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chord overstreet
Best: It’s so weird that we’ve known each other since our dark ages of glee shipping and have never played in an RP together lol. But okay, faves are definitely samuelevansroleplays and samevansroleplays. Both Matti and Liz take Sam seriously unlike so much of the community and make a very realistic portrayal of him. I played against them both in very different settings with different characters and adore both of their interpretations.
Worst: I can’t think of specific samples. Thankfully most of my Sam’s in long lasting RPs are top notch. There was another RP that only lasted for about a week or two and I wasn’t overly fond of the Sam but it wasn’t like terrible.
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glad you could pounce to my level and hand out a clawver bday greeting. ;)
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“you’re too good for her/him.” / he/she can’t make you feel the way i make you feel.” / “do they know we’re together?”
“You’re too good for him.”
“Oh, is that what they’re calling it now?” Marley peered over in Sam’s direction after amoment or two, raising her eyebrows at him for a second with a smirk twistingup at her lips. She snagged hiscigarette from his pinched fingers after a moment or two, taking a drag andtrying to pretend that was actually something that she was capable of doingwithout choking on her own lungs.
“Jake is fine,” she added on after a second or two,shrugging her shoulders and leaning back against the brick wall of the grocerystore from where she was due to return from her break at least fifteen minutesago. She looked back at Sam all overagain. “Are you jealous?”
The look flickering in Sam’s eyes back at her was one thatclearly indicated that he didn’t recognize her, not anymore. The girl standing in front of him today wasmerely a shell of the girl who he’d known back in grade school, but wasn’t thatthe way it worked? “Okay, Simon Camden,you can spare me the whole 7thHeaven lecture that I can tell is bubbling up on your tongue.” She dropped his cigarette to the ground,stamping it out with the toe of her shoe.
“People change. Shithappens.” Her mother never would have let her swear. She herself still didn’t like the way itsounded falling from her lips. “We can’tall be the preacher’s son, you know,” she added on after a second. “At some point, you learn that you have totake what happens to you, suck it up, and move on.”
Marley stepped away from the wall, making her way backtoward the door but pausing to look back at him one last time. “I don’t have plans with him tomorrow, if you’reinterested.”
She disappeared back into the store before he could answer.
“He can’t make you feel the way I make you feel.”
“Are you still going on about this?”
Marley looked up at him with an incredulous look on herface, before she was going back to the task at hand which was, of course, logically, painting her toenails withher feet planted in Sam’s lap and her body hovering against his on the couch. “You and I both know that you’re not stickingaround after graduation, and there will be twelve dozen girls just like QuinnFabray waiting for you wherever you wind up.”
She bit down on her lip, pretending like she was reallyfocused on nail polish colors so that Sam couldn’t see the way her bottom lipwas threatening to quiver, making her feel like she was eleven-years-old andweak against her father all over again – helpless, unable to do anything butjust sit there.
Marley was eleven when she’d started buildingup her walls of defense, and it had taken six and a half years and one SamEvans to take a wrecking ball to the whole thing and try to bring back the girlwho wore braided pigtails and read Anneof Green Gables in her spare time.
“So, yeah, I’m pretty well aware that he’s not you, and I’m also pretty well aware that I’m not getting thedream house at this point, so just let me do me and you do you.”
There were a million rebuttals at the tip of Sam’s tongue,but he just kissed her instead.
“Do they know we’re together?”
There were different ways that she could answer thequestion, obviously, but Marley was still stubbornly wearing her defensemechanisms like a badge of honor, so of course, sarcasm was the quickestapproach.
“I think we’d have to actually be together in order for people to know we’re together,” she pointed out, looking back at him witharched eyebrows. She saw the lookflickering on his face, though. It wassimilar to the one Quinn had made him have when she turned him down for theprom, it was the same one he had when Brittany dumped him in front of theclass.
…she didn’t want to make him look like that.
She hated that anyone felt like they had the power to makesomeone as genuinely and honestly goodas Sam look like that.
“No,” she finally said softly after another moment or two,shaking her head back at him and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “But it’s not like I really have some longline of friends knocking down my door to ask me about my dating life anyway.” She bit down on her bottom lip, debating onreturning a question of her own for a few moments before her eyes were back onhim.
“Have you told anyone about us?” she turned the questionaround. “Do your parents know? Stacey? Stevie?” Her foot scuffed along the ground for a second, eyes followingas her eye contact confidence wore thin.
“I’m going to take that as a no.”
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Liz stop reblogging Blam. I love Sam coaching New Directions, but the fact that Blam isn’t together on a daily basis pains me. Why are you doing this?
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"I'm tired of being your second choice." / "I was in love with you and you took advantage of it." / "Can I kiss you?"
“I’m tired of being your second choice.”
It took Hallie a second to actually realize and piecetogether in her mind just what it was that Milo was saying to her.
“My secondchoice?” she echoed his words, looking down at the apron slung around herwaist for a second, wiping her hands absentmindedly more to give her somethingto do than anything else, before looking back at him. “In what universe have you ever been a second choice to me?”
She knew what he meant, though. She couldn’t believe that he of all peoplecould be so bratty or selfish, but she knewwhat he meant. “Second to college? Second to staying close to home? That’s what you think?”
A laugh escaped her, then. A bitter one, one that lacked most traces of humor. “Yeah, that’s what I did,” she said, staringback at him with a flat and annoyed expression flickering on her face. “I decided to let the one person I really gave a shit about slip by becauseyou were the second choice.”
“You’re the onewho left, Fitz. Remember that?”
“I was in love with you and you took advantage of it.”
“Oh, you are such ababy,” Hallie teased, swiping the pad along the corner of Milo’s mouth justlong enough to get a decent bit of ice cream onto her finger before popping itinto her mouth. “All I did was beat you –fair and square, might I add, because I don’t cheat – at Scrabble. And I, personally, think that is a very impressive feat, thank you verymuch.”
She bumped her shoulder to his, taking another lick out ofher ice cream cone before she was tightening her hold on Bosco’s leash to keephim in place before looking back at Milo. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, a Scrabble proposal would have been adorable, but as a writer, I expect morefrom you. A bit more oomph, if you will.”
Hallie kept her gaze fixed on Milo for another second ortwo, letting out a laugh at the sad puppy look in his big blue eyes before shewas leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips, open mouthed and a littlemessy, and all she could taste was mint chocolate chip. “I’ll say yes to any proposal that doesn’t involve me getting thrown off myScrabble game.”
“Can I kiss you?”
That’s how it had first happened. When they were fourteen and didn’t know whatthey were doing, had no idea where to put their hands or how to move theirmouth. When they didn’t know the mechanicsof a kiss, thought tongues felt strange when they slipped against one another,when they were convinced they couldfeel each other’s hearts beating through their chests.
That was how it had started. With the question, being shyly asked with Hallie scuffing the toe of herConverse against the gravel with her fingers twisting nervously around eachother and her top teeth all but piercing her bottom lip.
So, it was kind of poetic, really, that it came back tothat. The tables were turned this time,though. This time, it was Milo asking.
She just wished it was on better circumstances.
She just wished it wasn’t a goodbye kiss, but that was exactly what it was.
Because Milo was leaving. Milo was going to take over the world. He was going to be a writer, a bigone – maybe he didn’t believe it all the time, but she knew that hewould. She could feel it through every fiber of her being. He was going to be famous, and successful,and it was all going to happen for him. Every single part of it.
She’d been foolish, hadn’t she? I mean, the guy had left over two years ago, and he comes back forChristmas break, comes back for two weeksafter they’d gone for so long without talking, and she thought that everythingwould magically work out? Did fictional pixieslive in her brain or something?
“Yeah,” she said softly, and she was taking a nervous steptoward him and she was kissing him like she was desperate for air.
She was kissing him like it would be the very last time sheever would.
And it was.
#samevansroleplays#asks#halo feels#askmeme#liz tag#//TURNS ANGST INTO FLUFF BC HAVE YOU MET ME#i mean usually i go the other way bUT HEY they'll be angsty enough
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[text] I know that we don’t always get along but I really do miss you.
SEBASTIAN: Yeah, I sort of figured that from what I hard on Z100 this morning.SEBASTIAN: Not every day you have a guy singing a song he just wrote for you for everyone in the New York area and in possession of a satellite radio to hear, so. [FIVE MINUTES LATER] SEBASTIAN: Breakfast tonight?
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! - choose your own adventure 😏
Who was the one to propose: SAM. i mean, it could really be either one of them because they’re both very, very #YAYMARRIAGE and they both definitely want to get married so it’s really just a matter of time before one of them is going to ask anyway, and they totally both have rings bought for each other. it’s merely a matter of who actually does the proposing first, and sam wins.
Who stressed more over wedding planning: blaine, no contest. and he totally spazzes out over every little detail because he so desperately wants every part of it to be perfect and sam literally does not care at all about that sort of thing and he’s just like dude we could get married under a bridge, i don’t care. and blaine’s just like A BRIDGE?!?!?!?!?!!?!? and yeah, just don’t joke with blaine during wedding season!!!!!!
Who decorated the house: they both did! i mean, blaine was the one who technically made all the ~decisions~ but sam was with him for every part of it and they definitely have seven different fictional character waffle irons because of sam, lbr. blaine wanted to have all the house specifically themed and color-coordinated, but there are so many touches that are just SAM.
Who is more organized: blaine, no contest. he has a planner for his planner, he takes this shit very very seriously. blaine is more organized about things, but sam is really good at planning things like cute dates and stuff!!!
Who initiates bedroom fun: they both do. like, there’s no one person in charge there, they both know what they want, and they know that the other will go along with it. and they always do.
Who suggested kids first: sam! he sooooo wants to fill the world with mini blaines just as much as blaine wants to fill the world with mini sams. they argue about names before even suggesting that they want a kid, and then sam is the one to be like, “let’s do it.” (and for the record, they first had this conversation when they were, like, fifteen. so.)
Who’s more dominant: they both can be when they want to be, and they’re very good at taking turns. sam likes it when blaine gets aggressive in the bedroom, and blaine very much likes getting pinned down.
Who’s the cuddler: THEY’RE CUDDLE MACHINES! so many of these answers are “BOTH OF THEM” bc honestly. blaine’s height would make you think that he’s the little spoon, naturally, but blaine actually likes being the big spoon and holding sam up close to him with his chin tucked over his shoulder and his face buried in his neck.
What’s their favorite non-sexual activity: everything! like, they’re best friends and they’ve been best friends forever, and that pretty much means that anything they do together is their favorite thing to do - and that, in large part, is because of the sheer fact that they already do everything together as it is. that’s just the way they roll.
Who kills the spiders: sam. he tells blaine to go do it, but then he’s always the one taking charge. or they tell their dog to do it, but whichever dog it is, they just bat at it for a second and then get bored and walk away.
Who falls asleep first: sam totally passes out first. blaine stays awake a little longer because he’s reading or bingewatching something in bed that sam’s not nearly as invested in or worrying about work. and then he’s the first one up in the morning, so who knows when this kid sleeps tbh.
Who is louder? dude, this is blam. LOUD is their middle name. sam takes victory in the fact that he can make blaine scream, and blaine takes pride in the fact that he can actually, like, make sam silent. like they’re that good, okay.
Who is more experimental? sam, probably. but blaine always goes along with everything that sam comes up with, it’s more than blaine likes to act like he’s too bashful about that sort of thing to actually ask, even if that’s really not the case.
Do they fuck or make love? BOTH. like, with them, it’s always making love because everything that they do together totally stems from this big place of love and adoration, so even when they’re fucking super hard and slamming each other against walls or windows or counters or headboards or wherever, it’s still out of love, always.
Who is more likely to be caught masturbating? they usually take care of that for each other, let’s be real, and if they’re being caught, it’s just because the other was taking too much time and they got impatient and LET’S GO ALREADY I’M STARTING WITHOUT YOU. or one of them comes home from work and finds the other and then it’s just a matter of “here, let me help.” ta-da!
Who comes first? they come together. it’s their thing. so even if one of them comes first, the other is always very, very quickly behind.
Who is better at oral and who prefers it? sam is better at it (not that blaine’s bad at it, but he just thinks sam is honestly the god of the universe so of course sam is better at it), and blaine prefers receiving it because he can get his hands in sam’s hair and pull as much as he wants. but sam would say that he prefers to get it for pretty much the same reason, HE GETS TO PULL BLAINE’S HAIR! IT’S GREAT!
Who usually initiates things? i s2g this questions is earlier what’s the difference between “things” and “bedroom fun” what else is there to initiate? bill paying? blaine probably nags, I DON’T KNOW WHAT THIS QUESTION IS ASKING.
Who is more sensitive? they’re both very sensitive in their own ways, but they are also both more than capable of handling themselves and taking care of each other.
Who has the most patience? sam would say that it’s him because, god, blaine’s a handful, but sam’s pretty impatient by nature, so blaine’s definitely the more patient of the two. even if he can be impatient about certain things when he needs to be too. all these questions could be answered with either of them i totally failed this idc love me anyway
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someone should tell samevansroleplays that it is almost 6am for her aND SHE SHOULD BE ASLEEP
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