#samatoki: what do you have??????
akkivee · 2 years
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screaming crying throwing up words about nemu’s speakers lol:
a calavera………. it’s a dia de los muertos calavera………… it’s so pink and fun nemu 😭😭😭😭
idk if it varies from region to region, but the way sugar skulls are decorated tend to reflect the deceased. nemu’s skull represents herself in this case; on the top of the skull, the flower she’s named after has been artistically drawn and there’s a sun on the chin, representing her motto, ‘there is always light between the clouds’
she woke up from her brainwashing, it’s like she was reborn this is her life after her ‘death’ the path of life she’ll walk NEMU—
sugar skulls aren’t meant to be eaten but i thought it was a nice touch her skull is made of sugar and nemu likes sweets ;w;
about the path of life!!!! the legend of dia de los muertos comes from the aztecan goddess of death mictecacihuatl, aka the lady of the dead, who led the souls of the deceased to the land of the living to celebrate the day with their family. there’s a flashback of nemu gifting samatoki’s aohitsugi bracelet so i think this is a nod to that
pretty neat the skull looks like the goddess of death too!!!!!
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also it is just fine poetry that nemu’s name means joy and here her speaker radiates it even in death 😭😭😭😭😭
nemu 🟰 joy aohitsugi🟰coffin day of the dead🟰celebrates the life after dead THATS JUST TOO GOOD 😭😭😭😭😭
i’m not a botanist nor have i recently speedran botany but the flowers in nemu’s coffin looks like marigolds, forget-me-knots, lilies, and daisies of varying colours??? marigolds are the flower for the day of the dead, lilies are also associated with remembering the dead, forget-me-knots mean remembrance, and daisies mean new beginnings. no i’m not crying you are—
seriously where did her bracelet go ;w; i’m so happy its found its way onto her speakers tho. both bracelets too 😭😭😭 for sure this was a speaker that manifested after she woke up from her brainwashing
her mic too!!!! it’s a knife!!!!!! not a sword!!!!! lol i need to think about it some more but it’s giving me self-defence vibes, like how she’s always wanted the strength to protect herself but needed her brother’s protection. her mic feels like she’s wielding her brother’s will to protect her as her own weapon so to say??? she’ll make this world fair is the vein of thought
and!!!!!!!!! her speakers are the only ones of the chuuoku women who doesn’t carry the chuuoku crest!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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every-sanji · 5 months
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discotenny · 1 year
Pet-Names (hypmic)
What nicknames your partner would call you :3 Featuring EVERYONE(except Rei cause I don't write for him woahosoohosp) !!! THIS IS A BIG ONE RAHHHHHH
Mentions of “during intimacy" in Ramuda's section but no explicit smut. Everyone has attached drabbles :3
Buster Bros
He's such a babe guy OHHHH my goodness he's such a babe guy. Maybe he'll throw a baby in there too but he throws out babe like it's your second name. It sounds so sweet and casual coming from his mouth you can just hear the smile dripping from it.
"Babe, come here for a sec!" Ichiro calls from the kitchen. With a hm in reply, you come in and see him doing nothing but stand there. You go to ask him why he called you over- only for him to bring you into a warm hug. "I just wanted to hug you baby," he says, kissing your cheeks as you chuckle.
Jiro strikes me as the type to only call you cute nicknames as a ploy to get you annoyed. He'll snicker as he calls you his 'pookie little sunshine bear' in front of all your friends and run away cackling as you chase him down. In private he'll be more soft- picking up 'babe' just like his brother calls you.
"Hey darling little sweetie pumpkin bear pie?" He asks you with the most innocent eyes and you glare at him with the fury of a thousand suns. Your friends laugh behind you and you make a promise to get him back later. Later comes with you tickling him with no mercy in the confines of his bedroom. Through fits of laughter and cries he yells, "Babe! Babe! Stop! Please!" Too bad though, maybe he shouldn't have been such a dick :P
He's into the classics. More so- he simply calls you by your name cause he's a bit too embarrassed to call you anything else. Once he tried to call you 'babe' like he's heard his brothers do but it sounded so foreign coming from his mouth he'd rather you forget it ever happened.
"H-hey, b-baabeee~" Saburo says, trying to sound suave and immediately regretting it. You're not sure you heard him correctly, sounding more like a squeaking door rather than an actual sentence. "What did you say Sabu?" "N-Nothing!"
Mad Trigger Crew
He calls you classy shit like doll, honey, love. He's so sickly sweet when he calls you these pet names that you can't help the fluster that comes to your cheeks whenever he says it.
You're just about to go to bed, Samatoki already laying down. He's half asleep so you try and get in without much attention. As you fix yourself in bed, his hand finds yours and he stirs in his sleep. "G'night, love," he mutters, voice husk with tiredness. He falls back asleep quickly, unaware of the warmth spreading in your smile.
mjmjmjmjmmhmmhmgmmg he's so annoying. He's gonna pull out all the stops in an attempt to get you flustered but he's so smug and obvious with it that it makes you laugh. I know people consider Jyuto this sex god type beast but in my mind but I cannot imagine him as anything other than a pathetic house plant type of man.
He's leaning over the counter of the bar, sliding a drink he just bought your way. "Why hello there, dream boat," His eyes watch you from behind his glasses to see if you'll give the reaction he desires. "Mmmmm, try better next time, love," you wink back at him and he flusters instead. "Wh- why can't you just play along," he sighs, adjusting his tie and looking down bashfully.
In my previous writing for Rio I had him call his partner "dear" and I think it's so applicable to him!! He's a classic type guy and him calling you dear is just fjdafjsdkfdsj cute!
At the grocery store you always have to ask him to reach for the items at the top of the shelves. Even if you can reach it yourself it's nice to see how sweet he is whenever he hands the items to you. "Ah, Rio can you grab that pasta up there." "This one dear?" Rio perks up, holding the box in the air. "Yep! Thanks, love."
Fling Posse
AAAA RAMU!! He's gonna call you all the sweets. Sweetie-pie, sweetheart, sweetie, etc etc. Augh he'll even throw out a cutie in there when he's feeling like it. When in private and in intimacy, he'll call you such sweet affectionate terms like dear and love to show just how much he cares.
Ramuda hovers above you. The sheets tickle against bare skin and he intertwines your hands. "You look absolutely wonderful," he says, a smile spreading along his face. Your face flusters at the ever closening proximity between you two as he bends down. "Thank you for making my whole world, love," your lips connect within the darkness of your bedroom.
In public, he'll call you the most complex, cutesy, annoying nicknames when referring to you. Just cause he likes the reaction of the people around him- looks of ludicrousness and cringe. In private, he's not the type to pull a 'baby' or 'honey'. But he is the type to pull out daarin, which translates similarly to "my darling."
Gentaro's awake in the early mornings of the day. While you're still in bed, he's preparing tea for the two of you to share. You start to wake when he sets up a table beside you. "Ah, good morning, my darling," he greets you with a warm smile.
Similarly to Ichi, Dice is also a babe guy. He's always calling you with the widest smile on his face and a cheery tone to show just how much he cares. He totally calls you babe on social media whenever he posts you two like the sicko he is.
Your phone rings in your pocket and a smile comes on your face when you see the caller. "Hey? What's up?" You say to your boyfriend on the other line. "Baaaaabe-" he starts off and you roll your eyes playfully. "Can you pick me up? I don't have enough money left for the train fair..." "Of course, baby," you say. In reply you get a bunch of fast paced thank yous and smoochie noises over the phone.
He calls you angel cause you're his angel <3. His light in life, the star in his sky. He's such a sickly sweet romantic it's gross and yucky BLAH !
It was a hot day in Shinjuku and you were sitting in front of the house fan, trying to cool yourself off. Home alone for the time being, Jakurai was expected to come back with takeout. It was wayyyy to hot to fire up the stove. As if on cue, the door opens and Jakurai holds a teddy bear patterned reusable bag filled with cold soba and iced drinks. Still in the doorway he calls out to you, "I'm home, angel!"
Hifumi's the type to default to a lot of food based pet names. Pudding, honey, pumpkin, sugar, etc etc. He never calls you these in public, instead calling you by name around people. But in private, he's happy to call you all the sickly sweet food based names he can think of!
Doppo's out of the apartment today and you're visiting your boyfriend. He's cooking up a meal as you sit by him, talking about your day. "Ah yeah, the trains were closed earlier- something about flooding cause of the rain yesterday..." you say, fiddling with a cup of water. "Did you take a cab instead then, honey-bun?" Hifumi doesn't even look at you as he says the term of endearment, focused on the hot pan in front of him. It just spills out so naturally, alongside the accompanying smile on his face.
Doppo doesn't really use nicknames- also finding it embarrassing when they slip past his lips. Though, deep down he really really really wants to call you these names! He wishes to be the type that can call his lover baby, love, dear, sweetie, etc etc. Though, they only really slip out when he gets a bit toooo tipsy.
Doppo's head rests on your shoulder on the train ride home. You, as the designated guide for both Doppo and Hifumi after you three went out drinking in the streets of Shinjuku, held onto their arms as you tried to stop them from collapsing on the floor. Doppo murmurs, trying to bat your hand away from holding onto Hifumi in annoyance. "Mmmmm, baby stop holding onntoo him you- HIC- you're mine..." Doppo nuzzles himself into your neck. You silently thank the late night as the train car was basically empty at this time. "I'm the love of yer life... not him..." It'd be a cute memory if Hifumi didn't vomit on the floor as soon as you stepped out the station.
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko thinks of you as his little baby, no matter how annoying as it may come off. He loves being really cutesy with you, calling you his baby wherever he can. He's just silly like that!
You're sweeping the floor around his family's temple- gathering the falling leaves that come with the new season. You originally came to hang out with your boyfriend but he was no where to be found (probably procrastinating on sweeping the floor). The quietness is nice, you decide as you enjoy the peaceful change of pace. When a heavy presence hugs you from the back you start attacking it with the broom. "AHHHHH! BABY NO! BABY STOP WHAT ARE- OW! OW!" Kuko screams, disrupting the peace from before.
He's so cute I love him. He calls you all the terms of endearment relating to beauty, handsomeness, etc etc. If you're fem he'll call you princess (HE'S SUCH A PRINCESS GUY RIGHT GUYS???). But his general petname for you no matter your gender is gonna be 'dear.' Cause he's just so cute like that.
After one of his concerts you meet him backstage. He jumps into your arms, still in his stage uniform and makeup. But still, he’s your Jyushi. And your Jyushi peppers kisses all over your face as soon as you find some alone time. “Did you see me? Did you think I looked totally cool up there dear?” He’s excited, riding off the high from his performance. He’s smiling, radiating and you can’t help but reply with a yes, of course.
He's like Jyuto in he intentionally tries to be suave but unlike Jyuto, he actually succeeds. He calls you cutie cause he just thinks you're so adorable- all the time.
Its' the morning and he's about to leave. You fix his tie at the door, something he always chides you for doing for but never actually stops you from doing. It's a quiet morning and you fill the air with a hum. "And... all done, Mr. Bigshot Lawyer." A break from mundane routine, Hitoya hugs you and brings his face to your neck, speaking into it. "Thanks, cutie." You push him out the door before he can tease you about the flush on your cheeks.
Dotsuitare Hompo
SASARAA MY BABY MY BABY. Out of the goodness of my heart, totally unbiased, Sasara is a total romantic UGH. He's the type to pull shit like "my partner," "my baby," "my love," UGHHHHHH I love him.
He comes home slurred, tipsy from a night of celebration with Rosho and Rei. Dotsuitare Hompo just passed their qualifying match to compete in the DRB and they couldn't be more excited. Sasara's drunken state results in 3 things- him struggling to open the door to your shared home, him buying you a several gifts from his night out, and him dropping several gifts on the floor as he tries to open the door. You hear commotion outside and open the door hesitantly. "Hello...?" You call, before you see your partner at the other side. "My baby!" Sasara screams, pulling you outside into a hug.
Rosho's a pretty simple man. He doesn't want to overdo it with nicknames (unlike someone he knows) and he doesn't want to be so closed off you question his affection for you. He defaults to a simple "love" when referring to or from you- because that's all he feels for you.
He's grading papers and muttering to himself as he corrects the wrongs and praises the rights. Rosho's hand is in his hair as he whispers to himself. You walk into the living room, where he sits on the floor in front of the TV. Frowning at the messy state you find your partner in so late at night, you sit down beside him rest your head on his shoulder. "Ah- hello there, love," he smiles, a hand coming to your head to pat it. "Rest well."
Rei 404 NOT FOUND !!
Long post, even longer taglist :3 Have this to fill the void between posts ehe
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mera-k1 · 1 year
Hypnosis Mic - ass, tits, thighs (or other)?
hypnosis mic x gn!reader
-some are more nsfw than others but still, minors dni
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Ichiro can’t admit that he really likes your chest. there’s just something about it that draws his eyes towards it and he can’t help himself. he’d stare at it for hours if you’d let him, hell he’d even like to put his face on it.
Samatoki doesn’t give a shit about who sees his hand on your ass whenever he’s got you nearby. he loves to grab your ass when he’s fucking you whether you’re in missionary or riding him.
Jyuto is a simple man, preferring your thighs when asked. he loves that he can spread them easily and watch your face go red as his gloved hand wander slowly inwards.
Rio is an ass guy and that’s that. he simply just answers ass whenever you ask him about it and you’re truly not sure why since he doesn’t touch it a lot. He can’t help but look whenever you attempt to show it off for him though.
Ramuda can’t help but play with your chest whenever he’s able to. he’ll pinch and squeeze all the while you’re trying to hold yourself together to his teasing. which he won’t stop till you either put him in his place below you or let him stay in control till he’s satisfied.
Dice can’t control himself when he sees your chest and collarbone. he desperately wants to just kiss and bite you till there’s little marks all over your chest.
he loves your hands, especially when they’re trailing down his chest. Gentaro can’t get enough of how your hands feel on his skin and although he can be quite teasing himself, he would much prefer having you tease him with your hands.
Jakurai.. he is a polite man and doesn’t stare. he is fond of your thighs though and can’t help but clear his throat when you come out with some thigh highs that he wasn’t expecting to see you in. he get’s caught off guard each time too.
to put it simply, Hifumi likes your chest. he’s not teasing or anything about it though. he simply loves to just give them a playful squeeze and a few kisses before he does anything else.
Doppo is so embarrassed about the fact that he loves your thighs. he loves to lay on them, yes, but he also loves to be in between them. he is a giver in bed and would love to pleasure you while being between your thighs.
with Sasara, you can’t tell where he’s looking but, he’s looking right at your ass most times. he never does anything but he’s definitely checking it out and when you catch him, he just smiles at you and tells you that he doesn’t know what you’re talking about.
he’s a respectful man but, Rosho can’t help looking at your chest sometimes. he knows he shouldn’t be staring so much especially when you’re not doing much but he truly just wants to squish them with his hands.. maybe to see what reaction he’d get.
he’s got a thing for your ass and you know it very well. Rei won’t leave your ass alone for a second and he’s always gotta have a hand on it. whether you both are out in public or fucking. he’s always squeezing it with absolutely no shame.
Kuko always has a smug grin whenever he walks up behind you, planting a hand on your ass. he’s always has to grab your ass whenever he has you in his arms, it’s just habit at this point and he loves the surprised face you give him when he does it.
Jyushi loves your thighs. he can’t stop looking whenever you put thigh highs or fishnets on. there’s just something about them that makes him uncontrollably flustered just thinking about it!
he says he doesn’t care but, Hitoya loves your hips. just holding them to keep you in place as he fucks into you. he honestly would never tell you how attractive he finds just holding you by your hips.
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hypnomicimagines · 1 year
would it be possible to get hcs of samatoki, ichiro, dice and doppo getting a boob hug?? like their s/o shoves their face into their chest? (unintentional or intentional is up to you lol)
(did something similar for ichi already here)
Aohitsugi Samatoki: 
Samatoki always grumbled about watching what you were doing but he didn’t really mind, resting his head on your chest until you released him. It was a little painful on his back since he was so incredibly tall but when you were laying down together he complained much less. He does have to warn you that if you put his face that close to your chest he might not be able to control himself after, telling you to do so at your own risk. 
Arisugawa Dice: 
Dice would never deny a hug from you let alone a boob hug. He’s seeing nothing but 7’s lining up before his eyes as he buried his face in as deep as he could go, arms hooked around your waist tightly as it almost seemed like he went for the hug rather than you. He lives life hard and fast but he takes this moment nice and slow, enjoying the feeling of your soft, pliable skin and the way you stroke the back of his head while you’re hugging him.
Kannonzaka Doppo: 
It’s honestly just heavenly for Doppo. It doesn’t even have any type of sexual gratification for Doppo, it’s more of a comfort thing, like you’re pulling him right to your heart rather than to your chest. He found it easier to relax into your touch when you took the lead, knowing he wasn’t restraining you or forcing you into uncomfortable affection you might not want, and he simply leaned into you until you pushed him away. He will fall asleep if you let him rest in your chest long enough.
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guiraguira · 1 year
The Hypmic boys when you fill their face with kisses.
💜 They automatically abandon what they are doing and surrender to you. If you hold their faces with both hands when spreading kisses they will close their eyes and put the weight of their head in your hands while laughing softly: Rio - Gentaro - Jakurai - Hitoya
💜 They will smile arrogantly while you give them kisses, allowing you to do what you want but without interrupting their task, if there is somewhere you can't reach they will bend over so you don't have problems. They love to be the center of your attention: Samatoki - Jyuto - Kuko - Rei
💜 You only manage to fill them with kisses for a few brief moments, their eyes focus on yours when you start and they quickly turn the situation around, you being the one covered by kisses, they long to return the same warmth that you give them: Ramuda - Hifumi - Sasara - Dice
❤️ The moment they realize what you intend to do, they begin to scream in embarrassment, trying to cover their blushing face. They don't want you to stop but the feeling of your lips repeatedly on them is too stimulating: Ichiro - Doppo - Jyushi - Rosho
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All the MTC song trailer snippets are out? What are your opinions? :D I think Rio's is surprisingly chill and I'm still torn on Samatoki's, the lyrics might decide that one!
Heyy did you listen to the mtc album snippets ?
Nope. Let's check them out!
Title note: Presumably from 気骨, which has a slightly stronger-- almost noble-- connotation than English "backbone." Someone with 気骨 never lets anything stop them from doing what they believe is right, and not necessarily in the personal sense like in the English phrases "Grow a backbone." or "They have a strong backbone." As some people in this comments section are noting, it's also possible to interpret the title literally. The back is a recurring image in Japanese fiction; in this case, it represents Samatoki single-handedly shouldering various burdens for those he cares about. People are also drawing connections to the Aohitsugi's death motifs and Samatoki's skeleton speaker.
20 seconds in: Okay he literally just says the shouldering burdens bit haha. I guess that part is canon authorial intent
24 seconds in: "Nobody can break my 'backbone.'" If we assume this should be interpreted figuratively, that's like "Nobody can make me do anything I don't believe in." / "Nobody can break my spirit."
35 seconds in: "My 'backbone' is my true strength." This + the traditional Japanese-reminiscent instrumentals remind me of the Katen-gumi. Iirc they have a scroll hanging in their main office proclaiming their dauntlessness, an attribute Samatoki embodies well imo.
53 seconds in: This is a mean-spirited thought, but I always find it funny when Samatoki's like "This god damn city is broken and filthy... *takes a drag from a cigarette*" when the god damn city in question is one of the most affluent in the world.
64 seconds in: With that said, it's nice to see him acknowledging the positive presence he has in Yokohama and vowing to rid it of... whatever ills are plaguing it... taxation and ne'er-do-wells with illegal mics, no doubt. An Ichirou-esque sentiment.
71 seconds in: Props to Asanuma for rhyming jinsei and shinsen so well. "My life is always fresh; this is still just the prologue." Samatoki being receptive to growth? You love to see it. With that said, it's interesting to see the discrepancy between the two ideas of "It's time to change." and "My core values will never change." as we see in this song. I'm not sure how that'll actually play out in canon, so we'll have to wait and see.
Overall: That was fun! It had a nice beat. I look forward to hearing the full song when it drops.
Title note: ??? 目覚めた? Like, "I'm woke af now"? Haha let me see what this song is actually about and then come back to this...
Side note: I was staying with a friend-- a buddy from the old scanlation team-- when this song preview dropped, and she was keeping me up to date with this song's delayed release drama. When it finally dropped, she was like "YOOO SLUG, LISTEN TO THIS" and turned her phone waaaay up, blasting the sonorous tones of Mr. Komada into our not at all soundproof hotel room, immediately alerting me to two things: 1. I was not awake enough for this. 2. The illumatic Iruma Jyuto was IN the building and, at that volume, probably in every floor of the building. Anyway, I'm still not awake enough for this, but let's go.
5 seconds in: Love the horns. Very MTC and very Gen III Pokemon. Yokohama 8/10 too much water
20 seconds in: hey hey heeey
30 seconds in: I appreciate the technical skill involved, but I am not comprehending one word of this. I'm going to have to look up the lyrics when I'm done fr.
Overall: Seems fun to rap! Once again, looking forward to the full song.
Top YT comment at the time of writing: Juuto: Y'all never seen me like this before! Me: Yeah, no shit.
Scrolling through the comments: Spare lyrics, ma'am? Spare lyrics for the poor? Jesus, there are some thirsty-ass mofos in this comment section...
Well, I didn't find any lyrics, so here goes watch 2 with a lot of pausing, I guess. Hmm the gist of the chorus seems to be "I'm not fucking around anymore" which-- like someone else has pointed out in the comments-- is kind of how Juuto's been since day one...? I'm not sure what's changed. I suppose the biggest difference would be it's no longer "I'll solve this problem" but "we'll solve this problem." I do like the opening of this first verse: When someone makes bad choices, who's left smiling? Who's left grieving? What is right, and what is wrong? Can that be something for every person to figure out for themselves? Here's another interesting bit: I used to think I didn't have any interest in colluding with other people-- it was more like mutual exploitation. But then I joined hands with a couple of like-minded people, and now we share the goal of victory. Yeah, it seems like the biggest changes here are Juuto embracing teamwork, which hell yeah. Opening up and trusting other people with his mission, in turn taking on their missions and incorporating it into one singular goal? That's baller.
Title note revisited: yeah I guess deadass this is "awake" in terms of "I'm woke now" haha. Or like, "I've come around to [the power of friendship]"
5 seconds in: Oh, now I get why someone on the Samatoki video called this "Riou's baby-ass song"
22 seconds in: I was NOT prepared for the autotune. I think I'm a little too tired because I found this really, really funny.
30 seconds in: "Conflict isn't entertainment; it's not a show." YOU TELL 'EM, RIOU.
44 seconds in: I always really, really appreciate Riou's unwavering distaste for warfare and conflict even as he considers it something worth devoting his life to. I would sincerely love it if the authors were to ever dive into why Riou has such dedication towards serving in the [whatever] army and whatever cause they were fighting for, but I don't think that's the story the authors want to tell. We probably just have to assume it's for whatever Riou considers to be a morally good cause.
49 seconds in: Ignoring the rhyme-induced silliness of "my buddies are my turret," I like the thematic consistency of each MTC member stressing that they're not alone anymore--that is, that they've given up on their self-imposed solitude--and they have each other to rely on and trust with their backs.
53 seconds in: "Practically brainwashed puppet soldiers" Oh?? Mind expanding on this a little, Hypmic? Again, I doubt the writers are keen to delve into the causes of WWIII or why Riou joined up at all, but the suggestion of propaganda or coercion being involved is tantalizing.
65 seconds in: I like the bit that goes (paraphrased): "What can you see when you look out of your binoculars at base camp? Rifles, revolvers--is that it? Instead of obsessing over who's strong and who's weak, why not be soldier who prays for peace?"
Overall: The lyrics are vaguer and more platitudinous than is my preference, but I fully recognize that my interests in this topic are outside of the scope of the story the writers want to tell. Which is fine! The music is pretty chill; I think I'll like this song when it comes out in full.
My favorite YT comment by a landslide: Thank god he's not making us work out again.
Thank you very much for the asks! :D It's fun to check this stuff out, and I probably wouldn't have done so otherwise.
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Hi and welcome to my professional analysis on whether the hypmic men could survive rios bootcamp. All the statements on this are facts and cannot be simply disagreed upon without proof. The assessment to each individual ranking can be found under
Rio - that's rio. easy
Ichiro - I think running around ikebukuro doing errands gives him some pretty good stamina AND strength to get through it all, could do it no problem and would possibly have fun doing it which is an added bonus for doing well
Kuko - Monk training gives him good strength and stamina to do it! Even if he couldn't do something, I feel like kuko would somehow end up doing it out of sheer spite due to others doubting him
Dice - Dice gets through so much shit I think he'd do it no problem only to die AFTER it's all done if this makes sense. Plus he does hang out with Rio so this man should have some training under his belt
Hitoya - special clause for this old man. I would put him with jakurai and rei BUT. You have to consider he deals with kuko and jyushi on basically a daily basis. Kuko alone probably gives this man strength to do it if we are being honest
Samatoki - could do it. Samatoki is pretty strong and all but I don't think this man could go through the pushups for long when we consider the state of his lungs. He has the strength but I don't think he has the proper stamina for it, however, he'd do it and just act like it's nothing
Ramuda - don't be fooled by the cute face. Ramudas high energy comes into play here and helps a lot, especially with stamina, even if the strength is lower than others. It also, however, depends highly on this thing WANTING to do the boot camp or not, which has a high chance of not wanting to unless necessary and, even if doing it, ramuda would whine throughout it.
Jiro - Ichiros brother, also doing shit around ikebukuro. The fact he's good at sports also helps a lot here! He'd do pretty well, however, even with the stamina being here, I don't think his strength is at the levels of the ones above to put him there
Hifumi - would rush through it and do it easily if only to check onto doppo who's currently dying on the floor, so it would take some small time. Gigolo would do it well but only if there are women around to impress them so it's a highly dependant case
Rosho - current maths teacher ex bad boy or whatever the shit. due to his age he has some difficulties surely BUT the strength from his past absolutely is still around. The main problem would be stamina
Jyushi - you need to scare them before and then they'd be rushing through everything to get it done quickly. Also highly dependant on if the vkei clothes are actually there or not, if they are, they're passing out almost immediately due to heat
Doppo - i don't think this man knows what an exercise is, you could easily fold him in half. Lives his life in an office and getting home just cries himself to sleep like the average office worker in Japan. F.
Gentaro - Oya do you really think I could not do this Daisu ufufu ^-^ immediately falls to the floor and passes out. Look at the way this man dresses. Another case of heatstroke in this cast. Even if he was wearing lighter clothes he's a writer and reader, does not even know what an exercise is meant to look like. Would instead pull a book out of nowhere and read while the others go through the bootcamp
Saburo - 14 years old hacker who absolutely stays up late doing tech stuff. Do I need to say more.
Sasara - he'd do one push up and a silly goofyass sound effect like point would play. It means his spine broke.
Jyuto - cop + look at the way he's built
Jakurai - he is healthy, don't get me wrong! However his old man bones aren't meant for this anymore!!!!!! Just let him rest. While the others are doing the push-ups just let him go to these public elder academy places
Rei - dies in 13 seconds max.
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I am immensely enjoying new people getting into HypMic (mostly on this hellsite fuck Twitter) but you poor babies. Oh my god. You have zero knowledge coming into contact with BAT and Dotsuhon. So here is, admittedly rather condensed, a lore drop and why BAT and DH are important:
Bad Ass Temple
Starting with Nagoya's fiercest, Bad Ass Temple represents courage, standing for what's right, and never backing down.
Their leader, Kuko Harai, is a Buddhist monk (in training), and despite his unconventional appearance and punk-like personality, he's devoted to his faith and friends. Before he was part of BAT, he made friends with Ichiro Yamada after an aggressive fist fight where they were evenly matched. They gained respect for each other and made a team called Naughty Busters. Kuko was eventually brainwashed into leaving Ichiro, after which he went back to school and got in trouble for fighting off bullies from a friend of his.
Jyushi Aimono is a visual kei vocalist for the band Argo Orchestra as well as chunni (like his seiyuu!). He had a deeply troubled past, his parents often ignoring him. Jyushi became extremely close to his grandmother, who made him a small toy pig he named Amanda. He took Amanda everywhere with him, even to school, but a former friend motivated by jealousy relentlessly bullied him and encouraged others to do the same. Eventually Jyushi's grandmother was killed as a result of their hazing, sending Jyushi into a massive spiral.
Hitoya Amaguni is a lawyer who's seemingly only motivated by money, however his true colors shine when he takes on bullying cases. His brother was bullied until it caused his death, and since then Hitoya has been hunting down the people who did it. He has an intense sympathy for Jyushi and Kuko, despite trying to appear as if he doesn't care. He took on Jyushi's case and landed his bullies in prison, as well as clearing Kuko of the charges put against him. Because of their connection, the three of them were able to form Bad Ass Temple under Kuko's guidance.
Dotsuitare Hompo
Dotsuitare Hompo, or Dotsuhon, is a team that always gets back up when they're knocked down, a team that keeps fighting to make their place even if the world is against them. They're fun and engaging, bringing the joys of Osaka to HypMic.
Sasara Nurude may not seem like a leader to the untrained eye, but digging deeper into the comedian's backstory reveals an odd intensity for someone who never stops smiling. Due to his parents' rocky marriage and messy divorce, young Sasara found comfort in comedy and making people laugh. That carried with him to college, where he met his then comedy partner, Rosho. The two took Japan by storm, but a nasty breakup shattered all of Sasara's dreams. He wasn't about to give up, going to Tokyo to get a new outlook, and meeting up with Samatoki Aohitsugi, who, at the time, reminded Sasara of Rosho. A second nasty breakup occurred when Sasara was brainwashed, and the comedian resurfaced later on as the leader of Dotsuhon.
Rosho Tsutsujimori both blends in and stands out. He suffers from intense gifted kid burnout from his parents pushing him in grade school, resulting in him gaining a violent streak that persists to this day. He entered comedy school and formed Dotsuitare Hompo with Sasara until his stage fright and mutual miscommunication broke them apart. Since then, Rosho found a career in not just being a teacher, but being someone who supports and nurtures young talent. Sasara returned to him to have him join the new Dotsuhon, though at first Rosho declined.
Rei is the lore holder here, being the man who developed the Hypnosis Mics and Ramuda Clones. His past is shrouded in mystery, but we know that he only works with the government because they are holding his wife hostage. He calls himself a conman, wickedly intelligent and crafty. He was able to get Dotsuhon together by scamming one of Rosho's students, provoking the teacher enough to get him and Sasara to admit they missed the other.
I tried to make this as basic as possible but feel free to ask about other tidbits, there's a LOT that goes on outside of the anime but it can be hard to find. Anyway I'm Emmet, your local lore keeper!
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Could I have Sasara Samatoki and Ramuda finding out their usually cheery airheaded s/o is on Fluoxetine on accident? They would have no idea their s/o had depression or anything like that based on their s/o’s demeanor around them. How would they take care of her after that? Thank you, sorry my english is not the best 😭 Your writing is always so creative and beautiful so I wanted to write a request, I hope it is ok! Have a great day :)
Sasara, Samatoki and Ramuda finding out their usually cheery airheaded fem! s/o is depressed
hiiii!! hii ahhh!! don't worry, your English is pretty good! <3 Also wow creative.. No one ever calls my works like that, thank you very much, honey!! ^^
femreader, comfort, mention of meds, angst a little;;
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-When you two met, he was sure that you're soulmates! As goofy and cheerful as him, you always were ready to encourage any of his ideas and just loved his jokes!
-So when he, in a hurry and without a second thought, opens your bedside table to find a pen, a box of meds really confuses him. Do you feel sick these days? Strange, he didn't notice..
-Of course Sasara worried, so instead of just placing it back he would read the label and the pretty familiar name makes his stomach clench in cold shivers. Aren't these the same tablets he drank after his disband with Rosho back ago..?
-This is the first time when your boyfriend would look at you from a different angle. Always considering you as just a positive person, he never thought that maybe you two actually are even more alike. That you're also hiding some kind of trauma behind these jokes and smiles, just like him.
-But ahhh, how embarrassing it would be for Sasara, to actually confess he found out..! So he would just slowly get more gentle around you.
-Of course even before he was such a softie around you, so clingy with his hugs and kisses, and of course puns. Yet now his touches are more.. soft? Like if you suddenly become a porcelain doll and he can't jump around you like always, instead tightly holding you closer to his chest. Ah, now you can't see his face, in such a pose.. What is he thinking about?
-"S/o.. Please, remember I will always love you, no matter what.." - he suddenly mumbled and you got even more confused, surprised with such a low and quiet tone. - "I adore you not because you're like me, but because you are you. With your weaknesses and problems that I'll always accept."
-He just wants to say that you can be more open to him..! As Sasara really wants to help you with your conditions and is willing to listen to your vent every day, if it would help you. There's surprisingly deep words that can't be heard that often from him.
-Now your boyfriend would try to have a more thoughtful conversation with you, so you both can share your worries. As a person who also was in a difficult situation, he knows how much support means.
-And he also knows all these small tips on how to make it easier for you - more fresh air and proper rest, now Sasara would try to control your diet and sleep schedule, and make sure you always take your meds in time. But in some casual silly way, so you wouldn't feel any pressure.
-Jokes can make you feel better, yes, and he doesn't forget about that, cheering you up with some cute wholesome puns. His plan is to make you feel better due to small changes, so you don't even notice how your life slowly gets better.
-"Sasara.. Thank you, really.." - you mumble during another cuddle session together. There's no way you didn't notice his changes, but this new, even more caring side of his love was so pleasant. - "I adore you for all you did for me.."
"Hehe.. And then I agate you, my dear!" - your boyfriend places a small kiss on your forehead and then giggles at your confused face. - "A gate is bigger than a door, s/o..!"
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-This difference between your cheerful behavior and his more grumpy one was adored by your boyfriend more than you thought. Maybe it's hard to admit, but he really loves how you freshen his worldview with your happy-go-lucky attitude.
-Samatoki really wanted to protect this friendliness of yours from this cruel world, as he was sure that you actually didn't experience anything bad. And it hit hard when he accidentally found some bottles of pills that you forgot in the bathroom.
-He's not angry or annoyed by you, mostly by himself. Because it means he failed as a boyfriend, and it's his fault you didn't share this side of yours.
-It would be especially painful when he googled about these meds and found out it's antidepressants.
-Of course he would talk about this immediately, really trying to act calm as he doesn't want you to think he's pissed. Actually, all that Samatoki wants is to know why you didn't tell him, and how long you take it.
-Despite all traumatic events in his life, your boyfriend never considered to start taking something like that too, but it doesn't mean he can't help you properly - already being overprotective, now he just pampers you with attention.
-Always checking what you have eaten today, scolding you without rancor for a bad sleep schedule, forcing you to have more breaks during work.. His actions may look a little bit harsh but he just genuinely cares about you.
-"Here, s/o.. I bought you new vitamins." - with a sigh, Samatoki gets closer and pat your head. - "Don't forget to take them too now, alright? My old friend is Doc and he tells me it would be really helpful.."
-As a Yakuza, he has pretty much money and doesn't mind spending it on your needs, like finding maybe a more expensive but better psychologist or start taking new medication.
-Cause your well-being is more important and he tries to show you in all possible ways that you don't need to hide anything from him, even something that you find ugly or annoying about yourself.
-"Samatoki.. You really think it's worth it?" - in the dark, your words sound so weak after long hours of futile attempts to sleep. - "You know.. I appreciate you care, but aren't you tire-"
"No I'm not. Sleep." - his sleepy voice was so low and husky, as Samatoki embraced you in a warm hug. - "Sleep and remember that there's no way I would ever get tired of you, alright? Even if you would ask this every day..or night."
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-Ahhh, aren't you two just the most precious couple in the world?! Two sweet cheerful angels, hehe! Ramuda just loves to tease you a little, as your airheaded behavior kinda reminds him of Dice and he's waiting to see the same amusing reaction for you like from his friend.
-Well.. But Ramuda is not a fool. Everyone has their secrets, and his lively behavior hides many many skeletons in the closet of his soul. So despite that he loves how similar you are, he still waits for some catch from your side too.
-And when a small bottle of pills was found in your bag by his nimble hands when Ramuda just wanted to bring your perfume that you asked for, it wasn't a surprise. Well, maybe just a little, as he was having other ideas in his mind, not mental illness.
-And yes, he's now worried. Even Ramuda can actually care about someone, especially about his girlfriend, as he considers you as someone who's closer to him than any onesans and even his teammates. He considers you as someone who he can open his heart to.
-But it's the reason why he's actually angry now, clinging to you with puffy cheeks and puckered brow. All this time he was so obedient and sincere, and you?!
-"Take note that you owe me at least.. mm, twenty kisses now, for such misconduct!" - he scoffs in his charming manner, before making a more sensitive, soft face. - "You're my precious doll and I need to take care of you, okay? Don't lie to me..!"
-Well, but despite his sweet playful tone, Ramuda actually wants to help you. Most of the time he prefers to use people to understand their emotions better, so he would know how to act and fake it in different situations. But if we talk about you and your state, it's actually a serious theme for me.
-It's just his way to help you get over it - to continue being your sweet cute boyfriend, cheering your life with his presence. In such a teasing tone it's easier to show his care without you noticing the depth of his worry.
-So now wait a bunch of texts from Ramuda everyday, as he asks about your well-being, reminds you to eat more proper food and leave all the candy just for him.
-And of course, a private, exclusive fashion show just for you! Aren't his cute accessories and colorful outfits make you forget about all other problems, as he runs around you, chirping how adorable you look now?
-"I don't know, isn't this too fancy?" - you can't help but giggle, looking at yourself in the mirror. - "Actually, I don't remember seeing this dress before on your shelves.."
"Ahh, cause I sewed this one just for you, s/o..!" - like a small rabbit, Ramuda jumps closer, hugging you tightly. - "A special dress for my special dolly! This soft fabric would protect you from all worries, okay? But to activate this effect you need to kiss the designer, hehe.."
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akkivee · 2 months
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rosho’s wondering how tf sasara still has copies of his key when he’s already confiscated 50 of them and sasara says he’s shooting for 100 keys confiscated, we gotta get rosho outta there
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xkotaro16o · 5 months
Hi, Love ❤ may I've headcanon for my lovely ichiro and our bad boy samatoki with, sexy 👙👠💋 model (fem s/O) . Please 😭😭🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤🌹💋💋.
Your writing is really beautiful 😍✨❤, oh, yes one more thing s/o is a model from abroad. If you don't mind, don't forget to take care of your health dear 💕🥰💕
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—𝙷𝚢𝚙𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚜 𝙼𝚒𝚌'𝚜 𝙼𝚎𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝙵!𝚂/𝙾 𝚆𝚑𝚘'𝚜 𝚊 𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚢 𝙼𝚘𝚍𝚎𝚕 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚖 𝙰𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚊𝚍—
Summary: Headcanons where a few Hypmic men are dating with a F!S/O who's a sexy model from abroad.
Pairing: Yamada Ichiro x F!S/O, Aohitsugi Samatoki x F!S/O.
CW: Fluff, N/SFW, slight comfort, praising, dirty talk, oral (S/O receiving), marking, riding, cursing, grammatical error, OOC.  
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—𝚈𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙸𝚌𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚘—
This man is literally your biggest simper and fans. He even have all of your collections in his room! Supportive, very supportive. You launch a new photobook? Guess what? He has it already. Ichiro can stare at your picture and like, "Oh man, I'm so lucky".
But, wait, you're from abroad? That's cool actually. At first, he didn't really know a thing about models outside Japan (he's a guy who's more into anime, manga, and comic things), not until you became his girlfriend. Now, he knows.
He gets blush whenever the two of you go on a date and he loves to praise you. Like come on, you deserve it because you're gorgeous.
Having a problem with language barrier? He'll learn your language and he'll teach you Japanese! If you don't know about Japanese models and cosplay, he'll be the one who introduces it to you.
"Hey, how's the photoshoot? Lookin' forward to the results!~"
Oh my, how sweet of Ichiro. He loves to praise and worship every single thing about you body. No, don't be insecure. He likes everything about you, including your body and your personality of course.
This man takes his time to devour your body and touch it. He feels so freaking lucky at the moment. How could a gorgeous woman like you could be his girlfriend?
Taking his time, praising you over here and there, He loves to eat you out as well, savoring you. Relax right there, S/O, because he'll do the work for you.
Now now, sometimes he's still in awe every time he sees your naked body, it's still unbelievable for him. He thinks your body is just perfect.
"Babe... You taste amazing..."
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—𝙰𝚘𝚑𝚒𝚝𝚜𝚞𝚐𝚒 𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚔𝚒—
So, you're a model from abroad? No, he was actually not that surprised when he saw you. Come on, dear, you look hot, amazing, look at that body, and you're a model all along? He's not surprised. But hey, he loves to show you off, can't he be proud of his own girlfriend?
Samatoki is of course a supportive boyfriend. But unlike Ichiro who has all of your collections type of guy, he sees your magazine physically somewhere else? He buys it. So basically he doesn't collect all of your collections. Of course he's very happy every time you show him the results of your photoshoot!
Same as Ichiro, he didn't really know about models especially from abroad. he's a busy yakuza after all. But then when he met you, now he knows, not much but enough. Not to mention he uses your picture as his phone's wallpaper. So whenever he's busy, he takes a glance at his phone (how sweet).
Language barrier? He'll struggle at first, but willing to learn for you! Do you want to learn Japanese? Sure, he's not the best teacher because... Well... You know him. But at least he tries his best!
"You look hot in every pictures, babe."
Ah, this man. He definitely worships your body and loves to mark you as well. Not just that but seeing you beneath him while he's fucking you and your breasts are moving up and down? That makes him goes feral.
But not just that, you want to ride his dick? Do it. He loves seeing your beautiful body and face above him. He might squeeze your breast and stare at your lewd face.
Not to mention Samatoki loves to dirty talk beside your ear about how hot your body is and hot its react to his touches. Especially after he left a few marks all over your body, damn.
He doesn't mind you do the work for him, but now, just sit back and let him praise you because he's going crazy over your body and your face.
"Fuck... Look at ya, lookin' so fuckin' gorgeous~"
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seangelfish · 1 year
Hi there!! I really like your Hypmic fics so far, they're truly amazing!!
So uhm.. can i request a headcanon for samatoki with a younger sister??
She's like in high school and has a little anxiety or depression.
You can add a little, short scenario at the end if you can! Thank you?
Thank you so much! I’m so excited to write more Hypmic fics!! o(≧▽≦)o I like this request a lot, and I love the Aohitsugi siblings. However, there might be some angst here because I actually want this to be realistic if he were to have an even younger sister. Tbh, I wasn't really sure how to write this, but I hope you enjoy reading anyway! ♡
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Samatoki Aohitsugi w/ a younger sister
Genres/types: Headcanons (a bit of angst, fluff)
Word count: 1,810
Plot/summary: You’re Samatoki’s youngest sister, age 15/16, who still attends high school. Because of your brother’s line of work, you barely see him, resulting in neglect; and because of your older sister’s disappearance, you’ve developed depression. Being in this family pains you, but Samatoki tries to make it up to you.
UPDATE: Rewrote some stuff. I felt like I wrote this too much like a story than actual headcanons, sorry!
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— You're his youngest sister, his only family left. The day Nemu went missing, he became even more protective of you. Because he's an infamous yakuza and leader of MAD TRIGGER CREW, he does his best to keep you hidden. He doesn't want to take the risk of having any of his enemies find out about your existence.
— As a result, you barely see him. Sure, he calls and texts you everyday and sends you money to take care of yourself, but it's just not the same. You used to share this apartment with Nemu, but she's no longer here with you anymore, so it feels even more lonely.
— Everyday is the same. He texts you good morning if he's too busy to call. You eat breakfast by yourself. You walk yourself to school. When the school day is over, you return home to be greeted by silence. You cook dinner for yourself, knowing that there's no one to share it with. Then Samatoki would call you to ask you how you are, to wish you goodnight.
— Some nights, you'd cry yourself to sleep. By time, you've developed depression. Living like this took a huge toll on you. Sometimes you'd stay outside late, worrying your older brother when you won't pick up his calls. You don't do much outside anyway. You just sit by the river, taking in the fresh air.
— Samatoki is always thinking of you though. He wonders what you’re doing, whether you’re holding up. He always looks forward to calling you. He loves listening to your voice.
— But every second of the day, your mind would flashback to the time when the three of you Aohitsugi siblings were together, when Samatoki would ruffle your hair, when Nemu would hug you. You missed those times so much.
— So you looked forward to your brother's calls too. He'd call you at exactly 8 in the morning and at night. You'd sit by your phone waiting for it to ring.
"Hey, (Y/N). How are you doing? How's school today? Are you eating well?"
"Yes, I'm fine, nii-chan. I've cooked myself tonkatsu for dinner today."
"Haha, that's good. As long as it isn't instant noodles. Ah, I wish I could eat dinner with you."
You were silent for a while before saying, "Then eat dinner with me."
"(Y/N), you know I can't—"
"Nii-chan, I can't stand this anymore!" you cry. "I miss you so much. I miss nee-chan too. It's so lonely here... I just want to eat breakfast with you, I want you to greet me when I come home from school, and I want us to cook dinner together! Why can't I just have a normal life with you? I understand why you've made your choices, but I hate how it has come to this."
Samatoki flinches at your words because he understands how you're feeling, but because of his line of work, he just can't be there for you physically.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry... there's nothing that I can do," he says softly.
"...I know."
— But he also knows that he can't just leave you alone like that. He's been having these thoughts linger in the back of his mind for weeks, months even. It was fine leaving you alone before since you had Nemu with you, but Samatoki knows he can't leave you stranded for any longer. To make matters worse, he knows you have depression, so he tries his best to supply you with the best medication and calls you everyday, facetimes you when he isn't busy too.
— After that interaction with your brother, you've stopped picking up his calls on time. This worries him a lot. He knows that you've been doing this before, but he's even more anxious now that you've poured your heart out to him. You haven't picked up your phone for what seems to be ten minutes, but he's already running around Yokohama trying to find you.
"(Y/N)!" he yells.
"Nii-chan...?" you say, looking up at the tall figure from the bottom of the hill.
Samatoki is relieved to see that you're okay. He runs down the hill and embraces you into a tight hug. You return the hug without hesitation as he strokes your hair gently.
"Stop wondering around at night," he hisses. "I was so worried."
You bury your head in his chest. "Sorry" was the only word you could say.
He shakes his head. "No, I should be sorry... I was trying to protect you, but I never really thought about how this would impact you. I wish Nemu was here... she'd know what to do."
"Mhm, I wish that too."
He sighs, still embracing you, never wanting to let you go. Despite the fact you were 15/16, he still thought of you as the child he had to spoon-feed, the child he had to put into bed. In his eyes, you were still that little kid that would pester him to read you your favourite bedtime story.
"(Y/N), I can't live with you the way we both want to," he states. "But I will try to visit you more often. I promise you."
You're not sure how he's going to do that, but he never breaks his promises, so you agree.
— The next time you leave school, he's there waiting outside the gates for you. You didn't recognise that it was him at first due to the stupid disguise he decided to wear, but you were happy to see him nevertheless.
"Nii-chan!" you exclaim, jumping into his arms. "You're here!"
"Yep, I'm here," he says, hugging you back.
— So, that's his plan. From then on, Samatoki hangs out with you in his disguise. He still can't live with you in your apartment as he doesn't want to take the risk, but he's willing to make up for all the lost time by taking you to eat breakfast outside, by picking you up after school, and when he is feeling a little bit risky, he just MIGHT join you for dinner.
"Nii-chan, this is how you cut carrots. Watch carefully, okay?"
"Yes, sensei!"
The two of you prepare the table with the food you have cooked together. You say your thanks before digging in.
"This looks good," Samatoki compliments, pinching your cheek playfully. "You really do know how to cook."
"You should give yourself credit, nii-chan. You helped too!"
He laughs and you follow suit. It's nice to finally eat dinner with him under the same roof. Even if you only have this hour with him, it really feels like you're living a normal life for once.
— He notices how you're a lot happier these days, and this makes him happy too.
– He cares more about your depression than you do. Of course, you were taking care of yourself more than before, but he is frantic about your wellbeing.
"You're taking your meds everyday, right?" he asks. "Make sure you don't miss a day."
"Nii-chan, you're always reminding me anyway," you say. "I'm taking them, don't worry."
– He's surprisingly affectionate, not only with his words, but with his actions too. He likes wrapping his arm around you and ruffling your hair. Nowadays, you see him twice or thrice a week, so he'd hug you during those times too. He never misses an opportunity to kiss your forehead either. You were his dear sister that he loves.
"I love you."
"I love you too, nii-chan."
— He's always so busy leading his subordinates and taking care of Yokohama, but he always looks forward to spending his time with you.
– Since he is able to see you more often nowadays, he's always trying to find a gift for you. He knows you so well that he ends up getting you something you really like.
– Morning and nighttime calls have improved since then too. He'd talk about what he has done with the other members of MTC like how Rio keeps offering him his cooked food. You'd laugh at his stories for which he enjoys your laugher.
– For nighttime calls, he'd stay on the line until you fall asleep. He just wants you to actually go to bed on time.
– Yet when you do hang out in person, he'd take you shopping and you'd eat out together too. You'd force him to try out the family activities Yokohama has to offer. He has to admit that it was pretty fun.
– Whenever he's with you, all he wants to do is spoil you, and because of his status, he is able to do so. He'll give you anything you ask for, no questions asked.
– Because of your age, you don't want to hold hands with him, but he kind of wishes that you did. He reminisces the days when he'd hold your hand when you were younger alongside Nemu too.
— He only wants to see you smile, to be truly happy. He promises you that he'll find Nemu, and that he'll continue to give you the best life he could never have. This time, he'll be there for you in the flesh, to wipe away your tears, to hold you like he used to when you were just a kid.
— Because you're his youngest sister, his only family left after all.
You woke up to the doorbell ringing. As you approached the front door, you checked the peep hole to see who it was. It was the delivery man. You opened the door for him and you were suddenly presented a big bouquet of flowers.
"Order for (Y/N) Aohitsugi," the delivery man states.
"Yes, that's me," you say, astonished at how big the bouquet was.
He hands it over to you, wishing you a good day before taking his leave. You stand there for a while, speechless. You were brought back into reality when your phone began ringing.
Closing the door, you brought the flowers into the kitchen where you placed them on the table. Before you picked up the phone, you caught a glimpse of a card attached to the flowers' stems, it read:
'Happy birthday, (Y/N).
Love, your big brother, Samatoki.'
You beamed happily. So, these were from Samatoki! Of course they were! You were so infatuated with the flowers he had gotten you, you had forgotten to pick up the phone.
"Sorry, nii-chan! I just got your flowers. They're so pretty. Thank you so much!"
"Haha, I'm glad you like them," he says, and you could even hear the smile he has on his face. "Happy birthday, (Y/N). You're 17 now, right? You're growing up so fast, you better calm down."
You laugh at this, and so does he.
"I love you," he continues. "I'll see you later, okay?"
"Yes, nii-chan. I can't wait to see you today!"
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Intro page | Hypnosis Mic masterlist | Requests rules
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discotenny · 9 months
Gift Giving (hypmic)
Hypmic characters and the gifts they give you
Featuring EVERYONE (excluding Rei and Saburo)
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Buster Bros
I feel like he’s the type of guy to gift you experiences rather than physical items. He’d take you to a fancy cafe you’d been eyeing, maybe a movie you wanted to watch, possibly even plan a surprise picnic!!
He dresses up for the occasion too! Even if you don’t expect it, he’s out of his usual jacket and attire- sporting something he seemingly newly bought. Ichiro will absolutely light up in smiles if you compliment his outfit and effort.
Ichiro feels like his time with you is more valuable than any gift he could give. He has so many other responsibilities on his shoulders so he uses his “gifts” to make up for any time lost.
Jiro worries himself over trying to come up with a gift to get you. He doesn’t have much money, with most of his salary going towards helping his siblings. When the time comes to give you a gift, he’s embarrassed- bumbling over himself with apologies for the supposed shittiness of his gift.
But oh, oh, oh he’s so sweet :C. He’ll hand make a card for you, educating himself on paper craft so it’s the cutest it can be. There’s paper cuts that litter his hands as he gives it to you.
Jiro immediately leaves the room, not wanting to see your face as you read the letter, in which he pours his heart out for you to fully see. Run after him and kiss his face will you?
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Mad Trigger Crew
Samatoki gives you a leather wallet... that he made himself!!
One of the old men who he buys meatbuns from told him about a class that would 'fit his vibe.' And when he begrudgingly took the class, the old man was totally right! Samatoki gets really into the task, hiding the new hobby from you because he wants to surprise you with a gift at the end of the class.
When he hands you the wallet, you can tell it wasn't professionally made. There's stray burn marks on the front, mildly messy seams holding it together, and a tag inside that is signed with his initials and yours inside of a heart. Samatoki is so, so proud of showing you his accomplishment though- and hopes you enjoy it as much as he enjoyed making it.
Jyuto gets you a personalized music box.
It's of your favorite song. One you would always play for him whenever you were given aux in the car- that he would always playfully say was becoming annoying to hear. One he only seemed to tolerate instead of actually enjoy listening to it.
But he knows the joy it brings you to listen to. He sees the smile on your face when you turn the volume louder, the shine in your eyes when it surprisingly comes on the radio. It's why, despite his mild dislike of it, he buys you a music box so you could play it whenever you want. Just so he can see your smile whenever he can.
Rio is a man of practicality. So he gets you a self care box!
He kind of throws everything into it, multiple body washes and bath bombs, a variety of different scents- he has more experience in self preservation instead of self care. But just from the amount of... stuff inside- it's clear he thought a lot about it!
When he gives the box to you he has a little trouble explaining what it's for. It's a rare sight to see, Rio stumbling flustered over his words trying to explain he wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself in ways outside his understanding. If you offer to show him how to use all the stuff he got you, he'll gladly accept!
Fling Posse
Ramuda gives you an outfit he specifically designed! In his mind, there's nothing more meaningful than something made from hand.
He’s poured over it for weeks, wanting it to be absolutely perfect for his perfect partner. Ramuda knows your tastes to the smallest detail, so he knew just what to do to make sure you'd like it. And its comfortable too!! Made with the softest fabric he could buy, so despite whatever flashiness it has it's super comfy to wear.
When actually giving it to you, he makes you model it right in front of him! He's kicking his feet and squealing as you twirl around in whatever he gives you, excited to see you in something he created.
mfeafeiafjewamawe Gentaro gifts you a notebook.
It's unsuspecting first, with a plain, brown, leather bound cover. He's unusually casual about it too, handing it to you under his sleeve with a meek smile. Usually, Gentaro would make a show about whatever gift he gives you, jokingly saying you should bow to his feet in praise for his effort.
However, once you open up the notebook, you'd find it's filled with words of love. Poems, short stories, letters, all of it written by Gen to you. It's so, sickenly sweet and romantic you'd never expect it from him. When you look back at him after peeking through, he's red in the face, flustered to hear whatever feedback you may have.
Dice gives you a special lucky charm!!
He spent months hunting it down. Seeking through pawn shops and all the shady back alley sellers he knows. When Dice gets a good idea in his mind, he sticks to it thoroughly, the only thing on his mind being the joyous reaction he expects you to have.
And what does he give you? The matching piece to his earring of course! If you don't wear earrings, he'll have it converted to a keychain so you can carry it on your bag. Dice thinks it's the perfect good luck charm, both for him and for you :3
fewafewafewfeaw Jakurai gets you one of those mini books that's like "30 things I love about you."
You know, the ones that have a different prompt for each page that you have to fill in. Despite the small space, he gets really detailed, and it's so sweet and romantic and yuck !!! They're all wildly different responses, ranging from how he thinks you always look wonderful to how he thinks you truly saved his life just by being in it.
When Jakurai hands the book to you he's shy about it, apologizing about the responses because he wasn't able to fit all he wanted to say. Of course, he'll gladly say it in person if you're insistent 😚😚😚
Hifumi comes to your door with a bouquet of flowers. He's all smiles as he stuffs petals and stems in your face.
Ooh, he was insistent on picking out the flowers himself. Hifumi has a company discount with the local flower shop his club works with- so he was all in on getting as many different flowers as he could find (as in, all the flowers he found pretty[as in, all of them]).
He also put together the bouquet himself!! It's a little messy, with some broken stems and falling petals. However, he's just so happy to give it to you that you can't help but find it adorable.
Doppo gets matching keychains for you guys!
He likes being subtle about a lot of things, including his affections. The keychains he gets are the type that look regular on their own, but together they can link to form a heart or your initials or something romantic like that.
Doppo will often link your keychains together in public, smiling to himself as he sees the connection. Whenever he gets anxious in public and he's alone, he'll hold onto the keychain tightly, being reminded of you. Yes, while it was a gift to you it also was a gift to himself, to have a reminder of you with him always :CC
Bad Ass Temple
Kuko is so shit at giving gifts I'm so sorry. He has to ask his friends what gifts to get you and they're all so sick of it LMAO. Ichiro tells him to take you out somewhere, and that eventually gives him the perfect idea for a gift.
Kuko says his gift to you is a day of him being on his best behavior. He says it with a smug smile, expecting you to tell him how good of a present it is and is shocked to see your confusion.
He gets legitimately upset when you tell him that his best behavior shouldn't be a gift. The day ends with him promising you that he'll get you an even better gift next time, which leads him back to the drawing board as this dude is just so, so shit at giving gifts.
Jyushi writes a song for you!
He's not the lyricist for his band but he has a heavenly voice to back up whatever he writes. But he puts EVERYTHING into writing the song for you. Jyushi throws in references to your relationship, to specific dates or moments in time, to things only the two of you would know. He sees it as his magnum opus, and is very very proud of being able to perform it to you.
If his band doesn't want to perform the song with him he makes Kuko and Hitoya help him. Sure, it may have taken a few tear filled begs, but with their help he's able to perform the song he spent so much time working on, just for you
Hitoya makes you a playlist!
He's a bit of a classic guy, and would've made you a mixtape if anyone still used those on the daily lol. There's a lot of different memories within your relationship related to different songs, and he wanted to compile all of them for you two to listen together. Hitoya makes the picture of the playlist a photo of you two on your first anniversary, one where you're holding hands by the sunset and smiling.
It's sweet, cause he plays it first without telling you what it is. With every song that passes you recognize where it's from, and he's left smiling like a kid when you beam with joy asking him if he really made a playlist for you.
Dotsuitare Hompo
Sasara gets you a build-a-bear bear!!
He goes in store alone to buy it, and goes a little overboard in designing it. Sasara gets a bunch of overpriced accessories, stuffs it a little too much with stuffing, and picks one of the most expensive dolls because it was the cutest.
Sasara records his own voice messages so they could play whenever you squeeze the doll's hand. And oh my goodness, he recorded so many. There's multiple shitty jokes, several wild compliments, and a myriad of 'I love yous' said in various different tones. Just don't hug it too much, he might get jealous ehehe.
Rosho gets you whatever you want.
He gets really concerned when trying to get you gifts, worrying over what you would like best, if you already have it, or if you'd think it's too much/too little. So, eventually he'll just go ahead and ask you what you want as a present.
As long as it's in reason, of course. If you say some ludicrous thing like a yacht or a new car, Rosho will get sad and say you know he can't afford such luxurious (why would you do that to him LMAO). But he'll take you to the shops and have you pick out anything you want, buying it with no question as he just wants you to know he loves you so so so much :CC
⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩
A little late to post on Christmas but fwjhshshshshf. I tried to keep it neutral on the occasion since not everyone celebrates holidays and Kuko canonically doesn't know who Jesus is. I lowk couldn’t think of anything for Saburo so that’s why he’s not here bakbdkdbdksns
This isn't my best work as I was a little too tired to put these into anything else other than thought formatting but whtverrrr
I hope you enjoyed !!! I'll see if I can post anything else b4 the new year but eheheehhehe we all know me
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mera-k1 · 11 months
Hypnosis Mic - NNN
hypnosis mic leaders x gn!reader
-smut, minors dni
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he tries his hardest but Ichiro can't make it the whole month. it's the teasing that makes him lose in the end. he lasts a good two weeks before he does give into your teasing and finally sink into you. he can't even scold you for the unfairness of the challenge because you just feel so good.
Samatoki likes to think that he could go the whole month until he realizes it's actually hard. he doesn't realize how hard it'll be since he'd be under the impression that he's not even allowed to do anything remotely close to sex with you. it's more funny not clarifying it and watching him struggle whenever you tease the shit out of him. He'll last a week, maybe a week and a half if he really tries but he just can't seem to resist you.
Ramuda will do it only if you agree to as well. the whole month is filled with teasing between the two of you to see who will break down and beg to get fucked by the other first. Towards the end of the challenge he gets more whiny and wants you to lose so it could go one of two ways. he either makes it nearly the whole month or breaks down and loses three and a half weeks in.
a man with the most self control you'll ever see, Jakurai can go the whole month with no problems. He didn't get into a relationship with you to fuck you so it wasn't a problem at all. You might think asking him to finger or pleasure you during the month will affect him but he's completely unaffected by it. He'll follow through with the challenge no matter what you may try.
Sasara is busy with comedy work so he thought he'd complete it easily. Wrong. He finds your teasing amusing sometimes until you start getting physical. When your hands start wandering a little too far down and into his pants, he starts wondering if the whole "no nut november" thing is really worth it. In the end, he can only last a little over half of the month.
Kuko can complete the whole month without fail. he is a monk after all and shouldn't have any attachments and patience. he simply does it to prove a point that he doesn't need to fuck you at all to show he loves you. even with your endless teasing throughout the month, he still gets it done and you better believe he'll take you for a wild ride right on the 1st of December.
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hypnomicimagines · 1 year
Hi there! May I get headcanons for MTC + Kuko and Jyushi with a fem!s/o who doesn't want to engage in sexual activities (doing intercourse) before marriage? Like s/o really cares about her purity and is really careful with her body? Thank you !
Aimono Jyushi:
Jyushi is overall more emotionally focused on building up your relationship, the physical aspects not even manifesting in his brain until you mentioned wanting to wait until marriage. He’s a virgin himself so he doesn’t have any complaints or rebuttals, knowing he’d wait for you forever if you asked him to.
Aohitsugi Samatoki:
Samatoki is interested in sexual intimacy with a partner so he might make a move before he’s aware that you want to wait, but he respected your wishes once you did stop him. Courting him was a feat in itself so now that you had him, he had already decided he was going to marry you regardless, just waiting until he finds the right ring.
Harai Kuko: 
Kuko, as blunt as he can be, doesn’t really seem to mind. If those are the ideals you believe in and you truly want to wait until marriage he’s not going to go out of his way to change your beliefs. His monk training helped him stave off any more desperate needs, able to meditate it away and move on without even bothering you.
Iruma Jyuto:
Jyuto is also a man with a healthy interest in sex but he’s not pushy, and his busyness does prevent there being a conversation about it until a little bit into your relationship. Jyuto doesn’t really consider it a big deal but he does respect what you want, knowing he’d taken care of himself for years and that he could easily continue to do so if needed.
Rio Mason Busujima:
Rio nodded his head as he listened, saying that sex was natural. He thought it was interesting how human it was to attach so much emotion to something that occurred in nature without thinking, but he doesn’t think it’s a bad thing. He wanted to earn your trust and respected your personal feelings, agreeing that waiting until the night of your wedding would make for a wonderful memory.
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