#sam in a tracksuit oh yes
arrowfleur · 1 year
Thoughts thoughts thoughts
Sam ‘Drive-by kink shaming’ Asher is so funny 😭
Also Sam🤝Asher *laughing at their own jokes*
Those two were literally flirting the whole time likeeeee
“Who you calling an underdog pup? ”
I knowwww Babe was giving him side eye
That’s their nick name (for Ash) and their nick name only
Also Sam said ‘My Darlin’ and that’s soooo cute
Sweetheart scaring Milo no matter time or place,, I know that man is living in a state of fear
BAAAAABE winning fuck yeah
David trying to teach Angel how to play,,, and not succeeding, BUT! He’s so soft with them ahhhhh
Sam thinking the remote was dead and saying “that little turnip” he’s such a DILF. (Fred and Bright are his children you didn’t hear this from me)
Also David helping him turn it on and CONSTANTLY reiterating how well he fits in
I loved those two During the inversion and I’m so glad we got to see that duo again with happier circumstances
Darlin killing Sam off without hesitation pffffffffffftt
‘MILE LOW’ is definitely my favourite name
I feel like none of them asked what ‘make it two’ meant because Asher is a gossip girl and probably told them all in a group chat
Angel immediately picking Sam 💀
Samuel Collins you are, the weakest link
“Oh so I’m a flop now”
Milo thinking Sam was actually offended and stuttering STUTTERING
“You gon get a pink tracksuit like that Milo?”
“I should i’d look fucking great in it”
Milo refusing to get the smash ball
In a good way
“Cmon buddy what map do you want?”
Why does Milo react to sweetheart getting hit like it’s an actual fight 😭 he’s so funny
Oop and they’re making out again
It’s basically a 40 minute video of Milo and Sweetheart being horny
And then Ash being horny
Sam being confused as fuck
And David being DONE
Why do I get the feeling that Sam looks away ‘out of respect’ when Angel and David are kissing
he’s such a fan girl
Just the entirety of thee ‘nut-sack brain’ discussion
Once again Milo saying ‘owww’ like it actually hurt him?!?!
Personally Sweetheart is my winner 😌
‘You just inspecting their tonsils?’
and finally Ash singing and David telling him to stop
And then Ash kissing David and him saying ‘get off me’
Is such a mirror to that first Halloween episode
The more things change the more they stay the same I suppose
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geralt-of-baevia · 2 years
Begin Again: Chapter Two
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Summary: When Penny starts working at AFC Richmond as their new head photographer, she catches the eye of a certain mustached, happy-go-lucky, head coach of the team. But can their spark endure through the season’s pressures and the demons of their past?
Pairing: Ted Lasso x OFC (Penny Fletcher)
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Uhhh, nudity, accidental seeing of said nudity, language, etc.
A/N: I love me a slow burn, but I don't know if that's what this is gonna be yet. 😝 Thank you to everyone who read the first chapter! I'm excited to get this story really going.
Beta: Thank you to @midnightswithdearkatytspb for proofreading again 💕💕
Tiny Tag List: @tegan8314 @rosesheerio (Let me know if you want to get added!)
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My first week at Richmond AFC was in some ways like being in school again, and I gained about 30 new close friends. All of the players were exuberantly nice, and by the end of the week I was treated like one of the guys. It was nice to be somewhere where I felt so loved and cherished, it wasn’t something I was used to. 
Thursday afternoon was set for me to try out my hand at taking playing shots to practice for their games. I was excited to finally get some action shots of the guys since I had spent most of the week taking photo of the facility and clubhouse. This was the first I was finally getting to photograph the guys, the real thing I was excited for. 
I walked out onto the pitch with the players, but stayed back at the sideline. I took out my camera and took some candid photos of their comradery as they filed onto the green. As I clicked away, I was completely oblivious that someone came up to stand next to me. 
“Are things bigger or smaller when you look through that tiny window on the back of that giant contraption?” 
I jumped at Ted’s voice, pulling my camera away from my face and trying to focus on him as I readjusted my eyes. 
“Well, this lens, from this perspective at least, makes them smaller,” I said with a smirk. 
Ted and I hadn’t gotten to interact all that much over the last few days. We said hello to each other every time we passed each other in the hallway, and occasionally had small talk before or after the day, but not a whole lot other than that. Although, every time we did talk the conversations got longer, and we would both always linger after our talks, like neither of us wanted it to end. 
“But if I had this other lense here on my hip,” I said, gesturing to the lense on the left side of my holster, “if I put that one on it would look like Sam was just as close to me as you are right now.” 
“Well damn, I didn’t know being a photographer was like being a wizard!” Ted said with astonishment. I laughed. 
“Oh, you have no idea! I can then put them on the computer and make stuff disappear. Like zits, scars, people!” 
“People?! That escalated quickly,” he said with a laugh.
He nudged my shoulder with his own, looking out at the pitch at the guys. He had on a pair of brown Ray-Ban sunglasses, a matching AFC tracksuit, and a dumb white visor. I shouldn’t think something like that on him was attractive, but I did. And him nudging my shoulder ever so much made my heart beat like crazy in my chest. 
“Yes, people, Ted,” I said as I shook my head, looking at the back of my camera and clicking through my photos. I felt him take a half step closer to me and peer over my shoulder. 
“Man, you really are talented, Penny,” he said, his voice a little lower this time, and more serious. 
I felt a shiver go down my spine as his chest pressed against my shoulder when he leaned in to get a closer look. It took everything in me not to relax against him. He was so warm and smelled like fresh laundry and sandalwood and grass. I tried to focus on the back of my camera and not how my body seemed to grow hot and numb. 
I swallowed hard. “T-Thanks Ted.” 
“Coach! Penny will send us those photos this weekend, you can look later,” I heard Coach Beard say from behind us. Ted immediately jumped, placing his hand instinctually on my arm before taking a step back. 
“Yes Coach! Penny, it uh-it was nice to talk to you.” I looked up at him as he addressed me, nodding his head before following Beard to the pitch. I giggled a little as I noticed he was holding his clipboard no longer at his chest, but lower now as if to cover himself. A part of me hoped that was because of me. 
Towards the end of practice, I had gotten some really good shots and I was excited to see them. The coaches had to go see Ms. Welton about something, so it was now just me and the guys fooling aroun. As I was looking at the back of my camera again, Jamie got my attention.  
“Oi! Penny! I wanna try out this new slide thing, do you think you could get a wicked picture of that?” he asked after jogging over to me. I shrugged. 
“Sure! Let me just get into position.” I walked across the sideline and in line with him but about ten yards back. I crouched down and held my camera up, framing him for his slide. 
“Whenever your ready, Jamie!” I shouted to him. 
First Jamie was running towards me in the viewfinder, then suddenly I was being crashed into, my camera flying through the air and landing in with a crack. I laid there, more worried about my broken equipment than the pain I was feeling in my side from where Jaime collided with me, or the fact that I was now covered in mud from head to toe. 
“Penny! Oh my god, are you okay!?” Sam was the first to make it over to me, his face hovering over my view of the sky above. Soon the rest of the team was surrounding me before I could even think of getting up and seeing the damage. 
I pushed myself up into a sitting position, motioning for the guys to back up. “I appreciate the concern gentlemen, but I’m fine. Just very muddy now.”
“Oh Miss Penny, I’m so sorry…” 
My head snapped around to see my camera in Dani’s hands, my lens cracked down the middle. I sighed before looking down and seeing the lens that was on my hip no longer there, but now a few feet away and broken as well. I groaned, rubbing my face in my hands. 
“Penny, I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll buy you a new whatever you need. I’ll replace everything,” I heard Jaime say somewhere in front of me. I looked up to see him crouched in front of me, he was covered in mud too. His words were genuine, I could tell. 
“That’s very kind of you Jamie, because I wouldn’t be able to replace it otherwise,” I told him with an awkward laugh. A small smile formed in the corner of his mouth, and he extended a hand out to help me up. 
After assessing the damage to my lenses and camera body (that ended up also breaking), Jaime told me he was going to leave practice and go right to a shop and get me my replacements. I looked down and saw that I was completely covered in mud, and I’m pretty sure it was in my hair as well. Sam came over to me and placed a friendly hand on my shoulder. 
“The other guys and I talked, and if you would like to, you clean up in our locker room. We’d be glad to stay out here and play longer. Also, Dani and I are offering some of our extra Richmond clothes for you to change into. You can bring them back tomorrow,” he explained, a big smile on his face. Sam had one of the kindest hearts I had ever met, and I appreciated his offer. 
“Actually, that would be great Sam. Could you show me?” 
He nodded before we headed into the clubhouse and he showed me the showers. We stopped at the lockers so he could give me the spare clothes he had mentioned before, and get me a couple of towels as well. When I finally passed a mirror I got to see the damage done: mud traced through my hair, contrasting against my dirty blonde color. Mud all over my chest and neck, all places that would need to be scrubbed.
“And don’t worry Miss Penny, the guys and I will all stay outside until you’re done.”
I thanked him again, truly appreciating not having to walk home filthy. As soon as he was around the corner I began stripping out of my dirty sweatshirt and jeans, excited to get the mud off of me and warm up. I turned on the water and once it was hot enough I got underneath the stream, the hot water rushing over my head and down my body, immediately warming me up. 
I looked around the giant shower and found some random men’s 2 in 1 to wash my hair and body with until I could get home for a proper shower. The scent was strong, filling up my nostrils and the shower room: I would definitely need to shower again when I got home. Once I felt the mud was sufficiently off of me and the water ran clear, I turned to face the shower head and just basked in the warm water for one last time. 
Just as I turned to face away from the water, I opened my eyes to see Ted walk by. We both froze as he and I made eye contact, and I watched as his eyes trailed down my wet, naked body, and then back up to my eyes again. I could have covered myself, I could have screamed or shrieked at him to go away, but I just froze. 
After what felt like ten minutes of just staring at each other, Ted finally broke the silence. “S-Sorry, Penny.”
He started to take a half step towards me, and then immediately turned on his heel to head back the way he came, stuffing his hands in his pockets and turning his gaze to the ground. 
Even though he was gone, I stood there for another couple of minutes, still in shock as the water beat against my head. Eventually, I turned off the water, hurriedly dried off, and got dressed in my borrowed clothes, grabbing my dirty clothes to put in my bag. I could have said goodbye to the team or told them I was leaving, but I just wanted to get home. I didn’t even care that my hair was still wet. 
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Once I got to my flat, I ran upstairs and shut the door hastily, leaning against it. I rubbed my face vigorously in my hands, the vision of Ted’s face staring at me not wanting to leave from behind my eyes. 
“Um, what the fuck happened to you?” 
I lifted my head to see my roommate Jo standing in the kitchen, a cuppa in her hand. 
“What do you mean?” I asked sarcastically, dropping my bag to the floor next to me. 
“You’ve freshly showered because your hair is wet and you reek of men’s shampoo, you’re wearing an AFC Richmond tracksuit that’s too big for you, and you wouldn’t have dropped your bag like that if your camera and stuff was in there, just to name a few,” she said with a smug smile. Her eyebrows snapped together, “now tell me what happened.”
“Can I tell you after I shower the man scent off of me? I actually kind of hate it.”
I should have known better than to think Jo would let me shower in peace, following me into the bathroom, her tea still in her hand. 
“Do I get no privacy, Jolene?” I asked her as I began to strip out of the blue and red tracksuit. She sat down on the toilet and laughed, shaking her head. 
“Of course not, Penelope. Now, shower so you tell me what happened at work today,” she said, sipping on her cup. I rolled my eyes and giggled. 
I hopped in the shower and told her about what happened, both Jamie breaking my camera and then Ted seeing me shower. 
“Wait, wait, wait. I’m sorry, but what the fuck did you just say?” she asked almost heatedly. I laughed as I heard her almost spit out her tea. 
“Yeah, he saw me completely stark naked. Naked as the day I was born and I was showering too! I think I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m completely mortified.”
“Okay, so what did you do when he saw you?” 
“Um, nothing? I just stood there like an idiot.”
The shower curtain suddenly pulled back to reveal Jo staring at me with a shocked face, and instinctively I covered myself. I mentally kicked myself at that moment, why couldn’t I have done that with Ted?
“Well, obviously you wanted him to see you naked,” she said with a sly smile. 
“Why do you say that?!” I asked, almost offended at her words. 
“Um, because I’ve seen you naked a million and one times and you just covered yourself,” she said with a knowing look. I scoffed at her and turned around to not face her. “Also, did he see the tits and bits half or the bum half?”
I whipped back around to face her and she had the most devilish grin on her face. 
“Can you please go back to your seat on the toilet? I’d really like to finish showering and I can’t with you staring at me.”
“Fiiiiine,” she said with a roll of her eyes. She dropped the shower curtain and disappeared. 
After a moment of silence between us, I sighed before telling her, ‘It was my tits and bits.” 
“Oh, that definitely went in his spank bank then.”
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spnexploration · 2 years
Collared part 20
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: You go on a shopping trip
Warnings: panic attack, negative self-talk
Word count: 1.8k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 19 <- -> Part 21
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“WHY do I only own trackies?!” you demanded, marching into the room where Sam and Dean were eating breakfast. Your hair was wet and you were clutching two pairs of tracksuit pants in your hand. Both heads snapped to look at you.
“What do you mean?” Sam asked.
“I mean that the only pants I have in this whole godforsaken bunker are tracksuit pants! There is not a single pair of jeans, or leggings, or literally any other type of pant! And I would like to know why that is!”
The brothers shared a look. That made you even angrier. “Don’t look at him!” You yelled at Sam. “You’re the one who went to the shops, I remember!”
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said cautiously.
“Goddamn it Sam, that’s not what I asked!” You were getting even angrier now.
“Ok, ok,” he tried to placate you. “I only bought you tracksuit pants because you were spending your whole time kneeling on the floor, and I thought it would be more comfortable. If you want different clothes now, I’m happy to go get you some.”
You swallowed. You hadn’t really considered that. You’d just been angry, thinking that they hadn’t considered you a real person with real preferences while you’d had the collar on. But it turned out they’d actually been considering you more than you’d thought. Your anger didn’t really dissipate though, it just found a new target.
“Oh, what, am I still incapable of selecting my own clothes?! Does your charity only extend to me if you’re in control?”
Sam’s hands were up in surrender, as they frequently were since the collar had come off. “No, no, I just thought it might be easier if I got things for you.” He looked at Dean again, hesitant, then back to you. “If you want to come, I’m sure we can arrange that, but it might be best to wait a few days.”
“Why?” you demanded, hands on your hips. “Am I still your prisoner?”
“You’ve never been our prisoner, Y/N.”
“Then let’s go to the bloody shops and buy some fucking clothes that actually fit!” Your rage about this knew no bounds.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Dean interjected, speaking for the first time.
“And who asked your opinion?!”
“DON’T YOU DARE,” you growled at him.
“Ok, ok, sorry,” he backed off.
Sam seemed to feel he had to pick back up, in response. “Y/N,” he said gently, “Are you sure you’re ready for the crowds and the experience of the shops?”
“Yes, Sam,” you said, voice dripping with sarcasm, “I think I can handle the most mundane thing in the world of buying some fucking pants! Jesus Christ, did you two go to mountain-out-of-a-molehill school?! Are you so used to seeing monsters at every turn that you think they’re lurking in every rack of jeans?”
Sam yielded, “Ok, I’ll take you shopping.”
“I’m driving,” Dean interjected again.
“Who invited you?” you sassed at him.
“It’s my goddamn car, princess.” Apparently, you’d pushed some of his buttons. Good.
“Fine, you can stay in it.” You walked out, still frustrated but glad you’d be able to get some more clothes.
This was a bad idea, Dean knew it. He didn’t know how it was going to go wrong, but it was going to go wrong. He ran his hand down his face, waiting for you and Sam to come to the garage.
You came out, glared at him and got in the backseat of the car, slamming the door behind you. He took a deep breath to avoid reacting. Sam followed shortly thereafter so Dean climbed into the driver’s seat.
“Any preference on shop?” he asked you mildly.
“I don’t even know where I am, genius. You tell me.” He bit back his retort and started to drive to the closest superstore.
He pulled up in the car park, turning off the car and then repositioning the gun in the back of his jeans.
“Are you seriously one of those assholes who takes a gun with them everywhere?” you spat at him.
He looked at you incredulously, “I hunt monsters. For a living. Often, they try and hunt me.”
“Let’s just go,” Sam said, trying to break up the fight before it escalated.
“Only I’m going anywhere,” you said, crossing your arms across your chest. “You two can wait here.”
“Yeah, that ain’t happening,” Dean said, opening his door and starting to get out.
“And why not?”
He turned back to look at you, frustration leaking into his response before he could stop it. “Because this ill-timed shopping trip is occurring before Sam and I could finish determining whether there are demons or witches, or whatever else, who still want to come recapture you and make us pay for killing the bitch.”
You paused, fear showing briefly on your face. “Oh.”
“Dean,” Sam hissed at him.
You schooled your face back into what was apparently today’s expression, a hardened scorn. “Fine, you can come, but stay out of the way.”
The Winchesters did their speaking-through-looks trick again and Sam came and walked next to you, while Dean trailed a few metres behind. You were happy they’d at least decided to keep him away from you, he made your blood boil today.
Well, everything did.
You walked into the shop and headed to the women’s clothes section. Oh look, no monsters.
You turned to the clothes. Everything was different, all of the fashions were totally different to the last time you'd been shopping. It was a bit overwhelming.
It was another reminder of what you'd lost.
You swallowed again. Focus on the task at hand.
“Are you ok?” Sam asked gently.
“Leave me alone,” you spat at him.
“Ok, ok, I'll just be over by the pillar,” he said, pointing and then leaving to stand where he'd said. Dean had already made himself scarce, watching you from afar.
You turned back to the clothes. The confidence you'd shown when responding to Sam evaporated when faced with the task again.
You can do this, you told yourself.
You shuffled the hangers around. You didn't know what would suit your body anymore – years of torture and malnutrition had left you with a body shape entirely unlike the one you'd had before. What even was your size now?
You grabbed at a couple of pairs randomly. You clutched them to your chest and headed for the change rooms.
Inside, you tried on the pants. They didn't fit, they looked absurd. Your hips were wrong, your waist was wrong, your legs were wrong. It was all wrong! You hadn't even particularly liked your body before, but at least it was yours. This felt ... foreign. Despair settled over you.
You jumped when you heard a mother scold a child for playing with the latch on a change room door. The kid started to yell and the sound felt like it was invading your brain, filling all of your senses. You had to get out of there.
You gathered the clothes up in a fluster and opened the door. You almost ran out of there, distracted and unable to focus. You heard another noise and looked over your shoulder, and then collided with a hard object at hip height. You turned back and saw it was a trolley, which you had now sent careening into the clothes racks nearby.
The woman who owned the trolley turned to you, “What the hell are you doing?”
A man got jolted by the clothes rack starting to fall on him and he turned to you too, yelling, “Watch where you're going, lady!”
You cowered from him, expecting pain. You were starting to hyperventilate, feeling dizzy and overwhelmed. Everything was happening too fast, it was too loud, there were too many people.
You tried to look for an escape but it felt like everything around you had closed in, like you were in a maze with no way out. You put your hands over your ears, screwed your eyes shut and went to fall to your knees.
Hands caught your waist, preventing you from falling. All you could hear was your own blood pumping in your ears and you started to panic more. The hands pulled you to be against something firm and warm. You opened your eyes again and realised someone had pulled you to their chest. You looked around and noticed things were moving around you, which was terribly disconcerting until you realised it was because the person holding you was walking.
You realised it was Dean who held you, half floppy and boneless, completely confused and still panicking. He was half carrying, half dragging you out.
You took your hands from your ears and clutched the front of his shirt instead. He looked down at you, worry in his face. You saw his lips moving but you were still too confused, too overwhelmed to make out what the words were. It was all just noise. You swayed, feeling like your head was heavy and unwieldy.
He rearranged your arms, wrapping them around his neck, then he lifted you from your thighs to wrap your legs around his waist. You heard him make noise again but it still didn't register. He cradled one hand on the back of your head and the other arm under your thighs.
Suddenly, it was cooler. You looked around, realising that you were now outside. You saw Sam had been holding the door open for Dean and was now walking along behind him, worriedly looking at you.
It was quieter outside. You started to feel less bewildered, less adrift. You heard Dean talking again.
Your name, he was saying your name.
“Huh?” you said.
Sam ran around Dean and then you felt Dean dipping down. Something was under your bum. Dean stepped back and you realised he had just sat you down inside his car, your legs facing out the open door.
“Ok, can you try and slow down your breathing?” You understood Dean this time. You nodded. He looked relieved.
Sam crouched down in front of you and took your hand. Dean took a step back. “How are you going?” Sam asked gently.
“Umm. Better.”
“Good, that's good,” he said, giving your hand a squeeze.
Your breathing was getting under control now. You started to feel embarrassed, looking at the ground.
“I'm fine,” you said, without much conviction. “I'll be fine,” you tried again, stronger this time.
“Do you want to go home?” Sam asked.
You nodded. Sam got you to turn around in the car and shut your door. Then both brothers got in the front.
You went and hid in your room when you got back, not making eye contact.
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nescaveckwriter · 5 months
Stethoscopes & Triangles - Chapter Five 💕
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A/N: OMW😱😱😱... My nerves are shot, this is an intense chapter, get some popcorn and maybe anxiety meds😂(just joking).. so sit back and enjoy. 💕
Warnings: 18+ Only! Some language, angst, heartbreak, mention of death, hard scenes, terror , bombs , anything else I missed let me know💕
Characters: Sam Winchester, Amy Summers, Cas Paul Summers, Dean Winchester.
Cover: Created by me. Also images from Pinterest and Canva.
Chapter Five 🤩
The clock on the wall, strikes seven, the large man sits at his desk, the office is quiet as all the other people has gone home too their loved ones, his usual put together look, is now signs of a stressed man, his eyes darker and tired as he darts across the stack of papers in front of him, his tie loosened, the first few buttons of his light blue shirt is undone, he's eyebrows furrowed, as he tried to see if his taken care of all the evidence, all the witnesses, since Paul Summers left he had this dreadful feeling, something is going to happen, but he just can't put his finger on it, no matter how long it takes he will figure it out tonight, nothing is going to distract him, with that thought he puts his phone on silent.
Her first day back was exhausting to say the least, she was literally dead on her feet, pretty sure, she had to deal with more patients today on her first day back, than in her entire career. Okay, maybe that's not entirely true, but still, it's how she felt… Well luckily, it's the end of her shift, so she can go home. As she wàlked through the doors, she remembered what happened between her and Sam. Her heart sank, he hadn't even called or texted her. Then it must be true, he found another one to love. Feeling her phone vibrating, smiling slightly now, thinking it's Sam… 
“Hello” sounds hopeful 
“Hello sweetie” hearing her father's voice has always made her feel somewhere between happy and stressed.
“Oh hello dad”
"Expecting someone else honey?”
“It's okay, can I help with something?”
“Just want to know if you are finished at work?”
“Yes I am dad, why do you ask?”
“Oh! Just wanted to find out if I could come over for dinner?”
“Uhm… dad, I … well tonight's not a good night, I’m a little tired”
“Oh it’s okay, we can make it another night then, are you taking the subway again?” she could’ve sworn she heard her father chuckle.
“Thanks for understanding dad, and yes I am”
He stayed quiet, then his voice got softer. “Sweetie do you still remember how I’d take you on the subway, while you were still a small little girl, - I miss those”
Smiling, remembering, those were the days, where her father was still so kind, sweet and loving.. “Yes dad, I miss those days as well, we should do it again some time.”
His voice returned to the normal cold tone “Yes! I have to go now, good bye”
Before she could even respond he ended the call. Shaking her head while holding the phone in her hand, her fingers instinctively scrolls through her phone, pressing on the dial icon, Sam,  a picture of him, comes on the screen, but it just keeps ringing, and ringing, till eventually, she hears his professional voice “You’ve reached Sam Winchester, call the office, or leave a message” feeling the burning pressure behind her eyes, as she puts the phone in and walk into the subway.
Taking in her usual spot, popping in her earbuds, listening to Patsy Cline, something she always did, whenever she felt sad, it’s like that woman knows exactly what broken-hearted people go through, she softly hums, with the music.
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Taking a sip of the bottle of bourbon covered with the brown paper bag, he’s eyes moves around the people, well that is until he spots her, she’s out of her scrubs, and now she’s wearing a tracksuit, her hair tied up in a messy bun, he moves closer without her noticing, he listens to her humming, he couldn't hold in his frustration. “Oh hell no, Patsy Cline, are you for real” 
She looks up into his emerald green eyes, “What is your problem?” 
He smirks “My problem is Patsy Cline Doctor, it’s so damn sad”
Irritation in her voice “Well I can’t help that you don’t have taste in music, so move along, if my music bothers you so much”
A mischievous grin on his perfect face “Bite me! I’m just saying at least Led Zeppelin gives you a little beat, don’t you think?” he lets out a little chuckle “you probably don’t even know who he is”
She glares at him, “I know exactly who he is, I love Classic Rock ‘n Roll, but unlike you, I have interest in various genres.”
“Oh, I got to say I’m shocked, that someone like you can have such good taste?”
Her blue eyes piercing his “Dean is it?”
He just simply nods, with a mischievous smirk, 
“Well Dean, what exactly does ‘someone like you’ mean?” she said, air quoteting.
He laughs a little bit, and for a second she could feel her heart flutter.
His green eyes scan’s her whole body, but falls on her heart shaped lips, unconsciously he wets his lips, leaning a little forward, he whispers in her ear, “Someone as uptight as you”
She could smell the bourbon on his breath, She pushed him back, folding her arms in front of her “Me uptight? I’m not uptight! I’m professional, there’s a difference!”
A flirty grin spreads across his lips “So you wanna tell me that you can have fun?”
All of a sudden a loud bang can be heard, the earth is shaking underneath their feet, people are screaming, crying, they plunged into total darkness, there were spine chilling screams coming from every corner, after another big exploding sound it was dead silent, not a single sound could be heard.
The voice on the end of the phone call sounds bitter and cold, so cold, “Is it done?”
“Yes Mr. Summers it’s done, that little subway bombs ought to keep that damn lawyer busy, and the other first responders, I’ll start finding the witnesses”
“Good, now do your damn work!’ He shouted. As he ends the call, he watches out of his office window, in the distance you can see smoke, knowing it came from the subway’s direction, a smile crept on his hard and cold face, knowing he will get out of the charges once again, pity his only daughter had to die, but at least he will carry on like usual, like the well known, kind businessman, everybody loves, and his campaign to run for mayor, will carry on and even become more popular. After a moment of silence, he laughs, the people of this town will feel so sorry for him, after losing his loving daughter in a subway explosion. 
There’s a dim light flickering in the distance, as she opens her eyes more, feeling disorientated and a little hazy, feeling an intense weight on her, trying to access whatever it could be she realises it’s Dean, he must’ve tried to cover her from getting hurt, his wrapped in a protective, sheltering way over her, her voice hoarse “D…Dean, hey wake up please” she can feel his swallow breathing on her face.
His eyes slowly opened, the first thing he laid his eyes on was Dr. Summers “Damn you okay?”
A smile crept on her lips, “I mean I will be if you get off of me!”
“Oh sorry, I.. I just tried, nevermind!” he pushes onto the floor lifting his body off of her, when he is standing he gently helps her up too. She gets up, her body hurts, her blue eyes frightened when she glances at the sight in front of her, there’s people laying all over, hurt, the distraught looks on their faces, the little children clinging to their parents, her voice almost breaking “We need to help them get out of here” turning to face Dean.
Dean stares directly into her ocean blue eyes, for a second he sees past her strong demeanour, there’s so much compassion, he just nods his head, “I agree” 
The both of them, try to access the situation, helping those who isn’t as injured to a place with little to no debris, her heart breaks when she comes too a mother and her little boy, the woman doesn’t have a pulse, but the little boy with tears in his eyes, just clings to his deceased mother, not wanting to let her go. “Hey Sweetie” , his big eyes just stare at her. She kneels down to pick him up, but he just screams and cries, “I know, sweetie, I know, but mommy is going to stay there for a little while okay” she tries to calm him down, knowing this must be so overwhelming for him. She hands him to another older woman, too look after as she checks on the other people. 
Dean walks towards her, “I think I see a way out of here, we can get the people through that entrance” pointing his finger towards a small opening, that was once the entrance to the subway.
“Okay, let’s get these people out of here” both of them get to work, she helps the wounded to the best she can, and Dean tries to get something to force the door open, so he can get closer to the entrance, find a way to secure it.
Sam’s hand reaches for the coffee mug, bringing it closer to his lips, then staring down at the empty mug, cussing underneath his breath. For the first time that evening he gets us from the table, walking into the kitchen, wanting some coffee, something in the distance out the window, catches his eyes, there’s smoke everywhere, he opens the window, the sounds of the sirens came crashing down like waves, realising the smoke is coming from the direction of the subway.He’s feet didn’t move fast enough, he reached for his phone, he needs to know if Amy is home already or if she.. Shaking his head, he can’t think about that now, he takes his phone in his hand, seeing a missed call from Amy about three hours ago, holding in his breath. He calls her back, it just keeps ringing… until he hears her voice, ‘Hey this is Amy, you know what to do’, he throws the phone down, Pressing his palms against the table. “Dammit, Dammit” running his hands over his face, whispering underneath his breath ”please let her be home, please”, he grabs his keys, leaving the files just spayed open on the table, he runs towards his car, he needs to drive home, he needs to find Amy there, she just needs to be okay. His stuck in a whirlwind of emotions, it feels like he can’t breath, but at the same time, like his heart is racing, The traffic is a mess, as he tries his best too get to their apartment, “please let her be there” he says, as his hands clenched the steering wheel, his knuckle’s white. 
She heard Dean laughing, and to be honest it sounded like a melody, looking over at him, she could tell that he got the door open, after a lot of force, Dean called her over, as she starts to walk towards him, she started to feel a little light headed, but just shakes it off, their currently running on adrenaline, so for now, she can’t feel the pain. “Yeah?”
There was excitement in his eyes “We did it, we can get out of the subway car, then lead the people to the entrance, we’ll figure something out when we get there, what do you say, can we start helping the people out?”
Smiling “Hell yeah, let’s get these people to safety” they didn’t waste any more time, as a matter of fact they started with the older people, then the middle aged adults, finally the children. She took one last glance at the wreckage, taking in a deep breath then giving her hand to Dean as he helped her out, he got out as well. All of them, about thirty people, laugh as they just got out of that, but it’s short lived as they feel the trembling of the floor, she tries to grab onto something, but nothing, that’s when she felt, strong, muscular arms snaking around her waist, glancing up, her eyes caught his emerald green eyes once again, just mouthing a “thank you”, the trembling stops.
A large man, started to shout “All of us are going to die down here” Dean removes his arms from Amy’s waist, walks up to him, his face is angered, his voice low, almost like a growl “You listen to me, stop saying shit like that, your scaring the people, we will get out of here” the man grabs Dean by his shirt, shouting “who put you in charge?”
Dean gives him a sort of devilish smirk “Stop touching me, or the medics will have to carry your beaten up ass out of here” the man puts his hands in the air “alright buddy, no need to be so uptight” Dean turns around, walks towards the entrance of the tunnel, he inspects it, then his voice got a little louder, “Alright I need all of us too work together, we can remove some off these broken off concrete blocks and then we will get a way out of here, who is willing to help me move some of these?” A lot of passengers went up too help and Amy rushed over too the pregnant woman they helped out, as she was whining, “What’s wrong Miss?” sounding concerned. 
The woman looked at her, her voice shaky. “I….I think my contractions started” Amy smiled at her, “I take it’s not your first?” the woman answered “No, it’s my fifth”, Amy places her down, removing her tracksuit jacket, placing it underneath her head as she laid down the woman, taking her pulse, then speaking in a very calming voice “Alright your pulse is a little elevated, but under the circumstance, I’d that’s pretty normal” she lets out a little laugh “we will have to check and see how far the contractions are but, I’ll say we will get you out of here, before the little one, gets born, okay?” The woman smiles faintly, “thank you”.
His hand shakes as he places the key in the lock, something tells him Amy isn’t home, but he needs it to not be true, he just wants to hold her close to him. The door screeches open, the whole apartment is dark, except for the microwave’s that is still left on the 30 seconds timer, of the milk Amy warmed for her coffee that morning. Not even bothering to switch on the lights, he knew, deep down he knew she’s not there, he pulled the chair out, placing his phone on the kitchen table, he stared at the timer, he felt numb, his mind blank and racing at the same time, is the love of his life really gone? Did she die thinking that he cheated on her, that he didn’t love her, that can’t be further from the truth. The saltwater behind his eyes started to burn, he tried to gulp down his feelings and emotions, but the more his mind raced, the worse it got, threatening to burst. The ringing of the phone scared the shit out of him, grabbing it, “Hello” he sounded distant, defeated.
“Sam? I’m at the explosion site, we are getting passengers out, Amy is alive, some of the passengers told us that she helped them” Cas sounded hopeful, excited even, he knew Sam would be worried sick!
He couldn’t believe what he heard, his Amy, is still alive, helping passengers, of course she is, “thank you, I’m coming” he said, grabbing his keys, his feet barely touching the ground, running towards his car, he needed to get there, see for himself, when Amy gets out, to hold her, to kiss her, to tell her how much he loves her.
Dean and Amy helped the passengers one for one out, they felt so overjoyed, they’re getting out of here, they're going to make it, all of them are. With only ten more people and the two of them that needed to go through, they were hopeful, the ending was near.
The man, walked right into Sam’s office, flashlight in hand, baklava covering his face, he needed to find the safe, break in, and find the documents, he was looking for the hidden safe, but low and behold, everything he needed was displayed on the table,, “this was so easy” he laughed to himself.
Gathering all the evidence and then taking the lighter fluid from his backpack, throwing it everywhere, as he walked out, he took the match and threw it into the office, watching the flame grow bigger and bigger, laughing, his boss Mr. Summers will most probably give him a little bonus. He walked out of the office, the papers in hand, and a determination to get these witnesses and hand them over to the fixer John.
The sight of the ambulances, fire trucks, cop cars, standing around, was just one too much to bear, as he got out he could see the hurt people, getting treated. He ran towards Cas, needed to find out some more information, of where Amy is.
Dean picked up the pregnant women gently, carried her to the opening, placed her on the backboard that was hoisted down, he and Amy made sure to strap her in tightly, Amy smiled “told you we would get you out of here” the woman stated to cry, “Thank you, Amy, Dean… I’m going to call my little girl ‘Amy-Deana’ to always remember what you two did for us” both of them smiled and chuckled a bit, “We’d be honoured” his gruff voice sounded joyful. “See you at the hospital,” Amy smiled. Dean tucked on the rope, letting them know they can pull her back up.
For a couple of seconds, there was this emotional, heartfelt stare between the two of them. It might’ve been the adrenaline, maybe the fear, but they were drawn to each other like a magnet, like two souls who were lost at sea, like two stars shining brightly, despite the darkness around them. The stare spoke deeper than any words ever could, it was a silent conversation between two strangers who grew closer in such a short while, their eyes filled with a million questions, and her heart this intense amount of guilt. She quickly looked away, the quilt eating her up, she had Sam, how can she feel like this towards a stranger. Dean’s voice snapping her back to reality.
Holding out his hand “Come on Amy, let's go home” his green eyes were filled with hope, as she took his hand, smiling her voice was soft “Thank you”.
He pulled her closer to him, glancing in her eyes, he was tempted to kiss her right then and there, but he didn’t, instead he said “you are one hell of a doctor Amy” she tried to still her racing heart, being this close to him, she smiled “and you… has gotten us out of this” 
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The earth underneath their feet shook, he instantly wrapped his arms around her, there were this loud rushing piercing sound coming from the other tunnels, the feeling of pressure of the sound waves were getting louder and louder as the thousand gallons water came flooding towards them, their face was fear stricken, their breaths was short and rapid, their hearts pounding. They had nowhere to go, they clung to each other, knowing this could be the end, Then the gallons of water came, hitting their bodies like, tremendous hammer blows, with every drop it tried tearing them apart, the water came crashing down on them from all directions, knocking them off their feet, they were tossed around like ragdolls, with no sense of direction or control or a way out.
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@jackles010378 @k-slla @angelbabyyy99 @winchesterwild78 @cutedisneygrl
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fallingforel · 9 months
I also went through your prompt list and I’d love to see you write something for Sam with this 63: “I hate seeing you like this.”
Thank you so much!! 😘
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THIS IS SO SO SO LATE!!! i apologise ive just been going through INSANE writers block so i think ive finally come up with something! i’ve decided to combine these and i hope your happy with it!!! I honestly had half of this written before my christmas series but I had just got around to finishing it now.
prompts 14, 17, 18, 21, 63: “That’s new.” “Are you okay?” “I’ve got you.”“Do you like it?” “i hate seeing you like this”
words: 680
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“honey, I’m home. I’ve got you something too” sam shouted up the stairs, sam and I had been together for 2 years now and it was going good, we were a well established couple, living together having just moved in to a new house together this spring. I was upstairs in bed just scrolling through my phone looking at everyone that went to the eras tour over the weekend. i missed the ticket sales though, having just moved in with sam everything was a bit hectic.
“Up here” I shouted back. Footsteps soon echoed up the stairs. and then to the door which opened up and sam popped his head round before noticing me in bed. “what you doing gorgeous?” “just scrolling on instagram. Whaddya get me?” “ahhh ever the impatient miss Y/L/N. I got you a couple things actually while I was out with mum. close yer eyes and hold out yer hands then.” I did as I was told and felt the bed dip beside me and something hook onto my fingers. “reet. this is yer first one, open them” I opened my eyes to be met with a bag from Primark. i looked through the bag to find a grey sparkly top and bottoms along with a pair of black heeled boots and a track suit bottoms with trainers. "Do you like it darling?"
“of course I do, I love it, I love anything you get me Sam, Thank you. But what’s all this for?” I ask turning my head to look at him. “reet, the tracksuit and trainers are because ye always steal mine and then I never have any left to wear but the sparkly set and boots are for something we’re going to tonight. but I can’t say until you’ve opened the rest of yer presents like.” “wowww more than one present from my boyfriend, that’s new” “shuddup, yer divvy” “i’m only kidding idiot” i say going in for a kiss but he swerves me for his cheek. “not until yer’ve opened the rest of yer presents, same position again” he says grabbing my hands and holding them over my eyes "oooh kinky" "shurrup yer divvy" he says and I hear sams bedside drawer open and i feel something being placed in my lap. "reet yer can look now" I open my eyes to find a card in my lap. "Sam are you okay? Why have you got me a card yer haven't missed an anniversary or a birthday." "Just open it will yer." he says getting impatient. I open the envelope to find a card that reads "just to say I love you" I open the card and a piece of paper falls out that has tonights date on it and eras tour. I start crying. "ohhh y/n. If I had known you would act like this I wouldn't have got you them, I hate seeing you like this darling" he says "I'm fine Sam honestly, happy tears I promise." "Okay if your sure. go and get yourself ready then darling we need to be at the train station in an hour, we're staying in london aswell" "Oh I love you sam" I say looping my hands around his neck and bringing him in for a kiss.
2 hours later we arrived in london and had made it to check in at our hotel and dumped our stuff and walked to wembley stadium and made our way to the VIP tent.
It got closer to the evermore set and it wasn't long before marjorie started playing and I had broke down crying as I had lost my own nan who I was very close to at the start of the year. Sam saw that I had started crying so he held my phone for me and looped his free arm around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck after whispering "I've got you darling" and placing a kiss on my cheek. It was definetely one of my favourite moments I've ever had with sam, and I will cherish it forever.
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 76
After School Special
"After School Special"
Plot Description: Sam and Dean investigate a haunting at one of their old high schools where we will see what school was like for the brothers back in 1997.
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: Okay, so it wasn't cool for this girl to be bullied, she didn't have to go and bully the girl who felt bad for her...and that could have probably prevented whatever ghost shit happening here from killing her (I don't think the second bullied girl would have killed her for it). I wouldn't have bullied the girl
I'm so excited to see high school Sam and Dean
How does this even work? Like, I know they HAVE to have schooling and it's not like John's gonna be around to home school them, but Sam just said that this is their third school this school year and it's only November. I just wanna know how all the records transfer and whatnot to allow them to move up grades and graduate
It's not glamorous, but Sam going in as part of the custodial staff is smart. No one is going to question him being any where at any time. And since this was all Sam's idea, I'm...hey. Hey, what happened to the gym teacher that they had this opening that Dean could get this quickly?? That it was this urgent to get a replacement?? I should stop questioning the internal logic of the show and focus on enjoying Dean enjoying getting to wear a fun little outfit
Okay. They just explained the real teacher's absence (she's getting married), but that still doesn't explain Dean
I can't watch this...his kid just shoved another kid's fist in a blender
The tracksuit is a good look for Dean...FUCK. STOP. You are like thirty years old, Dean (I won't even count the 40 years in Hell). Even as a joke, you shouldn't be this excited that "three of the cheerleaders are legal."
Okay but watching young Dean have to cover up his abandonment issues by boasting about the setup they have at the motel...it's the Christmas of 91 all over again
Oh, Sam, having to salt and burn the bones of his friend from his time at that school. The friend Sam helped after he got bullied, the one Sam protected from bullies...and Sam had no power or control over his life at 14, had no way of stopping the family from moving around as much as they did, but he still feels guilt over Barry's death
This teacher sees that Sam could be something other than a hunter mechanic. Okay, okay, but hold on again. So, John's cover up profession is a mechanic...how does that even work? Maybe it's just me, but mechanics usually stay in one place. People bring their vehicles TO THEM. Did John Winchester almost invent the traveling mechanic gig economy in the 80s???
Dean's watched Dead Poets Society? Doesn't seem like the kind of movie he'd like.
WHAT THE FUUUUUCK. Like. I knew it was too early for the ghost to ACTUALLY be Sam's friend (which means he salted and burned his friend's bones for nothing), but is the ghost the bully?? Is this one of those "school bullies are often people getting bullied at home" story lines? I know this episode is literally called After School Special, but that's a BIT on the nose, doncha think?
I don't wanna give this kid any credit or praise for this but Losechester......it's a little funny. Like, it's not funny to call a kid who's just doing the right and kind thing a loser, but strictly in the realm of name subversion making WINchester LOSEchester IS funny
OOF, SAMMY. Sucks that your nickname for Dirk (the Jerk) stuck after just one time. He wasn't being bullied at home, he had a different tragic backstory.
Look. I know it's for the good of everyone at that school, but it's awful that the Winchesters have to take away the one part of this old man's son, the one part of his family, he has left (a lock of hair).
I'm not saying that this kid didn't have a valid reason to come to hate Sam eventually, but I would not ONCE call Sam's treatment of him as bullying? Yes, the ripple effect of getting called Dirk the Jerk by some kid who'd been there for all of a couple weeks sucks, but let's not forget you were calling him Losechester and picking physical altercations all the time. Sam didn't wanna fight you, but if he didn't Dean was gonna absolutely fuck you up or "rip [your] lungs out."
DOES IT GET BETTER, SAM??? From what I can tell, it momentarily got better, but then your girlfriend died, your dad died, you died and Dean made a deal with a demon to get you back, then Dean died, now he's back but the apocalypse is coming.
"Been On My Mind...": Does 18 year old Dean making out with a girl in a janitor's closet count?? Why not? it's not like the countdown was at like 3. We can go back to 10 (oof. it was more than one girl............)
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foxwell · 2 years
Let's just continue this fun game, A8E8! This time: I am unspoiled. Completely unspoiled. The episode dropped today while I was in an oral exam and I have not listened to the VC, I have not looked at anything in the Discord. I might cry. Who knows. Let's go.
Finally! Assassinate the Pinn! (I'm just a little bit sad that John won't be part of this I think that would have been fun)
Terrible thunderstorm? Quinn joins the angry commoners and goes to save Sybilla confirmed?
I want to draw a Penny Lovejoy tracksuit now, shit
Is Sir Up trying to switch his patron because it sure sounds like that
Hang on Sybilla! Hang on Sybilla!!! Queen of my heart!!!
Hang on Nephila!!!
Everything is so far away from everything in this castle, oh noooo
There comes the thunderstorm from my darling Isadora!!
Annie has murder in her heart and I am here for it
Pinn is going to take control, 100%
Yes Penny you are saying he's doing a great job but all your compliments are backhanded
Annie has other priorities than murdering a Lovejoy for the moment
"Yes Miss Wintersummer" I am so here for everyone respecting the shit out of Annie it's what she deserves!!! My darling girl!!
"She is two-armed. Also, quite small."
"I just want to ask a question. Sir Up Ton, do you have more than 150 hitpoints?" The shocked silence after that, SAME. SAME.
She appears right there and Annie has... no healing, does she? That's horrible. That's honestly horrifying.
Nephila!!! Nephila my love!!! You got this hell yeah!!!
Gus saying "Helga Hatebad" the same way Sam always does, adorable
Helga you had the best turn ever I love you
I still cannot believe that Sybilla is breathing
I mean there is still so much pod left to cast for this episode but oh my god
"It's my duty as a dungeon master to let you know that's possible" translates to "please kick Penny fucking Lovejoy" to me
Nephila you gay sweetheart
Yondo runs! You are running so good!
It may be stupid but honestly I respect Isadora for wanting to do the honourable thing. And I respect her even more for knowing that it's stupid and trying to find a balance.
I don't know why but the fact that Penny turned away feels like an important character moment, just like it felt important that Isadora did not, in Arc 3. Very different scenes, but still, both feel important in a similar way.
Sybilla do not touch that sword. Do not get within six inches of that sword I beg you.
I am not sure if it's better or worse that Annie has the sword. I guess her saves are better. But oh my god I have seen the Evil!Annie fanart and I am so scared
Annie my life my love my light my dearest (how many characters am I allowed to adore per arc)
It makes me very scared that there is still an hour left. How is there still an hour left. Please let it be just therapy or something.
Isa just knocked her father figure unconscious 🙂 this is fine
Penny is helping Helga???? A Hatebad and a Lovejoy working together???? "I hope my mother forgives me for this" is this the point where I mark the Bingo field for Hatebad and Lovejoy at least friends at the end??
How do these Nat 20s come at such convenient moments I cannot. Fucking. Believe it.
There he is, the man of the hour!
Penny I adore you. I want to study you.
Yondo is adorable oh dear, I am pretty sure he deserves better but I'm glad he got what he wanted
Amazing sibling energy, as always
A better tomorrow 😭😭 I am not sure if this is meant as a reference to what Helga said but it sure feels like it and I love it
Laz and Nephila 😭😭 they are adorable. Also. Great way to not just ignore what happened between them before. I am very glad.
The coronation while bodies are still lying around the castle. What a glorious metaphor for the mess Sybilla inherits from her father.
This kingdom needs to take some time to heal from a great many things I feel like
Yes my love, un-ban charity!
Mixed reaction is probably the best that could happen after that
Roadtrip with Penny, I am sure Isa could not think of anything more fun
Hnghhh three new recurring villains established in a single arc? Pinn, Loroy, Up Ton?
Where is Annie, someone get Annie, please
Sybillaaaaaa please do not let yourself be pushed into a corner by the evil wizard
What the fuck is happening
I am going to cry
How dare he
How fucking dare he
Prime Lich Wizard I am going to personally hunt you down
If there is one thing I cannot imagine then it's Gem Lovejoy in a standard prison uniform
Where are the Hatebads
Is this the summon Hatebad dice roll?
This feels like the summon Hatebad dice roll
I am so happy for Beryl, and at the same point I am honestly sorry for Penny and her siblings
Jesus fucking Christ
I am feeling so many emotions
Maevir darling you did your best, but oh dear
We were right, a fucking lich
Sybilla. My love. My darling.
Oh my god
This arc
My heart
I am a changed woman
I am a broken and changed woman
Phil and Helga are very much not fine I think
Gus. Gus. I forgive you for Arc 8 just as I forgave you for Arc 6. But oh my fucking god.
I knew things were going far too well far too early into the episode.
Wiki will get updated end of next week when my last exam is finally over, promise.
Also, I am excited for a guest DM, and so much love to Gus! Take your well-deserved break!
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moonlighttfoxx · 3 years
The girl with the golden eyes: Chapter Four
Summary: Y/N’s come to some realizations
 Warnings: jealous Steve, smut, dry humping, Bucky, Sam 
A/N: I’d appreciate some comments and tips! :) 
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Steve couldn’t wait to spend some time at the gym. Boy, did he need that. Lately he needed it more than ever. He was extremely angry recently. And extremely horny. Not that he would ever admit it. Not even to himself. It certainly didn’t help that his best friend was a huge pain in the butt too. But some gym time would surely do him good. He could at least blow off some steam.
‘Hey, Cap, going to hit the gym?’ Sam’s voice interrupted his thoughts. Steve turned his head around to his left, where his friend was standing now.
‘Yeah, I am. And what are you up to?’
‘Same.’ Sam said shortly. Steve nodded and they fell into somewhat comfortable silence, walking side by side in the direction of the gym.
‘Hey guys! Wait up!’ Bucky’s voice echoed in the empty hallway. Steve rolled his eyes. As much as he adored his best friend, he needed just a little break from him. ‘I’m going to the gym as well’ he said once he caught up with them.
‘Sooo, game night tonight, huh?’ Sam started, obviously attempting to ease the tension that had suddenly filled in the air around them. ‘I wonder what the game will be this time’
‘Probably some Truth or Dare or something like that. I heard Nat talking.’ Bucky answered.
‘Truth or Dare?’ Steve asked.
‘Yeah, you pick one and they either ask you a question, usually an embarrassing one, that you need to answer truthfully or they give you some sort of task to do, again an embarrassing one or maybe a naughty one and you have to do it, you can’t refuse once you’ve agreed to play.’ Sam explained, knowing his friend being over a hundred years old probably had never played that game before. Well, of course it was Nat’s idea. She usually picked those type of games.
‘Oh, I wouldn’t mind a few naughty tasks’ said Bucky. Of course he wouldn’t. Especially if they involved Y/N.
‘We know’ Sam answered, opening the gym door. The three men entered.
‘Oh God’ Sam whispered. ‘Isn’t that a sight for sore eyes…’
Steve wasn’t sure what he was talking about, so he looked up and let his eyes travel around. It didn’t take long before he found the source of Sam’s admiration. Y/N. Of course. She had laid a purple yoga mat on the floor in the corner. She had changed the baggy shirt she was wearing earlier to black sports bra and tight yoga pants of the same color that hugged her hips and defined her ass perfectly. She was currently warming up, Steve assumed or maybe doing some yoga, based on the position she was in. And she was a sight for sore eyes indeed. She was on her hands and feet, stretching with her ass high up in their direction. As if she was trying to torture whoever walked in that gym, begging for attention. She must’ve been doing it on purpose. It was like it was her mission to make him fantasize and think of her. As if it was her mission to make him hard all the time whenever she was in the same room as him. And as if sexual frustration wasn’t enough, she had the same effect over other men as well, which was driving Steve crazy even more. For no apparent reason. Uh.
Now, seeing her in that position, what man in his right mind, wouldn’t just want to go behind her, slide down her pants, revealing that perfect ass and lose himself in the warmth of her depths, stretching her out. Now, wouldn’t that just be nice.
‘Mmm… it’s a sight, alright’ Steve heard Bucky whisper next to him. There it was again – the anger. But Steve was tired of feeling that so he decided to keep it under control this time and instead of thinking too much about it and her for that matter, to actually focus on his workout. So he ignored Bucky’s comment and went over the closest punching bag, not far from where Y/N was, starting his training, his punches slow at first.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Bucky moving in her direction, so that made him circle his punching bag a little, positioning himself, so he could subtly watch what was going to happen. For no apparent reason again.
You were doing your yoga routine in the gym. Lord knows you needed it. You needed to get full control of your body and mind again. It was definitely an eventful morning, especially after your encounter with Steve. You discovered something about yourself you didn’t know existed: your attraction to Steve. You usually tried to be as far away from him as possible, because you knew he wasn’t very fond of you. And he was right not to be, he didn’t trust you. He had to protect his team, therefore trusting people came hard for him. And after everything you’ve been through, you fully understооd him. If you were him, you’d be the same way. That’s why you decided to give him space until he warms up to you and sees you were no threat whatsoever. You kept your distance, but this morning you were put face to face with him. Both literally and figuratively.
It was just then you noticed how handsome he was. He had the perfect and yet manly features. Everything in him screamed perfection – from his dirty blonde hair to the thin line of his lips. Absolute perfection. He was usually so composed all the time – his expression stern, hiding all the thoughts running in his head behind a pair of stormy eyes, his hair tidily put back, his beard, which was a new occurrence, always perfectly trimmed. But you could tell that this morning his guard was down. Probably because he was still sleepy, his hair was a mess and yet it was still perfect in every way and for the first time since you had joined the team, you could see that the storm in his eyes was quiet. No, there was something else instead, something deep, intense and powerful, something that made those perfect eyes even more blue than they were. You had no idea what it was, but you knew you wouldn’t mind a taste of it. As unwilling you were to admit it, this morning for the very first time you noticed Steve Rogers and that awakened a new craving for you that would haunt you for a very long time if not for the rest of your life, you were sure of it.
Deep in thoughts, you continued to stretch, hoping that the yoga exercises would help you get a grip of yourself and would chase away the memory of this morning. So far, it wasn’t working. But you kept stretching anyway. Child pose. Bridge. Four limbed staff. Downward dog.
Then suddenly, out of nowhere, you felt someone behind you. You were in the downward dog position, your ass as high up as you could possibly put it and there was someone behind you! You could feel them putting their hands on your thighs and sliding them up and down slowly. You looked down, still holding the position and you saw a pair of tracksuit covered legs.
‘Hey, doll… I love that position’ Bucky said from behind. You could hear the smirk in his voice.
‘Jesus, Buck’ you breathed. ‘Is there any reason why you’re standing there of all places? Is there any way I could help you?’
‘Why, yes, there is. Wiggle for me, doll. Wiggle that beautiful ass of yours’ he said, his hands still on your thighs, but he moved his whole body closer. So close his crotch was against your ass. So close you could feel him pressed against you. In normal circumstances this would be considered inappropriate of him. But that’s just how your friendship worked. You teased each other like that. Of course, he was much more open about it. And truth be told, it felt nice. It’s been awhile since you felt anything, but your fingers down there. So feeling him right then, was nice.
‘Oh yeah? Aren’t you excited to see me?’ you laughed, referring to his semi – hard cock, pressed against your ass, wiggling just a slight bit to tease him. He groaned. Yep. The nature of your friendship was definitely out of the box.
‘You’re such a good friend’ he praised. His hands moved up slowly, from your thighs to your ass, caressing it teasingly and then further up to your waist. He held on it firmly. ‘Now… let me help you with your workout. You can improve it a little bit’
You laughed again.
‘Since when do you know yoga?’ you asked.
‘Yoga is all about stretching. I know everything about stretching. I am pretty good at it too. Now, open your legs further.’
‘I’m still not sure about your yoga skills’ you teased not moving one bit.
You heard him growl a little. He moved his right leg in between yours, his knee pushing your legs further apart. Then you felt his grip around your waist tighten and he forcefully slammed your body against his, which earned him a surprised gasp from you. It was weird how his actions in combination with your burning limbs (from being in the same position for way too long) made you feel even more aroused. Jesus.
‘Still not sure?’ he asked, smirking.
‘No, no doubts anymore’ you laughed. ‘Just pure curiosity. What else can you stretch so good, Buck?’
Bucky was about to answer, when a loud ‘bang’ interrupted both his answer and your little game. He moved back, which allowed you to stand up again. Both of you looked around, looking for the source of the awful noise. What you saw in front of you made your eyes widen. Steve breathing heavily, all sweaty and a face burning red, looking at the punching bag in front of him on the floor, torn from its ceiling holder. What the fuck? Did he do that himself?
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Kara was in the zone before she even stepped onto the poolside. It was the National Diving Championships and Kara had been training upwards of 30 hours a week, her season had been great.
She was one of the best 10m platform divers in the country, a shoe in for a spot on the National Team, heading to the World Championships in a few weeks. All she had to do was secure a spot on the podium in this competition, not that she’d be happy with anything else than gold.
The only competitor she really had to worry about was Lena fucking Luthor: she was a member of Metropolis Diving Club and had been Kara’s arch rival since they began
competing more than 10 years ago. Of course National City Diving Club was the best club in the country, no competition, in Kara’s eyes but MDC were up there among the best, majority of the National Team trained in Metropolis.
“Hey, Danvers.” Kara rolled her eyes, she could already hear the smirk in Lena’s voice. She stopped riffling through her bag and turned, scowl permanently fixed on her face. “Aww, don’t do that, you’ll give yourself wrinkles.” Lena pouted.
“What do you want, Luthor?” Kara sighed.
“I just came to wish you good luck. You’re going to need it.” She paired the condescending statement with a sweet smile.
“Shouldn’t you be over there with your team, Luthor?” Alex said, coming to her sisters aid.
“Do you always let your sister fight your battles for you?” Lena pouted, Kara growled and took a step towards her. Lena just laughed, not intimidated at all by Kara “The Human Puppy” Danvers. She tapped her on the nose and sauntered away, swinging her hips.
“You always let her rile you up,” Alex groaned.
“Yes, Alex! I’m very aware of that fact, but she is incredibly fucking irritating!”
“Kara!” J’onn chided, he looked at the floor. Kara growled through her gritted teeth and dropped onto the floor to do her set of push-ups, she kept her eyes on Lena who was stretching across the poolside.
She was shorter than Kara, her body the perfect mixture of hard muscle and soft curves, not the traditional body type for a diver which meant she had to work extra hard to make sure she was perfect.
Kara was tall and muscular with long, lean legs and a natural talent for the sport. That didn’t mean she didn’t work as hard, Kara was the most dedicated athlete on the team, she adored the sport and would put in the same amount of effort in the dryland as she did in the pool.
“Maybe, don’t stare at her the entire time. You’re giving her the wrong impression,” Alex smirked.
“I’m not staring, I’m channelling all my disdain towards her.” Kara muttered, shooting dangers towards Lena who was stripping her team tracksuit off.
“Just don’t let her get to you. This is your last chance to show everyone how talented you are, just compete a solid list and you’ll earn your spot on the National Team.” Alex squeezed her shoulders and Kara nodded.
They warmed up and Kara grabbed her shammy from her bag, heading up to the highest board, ready to start her final training session. Lena was already up there, pressing up into a perfect back armstand and Kara definitely did not stare at her ass while she was doing it.
Kara ran through her dive list twice before getting out of the pool and finishing her session, heading to the showers so she had plenty of time to get changed. She let the warm water run over her muscles, relaxing them, she rolled her neck and shook out each of her limbs. She was feeling loose and limber, fully prepared for the competition.
She heard that distinct giggle and every muscle in her body tensed up again, Lena and her best friend/synchro partner Sam Arias rounded the corner. Kara immediately grabbed her stuff and went to leave before Lena wound her up again.
“Going so soon, Danvers?” Lena teased, Kara didn’t say anything she just scowled at the pair. “You know, your list is really shaping up this season, now you might be able to keep up for once.” Lena ducked under the spray and ran her hands over her hair.
“What are you talking about? I’m the defending champion and my list has been higher in difficulty than yours for the past three years.” Kara spat, Lena may be her toughest competitor but she wasn’t unbeatable.
“Yeah, but your season hasn’t been the best,” Lena snickered. “You’re inward 3-1/2 has been... below par. We both know the only reason you choose that dive is because you need the extra DD.” Sam giggled at the remark.
“Whatever, Luthor, we’ll see who’s on top at the end of the day,” Kara stormed out of the showers before they could see the blush coating her cheeks and went to get changed.
She put her headphones on and laid on the poolside, there were three more competitions before hers, she put a podcast on and relaxed. Alex woke her up just as the third competition started, it was a small one so she made her way to the dryland to begin her warm up.
In a short amount of time it was time for the parade, Lena was too occupied with her own preparations that she didn’t have time to irritate Kara. They both had their own competition routines which meant they didn’t have any interaction during the event.
They’re lists were both relatively the same with only one difference: Lena competed inward 2-1/2 somersaults pike and Kara chose the slightly harder dive: inward 3-1/2 somersaults tuck. It was more of a risk but Kara knew she could score 9’s most of the time.
They were pretty much neck at neck up until the last two rounds of dives, five points separated the top two spots. Kara managed to score 9’s on her dive, Lena on the other hand, scored perfect 10’s, grinning as she climbed out of the pool, knowing she had nailed it.
It all came down to the last dive: front 3-1/2 somersaults pike. They were neck and neck, Kara was ahead by just 3 points due to her higher dive difficulty. Kara took a deep breath and set off on her run up, she knew as soon as she hit the water that she’d over rotated slightly, she could feel it on the back of her calves. Kara scored 8’s, it was a solid score but she knew it would be close.
She watched with bated breath as Lena measured her run up, she ran her shammy over her face once more before throwing it down to the pool side. Lena closed her eyes and visualised the dive going perfectly, she set off and Kara felt her stomach drop and Lena entered the water with a perfect rip entry.
Lena Luthor was the new Women’s Platform National Champion.
“Well done, Kara.” Alex gave her a hug, Kara could help but feel disappointed, silver was still an incredible accomplishment but it wasn’t the spot she wanted. “2nd is still something to be incredibly proud of and the National Team would be stupid not to take you.” Kara nodded, “now, go get your jacket on. They’re presenting the medals in a moment.”
Lena was elated, Sam swept her up in a tight hug, congratulating her over and over again. Lena couldn’t keep the wide grin off her face, smiling from the moment they announced that she’d won the title, all the way to the moment she locked the door of her private shower cubicle. Her team mates knew that she needed time alone after a competition to decompress and reflect on her performance, no matter where she placed.
She heard a soft knock on the door and she opened it to tell Sam she would be out soon.
Instead she was met with bright, blue eyes. She allowed Kara to slip inside the cubicle and pull her into a tight hug, “congratulations, baby. I’m so proud of you,” Kara mumbled into her ear.
“Thank you,” she sighed, it had been a gruelling year for Lena, she was at the pool every single day working as hard as she could and it had finally paid off. It was just a shame that for Lena to win, her favourite person had to lose. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to retain your title.”
“Hey, no, we agreed to leave it in the pool, remember? Besides, you’ve worked your perfect ass off for this title, you deserve it.” Lena chuckled and captured her lips in an earth-shattering kiss, it had been months since they’d last seen each other.
They broke away to catch their breath and Lena looped her arms around Kara’s neck. “Just three more months.” Kara hummed, holding her close.
In three months, Lena would be moving to National City for college and they could finally be together. Lena’s family were incredibly strict, they were hell-bent on their daughter being the Olympic Champion one day. That meant no distractions and no dating, oh and they were also incredibly homophobic so Kara wouldn’t be invited to Thanksgiving any time soon.
The young couple had to pretend to hate each other until Lena could move away for college. They had an agreement that any mean comment they said to each other, they really meant the exact opposite. Kara got so wound up because she couldn’t go up to her girlfriend and wish her good luck or give her reassurance without saying something horrible to her.
“You dived so well today, you don’t have to worry about getting picked.” Lena kissed up to her ear. Lena had already been chosen for the team and they were both still nervously waiting to hear if Kara had a spot.
“What if I don’t?” Kara mumbled.
“Then I’ll sneak you into my suitcase and they’ll have to pick you,” she heard Kara’s small chuckle. “I love you, darling.”
“I love you too.” Kara whispered back.
They had started off hating each other, their clubs had the worst rivalry in the country and the pair were always pitted against one another. Up until two years ago when Lena had placed third at a local competition and Kara had found her crying in the stairwell after her mother had yelled at her. Lena had told her to go away but Kara hated seeing her beautiful, green eyes look so sad. She was so used to them being filled with mirth and mischief, instead of leaving she pulled her into a hug and held Lena’s shaking body. From then on they were friendly to each other, they were still competitive but the comments weren’t as harsh. Until one particular meet when Lena cornered her in the showers and accused her of deliberately putting her off during her final dive. They’re heated argument quickly turned into an, equally as heated, make-out session.
Kara was stood in the shower, basking in the glory of her third win this season when Lena came storming into the showers, tears in her eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Kara grabbed her elbow, but Lena pushed her away.
“Just get away from me! This is all your fault,” Kara was taken aback.
“Whaa? What do you mean it’s my fault?” Kara accused, she furrowed her brow and stepped closer to Lena.
“You whistled during my last dive, you put me off!” She yelled, pressing a finger against Kara’s chest.
Kara scoffed, “oh my God. I didn’t put you off! You lost! Get over it.” She said through gritted teeth. Lena didn’t just lose, she came fourth, she hadn’t not medalled in years, her parents were going to kill her. In return, she was going to kill Kara.
“You’re such an asshole! I thought we were friends now,” Lena had gone from teary eyed to full blown rage in less than a second.
“Your head is so far up your own ass, you can’t handle the fact that you messed up on you own!” Kara yelled back.
“I hate you!”
“I hate you more!” They were so close that Kara could see one of her green eyes was slightly blue, she surged forward and captured Lena’s lips in a bruising kiss. Lena let out a squeak of surprise before kissing her back feverishly. Kara gripped her hips and pulled her closer, Lena moaned into her mouth, tugging on her hair. Kara spun her around and backed her up against the tiled wall, she cupped Lena’s face and ran her tongue across her bottom lip.
Lena suddenly stopped and pushed at her shoulders, “I can’t, I’m sorry.” Lena said, breathless. She tried to brush past Kara but the blonde stopped her.
“Wait. Don’t go, please. I’m sorry if I went too far, I just-“
“Kara, it’s okay, you didn’t go too far. It’s just my parents don’t approve of... this.” She gestured between the two of them.
“Screw them! Do you want this?” Kara circled her wrists and ducked her head to look into Lena’s eyes. She searched her eyes and dropped her gaze down to her parted lips.
“Yes,” Kara backed away, leading Lena towards the shower cubicle. She locked the door and recaptured her lips.
After that day, Kara had asked for Lena’s number and the rest was history.
They still had to keep up the facade until Lena moved, but Kara quite enjoyed the sneaking around, it meant she could have Lena all to herself and with everyone knowing she was off limits already, she didn’t have to worry about anyone else trying to worm their way in. Not that it would worry her anyway, Lena was head over heels for Kara and vice versa.
“You think you can sneak out of your hotel tonight?” Kara asked.
“Mhmm, Sam is usually out like a light after a day of competing,” Kara began swaying slightly, soothing the girl in her arms.
“Meet you in the parking lot at 9?” Kara suggested, Lena nodded. “It’s a date and I can’t wait to spoil the new National Champion!” Kara grinned.
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the8gates · 4 years
Naruto Characters and What Music I Think They Would Listen To Pt.1
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-You know those popular boys from school? The emoji tracksuit kids that like dunked on you when you walked through a door?
-Those vibes
-He listens to almost exclusively mainstream rap. It has to be 🔥🔥🔥 ya know? 
-Always talking about the new Drake album or the new Kanye album. LOVES Chance the Rapper and Childish Gambino i just see it in his eyes. 
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-This fuckin guy
-See, my knee jerk reaction is like your emo classics. Pierce the Veil, MCR, Linkin Park. Screamo. Metal. 
-But no. We have similar temperaments and I think that kind of music would actually irritate him. 
-I think he’s emo but more mainstream soundcloud rapper emo. Lil Peep, $UICIDEBOY$, Lil Uzi Vert. LOVES XXXTentacion.
-Post screenshots of what he’s listening to on his snapchat story and you just know the boy is going THROUGH it.
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-OKAY so HERE is your rock and roll/metal baddie!!!
-hear me out. when she’s young its all pop. like y2k pop with R&B leanings. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Beyonce, etc. you get the idea
-but after training under Tsundae she picks up rock. starts with some classic rock at first, then slowly progresses. 
-this girl loves Metallica and Black Sabbath. she just loves rock. Zeppelin, AC/DC, Five Finger Death Punch. All of it. I will not be taking any criticism. 
-windows down in the car, headbanging always. 
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-this one is a little difficult to nail down
-a part of me just wants to throw him in the pool of doesn't really care and will listen to anything
-i think he’s got a different playlist for every mood
-R&B sexy playlist with the Weeknd and some Justin Timberlake (yes he thinks that's sexy), soft sad boy hours playlist with Post Malone and Russ, a party mix with some your standard frat boy bops.
-overall, he listens to a lot of popular music
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-another tough one to nail down!!!
-i truly think Yamato is a man of all tastes as well
-however.... i get country music vibes???
-not like new, pop, country. but the classics. Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton.
-he also likes jazz! and big band/swing. Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin. What i would refer to as whiskey drinkin music. kinda classy and fun
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-i truly do not know
-the man is an enigma
-i think once he joins team 7 and kinda strays away from the foundation he’s gonna be all about trying new stuff
-so one day he’s listening to Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran and Ariana Grande. Radio pop, entry level shit
-and the next time you see him its songs he heard on tiktok exclusively
-eventually he’s down a rabbit hole, consuming music in mass quantities and he’s into Crystal Castles and Grimes. Then next week its Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. Then it’s Judas Priest and Guns N Rose. 
-everyone just gives up trying to keep track
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-oh its male manipulator music ALLLL DAY
-tame impala, mac demarco, the front bottoms, arctic monkeys, modern baseball, the smiths
-you get the idea
-dont necessarily think he's the ‘male manipulator’ type but he’s def the edgy smoking cigs and listening for the lyrics type
-i don't have to go into detail here you know I'm right
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-see, her and Sakura go down similar paths
-she started off with the y2k bubblegum pop phase but her progression is a little more understandable
-shes your typical indie (except they aren't really indie) pop darling. Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Marina and Diamonds, Melanie Martinez, the 1975.
-what I'm saying is she was definitely on tumblr in 2014 and just never moved past that phase (did any of us tbh)
-as time goes on though she starts to branch out a lil. loves the mainstream women of rap! Cardi B, Megan thee Stallion, Nicki Minaj, Doja Cat. constantly bopping
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-i couldn't find any gifs of this cutie smiling and that's a crime i want addressed RIGHT NOW
-but music wise?? i mean he’s a sweetheart right?? genuinely likes pop music! Ed Sheeran, Maroon 5, Katy Perry. HUGE Bruno Mars fan surprisingly 
-i can see him just bopping his head along to the radio, just vibing and not being picky. loves a good ballad. Sam Smith, John Legend.
-hes just having a good time 
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-queen of yearning and pining
-girl in red, mitski, HOZIER
-i feel like her playlist just looks like someone let a closeted queer girl put it together
-ABBA, St. Vincent, Florence + the Machine
-also just soft pop vibes. she’s defo posting sunset videos with the Lumineer’s playing in the background. HEAVY cottage core inspo
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-here is your true emo king
-the trinity of course. P!ATD, MCR, Fallout Boy
-then Twenty One Pilots, Paramore, GORRILAZ
-he gives me also like art kid vibes as he gets older? Weezer, Wallows, Cage the Elephant. you know the type
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-kinda smilar to Naruto tbh
-but it HAS to be FIRE. no sad music! bass turned up and LOUD always
-i feel like he even went through a dubstep phase. 
-hes the guy in the mcdonalds drive thru ‘you know what I'm here for’ *blasts Sicko Mode* 
-some stand out faves are Travis Scott, Tyler, the Creator, Kendrick Lamar, Freddie Dredd
-he’s actually pretty cool tbh
Rock Lee
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-yall ever been to a football game and they play the same hype songs over and over? ever seen a workout montage in an 80s movie?
-thats this boy. he’s just constantly listening to workout playlists. Eye of the Tiger, Livin’ on a Prayer, Welcome to the Jungle
-outside of that, i would think some of his favorite artists would be things Gai would listen to. Billy Joel, Bon Jovi, the BEASTIE BOYS, Foreigner, Aerosmith
-what I'm trying to say is he listens to the same music ur dad listens to
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-fucking music SNOB
-’you've probably never heard of them’ headass
-and then its like the strokes or vampire weekend or some shit jfc
-male manipulator music part two but 100% fits the stereotype. hes gonna leave you on read and then cry to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. 
-some standout favorites are the Pixies, Neutral Milk Hotel, alt-J.
-likes some other stuff too. The White Stripes, The Black Keys, some Beck.
-decent taste if he wasn't such an a-hole about it!
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-ya know what
-hyper pop. 100 gecs, Charli XCX, CMten, SOPHIE, Slayyyter, A.G. Cook. 
-i would say she started off kinda like Ino, the 2014 tumblr pop stuff
-then that just got to be too boring. so now she's riding the wave of the super new age stuff. 
-neji fucking HATES it and grumbles all the time about ‘its just noise, how can you stand that’ and it only makes her like it more. 
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hollands4s · 3 years
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[Vivian] * I'm glad no one woke me up... At least I got some sleep. *
[Cindy] Oh, you're awake! Look, Sam, I'm telling you she looks something like that?
[Sam] I wouldn't say...
[Cindy] Maybe we should call...
[Sam] I think you just want to know that any girl like that is ready to turn in the police, haha!
[Vivian] Excuse me, are you talking about me?
[Sam] I'm sorry to discuss you, but my wife thinks you look like the girl they're looking for on the news... Although I don't think it's you ...
[Vivian] What?! On the news?
[Cindy] Yes, it was reported that 3 days ago a girl who looks like you disappeared, blonde curly hair, black dress... even the photo showed, this is her!
[Sam] Yeah, but I remember that she was in a tracksuit, and in the photo she was much younger, about 15 years looked!
[Vivian] Wait, don't you want to ask me? For starters, I didn't disappear anywhere! This is the first. The second is that I look like some girl, it's just a coincidence. I'm doing well, and you just confused me!
[Sam] Then tell me where you're from. From this city?
[Cindy] Yes, and how did you get the scar on your face? And where are your shoes? And why are you sleeping in a bar in the middle of the day?
[Vivian] Well ... I...
I'm from this town! And yesterday I just hung out hard, you know, like teenagers hang out, well... you must have had a lot of fun when you were young, too! And I have a scar because... I got into a fight with a girl! My shoes got lost while we were dealing with her, and I'm sleeping here because... I forgot my keys at home, and no one will be home until tonight ...
[Cindy] I think she's making this up... Still think she's not the missing person?
[Sam] Well... I don't know...
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harmonytre-reacts · 4 years
Danny Phantom Episode 4 Reaction
On Paramount the “Sale” is left out of the title so it just says “Attack of the Killer Garage” XD
Danny’s just . . . not concerned that he very possibly just KILLED a ghost? No? Just gonna leave the remains all over the lab? Okay . . .
I just noticed, why do some characters have pupils and others don’t? asdfghjkl
There are so many sharp points in this art style, they could pop balloons.
I thought Danny already saw the bad side of Paulina? Why does he still think she’s flawless?
How is the teacher still working? Changing students grades just because “you don’t like them” is not okay. Especially if it’s a random comment outside of school hours asdfghjkl
Ah yes, something that could put others’ lives at risk? I’ll worry about it later because I want to go to a party! Danny, please think.
Sam is pretty cool! And I like her interactions with Tucker!
Danny’s sister is better than most older sisters in cartoons! I like her.
That scene with the teacher about to shave was not needed. Ew.
Speaking of ew, Tucker stop flirting with adults (I think they were an adult?).
Oh yeah, Danny in the tracksuit looked good.
Excuse me, Danny, stuffed animals are NOT trash and it’s perfectly fine of anyone of any age and gender to have a collection of them!
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amispnrewatch · 4 years
SPN 1X03
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I love that this previously on recap is basically a commercial for the show. It needed to be for the time, but it’s funny to see now.
OMG tracksuits! I forgot about tracksuits. “Guys don’t like buff girls.” That’s okay, I’ll appreciate them just fine. She cute. Too bad she dies soon? I can’t remember but I think she’s the cold open victim. Yep she was, bummer.
Awww, Dean’s bracelets! I miss those.
I mean, to be fair, a lot of lake deaths don’t turn up bodies. Same with rivers and whatnot.
“People don’t just disappear, people just stop looking for them.” ... “Until then we’re gonna kill everything bad between here and there.” Love it.
Oh, I love the stylized Impala nyoooom shots there for the transition. They’re framed pretty well, actually.
Ford and Hamill. Uh huh.
With the way that this show portrays cops makes me really confused about why people (the nutwork) seem to think this show is, like, in favor of them.
Hey it’s Fred! Or whatever her name was on Angel. And her character’s poor little boy.
“Must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” LOVE IT.
Also, fuck you Sam. “Name three children that you even know.” Pfffft, watch him adopt half the fucking hunter population under twenty five over the next fifteen years then tell me Dean doesn’t like kids. (And yes, I know Sam buys into Dean’s acting.)
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twisted-fics · 5 years
Solving a mystery
(Gonna be kind of cracky and will feature a personal ship of mine, if you don't like the ship it's ok, just please try and enjoy) 
Leona talked as he sat with Ruggie in the lounge when suddenly Kalim ran over. 
"Guys you're not gonna believe what I just saw!!" Kalim explained while trying to catch his breath.
"Well if we're not gonna believe it what's the point in telling us?" Leona asked. 
Kalim sighed, "Just lis-" 
"What's this? Do I hear gossip?" 
The four of them looked over to see Vil with Rook and Epel. 
"Yes! It's crazy!" 
Vil pulled up chairs for him, Rook and Epel, having them all sit, "Well Kalim, spill the tea won't you?" 
"But I don't have any tea." 
"Not actual tea, what's the thing you saw?" 
"Oh that! Yeah, I saw Professor Crewel trying to seduce Coach Vargas in the staff room." 
Ruggie began coughing as he choked on his sandwich, "W-what the hell did you say…?!" 
"Professor Crewel was trying to seduce-" 
"Ok ok we get it, we heard you." Leona said as he helped Ruggie stop choking. 
Vil smirked, "Well I'd love to hear more, tell me everything you saw" 
"Ok so I was walking to the staff room because Jamil said I needed to deliver my dorm leader paperwork." 
'Ugh! Why do I have to deliver paperwork?! Jamil should be doing this' Kalim thought to himself as he walked through the halls of the college. 
He soon arrived at the staff room and opened the door a crack before stopping as he watched the scene before him.
"D-Divus please, not right now…" 
"Oh come on, I know you want me, I've seen how you look at me between classes~" 
Divus brought his hand up and began unzipping Ashton's tracksuit top while Ashton bit his lip.
"How about my office after classes end for today, or better yet, my house~?" 
Kalim dropped the papers and ran out. 
                                         ~End of Flashback~
"Woah, I've heard about Professor Crewel having tons of partners but I didn't know he was so bold he'd go after Coach." Leona said, smirking.
"Ah, you know, one time during archery Professor Crewel came and grabbed Coach Vargas and when he came back Coach was blushing from ear to ear and he couldn't focus on teaching us." Rook explained.
A giggle came from behind them, "They must be something like friends with benefits right~?" 
They all saw Lilia standing there. 
Epel and Ruggie looked at him confused, asking at the same time, "Friends with benefits? What's-" 
Both of them got their mouths covered by their dorm leaders, who shushed them.
"It's nothing, we'll tell you both when you're older." Vil said as he pet Epel's head. 
Ruggie sighed, "But we're both legal adu-" 
"The apple said we'll tell you when you're older so we'll tell you when you're older." 
"Anyway, we should figure out what they're up to!" Lilia exclaimed. 
"They're probably still in the staff room so we should check there." Vil said. 
The eight of them stood outside the staff room, thinking of a plan.
"We can't just go in and start talking to them, they could get suspicious." Vil said.
"If we say we want to suggest new sports to Coach Vargas he might listen to us." Lilia suggested 
"Well I don't want to do it, I don't know a thing about sports!" Kalim exclaimed. 
"I can do it, seeing as I'm a part of the archery team." Rook said.
"Me and Ruggie can too, we're in his martial arts class." Leona suggested. 
"Right, you three get in there while we watch!" Lilia said. 
Rook, Leona and Ruggie walked into the staff room awkwardly as both Divus and Ashton looked up to see them. 
"Ah, do you boys need something?" Divus asked 
Ruggie scratched the back of his head, "We uh…thought we'd talk to Coach about some sports to add for club options and stuff." 
Divus stood up, "Well alright if you don't need me I'll be going then, I have to get back to my classroom anyway." 
"See you later ba-er, Divus…" Ashton said, blushing as he changed what he was saying.
Divus smirked, "Bye handsome~" 
The other three looked at each other, sharing confused looks as Ashton cleared his throat, his cheeks still a bit pink, "So you boys wanted to talk about sports?" 
“U-Uh, yeah...sports…” Rook said awkwardly.
Lilia huffed as he watched the three boys leave the staff room, “So we did all that for nothing? You were supposed to try and ask if he has a relationship with Divus!”
“Sorry, he left and we all didn’t know what to say.” Leona said as he crossed his arms.
Vil sighed, “Well, we’ll need someone else who would know about their relationship, maybe another teacher.”
Epel tugged slightly on Vil's blazer, “Even if we did ask, I don’t think they would be willing to tell us, Professor Trien would probably tell us to mind our own business and Sam would make us buy something or use voodoo on us.”
"Well that's a price I'm willing to pay! Let's go!" Kalim laughed.
"Welcome, how may I help you?" Sam said as the group walked in. 
Vil put his hand on the counter, "We need to know something, we'll pay any price." 
Sam smiled widely, "Ahh~, well you've come to the right place, I'll tell you anything you want as long as it isn't considered wrong within school rules, but you're right, it'll cost you." 
"What's the price magic man?" Leona asked. 
"You have to help me in the shop for a certain amount of time depending on what you ask me, the more personal the longer you work." 
The eight boys looked at each other, none of them wanted to work in Sam's shop but they also wanted an answer. 
Sam then laughed, "Alright don't look at each other like that, I already know what you want to know, but how about I tell you a story from a few days ago and then I'll give you a proper answer to your question?" 
"Yes please!" Kalim said excitedly.
Sam hummed as he carried some boxes to the shop but he stopped as he began to hear noises coming from a classroom, noises of kissing, low grunts and moans.
Divus' voice came through the door, "I…I really needed this, we haven't done this in forever~" 
Next came Ashton's, "I know, I've been so busy lately, even if we only get to do this a few times a month, I wish we could do it more." 
"Well maybe we need to be in a more serious relationship~" 
"I'd love for that to be the case but if the students knew about us we'd never hear the end of it." 
"Who cares what they think? Besides you've talked about moving in together and to the students we'll just be roommates~" 
"I think you're right." 
                                    ~End of Flashback~
"Then what?" Vil asked. 
"Nothing else, I left to take the things to the shop." 
"They must really be friends with benefits then." Leona sighed. 
Ruggie looked up at Leona, "Again, Leona what does that mean?" 
"Shush kiddo, I said I'll tell you when you're older." 
Kalim huffed, "Anyway! You said you'd tell us the story and then give us the answer so tell us!" 
Sam laughed, "Well, the best thing you can do…is ask them about their relationship yourselves." 
"Are you serious?! All that for nothing?!" Kalim shouted. 
Leona sighed, "Well, he's right, let's just go ask." 
Divus and Ashton stood next to each other while standing under a tree just outside the school. 
"So, some students said they wanted to talk about sports but then barely said anything?" Divus asked. 
Ashton nodded, "Yep, I don't know what was wrong, they just wouldn't really talk as soon as you left the room." 
Divus laughed and kissed his cheek, "Maybe they were intimidated by you." 
The two staff members turned their heads to see the eight boys running towards them.
Ashton blew his whistle making them all stop in place as he walked over to them. 
"Boys what's going on? Is everything ok?" 
Kalim, while still panting managed to say, "We…we just wanted to ask you…what's your relationship with Professor Crewel…?" 
"We were supposed to ease into it Kalim!" Vil shouted. 
"Ah let the guy be fruit bowl." Leona responded. 
"You heard me." 
"Oh you're dead!" 
"Try it." 
Divus began clapping his hands as he walked over, "Alright, that's enough, Break it up." 
Vil and Leona sighed and nodded. 
"But what about our question?" Vil asked. 
Divus smiled, "Well, if you all must know…" 
Without another word Divus gently grabbed Ashton's chin and pulled him down, kissing his lips sweetly then pulling away.
"We've been dating for two years now." 
Ashton wrapped an arm around Divus' waist, while blushing, "We've known each other for a while”
Lilia smiled, "Oh good, so you're not friends with benefits." 
Lilia received two smacks on the back of the head from Vil and Leona, making him laugh, “Alright Alright I’ll stop corrupting your kids!”
“Where did you guys get that idea about us?” Divus asked.
“Well, Kalim saw you trying to seduce Coach and we had heard some rumors about you sleeping around a lot and then Sam told us about how you were making out in a classroom a few days ago so we didn’t know what to think.” Leona answered.
Ashton chuckled, “Well, Divus isn’t exactly subtle about what he wants once classes end or when we’re alone.” 
“Gross…” Ruggie grunted.
“Well if we’re done, let’s just go.” Kalim said.
And the eight of them left.
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ilovetowritei · 5 years
Part 2 - The Flowers
Warning for a reference to both abortion and nonconsensual sex. This is kind of my theory of Eden’s biological father, but I also think it’s important to stress that no matter who it is, Sam is the dad now. Blood means very little next to who raises you, and I truly think Sam will love that girl second only to Becca. 
His phone buzzed for the fifth time under his pillow. With a sigh of resignation, Grizz pulled it out, watching an unknown number flash across the screen.
“Grizz?” His heart jumped out of it’s chest at the sound of Becca’s voice.
“Oh. Um hi Becca. Look now isn’t really a great time-”
“Have you seen Sam?” Becca cut him off.
“Yeah? I saw him earlier this morning. Why are you calling me about this?” Fear had already started to bubble in Grizz’s stomach. He checked his watch. 11.43PM.
“He hasn’t come home all day. Last night, he… he got really upset. He told me about what happened on thanksgiving. About you and him, and how things had ended…” Becca’s voice trailed off and Grizz could feel the apprehension through the line. She knew. Becca knew they had been together.
“Look Becca I’m really sorry. I didn’t know about you and Sam. I didn’t know about the baby, I never would have tried to-”Grizz’s words started to tumble over themselves as he tried to explain, tried to apologise to the one person in this town who had the most to deal with.
“Grizz it’s fine. He didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“We need to find him. Eden’s sleeping, I don’t want to leave her alone. He’s not well Grizz. He’s not coping.” Her voice broke. Grizz pulled himself out of bed, pulling on a pair of tracksuit pants with the phone wedged between his ear and shoulder.
“I’ll go. You stay there in case he comes home. I’ll call if there’s any news. And Becca?”
“I’m sorry.” He hung up before she could argue, pulling his hair up out of his face as he stomped into his boots. The temperature had continued to drop and as he turned and locked his door, Grizz could see his breath in front of his face. Curfew had been lifted in the weeks since Lexie and Harry had taken charge. And yet, Grizz found himself nervous as he stepped out into the dark. The streets might no longer be policed for late night wanderers, but he knew they were policed for a darker purpose. He had seen them out at night. Luke a few times. Jason and Clarke more. Even Campbell once. Prowling to make sure no one was plotting to take them down, no one was out trying to find the captives.
He stuck to the shadows, running quietly through the town and back to the library. He tore back the shade cloth for the second time that day, and sure enough, a pale face and shock of red hair greeted him.
“Sam?” The boy’s eyes were shut. Grizz reached out with a gloved hand, tapping his cheek. Slowly, Sam’s eyes opened. He was lying as he had been before, curled in amongst the weeds and dead flower bushes. Grizz noted offhandedly that the jacket he had left was gone, and Sam was once again lying in the cold, shivering.
“Sam what are you doing?!” Grizz yelled. But it was dark, and the deaf boy couldn’t see. He couldn’t see the fear on Grizz’s face, or the shape of his mouth as he yelled. He could just make out the silhouette he had been dreaming of, a tall man with hair in a bunch at the top of his head. He was cold. So cold. Briefly, he had thought about moving, about going home or to church or anywhere other than here. But really, he couldn’t see a point. The only place he wanted to be was here, amongst the dead flowers that reminded him of Grizz and home and the lives they had left behind.
Grizz fired off a message to Becca.
‘I have him. We’re coming.’ He slid his phone back into his pocket and then his arms beneath Sam, lifting him towards his chest. Finally Sam moved, struggling against him. Fresh pain cut through Grizz’s chest as Sam tried to escape his hold and he held him tighter. Eventually, Sam stopped, and they walked quietly through the town.
Becca heard her front door bang open and shot to her feet. In the entryway stood Grizz, face red from the cold. He looked tired, bags under his eyes and  shoulders hunching agains the world. In his arms, Sam looked small. Her best friend lay there, eyes open, staring at nothing, the rise and fall of his chest the only indication that he was alive.
“We need to warm him up.” Grizz murmured, and Becca sprang into action. She ran about the house, finding blankets and hot water bottles. Grizz walked into the living room and set Sam on his feet. Slowly, gently, he pulled the dirt smeared jeans from Sam’s legs. Becca passed the door way, about to deliver her second haul of blankets when she stopped. Grizz’s hands were tender against Sam, carefully peeling the damp clothes from his body and then wrapping him in the throw from the couch. She averted her eyes, leaving the blankets in the doorway as she went to brew some coffee.
Soon, Sam was smothered in blankets and a hot water bottle, his shivers slowing down to barely noticeable tremors. Of course, the two people opposite him noticed. For longer than he realised, they had both noticed everything about him. They had seen his beauty and his pain, the way he closed his eyes against heartache. The way he fiddled with the cuffs of his jumper when he was nervous. The kindness beneath the sarcasm. They had seen him, in a way he had barely seen himself. As a person, vulnerable, real and worthy.
“Sam? What happened?” She spoke and signed, ready to convey the conversation between two increasingly awkward men.
It’s come back. I was alright for a while. I guess seeing Campbell win, it just got me. He’s spent so long ruining my life. Now he’s going to ruin everything else. How am I supposed to protect Eden?
Grizz watched the tears flow down Becca’s face as she relayed Sam’s signs. They were too fast for him to follow, too many words he didn’t recognise.
“I’m scared for Eden too. But we are her parents. We will do anything for her.” Becca’s eyes were focussed on Sam.
“You guys aren’t in this alone,” Grizz’s voice startled Becca and she interpreted for Sam. “I will protect her too. That’s a promise.” The conviction he felt surprised himself. He noticed Sam’s eyes flick to him, then Becca and away.
“You didn’t tell him, did you?” Becca was talking just to Sam, who shook his head almost imperceptibly.
“Grizz. There’s something I want to tell you.” Sam’s hands flew into action, his head furiously shaking Whatever it was, Sam did not want this said.
“For God’s sake Sam! Stop! Grizz. Sam is Eden’s dad. Nothing will ever change that,” She paused to try to catch Sam’s eye, “But you need to know that Sam and I have never slept together. We are just friends. We have always been just friends. Do you understand what I am saying?”
Sam jumped from his seat, anger on his features as he tried to run from the room.
“Sam. Sam stop.” Grizz’s arms flew around Sam, holding him while he struggled. So focussed on clinging to the crying boy, it took him a full minute to comprehend what Becca was saying. He froze.
“Wait. You guys haven’t had sex? How did Eden..” And it clicked. It hadn’t made sense to him on Thanksgiving, that Sam hadn’t mentioned the baby. Hadn’t mentioned Becca in any romantic way. Sam wasn’t that man. He wasn’t a kiss and run kind of guy.
“Sam. Sam,” Grizz held him out just far enough to catch his eye, and the struggle stopped. “Explain to me.”
Sam looked up at him. If you’d asked him a year ago about this boy in front of him, he would have laughed. Himself with a jock? But in the past six months he’d realised that no one was quite what they seemed. “I made a promise.”
Grizz pulled him down onto the sofa. The boys sat, Sam curled in Grizz’s lap and Becca saw the comfort Sam was taking just from Grizz’s touch.
“Sam doesn’t know who the biological father of the baby is. No one does. Only I do. I was scared of what people would think of me. And Sam promised me that he would be the father. And he is. For all intents and purposes, and for the rest of her life, Sam is Eden’s dad. But he wasn’t the man who conceived her with me.
I said to Sam at the start that I never had a choice in being a mother. And I meant that. If we were back at home, I don’t think I would have had Eden. But I also meant, that even at the start, there was no choice. I didn’t get to say yes or no.” Becca’s hands stopped signing before the last sentence. She didn’t want to break Sam even further.
This time, Grizz wasn’t slow on understanding. “Oh god Becca. Oh shit. I’m so sorry.”
“Becca I know.” Sam’s voice was loud and again he struggled. “It was him.” His hand formed a C and Becca paled. “Eden looks like he did as a baby. I’m going to kill him.” Grizz could see Sam spiralling out of control, the depression of earlier in the day replaced by something Grizz had never seen on Sam before. He was losing control. Even when Grizz had screamed at him about Becca, he’d breathed through it. But now, Sam had lost control.
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focusonspn · 6 years
Dream Come True
Sam x Reader, Jackson (OMC) (Mentioned)
Summary: You go to Sam's place after an asshole left you planted on your Valentine's Day date. The only problem is you and Sam are in love with each other… Or is it not a problem?
Word Count: 3130
Warnings: Mutual Pining. Slow Burn. A Little Bit Of Angst. Romantical Smut. Unprotected Sex. Fluff. 
A/N: This fill my ‘Mutual Pining’ square for @spnkinkbingo and my ‘College AU’ square for @spnfluffbingo. Also written for @supernatural-jackles‘s Weekly Writing Challenge, Week 6. The promp I chose will be bolded below. I hope you enjoy!
If you want to be on any of my Taglists, send me an ASK. Also, feel free to send your requests! 
SPN Kink Bingo - SPN Fluff Bingo - Masterlist - Feedback Is Beautiful
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Raindrops were falling from the dark night sky as you walk down the street toward your best friend’s apartment after the worst date of your life, of course, as long as it could be called a date to stand waiting for a son of a bitch that didn’t bother to show up.
The falling water was soaking your coat and hence the dress under it, which now was a huge loss as was the date and the guy you were gonna meet tonight for Valentine’s day.
Arriving to the building door, you rang the doorbell one time, waiting for Sam to answer.
Sam was your best friend, even though you don’t look at him in that way anymore. You were in love with him more than you could have imagined. You two met at college, at a Study Club to be more exact, where you studied together for every exam you got. You didn’t know when the feelings for him started to flow, the only thing you knew was you were in love with him, and you couldn’t get him out of your head.
That’s why you agreed to meet that asshole (who you didn’t want see again in your life), because you thought that way you could get your best friend out of your head, but the guy didn’t even show up. Now you were wet, freezing, and outside Sam’s building, waiting for him to get the door and forget your humiliation.
“Hello? Who is it?” Sam voice greeted you through the intercom.
“Sam, it’s me. Can you open up please?” you begged, embracing your own body in attempt to get warm.
“Y/N! What are you doing here? You didn’t have a date tonight?” his voice sounded worried.
“Yeah, I did. If you could open up, I’ll tell you. I’m freezing here.”
“Sure!” you heard before the known sound of the building door being unlocked resounded.
You got inside the building, towards the elevator, leaving a water trail behind you. The cleaning team wasn’t going to be happy, but right now you didn’t care, you were mad at everyone; at the guy who made you wait in vain, at the rain because of your now soaked clothes and at your best friend because if you didn’t have to forget him, you wouldn’t be like this. Oh my god, your makeup should be a mess right now.
When you arrive to Sam’s apartment, the door was already open and he was waiting doorway for you. His long hair, normally barely touching his shoulders, was wet because of the shower he must have had (judging by his completely dry clothes and his bare feet), his chest was covered with a black t-shirt, which adapted to his strong body and his well formed legs was dressed with tracksuit pants, hanging from his thick hips to his bare feet.
Ok, maybe you weren’t mad at him, not when he was dressed like this, letting you watch how beautiful he was.
“Why are you like this? What happened?” he asked with a frown as he opened the door wide to let you in to the apartament, which you did, still dripping water everywhere.
“What happened? What happened is that Jackson is an asshole who left me planted, waiting for him under the fuckin’ rain! That’s what happened!” you shouted before turning back to look at Sam, finding him with wide open eyes in awe.
“Alright, why don’t you just take a shower and I’ll get you some dry clothes as I put your wet ones in the drawer? After, you can tell me everything when you are calmer, is that ok?” he stepped closer to you squeezing your shoulders in a reassuring way.
“Alright.” you sighed and lead your way towards the bathroom.
“Do you want pizza?” he suddenly asked from behind you.
“What?” you turned around to face him again.
“I mean, I suppose you don’t want to be alone, so we can have a pizza and movie night if you want.” he explained scratching the back of his neck.
“Oh, sure, that would be amazing.” you returned your way to the bathroom.
Sam stood in the living room for a few seconds, thinking about what just happened. You went to his place, after that son of a bitch left you planted without even warning you about it. How could even anyone let you wait and not show up? You were the most amazing girl Sam could ever get to meet, the most beautiful, smart and funny; any man who you laid eyes on was a very lucky one, and Sam had be hoping be that guy since the moment he saw you, since the moment you introduced yourself to him in that damn Study Club, which permitted him get to know you and which he’ll be grateful with forever, even though you’ll never look at him as he would like.
Getting out of his thoughts, Sam went to grab a few of his clothes before taking them in the bathroom, then taking your wet ones and going to the laundry room where he separated the white clothes from the colored ones and put them in the washing machine. With that done, he went to the kitchen, where he’d left his cellphone, and called to the pizza delivery, asking for your favorite flavors as he started to make popcorn, knowing you loved eating it while watching movies.
“Popcorn. You know me well.” your soft voice made Sam startle and turn around. “I’m sorry!” you muffled your laugh with a hand against your mouth.
“No, you’re not.” Sam grinned listening to your laugh and allowing himself to take a quick look on how his clothes looked on you. His red and black flannel looked giant on you, reaching the middle of your thighs and letting him have a good sight of your bare legs. Your face was clean now, without all that makeup smeared, as your hair was wet because of the shower you just took.
Sam loved see you like this, the simpler version of yourself.
“You’re right. I love bothering you.” you nodded. “That’s what a best friend does.” you giggled, but this time making Sam’s smile slightly fall.
“Yeah, sure.” He faked a smile before turning to the microwave to control the popcorn, even though his mind was floating about what you said ‘That’s what a best friend does’. You would never see him as something more than a friend.
Scolding yourself because of what you just said, you turned to the living room, oblivious of Sam’s change of mood. “Well, I’m going to look for a movie.” you told him and went to do said thing. Who did you want to trick? You didn’t see Sam like a friend since a very long time ago and trying to convince yourself otherwise wouldn’t change anything at all.
After a few moments, you felt the couch seat beside you plunge, and you knew it was Sam, that and because of his covered leg sightly touching your bare knee flexed over the couch seat, but you didn’t divert your gaze from the TV.
“So, tell me,” Sam broke the ice, this time making your head turn to face him. “What happened with Jackson asshole?” he asked humorously using your way to call the guy.
“Well, practically what I already told you.” you shrugged and looked down to your hands holding the remote control. “He left me planted, leaving me like a complete idiot, under the rain and waiting for him, but it’s ok. I’m already used to men treating me like this.” you explained fighting your tears and going back to your task of looking through Netflix, without noticing Sam’s glance on you. Yes, you didn’t have eyes for any other guy besides Sam, but it still hurt every time a man treated you like shit.
“No, Y/N. That’s not like that.” you looked at Sam with a ‘Are you serious?’ face. “I mean, yes, Jackson’s a piece of shit, but he doesn’t deserve you. At all” he said, his face very close to yours. You turned to look at his pink lips, his heavy breath was crashing against you face as his eyes focused on your own lips. “You’ll see, the one could be closer than you think.” he whispered as he rested his hands on your cheeks, gently caressing your cheekbones with his thumbs as his panty breathe now collisioned against your opened and ready lips. He bent over, determined to kiss you once and for all as he wanted to do long ago. You closed your eyes, waiting for the touch.
The doorbell rang, completely breaking the moment and making you two pull apart, neither of you being able to look each other in the eyes, only focusing on any other thing except the person sitting next to you.
“I’ll get the door.” Sam faked a cough as he stood, put some shoes on and then went outside the building to attend to the delivery. God knew the only thing Sam wanted right now was to say fuck the pizza and kiss your breath away, making you forget everything about the outside world.
“Yeah, of course.” you scratched the back of your neck, getting back to your earlier task, but this time not being able to concentrate on anything because of what had just happened. You almost kissed Sam. Almost. If it would be a few moments before, you could have done it.
You two have never hated pizza as much as you did right now.
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The movie came to an end a little after midnight, along with the pizza and popcorn leftovers and the empty beer bottles over the coffee table in front of the couch.
Neither of you said a word as the movie went by, it’s not like you were paying attention to the screen anyway as each of you were at one end of the couch, leaving as much space as possible between the two of you. The furtive glances at the other person weren’t lacking throughout the length of the film; both wanting to talk about the almost kiss, but none taking the courage to do so.
You hated being that way. It seemed so weird; as if you were complete strangers that all they wanted to do was go to  their own house so they would not have to see each other, instead of making jokes and embarrassing each other.
“Alright, you take my bed, and I’ll take the couch.” Sam started, turning off the TV and going to his bedroom to grab a pillow and a blanket.
“I can take the couch, and you know it.” you replied when he came back to the living room and started to make the couch comfortable.
“Yeah, I know, but also you know I can take it too.” he sent a cocky smile in your direction.
“Ok, I’ll be more comfortable then.” you showed him your tongue making him laugh. It seemed as though things weren’t completely lost at least.
You went to Sam’s bedroom and got inside of his bed, sinking into the soft mattress and under the fluffy blankets, both things smelling like Sam; not to mention the pillows, where all his aroma was concentrated, making you feel like he was right there next to you. But he wasn’t. He was outside the room on the couch, where you wanted so badly to be in cuddled with him.
What you didn’t know was that Sam wasn’t even close to sleeping. His look was centered at the ceiling for minutes now, the only thing going through his mind was you and the uncontrollable want to be sleeping next to your body; his arms folded around you as your head rested on his chest, the beat of his heart calming you more than a song to sleep. But you weren’t, and he was dying inside his own mind instead.
“Fuck it.” Sam said to himself and stood up, kicking the blankets away from his body after seconds, minutes or even hours looking at the ceiling, only regretting his cowardice, until reaching the realization that he wasn’t going to achieve anything by regretting spinelessness all night.
Almost reaching the hallway that led to his room, he came to a stop, rethinking everything as all the ‘What If’s’ ran at full speed through his mind; ‘What if she rejects me?’, ‘What if I mess up everything and she does not want to talk to me anymore?’. With his own thoughts stabbing him in the back, Sam made his way towards the couch again, to try to get some sleep and forget in the morning all the insecurities that showed up every time he thought about you and his feelings. Tomorrow was going to be a great day.
“Sam?” your voice made him stop dry on his spot and turn around to face you, not believing your form in the doorway, lighted by the moonlight that get to enter through the living window.
“Hi.” he managed to say after standing there doing nothing for a few seconds, his words almost choking in his throat. “Is everything okay?”
You stayed thinking for a few seconds, insure about if it was correct or not to talk about the pending issue between the two of you. “Mm, yeah, I-I just couldn’t sleep.” you finally said, embracing yourself with your covered flannel arms.
“Do you-Do you want to sit here?” he gestured to the couch where he was trying to sleep minutes ago. “I’ll give you something to drink.”
“Ye-yeah, that would be great.” you replied heading to the couch as Sam made his way to the kitchen, turning on the light of the said place, illuminating the living room as well.
When he returned, he did it with a glass of water in each hand, handing one to you and leaving one for him before sitting next to you on the couch.
Neither of you spoke for a while, which seemed like ages. The tension in the environment could be cut with a knife, both of you wanting to talk about the kiss, but none being able to take the first step. You never have been like this, despiste the hidden feelings by the two parts, always there was laughter, chuckles, giggles, never like this; the two of you afraid to say something incorrect and screw up everything. Although, it was already screwed.
You suddenly laid down your glass on the coffee in front of you, Sam matching your move. “No. You know what?” you said, turning your head to lock your gaze with Sam’s. “I’m not ok. None of this,” you gestured to both of you with your hands. “is ok and it wasn’t since we almost kissed a few hours ago. ‘Cause it happened, we almost ki-”
Sam’s lips stopped your rambling with a tender kiss, making you swallow your own words instead. At first, your eyes were open, shocked for his lips on yours, until you let it be and you relaxed in his grasp, closing your eyes and letting yourself enjoy the moment, you were waiting for this years ago and you weren’t gonna waste any second of it. Both dreams finally coming to life.
His lips felt soft against you, reaching the line to perfection as your mouth moved in sync with his; your tongues fitting so good with each others, finally finding their happy place. His hands were gently caressing your cheekbones, sending a shiver through your body.
The kiss started slowly, before picking up the pace as your breaths became heavier. Your hands went up to tangle in his long brows locks, as you pulled his head closer to yours, not able to take enough from him. Sam wasn’t so far from that, one of his rough hands went to hold tight on your waist as he leaned the other on the back of the couch to support his weight while he slowly pushed you on the soft seat.
“You have no idea how bad I wanted to do this.” Sam muffled against your neck skin, where he gently nibbled, pulling a gasp from you mouth. “How much I wanted to have you like this.” his long fingers made its job unbuttoning the flannel on you, uncovering your bare breasts as his mouth made a kissing and nibbling path towards them, where he took a nipple and sucked it hard, this time making you loudly scream.
“I know the feeling, believe me.” you managed to say as Sam continued with his work in your sensitive tits.
Clothes were slowly pulled off and left in oblivion, giving way to warm and sloppy kisses as loud and deep moans were exchanged and both rough and gentle caresses were passionately shared.
Once both of you were completely naked, without any annoying fabric in your way, Sam positioned himself between your open legs, your uncovered cunt in front of him, silently asking to be filled once and for all.
Sam seemed to read your thoughts because he slowly pushed inside you, stretching your walls so deliciously, so perfectly making love to you; two souls making their dream come true, taking from the other the most of what they could; and when you came, you did it with him, both of you reaching your release at the same time, inside each other arms, surrendering to the other for the first time, but not the last.
Still on top of you, Sam pressed lazy kisses from your jaw to your neck and collarbone, making the corners of your mouth extend in a open smile. Getting up on his feet, Sam suddenly lifted you up in his arms, ripping a surprise yell from you, and went to his bedroom, laying you down onto the mattress and under the blankets before laying himself down and pulled you closer to his body in a embrace.
“You know? Now that we’re a couple, I should get you something for Valentine’s Day.” Sam murmured with a smile against your lips after a while of just making out, neither of you ready to sleep just yet.
You cupped his face between your small hands “Who said we’re a couple?” you teased, pulling his bottom lip between your teeth, you tone detoning the smile on your face. He let out a laugh and tickled your side in reward, making you squirm under his massive body. “Ok, ok.” you raised your hands in surrender. “But I’m warning you, nothing sappy.”
“Yeah, we’ll see.” he took your wrists in each hand and place them on the pillow above your head before open your legs with his knees and positioned himself between them. “Now, get ready for round two.”
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Thank you so much for reading!
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