#sami ori
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samijen · 9 days ago
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real-live-human · 7 months ago
1: ocs who can't meet but would be friends - i like to think arluk and sami would get along pretty well. actually can we put arluk in a sci fi setting i think that would fix them they would love machines that haven't been rusting apart for 200 years.
2: songs associated with my ocs - honestly, none. i'm not very good at connecting songs to characters like that haha
4: "weakest" and "strongest" characters - like... in terms of physical power? i guess on its own roche is probably on the weaker end (regular human body + probably light on muscle due to regular zero gravity excursions). redshift is an nhp and also has a shotgun the size of a motorcycle so uhm. she's probably a good contender for strongest
5: ocs that would not be able to stand each other - oh god ori and finch lmao. there is no way them meeting doesn't devolve into a fight
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qubixo1 · 10 days ago
Will Egyptian plan can be beaten with Arab League to be identical? | Israel's conflicts
A survey following US President Donald Dump Report. Arab’s leaders accept Egypt plans for Gaza – including the Guide with major choices. This follows the President of Donald Trump President to produce Palestinina and turned Gaza to the US domain. Can Arabic’s mind be real? Publishers: Sami Soli Visitors: ORI Goldberg – a politician Manyour Shouman – Middle East Pree Poursers Stephen Zunes –…
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indmtble · 6 years ago
reminder that @symphcniae, @combatpetals & @canefought all own this cold grinchy heart of mine uwu ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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healersadjust · 2 years ago
I’ve been reminded that I need to make that character list… For now, I’ll share the names and affiliations of all my characters, i’ll probably make a Carrd or something with photos for everyone. Or maybe do like, an OC a day or something? Anyhow! Long post below. And it will probably get longer- I love my blorbos and keep making more :0
Warrior of Light- Aki
Leonidas (Leo)
Vivace (Vivi)
Aki’s birth family:
Mother: Rhaya
Father: Cori’to
oldest to youngest:
Aki’s adoptive family:
Mother: Cevi
Aunts and uncles:
Kaine’s family:
My fucked up lil guys:
Dohv’a’s previous lives, oldest to most recent:
Bloody Axe
Liyoyo Liyo
U’rhoyod Quohn
Cecerioux Dechamberre
Rael Kisna
Amelia Fulke
Bazj Rawbewesfv
People from the first that are now on the source:
Valeria (Val)
People from the first that are STILL on the first:
Urania- Aki
Alik- Kaine
Creon- Dohv’a
Aspasia- Creon’s partner
Commander Cosmo
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sativerse · 3 years ago
this is Ottos's OC Archive! OCs will be organized from oldest to newest, and it'll probably be updated frequently! be PREPARED! i have too many OCs!! they'll be dated if i know exactly when they're from :)
a lot of the older ones are FNaF OCs, so just like be warned lol
there were a lot of ocs lost in between that i can remember but not find their names.. :(
Key! OC Name ~ OC Title/Affiliation (month created)
don't say i didn't warn ya!
Mallory, Razz, Charlie, Ray ~ Early Main OCs (2018-2019 roughly)
Doodle (1.0 + 2.0) ~ Main OCs (Early 2020) Sherbert, Annerose, Jax, Tamarin, Andre, Quinn, Nadia, Bailey ~ FNaF OCs (May) Akira ~ Alien (sorta) (June) Marki Bird ~ Animatronic Son To Akira (June-June[rip]) Peony & Rose ~ FNaF OCs (June) Duckie ~ Main OC (June) Spice / Pumpkin ~ FNaF OC (June) Muzari ~ FNaF OC (June) Muzi ~ FNaF OC (June) Silver ~ FNaF OC (June) Drama ~ FNaF OC (June) Beatrix "Bean" Diane Beau ~ From a FNaF rp initially? not a FNaF OC (July) Stanley ~ [see Beatrix] (July) Froggie ~ Main OC (July) Ant / Antonin ~ Main OC (Earliest Date Found > August[was definitely created months before this]) Cadence, Shelly ~ Internal Personifications [intrusive thoughts, brain] (September) Alvah ~ 7 Deadly Sins RP OC [Wrath] (September) Anubis, Khonsu ~ OCs stolen from Egyptian mythology (October) Villain!AU Ant & Hero!AU Ant ~ Main OC alts (October) [i don't remember their names but they represented my subconscious and my brain and they were in love dont ask me idk] ~ Main OCs (October) Ant / Antonin (REPRISE) ~ Main OC (November) Ant / Antoinette ~ Invert Main OC (November) Olive ~ Antionette's cousin (November) Alvah (REPRISE) ~ 7 Deadly Sins RP OC [Wrath] (November) [all the planet names] ~ Planet Personifications (December) Marietta and his siblings [I DONT REMEMBER THEIR NAMES BUT HE HAD LIKE SIX (6) SIBLINGS] ~ Plain 'ol OCs (December) Ant / Antonin (REPRISEx2) ~ Main OC (December) Ant / Antonin (REPRISEx2) 2.0 ~ Main OC (December)
Muzari (REPRISE) ~ FNaF OC (January) Muzi (REPRISE) ~ FNaF OC (January) Tucker ~ OC (January) Villain!AU Ant (REPRISE) ~ Main OC Alt (January) Debra ~ Main OC Alt[hard to explain] (January) Jake ~ Tucker's Brother (January) Rich ~ Jake's BF (January) Rainey ~ Rich's Sister (January) Gavin ~ OC (January) Clarke ~ Intrusive Thoughts Personification (January) Pirate!AU Ant (Pirant) ~ Main OC Alt (January) Laura ~ Jake & Tucker's Mom (January) Clarke & Antie ~ Main OCs (January) Anton ~ Main OC Alt [extREMELY hard to explain] (January) Moss ~ Main OC (February) Michael ~ OC (Febuary) Nathaniel, Bailey, Jackson, Grey ~ Michael's Siblings (Febuary) Miceli ~ OC [affiliated with Michael's family] (Febuary) Malcom ~ OC (Febuary) Jamie ~ OC (March) Solstice ~ OC (March) Gavin ~ OC (March) Mockingjay / Stanford ~ OC (March) Chirp / Stanley ~ Mockingjay's Brother (March) Tucker ~ OC [he's the step brother of the other tucker] (March) Snail ~ Main OC (March)
Chirp & Mockingjay (REPRISE) ~ OCs (December) Vesper / Valerie ~ Demon[Fallen Angel] / Angel (December) Apricot ~ OC (December) Connor ~ OC (December) Pine / Zealous ~ OC (December) Benjy ~ Fox (December) Blue & Red ~ OCs (December) Sol ~ OC (December) Marlo ~ OC (December) Sami ~ Shark (December) Oracle / Ori ~ Orca (December) Orcus ~ Orca (December) Sphinx ~ Bobcat (January)
Akita [my beloved] ~ Wolf (January) West ~ Akita's Cousin (January) Xavier ~ Hyena (January) Bliss ~ Pine / Zealous' Brother (January) Valor ~ Bliss's Twin (January) Arch ~ Valor's Younger Brother (January) Cobalt ~ OC (January) Qiao Orlov ~ Tiger (January) Miceli ~ Werewolf (January) Memphis ~ Miceli's Twin (January) Cerci ~ Bat (January) Falcon ~ Miceli's Little Sister (January) Kimberly ~ Friend of Miceli (January) Eris ~ Miceli's Daughter (January) Pepper ~ Dog (January) Ozzy ~ Raccoon (January) Trent ~ Eris' Secret Twin (February) Xani ~ Hyena (February) Indigo ~ Wolf (February) Sheila ~ Squid (February) Angel ~ Angler Fish (February) Pierce ~ Catboy (February) Dan ~ Catboy (February) Chester ~ Catboy (February) Wilson ~ Catboy (February) Franny "Bug" ~ Insect (February) Beau ~ Shark (February) Fern ~ OC (February) Sinopia ~ Chimera (February) Aesop ~ Changeling (February) Zeus ~ Changeling (February) Tale ~ Changeling (February) Folke ~ Changeling (February) Myth ~ Changeling (February) Elliot ~ My Only Memory of Him Was 'Little Blue Dude' (February) Arin ~ Selkie (February) Lavender ~ OC (February) Candy ~ Lavender's Bestie (February) Tam ~ OC (February) Reymond, Spencer & Dimitri ~ Personified Plushies [belonging to an oc] (February) Mongoose ~ Hare's Partner [in crimes] (February) Hare ~ Mongoose's Partner [in crimes] (February) Preston & Poppy ~ Possum Twins (March) Winter, Springer, Autumn, Summer ~ Seasonal Siblings (March) Prickle ~ LabRat (March) Oak ~ Werewolf (March) Briar ~ Werewolf (March) Tallulah ~ Cat Lady Lab Experiment (March) Nip ~ I Honestly Do Not Remember (March) Vetis ~ Uber Demon (March) Ameni ~ Little Sub-Demon (March) Yosem ~ God on the Coucil (March) Ullo ~ Demon Greed Guy (March) Seme & Dimitrik ~ Demons (March) Emilie Dubois ~ Professional Psycho (March) Emily ~ Emille's Intern (March) Barb, Thrush, River, Juniper, Rocky, Tulip, Chrysanthemum ~ Werewolf Family :) (April) Birch ~ OC (April) Kirsten ~ Birch's Husband (April) Wolfsbane & Petunia ~ Extensions of Werewolf Family (April) Benoit ~ Monster Guy [my beloved] (April) Vanessa, Shade, Frenchie ~ Monster OCs (April) Arlo, Hyde, Zeke, Royal, Nico ~ Vampire Hybrid Type Deal Family [siblings] (April) Cayde & Banshee ~ Roommates (May) Arcite ~ Business Associate of Banshee (May) Hazel ~ Dominatrix (May) Quinlan ~ Tiger, Qiao's Sister (May) Faris ~ Bear Man (May) Atticus ~ 'Lil Nerd (May) Bennett ~ Sea Bunny (May) Ezekiel ~ Bennett's Brother (May) [unnamed] ~ Bennett's Sister (May) Alistair ~ Mercenary (May) Keystone ~ Changeling[Lab-Created] (May) Ocean ~ Professional Asshole[But Actually An Absolute Pussy] (May)
Xiāo "Viper" ~ Serial Killer/Exotic Pet Shop Owner (May)
Malachai ~ Bodyguard/Security Man (May)
Mykola ~ Insane Circus Performer (May)
Patrick ~ Bodyguard/Security Man (May)
Sawyer ~ Hes Just A Little Guy (May)
Sloane ~ Sawyer's Insane Sister (May)
Walter ~ Hes Just A Baby (May)
Matcha ~ Walter's Sibling (May)
Angel & Eden ~ Walter's Siblings (May)
Amari ~ Walter's Youngest Sibling (May)
Flowers ~ Street Urchin Rat (May)
Grif ~ Rat (May)
York/Wash ~ Trans Rat (May)
Simmons ~ Rat (May)
Rowan ~ Lion (June)
Lex~ Lemur (June)
Hugo ~ Femboy Red Panda (June)
Soren ~ Snow Leopard (June)
Midway ~ Old OC Remake (June)
Blake ~ Old OC Remake (June)
Layla ~ Old OC Remake (June)
Nexo ~ Old OC Remake (June)
Nelly ~ Nexo's Sister (June)
Mima ~ Renamed Old OC Remake (June)
Cailean ~ Cinnamon Roll of a Monster (June)
Orion ~ CatBoy (June)
Dyon (Dionysus) ~ Orion's Half-Brother (June)
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whatthefoucault · 4 years ago
We’re live!
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lacu-de-rugina · 5 years ago
Partea 1 din partea a VII-a cred nush
Liliacu- Cabral
Cainele- tot Cabral
Feo: *își șterge transpirația de pe frunte* ai de mn ce drum lung frtlmeu *se da jos din cârca lui Puya* ms carăte
Puya, cu oci roși: is this, is this the life, you wanna live, you wanna carry on?!
Feo: da în plm de crăcănat de câte ori vrei sa îți zic hai acu roiu de-aici dacă nu vrei să experimentez pe tn în loc de potaie
Puya își ia zborul. Feo intra în peștera unde Cabral începe sa latre
Cabral: *tace pe vecie*
Feo: *se uita în oglinda* uwuwuwu VR ALCOOL *nush ce face prin dulapuri scoate niște chestii da* ce fac aici tho- *se duce îl alta parte a peșterii și da de ceva om nush* AAAAAAAA ce faci aici ma nene
Daria: adumi fa suc *se sufoca*
Feo: no. *o lasa acolo nush*
Face niște chestii ceva idk
Feo:, *deschide cartea* omg uite persoane pe care nu le cunosc *da la o pagina cu Delia* OMG IUBI și încă ceva persoane pe care nu le cunosc ok wtf teai născut din ăștia doi da ei is bleah și uriti ba))))))))))) mrog *se duce și desenează ceva pe ușa mega secreta și extrem de avansata tehnologic care își are 100% locul într-o peștera da* deseni pi pereti omg se MIȘCĂ DESENELE PE PERETE ce doamne ok
E asa boring ce se întâmplă, Doamne, fast forward înainte. Sumarizare, tho, îl hrănește pe Cabral Liliacu și în spatele lui e poza CU OMG DETECTIVU IONIȚĂ DADDY 😍😍💆 mai desenează căcat pe perete, taie mana cuiva care de fapt și o taie singur da God bless self sacrifice și Cabral ham hamul zice mmmm IAMI IAMI și o mănâncă și se caca iar Feo cam bea cacatu și se transforma în cioara ok normal stuff, we've all been there.
Ah și o ajuta și pe Daria pana la urma, tbh șocant, și Daria se transforma în
DUMI!!!!!!! https://youtu.be/pZ9TwG5B7iE
Dumi: ms fa gheie
Feo: sami sugi p–
Dumi: omg esti și transecsuela JOS GUVERNU
Feo: te cam bat în stradă
Dumi: anyway bn uiteo poza cu Delia rip Delia persoana toxică
Feo:??? mai am o poza cu ea???
Dumi: bn și ce vrei sa îți fac sa tio desenez ca să no ai de doua ori sau
Feo: bn pa *o deconectează și moare*
Și Feo se ducen submarin VA URMA
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hernehillandy · 6 years ago
What Ottolenghi did next
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IN setting the flavour of our times, this decade has been Yotam Ottolenghi’s. The Israeli-born chef and his Palestinian business partner, Sami Tamimi, first set up shop in Notting Hill in 2002. But it was the publication of Ottolenghi’s second cookbook, Plenty (2010) and the opening of Soho restaurant Nopi the following year that shot him to ubiquity. Since then he has launched a series of celebrated cookbooks and TV shows. And his fame is international: when a New Yorker friend visited me last week, the top of her to-do list was eating at Ottolenghi’s restaurants.
His significance is, however, much greater than that: Ottolenghi has quite simply changed the way we (or at least the metropolitan middle class) eat. It’s a point already made unimprovably by the Sunday Times’s brilliant Marina O’Loughlin.  Put it this way: what were until recently obscure Levantine ingredients such as za’atar, sumac and pomegranate molasses have become everyday in a way that once took, say, balsamic vinegar 20 years. There are now Waitrose own-brand versions of all three ingredients. Meanwhile Ottolenghi is surely responsible in part for the governing restaurant trend of small plates, and for the breakthrough of other Israeli-inspired eateries (The Barbary, Honey and Smoke). And I can’t think of a single book since the River Café Cook Book (1995) that has so thoroughly changed my own kitchen.
Yet Ottolenghi resisted the temptation to open more restaurants after Nopi. Then last summer he launched Rovi  in Fitzrovia; on the principle that I don’t try any fancy restaurant until it has O’Loughlin’s approval, I only made it there last week. And it is magnificent.
It’s a bigger space than Nopi, but with even greater attention to detail: airy, pale wood and comfortable, vaguely Nordic seating. We sat at the bar. But you’re here for the food: and as a succession of taste sensations, I’d put it up there with, for example, a visit to Albert Adrià’s celebrated Barcelona tapas joint, Tickets.
The dishes came as a cascade of delights, with us trying to pin down flavours and figure out just what was in front of us and in our mouths. This was a meal where most of our talk was about the food.
Thus we started with snacks of carrot jerky with gooseberry boshi, smoked labneh and chilli, and duck pastrami with a selection of pickles (cabbage, endive, purple carrot and something neither we nor the bar staff could identify; both dishes pictured above.) No, I don’t really know what gooseberry boshi is either: it’s hard to Google as there’s some Nintendo character of that name who gums up searches (this is food that demands a fair bit of at-table googling.) But in any case, the sum of these flavours almost defies description.
Indeed vegetables dominate the mostly small-plates menu. It’s another key part of Ottolenghi’s influence: he’s taken vegetarian food from Guardian self-righteousness – a column there was the genesis of Plenty – to bleeding-edge London foodie hip.
Using the kind of Levantine flavours we’re familiar with from him, Ottolenghi (or rather his chefs – he’s not in the kitchen here) delivers hugely satisfying vegetable dishes such as celeriac shawarma with bkeila, a spinach herb paste, and fermented tomato (pictured above). I yield to no-one in my love of lamb shawarma but this was just about enough to turn me veggie.
The big shift from Nopi is the Asian influences here: furikake (Japanese fish/seaweed seasoning), kosho (a seasoning paste with chilli), fermented black vinegar and (presumably) boshi. We loved the tempura stems and herbs with Szechuan, mandarin and lime-leaf vinegar, and a side dish of spring greens with dashi and sesame; and asparagus with wild garlic, burnt butter, lemon kosho and jalapeño.
But as those combinations suggest, these are dishes and flavours that are genuinely hard to describe – and the menu provides only an approximate guide. Take the delectable “beef carpaccio (grass fed), Jerusalem artichoke, Crowdie” (pictured above). Never mind the quality of ingredients – pink, melt-in-your-mouth rounds of beef – or that I’d never have identified the sweet-sour artichoke for what it was (pickled?), or the oddness of pairing it with a Scottish soft cheese: as an ensemble, it delivered flavours and textures greater and more unexpected than its parts.
The same is true of the astonishing desserts – something I am rarely tempted to order. Eventually we plumped for rhubarb and rose doughnuts with vanilla cream and pistachio, and five-spice pumpkin and apple fritters with clementine, buckwheat and coconut sorbet: both combinations of wonder. We left eager to taste the rest of the menu.
The wine list is fascinating and appropriately sparky, though for me it somehow doesn’t quite hang together. It’s fairly pricey: there isn’t much under £40. It is also heavy on natural wines: with our opening snacks I drank Nando rebula (ie ribolla gialla) Blue Label 2017. Having a fairly obscure Slovenian orange wine like this on a list carries a certain kudos amongst today’s hipper London sommeliers; I just thought it cidery. As for the Jurschitsch Belle Naturale grüner veltliner 2017, Kamptal, also orange (though not on the list as such), I sent it back: not only did it bear no resemblance to any GV I’ve ever tasted, it was just an unbalanced mess.
But tasting one’s way through such a list is an adventure – especially with bar staff as good as these. Ciù Ciù “Falerio” 2018, Oris Bianco, a trebbiano/pecorino-based white from the Marche region, also had some skin contact but was utterly charming. The La Raia Gavi 2018 (organic) was much more classic, beautifully clean.
Among the reds, there is Alfredo Maestro’s well-balanced Valdecastrillo Ribera del Duero 2016 by the glass. But the real discovery is Cremisan Baladi 2017, Palestine, made on an estate owned by a Catholic order in the West Bank by a Christian Palestinian winemaker. From the local baladi grape, it’s dark, juicy, not unlike cinsault, with a touch of oak. Elsewhere on the list is a trio of beautiful nebbiolos, at a price (including ones from the rarely seen Ghemme and Gattinara areas in Lombardy) as well as Christian Tschida’s intriguing and very individual Felsen II syrah 2016, Burgenland.
Rovi triumphantly takes Ottololenghi’s middle-eastern fusion cuisine to a new level. It will be interesting to see whether it spawns a cookbook. My instinct is that this is the kind of food that you simply cannot prepare at home; then again, maybe in three years’ time we’ll all be incorporating koshu and furikake into our dinner-party dishes? You read it here first.
Rovi, 59 Wells St, London W1A. 020 3963 8270.
6 May 2019
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colesterstrudel · 2 years ago
Bestie quick I need your predictions for tonight's war games 300 dollars are on the line and I have watched in the past 3 months due to late shifts so I have no idea what's going on
OOF okay I hope I’m not gonna fuck everything up for you skskskssksksk
Brawling Brutes vs bloodline: I think the brawling brutes might pull out the win bc there’s gonna be some Sami Zayn drama and set up for some title feuds with Roman
Bianca & the squad vs damage ctrl & friends: Bianca and her team win. Becky just came back, she’s not gonna be on the losing team.
R*nda vs shotzi: r*nda retains (and I’ll hate every second of it)
AJ vs Finn: I’m going with Finn but that may just be wishful thinking
Seth vs Bobby vs th*ory: Seth retains
And I think that’s all, right???
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samijen · 17 days ago
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new art for wol card
haven't test printed yet tho,,
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real-live-human · 1 year ago
4 10 15 for any oc!
4: does ori enjoy baking?
yes! they actually eventually settled down from the mercenary life to start their own bakery, after realising constantly having to fight wizards and demons and shit isn't really a profession you can grow old in. they're very happy.
10: does samiya have any regrets?
i can actually fairly confidently answer no for sami, which might be unique for my characters lmao. they've got issues of their own but in the whopping 8ish years (they're a clone dw about that) they've been alive i don't think they've really regretted anything they've done.
15: what kind of sense of humour does cricket have? or does she have one at all?
a lot of people - her former coworkers, especially - probably think of cricket as pretty humourless, but really she's just got a lot going on and was not interested in trying to enjoy her job. when she can actually relax, she has a very deadpan style of humour. also she will absolutely love any joke her younger relatives come up with.
tyvm for the ask :3
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filemfilem · 4 years ago
Po Jezeru ...
Objavljeno v Ekranu feb/mar/apr 2020
Medijski prostor televizije v samostojni Sloveniji verjetno nikoli ni bil deležen tolikšnega pričakovanja – vsaj na filmskem področju ne – kot ga je prinašala kriminalna nadaljevanka Jezero, posneta po istoimenskem romanu Tadeja Goloba. Z njo naj bi Slovenija končno dobila svojo pravo televizijsko kriminalno nadaljevanko in svoj košček televizijske popularne kulture, kakršna v tujini dominira zadnja leta. Solidno izhodišče je bilo zagotovljeno, saj gre za izjemno uspešno literarno predlogo, RTV ji je namenil precejšen delež svojih sredstev, in nadaljevanka je polnila družbene medije že pred samim začetkom. Imela je slavnostno otvoritev na Sarajevskem filmskem festivalu, dva dela pa sta nato bila prikazana tudi na LIFFEu. Predvsem pa naj bi se – tako kot predloga – naslanjala na skandinavski noir, za katerega je Slovenija seveda nadvse primerna. Če že nismo nikdar postali nova Švica, bi lahko morda postali nova Švedska.
Zasnova nadaljevanke je klasična; že Edgar Allan Poe je bil mnenja, da ni ničesar bolj tragičnega od smrti mladenke, in tudi po Jezeru priplava brezglavo truplo dekleta, primer pa po spletu okoliščin prevzameta višji inšpektor Tara Birsa (Sebastian Cavazza) in novopečena sodelavka Tina Lanc (Nika Rozman). Seveda so po žanrski in geografski nujnosti tudi tokrat sumljivi tajkuni, nesposobni mediji in zbirokratizirani šefi vedno le korak stran, oznaka podalpski noir , ki so jo seriji dodelili v Sarajevu, pa se zdi ob posnetkih sivega, ledenega Bohinja in nočne Ljubljane dovolj točna. A med vso ambicijo, da bi bila to prava, echt, skandinavska, netflixovska nadaljevanka, nekdo ponovno pozabi na scenarij in na bistvo ustvarjanja.
Pri Jezeru se je produkcija sicer potrudila doseči standard, ki smo ga v zadnjih letih vajeni s strani poplave tujih serij, in mnogi so si po premieri lahko oddahnili. Jezero je namreč prva slovenska nadaljevanka po dolgem času, za katero ne moremo reči, da ni ničemur podobna. To je v našem prostoru zaradi različnih razlogov lahko napredek, vendar pa tovrstni dosežek še zdaleč ne zagotavlja svetlejše prihodnosti slovenske televizije, saj Jezero povečini ne dosega svojihvzornikov, ko pa jih, se še vedno ujema v podobne pasti.
Seriji kljub dobrodošlo počasnemu ritmu žal uspe porabiti po petdeset minut brez kakršnegakoli pravega dogajanja, komentarja, tenzije ali karakterizacije. Kar vidimo in izvemo v prvih dveh epizodah je več ali manj tisto, kar vemo ob koncu serije – poleg identitete morilca, seveda. Čas, ki bi bil lahko namenjen razvoju, meče stran z odvečnim dialogom in odvečnimi kadri. Po določenem času se – kvalitetni – panoramski posnetki izpojejo, in gledalci ostanemo sami s prizori, ki ne prispevajo k ničemur, ter z liki, katerih genetski zapis lahko izsledimo vse do CSI-ja. Znotraj in zunaj dejanskega premikanja inšpektorjev od prizorišča do prizorišča ni skoraj ničesar. Paralelne zgodbe medčloveških odnosov, bodisi med Tarasom in njegovo ženo ter njunim krogom prijateljev, bodisi med Tarasom in Tino, so potisnjene vsakič bolj na stran, dokler se povsem ne izgubijo, čeprav bi ravno ta razmerja – v upodobitvi kvalitetnih igralcev in igralk, ki jih Jezero premore – lahko tvorila srž serije. Žanrska spretnost je vsekakor ne tvori: nihče ne more trditi, da se je vsebina umikala akciji oz. obratno, ali pa da se karakterizacija umika razpoloženju. Nasprotno, vse se odmika posnetkom Tarasovega volvota in polovičarskemu dialogu, in vse kar ostane od vsebine so klišeji politikantskih nadrejenih, lenih sodelavcev, zagovedenih lokalcev in smrdljivih Rogovcev. Še Tarasova ujetost v buržujsko sredico ženine družbe je premalo izkoriščena, medtem ko se oris glavnega lika konča pri neštetokrat poudarjenem dejstvu, da je nekoč bil alpinist ter da je alergičen na alkohol.
Na nivoju formalne detektivke pa Jezero kljub omenjenim klišejem povsem pozabi na tiste žanrske konvencije, ki bi mu prišle prav. Nekako se poskusi vpeti v klasični whodunnit, kjer tako gledalec kot detektiv iščeta krivca med osumljenci oz. neosumljenci, vendar scenarij oboje drži tako daleč stran od dogajanja, da serijo naprej pelje le gledalčeva radovednost. Eden najočitnejših primerov slabega tajminga je opazen v zadnjem delu, kjer se za končno odkritje identite žrtve porabi neverjetno veliko prizorov: Tina Lanc na RTVju izve za bivšo novinarko, ki je že pol leta pogrešana, istočasno kot to izvesta inšpektorja Osterc in Brajc, le da Tina izve še ime. Informacije se (povsem nedramatično) dopolnijo, a medtem mine dvakrat toliko časa, kolikor bi ga bilo dramaturško potrebno.
Serija bi s svojo zimo, z asocialnim, pronicljivim antiherojem, ki ne pije alkohola, in z ljubosumjem kot motivom za umor, lahko bila res pristno slovenska v smislu zvestobe svojemu okolju. Edini bolj slovenski umor je družinski prepir, edino bolj slovensko orožje pa sekira. A Jezero pokopljejo sanje o Skandinaviji – narejeno je namreč z gledalcem v mislih. Če je Gilles Deleuze predpostavljal, da se adaptacija literature zgodi uspešno le, ko pride do presečišča pisateljevega in režiserjevega problema, ter da je ustvarjanje nujnost, potem je Jezero diametralno nasprotje tega. Potreba po nenehnem ustvarjanju slovenske verzije nečesa tujega, in uporaba tujine kot referenčnosti za kvaliteto sta zelo tanek led in to se vidi na skeletu Jezera, od preobremenjenosti s forenzičnimi detajli do uvodne špice, kjer s preživeto glasbo ter kičasto sopostavitvijo narave in zločina sledijo sorodno nedomiselnim uvodom The Affair in predvsem True Detective.
Avtorji se tako ozirajo po tujem televizijskem okolju konvencije, ne v ustvarjalni nuji temveč v ustvarjalski priložnosti. Kljub vsemu stremenju k tujini pa, z izjemo podobe, ne zajamejo večine osnov, ki tvorijo tujo televizijsko ponudbo. A če nazadnje odmislimo vse kar preči Jezeru, da bi postavilo novo normo kvalitete slovenske televizijske produkcije, se lahko – pomembneje – vprašamo: kaj bo, če mu uspe do tja priti, npr. v obliki ekranizacije Golobovega drugega romana, Leninov Park? Jezero je namreč vseeno naredilo nov korak za Slovenijo: skoraj nemogoče je ločevati samo nadaljevanko od sprejema, ki jo obdaja (premiera na Sarajevskem festivalu, slovenska premiera na LIFFEu, množični odzivi na Twitterju) Dobili smo pravo sodobno serijo v smislu, da je postala del javne sfere in občega doživljanja ter medijskega mašila: Koga bi si predstavljali v vlogah za naslednjo serijo? Koga so bralci in ustvarjalci videli v naslovni vlogi? Kako je potekalo snemanje? Zakaj je zvok tako tih? Kakšen je bil proces adaptiranja romana? Okoliščine produkcije in recepcija serije se berejo kot doživljajski spis osnovnošolca.
A tudi če televizijski nasledniki Jezera premostijo vsebinski manjko ter dosežejo Netflixovo produkcijo v ostalih vidikih – kar se vseeno zdi možno – bodo s tem le dosegli nov nivo praznine in se približali artificielnosti sodobne medijske kulture. Ta se udejanja kot zastavonoša tistega, kar se je tekom 20. stoletja razvilo po besedah kritika Dwighta Macdonalda v midcult: posledico vse večje kulturne pismenosti povprečnega odjemalca, ki mu povečini niso več dovolj smeti, zabava in eskapizem temveč želi tudi estetsko in pa predvsem vsebinsko angažiranost. Slednja ponavadi svojo vsebino sistemsko reducira na paket aranžma, ki gledalca za slabo uro navidezno vključuje v poenostavljeno problematiko njegovega okolja. Že sama zabavna industrija je učinkovit agens otopelosti, ki posledično apolitizira družbo, vendar lahko midcult to stori še učinkoviteje in povsem prikrito.
Torej, Jezero nas je nekako približalo tujini in mogoče nudi prvi dokaz, da bi se pri nas nekoč dalo narediti spodobno kriminalno dramo. Obenem pa ravno omenjena nedoločenost nudi Jezeru boljše možnosti, da ne postane kopija tujih kalupov. To lahko ustvarjalci pri naslednjih adaptacijah Golobove literature uporabijo za izboljšavo, če se le osredotočijo na dejanske prednosti Jezera – torej (premalo poudarjena) kritika malomeščanskosti, počasnost, neobremenjenost z nenehnimi preobrati, šoki in ostalo instant-napetostjo. Tadej Golob pravilno meni, da se serijo gleda zaradi dialogov in posnetkov, ne pa zaradi tega, da izveš kdo je morilec. Vendar bo potrebno še dosti scenarističnega dela, da jo bomo gledali zaradi dialogov. Do takrat pa: ploskati temu je kot ploskati petletniku ki je ravno shodil. Realpolitika nam narekuje, naj mu, a je težko. Starši, sorodniki ter tisti, ki imajo enostavno radi, da čas pred televizijo mine brez cringea in v znamenju lepih posnetkov narave, pa mu verjetno bodo. Četudi Jezero, za razliko od naših dosedanjih televizijskih serij, ne odžene vsakega pol-inteligentnega gledalca v prvi minuti, in četudi je korak naprej v produkcijskem smislu, z vso svojo praznino in vsebinsko površinskostjo vsekakor ne sme biti vrhunec televizijskega programa. Serija kot je Jezero bi se lahko nekoč sicer zapisala v kroniko slovenske televizije, in v tem smislu predstavlja napredek, do takrat pa se moramo odločiti, če je mašilo res boljše od mrtvila.
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georgianonmymind · 8 years ago
რიცხვები - Georgian numbers
ნული (nuli) - 0 ერთი (erti) - 1 ორი (orI) - 2 სამი (sami) - 3 ოთხი (otxi) - 4 ხუთი (xuti) - 5 ექვსი (ekvsi) - 6 შვიდი (švidi) - 7  რვა (rva) - 8 ცხრა (cxra) - 9 ათი (ati) - 10 From 11-19 numbers are formed by a fairly regular process: თ (from ათი) + the number in the ones’ place + მეტი (more):
თერთმეტი (tertmet’i) - 11 თორმეტი (tormet’i) - 12 ცამეტი (camet’i) - 13 თოთხმეტი (totxmet’i) - 14 თხუთმეტი (txutmet’i) - 15 თექვსმეტი (tekvsmet’i) - 16 ჩვიდმეტი (čvidmet’i) - 17 ჩვრამეტი (tvramet’i) - 18 ცხრამეტი (cxrameti) - 19
Pretty regular, for the most part - that said, note the consonant combinations for 13 and 17, and the consonant switcheroo in 18.
Georgian has a base-20 system that puts French to shame: 30 is just 20+10, 31 is 20+11, 40 is 2×20, and so forth. Let’s look at some of the bigger numbers:
ოცი (oci) - 20 ოცდაერთი (ocdaerti) - 21 ოცდაათი (ocdaati) - 30 ოცდათერთმეტი (ocdatertmet’i) - 31 ორმოცი (ormoci) - 40 სამოცი (samoci) - 60 ოთხმოცი (otxmoci) - 80
Past that, things are not so tough:
ასი (asi) - 100 ას ერთი (as erti) - 101 ორასი (orasi) - 200 ათასი (atasi) - 1,000 ათი ათასი (ati atasi) - 10,000 მილიონი (milioni) - 1,000,000
One thing to notice that in contrast to English, where we use the plural with a number (as in two dog-s), Georgian uses the singular - ორი ძაღლი (ori dzağli), never *ორი  ძაღლ-ები (ori dzağl-ebi).
Thanks for reading, and happy learning! 
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marikaburcea · 8 years ago
Un colț de rai, numit Assos
Nu știu dacă ați auzit despre acest mic sat de pescari, Assos, din insula Kefalonia, cea mai mare insulă din grupul insulelor grecești ionice. Dacă nu, ați nimerit unde trebuie, vă povestesc eu despre ea, poate vă hotărâți pentru concediul viitor.
Kefalonia, situată în Marea Ionică, este o insulă frumoasă, ce m-a fermecat de mult, cu peisaje încântătoare, cu plaje spectaculoase, cine oare  nu  a auzit de plaja Mirthos, aflată mereu în top 10 plaje grecești, cele mai frumoase. Assos, satul de pescari de care fac pomenire, e relativ aproape de această plajă, nu puteți vedea una fără cealaltă, e inadmisibil. Assos, este situat în partea de nord-vest a insulei, la 36 km de capitala insulei Argostoli. Fie că veniți de acolo, depinde de unde aveți cazarea, ori de pe partea de est. Sami, Agia Efimia sau Skala, Poros, mai la sud, drumurile sunt destul de dificile, mai ales pe partea de vest, cu multe serpentine, în ac de păr, cu imagini spectaculoase, pe marginea mării, dar la o înălțime impresionantă. După ce ați văzut plaja Mirthos, chiar dacă nu ați coborât la ea, ci doar ați oprit la punctul de belvedere și ați făcut primele poze frumoase, deja puteți vedea de pe drum, mica peninsulă ce se întinde la nord, aceea este Assos. Acolo vom merge și noi acum. 
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O superbă vedere către plaja Mirthos, iar în zare în stânga, limba aceea de pământ, este Assos.
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Drumul de coastă, tot mai aproape de Assos.
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Așa este drumul spre Assos.În zare peninsula.
Ajunși în Assos, avem la dispoziție o parcare chiar acolo, după ce am ajuns pe limba de pământ. De aici ne vom deplasa pe jos. Satul e mic, sunt doar cca 100 de locuitori, casele mici, frumos colorate sunt așezate de -a lungul petecului de pământ, de o parte și  alta, O luăm la plimbare la dreapta pe străduța ce ne apare în cale, singura dealtfel, care duce către piațeta satului, centrul localității. Casele sunt frumoase, vopsite în culori calde, pastelate, cu multe flori frumos mirositoare. Ici-colo, pe lângă case sunt mici ieșiri în trepte spre micuța plajă cu pietre, dar frumos amenajată cu șezlonguri și umbrele, mărginită de câteva terase.
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Parcarea, imediat cum ajungem în sat, pe deal se vede castelul venețian.
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Casele înșirate lângă malul apei.
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Culoarea mării, albastră, azurie.
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În partea cealaltă, o mică plajă la umbra unor copaci, pini și chiparoși.
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De acolo, o privire spre satul cocoțat pe deal.
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Marea, calmă și liniștită.
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Vedere de la plajă spre dealul unde este castelul.
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Culorile mării, în stânga se vede aleea spre castel.
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Pe această străduță o luăm spre centrul satului.
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Case frumoase, garduri elegante, decorate cu flori colorate.
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Nu-i așa că e frumos? Oare nu ați putea sta aici?
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Aproape fiecare casă are o astfel de ieșire spre plajă.
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Micuța plajă din centrul satului cu pietriș alb.
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Dar frumos amenajată cu umbreluțe și șezlonguri.
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Și câteva terase la marginea plajei.
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Pe deal se vede castelul Assos.
 Acesta a fost construit în secolul XVI, mai precis 1584, pentru apărare împotriva atacurilor piraților. Azi sunt numai ruine, zidurile exterioare, pe o suprafață foarte mare. Accesul se face pe o alee reabilitată cu fonduri europene, se poate merge numai pe jos, la mijlocul drumului este o biserică foarte veche, Biserica Maicii Domnului din  Plakoula, dar aici și azi se mai țin slujbe, de exemplu se fac nunți., cum am prins și noi la întoarcere de la castel.
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Biserica mai sus pomenită.
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Aviz amatorilor, spre castel.
Să aveți la voi, ceva apă, încălțăminte comodă, un aparat foto absolut necesar, o să aveți priveliști de vis.
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Începem să urcăm iar peisajul deja se așterne parcă la picioare.
 Dacă ați obosit pe marginea aleii sunt bănci pentru odihnă, puteți zăbovi puțin la umbra unui pin sau chiparos. 
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Aleea spre castel. Se vede și castelul.
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Am ajuns destul de sus încât să admirăm satul.
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Aleea șerpuitoare, cu bănci pentru odihnă.
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Și iată am ajuns la castelul Assos. 
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Prin curtea castelului, ruine.
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Vedere de sus, din cel mai înalt punct.
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Coborâm de la castel, culorile mării ne fascinează.
Mai facem un tur pietonal spre piațeta din centru. Aici este un monument dedicat soldaților  francezi care au luptat alături de greci, Tunurile stau poziționate spre castel, ca pentru apărare.
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În centrul satului, lângă monument.
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Și monumentul de care vă spuneam.
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În piațeta satului, mesele ne  invită la un prânz delicios.
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Sunt și case în ruine, urmări ale cutremurului din 1953, care au farmecul lor.
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Apărând castelul.
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La pas prin Assos.
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Nuanțe și culori.
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Dovada că am trecut pe acolo.
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Assos, un loc de vis.
După cum spuneam, aici este un mic colț de rai. Dacă vreți liniște și relaxare, pentru că asta găsiți aici. Nu căutați cluburi, viață de noapte, nu e așa ceva. Doar puteți închiria o barcă să vă plimbați la cele câteva plaje presărate de-a lungul țărmului, la care doar pe mare se poate ajunge. 
Ce ziceți, v-am dat o idee? 
Despre Kefalonia,mai detaliat, într-un alt post. 
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combatpetals · 6 years ago
sami:  uwu
ori: .u. 
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