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nescaveckwriter · 1 month ago
Pieces Of A Shadow 🥹
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A/N: Finally getting to my bingo card square yay... For @jackalsversebingo 🐞❤️its been a while since I wrote a one shot, its short but, I kinda liked it, though its tearing me to pieces 🤭😅💕 I'm just so excited to hear what y'all think. Much love my bugsies 🐞
Square Prompt: Torn To Pieces : Pop Evil. Will be in bold.
Warnings: Angst, A Lot of Angst! 🤔 Sorry about that😱
Words: 686 🤭
Cover & Pictures: Canva, Pinterest ❤️
Side Note: please don't copy my work, thank you, oh and requests are open...💕💓
There's darkness all around, as he sat alone, back against the wall, elbows resting on his knees, staring at the ceiling, wishing it was a dream, wishing it weren't real, wishing she was here, clenching and unclenching his fist, if only he'd been a better man, if only he'd been half the man she needed him to be. If only he could be able... Able to show love like she needed him to.
Why the hell does he need to screw up everything good in his life, and it ain't like she hadn't given him more than one chance to become the man she always said she knew he is.
His fingers gripping the neck of the bottle of jack, the gold liquor hitting his throat as he tried to wash down the feeling of failure, heartbreak, of misery, despair. It felt like there was this intense pressure in his chest, as he recalled the conversation that led to this moment, she stood there, tear stains on her cheeks "Dean .." she sounded broken, "why... Why do you always have to do this? Why do you always have to run towards danger?" His voice gruff "babe it's important, I'm saving people... I'm saving people" he repeated.
Shaking her head "what about saving us? What about staying for once?" He walked closer towards her, "I have to do this, It's who I am darling..." In frustration she grunted, "you're so much more than this, more than the man your father said you are... Dean, listen to me, don't go..."
He saw the desperation in her eyes, the pleading in her voice, as he stood there in front of her, she took his hands, held onto him, her voice cracking "please, don't do this .." his thumb brushed over her knuckles, determination in his voice "I have to... This is just something I have to do." She let go of his hands, fear in her tone, "you're going to get yourself killed Dean and for what, keeping your father happy?"
He huffed "you wouldn't understand, I promised him..." She didn't let him finish that sentence, instead she raised her voice "fine!" She looked at him a pained expression expression "I'm done trying, I can't anymore Dean"
Confusion evident as he looked at her, "w-what do you mean by that?" She hissed back "I'm done staying here, hoping you'd come home safely, unharmed... I can't do that anymore" his jaw clenched "what? You knew who I was, I am when we started out"
She shook her head "Dean you don't get it do you, You come home every time, torn to pieces, about what you had to do, you've become a shell of the man I fell in love with," his frustration evident "that's not true"
The last thing she said as she left that day was "you know it's true" and he hasn't seen her since.
His hand brushed through his hair, he knew it was true, he wasn't the same man he was before, he truly has become a shadow of who he once was, but he couldn't tell her she was right ... Why didn't he beg her to stay? Why did he let her walk out that day! Every time he closes his eyes it's like he can't breathe, seeing her pained expression, the tears in her eyes, the fear in her voice, he suddenly throws the bottle against the wall, screaming in frustration, in anger. Watching as the shards of glass shatter against the wall, tears in the corners of his emerald eyes, a hoarse, desperate whisper falling from his plump lips, "I should've said the words you wanted to here baby, I should've been better, but now instead I'm torn to pieces by the memory of you, of what we could've been... Wishing like hell I stayed, wishing I were half the man you'd wanted me to be" he let out a defeated grunt, knowing the only place he'll ever see you again are the memories replaying over and over in his mind, because even if it is tearing him to pieces, he knows your not coming back.
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@jackles010378 @jacklesversebingo @winchesterwild78 @k-slla @angelbabyyy99 @cevansbaby-dove @cutedisneygirl @bookishtheaterlover7
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nescavaneckdaily · 9 months ago
Naked and Afraid
Naked and afraid, thats how I feel standing here in front of you
Afraid you will see that my heart is beaten purple and blue
I feel so exposed
And I haven't taken off a single piece of my clothes
The way you look at me
What I'm supposed to just let it be
I can't help but to break the eye connection and look down
I feel like a damn fool, a clown
You say you understand
But I find myself in this unknown land
A land off where you love me despite
Of my scar's, my brokenness and every now and again I think you wanna stay, you just might
It's like I'm drowning in your soul
And as soon as I start overanalyzing, overthinking, figuring out all the 'not so real' pieces, I'm left standing there like a fool.
Please just tell me, how could this world be so damn cruel.
I've finally found someone who loves me, but I can't see past the trauma's
I've basically been an actress my whole life , hand me an Oscar or a Sama
I never let my guard down, that will place a target on my back
I'm too, too messy, too clean, too busy, too much or just a slack
See all these words in my memories of past mistakes, and broken promises, just won't let me give in
Here's the thing
I love you, I really do,
But how can I believe you love me too
I have been called so many things, but "I'm your everything has never been one"
You treat me like I'm royalty, even handing me a shiny crown
But I know someday you'll leave me standing alone
And I'll be left picking up the pieces of my heart you've thrown.
So please excuse me for being naked and afraid
But I'll spend the night
But leave my soul and heart out of it.
I really do love you,
But you haven't got a clue
How my poor heart has been beaten up
So sorry for shutting you out.
I love you, really I do
I'm just not sure if I can trust you,
When you say you love me too.
- Nesca van Eck
- 4 June 2023
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winchesterwild78 · 6 months ago
Master Lists
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Jensen Ackles Master List
Chance Meeting
Behind the Scenes
Whiskey Kisses and Broken Promises
The Ranch
The Director
Less Lonely
Austin Nights
A Haven of Comfort
The Tutor
The Weight of Guilt
A Father's Love
A Birthday Worth Celebrating
A Surprise for a Special Day
A Husband's Return
A Shattered Heart
An Unexpected Friendship
Unspoken Words
Second Take
Dean Winchester Master List
All Patched Up
Unexpected Hunter
First Aid
Please Don't Go
The Hunter
By Your Side
Hunters and Secrets
Taking Care of Each Other
Safely in Your Arms
A Secret Revealed
A Little Bit Stronger
A Twist of Fate
Carry on My Wayward Son
The Demon and Me
Daddy's Girl
Beau Arlen Master List
Always Protected
I'll Always Take Care of You
A New Sheriff in Town
Soldier Boy Master List
I Can't Lose You
Take Care Of Me
The Mistake
The Art of Not Saying "I Love You"
A Soldier's Valentine
Russell Shaw Master List
Short Stories and One Shots
Unspoken Rules
A Night of Shadows and Strength
A Home and a Heart
Elevator Encounter
A Secret Love
Thankful for You
Twinkle Lights
Silly Rabbit
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Peppermint Kisses and Christmas Promises
Happy New Year
Happy Birthday, Dean Winchester
The PE Teacher
A Light in the Darkness
Winter's Embrace
Glitter and Green Eyes
Stitches and Secrets
The Actor's Secret
Forever Tags:
@nescaveckwriter @kr804573 
@k-slla @jackles010378 
@jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx 
@roseblue373 @cheynovak 
@jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa 
@n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 
@smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 
@manicjk @stoneyggirl2 
@deans-spinster-witch @snowayumi 
@shadowqueen1318 @shanimallina87
@muhahaha303 @fitxgrld
@nancymcl @baby19sthings
@cheekygirl2309 @oceean
467 notes · View notes
aylacavebear · 16 days ago
My Favorite Stories
I've read so many amazing stories on here by amazing authors. I've been meaning to make a post so I can keep them in one spot, and, of course, share them easily with all of you.
There were far more of you than I realized. lol Enjoy everyone and feel free to recommend any fics you think I might enjoy in the comments.
Supporting Writers <3
@spnexploration - Pack - A/B/O - Collared
@zepskies - Smoke Eater - first one of hers I read. - Dean Master List - everythings good.
@dean-winchester-is-a-warrior - Master List Dean - Green is My Favorite Color - Things Learned & Unlearned
@holylulusworld - Honestly, anything by them. Amazing writer. Lots of A/B/O stuff too.
@luci-in-trenchcoats - Master List Dean - Series lots to choose from. Read The Ranger first. Amazing series. A/B/O - Feral A/B/O - The Dark Lord
@artyandink - Old Fashioned - Amoralism
@queen-of-deans-booty - Right After All - Deadly Proposal Lots of amazing things to read on their master list.
@yet-another-deanw-girl - The Prophecy
@jollyhunter - Master List - Daily Dean Winchester
@ambiguous-avery - Chasing Shadows - A MUST READ!
@my-stories-vault - Dean Winchester Series Purgatory & The Supernatural Wars are amazing!!
@maddie0101 - Rodeo Nights
@kazsrm67 - Dean Winchester Series I have SOOOO many more to read on here. lol
@angels-silhouette - Ten Years Gone
@bewitchedfaeyrie - The French Mistake (I think is the title)
@jessjad - Rightfully Deceived
@girls-alias - Master List Dean Fics I recommend Dean's Dream - Djinn, which is excellent.
@stusbunker - Never Doubt The Best Man - Known
@k-slla - Master List Several excellent fics to read.
@waywardxwords - Master List Several excellent fics to read.
@deanbrainrotwritings - Master List Dean Fics
@julesthequirky - The Choice
@notinthislife50 - Dean Masterlist
@deanwritings - Master List - The Guest House I recommend Night Falls - Excellent. Lots to read though.
@impala-dreamer - Good Vibrations They have a lot of other great fics too.
@layce2015 - Supernatural Rewrite
@deanwanddamons - Mechanic & Mistletoe
@pink-sparkly-witch - Can't Fight This Feeling A/B/O
@nescaveckwriter - Paintbrushes & Romance I couldn't find the master list link for this story. It's beautiful and so worth the read.
@whimsyfinny - Master List Recommend both series they have written. Amazing.
@alexsoenomel - Dean Master List Pretty sure I read everything on here, lol.
@maximumkillshot - When You Call A/B/O I also read a lot of what they wrote. lol
@spnhunter4life - So Long
@meowmeow-motherfucker - The Fox & The Squirrel
@winchesterfanatic1967 - Master List - Recommend Picking Up the Pieces I've read a lot of these. Amazing.
@fanfictionalraven - Master List Recommend - Piece By Piece & Dream Warriors - excellent
@winchesterwild78 - Unexpected Hunter
@dwonfilm - Come Hell or High Water
@jawritter - When the Lights Go Out Other amazing fics on their master list, including A/B/O
@brightlilith - In Another Universe
@acreativelydifferentlove - Carry On A/B/O
@thelibrarylesstrektraveled - To The Victor A/B/O
@sofreddie - New World Order A/B/O
@lila-lou - Taking Her In
@kittenofdoomage - Neiras - oneshot but excellent
Another List of Amazing Authors - Here
@supernatural-jackles - Where It All Began
@godmadeaterribleerror - Willing to Break
---------------------------- Permanent Tag List: @roseblue373 @flamencodiva @reignsboy19 @stillhere197 @foxyjwls007
@hobby27 @megs-gadom @cheekygirl2309 @mxtansy @ladysparkles78
@ambiguous-avery @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes @jackles010378 @suckitands33 @my-stories-vault
109 notes · View notes
thebiggerbear · 4 months ago
Writer Recs List Page 2
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@daughterofcain-67 - Masterlist
@winchest09 - Masterlist
@joelswritingmistress - Masterlist
@buttercupbuck Writing list
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@kittenofdoomage - Masterlist
@zainclaw - Writing list
@talltalesandbedtimestories - Masterlist
@smellingofpoetry - Masterlist
@writersblockedx - Masterlist
@deanwritings - Masterlist
@cursed-or-not - Writing list
@apocalypticgal - Writing list
@kitchenscene - Writing list
@ladywolfmd - Writing list
@cappymightwrite - Masterlist
@kazsrm67 - Masterlist
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@deans-queen - Masterlist
@winchesterfanatic1967 - Masterlist
@wearywinchester - Masterlist
@thirdsaltyhunter - Masterlist
@inez-winchester-cameron - Masterlist
@whorefordean - Masterlist
@alexsoenomel - Masterlist
@bunnysbrainrot - Masterlist
@samsno1 - Masterlist
@all-alone-he-turns-to-stone - Masterlist
@whimsyfunny - Masterlist
@whiskyanndboots - Masterlist
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@jessjad - Masterlist
@pamwritessometimes - Masterlist
@jaredpadonlyyyy - Masterlist
@thesilmarillionblog - Masterlist
@chevroletdean - Masterlist
@sunriserose1023 - Masterlist
@samwinchestersgirl83 - Masterlist
@apcllpsie - Masterlist
@unsurprisinglyren - Masterlist
@fatecantstopme - Masterlist
@theawfuledges - Fic Masterlist | Reader Masterlist
@luna-writes-stuff - Masterlist
@witchthewriter - Masterlist
@katehuntington - Masterlist
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@agirllovespancakes - Masterlist
@blckbrrybasket - Masterlist
@inknopewetrust - Masterlist
@sammyluvr - Masterlist
@mxltifxnd0m - Masterlist
@bloodydeanwinchester - Masterlist
@rootedinrevisions - Masterlist
@glygriffe - Masterlist
@ohsc - Masterlist
@silent-stories - Masterlist
@hhoneylemon - Masterlist
@bellarkeselection - Masterlist
@upsidedean - Masterlist
@zepskies - Masterlist
@luci-in-trenchcoats - Masterlist
@waynes-multiverse - Masterlist
@carpenterswife - Masterlist
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@dewwinchester - Masterlist
@wildwestdean - Masterlist
@nescaveckwriter - Masterlist
@justwhisperingfantasies - Masterlist
@winchester-girl67 - Masterlist
@aylacavebear - Masterlist
@supernotnatural2005 - Masterlist
@msmarvelouswinchester - Masterlist
@unnuevosoltransformalarealidad - Masterlist
@wandering-winchesters - Masterlist
@eevvvaa - Masterlist
@coffee-shop-girl - Masterlist
@dianawinchester03 - Masterlist
@fangirlingfromdownunder - Masterlist
@wickedinspirations - Masterlist
@mysticaldeanvoidhorse - Masterlist
@munson-blurbs - Masterlist
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@hughiecampbelle - Masterlist
@bendoverandbiteyourgag | @bloodandcream
@nightxcreature - Masterlist
@coffee-shop-girl - Masterlist
@mystic-writings - Masterlist
@caplanbuckybarnes - Masterlist
@ashwhowrites - Masterlist
@rubysunnday - Masterlist
@thechaoticarchivist - Masterlist
@bunnyhargrove - Masterlist
@lulunothulu - Masterlist
@extasiswings - Writing list
@sixpennydame - Masterlist
@angelicjackles - Masterlist
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Page 1 | Page 3
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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mariswxt · 9 months ago
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You have to have trigger warnings on your drabbles/oneshots
No inc3st, p3dophilia, age gaps are allowed as long as one isn’t a minor, if anything is majorly outta pocket then nope sorry
Any of Jensen’s characters
You may use a section from an existing fic IF it works as a drabble
No OC inserts. (Y/N) or no mentioned names are allowed
You’re allowed same sex couples
Smut is allowed
Jensen’s Characters (That aren’t so hard to find info on):
Dean Winchester
Soldier Boy
Beau Arlen
Alec McDowell
CJ Braxton
Jason Teague
Tom Hanniger
Russell Shaw
Boaz Priestly
When is it happening?
2nd June - 31st July
List of writers participating (comment/reblog to show you’re participating):
@artyandink @k-slla @jackles010378 @angelbabyyy99 @lailawinchesterr @kayleighwinchester @anundyingfidelity @nescaveckwriter
This will be then compiled into a fic rec list, so everyone can read it. If a writer posts a drabble/oneshots, do reblog with feedback or a review to keep the flow going! The writer who posts the most drabbles/oneshots in those ten days will get a personalised oneshot written by me.
Have fun!
IMPORTANT NOTE: I will need you to tell me in the comments or by reblog, or by DMs if you’re participating!
IMPORTANT 2: Make sure to tag me in your drabbles/oneshots so I can tally!
IMPORTANT 3: You can anyways participate, I just want to have a list so I can compile the fic rec list!
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jacklesversebingo · 3 months ago
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Photos: Resources
If you, too, have a slight fixation with Mr. Ackles, treat yourself by visiting the @jacklesversebingo blog.
There are already over three dozen works submitted and reblogged. Do you enjoy angst, fluff, smut, crack, or a combination of everything? It’s all located in one place for your convenience.
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Below is a list of our lovely group for Round Two of the bingo.
Show these fantastic authors and creators some love by commenting and reblogging their work. Be sure to check out their blogs, too, for additional fanworks.
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@all-alone-he-turns-to-stone \ @artyandink \ @ashewintercpu \ @chevroletdean \ @coffee-obsessed-writer
@copperboom82 \ @deadlydivergentgirl \ @deanbrainrotwritings \ @deaneverafterstories \ @deans-queen
@dean-winchester-is-a-warrior \ @enigmalynne \ @foxyjwls007 \ @holylulusworld \ @impala-dreamer
@impalaimagining \ @jensengirl83 \ @justagirlinafandomworld \ @kazsrm67 \ @kickingitwithkirk
@k-slla \ @minefield-of-a-ninja \ @nescaveckwriter \ @nightxcreature \ @phoenixwritesfanfiction
@pink-sparkly-witch \ @riteofpassage77 \ @rizlowwritessortof \ @rubyvhs \ @shy-taylorsversion
@spnbabe67 \ @ssadesto \ @supernotnatural2005 \ @torn-and-frayed \ @wayward-dreamer
@winchester19-67 \ @winchester-girl67 \ @zepskies
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alphabetquest · 28 days ago
P - Q - R Prompts
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Use the prompts to create something using these characters and fandoms. Creativity takes time, so post your creation whenever you are ready. It doesn’t have to be in the same month.
Remember, this is a fun, creative challenge for writers, gif makers, artists, video editors, and aesthetic makers. There is no pressure to post anything.
There are 9 prompts for each letter with a mixture of tropes, scenarios, songs, lyrics, and dialogue. 
The source is linked if prompts were taken from elsewhere.
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Porn / PWP
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Quit Playing Games (With My Heart) by Backstreet Boys
The Rain by Another Level
Note(s): Use lyrics from the song or the feel of the song. 
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“Picture perfect was never for us.”
“Questions require answers….”
“Quite the collection you have there.”
“Rather be alone.”
Note(s): Dialogue can be tweaked, but please keep it as minimal as possible.
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Paper lanterns
Pen and paper
Prom Date / Recreating Prom
Quality Time
Quesada's, tequila and music
React / Reaction
Record Collection
Note(s): Can be used as the title, dialogue, part of a scene, or concept.
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Playing board/video games
Prank war
Questions / Questioning
Rainy day
Reunited lost lovers - source - @deanwinchesterswitch
Revealing Secrets
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Reckless with your heart - source - Reckless by JoJo
Remind me why we’re taking a break, it’s obviously insane - source - Touch It by Ariana Grande
Note(s): Please do not tweak lyrics. They should be used in their entirety without change but can be used in any way.  
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Before posting, please read the Guidelines/Rules and the FAQs. If anything isn’t clear, please DM or ASK.
Discord is not required to participate in the event, but it will be a good place to interact with other participants, bounce ideas, and ensure submissions are received. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the server.
Please mention @alphabetquest in the Author’s Notes.
Use the hashtag #AlphabetQuestSubmission in the first five tags.
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@deanwinchesterswitch / @hederasgarden / @k-slla / @nescaveckwriter / @innitmarvelous2 / 
@deanbrainrotwritings / @letsby / @rose-demica / @dawn-petrichor-world / @talltalesandbedtimestories / 
@jld71 / @navybrat817 / @kazsrm67 / @jamneuromain / @walkingaline / 
@a-reader-and-a-writer / @panthera-dei / @lailawinchesterr / @justagirlinafandomworld / @cocoamoonmalfoy / 
@eulalielatibule / @deadlydivergentgirl / @copperboom82
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biggerbearficrecs · 19 days ago
February 2025 Fic Writer Recs
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For my fellow writers, if you are not on this list, it doesn’t mean you won’t be in future monthly spotlights. I’m looking to highlight the writing community as a whole. 💕
Without further ado…
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Links: Masterlist
Fandoms written for: Supernatural, MCU, RPF, DCU & more
I first came across this writer’s work with the story The Edge of Fate
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Links: AO3
Fandoms written for: Supernatural, 911, Big Sky, One Tree Hill, Charmed & more
I first came across this writer’s work with the story Forging A New Life
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Links: Masterlist & AO3
Fandoms written for: Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, MCU, Stranger Things & more
I first came across this writer’s work with the story Don't Forget It
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Links: Masterlist
Fandoms written for: The Last of Us
I first came across this writer’s work with the story Neighbors with Benefits
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Links: Masterlist & AO3
Fandoms written for: Twilight, MCU, Game of Thrones, DCU, The Last of Us & more
I first came across this writer’s work with the story The Ballroom Series
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Links: Masterlist
Fandoms written for: ER, The Resident, Law & Order: SVU, New Amsterdam, 911 & more
I first came across this writer’s work with the story Where We Can Grow Together
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Links: AO3
Fandoms written for: Law & Order: SVU, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Stranger Things, The Walking Dead, Criminal Minds & more
I first came across this writer’s work with the story Helping Hand
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Links: Masterlist
Fandoms written for: MCU, Narcos, The Last of Us, Stranger Things & more
I first came across this writer’s work with the story Forever After All
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Links: Masterlist
Fandoms written for: Supernatural, Big Sky, Teen Wolf & Criminal Minds
I first came across this writer’s work with the story Just One More
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Links: Masterlist
Fandoms written for: Stranger Things, MCU, Narcos, Supernatural, Soldier Boys, Bridgerton, Shadow and Bone & more
I first came across this writer’s work with the story touch of nature
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smellingofpoetry · 1 year ago
Taglist Update
It's almost the end of the year, so I thought it would be a good idea to update my taglist. This way I might make ting easier for me and give you the chance to join in if you want.
If you want to be added or to be kept on the list, please fill the form below. I'll be tagging some of you who might be interested, but no pressure.
Join the taglist!
@440mxs-wife  @cosicas-cuquis  @foxyjwls007 @flamencodiva  @keep-beating-my-dear-heart  @leigh70  @littlewhiterose  @pastelpeaxch  @snowlovespie  @stixnstripesworld  @hobby27  @roseblue373 @akshi8278  @awkward-and-indecisive  @deandreamernp @lyarr24  @siospins2 @stitchintimefan  @universallyraylangivens @waynes-multiverse  @woodworthti666  @sexyvixen7 @jessjad @winchestergirl2 @nescaveckwriter @deanwinchesterswitch @pizzagirlxnsfwx @mrswhozeewhatsis @futuristicherowombatjudge
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mariswxt · 9 months ago
Shout out to:
@zepskies @k-slla @anundyingfidelity @nescaveckwriter @waynes-multiverse @angelbabyyy99
crazy how fanfic authors drop the most beautiful and gorgeous pieces of work ever, leaving you speechless and sobbing at three in the morning as you quietly contemplate the masterpiece you just read
and they don’t get paid for it they just do it because they’re having fun and they want to share their joy with you
like I would literally die for all of you fanfic authors out there reblog to swear your allegiance to fanfic authors
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nescaveckwriter · 1 year ago
Just One More🌟
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Line: Please be quiet, I haven't had enough coffee yet, to deal with this 😱 will be in bold
A/N: YAY! Yet another one done for @jacklesversebingo 🐞 ... I heard the song from 'Little big town' and it was just too perfect, I had this idea, and well it ran away with me . 💕 I sure do hope y'all enjoy this ...💕
Warnings: 18+ Only! Some language🫣, angst,😱 heartbreak,🥺smut.🥵
Characters: Beau Arlen x Female Reader.
Cover: Created by me. Also images from Pinterest and Canva.
Words:2464 😅
The smell of freshly brewed coffee, fills the air, the brownish - gold liquid getting poured into the white cup, stirring in a few drops of milk, as the mug touches your lips, the liquid warms the inside of your mouth, the bold, bitter taste awakening all your senses, almost swirling around the liquid before swallowing, squeezing your eyes shut, trying to hold out reality a little longer, rubbing your fingers over the printed logo, 'M...R...S' a smirk, on your lips, regretting that you took the mug of the set of two 'Mr. & Mrs.' mugs, gold  lettering, like the wedding bands, you were so excited the day you picked it up from the little décor shop, on your honeymoon, looking back now, it seems like a  lifetime ago. The footsteps, coming from the guest bedroom, let's your eyes flung open, revealing the half-open boxes stacked everywhere.
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The deep Texan, in his voice, almost echoing through the half packed up house, "Morning" he clears his throat "Uhmm, how do we..." Before he could finish his sentence, you look at him, your eyes throwing darts at his green-hazel eyes. "Please be quiet, I haven't had enough coffee yet, to deal with this"
A little sarcastic giggle escapes his lips, "oh yeah! Well we'll have to deal with this sometime"
You get up out the chair, standing straight up, but your husband, well soon to be ex-husband still towering over you, revealing how much smaller you are than him. "I said, I don't want to deal with this right now, can't I just have one last quiet morning in our... Uhmm in this house"
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Irritation evident in his voice "listen, I just want this to be over so that we can go on with our lives"
"Well so sorry, I'm taking so much time, to just pack everything up and throw away the life we built" you hissed
"Excuse me! We both made the decision to get a divorce"
 You voice barely audible "yeah I know" swallowing the emotion in your voice "I just got back from my shift at the hospital and I just need to freshen up first, then I will help sorting through the stuff okay"
His voice soft, "how was your shift?"
As you put the coffee mug in the kitchen sink you whisper "it was okay, we lost a patient today, bad car accident"
His eyes saddened as he knows how much it affects you "I'm so sorry darl..." He stops himself before finishing his sentence.
You just walk away, towards your once shared bedroom, knowing he most probably wanted to say darling, the little pet name he always used for you.
As you get into the shower, letting the hot water run over you, you let go of the hold on the floodgates behind your eyes, sobbing frantically now, holding your hand over your mouth, so that you can dampen the noises, your body shaking, as your mind drift, to the events of the past few weeks, you and Beau both agreed to get a divorce, the two of you got so busy with every day life, that the two of you started to drift further and further away, its so ironic the same jobs that brought the two off you together, is also tearing you apart.
The two of you met, while he came in, with a knife wound to his arm, and as you treated him, well it was love at first sight so too say. As you fall down, cradling your knees as the water runs over you, recalling the years you've been together, you always thought getting a divorce at your age won't happen, but well your here now. The thing that breaks you, is no-one cheated, the two of you just fought all the damn time, and him being Sheriff and you being a ER doctor, working mostly night shifts, you were living past each other, when you got home, he's leaving for work, and when he gets back home, your leaving for your shift.
You can't even recall the last time you two kissed, never less touched. You were so in love, so passionate and now all that has gone too hell. Getting up, and stepping out of the shower, opting out for a pair of your favorite worn out jeans, with a old t-shirt, not realizing it's one of his shirts, but hey, it's already on you, so what the heck. Throwing your hair into a messy bun, you don't real seem to care how homeless you look as your heart already feel homeless.
Glancing through your bedroom, everywhere boxes labeled his and hers, as you two are going to put your house up for rent and then split the profits between the two off you. As you take the bottle of perfume, spritzing it in the nape of your neck and some on your wrist, a small smile forms on your lips as you remember, Beau gave it to you for your birthday last year, he always did take such notice in the smallest of details. But that memory crumbles quickly as you see the stack of divorce documents, on your dresser, both of you agreed to sign it when you where done sorting everything in the house.
You rush down the stairs, furious and determined to get this over and done with, unsure of how much your heart can handle. Peeking through the living room, you don't see him anywhere, then you catch a glimpse of his brownish hair getting tossed in the wind as he sits on the porch with a cup of coffee, you always did like the way the moonlight danced in his eyes, the way the little garden lights revealed his freckles, oh damn you love his small freckles, that stained his cheeks and his nose, and not too even talk about his perfectly kissable lips. What the hell is wrong with you, your about to divorce that man. You just turn around and walk towards the living room, starting to sort through some stuff.
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Getting up out of the wooden chair, holding the mug in his hand, his rough calloused fingers running over the lettering 'M...R' , his eyes squinting as he recalls the day you got that, on your honeymoon.. well that and books, both off you liked too read, but well there weren't much reading done those two weeks, he was too busy exploring every single part of your body. As he peeks into the house, seeing the way your kneeling, looking through what seems to be picture albums, he can't help but to admire the way your body fills out his shirt, the way you've got your hair up with loose strings off hair, framing your beautiful face and neck, a smile tugging at his lips, as he recalls how ticklish you were as he placed loving kisses, sending shivers down your spine. The sound of you giggling always made him feel alive, you made him feel alive, made him feel whole and now, well now his left with a hole in his heart.
Dammit what's the matter with him, his about to divorce that woman, how can he feel this way, is it just the memories, of your shared home, your shared love, why did all of these feelings have to rush back, how is he suppose to just simply act like he wants this, because he sure as hell does not want too loose you, but he loves you too damn much to not give you what you want, a chance too be happy again. So he'll go through with the divorce, knowing both of you said that's what needed to be done, so he just wants this over and done with, he can't stand being in your presence and not kiss you, not hold you, not tell you how much he loves you.
Spending the rest of the hours in an awkward silence, as the two of you sort through the memories that was build. But it's you who breaks the silence, kicking a empty box on the ground "it's 2 in the morning, I'm going to bed"
He's not really sure why he was so irritated by your comment but he started snapping at you "what? we should finish this, now"
Your jaw drops, you roll your eyes "excuse me! I'm tired" you bite your lower lip, but then decide to say it anyway "I'm tired of pretending that it's fine being in the same room as you"
A smirk on his plum lips "oh, its that bad being around me?" 
Crossing your arms in front of you "you said it, I didn't" 
Shaking his head "Woman you are driving me crazy"
"Oh yeah! Well you are driving me insane" you snap back
He strides closer towards you, his deep husky voice "is that the best you can come up with"
Throwing your arms up in the air "why do you want to make me angry" her voice brittle "is this what you want, me breaking down in front off you"
For a few seconds there was a softness in his eyes, but then his jaw hardens again "you have no idea what I want woman"
Enraged now "just leave it, all of this take what you want and give the rest away, I don't give a damn anymore, I'm done, with this, with you, with us, with everything"
He can't help but to examine the way your lips move, when you scream at him, he always did find you very sexy, as you were furious, going on about something, the way your whole body moves as your anger took over you, the way your hips swayed, when you'd explain what he did wrong, but by then you've lost him, he was too busy inspecting every little nose crinkle, every movement you made. Without any warning he cups your face, his lips crashes against yours. When he finally pulls away, both off you trying to catch your breath. For a few seconds you just stood there, your voice breathy "we... we can't do this" you turn around, but he grabs ahold of you, holding you in his arms, your back against his chest, his hot breath by your ear as he whispers "darling, tell me you don't want me, and I'll let you go" it send shivers down your spine. 
Merely a whisper that escapes your lips, "kiss me Beau, as if you never stopped loving me" as his fingers trail down your neck, raking the loose hair away, through the kisses he places down your neck, to your collarbone, his fingers sliding the t-shirt over your shoulder, his lips, trailing against your skin, a low roar escapes his lips "I never did stop loving you darling"
Those words coming from him, makes you turn around, looking up towards his eyes, searching those hazel-green orbs, for any indication, how he truly feels. Placing your hand on his cheek, feeling the stubble of his beard underneath your touch, you know you're probably going to regret this in the morning, but your fingers trace down to his lips, as if you want to take in this work of art. Standing on your tippy toes, leaning in so that you can taste his lips, just one more time. 
He claims your lips, as if he was starving, your tongues doing a passionate dance, his right hand holding the back of your neck, and his left hand holds on to your lower back, as he pulls you in even closer, not breaking the kiss once, your hands raking through his hair, as you want him closer, closer than ever before. He pushes you against the wall, tugging at the hem of your shirt, helping him to remove the clothing, through the kisses, and heartbeats racing, his hand roams your body, picking you up as you wrap your legs around his waist, but as he makes his way towards the couch, not breaking the kiss, he knocks over a stack of boxes, making him stumble and come to a fall, you lay on top off him, both of you laughing so hard it echoes through the house, its the first time in a long time that this house have heard so much laughter, he pulls you in for yet another kiss, and as you two lay there on the floor in front of the fire place, exploring each other as if its for the first time, not saying much, just sweet little moans, and whimpers escapes your lips, as your bodies does the talking for you. Not really sure, when but sometime during the early morning hours, both of you have fallen asleep, entangled, skin on skin, wrapped in each other's love. 
You've woken up, by his calloused fingers running up and down your back, your head on his chest, slightly lifting your eyes too study his face, his glancing up towards the ceiling, a smile on his lips, his eyes almost sparkling, as he realizes your awake, he looks down at you, placing a kiss on your forehead, "Morning Darling" you smile as you sweet voice greets him "Morning babe"
He starts laughing a little "so last night happened" you mockingly hit his chest, "Not funny, were supposed to get a divorce" 
He looks at you, eyes filled with love "about that! I don't want to divorce you, I want to be your husband, forever like we vowed" 
Stunned "what! I thought you wanted this"
"No, somewhere during yesterday I realized, I still love, you. No! that's a lie, I never did stop loving you"
A smile forming your lips "Neither did I, I was so frustrated, I wanted you, this , us our house, but I was too afraid to say it."
Sitting upright now, taking you hands in his "Darling, that's what I want, I want us too, we can work it out, we can get through this can't we?"
Pulling the throw, a little tighter over your body, as the crisp morning air, makes you shiver a bit. "Babe I think we can, we should just make time for each other."
Nodding his head, making his longer brownish hair fall in front of his eyes, a smile forming on his plum lips, revealing the age lines around his eyes, "Yes my sweet darling, I agree, but what do you say we tear up those divorce papers, and give the two of us just one more try"
A laugh escapes your lips "Yes, a million times yes. I love you"
Leaning down to place a kiss on your lips, this time, gentle little kisses as, he whispers through the kisses I.... Love... You... Too... Darling"
You can't help but too smile through the kisses knowing your heart aren't homeless no more, your home in your husbands arms. As the two of you come up for some air, you glance at the boxes stacked everywhere, half of the house is packed up, you smile at your husband, "babe, we just have to do one more thing!"
Confused he looks at your beautiful face, "Yes my darling, and will that be."
Laughing now, "we are going too spend over off weekend unpacking and moving back into our home"
A mischievous grin on his face "Please be quiet, I haven't had enough coffee yet, to deal with this" 
The two of you burst into laughter, taking in each other, knowing there's a lot of work to do, not just the unpacking but the rebuilding of your lives together. But with your husbands hand interlacing yours, you know that it's possible, anything is possible, with the person you love the most, by your side, ready to fight for your marriage and content in knowing you love each other, you sat there with your head resting on his chest, as you watch the fire place , the way the flames dances in a fiery passion after it's ignited, brings you nope, knowing, just one more try is all you need.  
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nescavaneckdaily · 1 year ago
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I saw these pictures and you know, what it made me think about, is... 🩷... Every fan-fiction , every book, every story we write, or read, there's these "characters" but they feel real, they fall inlove, you fall inlove, they get angry, you get angry, someone makes them sad, your sad. My point is, that I think we personally find comfort in reading, in living between the pages of those characters, I think it makes us brave to experience the outside world. It gives us a sense of confidence, a sense of love, a sense of adventure, lessons learned, about commitment, communication, what it is too love, too be happy, to deal with everyday life struggles. Maybe not everyone feels that way, but I personally think, that as we read or write, we learn more about ourselves and others everyday. - Nesca van Eck 🩷
@jackles010378 @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @cutedisneygrl @hobby27 @winchesterwild78
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winchesterwild78 · 1 month ago
Happy Birthday, Dean Winchester
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Master List
Characters: Dean x Reader (in a relationship)
Warnings: None, just sweet and fluffy
A/N: In honor of Dean’s 46th Birthday I had to write a quick story. I wrote this fast and did not edit it well. Please overlook any errors. 
I don’t own the rights to the characters, and this does not follow the Supernatural timeline. 
Minors DNI 18+
The diner buzzed with the usual Friday night crowd. Laughter, the clatter of forks, and the low hum of conversation filled the air. But for you, the world outside the window blurred. Dean's birthday was tomorrow, and you were stumped.
He deserved something special. Forget the usual – a bottle of whiskey, a hunting knife, a case of his favorite beer. You wanted to give him something that truly captured the essence of Dean Winchester.
He loved apple pie, the warm, cinnamon-scented kind that reminded him of home. He adored flannel, the rough-hewn comfort against his skin. And then there was the Impala, his beloved 1967 Chevy, a symbol of freedom and a piece of his soul.
But what could you possibly do with all of that?
Suddenly, an idea sparked. A mischievous glint entered your eyes. You'd create a "Dean Winchester Day."
The next morning, you were up before dawn. You baked an apple pie, the kitchen filling with the sweet aroma of cinnamon and sugar. You laid out a worn flannel shirt, the one he always wore after a long hunt. And then came the Impala.
You knew where he kept the spare key. You'd arranged a surprise "Impala road trip."
The day unfolded like a perfect movie scene. You led him to the diner, where a table was set with his favorite pie, a steaming mug of coffee, and a single red rose.
"Happy birthday, Dean," you said, a smile gracing your lips.
He looked stunned, then a slow grin spread across his face. "You shouldn't have," he mumbled, eyes twinkling and he placed a soft kiss on your lips. 
After a leisurely breakfast, you blindfolded him and led him to the Impala. The engine roared to life, a familiar rumble that sent a shiver down his spine.
"Where are we going?" he asked, his voice a mixture of anticipation and amusement.
"It's a secret," you replied, your voice teasing.
You drove for hours, the windows down, the wind whipping through their hair. You stopped at a scenic overlook, the vast expanse of the sky stretching before the two of you. You shared a picnic lunch under the shade of a giant oak tree.
You drove a little further and Dean could hear the sounds of birds and of waves crashing against the sand.
“Y/N, are we where I think we are?” A smile formed on your lips. You took his hand and led him out of the car. Removing his blindfold he saw the ocean and the sand. 
“Wow, this is beautiful. I can’t believe I’m at the beach. Baby this is perfect.” He pulled you close and kissed your lips.
“I have everything we need for a day at the beach. Your trunks, my bathing suit, towels, sunscreen, and of course snacks.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips. You both changed and spent the day laughing and having fun. 
You loved seeing this side of Dean. The joyful, stress free, loving Dean.
As the sun began to set, you drove back, the silence comfortable and filled with unspoken words.
Back at the motel, you settled in for the night, the flannel shirt draped over his shoulders. He held you close, his breath warm against your ear.
"This was the best birthday ever," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion.
You knew it wasn't traditional, but it was perfect. It was a day filled with the things he loved most, a day that celebrated not just his birthday, but the unique and unconventional bond you shared.
“I love you, Y/N.” “I love you too. Happy Birthday, Dean Winchester.” 
Tags are open, if you want to be added or removed, let me know.  
@nescaveckwriter @kr804573 
@k-slla @jackles010378 
@jawritter @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx 
@roseblue373 @cheynovak 
@jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa 
@n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 
@smoothdogsgirl @hobby27 
@manicjk @stoneyggirl2 
@deans-spinster-witch @snowayumi 
@shadowqueen1318 @shanimallina87
@muhahaha303 @fitxgrld
@nancymcl @baby19sthings
@cheekygirl2309 @oceean
@kindollss @foxyjwls007
@lmg14 @cevansbaby-dove
@spxideyver @reignsboy19
@deans-baby-momma @deansimpalababy
@ladykitana90 @quietgirll75 
@superrey @kamisobsessed
@obliviousap @ninii-winchester
@mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @whimsyfinny
@bobbdylan @star-yawnznn
@reignsboy19 @monkey-d-hoshizora98
@depressionbarbie2023 @livingdeadblondequeen
@mandee7 @barnes70stark
@spnaquakindgdom @djs8891
@pughsexual @spnaquakindgdom
@lunaleah @amberlthomas 
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winchesterwild78 · 11 months ago
Holy hell ❤️‍🔥🥵🥵🥰 Can I sign up to be his plaything?!?
@nescaveckwriter @jensengirl83 @deansgirl79 @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @k-slla
Anyone else I forgot I’m sorry. This man has me flustered this morning
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thebiggerbear · 2 months ago
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This week I moved the # from 40 to 56.
Here are my picks for Dec 27th 2024, please go give them a read:
The Exit Strategy by @waynes-multiverse - Russell is ready to hang it all up and retire, open up a brewery, and enjoy the rest of his civilian life. However, there’s one important thing missing before he can take the big plunge. Luckily, he knows just the right person to help him find it. (Russell Shaw x Reader, Tracker) Wake Up Call by @dixons-sunshine - Mornings had never been Steve’s thing. Unless he had somewhere he needed to be, he did not like being woken up. However, waking up to you first thing in the morning was definitely something that he wasn’t against. (Steve Harrington x Female!Reader, Stranger Things)
Winter in Volterra by @agirllovespancakes - Bella watches Renesmee doing a snowball fight with Volturi guards. (Twilight) the feel of your arms by @briseroyawritingsblog (Old Man!Logan x Female!Reader, MCU) No One by @justwhisperingfantasies (Soldier Boy x Female!Reader, The Boys) Rainy Reunion by @gloomwitchwrites (Aragorn x Female!Reader, LOTR)
Some Kind of Love by @blackleatherjacketz (Sonny Carisi x Reader, Law & Order: SVU) Dark Desire by @defenderrosetyler (Duby, Supernatural) Christmas Card by @bullet-prooflove - Bobby still keeps the very first Christmas card he got in LA. (Bobby Nash x Reader, 911) Restless Man by @luci-in-trenchcoats - A week after Beau’s kidnapping, the reader is grateful to find him in mostly one piece. But Beau’s more shook up than she could have imagined and when emotions are high, who knows what might get revealed… (Beau Arlen x Reader, Big Sky)
To be loved by you by @caplanbuckybarnes - He confesses a deep secret to her. (Draco x Luna, Harry Potter) Screwed Up and Brilliant by @writella - Negan is ready for you. Daryl isn’t; and maybe he’ll never be. Negan makes that clear to you tonight. (Negan Smith x Female!Reader, The Walking Dead) Day Nine - Frozen by @ohtobeleah - Jake is so intoxicated he forgets he played a life-threatening prank on you. Leaving you to freeze, for hours. (Jake Seresin x Reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Reader, Top Gun Franchise) [please read Warnings first!] Just Us by @arctickat2400 (Tom Felton x Reader, RPF)
New Year's Kiss by @romancingromanoff (Natasha Romanoff x Female!Reader, MCU) Lighthouse by @nescaveckwriter - Line: Tree, Clock, Rope (Dean Winchester x Reader, Supernatural) Careless Accidents by @mostly-imagines - aka you get hurt and jason’s pissed (Jason Todd x Female!Reader, DCU)
Unholy by @the-lone-writer94 - Reimagined story based on the motel scene in the Herogasm episode. Whilst Soldier Boy is adjusting to being back, he is currently holed up in a motel as he awaits for Butcher and Hugie. However, something comes up and Butcher needs someone to watch Soldier Boy. Which comes in Jessica, she’s a private investigator, she’s hot-tempered and tough, will she and Soldier Boy be able to be in the same room as each other? Because even she can’t deny that Soldier Boy is hot. (Soldier Boy x Female!OC, The Boys) Only you by @cheynovak (Cordell Walker x Reader, Walker) Run by @inez-winchester-cameron - After running into a dark room, you end up in the hands of the Winchesters, one soulless and one a demon (Soulless!Sam x Reader x Demon!Dean, Supernatural)
Our Little Secret by @bunnysbrainrot - Knowing your impatience between your intimate encounters, Joel gives you a sweet reminder of who belongs between those thighs of yours. (dbf!Joel Miller x Female!Reader, The Last of Us) Piece of jewelry by @percywinchester27 (Danneel Ackles x Reader, RPF) Midnight Espresso by @zepskies - You’ve never taken Dean’s flirting seriously…until he asks you for an impromptu Spanish lesson. (Dean Winchester x Plus Size Latina!Reader, Supernatural)
The Best Weekend of Your Life by @deanwanddamons - You are obsessed with Supernatural and go to a convention with your best friend. You are 100% a Dean girl while your friend is a Sam girl. Both Jensen and Jared are single in this. You both catch the guys attention and things go from there. (Jensen Ackles x Reader, RPF) A Peaceful Dream by @wayward-dreamer - Bucky and Y/N have a much needed date night, resulting in a little fun in the kitchen. Later, after experiencing a nightmare, Bucky comforts his daughter and helps her come to terms with it. (Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader, MCU) Elevator Encounter by @winchesterwild78 (Jensen Ackles x Reader, RPF)
Territorial Pissing by @thoughtslikeaminefield - My decades’ long crush on Soldier Boy was squashed when my career as a journalist taught me the real Soldier Boy story. Now, my career brings me full-circle. (Soldier Boy x Female!Reader x Billy Butcher, The Boys) It's All Coming Back To Me Now by @sams-sass - You are falling for Sam until Swan Song happens, but there is something you don't know. (Sam Winchester x Reader, Supernatural) Runnin' by @b3autyfuld1sast3r - Russell Shaw illicits the help of a spitfire civilian to help him track down his missing brother, Colter. Distractions are something he doesn't need…or so he thought. (Russell Shaw x Female!Reader, Tracker) Paschal Moon by @kickingitwithkirk - Jensen finds crossing the tracks isn’t always a bad thing (Jensen Ackles x Astronomer!Reader, RPF)
Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone by @lamentationsofalonelypotato - Reader is a secretary at the Hawkin's Sheriff's Department and Jim Hopper drives her to and from work everyday. Hopper gets worried when reader does not come out of her home, and when he finds out she is sick, he decides to take care of her. Set before the events of Season One of Stranger Things (Jim Hopper x Female!Reader, Stranger Things) A Dragon's Glory by @syrma-sensei (Daemon Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, House of the Dragon) Fated by @nightxcreature - reader is struggling with a decision about her life and who is in control of it. (Dean Winchester x Reader, Supernatural) The Trouble With Co-Stars by @janicho88 - Filming has just wrapped on season 2 and you are leaving Vancouver for the summer. Summer is busy with a movie you are excited to be working on, even though it’s going to take you away from someone special to you. He has his own movie to film in California. That’s not a big deal right? Meeting new people can be a good thing for both of you, or not. (Jensen Ackles x Female!Reader, RPF) Ambitious by @chevroletdean (Dean Winchester x Female!OC, Supernatural)
Untitled Beau drabble by @beauswhore (Beau Arlen x GN!Reader, Big Sky) Special by @decaf-mother - You mean the world to him but he's not sure he deserves you. (Josh Washington x Female!Reader, Until Dawn) Unpunishable by @eepwtf - soldier boy boarding school au! x catholic boy (Soldier Boy x Male!Reader, The Boys) Untitled by @sp1dermann0 - Having sex in the back of Dean’s car (Dean Winchester x GN!Reader, Supernatural)
Prompt 6 by @sweetcocopowder - You finally bring yourself to summon a crossroads demon to strike a deal. But you quickly find out that this crossroads demon does things a lil differently to seal a deal. (Crossroads Demon!Dean x Male!Reader, Supernatural) admirer by @nesnejwritings - Mornings were easy and they always gave you a chance to admire your favorite green-eyed hunter (Dean Winchester x Reader, Supernatural) My heart skips a beat by @cevansbaby-dove - When Glen is at a red carpet event he just can't take his eyes off you… (Glen Powell x Reader, RPF) Be My Baby by @foxyjwls007 - Prompt Song: Be My Baby (Dean Winchester x Reader, Supernatural) Dance with me... by @flowery-mess - given song: under the tree - sam palladio (Bradley Bradshaw x Female!Reader, Top Gun Franchise) Don't tell me you love me by @justagirlinafandomworld - Castiel shares his feelings with you. What ensues, even you can’t predict. (Castiel x Reader, Supernatural)
Round and Round We Rendezvous by @talltalesandbedtimestories - You’re on a Girls Trip to Vegas and meet a certain hunter at the buffet. (Dean Winchester x Reader, Supernatural) Grace and Immortality by @alexsoenomel - Reminiscing on old childhood memories while on a case with Sam. (Sam Winchester x Reader, Supernatural) Earn It by @angelbabyyy99 - You hated Ben. His crappy personality, the whole nine yards, but you couldn’t help being attracted to it. (Soldier Boy x Curvy!Reader, The Boys) Recurrence by @jessjad - Sometimes the past comes back unexpectedly. But it's on you to decide if you let it get to you. (Jensen Ackles x Reader, RPF)
What he doesn't know by @pamwritessometimes - You’re hiding two dangerous secrets from Sam. Little did you know, he’s just uncovered one, but it’s not the one you think. (Sam Winchester x Witch!Reader, Supernatural) How To Train Your Demon by @thesilmarillionblog - Dean is consumed by darkness, and your body is consumed by his. He wants you to realize that his new self is superior and demands that you enjoy his demon form. (Demon!Dean x Female!Reader, Supernatural) Touch of Nature by @inknopewetrust - You connect with Benedict at one of Henry Granville's parties and the rest is history. (Benedict Bridgerton x Male!Reader, Bridgerton) Hello Nurse by @kittenofdoomage - Someone’s gotta go undercover as a nurse, and for once, it’s not the reader drawing the short straw (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader, Supernatural) You Scare Me, Professor by @joelswritingmistress - The reader is taking graduate classes at a local university in the wooded upstate New York. She is drawn to her professor, Dr. Joel Miller, though she is also inherently aware that he has something dark about him that she can't quite put her finger on. As the reader's attraction grows deeper, she has to decide whether to endure the danger or run away as fast as possible. (Joel Miller x Female!Reader, The Last of Us) Smarty Pants by @lanadelnegan - Negan shows his appreciation after you explain how to make a bullet. (Negan Smith x Female!Reader, The Walking Dead) Storm Warning by @writercole - Tyler returns to a town he hasn’t seen in three years. He didn’t expect much excitement. He could never have expected what he found. (Tyler Owens x Reader, Twisters)
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Looking for more? Please check out my fic rec lists and writers rec lists (1, 2, 3). I do have some things to update like the Beau stories list, Alec, Russell, Jensen, Soldier Boy, Dean, etc (and I promise I will when I hopefully get more time in January) and I do have some more coming out like for Joe Velasco, Bobby Reyes, Law & Order: SVU, LOTR, etc.
In the meantime, if you’d like to peruse even more stories that are on my reading lists, please check out @biggerbearsreads and @tbbrebloglibrary (which will eventually take place of the 1st - tbbrl will be more organized by tags, etc) or you can check out @biggerbearficrecs.
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Here it is, the last post for the holiday season. Starting next week, the #'s will most likely go back down to in between 10-20. I hope you all have a wonderful new year and rest of your holiday season/vacation!!! ❤️
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And please don’t forget when you come across any and all creative content on here to reblog:
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dividers by @saradika-graphics
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