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onlydylanobrien · 2 years ago
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Dylan O'Brien hanging out and making clay pottery with his mom Lisa, his puppy Tony and his friends Logan Lerman, Ana Corrigan, Sam Lerner, Olivia Sui, Sheela Awe and Rainey Qualley. (March 8, 2023)
đŸ“·Â©: samlerner's & sheelaawe's (last two pics) Instagram Stories
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politirapporten · 2 years ago
FYN: Mandag den 6. februar 2023 ivĂŠrksatte Fyns Politi en aktion i forbindelse med vĂ„benkontrol blandt vĂ„bensamlere pĂ„ Fyn. FormĂ„let med vĂ„benkontrollen er at kontrollere vĂ„bensamlinger og vĂ„benopbevaring. Flere kontroller er pĂ„ vej. Fyns Politi kunne i forbindelse med mandagens kontrol konstatere, at 57% af de besĂžgte vĂ„bensamlere ikke havde orden i sagerne – f.eks. var der et tilfĂŠlde, hvor vĂ„bnet lĂ„ gemt pĂ„ loftet, mens der i andre tilfĂŠlde var tale om vĂ„benskabe, som ikke var fastmonterede. BĂžden for sĂ„danne overtrĂŠdelser ligger pĂ„ 6.000 kroner. ”Selvom det er vĂ„ben, der ikke lige umiddelbart anses som farlige, er det vigtigt, at folk har styr pĂ„ de betingelser, der er for at have et samlevĂ„ben. De skal opbevares ordentligt og sikkert, for ellers kan det ende ud i meget dyre bĂžder,” siger politikommissĂŠr Michael LĂžkke fra Fyns Politi. Fyns Politi forventer at fortsĂŠtte kontrollen hos vĂ„bensamlerne i den nĂŠrmeste fremtid, sĂ„ hermed en venlig opfordring til alle relevante borgere i kredsen om at sikre sig, at man har styr pĂ„ reglerne. Fakta om vĂ„bensamlere VĂ„bensamlere er personer, der har en sĂŠrlig interesse for historiske vĂ„ben, dvs. hovedsagelig vĂ„ben fra 1870-1890 og i sĂŠrlige tilfĂŠlde ogsĂ„ nyere vĂ„ben. For at kunne opnĂ„ vĂ„bensamlertilladelse fra politiet, skal sĂŠrlige sikkerhedsforanstaltninger ifm. opbevaring vĂŠre opfyldt, sĂ„som godkendte fastmonterede vĂ„benskabe, hvori vĂ„bnene skal opbevares. Ligeledes skal samlerne have en god vandel og gode personlige forhold. Der findes dog undtagelser. ForladervĂ„ben, som hovedsageligt er fra fĂžr 1870, krĂŠver ikke tilladelse eller sĂŠrlige krav til opbevaring.
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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Project Almanac (2015)
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Project Almanac falls prey to the Achille’s Heel of bad time travel films: its characters are stupid, rules inconsistent, and science dubious. Even if you eliminated the plotholes, you'd be left with weak character motivations and an irritating use of the found-footage gimmick.
17-year-old high schooler David (Jonny Weston), his sister Chris (Virginia Gardner), and his best friends, Adam (Allen Evangelista) and Quinn (Sam Lerner) discover the blueprints to a time machine. Once they complete the device, they have the time of their lives until David’s longtime crush, Jessie (Sofia Black-D’Elia) becomes involved.
The time machine our protagonists build has some limitations, which sets us off on the right path. This avoids the potential ramifications of assassinating a young Mike Schneider before he directs Night of the Living Dead Re-Animated or other history-altering moves. Instead, the teens use the device to “skip” school, ace tests, etc. Disappointingly, the more trips they take, the more the picture becomes prey to standard time-travel tropes. In this film, if two versions of the same person come face-to-face, it creates a sort of feedback loop, which threatens to erase you from existence. Why? Does it have anything to do with altering the past? No, because whether messing with the timeline is perfectly fine or threatens all of existence depends on the scene. I understand the choice to pay homage to classic sci-fi stories like A Sound of Thunder, but here, the central conflict doesn’t really make any sense. I can believe that killing a prehistoric butterfly would change the future because millions of years have passed. Who knows how much happened between then and now? One little experiment causing the death of hundreds through a bizarre Final Destination-like chain? That's a stretch.
You might be able to forgive the numerous inconsistencies (I don’t) but you'll have a tough time accepting where this story goes. David is one of the most handsome nerds you'll ever see, he’s got the skills to put together a working time machine
 but his actions are so stupid they’ll drive you nuts. In fact, none of these characters are particularly smart. Why bother distracting your past self so that you can take the test instead of them
 when it would be much easier (and less risky when you consider that feedback loop thing) to send yourself a text message or a note? It’s not like the time machine is a secret!
We didn’t even cover the found-footage aspect, which is contrived. These kids are documenting themselves performing a bunch of crimes. Why? Wouldn’t you leave that out of your home video? There was no reason for this film to be shot the way it was, except to jump on the money-saving bandwagon. The shoddy writing and camera techniques wind up drowning everything the movie does well, a big letdown because it shows promise at first. I can see those who aren’t critical of science fiction films giving Project Almanac a pass, but under any scrutiny, you'll realize you're settling if this is what you choose to watch. (March 10, 2017)
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byrdman1002 · 4 years ago
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@thegoldbergsabc #TheGoldbergs #GeoffSchwartz #LouSchwartz #SamLerner #KenLerner https://www.instagram.com/p/CQVLdv6NpOA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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elizapdushku · 4 years ago
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The Goldberg's (2013-present) #thegoldbergs #jeffgarlin #wendimclendoncovey #seangiambrone #troygentile #hayleyorrantia #georgesegal #ajmichalka #samlerner #danfogler #juddhirsch #nataliealynlind #kennyridwan #stephaniekatherinegrant #jacobhopkins #timmeadows #bryancallen #clancybrown #anagasteyer #steveguttenberg #sadiestanley #shaynetopp #noahmunck #mattbush #adamfgoldberg #ripgeorgesegal #tvtuesdays #tvtuesday #tvilove #favouritetvseries https://www.instagram.com/p/CND0UHxs7yW/?igshid=1r3rth7df2o56
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alicesadventuresintherye · 7 years ago
Spending my Friday night with The Goldbergs and my OTP is singing "Suddenly, Seymour." Perfection. #suddenlyseymour #littleshopofhorrors #Broadway #thegoldbergs #gerica #hayleyorrantia #samlerner #otp #perfectcouple #perfection #fridaynight #horriblytakenpicturesofmytv
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mndvx · 3 years ago
samlerner 24 hours in hell
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onlydylanobrien · 2 years ago
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Dylan O’Brien, Sam Lerner and Christine D’souza Gelb during Jas birthday party in New York. (June 9, 2023)
đŸ“·Â©: samlerner on Instagram
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amosartstudio · 7 years ago
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@sefijaonline some of the cast of The Goldbergs this morning. New season this fall on ABC. #JeffGarlin #HayleyOrrantia #SamLerner #SeFijaOnline #TCA2017 #TCA17 #SonyStudios visit #TheGoldbergsABC. #AngelaOrtiz #amosartphotos #amosart (at Sony Pictures Studios)
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shaynestopps · 6 years ago
samlerner: We’re 37 now and still in high school. Love these dudes. #JTP!!!!!!
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lhale-news · 7 years ago
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haydenszeto Had an unforgettable night with some great company. I love you all so damn much. @lucyhale @kariperdue @tylerposey58 @sophiatali @violettbeane @eyelidkid @samlerner @auroraperrineau @nolanfunk @jeffwadlow TRUTH OR DARE in theaters NOW. #truthordaremovie
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elliscraddock · 4 years ago
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Here's 723rd photo art that I create to celebrate the actor @samlerner early Birthday. @oliviasui (at Harlem) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFn_SWBpiO0/?igshid=1seurqy3vigau
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hollywoodnewssource · 5 years ago
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Thanks to @paleycenter for a great event as always! Interviews coming soon with the cast of #TheGoldbergs! #paley @thegoldbergsabc @paleycenter @seangiambrone @samlerner @hayleyorrantia @wendi_mclendon_covey @princessctv (at The Paley Center for Media) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qoXcVB_M9/?igshid=1hh8bzwai8hk9
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melissajoanhart · 5 years ago
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Back in the directors chair! @thegoldbergsabc Don’t miss this epic 7th season every week on @abcnetwork. @wendi_mclendon_covey @seangiambrone @hayleyorrantia @troygentile08 @jeffgarlin @danfogler @samlerner @pattonoswalt https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XoecEBm57/?igshid=1tety2nwq1lgl
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alicesadventuresintherye · 7 years ago
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This made my heart so happy. 💚 JTP! #thegoldbergs #goldbergs #thejtp #jtp #jenkintownposse #flyeaglesfly #thejtpbowl #samlerner #troygentile #shaynetopp #mattbush #noahmunck #goldnerds #battleofthejtps #horriblytakenpicturesofmytv #hailbarry #makesmyhearthappy
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skramesto · 4 years ago
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Hvis du i tillegg til den ferske Lisboa-boka mi, trenger MER BOK for Ă„ komme i salig Pride-stemning, anbefaler jeg pĂ„ det varmeste denne: Loving. Ganske fersk. Kom i fjor. Den bestĂ„r av bilder som et amerikansk homsepar har samlet opp gjennom Ă„rene, av menn som elsker hverandre. De begynte Ă„ samle litt sĂ„nn tilfeldig, og sĂ„ ble det en greie. Bilder fra 1850- til 1950-tallet som pĂ„ mirakulĂžst vis har overlevd sĂžppelkasser og bĂ„l, og som paret har sporet opp/kommet over hist og her, i rare butikker, auksjoner, og fra privatpersoner. Boka har to nydelige forord, hvor vi blant annet kommer under huden pĂ„ noen av mennene som er avfotografert. Og det er ikke bare karer fra USA vi ser, men fra hele verden. Kina, Japan, Portugal, Danmark. Mange andre land. Og bemerkelsesverdig mange bilder fra Bulgaria
 Det stusser ogsĂ„ de to samlerne over. Bildene i denne boka er litt som den siste scenen i filmen Cinema Paradiso, tenker jeg, der alt det forbudte som ble klippet bort, endelig blir satt sammen og vist i et konsentrat. Alt det forbudte. Alle kyssene og kjĂŠrligheten som ikke skulle bli vist for noen. Jeg blir litt pĂ„ grĂ„ten nĂ„r jeg ser i denne boka, selv om jeg bare burde vĂŠre glad. Tenk om en slik bok hadde eksistert for 40 Ă„r siden, ja, om jeg kunne ha fĂ„tt sett disse bildene, da jeg var i midten av tenĂ„rene? Men nĂ„ eksisterer boka, og jeg er sikker pĂ„ at den vil utgjĂžre en forskjell og Ă„pne opp en lys verden for mange 16-Ă„ringer, ogsĂ„ i dag. đŸŒˆđŸ“–â€ïž #lovingthebook #fivecontinentseditions #hughniniandnealtreadwell (ved GrĂŒnerlĂžkka) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQJqyLwp35K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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