pixiemage · 2 years
5, 17, and 43 for the fic ask game!
[For the Fanfiction Writing Ask Game]
Three questions??? You spoil me! <3 I think I'll need a Read More for this one my friend xD
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, sometimes my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to see. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (Maybe I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
17. Do you have a writing routine?
Not really! Usually once I get an idea, I just - jump in. If I get stuck and want to skip something just to keep the writing ball rolling, I'll throw one of these in the middle of the page: ASDJNAKFBEKAJBA ...and just leave it for later. It's bold, red, and easy to spot when I'm scrolling through a long document, which is nice! It helps make sure no blank spots get missed in editing! (I also red-dye words, sentences, or paragraphs I'm feeling shaky on, so I can spot them easily and come back later when I get a better idea to fix it.) And if I decide to completely change a section I'm writing, I'll often copy the original version, paste it at the bottom of the doc in case I decide to change it back, and turn it a pastel color so I don't confuse old versions for the current text.
I also sometimes make calendars on Excel/Sheets if I really wanna keep track of time, and I often have a separate (and somewhat disorganized) doc for Notes on my longer fics. There's also a document where I write down potential lyrics options for There's Not a Word Yet chapter titles, but that's the only time I've done that for a fic.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
I feel like someone asked me this a while back, so I've definitely thought about this! But honestly? A mystery or a time-travel fix-it...which I am well aware are two VASTLY different tropes lmao.
I've always been envious and in awe of well-written mystery/detective stories, because so many little details go into them to make them work. I'd love to build one of my own someday, but I have yet to find the right motivation to do so.
As far as time-travel fix-its go...they're just...they're so fun to read, because I love to see how one little change can affect an entire timeline (see also: Domino Effect) but they're also a LOT of work to write because it involved basically retelling a story that's already been written but in your own words and with a twist. Somehow writing something fully original comes easier to me than trying to build my writing around something else that already exists. But god I'd love to have the motivation to write one of 'em anyway! It'd be fun to decide how everything changes all because of one little difference in choice :3
5. How many WIPs do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
Hahaha! Ha! Ha.
Many. So, so many.
I have a bad habit of starting projects and not finishing them, so I have a plethora scattered throughout my Google Docs files that are anywhere from multiple pages of unposted fic, all the way down to single-sentence unused prompts. Sometimes I left them behind because I lost motivation, though most times my hyperfixation shifted and I (sadly) couldn't focus on that fandom anymore.
But let's see...uh....I glanced through my older stuff first just to check for this hah. But for now I think I'm just gonna count what I'm either actively working on, or what I wish to continue when my motivation returns...because if you counted all the abandoned WIP's I've gathered over the years, I think the number would be close to 30, and I don't want to list them all up here. (But I'll drop it at the bottom of this post if you're curious***)
For one, I have two Marvel/IronDad fics I plan on finishing: one that's a shorter Mafia AU that's 2/3 complete, and a much longer (and heftier) multi-chapter fic that has been awaiting a new chapter for over a year I think. A Little Late On The Blood Work my beloved...I'll come back when I get inspiration again 🥺💞 I also have an old Jacksepticeye Egos fic called #SamLives that I've been wanting to continue for ages but haven't, along with a Night at the Museum fic (Jedtavius) that I at least need to finish the current arc for because the comment section is sad.
And MOST recently I've got a bunch for Hermitcraft/Empires/Traffic Life that I'm in the process of actively writing...which I believe add up to a total of six?? I think? THREE are partially posted/being updated (Through a Crack in the Void, Domino Effect, There's Not a Word Yet), and the OTHER three (two Team Rancher, and one that's literally Every Ship Under The Sun With Some Found Family On Top) aren't gonna be on my plate until I finish some of the other ones.
(One of them is a cute 5+1 one-shot about Tango calling Jimmy "buddy" and Jimmy learning that "buddy" has a lot of different meanings depending on how Tango says it and who he's saying it to. The second one is an extension of a one-shot I already posted called Coming, Coming Home, where S8 HASA!Tango crash-lands in the mesa outside Tumble Town, and like - yeah. Yeah. I'd love to continue that one. And the LAST one is a Double-Life-based Witches/Familiars AU that started as Renchanting Duo and has since extended to every member of the Life series and even some Hermits.)
***ALL THE OLDER FICS I HAVE YET TO COMPLETE: I've got one for Doctor Who, a handful for JSE Egos - #SamLives - one for Night at the Museum, one for Encanto. Six for Marvel/IronDad (including a Mafia fic, a SPN AU, a Peter-gets-shot and Tony-goes-dad-mode hurt/comfort, and A Little Late On the Blood Work which as I said I'm just longing to get inspiration to return to). A witch/familiar Supernatural AU fic and an SPN time travel fix-it that I barely started. There's a TangoTek one-shot I've abandoned featuring his rage moments from both LL and DL. I also have an old fic from high school for a game called Ib that I'd love to revamp someday...and my Original FanFic that started it all, which was for Harry Potter, and I was like 12, and it will never EVER see the light of day. My god. It's...it's rough.
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schorschidk · 6 months
Jeg blev født i oktober 1972 i Peine og har siden været en lidenskabelig natur- og haveentusiast. Siden 2006 har jeg boet i et lykkeligt samliv med min vidunderlige kone, med hvem jeg nyder at gå ture, vandre og beundre naturens skønhed.
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der er stadig noget i sammenspillet mellem validering og sex+samliv, som ikke rigtig fungerer for mig. jeg ved godt hvor det nok stammer fra, men jeg kan ikke forklare hvad det er og ved ikke hvordan jeg kommer videre.
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opplevkambodsja · 2 years
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Kulen-fjellets fossefall - fruktbart og friskt Kulen-fjellene, eller Koulen mountains, har den samme betydning for Kambodsja som Dovrefjell har i Norge. Her ble khmer-riket erklært i 802 evt. Og statusen er som i Norge: enig og tro til Dovre faller. Koulen/Kulen er både turistmål og utfluktsmål fortsatt. På nasjonale fridager drar khmerfamiler opp i fjella for bønn, velsignelser, god mat og drikke med familie og venner, og for å bade i elva/dusje i fossen. Dette handler ikke bare om khmerkultur knyttet til vann. Eller Koulen som nasjonalmonument. Det handler om fruktbarhet. Langs elvebunnen fra templene til kulpene før fossefallet meislet de eldste khmerene over tusen lingam-symboler. Dette urgamle hindusymbolet for samliv og fruktbarhet ligger under alt vann i kulper, elv og fossefall nedstrøms. Inkludert Siem Reap by og Tonle Sap-innsjøen. Enkelt forklart for unge fra forrige årtusen: det er innskriving av en sylinder i en firkant(aka. trekant) mer enn tusen ganger. Å bade/dusjes i elvevannnet fra tusen fruktbarhetssymboler anses som lykke og heldig for samliv, familie og reproduksjon. Ikke rart de unge på dette fotoet fra fossefallet er fornøyd. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingam #foss #fossefall #familie #unge #kjærester #bad #avkjøling #velsignelse #fruktbart #tusenlinga #elv #utflukt #khmerkjøkken #khmer #mat #drikke #ai #atkiv #w2016 (ved Kulen Mountain Waterfall - ទឹកជ្រោះភ្នំគូលែន) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmgkXAArpQC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bodoposten · 2 years
Aftenposten lanserer ny podkast om å være kvinne midt i livet
Aftenposten lanserer ny podkast om å være kvinne midt i livet
Den ukentlige podkasten Førti-ish hadde premiere fredag 30. september. I løpet av høsten får du høre om alt som er vilt, vakkert og vondt, midt i livet: hormoner, midjefett, samliv, rynker, tørr vagina, dating og dødsangst. – Høye topper, dype daler og raske svinger. Slik beskriver programleder i den nye podkasten Førti-ish, Marte Spurkland (45), hvordan hun opplever å være i midten av livet. –…
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sowhutchusayin · 5 years
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This episode was no joke and all clownin. Mask off - Sam is up and available for your listening pleasure. Head to any podcast app and type in sowhutchusayin and listen. You don’t wanna miss this one. . . @samlively92 @tigerclawtattoo @anchor.fm @itunes @spotify @iheartradio . . . #rodeo, #rodeoclown, #clowns, #bullriding, #bulls, #horses, #horseriding, #bucking, #sowhutchusayin, #maskoff, #snaggles, #podcast, #sam, #extradinaire, #samlively, #tigerclawtattoo, #cowboy, #cowboys, #farm, #toughguy, #realdeal, #scatteredchickens, #sayings, #boxing, #cowboyhat, #snapchat https://www.instagram.com/p/B2dXw7Yls1U/?igshid=uk8jdmu6ysji
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jayofmemory · 3 years
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If you haven’t already read the story written my @pixie-mage HERE, do so!!
Or don’t, and just follow along as I draw this webtoon.
This will take a while to start, so don’t expect to see me upload there for a bit, I just uploaded the cover art so you all can find it and subscribe.
If you want to help me out while I make this, support me on Patreon! There I will upload snipits of each page as I complete them!
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sam-lives-story · 3 years
Hey!! I just wanna say that I know this is old, but I bingeread and absolutely ADORE this fic!!! You have one of the best Anti interpretations I’ve ever seen, honestly, and AHHH all the other characterizations are so good they’re all so good!!!! No pressure at all meant by this ofc, I just wanted to let you know I’m in awe at the quality of your writing, and show my appreciation!!! :D
Oh, thank you so much! #SamLives was the first fic I ever felt passionate enough and driven enough to try and write as a long-form story, and though it isn't complete, I'm still pretty proud of what I've written and shared. My biggest concern has always been staying true to the characters I'm trying to portray, so your vote of confidence means a lot!
In truth, I've always wanted to come back and finish it. Like I said, it was the first fic I wrote that ever made it that far, and there's still a big part of me that isn't quite done with it yet. I know where I want it to go and I know how it will end...but unfortunately, I don't know when the #SamLives writing bug will bite again. My only hope is that it will, because I'd hate to leave it unfinished forever. So no promises on a timeline but rest assured that you're not the only one who wants to see this story reach its end!
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liwslust · 5 years
Vissa ställningar är bättre än andra. Vad funkar bäst för dig? Du kan svara anonymt på min enkät här: https://forms.gle/YNw5PXvvRR2T9t8r7
Och vill du se vad jag gillar bäst så hittar du mina topp 13 på bloggen. 😇😉
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pixie-mage · 6 years
In Regards to #SamLives
Hey guys! Pixie here~
My life has been suuuper busy the last month or so, so I have been unable to work on #SamLives the way I've been wanting to. But never fear! I'm back! But due to a certain recent turn of events in Jack's life, it's going to take a liiittle bit longer to get a new chapter out to you.
As many of you probably know, a few weeks ago Jack and Signe officially broke up. While this is a sad turn of events, it's also their personal lives and, of course, we should all respect that. I hope they're both doing alright on their own now but it isn't my place to pry. I'm not gonna make a big deal out of it because it shouldn't be.
However! In writing this story, Signe was going to be (and has, until this point, been) a main character and a main part of the plot. Out of respect for both Signe and Jack, I need to take the time to rewrite the chapters so that she isn't included in the story. It wouldn't be right to keep writing her in, nor would it be kind to find a way to "write her out" so to speak. Instead I'm going to rewrite the previous chapters so that she isn't in it at all, swapping her role in certain scenes out for different people that would fit those moments just as well.
The plot of #SamLives will remain, mostly, the same. If you'd like to read the changed chapters feel free! After they have all been updated I'll continue my work on the new chapter, and Chapter 13 will be posted the moment it's completed.
Thank you for your patience, your understanding, and the lovely appreciation I've been getting toward this story! This is the longest fic I've ever written and I've been enjoying writing every word of it, partially thanks to the wonderful support you lovely readers have been giving. So thank you so, so much!
I'll do my best to get the next chapter out to you soon!
All my love,
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s-kjellberg · 2 years
Jag sitter lugnt och arbetar vid mitt skrivbord. En ganska bra dag hitintills som inte varit för stressig eller för tråkig. Det plingar till i mobilen. Jag riktigt hör illvrålet. Rutorna på kontoret skakar, kanske lite på grund av lastbilen som dundrar förbi utanför, men mest på grund av den vrede som kastas på mig av en liten kvinna 36 km (+- någon km) bort. “Du ååååååååt alla champisar!” Jag…
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wiadomosciprasowe · 11 years
Kvinner setter mobilen høyere enn et godt sexliv
Kvinner setter mobilen høyere enn et godt sexliv
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Dato: 15-05-2013 10:38 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Kvinner setter mobilen høyere enn et godt sexliv Kategori: , mobilbruk kjønnsykdommer sex og kondom og sånn helse velvære sex og samliv cybersex kondom sex RFSU Mobil viktigst for kvinner
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Kjære menn, hva holder dere på med? Mobiltelefonen er blitt kvinnens beste venn, og hele 80 prosent av norske kvinner mener mobilen er viktigere enn et godt sexliv. Det kommer frem i RFSUs nordiske undersøkelse Sex og kondom og sånn.
Ikke overraskende er tallene lavere hos menn, der 65 prosent sier mobilen som viktig mot 86 prosent som svarer et godt sexliv. Kvinner mener at å ha et godt sosialt liv, god økonomi og et trivelig hjem er viktigere enn et godt sexliv. Å ha god helse, være veltrent og sterk viser også seg å være mindre viktig for nordmenn enn våre nordiske naboer.
Mobil viktigst for kvinner
– For kvinner er mobilen blitt viktigere enn et godt sexliv. Den er med døgnet rundt og tar fokuset vekk fra sex når det er sengetid. For mange er nok Facebook, Instagram, lek og surfing mer fristende på sengekanten enn heftig sex med en partner, sier Sidsel Kløw, markedsansvarlig i RFSU.
Forskjellene er store fra landsdel til landsdel. Folk i Oslo og Akershus er mer opptatt av mobilen (75 %), og mener at god økonomi (93 %) og meningsfullt arbeid (92 %) er viktigere enn et bra sexliv (73 %). De har også mindre sex enn resten av landet. På Vestlandet er derimot hverken mobilen (69 %) eller sexlivet (84 %) viktigst; der er de mest opptatt av god økonomi (96 %) og et godt sosialt liv (94 %).
Hett på nett
Sex og kondom og sånn 2013 viser at relativt mange tar initiativ til å søke nye relasjoner via internett. Om lag hver fjerde person i Norge har kontaktet en person på internett for å treffe en potensiell partner. Selv om nordboerne er positivt innstilte til internett som kanal for fysiske møter, bruker mange nettet først og fremst for å se på erotiske eller pornografiske bilder og filmer. Når det gjelder å virkeliggjøre sine seksuelle ønsker, gir nettet muligheter som ikke fantes tidligere.
– En del seksuelle fantasier kan være av en type som man ønsker å virkeliggjøre, mens andre kan være slike som man ikke har lyst til å prøve ut i virkeligheten. Enkelte fantasier vil man kanskje holde for seg selv og la forbli nettopp fantasier, sier Kløw.
Flere enn hver tiende person i Norden som i løpet av det siste året har deltatt i aktiviteter på internett som er forbundet med sex og kjærlighet, har gjort det for å leve ut og virkeliggjøre fantasiene sine.
Harde fakta om nordmenns sexliv:
– Nær halvparten av de som har deltatt i aktiviteter på nett knyttet til sex og kjærlighet gjør det for å onanere. – Folk i Oslo og Akershus har mindre sex enn resten av landet og er minst opptatt av et godt sexliv. – I løpet av de tre siste månedene har vestlendingene og sørlendingene hatt mest sex. – Vestlendinger er oftere i langvarige faste forhold enn trøndere og østlendinger. – 41 % av sørlendinger bruker ingen prevensjon, mens det er flest trøndere som prøver å bli gravide og derfor ikke bruker prevensjon. – Menn på Østlandet er flinkest til å foreslå kondom, mens trønderne mottar mest positive tilbakemeldinger når de foreslår kondom. – Vestlendinger synes det er mest flaut å kjøpe kondomer, trøndere er minst flaue. – 4 % av folk i Oslo og Akershus har hatt flere enn seks sexpartnere de siste 12 månedene. – Menn på Østlandet har ofte et kondom tilgjengelig, men sier at stress ofte har en negativ på virkning på sexlivet.
  Ler hele undersøkelsen her:
  For mer informasjon vennligst kontakt:
Sidsel Kløw,                                                                                                                               Markedsansvarlig RFSU Norge Tlf: 901 38 530 E-post: [email protected]
  Kilde: Pressekontor Midsona Norge AS – PRESSEMELDING –
Hashtags: # #mobilbruk kjønnsykdommer sex og kondom og sånn helse velvære sex og samliv cybersex kondom sex RFSU mobilbruk kjønnsykdommer sex og kondom og sånn helse velvære sex og samliv cybersex kondom sex RFSU
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whencallstheheart · 3 years
samlive said: Fair enough & I apologize for my tone, I know it may have come across as disrespectful to fans such as yourself who have invested in this particular relationship & character, trust me I’ve been there.
For me personally, I don’t understand or really appreciate the Lucas bashing, making out like he is this superficial, cheating bore, who offered Liz absolutely nothing, especially when attacking Chris. That being said, I can understand that because the triangle was dragged on for so long that your fandom became more invested than if they had nipped this thing in the bud earlier. I doubt it means anything but I am sorry you guys are upset and I sincerely hope I didn’t add to it. 🤦🏼‍♀️
Oh, we’ve all been here before.  Shows do fans dirty all the time.  People just didn’t expect it from this show.  I think there was a level of trust built up where people felt really confident and comfortable and then the rug was pulled out from under them.  All the realizations of the triangle being for nothing and everything else was like blow after blow to the fans who were already kicked to the ground by the choice which felt like a huge blindside to a lot of people, clearly.  And they voiced that.
I don’t appreciate the bashing of Nathan or Allie or their real life counterparts either... but it happened all the time.  It’s on both sides.  Lucas isn’t a bad character.  Obviously he has things to offer Elizabeth and she loves him for a reason.  It didn’t come out of nowhere.  There are some sketchy things about Lucas just as there are some unsavory things about Nathan.  Everyone has different opinions and different perceptions of the story being told.  People are pretty set in their opinions by now which also adds to things being such a mess.
I’ve seen a lot of people say to just look at things from Lucas’ perspective and you’ll see it was him all along or something similar.  Well, look at it from Nathan’s perspective.  Same thing... except there was no reason to put Team Nathan through the majority of season 8 knowing the outcome (which they apparently didn’t know??? It’s all so ridiculous).  Or Team Lucas for that matter.  None of us deserved what happened.  Nathan and Lucas deserved better.  I think they actually really screwed over Lucas by not investing more time in his story.  From the Team Nathan perspective, there’s nothing there.  We don’t feel as though we’ve seen enough to trust that they have a strong foundation.  We also don’t foresee their future being something that is going to interest us.  So now that she’s chosen him, it’s going to be a huge struggle for Team Nathan to ever care about their love story.  It shouldn’t be that way.  It should’ve been written in a way that we were invested regardless of the outcome and it simply wasn’t.  They divided the fans on purpose and didn’t bother to try to bring them together... and now it might be too late.
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agneskollarfilm · 3 years
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Systrarna (2015)
Systrarna (2015) är en film jag fångade en ljus söndagskväll i våras på SVTPlay, sista kvällen den visades. När tre unga systrar som lever ensamma i det hus deras frånvarande mamma lämnat efter sig, får reda på att deras än mer frånvarande pappa dött, reser de till begravningen. Där möter de sin 13-åriga halvsyster, som förlorat både sin pappa och mamma. De tre systrarna bjuder in den yngre att bo med dom i huset.
Systrarna är en film som belyser allt det som i mina ögon gör japansk film och berättarkonst helt unik och njutbar: konsten att skildra vardaglig magi, inramat i japanskt anslag, japansk arkitektur, japansk matkultur, japansk körsbärblom. Som lockar. Jag anser att japanska historieberättare inom många olika medier är unika i sin förmåga att skildra och hylla vardagen, med alla dess små vackra riter. Det är ett vanligt tema för många stora japanska filmregissörer, den mest uppenbara kanske Ozu Yasujirō och hans vardagsromantik. I animerade filmer av Studio Ghibli kan en scens klimax och dragningskraft handla om att skära upp en vattenmelon i all sin enkelhet och ta in hela dess härlighet.
I Systrarna fångas denna rena vardagsnjutning, sådant som är så fängslande och själavårdande att titta på i form av matlagning, bärplockning, vackra tyger,  att låta kameran vila vid en scen då det hemmabryggda vinet hälls upp i glasflaskor, vackert kakel på badrumsväggen, kimonos och tomtebloss.  
Samtidigt har filmen fångat en alldeles särskilt magisk tid i många människors liv: den där perioden i livet då alla i familjen fortfarande är närvarande i ett hem, då framtiden fortfarande är obestämd. Inget av syskonen har ännu bildat nya familjer, nya tillvaron och sammanhang. De lever ihop, inpå varandra, som på ett flickpensionat.
I de flesta filmer som skildrar en sådan idyll, en magisk, svunnen med ändock begränsad tid, så brukar även Slutet obönhörligen också skildras - ett före och ett efter. Allt gott har ett slut, filmer och serier som Brideshead Revisited, Döda Poeters Sällskap och Tokyo Story lär oss det. Hotet om slutet dyker upp också här: en återvändarmamma som talar om att sälja det gamla huset. Hade filmen följt klassisk dramaturgi-stil som man är så bekant med hade detta satt punkt för systrarnas samliv, en plotförändring som måste löpa linan ut, likt en självuppfyllande profetia. Men så blir det inte här. Systrarna får bo kvar. 
Vad gäller filmen dramaturgi så finns det mycket som skvallrar om att den är baserad på en mangaserie. Filmen är uppbyggd av korta story archs, som avslutas i små mikroinsikter och korta steg framåt, likt kapitlen i en lång mangaserie. I viss kritik av filmen lyfts detta som dess största svaghet. Filmen har ingen riktigt klassisk plot twist, inga stora, dramatiska, filmiska utvecklingar. Bara ett tuggande av små subtila, stämningsfulla och lågmälda historier. Personlighen har jag inget problem med filmens sidosatta dramaturgi, utan uppskattar den snarare som en rad härligt skildrare miljöer att få omsvepas av. lyssna här t ex:
- Att sitta med sitt skolarbete eller kvällsarbete vid ett lågt, runt köksbord i mitten av allrummet, där alla andra i huset också är och pysslar med sitt. Att sitta nära altandörren, med en fladdrande bris alldeles inpå.
- En balkong till ett gästrum högt, högt upp i en byggnad som vetter mot en högljudd flod långt där nere, och en massa lummig turkos-tonad grönska som ramar in vyn. Lite mygg kanske. Byggnaden i trä och med skjutdörrar med rispapper. 
- En inbyggd veranda som sträcker sig längs med ena sidan av huset, med skjutdörr, där man kan sitta även när det regnar ett ljummet sommarregn som smattrar på taket.
- att gå till det lokala middagshaket, sätta sig vid bardisken, få en ölflaska och en skål varm wok med lövbiff och blancherade grönsaker. 
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May 19′s Tumblr crushes part 1 or 2:
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jayofmemory · 5 years
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Save Jacksepticeye
so two days ago I was introduced to this fic by the amazing @pixie-mage / @sam-lives-story (check out the Tumblr blog or this link for ao3 ver)
Long story short, I binged all 14 chapters (so far) in about 2 hours and I knew I had to draw something for it, and so I made this!
Go read the story, its amazing!! And go check out Pixie’s other works!!
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