#same outputs such as from those 50 lines!
shmreduplication · 5 months
i think if you plan on revolutionizing an industry you shouldn't be surprised that you attract people who want to work for you who also revolutionize other things like team structure. And then if you do hire them to revolutionize the team structure you should, you know, let them do the thing you hired them to do
and if you work at a science company then you should be swayed by data
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boinkingbattlemechs · 1 month
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Warhammer IIC
The original Warhammer was designed as an assault BattleMech. However, it had been superseded by later and heavier 'Mech designs, though it remained a powerful weapons platform. The Clans wisely maintained and built on this solid frame a real assault 'Mech, the Warhammer IIC. Thanks to their technological expertise, they were able to add ten tons with the same speed and firepower and nearly 50% more armor than the original. The Warhammer IIC is built on an Endo Steel frame and is protected by twelve tons of ferro-fibrous armor. The result is a dangerous 'Mech, able to hold its own in any battle against the Inner Sphere. Also note that the armor was the primary concern when designing the IIC version, as just ten tons of standard armor was considered insufficient for an assault-style 'Mech.
One of the premier examples of Clan Diamond Shark's efforts to develop visually refreshed and modernized "Phoenix" versions of classic second-line machines, the Warhammer IIC would receiving a major "marketing boost" when Clan Star Adder used it to good effect in their pre-Wars of Reaving efforts against Clan Blood Spirit's holdings on York, a "mere" second-line machine destroying the best OmniMechs the Blood Spirits had to offer. Later establishing production in the Inner Sphere at Trellshire Heavy Industries on Twycross, the Sharks would first offer it initially to their fellow Clans, but by the late stages of the Word of Blake Jihad variants of the Warhammer IIC were being sold to every major Inner Sphere power and many major mercenary units.
Meanwhile in the Periphery, the Warhammer IIC was simply too expensive for those smaller realms to consider, aside from the Outworlds Alliance with Clan Snow Raven initiating production of the 'Mech at their Industrial Complex Alpha for internal and external buyers. Though experimenting with a variety of variants for such things as vacuum combat, the "prime" model remained the bedrock of Snow Ravens' production of the 'Mech, ramping up output to take the Sea Foxes crown as the premier supplier of the 'Mech by the ilClan era.
The most popular Warhammer IIC variant, from initial production through to the Dark Age era, mounts paired ER PPCs (either Mk. XVII or newer Type DDS "Kingston") which inflict fifty percent more damage than the regular Successor States' PPCs. Added to an Patern J7 SRM-6 launcher and five 14a Medium Pulse Lasers, this firepower overwhelms most 'Mechs of equal or lesser tonnage. Twenty double heat sinks keep the design relatively cool.
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mariacallous · 2 years
PENRITH, England—A man in overalls whitewashes the front window of yet another shop closing on the city’s main street. Families stockpile blankets to ward off the cold as they sit shivering in their homes with no heating while lines of people who cannot afford to feed their children form at the local food bank. Bars shut their doors early, and some days, they don’t even open at all.
I’m not in Ukraine, where I’ve spent the last year reporting on the devastation caused by Russia’s war. This is life in broken Britain, a quagmire of misery and problems, where even February’s weather is predicted to be colder and glummer than usual.
In Penrith, a Conservative Party-supporting town in the far north of England, most of the shops now close their doors at 4 p.m. and don’t even bother opening three or four days a week. A popular pub—the third in recent months—and a local grocer have announced they are closing after 25 years and 18 years, respectively. Even a local store that sells cut-price clothing, which is (in fact) stock from insolvent chain stores, is closing due to a 50 percent slump in sales.
For the first time in my life, supermarket shelves sit empty due to supply chain problems. There is an egg shortage, a potato shortage, and a shortage of Wi-Fi bars; working in war-torn Ukraine is easier and more comfortable (missiles aside) than trying to do the same in peace-shattered Penrith. Britain’s troubles are legion: the fallout from COVID-19, high inflation, an energy crisis, a cost of living crisis, transport and health sector strikes, food shortages, rising poverty and inequality, the first war in Europe in a generation, and a possible recession. If the winter of discontent does sequels, we’re in it. Chief among all the culprits is the destructive effect of Brexit and bad governance.
Brexiteers promised the country would “take back control.” Instead, it is on course to be the world’s worst-performing big economy this year, according to the International Monetary Fund. It is predicted to be the only major economy to hit a recession in 2023, lagging even behind war-busy and sanctions-hit Russia.
As the third anniversary of Britain’s formal withdrawal from the European Union lands, many people are asking what, exactly, have they gotten control of? Brexit has added red tape and increased costs for both U.K. businesses and the foreign companies that once used Britain as a European base. It has stifled imports and exports as well as sapped investment. It has contributed to both labor shortages and problematic inflation. The U.K.’s Office for Budget Responsibility expected long-term GDP to drop 4 percent because of Brexit—or 100 billion pounds ($124 billion) in lost output and 40 billion pounds ($49 billion) in lost public revenues every year.
London has been one of the world’s biggest financial centers for a couple of centuries and was the largest financial hub in Europe. Brexit prompted finance professionals to relocate to Paris (among other continental destinations), and now the “City of Light” is challenging London. Foreign direct investment in the U.K. has dropped by 4 percent from 2010 to 1.7 percent in 2021. According to a report by the London School of Economics and Political Science, households are paying the brunt of the long-term costs of Brexit. Food bills rose by 210 pounds ($259) on average between 2019 and the end of 2021, costing consumers 5.8 billion pounds ($7 billion) and disproportionately affecting those on a low income. Meanwhile, Scotland, which has been in a union with England since 1707, is pursuing a second independence referendum: 62 percent of its voters wanted to remain in the European Union.
In 2016, 52 percent of Britons voted for Brexit. Buyer’s remorse has set in—belatedly. A recent YouGov poll found that, when asked if it was right to leave the EU, only 34 percent of respondents said yes and 54 percent said no. Yet the government, the same one that is mired in repeated sex and corruption scandals and has had five leaders in six years, maintains its smoke and mirrors stance that Brexit is the path to growth. Last week, Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt—who in fact campaigned for Remain during the referendum—unveiled a plan to get the country back on its feet, saying “Our plan for growth is necessitated, energized, and made possible by Brexit.” Made necessary, at any event. Both the government and the opposition Labour Party refuse to publicly acknowledge the negative effects of Britain’s departure on the economy.
Almost 50 shops closed down every day across the country last year, and the forecast for 2023 is equally bleak. Brexit has left the country with a labor shortfall of 330,000 people, mostly in jobs like transport, storage, hospitality, and retail. Pubs, the stalwart of British society, are increasingly under threat. Tim Martin, owner of the popular low-cost pub chain Wetherspoons, was among the hardest campaigners for Brexit. Now, as he shuts 32 of his pubs, he is urging the government to increase EU migration. It’s beyond irony and into farce.
The Penrith area voted more decisively for Brexit than most of the country, with 53 percent in favor, but now 88 percent of local businesses say they have staffing shortages, according to local media. Bar staff told Foreign Policy that British people no longer want to work in hospitality due to long hours and low pay—and because COVID-19 closures pushed many people to find a new line of work. The problems are not helped by spiraling energy costs—a Penrith Mexican restaurant was quoted at having a 1,000 percent rise in its energy bill by providers at the beginning of winter.
After spending almost a decade abroad, the stark decline of my country is shocking, even after my time in Ukraine. I am typing this wrapped in cardigans and blankets, as it costs 10 pounds ($12.30) to turn the heating on for a few hours at home. People are increasingly turning to food banks amid stagnant wages and rising prices while rail, post, and national health service workers are all implementing rolling strikes. Waiting times even for emergency hospital patients can be longer than 12 hours, and travel is now so expensive that a round-trip bus ticket to nearby market town Keswick, just around 40 minutes away, costs 24 pounds—while the minimum wage is around 10 pounds an hour.
It wasn’t Brexit alone that broke Britain, but facing what by some accounts is the worst decline in living standards in a century, it’s clear Britons could have done without it. It remains to be seen how leaving the EU plays out in the long run, but for now, people are poorer and more miserable, and the country is more isolated. Philosopher Thomas Hobbes was right in the end: Lives are solitary and poor and nasty, if not quite brutish and short. The British can overcome outrages done by foreigners—there’ve been enough of them—but the worst part of all is that we did this to ourselves.
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voxsecundus · 1 year
It sure is going to be interesting seeing what happens to the average person’s politics in Australia.
Cause lots of folks who made perfectly reasonable life choices are getting fucked cause some absolute bastards at the RBA grab the slider labelled “Human Suffering” and nudged it a fair few notches towards despair.
Like this isn’t people who had any of the typical misfortunes that fuck your life up (and isn’t it shit that there are typical ones) these are just folks who a year ago were fine and now they aren’t and the only changes are price gouging and interest rates.
And like the whole “oh no inflation bad must raise interest rates to stop inflation” just doesn’t fly when everyone at this point is aware that:
1. Interest rates are not an effective way to combat inflation
2. Effecting demand does nothing when all the inflationary pressure is supply side and is either due to actually unavoidable circumstances (war, logistics fuckups etc) or more frequently due to companies price gouging
3. Raising interest rates is intended to increase unemployment, given that the social welfare available to the unemployed is well below the poverty line it could be reasonably said that even if this policy worked as intended it would be inhumane to enact
4. Companies are making record profits
5. The only reason any individual cares about inflation is “my money buys less stuff now” adding “also you have less money” is not an appreciated addition
Like at some point i feel like the whole “i am getting the same or less money, that money buys less and everything is more expensive, but all those companies are posting record profits” can’t help but become some amount of [REDACTED]
(Also fuck the entire bullshit economic theory that the RBA is using, i’d be less pissed if they told me they flipped a coin, that would at least have 50/50 chance of outputting the right answer)
I have not provided sources as i am incredibly tired, however you can find several semi-decent analysis articles on the ABC, there is an It Could Happen Here podcast that touches on it albeit from an American perspective, and you could have a brief skim of wikipedia. Obviously none of that is rigorous academic research but also like I don’t ask people to do rigorous academic work to disprove flat earth theory either so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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quidfree · 2 years
for the r&j discourse... actually the main topic was about chatgpt is currently available in my country and someone made a post to discuss whether ai would rule the world (and concluded its not gonna be that dramatic like people imagine after he teaching chatgpt chess and asking it questions about moral dilemma). the most possible scenario is that ai will be people's mental counselor (or even the one can give advice on/effect our life choices, our morality), and specifically it will replace book/film reviewers cause chatgpt is excellent at these. and that said person made a joke about if those reviewers dont want to be replaced, they should write something that ai would 'despise' writing about; and then he gave an screenshot that he sent chatgpt a message like:
so i was just being nosy or whatever about that line "Shakespeare wrote r&j just to criticize love because he thought it's stupid" and thought i could ask you (admittedly i have never read r&j even it got stranlated into my mother tongue 'cause i think it wouldn't be the same when i can read it in its language and still need some motivation for shakespere's works is ...hard lol)
in the discourse, he even noted that current world with ai will be likelier a dystopia in 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley than the one in '1984' by 'George Owell' (which i must also admit i don't have a clue, but asking you once again to give thoughts lol)
it was so random and a lot, i know, and you always have been so kind and generous, no need to burdern yourself with this, just delete this without any qualms if this is too much
thank you ^^
interesting..... i was not expecting this to be the direction that query went in lol.
i find the whole chatgpt/ai = future moral arbiter argument so odd. it's an appeal to objective morality that i don't understand bc i don't believe that exists. humans shape morals and humans make ai. like at the end of the day when we see 'ai generated art' it's art ripped from art real people made, and likewise whatever output we get from an ai stems from some person somewhere. it ultimately is just borrowing the voice of real people and their real opinions.
shakespeare is absolutely hard because the english is old and full of references that even the english no longer understand without guidance! i think if you're interested in romeo + juliet you should absolutely watch the 1996 movie, because it's really beautifully true to the feel and emotion of the play while translating it into a modern setting which makes the text a lot more easily understood. and it's sick. mercutio is so cool. the visuals are outstanding.
i don't know that i can give a good verdict on 1984 vs brave new world as our likely future. my thoughts on those 2 books in particular were like... i remember brave new world gave me the vibe that huxley had a lot of weird sexual hangups, and like a lot of his type of author he had 50/50 valid criticisms of liberal/libertarian capitalism and moral panic over irrelevant issues. 1984 on the other hand is a very particular/time-specific critique and a lot grimmer, and as such easier to read because it's less believable a permanent future.
anw in terms of 'accuracy', a lot of elements from those books exist in our current society, but that's because most dystopia is based on the horrors of present day rather than any genius visions of the future. i will squarely admit i don't enjoy the genre, maybe because i don't like to induce existential anxiety in myself when i read or maybe because i prefer my fictitious social critiques to be less... idk, exaggerated. i feel the same way abt candide.
also your message is very kind to me anon, no need to be so hard on yourself either! i'm always happy to weigh in on random subjects of interest.
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sastiwetgrinders · 12 days
Sasti Engineering: Revolutionizing Chocolate Making Machines in Coimbatore
Sasti Engineering: Revolutionizing Chocolate Making Machines in Coimbatore
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When it comes to crafting high-quality chocolates, having the right equipment is crucial. Sasti Engineering is a leading name in the industry, providing top-of-the-line machines that cater to both artisanal chocolatiers and large-scale manufacturers. Based in Coimbatore, Sasti Engineering has become synonymous with innovation and excellence in chocolate-making machinery.
A Leader in Chocolate Making Machine Manufacturing
As a premier chocolate making machine manufacturer in Coimbatore, Sasti Engineering specializes in producing a wide range of chocolate melangers and refiners that are designed to enhance the chocolate-making process. From bean to bar, our machines are engineered to ensure the finest quality output, meeting the unique requirements of chocolatiers across India.
Premium and Standard Chocolate Melangeurs
At Sasti Engineering, we offer a variety of melangeurs tailored to different production needs. Our Premium 50 Kg Chocolate Melangeur in Coimbatore is designed for large-scale chocolate production, providing a powerful and efficient solution for refining and mixing chocolate. This machine is crafted with high-grade materials to ensure durability and consistent performance, making it a top choice for professionals who require a reliable and high-capacity melanger.
For those looking for a more economical option, the Standard 50 Kg Chocolate Melangeur in Coimbatore offers the same capacity with a focus on affordability and efficiency. This melangeur maintains high standards of quality and performance while being cost-effective, making it ideal for small to medium-sized businesses.
Versatility with Smaller Melangers
Sasti Engineering also provides solutions for smaller production batches. The Premium 20Kg Chocolate Melanger in India is perfect for businesses that require a mid-sized melanger with premium features. This melanger combines compactness with superior functionality, ensuring that even smaller batches of chocolate are crafted to perfection.
For more boutique or specialized chocolate makers, the Premium 10Kg Chocolate Melanger in India offers an ideal balance between size and capability. This melanger is perfect for small batches and specialty chocolates, allowing chocolatiers to experiment and create unique flavors and textures with ease.
Why Choose Sasti Engineering?
Quality and Innovation: As a trusted chocolate making machine manufacturer in Coimbatore, we are dedicated to delivering machines that embody the latest technological advancements and highest quality standards.
Diverse Product Range: From the Premium 50 Kg Chocolate Melangeur in Coimbatore to the Premium 10Kg Chocolate Melanger in India, our range caters to every scale of production, ensuring that every chocolatier finds the perfect fit.
Customer-Centric Approach: We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service, from helping you choose the right machine to offering ongoing support and maintenance.
Elevate Your Chocolate Production with Sasti Engineering
If you are looking to enhance your chocolate production capabilities, Sasti Engineering has the right solutions for you. Explore our range of melangeurs and find the perfect machine to meet your specific needs. Visit Sasti Engineering today to learn more about our products and how we can help you craft the finest chocolates.
Choose Sasti Engineering and experience the difference that high-quality, reliable chocolate-making machines can make in your production process.
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techtired · 1 month
The Samsung 85-Inch TV QN90D 4K QLED Review: A New Standard for Large-Screen TVs
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Strong picture quality and excellent gaming performance make Samsung's QN90D top of the current 4K QLED TV pile. Still, it's not the best choice on Samsung's roster. After all, Samsung also produces 8K LED TVs like the QN900D and 4K OLED TVs akin to the S95D, an Editors' Choice winner. Available in considerably more screen sizes ranging from 43 to 98 inches, priced at $2,699 for the 65-inch version we tested, the QN90D costs a bit less than the same-size S95D ($3,399.99) and half as much as the QN900D ($4,999). Though we advise the S95D for its higher picture quality and more elegant style, this is an attractive high-end TV if you want to splurge on the best. Samsung 85-Inch QN90D 4K QLED TV Specs Panel Type LED Screen Size 85 inches Resolution 3,840 by 2,160 Video Inputs HDMI, RF, USB HDR HDR-10 HDMI Ports 4 Streaming Services Yes Screen Brightness 1253 nits Contrast Ratio Infinite Refresh Rate 120 Hz Input Lag (Game Mode) 2.9 ms AMD FreeSync FreeSync Premium Pro Nvidia G-Sync None Review Of Samsung QN90D Qled TV Review Originally published in June 2023, the Samsung Q80C QLED TV falls in the upper-mid-range of Samsung's QLED line above the Samsung Q70C and Q75C but below the Samsung Q85C and Samsung QN90C. Since its release, prices have dropped dramatically; the 65-inch unit we tested today goes for roughly $1,199 at most stores, including Samsung's own. Launching somewhat below its predecessor in the Q80B, the Q80C now stamps itself as quite the deal among QLED options. Thanks in significant part to its price-to-performance ratio, it is among the top 65-inch TVs and one of the most excellent Samsung TVs. Samsung TV Models Current Pricing - 50-inch Samsung Q80C TV (QN50Q80C) – $999 ($799 on clearance). 55-inch Samsung Q80C TV (QN55Q80C) — $1,199 ($999 on sale) $1,499 ($1,199 on sale) 65-inch Samsung Q80C TV (QN65Q80C) 75-inch Samsung Q80C QLED TV (QN75Q80C) – $2,199 ($1,399 on sale). 85-inch Samsung Q80C QLED TV (QN85Q80C) — $3,299 ($1,799 on sale) 98-inch Samsung Q80C QLED TV (QN98Q80C) – $7,999 ($4,999 on sale). From those searching for a smaller (and less expensive) 50-inch model to those who genuinely want larger TVs in the gigantic 98-inch configuration, the Q80C comes in a range of sizes that makes it perfect for nearly any consumer, as seen here. Should you be unclear about which ideal choice, you can always refer to our guide on which size TV you should purchase to acquire the model most suited to your requirements. Design: Easy To Use And Understand With a bezel-free screen bound by a thin dark grey metal band around the edge, the QN90D looks elegant and essential. Held up by a very slender neck on the rear, it rests on a broad hexagonal black metal base and creates the sense of a floating screen. Though the remote can also wirelessly connect to the TV via Bluetooth, the screen's lower right corner has a little rectangular bump holding the sensor for the remote. Unlike last year's flagship QN95C (and the more recent 8K QN900D and S95D OLED), the QN90D features a regular sequence of ports on the right side of the TV instead of a separate OneConnect box that links to the screen via a single wire. Apart from the specified models, practically all TVs have this configuration; it is not less convenient than utilizing a OneConnect box unless you wish the elegance of only one cable flowing from the panel. Four HDMI ports (one eARC), two USB connections, one Ethernet port, an optical audio output, an antenna/cable connector, and a 3.5mm EX-Link port for integrating the QN90D into a home theatre system face right on the rear of the TV. Operating System: Tizen OS Like all of Samsung's TVs, the Tizen smart TV OS drives the QN90D. Though its design is annoying, it has many functionalities. It supports all extensive streaming services—Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Crunchyroll, Disney+, Max, Netflix, Twitch, and YouTube. The platform supports Apple AirPlay for streaming video from your iPad, iPhone, or Mac and Miracast/WiDi for linking your Windows PC to an external display. Thanks to the far-field microphone array of the TV, Amazon Alexa is also built-in, and you can use the voice assistant hands-free. Trying to set several variables and switch between sources outside the smart TV's apps causes frustration. Standard visual settings are hidden beneath a few more layers of menus than most other TVs, and even switching to an HDMI device requires some menu diving until the interface decides to place the item on the recent sources bar. The remote does not include an input button. Performance: Excellent color accuracy and contrast The 4K Samsung QN90D TV runs a 120Hz refresh rate. It supports high dynamic range (HDR) content in hybrid log gamma (HLG), HDR10, and HDR10+; while practically every other TV maker supports Dolby Vision, Samsung keeps ignoring it. For audio, though, it backs Dolby Atmos. It lacks ATSC 3.0 for over-the-air 1080p and 4K but features an ATSC 1.0 tuner for live broadcasts. We evaluate TVs with Calman software from Portrait Displays, a Klein K-10A colorimeter, and a Murideo SIX-G signal generator. The Q90D shows a peak brightness of 247 nits with a full-screen white field and 236 nits with an 18% white field using an SDR source in Movie mode with all settings on default. Peak brightness leaps to 618 nits with a full-screen white field and 1,253 nits with an 18% white field on an HDR source. This is a bit less bright than the QN95C's levels (805 nits full-screen, 1,420 nits 18%), which itself is a little darker than the previous year's QN90B (1,700 nits 18%), and far dimmer than the Hisense U8K (2, 114 nits 18%). Still, it's pretty brilliant, far above the 1,000-nit threshold at which most HDR footage is mastered. Samsung Q80c LED TV: Audio The Q80C's sound is highly moving even though it provides just 40W of power built on a 2.2-channel system. The Q80C requires no additional oomph when other TVs fall flat and call for adding one of the top soundbars.  It also has Dolby Atmos capabilities, even though I skipped Dolby Vision, which provides extra bass and clarity as needed. Since most TVs fall into this category, sound never was a big problem on the Q80C, which is a beautiful delight. Samsung Q80c Qled TV: Applications And Interface The Q80C operates on the Tizen Smart TV interface, the same as every other Samsung TV. It resembles LG's in-house webOS system in that it features a top rail devoted to your tastes in apps and inputs and a sizable main ad feed at the top of the main page.  Tizen gets the job done, unlike the cherished Google TV system. It is mainly designed to fulfil most users' demands and includes plenty of customizing to simplify content curation; specific complex photo settings are buried deep in the menus and have particular pain points. The Bottom Line When local dimming is set to "High," the Samsung QN90D is a terrific TV with a unique local dimming function that provides outstanding contrast and incredible black uniformity. Still, the 2023 Samsung QN85C QLED is precisely as impressive, albeit that model has an ADS panel instead of the VA of the QN85D, offering the earlier model a far wider viewing angle at the expense of reduced contrast. As incredible as this TV is, ultimately, models from companies like Hisense and TCL outpace it since both the Hisense U8K and the TCL QM8 provide more excellent overall performance at a lower cost. Read the full article
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audio-luddite · 2 months
Its become silly.
Once again I have to say I like the sound of tube amplifiers. That means GOOD tube amplifiers. There are many of those, but for every really good one there are 10 that are not. Even though it is a niche market people are there to exploit it. And they do. They exploit ignorance and frankly lack of experience in critical listening. Anything with tubes in it does not mean it is a quality device.
I am on this because I just did a lap of the usual ads on Craigslist and the "audio marts". And there is a lot of undesirable stuff. They want stupid money for what really is mediocre to poor equipment. And there is a lot of it.
Locally there is an ad for a pair of tube output transformers for $700 bucks. 30 Watt size with no tubes, or sockets or chassis or anything. If you look in the Hammond Catalog for something similar it is $150 bucks. And if you know enough to build an amp with these you probably know the price is stupid.
There is an ad for a Dynaco ST70 for $1650. I know this type. The ad points out it is modified to be better than stock which is good but... The stock ST70 is soft and euphonic. Lots of mods make is less so, but still has the same character. That means it adds a LOT of "tube magic" which is generous harmonic distortion. It is 35 Watts on a good day. For $50 bucks more you could buy that ARC Cl60 I took a pass on which is double the power, but probably needs a bit of work. (That one has been for sale for about a year and it is a bit sketchy).
There is an ad for a HK Citation 5 tube amp 40 Watts per side from the late 50s which was a price point exercise offered at $1500. The good one is the Citation 2 but only by the standards of the late 1950s. It is known as a "tube burner" which means it eats the glass fast.
There is an ad for 9 pieces of OLD huge triodes for $1000 each. Western Electric 212e. That is a lot of money and if they ever had getters they do not anymore. (Those are the shiny bits to absorb stray oxygen and stuff) There are spots that look burned. (That means they are spent).
I saw an ad for an ARC CL30 which is half the power of my CL60 and they want $3600 for it plus shipping. I bought my CL60 for $1500 and there is that sketchy one for $1700.
Finally one I spent my time looking at is a CARVER Crimson 275. It is $1800 and quite pretty. Advertised at 75 Watts per channel. At that size and price it is reasonable for a good amp.
I found that the geeks at Audio Science Review got one and tested it. Bob Carver designed it, but it is built somewhere else (China?). The test guy heard a rattle in the base and opened it to find a screw rattling around and general build quality was very poor. (China)
Aside from arguably poor quality and false claims of power output it measures really badly. Mr Carver himself commented on it with the old chestnut that it measures poor, but sounds great.
I do not buy that line. Tube sound is pleasant distortion. But lots of distortion is bad. Good tube amplifiers have low distortion. At one Watt my CL60 claims 0.005%. There is still enough to give that nice tube richness.
And really that is my problem. Good tube amplifiers sound good. Poor ones do not. Most you find for sale are of the second type. Manufacturers exploit people with low power high distortion and telling them to enjoy what they hear even if it is bad.
Oh and as I have said many times at the same cost you can find high end transistor amplifiers of far greater power, reliability, and sound quality. Different, but better.
I do play both sides, and I know why.
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thatmcgwords · 4 months
80/20 Principle
what exactly does the 80/20 principle mean? Simply put, a minority of efforts accounts for most of the output. In other words, only a few things are responsible for the vast results we see around us. Just as only a few people control most of the world's wealth, only a few students come out top in their class. If you take the time to observe, you'll see the Pareto principle.
There is an imbalance in life; causes and effects are not always — if ever — in the 50/50 ratio. ~ Richard Koch
“The 80/20 principle doesn't necessarily imply that precisely 80% of results come from 20% of actions. The percentages are not always consistent. What's consistent is that a few steps are essential in the whole scheme of things. Understanding this will help you prioritize the things that matter.”
“What will the company do to make more sales when a fifth of its customers make the most purchases? A reasonable approach is to find creative ways to satisfy the 20% that matter. They could also develop new strategies to market the bottom 80%. But they won't know all these if they don't take the time to see how the 80/20 phenomenon applies to their organization.”
It's not difficult, but a bit analytical. Here's a simplified way to go about it: Take the out time (or hire an analyst, if you can) to study the following three components of your business: your products, your customers, and your market position.
How many products or product lines do you produce in a month, six months, or a year (choose the most reliable stats), and what are the sales and profit for these products?
“You will understand what customers patronize you the most and how often, as well as those that do not contribute significantly to your sales. You will likely find an imbalance — only a few percent of your total customers contribute to the bulk of your business profit.
Go deeper to understand the reason for the trend. Is it that the top 20% of customers have more capital than the others? Why do your products not appeal much to the bottom 80%? Is it a cost problem or something else? Note all these down.”
Your market share is determined by the number of people who love and consistently patronize your products. ~ Richard Koch
So, the above analysis should reveal your position in the market. Now, what are creative ways to maximize your products, boost sales, and increase profits? One great way to do this is to focus on serving the top 20% and make efforts to reduce losses coming from the bottom 80%.
Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. ~ Richard Koch
You may be producing the same products, but your competitors are more valuable in the eyes of the people. Understand why and what you can do to grab a better market share.
Knowing your top customers should also influence your marketing strategy and the quality of business decisions you make from time to time. Target your marketing at the top 20%, and you won't need to bother much about the marketing resources you put in because you know your efforts will surely pay off
“Sales is like the twin brother of marketing. One can’t function without the other. As such, make it a point to encourage peak performance among your sales force. Any business with a weak sales force will eventually crash, no matter how good its products or services are.”
You can also apply the 80/20 rule to your sales team. Research shows that less than 50% of the sales team in a company accounts for most of the sales. Identify this minority in your sales force, and don't joke with them.
You can even figure out what the most performing salespeople in your business have in common and use this to set standards for the rest of the sales team. It may be a specific strategy that works well, or they may have soft skills like communication and persuasion. Could these skills be taught to the underperforming majority?
“Business is business. Your goal is to maximize profit using elite resources, not keep paying people that can't produce the results you're paying them for.”
“The 80/20 thinking for practical time usage is about brainstorming creative ways to leverage time. Approximately 80% of our results come from 20% of the time. Ask the most productive people, and they'll tell you they could be more productive 24 hours a day. There are specific times when each of us is highly productive.”
“Think about the last time you felt productive. Go over at least two more productive days, too. This is just so that the conclusion you arrive at can be certain to work predictably.
After identifying at least three productive days in the past, the next step is to find why and when you were productive on those days. Did you work at night? In the early hours of the day? What happened the day before that could have contributed to your productivity? How did you handle distractions on those days? Document your thoughts. Use recurring points as pointers to your productivity.”
You can also use a similar exercise to improve your happiness level. Richard Koch recommends having two blank sheets of paper. Label them happiness and achievement islands, respectively.
On the first piece labeled “happiness island,” identify the things you did that made you happy on such happy occasions. Do the same for the “achievement island.” It may be a mental activity, as you may have to do some deep thinking. But it's all okay because you'll find gems that will become your productivity tools.
A word of caution. As you carry out this exercise, try as much as possible not to blame others for making you unhappy or unproductive. Blaming people won't help you make progress.
You can’t choose your family members, but you have the power to choose every other person you hang around. It's in your power to choose your significant other, best friends, professional allies, neighbors, and so on. Make it count.
You might be wondering how 80/20 applies to relationships. Here's how. Study upon study has shown that we have limited space for close relationships. You can be friends with as many people as you want, but you can only be close friends with very few people. These few people account for 20% or so of your overall relationships, but they make for more or less 80% of the value you get from relationships.
For example, most people fall in love only once in a lifetime and have two childhood friends and two adult friends. The trend continues even in professional relationships. People may look up to tens of seniors, but only one to three will truly be their mentors. It is just how we're wired. Since we have limited capacities for close and meaningful relationships, wisdom demands that you fill your spaces. Take time to vet people.
Aside from choosing your significant other and best friends, Robert recommends developing six or seven professional relationships as follows:
One or two with someone you admire
Up to three relationships with reliable peers
One or two relationships with mentees you'll pour your life into
For every relationship you form, five attributes determine if the relationship will work or not. They include mutual enjoyment of each other’s company, respect, shared experience, reciprocity, and trust.
To live the life of your dreams, you need to know exactly what it looks like. Pick a pen and paper, or use a digital notepad to write down everything you want out of your life. Make a list as exhaustive as possible. Next, who do you know that is living such a life? What did they do to get there, and what are they doing that you're not? Success always has a blueprint.
It's hard to discuss success and “having it all” without discussing careers. The reality is most — if not all — of us will have to work. At least as adults. And it's not wrong to work; what's terrible is fitting square pegs in round holes. Many people are doing just that. You will find them in careers that don't suit their lives, and they won't leave.
Don't be stuck in a career you don't like without an escape plan. ~ Richard Koch
As important as work and career are, it's still important that you live a balanced life. You should be happy on all fronts. If you're not, it shows that something is missing, and you may need to apply 80/20 thinking to bring balance to your life. If you're making progress at work but failing maritally, then you need to address that quickly. If it's your health that's suffering, pause and focus on it. The point is, don't live a lopsided life. Let each area of your life be healthy. That's how to be a happy person truly, and if it's possible for others, it's also possible for you.
“The 80/20 principle advocates focusing on the top 20% that brings the most results while neglecting — or paying less attention to — the bottom 80%. Doing this will not cause the bottom 80% to be entirely ignored; the 80/20 principle is nature's way of balancing itself. What you neglect as the bottom 80% is the top 20% for other people. So, you ignoring it means allowing someone else to maximize their life and business.”
“Apply 80/20 to time management. Take a piece of paper and pen down how your most productive days went. Note the things you did differently that helped you tick off your to-do list. Did you begin work earlier? Did you rest well the day before? What did you do about social media distraction? Note all the things you did differently. Use the list as your unique productivity and time management template.”
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teardownit · 11 months
HDMI extender over optical fiber
One usually uses an HDMI cable to connect different video equipment. If the display (or a TV, monitor, or projector) is farther than 60 feet away from a signal source like an Xbox, we have to use an HDMI extender. Extenders over twisted-pair cables could be helpful even for distances smaller than 60 feet.
We must find another way to solve this when the transmission distance goes north from 400 feet. One of the options here is to implement HDMI over optical cable, a kit like the INRIKS EX2078A.
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INRIKS EX2078A is a set of transmitter and receiver units. It extends the HDMI signal with a maximum resolution of 1080p at 60 Hz for 24 miles.
The TX unit has an HDMI output for local monitoring TV.
In addition to the above, an IR return channel controls the playback source from the display end of the line with the remote.
Visual inspection
INRIKS EX2078A is shipped in a simple gray box with a sticker; all the basic features are listed.
Inside the box are both TX and RX units in a firm wrap. All the accessories and the manual are under the plastic tray that holds the transmitter and receiver.
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So, the box contains:
- HDMI transmitter (TX) over optical cable, 1 pc.
- HDMI receiver (RX) over optical cable, 1 pc.
- Power supply DC 5V, 2A, 2 pcs.
- SFP optical transceiver (T1310/R1550nm), 1 pc.
- SFP optical transceiver (T1550/R1310nm), 1 pc.
- IR blaster extension cable, 1 pc.
- IR receiver extension cable, 1 pc.
- User manual, 1 pc.
Rx and TX units are pretty compact; their size directly corresponds to the ports on their back plates.
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The face plate has LED indicators and a RESET button.
On the back plate of a transmitter, one can find a DC 5V input, an optical transceiver slot, an eighth-of-an-inch jack connector for the IR output, an HDMI input for the image source, and an HDMI output for the monitoring display.
The back plate of a receiver has basically the same ports: DC 5V input, optical transceiver slot, IR input, and HDMI output for the TV.
It's worth mentioning that we've got mounting brackets on the case to easily install it on any even surface.
And one more thing: the infrared emitter and receiver are included. With those, one can transmit the signal from the remote to the image source, which is miles away from it. More details on this feature are here (link).
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As for the optical transceivers, there are two of them included in the box. The input optical interface is LC/UPC S. You should start by plugging in the transceiver labeled "RX" into the receiving unit; the other transceiver is supposed to be inserted into "TX" but does not have such a convenient label🙂
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We've opened the case to check the quality of the materials and the soldering job. The metal case is fine and thick, would be very hard to bend, and looks and feels substantial.
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The board is sitting in special cutouts in the case. It is securely fixed to the case with no slack. Openings for the ports are made accurately with no shifts or gaps.
The upper side of the PCB has no issues; everything looks neat. But the downside is the downside (pun intended); it has some unwashed flux stains around bigger elements and port connections.
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Some soldering sloppiness never hurts, but we had to point this out.
For the test, we've got a laptop, a monitor, and a fiber optic cable.
Honestly, we cannot check if the range is indeed 24 miles, so we'll take the manufacturer's word for it. For the shorter distances, it does not matter if we use 50 feet or a mile-long cable, so we've settled for 50 feet of fiber that was lying around.
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We connected everything according to the included manual.
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We powered everything on, and after just a few seconds, there was an image on the remote monitor. Those few seconds at startup are necessary for both units to get synced.
The transmission lag is negligible. We've done several measurements, and it was somewhere between 0.06 and 0.1 seconds.
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Transmitting a video signal over such a long distance makes the delay irrelevant. As for the image quality, there's nothing to say; there are no obvious issues there, and it seems to be a good thing.
Kinda verdict
We've tested the INRIKS EX2078A HDMI extender over an optical cable. It could be a great pick for transmitting video signals over long distances, up to 24 miles. It is simple and requires no setup; one just needs to accurately plug in everything mentioned in the manual. We recommend buying it right away.
The only thing to consider is the transmission delay of up to 0.1 seconds. It could be that your project requirements can't afford this lag.
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"WHY" DC Power stations are better than UPS
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The Energy Intelligence UPS is lighter, smaller and cheaper for the backup it provides compared to any other conventional UPS. The main reason for this is that it has a smaller footprint, uses Lithium-Ion batteries. It uses less electricity and does not require as much power to run as the losses are minimal compared to conventional UPS.
The Energy Intelligence UPS also uses less energy compared to other options available today. This means that it will use less electricity when compared to other options available today. This makes it an attractive option for those who are looking for a reliable way to backup their data without having to worry about being cut off from the rest of the world when they need it most!
There are many different UPS offering backup solutions now but none have been able to beat Energy Intelligence in overall backup compared to Volume/Weight of any other UPS.
Another big reason is that in conventional UPS you have to change battery once every three years. Energy Intelligence Power Backup come with 3 years warranty including the batteries.
Most conventional UPS are based on inverters and lead acid battery. Most warranty they provide is 1 year. With Lithium Ion batteries and superb design, we provide a 3 Years including batteries.
Lithium Ion battery is a better option as it lasts longer than Lead Acid, which most conventional UPS are based on. You also get a 3 years warranty with our Lithium Ion Battery when compared to 1 year warranty others provide.
3x Warranty compared to any other conventional UPS
Conventional UPS provide AC (Alternating Current) output using the inverter technology. Usually the inverter is always on.
Inverters have a native efficiency of at most 50%. So usually greater than 50% of energy stored in conventional UPS is lost as heat in inverters.
Most laptops, routers and other electronic devices work using lower voltage DC (Direct Current). These adapters have an efficiency of 60-80%. So from battery to the device, over 60% of stored energy in batteries is wasted. Picture below illustrates the energy stored and the wasted energy when using conventional UPS. Per our benchmarking a typical 7 Ahr battery UPS which has stored capacity of 84 Whr the useful energy we get is 28 WHr. That is 66% stored energy wasted.
To use this stored energy efficiently, we have come up with a DC Power bank with UPS feature. In this line of products there is no inverter and regulated DC power is delivered directly from the batteries. Picture below illustrates the small amount of losses in a DC UPS. Most of the energy stored in the batteries is used for providing backup to power your devices thus materially more backup from same published capacity.
Any other questions feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]
Team Energy Intelligence
Router UPS Collection
UPS Optimized for Specific Router
Specialized Device UPS (NAS, Raspberry-Pi, Monitor)
Laptop/Desktop UPS
Industrial Collection
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dominicrarnoblog · 2 years
BEST UPS: Three top reasons while DC Power banks/Power station is better than any conventional UPS
REASON # 1 - MORE BACKUP IN SMALLER, LIGHTER, CHEAPER PACKAGE The Energy Intelligence UPS is lighter, smaller and cheaper for the backup it provides compared to any other conventional UPS. The main reason for this is that it has a smaller footprint, uses Lithium-Ion batteries. It uses less electricity and does not require as much power to run as the losses are minimal compared to conventional UPS. The Energy Intelligence UPS also uses less energy compared to other options available today. This means that it will use less electricity when compared to other options available today. This makes it an attractive option for those who are looking for a reliable way to backup their data without having to worry about being cut off from the rest of the world when they need it most! There are many different UPS offering backup solutions now but none have been able to beat Energy Intelligence in overall backup compared to Volume/Weight of any other UPS. Another big reason is that in conventional UPS you have to change battery once every three years. Energy Intelligence Power Backup come with 3 years warranty including the batteries.
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Comparison of size with conventional UPS
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Comparison of size of Energy Intelligence Laptop Power Bank + UPS with a Conventional UPS REASON # 2 - THREE TIMES THE WARRANTY OF ANY OTHER SUCH UPS Most conventional UPS are based on inverters and lead acid battery. Most warranty they provide is 1 year. With Lithium Ion batteries and superb design, we provide a 3 Years including batteries. Lithium Ion battery is a better option as it lasts longer than Lead Acid, which most conventional UPS are based on. You also get a 3 years warranty with our Lithium Ion Battery when compared to 1 year warranty others provide. 3x Warranty compared to any other conventional UPS REASON # 3 - (MOST IMPORTANT FOR YOU) MORE BACKUP WITH SAME PUBLISHED STORAGE CAPACITY Conventional UPS provide AC (Alternating Current) output using the inverter technology. Usually the inverter is always on. Inverters have a native efficiency of at most 50%. So usually greater than 50% of energy stored in conventional UPS is lost as heat in inverters. Most laptops, routers and other electronic devices work using lower voltage DC (Direct Current). These adapters have an efficiency of 60-80%. So from battery to the device, over 60% of stored energy in batteries is wasted. Picture below illustrates the energy stored and the wasted energy when using conventional UPS. Per our benchmarking a typical 7 Ahr battery UPS which has stored capacity of 84 Whr the useful energy we get is 28 WHr. That is 66% stored energy wasted.
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To use this stored energy efficiently, we have come up with a DC Power bank with UPS feature. In this line of products there is no inverter and regulated DC power is delivered directly from the batteries. Picture below illustrates the small amount of losses in a DC UPS. Most of the energy stored in the batteries is used for providing backup to power your devices thus materially more backup from same published capacity.
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Any other questions feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] Team Energy Intelligence Router UPS Collection UPS Optimized for Specific Router
Specialized Device UPS (NAS, Raspberry-Pi, Monitor) Laptop/Desktop UPS Industrial Collection
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rbhcom55 · 2 years
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pinerticket · 2 years
Dzmm radyo patrol 630 online
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The internal gain stages are pre-matched for performance and stability across the entire station.Īccording to them, that is often necessary because the best locations for an antenna are on top of a mountain, where a much shorter tower is required, but where a studio is completely impractical. Unlike older STL models that they have, the power amplifier combined with a wideband synthesizer means no tuning is required. Each transmitter is equipped with a wideband power amplifier to produce a radiated output power that is adjustable from the front panel up to 30 watts in most bands. Studio Transmitter Link or STL transmitters provide the value and features demanded by today’s broadcasters.
Most of their video switcher are targeted at the professional market, with newer analog models having component video connections and digital ones using Serial Digital Interface Additionally, most of the their video switcher can perform keying operations and generate color signals called mattes. One of their radio segment that has more than 50 effects is “Failon ngayon: Ted Failon.”Īccording to them, their video switcher is way different from the old switcher that they used because it has hard cuts which allows them to switch directly between two input signals, mixers can also generate a variety of transitions, from simple dissolves to pattern wipes. This is similar to what a mixing consoledoes for audio. In addition, wireless “hot spots” in locations such as airports, parks, and cafes allow them to connect to the Internet and enables them to use VoIP service wirelessly.Īs far as I can remember, a digital video switcher or vision mixer is a device that they use to select between several t video sources and in some cases compositing or mixing video sources together to create special effects. According to them their VoIP services is different and more high-tech because they are allowed to call other people using the same service, but then can also call anyone who has a telephone number – including local, long distance, mobile, and international numbers. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is one of their new technology that allows them to make voice calls using a Internet connection instead of a regular phone line. So now, let us proceed to the new equipments of those two radio stations that we visited.īased on our interview. Staffed by eight DJs, DZYK-FM 102.1 MHz was popularized to listeners in Metro Manila area. In 1957, CBN bought Alto Broadcasting System (ABS) resulting in a merger under the name Bolinao Electronics Corporation, later named ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation in 1967. DZYK-FM was founded in 1956 and played oldies music and the latest songs of that time. The next one is M.O.R 101.9 ( My Only Radio For Life )ĭZYL-FM 102 MHz, later named DZYK-FM 102.1 MHz, is the first FM radio station in the Philippines and sole FM station of the former Chronicle Broadcasting Network (CBN). The first one is DZMM which is located inside the ELJ Building.ĪBS-CBN DZMM Radyo Patrol 630 (630 kHz Metro Manila) is the flagship AM station of ABS-CBN Corporation in the Philippines. But before anything else, I will just give a quick and simple history about the radio station we visited. We are not allowed to take some photos of their new equipments/machines but they explained those devices to us. Earlier this year,we visited two radio stations under ABS-CBN which is DZMM and M.O.R 101.9.
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freejohn · 2 years
Microsoft midi mapper channels
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First of all, there’s a volume adjuster on the PCB which you can adjust to balance the SCC mixing. If you experience soft SCC sound, there a few ways around this. Just try and check the results for your configuration. PCEFAN reports that overlay code 3 works best in most situations. Please note there’s an overlay matrix in the manual were you can check which option best suits your needs, or the game you want to play. To change this, change line 120 by entering ‘ 120 OV=4 ‘ and save “sega.bas” again. For joystick support you also have to edit the sega.bas file. Albert Beevendorp wil release a tool with which you can activate the FM-PAC from MSX-DOS. After typing CALL MUSIC (or add this enty in the sega.bas file) everything works. For FM-PAC support you first have to activate the FM-PAC. Others report that the joysticks are not working. Some users report that their FM-PAC is not working with the PlaySoniq. Posted in MIDI-PAC, News, PlaySoniq | Leave a reply PlaySoniq tips A lot of the lower frequencies in the bass and drums sounds are therefore missing in the sound output. But keep in mind that this demo was recorded with a phone (and the TG-300). A big thank you to Filip Slagter who was willing to demo YS2 FM and Scramble Spirits on the PlaySoniq and MIDI-PAC combined. We recorded a little video at Mariënberg to show the MIDI-PAC and the PlaySoniq working together. In short: with the PlaySoniq and the MIDI-PAC combined, you can also enjoy your SMS-FM games with your MIDI equipment. Since the PlaySoniq can reroute that music and sound effects to the MSX, the MIDI-PAC can pick those up too and convert that to MIDI data on the fly. Over the last weeks, we also managed to let the PlaySoniq work together with the MIDI-PAC.There are about 64 Sega Master System games with support for OPLL (the same chip as in the MSX Music standard or the FM-PAC has). Which actually blows away our simple Yamaha TG-300 tone generator. This was also partly due to Tjeerd bringing his Yamaha XG wavetable MIDI module. For the MIDI-PAC we’ve got questions about which CD’s we were playing (while we actually were demo-ing MSX games). For the PlaySoniq we had to convince people that it was actually a MSX that was playing Sega games. So we could easily also show a little demonstration in Mariënberg.Īt the Bonami fair, people liked the PlaySoniq and the MIDI-PAC. We still had all the PlaySoniq, MIDI-PAC and MSX gear in boxes due to the Bonami retro fair that was held one week before. Last Saturday, the monthly MSX Mariënberg meeting was held. Please note that you first need to install the Coolsoft MIDI Mapper and create a loopback port with the LoopMIDI driver before you can use the emulator as the global MIDI playback instrument under Windows 8 and up. There’s also a MT-32 emulator on Github (thanks Grauw). The LoopMIDI driver to reroute programs that want to open hardware MIDI ports under Windows to your installed software synthesizers (e.g. Roland Sound Canvas vSTI obtainable as test or buy for 115 euro. Youtube video with the MIDI Player and S-YXG50 together:ģ. Soundfont MIDI Player as better alternative for playing MIDI files You’ll also need a 5 pin din midi coupler to connect the MIDI-PAC cable to the pc midi cable, that can be bought for about $2.5, also at Aliexpress.Ģ. Aliexpress sells them for around $5 including shipping. The vST MIDI-driver can be downloaded from ‘Mudlord’s Lair’.Īn USB to MIDI cable can be ordered from different sites. It’s wrapped in a vSTi (plug-in software standard for audio editing programs). To get it to work as a global MIDI device under Windows, you need to install a vST MIDI-driver. Basically it’s the software version of the MU-50 MIDI Sound Module. This shareware synthesizer was released by Yamaha in 2003 and supports XG and Roland GS extensions. It’s soundfont (sample based synthesis) based.Īnother option is to install the S-YXG50 software synthesizer. Coolsoft’s has also made available the Virtual Midi Synth, that can be downloaded from Coolsoft’s forum and it will add a new MIDI playback device under Windows. Then there are several ways to install a better software synthesizer. It can be downloaded from after registering for that forum. There’s a default MIDI playback device installed in Windows, but the quality is low and it lacks a lot of professional features.įor Windows 8 and up, you need to install Coolsoft’s MIDI-Mapper. You’ll need a midi mapper to install alternative playback devices for playing MIDI. First of all, Microsoft removed support for extra midi mappers since Windows 8. There are ways to use your Windows PC as the MIDI playback device.
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If you have your Windows PC next to your MSX setup this tip we got might be for you.
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paddlingspace · 2 years
Best Trolling Motors for Canoes
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When your canoe is fully loaded up for fishing or hunting, paddling it can be an exhausting experience. Sure, you can paddle yourself to your favorite spot, but once you get there, you want to be able to fish straight away, not sit and recover. With a trolling motor, the hard work is taken away from you, so you get more time fishing and less time paddling. With so many different trolling motors to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start. Should you go with a small gas outboard motor or an electric trolling motor? Should you mount your motor at the bow or the stern of your canoe? What about thrust, shaft length, and power?  Our canoe trolling motor guide will help you pick the right motor for your canoe so you can cruise to those fishing spots. Got a kayak, not a canoe? Check out our kayak trolling motor guide here. At a Glance: Best Trolling Motors for Canoe: - Newport Vessels X-Series  - Watersnake T18 ASP - Minn Kota Endura C2 - Newport Vessels L-Series Saltwater Why Use a Trolling Motor on a Canoe? Canoe trolling motors are mainly used by anglers and hunters. The reasons for this are twofold. Firstly, they tend to have the heaviest canoes, meaning they are the hardest and most tiring to paddle. Secondly, their purpose out on the water is the destination, not the journey. That may sound a little overly poetic, but if you’re out on a trip, or a day with your family, you’re there in part to enjoy the paddling itself. Sure, you could fit a trolling motor and effortlessly cruise to a picnic spot instead of paddling there, but it’s not likely you’re going to want to. Benefits of a Trolling Motor on Canoes Having a trolling motor mounted on your canoe gives you a number of advantages: - You can (obviously) troll for fish. Trolling is not for everybody (some anglers hate it), but if that’s your thing, a trolling motor lets you do it. - You can reach your fishing spot faster and with more energy, ready to fish. This is especially useful if you’re out for long days, carrying heavy loads, or would otherwise be paddling into a headwind. - You can hold your canoe in position once you reach your spot. A bow-mounted trolling motor can act as an anchor and prevent the wind or current from dragging your boat away from your spot. Bow-mounted motors are preferable because they keep the boat directly into the wind, but also stay clear of fishing lines. Drawbacks to a Trolling Motor As with any canoe accessory, trolling motors don’t come cheap. You not only need the motor, but a mount and a battery, as well as battery protection. All of this can easily cost several hundred dollars or more. They’re not light, either. In fact, a full set up of motor, mount, and battery can easily weigh over 50 lbs. You will need a stable canoe in order to mount a trolling motor, especially if you’re going for a side mount. Otherwise, you will find yourself having to lean far over the other way to provide ballast. Finally, you might feel as though you’re getting away from the essence of canoeing. This isn’t an issue as such, but for many people, canoeing is about peaceful tranquility, about using the paddle. A trolling motor is a personal choice and if they’re not for you, that’s fine. Choosing a Trolling Motor for your Canoe: Features to look for Thrust The majority of canoe trolling motors are electric, rather than gas-powered. The output of an electric motor is measured in pounds of thrust rather than horsepower. Measuring this thrust is not performed in a uniform or standardized manner though, so engines with the same thrust rating may vary slightly. It’s unlikely that you will need a motor that provides more than 50 - 55 lbs. of thrust. You might think that more thrust will equal more speed, but every canoe’s top speed is dictated by its length, not how hard you can power it. Any more than 55 lbs. of thrust and you’re not gaining a great deal compared to the extra weight you’ll be hauling. Voltage and Battery Electric trolling motors require a battery, which can easily cost more than the motor itself. You’ll see that there are 12-Volt, 24-Volt, and 36-Volt motors. 12 Volts is all you need for a canoe. What Battery Do I Need for a Trolling Motor? While you could use a car battery to power your trolling motor, that battery will not last long. Lead-acid car batteries are designed to provide short surges of power, not continuous power, and they don’t like to be fully discharged (read more about battery sulfation here). The best way to go is either a so-called “deep cycle” lead-acid battery (their main disadvantage is their heavy weight) or a modern LiFePO4 lithium battery, which will be lighter but more expensive. In terms of capacity, aim for at least 50 Amp-hours (Ah). If you plan to spend long days on the water, 100 Ah or even more is the way to go. Remember that a 55 lbs electric motor can consume about 50 Amps at full speed, which means a 50 Ah battery will only last an hour (or less if it’s a car battery). Shaft Length In order to have the most efficient system, your propeller should be between 10 - 12 inches underwater. This ensures a reasonable clearance from underwater obstacles but also gives a good level of propulsion. Measure the depth of your canoe from the transom to the ground to ensure your motor will sit deep enough in the water. Weight The weight of your trolling motor is added to the overall weight of your canoeing setup. This means that it counts towards your capacity, along with any paddlers and all of their equipment. Remember to stay within 70% of your canoe’s maximum capacity for optimal performance. If you do not have a square stern canoe, your motor mount will hold your trolling motor off to one side. Heavier motors are liable to unbalance you in your canoe and you may have to use your bodyweight as ballast to hold your canoe level. If you’re going to side mount your motor, a lightweight model will make your ride more comfortable. Mount Style If you paddle a square stern canoe, you probably already have a transom mount ready fitted to attach your motor. If you paddle a more traditional-looking canoe, you may have to use a canoe motor mount to mount your canoe trolling motor. There are two main types of motor mounts; standard and side mounts. A standard style mount uses a crossbeam at the rear of the canoe and mounts the motor off to one side, keeping your motor behind you. These are suited to longer journeys and heavier trolling motors. Side mounts clamp onto the gunwales at whatever point you choose to fit them. These are more likely to unbalance you as the mount does not span both gunwales. These mounts can be used to easily move your motor to the bow of the canoe to keep it clear of fishing lines and hold you in position. Read more about the types of canoe motor mounts and their use here. Saltwater vs. Freshwater Are you a freshwater angler or do you spend your days out on the sea? Because saltwater corrodes engines more quickly than freshwater, saltwater engines have a higher level of protection against this corrosion. This tends to come with a higher price tag and often a little more weight, so if you are sticking to freshwater, you might want to avoid saltwater engines. The Best Trolling Motors for Canoes Newport Vessels X-Series  Weight: 20 lbs. / 9 kgThrust: 40 lbs. / 55 lbs. Shaft Length: Adjustable 36 in. The Newport Vessels X-Series features a telescopic tiller handle and 30-degree tilting head, making this motor one of the most versatile options on the market. Whether you fit it higher than normal or in a different location, you still get the bonus of comfortable tiller control and easy use. The adjustable shaft gives you full freedom over how deep you sit your propellor. The Newport Vessels X-Series has eight speeds; five forward and three reverse. This gives the X-Series a top speed of around 4 miles per hour, more than enough for a reasonable trolling speed.  This motor is designed to be run all day, using a 12-volt deep cycle battery. Not only that, but the high-quality components fitted by Newport Vessels keep this motor ticking over quietly, so you won’t spook the fish.  Pros: - Telescopic and tilting tiller  - Adjustable shaft length - Eight-speed Cons: - The Head and handle aren’t fully waterproof and are only designed for use in light rain SEE ON AMAZON Watersnake T18 ASP Weight: 4.85 lbs. / 2.2 kgThrust: 18 lbs. / 24 lbs.Shaft Length: 24 in.  The Watersnake T18 ASP is the ultimate in a lightweight design, weighing in at just 4.85 lbs. Mount this motor anywhere along the side of your canoe and cruise along with minimal counterbalancing required. This also makes the Watersnake T18 ASP a useful option to carry with you as a trolling option if you prefer to paddle. This lightweight model has a smaller shaft than most on this list, at just 24 inches. This may limit the use on some higher-sided canoes, but should still allow you a reasonable propellor depth.  The two thrust options of 18 lbs. and 24 lbs. reflect the lightweight design of this motor, but still provide reasonable speeds across the water. This motor has two forward and one reverse gear and is fitted with an easy-to-use tiller, as well as an extendable handle. Pros: - Extremely lightweight - Three speed - Adjustable height Cons: - Mountain brackets are flimsy - Short shaft SEE ON AMAZON Minn Kota Endura C2 Weight: 26 lbs. / 11.8 kgThrust: 30 lbs. / 40 lbs. / 45 lbs. / 50 lbs. / 55 lbs. Shaft Length: 36 in. The solid durability of the Minn Kota Endura C2 lets you cruise along with peace of mind, knowing that you’re not going to need to replace your motor at the end of the day. It will comfortably last all day, too. The five forward and two reverse speeds let you control exactly how fast you go and how much power you use, so you aren’t wasting any battery life. A ten-position mount gives you a full range of adjustment to suit the depth of water and avoid any underwater obstacles. If you do collide with anything, the mount breaks away on contact to avoid breaking. Resetting the motor is straightforward and doesn’t impact your day. Controlling this motor is easy and comfortable with the six-inch adjustable tiller handle, so you don’t need to move from your canoe seat. The Minn Kota Endura C2 is available in a whole range of thrust outputs, from thirty to fifty-five. These all come with an associated weight and this isn’t the lightest engine on the market, best suited to stern mounting on a square stern canoe. Pros: - Heavy duty durability - Breakaway on impact - Raise and lower the motor easily Cons: - Heavy - Expensive SEE ON AMAZON Newport Vessels L-Series Saltwater Weight: 23 lbs. / 10.4 kgThrust: 62 lbs. Shaft Length: 40 in.  The Newport Vessels L-Series Saltwater is designed for serious canoe anglers who are looking to take their adventure out onto the sea. This durable, saltwater-ready trolling motor provides an enormous 62 lbs. of thrust, more than enough to power you through rolling waves and chop.  With five forward and three reverse speeds, you can adjust the motor to suit your environment and needs. The higher thrust of this motor does mean it requires a larger battery and Newport Vessels recommends a battery capable of putting out 50 aH. The 40-inch shaft lets you get your propellor deep in the water, for use in environments where underwater obstacles aren’t a concern. The adjustable collar lets you raise and lower your motor, although the lack of tilt on the head may make this uncomfortable. You can keep the motor within easy reach with the 6-inch adjustable tiller. Pros: - Saltwater ready - Higher output - Long shaft Cons: - Expensive - Heavy - Requires a higher output battery SEE ON AMAZON FAQ Which battery is the best for a canoe trolling motor? Getting the right battery for your trolling motor is crucial. It follows logically that the more thrust your motor provides, the higher voltage your battery will need to put out. Most motors under 55 lbs. output can use a single 12-volt battery. Anything with a higher output may require a larger battery, or two batteries conjoined. There is a little more to batteries than just voltage though, including weight, size, and amp-hours. For a full rundown of batteries, check out our trolling motor battery guide. Do I need to register a canoe with a trolling motor? Yes. A canoe with a trolling motor is classified as a motorized boat and requires registration. Will a bigger motor make my canoe go faster? A bigger motor will increase the top speed of your canoe, but only to a point. The top speed of a canoe is limited more by length than it is by motors. Also, the weight of more powerful motors limit their effectiveness and impact the drag and balance of a canoe. Motors of around 55 lbs. thrust are a good balance of weight and power and should allow your canoe to cruise at around 4 mph. Read the full article
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