#sam wilson being cute
meliake · 4 months
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Little doodles from 'pre-serum steve is sent to the future' AU
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mvltiversed · 2 months
@mvnces said: 📸 - riley for sam || 3-5 pictures my muse has taken of yours.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Just Sam and Bucky, thinking they're doing an amazing as they make up a horror story on the fly for AJ, Cass, and all of the boys' friends around a campfire in the backyard when they're honestly just showing how obnoxiously in love they are with one another.
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imagine bucky being drunk
warning: kinda spicy at the end
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"He's doing it again."
Sam nudged you in the ribs, tearing your eyes away from Carol; who had been giving you the latest details on her life. The two of you frowned but then Carol smirked, nodding to your boyfriend across the small dive bar she had taken everyone to. Bucky was standing next to Steve and he was pretend punching him in the face. Steve was laughing whilst blocking his friend's air punches.
"I love drunk Barnes," Carol sighed contently and you agreed.
"He's so cute when he's drunk."
"Sure, real cute when the tab is over a grand because it takes a whole brewery to get him tipsy."
Ignoring Sam, you promised Carol you'd return to hear the rest of her story and she smirked, holding up her beer. "We have all night."
Stepping away from the table, you smiled at the bickering going on behind you as to who was going to pay for the tab. Leaving Wilson and Danvers to settle that argument, you walked over to the oldest men in the bar. Bucky's eyes moved to you and he grinned like a little puppy, pushing Steve aside to stumble over to you.
"God, you're so cute," he hollered, pretending to grab a piece of you to eat. He consumed air you and you laughed, grabbing his hand before he could take another bite.
Bucky quickly engulfed you into a hug, squeezing so tight you had to holler for him to release you. "I love a good strangling, but let's keep that for the bedroom, babe."
Steve groaned. "Come on, man."
You smirked, allowing Bucky to pull your back against his chest. He wrapped both arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulders. "Sounds like Stevie boy needs a little fun."
"That's what it sounds like," you echoed Bucky's sentiments and Steve rolled his eyes when you suggested Carol up as a potential booty call. "What? She's fucking hot. Smart. Funny."
"Captain America, Captain Marvel..." Bucky slurred out a burp and the two of you busted into laughter - giggling like children. Steve instantly turned red and that just made the laughter louder until Carol called out to see what was so funny.
"Don't say a word," Steve grumbled under his breath, pulling at his shirt. "...stay here."
Bucky and you watched as Steve made his way to the booth, sliding next to Carol, who smiled at him. Sam looked over to you and Bucky held a hazy finger to his lips - the veteran understood and quickly excused himself from the booth. He didn't bother walking over to Bucky and you, because everyone knew the two of you were ridiculous together, sober or drunk. Most people couldn't stand being in a room with the two of you for more than a few minutes; hands all over each other or worse, jokes and laughter that seemed endless.
Turning to face your boyfriend, you squished his cheeks and he practically beamed. He was totally drunk and you were totally in love. He kissed you on the lips, at first gently but then his grip tightened at your waist and you buckled against his body.
"....so cute I could eat."
"What's stopping you? The bathroom is unisex..."
Bucky practically welp, gathering you up in his arms in a haste. Having a former super solider as a boyfriend had its perks - his stamina was endless, his physique would make a grown man cry, but his strength? That man could lift hundreds of pounds, so no matter your weight - this motherfucker made you feel light as a feather. And boy, you could get him stiff as a board.
"I just know you're thinking nasty shit," he groaned, moving you towards the bathroom.
"I am but pure of heart, James."
Bucky smiled contently, kicking the bathroom open. It was as good as a bar restroom could get. He placed you gently on the sink and made sure the door was locked. Two strides, that's all it took for him to get on his knees and pulling your panties down from under your skirt. His eyes rolled back for a moment as he took in the sight, but then he glanced up at you with a devilish smile as he firmly spread your legs.
"I love you," he whispered right before diving in-between your thighs.
Rendered speechless, all you could do was grip his hair and lean back into the sink mirror; the lowlights flickering as Bucky reminded you how much you loved drunk him. When all his inhibitions disappeared and he got to enjoy the little things in life - which included going to bars with your closest friends, running the highest of tabs, trying to hook up friends, and most importantly, going down on your girlfriend in a dingy bathroom.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 11 months
Not Allowed
Pairing: Cop!Bucky Barnes x Receptionist!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: bad date angst, jealous bucky
Summary: You and Bucky always flirt with each other while at work but it never goes anywhere like you'd hope. You accept a date with another man, causing Bucky to be jealous. He's a cop who is jealous. Nothing will go wrong, right?
Squares Filled: kink: pet names (2021) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You walk through the double doors with a smile on your face because today is another day. You’re alive and that’s the best kind of day. You work for the local police department as their receptionist. You’re the first thing people see when they come in so you have to be on your best behavior.
You set your things down on your desk and quickly get settled in. Besides the Captain, you’re the first one in the building. Every officer that comes in, you greet them with a smile as you log into your computer.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Officer Wilson says when he comes in. He always calls you that since he's often told you how he thinks of you like a little sister. “How was your weekend?”
“Too short,” you chuckle. “Did Sarah get into that college?”
“Yeah, she got the acceptance letter yesterday.”
“Oh, I’m so happy for her!” you grin.
“Yeah, I’ll tell her to give you a call.”
Sam taps your desk twice and leaves to go to his own. A few more officers come in until the one you’ve been waiting for walks in confidently. Your heart starts to race because you have a huge crush on him. He kind of knows it but doesn't outright call you out on it.
“There she is,” Bucky smiles and leans on your desk.
“Officer Barnes, it’s good to see you.”
“Doll, you know you can call me Bucky.”
He knows exactly what those pet names do to you. After a night of drinking together, you let it slip that your kink is pet names, and doll happened to be your favorite. Like him, you won’t call him out on it.
“I know. How was your weekend?”
“Better if you were there with me,” he flirts.
“Oh, Bucky,” you chuckle nervously. “You don’t mean that.”
“Yeah, I do. I was wishing, ‘Man, don’t I wish Y/N was here with me? I guess I have to drink alone’.”
“You know what alcohol does to me.”
“Yeah, I do,” he smirks. “You look cute today. That dress compliments you.”
“A compliment. I might swoon,” you joke even though your cheeks are hot.
“As long as it’s in my arms, I don’t care.”
“Don’t you have a job to get to, Officer Barnes?”
“Yeah, but I’d rather stay here and talk to you.”
“You might get fired.”
“It’s worth it,” he winks. “Here’s your coffee.”
He sets your favorite coffee order next to your keyboard and walks away. That’s the extent of your relationship with Bucky. You two flirt constantly but nothing ever comes of it. It’s comfortable. Why leave something when you’re comfortable being there? Do you wish you were something more? Of course. Do you think he’s going to man up and take it to that next level? Not unless something threatening happened like him realizing if he doesn’t do it soon, he’d lose you.
Some of what your work includes is printing off documents for the other officers, inputting things into evidence before they get shipped off there, and sorting through the files regarding the people they have locked up in the holding cells or interrogation rooms. You already have a list of things to print out and file, but you look for Bucky’s name first.
After printing off what he needs, you get up and personally hand this to him. There is a mailbox for the officers that you’re supposed to put in, but you like visiting his desk. He has a picture of you and him printed out and placed next to his computer that you look at every time you visit.
“Here are the papers you asked for,” you smile.
“Thanks, doll,” he grins and grabs them from you, intentionally brushing his fingers against yours.
You go back to your desk to finish your work, and you come across two people who need stuff put into evidence. One of them sent it over a couple of hours ago, and the other one is from Bucky. You immediately click on his name to get what he needs first before looking at the other one.
“Now that is bullshit,” you hear from behind you.
You jump and turn to see Sam standing there with a half-smile on his face.
“What are you doing? You scared me!”
“I sent you evidence hours ago and Bucky sent you it just now, and he’s the one you pick first?”
You don’t have any words for that.
“When are you two gonna fuck?”
“Sam Wilson!” you gasp.
“What? It’s a valid question. I should ask him that.”
“Don’t you dare!”
“I’m rooting for you two no matter how painful the slow burn is,” he chuckles and walks away.
It takes half an hour to get the idea of you and Bucky fucking for you to do your job right. Once you’re in the groove of things, the door opens and an attractive man walks in.
“Can I help you?” you ask with a smile.
“Yeah, I’m here for my brother. He’s in lock up.”
“Okay, what’s his name and date of birth?”
“James Farley. 04/05/1986.”
“Your name?”
“Brandon Farley.”
“Okay, I see your brother here. It looks like--”
“I’m sorry, but I have to tell you how beautiful you are.”
“Oh, thank you,” you blush.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
“No, but--”
“Great. Can I take you out?”
“You can see how this is inappropriate, right?”
“Yeah, but you like it,” he grins. “So, can I take you out?”
There’s a certain charm about him that you find endearing maybe because he reminds you of Bucky. Being put on the spot like that is enough to make you freeze up, so you say the one thing that won’t cause conflict.
“Here’s my number.”
He grabs your hand and writes his number on it so that it won’t come off with one scrub.
“I have sticky notes!”
“This is better. Now you won’t lose it.”
“Go take a seat. Someone will be with you shortly to bring you to your brother.”
“Thanks,” he winks and walks to the waiting room.
You’re about to get up and wash off the number when you notice Bucky standing in the doorway that leads into the precinct.
“Did I hear that right?”
“You have a date?”
“Yeah, he asked me out,” you stutter. Bucky looks pissed as if you just told him you killed someone. “Why do you look angry?”
“Nothing. No reason.”
Bucky walks off angrily leaving you confused. He avoids you like the plague for the rest of the day. He isn’t at his desk when you drop off paperwork, and he’s not there to walk you to your car when you get off. He’s supposed to get off an hour before you do, but he stays after not on the clock to make sure you get to your car safely.
This time, he didn’t.
The next day, Bucky is already at work when you arrive. There is no coffee on your desk, either, and you’re feeling guilty for accepting a date with someone else. Is that why he’s acting this way? Sam walks in drinking an energy drink when you stop him.
“Hey, what’s going on with Bucky?”
“You’re kidding, right?”
“No, what did I do?”
“You accepted a date from someone else.”
You knew it. Why is he bigging out?
“Have you not been here for the past two years? You two flirt like crazy.”
“No, he’s just being friendly.”
“You won’t get it until you do,” Sam shakes his head and walks off.
The date with Brandon comes sooner than you hoped. He picks you up in a fancy car and takes you to a fancy restaurant that you could never afford. He smooth-talks the hostess to get him a table by the window so he can have a view while he eats. The waitress brings by a drinks menu but he already orders what you two are going to drink.
“Trust me, you’re going to love this,” he winks at you.
“Okay,” you say and fiddle with your fingers underneath the table. “You know what I do for work. What do you do for work?”
You shouldn’t have asked him that.
“I work in the telecommunications sector. You know that big building in the city? That’s mine. It’s funny. I got all my parents’ money when they died and instead of using that money for myself, I decided to invest in a small company that turned out to give me millions.” You open your mouth to speak but he continues talking. “Can you imagine that? This small company that wasn’t going to go anywhere if it weren't for me. I’m like their hero. They eventually sold their part to me, and I’ve been thriving ever since.”
Once he got to talking about his job, he hasn’t shut up about it since. He’s very arrogant and rude but that doesn’t seem to stop him. As soon as the drinks come, you greedily take yours and down it without caring what it is.
“Whoa, doll, calm down. I don’t need to haul you to the car at the end of the night. You should pace yourself.”
No one can call me that but Bucky. Oh, Bucky. You shouldn’t have said yes to this man. He only asked you out to hear himself talk. You want this date to end so you pretend to be interested in what he has to say. Even when the date is over and he’s driving you home, he won’t shut up. His voice mixed with alcohol is starting to make your head throb.
About halfway to your house, you see red and blue lights behind you.
This better not be him, you think to yourself. Brandon pulls the car over obediently and waits for the officer to approach him. You look through the mirror to see the outline of the officer and recognize it immediately. He better not. I swear to God… Instead of walking to the driver’s side door, Bucky walks over to your door and leans down so only you can see him.
“Step out of the vehicle, please.”
Bucky takes a deep breath to calm himself down. He leans in so close that you can smell his delicious cologne. That makes your head spin.
“I’ll repeat myself. Step out of the car.”
“Or what? You’re gonna drag me out?”
“Don’t tempt me, doll,” he says so only you can hear it.
“Is there a problem, Officer?” Brandon asks.
“Yes. You have a busted taillight.”
“Fuck! You’ve got to be joking, sir.”
“No, sir, I’m not.”
“Shit. Officer, I can promise you I keep this car in the utmost pristine condition.”
“Not today, buddy. That’s a ticket.”
Bucky takes out his pad and writes Brandon a hefty ticket for a broken taillight you’re not sure is even broken.
“Fuck!” Brandon turns to you without guilt on his face. “Look, do you mind if I drop you off right here? Your house is only down the road. You can get there from here, right?”
Your mouth drops open in shock.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take her home,” Bucky offers.
“Thank you. I’ll call you.”
You don’t say anything as you get out of the car. Bucky walks you to the passenger side of his cruiser. You look at the taillights of Brandon’s car and notice they’re both working properly.
“What the fuck, Bucky?” you yell when he gets in the driver’s seat. “His taillights are broken! You can’t just do that. That’s illegal!”
“He’ll fight against it, and I’ll drop the charges,” he shrugs.
“You’re un-fucking-believable. We were actually having a good time,” you lie.
“No, you weren't,” he laughs.
“How do you know that?”
“It’s written all over your face. Your eyes don’t have the usual light.” Bucky pulls onto the road and heads in the direction of your house. “I don’t know why you would accept the date in the first place.”
“Because at least he had the fucking balls to ask me.”
That puts the entire car ride into a tense silence. He doesn’t say anything for the rest of the ride home. He pulls up to your place but instead of letting you get out first, he gets out and walks over to your side of the car. He opens the door but doesn't let you leave the car. He leans into the car, grabs your chin, and kisses you. You’re shocked but you won’t pull away from him. Both your lips move in harmony against one another, and he slides his tongue into your mouth to show you he means business.
“You’re not allowed to see other men.”
“Why not?” you ask, breathlessly.
“Because you’re mine now and I’m not gonna let you go.” This brings a smile to your face. He lets you get out, and when you pass by him, he taps your ass lightly. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Doll.”
Yes, you will.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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tryingtograspctrl · 1 month
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SUMMARY: Bucky wants you and he isn't very subtle about it at all, you want him too but you're a bit shy and definitely not the type to make the first move. Luckily he is.
Warning: Fingering, cum eating, etc. 18+ only, read at your own risk. Minors DO NOT INTERACT!
Note - This is set after the blip except everyone is alive and still a team because i said so.
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“Mr. Stark i have those reports you requested." You leaned against the door holding it open with your wide hip, arms filled with files.
"Do you mind passing them around?" He looks at you briefly.
"Not at all sir." You shake your head.
You make your way around the table, handing each of the hero's their own file.
"Thanks doll." Bucky smirks, purposely brushing his hand against yours as he takes the folder.
"You're welcome Sergeant Barnes." You smile sheepishly.
A low hum emits from his throat as his eyes trail your frame, zoning in on the way your dress pants hug your curves.
"Is there anything else you need from me sir?" You turn towards Tony, doing your best to avoid the predatory gaze of the man beside you.
"Nope, thank you y/n." He smiles gratefully.
You nod and quickly make your way out of the room and down the long hall, a pair of eyes burning holes into your back.
You sit down at your desk with a huff, Today had been quite hectic, really everyday was but you couldn't complain. You had a good paying job with great benefits, that wasn't easy to come by these days.
You breathed deeply allowing yourself to space out.
Adjusting to life after the blip was a bit strange at first, everyone was doing their best to find their footing, to fall back into some sort of normalcy again.
You had spent months applying and interviewing for job after job with no luck, you started to give up when you finally landed the secretary position at the Stark tower.
You had to admit, you were a bit intimidated by the billionaire and the rest of the Avengers when you first started, hanging your head low and speaking quietly, not wanting to step on their toes.
As time passed you grew more comfortable with everyone, they were extremely welcoming and showed you so much grace as you settled into the new environment.
Bucky was a bit different, from the moment you met him you were enamored with him, how could you not be? He was tall, fit, had gorgeous blue eyes that could make any woman melt, he was caring, compassionate and the true definition of a gentleman, the old fashioned kind that didn’t believe a lady should open her own door or lift heavy things. You had a huge crush on him and you were sure he could tell by the way you acted, stuttering and stumbling over your words, giggling like an obnoxious teenage girl.
The attraction was mutual, Bucky was stunned as soon as he laid eyes on you, short, pretty brown skin, a smile so bright that it gave the sun a run for its money, thick in the hips, thighs, waist and pretty much everywhere else which he loved, plus you were as sweet as honey. He knew from the very first conversation you had together that he had to have you, and he wasn't shy with his advances at all.
He loved to watch you squirm as his eyes raked your form, drinking in every inch of you, or the way you'd shiver when he'd brush past you in the halls your sweet voice greeting him before running off flustered, or the way you'd duck your head and get all shy when he complimented you, he loved being the cause of your giggles and cute smiles.
"Y/n?" Sam waved a hand in front of your face, Bucky lingering behind him.
"Sorry Mr. wilson what were you saying?" You blinked several times before looking at him.
"Could you clear my schedule for the rest of the day, i have more pressing matters to take care of." He crossed his arms, stress written all over his features.
"No problem." You gave him a sympathetic smile.
“Sorry doll i know i promised you lunch today but i gotta look after bird brain.” Bucky rolled his eyes leaning against the front desk.
“That’s alright there’s always next time, you two be careful okay?” You shot him a concerned look.
“Will do, scouts honor.” He smiled before running off to catch up to Sam.
You were running around like crazy for rest of the day and once 5pm rolled around you wasted no time gathering your things and shutting down your computer.
"You sure you don't wanna go grab a few drinks with me?" Your coworker asked.
"Positive. All i want is a hot bath and the leftover lasagna in my fridge." You sighed.
"Fine." She deflated throwing her bag over her shoulder.
"How about we go this weekend?" You tried to compromise.
"That works." She smiled brightly.
"Good, see ya later." You smiled too.
"Saturday!" She called after you.
"Got it! What time?" You turned around, now walking backwards toward the door.
"8, don't make me come and find you." She glared.
"Yes ma'am." You laughed turning around and colliding with a hard body.
"I'm so sorry." You held onto the man’s chest, regaining your balance.
"That's alright doll, you should watch where you're going though, wouldn't want a pretty lady like you getting hurt." Bucky smirked holding onto your wrists gently.
"Thanks Sergeant, i will." You laughed, slightly flustered.
His eyes followed you as you walked out the door and down the sidewalk, hips falling into a natural swing putting him under hypnosis.
You were gonna be the death of him.
The next day you dolled yourself up more than usual, putting a bit more effort into your hair and makeup, dressing in a form fitting black pencil skirt and a simple navy blue blouse, a little gold jewelry adorning your wrist and ears.
You had an important meeting today, assisting Tony with a presentation of a prototype for a new gadget he was working on and you knew if you looked your best you would feel your best and if you felt your best you'd do your best.
The meeting went by smoothly, you gave a brief summary of the gadget, assisted with some slide shows and answered any questions the potential clients might have had.
After you finished Natasha gave you two big thumbs up and you smiled brightly, she had always been super supportive and understanding when your anxiety became too much and of course she was always there to celebrate your wins with you, you were so grateful for her.
You were once again walking down the long halls of the tower, making your way to the bathroom to freshen up when you were suddenly yanked into one of the storage rooms, thrashing around and screaming in fear.
"Hey, hey it's just me." Bucky grabbed your shoulders steadying you.
"Jesus christ you scared the shit out of me." You sighed in relief silently thanking god that it wasn't some deranged villain trying to kidnap you.
"Is everything alright?" You looked at him brows furrowed in worry.
He just stared at you for a moment as if he was contemplating something before smashing his lips against yours in a hungry kiss.
You moaned into his mouth, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer.
His hands hooked under your thighs, picking you up and placing you on top of one of the old file cabinet’s, planting gentle kisses on your jaw and hiking up your skirt.
"We shouldn't be doing this." You whined as he pushed your panties to the side, fingers sliding between your folds.
"Then tell me to stop, push me away, i'll leave and we can pretend this never happened.” He looked up at you, eyes clouded with lust but you could also see a bit of fear in them, fear of rejection.
"I don't want you to." You whispered.
He grinned and pulled you into another kiss.
"God you don't know how long i've wanted this." He mumbled against your lips.
You moaned as his fingers circled your clit before slipping inside of you.
"Do you know how long i've wanted you, wanted to kiss you, hold you, touch you like this." He whispered breathlessly against your ear.
"You’ve always been such a sweetheart. Taking the time out of your busy day to make small talk with me, laughing at all my corny jokes, being patient, helpful and understanding with me while i'm still learning to navigate all this new age stuff." He spoke lowly as his fingers curled inside of you hitting that sweet spot making you squirm.
"Walking around in these tight skirts that hug your ass, these low cut shirts with your breasts spilling out, driving me insane." He pulled at the fabric.
"You have no idea what you do to me." He growled, grabbing your jaw and forcing you to look at him.
"Bucky i- fuckkkk." You bit your lip to quiet yourself as his thumb circled your clit, his other fingers making a squelching sound as he slid them in and out of you, your arousal coating them.
"You gonna cum for me?" He asked picking up the pace.
"Yes, god yes.” You gripped his forearm.
You held your hand over your mouth to muffle your moans as you came, rocking against his hand.
He pulled his fingers out of you slowly.
You shuddered as he brought them up to his mouth, sucking them clean.
"Just like i imagined." He groaned at the taste of you.
You stared at him as he adjusted your clothes for you, brain all fuzzy from your orgasm.
"Take all the time you need and when you're finished meet me down in the lobby. I'm gonna take you out to dinner then take you home and have you for dessert." He winked playfully but you knew he meant every word.
He made his way toward the door shooting you one last look before closing it gently.
You rested your head against the wall attempting to catch your breath as you giggled like a maniac.
A/N - This is an old fic that i wrote when i first started this account, i decided to revive it and make some changes. I really hope you guys like it. 🌻
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holylulusworld · 4 months
Every Breath You Take (5)
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Summary: There is a shadow following you. He doesn’t know what he got himself into.
Pairing: Stalker!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: stalking, being stalked, loneliness, a man out of time, secret admirer trope, longing
A/N: You all made me do it! Here’s the series to this random idea: Stalker Bucky & Crazy Reader
Catch up here: Every Breath You Take (4)
Every Breath You Take Masterlist
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The warm sun kisses your skin as you walk along the pathway. You lift your head and look up at the sky. It seems a little bluer today.
Maybe it’s because today is one of the rare days off, or maybe it’s because of your secret admirer.
When your boss told you that you could take the rest of the week off, the first thing that came to your mind was to go for a walk in the park.
It’s been a while since you had the time or motivation to walk around the small park close to your favorite café. You will have a little sin later too. A cupcake, or a slice of cake and your favorite tea.
“The weather is nice, isn’t it?” A man came out of nowhere to talk to you, making you flinch. “I have never seen you around here.”
He gets a little closer, and you instinctively take a step back. You’d hoped your secret admirer would make a move today. But you are sure, this is not him.
“Oh, I came here with my boyfriend to walk our dog,” you lie without missing a beat. You point toward the only other person at the park, a man playing with his dog. “Our dog loves the park.”
“Your dog,” the man dips his head to look in the direction you pointed at. “It’s a cute dog.” He wrinkles his nose. ‘Another missed chance’…he thinks to himself.
“Thank you,” you sidestep the man, “I should join my boyfriend. We like to play with our dog together.”
You walk toward the stranger and his dog, praying he’s not another creep.
“Watch out, Biscuit,” the man says as his dog wants to jump at you. “Sorry, he’s overly enthusiastic sometimes. My sister always tells me to keep a close eye on the furry beast. It’s her dog.” You don’t know why, but you immediately feel safe around him.
“It’s fine,” you glance over your shoulder at the other man. He’s still watching you. “I hope this doesn’t sound strange, but can you act as if you’re my boyfriend? That guy over there gave me the creeps and I lied to him.”
“Oh,” the man looks over your shoulder at the man who’s still watching you. “No problem, miss.” He gently takes your hand to hold it. “I’m Sam.” He introduces himself as Sam Wilson.
“Y/N,” you murmur. “I’m really sorry for bothering you but…”
“You can never be too safe,” Sam says and laughs as the dog rubs his cheek into your calf. “I wanted to come here with a friend, but he canceled last minute. You can stick around as long as you want to.”
From a distance Bucky watches you talk to Sam. It wasn’t in his plans that you’d talk to Sam. It was simply bad timing and the douche wanting to do more than hit on you.
“At least she’s safe with Sam,” Bucky huffs under his breath. He watches you for a little longer until Sam walks you toward the small café you like so much. “He’s a good man and will keep you safe while I check on that douche.”
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“Buddy, I only tried to talk to a pretty girl. She liked talking to me,” The man bugging you at the park takes two steps back when the angry former winter soldier steps toward him.
Bucky balls his metal hand into a fist. He’s struggling to keep his anger at bay. If the man in front of him only breathes wrong, he’ll break his neck.
“She didn’t seem to like being around you,” Bucky snarls at the man. He grabs him but his collar and breathes in the man’s face. “Do you have the slightest idea what I could do to you for even looking at her?”
The man panics. Bucky can see it in his eyes. “Listen, I didn’t know she’s got a boyfriend. I saw a pretty woman and wanted to take a chance on her.”
“If a woman gets nervous close to you, and takes two steps back, she doesn’t like you.”
Bucky harshly tugs at the man’s jacket, shaking him like he weighs nothing.
“Please…I didn’t mean to…”
“I know exactly what you were up to,” Bucky’s features darken. “If you don’t want me to be your judge, juror, and executioner, you will go to the cops and tell them every secret you are hiding. Every. Single. One.”
"You're...you're the winter soldier," the man hiccups.
"If you know who I am, you know what I can do to you..."
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“Hmm…I wonder why he didn’t show today,” you sigh deeply and hug your plushie a little tighter. “That man could’ve hurt me.”
While you switch the TV on, switching the channels, Bucky stiffens at your words. He was there to protect you. It was simply bad timing. If you didn’t seek shelter in Sam, Bucky would’ve played the knight in shiny armor to finally introduce himself to you.
You stop switching channels when you see a familiar face on the screen. You pump up the volume, gasping loudly. “Wait…that’s the man from the park. He got arrested after he confessed to three murders.”
Dropping the remote control to the ground you sniffle. That man wanted to hurt and kill you. If not for your instinct, you could be dead.
“OHMYGOD!” You whimper as you listen to the news. According to a reporter, a stranger, a secret hero, forced the man to admit all of his crimes. “ITWASHIM!”
You jump up and do a little dance. “I know it was him! He was there to protect me.” You fall back onto the couch, smiling widely. “He was there…he was there…”
Bucky mirrors your smile as he listens to you. “Alpine, she knows I was there. Punk, come over here and watch her. Y/N knows that I protected her again.”
Alpine refuses to acknowledge their owner tonight. Bucky smelled like a dog when he came home - thanks to Biscuit.
“I should’ve broken his neck. But we cannot draw too much attention toward us, Alpine. I need to control my anger and use my strength only to protect our girl.”
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“So, who is she?” Sam tries to get answers. Lately, Bucky is a little distracted, and he smiles. That moody and stoic man smiles when Sam is not looking. And honestly, it scares Sam a little.
“What?” Bucky clears his throat. He’s busy checking on his bike.
Sam rolls his eyes. “You heard me.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bucky tries to pretend his heart is not racing. Sam cannot find out about his obsession with you.
“You bought flowers the other day,” Sam puts his hands on his hips and stares Bucky down. “I don’t believe for one moment this isn’t about a pretty dame. Who is she?”
“I bought flowers for my therapist.” Another little white lie to cover his secret. “Uh-to thank her. You know. She helps me make progress and encourages me to make friends and stuff.”
“Your therapist…I see,” Sam hums. He doesn’t believe Bucky but will not dig deeper for now. Sam is happy that Bucky is making progress. If he found someone sharing his life on his way to recovery, Sam would be even happier for Bucky. “That was nice of you, man.”
“I won’t give you flowers,” Bucky smirks. “Maybe your sister…”
“My sister is off-limits—” Sam points out. “This is your first and only warning. If you…”
“Relax,” Bucky laughs. “Sarah is great, and a beautiful woman. But I respect your wish.” He doesn’t give away that he already set his eyes on someone else.
You. Only you…
Part 6
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bengals-barnesbabe · 2 months
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Date Night
Pairing: Avenger!Bucky Barnes x Black!Nurse Reader
Warnings: mdni, mentions of sex, jokes about age.
Main Masterlist
WC: 1.3k
Being at the Avengers Compound on your day off used to be weird. Avengers are cool and all, and you’re very appreciative for the chance to be considered ‘part of the team’ even if you only worked in the Medbay. No one wants to hang around their place of work when they don’t need to be. Then you started seeing a certain blue-eyed brunette super soldier.
So here you are walking through the main hallways to the the gym and passing a good amount of agents and techs enjoying their breaks. Then you hear your name being called. You look up from your phone and see Aaliyah, a friend of yours that works in the special equipment department (aka Avengers Weapons Only). You walk up to the cafe where her and some other work mates like to frequent.
“Hey Liyah, I didn’t know you were working today.”
She brings you in for a side hug. “I know, I’m not supposed to be, but Mr. Wilson just had to call me on my day off about fixing redwing.” Her cool demeanor shudders as the Falcon’s name coasts out of her lips.
You smirk. “I think he would prefer if you just called him Sam or your boyfriend. Your pick.”
She covers her face and shakes her head. “How about we talk about why you’re here on your day off? The Medbay is about 6 floors up and on the other side of campus.”
“Hey, I’m completely fine with saying I’m here for my man.” 
The light cockiness in your voice paints a mischievous grin on her lips. “Oh speaking of your boyfriend, does Barnes know how to use a pc- no a toaster- nope a smartphone?”
“Oh fuck off, is that what yall actually think?” You scoff as a people 10ft away from you shake their heads. “No fucking way, you can’t be serious!”
“Girl half of these people have never even seen him in person and they work in the same building he lives in.” Kyla, another nurse, says from the end of the table.
You roll your eyes and look at Aaliyah. “For real?” She nods her head.
“You know he wasn’t frozen for 70 years straight right? He couldn’t be a spy if he didn’t know how to blend in.” 
“How does he work a phone with the metal arm though?” She asks as someone comes up behind her.
“He has a flip phone, gotta remember he’s an old man.” Sam chuckles as she jolts out of her skin.
“You asshole! I told you to wait downstairs.” He shrugs and throws an arm around her. 
“You said you’d be back by 2:30, now I’m a punctual man baby. I waited a whole 5 minutes before tracking you down.” She buries her face in his chest to hide how he flustered her with the pet name. So cute.
“You should be going too, the old man has not stopped talking about you since we got here. I swear I’m gonna ask for a new mission partner.” You smile then hug them goodbye.
The walk from the break center/ cafeteria to the weapons testing arena and gym is a 5 minute straight shot. It also where you’d more times than not find your boyfriend. In the miniscule chance that he isn’t, you could probably find him in a conference room, with Captain Rogers outside lapping civilians or his suite. The kitchen exactly because those soldiers can eat. 
But the second those sliding doors open to his personal gun range, you see him just like you knew you would. He sat on a stool at a table with his muscular back adorned in a form fitting black henley and black jeans that emphasized his ridiculously thick thighs. His neck length brown hair is tied up in an adorable blue silk scrunchie as he dissembles his favorite rifle to clean it. You lean against the door frame just admiring the man’s beauty for a while more. He most definitely knows your behind him thanks to his enhances senses and experience as a spy, but that would not stop you from-
“Enjoying the view pretty girl?” Exactly, he gets it.
You smile and walk up to him, “absolutely.” You hum hugging his back and tracing your short almond acrylics across his abdomen.
A strong warm hand covers yours as he chuckles, a deep almost gravely laugh that electrifies every cell in your body. “I’ll be done in a couple minutes, then we can go.” 
You watch from over his shoulder the way his hands work in tandem to polish each nook and cranny of the gun. His vibraninum fingers curling around the body of it cause a shiver down your spine as you think about the nights you spend withering in his bed thanks to them. You shake those thoughts away and lay your head on his shoulder.
He brings one of your hands up and places his soft lips to your knuckles. “Fuck you smell so good. I knew you were coming before you hit the door.” He groans extending the kiss to your wrist before placing your hand back on his stomach.
“It’s your favorite, and you haven’t even seen the whole outfit yet.” 
He lets out another one of those heavenly chuckles. “Aw baby, did you get all dressed up for me?” The gun clicks shut and you feel yourself spinning around to face him.
“You like?” He takes your hand and you beam as he spins your once more. 
Since you were just going to a drive in movie, you paired a simple black top with your his favorite pair of dark gray baggy jeans that hug your waist and accentuate your ass just the way he likes. You couldn’t go wrong with some gold jewelry that shines beautifully on your brown skin. The whole look complimented itself.
Your 4c hair on the other hand didn’t want to cooperate this morning, the week old braid out was at its wits end and desperately needs all the mousse and gel washed out of it. So you did what you had to, found a giant hair tie, slicked your edges back and finger coiled a few strands in the front to give the look back some of it’s life. 
He nods biting his lip and looking you up and down. “You look just how you smell: decadent, like one of those death by chocolate cakes you love. And like you want to spend the rest of this weekend in my bed naked.” He smirks.
You hook your arms around his neck, step into the spot between his strong legs. “Well Mr. Barnes, we can’t have that. You promised me dinner and movie and the look’s not complete yet.” 
He raises a brow and dips his face to yours. “Oh yea,” he says huskily. “What could possibly be missing? You already have the body glitter.” The takes an imaginary bite out of your glazed arm. You nod at the leather jacket hanging on the hook by the door and he grins instantly.
“Go walkin’ around in that and everyone will know you’re mine.” He growls, his crystal blues deepening in hue flickering from your eyes to your lips.
“Maybe that’s exactly what I want.” You whisper against his lips tilting your head to connect them to yours.
His soft lips melted into yours perfectly, your hands pull on the hair tie locking away his silky locks and gently pull at them. He groans languidly licking into your mouth and swiftly lifting you into his lap, his hands holding firmly on your ass. Just like that it feels like the first time. Your heat beating heavily against your chest while you learn each other mouths. Tugging at his roots a bit more you nip his bottom lip and smile.
“You love playing with fire love.” 
You cheekily chuckle pulling back, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
He squeezes your cheeks then playfully smacks one inciting a gasp from you. “A dangerous, dangerous game that could cost you your night.”
“Aw but my favorite movie is playing.” Your fake pout morphs itself into a smirk. “Or maybe I wanted to makeout with my hot Brooklyn boyfriend in public without anyone knowing.” He bites his lip as you look at him with siren eyes.
“And people wonder why I can’t stop talking about you, my girl is a damn minx. Fuck it, lets go.” He sighs as you jump off his lap and grab his leather jacket.
While he’s securely putting away his rifle, you look over at him and smirk putting on the jacket. “Thanks daddy.”
His eyes go wide as you walk out the door giggling.
Gotta love date night.
AN: I was missing the character that brought me back to my passion, so this was really for me but yall can enjoy it too xox
as always likes, reblogs and comments are appreciated
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lives-in-midgard · 7 days
Wildest Dreams
(Musician AU Part 1)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
Summary: When you and your friend are spending time in a bar, you meet Steve Rogers which leads to an incredible and life changing offer.
Word Count: 1250
A/N: Hey! I'm so excited to share the first part of Bucky's musician AU with you. I hope you like it!
Divider made by @firefly-graphics
Masterlist | Musician AU
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Almost everyone knows the famous band ‘The Midnight Rockers’. Founded in high school by Steve Rogers with his friends Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson and Clint Barton. At first, only a few people who attended their small gigs or who knew their YouTube videos listened to them. Until they were one day found by the music producer and manager Tony Stark. Now they are one of the most famous bands from all around the word.
Even though they have a lot of fans, there are still people who don’t know them or who hate their music. You’re one of those people who knows their songs, but you’ve never really been a big fan or followed their carrier.
Until one special day.
But to get to this day, the band had to go through a big change.
It all started when they went on tour earlier this year. Clint began to distance himself from the others and after three months he suddenly told the others that he wants to leave the band. Steve, Sam and Bucky were so confused and tried to talk to Clint, but his decision was final. The manager of the band was very angry, especially because it was during their tour. He decided that it would be the best to put the tour on hold until everything was sorted out.
So the band went back to New York, even though they would rather be on tour. It broke their hearts to upset their fans like that, but they hope to continue the tour soon. Steve suggested that the band could just stay with the three of them, but Tony insisted on finding a new band member.
It’s been two months since Clint left the band and they still haven’t found a new band member. It’s harder than Tony thought and it takes a lot of effort to find someone who fits into the band.
It was on a Saturday night when you and your best friend Kate decided to go to Romanoff’s bar. You enjoyed your time there and after a while Kate thought it would be fun to sing karaoke. You couldn’t resist, especially because you love to sing. Music has always been something very important in your life. It has always been one of your wildest dreams to be a singer and songwriter one day. You sang one of your favorite songs and had a lot of fun.
When you sat down at your table, you noticed a cute looking guy with blonde hair looking at you from across the room. He seemed somewhat familiar, but you didn’t know who it was. Suddenly he stood up from his chair and walked towards you.
“Omg, that’s Steve Rogers.” Kate said excited.
“You know him?” You asked not sure who he was.
“You’re joking, right?” She asked and you shook your head.
“This is Steve Rogers from the band ‘The Midnight Rockers’.” She explained and you finally knew where you must have seen him before.
“Hey ladies.” Steve said when he stood in front of your table.
“I heard you sing and think that you have a really special voice. You probably know that my band is looking for a new band member, and I think you have the perfect voice for the band.”
“Really?” You asked, not sure if this was some kind of joke or if he was really serious.
“Yeah, definitely. I would like to invite you to a band rehearsal.”
“Wow, I…I don’t know what to say.”
“Just say yes.” Kate whispered next to you and Steve chuckled.
“You don’t have to decide now. I’ll give you my phone number so you can call me when you have thought about it.”
“Okay, that’s a good idea.” You said and handed him your phone so he could type his number in. When Steve was finished, he handed it back to you and you saved his name to your contacts. Then you said goodbye to each other and when he left, you couldn’t believe what just happened. Being a singer has always been your dream and now you’re one step closer to making your dream come true.
You thought about it for a few days and even though you weren’t sure if you should be in this band, especially if you would even fit in, you decided to call Steve and told him that you would like to meet the others. The thought of living your dream as a singer gave you butterflies, and you had to at least try it.
The day came, and you drove to the location Steve told you. You were nervous and a bit scared. Would the other band members even like you? What if you would embarrass yourself because of your nervousness? Those were the main thoughts running through your mind, but they all faded away when you parked your car there and took a deep breath.
When you knocked on the door, Steve opened it with a big smile and greeted you with a hug.
“You don’t have to be nervous.” Steve said because he probably noticed how you were feeling. He led you further into the room where two other guys were. One was sitting at the drums and the other one had a guitar.
“Guys, that’s y/n.” Steve said, and they both looked at you.
“Y/n, this is Sam and Bucky.” He said, pointing at them. When you saw Bucky, you froze.
“You?” You both said at the same time.
This is your upstairs neighbor, Bucky Barnes.
The neighbor who once played his guitar so loud in the middle of the night that you had to knock on his door and asked him to be quiet.
Then he promised you not to play at night anymore.
Bucky started playing in the afternoon, and you listened to him from your balcony.
This was the highlight of your day until one day he suddenly disappeared.
You missed hearing him sing and seeing him on the hallway.
Now he’s back, and it turns out he is in the band ‘The Midnight Rockers’.
“You know each other?” Steve asked and Bucky nodded with a slight smile.
You talked with them for a while and told them that you still weren’t sure if you fit into the band. After a while they decided to try to sing a song with you. Before it was your part to sing, you looked over to Bucky who was playing the guitar. When he noticed that you were looking at him, he gave you a comforting smile. When you began to sing his smile got bigger.
“Wow, your voice is really special.” Bucky said and you began to blush.
“And it fits good with ours.” Sam said and Steve nodded.
“So, what do you say…would you like to be in our band?” Steve asked and you hesitated for a second before saying yes.
“Okay, that’s great, then we call our manager.” You stayed for a few more minutes before you decided to leave. When you went outside you smiled and were really happy to be in the band and you’re curious to see what’s going to happen next.
“Are you sure she’s the right person for the band?” You suddenly heard Bucky ask, but you couldn’t really understand what Steve or Sam were saying.
Why did he ask that? You thought he would like to have you in the band? Just like Steve and Sam? But looks like he doesn’t want you in the band.
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@marvelogic | @eviebuggg | @buckys-wintersoldier | @nicoline1998enilocin | @kandis-mom | @sergeantbarnessdoll | @noellez-best-life23 | @sgtgarricks | @ratchildspartan | @scott-loki-barnes |  @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 | @mrsbuckybarnes1917 | @brnesblogposts
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lunaroserites · 4 months
Art and Ice - New Perceptions
Pairing: Eventual Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Characters: Natasha, Wanda, Pietro, Loki, Bucky, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, a lot of the avengers cast is mentioned.
Summery: This kinda a filler chapter, some cute fluffy moments between Bucky and Doodle happen.
This might a 2 or 3 parter (it's gonna be more because cannot help myself). College AU, our boy Bucky is on the hockey team, and reader is an art major (because I love that trope and couldn't help myself)
Warnings: Not beta'd! All mistakes are my own. Friends fluff, swearing, mentions of college students being college students. Bit of friendly harmless flirting between friends. Bucky is a playboy. Flirting. Mentions of not eating or drinking for a hours (ADHD Brain)
Word Court: 3539
Likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated! ❤️
Please do not repost, translate or otherwise copy my work elsewhere, without my express permission, thank you! Lunaroserites on tumblr and ao3
Catch up here: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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It wasn’t a surprise that your college finished out the regular season on top. Your college was known across the country for its sports programs. 
It didn’t surprise you when Bucky showed up with a bright cocky smile the day after the last away game. “Ooooh Doodle!” He said in a sing-song voice. 
You looked over your shoulder setting the paint brush down, raising an eyebrow at him, “yeeees Bucky?” You matched his tone perfectly. With all the away games you haven’t seen him since the weekend, you have made some decent progress on the painting of him. You were giddy to show him what you completed in his absence. 
“Guess who scored a date with Mandy, the head cheerleader?” He was beaming. Your heart sank momentarily, your facial expression dropping slightly before you composed yourself and gave him your best dazzling smile. 
“I’m not sure Buck, I’ve always been terrible at guessing games,” you murmured, trying to hide the discontent in your voice as you looked back at the canvas to compose yourself. He didn’t seem to pick up on your change in mood. 
“Ah come on Doodle, I’ll give you a hint. He’s charming, on the hockey team and incredibly sexy,” he sounded so cock sure. 
You turned to face him and tapped the end of the brush on your lip, feigning that you were deep in thought and then a bright smile split across your face. 
“Oh! I know who it is,” you said excitedly. “Sam!” You faked enthusiasm before turning back to the painting but not before catching his face drop for a moment. 
“Pfft, he’s about as charming as an out of tune piano,” Bucky deflected. “Come on Doodle, it’s easy.” 
“They’re easy huh?” You mused. “So must be you then,” you said flatly without missing a beat. He laughed awkwardly behind you. 
“Uh, yeah it’s me,” his cocksure attitude was gone and he sounded a little deflated. 
“That’s nice Buck, have fun,” you said quietly. 
“It’s not until tomorrow night,” he said, “I wanted to come hang out with you tonight,” your heart clenched and you bit your knuckle to stop the pang of hurt that threatened to crush you, you didn’t trust your voice at the moment so you just nodded. 
“How much of the painting have you done?” He asked quickly, changing the topic. You were grateful. “Last time I saw it you just had some base colours on.” 
You had the puck almost done, you were painting as if the puck was being shot at the person viewing it. Slightly different from your original idea, but you liked how it was turning out. Bucky was now standing next to you and you could smell the deep woody and amber tones of his cologne. He always smelled good, even after playing a game or practice. It was something you appreciated about him, Thor would smell like a locker room after practice. It was awful. 
You quickly focused back on the canvas and not how much you wanted to stick your nose into the crook of Bucky’s throat and inhale the heady scent he wore. This little crush was getting out of hand, you needed to squash it quickly. 
“That looks amazing, Doodle,” Bucky said in awe as he looked at the painting. “How do you make it seem so real?” 
“Practice, and a little luck,” you said with a shrug. Bucky moved out of the way when you picked the brush up and started to work on it again. “The inspiration was also a big help,” you looked over your shoulder at him and winked. He gave you a dazzling smile back. “What are you doing today?” He had pulled some books and notes out on the table and was staring down at them. 
“I’m studying for my astronomy final,” he said, his tongue caught between his teeth. His arm crossed over his chest and the other hand held his chin as he looked down at his notes. 
“Mind if I put some music on?” He hummed and you clicked the play button and let the music wash over you. You got to work, getting lost in the music and the brush strokes. 
The soft notes of Work Song by Hozier played soothingly over the speaker and you hummed softly along to the song and swayed gently back and forth. You jumped when you felt Bucky’s hand cup your shoulder and slide down your arm clasping your hand in his. 
“Can’t have a pretty thing like you dancing by herself,” he said softly. He pulled you to him and started to sway you two gently to the beat. Your heart was racing a million miles a minute, your cheeks were a bright shade of red as you hid your face against his firm chest. 
He moved you two effortlessly, he guided you in a small sway. He was smiling down at the top of your head as you leaned your cheek to his chest. His hand held the small of your back gently to him. 
You couldn’t believe this was happening, he was dancing with you randomly. It was completely out of the blue, but you couldn’t bring yourself to complain. He was firm and warm under your touch. He held like you were as fragile as blown glass, his touch feather light and respectful. You usually hated dancing but something about this moment felt right. 
As the song came to close and Bucky took a step back from you, you started to miss the contact as quickly as you lost it. He was smiling down at you and kissed you knuckles of the hand he had been holding at the time. “Thank you for the dance m’lady,” he tipped his chin and gave you a devilish smile. You couldn’t find words to express who you felt at the moment. 
“Thank you kind sir,” you stuttered back. He laughed his beautiful rich as chocolate laugh and made his way back to his studying and you went back to your painting feeling lighter than before. The pit in your stomach growing deeper, you could still feel his warm hand on your waist and the way he held you so carefully.
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“Loki I don’t know what I’m going to do,” you whined as you draped over his lap dramatically. You had texted him “code red” before you left the art studio, Bucky had offered to drop you off at your apartment but you declined like you usually did. Code red meaning ‘I need you please come get me.’ Which he did without hesitation. 
“Darling you’re being a little dramatic,” he ran his fingers through your hair trying to sooth your nerves. 
“Loki, I’m not being dramatic. We had this whole conversation about just being friends and spending time together without him waiting to get me in bed,” you exclaimed. 
“Which he probably still does,” Loki added, you glared at him. 
“Not the point, how can that conversation mean anything if I can’t even hold myself to it,” you said in an exasperated tone. “Loki, he danced with me, out of the blue. Just took my hand and danced with me,” you peaked up at Loki who was running his long fingers through your hair, he had an unreadable expression. “Who does that nowadays, it’s something my grandpa would do with nana.” 
“Little brother,” Hela’s sing-song voice called as she poked her head into the room. “Oh hello sweetling! I didn’t know you were visiting,” she smiled at you. You had always liked Helena, she was always nice to you. She gave Loki and Thor shit when we were teens and they were acting like typical teenage boys, insensitive and immature. She looked you over, draped over Loki’s lap, your arm thrown over your eyes. You looked miserable, she entered the room further and sat down on the edge of Loki’s bed and gently touched your shoulder. 
“What’s the matter sweetling,” she asked soothingly. 
“Nothing Hela, stupid feelings and a crush a stupid boy,” you whined. She laughed at that. 
“Men tend to be like that, this is why I like women,” she chuckled. “Seriously sweetling, it can’t be that bad, who is it?” She asked softly. Her eyes drifted to Loki for a moment and he made a face. 
“Bucky Barnes,” you groaned. Hela’s eyes widened and she groaned. 
“You’re telling me you’re upset over that overgrown toddler on skates?” She asked with a raised eyebrow, you looked at her, god she was so pretty. You nodded and sighed heavily. 
“I know, I know. He’s just so.... Ugh.” Loki chuckled and Hela glared at him. She grabbed your hand and rubbed her thumb over your knuckles soothingly. 
“You know a couple years back he tried asking me out. I rejected him. He called me a stuck up bitch,” she said, you raised your arm off your eyes and looked at her. “He wouldn’t even let me tell him I had no interest in men, especially younger men.” You nodded and that was what Loki meant when he was rude to Hela. “He later saw me with Val on a date. He felt like an idiot and apologised for how he acted.” 
“He did?” Loki asked, he sounded surprised. Hela nodded. 
“He learned his lesson. Learned a few things too. From my understanding he’s not as pushy as he used to be,” Hela added. “Shame what happened with his girlfriend and her sudden departure to Alaska. He was apparently a lot different when she was here. She broke his heart. It doesn’t excuse his behaviour but it definitely gives perspective.” 
“You know Nat mentioned that he had a long term relationship that suddenly ended,” you said back, thinking back. 
“Val knew her better than I ever did, she apparently just packed up and left. No explanation, not warning. She was just gone. Barnes was devastated,” Hela said thoughtfully. 
“Huh, well that definitely adds perspective,” you agreed. 
“It doesn’t excuse his behaviour though,” Loki reiterated. You and Hela nodded in agreement. 
“What should I do?” You asked Loki after Hela left. He sighed and looked down at you, eyes swimming with uncertainty. 
“I’m not sure darling, if you told him what do you think would happen?” Loki asked softly. 
“He would probably pick up on trying to sleep with me again,” you groaned. 
You ended up spending the night at Loki’s house with him, falling asleep on his bed. 
“You know, it's a good thing you don’t share a bed with anyone,” Loki shoved you away from the centre of the bed. “You’re a fucking bed hog,” you couldn’t help but laugh at his groggy disgruntled voice. 
“Apologies Loki,” you laughed as he huffed. 
“Bull shit,” he exclaimed while standing up and going into his ensuite bathroom. You stood and leaned against the door frame while Loki pulled a brush through his hair and did his skin care routine. “Do you want me to bring you home so you can change and stuff? 
“I would appreciate it,” you smiled at him. 
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“Morning Wands,” you called as you came through the front door, Loki right behind you, he grabbed your coat and hung it up as you pulled it off. 
“In here,” she called out as the toaster popped. You and Loki walked into the kitchen together. “Morning Loki,” she gave him a dazzling smile, which he returned. 
“I’m making cinnamon toast and eggs, hungry?” She asked. 
“I’d love some, I’m going to grab a quick shower and change.” 
“Princessa!” Peitro wrapped you in a hug tightly as he walked behind you and snagged a piece of toast off your plate. 
“Get your own,” you batted his hand away. 
“But I want yours,” he teased. You heard Wanda and Loki chuckle at you both. 
“I have a plate for you too, stop stealing hers,” Wanda ushered him over. 
“What plans do you have today?” Wanda asked as she sat down next to you. You looked to Loki, it was his turn to plan the Saturday plans. 
“The new book I’ve been waiting on is finally here so we have to stop by the bookstore in town,” Loki said, “then I think we’ll drive up the coast, we need pictures for our photography class.” You smiled at him, so thoughtful. “Then maybe some dinner and a stroll through the park,” he finished. 
“God Loki you’re making me look like a terrible boyfriend,” Pietro whined, you snorted into your juice and leaned back laughing loudly. 
“Maybe you should take notes,” Loki teased. You and Wanda were laughing together. Loki was an incredibly thoughtful friend. That’s why you adored him so much. But that’s where it ended. You two were the best of friends and that was where the line was drawn  and there was never a need to cross it. It took time for people to understand your friendship and the boundaries you two had in place. 
“Sounds like a fun day,” Wanda said thoughtfully. 
“What about you Wands? Vis is still abroad isn’t he?” She nodded at your question. 
“I’m going to practise with Pietro, it’s a nice day to be out in the sun,” she answered. “Vis gets back next week.” 
“I had fun today,” you said softly as you and Loki walked through the park after having supper at a sweet little Mexican restaurant. Loki had his hand on the small of your back guiding you and keeping you close. 
“I did too,” he hummed. You two walked around a little more, taking a seat on a bench to watch the setting sun. You looked out over the green space and saw some couples sitting in the grass relaxing. One couple caught your attention. 
“Is that bucky?” You said quietly, tipping your head in his direction. Loki squinted and nodded. 
Bucky was sitting a little ways away leaning back on his hands. Mandy sat next to him completely ignoring him. Something twisted in your heart as you looked at him looking up at the sky and she was scrolling her phone. Loki rubbed your shoulder soothingly. Drawn back to him you gave Loki a sad smile. 
“She probably just wants to sleep with him,” Loki whispered. You nodded in agreement. 
“He likes space a lot. He’s talking to her and she is not even pretending to listen,” it broke your heart. Soon his date leaned over and they got up from their spot. He trailed behind her as they waltzed across the green space toward Bucky’s truck. You watched him follow after her like some love sick puppy. 
But then for a brief moment his eyes connected with yours. His eyes narrowed in on you and he paused for the briefest moment as he looked at you across the field. You couldn’t place the look in his eyes, but it was something akin to longing, maybe you couldn’t be sure. As soon as it started it ended and Bucky was gone with Mandy into his truck. 
“Darling,” Loki’s smooth voice filled your ears and you looked at him. “You okay?” You nodded and sighed. 
“I think so,” you mumbled while shaking your head to clear it. 
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You didn’t see much of Bucky over the next few days, practice and studying seemed to completely take over his days. He would text you little updates, ask how your day was going, remind you to drink and eat snacks. Your phone going off startled you out of the trance you were in. 
It was a FaceTime request from Bucky. You slide the answer button and gaze at him with a quizzical look. “Hello,” you chuckled, propping the phone on the easel. 
“Hey doodle,” his hair was wet and he was shirtless, you tried to not look at his shoulders. “Miss me?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
“Like a toothache Bucky,” you mused. Your shirt rode up as you stretched your arm to reach up on the canvas. Your phone left you a perfect anglee for Bucky’s eyes to follow the now revealed skin. You didn’t catch him licking his lips at you. 
“I’m hurt doodle,” he feigned hurt and clutched his hand over his heart being dramatic which made you laugh. There was a sudden knock on the art studio door, you looked over your shoulder and then back at the phone. Bucky was trying really hard to not look suspicious. 
“What did you do?” You asked as you grabbed the phone and opened the door, you looked down and he shrugged. Opening the door you were greeted by a delivery driver. You raised an eyebrow and squinted at him. 
“Delivery for Doodle?” The driver said, he looked completely over the day and didn’t bat an eye at the nickname. 
“I didn’t order,” you looked down at your phone and were met with Bucky’s shit eating grin. “You cheeky bastard,” you accused him. “Thank you,” you took the food and sat down at the table in the art room. 
“Thanks Bucky,” you were touched. He had ordered your favourite, everything completely how you liked it. You had only ever ordered this once in his presence, weeks ago. He remembered. “You even remember the extra sauce,” you could feel tears well up in your eyes from how sweet of a gesture it was. You quickly rubbed the tears away and smiled at him. 
Everyone in your life had been so busy you barely spoke to them, Bucky had been the most consistent person by far. You didn’t blame the others, you had barely kept in touch being swapped with final projects and finals. Everyone was just busy. The fact he took the time to send you food, made your heart soar. 
“I figured we could eat together,” Bucky said as he sat up and positioned the phone so his hands were free and you could see his full torso and face. You almost choked on air seeing him. He was fucking hot, you stoped the that train of thought immediately and looked at his face and not his peaks or squishy tummy. He was a big dude, firm but soft looking. You wanted to run your fingers over his torso. 
“I’d like that,” you were impressed with how composed you sounded in that moment. 
“How’s the projects going?” He asked. You shrugged and sighed. 
“They're going. I’m almost done with three of them and I finished the last one this afternoon,” he nodded. Silence fell over you two again but it wasn’t uncomfortable. That was something you noticed shortly after his visits to art studios became more frequent, silence with him was comfortable and you never felt the innate urge to fill it. “How’s studying?” 
“Good, the practicals will be easy. I hate written exams,” Bucky was a kinesiology major, doing astrology classes for electives. What surprised you early on was that he was actually doing well in classes. It made you question those Reddit comments you read saying he cared little for academics. He wasn’t a valedictorian or anything but he was passing with 3.1 GPA overall. You weren’t surprised when he mentioned he wasn't interested in the arts, and that he only did the two mandatory English classes. 
“You got this,” you said to him with a smile. 
“So do you,” he gave you a dazzling smile back. “I'm sorry I haven’t been coming to visit,” he said quietly. 
“It’s okay, we’re all busy right now. I haven’t seen Nat in 4 days, she was hauled up in the dance studio getting ready for her practicals and the final performance,” you shrugged, the performance arts program did a big show at the end of exams the whole campus was invited to purchase tickets for. The funds raised went toward funding future projects. You had your ticket, and an extra because Loki had bought his and forgot to tell you. 
“She hasn’t been at practice either, Barton has been insufferable,” Bucky said with a mock exasperated sigh. 
“I’m not surprised,” you chuckled and smiled at Bucky, he admired the way the corner of your eyes crinkle when you smile like that. 
“You’re still coming Friday?” Bucky asked. 
“Of course,” you nodded. “Actually I have a question to ask you,” he looked at you attentively and waited. “I have an extra ticket to the performing arts final show after exams, did you want to come with me?” You didn’t build your hopes so high that he would say yes. “If you don…”
“Yeah, love too Doodle,” he cut you off. Your face lights up with a bright smile. 
“Awesome,” you cheered excitedly, you wouldn’t soon forget the beautiful smile that graced his face, you both looked into each other for a moment, smiles morning one another. You didn’t want to look away from him, his eyes snapped from yours at the sound of a crash from another room and some yelling. 
“Dammit Scott,” Bucky groaned and looked at you apologetically. “Gotta go Doodle, I’m going to try and swing by the art room tomorrow.” 
“Bye Bucky,” you waved at him as he waved the call ended. You saT back in the chair for a moment before giving up for the night and packing up to go home.
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AN: Thank you all so much for reading! I've have been really enjoying writing this series!
Taglist: @vicmc624, @calwitch, @learisa, @aaqua-tofana, @charmedbysarge, @blackbirdwitch22
Feel free to send me a message if you have a request or would like more, or would like to be added to the tag list!
102 notes · View notes
megamindsecretlair · 7 months
i need me some one night stand Sam smut, maybe they met at a bar or mutual friend’s wedding/any event. whatever your little heart desires i just know that it’s gonna be amazing especially with Sam’s nasty behind. ily 🩷
A/N: I know I keep apologizing, but I am SOOO SORRY! I did not intend for this to take so long. I know you said it's cool, but I can't help it. Thank you for being so patient with me. ILY, ILY!
Feel Like I Do
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Some sentences are intentional AAVE. SMUT. Cursing, PIV, oral (female and male receiving), teasing, use of pet names, mentions of birth control, size kink, praise kink, one night stand smut.
Summary: See Ask. While out at a club for your friend's birthday, you bump into Sam. He's sweet, charming, and there's something achingly familiar about him. You go home with him, needing to see where this goes.
Word Count: 5,505k
A/N: When an ask kicks my ass, it kicks my ass!!!! However, once it finally came together, it flowed so beautifully. Thank you @planetblaque for helping me! ILY. This is based off of one my fave songs. Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I love hearing your thoughts! I block ageless blogs.
Taglist: @multiversefanfics @chaos-4baby @leahnicole1219 @capswife @anghstybean @targaryenvampireslayer @sheabutterbabes @browngirldominion @theunsweetenedtruth @thecookiebratz @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @nerdieforpedro
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The cover band was too loud. You grimaced as you made your way past the press of bodies towards the bar. You could barely hear the singer and the instruments sounded disharmonious on top of it. You hated nights like these. Why couldn’t your friend’s birthday fall during the week? 
This was your favorite club but you mostly went during the week when you could sit back and relax. There were less people, less lecherous men, and you could actually hear who was playing. It was a great spot to discover new and local talent. 
You shoved past a guy leaning in some poor girl’s face. You dug your elbow into his side hard enough for him to turn around. The girl he was speaking with gave you a grateful smile while she took off, disappearing into the crowd. 
You waved innocently to the man. There was a small opening at the bar that you made a beeline for. As soon as you reached it, you lifted a hand to get the bartender’s attention. At the same time, a man bumped into you and raised his own hand.
“Hey!” You said.
The man looked at you and you gasped. He was so cute. Smooth chestnut skin, a neat goatee, and high cheekbones. He wore a simple outfit with dark jeans and a carmine T-shirt but he wore it extremely well. The shirt bunched around his upper arms, bulging under his massive muscles. 
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you! Please, go ahead,” he said. He waved for you to go ahead. 
“Thanks. You’re not a regular here ,” you said.
The man shook his head. “Trying to cheer up my friend,” he said. He pointed to a section of the club where the booths were. There were two men sitting there. One with blond hair and looked like he bench pressed entire trucks for a living. The other had darker, longer hair and was whispering something to him.
“Girl troubles?” You asked.
“Always is. I’m Sam,” he said. He held out his hand. You shook his hand and introduced yourself. It was warm and big, strong in a way most men these days weren’t. You reluctantly dropped his hand, wondering what the hell was wrong with you. You just met the man and there was no reason to feel so..connected to him already. As if you knew him. 
“What brings you to this madhouse tonight?” Sam asked. You both waved for the bartender’s attention, but he was too busy at the other end of the bar. It’d be a while before he made his way down this way. The other bartender was too preoccupied by a group of guys on the opposite end. Fuck, you just wanted a damn drink. 
“Birthday for my friend,” you said. You pointed to your friends in a different booth. They were currently whooping, yelling and throwing their hands up while they danced. They looked like they were having fun. It was the goal and you were happy. 
“Ah, so they send the errand people to grab their drinks, huh?” Sam asked. 
“Seems like. But we’re good friends, so we’ll grin and bear it,” you said.
Sam nodded. “Since we’re gonna be here a while, you mentioned that I wasn’t a regular here. Does that mean you are?” 
It was your turn to nod. You leaned on the bar and faced him better. There were too many people crowding on either side, screaming for the two bartenders behind the bar. They pressed against you until you were flush against Sam. To his credit, he did his best to get away and give you some room.
“Guess we’re getting personal tonight. How ‘bout your next drink is on me as an apology?” He asked.
Something about him was so disarming. It was unnerving. Your natural defenses were useless against him. Usually you were trying to get out of there as fast as you could. Picking up women in bars always seemed so cheesy to you. Full of bad pick up lines and beer goggles. 
Sam seemed as sober as a judge. And he smelled divine. Something earthy. Something that reminded you of taking hikes in the forest, faint mist in the air, and the sound of a small waterfall nearby. 
You hadn’t had much to drink but being near him was like you were buzzed. Like time was hazy and the only plane of existence was inside the club. You swayed a bit towards him. Drawn to his gravitational pull.
“I’d like that, but no apology needed.” You smiled at him, suddenly at a loss of what to do or say. Your body was becoming electrified. The sounds in the place receded to the background as your attention narrowed to Sam. 
“No apology needed, but how about an answer to my question in exchange? Is it strange that I feel like we know each other?” 
You grinned. Good, it wasn’t just you. You shook your head. “Right? Like what is that?” 
Sam ran through places that you might have in common. Like grocery stores, no. Or gyms, hell no. He ran around nearabout the Washington monument every day in the wee hours of the morning.
“If I’m up before the sun is up, shoot me,” you said.
He laughed, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. He had a good laugh. One that you wanted to hear over and over. 
“Not a morning person, huh?” He asked.
“Not even a little bit.” You were quite the terror in the morning when you woke up. As if the day owed you a personal favor for getting up on time. You had no time for morning chats or chores or anything that required brain activity until your first cup of coffee. Even then, it was hit or miss on how your mood would progress until the sun was higher in the sky and you didn’t feel like crawling back into bed.
You abandoned the drinks and simply talked to Sam. You learned more about him, about his time spent in the military and that he was a counselor now. You told him about your soul-sucking job and how you came here often to listen to local bands. 
He had a great voice that melted like butter around everything he said. And the way he told a story made you feel like you were really there. 
Every now and then, you would get bumped into and in turn, bump into him. Every push against his body was its own hit of dopamine. Every time he steadied you, his hands wrapped around your forearms, turned your brain to mush. Every time he smiled, you wanted to grab him and never let go. 
“We still haven’t gotten any drinks,” he said. 
You chuckled as you realized that you were probably talking to him for the last thirty minutes. In your own bubble, getting to know one another. 
You looked towards your friends. They were still dancing but were now on their phones. You pulled yours out to see the dozens of missed texts. The threats to call the police started. You texted them back to know that you were still alive and not kidnapped. You showed Sam and he laughed.
“We’re pretty bad friends,” he said. He looked towards his own. The situation looked a bit better. Maybe the dark-haired one was able to cheer up the blonde. 
“So bad! What are they gonna do with us?” You asked.
“Well, I still haven’t gotten you that drink but it doesn't look like we’re having much luck at the bar. I can’t let you leave without making it up to you,” he said. 
You grinned and looked towards the dance floor. The cover band had mercifully stopped and now the DJ was spinning records you could actually dance to. You turned your attention back to Sam. “How about a dance?” 
He looked towards the crowded dance floor and then turned back to you with a chuckle. “Think you can keep up?” 
You giggled and stepped away from the bar. You glided your hand across his chest and he looked down to follow the movement. “Can you?” You asked.
Sam smirked. He grabbed your hand and led you to the dance floor. The bottom of the floor was illuminated with squares of color. Neon blues, reds, and purples danced over you as you stepped onto the floor. 
You started bobbing your shoulders and getting into the rhythm. Sam followed your lead, getting closer and shaking his hips. His hands coasted along your exposed arms in your black tank top, pulling you closer and closer. You grinned at him. 
The song changed to a funky, techno type hip-hop song. It made everyone scream with joy. You popped your booty more to match the quick beat and Sam turned you around. He grabbed the belt loops of your jeans and pulled you closer into his body roughly, your back to his chest.
You twerked on him, rubbing and grinding your booty into his crotch. If you weren’t mistaken, he was definitely happy about that. He already seemed so thick and heavy behind his jeans but he had given no indication that his mind went there.
He dropped his head closer to your shoulder, his breath fanned across your damp neck. Sweat pooled along the slopes of your body. He switched up the way you were dancing on him, controlling your movements to the way he liked and you were powerless to do anything but go along with it. 
You slid your hand along the back of his neck and cupped his head. He moaned in your ear as you continued this dance, rocking with each other like you wanted to devour each other whole. 
You thought that feeling like you were the only two people in the room was a joke. Experiencing it with Sam was surreal as no one else mattered. No one else existed. 
He moved his hands from the belt loops to grab your hips. His fingers rode up your shirt a fraction so that he could play with your skin where your jeans stopped. Just that tiny bit of friction, his calloused fingers rubbing along your smooth skin, made your panties even more soaked than what they already were. 
You were in tune with this man. You felt him on a cellular level. Every breath of his tugged at your cells. Every sound he made tickled your veins. Everytime he ground his hips into you, to let you know nonverbally that he was feeling you,  was like a twitch in your muscles. 
Your bodies moved in sync. Neither one of you could keep your hands from roaming. Seeking. A compulsion for more and more. There was no end in sight. No limit for this need driving you. A need to feel him, all of him. 
Sam kissed your neck, licked right over the pounding vein in your neck and you dropped your head back against his shoulder. This felt too right. Too overwhelmingly good that you wanted to freeze this moment. To exist in limbo with him. 
His thumbs pressed into your lower back and you moaned. Sam continued kissing up your neck until you turned your head. Your lips pressed together, a mini explosion all its own that rocked you to your core.
His lips were warm, inviting. His breath was minty with a subtle hint of beer. He kissed as well as he danced. Perhaps better. 
“Come back to my place,” he said against your lips and then dived in for another scorching kiss. 
“Yes,” you answered, though he hadn’t phrased it like a question. God, you wanted to see where this could go. It was soul crushing to part for even a minute. You didn’t know him. But you felt like you did. Like you had known him your entire life. 
He stopped dancing and took your hand from his head. He pulled you off of the dance floor. “Meet me outside and then follow me to my place.” 
You nodded. You departed, holding onto each other until you’d either have to let go or risk injury. You watched each other until the crowd obscured him. You took a deep breath, returning to reality for half a second.
You poked your way through the crowd, reaching your friends at the booth.
“Who the hell was that?” Your friend, Alana, said and waved a napkin in front of her face. The birthday girl, Cece, nodded her head.
“Shit, I feel like I need a damn cigarette,” she said.
You waved them off. Your insides were jelly, a giddy nervousness that wouldn’t quit. “Will you hate me for dipping?” 
“One of us needs to get laid. Go ‘head girl,” Cece said and hi-fived you. 
“I love you, I love you,” you said. You hugged them both and made them promise to look out for each other.
“I’ll accept my name as the middle name for the baby ya’ll finna make!” Cece yelled and you smacked her arm.
“Nasty ass!” You waved goodbye and headed to the parking lot. You kept expecting for that feeling to disappear. That desperate neediness in your veins to return to Sam and never leave his side. But it never did.
It increased tenfold when you reached outside. The cool air fell over your sweaty skin like stepping into a freezer. It should have woken up your senses. You didn’t “do” one night stands. You didn’t randomly go with strangers and have sex. 
However, seeing Sam standing by his car made you want to jump his bones even more. He saw you approach and he smiled. 
“You can change your mind if you want to,” he said. 
“I don’t want to,” You said and smiled. 
He told you to follow him. Your eyes cataloged everything about him. The way he moved, the way he talked. The way he stood there and radiated peace and calmness like walking melatonin. 
You climbed into your car and followed Sam. He didn’t live far. He lived out in a bunch of townhomes, neat and tidy in their uniform rows. You supposed that to a military person, this would feel like home. 
Sam parked first and you parked in front of his place. He got out of the car and so did you. You made your way to him. Nerves prevented you from speaking but there was a comfortable familiarity with him that didn’t require words from either of you.
He grabbed your hand and led you into his house. It was tastefully decorated and most importantly - clean. There were too many grown men comfortable with living in absolute filth and had the nerve to think women were just supposed to excuse it away. 
Sam turned on a few lights, enough to see by. After locking the door and throwing his keys on the table beside it, he faced you.
He slowly approached, his eyes raking over your body. You felt it like a physical caress. His face showed nothing but appreciation and desire. He liked what he saw. And damn, did you like what you were seeing as well. He moved like a large cat, like a lion lazily stretching its muscles. 
He stepped to you and then tilted your head up by your chin. He grinned and then closed his eyes, kissing you softly. Reverently. Like it was a long-lost reunion after decades apart. You felt like you would float away at any moment. 
He deepened the kiss. He grabbed both sides of your face, pulling you closer as if he couldn’t get enough. Your hands finally grabbed his thick arms, rubbing his shoulders and hanging on. He moaned low in his throat, continuing to be content with just kissing you. Tasting you. 
“Upstairs? I’m assuming?” You asked. 
“Beauty first,” he said. He let you go so you could turn around and head towards the stairs. You passed by pictures of him growing up. Two parents and what looked like a sister. There were more pictures of the sister with kids. Pictures of Sam with his unit. 
Sam placed his hands on your hips and escorted you to his room. He turned on a lamp and the light was a little harsh but still intimate. The walls were painted a deep, soothing blue. His sheets matched the walls and he had blinds on the window. 
He wasn’t much for useless junk. Everything had its place and section. He’d have a fit if he saw your place. It was clean, but you definitely tended to cherish trinkets, gadgets, or souvenirs. Proof of life. Of love. Of friendships and relaxing trips. 
You faced him with a smile. There was no rush here. Nothing to indicate that he was trying to pressure you in any way. You grinned wider and reached for your shirt, throwing it on the floor. 
Sam’s eyes widened, taking in your peek-a-boo turquoise bra. He licked his lips. Feeling emboldened by his obvious desire, you stripped out of your shoes and jeans, kicking them off to the side.
“I show you mine…” you sang. You grinned and sidled up next to him, reaching for his shirt. He helped you pull it off of him. Fuck, he was gorgeous. He was all smooth skin and muscle. Stack on top of stack. He took his physical health seriously. Your hands rubbed all over every inch you could reach. 
Sam’s heavy breathing filled the room as you touched him. You stared into his eyes and leaned down to place a kiss over one of his pecs. He grinned. “Like what you see?” 
“You know damn well how fine you are,” you said. 
“Don’t mean I don’t wanna hear it,” he said.
“You are so fucking hot,” you said. You might have drooled. Didn’t care.
Sam chuckled as he finally shed his own boots and jeans, revealing black briefs and an impressive bulge. You reached for it, ready to feel that too but he grabbed your wrists before you made contact. You pouted at him.
“I was raised to be a gentleman. So get your sexy, gorgeous ass on that bed and spread them pretty legs for me,” he said. 
Shivers wrecked you. There was no breeze in the house to blame it on. No whir of the A/C to excuse it away. His words alone had you rubbing your thighs together and grinning. 
You backed up into the bed, holding his gaze. He licked his lips while you sat down and then scooted onto the bed. He stalked closer so that he could maintain that shared look as you laid down and got comfortable on his plush mattress. 
Sam tilted his head at you. You rolled your eyes and spread your legs like he asked you to. He made a pleased sound that you felt down to your toes. 
He reached out and rubbed your thighs and legs, getting you used to his touch. He hooked his rough fingers around your matching panties and tugged them down. He whistled softly as he got a peek at your glistening center.
“So fucking gorgeous,” he said. He looked up at you. As he descended down with a kiss to your tummy, he asked, “Can I taste it?” 
“Yes,” you breathed out. Your breathing turned choppy. 
He placed kisses along your lower tummy, not touching your pussy at all. His hands remained locked around your thighs, holding them open. He started to move down, kissing along your thighs. He stopped when he reached your inner thigh. 
“Can I play with it?” 
“Fuck yes,” you moaned. 
His fingers massaged your thighs, digging deep and finding knots you didn’t know existed. You moaned, unable to stop yourself from squirming under his methodical hands. His thumbs traced patterns as he massaged you, tracing small circles into your skin. He kept his hands moving, gripping and learning you. His thumbs caressed the inside juncture of your legs, where your thighs met your pelvis.
“Oue, shit,” you moaned. 
Sam chuckled and brushed his goatee against your skin. His face was smooth earlier but there were the beginnings of prickly stubble that rubbed along your thighs. You were unused to this type of teasing. Where it felt like your skin would melt off if he didn’t do something soon. 
He placed lazy kisses to your inner thighs, making each area tingle. You felt phantom kisses all over and you continued to squirm.
“Calm down, relax,” he said against your skin.
“How can I? You’re driving me insane,” you said.
“Insane? Good. I wanna drive you to total and complete madness,” he said. 
He kept placing these kisses along your skin and your body twisted and bowed off of the bed the closer he approached your pussy. You were probably already leaving a nice little puddle on his covers already. 
“Sam, please,” you sighed. His fingers felt heavenly but you wanted more. You wanted to feel him. 
“I’m sensing some impatience,” he said. 
“Hella impatience,” you said.
Sam chuckled. You thought he’d say something else. You thought you’d get a warning and brace for whatever it was that he did next. But when his tongue flattened against your pussy, you leaned off of the bed with a long moan. 
Your hands flew to his head, clutching him to you. He waited with his tongue against your pussy as you panted, twisted, and turned on the bed. That small act felt like a lightning strike. Sam kept your legs open waiting for you to calm down.
You took quick, choppy breaths trying to calm yourself down. This was so fucking embarrassing. You should not be this overly excited when he hasn't even done anything yet. 
You planted your ass on the bed and then Sam groaned, licking up run away arousal. “Fuck, you taste so good. So sweet,” he said.
Your laugh was breathy. “It’s uh, been a while,” you said.
“That’s okay. Me too,” he said.
“Is this where I find out something’s wrong with you to scare off women?” You asked.
Sam laughed, kissing your thigh and leaving a wet mark behind. “I can only say that I just haven’t found the right woman yet.” 
You were going to say something else but then he started licking in earnest. As if you were his own personal ice cream cone. He moaned more, settling further onto the bed. Then he really dug in.
You scratched his scalp as he ate you out. You couldn’t stop gyrating and grinding your hips into his mouth. He moaned and sucked and licked until your legs were shaking and you were screaming out your orgasm. Screaming at the ceiling and any neighbors nearby. 
“Oh fuck!” You shook and twitched. As you came down, you leaned up. But Sam gave you a wink and dived back down, licking you again and teasing your entrance with his tongue.
“Sam?” You asked, but ended on a moan. Your clit was sensitive and you twitched with every pass. 
“I ain’t done yet,” he moaned into your pussy. 
You made a garbled, panicked sound. The hell did he mean he wasn’t done? He continued to lick and suck, wet smacking noises bouncing off of the walls. Your moans mixed with his. Both of you totally dedicated to the giving and receiving of oral pleasure. 
Your tummy tightened, contracted, pulling another orgasm out of you. “Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god,” you chanted, unable to control your body or thoughts. You were out of your mind with pleasure.
Your lungs burned since you couldn’t draw in enough air to properly breathe. You felt dizzy and disoriented. “Oh fuck,” you said.
Sam leaned back and smacked his lips. You barely managed to look down at him over your belly. His lower jaw was drowning in your juices. He gave you a wink and kissed your thigh. “Okay?” He asked.
You nodded, too far gone to speak. 
“Good, I still ain’t done,” he panted. He took a deep breath and latched right back onto your clit. 
“Shit!” You yelled, trying to scoot away from him. Those muscles were not just for show. He pinned your legs to the bed, opening you up further. He held you in place as he returned to devouring his meal, heedless to your desperate pleas and cries. 
“Sam, Sam, Sam,” you said as you tapped on his head.
He lifted his head. “You okay?” 
“T-too much,” you said.
“Aww, need a break?” He asked.
You nodded, tears swimming to your eyes. “I’m still hungry. Give me one more,” he said.
“What!” He returned to your pussy, licking all around your clit and making your eyes roll back in your head. You were unused to this much pleasure, this much bliss. Before long, another orgasm was steamrolling over you and robbing you of breath. 
True to his word, he stopped and kissed up your thighs and rubbed his wet beard into your skin. He nibbled on your tummy. You felt all of this distantly, knowing he was doing it but what was one more sensation as you calmed down from your orgasm? Your nerves were on fire. Singed right down to the atom. 
Sam rubbed your stomach. You closed your eyes and snuggled into the feeling. Of the tranquility you felt by his side. 
“You are so mean,” you said.
Sam chuckled. He leaned over and started kissing your cheek and jaw. You faintly smelled yourself on him and it made you want to lick his face. His lips moved lower to whisper in your ear. “You should’ve warned me that you taste so damn good. I could spend all night in between your legs. Tasting that pretty pussy,” he said.
“Fuck. Sam,” you said. You turned your head to look into his pussy drunk eyes. 
He grinned. He brought his hand up to caress your cheek. “You’re really gorgeous.”
“You’re gonna kill me,” you said.
He laughed. “I hope not. I feel like I’d miss you too much even though we just met,” he said. 
You were completely limp as a noodle. You were relaxed and lethargic, incapable of doing anything more than concentrating on your breathing. However, you were a lady. 
You got to your elbows and then reached for his briefs. You cupped him, running your hands over the material. Even though the color was black, there were obvious wet spots there. Sam groaned, rolling his eyes back. 
He nudged his face against you, seeking your lips without opening his eyes. You obliged, kissing him and tasting yourself on his tongue. It was a heady thing. 
You did the same thing he did to you. You kissed along the corners of his mouth, his jaw, his neck, and his beautiful chest. You moaned your appreciation for his body as you climbed down his body, grabbing his briefs and tugging them down.
His dick sprang free. Slightly curved and smooth, the tip leaked with precum. You licked your lips and settled onto the side of him so you could take him in your mouth. 
“Fuck, me,” he groaned. 
You worked his shaft into your mouth, coating it with your saliva. As you did, you bobbed your head up and down sucking him all the way to the back of your throat. His groans spurned you on to go faster, further, wanting to hand deliver the same pleasure he did for you. 
His hips started to jerk the faster you sucked him down until he was pushing at your shoulders to get up. You wiped your mouth and looked at him quizzically. 
“I want to cum while I’m inside you,” he said. He gave you a dark, feral look that made your pussy throb. How was it that he was so damn gorgeous and generous on top of it? It was like you found a unicorn. Or a man built for your pleasure. 
You grinned. “I’m on the pill,” you said.
He closed his eyes briefly and took a few deep breaths. “Don’t tell me that,” he said.
You kissed his thick, powerful thighs and rubbed your cheek against his legs. The tiny hairs there tickled your face but you looked up at him. “I’m on the pill,” you said again. 
He groaned and then got to his knees on the bed. He kissed you, his big beautiful lips slanting against yours. He was a nasty kisser. Tongues dueling against each other, lips smacking, moaning and groaning into each other’s mouths. 
He pulled you onto your knees until he positioned you on your back. He fell over you and settled in between your legs, rubbing his large dick against your inner thigh. He humped you, grinding his dick against your clit.
“Please, please, please,” you chanted.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“Hell yes, please Sam. Please, I need to feel you,” you said.
Sam grinned and went back to kissing you. He used one hand to guide himself inside you and you shared a loud groan. He was large. Stretching you to your limit. 
“Fuck!” You yelled.
Sam kissed you and waited as you adjusted to his length. He slowly worked himself inside until he was able to glide more easily, aided by your essence. Once he was down to the hilt, he paused and looked into your eyes.
“Feel so fuckin’ good,” he said. He kissed you again, sweeter this time.
Slowly, he began moving. He groaned and sped up as if he couldn’t help himself. As if every slide inside of you was like climbing the staircase to heaven. Before long he was pounding inside of you, pounding you into the bed while still kissing you.
You would never get enough of kissing him. Your heart felt like it was ready to burst. He was so damn sweet and caring while being absolutely fucking nasty. You had never had sex like this. Sex that completely enveloped every inch of you and lit you on fire. Sex that made you feel seen and heard and like your pleasure came first.
He was driving your ass into the bed with the force of his thrusts. “Fuck, Sam! Fuck, Sam!” You gripped onto his forearms, nails digging into his skin. 
“Hm, give me another one. Another one, beautiful,” he said. 
As if your pussy responded to the command, you were squeezing him as you were cumming. You shouted, loudly, your body curling in on itself as the orgasm rolled through you and over you. 
“Shit,” Sam whispered against your lips as he came. His hips were still moving to the pace he set, the momentum causing him to fuck his cum into you deeper and deeper. His dick pulsed inside, filling you completely. 
“OH, fuck!” You shouted. 
Sam dropped against you and you both caught your breath. He was deliciously sweaty, and all masculine energy as he laid on top of you. He leaned to one side to try and lessen his weight but you clutched his shoulders, hugging him.
“Stay, for a moment,” you said. He was the perfect size and weight to act as a weighted blanket. He laughed as he placed his weight back on top of you.
“You’re cute. And funny,” he said, nudging his goatee against your cheek. 
“You’re cute and funny,” you echoed. Even after everything you shared, you were hungry for more. He seemed to have the same thought. He couldn’t stop rubbing against you. You welcomed it, not willing to leave him just yet.
He softened inside of you and then slowly pulled out. You were sad to miss the feel of him on top of you. He pecked your lips and disappeared into an adjacent bathroom. You heard the water running and then he was returning.
He placed a warm washcloth to your pussy and gently cleaned you up. He grinned as you made incoherent noises. He finished and returned the washcloth to the bathroom.
“Will you agree to stay ‘till the morning? I make a mean pancake,” he said.
“Mean, you say?” You asked. You stretched out like a fat cat, working out little kinks and tweaks from vigorous sex. 
“Mean as hell. Probably got sent to jail a few times over it,” he said.
You laughed at his corny joke. He sat on the bed and waited for your answer. You smiled. “I suppose I have to see if you can back up this claim,” you said. 
“Oh, I can definitely back it up,” he said.
“Oh, definitely. Someone is definitely cocky,” you said. 
Sam chuckled as he helped you sit up so that he could pull the covers off of the bed. He grabbed another one from a closet in the hallway and then draped it over you. He climbed into the bed and snuggled up next to you on his side. 
You talked, giggled, and kissed until the wee hours of the morning. You hated to admit it, but the pancakes were definitely mean and slamming.
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Whew! Did you know I have a Sam series? Find more Sam here: The Secret Sam Wilson Files
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road trip as a teenage avenger headcanons!
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1k
request: yes / no
dynamic: avengers x teen!reader (teenage avenger series)
characters: lots ofc but i'd say big emphasis on reader (duh), harley keener, peter parker, miles morales, scott lang, clint barton, bucky barnes, sam wilson, tony stark, happy hogan, natasha romanoff, and bruce banner. more are prob in it but i don't wanna type it all out lol
a/n: y'all i think my pictures are getting more chaotic & tbh i think it's a good thing anyways requests are still open, send in an ask whenever :)
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
it was an annual tradition for the avengers to go on a road trip.
steve always said it was "team bonding". it was honestly kind of fun.
better than the other "team bonding" you did, which mainly consisted of running long distances!!
anyways, they usually would do it soon after you, harley, peter, and miles finished school (also yes im including miles now bc i love him)
tony would come over the intercom while you all were lounging around and tell you to pack your bags.
packing is always a big issue.
let's just say that SOME people are big overpackers...
no offense to him but like ppl have had to sit in the trunk before because of him
and he overpacks with stuff that rly doesn’t make sense
like once y’all went to colorado
and he packed snorkeling equipment
and so you were like “scott. seriously?”
and he looked at you with such a serious face
“y/n. what if all the snow melts? then we would be underwater!! i have an extra snorkeling mask too. i was gonna give it to you, but now idk….”
bruce overpacks too
but he overpacks in a good way
guys bruce is like the mom on vacation
well him and tony both
you’d think steve would be but he is NOT
like the man doesn’t even wear sunscreen
and then here comes bruce with a tote bag full of snacks
which tony eats half of by the way
the best part of having thor on a trip is that he will ALWAYS pick you up if you’re too tired
like once he had you and peter under both his arms like footballs bc u got tired
and clint was sad bc he was tired too
he tried to get scott to pick him up but scott wasn’t ready and they both fell and they like hit their heads
that was an interesting day
ok so setting the scene again
you, peter, harley, miles, natasha and bruce were in the middle of a very competitive round of uno
like y’all
competitive doesn’t even begin to cover it
anyways you were about to get uno
you put down your card and suddenly 
“HEY EVERYBODY” “SHHH you’re being too loud” “ohh sorry HEY EVERYBODY”
you started laughing at the quite obvious blunders of thor and clint in the intercom room
“thor, buddy? you don’t need to be kissing the mic when you speak, alright?”
tony, from another room, always quick with the jabs.
natasha just shook her head but you and peter, harley and miles were DYING
with that done, you all got up, groaning.
“uno.” natasha smirked at you, noticing that you only had one card.
“darn it!!!” you said. “well, doesn’t matter now. we have to go anyways.”
“we can always resume it later, y/n :) “ 
“fine, nat. but i’m going to win this time!! right bruce??”
“well, kid, you know i’m usually on your side, but…”
“aw, come on!!”
ok fast forward. 
you were in the family room
aw guys isn’t that cute that they call it a family room
bc ur a family
ok anyway
and here comes scott with his fifty bags
“relax sharpay, we’re not gonna be gone for THAT long”
guys i wanted a cool tony nickname and tbh i just remember vaguely that sharpay had like suitcases on the cover of her movie i never even watched it so i could be wrong but that was my intention
“tony, these are my essentials.”
“scott, why don’t you just shrink that down? like seriously, man.” miles remarked, and you couldn’t help but agree.
“hey, y’know what? that’s a great idea miles!!”
and so he ended up shrinking his luggage
but then he couldn’t find it
oh scott
anyways tony and happy did a lot of car assignment work
to make sure everyone would get there safely
and your car
drum roll please
ok also this was only for the trip there
the trip back would be different
ok the car was
tony, happy, clint and peter
tbh this was not a bad car at all
poor miles and harley were stuck with scott, bucky, sam and steve
natasha and wanda and pietro and thor were the other one
although here’s the issue
tony is a bad driver
but happy didn’t feel like driving
and u were just starting to drive so clint was like “NO WAY do i trust y/n in a car!!!”
that goofy clown fr
so tony was driving
oh and btw y’all were going to the compound
tony told you and you were like 
“dude, that’s not a road trip”
and he was like “we’re in the car for more than an hour. it’s a road trip, kid.”
and miles and harley kept texting like theorizing about where u were going
harley said europe
and you were like
anyways ya 
so tony is like swerving and speeding everywhere 
ok maybe thats dramatic
but happy was holding the little bar
and he was like yelling at tony to slow down
meanwhile clint is just singing along to the music thats BLASTING
and u and peter are ready to accept ur deaths
like u literally texted sam a video of what was happening and he almost called happy to tell him to pull over 😭 
sam’s got ur back thats for sure!!
anyways tony pulled into a drive thru
bc he needed coffee
guys hes tony stark he needs stuff like that
and he got u and peter and clint happy meals :D
and clint was so excited like 💀 
love him
happy made sure u and peter had ur seatbelts on 
he said it was bc he didn’t want to have to explain to midtown why yall didnt come back for the next year 😭 
that and “too much paperwork”
anyways tony finally got it together
u and peter decided that he just needed an acoustic song on the radio bc as soon as something more relaxing came on he was a lot better lol
the rest of the drive was pretty alright
i'm gonna do another headcanon set about the avengers actually on vacation but yeah there ya go :)
thats how the road trips work yahoo
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stellar-solar-flare · 1 month
A Fairytale Of A Disaster | S.R.
Chapter 2: Looking For The Happy Ending
Explicit - 18+ only! | Steve Rogers/Doctor!Reader
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Your friend set you up with a perfect guy. Unfortunately, when it's time for you to meet 'Grant' for the first time, he has stood you up. On Valentine's Day of all days.
Was it too good to be true? Or does he instead have a very, very good reason why he's late, and a desire to make it all up to you?
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Fluff, hurt/comfort, meet-cute, misunderstandings, eventual smut, healthy communication. | Background Sam Wilson/OFC.
Chapter Word Count: 2696 words.
Reader Specifics: She/her, late twenties (a few years younger than Steve in this fic). Training to be a trauma surgeon (has completed med school, in residency stage). Likes books and houseplants. No description of appearance (other than clothes and such), no use of Y/N.
A/N: I wanted to write a Valentine's Day oneshot, and then it turned out it has parts. Oh no. Well, here we are. I hope you enjoy this fluffy little trope collection! As always, thank you for reading, and hearing what you think means a lot to me.
Alternate Universe: The Avengers Initiative continued SHIELD's work after its collapse to corruption. The Avengers are living together in the Compound - Bucky has healed, and Civil War never happened because Tony and Steve worked through their differences like adults.
Chapter Warnings: Discussion of Steve's canonical trauma; mentions of Steve/Peggy.
I do not own anything Marvel related. This is an unofficial fan work. No copyright infringement intended. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.
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Chapter 2: Looking For The Happy Ending
A part of you was really, really glad that you had decided to order the wine; you could feel your nerves flaring up, now that the initial surprise at the evening’s direction had passed. It was less so that he was Captain America, the literal superhero, the most eligible bachelor in the entire country according to many, and more so that his musky scent and his warm presence were going straight to your head. It felt like on some level, after all the conversations, you already knew who he was, but messages couldn’t have prepared you for everything. Like how the sheer presence this man had, how he could simply stand next to you and send off a signal that he was completely aware of you, was making your head spin. Feeling some initial curiosity and a little crush over messages was one thing; being hit in the face with the raw, sparkling physical attraction you were feeling was quite another. And even as you didn’t exchange words — too much attention here, too many ears listening — you could see Steve stealing looks at you over the brief minutes you waited.
You weren’t quite so sure any more that you didn’t believe in fairy tales.
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The car arrived so fast that you were at least half-certain that Steve had carried it with him, tucked into his back pocket with the assistance of some Tony Stark’s bordering-on-magic technology. You barely had time to get your food back in a cardboard takeout container and finish the glass of wine before Steve glanced at his smartwatch and told you that the car was waiting.
You reached for your purse to pay the bill, and he stopped you with a gentle hand placed on your forearm. He’d slipped into the bathroom earlier to wash the worst of the dirt off his hands and face, and now, when he wasn’t afraid of making a mess out of you — oh, your subconscious needed to get things together or you weren’t going to survive this night — you could feel the entirety of his palm pressed on your bare skin.
“Please. Let me. That’s the least I can do for having kept you waiting,” he murmured, his eyes in yours.
He was already going to cook for you; you thought about arguing about the fact, but looking into his eyes, it was clear that this was very important to him. You could have afforded it, certainly, and it did feel a little unfair to let him pay when he hadn’t been enjoying the food at all. But since he was on Tony Stark’s payroll, you doubted the few drinks, the appetizer, and the fish and chips you now held under your right hand were going to make much of a dent in his cash. If it made him feel better…
“Only if you insist,” you replied after a beat, smile on your face.
“Oh, I do,” he smiled. “A lady never pays on the first date. That’s the rule. Especially when I asked her out.”
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Apparently, Steve’s rules for a first date also included helping you into your coat and paying for the tip of the person working in the cloakroom. His hands were warm when they brushed against your shoulders as you slipped into the coat he was holding up, even as he didn’t linger. It seemed that he ran hot, or that the suit had some sort of temperature regulation built into it, because he didn’t seem to mind stepping from the warm restaurant into the cold February evening. The biting wind made you huddle deeper into your coat for the few steps from the door to the car waiting at the curbside.
“Ladies first,” Steve smiled, reaching to open the front passenger door of the decidedly nondescript black SUV.
Before you could ask, you realized that the driver’s seat was empty.
When he’d mentioned calling the car, you had obviously assumed that he’d be calling someone to drive you over to the Avengers Initiative Campus upstate; instead, he had literally called the car.
“It’s not on the public market yet,” Steve said, answering your wordless question. “Something Tony’s been tinkering with. It’s easier if we have vehicles stashed here and there in fully automated garages.”
“For date-related emergencies?” you grinned as you slipped into the seat, guiding your skirts with a hand as you did.
“Among other things. Although I don’t find myself in this situation very often,” he said as he closed the door after a quick glance to check that your skirt wasn’t going to get caught in the door. “It isn’t the kind of guy I want to be.”
He was smiling, but there was something underneath his tone. For the few seconds it took for him to go around the car and settle in to the driver’s seat after tossing the shield in the backseat — heedless of the white leather of the car and the grime on his suit — you thought about it.
It couldn’t be easy for him to date; not with the reputation and the fame attached to his title. And not with the demands of his job causing all sorts of delays and rain checks; all the emotions coming through his voice had already told you as much. He would’ve accepted it if you hadn’t been willing to give him a second chance after almost standing you up. He would’ve left it there and never bothered you again. And yes, perhaps that would’ve been fair — there was nothing wrong with not wanting to deal with your significant other having a job like that. But the same could also be said about your job.
Instead of replying immediately, you let him focus on merging into the traffic, even as you realized that compared to the things he usually did, driving — even in New York — was probably as easy as breathing. You shifted in your seat to recline more comfortably.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re that guy,” you replied. “Not the one to keep someone waiting without a very good reason, and not someone who dates just for the thrill.”
He gave you a chuckle in reply, but something about the way he glanced at you was so warm that it tingled in your veins.
“Thank you. And it does mean a lot. I can’t say I…” he murmured, his eyes back on the road again and you were certain it wasn’t just about the traffic. “I didn’t exactly have the easiest time concentrating today. I kept thinking that I’d blown the chance to have something great once again, that the world had again decided that I wasn’t making it to a date.”
His words lingered in the air for a few seconds, during which you very clearly understood what he was talking about. Of course, it was ancient history in more ways than one, but everyone knew the story of Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter and the dance that had needed one hell of a rain check because he had sacrificed himself to save the world from the alien weapon. After the seconds ticked by, he glanced at you again, redness on his cheeks and something panicked in his eyes.
“Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean for it to sound like that, I don’t… I’m not comparing, I don’t want to compare, I’m not looking for any sort of replacement for a road not traveled, it’s just…”
He sighed, trailing off again. His eyes stared forward, and his hands squeezed the wheel of the car hard enough that they might leave finger-shaped dents behind. Finally, he spoke again, something resigned in his voice:
“I’m sorry. Look, if you don’t want to do this, if you don’t feel like you’re up for this after that, just say the word and I’ll drop you off where you want,” he said. “I wouldn’t want you to make you feel like you’re a second choice or anything like that. I’m obviously not great at this and if you don’t want to deal with that… ”
“Hey,” you said very softly. “No need to go looking for a grenade to throw yourself on, Captain. This isn’t an army camp.”
You reached over, letting your fingertips brush the top of his hand right there on the edge of where the wrist turned into the back of his palm. He glanced over at you again as you sank back to your seat, and even with the brief contact, you didn’t miss the fragile hope in his gaze.
“I’d rather hear how you feel than leave this car,” you continued. “I don’t think there’s anything very surprising about those things crossing your mind, and it doesn’t have to be about comparison. Obviously being faced with rather similar circumstances to the ones that were present when something very traumatic happened to you would bring up memories. Of events, and of people.”
Some of the tension drained away from Steve’s shoulders, but the chuckle that left his mouth was a little joyless.
“You’re pretty good at that,” he said.
“I’ve trained,” you raised your brows. “Comes with the skillset. But seriously, I’d understand if you need a rain check after what has obviously been a pretty intense day for you. We could plan something else.”
Your eyes flickered back to that cut on his chest, visible through the tear in the suit. The wound was already closing, and probably in a few hours it would be completely gone. You wondered if people thought that the same also happened to everything he experienced. If the public accounts about the eidetic memory were true, then he remembered everything, and even as his brain was probably better at processing things and arriving at the place where he could look at experiences logically, that didn’t mean the experience wasn’t intense.
You pulled yourself back to reality, reeling in the doctor and the researcher in your head and looking up at him again. He was staring at you — as much as he could, with his head halfway turned towards the road, but nothing about the way he was driving indicated that he wasn’t focusing on that, too.
“Is everything alright?” you said.
He breathed out, scrambling for words again as he returned his complete attention to the road.
“No, yes, it is, I mean…” he breathed back in, gathering his composure. “I am not used to anyone… getting that. Or even asking that.”
Something twisted in your chest, and had he not been driving, you would’ve wanted to take both his hands into yours. It hadn’t taken you more than a few texts with him to realize that this was a thoughtful man with a big heart and so much to give, and now, it didn’t surprise you that he wasn’t used to people understanding what it was like to be him.
“I don’t think anyone can ever understand another’s experience, not really,” you said. “And I wouldn’t dream of thinking that I know what it’s like to be you, what it was like to go through everything you have gone through. But I know how it is to have to be the one who has everything under control in the operating room. I know how it feels to feel like your job takes over all other aspects of your life. How it is to wonder if you’ll be lonely for the rest of your life and… And thinking that the best chance of finding something great you had had in a long time had just slipped through your fingers.”
You could feel the heat on your cheeks as you said the last words. They had halfway escaped your lips, brought forth by the way he’d accidentally served you his heart on a platter. Even as you hadn’t been fighting gods-knew-what in Antarctica, it had still been quite an emotionally intense night, and that was obviously bringing everything out in the open. You lowered your gaze to your hands in your lap, not really daring to look at him. You might’ve just made everything beyond awkward.
But when Steve spoke, it didn’t feel like that. His voice was genuinely warm, so warm it made the atmosphere change too. As if some sort of miniature sun had suddenly been trapped in the car and its rays were now transforming whatever floated in the air into something you could just let be there, existing in between the two of you.
Forming a bond of trust.
“Thank you,” he said. “For trying to understand. And for telling me all that.”
“I don’t think that’s something you should need to thank me for,” you murmured back. “But I do want to hear, if you want to talk about it. And I want to hear as someone who wants to get to know you, not as someone who is a medical professional.”
The cautious smile on his face had spread a little, and upon your disclaimer, it briefly lit up his whole face. Then, his expression returned to a more somber state, but it wasn’t quite heavy anymore. Just serious, as he looked back to what had once been, and a tiny hint of nostalgia had crept into his voice.
“I think it took me a couple of years to get back out here not because of any burning love for Peggy but because I needed to let go of the life I would’ve had, could’ve had, back in the forties. So that everything wouldn’t be tainted by comparison, not to something that was necessarily better but to something that was familiar. I’d built all these hopes about my life, if I got healthy, if I got into the army, if I met someone with whom we’d hit off… Realistically, it wouldn’t necessarily have been Peggy. It might’ve been, but it might not have worked out at all with her if things had ever progressed beyond some chemistry and one kiss in the middle of a war zone. But I had these images in my head about a happy ending and everything it meant in that era, and I think that if I’d tried to find one here earlier, before I went through all the therapy, I would’ve not been able to appreciate the good things — not because they wouldn’t have been as good or better than what I’d thought I’d have but simply because it wouldn’t have been the exact image I had conjured in my mind. And now, when I finally felt like I was ready to try to find that happy ending again, I was pretty scared that something great was going to slip through my fingers again, as you put it,” he said, and smiled a little sheepishly as he stopped. “I don’t know if that makes any sense. But I don’t want a rain check, if you don’t, despite everything.”
You smiled, not just at his honesty but the admission in between the lines, that he truly thought this might become that happy ending and that it had already felt like something great to him. It wasn’t really a surprise, after what he’d said about being marriage-minded when it came to dating — realistically, things wouldn’t have progressed this far if he hadn’t been thinking that — but it was still different to hear it like this, sitting right next to him and feeling the words, rather than as an explanation of his general mindset over messages.
“I think it makes a lot of sense. And I appreciate your honesty, and the fact that you worked on yourself and made sure you are doing things for the right reasons,” you said. “And for what it’s worth…”
You smiled to yourself, peeling open the cardboard container that held your food and extending it to him.
“…I don’t see a reason why this night can’t be absolutely great despite everything. Want some fish and chips?”
He chuckled, reaching over to grab a fry. As he did, he brushed his little finger briefly over the knuckles of your hand holding the box, sending a tingling feeling of electricity up your arm, and you knew that he heard what you’d said between the lines, too.
I don’t see a reason why this can’t be our happy ending.
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
He Gives Me Everything and Tenderly…
Pairing: detective!bottom Bucky Barnes x younger!top male reader (Sarge and Officer Beefcake, NLLYL AU)
Words: ~5k
Summary; Bucky is just fine on his own. He really is. He’s used to it. Even after meeting you and thinking about you a whole bunch, he’s still fine. And he does not appreciate his friends’ meddling.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (mentions of male masturbation, salad tossing, protected anal sex, spit as lube and lube as lube, kinda public sex), meet cute, reverse age gap, tall/beefy male reader, bottom!Bucky Barnes, Bucky is grumpy, hints of angst, love at first sight? lots of friendly teasing, m/m relationship, SMUT!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: Welp, this was something I wrote entirely in one sitting and I can’t say I’m mad about it at all. This is my first ever male reader fic and I am both incredibly nervous and very excited to share it with all of you! Big ass thanks to the absolutely amazing @howdoyousleep3 for hyping me up and providing some much appreciated perspectives (remember lube, people!)
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Bucky was exhausted. A long ass shift at the end of a long ass week and he was done, looking forward to going home and drinking a cold beer on his couch while he didn’t talk to anyone for a whole 48 hours. God, he hated people.
Except Darcy, and the cute little peach. Even though he wanted to get the fuck out of there he still stopped by the dispatch desk to chat with his girls and let them cheer him up a little.
“Hey Sarge!” He shook his head when Darcy called him that, her stubborn insistence to call him by his military rank after however many years just one of the many things that endeared her to him. “You look like shit, you finally getting out of here? Maybe gonna see someone special tomorrow?”
“The only people he’ll be seeing are Sam Adams and Johnnie Walker, maybe James Bond… hey!” The peach gave him an adorable scowl when he threw a paper clip at her, rubbing her cheek where it had hit her and sticking her tongue out at him before turning her attention back to her screen. “Don’t act like I’m not right, I’m there every time you drunk dial Nat while you’re binge watching old movies and lamenting your lack of a love life.”
“Tell your girlfriend to quit putting me on speaker or I’m gonna call her ex to chat from now on.” Bucky grinned when she rolled her eyes at him, bringing his attention back to Darcy and sighing when she was giving him a sympathetic pout. “Don’t look at me like that, I’m fine. I like being alone.”
“You’re lying, but fine.” Darcy shrugged at him, grinning when there was a sudden commotion at the doors and a mess of recruits came charging through into the hallway after Sam. “Hi Sammy, boys! Ooh, hey there beefcake, you run laps around all those slugs on the course again?”
Bucky choked when you were standing next to him, trying not to ogle you swathed in those gray sweats and feeling like the world’s dirtiest old man all of a sudden. “They’re getting better, starting to catch up. You shouldn’t call them slugs, Darce.”
“Please, like Wilson hasn’t called them worse, you’re too nice.” Peachy girl grinned when she turned in her chair again and saw Bucky looking like his jaw was about to hit the floor. “Have you met Detective Barnes, beefy?”
“Haven’t had the pleasure.” Bucky took in your name with an almost hysterical laugh when you reached out and shook his hand, not entirely sure what had come over him as he felt his neck getting unbearably hot and struggled to come up with something to say. “Well, I’ve gotta hit the showers, always lovely talking to you ladies.”
“Bye!” Both of them were grinning wickedly at Bucky once you were gone, chuckling when he just spluttered nonsense and looked at the floor. “What the fuck was that, Bucky?”
“Shut up.” He was flabbergasted, he’d never felt such an unbelievable attraction to someone right off the bat, except, once. But he never thought about that. “It wasn’t anything.”
“Oh, nothing at all?” Darcy was still grinning when Bucky growled at her, shaking her head and leaning back in her chair while the peach kept laughing. “So you weren’t staring at his ass when he walked away?”
“Of course not.” It had only been a little bit, you were so fucking tall your ass was impossible to miss, and so high and tight and… no, nope. “What the hell kind of nickname is beefcake, anyway?”
“You saw him.” Peach was practically cackling at this point, the redness on Bucky’s face so entertaining she was considering taking a photo to send to Nat. “The man is grade A USDA prime meat, what would you like us to call him?”
“You’re a couple of pervs.” Bucky just scoffed and ignored them when they told him it takes one to know one, flipping them off over his shoulder and almost forgetting his bag when he stormed out of the precinct to start his much needed alone time. “Inappropriate, gonna talk to HR about you two!”
If it had just been the one interaction, Bucky probably could’ve handled it. Yeah, he had jerked himself off thinking about your broad shoulders and tiny waist and that masterpiece of an ass, but only once, okay three times. But it was just over the weekend, he’d forget about you eventually.
Except for the fact that suddenly he was seeing you everywhere. Every damn time he was in the precinct, there you were, smiling that slightly crooked smile and laughing and making every person light up when you walked through the room. And in the fucking sweats every time, it was like torture. Torture that was made worse by the fact that Darcy and peach were always grinning at him like they knew something he didn’t, and they had apparently told Sam whatever they supposedly knew, so now that man was basically parading you in front of Bucky’s desk every chance he got and making him talk to you and get to see how fucking charming you were. He hated it.
“I do, I love cats!” Sam was chatting with you right in front of Bucky’s desk again and he was plotting how he could get away with murdering the man. “Have a little ginger idiot at home who has maybe two braincells, but he’s my baby.”
“Wow, that’s adorable.” Bucky almost growled at Sam when he grinned at him. “Bucky has a kitty of his own, don’t you, Buck?”
“Yes.” Sometimes he even hated his friends, this was ridiculous.
“I love that, knew you were a cat person.” Bucky almost groaned when you placed your hand on the desk so close to his, looking up at you through his lashes and trying so hard not to melt into his chair when he saw you smiling at him. “What’s her name?”
“Alpine.” You smelled so unbelievably good, Bucky had an incredible urge to lean up and bury his face in your neck, but managed to just turn the photo of his cat around to show you instead. “She’s three.”
“She’s gorgeous.” You winked and Bucky almost swooned, there was something wrong with him. “Shit, I’ve gotta get out of here, got a birthday party to get to. It’s always real nice talking to you, Detective.”
“You too.” Bucky swallowed thickly and shook his head when you walked away, his scowl coming back immediately when he saw Sam looking like he just ate a damn canary as he smirked at him. “Shut up.”
“Didn’t say anything.” Sam chuckled when Bucky just hunched over his paperwork and tried to ignore him. “Buuuuut… hoo boy, you like him.”
“I do not.” Murder was the only answer to these affronts. “He’s too young.”
“Bullshit, is peach too young for Nat?” Sam snorted when Bucky just grumbled under his breath, rolling his eyes at the man’s stubbornness. “You like like him, you need to get over that massive hang up, Barnes, it’s holding you back!”
“Man, fuck you!” Bucky jumped when he realized that Sam wasn’t there anymore, so he was just yelling at the bullpen, every member of the team giving him looks of varying amusement before they bent back to their work. “Sorry.”
It was a legitimate hang up, especially when it came to you. Because you reminded Bucky of him.
Specifically of when he was young, when Bucky first realized he was in love and overlooked all of his flaws and just wanted to be wrapped up in him all the time in spite of the fact the man would only look at Bucky like his old friend who he could tell about every single disgusting conquest he made. And that meant you were dangerous. Bucky refused to do that to himself again, it had taken him too long to get over that malicious bastard, and nothing had hurt him more than the realization that he had wasted so much time loving someone who barely gave a fuck about him. He didn’t care how sincere and charming you seemed, he wasn’t going to fall for that same shit all over again.
But it didn’t stop any of his friends from dragging you in front of him at every opportunity, and even though he was polite and listened to you and answered all your questions, it didn’t stop him from snarling at them as soon as you were gone. He didn’t care what they thought he needed, he was fine.
He wasn’t lonely. He didn’t wake up grinding his hips into his mattress after dreaming of sharing his bed with you. He didn’t wonder what you would look like with soft morning light falling across your face while both of your cats jumped on you and Bucky made you breakfast. They all needed to worry about their own lives and quit fucking with his.
Which is why he should have been suspicious as hell when Nat and her little peach and Darcy insisted on taking him out for drinks on a Friday night. All of them together. At a dive bar that was typically just cops. Like they didn’t usually go uptown and dress up.
“Well, look at that, is that Sam?” Darcy bounced on her toes and waved when she spotted Sam with all of his recruits, her and peach squealing while Bucky shot Nat an exhausted look. “Gosh, I completely forgot they’re celebrating the academy graduation, what are the chances?”
“Shocking.” Bucky couldn’t stop growling when Nat just shrugged at him. “I can’t believe they dragged you into their scheming, Romanoff.”
“They’re young and excited, it’s cute.” Nat wrapped her arm around Bucky’s shoulders and started pulling him towards the group. “Besides, you deserve someone nice, and to spend the night with someone besides Alpine.”
“Alpine doesn’t take up that much room on the bed, and I like to spread out.” Bucky just resigned himself to having a miserable night, even when you gave him an easy smile once you laid eyes on him and waved eagerly. “And he might not be nice.”
“Buck, you won’t know unless you give him a chance.” Nat sighed as she rested her chin on her best friend’s shoulder, pinching his cheek and trying to get him to at least give her a grudging smile. “And you know how good my asshole radar is, I’m getting no pings from the beefcake.”
“Yeah, alright.” Bucky steeled himself when you started walking his way, feeling a little tight in his chest and watery in his eyes as he did his best to give you a smile. “Hi.”
“Hi Detective.” Your smile got even wider when Nat introduced herself, shaking her hand warmly then turning back to Bucky and crossing your arms over your massive chest. “Can I get you a beer?”
“I don’t…” Bucky caught himself when Nat looked at him expectantly and blew out a deep breath. “Yeah, a beer would be great.”
“Fantastic, for you too?” You winked at Nat when she nodded before hurrying off to get their drinks with an undeniable bounce in your step that Bucky found he enjoyed very much.
“Listen, Buck.” Nat gave you a very thorough look while you waited at the bar, wrapping her arms around her girl when she came to sit on her lap and Darcy sat across from them. “Even if it doesn’t last, you’re a special kind of idiot if you don’t at least have sex with that man.”
“Jesus Christ.” Bucky felt himself blush up to his ears when all of the women just nodded enthusiastically and started detailing what the two of you should do to each other. “You three are worse than frat boys, oh my god.”
“C’mon, sarge…” Darcy snapped her mouth shut when you came back with Bucky’s and Nat’s drinks, giving Bucky a meaningful look and making a little circle with her thumb and forefinger then pushing her opposite finger through it while your back was turned until Bucky felt like he was in fucking high school. “Hi beefcake!”
“Hi Darce!” You were sitting so close to Bucky he could smell you again, he had to start chugging his beer so he didn’t reach out to bury his fingers in your hair. “I’ve always wanted to ask, why does she call you ‘sarge’?”
“Oh, it was my rank when I was discharged.” Bucky couldn’t handle the way you were looking at him, like he was the most interesting thing in the room, he wanted to fall into your eyes and get lost. “From the army. Darcy’s sister served with me, so she knew me then and the nickname stuck.”
“I didn’t know you served, my dad was in the marines.” You could see Bucky starting to tense up and bless you, you backed off, keeping that easy smile on your face while you nudged his foot with yours. “It’s okay, that’s not something we have to talk about right now, tell me about Alpine, how’s the little lady doing?”
“She’s- she’s good.” Something about the way you instantly pivoted the conversation and didn’t make Bucky feel like an ass for almost clamming up had him relaxing pretty much instantly, grinning back at you and rolling his eyes a little playfully when he thought about his little furry troublemaker. “She’s a brat, but good. Almost gave me a heart attack last week when she somehow managed to climb up to the ceiling beams in my apartment.”
“Oh shit! Really?” You chuckled warmly when Bucky just nodded and took another sip of his beer, plucking at the edge of the label on your bottle and leaning forward a little so you could hear him better. “She get down on her own or did you have to get a ladder?”
“Well, after six hours of pleading and begging, I did finally manage to entice her with some tuna.” Bucky kept watching your face closely, the earnestness he was so wary of constant and never wavering while you listened to everything he said intently. “She’s too smart for her own good, I swear.”
“Fuck, I can’t decide if my situation is better or worse.” You laughed when Bucky scoffed, pushing at his shoulder and shaking your head when he looked at you with mock offense. “No, I love my boy, but he’s a dumbass of epic proportions. The most worrisome thing he’s ever done is get his whole head stuck in a mason jar. Theodore is an idiot.”
“Theodore?” Bucky was vaguely aware of movement next to him after he emptied his beer and set down the bottle, but he couldn’t stop watching your lips move. “That’s adorable.”
“Aw, yeah, my niece named him.” Your smile got even wider somehow and it was making Bucky melt, another bottle of beer appearing seemingly out of nowhere on the table and immediately finding its way to his lips. “It’s her favorite chipmunk.”
Cats. Talking about your fucking cats was apparently the kick in the ass Bucky needed to let almost all his concerns about having anything with you go, letting himself relax and be easy while you told him all these sweet, endearing little things about yourself. How much you loved your niece and how much of a star she was at figure skating. How good you were at baking and you didn’t care what he said, you were baking him a loaf of sourdough to prove it. How you played three different instruments and spoke two languages. You were too goddamn interesting.
And you managed to get him to talk about himself too. How close he was with his sister and mother and how much he loved seeing them as often as possible. How he secretly enjoyed knitting and always made sweaters for the family at Hanukkah but would kill you if you told anyone about his hobby. How he collected old records and could spend whole days just listening to music and drinking good whiskey.
Bucky was more than a little thrilled that you seemed to be hanging on his every word and scooting closer to him until you were right next to him and your shoulders were practically touching.
He had lost track of how many beers he’d consumed by the time people started dancing, but he knew it wasn’t too many as he was just very pleasantly buzzed and staring at your plump, kissable, pillowy lips and wondering what it would be like to suck on them.
“Hey, James.” Bucky had just told you his first name and for some reason the fact that was what you were choosing to call him was making him dizzy. “You wanna dance with me?”
“Oh, um…” Bucky chewed on his lip while he thought it over, he had two left feet when he was sober, and he also wasn’t sure he would be able to control himself if you put your hands on him. “I don’t know…”
“Hey, no pressure.” You winked like you did every time you said something disarming and Bucky decided that he loved that about you. “Just wanted to ask, but if all you want is to talk, that’s a-okay.”
Bucky was struggling with himself. You barely seemed disappointed, it had maybe flashed across your face for a second, but he believed you when you said it was okay. You even leaned back against your chair to give him space, zero hints of malice in your expression and just that perfect, easygoing look that made Bucky feel like you were fine taking no for an answer and you would never hold it against anybody.
And for some reason, that finally sealed it for Bucky that you weren’t him.
“I wanna dance.” Bucky winced when he almost knocked over his bottle when he set it down, grabbing your hand and pulling you to your feet so he could drag you towards the makeshift dance floor. “Let’s go.”
Your laugh made Bucky beam at you over his shoulder, humming along to the music and turning to face you once you were in the middle of it. His breath caught when you were right there, letting you frame his waist with your hands and pull him even closer while you started rolling your hips to the music. Bucky very quickly decided that he liked having your hands on him, shaking his head and gripping your wrists to keep you in place when you tried to lean back before he slid his palms up your arms and over your chest.
Somehow, even though he knew you were big, your massive size hadn’t fully registered in Bucky’s brain until he was in such close proximity to you. It’s not like Bucky was small by any means, he hit the weights, he never skipped arm day, he’d even been called beefy himself a few times. But you… goddamn. You were like nothing Bucky had ever seen before. He was starting to get woozy from it.
Then you ducked even closer and pressed your cheek against Bucky’s temple and he couldn’t help it, he gasped. He could feel your lips moving against his skin but he couldn’t hear anything you were saying, a low buzzing filling his ears while his fingers dug into your firm chest and he rolled his hips against yours. This was dangerous, he was not going to have sex with you without even a proper date, he wasn’t that easy.
He kept repeating it in his head over and over. When you slipped your arms around his waist and squeezed as you kept guiding his movements. When he buried his face in your neck and groaned when he finally got to breathe in your scent fully. When you nipped at the shell of his ear and made some kind of noise that sent a vibration through Bucky’s whole body. And especially when you grabbed his ass and gave such a dirty grind of your hips that made him feel how fucking hard and massive you really were.
It didn’t matter how much he repeated it though, it only took three songs before Bucky found himself with his back against a stall door in the bathroom with his pants around just one of his ankles and his toes barely brushing the floor while he practically sat on your face.
One of his knees was flung over your shoulder while you licked at his hole, his whole body shivering when you hummed against his skin and dug your fingers into his thighs and he didn’t even care that he was getting eaten out in a public bathroom and enjoying it quite loudly.
“God, I knew you’d be fucking sweet.” You growled but barely pulled back, gripping the thigh that was on your shoulder and pushing it up until it was pressed to Bucky’s side so you could see his face. “You taste so goddamn good, James, once I get you in bed I’m gonna make a full meal out of this ass, shit.”
“Oh… Jesus Christ.” Bucky could barely breathe when your mouth was on his hole again, he could feel your jaw working while you moved your lips and tongue like you were making out with him, all while you kept your intense eye contact and let his cock rest on your face like you didn’t even care. “Oh my fucking god.”
Bucky could feel your chuckle when a whine escaped from his throat without his permission, his eyes rolling when your tongue fluttered all around his twitching skin before you were dragging it over his hole again and sucking until Bucky almost squealed. But then your tongue punched into him and the squeal was ripped out of his chest, his breath heaving almost painfully while you fucked him with the thick muscle until his dick started leaking and twitching against your forehead. It was insane that you were so good at this, you were so young, but your mouth worked like you were a fucking pornstar and it had Bucky feeling some kind of way.
“You’re gonna let me fuck you, James.” It didn’t sound like a question, you were telling him, your face serious while you licked your way up his taint until you could nip at his balls while you slid a finger inside him. “I need it, need to feel you come on my cock, god, you’d better fucking hold it until I’m inside you or I’m gonna spank you, I swear to fucking god.”
“Yeah… yeah, oh my god, please.” Bucky felt like he was losing his mind when you sucked on his balls and pushed a second finger inside him, his legs shaking and his eyes rolling back in his head while he grabbed your hair and held on for dear life. “Oh shit… fuck me, I can hold it, I’ll be good, just fuck me.”
You leaned your cheek against his hip and kept grinning at him while you reached your free hand into your wallet to grab a packet of lube, chuckling when Bucky huffed at you when you ripped it open with your teeth and squirted it all over the fingers you were plunging into his ass.
“You brought lube with you?” Bucky was trying to remain huffy but it was difficult when you were scissoring his hole open so slowly and shit, it felt amazing. “What exactly did you think was going to happen tonight?”
“God, I dunno, James.” You looked meaningfully at the fingers that were currently knuckle deep inside him, wiggling them a little when you looked back up at him with a cocked eyebrow and snorting when he whined. “Would you prefer I didn’t have lube right now? Because I can stop…”
“No, don’t do that.” So much for not trying to seem desperate, Bucky was panting he needed you so bad. “I’m just… talking, I’ll shut up. I can be good.”
“Yeah? You’re gonna be a good boy for me James?” What were you doing to him? Bucky couldn’t help but whimper when you spat on your fingers to slick them up even more and added a third, nodding and rolling his hips into your hand when you just barely teased his sweet spot as you kissed the inside of his thigh. “Yeah you will, my good boy, opening right up for me.”
“Mmhm, yours, oh holy shit.” The addition of your fourth finger turned Bucky’s whole body into jelly, your hold on his thigh the only thing keeping him from crumpling to the floor when you licked a wide, flat stripe up the underside of his cock. “Holy fucking shit, pleasepleaseplease…”
“Shhh, don’t you worry, James, I’ve got you.” You groaned when he let go of your hair to shove his fist in his mouth when he gave you a tortured cry, slowly pulling your fingers out of him and setting his feet on the floor so you could stand. “Turn around for me, sweet thing.”
“Yes… yes sir.” Bucky let his eyes flutter closed when you kissed his temple and turned him around, pressing his cheek against the cool metal and arching his back when you placed one hand on his hip and used the other to pull out a condom. “I need it.”
“I know, handsome.” Your voice was muffled while you used your teeth to rip the wrapper open, nuzzling into the tendrils of hair that were resting against the back of Bucky’s neck so you could kiss him there while you rolled the condom over your length and emptied another packet of lube all over your dick. “You gonna call me sir while I fuck this sweet little ass?”
“Ye-yes… oh fuck!” Bucky practically screamed when your tip just barely slipped inside him, arching his back and whining when you wrapped your arm across his throat and growled in his ear. “Fuck… ‘s big, so big, fuck me.”
“You can take it, big guy, keep being good for me.” You grinned against Bucky’s cheek when he rose on his toes as you kept going, smacking his ass and chuckling when it made him clench as you increased the pressure on his neck. “You feel fucking incredible, Jesus. Been thinking about getting you like this since the first time I saw you, you know that? Did you think about me too, James?”
“N-no.” Bucky already felt extremely vulnerable while he was split open on only half of your cock, he didn’t need to admit to you that he had been dreaming about wrapping his legs around your tiny little waist while you fucked him slow and deep. “I didn’t.”
“Pretty sure you’re a liar.” You grinned and yanked his head back at the same time you gave a final snap of your pelvis and Bucky sobbed, his body shaking violently while you rested your hips against the plush curve of his ass and dragged your tongue along his jaw while you let him adjust. “That’s okay though, big guy, you can think about this. Now, I’m gonna apologize, because this is gonna be a lot faster than I would like, but we are in public.”
Bucky didn’t have any response except a yelp when you started driving your cock into him almost viciously, his breath punched out of his lungs each time your hips bounced off his ass while you sucked on his ear. He felt like he was about to explode, your cock driving into his swollen prostate each time you bottomed out until his balls started pulling tight to his body and his cock twitched. You must have felt the change since you dropped the hand that wasn’t attached to the thick arm that was currently choking him to grab his cock and start stroking him in time with your thrusts.
“Fuckfuckfuck…” Bucky felt like such a whore but he didn’t care, turning his head as much as possible so he could rub his nose against your cheek while he whined. “I’m so close, don’t stop.”
“I’ll give you whatever you want, James.” You groaned when his hole clenched around you, squeezing his cock and his throat at the same time and kissing the corner of his lips tenderly while you gazed into his eyes. “Gonna take care of you. Can’t wait to be able to take my time, enjoy you, god, could spend a whole fucking night in this ass, you’re so goddamn warm and tight. But I need you to come for me right now, James, make a mess on my hand, lemme make you feel good, c’mon.”
The thought of you in his bed and fucking him raw and open had Bucky tumbling over the edge of his climax with a shout, his desperate noises muffled by your lips when you smashed them to his as he quaked in your arms and shot his cum all over your fingers. He sobbed when you didn’t stop stroking him even once he was milked dry, his eyes rolling back when you throbbed inside him and almost lamenting the fact that you were filling the condom instead of pumping your cum deep in his guts and determined to get to the point when he would finally get to feel all of you. As soon as you were done you were bringing your cum soaked fingers to your mouth, keeping eye contact with Bucky as you sucked his cum off them slowly and groaning at his taste then pressing your lips to his again so you could share with him.
“Jesus fuck.” Bucky couldn’t think of anything else to say, smiling almost sheepishly at you after you had pulled out of him and tossed the condom, letting you turn him around and nuzzle at his cheek before you were bending to help him step back into his jeans.
“My sentiments exactly.” You gave him another one of those winks and he wasn’t even mad when he blushed violently. “You gonna be as big of an ass about me taking you on a real date?”
“I wasn’t an ass.” Bucky huffed when you stood back up and wrapped your arms around him, nipping at your bottom lip and grinning when you growled playfully at him. “I was wary.”
“Sure.” You kissed him slow and deep and smiled against his lips when he melted into you before pulling back so he could breathe. “Pretty sure the girls and Sergeant Wilson would agree with my assessment, but we can use your word.”
“Oh shit, they’re still out there.” Bucky screwed his eyes shut and moaned at the thought of the commentary he was going to have to endure, shaking his head when you chuckled and opened the stall door to start pulling him back to the bar. “Can’t we just climb out the window or something?”
“Yeah, I don’t think either of us could fit through that window, James.” You nodded at the tiny one by one glass square and kissed his temple when he sighed defeatedly, holding his hand and letting him follow you when you opened the door. “Besides, if you think I’m not going to enjoy showing you affection in public, I’ve got some bad news.”
Bucky’s retort was cut off by an absurd amount of hollering when you opened the door, his face getting unbearably red and the desire to either tell all of your friends to shut the fuck up or just book it out of the bar overwhelming. But then your arm was around his shoulders and your lips were pressed against his temple, and maybe he could put up with his friends being smug rowdy assholes for the rest of the night if you kept smiling at him like that.
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Every breath you take (9)
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Summary: There is a shadow following you. He doesn’t know what he got himself into.
Pairing: Stalker!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: stalking, being stalked, loneliness, a man out of time, secret admirer trope, longing, first date, fluff, rusty flirting skills
A/N: You all made me do it! Here’s the series to this random idea: Stalker Bucky & Crazy Reader
Catch up here: Every breath you take (8)
Every Breath You Take Masterlist
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Sam Wilson is a patient man. Usually, he doesn’t lose his cool easily. But watching Bucky change his outfit for the sixth time only to wear a similar pair of blue jeans and a shirt makes him huff.
“Barnes, it’s the same shirt you tried an hour ago. If you keep changing clothes, you’ll run later for your first date.”
“What? No! I need to find the perfect outfit to impress her. I can’t just wear a random pair of jeans,” Bucky furrows his brows in confusion.
How can Sam not see that this is the most important outfit Bucky will ever wear? No, that’s wrong. The most important outfit will be the suit he will wear on your wedding day. One outfit at a time.
“Does she know about your secret?” Sam asks, and Bucky’s blood runs cold. Does Sam know? Did he find out that Bucky was following you for months?
“What?” Bucky hiccups. “What do you mean?”
“That you are a one hundred- and six-year-old grump,” Sam grins, and Bucky releases a shuddery breath. Phew, Sam doesn’t know. “I bet you didn’t tell her.”
“She likes me,” Bucky nods to himself. “Alpine too. She tried to save my cat, believing Alpine got lost.”
“I still can’t believe you bumped into the same woman asking me for help at the park,” Sam chuckles at Bucky’s angry expression. If looks could kill, Sam would be dead. “Don’t kill me. I saw her first. It’s not my fault you didn’t join me that day. Don’t worry, I won’t steal your girl. Even though, I could.”
“No, you can’t. She’s a lady, an honorable dame,” Bucky grumbles. He looks in the mirror to check on his outfit again. “What do you think?”
“Why do you ask me?” Sam laughs. “It’s a pair of jeans and a tee, Bucky. She already agreed to go out with you. You didn’t scare her off with your grumpy attitude. This woman is a match. Don’t let her slip through your fingers.”
“My therapist said it’s too early,” Bucky sighs. He already decided not to listen to his therapist, but he wants Sam’s opinion. With Steve gone, Sam is the only person he can talk to.
Sam furrows his brows. It’s the first time Bucky openly talked about his therapy or anything personal at all. He was surprised he told him about you. Now he speaks about his therapist too.
“Who cares?” Sam shrugs. “All I can say is that you are the happiest since you told me about her. Take it slow, and everything will fall into place. Therapists do not know it all. Just don’t be a grump around her.”
Bucky gives Sam a bitchface. He’s grateful for Sam’s advice, though. Hopefully, Sam will never find out about Bucky’s obsession and that his encounter with you wasn’t a stroke of luck.
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You’re nervous. Like really nervous.
At least you found the perfect outfit for your first date with Bucky. He invited you for coffee, but you want to look pretty for him.
Checking your outfit in the mirror again you smile. You bought an elegant retro polka dot and cherry print dress. The dress has a sweetheart neckline, a fitted bodice, and flattering cap sleeves. The blood-red coral ball stud earrings you bought round off your outfit.
Bucky is so handsome, and you love how he looks after you. If you mess this first date up, he could lose interest in you.
It’s been a while since you met someone you liked from the beginning. Bucky is sweet, and charming, has the bluest eyes you ever saw, and his cat is cute too.
You want this man, and you won’t let him slip through your fingers. No matter what, you will do anything to win him over.
Bucky Barnes is your while wale, and you’re going to catch him.
You twirl around, giggling and squealing because you feel pretty, and this wonderful man wants to go out with you.
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“Hi,” you nervously chew on the inside of your cheek. Bucky looks so good today. You don’t know that he changed his outfit again. This time he chose black jeans and a blue button-up. “You’re early, I like it.”
“A gentleman should always be on time to pick a dame up,” Bucky nervously says. He offers flowers to you, daisies, and one of his rare smiles.
“Oh, these are wonderful.” You accept the flowers with a smile. “Let me put them in a vase. I got something for you too.”
“I’ll be waiting here.” Bucky waits outside of your apartment while you put the flowers in a vase.
In a hurry, you grab your bag and the gift you bought to not let him wait for much longer.
“I’m ready,” you excitedly push the gift in Bucky’s hands. “It’s nothing special, but I saw this cute toy for Alpine and had to buy it.” Bucky unwraps the box, grinning because you bought a toy mouse for Alpine. “It’s cute. Right?”
“Very cute,” he agrees as he stuffs the mouse into his pocket. “Alpine will love it. Maybe you can watch them play with it.”
“I’d like that,” you reply without thinking twice. “Not today…maybe.” You don’t want to seem too eager. “Maybe we can meet at your apartment next time.”
“Yes,” Bucky hastily says. “We should go now.” He offers his arm to you, making you swoon even harder. This man is an old-fashioned gentleman, and you love it.
“Do you like living in this neighborhood?” You ask while walking along the sidewalk. “Do you like your apartment?”
“It’s a nice neighborhood,” he softly replies. “I already like one of my neighbors.”
You giggle. “Aw, I wish you lived next door,” you lean your head against his arm. “We could share food and have movie nights.”
“Oh—” Bucky licks his lips. Damnit, he didn’t think of moving in next to you. This would’ve made things so much easier. “So, what do you do if you’re not saving cats?”
“I work at an office,” you sigh. “Boring, I know. I bet your job is much more…interesting.”
“Not really,” he lies. “I-uh…I’m somehow between two jobs.” Bucky huffs. It’s not a complete lie. He still tries to get back on his feet. Finding a job isn’t easy if you are a one hundred- and six-years former assassin. If not for the huge amount of money Steve left him, Bucky would be struggling to make ends meet. “I was in the security sector.”
“Interesting,” you gasp. “Whoa, I bet you protected famous people. You seem to be very strong too.”
Bucky smirks when you hold tight onto his arm and sigh. This date is the first step toward a bright future, he’s sure about it.
He only needs to hide that he stalked you for months…
Part 10
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jackiequick · 3 months
—Timeline Wise For The Couples 🎞 💌🍿
-> Very similar to this post
Stevella ~ Steve Rogers & Estella Strange 🩺🇺🇸☕️
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2012 — Meet Cute in NYC, bumping into each other a couple of times and eventually exchange numbers
2013 — Steve got settled into a decent rhythm, going out a bit more and living at Avengers Tower. That’s when he bumps into Stella one day at the park, yeah sure they text one another and even have some phone calls, but this was different. While chatting, Steve somehow managed to ask her out for a cup of coffee and Stella said ‘yes’ as the two went to a coffee shop afterwards.
2014 — (Captain America: The Winter Soldier Era), the two are actually going out together. Having dates, texts, calling one another and flying out to see each other. They decided to keep their relationship private. But of course, their relationship slowly comes to the surface due to their friends. Natasha spent days and weeks trying to set Steve up on a date, teasing him and everything as he kept shooting her down with each option until they were driving to New Jersey…
“Was that your first kiss since 1945?” Natasha asked him, playing with her necklace Clint bought her.
Steve was driving and answered, “That bad huh?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“Well kinda sounds like you did.”
“No, I-i didn’t, I’m just wondering how much practice you had?”
“You don’t need practice.”
“Everybody needs practice.”
“It’s not my first kiss since 1945. I’m 95, I’m not dead.”
Natasha just chuckled then asked, “Nobody special though?”
He scoffed chuckling, “Believe it or not..um, there is.”
That caused Natasha to gasp and smiled, teasing him for the rest of the time being trying to figure out who it is that Steve was seeing. She was genuinely curious and wanted tidbits on who’s the lucky lady was. Steve just rolled his eyes regretting he told her anything but honestly smiled appreciating that she actually cared about this fact.
When they got to Sam Wilson’s house for shelter, Natasha wasn’t the only one curious. Since Steve used the phone to call a certain someone, as Sam was making breakfast he heard the name ‘Stella’, as he smirked. Sam has been friends with Stella Strange since 2011, he was surprised he didn’t know about this. However he stayed quiet and pretended like he didn’t hear anything as he was more focused on helping Cap and Natasha to tease his new friend.
At the end of the film, as Steve was in the hospital recovering from the damage he suffered during the fight. He woke up to music softly playing and Sam smiling at him saying “On your left.” Steve tiredly cracked a little smile. A few seconds later, Sam said he called her. That’s when Stella walked in two fresh cups of coffee, giving them both a soft smile.
2015 — The two were now living in New York. Stella mainly worked at the hospital meanwhile Steve was being an Avenger with his teammates and Young Avengers. He often picked her up from work and took them to her apartment to rest, if not he invited her to stay at The Tower. Yes, he finally let most of his teammates and friends met his girlfriend! It was about damn time too, as a few people got more curious about things and became a little family oriented group. Hell, Steve was trying to afford a place in Brooklyn too!
The two were pretty much spotted together at restaurants, the park, Avengers Tower and other locations. Hell, according to Tony, he was surprised Captain America scored such a lovely women to keep him on his toes as Steve lightly glared at him. Stella just told her boyfriend to not mind Stark’s remarks, he’s just annoyed Pepper won’t let him buy a new car or something.
Things went on (Age Of Ultron hit), as Stella spent her time more often at Avengers Tower and even help patch up the heroes every once in a while. She was honestly pretty skilled and tech with a gun too! Which came in handy the night of The Party, things were going well of course. But Ultron struck hard, as everyone was fighting bots and protecting one another. Some got a little hurt too, mainly upset with Tony.
Later on, at Clint’s house, everyone was a little out of it. Whatever Wanda showed them had a couple of them beaten and bruised. Clint called in Stella and a few others to help everyone out. Tension was still in the air through, as Steve seemed a little off and unable to talk about it, until he found his girlfriend holding up a cup of warm tea for him on the front porch…
“What you doing up? It’s late.” Steve said, sipping the tea and wrapped an arm around her.
“I couldn’t sleep…are you okay?” She asked, rubbing her hands.
“I will be..uh, Wanda showed me something back there..”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Only if you tell me what she showed you..”
It was only fair. She nodded and went on to explain the horrors Wanda showed her, how helpless and vulnerable she felt as she remained stuck in a hopeless position at the hospital after her very brutal accident. Even if she looked at her physical scars and condition, it haunts her. Steve listened providing comfort to her. He then went on to share his own thoughts and feelings onto Wanda showed him, feeling scared and anxious about it all as he was thrown out into another era, the life was gone and a part of him stayed stuck there. Stella provided him comfort as she listened.
Everything went on kinda crazy after that as The Avengers, Young Avengers, SHIELD and whatever others assets helped to fight off Ultron and his bots. To save and protect as many people as they can. They won but lost a few things along the way.
The Avengers moved their location upstate. Steve and Tony talked about their life choices before going their separate ways. Steve said that family, stability and whatnot post-war times, that man died when he went into the ice 75 years ago. Someone else came out, feeling a sense of mourning and comfort that his life has changed forever. He had The Avengers to watch out for, a girlfriend now who he cared deeply and unlikely friendships. But the idea of having a wife and children stayed stuck in the back of his mind.
2016 — Things changed for the couple once again living in a new location. Stella was starting to take up magic, having been resistant to being a magic-user, as her brothers were more into that kind of stuff. She knew magic and spells, but she wasn’t one to really used that very often. But she decided it would be helpful. Steve was becoming more of a team leader, busy with meetings, creating a new team alongside the one he already had and making sure everyone was able to handle themselves. When neither of them were working, the couple was hanging out a lot more and wanted to take a larger step into their relationship such as officially moving in together.
Steve also had big plans in mind, he knew he wanted to one day marry his girlfriend. He wanted to put a ring on her finger and have her become a bigger part of the family. Hell, he hadn’t picked out a ring yet but he knew.
One morning, he suddenly found himself popping the question. Saying ‘Marry me?’ As Stella was looking for a new set of cups, she heard the words come out of his mouth and accidentally bumped her head on the kitchen cabinet. He winced asking if she was alright as she nodded turning around wanting to clear what he said clearly, he repeated his question and she just smiled. That’s all Steve needed to see to know her answer was ‘Yes.’ That, and the fact that she pressed a kiss to his lips and nodded softly.
As we know Civil War happened, which caused a major disruption to the team and family. It caused a rift between Steve and Stella, a mixture of screams, cries, tears and anger ran through them. Despite it all, they still managed to deeply love one another. However Steve had to leave with Sam and Natasha, not having much contact with her for over a year!
2017–2018 — Just rough time in general for the couple. They had limited access to talking or texting, however still managed to communicate and spend mail to one another. But it just hurt. It wasn’t easy! Stella was heartbroken and Steve wasn’t exactly feeling happy about this either. He was devastated and hurt that he left his fiancé.
When Thanos made his appearance, it wasn’t pretty. As Stella followed Bruce and a few others to The Avengers Compound, to talk to Rhodey and that’s when Steve, Nat and the rest of the crew appeared. To say Stella had a million thoughts running through her mind the moment she saw Steve was an understatement, but it didn’t all make sense to start bickering with him.
Especially after he pulled her into a thigh embrace the moment he saw her and kissed her face apologizing for everything he did, saying how she had ready right to be upset with him. She just wrapped her arms around him and cried a little, apologizing for not calling earlier as she was fighting Thanos children in New York.
He just chuckled and nodded, knowing they had bigger things at stake.
You know what happened, Thanos kicked ass despite everything the teams gave. They still lost.
2019–2023 — Post Thanos things went quiet. But they tried to make the best of it, just luck neither one of dusted. Steve thanked the heavens he didn’t have to watch his fiancé dust away. The two just spent a couple of days making up for the lost time, catching up and apologizing for everything. When they realize they couldn’t afford to fix the damage due to Thanos destroying the damn stones. Steve and half of the team returned to earth silently. It pained everyone.
But like I said, they tried to make the best of things, try to move on. In 2022, Steve decided to not wait any longer than he should’ve and asked Stella to actually marry him. He waited so long to make her his wife and he wasn’t even going to waste any longer, as Stella grinned that morning agreeing to the idea. A private little day for the two of them, as the couple went to the court house and filed for a marriage certificate, getting married right then and there. They knew one day they would have a grand ol’ wedding but a quiet little day to themselves is all they needed.
They were married, had an apartment together and were doing their best to help others feel comfortable in the world. Hosting support groups, going to food drives, heading out on smaller projects and making sure their friends were alright. Stella often visited Pepper meanwhile Steve went to Natasha.
But in 2023, Scott Lang showed up to change things for the better. You know what happened time heist, get back the gang together and fix things. And no, Steve didn’t leave his wife, Sam or Bucky for Peggy Carter when he returned the damn stones! He returned the stones to where they belong, saw Peggy happily with her spouse and family, went back to his old apartment in Brooklyn where he found a certain item then returned back to 2023. The item you may ask was an old leather brown jacket that he lost during The Battle a few days earlier that held a ring looped around his dog tags.
Phase 4 (2023–2024) — Steve and Stella were living in a different household in a similar neighborhood, helping to rebuild The Avengers Compound after it was destroyed and supporting families with the new changes. The two even considered on finally having a family of their own, the pair already had a dog. Might as well have a kid or two!
Which they did! Having adopted two beautiful children, a young teenager who has been in their radar for a while now as they foster and develop a relationship before two years prior. And another one, being a gorgeous little girl.
And I know what you’re asking, did Steve retire? Yes, yes he did. Steve knew for a while that he did not want to be Captain America forever, wanting to stay put and start a new project in his life. Of course he gave the opportunity to Sam Wilson to become Captain America and when he saw that John Walker was holding his shield and not Sam, the man was already to to pick a bone with his friends. Hell, he was ready to try and take down Walker himself after having gone through the five stages of grief watching the news.
“Honey! Have you seen my navy blue jacket and guns? That ones with the faded red stripe around the handle. ” Steve yelled from the closet as he went searching for his things.
“I think so! In the—wait why do you need your guns?!” Stella yelled from upstairs, as she untangled her curls.
“Just asking!”
“Steve what are you planning?!”
“Don’t worry about it!”
It took Stella to hold him down and hide his stuff in the basement, getting Kendall and their youngest to keep things in order or else Steve would’ve driven to get his hands on the man.
His wife had to distract him and take his mind off things to stop him from going to find his friends and get shit done himself. Luckily with two kids, a dog, housework to be done, groceries to buy and activities to do Steve was very much occupied. Thanks to Sam and Bucky they were able to get updates on how things were going, and finally once they got The Shield back, that’s when Stella gave Steve the opportunity to help out.
However thankfully Sam, Jason, Bucky and Liz handled the situation better than expected. Hell, Steve was able to sneak off in the background in his dark navy blue stealth suit to help and support them in the fight. He was even standing in the background when Sam appeared in the Captain America suit and shield, along with a pair of sleek wings to match grinning like an idiot.
Everyone and their mothers were watching on television when Sam Wilson made his flying debut in the Stars and Stripes, and they couldn’t be more prouder. Stella remembered how she was crying happy tears as she sat on the couch with her friends and family to watch everything go down. It was freaking amazing.
Ahhh! That was a lot, anyway I hope you guys like it. Pls let me know what you guys think 💭
Keep the chain going! Which couple is next? 💘
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