-known history of suppressing sexuality and policing the sexualbehaviour of their followers and especially their ordained leaders,usually to disastrous results.
Insteadof giving them a chance to it in healthy ways, or to treat havingsexual urges as a natural thing, the Catholic church paints it asweakness, a flaw in you, a sign that you have failed and that you areshameful, awful, and a sinner for having them in the first place.
“Shaming”someone is the BEST way to get someone to do the thing you’reshaming them for—as you cut their self-esteem, and make thembelieve that they are weak and deficit in some manner, the morelikely they will be to do the vice or the crime because they want tofeel better, and the more likely they will accept that they truly AREbeyond saving, that there’s no hope for salvation, so fuck it,let’s do the thing.
Itgets even worse in the ending of Hellfire:
HellfireDarkfireNow gypsy, it's your turnChoose me orYourpyreBe mine or you will burnGod have mercy on herGodhave mercy on meBut she will be mineOr she will burn!
Here,Frollo shows the depths of his hypocrisy and the amazing mentalacrobatics he’s performing, saying “God have mercy” whilstpromising the opposite of mercy: death, or enslavement.
Here,Frollo shows that he’s no longer following the doctrines, the laws,or the traditions of the church, what God decreed or Jesus relayed tohis followers.
Here,Frollo shows that all he truly follows is what he believes to beRight—what is Right for him.
Iassumed that this behaviour follows him onto the Isle, where he has avery warped sense of religious morality that is really just hisselfish desires, being justified in his eyes by tacking the name ofGod onto it, much like Richard “Rick” Ratcliffe.
Whycan’t he get a grip on a loving marriage, relating in healthymanners to people, and building a loving family life for Claudine?
Because,like the rest of the Villains, he wasn’t marrying and having kidsfor unselfish reasons, he was using his ex-wife Salome to satisfy hissexual needs, is still using Claudine as a means to fulfillhis broken dreams and ambitions, and is unconsciously using them bothto serve himself first and foremost.
Thesexuality that was Frollo’s downfall has not disappeared—it’sstill there, and I’d argue it’s actually stronger consideringthe constant state of stress and despair in the Isle that forcespeople to resort to their basest instincts, and engage in whateverwill give them some measure of relief.
However,instead of going the healthy route of acknowledging that he isflawed, and that he should return to attempting celibacy in spite oftemptation, Frollo merely twists his lustful desires into somethingthat would be acceptable in his beliefs, and that of hiscongregation.
Howdoes he achieve this? Marriage, with all the intercourse for thepurpose of reproduction, and reproduction only.
I’dimagine that, after becoming the only Catholicreligious leader alive or not yet renouncing his faith, and thedeplorable state of everything and the VKsbeing raised, he sees himselfas some kind of New Adam,meant to be the progenitor of anew race of “Good, Christian People” who would eventually becomethe inheritors of this wretched hell, take it away from the hands ofthe Demon Queen that rules it (Maleficent), and rebirth it as aparadise.
Beforeyou ask, yes, he could be the CELIBATE steward of this new world,taking care of his non-ordained congregation’s children, but thatwouldn’t let him satisfy his sexual needs, and is thus not anoption in his mind.
Andbefore you ask why he doesn’t get flack about this, all of thepeople on the Isle are criminals, and if you weren’t living in thedeplorable conditions they were BGU, you learn to loosen yourstandards right quick here.
That,and they can be manipulated easily and lead to believe that undercertain circumstances, marriage and sexual intercourse with Judgesare possible—a lot of these people can’t read, and have noconcept of critical thinking.
Whyis he like this with Claudine, raising her up to be an ideal ratherthan a person?
Becausehe know he’s old, he knows he’s weak, and he’s essentiallytrapped in his church and a small area around it in Temple Way—he’sunable to bring the fight to the Islanders (not including hiscongregation, because they’re obviously theexception), be it ideologically or especially physically, so he hasto raise an army to do it for him.
Claudineis not just his daughter to him, or his Flock—she is a Messiahfigure to them, the “child that will lead them” as the actualJesus Christ was, the true successor to Frollo’s church when heinevitably passes away.
Sowhenever she starts to deviate from his ideals (i.e. growing up to beher own person, independent of her father’s desires), he doesn’tsee it as cruel and manipulative to mess with her emotions likethis—he sees himself as a sculptor making sure that this livingclay does not end up malformed, that she is completely, absolutelyperfect in every waypossible.
I’dalso be remiss not to mention that poor nutrition, dementia, and oldage have taken a serious tollon him.
Ishis being a product of the Medieval Era an excuse for hisdysfunctional socialinteractions?
Itis, actually!
Phoebusand Esmeralda are shown to be progressives in the movie, but theproblem is, they’re still the exception,not the rule; the world ofFrance in 1482 is nowhere NEAR the level of multiculturalism anddiversity we see today.
Mostpeople of that erawill never even leave the towns they live in, let alone be able tohave the means to travel vast continents and entire oceans to meetpeople unlike themselves—and as European Spice Expeditions haveshown, the interaction is more likely to be lethalto the natives than friendly, let alone romantic.
There’salso the fact that if a foreigner lives in France, it’s usuallyfrom a slave trade of some sort or as part of a roving band of apersecuted minority, like Esmeralda and the rest of the Romanipeople.
Thetimes they live in are very xenophobic, with very black and whitemorality—there are only sinners and the faithful, and again, withFrollo, there is no room for outsiders like Esmeralda and the Romanipeople, whom he believes only deserve death.
Andagain, there’s also the fact that Frollo is a Judge, and alongsidehis religion and his authority, believes himself to be inherentlyabove and better than people, and that he cannot do anything wrongbecause he is of that high position, as only a “Good” person canhold that office.
Tohave a wicked, sinful man capable of cruelty and madness would beparadoxical, and would absolutely never happen! (/sarcasm)
Thisis why he can’t see the pain and the suffering he inflicts onothers with his actions—he simply believes himself to be BEYOND andincapable of doingevil.
Withthe question of nature and nurture, I won’t headcanon aboutFrollo’s childhood, since the Nurture has the lion’s share ofblame here.
He’svery old, he’s obviously a very senior member of the church, andhas a lot of respect—he has spent almost all of his life beingtreated as higher and better than his fellow man, he has massivepower other people, and the beliefs of his church (and consequently,himself) is that he is a reliable, infallible authority for what is“Good” and what is “Evil.”
Andas the saying goes, power corrupts.
Mostpeople behave in fear of some higher authority, be they the police,their parents, or that of your superior at work. Unfortunately forall of us, Frollo only really fears two people: the Arch-Deacon, andGod.
Thewords of the “commoners” matter not to him. Maleficent has longknown that these people are beyond reason or are not worth it, sodoesn’t exercise her authority. And even within hiscongregation—more of a cult, at this point, really—dissent isimmediately silenced, murmurs that “Father Frollo” might not beas virtuous and holy as they think he is shushed like a motherreprimanding her child during Sunday mass.
Toend this rather long, lengthy tirade, can he ever break free of thedelusion, and can he truly change his ways?
Realistically,no, and no.
Unlikeactual dogs, you can’t teach Frollo new tricks, especially onesthat contradict his worldview, and he’s already shown time andagain that he won’t accept any objective evidence that he’swrong—every action of his is justified to him, and that subjectivedecision is what makes it “Right.”
Itdoesn’t help that, as I’ve said in other headcanons and mentionedabove, the people of the Isle of the Lost tend to be the ones whohave lost all hope, and are desperately clinging onto whatever it isthey can for comfort.
Ifyou bring him to Auradon, and have him meet up with the (much sanerand reasonable, but not entirely) congregations of Auradon, it’dlikely end in shouting and claims of heresy and going against God.
Havingyour everything pulled out from under you and getting throwninto the great big unknown is terrifying and painful.
Andfor many people, they’d rather be wrong and not realize it, thansuffer that—thus, Cognitive dissonance, and belief in RedemptiveViolence, with both exacerbated by the Catholic Church’s stance on“deviant” sexual behaviour.
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cryptswahili · 6 years
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Me hugging my favorite family robot last year, Keecker
The Consumer Electronics Show aka CES is finally upon us, and for the 182,000 people about to descend upon the world’s largest technology show, they’re in for a fun week. The show officially runs Tuesday, January 8 through Friday, January 11, but press begin arriving today to preview the hottest gadgets.
Some mainstays are noticeably absent this year like Gibson who had a full roster of rock stars last year including Tommy Shaw of Styx and Iggy Azalea. It’s also not clear if anything is going to top Intel’s breathtaking reveal of drones hauntingly dropping down on the Bellagio fountains. It could very well be a quiet year where the major players sit this one out and leave room for a breakout hit to come from the over 4400 companies exhibiting across 24 product categories.
Another marked difference from 2018 is the increase in diversity of the speaker mix. Of the 1000 speakers, nearly 400 appear to be women (including me!), that’s in sharp contrast to the zero women keynotes of 2018. There’s also a bonus Female Quotient Girls’ Lounge that’s offering two days of panels featuring high profile female entertainment executives and a special “Girls Gone Walking” floor tour at the show opening led by Engadget and Quartz. The event is impressively sponsored by dozens of leading brands including NBC, Facebook, Spotify, L’Oreal, Viacom, Twitter, Hulu,The New York Times, Quartz, and Google. Seems like progress.
Celebrities making appearances include Arianna Huffington, Jenny McCarthy, Jack Dorsey, Nolan Bushnell, Steve Harvey, Dr. Oz and Daughtry. Additionally, blockchain billionaires will be front and center at the CES Digital Money Forum where I’ll be onstage interviewing Brock Pierce and other crypto pioneers for The Great Crypto Debate.
If you go, please know that CES is not a show where you can drop and rage. There’s 2.5 million square feet of exhibitor space sprawled across 11 official venues that stretch for miles on the Las Vegas Strip. If you’re new to the show, you’re going to need a guide.
Lay of the land
To plan your visit, try to focus on just one venue per day. There are three main areas: Tech East, Tech West and Tech South. Here’s a map of where they’re located and here is the interactive map to find specific exhibitors by name, booth number, or product category.
TechEast better known as LVCC (convention center), Westgate and Renaissance is where you’ll find autonomous vehicles, the home of the future with lots of adorable robots, maker bots, drones, and very smart, voice enabled audio/video devices. Show floor hours are Tuesday 10–6, Wednesday 9–6, Thursday 9–6 and Friday 9–4. North Hall is mostly cars (Booths 3000–9999) and meeting rooms (Upper Level N250-N264, Lower Level N101–120, N201–249). In the center is the Grand Lobby (G1-GL15), Central Plaza for cars (CP1-CP45) and Central Hall (Booths 10000–18999) is for audio video and stunning atttractions like LG and Samsung. Near 5G, you’ll find the South Hall Connector (Upper Level S219-S233) which will save you from having to walk outside if it’s raining. It’s also where the media room (S229) is if you’re press. South Hall has smaller exhibitors. Hall 1 (20000–22999 AR VR Gaming), Hall 2 (25000–27999, S101-S118 AI, robotics, drones), Hall 3 (30000–32999) and Hall 4 (350000–37999) features 3D printing, computers, iproducts, high tech retailing, lifestyle, and security. South Plaza (60000–64999) is the Design & Source Showcase. Central Plaza (CP1-CP45) and Platinum Lot tend to have self-driving cars.
TechWest is the Venetian, Sands Expo, Wynn and Encore, and is where you’ll find healthtech, fitness, lifestyle, sleep, family tech, digital money, and the startups of Eureka Park.Halls A-D (40000–46999) Show floor hours are the same as LVCC Tuesday 10–6, Wednesday 9–6, Thursday 9–6 and Friday 9–4.
Tech South is Aria, Park MGM and Vdara and is focused on Hollywood and gaming content, brand engagement, advertising, marketing and monetizing communities. Many great panels are featured here. Show floor hours are the same as LVCC Tuesday 9–5, Wednesday 9–5, Thursday 9–5.
There are several places to pick up your badge including McCarran airport baggage claims (tends to have long lines), and Mandalay Bay front desk and Convention Center L1 Bayside Foyer where the Sunday press activites are. Here’s the complete listing of badge locations.
There is a free shuttle bus between the venues, details here.
Show Guide
Below are my top picks for the show. For the complete listing, download the CES app and follow me @contentnow.
Sunday, January 6
WHAT: Living In Digital Times WHEN: Sunday, January 6, 1–1:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Reef DEF DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: iFLYTEK WHEN: Sunday, January 6, 2–2:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Oceanside F DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: P&G Presser WHEN: Sunday, January 6, 2–2:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L3 Banyan AB DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Byton Presser WHEN: Sunday, January 6, 3–3:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Oceanside A DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Trends to Watch > CES Unveiled WHEN: Sunday, January 6, 4–4:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Oceanside C DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/event/CES-2019-Trends-to-Watch-Presentation.aspx
WHAT: CES Unveiled WHEN: Sunday, January 6, 5–8:30pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay, Shorelines Exhibit Hall DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Events-Programs/CES-Unveiled/Las-Vegas.aspx
WHAT: NVIDIA presser WHEN: Sunday, January 6, 8pm WHERE: MGM Grand Conference Center DETAILS: https://www.cnet.com/news/ces-2019-watch-the-nvidia-press-conference-live-sunday-8-p-m-pt/ (livestream)
WHAT: CoinAgenda Showcase WHEN: Sunday, January 6, 8pm-Midnight WHERE: press/invitation only
Monday, January 7
WHAT: LG Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 8–8:45am WHERE: Mandalay Bay L3 South Seas ABE DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Monster Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 9–9:45am WHERE: Mandalay Bay L3 South Seas CD DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Bosch Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 9–9:45am WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Mandalay BCD DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Digital Hollywood/AR VR MR Gaming with Unity, Google WHEN: Monday, January 7, 9–10am WHERE: LVCC North Hall N258 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Hollywood/ARVRMR-Think-Tank-Top-Technology-and-Entertainment-Companies.aspx
WHAT: Digital Hollywood/Bleacher Report, Refinery29, Twitter WHEN: Monday, January 7, 10:15–11:15am WHERE: LVCC North Hall N253 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Hollywood/The-Future-of-Brand-Partnerships-and-Influencer-Marketing.aspx
WHAT: Digital Hollywood/AR VR MR Gaming with Don Daglow WHEN: Monday, January 7, 10:15–11:15am WHERE: LVCC North Hall N258 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Don-Daglow.aspx
WHAT: Panasonic Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 10–10:45am WHERE: Mandalay Bay L3 Jasmine Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Hisense Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 11–11:45am WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Mandalay L DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Digital Hollywood/VR AR MR Hospitality, Arcades, Theme Parks WHEN: Monday, January 7, 11:30–12:30pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N258 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Hollywood/VRARMR-Everywhere-Hospitality-Arcades-and-Theme-Parks.aspx
WHAT: Qualcomm Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 12–12:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Lagoon CDEF DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Toyota Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 1–1:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Oceanside D DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Samsung Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 2–2:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Mandalay GH DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx Watch here.
WHAT: Female Quotient Girls Lounge WHEN: Monday, January 7, 2–7pm WHERE: Encore Tower, Penthouse Suite DETAILS: https://www.thefemalequotient.com/event/the-girls-lounge-ces/
WHAT: Digital Hollywood/Paramount’s Ted Schilowitz WHEN: Monday, January 7, 2:15–3:15pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N258 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Hollywood/The-Immersive-Media-Leadership-Think-Tank-ARVRMR.aspx
WHAT: Entertainment AI, Stanford’s Dr. Poppy Crum WHEN: Monday, January 7, 2:30–3:15pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N256 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Artificial-Intelligence/The-Future-of-Entertainment-with-AI.aspx
WHAT: ShowStoppers LaunchIt WHEN: Monday, January 7, 2:30–5pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L3 Palm A DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Hyundai Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 3–3:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Oceanside B DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Ethics of AI WHEN: Monday, January 7, 3:30–4:15pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N256 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Anna-Bethke.aspx
WHAT: Intel Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 4–4:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L2 Mandalay EF DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Impossible Foods Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 5–5:45pm WHERE: Mandalay Bay L1 Border Grill DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: Sony Presser WHEN: Monday, January 7, 5–5:45pm WHERE: LVCC Central Hall 17300 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Media/Media-Events/Media-Days-Schedule.aspx
WHAT: LG Keynote WHEN: Monday, January 7, 6:30pm WHERE: Park MGM, Theater DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/Keynote-Addresses.aspx
WHAT: NPD Cocktails WHEN: Monday, January 7, 7–9:30pm WHERE: Mirage 1OAK DETAILS: https://www.npd.com/ces
WHAT: Pepcom/Digital Experience WHEN: Monday, January 7, 7–10:30pm WHERE: Mirage 1OAK DETAILS: press/invite only
WHAT: Medialink Party WHEN: Monday, January 7, 8pm-12am WHERE: Encore XS Club DETAILS: invite only
WHAT: Official CES C Space Party WHEN: Monday, January 7, 10:30pm-12am WHERE: Aria Jewel DETAILS: free with badge, https://www.ces.tech/Topics/Advertising-Entertainment-Content/Entertainment-Content.aspx
Tuesday, January 8
WHAT: CTA Gary Shapiro & Karen Chupka > IBM Keynote WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 8:30am WHERE: Venetian L5 Palazzo Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/Keynote-Addresses.aspx
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/Fitness & Finance WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 8:30–9am WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money/Fitness--Finance-How-AI-and-Behavior-Elevate-Wellness.aspx
WHAT: Fintech Meets Techfin/What’s Your Crypto IQ WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 9–9:45, 9:45–10:15am WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money.aspx
WHAT: Girls Gone Walkin Floor Tour — Engadget’s Olivia Kristiansen, Quartz’s Georgia Frances King WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 10am-12pm WHERE: Departs LVCC Grand Lobby, Engadget booth GL-23
WHAT: Show Floor Opening! WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 10–6pm WHERE: LVCC + Venetian
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/Great Crypto Debate: Brock Pierce, MakerDAO’s Steven Becker, Bullpen Capital’s Duncan Davidson, Chia’s Ryan Singer, TheFinTech Times’s Martine Paris WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 10:15–10:45am WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money/The-Great-Crypto-Debate.aspx
WHAT: Kevin Harrington, As Seen On TV WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 10:30–1:30pm WHERE: Westgate TechEast 2107 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/event/Kevin-Harrington-at-PowerSphyr-Inc.aspx
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/MIT Michael Casey, Entertainment AI Ann Greenberg, Bicameral Ventures Alex McDougall WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 10:50–11:!5pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money/How-Blockchain-is-Remaking-the-MediaEntertainment-Business.aspx
WHAT: Made in Space WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 11–12pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N257 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/SuperSessions.aspx (livestream)
WHAT: Future of Tech Content w Jesse Angelo, NY Post WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 11–12pm WHERE: Aria L1 Joshua 9 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Jesse-Angelo.aspx
WHAT: Could your DNA be keeping you up at night with Dr Oz WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 11:30–1pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4305 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Dr-Mehmet-Oz.aspx
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/Rob Pegoraro, Tim Draper, Matthew Roszak, Michael Terpin, Alex Mashinsky WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 11:30–1pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money/True-Confessions-ICOs-Crypto-Tokens-and-VCs.aspx
WHAT: Arianna Huffington on Sleep WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 12:30–2pm WHERE: Sands Expo Level 2 Halls A-D, Sleep Number Booth 43308 DETAILS: https://www.cta.tech/News/Press-Releases/2019/January/CES-2019-Announces-Celebrity-Lineup.aspx
WHAT: Jenny McCarthy WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 12:30–2pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall, 6419, FCA Group/Fiat Chrysler DETAILS: https://www.cta.tech/News/Press-Releases/2019/January/CES-2019-Announces-Celebrity-Lineup.aspx
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/MIT’s Michael Casey, Prince of The Netherlands WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 1–1:30pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money.aspx
WHAT: FCC Chair Ajit Pai w CTA Gary Shapiro WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 1:30–2pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N257 DETAILS: www.ces.tech/Conference/SuperSessions.aspx (livestream) *might be cancelled due to government shutdown)
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/ Digital Times’ Robin Raskin, Fortune’s Robert Hackett, Ledger’s Eric Larcheveque, McAfee’s Gary Davis WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 1:30–2:15pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money.aspx
WHAT: C Space/CNET’s Next Big Thing with CBSi’s Brian Coole WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 1:45–2:30pm WHERE: Aria L2 Mariposa Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Brian-Cooley.aspx
WHAT: Female Quotient/Jen Howard, Facebook Entertainment Lead WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 2–2:45pm WHERE: Encore Tower, Penthouse Suite DETAILS: https://www.thefemalequotient.com/event/the-girls-lounge-ces/
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/On Regulation WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 2:15–2:455pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money.aspx
WHAT: All About the (Podcast) Money with iHeartPodcast’s Conal Byrne WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 2:15–3:15pm WHERE: Aria L1 Joshua 9 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Conal-Byrne.aspx
WHAT: Techlash in the 21st Century with Mike Allen of Axios WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 2:15–3:15pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N258 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/SuperSessions.aspx (livestream)
WHAT: Media Partner Roundtable with The Verge’s Dieter Bohn, Good Housekeeping’s Jane Francisco, Reviewed.com’s David Kender WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 2:30–3pm WHERE: LVCC Grand Lobby CTA Stage DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/event/Media-Partner-Roundtable.aspx
WHAT: Tech’s Innovators and Disruptors WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 2:30–3:30pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N257 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/SuperSessions.aspx (livestream)
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/Nolan Bushnell: Like A Block-trepreneur WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 2:45–3:15pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Nolan-Bushnell.aspx
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/Future is Decentralized WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 3:15–4pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money.aspx
WHAT: Female Quotient/Khartoon Weiss, Spotify WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 3:30–4:15pm WHERE: Encore Tower, Penthouse Suite DETAILS: https://www.thefemalequotient.com/event/the-girls-lounge-ces/
WHAT: FCC & FTC Commissioner Roundtable WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N258 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Innovation-Policy/FCC-and-FTC-Commissioner-Roundtable.aspx
WHAT: Verizon Keynote WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 4pm WHERE: Venetian L5 Palazzo Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/Keynote-Addresses.aspx
WHAT: Female Quotient/Cadie Thompson, Business Insider WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 4:15–5:15pm WHERE: Encore Tower, Penthouse Suite DETAILS: https://www.thefemalequotient.com/event/the-girls-lounge-ces/
WHAT: Female Quotient/Jason Wagenheim, Bustle WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 5:15–6pm WHERE: Encore Tower, Penthouse Suite DETAILS: https://www.thefemalequotient.com/event/the-girls-lounge-ces/
WHAT: CES Digital Money Forum Reception-Fortune’s Robert Hackett, MIT’s Michael Casey, Bloq’s Matthew Roszak, Chia’s Ryan Singer WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 5:30–6:30–8:30pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4202 DETAILS: https://thedigitalmoneyforum.com
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/Token Slugfest — Michael Terpin WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 6–6:30pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Money.aspx
WHAT: NOMAD CES Party WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 6pm WHERE: Mirage, 34000 S Las Vegas Blvd, Luxury Villa DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/Keynote-Addresses.aspx
WHAT: DEG Reception WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 6pm WHERE: Cosmopolitan Marquee Nightclub DETAILS: https://www.degonline.org/event/deg-reception-ces (invite only)
WHAT: Digital Money Forum/VIP Reception-Robert Hackett, Fortune, Michael Casey MIT Media Lab, Matthew Roszak, Bloq, Ryan Singer, Chia WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 6:30–8:30pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: VIP invite only
WHAT: Showstoppers WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 6–10pm WHERE: Wynn, Lafite Ballroom DETAILS: press/invite only
WHAT: LiveXlive Party WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 9:30–11pm WHERE: Aria Catch DETAILS: by invitation only
WHAT: CNET Party WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 9:30pm WHERE: Drai’s Nightclub DETAILS: invite only
WHAT: CES Opening Party WHEN: Tuesday, January 8, 10pm-12am (open bar 10–11pm) WHERE: Caesar’s OMNIA DETAILS: free with badge, https://www.ces.tech/event/CES-Opening-Party-presented-by-OMNIA-Nightclub.aspx
Wednesday, January 9
WHAT: Show floor hours WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 9–6pm WHERE: LVCC and Sands Expo
WHAT: IDC Breakfast WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 9–11am WHERE: Waldorf Astoria (fka Mandarin Oriental) DETAILS: https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp
WHAT: Wunderman Breakfast WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 9–11am WHERE: Palazzo, Lavo DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wunderman-membrain-breakfast-ces-2019-tickets-53118728547
WHAT: AMD Keynote WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 9am WHERE: Venetian L5 Palazzo Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/Keynote-Addresses.aspx
WHAT: Headliner Viacom’s Bob Bakish WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 10–10:30am WHERE: Aria L1 Joshua 9 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Bob-Bakish.aspx
WHAT: Finding New Collar Workers in Tight Market-WSJ’s Gary Beach WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 10:15–11:15am WHERE: LVCC North Hall N258 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Future-of-Work/Finding-New-Collar-Workers-in-a-Tight-Market.aspx
WHAT: Beauty and Tech w Cosmopolitan’s Jessica Pels WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 10:20–11am WHERE: LVCC North Hall N253 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/HighTech-Retailing/Beauty-and-the-Tech.aspx
WHAT: BabyTech Gets Smart w Jessica Naziri WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 10:30–11am WHERE: Sands Halls A-D 43901 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/BabyTech-Summit/Feeding-Gets-Smart-Tech-Delivers-Full-Bellies.aspx
WHAT: C Space BYOB w Brit + Co’s Jill Braff WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 10:30–11am WHERE: Aria L2 Mariposa Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Jill-Braff.aspx
WHAT: Mobility Revolution— Reuters, Audi, Intel, DOT WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 11am WHERE: LVCC North Hall N257 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/Keynote-Addresses.aspx
WHAT: Rules of Engagement in the Disrupted Age — Variety’s Janko Roettgers, Spotify, YouTube, Reddit, MGM Resorts, E&Y WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 11–11:40am WHERE: Aria L1 Joshua 9 DETAILS:https://ces.tech/conference/Entertainment-Summit/New-Rules-of-Engagement-in-the-Disrupted-Age.aspx
WHAT: Tech of Sports and Fan Experiences — Blizzard’s Daniel Cherry, Twitch’s Kristen Salvatore WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 11:40–12:20pm WHERE: Aria L3, Primrose 2–3 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/CES-Sports-Zone/The-Technology-of-Sports-and-Fan-Experiences.aspx
WHAT: DtoC with Hulu, Fandango, Discovery, Conde Nast, YouTube WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 11:40–12:20pm WHERE: Aria L1 Joshua 9 DETAILS:https://www.ces.tech/conference/Entertainment-Summit/Into-the-Zeitgeist-The-DirectToConsumer-Entertainment-Economy.aspx
WHAT: Brain Interventions with MSNBC’s Richard Lui, Good Housekeeping’s Rachel Rothman, Mike Feibus WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 1–2:55pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4305 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Digital-Health-Summit/A-Brain-and-Mental-Health-Crises-Intervention.aspx
WHAT: Media Roundtable with IBD’s Patrick Seitz, Tom’s Guide’s Mark Spoonauer, Innovation and Tech Today’s Charles Warner WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 1:30–2pm WHERE: LVCC Grand Lobby, CTA Stage DETAILS: CES App
WHAT: #NBATWITTER NBA’s Adam Silver, Twitter’s Jack Dorsey WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 1:30–2pm WHERE: Aria L3 Primrose Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/CES-Sports-Zone/NBATwitter-A-Conversation-with-Adam-Silver-and-Jack-Dorsey.aspx
WHAT: Steve Harvey WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 1:35–2:05pm WHERE: Aria L1 Joshua 9 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Entertainment-Summit/Headliner-Conversation-with-Steve-Harvey.aspx
WHAT: C Space/Elle’s Jenna Blaha with Instagram & HP WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 1:30–2:30pm WHERE: Aria L2 Mariposa Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/C-Space-Storytellers/C-Space-Storyteller-Elle.aspx
WHAT: eSports w Twitch, Razer, Immortals WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 1:30–2:30pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N257 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/SuperSessions.aspx (livestream)
WHAT: New Frontiers in Mobile — ATT, NatGeo, Magic Leap, Cannes Lions WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 2pm WHERE: Park MGM, Park Theater DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/Keynote-Addresses.aspx
WHAT: Female Quotient/Jenna Blaha, Elle WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 2:15–3pm WHERE: Encore Tower, Penthouse Suite DETAILS: https://www.thefemalequotient.com/event/the-girls-lounge-ces/
WHAT: Fireside Chat — Variety’s Janko Roettgers, BroadbandTV’s Shahrzad Rafati WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 2:25–2:40pm WHERE: Aria L1 Joshua 9 DETAILS: https://ces.tech/conference/Entertainment-Summit/Conversation-with-Shahrzad-Rafati-BroadbandTV-Corp.aspx
WHAT: Trends Shaping Global Innovation WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 3–3:45pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N257 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/Conference/SuperSessions.aspx (livestream)
WHAT: Headliner: American Idol’s Chris Daughtry WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 4:50–5:15pm WHERE: Aria L1 Joshua 9 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Entertainment-Summit/Headliner-Conversation-with-Chris-Daughtry.aspx
WHAT: TechCrunch Las Vegas Hardware & Crypto Meetup hosted by John Biggs WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 6–9pm WHERE: Work In Progress, 317 South 6th Street, 89101 DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/techcrunch-las-vegas-hardware-and-crypto-meetup-tickets-53994527084
WHAT: Amazon Cocktails WHEN: Wednesday, January 9, 6–10pm WHERE: Wynn, Parasol Down DETAILS: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/amazon-seller-ces-2019-cocktail-reception-by-agent-zera-tickets-53499529533
Thursday, January 10
WHAT: Show floor hours WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 9–6pm WHERE: LVCC and Sands Expo
WHAT: C Space: Hulu WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 9:30–10am WHERE: Aria L2 Mariposa Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/C-Space-Storytellers/C-Space-Storyteller-Hulu.aspx
WHAT: Shark Tank’s Daymond John at Eureka Park WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 10–11:30am WHERE: Tech West, Sands Expo, L1, Hall G DETAILS: https://www.cta.tech/News/Press-Releases/2019/January/CES-2019-Announces-Celebrity-Lineup.aspx
WHAT: Future Challenges for Retail — NPD’s Steve Baker WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 10:15–11:15am WHERE: LVCC North Hall N256 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/Research-Summit/Future-Challenges-Current-Performance-Opportunities-for-Retail.aspx
WHAT: Future of Smart Entertainment w Turner’s David Beck WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 1–2pm WHERE: Aria L2 Mariposa Ballroom DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/David-Beck.aspx
WHAT: Media Partner Roundtable: VentureBeat’s Dean Takahashi, TechRadar’s Matt Swider, Engadget’s Dana Wollman WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 1–2pm WHERE: LVCC Grand Lobby DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/cesapp
WHAT: Adding the Human Touch to Smart Homes and IoT — Tom’s Guide’s Michael Prospero, Brava’s John Pleasants WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 3:15–3:45pm WHERE: Venetian L4 Lando 4302 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/KidsPlayFamily-Tech-Summit/Adding-the-Human-Touch-to-Smart-Homes-and-IoT.aspx
WHAT: Should Robots Be Humanoid? Omar Abdelwahed, Softbank Robotics WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 3:30–4:30pm WHERE: LVCC North Hall N262 DETAILS: https://www.ces.tech/conference/speaker-directory/Omar-Abdelwahed.aspx
WHAT: CES Afterparty WHEN: Thursday, January 10, 10pm-12am WHERE: MGM Hakkasan Club DETAILS: free with badge, https://www.ces.tech/event/CES-After-Party-presented-by-Hakkasan.aspx
Friday, January 11
WHAT: Show floor hours WHEN: Friday, January 11, 9–4pm WHERE: LVCC and Sands Expo
CES 2019 Show Guide was originally published in Hacker Noon on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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androidmaniaco · 4 years
Todo sobre Xbox Game Pass para Android: cómo jugar en la nube, precios, catálogo de juegos y dudas
Todo sobre Xbox Game Pass para Android: cómo jugar en la nube, precios, catálogo de juegos y dudas
Una de las tendencias de los últimos meses son los videojuegos en streaming. Ya el año pasado Google irrumpió en Android con Google Stadia, y poco a poco los grandes de la industria del videojuego se han terminado movilizando. Microsoft ya tiene listo Xbox Game Pass Ultimate para Android, y desde hoy podemos jugar en España y otros 21 países más.
¿Quieres saber en qué consiste este servicio? ¿Qué ofrece? ¿Qué necesitas? Te contamos todo lo que debes saber para convertir tu Android, ahora si, en una auténtica consola de videojuegos.
Qué es Xbox Game Pass Ultimate y qué aporta si tienes un móvil de Android
Uno de los enfoques en los que Microsoft lleva años empeñada es en convertir al videojuego en un servicio premium de entretenimiento. Sus andanzas comenzaron con Xbox Live Gold, un servicio que había que pagar en sus consolas para poder jugar con otros usuarios en internet, y poco a poco han ido ampliando las posibilidades. Pagando más, pero ofreciendo mucho más en proporción.
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate es la más potente a nivel de contenidos digitales, y es que más allá de los beneficios de Xbox Live Gold incluye un catálogo de juegos que a día de hoy tiene 172 juegos de calidad disponibles para descargar en tu consola o PC. O al menos, esto era hasta ayer.
Sin subir un céntimo, Microsoft ha hecho compatible Game Pass Ultimate con Android, haciendo que puedas jugar a todos estos juegos en tu móvil. No obstante, un móvil no tiene capacidad para ejecutar dichos juegos, por lo que la ejecución de estos se realiza en una Xbox ubicada en un centro de datos remoto. A través de internet, los juegos se muestran en tu consola y puedes jugar en tu móvil, tablet o incluso televisión, estés donde estés.
¿Puedo jugar en mi móvil a todos estos juegos de Xbox incluso si no tengo la consola?
Sí, absolutamente. Xbox Game Pass Ultimate nació como un servicio destinado a consolas Xbox y que más tarde llegó a PC, el cual nos permitía descargar y jugar localmente a todos los títulos del catálogo. Con la reciente incorporación de el juego en la nube, puedes jugar en tu móvil a todos los juegos, incluso si no tienes una Xbox One o un PC gaming. Si que es necesario que tengas una cuenta de Microsoft (las viejas cuentas de hotmail son compatibles, e incluso la que yo utilizo es mi vieja cuenta de msn de hace 20 años).
¿Y qué necesit0?
Un móvil, tablet o Android TV (no soportado oficialmente, pero funciona) con Android 6 o superior.
Buena conexión a internet: Microsoft recomienda Wi-Fi o datos móviles con una velocidad constante mayor a 10 Mbps. Ten en cuenta si juegas con datos móviles que tu tarifa puede beberse varios gigas en cuestión de unas pocas horas de juego.
Descargar la aplicación de Xbox Game Pass:
Google Play.
Samsung Galaxy Store.
Casi imprescindible: Un mando conectado por Bluetooth 4.0 o por cable. Algunos juegos están adaptados para jugar con pantalla táctil, pero son muy pocos.
El mando de Xbox es el recomendado por Microsoft, pero nosotros hemos podido jugar también con mando de Stadia, de 8Btido y de Playstation 4 (oh, la ironía).
¿Cuánto cuesta jugar a Xbox Game Pass
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate es un servicio de suscripción que cuesta 13 euros al mes, que si lo pagas sin descuentos y durante los 12 meses se te quedan en 168 euros al año, un precio ligeramente inferior a comprar unos 3 juegos nuevos al año. El primer mes cuesta 1 euro, para que puedas probar la plataforma con calma y así ver si te gusta lo suficiente como para pagar el servicio. Eso si, considera cancelar toda renovación automática posible.
Como decimos en casa, las suscripciones las carga el diablo. Si bien puedes suscribirte y jugar todo lo que quieras, una vez pase el mes por un euro comenzarán a cobrarte los 13 euros al mes. Si tienes tiempo para jugar y echar decenas de horas es una suscripción que merece la pena mientras tengas títulos, si tienes una vida muy ajetreada quizás no te convenga tanto estar suscrito.
En mi caso particular, como son pocas las épocas del año en las que tengo tiempo para jugar muchas horas, mi estrategia consiste en cancelar la renovación automática y mis datos de pago y comprar tarjetas regalo (disponibles en Amazon inmediatamente y otras tiendas de juegos y códigos) para el mes que sé que tengo tiempo, comprar la tarjeta y simplemente disfrutar.
Países en los que puedes jugar a Xbox Game Pass Ultimate en la nube
Países bajos.
Reino Unido.
Estados Unidos.
Títulos disponibles desde el primer día
Microsoft ha anunciado la lista de juegos disponibles con Xbox Game Pass en la nube para el primer día, indicando que la disponibilidad de los títulos varía en el país. En el caso de España, en el momento de escribir estas líneas habían como disponibles 168 de los 172 juegos de la lista.
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Age of Wonders: Planetfall
ARK: Survival Evolved
Batman: Arkham Knight
Battle Chasers: Nightwar
Black Desert
Blair Witch
Bleeding Edge
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
Bridge Constructor Portal
Children of Morta
Crackdown 3: Campaign
Darksiders Genesis
Darksiders III
de Blob
Dead by Daylight
Dead Cells
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Death Squared
Deliver us the moon
Demon’s Tilt
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep & Forsaken expansion (September 22)
DiRT 4
Don’t Starve
Double Kick Heroes
Drake Hollow
Dungeon of the Endless
Enter The Gungeon
F1 2019
Fallout 76
Farming Simulator 17
Felix the Reaper
Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour
For the King
Forza Horizon 4
Fractured Minds
Frostpunk: Console Edition
Gato Roboto
Gears of War 1: Ultimate Edition
Gears of War 4
Gears of War 5
Goat Simulator
Golf with Your Friends
Guacamelee! 2
Halo 5: Guardians
Halo Wars 1: Definitive Edition
Halo Wars 2
Halo: The Master Chief Collection
Halo: Spartan Assault
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice
Hello Neighbor
Hollow Knight (Renewal)
Hot Shot Racing
Human Fall Flat
Hypnospace Outlaw
Journey to the Savage Planet
Katana ZERO (Coming soon)
Killer Instinct DE
Lonely Mountains: Downhill
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
Metro 2033 Redux
Middle Earth: Shadow of War
Minecraft: Dungeons
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
Mortal Kombat X (Not available in Korea)
Mount & Blade: Warband
Moving Out
Munchkin: Quacked Quest
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
My Time At Portia
Neon Abyss
New Super Lucky’s Tale
Night Call
Night in the Woods (Coming soon)
No Man’s Sky
Nowhere Prophet
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Overcooked! 2
Pathologic 2
Pillars of Eternity: Complete Edition
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid
ReCore: Definitive Edition
Remnant: From the Ashes
Resident Evil 7 Biohazard
Rise & Shine
River City Girls (Coming soon)
Sea of Thieves: Anniversary Edition
Sea Salt
Secret Neighbor
Shadow Warrior 2
Slay the Spire
Sniper Elite 4
State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition
Stranger Things 3: The Game
Streets of Rage 4
Streets of Rogue
Surviving Mars
Tell Me Why Episode 1 – 3
The Bard’s Tale IV: Directors Cut
The Bard’s Tale Remastered and Resnarkled
The Bard’s Tale Trilogy
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Tactics
The Elder Scrolls Online
The Gardens Between
The Jackbox Party Pack 4
The Long Dark
The Lord of the Rings: Adventure Card Game
The Messenger
The Outer Worlds
The Surge 2
The Touryst
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
The Escapists 2
The Talos Principle
The Turing Test
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier – Episode 1 through 5
The Walking Dead: Michonne – Episode 1 – 3
The Walking Dead: Season Two
theHunter: Call of the Wild
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator
Totally Reliable Delivery Service
Touhou Luna Nights
Tracks – The Train Set Game
Train Sim World 2020
Two Point Hospital
Untitled Goose Game
Void Bastards
Warhammer Vermintide 2 (Coming soon)
Wasteland Remastered
Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut
Wasteland 3
We Happy Few
West of Dead
Wizard of Legend
World War Z
Worms W.M.D
Xeno Crisis
Yakuza 0
Yakuza Kiwami
Yakuza Kiwami 2
Y aún hay más
El catálogo de Xbox Game Pass Ultimate está en constante crecimiento y cada día recibe nuevos títulos a los que jugar. En los próximos meses, si utilizas Game Pass tendrás también acceso completo al catálogo de EA Play (servicio que por separado cuesta 4 euros al mes) sin ningún coste adicional.
Ahora si, ya podemos decir que Microsoft si tiene su propio «Netflix del videojuego».
Xbox Game Pass
Nota: Algunos de los enlaces a tiendas de este artículo contienen código de afiliación. Con ellos apoyas nuestro trabajo a la vez que confirmamos que son tiendas fiables y con garantías. Tu no pagarás más y tampoco comprometemos nuestra neutralidad en las elecciones de enlaces.
La entrada Todo sobre Xbox Game Pass para Android: cómo jugar en la nube, precios, catálogo de juegos y dudas aparece primero en El Androide Libre.
El Androide Libre https://ift.tt/3koekjB
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But the referees correctly ruled he was fouled during his shooting motion when Samir Doughty bumped his torso and he had the chance to pull off a miracle from the charity stripe.Guy kept his cool and potted all three shots to give Virginia a one point lead with 0.6 seconds remaining.Auburn ran out of time as it went for a Hail Mary bucket on the final play of the game and Guy was hailed as a hero.could lie to you and say I knew I was going to hit them, but I was terrified, he said on court after the final buzzer. 9to5Google was the first to spot Rogers' mention of Tuesday, September 3 as the launch date for Android 10 in one of its customer support pages. But that's too bad. Dressing, white on white, is big, she says, citing white denim in particular as a new staple in a New York girl wardrobe. Testing does is, in some cases, it could catch cheaters. There's also a spot to name your Tesla. That was replaced by a new development, just called Bullring, in 2003. 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They fell out during World War II, probably over political differences, and founded firms on either side of a river in southern Germany.In a joint release, the two companies said they were making up to support the Peace One Day organisation, which has its annual non violence day on Monday.They say that the events will be the first joint activities held by the two companies since the brothers left their shared firm in 1948.Neither group is now controlled by the descendants of its founding families, although Rudolf's grandson Frank Dassler raised some eyebrows in the town by working for both Puma and Adidas.Since 2007, Puma has been majority owned by PPR, the French luxury goods maker that also owns Gucci.Adidas Group is much more widely owned, with no individual shareholder having more than 5%. However, there might be some issues of having webpage, such as online fraud. That night before Davis called 911. We just need to make sure we play good football, whether it home or away or after a bye or after a short week. In the email, there is no personalisation in the sense that my name or gender is not mentioned at all, the email is purely offering links to Halloween related products, irregardless of my interests or future purchases. Scripps Company would acquire Journal Communications in an all stock transaction. If you going to be willfully incorrect in your presumptions, maybe hacking a hole in your clothes makes sense. 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vrheadsets · 7 years
VR vs. Some Very Stern Words
It’s odd what some people get bent out of shape about. Spending your career (I think I can call it that at this point) in an online role means you see plenty of it – and if you’re involved in social media you’re going to see a heck of a lot of it.  You’re also going to get a lot of it too. Over the last decade or so I sort of fell into social media as it rose to be a marketing tool and I’ve had all sorts slung at me down the years. Threats, abuse, slightly too interested in my personal life girls (and guys), people ringing up the office to ask the legal team personal questions about me. The works. So, if you’re gonna call me an idiot just know that, well, I’ve had worse. In fact, I’ve said worse about me myself, so, there you go.
Recently there was an interesting two and eight in the comments about a post where a virtual reality (VR) videogame was announced and someone was very angry it was listed on the ‘PSVR feed’ when it was not a PlayStation VR title. The reason why it was tagged as PlayStation VR was because the developers expressly said they had plans to bring the title to Sony’s headset. News about PSVR? That’ll be tagged PSVR then. Except, they insisted, that was news “not relevant” to PlayStation VR at all. Any title could come to PlayStation VR, so we shouldn’t tag that. It was an interesting argument, one I couldn’t understand for the life of me. The developers expressly mentioned Sony’s headset but it isn’t news about it? Huh?
In the end I apparently failed to explain to their satisfaction that, well, 1 = 1 and we’ll obviously tag a story with whatever it is about. Instead I was a jackass who didn’t know what they were talking about and I should take my “condescending attitude” and “shove it up your Mod ass”. Rather un-phased by the whole thing I just responded that “my ass is glorious and majestic. Thank you for noticing.”
And it is. Very.
All of this got me to thinking about another set of comments we once got on VRFocus. Which had me heading over to YouTube to ‘relive’ what is quite possibly the most epic and, frankly, unhinged rant a channel I’ve had a hand in has ever received.
Now, YouTube is as YouTube does at this point – am I right? Being a channel owner on YouTube is like spinning the wheel on Wheel of Fortune. Who knows, you may have a big hit. At the same time the way YouTube is setup and ever changing its own rules you know there’s the chance all your had work will ultimately be for naught and your channel lost to the ages. It’s felt for a while that YouTube’s ‘Wheel of Fortune’ has been adding more and more ‘bankrupt’ sections as the years roll on. It has also been on a bit of a redesign kick in recent months and a Beta of YouTube Studio is waiting in the wings to fundamentally change the back-end experience for YouTube channels. To that end I got thinking about whether or not the aforementioned rant was still there as I’d been ‘saving it’ for a special occasion.  In that way Social Media Managers always save messages that prove points or are so outrageous as to be something to discuss at later events, panels or what have you.
This rant was particularly special in that it came, of all things, at the expense of the poor Samsung Gear VR. It’s terrible crime? It launched.
Back on November 23rd 2015 we put up the Gear VR Launch trailer aka “It’s Not A Phone, It’s A Galaxy” as Samsung celebrated the launch of their smartphone-based head mounted display (HMD) and showed both it, and some of the Gear VR experiences that you could enjoy at the time, off.
One man though was very, very angry about this and his name was Chua Neng Lis. I know very little about him. He used to work in a plastics factory in or near Minnesota. He also got very upset about North Korea, America and South Korea once on a CNN video, so I imagine wherever he is now he’s been pretty miffed about the last few months. Lis was not pleased about the situation with the Gear VR at all – especially as he seemed to think he’d come up with the idea in the first place.
I should point out that I’ll be posting the message text as is without changing any punctuation, spelling or presentation.
“thats still not virtual reality. your. just. mocking. and. manipalteing. my. ideas.
and. you. think. its. so. fa faaaanny. cause. the. poor man. can. get. wealthy. off. of. the. poor. mans. idea. so. you. stoled. it. from. him. and. kept. the. poor. man. poor. so. you. can. point. fingers. and. laugh. at. the. poor. man. to. do. something. about. it.”
There is of course something to be said about corporations and capitalism and the ability of the rich and poor to earn a fair living, and on reading the first time I honestly thought up until this point that this is what Lis was trying to convey.
“when. i. take. your. brains. out. youll. understand. how. the. world. goes. round.”
Oh. Okay it wasn’t that at all.
That was just the first of nine messages left on the video by Lis which proceed to get more and more bizarre.
Whose ghosts? Ours? Samsung’s? I should point out that no he’s not referring to ghosts as in spooks/spies, but actual ghosts. It seems Lis has a BIG thing about ghosts. Also vampires. According to him America is full of cults and vampires. I blame Buffy. She’s slacking off.
He can kill ghosts with VR? Literal ghosts working for or with the Government?
“yeah i can kill you with that device of yours. AND IM NOT JOKEING.”
Well, that clears that up at least.
Yoda’s changed a lot over the years, hasn’t he?
So if you’re keeping track on this and I can’t blame you if you’re not. Either we, Samsung or the American Government (I assume) are in league with the undead who are stealing minds potentially via VR which isn’t VR and he invented it.
Well, no… I mean you’re kind of telling everyone your thoughts via a YouTube comments section. Not really the same thing as telepathy.
Incidentally though reader, those thoughts you’ve been having? Demonetised.
Ah, there are the vampires I mentioned earlier. And yes, he also has something of an issue with homosexuality too. Because clearly we needed some issues with homophobia in the rant as well.
Yeah, foo. That L block’s got it coming.
“yeah,. to. bad. you. couldnt. kill. me. and. interrupted. my. cause.
Well, er, I think killing us all off because Gear VR launched is a bit over the top. I mean, why can’t you just write a grumpy petition on Change.org?
I won’t go into the next bit too much because he just descends into ranting about whoever his targets are at this point being gay and getting their comeuppance (I guess?) by being violated by the supernatural. Needless to say, it all comes to a universe redefining climax with the inadvertently hilarious phrase-
And to prove I’m not making this all up…
Yes, these did get reported by the way and I’m very much hoping someone got to speak to them.
But when you get upset with me or us online just bear this in mind: I’m really not that phased, and that’s because honestly you are not in the same league as someone like this guy. Hell, you aren’t even in the same dimension, probably. And here you were thinking people getting bent out of shape over exclusivity periods was over the top.
More FOO you.
from VRFocus http://ift.tt/2EDAmxe
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Asia and Australia Edition: Paul Manafort, Kevin Spacey, Catalonia: Your Tuesday Briefing
New Post has been published on https://usnewsaggregator.com/asia-and-australia-edition-paul-manafort-kevin-spacey-catalonia-your-tuesday-briefing/
Asia and Australia Edition: Paul Manafort, Kevin Spacey, Catalonia: Your Tuesday Briefing
The U.S. sent a nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bomber over undisclosed parts of the Pacific region ahead of President Trump’s visit to Asia, which starts in Japan over the weekend.
Continue reading the main story
Credit Marta Perez/European Pressphoto Agency
• Spain’s attorney general said that Catalan leaders will be prosecuted for declaring Catalonia’s independence from Spain.
Judges will now decide whether to charge them with rebellion, sedition and misuse of public funds for organizing the independence referendum held on Oct. 1.
But some reports said the Catalan leaders may be seeking asylum in Belgium.
Credit Michael Klimentyev/Kremlin, via European Pressphoto Agency
• Russia’s strategy of using oil as a geopolitical tool to spread its influence faces a crucial test this week in Venezuela, where Moscow is effectively taking China’s place as principal banker.
The government of President Nicolás Maduro must come up with $1 billion to avert default — and Russia has been making loans and deals that could save it from collapse. What does Moscow get in return? Influence in Washington’s backyard.
Credit Chris Pizzello/Invision, via Associated Press
• Harvey Weinstein faces new sexual assault accusations that extend the span of the allegations to the 1970s.
The emotional toll is vivid for women who say they felt ashamed and isolated as they watched the Hollywood producer walk red carpets and pile up Oscars. “This has haunted me my entire life,” said a woman who accused him of raping her nearly 40 years ago.
And Kevin Spacey apologized after he was accused of sexually accosting a 14-year-old actor 31 years ago, but came under fire for using the same statement to come out as gay.
Credit Loic Venance/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
• The U.S. and China and something in common: a taste for French butter.
But rising global demand is causing prices hikes and sporadic shortages in France — prompting both mock panic and real anxiety.
Continue reading the main story
“Not having butter in France,” one woman said, “that’s appalling,”
Credit Jim Wilson/The New York Times
• The iPhone X goes on sale in 55 countries and territories on Friday, after a week of booming pre-orders. Here’s our review.
• Two Silicon Valley titans, Tim Cook of Apple and Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, met in Beijing with President Xi Jinping at an annual gathering of advisers to Tsinghua University’s business school, but few details have emerged.
• President Trump is expected to name his nominee to lead the Federal Reserve this week. The names on his short list don’t appear to share his taste for aggressive financial deregulation.
• Executive expertise: Our departing Corner Office columnist interviewed 525 chief executives through the years. Here’s what he learned.
• U.S. stocks were weaker. Here’s a snapshot of global markets.
In the News
Credit Safin Hamed/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
• The resignation of Massoud Barzani, the president of Iraqi Kurdistan since 2005, represents more fallout from a Kurdish independence vote that many now see as a catastrophic blunder. He has no clear successor. [The New York Times]
• In Afghanistan, the Taliban are increasingly refining their own opium in Afghanistan, lifting their profits and resulting in a troubling turn for the war. [The New York Times]
• Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is in Israel to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Australian troops’ victory in the Battle of Beersheba today. Some of those attending are descendants of rarely recognized indigenous soldiers. [ABC]
• The deaths of three underage girls in a fire at the Indonesian fireworks factory where they worked underscores the country’s struggles with workplace safety and child welfare. [The New York Times]
Continue reading the main story
• Formal approval for the two-year trial of a medically supervised drug injecting center in inner Melbourne is expected today. [ABC]
• Chris Gayle, the Jamaican cricketer, won a defamation case against Fairfax Media. A jury in New South Wales found insufficient evidence that he exposed himself to a massage therapist in Sydney during the 2015 World Cup. [ESPN]
• The Japanese government ordered hotels, stadiums and public buildings to dumb down their language when helping foreigners during a disaster. [The Asahi Shimbun]
Smarter Living
Tips, both new and old, for a more fulfilling life.
Credit Stephen Crowley/The New York Times
• Should your spouse be your best friend?
• Clocks’ seasonal shifts offer the opportunity to assess your sleep habits.
• Recipe of the day: monster Halloween cookies.
Murakami Balances Modernity and Tradition in Boston
The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, features works by Takashi Murakami, one of Japan’s most famous contemporary artists, alongside traditional Japanese art.
By JEAN YVES CHAINON and JOSHUA THOMAS on Publish Date October 26, 2017. Photo by Photo by Jean Yves Chainon / The New York Times. Technology by Samsung.. Watch in Times Video »
• Takashi Murakami, the master of Pop Japanese anime playfulness, has teamed with Louis Vuitton and Kanye West. But his collaboration with a senior Japanese art historian has created a profound shift in his work.
• Mali’s anti-poaching brigade, formed to protect its few hundred, extremely endangered desert elephants, has not lost a single one to poachers in nine months.
• And Luke Skywalker speaks, at last. Since “Star Wars” went supernova in 1977, Mark Hamill has been placed on a pop-cultural pedestal. It’s been a conflicted relationship, but Mr. Hamill, 66, isn’t bitter or jaded, and he isn’t just Luke. Here’s our extensive profile.
Back Story
Credit Mike Segar/Reuters
We begin Halloween with a ghost story.
Stingy Jack invited the devil for a drink.
As Irish folklore goes, Jack didn’t want to pay for the drinks, and instead convinced the devil to turn himself into a coin that could be used to settle the tab.
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The devil agreed, but Jack ditched the tab and kept the coin. When he finally died, Stingy Jack was denied entry to both heaven and hell and instead was given a burning coal to light his way as he roamed the earth for eternity. He placed the coal in a carved-out turnip, turning it into a lantern.
Stingy Jack became known as “Jack of the Lantern,” or Jack-o’-Lantern, by the late 17th century. Elsewhere in Europe, making lanterns out of potatoes and beets was part of a fall harvest celebration. Lights were also thought to ward off evil spirits.
By the end of the 19th century, European immigrants in America switched their carving tradition over to pumpkins.
“The fortunate pumpkin is a noble fruit, a joy in the mouth of mankind, a paean of Autumn on the happy palate,” a 1942 Times article proclaimed. “The unfortunate pumpkin becomes a jack-o’-lantern.”
Remy Tumin contributed reporting.
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joejstrickl · 7 years
Advertising Week New York: 5 Questions With CEO Matt Scheckner
Advertising Week is descending on New York, offering more than 270 seminars and workshops focused on the industry’s most important topics, along with a slew of other events from Sept. 25-29. From innovations in technology to creative storytelling and new trends, the thought leadership program is designed to be diverse, educational, engaging and provocative.
For more on what’s new this year, Interbrand Global CMO Andrea Sullivan spoke with Matt Scheckner (right), Global CEO of Advertising Week.
Matt, how does Advertising Week reflect what really matters to marketers and brands?
Our job at end of day and the leadership program is really the foundation of all of Advertising Week. Yes, there’s all kinds of sexy stuff at night—the opening gala this year is at Radio City Music Hall, and there are concerts and comedy and dinners and breakfasts. But all of that is based on a foundation of thought leadership and that’s really the bellwether for the whole agenda.
I’ve been doing this since 2004 when we started, so this is our 14th edition in New York and the 22nd globally, as we’ve had five in Europe and two in Asia. When you go back and look at what we were talking about in 2004, almost none of the subjects—with the exception of timeless topics like storytelling, talent, diversity—are the same, and many of the companies that are dominant players today weren’t even around then.
In 2004, Facebook was only available on the Harvard campus, for example. Nobody was talking about transparency, data-driven marketing, artificial intelligence, native ads, augmented reality, virtual reality. None of those things existed as topics for this industry. So it’s our job to keep our finger on the pulse of the industry and bring together the best and the brightest for our thought leadership program. Our job is to create a direct mirror of the times on the issues that are most timely, topical, pressing—or just plain interesting and worthy of discussion.
Advertising Week is now in New York City, London, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sydney. Do you see any differences in what’s top of mind in each market?
Everybody’s got the same challenges and opportunities everywhere you go. From ad tech to how brands are trying to figure things out to media owners—these are universal topics we explore in each of our locations and events. Advertising Week has always been about paving the way forward, and it sets the agenda for the year to follow. That’s very humbling, and it’s a responsibility that we take seriously.
We also try to talk about things that go beyond the industry, so we have a number of seminars this week about female empowerment, and the opening session in New York is a townhall that includes Arianna Huffington and Frances Frei talking about inclusion and the workplace. Both are involved with helping Uber address the challenges the company has had around women. Day one wraps with a session on CEO action on diversity and inclusion.
We’re also doing a panel on the challenges facing Brand America, and D.L. Hughley is leading a conversation about race in America. These are topics that are bigger than our industry, but critical to discuss. On the ‘just plain interesting’ front, we have speakers like Jimmy Buffett and Sarah Jessica Parker, Harvey Weinstein, Elizabeth Banks, Joan Jett. They’re all there for a reason, and they keep Advertising Week tied into popular culture.
How have you scaled Advertising Week globally?
The program is remarkably consistent, because this is a global business, but we also customize from market to market. So even if it’s Sky and ITV we’re featuring in the UK or ABC and Turner in the US, or TV Asahi in Japan and Televisa in Mexico City, the challenges are all the same. So we see a commonality of challenges and opportunities. We have many CMOs come and speak and attend to keep up on the evolution of their businesses. The CMOs of Samsung, Verizon, HP, Unilever and on and on are speaking at Advertising Week New York. They come to share but also to listen.
What are the big topics this AWNY?
There’s a lot of focus around artificial intelligence this year, so there’s an AI and cognitive computing track. The pervasiveness of technology is a theme that will run throughout our thought leadership program. There’s a data track and an evolution of video track, for example, and we’re also taking an empty store between 42nd and 43rd streets in Times Square and using that to curate a whole new tech experience. We’re bringing technology to life in a really exciting way, and it’s free for all delegates.
We’re also focusing on small business, which is a new area for us this year, with a small- and mid-sized business bootcamp. Our agenda is both broad and deep, and we’re in different venues with 15 different tracks or blocks of more than an hour, so we try to make it very easy to navigate. So you can immerse yourself in a specific topic or you can graze, just like a buffet.
How do you keep Advertising Week inclusive? For a start, we keep it affordable so we get a ton of younger people just starting out their careers attending and also participating in our startup summit. The baseline badge in Cannes is thousands of euros, whereas if you’re under 30 it’s not only cheap to attend Advertising Week, you can go to as many seminars as you like. And with the cost of getting to and from Cannes not to mention staying there, companies can send many people to Advertising Week for the same money.
As for diversity, we’re excited to partner with the Girls Lounge and offer an inclusion-focused track that includes important topics such as attracting and retaining female talent.
It’s also the second year of the D&AD Impact Awards, which is the world’s only award show to celebrate the power of creativity to do good. It covers diversity, inclusion, sustainability, responsible production, education—there are 12 categories and a fantastic jury, including Arianna and the film director Richard Curtis, who founded Comic Relief, and we’re really proud of it because it’s celebrating great work around issues that affect all of us.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A via [email protected].
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glenmenlow · 7 years
Advertising Week New York: 5 Questions With CEO Matt Scheckner
Advertising Week is descending on New York, offering more than 270 seminars and workshops focused on the industry’s most important topics, along with a slew of other events from Sept. 25-29. From innovations in technology to creative storytelling and new trends, the thought leadership program is designed to be diverse, educational, engaging and provocative.
For more on what’s new this year, Interbrand Global CMO Andrea Sullivan spoke with Matt Scheckner (right), Global CEO of Advertising Week.
Matt, how does Advertising Week reflect what really matters to marketers and brands?
Our job at end of day and the leadership program is really the foundation of all of Advertising Week. Yes, there’s all kinds of sexy stuff at night—the opening gala this year is at Radio City Music Hall, and there are concerts and comedy and dinners and breakfasts. But all of that is based on a foundation of thought leadership and that’s really the bellwether for the whole agenda.
I’ve been doing this since 2004 when we started, so this is our 14th edition in New York and the 22nd globally, as we’ve had five in Europe and two in Asia. When you go back and look at what we were talking about in 2004, almost none of the subjects—with the exception of timeless topics like storytelling, talent, diversity—are the same, and many of the companies that are dominant players today weren’t even around then.
In 2004, Facebook was only available on the Harvard campus, for example. Nobody was talking about transparency, data-driven marketing, artificial intelligence, native ads, augmented reality, virtual reality. None of those things existed as topics for this industry. So it’s our job to keep our finger on the pulse of the industry and bring together the best and the brightest for our thought leadership program. Our job is to create a direct mirror of the times on the issues that are most timely, topical, pressing—or just plain interesting and worthy of discussion.
Advertising Week is now in New York City, London, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sydney. Do you see any differences in what’s top of mind in each market?
Everybody’s got the same challenges and opportunities everywhere you go. From ad tech to how brands are trying to figure things out to media owners—these are universal topics we explore in each of our locations and events. Advertising Week has always been about paving the way forward, and it sets the agenda for the year to follow. That’s very humbling, and it’s a responsibility that we take seriously.
We also try to talk about things that go beyond the industry, so we have a number of seminars this week about female empowerment, and the opening session in New York is a townhall that includes Arianna Huffington and Frances Frei talking about inclusion and the workplace. Both are involved with helping Uber address the challenges the company has had around women. Day one wraps with a session on CEO action on diversity and inclusion.
We’re also doing a panel on the challenges facing Brand America, and D.L. Hughley is leading a conversation about race in America. These are topics that are bigger than our industry, but critical to discuss. On the ‘just plain interesting’ front, we have speakers like Jimmy Buffett and Sarah Jessica Parker, Harvey Weinstein, Elizabeth Banks, Joan Jett. They’re all there for a reason, and they keep Advertising Week tied into popular culture.
How have you scaled Advertising Week globally?
The program is remarkably consistent, because this is a global business, but we also customize from market to market. So even if it’s Sky and ITV we’re featuring in the UK or ABC and Turner in the US, or TV Asahi in Japan and Televisa in Mexico City, the challenges are all the same. So we see a commonality of challenges and opportunities. We have many CMOs come and speak and attend to keep up on the evolution of their businesses. The CMOs of Samsung, Verizon, HP, Unilever and on and on are speaking at Advertising Week New York. They come to share but also to listen.
What are the big topics this AWNY?
There’s a lot of focus around artificial intelligence this year, so there’s an AI and cognitive computing track. The pervasiveness of technology is a theme that will run throughout our thought leadership program. There’s a data track and an evolution of video track, for example, and we’re also taking an empty store between 42nd and 43rd streets in Times Square and using that to curate a whole new tech experience. We’re bringing technology to life in a really exciting way, and it’s free for all delegates.
We’re also focusing on small business, which is a new area for us this year, with a small- and mid-sized business bootcamp. Our agenda is both broad and deep, and we’re in different venues with 15 different tracks or blocks of more than an hour, so we try to make it very easy to navigate. So you can immerse yourself in a specific topic or you can graze, just like a buffet.
How do you keep Advertising Week inclusive? For a start, we keep it affordable so we get a ton of younger people just starting out their careers attending and also participating in our startup summit. The baseline badge in Cannes is thousands of euros, whereas if you’re under 30 it’s not only cheap to attend Advertising Week, you can go to as many seminars as you like. And with the cost of getting to and from Cannes not to mention staying there, companies can send many people to Advertising Week for the same money.
As for diversity, we’re excited to partner with the Girls Lounge and offer an inclusion-focused track that includes important topics such as attracting and retaining female talent.
It’s also the second year of the D&AD Impact Awards, which is the world’s only award show to celebrate the power of creativity to do good. It covers diversity, inclusion, sustainability, responsible production, education—there are 12 categories and a fantastic jury, including Arianna and the film director Richard Curtis, who founded Comic Relief, and we’re really proud of it because it’s celebrating great work around issues that affect all of us.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A via [email protected].
Subscribe to our e-newsletter for more.
The post Advertising Week New York: 5 Questions With CEO Matt Scheckner appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/09/25/advertising-week-new-york-5-questions-with-ceo-matt-scheckner/ via IFTTT
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markjsousa · 7 years
Advertising Week New York: 5 Questions With CEO Matt Scheckner
Advertising Week is descending on New York, offering more than 270 seminars and workshops focused on the industry’s most important topics, along with a slew of other events from Sept. 25-29. From innovations in technology to creative storytelling and new trends, the thought leadership program is designed to be diverse, educational, engaging and provocative.
For more on what’s new this year, Interbrand Global CMO Andrea Sullivan spoke with Matt Scheckner (right), Global CEO of Advertising Week.
Matt, how does Advertising Week reflect what really matters to marketers and brands?
Our job at end of day and the leadership program is really the foundation of all of Advertising Week. Yes, there’s all kinds of sexy stuff at night—the opening gala this year is at Radio City Music Hall, and there are concerts and comedy and dinners and breakfasts. But all of that is based on a foundation of thought leadership and that’s really the bellwether for the whole agenda.
I’ve been doing this since 2004 when we started, so this is our 14th edition in New York and the 22nd globally, as we’ve had five in Europe and two in Asia. When you go back and look at what we were talking about in 2004, almost none of the subjects—with the exception of timeless topics like storytelling, talent, diversity—are the same, and many of the companies that are dominant players today weren’t even around then.
In 2004, Facebook was only available on the Harvard campus, for example. Nobody was talking about transparency, data-driven marketing, artificial intelligence, native ads, augmented reality, virtual reality. None of those things existed as topics for this industry. So it’s our job to keep our finger on the pulse of the industry and bring together the best and the brightest for our thought leadership program. Our job is to create a direct mirror of the times on the issues that are most timely, topical, pressing—or just plain interesting and worthy of discussion.
Advertising Week is now in New York City, London, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sydney. Do you see any differences in what’s top of mind in each market?
Everybody’s got the same challenges and opportunities everywhere you go. From ad tech to how brands are trying to figure things out to media owners—these are universal topics we explore in each of our locations and events. Advertising Week has always been about paving the way forward, and it sets the agenda for the year to follow. That’s very humbling, and it’s a responsibility that we take seriously.
We also try to talk about things that go beyond the industry, so we have a number of seminars this week about female empowerment, and the opening session in New York is a townhall that includes Arianna Huffington and Frances Frei talking about inclusion and the workplace. Both are involved with helping Uber address the challenges the company has had around women. Day one wraps with a session on CEO action on diversity and inclusion.
We’re also doing a panel on the challenges facing Brand America, and D.L. Hughley is leading a conversation about race in America. These are topics that are bigger than our industry, but critical to discuss. On the ‘just plain interesting’ front, we have speakers like Jimmy Buffett and Sarah Jessica Parker, Harvey Weinstein, Elizabeth Banks, Joan Jett. They’re all there for a reason, and they keep Advertising Week tied into popular culture.
How have you scaled Advertising Week globally?
The program is remarkably consistent, because this is a global business, but we also customize from market to market. So even if it’s Sky and ITV we’re featuring in the UK or ABC and Turner in the US, or TV Asahi in Japan and Televisa in Mexico City, the challenges are all the same. So we see a commonality of challenges and opportunities. We have many CMOs come and speak and attend to keep up on the evolution of their businesses. The CMOs of Samsung, Verizon, HP, Unilever and on and on are speaking at Advertising Week New York. They come to share but also to listen.
What are the big topics this AWNY?
There’s a lot of focus around artificial intelligence this year, so there’s an AI and cognitive computing track. The pervasiveness of technology is a theme that will run throughout our thought leadership program. There’s a data track and an evolution of video track, for example, and we’re also taking an empty store between 42nd and 43rd streets in Times Square and using that to curate a whole new tech experience. We’re bringing technology to life in a really exciting way, and it’s free for all delegates.
We’re also focusing on small business, which is a new area for us this year, with a small- and mid-sized business bootcamp. Our agenda is both broad and deep, and we’re in different venues with 15 different tracks or blocks of more than an hour, so we try to make it very easy to navigate. So you can immerse yourself in a specific topic or you can graze, just like a buffet.
How do you keep Advertising Week inclusive? For a start, we keep it affordable so we get a ton of younger people just starting out their careers attending and also participating in our startup summit. The baseline badge in Cannes is thousands of euros, whereas if you’re under 30 it’s not only cheap to attend Advertising Week, you can go to as many seminars as you like. And with the cost of getting to and from Cannes not to mention staying there, companies can send many people to Advertising Week for the same money.
As for diversity, we’re excited to partner with the Girls Lounge and offer an inclusion-focused track that includes important topics such as attracting and retaining female talent.
It’s also the second year of the D&AD Impact Awards, which is the world’s only award show to celebrate the power of creativity to do good. It covers diversity, inclusion, sustainability, responsible production, education—there are 12 categories and a fantastic jury, including Arianna and the film director Richard Curtis, who founded Comic Relief, and we’re really proud of it because it’s celebrating great work around issues that affect all of us.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A via [email protected].
Subscribe to our e-newsletter for more.
The post Advertising Week New York: 5 Questions With CEO Matt Scheckner appeared first on brandchannel:.
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glenmenlow · 7 years
AWNY: 5 Questions With Advertising Week CEO Matt Scheckner
Advertising Week is descending on New York, offering more than 270 seminars and workshops focused on the industry’s most important topics, along with a slew of other events from Sept. 25-29. From innovations in technology to creative storytelling and new trends, the thought leadership program is designed to be diverse, educational, engaging and provocative.
For more on what’s new this year, Interbrand Global CMO Andrea Sullivan spoke with Matt Scheckner (right), Global CEO of Advertising Week.
Matt, how does Advertising Week reflect what really matters to marketers and brands?
Our job at end of day and the leadership program is really the foundation of all of Advertising Week. Yes, there’s all kinds of sexy stuff at night—the opening gala this year is at Radio City Music Hall, and there are concerts and comedy and dinners and breakfasts. But all of that is based on a foundation of thought leadership and that’s really the bellwether for the whole agenda.
I’ve been doing this since 2004 when we started, so this is our 14th edition in New York and the 22nd globally, as we’ve had five in Europe and two in Asia. When you go back and look at what we were talking about in 2004, almost none of the subjects—with the exception of timeless topics like storytelling, talent, diversity—are the same, and many of the companies that are dominant players today weren’t even around then.
In 2004, Facebook was only available on the Harvard campus, for example. Nobody was talking about transparency, data-driven marketing, artificial intelligence, native ads, augmented reality, virtual reality. None of those things existed as topics for this industry. So it’s our job to keep our finger on the pulse of the industry and bring together the best and the brightest for our thought leadership program. Our job is to create a direct mirror of the times on the issues that are most timely, topical, pressing—or just plain interesting and worthy of discussion.
Advertising Week is now in New York City, London, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sydney. Do you see any differences in what’s top of mind in each market?
Everybody’s got the same challenges and opportunities everywhere you go. From ad tech to how brands are trying to figure things out to media owners—these are universal topics we explore in each of our locations and events. Advertising Week has always been about paving the way forward, and it sets the agenda for the year to follow. That’s very humbling, and it’s a responsibility that we take seriously.
We also try to talk about things that go beyond the industry, so we have a number of seminars this week about female empowerment, and the opening session in New York is a townhall that includes Arianna Huffington and Frances Frei talking about inclusion and the workplace. Both are involved with helping Uber address the challenges the company has had around women. Day one wraps with a session on CEO action on diversity and inclusion.
We’re also doing a panel on the challenges facing Brand America, and D.L. Hughley is leading a conversation about race in America. These are topics that are bigger than our industry, but critical to discuss. On the ‘just plain interesting’ front, we have speakers like Jimmy Buffett and Sarah Jessica Parker, Harvey Weinstein, Elizabeth Banks, Joan Jett. They’re all there for a reason, and they keep Advertising Week tied into popular culture.
How have you scaled Advertising Week globally?
The program is remarkably consistent, because this is a global business, but we also customize from market to market. So even if it’s Sky and ITV we’re featuring in the UK or ABC and Turner in the US, or TV Asahi in Japan and Televisa in Mexico City, the challenges are all the same. So we see a commonality of challenges and opportunities. We have many CMOs come and speak and attend to keep up on the evolution of their businesses. The CMOs of Samsung, Verizon, HP, Unilever and on and on are speaking at Advertising Week New York. They come to share but also to listen.
What are the big topics this AWNY?
There’s a lot of focus around artificial intelligence this year, so there’s an AI and cognitive computing track. The pervasiveness of technology is a theme that will run throughout our thought leadership program. There’s a data track and an evolution of video track, for example, and we’re also taking an empty store between 42nd and 43rd streets in Times Square and using that to curate a whole new tech experience. We’re bringing technology to life in a really exciting way, and it’s free for all delegates.
We’re also focusing on small business, which is a new area for us this year, with a small- and mid-sized business bootcamp. Our agenda is both broad and deep, and we’re in different venues with 15 different tracks or blocks of more than an hour, so we try to make it very easy to navigate. So you can immerse yourself in a specific topic or you can graze, just like a buffet.
How do you keep Advertising Week inclusive? For a start, we keep it affordable so we get a ton of younger people just starting out their careers attending and also participating in our startup summit. The baseline badge in Cannes is thousands of euros, whereas if you’re under 30 it’s not only cheap to attend Advertising Week, you can go to as many seminars as you like. And with the cost of getting to and from Cannes not to mention staying there, companies can send many people to Advertising Week for the same money.
As for diversity, we’re excited to partner with the Girls Lounge and offer an inclusion-focused track that includes important topics such as attracting and retaining female talent.
It’s also the second year of the D&AD Impact Awards, which is the world’s only award show to celebrate the power of creativity to do good. It covers diversity, inclusion, sustainability, responsible production, education—there are 12 categories and a fantastic jury, including Arianna and the film director Richard Curtis, who founded Comic Relief, and we’re really proud of it because it’s celebrating great work around issues that affect all of us.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A via [email protected].
Subscribe to our e-newsletter for more.
The post AWNY: 5 Questions With Advertising Week CEO Matt Scheckner appeared first on brandchannel:.
from WordPress https://glenmenlow.wordpress.com/2017/09/25/awny-5-questions-with-advertising-week-ceo-matt-scheckner/ via IFTTT
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markjsousa · 7 years
AWNY: 5 Questions With Advertising Week CEO Matt Scheckner
Advertising Week is descending on New York, offering more than 270 seminars and workshops focused on the industry’s most important topics, along with a slew of other events from Sept. 25-29. From innovations in technology to creative storytelling and new trends, the thought leadership program is designed to be diverse, educational, engaging and provocative.
For more on what’s new this year, Interbrand Global CMO Andrea Sullivan spoke with Matt Scheckner (right), Global CEO of Advertising Week.
Matt, how does Advertising Week reflect what really matters to marketers and brands?
Our job at end of day and the leadership program is really the foundation of all of Advertising Week. Yes, there’s all kinds of sexy stuff at night—the opening gala this year is at Radio City Music Hall, and there are concerts and comedy and dinners and breakfasts. But all of that is based on a foundation of thought leadership and that’s really the bellwether for the whole agenda.
I’ve been doing this since 2004 when we started, so this is our 14th edition in New York and the 22nd globally, as we’ve had five in Europe and two in Asia. When you go back and look at what we were talking about in 2004, almost none of the subjects—with the exception of timeless topics like storytelling, talent, diversity—are the same, and many of the companies that are dominant players today weren’t even around then.
In 2004, Facebook was only available on the Harvard campus, for example. Nobody was talking about transparency, data-driven marketing, artificial intelligence, native ads, augmented reality, virtual reality. None of those things existed as topics for this industry. So it’s our job to keep our finger on the pulse of the industry and bring together the best and the brightest for our thought leadership program. Our job is to create a direct mirror of the times on the issues that are most timely, topical, pressing—or just plain interesting and worthy of discussion.
Advertising Week is now in New York City, London, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sydney. Do you see any differences in what’s top of mind in each market?
Everybody’s got the same challenges and opportunities everywhere you go. From ad tech to how brands are trying to figure things out to media owners—these are universal topics we explore in each of our locations and events. Advertising Week has always been about paving the way forward, and it sets the agenda for the year to follow. That’s very humbling, and it’s a responsibility that we take seriously.
We also try to talk about things that go beyond the industry, so we have a number of seminars this week about female empowerment, and the opening session in New York is a townhall that includes Arianna Huffington and Frances Frei talking about inclusion and the workplace. Both are involved with helping Uber address the challenges the company has had around women. Day one wraps with a session on CEO action on diversity and inclusion.
We’re also doing a panel on the challenges facing Brand America, and D.L. Hughley is leading a conversation about race in America. These are topics that are bigger than our industry, but critical to discuss. On the ‘just plain interesting’ front, we have speakers like Jimmy Buffett and Sarah Jessica Parker, Harvey Weinstein, Elizabeth Banks, Joan Jett. They’re all there for a reason, and they keep Advertising Week tied into popular culture.
How have you scaled Advertising Week globally?
The program is remarkably consistent, because this is a global business, but we also customize from market to market. So even if it’s Sky and ITV we’re featuring in the UK or ABC and Turner in the US, or TV Asahi in Japan and Televisa in Mexico City, the challenges are all the same. So we see a commonality of challenges and opportunities. We have many CMOs come and speak and attend to keep up on the evolution of their businesses. The CMOs of Samsung, Verizon, HP, Unilever and on and on are speaking at Advertising Week New York. They come to share but also to listen.
What are the big topics this AWNY?
There’s a lot of focus around artificial intelligence this year, so there’s an AI and cognitive computing track. The pervasiveness of technology is a theme that will run throughout our thought leadership program. There’s a data track and an evolution of video track, for example, and we’re also taking an empty store between 42nd and 43rd streets in Times Square and using that to curate a whole new tech experience. We’re bringing technology to life in a really exciting way, and it’s free for all delegates.
We’re also focusing on small business, which is a new area for us this year, with a small- and mid-sized business bootcamp. Our agenda is both broad and deep, and we’re in different venues with 15 different tracks or blocks of more than an hour, so we try to make it very easy to navigate. So you can immerse yourself in a specific topic or you can graze, just like a buffet.
How do you keep Advertising Week inclusive? For a start, we keep it affordable so we get a ton of younger people just starting out their careers attending and also participating in our startup summit. The baseline badge in Cannes is thousands of euros, whereas if you’re under 30 it’s not only cheap to attend Advertising Week, you can go to as many seminars as you like. And with the cost of getting to and from Cannes not to mention staying there, companies can send many people to Advertising Week for the same money.
As for diversity, we’re excited to partner with the Girls Lounge and offer an inclusion-focused track that includes important topics such as attracting and retaining female talent.
It’s also the second year of the D&AD Impact Awards, which is the world’s only award show to celebrate the power of creativity to do good. It covers diversity, inclusion, sustainability, responsible production, education—there are 12 categories and a fantastic jury, including Arianna and the film director Richard Curtis, who founded Comic Relief, and we’re really proud of it because it’s celebrating great work around issues that affect all of us.
Get more insights in our Q&A series and suggest a Q&A via [email protected].
Subscribe to our e-newsletter for more.
The post AWNY: 5 Questions With Advertising Week CEO Matt Scheckner appeared first on brandchannel:.
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joejstrickl · 7 years
AWNY: 5 Questions With Advertising Week CEO Matt Scheckner
Advertising Week is descending on New York, offering more than 270 seminars and workshops focused on the industry’s most important topics, along with a slew of other events from Sept. 25-29. From innovations in technology to creative storytelling and new trends, the thought leadership program is designed to be diverse, educational, engaging and provocative.
For more on what’s new this year, Interbrand Global CMO Andrea Sullivan spoke with Matt Scheckner (right), Global CEO of Advertising Week.
Matt, how does Advertising Week reflect what really matters to marketers and brands?
Our job at end of day and the leadership program is really the foundation of all of Advertising Week. Yes, there’s all kinds of sexy stuff at night—the opening gala this year is at Radio City Music Hall, and there are concerts and comedy and dinners and breakfasts. But all of that is based on a foundation of thought leadership and that’s really the bellwether for the whole agenda.
I’ve been doing this since 2004 when we started, so this is our 14th edition in New York and the 22nd globally, as we’ve had five in Europe and two in Asia. When you go back and look at what we were talking about in 2004, almost none of the subjects—with the exception of timeless topics like storytelling, talent, diversity—are the same, and many of the companies that are dominant players today weren’t even around then.
In 2004, Facebook was only available on the Harvard campus, for example. Nobody was talking about transparency, data-driven marketing, artificial intelligence, native ads, augmented reality, virtual reality. None of those things existed as topics for this industry. So it’s our job to keep our finger on the pulse of the industry and bring together the best and the brightest for our thought leadership program. Our job is to create a direct mirror of the times on the issues that are most timely, topical, pressing—or just plain interesting and worthy of discussion.
Advertising Week is now in New York City, London, Tokyo, Mexico City and Sydney. Do you see any differences in what’s top of mind in each market?
Everybody’s got the same challenges and opportunities everywhere you go. From ad tech to how brands are trying to figure things out to media owners—these are universal topics we explore in each of our locations and events. Advertising Week has always been about paving the way forward, and it sets the agenda for the year to follow. That’s very humbling, and it’s a responsibility that we take seriously.
We also try to talk about things that go beyond the industry, so we have a number of seminars this week about female empowerment, and the opening session in New York is a townhall that includes Arianna Huffington and Frances Frei talking about inclusion and the workplace. Both are involved with helping Uber address the challenges the company has had around women. Day one wraps with a session on CEO action on diversity and inclusion.
We’re also doing a panel on the challenges facing Brand America, and D.L. Hughley is leading a conversation about race in America. These are topics that are bigger than our industry, but critical to discuss. On the ‘just plain interesting’ front, we have speakers like Jimmy Buffett and Sarah Jessica Parker, Harvey Weinstein, Elizabeth Banks, Joan Jett. They’re all there for a reason, and they keep Advertising Week tied into popular culture.
How have you scaled Advertising Week globally?
The program is remarkably consistent, because this is a global business, but we also customize from market to market. So even if it’s Sky and ITV we’re featuring in the UK or ABC and Turner in the US, or TV Asahi in Japan and Televisa in Mexico City, the challenges are all the same. So we see a commonality of challenges and opportunities. We have many CMOs come and speak and attend to keep up on the evolution of their businesses. The CMOs of Samsung, Verizon, HP, Unilever and on and on are speaking at Advertising Week New York. They come to share but also to listen.
What are the big topics this AWNY?
There’s a lot of focus around artificial intelligence this year, so there’s an AI and cognitive computing track. The pervasiveness of technology is a theme that will run throughout our thought leadership program. There’s a data track and an evolution of video track, for example, and we’re also taking an empty store between 42nd and 43rd streets in Times Square and using that to curate a whole new tech experience. We’re bringing technology to life in a really exciting way, and it’s free for all delegates.
We’re also focusing on small business, which is a new area for us this year, with a small- and mid-sized business bootcamp. Our agenda is both broad and deep, and we’re in different venues with 15 different tracks or blocks of more than an hour, so we try to make it very easy to navigate. So you can immerse yourself in a specific topic or you can graze, just like a buffet.
How do you keep Advertising Week inclusive? For a start, we keep it affordable so we get a ton of younger people just starting out their careers attending and also participating in our startup summit. The baseline badge in Cannes is thousands of euros, whereas if you’re under 30 it’s not only cheap to attend Advertising Week, you can go to as many seminars as you like. And with the cost of getting to and from Cannes not to mention staying there, companies can send many people to Advertising Week for the same money.
As for diversity, we’re excited to partner with the Girls Lounge and offer an inclusion-focused track that includes important topics such as attracting and retaining female talent.
It’s also the second year of the D&AD Impact Awards, which is the world’s only award show to celebrate the power of creativity to do good. It covers diversity, inclusion, sustainability, responsible production, education—there are 12 categories and a fantastic jury, including Arianna and the film director Richard Curtis, who founded Comic Relief, and we’re really proud of it because it’s celebrating great work around issues that affect all of us.
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