#same with mychem's first album??
bitterlyromantic · 1 year
not too sure if this is "unfortunate" or not, but there r a few albums i can really only listen to in order (no shuffling) .
anyway, i'm curious if others do !
if you do, i'd love to hear what albums/artists! i like being nosey :-)
also this is specifically if you're just listening to 1 album. not like in a playlist ?? idk if that makes sense
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pansypr3p · 1 year
whats ur fave mcr song
this is very mean to ask me. you will not get a straight answer. my favorite album is, by far, i brought you my bullets you brought me your love. here are my top song picks and why <3
famous last words — first mychem song i listened to and resonated with. will always be very important.
our lady of sorrows — secondish mychem song i resonated with. star crossed lovers. i will always love her.
thank you for the venom — i looped this in a dark but valuable time in my life and im still obsessed.
kill all your friends — same as above.
skylines and turnstiles — this was/is my comfort song. she is so fucking underrated. pay attention to her more plz.
this is how i disappear — god. do i need to explain.
sleep — see above. these songs are sisters to me. very special girls.
cubicles — NO ONE loves cubicles like i love cubicles. we should be going FERAL and RABID over her but nooOoo.
ftwww — kiss my battery stickers coming soon (im crazy about this ep in general)
only hope for me — im gay and this reminds me of my boyf. actually so does this is how i disappear. these songs are like, parallels or something im not smart but they drive me fucking crazy.
save yourself — LOVE LOVE LOVE this song AGAIN my boyf but also these songs in particular off DD resonate HOPE to me. i love it i love you my chemical romanc.
hang em high — i jam to this song so fucking hard. great to sing. love her dearly.
jetset life — honestly i dont think i need to explain.
heaven help us — mostly ive been sprawled on these cathedral steps while spitting out the blood and screaming someone save us / will you pray for me or make a saint of me and will you lay for me or make saint / and the punchline to the joke is asking someone save us / and im burning im burning im burning again . something something my band asking desperately for help. something something theyre alive and playing shows with their kids watching . etc
planetary go —
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if u dont get it im sorry i cant help u. planetary go forever
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iloveyou8600 · 2 years
omg? i was tagged by @keepthefrank to do a playlist game? its been years and years since i was tagged in anything thank u sm!!!
rules: shuffle your ‘on repeat’ playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist. then tag 10 people to do the same thing
on repeat
violet clementine - lady lamb
mood swings - human people
understanding in a car crash - thursday
oh! starving - car seat headrest
from the hips - cursive
breathe - jawbox
turnpike divides - thursday
slumber party - rain on fridays
alabama movies - skating polly
my way home is through you - mychem
ten i like
dark dark - swampwalk
cradle - moxie pocket (my friends band! so amazing pls check them out)
i wanna go home - gully boys
i liked you best - remember sports
big dipper - built to spill
gardens - heavens
cut - sweet pill
introduction to the album - the hotelier
little fix - the sprints
gifthorse - gatherers
here is my spotify! i dont have a lot of ppl to tag but thank u! i hope u are my friend
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callmeblake · 16 days
From December 2008
Frank Iero gives album update! (Rock Sound)
On the online version of the Rock Sound magazine, they talked to Frank, who gave them an update on MyChem's 4th album.
Frank Iero Gives Album Update
My Chemical Romance axeman Frank Iero has been giving Rock Sound the skinny on the band’s fourth album progress, R&R, and Gerard and Lyn-Z’s good news...
What stage are you guys at with the fourth My Chemical Romance album?
''Right now, it’s really in the preliminary writing stage, just tossing back and forth ideas. There haven’t been any real serious writing sessions yet. We’re actually talking about getting together again this month, and after that in the new year we’ll really sit down and start working on songs. For now it’s just been you know, kinda hanging out.''
Life must have been so hectic over the past few years; we expect you need time to reflect?
''Well that’s the thing, it’s nice to see your family again and become part of their lives again. We’ve been away for so long that it’s hard to reconnect to the people that you left back home, because it’s just hard to reconnect to real life. And to actually be able to make plans and say, ‘Hey, you know what, I will see you next weekend, I will be around, what are you doing, can we hang out and just be together?’ That’s a real nice thing.''
Do you ever stop and pinch yourself? It’s incredible the level you’ve reached from quite modest beginnings, playing smaller festivals and support slots not too long ago...
''Absolutely, every day you wake up and you’re like, ‘Holy shit, what happened?’ I remember being in a van, I remember getting to these shows, and then all of a sudden I’m coming home to a house that’s mine, and playing shows to thousands of people – venues and countries that I never thought I’d play. I feel very, very blessed to be able to do that – I really am doing things that I dreamed of as a kid. We know how fortunate we are, and I don’t think a day goes by that we’re not thankful for that.''
We were very happy to hear that Gerard and Lyn-Z are expecting their first child; is that going to affect MCR’s plans much? ''
No. You know if anything, it’s just going to make the family bigger and we’re just really excited. As soon as he told me my jaw dropped, because he was the kind of kid that was like, ‘I’m never going to get married, I’m never going to have kids’, and it was in a year that all that changed. I’m just so excited for him, because he’s so excited, and if anything, it’s just going to make touring that much better – everyone’s gonna have kids out on the road and their wives and stuff, it’s just going to be like a touring family circus
from live journal
(Now gone rock sound link) https://www.rocksound.tv/articles/2369/Frank-Iero-Gives-Album-Update.html
Also, in this same magazine (that hits shelves today), there's an article with LeATHERMOUTH.  
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iero · 6 months
(same anon) i was the first vote for nvm! but seems like it has overtaken brand new now…so the margins are quite small on the lower end. as for three cheers being my least favourite – the whole 'revenge-fantasy' simply doesn't do it for me. love the music, but i found mychem when tbp was released and i always thought it was better, plus bullets has it's own charm, and dd was the first one where i had a big community of mcrmy friends and travelling to see shows, so it's also special to me^^ and i just like the conweap songs idk. but yeah i'm not sure i've met anyone who agrees either hahah
Both Brand New and Foals are dead last in the poll, I’ve seen… Y’all are so wrong for that, especially Foals. But, I’m happy to see it’s been pretty mixed amongst several albums on the list!
And, fair! You’re taking to someone who has The Black Parade as their least favorite to be honest. And, that’s only because it was the first My Chem album I was really, like, introduced too, so sometimes it does feel stale if I go back and listen to it because I’ve listened to it SO much, ya know? I still greatly enjoy it and it’s iconic, but yeah… That makes me so happy to hear about DD and the friends you made and hell yeah! Showing CW some much deserved love! But, I greatly appreciate your honesty about Three Cheers! I love when people share their opinions no matter what! ❤️
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honeybabymp3 · 4 years
got tagged by patri @keylimegreendyke some days ago to put my last playlist on shuffle and post the first 10 songs that come up.... it was (unsurprisingly) my folder with all my dean playlists (no judging they’re extremely self indulgent and I’m not gonna pretend otherwise). I’m gonna skip the songs from the playlist that are just shazam’ed songs from the show tho. here we go
vertigo cave by the used
the archer by taylor
bleed american by jimmy eat world
billie joe armstrog’s cover of that thing you do!
trouble by Natalia kills (🥰)
burnin for you by blue oyster cult
the all american rejects’ cover of womanizer (LMAO I’m sorry Britney:( I wanted an acoustic cover for the right vibe and I’m a very dedicated playlist maker)
front row by metric (😞)
king for a day by Green Day (😊😊😊)
Semiotic love by blaqk audio
thank you!! Mwah
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current-mcr-news · 2 years
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frankieromustdie: damn, last night was a total blast… Lily’s favorite band of all time is Weezer, sometimes she’ll say it’s Mychem but i know she’s just trying not to hurt my feelings. I was probably around her age when my dad took me to see Weezer for the first time. The blue album had just come out and they were playing the parking lot at Trenton thunder stadium for a local radio station. They blew my mind then, and now getting to watch them side of stage with her and the rest of my family if it weren’t so cold it would have brought tears to my eyes. The topper was then getting to play that same stage with my best friends while my kids cheered us on, such a surreal experience and nothing short of a bucket list moment for me. Thank you @fireflymusicfestival Thank you @weezer Thank you Rock and Roll. KTF 🖤 xofrnk
[Sep 24, 2022]
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cursivetalk · 3 years
The Taste Of Ink
Mikey Way X F!Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Summary: you're a tattoo artist who just got a walk in client who requests a wrist tattoo. It takes you a moment to realise who's sitting in front of you though
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The woman flinched a bit away from the tattoo needle, I was pressing on her shoulder blade. She kept smiling though, probably trying to laugh the pain away.
"Only a little longer,"I told her, concentrated on the left wing of the angel I was putting on her skin. She nodded her head and squeezed the seat with her right hand.
My nose was almost touching her skin as I tried to get the faint lines as precise as possible. To distract her I talked to her and hummed along to the song that was playing in the background. "Do you have any plans for today?"
She nodded, relaxing just the slightest bit. "Yes, I want to go out with my girlfriend this evening to this fancy new restaurant at the corner. The tattoo's a little surprise, I hope she likes it."
"I'm sure she will," I told her and took the needle away to gently rub antiseptic on her skin.
She hissed once again but stayed perfectly still. I took off my rubber gloves and tossed them in the bin. "You wanna see it?"
"Yes, please."
So I guided her to the mirror in the staff room and held up another so she could see herself properly. The moment, she thanked me enthusiastically with a hug, I heard the familiar jingle of the door, telling me that another customer just walked in.
"A minute please!" I shouted at them.
Then, I turned back to my current customer who was smiling from cheek to cheek. That was the best part of the job, next to the art itself. Seeing the customers so happy with their new tattoo. "I love it, thanks again."
I took her to the register and gave her the obligatory talk on after care and what she should and what she shouldn't do in the next few days.
After she left the store, I turned around to the new person who was waiting patiently and looked at the pictures of the tattoos on my walls. "Can I help you?"
The first thing I noticed about the man was that he was pretty tall and had bleached blond hair that fell into his face as he turned around. He was wearing sunglasses though we were indoors. Strange. But not as strange as some other customers so I shrugged it off. Maybe he was hungover. In that case I would have to send him home, getting a tattoo like that wasn't a good idea.
But he seemed familiar. Had I tattooed him some time already? A quick scan of his body told me that no, I couldn't find anything. At least not from my gun.
"I uh, wanted to get uh, a tattoo. Do you accept walk ins?" He stumbled over his words as if he was getting shy. Aww. And I had heard his voice somewhere already. This was getting slightly creepy.
Shaking the feeling off, I nodded with a friendly smile. "Sure. Do you have decided on a tattoo already or do you want me to design you one?"
The skinny man took out a folded picture from his jeans pocket and handed it to me. "I'd like this please."
I opened it, my professional smile turning into a huge grin. I knew this spider, it was from the newest album of My Chemical Romance that came out a few weeks ago.
Already going to my computer to scan it, I asked in a playful tone: "Also a mychem fan? The album's pretty awesome, right?"
To reasons unknown to me, the man chuckled, seeming to have lost his shyness. Well, worked for me. At least I hadn't scared him off with my chatter. "I would say so."
Confused, I looked up at him. What should that-oh fuck. How could I have been so blind? My Chemical Romance was my favourite band and I didn't recognise the bassist? What was wrong with me?
Mikey fucking Way wanted me to tattoo his newest album's cover on him.
Fuck, stay calm.
I heard him giggle and decided to not do the, y'know, normal thing of maybe a bit fangirling or something and instead stared him down. It wasn't as effective as I intended it to be due to me blushing madly at the same time. Very professional.
But I was also very stubborn, so I turned back to my computer and looked for a better version of the spider to blue print it. "Where do you want to have it later?"
"My right nipple," Mikey said with a straight face.
I choked on air and whipped around to stare at him, mouth slightly agape. Then, he started to laugh madly. "I'm joking, I'm joking! God, your expressions are hilarious."
"Yes, very funny to play with your fan's little heart," I muttered bitterly around the smile I couldn't entirely hide, "but seriously, where do you want it? And do you want to get the tattoo in one sitting or more?"
"What would you recommend? And I thought my right wrist would work," he said and extended said hand to me. I quickly measured how big the spider had to be and showed it to him.
For a split second, I was tempted to tell him something along the lines of 'at least five sessions' but then my rational part of mind kicked in. Or rather the responsible one that would torture me with guilt if I went through with the first option. "I think one or two would suffice, depending on the pain. There it is!"
The last exclamation was directed at the print that came out. Mikey had taken off the sunglasses by now and was peering over my shoulder to watch me.
To be honest, I didn't know why I was so calm, considering that I always had a tiny thing for him. Maybe I was still in shock that Mikey Way actually was at my tattoo parlor to get a, well, tattoo.
I made him sit down on the chair and put the print on his wrist gently. He followed all of this curiously. "That okay?"
"Yeah, it looks great... Oh, sorry I forgot to ask for your name. I'm Mikey." I thought it was pretty cute how he pressed his lips together in embarrassment. And how he introduced himself despite the fact that we both knew that I knew who he was.
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you. If you haven't already figured, I like your band," I told him, suddenly very focused on adjusting the print carefully. These things needed to be done properly after all.
Mikey giggled. "Yeah, the music kinda gave it away."
"Huh?" I asked and then noticed the song that I had been humming along to subconsciously was Teenagers. "Oh, uh, yeah."
Who was stuttering now? Damnit, I was not a teenager anymore, stop this shit right now!
"Should I start or do you have any second guesses?" I asked as I put the ink into the tattoo machine.
Mikey shook his head. "Nope."
And he hissed as I made the first point. "Shit, Frank said that it would be barely noticeable."
I giggled. "Well, he has a bit more tattoos than you to be fair and is most likely more accustomed to it."
For a while, I worked in silence until Mikey spoke up again. Or rather pressed the words through his lips. "Fuck that hurts."
"Should I talk to you? It distracts most of my customers enough from the pain," I offered somewhat shyly. Yes, he intimidated me a bit but to be fair, he was in my favourite band, okay?
"That'd be awesome," Mikey said through gritted teeth as I hit an especially sensible nerve.
I thought for a moment as Famous Last Words started playing. Should I seriously fangirl to him about his music? Ah fuck it, I couldn't think of anything else. "I always loved this song so much. It gives off so much pain but always so much hope. It's a great ending for an album in my opinion and Gerard's vocals are just heavenly."
To my surprise, Mikey nodded along understandingly. "Yeah, it's awesome especially when we're only jamming around and Gee starts with these vocals out of nowhere. The first time I heard the song, it was so intense and I remember how he called me that day to hear my opinion on it. I think I might have actually cried."
Of course, I knew the story behind the song but that Mikey would talk about it so openly wasn't something I expected. But it distracted him from what I was doing to his wrist and I got to talk to him. I wiped away some ink.
"That's the thing that drew me - and probably most of your other fans - in. The sincerity in your songs and how you can portray every emotion so authentically that we can feel them with you."
Mikey leaned back in the chair and now stared at me and not at what my hands were doing. We talked about their music a little more and I felt myself drifting to my private live or the lack of it. Mikey listened intently and offered some stories himself or laughed with me.
He was an even more sweet person than I thought he would be and after the first few awkward minutes, we were chatting freely, me completely forgetting that I fangirled about him mere minutes ago and now just enjoyed his presence.
By the time I was finished with the outline, Mikey's arm was completely red. I put away the tattoo machine and looked at him as I shook out my hands. "I need a break and change the paint for the colouring. Do you want to finish it in one go or make another appointment?"
"I think a break would be perfect. Maybe we can look afterwards but at the moment it's okay, pain-wise," Mikey said after a little inspection of his arm. Before he could touch it, I slapped his hand away with a stern glare.
Then, I nodded and got up to make myself something to drink. "You want a Coffee too?"
His head perked up with a huge grin. "Coffee?"
His reaction was answer enough so I went to the backroom and made two cups of the hot drink.
As I came back, Mikey was on the phone with someone and had walked a little away so I took out my own phone to distract myself in the meantime. I sat down on one of the sofas and scrolled through Tumblr as I waited for my coffee to cool down.
Mikey came back shortly after and grinned at me. "That was Frank. He told me that he wanted to get another tattoo and asked whether you'd have time for him next week."
Once again, I choked on my drink. "What?"
"We're staying here because of the concert and we have the rest of the week off," Mikey said as if that would explain it.
What was next? Gerard coming in randomly to have a little chat with more coffee?
I collected myself and went over to my calendar and skipped through it. "I'm mostly free so he can come in whenever you've got time."
"Cool," Mikey nodded contently and typed away at his phone. Then, he took the seat next to me and nursed his cup.
This time, the silence was peaceful as we drank slowly. I caught myself feeling more than relaxed in Mikey's presence and not only because I was a fan. Throughout the last half an hour, I had gotten a glimpse at the Mikey that wasn't in a famous band and just himself. And as cliché as it sounded, I wanted to get to know him more.
To distract myself from these fantasies, I got up again and rinsed the cup off. Mikey followed me like a lost puppy.
"I didn't want to just put it down somewhere and make a mess," he stated and pushed me to the side gently to rinse his own cup.
Twenty minutes later that we had spent talking (no, I didn't know why he was waisting his time here with me but I certainly wouldn't question it), Mikey asked if we could maybe fill in the tattoo on another day as it felt pretty sore by now.
I nodded understandingly; I had already figured that he would say this. "Yeah, you can come together with Frank or make an appointment if you want to."
"I think I wanna come back on my own," Mikey said with a cute grin and leaned on the counter as I typed out a receipt.
He payed still smiling but stayed where he was. "Sooo, do you come to our show tomorrow?"
"No, it was sold out before I could get tickets," I told him, feeling strangely guilty as if I was letting him down or something. Which was ridiculous.
"Oh," Mikey sighed but then scrunched up his face in confusion, "wait what? I thought we weren't sold out."
Before I could say anything else, he had pulled out his phone again and went away. Out of the door and down the street. Okay?
Confused, I stared at the place he had been standing in and sighed heavily. That was fast.
I went to clean up the place to distract my thoughts from circling around a certain bassist who was a little too cute for my liking. How was I supposed to not get a crush on him if he was such a sweet person to talk to? Okay, I met him today for the first time but still. I would like to see him again. And I wasn't saying that I was in love with him, that'd be creepy. Just wanted to see him and not because he was famous but because he was a great person. I was ranting again. Inside my head. Oh God, I needed to get out more.
Before my mind could spiral down in scenarios that certainly would never happen, I distracted myself by sorting the register only to see that Mikey left his sunglasses. At least he would come back somewhere between now and next week so I would see him again.
I didn't get halfway through the register as the work phone rang. It did this only like once or twice a year so naturally, I jumped and acted a little belated.
"Hello, tattoo parlor Y/L/N?" I answered the phone.
"Hey, it's Mikey. I forgot to ask for your phone number so I took the one that was on your door. Anyway, I talked with our manager and apparently there was some trouble with the tickets so do you still wanna come?" Mikey all said in one rush, so I had to decipher for a moment what he all just said.
Did he just offer me tickets? And did he imply that he wanted my phone number? Did that mean that he wanted to stay in contact? Y/N, you have to answer his question!
"Uh, uhm sure. But you didn't need to do so much because of me, really," I told him embarrassed. At least Mikey couldn't see me blushing.
The bassist chuckled quietly. "No problem. Just come to the venue and tell them your name, I saved a ticket under it for you. The guys love the tattoo by the way."
This man would be the death of me, I was sure. First, he came to my tattoo parlor, then he was just an angel, talked with me for at least three hours straight while listening to everything I said and making me laugh and now he gave me tickets for my favourite band and he complimented my work. I actually had to sit down.
"Thank you, that means a lot to me"
"You're welcome, Y/N!" Another voice shouted from somewhere behind Mikey. Maybe it was Frank but I wasn't sure. Oh my God, the fact that they knew my name meant that Mikey had talked about me.
I giggled lightly and stroked a few loose strands of hair out of my face that was still burning. And back to thirteen year old girl it was.
"Dude, just ask for her phone number," someone mumbled in the background and immediately after that, I heard the bang of a door and Mikey clearing his throat nervously.
"Uhm yeah. Sorry about them." His voice was now significantly more quiet.
Okay, he was nervous. Because he wanted my number? "Were they serious? You want to have my number? As in staying in contact?" I couldn't help but ask.
Now, it was Mikey's turn to giggle. God, when did we go back to being awkward? "Sure. I had fun today, apart from this needle piercing my skin multiple times of course. You seem to be a cool person to be around and I wanted to keep talking to you. Sorry by the way that I ran out so fast."
"Uh, no problem," I stuttered out after a surely too long pause. Then, I gave him my phone number for what he thanked me again.
We ended the call after that and after Mikey wished me a good night and told me that he was looking forward to seeing me again.
Part two
Taglist: @immrbrightsideeee
Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
Wait, wait, wait! I saw your MyChem post... are you telling me that you like SnC, Nate, Harry AND MCR!?! Dude! We so would be best buddies IRL! Have you listened to the new song? Thoughts?
haha yeah i do like mcr. i'll be honest i'm not like a super fan, but i do enjoy their music.
first off, i'm so surprised they released music. also it feels like everyone is dropping either an album or a single today lol
but anyway, so, my thoughts on the song:
i really enjoy it ! i love how heavy it sounds. and i also love that it doesn't sound like anything they've released before (except maybe some of their earlier stuff). it sounds like a really mature mcr, which is great bc a lot of their past stuff had a certain youthfulness that i wouldn't want now since they're all older.
also, i've watched a couple review and someone made the point that it's almost like they're saying in the song that while they're back, they aren't the same band they once were.
and while i agree with that, i think it's also interesting to point out that the fanbase isn't the same as it once was. everyone is older, and everyone (in a way) is bitter. not bc mcr left, but bc life isn't as nice as it once was.
like thinking back, mcr left in 2013. idk about you, but life just felt better back then. i was only a junior in high school. my dad was still alive, i didn't have to worry about half the shit i do now, and overall life just felt lighter.
but now… not to so much. maybe it's just bc i'm older, maybe it's the state of the world, maybe it's a number of things. but i think now is the perfect time for mcr to come back.
one of the reasons they left was bc they felt like they weren't needed anymore. while i don't agree with that, i do understand what they mean. but them coming back with this sound, and what they represent to a lot of ppl, kind of reminds me of how american idiot by green day made a resurgence once tr*mp became president. like, history in a way is repeating itself, and their music IS needed again. they represent the ones that won't go quietly into the night, so to speak. instead of it being a bunch of emo teens, it's now alternative adults lol
i probably have a 100 others thoughts, but this was just my initial reaction to the song haha
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horizonwitch · 5 years
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The Archangel Theory - A Possible Explanation to MCR's new symbolism
Hello! This is a very long post, but I hope it’s worth the reading. Sorry.
I am Nana, and today I bring you a fan-theory on the meaning behind MyChem's symbols presented to us in the occasion of the band's return announcement and later on, at the actual reunion concert day.
First Considerations:
1. being it, as the title implies, a fan-theory, I do not claim any of the exposed to be factual when associated to MCR. I bring this thread to you guys in hopes that we can discuss, expand, teach and learn with each other, and maybe come to some sort of conclusion. Riddles are fun to play, especially together. I love riddles in fandom experience. :)
2. I highly apologize for my limited vocabulary and weird phrasing. I am not a native english speaker, but I'll try my best to make this understandable to everyone;
3. Despite my personal beliefs and stupid jokes, I mean no disrespect to any religion or symbol mentioned in here. (just as much as I believe MyChem also doesn't, on the wild possibility of this thread being on point with what they planned, lol).
That being said, before we start, I have some thanks to give:
this theory was only put together thanks to my lovely mychem group chat, composed by Raffs, Clara, Caroline and Hana. thanks for all the time and effort we shared, and for holding my brain with your bare hands when it was about to melt, friends.
Also thanks to Frank Iero himself, for laughing at me on twitter for me not being able to understand the reunion clues, despite "wearing a California 2019 shirt for 6 years". I humbly accept the possibility of this theory having nothing to do with the truth, but I sure hope I can laugh back at you in the end, rat. I love you.
Now, let's finally head to The Archangel Theory, or, as I like to call it, The “If We're Not Careful We'll Turn Into Catholics” Theory, and how it all started.
It was Halloween. Everyone here was minding their own damn business (I was being a clown on twitter, Hana was putting on her badass revenge-themed makeup. You know, the usual). And we all know what happened: MCR raised gracefully from the dead, dropping brand new symbolism and a stunning angel image to our poor panicked hearts. A few days later, when Hana’s crying ruined makeup was long gone and everyone calmed the F down a little bit, people started to ask themselves: okay, cool, but what does it mean?
Like many of you, the first thought that crossed my mind was tarot. Because, well, how f-ing cool would it be, right? I draw tarot everyday. I just loved the idea. Mychem posting a latin countdown with some eerie photo was just… yea, I was very excited with this.
Many of us also associated the symbols with past albums and even with the members themselves. All of these theories are very valid to me, and I loved reading them. I agree with many points raised.
Well, everything was fine (as fine as it could be, because I am so damn curious). The Return concert happened at the faithful date of December 20, California. We all freaked out and enjoyed the noble services’ of days_fate and diet_shampoo’s streaming. All that jazz.
But then: well… another angel. I started to think to myself: is this a pattern? The show ends, we get very emotional, everything is okay (i hate this pun) with the world. Frank Iero makes a post-concert post on instagram, talking about how everything was pure Magick. With a K.
For those unfamiliar, this is an occultist term related to Aleister Crowley’s Thelema, to differentiate the religious concept from the “stage magic” that we are used to. A very carefully picked name that I highly doubt someone would drop around without knowing what it implies.... Don’t even start me with the K and C keys being so damn far away from each other on a keyboard.
At this point me and my groupchat were starting to be very done with Frank’s clownery (we indeed love him very much for that), and so we started to hurt our minds every single day since then. that’s the result:
Let’s Return™ to the basics: angels and, probably, tarot.
Funny enough, there are actually angels in tarot cards. There are many types of decks, but for this we are using the most famous one, which most people believe holds ancient symbolism, The Rider-Waite Tarot.
There are many angels and archangels mentioned in the Bible (only a few by name, tho), but only four of them made it into being represented in tarot cards: Uriel, Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Let’s get the gang together and meet the holy crew (please, forgive me for the puns).
whose name means “the light of god”, “the flame of god”. It’s the Wise Angel, often pictured as the one who holds books and scrolls and bears holy knowledge and understanding. or Clarity, if you will. They’re sort of the goth one™, associated with the Tartarus and being pictured as pitiless as any demon would; even holding the key to Hell during the end of times, Uriel is described as the angel who watches “over thunder and terror”. Uriel is sometimes even mistaken for a demon (apparently, the eastern catholicism accepts Uriel identity as an archangel, while the western catholicism gives more credit to its dark side, and does not encourage worshiping); this duality comes from the notion that very often, enlightenment may be the end result of dark times. Every archangel has many, I said MANY symbols attached to them, so other elements associated with this angel can be found on the image attached to this post.
About Uriel’s Tarot Card: if you were raised in a catholic family and slept through as much catechism as I did as a kid, maybe you’ll be surprised to know that Lucifer, Satan and Uriel are all different beings. Let it be a lesson: no matter how edgy of a teen you are, please accept knowledge from any possible source. Putting this thread together would’ve been so easier to me now if I did, haha... That being said, our angel Uriel is actually the Devil in the Devil Tarot card, which meaning touches on addiction, obsession, feeling imprisoned or restrained, but it being only an illusion of powerlessness. This card is an invitation to free yourself, fight distractions and temptation, and finally fulfill your destiny. Please, consider that tarot readings are very deep and variable; there’s extensive books only on tarot meaning, so I won’t explore much on each card. that’s just a very general notion.
Some sources also consider Uriel to be the responsible for the change represented in the Death card, despite not being directly pictured in such card. As stated before, Uriel is associated with the concept Death brings, being a turning point, and ending route.
The symbolism presented in the Devil card (as for the Rider-Waiter deck):
“At the foot of the Devil stand a man and a woman, both naked and chained to the podium on which the Devil sits. They appear to be held here against their will – but look closer, and you will notice that the chains around their necks are loose and could be easily removed. Each has small horns on their head, like the devil’s, a sign that they are becoming increasingly like him the longer they stay here. Both have tails, a further symbol of their animalistic tendencies and raw instincts, and the grapes and the fire on their respective tails signify pleasure and lust.”
Poor people. If only they knew better. A lil bit of Clarity, huh?
That’s it for MCR’s clarity symbol, conveniently shaped as a candle.
whose name means “who is like god” (being it a rhetorical question, to mean that no one equals to God). It’s the Protector Angel. They’re the leader of angels in the battle against demons, Defender of God’s realm against Satan in the Book of Revelation. Michael is a warrior, and is often seem with the sword in hand, to allure to the idea of bravery. They’re described as the angel of strength, protection and Courage.
About Michael’s Tarot Card: Michael appears on the major arcana Temperance. In fact, even the name “Temperance” comes from the process of refining and strengthening materials in metallurgy. this one likes swords a lot, huh. That’s a card which meaning touches on patience and prudence. It means already having a clear vision and knowing what you want to achieve. Now It’s all about thinking before action, and accepting the balance of things, blending the opposites to achieve an ideal solution. Apparently a very suited card for a warrior of faith. Prepare yourself: in my research, I’ve found a source that associates this card with the color blue (the very same of the archangel) and the musical note G. Yes, the universe has a strange sense of humor.
The symbolism presented in the Temperance card: “The vessels in the angel’s hands represent the vessel that contains eternal life. The flowers are Irises symbolising the goddess Iris who links God to humanity. Iris travels from one end of the world to another, into the depth of the sea and the underworld. The angel’s feet, one on land and one in water, symbolise the unification of the external and internal, conscious and subconscious. It also represents testing the waters before jumping into the unknown. The red wings on the angel represent blood which symbolizes life. The sun conceals a crown which represents a connection to higher power. The triangle on the angel’s dress is an equilateral triangle and symbolise spirit, divinity, fire, life, prosperity, and harmony. It can also symbolise God and the holy trinity. The square outside the triangle represents protection and stability.”
The MCR symbol for Courage is a drop. is it a drop of blood? for an warrior angel and their endless battles on God’s behalf? Of water, the waters of unknown? The water of balance of life? I don’t know.
When Michael / was a young genderless being,/ their father…
whose name means “strength of god”. It’s the Messenger Angel; Gabriel is often portrayed playing the trumpet, to make announcements of God’s will. (many angels play the trumpets on Revelations book,, but Gabriel seems to be the most intimately attached to this concept). In the hierarchy of angels, Gabriel seems to occupy a very high position, being knows as the “Left Hand of God” (our Michael aforementioned being the Right-hand angel).
Their famous appearances on the Bible includes appearing to Zechariah and the Virgin Mary, foretelling the births of John the Baptist and Jesus. Islam also has Gabriel appearing for many prophets, telling them the divine plans. In a way, all those messages are basically callings to a higher purpose, a proof of faith, a personal Sacrifice. This idea is reiterated by the symbolism of Gabriel’s tarot card.
Gabriel is also one of the Angels of Death (depending on the religious we are speaking about, there are over 14 different angels with this role). Not in a dark way, their role is to comfort and bring peace to the deceased, guiding them into the light. Gabriel is therefore an angel of mercy, redemption achieved through a proof of faith (often a self-sacrifice, of any nature), after a fair judgement. speaking of which…
About Gabriel’s tarot card: Gabriel appears on the major arcana Judgement, which meaning touches on taking responsibility for your actions, speaking the truth. It’s a beginning/ending type of card, but a different kind of change than the one represented on one of Uriel’s card, Death. While Death brings something unstoppable, more powerful than anyone’s options, Judgement usually portraits something you can actually choose to take part in. But it also your responsibility any consequences of not taking this step. A fair judgement, indeed.
The Symbolism presented in the Judgement card: “The angel with the Trumpet could be a reference to the angels and the seven trumpets in Revelation, bringing apocalypse and resurrection. The white banner with the red cross can be St. George Flag, and a reference to Saint George gives Judgement the symbolism of sacrifice done in the name of our faith. Both the flag and the trumpet are military symbols of authority. A man, a woman and a child are being called from the tomb of ego consciousness. The three people are reflected on the other side of the river, another symbol of the soul’s victory over death. The three people are also a symbol of the three pillars of the tree of life. The man and the woman has changed side from the familiar feminine on the left and masculine on the right. In Judgement it is the other way around. Perhaps it is to unify us and to tell us to look at a situation from a different perspective, from within. You are seeing the pillars from the Angel’s perspective. This symbolises to raise your thinking and ask for Divine Perspective. The mountains represent the structure that surrounds us all.”
Calling all units! Time for the ultimate vibe check.
I guess that’s it for our third MCR symbol, Sacrifice, shaped as hand. Is it a left hand, just like one of Gabriel’s titles? that would be interesting.
But not so fast.
Now we come to an interesting point. Gabriel is the first of our angels to have a sculpture used by My Chem. :) It’s actually endearing how, if this assumption is correct, they chose the messenger archangel to bring the good news: mcr is alive!
About Gabriel’s sculpture: our Return angel, as some of us already know by this point, is actually a piece called “Angelo e Alma”, by italian artist Pasquale Rizzoli. It is located on Cella Magnani, a memorial chapel of the Magnani family, inside Certosa di Bologna, which is a very antique monastery, later transformed on a monumental cemetery for many italian families. You can take a look here, it’s stunningly beautiful.
Finished in 1906, this piece was a commission by the widow of a war veteran called Natale Magnani, who apparently died young. As far as I understand written italian, since I speak portuguese (latin languages perks, yey!), it’s still difficult to me to do further research on this family. Being it an old, traditional italian family, there’s tons of Magnanis, but there’s little to no info on Natale or his wife’s lives on the internet, it seems. If you’re italian and have any info about this, please comment. It can actually be relevant to this thread.
This sculpture portraits an angel ascending to heavens, guiding a soul (represented as a woman in a long dress). There’s rose branches and lilies at the feet of both the angel and the soul, as they fly together. These flowers pay homage to Magnani’s family blazon, as stated by the Storia i Memoria di Bologna Project website, that also offers on their site a brief explanation on the meaning behind the many other plants on this piece. they all basically allure to death, sleep, and resurrection. you can check it out here.
The presented symbolism, being an angel appearing to a soul in their travel to the spiritual realm, and even the flowers used, lead me to conclude that this sculpture very likely pictures our Archangel Gabriel, in their judgement roles again.
Now, our holy rpg party already has a mage, a paladin and a bard. It’s time to introduce the most underappreciated (and my personal favorite) class:
whose name means “God heals”. Raphael is the angel for healing, thus making ‘whole’ everything that has been broken. They’re also a patron for lovers, role that he plays by using his healing powers in a non-literal way. Pay attention to the “fixing the broken and making it a whole again” part, that’s the connotation.
Both of these titles come from the roles Raphael played, depicted on the scriptures: the most famous ones being when Raphael was sent by the Lord to heal Tobit of his blindness and to deliver Sarah, his future daughter-in-law, from the demon Asmodeus, who killed every man she married on their wedding night before the marriage could be consummated.
Another famous role commonly related to Raphael is about the Pool of Bethesda. Despite not being mentioned by name, manuscripts of John 5:1–4 describe an angel that blessed this pool, healing the illness of those who touched its waters:
"an angel of the Lord descended at certain times into the pond; and the water was moved. And he that went down first into the pond after the motion of the water was made whole of whatsoever infirmity he lay under". It’s usually given credit to Raphael for this action, since they’re seem using healing power to fulfill God’s will in many occasions through the Bible.
About Raphael’s Tarot card: Raphael appears on the major arcana The Lovers, as the angel blessing the couple depicted. This is a card about romantic, even sexual, attraction, but not purely that. It’s about finding peace within yourself, and in someone else, about the journey to pick “the one” for you. Making a whole out of two halves is a common concept associated with this card.
Symbolism presented on The Lovers card: “the man and the woman in the image are being protected and blessed by an angel above. The couple seems secure and happy in their home, which appears to be the Garden of Eden. The fruit tree with the snake behind the woman is a reference to that story, which tells of humanity's fall into temptation and into the realm of flesh and sensuality. The angel depicted here is Raphael, the angel of air - who is of the same element of the zodiac sign that governs this card: Gemini. Air is associated with mental activity, and communication in particular, which is the foundation for healthy relationships. His blessing seems to give this card a sense of balance and harmony, the symbolization of union in a grand and cosmic sense between two opposing forces.”
Another source adds: “The couple stands in a beautiful, fertile landscape, reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. Behind the woman stands a tall apple tree, with a snake winding its way up the trunk. The serpent and apple tree represent the temptation of sensual pleasures that may take one’s focus away from the Divine. Behind the man is a tree of flames, which represent passion, the primary concern of the man. The twelve flames suggest the twelve zodiac signs, the symbol of time and eternity. The man looks to the woman, who watches the angel, showing the path of the conscious to the subconscious to the super-conscious, or from physical desire to emotional needs to spiritual concerns. The volcanic mountain in the background is rather phallic and represents the eruption of passion that happens when man and woman meet in full frontal nudity.”
Despite the latter being a bit too horny for my tastes, lol, both descriptions reiterate Raphael’s influence on the role of patronizing health and union, a journey of Devotion.
Oh, about the MCR symbol, shaped as a half-sun. at first I couldn’t find a correlation to Raphael and this sun shape, as for the first three angels it was very clear to me since just as I started reading about them. Then I realized the huge sun portrayed on The Lovers card, behind Raphael.
Despite holding its individual meanings, Tarot cards are not meant to me taken isolatedly. (that’s one of the reasons many people are not found of the single card yes-or-no type of drawing). That being said, it is not a surprised to find traces of one card on another, and many shared symbolism. As for the sun, it appears multiple times on the Rider-Waite deck, but only one card holds the same exact half shaped, upside down, centered sun as the MCR symbol. and that’s The Lovers. :)
Now, our romantic archangel lead us to a very lovely part:
About Raphael’s Sculpture: as we waited for MCR to dramatically drop the curtain at the reunion show, we were being watched over by a piece nicknamed “Angel of the Waters,” from the Bethesda Fountain (have you heard this name before?), located in the Bethesda Terrace, Central Park, in NYC. sculpted by Emma Stebbins in 1864, this piece’s history, together with Central Park’s history can be fully read in this awesome article that my friend Clara found: here.
But since we’re already here, let’s try to make a shorter version, focusing on what’s relevant to this thread.
Upon release, the angel, which stands and above and blesses a water fountain, was directly associated with the Bethesda Pool mentioned in the Bible, and the healing acts of Raphael. On the dedication pamphlet it was quoted the very same passage from the Gospel of John, chapter 5, verses 2-4 I’ve mentioned before. It’s a shame I couldn’t find any pictures of this pamphlet on the internet. Old documents, huh. NY people, if you have access to this, I’d love to see it.
If we stopped there, it would be enough evidence to assume the connection to Raphael, but there’s more! There’s some particularities about this statue.
Its conception was a huge deal: Emma was the first woman to receive a major sculptural commission in New York City. Also, she had a female lover, the world-famous American actress Charlotte Cushman, who, for Cedar Miller, historian that wrote about Central Park and Emma’s statue, holds a huge impact on the Angel of Waters actually making into existence. In 1869, Cushman was diagnosed with breast cancer. In addition to having two mastectomies, Cushman tried water cures in England. (Water cures were a big craze from the 1830s through the 1860s). The historian who wrote about them finds it another connection to the statue itself. Unfortunately, Cushman's treatments were ultimately unsuccessful, she passed away in 1875. Emma followed her not long after, in 1882. To this day, the statue remains, and to NY is a gathering place to find tranquility, peace of mind, even in the darkest times through the its 141 years of existence. It’s a place to heal yourself.
It’s not your average Raphael statue.
We have the archangel connection, a devoted couple's backstory, and lesbian/sapphics rights. I don’t know about you, but I can even picture Gerard Way carefully picking this himself, haha.
Oh, a spicy fact I’ve learned while writing this: This angel sculpture is actually even older in MCR’s history, tracing back to revenge era merch. (I didn’t have much access to mcr merch back in the day so I didn’t know about this, I apologize!)
I guess someone got nostalgic for some catholic aesthetics, huh. Bless!
Angels in tarot, bonus addition:
It is valid to mention that not only all of the 4 mentioned archangels have their individual cards, they also appear together in a single card, The Wheel of Fortune. In this card, each angel can be seen in a corner: Raphael (Aquarius) is upper left, Gabriel (Scorpio) is the eagle, Michael (Leo) is the lion, and Uriel (Taurus) is the bull, appearing in disguise, a common thing for angels though the scriptures, it seems.
If you draw tarot, you understand how big of a deal it is. If you’re not familiar, here’s the basic notion: “The wheel of fortune is a card about cyclical change. The wheel keeps on rolling, churning events in a ceaseless progression of ups and downs, either way freeing us from the past. No one can escape its cyclical action, which can feel somewhat terrifying -- no matter whether we are rising or falling. When one is balanced on top of the wheel, there is a moment of crystal clarity. However, the only part of the wheel that's actually not going up and down is the hub, which represents your eternal self. Every one of us will occupy all the points on the wheel at one point or another. The cycle of the wheel is its lesson -- and we can learn to take comfort in it. If you don't like the look of things right now, just wait -- things will change. Of course, if you do like the look of things right now, enjoy it while it lasts, because that will change too!”
It is quite a powerful card that holds all of the aforementioned symbolism. Woa.
More symbolism seem on this card includes:
“The Wheel of Fortune card shows a giant wheel, with three figures on the outer edges. Four Hebrew letters – YHVH (Yod Heh Vau Heh), the unpronounceable name of God – are inscribed on the wheel’s face. There are also the letters TORA, thought to be a version of the word Torah, meaning ‘law’, or TAROT, or even ROTA (Latin for ‘wheel’). The middle wheel has the alchemical symbols for mercury, sulphur, water and salt – the building blocks of life and the four elements – and represents formative power. On the outer circle is a snake, the Egyptian god Typhon (the god of evil), descending on the left side. The snake also represents the life force plunging into the material world. On the right side rises the Anubis, the Egyptian God of the dead who welcomes souls to the underworld. And on top of the wheel sits the Sphinx, representing knowledge and strength.”
So, after all this, if any of this is correct at all, we just learned the meaning behind the first four MCR symbols, released on halloween: Clarity, Courage, Sacrifice and Devotion.
Now, what about the ones released at the reunion show, on the merch truck? Well, my friends, we still have a lot to think about.
I am a doctor, and in my profession there’s a saying which instruct us to always think of what seems like a complicated situation, with many possibilities, as a single disease causing many effects. That was my train of thought as I tried to associate these new symbols with the Archangels that we already have. It may have nothing to do with that at all, but it’s worth trying.
Differently from the first set, the second set didn’t get an official release, and does not hold text captions to guide us on it’s meaning. the symbol shapes, however, are easier to associate with tarot cards than the first ones, in my opinion. I’ve seen people online trying to guess it too.
Having the angels and their aforementioned traits as a guiding line, I used some symbolism associated to each one to connect them to a new symbol, as you can see on the picture attached to this post.
I have some major problems with this, tho, the biggest one being the order of the symbols not matching the first set sequence. We had Uriel (Clarity) / Michael (Courage) / Gabriel (Sacrifice) and Raphael (Devotion). The second set order was Sword / Moon / Tower / Wand, so the sequence goes like Michael / Gabriel / Uriel / Raphael. It doesn’t match. Please, help me.
During the past weeks of my life I’ve been researching all types of things to break this down, so I came across some very unsettling things that may be just wild coincidences or... something else? Just in case, I am putting them here in case anyone finds some connection that I couldn’t.
Sigils and Pagan influences, maybe?
As some people on twitter and reddit noticed, Gerard was using a sigil on his arm that reads “My Chemical Romance”. Every Archangel mentioned here also holds its own sigil, which is shown on the picture attached to this post. While I was excited about the dates for new concerts, I started to think, is there anything special about these dates? I tried to not overthink it because we probably have major influences of disponibilities and,,, Label issues...I don’t know? some very practical stuff going on. But still, I came across an interesting match.
There’s 8 sabbaths, composing the Wheel of the Year, “an annual cycle of seasonal festivals, observed by many modern pagans, consisting of the year's chief solar events (solstices and equinoxes) and the midpoints between them.”
eight sabbaths, eight symbols, huh. Initially, I tried to connect each symbol to a sabbath, but it was very… not satisfying enough to me, so I’m leaving that out; nonetheless, I still believe they hold some meaning similarities.
And it doesn’t stop there.
That our lovely wheel of the year: here. We’re using a northern hemisphere version, since MCR is based in the USA.
The band returned on Halloween, which is the Samhain that occurs between Oct 31 / Nov 1. There’s some minor variation on dates because the Celtic day begins and ends at sunset.
Return Show took place in California, Dec 20: which marks the start of Yule. (Yule dates range from Dec 19 to Dec 22, for the Celtic calendar reasons)
The next sabbath is Imbolt, that takes place on Feb 1 / Feb 2. MCR has nothing announced for this date until now.
2020 concerts will happen during the week of March 20, 21, 25, 28 and 29, In Australia, New Zealand and Japan, as for now. That marks the start of the Ostara sabbath, which start range is March 20/21.
so… can we expect something (anything?) being announced at Feb 1 or 2, or near that? What about all the remaining sabbaths? Is that a reach? is it related at all? oof.
Who said Danger Days isn’t goth enough?
Another VERY interesting thing my group chat found on the internet during our MCR tarot obsession. If this theory is correct, this is not the first time they would be alluring to it. Please look at this pic of Grace Jeanette, The Girl in DD universe, posing with the mailbox on the set of the “Art Is The Weapon”/“Na Na Na” video shoot (2010). (Exact source and photographer unknown; likely taken by Jeanette’s mother). (big thanks to tumblr user killjoyhistory).
Bellow the big “OH HELL” we have four tarot cards, on the very same deck we used for this thread, the Rider-Waite deck. The cards are The Tower, The Devil, Death and Three of Wands.
Please note that it may have no correlation to future works, since DD itself had religious symbolism with the Phoenix Witch and this mailbox (go read the comics if you didn’t already. DD rights!), it may be a DD-only thing. Also, please note that 3 out 4 of theses cards were already mentioned in this thread, all possibly related to archangel Uriel.
To wage this war against your faith in me, MCRMY.
So. This one will sound weird and maybe a reach too, but, hey, mychem is alive and breathing, I guess there’s nothing really impossible, haha….?
Are we all familiar with Gerard liking a lot that green coat? After all those years, I guess so.
Indeed, our lovely frontman used yet another green jacket as his return outfit. This time, it was a military one. As a foreigner, and being very ignorant on how the US Army works, I got curious about the badge on his jacket. Maybe that’s common sense to you guys and I’m just embarrassing myself, but hey! be kind to someone who’s sort of dying inside after all this thinking process, would you?
The badge on Gerard’s jacket happens to be from the 1st Armored Division, a.k.a the Old Ironsides, named after an old ship (and the world's oldest commissioned naval vessel still afloat).
Actually, the nickname “Old Ironsides” trace back to England in 17th century, during their Civil War, but I didn’t find many relevant content / possible connections, besides them being mostly Protestant, in terms of religion… referring to them after all this catholic-conception angel talk is some sort of metaphorical war going on, MCR? Who knows. History-loving english folks, I’m counting on you too now to confirm this, lmao!
The American side of the “Old Ironsides” term, after being passed down from England during their Independence Wars (please be kind with me, my knowledge about american independence is almost 100% from Hamilton the musical lmao, help me) apparently resides, mostly on the US Army/Navy.
Interesting coincidences (?) about this: the Old Ironside ship, aka USS Constitution, has a familiar date on its history: November 1. I’m quoting its construction period info: “Her keel was laid down on 1 November 1794 at Edmund Hartt's shipyard in Boston, Massachusetts under the supervision of Captain Samuel Nicholson and master shipwright Colonel George Claghorn.”
I didn’t read much about it since I’m already at edge with everything I’ve been researching but, it seems it was a very adored ship. In fact, one of the reasons it’s still in active service it’s because a poet even made it a famous poem about this ship, that you can read here. It’s symbolic and adored, it seems.
About the homonymous 1st Armored Division of the US Army, which badge Gerard used during the return show: being the first armored division of the U.S. Army to see battle in World War II, it also holds a huge historical meaning.
Again, I don’t have much info to share about this and I think some of you will find possible connections on this better than I would.
But wtf does it have to do with all the angels, Nana?
Well, as mentioned before, angels fight battles in the name of God. They’re heaven’s military. Michael, especially, is a warrior angel and leads God’s troupes against the demons.
Something interesting I’ve found relating Gabriel (which statue, let’s not forget, was commissioned by a war widow) to the war concept was the hebrew poem "Elifelet" (אליפלט) written by Nathan Alterman in 1958, often turned into music and played on the israeli radio. it tells of a heroic, self-sacrificing (hm…) israeli soldier being killed in battle. Upon the protagonist's death, the angel Gabriel descends to Earth, in order to comfort the spirit of the fallen hero and take him up to Heaven. It’s very touching, and you can read it here.
I’m not saying any particular work like this poem is relevant to MCR’s possible new concept. (let’s not be political here, but also be honest: Israel wars are a delicate matter to bring up). We’re solely working with symbolism and history. Please keep that in mind.
MCR has touched on war thematics before in many occasions (I will not mention all of them, as I believe that as a fandom, we’re aware of that, and we can help new fans to understand it if needed. This text is already TOO LONG). Maybe it’s time for them to talk about some conflicts again, literal or metaphorical? Let’s wait and see.
Oh, one last thing. There’s actually a whole another navy air test and evaluation squadron, the Antarctic Development Squadron Six (VXE-6 or ANTARCTIC DEVRON SIX, commonly referred to by its nickname, The Puckered Penguins). They’re based on California (lmao) and their motto is… Well, “Courage, Sacrifice, Devotion”. Uriel kinda left behind again, huh. I’m sorry sweetie.
Again, I apologize if this last section (or even the whole thing..haha…) looks far-fetched, but I just… had to take it out of my chest, sorta? Sorry.
That concludes our Archangel Theory. Thank you if you took your time to read through it all.
List of things to maybe expect in the future:
Something on Feb 1 / Feb 2
Two more angel statues, being them related to Uriel and Michael in some sort of way. I’ve tried to find any suitable matches but… there’s just too many, and as we’ve seen it may even not be officially claimed which angel is portrayed. So let’s wait and see.
More pagan symbolism?
Something about War??
Cryptid posts related to UK and paganism, January 17th and January 24th.
## EDIT (01/12): about new mcr cryptid posts...
If you’re following MCR new updates, as for now you’re aware of the United Kingdom Stuff going on... Interesting coincidences (or is it?) about those:
Both posts were made on the same day the lunar cicle changes. This month, the moon shows up a different form every friday, so maybe prepare you heart for January 17th and 24th. Also, I believe they’re using London time for the updates. in fact, the most recent post (the video with theban alphabet) was posted only 30 minutes after midnight in London. So I’m adding that to our list of things to expect in the future.
Also, someone at warner might be in trouble right now. the ig account for Warner Music Artistic Services (@wmas) posted a variation of the video posted by MCR, only a day later, featuring another order for the theban caracters, a slightly different UK flag (it was somehow merged with a picture? it’s difficult to tell), and a new frame that consists of a forest, similar to the one Gerard posted on his own instagram, and the one featured as background for the skeleton holding a witchcraft-related dagger photo from 2 weeks ago. Differently from the previous mcr video, which was silent, this one featured a sound, if my ears are not mistaken, a very dramatic C# note played on piano or organ (church instruments, huh. funny. but it could be worse, at least is not a G note...)
The video was labeled as LFG, that could mean a million of things. the most relevant ones, I believe, could be “Looking For A Group”, a classic D&D/RPG term (If I close my eyes long enough I can hear distant circus music playing in my head, for I have compared the four archangels to a holy RPG party weeks ago...)or “London Forest Gate”, a neighbourhood in London. please tell me if you have any ideas about what else it could mean, haha....
This video was deleted, but you can still find it around on twitter.
Well, that’s it for now. I’ll keep updating this post as more content is released. Keep running!
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lostjulys · 3 years
BULLETS SO TRUE!!!! something about that first album is so. it's unpolished yet feels so unique and while revenge amplifies/perfects it, it doesn't really feel the same
YEAHHHH FR.............. bullets is. gd. genuinely i think it captures the rawness. of mychem better than any other album. theres nothing on bullets thats not just. transparently genuine and emotional as hell. all their other work is obviously like. fucking brilliant but it's also more. processed. more of a distance between the actual emotions & the music. yk? also hmnnng bangers............ early sunsets over monroeville which is. another of my fucking favorites it's so nostalgic bittersweet melancholy. i love that one repeating up-down guitar lick in there too. our lady of sorrows. patron saint of switchbladefights..... <33 headfirst for halos.......$#*(##$%)*<><#@(!)!!!!!!!?!!#&#$*!!! yk. SORRY. sorry i'm in a bullets loveposting mood tonight pls taser me i WILL go through every song off that album talking ab it <3
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