#same with strong perfumes and stuff
tea-earl-grey · 1 year
every time I get an asthma attack from existing in an indoor public place because someone is smoking they should have to pay for the $75 of asthma meds I take every month.
(disclaimer – I fully support the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana. i just also support the right for people with respiratory disabilities and sensitivities to exist)
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inkykeiji · 1 year
Hi Clari what type of perfume do you and your bf use? Cause I use a bunch and bf usually smells like whiskey and cigarettes and I usually try to spray him with one of mine since my nostrils are extremely sensitive and he makes my nose scrunch up I always been the sweet sugary girl and he’s much of the sour and strong. He still loves me and I still love him he’s such a daddy material ahhh I love him sm.
hi!!! so my favourite perfume ever & my ‘signature scent’ is jimmy choo eau de toilette which, to me, smells like freshly washed white linen hung out to dry on a crisp summer day HAHAHA. the other fragrance i wear often is jimmy choo eau de parfum, which is a lot sweeter n rly flirty + playful to me. i am really loyal to these two fragrances and i don’t really wear much else, but the other perfume i love is ysl black opium eau de parfum! v sexy, great for a night out imo.
my boyfriend has a very sensitive nose and he doesn’t like things that smell too strongly so he doesn’t wear anything other than standard deodorant, with old spice being the brand he favours (idk the specifics, he switches between a few of them). other than that, he naturally smells like clean laundry & whiskey when he decides to have a glass at night! c:
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deepmochi · 8 months
SYNASTRY: Venus in the houses (7th-12th) part 2
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Note: Honestly, I had a draft for the 2nd part, but probably I deleted by mistake, or tumblr did it (idk). Maybe, That's why I thought I already posted the 2nd part, but I was wrong.
Part 1 🩷
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♡ Venus in the 7th house ♡
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These couple usually views commitment as all or nothing, are you in or not? They have strong values about true love, and they will follow them. Love is viewed as a contract by their souls or hearts. If they break any aspect proposed, they know it's the end. They can be reflections of themselves either the good or the bad. When the contract is done, it's over. The Venusian sees the house person as a very stable being. They feel safe and prepared for them. These two may live together before the year of knowing each other romantically. The pair just feel ready when it's about commitment. The house natives perceive the Venusian as very "wife/husband" material for them. With this overlay, their personalities blend well and work together. It feels natural for both of you to be close and intimate together. For others is moving too fast, and for them is easy to become intimate with each other. The seventh house person fits well for the planet native. These two feel like it's a soulmate connection, very easy. You’re both drawn to please each other. It's a very strong connection for long-term relationships. It takes time for them to move on if they ever break up. If Venus has bad aspects, it can be a toxic relationship. The reason for this, it's that they prefer to stay together instead of being alone or start something new. Intimate gesture like hugs and someone hand guiding the other. Cooking dates and going out at night the most. "Here, I bought this?";morning texts: " how are you today? My day...." "Can I call you, I miss your voice"; " My mom ask if we can go to her party?" ; "we should go to that restaurant"; Formal clothes; "hey, look me, they don't know how worthy you are". They like to spend time with people they love. Balance. If Venus cooks today, the house will do it tomorrow. Wearing nice clothes and a good perfume to impress the other. Compliments and physical touches, especially kisses in the cheek. Cheesy things like love letters. Having "the song" or the place.
♡ Venus in the 8th house ♡
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These two have a different kind of love. The Venusian feels like the house person bring something in them that they can explain. Sometimes, these people have taboos to share. Death has impact their lives. The house person may become obssess with the planet person. Sex isn't a way emerger together. Usually, they possess the same interest in taboo topics. In the beginning, Venus feels attracted to the house, but it's also scared of them. Their sexual energy is intense. The 8th house person wants to know the Venusian's secrets and fears. Both are possessive, but the house win the round. They detest when their partner don't respect them. Their relationship status will remain a secret for the public eye (in the beginning). They would share many things even traumas (if hardly aspected). The house native will protect the Planet from the world. Sex can be very intimate or aggressive (bsdm stuff). These people will not be the same they were when they met. For them, love is intense and transformational. The house feels that the Venus native is trustworthy, but they need to see their actions. Holding hands during intimate times. During sex they will talk and have intense stares. "I don't like that person, be aware of them", "Here, use this for yourself"; "if you need money, just let me know"; "don't lie to me, I know you are sad"; his/her hand on your thing while eyes are on the road; taking notes of your gestures. They have weird hobbies together and enjoy dark humor too. Moonlight sex and long sessions.
♡ Venus in the 9th house♡
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These individuals perceive love as a new adventure and try to go with the flow. If they're mature, they prefer to maintain a very healthy relationship. Both prefer to travel and know about new places and cultures. Love is not as other say. They may prefer to do things their way. Venusian isn't instantly involve, but they see the house as interesting. For the house native, the planet is nice an attractive, but they will not force things. The house native could be older than the Venusian. The house person likes the planet manners and life vision the most. They see the commitment as an experience. Sometimes, marriage isn't obligatory requirement. They may enjoy walks, museum, and play board games. One could be from another country or have a different culture. Their relationship presents a new chapter in their lives and their families. Besides, they like to engage in intellectual debates, maybe they are into philosophy. If they broke up, they will try to be professional or move on. They can meet later in life after maturing. It's likely that you will work together or in the same environment. Having a child or more is possible, so use protection. "Look at here, we can travel here"; "aww, baby, you were right they declare that"; ["I really want to buy that book" / "baby, you have that book already"]; Saving for vacations; buying each other souvenirs or antique objects as gifts; reading books and doing small debates about it; *knowing each other during trips, universities, conferences, cultural events, and religious activities" Buying new book editions. They love to try new foods or learn about new places together. They could meet while traveling or in college.
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♡ Venus in the 10th house♡
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Coworkers to lover vibes. They are comfy with being mature. Similarly to the previous combo, the house partner is the older one or has more experience. This partner also has more dominant energy. They could meet in different levels. The negative aspect is that they could be very nitpicking and too logical when it comes to love. The planet individual sees the house person as straightforward and mature. Partnership is very important; it's like a contract. If one of the part broke a part of the deal, it's done. They can work together or met during college (last year), conference or work related things. They are straightforward and mature when approaching the other. If badly aspect it, they have an issue with power imbalance (not good at all). Big egos over emotions, this is the start of arguments. They plan their dates. The planet person accepts that the house individual cares for their image and professional life. The Venusian isn't afraid of being a home stayed wife. Here the Venusian knows and appreciates the house efforts to balance their stability. Nonetheless, the house person must value the venusian support. Doing plans after they leave the work; caring for the other in profesional settings; making food or leaving notes in the stuff *you can do it* in their computer. Making each other feel valuable "Here, i make you favorite food"; let's celebrate your new position"; *making time to luch together*; naming the other whenever they can "I'm grateful for my wife meals and support"; giving gifts and showing their s/o in public. Even thought people think they aren't super romantic, they will try to match things. It could be rings, watches or wearing the same brand. Looking good.
♡ Venus in the 11th house♡
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Love depicts a friend to lover storyline where both care for dreams and humanity. It's very possible that they met when they were helping other people. The Venusian fits the house's ideal type. They seem more friendlier than other couples. You wouldn't think they were dating at first. They prefer to joke around, but they love each other. The Venusian share the dreams the house native have for life. It's also likely that they like each other in the future, even if they met since birth. They prefer to have experience with love before settling down. Its common to see them as "I thought they were only friends". The Venusian sees the house person as humanitarian, reliable and interesting. Stay protected because big family can be a thing. Moreover, the must clarify about what is a family. The house perceives the planet native as beautiful and too much to some people. Together, they will form a very unique pair and family. Regardless Venusian feel the planet as hopeful person. The eleventh house person sees a future with the venusian because they feel understood. Love for the house is independent, and the venusian can see this as as a relief. Making fun of the other in a non hurtful way. "I can't deal with you right now *kiss them*"; "Alexa plays titanic's song" *grabs the venusian and starts dancing*; *hugs their s/o when they're cooking*; being romantic when they're alone; sending spicy texts "come home, I'm ready"; talking about the future; matching devices or wallpapers; a lot of trust, they share passwords. Having the same or similar friends. They like to help other people. Donating for other people as a hobby or helping to people who need. Dates in the nature. Cleaning beaches, rivers or places.
♡ Venus in the 12th house♡
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Love is simple but blurry. They can't get confused in how they love. The house sees the Venusian see them as the real deal. The planet perceive the house native as too good for them. There are some blurry aspects that they don't understand. When this synastry happens, it can feel too blurry for outsiders. Sometimes, they feel as friends and others as partners. At times, they hide their feelings without realizing or because they don't want to hurt the other. The house may hide their crush for the planet (too well). The Venus feel like the house person hides things for them. The house native don't want to bother the venusian. The house wants to give all they have to the venusian without having a concrete reason (maybe they are friends, but they are their #1 friend). This connection feel very special even divinely guided. The house is very observant with the Venusian Different backgrounds, it's possible that the house person has faith or not. One (usually the venusian) is more intuitive. Venus comes to open the house's eyes to other knowledge. The house will do all they can, so the venusian is happy. They can be soulmates (even non platonic). On the negative side, they don't have good communication because they avoid confronting each other. Both have experience paranormal activity, but only one believes more. The Venus person will try to invite the house to their home (pure opening of their soul). The Venusian can be quite delulu, but the house see it as funny or special. They met when something is ending for the Venusian. Romantic times, home dates, asking the other about things or traumas carefully, a special vibe around them. *Big smiles and shiny eyes*, "I buy you this; you tell me two months ago around 9pm" "aww thank you", "are you sleeping well?" - "yes" , *astrology or tarot talks* "can you give your birth time?" - "12:34 am" " it was bad?" "No, we match". Talk about paranormal activities like any other topic, special dates, random celebrations, secret spots, discreet dates, spirtual conection, they may understand the other, but can't explain it.
Take what resonates only. 💚
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
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Prosecutor!Hotch x reader warnings: language, teasing, semi public sex, smut. This might be my last one shot for a while, I'm likely going to be working on one shots in tandem with the series I want to wrap up, but only be posting the series for a while. This plan is so that when I eventually get back to work (cause yes, we shut down again and the job I was *guaranteed* to have over the break was pulled out from under me at 2am the day we closed by the same ppl who promised it to me...) i have a lot of stuff finished to queue so y'all aren't empty handed lol. Like Hotch and don't want to miss out?! Sign up for the taglist here! Enjoy what you're reading or want to prioritize a request? But me a ko-fi! 🩵🫶🏻
Aaron had been eyeing you up since you’d refused his plea deal back at the precinct, then again, he’d been eyeing you up for what felt like years already. He found it incredibly hard not to, you were always well dressed, clothes fitted, likely designer and tailored perfectly for you, never a hair out of place, your lips coated in a shade that complimented your skin perfectly and made him want to kiss you until he felt drunk. He had yet to win a case against you and shamefully felt like his attraction towards you was more or less the reason, constantly distracted while you did your crosses, feeling admiration at the way you spoke, wrapping the jury around your perfectly manicured finger rather than annoyed that you were swaying them against his client. His eyes raking up your form, trying not to linger to much on your curves perfectly accented by your skirt suits, feeling the rush of adrenaline when you’d suddenly turn back to the gallery, nearly catching his eye before cocking a brow or sending him a smirk, a sure fire sign that you knew you were about to win.
The lingering glances went both ways of course, you happened to be just that much more subtle about it, your eyes on Hotch while your ears were still vehemently listening to his questioning, ready to object whenever you could. You were able to play it off easier than he was, barely giving him a glance before you would redirect the witness and be whisking past him to the stand, a whiff of your perfume enough to intoxicate him for a moment.
It wasn’t a flirtation, it wasn’t a trend of ‘will they, won’t they’ it was rather a game of cat and mouse. Who was going to give in, who was going to be the victor and rightfully claim their prize, though it was a constant guessing game between the two of you of who was the predator and who was the prey. You flaunted yourself more often than he did, clothing in rich colours, pulling focus in the court room, designer heels that brought you up closer to his eyeline, shiny pieces of jewelry placed in just the right spots to have him glancing where he wouldn’t otherwise. Aaron rarely even opted for a colourful tie, leaving practically everything to your imagination, which honestly, you weren’t complaining about.
But it wasn’t just about the over the top professional and shark like performances in the courtroom that drew you to each other. It was the more candid and intimate moments when he would show up at your office to drop off a warrant or barter through an offer. Catching you halfway through lunch, your blazer off, exposing more skin, the curve of your breast peeking out over the top of your blouse when you bent over your desk to grab something. The more casual way you spoke, the way you insulted your client, agreeing that they were an idiot, the way the word ‘fuck’ rolled off your tongue so perfectly he wished he could hear you moaning it.
The judge called for lunch and Aaron felt like he could barely keep up with your stiletto powered steps in the hallway as you sauntered towards the elevator. Quips and teasing jabs were volleyed back and forth as the stern tone of the courtroom dissipated and a playful nature took over between the two of you. Aaron’s large hand, warm and strong was suddenly on your waist, guiding you out of the way of incoming foot traffic and it practically electrified your senses. Your hand wrapped around his wrist, nails tickling his skin and he felt himself twitch in his pants, suddenly intoxicated by the smell of your shampoo as your head whipped around to look at him.
Neither of you were entirely sure how you’d ended up behind the locked door of a spare witness prep room, but you weren’t going to complain about the way Aaron had you pinned up against the wall as he kissed you. There was a fire behind it, deep and passionate as you battled for dominance, one of his hands on your hips, pressing you harder into the wall while the other one tangled into your hair. Your hands looped over his shoulders, nails scratching at his scalp while you tried to resist the urge to wrap your legs around his waist. You nipped at his lower lip and he retaliated by slipping his tongue into your mouth, commanding the kiss, his hand cupping your cheek, holding you directly where he wanted as his hips rolled against yours, pressing his growing hard on into you. You couldn’t help the moan you let out into the kiss, your tongue moving with grace right along Aaron’s, his free hand crept up your body, palming at your chest and you broke the kiss with a gasp. He took full advantage, mouth moving across your jaw until he was peppering kisses down the side of your neck and your hands were tugging at your blazer, dropping it to the floor once it was off your body.
“This is a one time thing!” You panted, hands clawing at his back as his teeth sunk into your neck, his head nodding ever so slightly when his tongue lapped out to soothe the burn of the bite. You felt the tingle burn its way through you, starting from where his mouth was on you, working down you body to where he was pawing at your chest, all the way to in between your legs where it burst into flame.
“Now why would you say that?” He muttered, a devilish smile on his kiss swollen lips and a dark gleam in eyes and you huffed, grabbing his wrist to direct his hands back to your body.
“Oh just shut up and stop being a tease.” You growled and he laughed.
“Yes Counselor.”
Aaron ducked his head once again, but this time to the other side of your neck, leaving a trail of messy kisses up it until he reached your lips again, swallowing down your moans and whimpers. Your leg wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to you so you could roll your hips, your panties dampening with each time your cunt brushed at his clothed cock. He let out a small groan, his cock throbbing in his pants at just the thought of being buried deep inside you. His hands found the hem of your skirt, bunching it up around your waist before one of them sunk between your legs, palming at you through the flimsy fabric of your underwear. He moaned against your lips, the heel of his hand rubbing at your clit while his fingers gently massaged your pussy, your hips jolted toward the touch, a whine escaping your lips before you nipped at his.
A smirk broke out on his lips at your neediness and he nudged your panties to the side, fingers running through your folds, collecting your wetness before rubbing at your clit. You broke the kiss with a gasp, your forehead resting on his as you panted, whimpers and quiet moans coming from your lips.
“Please…” you murmured, your eyes fluttering shut at the way he was toying with you and he swiftly slid two fingers into your pussy, letting out a groan as he did so.
“Fuck sweetheart.” He cooed, “you’re so wet.” His fingers began lazily pumping, the heel of his hand still brushing over your swollen clit with each thrust.
“What did I say about teasing?” You grumbled, a hand sinking between your bodies to palm at his cock through his pants and he let out a hiss, his fingers curling inside you. Your breath caught in your throat, hips grinding down into his touch.
“Have to warm you up honey…” he groaned softly, rocking his hips into your hand, “don’t want to hurt you.”
You could only manage a noncoherent string of words, muffled by his shoulder as your head fell forward when his fingers curled inside you again, hitting your g-spot on the first try. Your pussy began to flutter around him as he scissored and curled his fingers, your juices leaking down his wrist. His free hand began to paw at the neckline of your shirt, pulling it down just enough to pull your tits out and his mouth wrapped around one of your nipples, sucking it into his mouth and you let out a moan, your head falling back onto the wall behind you. The hand Aaron had inside you picked up the pace, thrusting deeper into you, wet sounds from your pussy accompanying your quiet moans while your thighs trembled. Your hands shot to his belt, quickly undoing it in order to actually get into his pants and he groaned against your skin when your hand rubbed at his cock through his briefs, the leaking beads of pre-cum smearing against the fabric. Your fingers slid into the waistband of his briefs, shoving them and his pants down just enough for his cock to spring free and his teeth sunk into the curve of your chest as the cool air sent a shiver of pleasure through his body.
“This feels dirty.” You muttered, palming at his length and he chuckled, finally pulling away from your chest as his fingers continued to stretch you out. A piece of his normally styled hair fell forward over his forehead as he glanced down at you with dark eyes, his breath hot on your lips when he spoke.
“That’s because it is.”
“Then hurry up and fuck me already.” You groaned, your body jolting as he curled his fingers once more before pulling them out of your cunt and you let out a whine, grabbing his wrist to suck his fingers into your mouth, tongue lapping around them to get all your juices off.
“Fuck..” Aaron felt any coherent thought leave his brain as his cock throbbed, your eyes not leaving his until your lips parted with a gasp and you let his fingers drop from your mouth and he was able to surge forward, capturing you in a kiss, tongue diving into your mouth in an attempt to taste you. “I don’t have a condom.” He murmured against your lips and your leg wound around his waist again, grinding your pussy against his pulsing cock.
“I don’t fucking care.”
That was all he needed to wrap a hand around his cock, lining it up with your soaked pussy before thrusting forward and sinking fully into you. Your legs eagerly wrapped around his waist as he shoved you into the wall, hips meeting yours as his head buried into the crook of your neck, your cunt already fluttering around him.
“Fuck…” The swear was mutual, you’d never felt so full and stretched out as you were around him, his cock reaching deeper inside you than you’d ever imagined. You were so wet, so warm, Aaron felt like he could combust in that exact moment, but he knew he wanted to feel you for so much longer.
Reluctantly, he pulled out until just the tip was still wrapped in your pussy and set a steady pace fucking you against the wall, knowing neither of you really had that much time. Your whimpers and moans right in his ear were more than enough to drive him wild, picking up the pace, feeling the way your cunt was squeezing around him with each thrust. Your hands clawed at his back, one wrapping around the back of his head, fingers threading through his previously perfectly styled hair. Your lips latched onto the side of his neck directly below his ear, the only visible spot of skin in that area, leaving sticky kisses. In any other moment he’d be worried about the shade of your lipstick transferring to his collar but right now all he could think about was how your pussy felt wrapped around him.
Each thrust of Aaron’s hips you could feel every ridge and vein of his cock dragging over your walls, every time you squeezed around him you could feel him twitch inside you and it drove you wild. He started to grope at your chest again and your head fell back against the wall, thighs trembling around his waist.
“Fuck that feels good.” You murmured, and he fucked into you harder, his hips snapping into yours and you nearly let out a yelp.
“Quiet pretty girl.” He panted, his hand quickly clapping over your mouth, “can’t have anyone know what we’re up to.”
You nodded the best you could, your moans and whines now muffled by his large hand, your breath hot on his fingers. The sensation made his dick twitch inside you, a low swear on his breath when your lips began to kiss at his hand, your tongue surging out, wrapping around one of the digits and pulling it into your mouth. Aaron knew he wasn’t going to last very long with the way you were sucking on his fingers, your moans muffled around them while he fucked deeper into you, his cock absolutely throbbing while your thighs gripped around his waist tighter. His free hand sunk between your bodies, finding your clit and beginning to rub, your teeth scraped against his fingers when he increased the pressure, matching the speed of his thrusts.
Your pussy clenched down around his cock, juices smearing around him with each pass of his fingers and your head dropped against the wall again. Pleasure was shooting through you and if it wasn’t for his hand covering your mouth you were certain the entire floor would know exactly what you were up to. Aaron had you seeing stars already, your body shivering between his and the wall before he nipped at your earlobe,
“Gonna need you to come for me gorgeous.” He panted, his brow slick with sweat, doing his best to hold back his own orgasm until he’d made you come around his cock.
“Fuck!” It came out the best it could under his hand while your body convulsed, thighs gripping incredibly tight around his waist as your back arched off the wall, pussy pulsing around his cock.
Aaron fucked you through you orgasm, slowing the pace of his hips until you were no longer shaking in his arms and one of your legs dropped from around his waist and you started to relax against the wall. A second later and he was slipping out of you, spinning you in his arms to bend you over the table in the center of the room.
A moan broke free from the back of your throat as he re-entered you, his cock a throbbing mess, coated in your cum as he began to chase his own orgasm. A hand tangled into your hair, pulling you up off the table and flush to his chest.
“God you feel so good.” He grunted and you chuckled softly.
“Yeah?” You asked, head turning back to husk into his ear, “you like that Hotchner? The way your thick cock feels buried deep in my wet pussy?” You squeezed as hard as you could around him and he let out a hiss.
“Fuck.” The hand in your hair tightened, “do that again and I’m gonna come.”
“Yeah?” You purred, squeezing your cunt around him once more, holding it for longer as you felt him beginning to pulse inside you, “come for me Aaron, fill my pretty pussy up with your cum.”
“Shit!” His hips faltered against yours as his grip on you loosened and you barely caught yourself on the table as he pounded the last couple of thrusts into you before he let out a low groan, stilling against you.
A very satisfied sigh left your lips at the feeling of his cock twitching inside of you while his cum painted your walls. Aaron was careful, catching his breath as he squeezed at the base of his dick, making sure every last drop of cum was buried deep in your cunt before he slowly slipped out. Part of him was tempted to see if any of it dripped down your thighs, but he was starting to come back to his senses, tucking your panties back into place, pressing them against your swollen pussy lips to catch all of his release.
“You alright?” He asked, his hand soothing up your back, readjusting your skirt before he tucked himself back into his pants.
“Never better.” You replied with a sigh, pushing yourself back upright. Confident you were no longer on shaky legs you stepped over to the mirror, tugging your shirt back into place, fixing your hair and slightly smeared lipstick.
“Here.” Aaron handed you a paper cup of water from the water cooler and you chuckled.
“Such a gentleman.” You teased, taking a sip before reaching up, fixing his mussed up hair and wiping the remnants of your lipstick from his collar. You were about to tease him again when your phone pinged a couple of times and you pulled it out from your bag, “jury’s back. Guess now we’ll find out who really came out on top.”
Shooting him a wink you were gone from the room before he even managed to fully collect himself and his thoughts, slipping back into the courtroom and behind his respective table just in time. Somehow, he wasn’t surprised twenty minutes later when the jury came back fully in favour of you and you were looking over at him with a cocky smirk as everyone packed their things up.
“Well,” he stepped to your side of the room once you were up, “congratulations counselor.” He stuck his hand out for you to shake and you took it after a small laugh, “can I buy you a celebratory drink?”
“Oh Hotchner.” You chuckled, stepping closer to him, “you know the general guideline is that you’re supposed to buy the drink prior to when your cum is dripping out of my cunt.”
“So is that a yes?”
“I seem to remember telling you that was a one time thing.”
Part 2
@svushots @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @emobabeyy @daddy-heather-dunbar @mrs-ssa-hotch @hotchandspencearedilfs @mina2000alex @telepathay @darlingsfandom @ssamorganhotchner @hotchsdoormat @hopedoesntknow @thehauntingofbasingse @plaidbooks @niyizh @tommyriddleobsessed @supercriminalbean @hotchs-bitch @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @emlynblack @ivyflowers13 @ratsnestinmyhair @silversprings-mp3 @ssaaaronhotchnerr @itsrainingreid @speedynana @tgskitten @madamsnape921 @aaronandemilysbitch @mrs-ssa-hotch @nachofriess @khxna @tinyprettyangel @cx-emerald-cx x @momily @acctualdeemon @ch3rry-pops @moonlightjxuregui @int4n @hotchfiles
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hennyjwrites · 3 months
Rio rio rio!!!
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Your hips moved side to side as you slowly walked past the walls, filled with high class items. Purses, jewelry, shoes, expensive perfumes, and everything else surrounded you as you walked through the store. The mall was definitely your happy place considering what kind of mall it was. It wasn’t your everyday, sloppy mall where everything was not in the right place or the workers were rude. No, it was the type of mall where you were given champagne as you walked into the stores, where some of these places didn’t even have online shops. In other words it was expensive, and you loved every second of it.
The store wasn’t busy, only two more customers inside, so you moved around easily. Trailing your finger along the border of the shelf you stopped as one particular bag caught your eye. Looking at it for a second more, your eyes drifted to the price tag. $5,000.00. It was simple and cute, something that you could wear with almost anything.
“Excuse me.” You called for an employee. She walked over to you with a smile. “Do you have this bag in more than one color?” You held the bag in front of her to see.
The employee looked over the bag before bringing her attention back to you. “Yes ma’am, it comes in 4 more colors, would you like for me to check if they are available?”
A quick nod at the head from you had the employee taking the bag and walking towards another part of the store. You took the opportunity to keep looking around in hopes of finding something else. As you walked around, you smelled the strong and expensive cologne that you recognized so easily. I mean of course you would recognize it considering you bought it for your man.
You turned to see your husband and his bodyguard scanning the store for you. Both of them had at least 3 bags in each arm, with almost all of the things being yours.
Your husband, Christopher, or Rio as everyone called him, walked up to you with a smirk on his face. Mick walked around for a little more, giving you two your privacy.
“You found something else you like?” He grinned. He knew you like the back of his hand. When you smiled and pecked his lips as a small thank you for this shopping spree he shook his head. “You don’t think you bought enough stuff for today? You already spent over 50 racks.” His voice was deep but soothing as he spoke to you in question.
That’s right. This man who you loved so much let you spend over $50,000 dollars in one day. Not to include the fact that he financed it all.Before you could respond, the female employee from earlier walked up with the 5 bags from earlier.
“Thank you!” You smiled at her, before turning to your husband. “These are so cute babe.” You smiled at him before walking to the nearest body mirror and putting each up to your body. They were all similar in color, each being just a dark shade of beige/brown than the last but they were each prettier than the last. Rio sat down on one of the many stools they had in the store. He knew they had to be made for husbands who were dragged in here by their woman.
When you were done modeling the purses for yourself, you walked up to Rio, expectantly. “I want these.” You were already holding out your freshly manicured hands, for his card.
“How much?” He asked, reaching into his wallet. A motion that he was so used to and at the same time so sick of.
“$5000 for each.” You shrugged, like it was nothing. It was nothing to you, considering the fact that you lived a comfortable lifestyle without a care in the world because of him.
Rio paused and looked up at you to see if you were joking, when you looked back at him confused on why his card wasn’t in your hand and why you weren’t already walking towards the register he knew you were serious. “No.” Was all he said before standing up. He looked around the store, expecting you to already question him.
“No? Whatchu mean no Christopher?” You asked, repeating the question as your eyebrows furrowed. This man has never told you no in your entire relationship.
Rio looked down at you with the most serious face. “I’m not paying 25 grand for 5 ugly ass purses that’s the same color.” He told you bluntly. He watched as you shifted onto one foot and your entire face contorted into anger. He looked to the side and peeped that the employee from earlier was walking towards you. He leaned down towards your ear. “Pick one.” He left no room for discussion because as soon as he said something the employee walked up.
“Is everything ok? Are you satisfied with your findings?” She asked politely.
You looked at Rio, finding him looking back at you. It was clear you were annoyed and you knew you were going to get what you wanted. You turned back to the employee and plastered a smile on your face. “Yes, we’re fine. I’m ready to check out, where do I go?” You stated. Rio looked at you and shook his head laughing softly. He already knew what was going to happen. You didn’t care though, he knew what he signed up for when you got together.
You both followed the employee towards the register. It was a small process as she scanned each bag that you had. When she told you the price you looked up at Rio, expecting him not to embarrass him or yourself by refusing to pay. When he didn’t budge you elbowed him slightly. “Christopher.” You mumbled through your teeth, before nodding towards the cashier.
Rio looked down at you without a second passing. “I told you, you're only getting 1.” He looked at the cashier and gave her a smile. “She can pick which one she’s getting.”
Your mouth dropped in embarrassment and anger. You never thought he would be serious and not give you what you want. Ready to leave the store, you quickly told the employee you wanted the medium brown shade, before walking out the store and leaving Rio alone in the store to pay. You walked past Mick, and out of the mall to the car placement person. He brought your car to the front and you sat in the passenger seat with your arms crossed.
Not only were you embarrassed but you were angry as well. He had the audacity to tell you no in the middle of the store like you were a toddler. It took a while but eventually Rio walked to the car with mick. They held a mini conversation before rio took the bags from the man’s hand and he walked off to his own car. Rio opened the back door, placing each of your bags on the seats. He closed the door and walked over to his side and without a sound he started up the car and pulled off.
Driving down the road to your house you hugged and puffed every few seconds when you realized Rio wasn’t going to acknowledge you. That was your problem, you want to be mad at him but you want him to chase you around. The issue was that he wasn’t gonna do that. He continued to ignore your pouts the entire ride.
“Do you want something to eat before we go home?” Rio asked you, ignoring your little attitude. He knew you had to be hungry considering you haven't eaten since before you walked to the mall. When you didn't speak, he turned to you. You were staring out the window clearly still upset. You didn't know if you were more upset about him saying no or the fact that he embarrassed you. “You hear me talking to you?” He dropped his hand on your thigh giving it a sharp squeeze as a warning to stop woth your bullshit.
You turned to look at him before mugging him and turning your head back to look at your phone. You knew you were acting like a bitch but a small part of you hoped that if you kept up this act he would take you back and buy the purses plus some more things.
Rios tongue poked his jaw and he nodded his head indirectly. He already knew he was gonna have to get you back in line by the end of the night. This happened periodically. He knew ignoring your behavior was gonna make you act out some more. That's what he wanted. He pulled into a quick drive through and made a point of not ordering you anything. When he grabbed his food from the employee you stared at him.
“Wheres mine?” You asked, voice laced with irritation. Rio didn’t even turn to look as he took a bite of his sandwich. You stared at him waiting for an answer but you never got one. “Ok then stupid fuck.” You mumbled. You huffed angrily as you kicked at his dashboard. You mumbled to yourself and kicked it agsin.
“Aye put your feet down.” He demanded, slapping your thigh. You hissed at the sting, before pouting and kicking it one more time before putting your feet on the floor. You knew better than to play with him but you wanted to keep pushing his buttons.
Rio sat on the couch scrolling through his phone, looking at the very same purses you were begging for. You, on the other hand, walked through the house, slamming every door and cabinet in your reach. You didn’t even have a reason to open some of them, you just wanted to piss him off. Rios eyes trailed you, annoyed at your spoiled behavior.
“Y/n.” He called your name with a warning tone. You were pushing his last few buttons. He chuckled to himself as you gave him the middle finger. He added the bags to his cart before walking over to you.
Rio grabbed you by the back of your hair, pulling it back and to the side, giving him access to your neck. You gasped and that turned into a quick moan as he sucked on your neck. Your knees felt like jello as his hands started to trail and touch every inch of you. As soon as he felt you melt into him, Rio pulled away. He took you by your hand and led you to the couch. See he wasn’t gonna rough you up tonight, he was going to take you as slow as he could until you begged and pleaded for him to handle you. He wanted to hear you beg and apologize for your behavior today.
Rio sat on the couch and you immediately sat on his lap, kissing him. He pulled away, looking you in your eyes. “You know I don’t like brats right?” He slapped your ass hard, making you jump. “You hear me?” He smacked it harder to emphasize his point,
“Yes baby.” You pouted. He loves seeing you like this. Ready and waiting for him.
Rio leaned forward and kissed you again before pulling away. “Unbuckle my pants.” You immediately did as he said. Dropping to your knees and fumbling with his pants. Rio didn’t say anything but instead looked at you expectantly.
You got to work. Sucking, drooling, gagging. You pushed yourself to give Rio some of the best head he’s ever gotten. Rios hands tangled in your hair, guiding you by your head, he didn’t even really need to because you knew how he liked it. You gagged as he forced your head all the way down. Rio loved it. He held your head down for a few seconds, giving you a slight struggle before he let you up to catch your breath. Then he repeated that process. He loved the look in your eyes. The watery eyes, saliva down your chin. He loved the deep breath you took before you went back down. Rio moaned as your tongue circled around his tip, while your hand jacked him off. You wanted him to cum. The sooner he came was the sooner you got to get fucked.
Rio let you work him to the edge of his orgasm before he pulled out of your mouth, cumming on your face in spurts. Lines of his cum covered your face. Perks of having a healthy man, a good facial.
You smiled knowing you pleased your man, and knowing he was about to please you too. Rio looked at you, before standing. He smiled down at you, loving the way you looked but knowing he had to get back at you. He pulled his pants up leaving you confused as he turned to walk out the room.
“Clean yourself up ma, and get started on dinner.” He yelled back, laughing to himself knowing he was being an asshole. He went and laid in the bed, hearing you open and shut the cabinets loudly, but also knowing your ass was starting on dinner like he said. He opened his phone, adding more things to his cart that he thought you’d like. Knowing these items weren’t getting here for a week, he knew he could play with you.
And he likes that game.
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miniwheat77 · 5 months
Alone with you. (141 x Reader.)
!smut, p in v sex, double penetration, gang bang, overstimulation, non con, proceed with caution, NO MINORS!
This was supposed to be my bday fic but I’ve had writers block, hope you enjoy!
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"So this is the culprit hm?" Laswell lifts up the bottle of pheromone perfume.
"Looks like it." You mumble. "Wonder how good it actually works. Might spice up my sex life." You joke. Soap laughs. "What sex life?" he snorts. Seeing Laswell roll her eyes at the both of you. "Exactly my point. Asshole." You mumble under your breath.
When Soap leaves the room, Laswell smirks at you. "I'm sure in super small doses it couldn't hurt." She winks. You catch the tiny vial in your hand that she had just thrown at you. You smile at her. "And that's why you're my favorite, Laswell." You laugh, following her out of her office. Tucking the vial into your back pocket. "Alright. I'm heading out. Graves said he has some leads in North America so I'll be over there for a couple weeks. Try not to kill each other while I'm gone." She smiles. "No promises. As always, safe travels Laswell. Ring when you get to where you're going." You call to her. She nods her head, waving at you. You disappear down the corridor, going to your room.
Later that same night, you make your way into the mess hall, cup in hand. It's got water in it. You haven't had the chance to eat yet. You sit down for just a second and a gasp leaves your lips when you hear a small pop come from your back pocket. "Shit." You mumble. You hear the others coming and choose to stay put, only turning to look at your backside when they're distracted. You notice that there's no liquid anymore. Had it absorbed that quickly?
You quickly head back to your room, trying to clean all of the glass out of your pocket. You change into some other leggings that you have since it's almost time for bed anyway it's not like anyone will care.
You make your way back out into the mess hall and take your seat once more. Seeing that Soap has set up across from you at the table. It's silent for the most part, until Soap starts to shuffle awkwardly. He clears his throat a couple of times, finally looking up at you. Only now does he suddenly feel very attracted to you. He was before of course but now, something is different. He clears his throat again and adjusts the way he's sitting. You glance around the room to see each of them stealing glances at you.
Is it the pheromone perfume doing this?
No… it couldn’t be. It was only a tiny vial.
You stand up to get rid of your tray and move to sit back down. “Y/N. Can I speak with you?” Your Captain grasps your attention. You nod your head, following him out to the hallways. “Did Laswell give you the pheromone perfume?” He crosses his arms. “Yeah, I was supposed to throw it away for her but I forgot about it and it broke open in my pocket.” He shakes his head. “Listen, the scent you’re giving off is way too much. Go lock yourself in your room and stay there until it’s worn off.” He finishes his sentence and then grits his teeth, like he’s holding something back. “Go on.” He breathes. You can’t help but notice the beads of sweat on his forehead. You nod your head. As you start walking down the corridor, you hear him.
“No, Johnny wait!” You turn back to see Soap trying to push passed him. Very clearly trying to get to you.
You hurry down the hallway and open the door to your room, closing the door behind you. “Jesus fuck.” You mumble to yourself. Is this stuff really this strong?
You take a deep breath, sitting at the edge of your bed.
For a couple hours, you hear nothing but silence. And it’s a bit deafening. It’s eerie like there’s something off. You lay down, trying to distract yourself but you end up falling asleep.
In your sleep, you feel someone moving next to you, dipping the edge of your bed down. You stir awake when you feel their hands on you. When you realize what’s going on, that someone is actually touching you, your eyes open completely. You jump away from them, seeing that it’s Soap. But he’s not there right now. His eyes are dark. “Johnny… what are you doing?” You breathe. “You smell so good lass. Can smell how fucking bad you want this…” he smirks. He moves off of your bed, circling around it to try to corner you. You make a split second decision and bolt for the door, sprinting down the hallway. You can hear his heavy footsteps chasing after you. You turn the corner, eyes widening and your feet skidding to a stop as you see your Captain and Gaz. They’re both standing there. Clearly blocking you from going this direction. “Nowhere to run, darling.” Gaz smirks. You breathe out.
This has to be some kind of sick joke.
Soap closes in behind you, they make slow steps toward you.
You take off through the mess hall. Seeing a window that opens and hurrying up to it, you pry it open and climb through it. Sliding out of their grasp just barely. You take off running, seeing the watch tower. Perfect.
You make your way up, slowly and quietly. You don’t know if they’re on watch since they’re not thinking right.
You move up inside, closing the door behind you. Breathing. You dig your phone out of your pocket, dialing Laswell immediately. “Y/N, I haven’t got to base just yet, I’m driving.” She mumbles. “I know- it’s not that.” You breathe, hands shaking. “The vial you gave me broke open in my pocket and my body absorbed all of it, now I’m in a freaking wild goose chase Laswell.” You pant. “What? It’s that bad?” She asks. “Yes! They’re like.. freaking zombies Laswell. They’re not even there.” You breathe. “You’ll just have to wait it out Y/N.” She mumbles. “Yeah.. Yeah I know.” You mumble. “Thanks Laswell.” You sigh.
You hear creaking, fear coursing through you. Just as you turn to look at the door, a hand snakes its way around your waist, tugging you into them, another hand clamping around your mouth. “Gotcha.” He whispers. His voice is deep and it comes out almost as a growl.
It’s Ghost.
He moves his other hand from your waist and grasps your phone, pressing the button to hang up. Lowering the phone down onto the countertop. “Didn’t lock the door sweetheart. Almost like you wanted this to happen hm?” He breathes, his warm breath right over your ear. “You know we’re not gonna hurt ya.” He brushes your hair out of your face. “Ghost, please-“ you whine. “You smell so good. Drives me crazy. I almost didn’t want to tell them you were up here.” He chuckles. Your eyes widen.
Just then, you can hear multiple footsteps coming up the metal staircase. Like everything is deafened around you and that’s all you can hear.
What are they going to do to you?
Ghost spins you around. You see the other three creeping into the room, Soap makes sure to lock the door behind himself. “Nowhere to run now, Dove. It’s just you and us now.” Gaz mumbles, stepping closer. You step back. But know it’s no use. You’re stuck, and whatever is going to happen, it’s happening now. “What are you going to do?” You swallow hard. Johnny chuckles. “Nothing you won’t like, darling. How about we get these clothes off of you, hm?”
“I- I don’t-“
“That wasn’t a question. It was an order.” Captain Price’s voice booms in your ears. His sternness always was intimidating. “Y-yes sir.” You breathe. You hope that as you reach for the hem of your shirt, they’ll start laughing. That this will be some kind of sick joke. But they don’t.
You tug your shirt over your head. Breathing out. You clench your eyes shut as they reach for their belts. Still dressed in their military uniforms. “Y/N. Look at me.” You tilt your head up, swallowing down the lump in your throat as you look at Johnny. “Nothing to be scared about. Just relax.” He chuckles. You nod your head. He reaches out, grasping hold of your upper arm and pulling you into him with ease. How easy it is for him to move you makes you realize just how powerful these men are. He forces you up against the small table in the watch tower. It’s old and you’re not sure if it’ll hold you.
You swallow hard, wincing as the table begins to dig into your pelvis. He makes you rest your hands on it. “Be a good girl.” He breathes. His voice sends chills down your spine. He reaches for your pants, tugging them down your legs. He holds them down with his foot, having you step out of them. “Good girl. Now listen.” He breathes. He raises his hands up, unclasping your bra and letting it fall over your shoulders and onto the floor. “Nobody will hear you, so you can be as loud as you want to. Alright? You’re going to like this, because you’re a naughty little thing. Promise.” He mumbles. He pushes you back down, forcing you over the table. A gasp leaves your lips as he pushes apart your legs.
He frees his cock from its confines and you can see the others standing off to the side. You clench your eyes shut once more, whining as he presses the fat tip of his cock at your entrance. You suck in a sharp breath as he pushes himself past your entrance, sliding in and bottoming out into you. You lurch forward with a hiss at the intrusion. “Oh- f-fuck!” You cry. Raising up slightly with a cry. He only forces you back down. “Shhh. It’s okay.” His attempt at soothing you is pathetic and half-assed. If you weren’t in this particular position, you might laugh at him.
But you don’t think you’ll ever be able to look at them the same ever again.
You rest your head on the table, breathing out. Take a deep breath, try not to lose control.
That’s hard to do, keeping yourself together around them when they’re as attractive as they are. And the way they’re touching you.
Just as soon as you’re full, he’s pulling out of you again. He lifts you up, shoving the flimsy table out of the way and kneeling on the ground with you. Ghost steps toward you and you look up at him, he’s still got his mask on. You can’t see his smile. “Look good from this position, darling.” He smirks. You swallow hard, he moves his jeans to the side and tugs his boxers down, revealing his length to you. He’s big. You swallow hard, looking down. “No need to be nervous now. Look at me.” He breathes. You tilt your head up again, feeling Johnny kneel behind you, moving his length up the expanse of your ass. You shudder as Simon steps forward. “Open your mouth.” He breathes. You’re trying to stay focused on Simon but the feeling of Johnny’s length pushing into you from behind has you wincing again. “Relax. Look up at me.” He lifts your chin forcefully. Pushing the tip of his cock past your lips. You take him down as far as you can, swallowing around his shaft. Hearing him gasp.
“Johnny touch her clit.” He breathes.
Johnny does it, listening to his LT.
He glides his hand over your hip and stomach. Calloused hands rough on your skin but his fingertips on your clit has your thighs ready to give out. He draws his hips back, thrusting back into your ass. Hearing you choke on Simon’s cock. You draw back, taking a deep breath. You rest your hands on his thighs, pulling him closer to you so that you can take him further down. “There.. see.” He breathes. “All you had to do was make her horny.” His laugh is deep and taunting. He tilts his head back, groaning out. You focus on the tip of his cock, knowing it’s got the most nerve endings. Being gentle but still sucking hard. It only takes a couple of minutes before his thighs are shaking.
“Fuck-“ he draws back away from you. “Wanna be in that pussy.” He breathes. “Gonna make me cum too fast.” He breathes.
He kneels down in front of you. Wiping your lips of saliva and clearing them. Johnny’s hard thrusts into you keep you wet, and you whine when he pulls his hand away from your clit. “It’s alright. Gonna get you nice and full lass.” Soap chuckles. You probably look fucking pathetic in front of them. Fucked out and desperate. You knew you needed to get laid but this…
This is too far. But it’s something you didn’t know you needed.
They raise you up, wrapping your legs around Simon’s waist. Johnny slides himself back inside of your ass, feeling you tense up. Simon glides his tip up between your folds, pushing past them. You whine out, starting to squirm. “S’alright.” He breathes. His voice is low. Only you can hear it. When they’re both bottoming out in you, your breath is gone. Lungs are empty and burning. You’re trying to catch your breath but it feels impossible. A sob gets caught in your throat and you clench your eyes shut as they start to fuck you. “Fuck- not gonna last-“ Johnny hisses. Ghost holds you still, both of them moving in unison as they thrust into you. You shake and cry, overstimulated and you haven’t even cum yet.
“Fuck!” Johnny slides out of you, pumping himself with his hand. He bucks his hips into you, resting his forehead on your back as he finishes. Simon doesn’t stop his thrusts, keeping up his bruising pace.
Johnny moves away from you, he’s been selfish thus far. It’s someone else’s turn.
Gaz takes his place. Desperate to feel you. He inches closer, spitting into his hand and gliding it over the tip of his cock. He slides into you again. Feeling you gasp out. Lurching foward into Simon. He laughs. “You’re doing good. Keeping up.” Ghost mumbles.
Gaz grips your hips and tries to hold you still as he and Simon fill you. You can feel yourself getting closer to your orgasm. Shivering as it inches closer and closer.
Chills start at your toes and work their way up your body.
“I- oh god-“ you whine.
You clench your eyes shut, letting it take over your body. You’re sure it’ll be the hardest you’ll ever cum. They don’t stop, riding out your orgasm as it washes over you. You know they’re not going to stop.
You relax, trying to pace yourself despite being overstimulated. You raise your hand up and rest it on Simon’s shoulder. Hearing Gaz chuckle behind you at your fucked out state. Simon’s breathing is getting a little heavier. He lowers his head, lips right by your ear. “So tight baby… getting me so close.” He grits his teeth. He starts to pant, cock throbbing and twitching inside of you. He groans out, sliding out of you. He grits his teeth and tries to contain himself as he cums.
He takes a second, panting. His head is buried into the crook of your neck as he comes down. He finally pulls away from you. Standing up and adjusting his pants.
Captain Price is quick to take his place. You’re ready to tap out but it’s clear that they’re not going to let you. Gaz grasps your chin, tilting your head back. “You’re doing good. Just a bit more.” He breathes, pressing his lips to yours. You can feel your captain’s hands on you, groping your breasts in his hands as he lines himself up with your entrance. “You still smell so good.” He growls. Gaz lets go of you and you finally get a good look at John. His eyes are dark, like the others. Their pupils are dilated, they look dark. Empty. Like there’s nothing there, only lust.
What the hell is this stuff and who made it?
You whine again as he slides into you. Tears filling your eyes. You clench your eyes shut and brace yourself for what they’re going to do to you. You rest your head on John’s chest as they start fucking into you mercilessly, John is desperate. He’s been waiting the longest. He’s eager and horny and the way he fucks you shows it. You’re sobbing into his chest in just minutes, overstimulated and overwhelmed. Your body shakes and you can feel the warmth pooling in your lower abdomen again. You can’t stay quiet. Moans spill from your lips uncontrollably and tears stream from your eyes. You’ve never been so overwhelmed in your life. “Do you feel good? Hm?”
“Yes!” You cry. “Tell me how good you feel.” He breathes. Forcing you to look up at him. “Tell me how good all of us have made you feel. And it better be good honey. Let everyone know how good they’ve fucked you today.” He forces your face up again by your jaw. “It feels so good- so so good- you’re fucking me so good.” A gasp leaves your lips as they thrust together at the exact same time. “Now what do you say hm? It was kind of us to fuck you.”
“Thank you!” You cry, head falling again. You chant it as they thrust into you. “That’s a good girl.” He chuckles.
They last another few minutes, but this time, neither of them pull out. Filling both of your holes up.
They ride out their highs before halting, cocks buried up inside of you still. You’re panting hard, clit throbbing. You don’t know how you’ve taken it or kept up with them to this point.
It’s Soap who lifts you up and carries you to your room. Your thighs shake uncontrollably and he helps you get cleaned up before putting you to bed. He makes sure you’re comfortable. And even when he leaves you alone, he’s still got that same dark look in his eyes.
Maybe you wouldn’t wake up alone.
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jeongin-lvr · 6 months
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I have a veryyyy strong feeling that Jeongin is a bit of a perv (and by a bit I mean massive). He does the nasty stuff; jerking off into your panties when you’re not home, spraying your perfume on his pillow that he’s gonna hump when you’re asleep in the other room. He thinks of you when his cock gets hard and he wishes so badly you could come and suck him off. Jeongin is so closeted about it though… you would never know your sweet roommate who bought you stuffies and held your hand when crossing the street was also stuffing his mouth with your worn panties to keep his moans down as he fucked his hand. Maybe your innocence drives him mad— would you call him nasty if you ever caught him in the act? Or would you offer to help him with the same level of perversion in your sweet voice? He’s left to wonder every night when he feels extra horny, listening to you in the other room doing nothing in particular.
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aagneauu · 10 months
High value habits to elevate yourself 🥂✨
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When the term "high value" is mentioned, we often think of things related exclusively to economic wealth, but being a high-value person is an attitude, an attribute founded on habits and a wealthy mentality. So today I wanted to mention a few habits that I personally perceive as something a person with strong standards apply on their lives. ✨
Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language :b
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1. Long-term mentality ✦
Enjoying yourself is very important, but when we only think about the things that give us temporary pleasure, is often very likely that we forget to take care about our future stability. For example, if you want to travel, the smart thing to do would be to save the money in order to be able to afford it, but how many times we just feel the urge to waste money on unnecessary stuff just to get that brief satisfaction, that bad habit will take us far from our goals. This rule can be applied on almost every aspect, and if you're able to stick to your goals and take decisions according to them, trust me, you'll get very far.
2. Invest ✦
Stop wasting and start investing; your money, your time and your energy. In terms of money, you obviously can spend some of it on pretty stuff, but instead of wasting your whole salary on things you want, a smarter move would be to use part of that money to invest it on something that potentially can give us another income, maybe there's a valuable peace of jewelry or clothing that not only we could use, but to sell and trade in the future, or even if you have enough money saved, you can invest in a property, to not only live in it, but to rent it. Our time and energy works in the same way, we could be wasting our time and energy with people that don't give us nothing we can learn from, and you're worth way more than that. Find people and habits that not only make you feel good and appreciated, but that will leave you something interesting for your personal growth, and remember, better alone than in a bad company.
3. Details matter ✦
How we talk, how we decide to present ourselves to the world, our values, the effort we put on what we make. Every little detail says something about us. For example, something as simple as spraying perfume before we go out makes a difference, or if you study, the amount of time and effort you decide to put on certain classes. Socially, what you decide to say, and to develop the hability to stay quiet when necessary. Maybe you think that those little things don't make a huge difference at the long-term, but when you see how your life can change drastically with every little step you take, you learn to pay attention to it.
4. Patience ✦
It is a strong word, it is even harder to apply to our lives sometimes. Being patient not only with people, but with our circumstances. Sometimes things that we don't like happens, and we don't even understand why because we thought that we did everything right, but everything happens for a reason, it's like a fruit, you could take it out of the tree earlier because you're hungry, but it isn't that mature and tasty, but if you just wait, resist the hunger, the fruit will be way better. That applies to money, emotional growth and life changes. Learn to understand that sometimes, pain will be the sign to something better than your current situation.
5. Stop following the crowd ✦
Set standards and learn what is good for you, if you just rely on others to decide what is best for you, or even worse; you know something is bad for you and still do it for others, then expect low quality experiences. People time to time will call you boring or even extreme just because you decide to be loyal to your values. If something that everyone is doing seems beneficial, do it, but because it gives you something valuable, not because of the crowd. You can apply this rule to everything; friends, money, and other experiences. The amount ot peace and comfort that you can get with this transformation is a huge life upgrade.
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This were some topics that come to mind when the "high value" term is mentioned. And remember, no one is perfect and every little thing makes us unique. Life is a long journey that you can decide to upgrade with every little move.
Hope u enjoyed! ♡
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softwiingz · 1 year
cw: pheromone perfume, messy head (both receiving), you n bo are engaged, 69, you’re picked up by bo, reader is wearing make up, minors n ageless blogs dni 🦋 sorry if bo is ooc this is just my interpretation of his reaction:3 enjoy!
♡ ༘*.゚
“f-fuck! tarou wait!”
you’re not quite sure how you expected your fiancé to react to your new little perfume, but him being nose deep in your pussy wasn’t one of them. you placed a few, maybe two drops of the infamous scent into your palms and massaged them into the places bokuto loved to kiss most. you were pleased with the aroma, notes of a warm sugary vanilla that left you smelling delicious. however you were sure the reactions were faked and far from genuine, you had to see for yourself if this little pink vile would drive your man up the wall.
and that it did, you were thrown over his broad shoulders in an instant as he practically sprinted to your shared bedroom.
now you’re here, back arched and ass in the air as bokuto devours what’s his. your fists are balled into the satin sheets and you can feel his hot tongue delve deep into your drooly cunt, lapping up everything you have to offer him. “you keep teasin me,” he groans through gritted teeth, his voice haggard “wearin my jersey and skimpy panties around the house, sending me gym pics of that ass and now this shit? be glad i haven’t fucked your brains out yet.”
he lands a heavy smack to your ass, lapping at your sweetness as if his life depended on it. and even through your protests and whiny pleas for him to slow down, your hips betrayed you, squirming in an effort to feel his fat tongue drag up and down the crevices of your soaked pussy. “kou, baby- shiit! we’re gonna be late!” your honey laced moans fall on deaf ears, bokuto too entranced in his pleasure and yours. when he finally pulls away you can see your juices glistening and dripping down his chin, his tongue licking it off his slightly swollen lips.
you’re left with your face buried into the sweat slicked sheets, mascara left clumpy and smeared in your under lash line. you may think you’re done but bokuto hasn’t had his fix, his hand focused at the base of his heavy cock, pearly beads of pre leaking at his tip before it’s smeared along his pulsing shaft. “we aren’t going anywhere. now sit that pretty pussy on my face, and let me stuff that mouth full…”
strong forearms wrap around your thighs, your fiancés hand pushing you down to his lips before he’s at it again, his muffled hunger filled groans vibrating off the walls along with your moans. you lay on his toned thigh and mouth at his throbbing length until you work up the strength to take his leaky tip into your mouth. his hips buck up at the feel of the velvety textures of the inside of your mouth.
your hips and your mouth work in unison , both swiveling in a rhythm that has your soon to be husband left writhing underneath you and cursing his desires into your soaked cunt. “when we get married i’m gonna give you the fuckin’ world! treat you like the d-diamond you are, just please keep suckin’ me off like that!” and you return the same sentiments, whining and mewling with his dick in your mouth “mhm, anything you want baby! anythin’!” you pop him out of your mouth and lick at his sack, suckling him into your mouth as your hand focuses on his overly sensitive tip.
bokuto is about ready to blow his load, his core tightening and calves tensing up. he continues to slurp at your folds, saliva and your arousal dripping down his chin as his thumb rubs at your clit vigorously. “fuck! fuck! w-wait!” you squeal, thighs shaking thunderously around his head as you take him back into your mouth, tongue dragging along his shaft.
you can feel him throb, soon thick ropes of milky white fill your mouth, some of it leaking from the corners of your gloss smeared lips. you take it all in, swallowing his load as you ride his face feverishly. you’re so close and he knows it, continuing to strum at you clit while your nails dig into his calves and you cry “c-cumming! koutarou!!”
it’s safe to say the pheromone perfume everyone has been hyping up deserved it’s praise, leaving you more than satisfied.
“let’s just say the before and after pics of my make up say it all….” ★★★★★
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bear-remn · 2 months
loved your shu headcanons!! i love how much thought you put into them <3 can’t wait for the laito version hehe
— laito headcanons!
hii, omg ty for enjoying this little series and liked my art! i really appreciatiate it!!
to begin with, i have a litle post as a warning for laito headcanons, bc for me, laito is one of the most complex and difficult characters to undertands, so he is so much more than a perverted character and a leg lover (anime laito is terrible guys 💀💀)
tw: this post contains nsfw (+18)!!! if you dont like that content dont read it!
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his looks and selfcare
i think laito is a man that do care for his appearence, he ofc takes multiple showers in a week and loves to smell good, he often buy new perfumes with different scents just bc he loves it.
but unlike reiji, laito does not spend too much time doing skin care, he uses is good and never ending facial soap, its a bar of soap, a mint one. and about his hair, he also uses the same shampoo and conditioner, with argan and a little herb scent. laito loves cold showers, but quick, he is not a man to take his time, he is fast and dont waste time. mostly bc i belive laito dont really like being naked... alone.
i think laito do use sunscreen, bc he wants to have good skin as he ages (even if he is a vampire, let the man belive it).
and sometimes when laito is down i do belive he uses concealer to cover his eyebags, this doesnt happen often but has happened in the past.
something laito enjoy about getting ready is his hair, he uses dry repair creams, hair texturizer and hair oils to keep his ends healthy.
and as for clothes, i belive laito likes soft colors and not so saturated, but not pastel colors! maybe bc i also belive that colors affect his vision, like when people dont like to see neon colors in sports clothes, thats laito but not only with neon colors, he doesnt like too flashy and explosive colors. actually he loves the color blue.
i think laito is aware of how handsome he is, laito has a marked jaw, a slightly upturned nose and slanted eyes with a seductive and cautious gaze, but as well, his gaze can turn into a penetrating and deep one, making everyone tremble for how intense his eyes are, and not tremble in a good way, laito is scary.
i think laito also has pretty lips, but a little detail i like too, is that laito used to bite the skin of his lips in his early teen ages, giving himself tiny wounds. but Reiji always told him to use lip balm to heal these same wounds, although this only happened at certain times of the year, or sometimes when laito past through a stressful situation. over time he has been able to realize and apply his lip balm in time, leaving laitos lips with a slight shine always, it became a habit that he maintains, even if laito dont bite the skin of his lips anymore.
i also think that he instead of exercising, laito prefers to do another type of physical movement, such as walking or running, he does not like to lift weight to get muscle since he sees it illogical if he has inhuman strength, this gives him strong legs and calves of steel, he always shows his calves as a pride for himself. that also give him a lot of stamina not just for his body, but also his mind. running seems to be a perfect way to clear laito's mind. but that does'nt take away the wide shoulders, it runs in the family.
a little detail i like is that laito might have more moles in his body, like one in his hand, other in his neck, another one in his calves, and his back! but he doesnt get to see those.
and finally, unlike his olders brothers, shu and reiji, laito can grow a beard but he does'nt like it, he feels old.
random stuff
so, its no secret laito loves games, but i think laito does not like online or digital games, he is more into the classic, ofc its pool and darts, but he also likes board games, dice, marbles and everything related to something physical, does not have much interest in the digital world.
as a said before, laito loves perfumes, does not use the same one for a long time and constantly buys the last ones on the market to try them, not all of them are to his taste but he enjoys to collect them, he likes the flashy bottles.
and as a plus to laito, i think he is more romantic than you think, how so? he totally has a poetry noteboook where he writes every little pretty and romantic feelings laito has, i like to think he also do this with weird dreams so he can't forget them.
oh, and laito has a sensitive tongue, no reason for it, he can't tolerate spicy food or too sweet / salty, he hates it, reiji makes special food for him sometimes so he can enjoy his cooking as well. laito appreciates this.
and as i said before with shu, laito is such a goosip as well, but he is a bad goosip, laito likes to know everything about someting or someone, just bc he thinks he has to know what he likes, completly. that's a reason he has more interaction with his bat relatives, so they can tell him everything.
i like to think that laito is really jealous, like a lot.
i think laito has a secret interest in humans and their way of living, specifically, he is interested in religious topics, he had read Bibles although he found them boring, so prefers to see them captured in movies, and it is even better when they have another meaning than something literal, such as a biblical reference like mother or lamb. but still laito can't get how faith works for humans.
i think laito deep down, want to be more close to shu, mostly for his music collection and stuff but dont know how to adress him, so he just ocasionally ask shu for his disc and vinyls, i like to think that laito wishes to speak more to shu but its so distant that he never tries.
i think laito is also a pranker, like, not with everyone special, mostly his uncle, he likes to hide stuff from him or surprise him by appearing suddenly next to him, he does that to his brothers sometimes, to ayato and reiji mostly.
so to begin with, i think laito is not too big or too small, ill say he is a good 17 cm, his dick is straight and with a round tip, and likes to maintain himselft by shaving. he has a prominent vein but has more in his croch, right where is pubic hair grows towards his belly.
i think laito is a good... dominant, i can't see him being actually a bottom in any case, he is such a player and a teaser, but he despites the idea of being dominated too much, maybe being talk back and the try of you wanting to dominate him is not bad, he likes those kindes of roleplays, but at the end he is the one in control.
i think laito likes to praise you in a very direct way, like if he sees you in a pretty outfit he will say something like "oh? dressing up so cute just for me? fufu" or if you two are talking he may sudenly come closer and if you blush he would giggle and say "ah, you smell so sweet, but that face you just did is really something, excited to have me this close? fufu" in every chance he get, he will praise you in some way.
oh, and a little detail that i did'nt know where to put exactly so ill just put it here, laito has a hard time remembering faces and names of girls, so he often just call them the usual "little bitch". a little rude but he can't help himself, so when he get interested in some girl, laito can finally see her face and remember her name. from that point on, laito loves to put nicknames on you, and will stop calling you little bitch without him noticing.
some nicknames i think laito may call you can be princess, cutie or just your name, but he say it with a very loving tone, he do cares about you if he loves you.
so its not a secret that laito can get turned on by a lot of things or situations that are not really hot, but i think he likes things that are'nt normally hot, like if you look at him badly he likes it, he find you cute, he is totally the kind of man that gets turned on by you being mad at them or at anything. angry sex..? he loves it.
or if you two are having an argument and you talk back when he is mad he would get turned on too.
"oh? what was that princess?" laito would take you by your neck and come closer to whisper in your ear with a sly smirk "ill fuck that little atittude out of you if you keep talking to me like that, im starting to belive you want that huh?".
im on my knees.
oh, and about kisses! laito is a suprise kisser, he would kiss you without telling you at first, mostly are just little pecks to surprise you or directly shut you up, other times he would kiss you more but i doubt he initiating tongue kisses, maybe if you look at him in some way or you asking for more kisses, then laito would do it. and he get really worked up for it, feeling your tongue in his mouth, sharing saliva, he is going crazy.
i think that laito also is a very good foreplay guy, while making out he literally talks you trought it, whispering as he kisses your neck and hold your waist close "are you trying to burn me with you body?... even your blood got heat up... fufu... do i make you this horny, princess?" then he would take your clothes off carefully, he wants to feel your skin close, bc laito as a vampire cant really make his body heat by himself, but your body being hot makes him want to melt into you, he kisses every place he can and tease you about it. and all of that with that gaze of him??? omg, this man just by staring at you can make you sigh weak, he knows what he is doing looking at you with those intense green eyes.
i also belive laito is a man who enjoy giving pleasure to his partner, like, he loves giving you oral, not just to make you feel good, he loves to taste you, kiss a part so private for laito is intoxicating. he is a starving man eating what your precious body gives him. and laito moans into your juices, licking your clit softly and holding your hips close to him when he licks faster "fuck princess... only i can eat you like this... mmh..." and if you are giving him oral laito likes to tease you too, but he is such an ass about it, laito likes ot be standing while you are your knees, or maybe if he is sit in the edge of the bed and you on your knees as well, but anyways laito likes you on your knees. i think laito likes to look down at you, and if you look up at him he will go crazy, the man loves eye contact. if he see you too confortable with his dick on you mouth, he will thrust deep in your troat just to see you tears in your eyes, laito would just smile and apologize even if he is'nt really sorry "oh... sorry princess, did i hurt your pretty mouth? fufu..." likes to hear how wet his dick sound in your mouth.
i think laito is like reiji when its about the speed and strenght he uses, its always depending of the mood, if its like a morning sex laito will be more gentle and sensual about it, slow and deep inside you while talking dirty in you ear. ofc he is a talker in bed. also likes to play with you clit gently, its a plus if he gets to see your face, he would feel so good of himself just to make you look like you do in that moment. in these cases laito would like spooning, yes, like that he can trust into you while whispering, he would hold your neck so you can look back at him and kiss him, he loves wet kisses during sex.
"ya' like it princess?... yeah..? mm... bet ya' feel real good with me so deep huh? fufu..."
and if its like an angry sex or just more energetic he would be so great, he likes to be rough sometimes as well, he would put you on all four and fuck you hard while holding you by your arms, and he is fierce. loves the sound his and your bodies makes in every thruts. laito will lift your torso up to hug you tigh to keep fucking you wild as he holds you neck. hearing you moan loudly just makes him go faster "yes princess... scream my name ohh.. fuck... no one can fuck you like i do, ya' hear me princess... oh... just me" laito is the kind of man that loves to leave you with marks, hikeys, love bites, his fangs, everything, even leaving you ass with the shape of his hand for how many times he slap you, he loves it. laito loves to mark what is his.
and when he cums, he tend to bite you as well, not all the time, but if the full moon is high he cant help himself. and he cums a lot, two rounds at least to begin the night.
i think the aftercare laito can offer are just two opcions, either way he just cuddle you and both of you take naps, or he can run a bath for both of you but that will only lead to another round in the shower.
and this man is hungry for you, like he literally wants to be under your skin all day, and your pants too.
── more of my content here!
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soap-ify · 9 months
hold on i got this idea randomly and its like past midnight so yeah... bear with me.
thinking about reader who works at a local cafe, and might be just a little crazy about price who's new to the area, slowly becoming a regular customer of this cafe.
it wasn't as if you weren’t freakily obsessed with him or anything. you were just too infatuated with him, having memorised his order by heart, memorised the way his eyes would crinkle in delight whenever he’d find out that you already had his tea all prepared, nice and warm — just the way he likes it. wait, how did you know he was going to come at this exact same time?
you couldn’t help it. he was a walking distraction — always sitting at the far edge table in the cafe, absorbed in some paperwork or just simply staring out of the window, looking so unreal. you needed to read him, learn everything about him, learn all of his schedule and stuff.
you’d accidentally forget to add a thing or two in his orders sometimes. he ordered a cookie? oops, you forgot it. but it’s okay, you wanted him to approach you and start a conversation, even if it's over some missed cookie.
sometimes he’d have a woman next to him, discussing some stuff very quietly, making it quite obvious that it was over whatever their job was given how he always handed her those papers.
you had to be rational, you had to. but how could you when he was always smiling so brightly at her? especially when she herself was so pretty. were you really getting insecure during your shift? yeah.
you couldn’t start a ruckus here by doing something impulsive, but you’d be lying if you said that you weren’t tempted to.
you were too nervous to start a conversation on your own too. not even a proper “how’s your day going?”
your obsession stuck with you staring at him throughout your work shift as long as he was there, carefully looking at the watch on his wrist and the case of his phone, figuring out all the brands in your head.
you had even figured out what perfume he wore during one encounter when you caught a whiff of his cologne — not strong and quite masculine. it suited him so much. you remember spending an hour in the male perfume section in a local store that day.
and oh, price knew all of it. he wasn’t stupid. he was too smart in fact, always feeling your scrutinising and curious gaze on him, filled with an odd longing. he had noticed the way your hands would accidentally brush against his sometimes when giving him his order, the way you would shyly hand him some extra stuff for free sometimes.
heck, he even noticed the way you gave him one of your napkins once, saying that he might need it. what were you even trying to do, claim him? yeah, that was your little way of leaving something of yours to him.
you’d feel sick sometimes, all head over heels over just a regular customer, writing letters and letters over him, simply rambling about how nice his voice was and how warm he seemed, just wanting those strong hairy arms of his to cradle you against him. sometimes you’d also just write about all the interactions you had with him. your favourite memory was when he first told you his name, resulting in you squealing into your pillow the whole night happily. john.
of course, you were never going to send these letters to him.
unbeknownst to you, price was always staring at you too whenever you were distracted by some other customers, his fingers lightly rubbing against his beard. who knew a sweet thing like you could be so... eager? you were like some desperate starved puppy to needy for something, anything.
and maybe he needed to do something about it. he might even dig some information of you through some people, who knows? maybe keep you all to himself.
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xuhuihuis · 3 months
I cant get off of anon help but omg im having such bad baby fever imagine ricky w a breeding kink telling u how pretty the baby is gonna look while he stuffs u up with his cum over n over again (also i love ur writing sm ur one of my inspirations to write ily pls dont die) - from kuni 🎀 (cyberkunizz)
Laced With Love | Shen Ricky
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warnings: dom!ricky, sub!reader, breeding, dirty talk, pet names, pussy drunk!ricky
“You were made for me, darling; I missed this cunt so much,” Ricky grunted as he rocked inside of you, reaching all of your deepest spots inside of you. All night he has been treating you like the princess you really were, making sure you were comfortable no matter what. All of his life, he has dreamed of having kids, and when you came into his life, he knew you were the one. You spent many hours at night talking about having kids, and now you were both finally ready for it to happen. Ricky didn’t want to rush this at all; he was doing everything to make it last. This would be a moment for him to remember forever. 
Ricky hummed as he took your hand in his and laced your fingers together, feeling closer to him than you already were. He took one of his thumbs and rubbed over your knuckles any time you looked in distress, not wanting you to be in pain at all during this. He couldn’t look away from your facial expressions as his cock rubbed against your gummy walls. You were so wet for him, which made it easier for him to make you feel so good. All that could describe your gasp as he hit that spot inside of you was perfect. 
Although you have been together with him for many years, this is one of his first times fucking you raw. Making sure to treat every moment like it was precious, as nothing will ever be the same after this. Finally, after so long, he has the chance to stuff you with his cum, leaving you nice and filled. Getting to make love to you raw like this has much more meaning, as in a couple months your stomach could be swollen with your child. 
“Taking me so well, my beautiful girl." He moaned into the crook of your neck as you clenched around him tighter, wrapping your legs around his hips. The sudden rush of pleasure took him by surprise as he choked on his own moans. No matter how many times he makes love to you, Ricky will never get used to the feeling of your cunt clenching his cock so tight. It's always been his dream to have children with you, from the day you started dating. Spending hours at night only dreaming of what your future children will look like when they are born. 
“Our babies will look so beautiful, darling." He couldn’t help but start to ramble as he got lost in the feeling of your walls wrapped around him. Your cunt was wrapped so beautifully around his cock, taking every inch he gave you. Ricky kissed your neck gently as his hand started to rub your lower stomach, only dreaming of how it would be all swollen because of him. 
Ricky never took his eyes off of you the whole time, thinking that you were such a princess, taking him so well. He moaned so beautifully whenever he hit that spot where you needed him the most, keeping your cunt nice and full the whole time. Looking up at him with such sweet and innocent eyes, which contrasted with his dirty words. The room was filled with the sounds of mixed moans, and the bed was rocking against the wall with each caring thrust of his hips, making sure that you were feeling so good.
“Fuck, even your tummy will look so pretty swollen. Let everyone know who you belong  to." He was so far gone at this point, babbling against the warm skin of your neck. The strong scent of your perfume wasn’t helping him at all; it was only pushing him on more. Ricky groaned as he held your stomach, letting his mind wander to how swollen your stomach could be in a couple months.
All you could do was lay there breathless, taking everything, and beg him to cum for the nth time that night. Ricky never got tired of watching you cum for him, every time felt like the first for him. You wrapped your legs around his hips tighter, which erupted a groan from him. God, he sounded so beautiful. Panting and moaning out for you, he tried his best to hold back, but nothing was working now. What once were sentences are now just babbles as he got too carried away.
“I’m gonna make you a mommy, going to be so fucking pretty." His thursts were now sloppy and messy, making it difficult to keep going. You started to rock your hips up and help him. It all got too much for him, spilling into your cunt with a groan and burying his head into your chest. Ricky’s eyes were rolled back so far into his head that you could see the whites of his eyes. Finally getting to feel sweet relief. His whole body started to shake as he came down from his high, and then his eyes widened as you clenched down hard as you came.
The feeling of his thick, warm cum was all too much for you, matched by the sight of his shaking body. All you could do was lay there and hold one another as you both came down from your highs, both still aching for one another. Ricky was so gentle with the way he held you, slowly rubbing your tummy, only hoping that tonight was the night. There was something there in the pit of his stomach, which made him feel like it was going to happen after all. 
He couldn’t tear his eyes from where your bodies connected, and he saw the ring of white around his cock. Ricky had filled you up so much that it was starting to leak out onto the bed sheets below. You couldn’t help but whimper at the loss as he pulled out of you, but he was soon fingering his cum back into you. It was so precious and couldn’t go to waste like this. Doing everything that he could to keep you so full and warm of his seed.
“You're going to be such a good mommy.”
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jiminsfirstlife · 4 months
random svt headcanons
mix of boyfriend hc's and random hc's. there's no theme (requests are open btw pls send me stuff T.T)
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gives u money to go shopping
loves when u trace ur fingers over his back tattoo
doesn't like letting u drive (wants u to be a passenger princess)
loves watching u play with kkuma. especially when u don't know he's watching
has crazy bed hair
has mild road rage
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smokes/vapes with you
loves couple rings but he won't wear them in public
randomly buys u gifts if he sees something that reminds him of u
will let u choose what u both get for dinner
teaches u his skincare routine
if he shows you a movie and you guess the plot twist/ending, he'll lie and tell u that ur wrong
uses your shampoo
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LOVES couples jewellery
will take photos for your instagram (and vice versa)
always comforts u <3
stares at himself in the mirror for 10 minutes every morning
teaches you how to play guitar (will sing while you play)
makes bracelets for u
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loves quality time
will sniff his armpits when nobody is looking (lowkey loves the smell)
always talking (either to you or himself)
loves visiting his friends that have pets (is debating getting a dog of his own)
loves cooking for u
loves making jokes.. but he'll laugh mid-sentence and end up taking 5 minutes say the entire joke (he ends up laughing more than u do)
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blushes every time u give him a compliment
very affectionate
messy eater. he'll walk around with food on his face without realising
his wardrobe is bigger than urs
never washes his jeans
steals ur eyeliner
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will give u money whenever u ask (and even when u don't)
loves teaching u how to play his favourite games and is very patient while you learn the controls
makes u a couple playlist and listens to it 24/7
will wear the same hoodie for a week
laughs at everything u say
loves showing u his baby photos & loves seeing ur baby photos
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lets u listen to his demos and listens to ur feedback
will binge watch a 4 season anime within a week
doesn't like pda but he'll still hold ur hand in public
prefers to stay at home with u rather than going out on a date
practices aegyo in the mirror even though he hates it
will use you as inspiration for his lyrics
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steals your accessories
if you have a pet, he'll let your pet snuggle up to him on the bed
asks u to teach him how to use makeup (he loves when u apply it for him)
is very good with kids. he loves spending time with your nieces and nephews
loves showing you his favourite songs
loves matching outfits
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bed hog...
always smells good (will share his cologne/perfume so u smell good too)
loves pda (especially hand holding)
buys clothes for u
loud eater
he's a good driver but he'll drive extra cautiously if you fall asleep in the passenger seat
sometimes (rarely) sleep talks
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picks u up to show u how strong he is. "i could use you as weights"
does aegyo whenever he wants something from you
flexes at himself whenever he walks past a mirror
makes u take "candid" photos of him. he'll act like he doesn't notice you photographing him.. but after a few seconds he'll break out in laughter and beg you to start over
loves sharing food with you
will fall asleep if ur watching a movie late at night. the next morning he'll apologise promise to continue watching it later (he falls asleep again)
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loves sharing his playlists with you
gets embarrassed when you walk in on him taking selfies
loves when u pick out his outfits
sometimes drifts into his own world when he's reading a book or listening to music, but as soon as he notices your presence he'll put away what he's doing to talk with you
lover banter
takes the best/worst photos of you
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loves cuddling with you when he needs to recharge his social battery
affectionately gives you dirty looks (he thinks it's funny when u do the same to him)
constantly makes jokes in hopes that it'll make u laugh
sings in the shower
very comforting (but also loves and appreciates when u comfort him too)
randomly does aegyo and then cringes at himself
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has gone through multiple emo phases
always laughing at whatever you say
he whines when you disagree with him
keeps a deck of uno in his bag at all times just in case someone wants to play with him
takes selfies on ur phone whenever you leave your phone unattended
always asks how your day was (and gives you a recap of his)
will make fun of you, laugh at himself, and then apologise
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sourcherryandsprinkles · 10 months
Hii you dont have to do this but can i request a part 3 to ethan x camgirl where they start talking and meet up. Thanks🫶
The ending kind of sucks, but it's already 1.8k and I'm tired of writing this fic so I'm posting anyway
Warnings: 18+, smut, p + v, virgin!Ethan
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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What were the odds that you and Ethan both lived in New York? You didn’t attend the same college — he was at Blackmore and you at NYU —, but it was still a damn good coincidence. It was also almost unbelievable that you never bumped into each other when you visited friends at Blackmore.  
After weeks of messaging back and forth — a few late night sexting sessions —, you decided to finally meet in person. It was nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time.  You couldn’t wait to see those sweet dimples and bambi eyes…and kiss the hell out of him. 
When Ethan got to the party, he felt dumb for asking you to meet him there because these frat houses were always jam-packed with people, but you were already on your way. It was too late to change the plans.
He stood in the room, deep brown eyes glancing around at the sea of faces, trying to spot someone who matched the beautiful girl he saw through his screen. What he hadn’t thought of was that looking for someone at a part could be like searching for a needle in a haystack. 
‘’Ethan!’’ Chad called out, walking up to his roommate with a red rub in his left hand. ‘’We’re missing a player for beer-pong, you in?’’ 
Chad must be truly desperate to ask him to be his beer-pong partner because he knew how terrible he was at the game. 
‘’Sorry, but I have to decline,’’ Ethan said. ‘’I’m waiting for someone.’’ 
A teasing smirk curled at Chad’s mouth. ‘’Someone, uh? You mean a girl.’’
Ethan rolled his eyes, fighting the blush on his face. ‘’Shut up.’’ 
The night went on, the frat party roaring with energy, and he finally spotted you in the midst of the crowd. You had on more clothes than he was used to seeing on you, but you still looked gorgeous — you always did. 
He made his way over to you, a shy smile drawing on his face as he got closer. 
You pulled Ethan into a greeting hug, feeling like you were past formal greetings. He saw you stuff your fingers in your cunt as you moaned his name, shaking his hand would feel strange. 
‘’You smell good,’’ Ethan said, your sweet perfume enveloping him, a nice change from the strong weed odor that filled the living area. 
You chuckled. ‘’Thanks.’’ You pulled back and raised your eyes. ‘’I didn’t expect you to be this tall,’’ you remarked in turn, surprised by Ethan’s height. 
Being around you felt surreal to Ethan. He had to pinch himself a few times to make sure he wasn’t in one of his wet dreams. But you were really there, sitting beside him on the couch, your knee brushing his leg every time you laughed. 
‘’You okay?’’ you asked, noticing Ethan shifting in his seat. 
‘’All is good,’’ he lied, his face forcing a smile. 
‘’You sure? We can go and get some air if you want.’’ 
‘’I don’t need air, it’s just— I don’t want you to think I wanted us to meet so I could use you for sex, but my dick has been rock hard since that hug and it’s getting really uncomfortable.’’
You looked down to see the tent in his pants and laughed softly. ‘’Why didn’t you say so?’’
‘’Because it’s embarrassing...’’ he mumbled, wishing the couch would swallow him.
Leaning closer, you said quietly. ‘’Would it be less embarrassing if I said I’ve been dying to leave and have you to myself?’’ 
No other words were spoken. Ethan just stood and you grabbed his arm as he guided you through the bodies of partygoers. He kept his head down and smiled at the ground, the feeling of your hand curling around his bicep sending butterflies in his stomach. If a simple touch ignited this kind of reaction from him, what would happen when your hands will be touching lower on his body?
The walk to Ethan’s dorm felt like a thousand miles away. The chilly night air nipped at your bare legs as you strolled through the dimly lit campus pathways, holding on to his arm the whole way. You couldn't wait to be inside and finally kiss him.
You barely made it inside the building lobby that you had pulled Ethan down by the front of his polo shirt and captured his lips with your own. He gasped against your mouth in surprise, not expecting that kiss, but quickly recovered and kissed back until he was out of breath. 
Grabbing his hand again, you hurriedly took the stairs to the third floor — as instructed —, and watched with amusement Ethan unlocking and shutting the door with a clumsy eagerness. 
‘’Come here, pretty boy,’’ you said, pulling Ethan down and kissing him again, gentle but deep. 
You could kiss him all night and never get tired, but the elephant in the room was nudging at your thigh and you just had to give it some attention. Without disconnecting the kiss, your hand wandered south down Ethan’s body, pausing right over the lump in his jeans. He let out a strangled moan at the contact, and it made you smile into the kiss.
‘’Should we take care of that?’’ you asked, dragging your mouth to his jaw while you rubbed him over his jeans,  touching him where nobody's ever touched him before, where he'd only dreamed of you touching him. 
Ethan’s head tilted back and you only saw it as an opportunity to kiss a line down the side of the neck, adding to the new sensations. You kept on stroking him slow and long until he couldn’t take it anymore, pleading once again. 
He peeled off his jacket, leaving it in a lump on the floor while you did the same with your sweater, leaving you in your lacy bra. You had picked it meticulously, hoping Ethan would be the one to take it off you tonight. 
‘’Fuck, you're gorgeous,’’ he murmured to himself, watching you closely.
You pulled at his polo shirt, and when he raised his arms to discard it, you looked at him appreciatively. He was hiding so many good things underneath those preppy clothes. You ran your hands along his chest, the smooth muscles that spread across his stomach and his chest and his arms. 
‘’You’re not bad either,’’ you replied, triggering a light blush on his cheeks. 
The rest of your clothes came off in a disordered fashion, trying to get naked as fast as possible. Once the goal was reached and everything was on the floor on the chair, you glanced down and smirked, admiring what you had only ever seen through a screen. Big enough to make you feel full, and pink and leaking at the tip.
‘’Looks even better in person than on camera.’’ You wanted to kiss it, but instead wrapped your fist around his cock, slowly going in up and down motions. Moans and pleas fell from his plush lips, causing more pre-cum to leak from the tip. ‘’Please what, baby?’’ you asked, gently caressing the line of his happy trail with your other hand. ‘’Just tell me what you want.’’
‘’I want you.’’
You leaned in to kiss him again, and this time the kiss was hungry as you guided him back to what you assumed was his bed — the letterman jacket on the other bed gave it away. You moved back and brought Ethan down with you as you lied on the typical college boy dark blue sheets. Some curls were falling in his face, reminding you of the shy boy you met months ago during a private session. 
You tucked his hair behind his ear, smiling softly at him. ‘’How do you want me?’’ 
On top. 
Connecting your lips for a quick kiss, you then grabbed a condom — which he had bought for the occasion — and switched positions so you were straddling him. Pushing up on your knees, you gripped the base of his cock and lined him up with your entrance. You could tell that Ethan was nervous, his breathing pattern faster than a few minutes ago. 
‘’It's okay. I got you.’’
You pressed gently, the tip barely sliding in, making Ethan grab the sheets and throw his head back from the overwhelming rush of new sensations. Slowly, you sank down onto him, inch by inch until he was all the way inside of you, and sighed. He felt so much better than you imagined. 
Ethan’s grip on the sheets tightened as a long moan drew from his mouth. ‘’Fuck, that feels good,’’ he whispered, his eyes still shut, scared that if he open them and see you sitting on his cock he’ll burst.
Taking a small pause to adjust, you tilted his face down to yours and leaned down, capturing his lips with your own as your breasts pressed against his chest. His eyes snapped open, only to close again and release the sheets to run his hands everywhere he could reach on your body. 
Once it was comfortable enough, you started moving your hips the same way you often did in your videos. Except this time, it wasn’t a dildo. 
Ethan groaned, squeezing your thigh and moving his other hand to your chest as you moved on top of him. He cupped your breast, and then tentatively squeezed your nipple. It sent a bolt of need through your core, settling right between your legs.
‘’Do that again, baby,’’ you encouraged, and moved your hips again, a long languid movement. ‘’You can be rougher.’’ You gasped, pressing your fingers over his, pinching and twisting your nipple the way you liked. It hurt in the best way. 
You continued moving your hips as Ethan played with your body, his mouth soon replacing his hands on your nipple, causing more mewls to ripple through. 
It wasn't long until Ethan began getting sloppy and whiny, silently letting you know he was close. Virgin men didn't last long — you knew —, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t use your own hand to speed your orgasm instead of making Ethan feel bad for finishing fast. 
You rubbed at your clit until you started to feel that coil tightening in your belly, getting close to the edge and, by some miracle, successfully reached your high closely together, echoes of your pleasure mixing as you clenched around Ethan’s spurting cock and milked him. 
When you were finished, you rolled off him, falling back on the mattress. You should get up and go pee, but Ethan curled up next to you after disposing of the condom, wrapping an arm around your middle and you didn't want to get up yet. He pressed his face against your soft breasts, a beaming smile on his lips as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, holding him close. 
‘’I’m really happy I spent my dad’s money on that private session.’’
Scream taglist: @misfityanii @beautybyfire @iluvscream191 @mariposa555 @bella7866 @o638 @lulubelle14 @luvvtxinityy @frasersgf  @Eddiefrickenmunson @jasperr-the-friendly-ghost @ghostf4cee @thesebitcheslovesosadotcom @wandaswigglywoos @xjennyx2 @jennasslut @thatonesblog  @mikaelsonsstuff @icarly23 @tcddszn  @bt.oliana  @skyesthebomb @a1mzcruml3y @red1culous @iluurmom @popeheywardssecretgf @michaelangdonsslut @byhrxb @kamthecoolest @kattybug @ravenstrueluv @landryslxys @die4niyahhh  @sl4sh3rfuck3r @radiant-whore  @Meadzy21 @luci1fer @nomorespahgetti  @bloodyhw  @depthsofdespairr  @bellysbeach @wilmalovegood @loupiotesworld  @wenvierismycomfort @t-candy  @s-al-em  @darylscvmdumpster  @tommysaxes  @adaydreamaway08 @johannelis2302nely @aqshua @lynbubble  @luiise  @planetkt  @vampyrgoff  @adrluvh @mymultiveres  @miqi-16 @not-liah  @lovenats01 @doestalker @lonelywitchv2 @lausley336  @arinexeisnotworking @halforangecuts @l3ndryz  @ilovelandry  @your-platonic-gay-lover  @Danniackerman  @angelxxrose  @lottiefromsam  @thecrowdedstreetin1944 @cinnamonbun222
All and more taglist: @spiokybirdstarfish @kenqki @liidiaaag @hawkegfs  @gillybear17  @areaderinlove @acornacreacure @black-rose-29 @fudge13 @cece05 @rosie-cameron @Caxddce @laylasbunbunny @gemofthenight @beautyb1ade  @hi-bored-as-fcuk-rn  @lovelyy-moonlight @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @marzipaanz  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3  @Heartsforneteyamsully  @aerangi  @hallecarey1  @bxbyyyjocelyn @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs @grxnde-dwt @lexasaurs634 @teeeree13 @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch
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y2ashlee · 4 months
Leona Kingscholar x Female! Reader SMUT
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WARNINGS: Sex, bad writing, of character Leona but what fan written Leona isn’t.
That weird hormone perfume I saw advertised on TikTok.
Author notes:
As we know from the manga, Leona sleeps without a shirt on.
Are they dating? Yes. Is this the couples first time having sex with each other. Also yes.
I looked up mating rituals of lions so that was interesting. Like I knew the female lion was the boss in that case but it’s still pretty interesting. Anyway male lions with stroke or lick the female on their necks, shoulders or backs to initiate the males also bite the female to basically remain in control and it helps with ovulation apparently which sounds bullshit but I guess it works?. Anyway I’ll probs look up stuff for the other non human members of the cast. Though with the fae ones I’ll probably only use part of the animal that they’re associated with since dragons aren’t real and pretty sure Azul’s dick isn’t removable nor is it one of his tentacles.
Anyway also use protection.
The Prefect of ramshackle dorm had recently gotten herself a bottle of perfume from the school store that smelt lovely, and was on sale. But what she didn’t know was that it was enchanted to make whomever harvest strong romantic feelings towards the Wearer to act upon those feelings in someway Handholding, kisses, hugs etc whenever they smelled it. And unfortunately for a certain lion beast man, these feelings were tripled as his sense of smell was so much better than any humans. She had been wearing the perfume for about a month, still unknowing about the enchantment, but every time the two would cross paths he would get a huge whiff of her intoxicating scent, and when she was in the same room as him for a long period of time, or standing close to him, every time, it got stronger, this particular time she was taking a joint class with his class and surprisingly he showed up to class, but as soon as the bell rang, he quickly got up to leave to get away from her scent. He was stopped by deuce as he wanted to ask him something and she was standing next to him he sighed. “..what..” he said, gritting his teeth. “Sorry I just wanted to ask-..” Deuce said. “Ask, Ruggie.” Is all he said before moving past them to leave. “Are you alright? You look flushed and you’re sweating.” The Prefect asked reaching towards him pressing the back of her hand to his forehead. “My god. You feel hot!” She said surprised. “Do you need to go to the nu-“ He ducked away from her hand a sneer on his face. “I’m fine.” He said turning and walking out of the classroom. “A-alright then..” she said watching him walk away. He practically speed walked to the bathroom walking over to the sink and turning the water on splashing water on his face to calm himself as he let out a loud exaggerated sigh.
Leona retreating or running away continued for the next few days as the Prefect would try to talk to him and ask to hang out with him and whatnot yet he’d avoid any form of physical contact even after she had stopped wearing the perfume. But it was too late the enchantment was already in effect. While she was contemplating and over thinking that he didn’t want to be with her anymore he was trying to overcome all the sexual thoughts and not wanting to hurt her in his aroused and angered state. The smallest whiff of her scent put him in a foul mood because he couldn’t be near her until the enchantment wore off as he didn’t trust himself. But as he watched her from afar all those days he could see how much him avoiding her physically was weighing on her. He let out a yawn as he laid in bed staring at the ceiling trying to sleep fall asleep but finding it hard to do so he sighed grabbed his phone from the desk next to his bed and quickly send her a message.
Leona: Hey, Sorry I’ve been avoiding you.
He sent the first message unsure what to write next. He sighed a growl flowing from his lips as he rolled over onto his side burying his face into his pillow before feeling his phone vibrate before it rang. He looked at the screen seeing that it was her who was calling. He took a deep breath before answering. “..yeah.” He said already filled with guilt. “So, why have you been avoiding me?” She asked her voice soft and low like she was about to cry. He gulped before replying. “You know that perfume you’ve been wearing?” He stated. “Oh, was it too overpowering?” She asked. “Not exactly, it was enchanted..” Is all he said unsure how to phrase what he needed to say. “Basically, it makes me want to…” his voice drifted off. Thoughts of her roaming his mind. “…do stuff….to you..” he said softly his tail swishing slightly. His face flushed. “O-oh, OH!” She said her face also flushing. “Do you not want to do stuff with me..” she said biting her lip. He let out a groan like sigh. “Of course I do, I just-ugggh, I don’t wanna..hurt you..” he said biting his lip burying his face in his pillow once more. “..ok I see..” she said her face more flushed then before. “..are you in your room right now..” she asked. “Yeah..” he replied. “Stay where you are.” She said hanging up and putting her phone in her pocket. His eyes widened realising what she was intending to do. He sighed and put his phone on the desk before pulling the blankets over his head hiding from the cool moonlit night breeze.
The door opened with a small thud. “Sorry.” She winched at the sound before shutting the door slowly. She took a deep breath trying to compose herself before walking over to the bed. “Are you gonna hide from me now.” She said to the lump under the blanket. His tail flicked and swayed as it was free from the blanket which told her that he was happy she was there or annoyed she was unsure. She sighed and sat down on the bed. “It’s okay if you want to do stuff with me especially that kind of stuff but..at least tell me and..let me set the pace..” she said her face flushed as one hand gripped the blanket the other covering her mouth her eyes downcast as she bit her lip. He rolled over and sat up the blanket falling from his face showing his flushed face. “..are you sure?..” his voice low as his piercing green eyes stared at her. Her scent filling his nostrils engulfing him. “Y-yes.” She said removing her hand from her mouth and turning to look up at him with a nod. His eyes widened slightly his thoughts shattering as he lent forward his lips crashing against hers in a sloppy but passionate kiss his tongue pressing into her mouth roaming around like it hasn’t been there in years. He wrapped his arm around her gently pushing her to the bed his other hand caressing her head. He pulls away from her pressing his forehead to her’s as they both pant for breath he sighs breathing in her scent. “Sorry..” he mumbled in his gruff voice as he rubbed his cheek against hers before leaning down and rubbing his head against her neck and collarbone trying to get his scent on her and hers on him. His teeth grazed against her neck before licking it gently.
She let out a gasp at the roughness of his tongue on her neck. He sighed sniffing her once more. “Leona?” She said softly. His eyes widened his face flushing once more in embarrassment as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “You smell good..” he said trying to shove his embarrassment away. “Is this a beastman thing? To sniff, lick and rub against each other?” She asked. “We also bite.” He said his mood turning sour his teeth grazing her collarbone as his piercing gaze stared at her neck. She smiled softly a small chuckle leaving her throat before she placed her hands on his head her thumbs gently rubbing his ears while her fingers massaged his head. He closed his eyes loving the feeling of her touch he’ll never admit it though. “So what kind of things did you think about doing.” She asked continuing her movements. “As long as I’m comfortable doing it then it’s ok.” She said. He stared at her for a moment before exhaling and sitting up pulling away from her. He stared down at her hands rested on her chest as she looked up at him her face flushed. His thoughts were scattered as he looked down at her pinned beneath him.
She placed her hands on he’s cheeks. “Leona?” She said softly. He blinked slowly bringing his face down to her neck giving it a long lick before biting down on it. Not hard enough to break skin but still leaving a mark. She let out a moan like gasp. “Ah! Leona, that hurt!!” She said pushing him away quickly before covering the bite mark with her hand. He scoffed with a chuckle as he rubbed the mark with his thumb. “..I wanted to pin you down mark you as mine and fill you with me..” he said his voice low as his hands gripped the bed beneath them. “O-oh my…” she said her face so flushed that it reached her ears as she covered her face with her hands taking a few deep breaths before replying. “T-then fill me with you. J-just slowly please.” She said her gaze meeting his as she placed her hands on his cheeks. He smirked before leaning down and capturing her lips once more biting her lip before slipping his tongue in his hands moving to her hips lifting her shirt his ruff palms moving against her skin as they traveled upward his thumbs slipping under her bra before pushing it up before cupping her breasts his thumbs flicking her nipples slightly earning a muffled gasp from her as she pulls away from him as they both breathe heavily. “Leona..” she says softly kicking off her shoes before pulling him into an embrace her arms wrapping around him as she kissed him. He smirked against her lips and pulled away from her as he slides his hands down to her leggings slipping them off along with her underwear. She presses her thighs together feeling the coolness of the night hit her exposed parts. He kneels on the floor and parts her legs kissing her thighs gently his canines grazing her skin slightly until he reached her slit leaving a long slow lick up to her exposed bud. She gasped and sat up at the unexpected feeling. All he did was smirk and pushed her down bring her exposed slit closer and licking it once more his fingers gently rubbing her opening before prodding it his finger sliding inside while his tongue licks her exposed bud. She quivers slightly squeezing her thighs together as they rest against his head. He continues to lick while he caresses her insides his motions becoming fast. She covered her mouth with a hand letting out a moan. He pulled away with a smirk as he slid in another finger thrusting them faster as he kissed her thigh before leaving another bite. His tongue licking it as she let out a moan her walls clenching around his fingers. He pulls out his fingers purposely dragging his fingers slowly as he wipes them on his pants before putting her thighs down on the bed. She
With her breathing slightly ragged she watches as he moves away from her and leaning over the bed and rummaged through one of the draws before coming back to her and leaning down and whispering in her ear. “Roll over.” He said in a gruff voice just above a whisper before he kissed her once more. She blinked a few times before nodding and rolling over onto her stomach moving so she was on her knees. Let leant down and spoke softly into her ear. “This is your last chance to back out.” He said a hand resting on her hip. She looked back at him with a soft smile. “Just…be gentle..” she says softly her hands gripping the bed covers. He lets out a scoff as he pulls back ripping a condom packet with his teeth mumbling a reply. “I’ll try.” He said letting out a groan as slid the cool condom over his length shuddering slightly at the feeling. He let out a shakily breath as he pressed his length against her wet outer walls. She looked away from him as she felt his tip prod her entrance obviously a lot more girth then his to fingers. He slid inside her wet walls letting out a grunt at the feeling of her heat around him. She bit her lip her walls clenching around him as she let out a sound she was unsure she could make. He grunted as he started to move keeping his pace slow his hands resting on her hips. She gripped the covers more every time he moved letting out soft almost unheard sounds. His ears twitched at those soft sounds as he continued his movements his tail swishing slightly as he leant over her his chest pressed against her back his thrusts speeding up as he wrapped his arms around her one hand groping one of her breasts the other caressing her stomach. She lets out a louder moan his ears twitching at her muffled moans as she hides her face in the bed covers her eyes clenching shut. He scoffs once more as he rubs his cheek against her head and leaving a lick on her neck before biting it once more. Her back arched as she let out a strangled sound before burying her face in the covers again. His thrusts only became more aggressive after that. Her walls clenching around his as he hit all different parts of her insides. His teeth stayed against her skin as his hips slapped into hers his movements rough as his breathing was rugged. She let out a loud low muffled moan her walls clenching around him as she shivered hitting her climax her eyes watering at the feeling of him inside of her. He continued his thrusts his movements staggering slightly as he shuddered as muffled growl like moan reverberating against her skin as he came. His movements stopped as leant against her his body weight enveloping her slightly his ragged breathing against her neck his teeth still pressed into her skin his length still inside of her warm wet walls his tail flicking.
“L-Leona?” She asked trying to turn to look at him the best she could but she could only see his hair. His piercing green gaze unmoving as he stared at nothing in particular. She reached up to try to shake his shoulder but all she could reach was his ear as her fingertips brushing against. “Leona!” She said slightly louder once more trying to get his attention. His eyes shifted around before he realised what he was doing and pulled away from her his eyes landing on the bite mark noticing that it wasn’t bleeding. He gave it a lick before pulling away removing himself from her completely. “Sorry.” He said in his gruff voice as he fixed himself discarding the used condom in the bin. “Get up.” He said she nodded and slowly got up staggering slightly. He pulled her to him before pulling the bed covers down and helping her into the bed before following her pulling them over the two of them. He lets out a huff and wrapped his arms around her and sniffing her content that she smells like him. He relaxes before falling asleep. She sighs but cuddles up next to him knowing that there’s not way she would be able to leave.
Jesus Christ what the hell did I just write… anyway hope you enjoyed this garbage and requests are always open. Next up is Ruggie hopefully it won’t take me as long to write it but who knows.
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m-jelly · 6 months
can I have some random headcanon of the vets and reader please 🥺
thank you jelly 😊😘❤️
I'm not sure what HC's you wanted? So I just went with basic stuff of being in a relationship with them because there are all kinds of HCs.
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@ladycheesington Thank you for the banner and helping me with the HCs
Reader x vets HCs
Time takes to ask you out: 3 weeks
First date: Cafe
First kiss: After the second date, a bit shy but then becomes passionate due to his built up strong feelings.
First gift: Flowers and tea
First time together: After two months as a couple, he'll be a bit nervous and he'll keep asking you if everything is okay and he'll go at your pace. It's very passionate and sweet with a lot of feelings.
Favourite date: Being at home with you, making your lunch or dinner with a movie or TV show. Sometimes a nice sit in the garden during good weather.
Jealousy level: 6/10 - more possessive than jealous. Trust you but not other people.
Sex drive: Increases the longer you are together and he has learned a lot about you and your body. His drive grows with his feelings for you. Explores more as you become more comfortable with each other. He does enjoy exploring and will try many things.
Contact time: Likes a lot of contact, loves hugs and kisses behind closed doors. Needs to have some sort of contact with you even if it is a slight touch. Loves to spoon as much as possible. Not very keen on PDA but will hold your hand or put his hand on your thigh under the table.
At home: he’s very domestic and likes to do chores together. He enjoys working together as a team and showing you the joys of cleaning and the cleaning tech. Cooking together is always fun for him.
Time takes to ask you out: Few days
First date: Italian restaurant
First kiss: On the second date he would ask you, very light and sweet
First gift: Flowers and a book
First time together: One month as a couple. Rather confident and makes sure it is loving and passionate
Favourite date: At a history museum or restaurant
Jealousy level: 3/10 He’s secure, knows he’s a good partner, and he doesn’t get easily jealous. If someone bothers you he will step in.
Sex drive: Bit more vanilla, but has a very good medium to high sex drive. Does enjoy being a dom.
Contact time: Likes being in the same room as you and just reading a book. He loves your company and presence. he doesn't need constant contact. Happy with PDA, will kiss you and hold you in public. Likes to spoon and enjoys kisses.
At home: Likes to work together with the house. Tends to take the lead a lot though, he mostly is in charge of a lot so if you want more responsibilities you will need to talk to him.
Time takes to ask you out: As soon as he realises he likes you. He will ask you out the very moment.
First date: Arcade or outdoor adventure
First kiss: On the first date
First gift: Perfume
First time together: Month and a half of being a couple. He's very careful and gentle as he is a big guy, so it'll be a slow process of you getting used to him.
Favourite date: Camping or gaming day
Jealousy level: 1/10 Rather confident in himself and finds it amusing if someone tries something with you because he knows they have no chance.
Sex drive: When you are comfortable and okay with the size difference, he'll have a high-ish drive and does a lot to pleasure you.
Contact time: Loves to spoon a lot. Really loves holding you for as long as possible. Likes to nap together too, he's like a cuddly wolf. Very okay with PDA. Likes to pick you up a lot and carry you around. Enjoys nuzzling because you smell incredible. Very passionate kisser.
At home: Does all the cooking, he really loves food so he will always make the food. He is rather good with keeping up with bills and tends to get on with things, but he keeps you in the loop and will work with you as a joint thing on everything else.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously @mari-zs
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