#sam seaborn x reader
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imawkwardlysoc ¡ 1 year ago
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i made instagram profiles for anna and sam (including sam's congress instagram) from my fic it started off with a kiss... now it ended up like this
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twwpress ¡ 2 years ago
Weekly Press Briefing #56: July 16th - July 22nd
Sorry for the technical difficulties: tumblr's new post editor hates us apparently, but we love you and we are glad to be baaaaack! Welcome back to the Weekly Press Briefing, where we bring you highlights from The West Wing fandom each week, including new fics, ongoing challenges, and more! This briefing covers all things posted from July 16 - July 22, 2023! Did we miss something? Let us know; you can find our contact info at the bottom of this briefing! 
No challenges or prompts that we know of this week. Do you have a challenge or event you’d like us to promote? Be sure to get in touch with us! Contact info is at the bottom of this briefing.
Here’s what was posted from July 16 - July 22. 
Allison Janney posted graphics and photos of herself in SAG-AFTRA gear and on the picket line in support of the SAG-AFTRA strike: 1 | 2 | 3
Amy Landecker posted photos of herself with Brad and his daughter on the SAG-AFTRA picket lines. 
Bradley Whitford posted a photo of himself with his daughter and his wife Amy on the SAG-AFTRA picket lines. 
Dule Hill posted a photo of himself and his wife Jazmyn out with other actors on the SAG-AFTRA picket lines. 
Janel Moloney posted photos from her vacation in Brazil, including a selfie and photos of the Caiman Ecological Refuge. 
Josh Malina posted a video of himself in support of other SAG-AFTRA strikers from the picket lines. 
Marlee Matlin posted a video of herself at a Chicago Cubs game calling for the use of captions at Wrigley Field.
Marlee Matlin posted photos of herself and her son Tyler in celebration of his 21st birthday (and also a photo of how Gen Z celebrates). 
Mary McCormack posted a photo of herself with Beth Ostrosky Stern, her Private Parts co-star Howard Stern’s wife. 
Peter James Smith posted a photo of a residual check for $0.00 that he received in 2015 in support of the SAG-AFTRA strike. 
Richard Schiff posted photos of himself and his wife at a restaurant in Italy. 
Rob Lowe posted a throwback photo from the 80s of himself with George Michael and Demi Moore. 
Rob Lowe posted a photo of his wife in celebration of their anniversary. 
Donna Moss Daily: July 16 | July 17 | July 18 | July 19 | July 20 | July 21 | July 22
Daily Josh Lyman: July 16 | July 17 | July 18 | July 19 | July 20 | July 21 | July 22
No Context BWhit: July 16 | July 17 | July 18 | July 19 | July 20 | July 21 | July 22
@twwarchive: July 16 | July 17 | July 18 | July 19 | July 20 | July 21 | July 22
TWW x #Barbie [Josh x Donna] by @kennyharperz [PHOTO EDIT] #joshdonna: i just want to see you shine by @anidalakins [VIDEO EDIT] #joshdonna: come on baby come on over, let me be the one to show you by @iheldontoyou (twitter) / @sweetsouldhavernas (tumblr) [EDIT GIF SET]
Happy birthday to Twitter user @schwifts! 
Editors’ Choice: 
Dear Readers, This week’s theme is epistolary fiction, or stories that are told in the form of letters, notes, messages, emails, or other written communication. We’ve also included some fics that are centered around correspondence, even if they are not only in letter form. If you want more, you can find stories we weren’t able to include this time under the Epistolary and Letters tags on AO3! 
24 Post-Its by isquinnabel for miss_slipslop | Rated G | Ainsley Hayes/Sam Seaborn | Complete | The last of Ainsley's cookie stash mysteriously vanishes.
dear donna by swancharmings | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Josh tries to find the words.
The Inscription by sempreinsieme | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Donnatella, As you may have noticed, this is not a pair of skis. A peek inside the front cover of The Art and Artistry of Alpine Skiing.
With or Without You by kiss_me_cassie | Rated M | Josh Lyman/Donna Moss | Complete | Sleight of hand and twist of fate; On a bed of nails she makes me wait [Ed. Note: This is a story told in emails]
People Underestimate the Value of a Good Deputy by raedbarde | Rated T | Sam Seaborn/Toby Ziegler | Complete | An unsent letter from the Seaborn files: being Toby Ziegler's deputy has its own rewards
An Open Letter to the Man Who Loves Him Next From the Man Who Loved Him First by Lily_Padd_23 | Rated G | Josh Lyman/Sam Seaborn | Complete | Josh writes a letter. Just in case.
for you i would ruin myself a million little times by crossingdelancey | Rated M | C. J. Cregg/Toby Ziegler | Complete | She’s in love with him, and he knows that well. He knows this from across the country, and when she kisses Danny Concannon, she’s kissing Toby Ziegler. They write letters, because emails are too easy. Too impersonal, and too traceable. She’s always been a writer. Not in the way Toby writes; eloquent and neat, but in scribbles and post-it notes and reminders to pick up oat milk. Danny hangs over her when she’s writing emails, but when she’s pressed into the side of the couch scribbling with a biro, he leaves it alone. —— the letters across the country, and the moments in between
Please hold for a reblog with this week's fics coming in the next minute or two - it seems we have run up against the maximum length for a tumblr post and tumblr is no longer letting us post the newsletter in full in one post! We know it's a bit of a hassle, and we apologize. If you happen to be a tumblr wizards and know of ways we can troubleshoot us, please send us a message! Thank you! This week's fics incoming:
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jessbakescakes ¡ 4 months ago
Hi hiii hope ure well!! Do you know any sam x reader/ofc fics?? Cant seem to fibd em :( ty!!
Hey anon! Thank you! That's not a ship I read, but I'm going to give some helpful tips in this post that hopefully you and others can use to find what you're looking for!
On AO3, there's a bar on the right side of the page for filters. You can include things, exclude things, search by keyword, sort in different ways. For example, if you're looking for Sam x OFC fic:
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Then, if you want to exclude other pairings:
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Or exclude crossovers:
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When I search by those parameters I get 66 Sam/OFC fics.
There aren't currently any fics tagged with Sam Seaborn/Reader, but hopefully the OFC fics will have something for you!
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niche-ish ¡ 2 years ago
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‘Sam sees you dressed-up for the first time…’
reader specifications: wearing a dress and has long-ish hair
It was the First Lady’s birthday dinner and she had dedicated it to a charity sending relief to the victims of a recent flood down in Florida. As such, the floor was full of reporters and their clicking cameras with punches of flash.
Sam hung by the edge of the room, having drifted towards one of the many refreshment tables whilst in conversation with Josh.
“I’m just saying,” Josh continued, with just enough amuse-bouche in his mouth as was prudent for such an event, “Me, Toby and the President? No chance. But I really believe that you, Leo and Charlie could pull-off high heels!”
Sam levelled him with a hiked brow. “The President and First Lady haven’t even arrived yet. We’ve only been here for like ten minutes; tell me you’re not drunk.”
Josh half-cocked a hip in a staccato movement. His eyes were on Sam in that really-looking sort of way; Sam hated it. Josh could be unnervingly deductive when he really wanted to, and Sam hated it. But he looked away to pick up a passing martini from a waiter, and Sam breathed a sigh of relief that he gotten out unscathed. The older man made a small noise of satisfaction into his drink before looking back up at Sam.
“Dry spell, huh?” He smirked around the rim of the glass.
Sam resisted the urge to roll his eyes and turned to face the crowd on the floor. The movement was meant to say “I’m not dignifying that with a response” but they both knew it really said “… yes.”
Like a saviour, CJ appeared at Sam’s other elbow. She was wearing a dark blue, velour dress that perfectly swept the marble when she walked. It was a beautiful dress. There were lots of beautiful dresses in the ballroom tonight, of varying jewel tones and silkinesses. They all sort of blended together like a sweet jam.
“CJ, stunning as ever!” Josh greeted.
“Why, thank you, Mr. Lyman! You two don’t look half-bad yourselves.” She teased.
Sam smiled at the opportunity to tease Josh. “Well, according to Josh, I’d look better in a pair of stilettos.”
CJ didn’t miss a beat. “I wholeheartedly agree.”
Sam, betrayed, scoffed and turned away again.
It happened that he’d been left to face the direction of the door. He likely wouldn’t have noticed otherwise, but for you catching his eye as you walked in. Your dress was within the appropriate colour scheme, but somehow he felt it was much more intriguing than any other shade he had seen in his life, let alone tonight. Your hair was pulled up, away from your face, letting the golden light from the chandeliers bounce off the curves of your face unobstructed. You looked like heartbreak and heaven in one and Sam was left stunned.
Josh noticed his friend’s love-struck expression and gave him an encouraging nudge forward. “Looks like the dry spell’s over.” He smirked.
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eminems-skittles ¡ 3 years ago
Ok ok ok similar to the last one I sent, hoping you’ll enjoy this one!!
How would each of the West Wing characters react to their SO saying they feel sad? like just down with no discernible reason. How would they handle it?
Thanks bestie!! Love ya!
OMFG this has been in my inbox for literally a year i'm so sorry i didnt even see it
pairings: josh lyman x reader; toby ziegler x reader; sam seaborn x reader
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honestly he isn't the most emotionally intelligent
like he is working on it but it doesn't always turn out the way he wants it to
sometimes he can be really caring
does his best to cheer you up
sends you your favorite flowers, brings you candy, just exists with you
however sometimes he'll say like "i don't understand why you're unhappy" or something that is just insensitive
takes him awhile to understand what and what not to say to you
he's trying his best
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i get the vibes that he just throws money at situations idk why
like he will send you so many gifts to try to make you feel better
he's better with written word than actions tbh
probably will send you long emails/texts/handwritten letters about how much he loves you
but he can't figure out how to properly help if you don't know why you're sad so he just tries everything
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just lets you exist with him
like josh, i don't think he is super emotionally intelligent but he understands the feeling of being sad for no reason
doesn't push you to be happy
gives you space and doesn't smother you
but still checks in and makes sure the indiscernible sadness hasn't gotten worse
he has his own tips and tricks and tries to use those to help
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shutupanddance ¡ 4 years ago
@girloncorneliastreet requested a fluffy Sam Seaborn oneshot that’s friends to lovers, so here we go!!
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“Oh, give it a rest!” You shout at the TV, and the whole West Wing hears.
“Will you shut up already!?” Toby screams from one door down. He’s glaring at you through the adjoining window.
Sam looks at you, a warning. Don’t say another word, that glance cautions. You grumble something incoherent.
You and Sam were watching a recording of some late-night Republican talk show from years ago while you eat dinner. It was a tradition on nights when work ended later than dinner but too early to just go home and collapse. You’d pick some old TV politics program, and then debate. One of you would play the host, and the other would play a guest speaker there to fight the claims. It was fun. Whoever paid for dinner always played the host.
But you hadn’t even gotten through watching this whole segment yet, and you were already so pissed at the man on screen that you weren’t sure you could get through pretending to be him. 
“I’m going to strangle myself,” you whisper, and Sam throws a balled-up napkin at you, clearly not amused.
You whip you head around to look at him where he’s lounging on the couch.
“I was aiming for the trash can,” he deadpans.
You throw the napkin ball back. He grins.
You had known Sam for over three years now. When you got the job in the Whitehouse council team, you never expected to spend any time with the West Wing Senior Staff. But you had fit right in. And Sam had been your #1 from the moment you set foot in the building.
You spent most of your time together. When you weren’t working together, you were doing things like this (watching TV and eating meals together). He was your best friend in every sense of the word.
CJ liked to tease you about it, saying you and Sam were practically married. And you had heard Josh do the same for Sam. But you would always just roll your eyes and ignore it. Sam was your best friend, you’d reiterate.
You realize suddenly that you had been staring at him, and he’s staring at you, too. Your face heats up. It gets a little awkward.
“Aren’t you supposed to leave soon?” You ask, trying to deflect. Sam had a date with someone from a coffee shop tonight. It was going to be a late-night rendezvous at a theater. He checks his watch.
“I guess,” he says, and sits up slowly. He doesn’t look too excited.
“Come on, you’ve been trying to get this girl to go out with you for weeks. Go and have fun!”
Sam’s not so sure anymore.
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Sam picks up his date, Chelsea, on a designated street corner. She hops in the car.
“Hiya Sam!” She kisses his cheek.
He smiles, and feels the butterflies, but something is missing. He ignores it. Just have some fun, he reminds himself.
Chelsea chats away while he drives to the theater. All about her day, her work, etc. Normally, Sam would find himself fully engaged with a beautiful date like this, but he’s distracted. He’s thinking of how he’d run the debate against you, playing the part of the host.
By the time they arrive, Chelsea is still talking.
They find their seats, and there’s a brief, glorious pause before she speaks again.
“So, tell me about your day!”
Sam opens his mouth to say something. And really, he tries. He can usually talk on and on about his day, and impress girls with his work at the Whitehouse, but for some reason, he stops.
He stops because he realizes that most of what he remembers about his day is you. He wants to talk about you, but as Josh has drilled into his head, you never talk about another girl on a date. Sure, he remembers other things about the day, but really, he’s not sure he can talk about it. Would Chelsea understand it all? Probably, but he knows she wouldn’t laugh at the right moments, or roll her eyes at others. She doesn’t really know him, he realizes. She’s just here for the butterflies. And maybe for the night after.
Sam wants to go back to the West Wing. He wants to go back to you, so he can talk and talk and talk with you until the early hours of the morning. Because, even though this girl is giving him butterflies, it’s not the same as being with you. It’s not the same feeling. It doesn’t really compare.
I love Y/N, he realizes suddenly. He loves you.
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You were sort of enjoying the quiet right now. 
As you grabbed your coat and switched into some comfier shoes for the walk home, you wondered how Sam’s date was going. You hoped he was enjoying himself. Still, there was a strange feeling in the pit of your stomach that you couldn’t place. Jealousy? Certainly not. You shake your head.
You say goodnight to the security guards and custodial workers, and head out. You can’t wait to take a hot bath.
You’re almost halfway home when you hear someone running towards you from behind. You take your keys and place them between your fingers, then look in the mirror of a car to see who it is.
You turn around.
“Hi!” He shouts.
“Shhh!! It’s past eleven! People are sleeping!” You whisper-yell. By now, he’s standing right in front of you. Grinning.
“What are you doing? I thought you were on a date.”
“I wanted to say goodnight.”
You raise an eyebrow and he’s still grinning. You know that grin. It’s the I have an infallible plan and I’m about to execute it grin. 
“Okay? Goodnight?”
He’s still grinning. He leans over, and pecks you on the cheek, but stays with his face so close to yours. He’s kissed your cheek before, it wasn’t uncommon. But he has this look in his eyes…
“Sam, what are you doing-”
He gently, ever so carefully, presses his lips to yours.
And it’s like fireworks go off in your head.
You close your eyes, and lean in. You’ve never felt this way before. No, scratch that, you always have. You just didn’t realize it until now, until he’s kissing you slow. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you just a little closer, and the sweet kiss turns deep and even slower. It’s not careful anymore. It screams I love you from the highest balconies in the most loud way possible. You place your hands on either side of his face, and rub your thumbs across his cheeks.
You were kissing Sam like you were never gonna kiss anyone else ever again. You were kissing Sam.
He pulls away.
“I need to tell you something,” he says.
“I love you,” you interrupt, the realization coming quickly. You don’t have time to think before you say it.
He’s laughing now.
“That’s my line,” he says, and you can’t help but grin ear-to-ear.
Oh, Sam. You shake your head. My Sam.
Somewhere off in another part of town, Toby finds himself suddenly annoyed by something. He’s not sure what it is, yet.
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Three years earlier
Standing in the Whitehouse for the first time is like being pinched by a friend who’s trying to wake you up. You’re grateful, but also in excruciating pain and discomfort.
The party has been going on for hours, and your feet are killing you. The lights are gorgeous, of course, and the food is delicious as always, but you’ve found the company to be bit boring, the men to be a little handsy, and the drinks to be less alcoholic than you desire.
Someone walks up behind you.
“Y/N!” The President practically shouts, and you turn to greet him.
“Hello, Mr. President.”
“I’d like to introduce you to someone,” he says, and it’s now that you notice the man standing next to him.
This man’s got the definition of “baby blue eyes”. And to say he cleans up well would be an understatement.
“Sam Seaborn,” he offers, holding out his hand. You shake it.
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
This was going to be a good night.
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psychiatristreturning ¡ 4 years ago
taglist is open!! message me or ask to be added to either the stranger things OR west wing list!
my twitter is @ cowb0ylikery
stranger things;
steve harrington 
run away with me
500 words|| steve needs you to know just how much he cares about you
remember prom? 
 1k|| when overhearing steve and dustin talk about a mystery girl, you get jealous. steve wants to know why. 
don’t fall on your ass
 1k|| dustin has a masterplan to get you and steve together that just may involve rollerskating. 
where did that come from?
 100|| steve finds you incredibly hot in the worst situation.
the snowball
625|| while dropping your sister off at the snowball dance you strike up a conversation with a familiar face. 
four times steve knew he loved you and the one time he told you
2.6k|| what it says
yell for it
270|| maybe the worst torture is being without him.
too cute
425|| el sees you and steve being cute and tells max. who knew it was so easy to tease the two of you? 
to hand holding
403||  steve always let’s you play with his hair, but you want to know if just thinks of you as a friend. 
she’s shy
530|| what did you hear steve say? 
being alive 
pt. 1  pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4
completed || a compilation of moments where you realized who was always there, no matter what, and truly loved you. steve harrington. (steve harrington x henderson!reader)
just a smoke
736|| when steve makes his way to his car after fighting with nancy, he runs into you, who is sitting on his car.
robin buckley
maybe this time
1.2k|| robin comes out, and maybe this time you’ll be lucky...
the art (or lack) of subtlety
839|| you and robin have been dating for awhile but aren’t public, but steve thinks he knows what’s up. 
two times you and hopper almost kissed and the one time you did 
1k|| just what the title suggests.
606|| teen!hopper x reader; you and hopper almost reveal your feelings for each other
the west wing;
sam seaborn
i was wondering..
550|| you and sam are getting married soon, and you need someone to walk you down the aisle. 
north dakota
1k|| toby knows that you’re in love with sam
who told you?
1k|| you aren’t telling anyone the sex of your baby, except one person...
not even my wife stayed
700|| josh is fine, but you’re shot at rosslyn. and sam is worried
i wouldn’t mind
1k|| being the president’s niece is nice, especially when the deputy speechwriter is really cute.
650|| you never expected to see sam again.
dinner rush
500|| you would never come back, you vowed, unless...
they’re proud
1.3k|| the senior staff hasn’t seen sam in two years, little did they know that he had a family.
too early for this
600|| the staff wonders why you’re so secretive of your personal life, when the president lets it spill why. 
the bet
900|| you and sam got engaged, who will notice the ring first.
3:22 pm
1k|| the senior staff meets your daughter. 
when the vice president asks
730|| you and sam are in a fight, and josh just has to insert himself.
785|| you’re new to the white house and sam sticks up for you.
“suddenly he was in the radius of her perfume and kissing her breathlessly.”
680|| you finally attend a white house party.
toby ziegler forty minutes late
1.1k|| you’re not okay. and toby knows.
champagne problems
400|| you reflect on your unrequited love when toby’s twins are born.
no answer 
495|| the president is more off a busybody than you thought.
josh lyman i have my ways 
1k|| you tell josh something big, and hope he doesn’t hate you.
hope you like disney
1.3k|| donna and cj help you figure out something.
400|| donna has a vistor for josh...
bad idea
315|| sometimes you and josh both need a bad idea.
front page
843|| when you and josh are spotted out together, it’s published. how will your dad react to finding out that his daughter is dating his deputy. 
donna moss
“i love her and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” 
500|| a reporter asks c.j. about a rumor that you and donna are dating. is it true? 
gaza (can be part two to the above fic)
1,172|| you go to germany when donna is hurt during the gaza arc. 
toby ziegler:
first date
pet names
as a dad
sam seaborn:
while wife is pregnant
small drabble from prompt list!
josh lyman:
as a dad
telling stories
first date w/josh lyman
valentine’s day
cooking dinner
pet names
donna moss:
dating donna moss
asking donna on a date
first valentine’s day 
finishing her degree (not x reader)
donna and board games
all headcanons relating to donna x reader with their daughter diana
donna + diana (older headcanon)
the guy on tv (adopted daughter headcanons)
sam and josh being cool uncles
robin buckley:
domestic life w/robin
robin being protective
coming out to robin
robin with a plus size gf
cuddling with robin
robin w/short gf
robin w/spiritual gf
first fight w/robin
pet names
period comfort
getting high
steve harrington:
gf w/curly hair
tired s/o
dustin walking in
first fight w/steve
slow dancing and comfort 
working w/steve at scoops ahoy
braiding hair
dancer gf
tall gf
volleyball player!gf
steve with a new baby
enemies to lovers (pt. 2)
pregnant wife
bisexual gf
small drabble
clingy gf
nurse gf
gf with freckles
nerdy teens
314 notes ¡ View notes
fandom-imagines-stories ¡ 4 years ago
Learning Teamwork
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Josh Lyman x Reader
Words: 2184
Summary: Two colleagues that usually butt heads are forced to play nice when the President sends them to attend to a Governor's Ball in his home state.
Notes: I have so much Josh angst I wanted to write something a little fluffier that I could still capture his signature snark in. (For the purposes of this, I made up a Governor that would fit the story so if there was one discussed in the show, they aren’t in this one.) I also wrote this in two days so… bare with me.
If you hadn’t been in the presence of the President, you might have thrown something at him.
“If the President addresses this now, the Republicans will stop at nothing to get back at him for it.” He spoke in that smug, know-it-all tone that drove you insane.
“This is about real people, Mr. Lyman, not the little politics games that you play all day.”
“Okay, everyone, I think that’s enough.” The President’s order may have halted your argument, but you could still feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you stared Josh down. The rest of the team made a very quick exit, hoping to avoid becoming casualties in you and Josh’s on-going battle. But when the two of you started for the door, President Bartlet’s voice called you back. “Not. You. Two.”
You grimaced and turned back around, reveling a little in the fact that Josh looked just as uncomfortable as you did. One stern look from Jed Bartlet, however, was enough to diminish that.
“Is it physically impossible for the two of you to let me get through one meeting without going at each other’s throats?” He urged, his irritated gaze switching rapidly between the both of you. “Not only are you both a part of this team, you are adults for Christ sake!”
“Sorry, sir.” You gulped.
“My apologies, Mr. President.”
God, even apologizing, he had to try and sound smarter than you.
“I’m not finished yet.” The President walked around his desk and grabbed an envelope from under a pile of other papers. “The Governor of New Hampshire is hosting a ball on Saturday to celebrate something that I can’t even remember. Frankly, I think it’s because his wife enjoys parties a little too much, but who am I to judge?”
You and Josh exchanged a look that consisted more of confusion than anger.
Bartlet continued, “Well, seeing as I used to be Governor of my home state, he’s been kind enough to invite me, though I also think this is more of a way to get more Democratic backing for his next election. Nevertheless, while I am unable to attend due to this whole mess with possible terrorism, I know just the two members of my senior staff to send in my place.” He looked pointedly at both of you.
The excuses tumbled over each other as you and Josh blurted them out, desperately pleading to find something that would change his mind. You hated political gatherings in general but the idea of being forced to go with Josh? It twisted your stomach into so many knots you thought you’d throw up.
“There’s going to be political fallout from all of this and I should really be around-”
“C.J. and Toby are going to need me to-”
“Y/N could go by herself.” Josh said suddenly, making your jaw drop. That little snake. “I’m sure there are plenty of young men that’ll be thrilled to see you.”
“Says one of the White House’s most eligible bachelors.” You fired back, forgetting who you were standing in front of.
“Enough!” The President slammed the invitation down on the desk in front of the two of you. “This isn’t about who is more desirable than who. This is about you two learning how to work as a team and not biting each other’s heads off every time you’re in the same room together! Now, I am calling Governor Thompson and telling him you’re going and the two of you are going to be the picture of grace and maturity. If I hear one word of anything else, so help me god, your careers will be so buried, it’ll take years before they see the light of day.” His voice echoed through the Oval Office, rattling you down to the bone. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Mr. President.”
“Yes, Mr. President.”
“Good. Now go do whatever you need to to free up next Saturday.” He sat down, putting on his glasses to look over other documents. “Oh, and find something nice to wear. Mrs. Thompson has always been a bit of a stickler with the dress code.”
With that, you were dismissed and you felt the dread settling in your chest. You were going to a ball. In New Hampshire. With Josh Lyman for a date. As you shouldered out the door together, you cast glowering looks.
“I hate you.”
“I hate you more.”
If the snickers from Sam and C.J. weren’t enough to drive you crazy in the week leading up to your flight, scrambling to find a dress was not something you originally had on your schedule. Even when you had found one you liked, there was the matter of rescheduling everything you had the weekend you would be gone.
At least Josh seemed to be having as difficult a time as you were. Any time you saw him in passing, he looked frantic and disheveled- which would usually bring you a small amount of joy, but for some reason, knowing you were in the same boat actually made you feel better about going with him.
You looked up from the piles of work from your desk, surprised to see your unfortunate date standing in your doorway. It was the day before you were set to leave and you both had mountains of work to try and finish.
“What can I help you with, Josh?”
“I just came to say that this might not be such a bad idea.” He moved from the door to the chair, but he didn’t sit down. He just stood anxiously behind it, leaning on the back. He actually looked sincere- and a voice in the back of your head pointed out that, without his usual cloud of arrogance that always hung around him, he was actually very attractive.
No. Definitely not. You hated him.
“Which part? Going to a ridiculous dance so that Governor Thompson can get more clout with Democrats or the fact that we have to go as a bonding exercise?” Your tone was cold, even more so than usual. Call it overcorrecting for your brain’s traitorous thoughts.
“I think the President is right.” Josh’s posture changed, standing up a little straighter as his tone grew defensive. “If this is what it takes to get us to work together, then I guess we deserve it.”
“Funny, since when he first proposed the idea you suggested that I go alone.” You stood up, crossing your arms.
Josh mimicked your stance, his brow furrowing with anger. “Look, I came in here to make some kind of peace with you, and I don’t understand-”
“I know what you came here to do, Josh. You want to show me that I don’t understand Bartlet the way you do while you play some kind of martyr for going on this trip.” You leaned forward with your hands on your desk and he did the same. Your faces must have only been a few inches apart.
You’d never wanted to kiss Josh Lyman more than you did in that moment and couldn’t hate him more for it.
Your seats on the plane were right next to each other. Because of course, they were. Josh got the window seat despite your protests, sticking you in the middle between him and a rather obnoxious businessman who was speaking loudly on his phone.
“Sir, I need you to turn that off as we prepare to take off.” The flight attendant instructed.
“Yeah, just give me a second.”
“Now, sir.” Her voice was a semi-irritated monotone that left little room for any argument. The man gave her an annoyed look and ended his call. “Thank you, sir.” She continued down the aisle to berate somebody else. Without the distraction of work, he sought out a new way to pass the time- you.
“What takes you to Concord?” He leaned a little closer to you than you would have preferred, but leaning back would basically put you in Josh’s lap so you stayed put.
“My coworker and I have an event to attend.” You motioned to the seemingly oblivious man on the other side of you.
“Just coworker?” His casual expression turned into a suggestive smirk and you felt his fingers run up your knee. You jerked away from him.
“Husband, actually, so how about you keep your hands to yourself?” Josh snapped suddenly, giving Mr. Handsy a death glare. You stared at Josh with wide eyes and forced your mouth shut to keep it from gaping in shock. The man beside you must have been as surprised as you because words came out as a whispered stutter.
“Sorry, I didn’t- she said- and I thought-”
“Yeah, well you thought wrong.” He stood up. “Here, honey, why don’t you take the window seat?”
You sat there, without moving, for a few seconds before he nudged your leg with his foot and you climbed over him to get to the seat by the window. Once you were both situated, the other man got suddenly very interested in the papers from his briefcase.
You leaned over and whispered in Josh’s ear. “Honey? Really?”
“Don’t start.” Though his voice sounded irritated, there was almost a small smile playing at his lips. You shifted awkwardly, trying to keep a smirk from your own lips.
“You really didn’t have to do that.”
“Do you want the window seat or not?” Now his smile had grown into a snicker, making you laugh lightly.
“Who would have thought you were such a gentleman?”
“Well, I’m a married man now, apparently.” He teased. You rolled your eyes.
“In your dreams, Lyman.”
After an hour of shaking hands and dancing with the Governor’s persistent son, you were ready to knock your head against the wall until you passed out. Oddly enough, you had yet to see Josh. Mrs. Thompson invited you to come early for tea so you hadn’t arrived together. You were beginning to think he’d bailed when you saw him across the room.
Pushing your way over to him, his eyes widened when he finally saw you.
“You look amazing.” He gasped, his eyes scanning your silky blue dress before settling on your eyes. “I mean… wow.”
You felt blush tint your cheeks as a smile spread across your lips. He cleaned up pretty well himself and you found yourself checking him out for what you wished you could say was the first time ever. What could you say? The man looked good in suits.
You must have stood there, staring at each other, for a few minutes before Ned Thompson came into view. Without a second to think, you grabbed Josh’s hand.
“Dance with me.”
“Just do it.” You yanked him with you onto the dance floor, losing sight of the Governor’s persistent son.
Josh looked around, trying to see who you seemed so desperate to avoid as the two of you began to sway to the music. “What was that about?”
You checked one more time to make sure the coast was clear. “Ned.”
“The Governor’s kid?”
“Isn’t he, like, ten years younger than you.”
“He’s only eight, but yes.” You rolled your eyes, annoyed by his pestering. On the bright side, he was a pretty good dancer. “If I dance with him one more time, I think he’ll propose.” You couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“Just tell him you’re married to me.” Josh smirked. “Worked the last time.” You both chuckled and continued dancing. For a while, you forgot why you were here to begin with. You were enjoying yourself more than you cared to admit. In a room full of people, the only one you wanted to dance with was the man you loved to hate.
Maybe it was the other way around.
You sat up in bed, sipping coffee and reading the paper while the sound of the hotel’s heater droned on. The fluffy white robe enveloped your body perfectly, but the real warmth came from the sleeping form beside you as he turned over, swinging his arm so it was around your waist and pulling you closer to him. You smiled in both amusement and complete bewilderment as to how you got here.
“I don’t think this is what the President meant by ‘teamwork’.” You noted, folding up the paper and setting it aside.
Josh peeked up at you, half his face still smooshed against the pillow.
“Goodmorning.” He greeted groggily, rubbing his eyes as he slowly sat up.
“I made you coffee.” You handed him the little Styrofoam cup and waited until he’d had enough to wake up a little more. “What are we supposed to tell him when he asks how everything went?”
He thought for a moment. “You know, we didn’t fight at all last night.” He was right. Between the ball and, well, everything after that, not a single argument was had.
You shrugged and held out your cup of coffee for a cheers. “To teamwork,” Josh smirked and tapped his cup against yours.
“To teamwork.”
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meganwritesfanfics ¡ 5 years ago
Born in the U.S.A (Josh Lyman x Reader)
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Part 3 of 3
Word Count: 2123
Neither Sam or Toby couldn’t make eye contact with Josh, instead they just kept staring  at the floor. 
“No, what do you mean I…” Josh said trying to compose his thoughts. “That’s not possible, she is fine everything is fine.” 
“Josh,” Sam started. 
“No,” Josh quickly said as he left the room heading into Leo’s office tears in his eyes. 
“Josh,” Y/N called after him. 
“Josh, what are you…” Donna asked as he passed her. He made his way past Leo and the President heading towards his office, ignoring the pleas from his friends as he went. 
When he got to the office, he let out a scream as he began to throw the papers that were on his desk. He scattered them over the entire office. Suddenly he grabbed the bottle he had been keeping on his desk. He had kept it there ever since Y/N had told him she was pregnant. But the sight of this just sent him over the edge collapsing to the floor in sobs. 
“Josh,” A voice said and Josh looked up to find Leo in the doorway. 
“I don’t know what to do, the doctor said…” Josh said trying to compose himself. 
“I know,” Leo said as he held out his hand helping Josh to his feet. The minute Josh got to his feet Leo pulled him into a hug. “I’m so sorry Josh, I can’t imagine what you are going through.” 
“What do I do Leo,” Josh cried. “I can’t lose her and I don’t know what will happen if we lose this baby.” 
Leo just held Josh for a moment before he pulled back. “What you are going to do right now, is you are going to go in there and you are going to be there with your wife. Let the doctors worry about everything else. Your wife needs you right now, you need to be there for her. We are all there for you through anything.” 
Josh nodded as he handed the bottle to Leo before he made his way back into the Oval Office. 
“Josh!” He heard Y/N scream and he picked up his pace a bit more. 
As he burst in to the office, he found that Sam was positioned before Y/N so she was leaning against his chest, CJ still grabbing her hand. Toby was in the corner pacing nervously and the president was talking to Abby. 
 “Josh,” Sam gasped as he looked at Josh terrified.
“Don’t worry Sam I got this,” Josh quickly said switching places with Sam. 
“Where were you, what’s wrong something is wrong I can tell.” Y/N quickly said/screamed as Josh took her hand. 
“I will tell you later, ok, right now you just need to focus on giving birth to our beautiful baby.” Josh said trying to hide the fact that his voice had cracked. 
“Toby, I blame you for this.” Y/N screamed as she dug her nails into both Josh and CJ’s hands. 
“Let it be known that I said I thought something was wrong this morning but she didn’t listen.” Toby quickly chimed in causing everyone in the room to laugh. 
“Alright Mrs. Lyman I am going to try to move the baby back into position, this may cause some discomfort but I need you to try not to push, no matter how much you may feel like you want to.” The Doctor quickly said. 
Y/N nodded as she leaned her head into the crook of Josh’s neck closing her eyes tightly. 
“I love you so much.” Josh whispers as he brought her hand up and kissed it. 
As the doctor started Y/N let out a blood curdling scream causing Sam who was standing next to Toby to jump, everyone in the room was turning white. 
“I hate you so much Josh I can’t believe that you convinced me to have kids. I’m going to kill you.” She screamed as she gripped on his hand so hard he literally could feel things pop. 
“I know you are in a lot of pain, but just breath ok, just breath.” Josh said as he looked up at Leo who just nodded. He was still holding the baby bottle. 
“Josh!” Y/N screamed again but this time instead of anger in her voice it was just pure pain. 
“I wish I could take the pain away baby, I really do.” 
“I should tell you the sex of the baby, Josh I really should just for putting me through this.” Y/N cried tears now streaming down her face from the pain. “ We are having a…” She started when suddenly the doctor looked up at her. 
“Alright, I think we moved your baby into the right position, we need to make a plan to get you and the baby to the hospital, and then we are going to start pushing.” 
“We have two cars ready to go,” Abby quickly chimed in. 
“Toby, Sam.” Y/N quickly said reaching out for them. 
They quickly came to her side. “When this baby is born, you make sure Josh gets in the car with the baby.” Y/N said. 
“Y/N” Josh started. 
“No matter what happens he goes with the baby is that understood.”
Toby and Sam looked at her shocked. 
“No Y/N I’m not…” Josh continued but she wasn’t listening to him. 
“Promise me you two, or I will make both of your lives living hell.” 
“Yeah of course,” Sam quickly said earning a glare from Josh. 
“Toby,” Y/N said looking at him. 
“Y/N I don’t think I…” Toby started. 
“Promise me Toby.” 
Toby just nodded as he grabbed Sam and the two of them backed away. 
“Y/N,” Josh started again he could help his voice cracking as his spoke quietly. 
“I know there is something wrong Josh, and I know you are trying to protect me, but listen to me, if it comes down to you saving the baby or you saving me, save the baby.” 
“I don’t want to talk about that.” Josh said 
“That’s what they told you right, that you could lose me or the baby.” 
Josh just nodded tears now streaming down his face. 
Y/N gulped as she looked at her husband trying her best to hold back her own tears. “I love you Josh, so much. And I will always love you ok, even if something happens…” 
“Nothing is going to happen, everything is going to be fine.” Josh pleaded. 
“Y/N,” The doctor said. “I’m going to need you to start pushing.” 
“I love you,” Josh said as he held onto her tightly as she began to push. 
Time seemed to slow as Y/N pushed. All Josh could hear was her screaming and he tried to think about anything apart from the fact that he may lose his wife and his child. He had been waiting for this day, he had been so excited and now, everything seemed to be filled with nothing but fear. 
Y/N pushed for about thirty minutes before Josh heard the sound of a baby crying and his heart stopped. 
“Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Lyman, you have a boy.” 
Josh gasped as he looked down at Y/N who was looking up at him tears in her eyes smiling. 
“Noah,” She said as she was very carefully handed the baby. “Hi Noah, I’m your mommy.” 
Josh couldn’t even think straight as he looked between his wife and his new baby boy. 
“Josh,” He heard someone say. “Congratulations.” He turned around to see Leo looking at him smiling. 
“Do you want to hold him?” Y/N asked. 
“I… I don’t know what if I…” Josh started panicked. 
“You aren’t going to break him Joshua, hold your son.” 
“Son,” Josh gasped laughing slightly as he held his arms out as Y/N set the baby in his arms. He was perfect. That was the only word Josh could even think of to describe the small person he was holding. He couldn’t believe that he had created this. Before meeting Y/N, Josh had never really thought about children. Of course he wanted children but he had almost come to terms with the fact that it may not happen. The world around him seemed to disappear as he looked at his sons face. The crying child had instantly stopped crying the minute he had been set in Josh’s arms. Already Josh could see Noah had his nose and his chin, but his mouth was very much Y/N’s. Josh could feel th
e tears streaming down his face but he didn’t care. He couldn’t imagine this moment being ruined. That was until he finally started to notice the panic happening around him. 
“Joshua, we need to go.” Abby quickly said bringing Josh out of his perfect world. That’s when he looked down to see that Y/N’s eyes were closed. 
“Y/N!” Josh screamed as he looked back at Abby panicked. 
“We need to go.” She said. 
“Sam!” Josh screamed as Sam jumped running towards Josh. “Take Noah, take the baby.” 
“Josh, Y/N said…” Sam started.
“I don’t care what she said. Take the baby get in the car and head to the hospital, I am going with Y/N.” Josh pleaded as he handed the baby to Sam. “Abby will you…” Abby nodded as she went with Sam out to the car that was waiting. “Toby.” Toby was quickly was by Josh’s side helping him lift Y/N in to his arms. 
In an instant Josh was in a car with the doctor holding the unconscious Y/N in his lap.
“Can we drive faster,” Josh panicked as held onto Y/N for dear life “Y/N wake up, sweetheart please wake up.” 
Slowly Y/N began to stir however Josh could still tell her breathing was raspy. “Y/N,” He gasped as he looked at her tears in his eyes. 
“Josh,” She breathed as she looked at him smiling. She slowly looked around however as her smile faded. “Where is he, where is Noah?” “Shhh, its ok.” Josh soothed as he held her tightly. “He’s with Sam.” 
She giggled slightly. “He’s with Sam, Uncle Sam.” She laughed causing Josh to smile. “Josh I feel funny, something is wrong.” 
“Don’t worry we are going to get you to the hospital. I just need to you to keep you eyes open ok, focus on me.” 
“I love you Josh.” Y/N said and Josh watched as her eyes rolled back in her head and she went limp in his arms. 
“Y/N!” He screamed as her world went dark. 
“Y/N, please wake up. I can’t do this without you.” Y/N could hear Josh say and she felt like she had been asleep for ages. 
“Josh,” She groaned as she slowly woke up. 
“Hey,” Josh said and she saw that he was sitting by her side gripping her hand tightly. 
Panic set in as she started to take in her surroundings. 
“Where is he, where is Noah?” She said as she started to sit up. 
“Hey, its ok” Josh quickly soothed placing her hands on her face. “He’s fine, he’s more than fine he is perfect.” His voice cracked slightly. 
“Josh,” Y/N smiled as she leaned forward and kissed him.
“You scared me, Y/N. I thought I lost you.” Josh said and Y/N could see the tears in his eyes. 
“Well, you got shot in the chest so I think we are even.” Y/N teased as she wiped the tears off Josh’s cheeks. 
“I love you.” Josh kissed her again when suddenly there was a knock on the door. 
“Can we come in,” A voice said and Josh turned to find a nurse carrying Noah and then the entire West Wing Staff behind her. 
“Of course,” Y/N beamed as the nurse walked over to her handing her Noah carefully. 
“He’s perfect Josh.” Abby said as she put her hand on Josh’s shoulder. 
“What did you name him?” President Bartlet said however Josh did not see him there. 
“He wanted to be here but we thought it would be best if he stayed in the White House.” Leo said as he held up his phone. 
“You can tell him Josh.” Y/N smiled. 
“His name is Noah Joshiah Lyman.” Josh said and Abby gasped placing her hand over her heart. 
As the rest of the staff gathered around Josh sat next to Y/N on the bed pulling her into his arms as he looked at his family. His entire family. Every single person in that room and especially the man on the phone were his family. 
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inknopewetrust ¡ 5 years ago
While I work on the requests already in, has anyone watched The West Wing?? If so... should I add Josh and Sam to my list of characters I write about?
Let me know what you think! (of course they would be character x reader)
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imawkwardlysoc ¡ 2 years ago
i may or may not have forgotten to upload the links to the new chapters and posted them... but hey! chapters 23-30 are out now!
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duchesschameleon ¡ 3 years ago
hehehehehehehe sam seaborn and the one who got away <3
alright the idea for this one evaded me so...i hope you like it!!
pairing: sam seaborn x gn!reader (not actually as a couple though)
this is the last place sam seaborn expected to see you. staring at you while you stood in the kennedy center waiting to go to your seat for tonight's performance. he doesn't know what to do, to approach you and try to talk after all these years apart or just let you be. just walk away, the same way you had. his feet are glued in place and he knows he needs to make a move soon, otherwise someone else will again be making the decision for him, to shit or get off the pot when it came to you. he can't let that happen again, so instead he watches you for one more second before turning away and heading towards the president's box.
because sometimes, things don't work out for a reason.
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qvid-pro-qvo ¡ 4 years ago
what fic things are coming from you in the future? (from an excited and patient fan!)
so here’s the thing — i have plenty of drafts of stuff that i’ve been cautiously working on. however the actual writing but hasn’t hit me too hard recently, so progress is slow going. so thank you for being patient, but i have no clue when stuff will actually progress (hopefully once boards are done).
here’s a list of solo projects and actual drafts i have:
derek morgan x reader - reader works at a hardware/paint store and meets derek while he works on his renovations
emily prentiss x female!reader - sin-to-win weekend (18+)
aaron hotchner x female!reader - last two parts of the ocean’s eleven au
aaron hotchner x reader - vampire!hotch multiparter
aaron hotchner x rafael barba x reader - how they met (18+)
mike dodds x reader - under the cover of night, part three
peter stone x reader - fic based on rhythm of love by the plain white t’s
sam seaborn x reader - law school lovers to friends to lovers again?
and i have an actual list of other ideas, but. none of them have actual words to paper drafts yet. just ideas. the ones above have a document open and words written.
i don’t know when these will be done or worked on. but they’re gaining traction. slowly but surely.
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eminems-skittles ¡ 4 years ago
how they react to you stealing their sweater [west wing characters x reader]
requested by: @shutupanddance  pairings: josh lyman x reader; toby ziegler x reader; sam seaborn x reader; (ALL SEPARATE)  warnings: none ;) word count: 1.3k a/n: there will be a part two with will, cj, donna, and charlie
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:⠀ *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
he honestly wouldn’t even notice unless someone pointed it out or until after the fact
i mean in the episode where donna is trying to convince the family in new hamsphire to vote for bartlet instead of richie, he didn’t even realize donna took his coat even though he said she could 
so here’s what i’m thinking
everyone is working late one night and donna, on her way to josh’s office, bumped into you 
you quickly scurried away before she could say anything so she just continued on her way
“you know y/n is wearing your jacket right?”
“wait? no she’s not. my jacket is right there.”
josh pointed at the now empty chair that was normally where he put his jacket
“okay so maybe she did...”
josh looked down at his desk, fighting the smile that was trying to appear on his face. 
donna rolled her eyes at the obviously smitten man
“do you know-”
“she’s in her office”
as soon as donna finished speaking, josh was out of his chair and making his way towards your office
“oh hey josh!”
josh felt a blush dust his cheeks as he spotted you 
“you’re wearing my sweater.”
“oh yeah i am. sorry about that. my office just gets really cold and your jackets are always much warmer than mine.”
“don’t worry about it. you can keep it if you want.”
you and sam had been dating for a few months, closer to a year really
you decided to give him a key so that he could come over after work and spend the night
not like that, get ur mind out of the gutter LOL
one night he comes over after work
and you’re already asleep 
because the man does not know how to healthily balance work and well anything other than work (besides sailing but even then...)
anyways back to the story
so he gets home at basically the ass crack of dawn (not really but you get the point. he got home late)
since it’s so late, you’re already asleep 
and he’s envious of you
you look so peaceful and comfortable and the weight of how the country and the world sees the president isn’t resting on your shoulders the way it is his
after he puts his pajamas on (really just sweatpants and no shirt lets be real....brb thinking about shirtless sam) he climbs into bed next to you but behind you? like y’all are going to spoon
he pulled you close to him, his hands clutching the fabric of the sweater
you turned over and smiled sleepily at him
“hi sammy”
“hi hon”
the soft light of the bedside lamp hung over the two of you
sam’s eyes traced from your face down to your sweater
well to be more specific-his gray princeton sweater
“you’re a thief, you know that?”
“can’t help it. it was cold and that was the warmest thing i could find.”
you mumbled something under your breath
“what was that?”
“plus i missed you and it smells like you.”
upon hearing that, sam pulled you closer to him so you were pressed against his chest
“you can steal all of my sweaters.”
“good because i already have
TOBY ZIEGLER (not so much you stealing as he willingly gives you his jacket but still cute)
now we all know that toby isn’t the most warm...
his jackets however are incredibly warm
especially on cold winter days
the west wing team had gone up to new york for a few days and during a few hours of unusual downtime, you all decided to head down to central park to do some ‘exploring’
“y/n come on you need a jacket”
toby argued with you as they made their way to the elevator 
“no i don’t i’ll be fine. it’s only like 5 degrees colder than home.”
it was, in fact, twenty degrees colder 
the group was walking around central park, talking about work of course
“y/n are you okay? you’re shaking like a chihuahua”
donna asked, gaining toby’s attention.
“yeah i’m fine just kind of cold is all.”
without a word, toby slipped his own jacket off his shoulders and draped it across your shoulders
“told you you should have brought your own jacket.”
“yeah yeah. yours are so much warmer though.”
toby smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders
the two of you continued to walk while bickering about the importance of wearing jackets in cold weather
while you two were walking, donna turned to cj and said,
“how can they act like an old married couple yet they aren’t even together?”
to which cj said,
“oh donna, there’s so much you don’t know. let’s get you up to speed.”
y/n turned her head, making eye contact with her two friends
“you know we can hear you right?”
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shutupanddance ¡ 4 years ago
Dinners on Fridays
Tagging @girloncorneliastreet​ This wasn’t requested, just something I loved the idea of <3
I guess you could say it’s a prologue to the one shot I posted just before it?
Anyway Ian Malcolm and Jim Kirk are up next! Then Josh Lyman after that.
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Sam Seaborn is a simple man. He likes politics, and he likes to talk. He also happens to REALLY like good food.
- One night, after working really late, Sam offers to walk you home. Of course you say yes. You and Sam are the West Wing’s “dynamic duo”: everywhere you go, he goes, and vise versa. He’s your best friend, so you’ll take every chance you get to talk. - You realize about halfway through your walk that he actually lives only a few blocks down, and neither of you had any idea. You’ve been taking the same route home without ever seeing each other. It’s a good laugh, and Sam suggests that you do this more often. You agree.
- When you get to your small brownstone, the deputy communications director’s nose catches the wind. And like some weird wild animal, he says “food.” You laugh.
“I’m marinating some steak for dinner tonight.” You explain, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen the man more excited. “Would you like to come in?”
- Sam nods vigorously, so you invite him in for dinner. He takes one bite of your meal and his eyes go wide.
“Marry me,” he says through a mouthful of steak, and you dissolve into giggles.
- A new tradition is born.
- On Friday nights, Sam comes over and has dinner. Usually you cook and he does dishes, but if the day has been really stressful, he’ll do both. You’re surprised at his culinary skills, and even though he’s not 100% sure what the different spices you have are, he knows how to use them.
- Usually after dinner the two of you will recline in your living room and talk about the day, or whatever you’re doing over the weekend. It’s a great way to decompress after a long week.
- Sam is a major foodie (good food, mind you. Not the trash that Josh eats) so sometimes he’ll even go grocery shopping for you during the week. He has expensive tastes, but you discover that it’s nice to splurge from time to time.
- Your coworkers love to joke that you’re practically married to each other. Sam loves to grab your waist and make some wisecrack or stupid joke every time.
“Dear, would you please tell these people that I’m sick of them?”
- It’s all fun and games until he accidentally calls you “my love” in front of the President, the Joint Chiefs, and pretty much the entire senior staff of the West Wing.
- The President ships it.
- And Abby Bartlet definitely does not urge her husband to put the two of you together on assignments more often…
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psychiatristreturning ¡ 4 years ago
sam seaborn while his wife is pregnant
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a/n: @duck2005. i love dad!sam!! sorry it’s short.  word count: 258 warnings: pregnancy masterlist
the day you told sam that you were pregnant was the last day you were ever allowed to do anything
sam wasn’t going to mess it up
need a snack? sam was getting it
getting papers? sam already got them
i mean, you work next to josh, and donna helps you as well, now that you’re pregnant
she has to keep sam from the bullpen
just nobody lets him in
“hey i have-” “GET OUT” is the chorus heard throughout the west wing
donna being sam’s best friend has to tell him that you’re okay, and if there was anything wrong that donna would promise to get sam
josh just wanted sam out of meddling with you, who was just trying to get her work done, he couldn't take nine months of this
you didn’t mind, i mean of course, you threw up sometimes, and your body hurt, but it didn’t interfere extremely in your work
Hell if you didnt tell people, they wouldn’t know, besides ya know, your stomach, and also sam
Ii it’s a girl: donna, jean, or abbey (you both draw the line at claudia)
if it’s a boy: leo, percy, or josh (toby refused to be a possible namesake)
i’d say that person who was most excited when you told people you were having a baby was jed. he was so happy that you two were married AND having a baby. 
Like that micael scott quote, “i feel like all my kids grew up, and then they married each other. it’s every parents dream.”
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