#same goes for Genshin Impact but I need to learn more about it
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chronicparagon · 11 months ago
[I hesitated in saying anything but if there is ever a chance that Boothill would want Harmony as his wife, she would accept in a heartbeat. Same if it was Aventurine.]
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starcurtain · 4 months ago
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I know I've talked a lot about Alhaitham actually being one of the funniest characters in Genshin Impact, but every time I think about him, I find something new to laugh at.
Alhaitham's character stories and personal criticisms of Kaveh largely hinge on one specific point: That Kaveh's genius intellect and artistic abilities are incongruous with his idealism. Kaveh possesses more talent than a selfless person should reasonably have, leaving him vulnerable to constantly being taken advantage of.
However, Alhaitham states these complaints about Kaveh's personality while having the exact same problem himself.
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Alhaitham is literally the definition of "personality and talents do not match." Sir, you are the pot calling the kettle black.
It's a given: Alhaitham is exceedingly competent. He is intelligent, rational, and capable of being impartial when needed. Despite being a slacker as the Akademiya's scribe, during his stint as the Acting Grand Sage, the game goes out of its way to note--in several places--that Alhaitham was actually going above and beyond what was expected of him, taking the position very seriously, uncovering and fixing major issues in the Akademiya, and demonstrating a deep care for the sanctity and future of the Akademiya as a whole when Sumeru's people's will to research and learn declined after the collapse of the Akasha.
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By all accounts, Alhaitham is (was) a fantastic Grand Sage. Compared to Azar, who is shown as inherently self-aggrandizing and unconcerned with Sumeru's well-being, Alhaitham genuinely did his best during his brief time as Sumeru's leader, protecting students' research, concerning himself with how to address the people's problems, and even diving in to solve mysteries that normally would have been left for the matra. As Acting Grand Sage, we're told his behavior and judgments were fair, and he addressed problems immediately and with his full effort.
In short, there is literally no one else more qualified to be Grand Sage than Alhaitham.
And yet, despite possessing every talent needed to be the leader of a nation, Alhaitham doesn't have the personality for it. He has every single trait a good leader requires... And yet he refuses to be a leader. His own talent vastly exceeds the slow-paced life his personality leads him to seek, making his particular abilities more incongruous with his values than Kaveh's--by a mile. People keep trying to promote him into positions of leadership because his talents are so obvious, and yet he does everything in his power to deny his own abilities and instead fly under the radar--and under the level of his full potential too.
Awful hypocritical for you to claim Kaveh's talents don't match his personality when yours match even less, Alhaitham...
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bitter-me · 11 months ago
Thinking about Aventurine with reader that have Yaoyao personality.
After 2.1, I must say we need to send a small angle to care him, and that angle is Yaoyao reader.
Imagine Aventurine hug Yaoyao reader while sleep, that will make a sibling fluffy moments together.
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Lucky Bunny!
Aventurine | M. Reader as Yaoyao [Genshin Impact] (Platonic)
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"Ooh, what's happening over there? Can we take a sneaky peek, huh? Can we?"
They say good things come to those who wait.
They say there's a rainbow after the storm.
Those are just mere words of optimism...
That's what Aventurine had thought... that is.. before he met his lucky bunny!
"Aventurine!" "[Name]!"
The younger practically tackled the other in a warm embrace which earned a chuckle from the man as he returns the hug. His chest feels warm, and he feels.. happy..
He feels happy that someone out there in the vast galaxy cares and loves him to such an extent. It makes him feel wanted. That maybe this world isn't as cruel as he initially thought it was.
[Name] is that.
The rainbow after his storm.
The child's expression always seems to light up every time he say the blonde man. With a bright smile he greeted and talked to him like Aventurine is his favorite person in the galaxy. [Name] also seems like he never runs out of anything to talk about. It's like every time they meet, [Name] would always have something to say to him. And he do it all with a warm and bright expression.
It never fails to put a genuine smile on Aventurine's face.
Such a warm smile..
Could it be warmer than the sun..?
A big ball of sunshine..
The first time Aventurine met the child was when he had to visit the IPC's infirmary after a short mission. Nothing serious, just a small cut. He was just being careless.
But to his surprise, he saw a small child instead of the usual doctor or nurse. The child then immediately began treating Aventurine's cut. Once done [Name] handed the man some snacks that he had made himself. That was the first time someone had treated him with such kindness without it--well--being their job. Usually the doctor or nurse would dismissed him once they're done treating his wound, same thing goes when he have to report after a mission.
But this child..
After he had finished with his job he didn't dismissed him or anything. In fact he encourage him to stay and have some snacks. All with that gentle smile...
"Are you injured again?"
"Haha, I supposed it's a given."
With a huff, [Name] took his hand and guided the man to one of the beds in the infirmary and began treating his injuries. "They look much worse than last time! You should be more careful!" He says, concern about his friend and his well being. He may be a lowly disciple who's still learning but he's a part of this too! He may not fully understand the corporate stuff, but that doesn't mean he's not an IPC member! And being a part of it means caring for the others, especially his friend.
Aventurine chuckle in response, a genuine smile made it's way on his face as he let [Name] continue his treatment.
"All done! You should rest up so it'll heal faster!"
"Doctor's orders?"
"Doctor's orders!"
His smile widens at the sight of the younger's warm smile. It never fails to light up his day. "Well in that case, doctor, I heard that warmth is also good for health!" Tilting his head to the side, [Name] asked. "Hm? Yeah I know about that!"
"Then care to tuck your patient in doctor?"
With a chuckle, [Name] tucked Aventurine into the bed he was sitting on before joining him on the bed. Aventurine happily wrapped his arms around his friend and bring him close to his chest.
He felt warm. Happy. Fulfilled.
Burying his face onto [Name]'s hair, he let out a sigh as he drifted off to sleep.
The world is dark and cruel.. but maybe..
It isn't as bad as he thought it was...
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 1 year ago
(Genshin Impact) Jean, Eula, Rosaria, Ei, Shenhe, Yelan, Navia, Lumine rescuing their S/O
No one requested this, Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out For A Hero" came on and demanded I write. ...Same thing happened for the AK-15 fic actually. I NEED A HERO, I'M HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO-
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The moment Jean learns that her S/O had been kidnapped for ransom, her senses become so hyper focused and immediately sets off to alert the Knights of an abduction.
She wastes absolutely no time in tracking S/O, and does so easily with her and the others searching.
Her adrenaline kicks into overdrive, and she does not rest until S/O is safe inside Mondstadt walls, ignoring any injury sustained and insisting that she can keep going.
For only a brief moment, Jean loses control and doesn't even warn warn the kidnappers or attempt an arrest, immediately using her Vision to blow them back.
The sight of her S/O is enough to get her to snap back to her senses, and promptly make the offenders pay for their crimes by sending them to the jails.
With a sigh of relief, Jean feels the exhaustion on her body start to take its toll, but she smiles as she unties them.
(Jean) "Thank goodness you're alright. Let's get you home."
She gives her S/O the tightest hug of their life, and has one arm locked around them the entire journey back.
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Eula absolutely loses it the moment she learned that someone of the Lawrence clan has kidnapped her S/O.
This was the exact reason she did not want them associated with her-
No. Now was not the time for such thoughts. Now was the time for vengeance.
Being the Captain of the Reconnaissance company, she doesn't have any difficulty in locating their whereabouts.
As much as Eula would like to make sure the Lawrence in question never take another step, she knows it'd be far worse for them to be alive and imprisoned by the Knights of Favonius.
With a swing of her claymore, she instantly puts down the attacker in an ambush and cuffs them. Her gaze turns to her lover before releasing them, brushing a strand of hair from her eyes.
(Eula) "Hmph, how careless of you to be captured by another Lawrence. Next time, you will not be so lucky."
By the way her hand was shaking and how close she remained at their side, they could easily see past her words and how worried she was about them.
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Unlike most people in Mondstadt, her idea of justice is if the person never takes another breath again.
The person kidnapping S/O more than likely had no idea that she was even associated with them. That was their first mistake.
Their last mistake was assuming they would get away with it alive.
Rosaria stalks the kidnapper to where her S/O is being kept.
For the moment, they were unconscious.
Which worked for her.
Dropping down from the shadows, she quietly but violently dispatches of the kidnapper, taking extra care to not make a mess on S/O.
She unties them before carrying them in her arms out of harm's way, not making a comment until they woke up.
(Rosaria) "Good, you're awake. I'm glad you're okay, but be more careful next time."
Rosaria's grip tightens on them before gently setting them back down if they could walk.
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What do you think happens when you kidnap God's girlfriend/boyfriend?
If you answered death, congratulations! You're right!
Ei on the inside is scared for their safety, but she knows that panicking will not make things better.
Instead, she goes out to rescue them personally while alerting the soldiers at her command to ensure no one escapes.
And to add extra insurance, she sends out the Shogun to find S/O as well, and to exterminate any offender with extreme prejudice.
The skies darkened and lightning split apart the clouds, striking at the entrance of the abandoned base.
The last thing S/O's kidnappers saw was a woman in purple, staring down at them with a katana held in her hand.
There was literally nothing left of the kidnappers to arrest or bury, so Ei casually walked up to S/O before untying their restraints.
(Ei) "I am glad to see you unharmed. Do you require any medical assistance?"
For the next month, Ei and the Shogun personally accompany S/O to wherever they needed to go.
Ensuring that if anyone was stupid enough to try it again, they got to see what they would be up against.
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The red ropes on Shenhe is barely enough to contain the rage that swells within her at this very moment.
Someone dared to kidnap someone as loving and sweet as her S/O?
Thanks to them and the Traveler, she tries not to use violence as the answer to all her problems.
For this particular situation, Shenhe decides that violence will solve the problem that is the kidnapper's continued existence.
The very second she found out their location, she begins ripping and tearing through anything and anyone in the vicinity that she deemed was responsible.
The treasure hoarders that kidnapped them? Turned to ribbons.
The wooden doors trying to conceal them? In splinters.
That one Hilichurl sitting near the cliff minding its own business and not even realizing what was happening? It's now at the bottom of that cliff. (And if Shenhe didn't do it, you would've, you monster.)
Shenhe is absolutely stained red the moment she frees her S/O, her rage slowly subsiding at the sight of her lover.
(Shenhe) "I am here to rescue you, S/O."
Shenhe is almost super glued to their side from then on, never wanting to let them get hurt ever again.
And Archons help anyone who tried to again.
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Yelan figured something like this would happen. Her enemies would try to kidnap her S/O as a form of revenge or luring her out.
Unfortunately for them, Yelan had a contingency plan if something like this ever happened.
Informants are able to pinpoint the exact location S/O was being held with relative ease.
She infiltrates the building and without warning, her strings immediately sweep the kidnappers off their feet and left them dangling in the air.
(Yelan) "Not so fun when you're tied up, is it?"
Ignoring their shouting, she walks over to S/O and gives them a smile.
(Yelan) "Sorry for the wait. Dinner on me?"
She seems casual about the situation, but when they're out of earshot of everyone, she gives them a firm but gentle hug.
Yelan was no stranger to losing people she cared about, but she was glad she did not have to re-experience the feeling today.
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Oh, perfect! Looks like S/O's kidnappers just volunteered themselves to be target practice!
Navia charges headfirst to wherever S/O is being held, not really worrying about the collateral damage other than S/O themselves.
Her bodyguards were able to find them quickly, and joined her in their rescue.
Navia lets all guns fly, making sure these punks would be taught a lesson they'd never forget.
NO ONE touches her darling, except for her!
When Navia finally gets S/O out, she has them in a near bone crushing hug, kissing them repeatedly on the face, being a bit too playful considering the situation.
But in private, she nearly breaks down crying as her hug on S/O tightens.
She was so afraid that they'd get hurt, or worse.
But she's thanking the gods above that they were unharmed.
The aftermath of the situation, Navia and her guards are almost stalking S/O. For their safety, of course.
Even though sometimes that safety has to be all three of them hiding behind a bush very conspicuously, even after S/O's insistence that they were fine.
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Sadly, this was not Lumine's first experience with a close person to her being kidnapped. Probably wasn't going to be the last either.
While she is worried for their safety, she has no doubt that they're going to get them out fine.
Lumine blitzes into the domain they're being held in and clears out everyone in her way with nearly blinding speed.
No one has a chance to even react as she effortlessly takes out every single attacker, making her way to them.
Finally after knocking out their kidnapper, she has the guards who she informed the kidnapping about make their arrests as she personally attends to S/O.
(Lumine) "You're not hurt are you?" sigh "Good. Come on, let's go home."
Lumine holds S/O's arm the entire time as they get enough distance from town, remaining silent.
She couldn't find her brother, and she didn't want to lose S/O as well.
Brightening up the mood a bit, Paimon appeared behind them.
(Paimon) "Why don't we have S/O stay with us at the Teapot for a while?"
Lumine makes it mandatory for S/O to sleep in the bedroom with her, and has Tubby or Paimon usually keeping an eye on them so she has some peace of mind.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months ago
Can i request how Wukongverse react to (female) y/n who like Raiden Ei (from genshin impact) and what she may pull the sword out of her chest.
I don't care for genshin impact but i care for this ask so here we go🥰🥰🥰
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(LMK Wukong) WOW!!!!! Kinda like how he pulled his staff out of his head. That's a neat feature. Not to mention your sword totally glows, and that will forever be cool to him. Although he does, wish that you had a more modest way of pulling out your weapon. Every time he sees that, he ends up looking away with a blush on his face feeling like he's perving out on you.
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(NR Wukong) He's gonna make a joke. About this, I just know it. Good news is He was impressed and had a bunch of questions. Like When were you able to do that, Was it always in there, and can you store anything else in your boobs. Wukong was also impressed by your fighting style and knowledge combat, and you can control energy too?!?!? OH HELL YEAH!!!!!!!🤩🤩🤩
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(MKR Wukong)Ohhhhhhhhhh kinda like how he takes his staff out of his head, but did you really have to take it out your boobs😑😑😑. Wukong was surprised, blushing, and curious about this whole ability. Though he had way to much dignity to go up and ask you and he felt it was super inappropriate. Though that was also the same time he learned you can fight and were just as powerful as him, so that's a plus🤷‍♀️
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(HIB Wukong) Whoa imagine if you pull out your sword the same time he got his staff from his head. That would be the most bad ass couple thing I ever seen, but Anyway he is very surprised and never knew you could do that so that's really intriguing and handy In case of a battle that requires both of you. Wukong likes your sword but the second he sees where you usually put it where he would blush and look away.
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(Netflix Wukong) His eyed are sparkling in astonishment but also heavily blushing alot. He was not expecting that or any of your abilities at the Matter. It's all something never been seen by him, but seriously Why did you have to pull out your sword like that😣😣😣. He's feels very bad for looking at you like that even though you needed your sword to help him in battle. Now he has the urge to apologize for looking in the first place🫣🫣🫣
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(BMW Wukong) For the first ever sun wukong is very embarrassed🤣 you had told him that you were armed before, when he felt the need to protect you. He even goes as far as to take out the enemies before you can do anything to help him, which annoyed you a tone until one day. Wukong was struggling a little bit with these bandits due to their large numbers but Wukong Didn't want to Look bad in front of you so he didn't ask and took this time to try and show off. Except you took this time to get your sword which you pulled out of your breast, Which bamboozled him enough to get punched. Afterwords he feld his heart Throb the same way his face did😳😳😳
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(Destined one) Ok he is admittedly curious about your ability and how it works. He's never seen anything like this before and is not really familiar with your fighting style either. Don't be mistaken though he is super impressed and fascinated by your weapon and power He just wish that He didn't have to look at your chest in order to see it😥🫣
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lovelynim · 8 months ago
Shocking, isn't it?
Genshin Impact - Scaramouche x Tartaglia
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A/N: This was greatly inspired by @ikimaru's post. It's literally living in my head rent free, so I needed to do something about it.
Summary: Tartaglia is nervous and all that tension might ruin such a good moment... So Scaramouche decides to tweak things a little.
Word count: 1204 words
Warnings: Midly suggestive content, nothing explicit tho
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Tartaglia's back hit the wall, with so much strength that it forced the air out of his lungs. And before he could recover, the assault went on. It was hard for him to stand on his legs, to keep himself together and not fall apart like a castle of cards.
“What's the issue, newbie? Can't keep up?” Scaramouche scoffed, taking a moment to laugh at his ‘comrade’.
To his and everyone's surprise, this wasn't a fight. However, Tartaglia couldn't help but to think that there was some murderous intent directed to him - but, if anything, those only made it more exciting. “H-hah, you sure aren’t… all talk, balladeer,” he gasped, wiping off a little drop of drool that was pouring from the corner of his lips.
Scaramouche clicked his tongue, amused. Despite their height difference, he was the one cornering Tartaglia against the wall. “Can’t say the same goes for you,” he teased, his hand reaching for the door knob next to them and effortlessly pushing it open. There was no need for words or gestures as they both already knew what to do. 
Tartaglia barely stepped inside the bedroom and Scaramouche was already latching himself onto him. The same hand that tightly groped his red shirt pushed him towards the bed, barely giving Tartaglia time to kick off his boots. Damn, this guy really was something else, Tartaglia thought, whining a little into their vicious kissing.
Scaramouche pushed him into the mattress, rubbing the corner of his lips with the back of his hands. “You look scared, did I go too hard on you?” He cooed, irony poisoning his voice while he started to shed his own layers of clothes. “I thought you could ‘take me wherever, whenever’, no?”
Tartaglia chuckled - hoping it would help him hide his uneasiness. He wasn’t so sure of those words anymore. “And I can, balladeer, heh…” That didn’t even convince himself, but oh well.
Scaramouche tilted his head, getting his knee on top of the mattress and slowly approaching the ginger. Tartaglia leaned against the bedpost and watched in silence, at the verge of cracking under the tension and the pressure. Now that it was really happening, could he sustain all of his claims for before? Despite his looks, Scaramouche clearly knew what he was doing and was going to do, while Tartaglia, on the other hand…
Before he could sink any further into these thoughts, Scaramouche straddled one of his legs. Shit, he was so close—
“Eyes on me, newbie,” the other’s voice broke into Tartaglia’s head. He had a playful, yet dominating look on his face. “You might learn a thing or two…” So cocky, Tartaglia thought, but he wasn’t in a position to talk back.
Sighing, as he was forced to follow orders, Tartaglia closed his eyes and leaned in, kissing the balladeer’s lips again. Their lips crashed into each other - without passion, but burning with desire.
Despite not knowing his “coworker” that well, here Tartaglia was. However, as inexperienced as he was, he didn’t know what to do with his hands. Should he hug Scaramouche? Or just keep them away? What if he messed up? Archons, that would be so embarrassing, and what if Scaramouche spread that he was a virgin and—
“...hey,” Scaramouche sighed, breaking their kiss. He looked a little annoyed, but mostly because they stopped kissing. “What are you thinking about? Pay attention, damned newbie…”
Tartaglia’s cheeks flushed in a bright shade of pink. Did he mess up their kissing? He practiced for so long… “I-is something wrong?” Tartaglia dared to ask, his fingers digging into the mattress, tightly holding it.
“You’re too tense,” Scaramouche complained with half closed eyes. Tartaglia wished he could hear the other’s thoughts, it was so hard to read what he was feeling - his face always looked the same, he always seemed so angry. But, this time, he was sure he heard him… laugh. “Let me just…”
Scaramouche quickly reached for Tartaglia’s shirt collar and nearly ripped all the buttons open as he dragged his hand down. The cloth that was being held together quickly fell down Tartaglia’s body, exposing his body to Scaramouche hungry eyes. “Don’t worry,” Scaramouche muttered, gently cupping one of Tartaglia’s cheeks, leaning close to admire his nervous expression. His finger slid down Tartaglia’s jawline, lifting his face by his chin, “it will be fun…”
Tartaglia couldn’t say anything. His throat was closed shut and barely air was making its way through it. He could only watch and shiver, tensing in anticipation as Scaramouche pressed his hand against his chest and slid it down his body. “S-Scaram-”
A small purple light came from where Scaramouche’s hand was. Tartaglia widened his eyes as small bolts of electricity surrounded the other man’s finger, crackling as he imbued his hand with electro energy. “W-wait, Scaram- ah!”
All it took was a single finger pressing into his stomach for one of the sparkles to shock him. Scaramouche grinned, letting the electro energy flow into Tartaglia’s body. “What's wrong? It doesn’t hurt, does it? Too much for you?”
“N-nohot reall- ah! But it- a-agh, tihickles..!” Tartaglia whimpered, pressing his eyes shut and clenching his hands into fists. It should hurt, he thought, but it didn’t. All he could feel was an electric pulse flowing, stimulating all his nerves at once.
“Oh, really?” Scaramouche feigned surprised, tilting his head slightly. Pressing his index into the spot just above Tartaglia’s navel, he began to draw little shapes: a circle, a star, a heart… all while sending little bolts of electricity into the skin. “Then laugh, newbie. And relax, yes?”
Tartaglia's body trembled with spasms, jerking his limbs in a weird way. It tickled so bad and it was just a finger, Scaramouche was literally toying with him, mocking, torturing even… but he didn’t dislike those ideas. Again, if anything, those only made it more exciting. “W-wahahait! H-hnngh! P-plehease! It f-feels wehehei- aHAah, c-cohome on!”
Scaramouche only smiled, his finger tracing each muscle of Tartaglia’s abs, moving to his side and then down to his hip. It tickled terribly, terrifically. The ginger curled his toes and giggled his free leg while the other simply trembled under Scaramouche’s weight. That sensation made him want to laugh, to cry, to moan. “S-stahahap, ahAHa, I-I’m seheher- AHAH!!”
Before he could protest any further, Scaramouche added a second finger, pinching a bit of soft skin just below Tartaglia’s ribs, rolling that patch of meat between his digits while showering it with electro energy. “You don’t sound like you want me to stop, newbie,” he whispered softly, watching Tartaglia nearly melt under his gentle-shock-treatment. 
“I think you’re into this, huh?” He teased, finally ceasing the electric flow. Tartaglia's body went limp against the bed, his head spinning and his vision blurry.
Tartaglia sighed, taking his trembling hand to his face, moving it through his hair tiredly. “Y-yeah…” He nodded, a shy smile spreading on his face and adorning it along with his flushed cheeks.
Scaramouche laughed, shaking his head for a moment and smirking back at his newbie’s messed up state. “I see,” he then moved his hands, holding both Tartaglia’s hips, “so let’s see how much you can take, newbie.”
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outivv · 8 months ago
Very important information!
Long story short an anon insider from Hoyoverse is stating that while raising awarness on social media apps is great. We should take a step further and start dropping reviewing on any Playstore Site that has Genshin.
Express why you are dissatisfied and use hastages to bring more awarness. As for right now the Playstore reviews are dropping that it went from a 4 star review to 3.0 review. Hoyoverse is desperately trying to get reviews back by adding bots.
We shouldn't be just doing this with Genshin. Do this with ALL HOYOVERSE GAMES. Honkai Star Rail, Tears of Themis, ZZZ, etc.
HSR is facing the same problem as Genshin with Boothill being Native American coded, Penacony reloving around Jazz but have no Black character, Aventurine being Romani etc.
YEA YES!! I tried talking about this in my Hoyoverse boycott post, but I only touched on it briefly- but Hoyoverse games IN GENERAL are the overall problem. Tears of Themis has issues with being orientalist- and just shitty. Zenless Zone Zero apparently has actual blackface! Not good! Uhhh- outside of the record store on one of the little record poster thingies I believe. Honkai impact third has… straight up racism, and a subpar character plot about learning to love your skin color no matter what and she just goes “ummm actually no :)”, and oh my god I haven’t talked much on Honkai Star rail on this account but ykw I’ll go further into it.
Boothill- Boothill is based off of Native American culture, and is supposed to also be Latino. In the CN ORIGINAL translation of the game- his planet is named after two very real Native American tribes, his backstory recreates the same colonization that happened to native Americans specifically- calling Boothill’s people savages, and putting them in reservations after completely carpet bombing his planet, killing most of the population, and destroying the ecosystem. However, despite this Boothill has nothing to show for his heritage, or the fact that he is based around native, and Hispanic people except for the fact that he’s a cowboy- and even then sometimes I feel like he’s played up in game as like actually stupid for comedic relief when he’s not stupid AT ALL. (Sorry, Boothill’s one of my favs and a bad hyperfixation so I’m super passionate about how he needs proper representation)
Aventurine- aventurine is called a slur by sparkle, both sparkle and dr ratio point out specific racist stereotypes against aventurine that are usually targeted at Romani people which is who aventurine, and his entire home planet are based off of (that’s why I’m not a huge fan of Dr ratio x aventurine personally. Dr ratio isn’t racist imo, he’s just lowkey fucking mean and said the wrong thing to the wrong person). Aventurine’s backstory is also fucked in my opinion, and the way people in the fandom take his backstory and treat him as a character only really started getting bad bad after we found out he was Romani, but that’s a fandom issue- it’s still something to comment on.
Arlan- while Arlan is the darkest character Hoyoverse has made to date, he also has his talent names beeee references to slavery. Straight up. “Shackle breaker”, “frenzied punishment”, “swift harvest”, and then his eidolons- “breaking free”, and “hammer and tongs”. Not cool, kinda fucked up.
And that’s just the characters I can think of off the top of my head- not including Jade and her shit cause I know she has some stuff that’s like fucked up about her and ik she’s racist I just haven’t done my research on how she is racist and like gathered all the evidence basically lol, but that’s also just the characters, not to mention what you said anon- how penacony is based off of the jazz age but has no playable black characters? Girl whatttt? Gimmie a slay ass like black singer who’s besties with Robin, cmon now- don’t a coward Hoyoverse, you know DAMN WELL that she would sell too.
Hoyoverse games overall are like this, so please pay attention to all Hoyoverse games, and Hoyoverse mostly only listens to the App Store reviews so PLEASEEEEE go and review bomb ONLY Hoyoverse games. Start with Genshin and Honkai Star rail, go to Zenless Zone Zero and Honkai Impact 3rd then finish with Tears of Themis, don’t do it all at once if you can’t!! Just go review all of them one stars!!
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kiri-instinct · 2 years ago
ok this is a bit of a “call-out post” over...pixels, but fuck it, i am bored. raiden ei, baal, or whatever you wanna call her, is the closest genshin impact has come to having a full blown fascist. and the fact the game tries to paint her as a “misdirected good person,” with the fandom eating it up, is kind of weird. i am going to write these off the top of my head, please feel free to correct me if i got any of these wrong: - Kujou Sara openly mentions at one point that she arrested Arataki Itto for resisting the confiscation of his vision, implying that a prison sentence is the harshest the Commissions will go with enforcing the Vision Hunt Decree. The very first time you interact with Baal is when the Shogunate drags Thoma away, ties him up, and puts him in front of the Archon, who literally everyone says is planning on fucking KILLING Thoma to celebrate that he is the 100th Vision owner whose Vision will be confiscated. - The same cutscene has what is, in my opinion, one of the most fucking horrifying things someone can do: A statue, inlaid with ninety nine Visions, standing tall in full view of everyone as they get ready to watch Thoma get butchered infront of them. There is a fucking statue meant to instill fear of the Shogun and her absolute authority right behind the area where she is about to fucking kill a man simply as a means of celebrating her absolute rule. - As soon as The Traveler saves Thoma, Baal takes zero time in recognizing that they lack a vision, and notes that they are an exception. Her next lines are as follows: “Exceptions...the enemy of Eternity.” “You will be inlaid upon this statue.” She met this person just now, does not know their intentions, but the moment she sees they are different from how she likes her subjects, and thus a threat to her specific version of greatness, she immediately declares them an enemy and threatens to stuff their carcass inside a statue. It takes a Nightkin from Fallout a lot more agitating to threaten you with something as bad. I do not think I need to explain why “exceptions...the enemy of eternity” is just fascist bullshit with a few words swapped around. At least...I hope I do not have to. - There is an entire resistance against the Vision Hunt Decree in Watatsumi Island, organized by some of the kindest people in Teyvat. Their terms are simple -- reverse the Vision Hunt Decree, and leave those people alone. Not once does the game state, or show, the Shogunate trying to negotiate a middle ground with the resistance while the Vision Hunt Decree is still going. You know what it shows, though? Kujou Sara being sent to assault the resistance. And the argument of “well they were a threat” does not work, as the resistance has basically zero presence outside of their own territory, Kujou Sara is on the offensive in the aforementioned cutscene, and they literally became a peacekeeping force as soon as their demands were met. Also the resistance themselves admit their battle is a losing one, with Gorou having to stick around to see to the wounded instead of pressing any advantage they may have. - The horrible authoritarianism of Baal gets so bad that Yae Miko -- someone who is normally incredibly dismissive and has a “devil may care” attitude -- pulls you in and goes “Hey, look. I need you to beat the shit out of her.” An entire Archon quest is spent on learning to dodge Raiden Shogun’s attacks. For comparison, we had no such preparations for Scaramouche, Tartaglia, or Signora. It gets that bad. - And when you do beat Raiden Shogun, what happens? Ei gives her a stern talking to, and a slap in the wrist, and she says she’ll give her authoritarianism and Eternity stuff “some thought.” She doesn’t say she’ll stop, she doesn’t say she’ll try to be more humane. She does not even say sorry. She says she’ll THINK about it. And she straight up tells you that she won’t abolish the Vision Hunt Decree because she values the well-being of her people, but because she agreed to do it if you beat her. Until the bitter fucking end, she treats herself as “the right one” and everyone who tells her otherwise as “enemies of Eternity.” So, logically, the stuff that would follow this would be a series of quests and events that detail how Baal recovers from her authoritarian streak, and betters herself as a person, right? No. What are you, stupid? Every single quest that features Baal immediately after she says she’ll give being a fucking fascist “some thought” tries to either make you: - Find her cute ( Reflections of Mortality ) - Feel bad for her???? ( Transient Dreams ) - Gawk at how she is lesbians with Yae Miko now (literally any event where they can be on screen at the same time) Genshin literally shows you who might be the most abhorrent, egotistical person in the game next to fucking Dottore, makes you go through several quests that show the results of such a horrible fucker being in charge of their own nation, has characters actively tell you their peace with said character is uneasy because they see no reason to be wholly trustful of them and, just when their ideological conviction might be shaken by being defeated every step of the way...gives them a mean look and immediately forgives them when they say “I’ll think about it” and nothing more. You are supposed to find...this. Whatever THIS is. Cute. Charming. Relatable. So, yeah, I am sorry, but I think I will remain convinced that, unless they start skinning infants, a decent chunk of the fuckin’ Fatui are morally superior to Baal in every single way and Mihoyo should absolutely let us side with them more often.
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I just saw somebody, who went on a whole self-aggrandizing rant about showing MHY the errors of their ways('never caring about Genshin players') by not spending any money on GI in 4.4, spend $1500 to get E6 Kafka in HSR.
Yesterday, many of the people who were on and on about not playing the 4.4 update at all to 'stick it to HYV' have gone on to Wish for Cloud Retainer and are exploring to build her as well as buying the new skins for Ganyu and Shenhe.
Genshin is still making more money than HSR. It has a more loyal fanbase as well thanks to being around longer. Choosing to give HYV money through a different, slightly less popular game, will not teach them a lesson.
If you really want to boycott, you need to mean it. Stand ten toes down on that shit and commit for life. It's like those Republicans who bitched about that trans person promoting a brand of beer, and claiming they'd spend their money on a different beer, only to get dragged cuz all the beers in question were owned by the same company. It doesn't matter which one they bought, the money goes to the same place at the end of the day and hurts nothing. Solves nothing.
You want to teach HYV/MHY a lesson? Don't play Genshin Impact. Or Honkai: Star Rail. Or Honkai Impact 3rd. Or the other less popular games they have under their belt. Don't buy official merch. Don't watch videos they post. Don't interact with their accounts and content on social media. Don't watch streamers who play it. Don't listen to their game music on Spotify. Learn how to actually boycott if you're so heated about how they treat their Genshin players.
Throwing $1500 at them, even in a different game, won't solve anything. You planned to spend until you got C0 Xianyun but now, in protest, you're going to spend ten times that amount on HSR for a different character? Really?
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Hello ! Could I please get a romantic male matchup for Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail !
Pronouns : She/Her
Sexuality : straight
Zodiac/MBTI : Virgo/INTJ
Appearance : I’m 5’4, slightly curvy girl, with a pear shaped figure and a lightly tanned skin. I have almond shaped light brown eyes and very wavy mid-long caramel hair. I have a round face, plush lips and slightly chubby cheeks, so I have a bit of a childish face. I dress mostly with vintage clothes from the 50s and Korean style clothes.
Personality: I’m mostly withdrawn, individualistic, introverted and very honest even blunt at times. I need a lot of alone time. When im with people i’m close with, I tend to be more cheerful and energetic, im also quite sarcastic. One of the thing that stands out the most about me is that I’m extremely determined and ambitious and eager to learn new things. However, I do have some very specific subjects/ hobbies I tend to get hyper focused on, focusing mainly on it and digging the subject to its deepest. I’m also very observant and attentive which makes me a good listener, especially for my friends who I value very much and try my best to be considerate with( for example by avoiding being too blunt).
Likes : I have a sweet tooth: I mostly enjoy chocolate, fruits, cakes. I like to have a lot of alone time in different ways : i like to walk in wild, vast nature alone , and open air activities, like mountain climbing. However, I’m also a homebody who enjoys staying at home for a full day. I love art and books a lot. I also enjoy small, calm gathering with close friend or families like picnic or tea parties. I love fashion, and I like to go shopping too.
Dislike : I absolutely hate crowded spaces. I dislike when there’s too much noise around me. I can’t stand hypocritical people.I hate small talk and people who rambles too much and don’t go straight to the point. In terms of food, i don’t like citrus fruits.
Hobbies : I enjoy reading, playing video games, listening to music, drawing, learning new languages, dancing, swimming and doing crochet.
Extra information : My enneagram is 5w6.I am the eldest sibling and I have a little brother I get along well with. I like sincere, loyal and intelligent people who can give me a lot of personal space. My love languages are words of affirmation and acts of service.
That’s about it, sorry if it’s too long and thank you for reading my request !
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Alhaitham definitely falls into the category of intelligent and willing to give you personal space.
He is sincere as well but this often comes across more as bluntness or brutal honesty. He doesn't really have a filter for those sort of things.
At the same time, if Alhaitham sees that he has hurt or offended you in any way, he'll do what he can to make it up to you.
Enjoys reading with you. He would prefer reading separate books, since he finds it tricky reading at the pace of others, but he still really enjoys being in your presence.
He also likes talking to you. He respects your boundaries and will never talk too much but what he does have to say is interesting and constructive. He appreciates your attentiveness; it's a nice change of pace from people like Kaveh.
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with..
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Dan Heng is also more than willing to give you personal space. He likes his own space as well so it works out nicely.
Very sincere and loyal. He couldn't imagine doing anything that would hurt you and if by chance he does, he'll do what he can to make it up.
Like Alhaitham, Dan Heng enjoys reading with you. This guys is pretty easy when it comes to what you each read. He's happy to read the same book or completely different things. He's got a diverse taste so anything goes.
I think Dan Heng would enjoy going mountain climbing with you. It's a chance to get away from the other people on the Star Rail and he finds it nice getting out into nature.
I have no logic to back this up, but Dan Heng gives off the vibes of being a big fan of chocolate cake. He'd love to go out with you, trying to find the best chocolate cake on every new planet you visit.
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danhjngs · 1 year ago
sheeeeeeeeeeesh. i've experienced this kind of feeling when playing genshin impact, watching bungou stray dogs for the very first time, same with jujutsu kaisen and project k/k anime. but how do i even explain it? it's something otherwordly.
for bungou stray dogs, it didn't click to me what entirely the feeling was other than comfort and yes, i am very well aware that nothing is comforting in the bsd universe, but hear me out. when asagari said
this story is not for people who are good at living. i always hope that bungou stray dogs will become oxygen for such people. they are the "lost ones" that dazai talked about.
maybe the feeling can never be fully explained, i could go on and on about it, use all the existing words possible, but it will never fully portray the feelings i get watching these shows, how it immediately sucked me into them and had me brainrotting for months on end and it's never ending.
perhaps it could be some crack placed in these animes that make us feel so pulled into it, as if experiencing it there in the flesh. maybe it's the storyline that reels you in and makes you want more.
the same goes for jjk and link click. man, this post can get even longer if i explained jjk and link click and man, don't even get me started with k project/k because that anime gave me so much serotonin, from the plot to the character designs, the choice of music, etc.
an honorable mention to me is a silent voice. which i prefer over your name, but honeslty both films are equally beautiful in their very own way.
then with games, genshin and honkai star rail have become comfort games to me. the lores are incredible, the quotes can call me out on my bullshit sometimes, but also give some sense of light/motivation that i didn't i needed in the first place.
over all, it is a feeling that i will never be able to explain, but the simplest terms to bring upon describing it is: comfort
no matter how tragic things are within the universe of that anime through the animations or manga, reading it and experiencing it through motion and learning about characters, favorite characters and characters you didn't think you'd end up liking, it's like "certain things and people in this story are relatable, attractive, pulls you in. it's like coming home to something you didn't think you need"
in a sense, it is kinda like oxygen, not saying it's necessary to live, but maybe in some little space of it all, it's a little corner for us to feel okay and that's enough to keep pushing through life.
escapism? escaping reality? yeah. whether health or not. if it gives people comfort, i don't see anything wrong with it.
I'd love some input from anyone reading this!!
You're in the middle of playing a game, watching a show, reading something, or maybe just finishing it up. You're hit by the realization that you're currently in the middle of something special. Something that ticks all of the boxes for top-tier content that you have. Something that makes you think. Something that makes you feel. Something that you won't ever be able to experience for the first time again. Something that will become a standard you hold everything else to. Something you won't ever forget.
What is that something for you? What do you call that feeling? Gush about it! Give me that wordsalad. Go feral homie, I wanna know!
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siilverwiitch · 9 months ago
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Chapter 3: Let's see where this goes.
Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact
Characters: Kaeya, Kaeya's Father & Diluc
Language: English
Words: 803
AO3 Link
The days passed in a blur of cautious hope and tentative steps. Despite the rocky beginnings and the weight of past mistakes, I felt a glimmer of possibility. Each day, I endeavoured to build a bridge, fragile though it may be, towards Kaeya.
My routine remained the same���observing from a distance, learning more about the city and its people, and understanding the new world Kaeya lived in. I made frequent visits to the Angel’s Share, often sharing a nod or a few words with Diluc. His cautious acceptance of me was a silent testament to his trust in Kaeya's judgment.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Mondstadt, I decided to take a different approach. It was time to be more than just a shadow on the periphery of Kaeya's life. I needed to show him that I was committed to being here, to making amends.
I found him at the training grounds of the Knights of Favonius, engaged in a sparring session with a few of the younger knights. His movements were precise, his demeanor a mix of authority and encouragement. It was clear he was respected and admired by those around him. I watched from a distance, not wanting to interrupt, but hoping to find a moment when we could talk.
As the session ended, Kaeya caught sight of me and, after a brief exchange with his fellow knights, he walked over, wiping sweat from his brow.
"You're persistent, I'll give you that," he said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
"I have to be," I replied. "I can't afford to lose this chance."
He nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Come on, let's walk."
We strolled through the city, the evening air cool and refreshing. For a while, we walked in silence, the sounds of Mondstadt filling the spaces between us.
"Do you remember much about our home?" Kaeya asked suddenly, his voice soft.
The question caught me off guard. "Some," I admitted. "Fragments, mostly. The feeling of the place, the sounds, the smell of the charred rubble."
Kaeya nodded. "I've tried to remember, but it's hard. It's been so long. I don't even know if I can trust my memories anymore."
"Do you want to remember?" I asked, cautiously.
He was silent for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I think so. But not just the place. I want to understand why. Why you left me? Why you made the choices you did."
I took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his words. "I left because I believed it was the only way to protect you. Our nation was falling apart, and I thought you would be safer here. I was wrong. I see that now. But at the time, I thought I was doing what was best for you. I was doing what I was told was the right thing… it's not an excuse but I was young and scared for the child I had barely gotten the chance to know."
"And now?" he asked, looking at me intently. "What do you want now?"
"I want to know you," I said simply. "I want to be part of your life if you'll let me. I can't change the past, but I can be here now. I regret leaving you that night"
Kaeya looked at me, his expression unreadable. "It's not going to be easy," he said finally. "Trust isn't something you can rebuild overnight."
"I know," I replied. "But I'm willing to do whatever it takes."
He nodded, a small smile on his face. "Alright then. Let's see where this goes."
The following weeks were a dance of tentative steps and cautious conversations. I spent more time volunteering for tasks and doing odd jobs around Mondstadt. I wanted to understand Kaeya's world from the inside out. Each interaction, each shared moment, felt like a brick laid in the foundation of something new and fragile.
One evening a few weeks later, we sat by the fountain in the main square, the gentle sound of water mingling with the laughter and chatter of the townsfolk. Kaeya turned to me, his expression serious.
"There's one thing I need to know," he said. "Why now? Why come back after all this time?"
I took a deep breath, the weight of his question heavy on my heart. "Because I realized that running away was a mistake. I thought I was protecting you, but I was only protecting myself from the pain of losing you. I've spent years haunted by that decision, and I can't live with that regret anymore. I want to make things right, no matter what it takes."
Kaeya studied me for a long moment, then nodded slowly. "Alright," he said softly. "Let's see where this goes."
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thedisneychef · 2 years ago
Where Can I Buy Recipes In Genshin Impact
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Hey everyone! If you're playing Genshin Impact and need some inspiration for cooking up a delicious meal, then you've come to the right place. In this article, I'm going to tell you exactly where to find recipes in-game so that your culinary creations can take center stage. Cooking is an important part of Genshin Impact - it's not just about eating great food but also gathering ingredients, combining them together and making something incredible out of nothing. But with so many different recipes available in-game, it can be hard to know where to begin. That's why I'm here to break down all the places you can go to get your hands on new and exciting recipes! Recipe Books I've been playing Genshin Impact for a while now, and I love it. One thing I'm always looking to do when I play is find recipes that can help me with my cooking needs. So far, I haven't had the best luck recipe hunting in-game, but I know there are plenty of other places to look. One great place to start your search for recipes is by gathering them from fellow players online. There are tons of helpful communities out there where people discuss all sorts of topics related to Genshin Impact, including sharing their favorite recipes. From these conversations, you'll be able to learn about new dishes or even get tips on how to make certain ingredients more easily available in the game world. If you're not up for interacting with others online, you could also try buying pre-made recipes from specialty stores within Genshin Impact itself. This way, you won't have to worry about trying to figure out what goes into each dish – all the work has already been done for you! Plus, once purchased, these recipes will stay yours forever so you don't have to keep spending money every time you want a different meal from the same store. No matter which route you take when searching for recipes in Genshin Impact – whether through online discussion or specialty shops – one thing's for sure: You're sure to end up with some delicious meals! Adventurers' Guild I'm sure you're wondering where to purchase recipes in Genshin Impact. Well, the best place for that would be the Adventurers' Guild! They offer a range of services and quest rewards that can help get your hands on some delicious recipes. You can access the guild by talking to either Paimon or Katheryne at their respective locations. The quests they give out reward various items and currency, including Mora – which is essential if you want to buy recipes from other characters. The merchants often have special deals when it comes to buying recipes, so make sure to check back regularly! Additionally, there are also certain events throughout the year that will grant bonus rewards such as cookbooks and recipe pieces – so keep an eye out for those too. So if you’re looking for some tasty food-related items in Genshin Impact, then head over to the Adventurers' Guild! There's no better place to find what you need and maybe even discover something new along the way. Npc Shops I'm a big fan of Genshin Impact, so I know the game has some great recipes! But where can you find them? Well, one of the best places to look is at NPC shops. Special merchants will offer various ingredients and dishes for sale that you wouldn't be able to get anywhere else. You may also have luck with participating in cooking contests - these events are held sporadically throughout Teyvat and often give out recipes as prizes. Another way to get your hands on more recipes is by completing daily commissions or opening chests scattered around the map. These activities reward players with all kinds of goodies including new recipes and materials used in crafting food items. Additionally, if there's something specific that you're looking for, talking to certain NPCs might provide helpful clues about how to acquire it. So whether you're hunting down rare ingredients or trying to master a difficult dish, there are plenty of options available for those who seek out recipes within Genshin Impact. With patience and dedication, finding what you need won't be too hard! Special Events In addition to NPC Shops, Genshin Impact also offers special events which can provide players with recipes. During these events, players have the chance to obtain a variety of recipes that require special ingredients and cooking techniques. For example, during the “A Dish Beyond Compare” event, participants could purchase various dishes from Xiao Le and earn rewards like recipe books for their culinary efforts. These recipe books contain unique recipes that are not available anywhere else in-game and feature some of the best dishes Genshin Impact has to offer. Apart from simply purchasing recipes during special events, players can also take part in certain challenges where they will be rewarded with different types of resources or items related to cooking if they succeed. This is a great way for players looking to spice up their meals while exploring Teyvat! Additionally, there are plenty of NPCs who can give out quests providing all sorts of rewards such as rare materials, cookbooks and even new recipes after completion. All in all, Genshin Impact provides many ways to acquire new recipes through both its regular shops as well as its occasional events and questing activities. With all these options at your disposal you’re sure to become an expert chef in no time! Recipe Drops I'm sure if you're a fan of Genshin Impact, you've been looking for ways to acquire recipes. The good news is that there are several options available! One way to get recipes is by foraging at various spots around the world. You'll find common ingredients scattered about and some rare ones as well. You can also pick up recipe drops from defeated monsters and bosses in Teyvat. World bosses like Fatui Electro Cicin Mage or Stormterror will often drop recipes when they're defeated. If all else fails, you can purchase recipes from certain NPCs throughout Teyvat. This involves trading them materials such as ore or mora for specific recipes depending on who you talk to. If you don't want to spend too much money, this might be the best option since it requires only resources rather than monetary currency. However, keep in mind that not every NPC sells recipes so make sure to check with each one before giving up hope! Finally, the last place where you could potentially obtain a recipe is through events which happen periodically within Genshin Impact's online platform. These events usually involve completing tasks or puzzles related to lore or knowledge and rewarding players with special items like cooking dishes or even new characters! So if ever these opportunities arise, take advantage of them and hopefully snag yourself some tasty treats for your culinary adventures! Frequently Asked Questions How Do I Craft Recipes In Genshin Impact? Crafting recipes in Genshin Impact is a great way to unlock powerful items like weapons and armor. To craft these recipes, you'll need the right ingredients which can come from various sources such as enemy drops, item chests found around the world, fishing spots, and certain NPCs. Additionally, you can purchase recipes from some merchants scattered throughout Teyvat or by completing special challenges called "Sparks of Inspiration". There are also cooking strategies that can be used to increase your chances for success when crafting a recipe. With all these options available, there's no shortage of ways to find recipes and create powerful new gear in Genshin Impact! How Can I Obtain Rare Recipes In Genshin Impact? If you’re looking to obtain rare recipes in Genshin Impact, your best bet is to socialize with other players. Recipe gathering works similarly to item trading; you can use a friend’s character or create an account specifically for the purpose of trading and exchanging items. Keep in mind that some recipes are only available as rewards from specific events or tasks so be sure to stay up-to-date with the current game content! What Is The Cost Of Recipes In Genshin Impact? If you're looking to purchase recipes in Genshin Impact, then you'll be happy to know that the cost of these recipes is not too high. Recipes can range anywhere from 120-200 Mora for a single recipe and depending on their rarity, some recipes may even cost more than that. With an ever increasing variety of cooking tips and recipe options available, it's sure to please any aspiring chef! Are There Any Special Recipes Available In Genshin Impact? Yes! Genshin Impact has a wide variety of special recipes to choose from. You can find cooking tips and recipe lists throughout the game, or purchase them with in-game currency. Some of these recipes are incredibly valuable for crafting powerful weapons and armor, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled for any useful ingredients that come your way. Are There Any Hidden Recipes In Genshin Impact? Yes, there are some hidden recipes in Genshin Impact that you can find! You just have to know where to look and what cooking methods to use. There are several recipe sources scattered across the game world, such as bookshelves, NPCs, and even specific areas. Searching these locations will often yield a new recipe for you to try out! Plus, if you’re really lucky, you might even stumble upon a rare item or two during your search! Conclusion In conclusion, Genshin Impact offers a wide array of recipes to craft and obtain. Crafting recipes requires materials earned in battle or purchased from stores around the world. Rare recipes can be obtained by completing special events or found as rewards for certain tasks. The cost of these recipes varies depending on their rarity but is usually worth it if you’re looking to make powerful weapons and items. Additionally, there are some hidden recipes scattered throughout the game that require some extra effort to discover. With all this in mind, I hope this article has helped you understand where to find recipes in Genshin Impact so you can start crafting away! Read the full article
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realm-of-rosie · 4 years ago
✎ Softy Hours | Genshin Impact
↠ Diluc, Tohma, Ayato, Xiao × Reader
↠ Fluff | Scenario
↠ Before You Read:
more brainroooooot hello, im supposed to be sleeping so i can have breakfast with my siblings later for the lolz oh well, brainrot doesnt exactly let you sleep-
AND AYATO SIMPS ARE FUNNY BECAUSE CANONICALLY, HE DOESNT HAVE A FACE OR PHYSICAL PRESENCE- anyway, im hilarious because im totally in love with the version of him in my head 🥰🤡
↠ Rules for Requesting | Masterlist
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• diluc teaching you how to play the card games he learned from his father and the older knights when he still was a member of the knights of favonius one stormy night under candlelight to ease yours and his boredom while the rain beat on the windows of the dawn winery.
seeing a familiar and almost forgotten gleam of excitement and amusement in your eyes - the same one his elders used to tease him about - the more you play and the more you win, his heart tells him that playing with the intricately designed cards with slightly worn out edges doesn't need to be a bittersweet memory anymore.
• tohma with a habit of kissing every part of your face except your lips. your eyelids, your cheeks, your nose, the side of your lips, your forehead, but not your lips. or at least, he tends to save your lips for last.
secondly, he loves penguin kisses. tohma's nose rubs against yours affectionately, his lips just barely hovering above yours nothing but a breath away and they form a smirk when you frown and swat at his chest. he takes his time to shower you in love and adoration, and to him, the kiss on the lips are the final seal before he sends you on your way packed with the fluttering sensation of affection on your skin.
• ayato doesn't even try to maintain his composure or act like the proper gentleman he was during the meeting he just had 5 minutes ago. he relaxes, he eases up, whatever front he puts up falls apart because with you, there's no need for it.
during dinner, he pretends to wipe away the bit of sauce that smeared on your cheek, only to sneakily smear even more and laugh at the scandalized look on your face. ayato pretends to loudly snore when you're barely on the brink of falling asleep and narrowly dodges your drowsy attempts to clamp your hand over his mouth and goes to sleep with a smile on his face and his hand slowly dragging up and down your back.
• xiao and the process of getting comfortable with you. he slowly has to ease into it of course, scared of rubbing off his karma and bad luck onto you.
but when he does, you wake up in the middle of the night to feel his nimble fingers slipping under your shirt to gently rub his thumb over the swell of your hips. he kisses your palm while he traces patterns on and reads your fortune from it, xiao would abruptly kiss the back when he had it intertwined with his. verbal affection through metaphors and other figures of speech, all translating to forms of i love you, i care for you, i adore you and all other terms of endearment, sometimes in a language unfamiliar to you, leave his lips.
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apompkwrites · 4 years ago
I just read your story, the one with Xiao and Albedo, its really good! I love it! Is it ok if you do the same thing but with Kaeya, Zhongli, Childe and Diluc version. I can see how excited these guys are since Kaeya first appeared is clapping his hand, the way Childe call Lumine 'Hey Girlie', Zhongli with how handsome he is especially his eyes and with Diluc how mysterious he is when he appeared out of nowhere
Feel free to do it if you're not busy or you can ignore this :3
reader impact || first meeting cont.
series masterlist characters: kaeya, diluc, childe genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i’m glad you liked it! i’m having a lot of fun writing these so expect some more coming out :D i plan on doing more first meeting hcs and then branching off to other scenarios, so if there’s something specific, please request it! also, i’ve already done one for zhongli!
kaeya's playthrough -
he's more of a variety streamer, honestly.
most of his viewers watch him because of his carefree nature (as well as his looks).
obviously, he'd do a bunch of drinking streams whenever he could where he would just talk to his viewers about whatever came to mind.
during those streams, his viewers often try to ask him questions, which are only answered in vague statements.
his gaming streams are pretty rare compared to his chatting streams, but they're there nonetheless.
his viewers jump when they hear he's planning on playing genshin impact.
just neverending messages about a character they are convinced he will love.
he's so tempted to ask but decides not to, wanting to learn who this mystery character is on his own.
honestly, he was expecting you to appear way later in the story.
he's very interested in the looming threat of stormterror.
his character lands on the ground and he leans back to watch the cutscene play.
then he hears footsteps and sees his character look to someone offscreen.
you walk in clapping at a calculated pace, which is when he leans forward and stares at your character model.
"i can't believe you have the power to stand up against that dragon... that said, are you a new ally... or a new storm?"
"oh, hun, i can be whatever you want me to be."
he knows his chat is freaking out, so he turns to the camera and sends his signature smirk.
"now i know why you guys wanted me to play this so bad."
"(name), kaeya, you've come at the right time. we must..."
"now now, don't forget to introduce us."
"oh... right. this is (name), our cavalry captain. these two are travelers from afar."
"ooh, they're a person in charge, too?"
he genuinely likes you. like genuinely. he's fallen deep and he doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon.
if your costume has that long v-neck like his does...
anyway, he's heard that there are characters you can only obtain throguh wishes, so he's kind of nervous to find out if that's the case with you.
he just really wants you in his party so y'all can be mysterious together.
"let me show you how the knights of favonius conquer our adversaries!"
"oh, yes. please do."
his viewers can and will make compilations of him flirting with you.
ngl, he's looking forward to those.
sometimes, your voice gets all quiet and he melts when he hears that.
he will pay to have voicelines of you flirting with him--
when he enters your trial domain, he will purposely avoid completing it just in case he doesn't get to keep you.
he sees some of his viewers talking about how you're a bad character and that the other characters are so much better.
too bad, they're banned now.
no (name) slander in his chat, thank you very much.
he loves your quips whenever he uses your elemental skill.
he loves you even more if those quips are puns based on your element.
finally, he's nearing the end of your domain. when that happens, he will slowly turn towards the camera and stare.
"if they aren't a permanent member on my team, this'll be the last stream of genshin."
"let's continue our adventure, shall we?"
obtained (name): a thinker in the knights of favonius with a somewhat exotic appearance.
"okay, so we'll continue streaming genshin soon."
he'll put you in the first slot of his party, moving his traveler character to the second.
his streams will always include him flirting with you, even if you don't reply.
diluc's playthrough -
his streams are mainly bartending based, so he likes mixing drinks on stream for his viewers.
he doesn't drink them, though. he gives them out to his friends and family once the stream is over.
it's pretty rare for him to play games but he'll do an occasional gaming stream if his friends and family don't want any drinks.
his chat always makes fun of him because he's a bartender that doesn't like the taste of alcohol.
he's very blunt, so he's not afraid to drop a game immediately if he isn't interested.
in fact, that's almost what he did with genshin.
it's not like the game is bad or anything, diluc just didn't care for it because of all the hype his chat shared.
he keeps playing, though, because someone promised he would really enjoy a character that comes up in the prologue.
granted, it's over an hour or so but it doesn't matter--
when he gets to the domain teaching him how to use cryo, he hates every minute of it.
he hates the character he's given and just wants to leave.
the demo character is one he doesn't really care for, especially because he's the type of person he dislikes coming to the bars he works at.
his chat is laughing at him when they reach the end because the cutscene continues with the character he hates.
he feels a bit better when he learns the abyss mage is in the domain because he gets to see and hear something that isn't the cryo character.
then he meets you.
you run into the domain out of nowhere, quickly defeating the abyss mage and tossing it towards the corner.
"knights of favonius... always so inefficient."
his chat goes insane when your character appears, especially because of how dumbfounded diluc looks.
he's known for not really emoting and it's the same case for this scene. however, his chat knows he is in love with your character.
he takes a few minutes when he's kicked out of the domain but he clears his throat and looks over at the camera.
"i'll be streaming this game again soon when the others don't want any drinks."
cut to after he's stolen the lyre and is sent to the tavern.
he's a bit excited because he gets to visit mondstadt's tavern but then--
"master (name), this is this week's accounts."
"they're back."
he gets second-hand embarrassment when venti talks to you asking for the... least conspicuous table.
he's kinda sad when your character is suspicious of him, but he understands.
when the knights leave the tavern, he really wants venti to just shut up.
please you're embarrassing the man.
when he hears how you feel about him joining the knights, he is so willing to quit--
man just wants you to be proud of him and trust him :((
he's relieved to hear that you will help him and you don't hate him.
please give him validation--
childe's playthrough -
man is still rich he can do whatever he wants.
his gaming streams would definitely be pvp based games. honestly, just any game where he can fight someone, he'll play.
his chat also has a few little games they like to play together like guessing what the hell this man does to have so much money--
also his siblings crash in on his streams sometimes :D
those are pretty much the only times you'll see him be soft and not so competitive.
teucer likes crashing his streams to show off his plushies :))
anyway, genshin time!
he definitely tried to fight paimon the first time he loaded the game.
please expect lots of genshin stream from this guy because he needs to make his team deal the highest damage he can get.
also his wallet doesn't even have a dent in it despite all of the money he's spent on characters and weapons.
please sir what do you do for all that money
ok so onto your first meeting
he was really excited when the exuvia fell during the rite of descension because he thought he would get to fight whoever killed the great archon of liyue.
he really wanted to fight the millelith but then his chat convinced him to dodge them first.
one of his viewers explains that there's a character they know he'll like and he was very... intriguied to say the least.
he moves forward in his chair once his character is heard by the millelith, prepared to fight the various soldiers surrounding him.
"hang on, sweetheart. i've got this."
this man will squeal when you flip over the stairs in front of his character.
he doesn't know who you are and what you do but he knows for a fact that you are his new favorite character.
you take down all of the guards in two seconds, leaving him (and his in-game character) dumbfounded.
"come with me."
he's smitten.
he absolutely loves the way your character fights even if he met you about... a minute ago.
his siblings definitely come into his room to check on him because he's so quiet.
once he realizes you're a part of the harbingers, he's even more obsessed.
he hates the options the game gives him when he needs to respond because 2/3 of them are insulting you.
anyway he really likes listening to your voice.
he will give anything to hear you call him sweetheart again.
his chat informs him that the traveler he chose changed the nickname you give him, which makes him very happy.
when you send him off to talk to the other adepti, he's kind of disappointed he doesn't get to hang out with you.
but when he gets back to you...
"welcome back, sweetheart. how was your trip to jueyun karst?"
when he learns you're rich just like him... he gets all pouty. his chat, of course, wants to know why.
"... i want to be able to spoil her."
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curryandbread · 4 years ago
The male student ask but for the first year gang pls
TWST first years falling for a male student headcanons
hi anon!! i’m so sorry but i only got to work on this again after a while >< so sorry for delay;;; been too busy lately.
if you guys know genshin impact, i was busy preparing for an event i’m hosting, also where i get to interview Christian Banas (ENG VA of Thoma) anyways 😭
hope you enjoy!!
TW: Mentions of homophobia
Ace Trappola
He’ll somehow feel confused. He also feels a little weird for liking the same sex as him.
He’ll just shrug it off and say it’s just a phase.
Until the feelings became stronger and pretty much occupied him the whole day everytime you’re in his sight.
Honestly, he starts to act really awkward around you the more he discovers these feelings for you.
And everyone can see right through him. He’s stupid to realize soon that he’s exposing himself.
Nowhere to turn anymore, he has to accompany you nearly everywhere, just so that he’d hint you that he has completely taken an interest in you.
He’d perhaps offer to fetch you from your dorm and walk with you to your class every morning.
Deuce Spade
Okay, ever since the whole egg realization he became more antsy around you. He actually commends you for that, giving him a new light in his knowledge of life.
He still doesn’t know how to react to falling for a male like him,, however he’s been open about the topic for a while. So it shouldn’t bother him.
He commends you a lot for how you’re always there to actually restraint the ADeuce + Grim trio.
However his fondness to you absolutely shows, and he just chickens out everytime someone talks to him about it.
He’s still kinda denying these feelings for you. “I came here to study!!!”
He’ll pretty much do the same as what Ace offered, fetch you and walk to classes...
He’ll take you to the shore and maybe, just maybe, he’ll find the right time to tel you these uncontrollable feelings, since he knows he gets relaxed around the environment.
Jack Howl
Jack’s eyes are filled with stars every time he sees you.
He adores your courage, especially with you stood up for your friends. He finds it quite charming.
He will be just as confused as Leona. Wanting to harbor these strong feelings for you.
That gave him more reasons to fall in love with you, and the sex doesn’t matter to him. He’s happy that he met you.
Leona sees hearts flying right behind Jack everytime he’s seen around the dorm. It honestly pisses him off. “Oi, fresh baby. Stop with the fawning and just bring that disgusting lovey dovey shit elsewhere. Just not near me.” Leona said.
And when he does realize his feelings for you, he’s a bit embarrassed to know he keeps these kind of feelings despite his wild, strong appearance.
He’d take you out to watch sunsets with him, at the same time show you how much he appreciates and loves you.
Epel Felmier
His heart started beating for you the moment you defended him agains Vil’s forceful wishes onto Epel.
But you’re a guy, and he’s a guy! Of course Epel finds it absolutely weird!
He somehow felt ashamed, why and how on earth did he gather these feelings for you?
Of course, he’d tell these frustrations to Deuce rather than to Rook. Who knows what Hunter can do after receiving such information?
Deuce tells him it’s totally normal, but Epel goes like “W’THE ‘ELL?? ‘S NOT NORMAL”
Honestly would take him lots of convincing until he learns to embrace it.
He would try his best to get closer to you, offering you a helping hand when in need. Hoping you’d get the message.
Sebek Zigvolt
Honestly this man is loud, so of course his feelings towards you will be very loud.
He’ll turn into a tomato every time you’re around. It’s painfully obvious, unfortunately.
Honestly.... He’d hate himself for falling in love with you. He’s scared that he’d end up just like his parents who he’s despised for he’s born as a half-human.
He’ll just be tailing you everywhere, hoping to learn new things about you in order to turn your attention to him.
Everyone in Diasomnia just encourages him to make his move, but Sebek’s too stubborn.
But of course, if Malleus said it, Sebek does so in a flash.
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