#sam coe / spacefarer
m-1-8 · 4 months
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Never shared my old Starfield doodles of Sam and Cpt Max Sam and Cora were incredibly endearing characters, I wish Bethesda had gone more in-depth into the companions and their stories. I’d have loved to have been able to find that book for Cora. I was checking every shelf until I learned it was never implemented..
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therealgchu · 4 months
Snippet Sunday - To the Shore Style
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been working the main fic lately. got a bit more to write up, then should have a new chapter friday. the narrative is kinda vignette-y because instead of actual, straight-through events, it's setting up the next story arc. but, it's all thematically the same. the next chapter will be called Home.
that said, tagging the coemancer crew for snippets today. share 'em if you got 'em.
if you wanna read To the Shore from the beginning, it lives here on ao3.
my other works are here on ao3.
little wee sneaky peeky
Her lips fell into a moue. “What?” he asked when he saw her expression.
“Umm…I don’t actually care for cake very much,” she answered.
“WHAT? How can you not like cake?” Sam demanded incredulously. “Everyone likes cake! It’s delicious!”
“I’m not fond of sweets, in general,” she explained. “It’s not that I dislike it, it’s just not something I go out of my way to eat.”
“Oh my god. My opinion of you has totally changed. What’s wrong with you?”
“The fact I don’t like cake very much is what has finally convinced you I’m crazy?” she laughed. “Not my abandonment issues, or how I grew up, or that I can’t relate to normal people. But, it’s my opinion on cake that’s finally keyed you in?”
He held up his hands, “Hey, relating to normal people is overrated. That’s not what’s beyond the pale…”
“But not liking cake is?” she asked.
“I’m not the one that said it,” Sam countered.
After a moment of studying him, she declared, “Sam Coe, you are a very strange person.”
He shook his head in disbelief, “I’m not the one that doesn’t like cake.”
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pathfinderlittleduck · 6 months
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This has occupied my every thought, literally.
Bonus: Alternative Universe where everyone ends up in the new universe together, but no one knows it. Not until someone makes a comment about their old world, then everyone points at everyone else.
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aro-pancake-writes · 2 months
What? Me? Two wips in a row?
Yup! The plot bunnies are breeding like... Well, bunnies! And the Creatikitty that hunts them is doing his job.
So, yay! \o/
Tag list? @eridanidreams @silent-moons-camp @silurisanguine @aislingdmdt @atonalginger
Back to Mars
Mars. Out of all the backwater dreadful places in the galaxy, this is the worst one. Hector spent almost ten years in the deep mines, and then some in Cydonia.
Not that the company wasn't great.
“Why are we here again?” Sam asks as they step out of the trade authority to go downstairs to the Sixth Circle.
“Hadrian needs someone who worked with her before. And he's here.” Hector says, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. “Hope this will be a straight forward job.” He comments, finally on the ground.
As they go around to enter the bar, a familiar voice is hard.
“As I live and breathe.” Hector looks to the source, finding Trevor heading his way, smiling at him. “Thought you said you'd never set foot on this rock again, pet.”
“Didn't really mean to.” He says, crossing his arms over his stomach.
When he left, Hector didn't say goodbye. He didn't want to be held back, to consider staying in Cydonia.
But nothing about Trevor's posture says he holds a grudge.
“So, what changed?” He asks Hector, stopping close to him, with a gentle smile and open arms.
“Some things… a lot, actually.” Hector starts, taking a shy step towards Trevor.
Only to be stopped by a loud cough behind him.
“Oh, right!” He takes a hasty step back, working on how to introduce them. “Sam, this is Trevor. We… worked together here on Mars.”
“Pleasure to meet you.” Sam says, cold, before turning back to Hector. “I'll wait for you inside. Apparently you two got a lot to catch up on.”
With that, Sam is gone.
“What stick has he got up his arse?” Trevor asks, making Hector turn back to him. “Not yours, I hope.” There's a sly smile, a small glimmer of hope that things could work out again.
“Too far up my league.” Hector tries to laugh it off. Yet, he can't help but notice the curious glance from Trevor.
“Come on, pet.” He offers Hector his best smile, one he knew to always work. “If anyone's out of someone's league here it's you.”
“And here you go, dragging me back to your quarters…” Hector laughs, leaning closer to Trevor, who hugs him.
“Haven't lost my charms over you, have I, Pet?” Hector trembles as Trevor says the pet name, blood leaving his brain and going to other parts of his body.
His pants are tight, and they both know there's only one way of fixing this.
“Trevor, please…” Hector almost moans, peeling himself from Trevor's arms. “Not now. I'm here on business.”
“You look so pretty when you're all about business.” Trevor smiles, one last attempt at working his charms before turning back to return to work. “If you wanna, Pet, my quarters are still the same and you know what time I leave. Why don't you pay me a visit once you're done with your ‘business’?”
Giggling, Hector fixes his pants, ties his jacket around his waist and heads into the bar.
Lou wasn't of much help. Not with the Trade Authority on top of their mark. Only one small glimmer of hope, but it requires the deep mines.
Killing spacers is often a relief, but not if it means that people will be back to work in this hellhole.
Hector cusses all the way to the entrance, anger taking over as he mumbles to himself.
“So…” Sam's voice cuts off his latest string of curses. “Who was that?”
“I told you.” Hector says, turning his scanner on and off again to have something to do with his hands. “We worked together here on Mars. He was a friend, and then I left.”
“Just a friend?” Hector feels the ice shards on Sam's voice when he speaks, and confirms. “Because last I checked, friends don't call eachother ‘pet’.”
Hector turns back to Sam, seeing red. As much as the former miner found himself fond of the cowboy, that wasn't exactly a subtle question.
“Fine. We used to fuck, ok?” Hector says, a seductive smile playing on his lips. “We would go to his quarters after a long shift, where he'd toss me on his bed and fuck me until we were both too exhausted to move. That what you wanted to hear? Or would you like to do something similar with me?”
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fangbangerghoul · 8 months
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photo used for banner by: @labelle-fleursauvage Below is a masterpost of my Sam Coe centered fics, all links lead to Ao3 all fics MDNI, 18+, heed the tags please
Starfield Fanfiction, Sam Coe edition:
One Shots/Reader Fics:
Capacity Limit (Sam Coe x fem!reader) TW: Bondage, Cannon Violence
Reader and Sam Coe are on a mission to eliminate Spacers and Reader keeps picking up too much shit.
Tear You Apart (Pirate Sam Coe x fem!reader) TW: CNC, Facefucking, bondage, light forced voyeurism, it's very explicit and it's a pirate being a pirate so just be wary. This isn't your Sam Coe from Kansas anymore.
You are now Starborn in search for the remnants of what you have left behind in your new current universe. You rush to be reunited with a new version of those you cared deeply but things go awry.
soft leather and spurs (softdom!Sam x fem!reader) Tw: praise kink, soft breeding kink, language?
You are leaving the bar for the night after playing a game of let's meet like strangers with your favorite cowboy.
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gameshot by me (one of the few I have ever taken lol)
Ghoul series: The fics chosen from the Ghoul series are ones that heavily include Sam Coe. (will be updated in the future)
1. Neon City Delights (completed)TW: Drug use, SA, Cannon Violence
Walter Stroud has finally decided to talk to you (Main character) like you are a person at Constellation. So, to prove to yourself and the companion the association has assigned to you as of late, Sam Coe, you now get to walk the streets of your hometown to complete a mission with your lead. What happens at the Astral Lounge doesn't need to be told, right?
2. Settling with the Stars(completed)TW: Cannon Violence, Alcohol
Being grounded to a planet is worse when you know you could be out doing something better with your time. Sarah Morgan wants our main character to lay low while others have been out doing quests of their own. How has our main character been settling with their down time since their near-death experience at Neon City?
Bonus story:
Ghoul Adventures (Halloween edition, on hiatus)
This Halloween edition of Starfield tales takes our Main Character and some of the crew of Constellation on a spelunking adventure in search of what is causing all of the spooky rumors at the local citizen outpost.
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atonalginger · 10 months
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What happens when by chance two starborn find their soulmate in the multiverse? Would they give up Unity for each other?
This is something I did to go along with a long fanfic I'm writing for NaNoWriMo. OC Starborn and Starborn Sam Coe. In the story he has cut his hair and shaved the beard to distance himself from his original life.
I've been working on shading and lighting more in my art and I'm really happy with my progress.
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notyourramona · 1 year
I need support of the hive brain of Starfield fic writers!
What do you think Crimson Fleet pirates do in their spare time?
Out of the box, silly, gruesome, all the suggestions! I want to compile a list for ideas for the fic I am working on! After I compile the list I'll post it to share this resource for any others who would like to write content surrounding The Crimson Fleet.
Thank you in advance for your support!
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silurisanguine · 8 months
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Photos from Sam and Seren's Paridiso honeymoon. Bonus photos Seren took of her cowboy -
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and the best one...that dorky smile of a man who loves his dad jokes
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bearlytolerant · 2 months
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say cheese
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samcoesclub · 8 months
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one of my favorite artists (jazz.medic on instagram) is doing discounted valentine’s day commissions - so i commissioned him to draw sam and my spacefarer, indiana!
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therealgchu · 7 months
WIP Wednesday - Valentines Style
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i'm not a fan of valentines. i'm not a fan of holidays, in general. but, i thought something fluffy and waffy might be nice for WIP wednesday. the coemancer crew did an art dump for valentines (sorry for not being involved, but i have almost no free time. this has been a hell month for me at work), but i'll tag them anyway @silurisanguine, @fangbangerghoul, @eridanidreams, @staticpallour, @bearlytolerant, @a-cosmic-elf, @aro-pancake, @atonalginger, @samcoesclub, and anyone else i'm forgetting.
i'm planning on publishing the next chapter on friday. it's written, but needs editing.
so, a fluffy little piece. i'm not sure if this will be part of the next chapter, or as a stand-alone vignette.
if you want to read from the beginning on ao3.
Valentines fluffy sneak peek
Hwa felt like she was on a cloud, and was grinning from ear to ear like a maniac. As she and Sam walked back to the Razorleaf, she kept looking up at him and found him looking down at her, with the same grin. “I have never really walked much around Akila. Can you play tour guide for me?” she asked.
Sam smiled, “We’ve got time. Sure.” He grabbed her hand and started leading her around, pointing out his favorite places, where he got in trouble for spray painting a wall, where he had his first kiss. She honestly was only paying half attention to him. What was really occupying her mind was him holding her hand. While they’d held each other’s hands many times before, it was always when they were alone together. She had never in her entire life held someone’s hand in public. Public displays of affection were utterly alien to her, and even something as innocent as holding hands was making her feel a bit dizzy. She felt like she was vibrating and wondered if Sam could feel it through her hand.
Hwa realized he must have, as he paused when they rounded a corner in Midtown. He peered down at her, “Are you OK?” he asked. They had stopped right next to a stairwell that was shaded from the sun. Sam pulled her into the shadows away from the pedestrian traffic.
She tried to speak, but ended up emitting a high pitched squeak instead.
“What was that?” he asked, wide eyed and laughing. “I didn’t think I caught that!”
Hwa laughed, covering her mouth and turning bright red. She tried again, “Umm…this will sound weird, but…I have never held hands with anyone in public before,” she said in an unusually high, whispery voice.
“Seriously?” he asked incredulously.
“Yes. I mean, I’ve never really been in a romantic relationship before,” she stuttered out. “Not a lot of romance going on in organized crime, frankly. At least, not for me.” She tried to affect an airy, casual voice. It came out sounding slightly hysterical instead.
“Heh, I feel like I”ve been lied to by movies and vids,” he mused. “You’ve really never been romantically involved with…anyone?”
“I told you, all relationships were transactional. I mean, sex is just sex. It has nothing to do with emotions.”
“I wouldn’t say that’s necessarily true, but I can see what you mean,” he interrupted. “So, when we’ve had sex…”
Hwa shook her head, “That was different already!” she said a bit frantically. “I was already in love with you, but I didn’t know how you felt. I mean, the attraction was there, but…”
Sam nodded, “sex is sex.”
“Ok, so what is it about holding hands that has you…well, you’re kinda physically buzzing. I can feel it in your hands.”
“This feels,” and she held up his hand in hers, “this feels really, really intimate.”
“But, sex doesn’t?”
“Sex is a physical need. Biological imperative, and all. It has nothing to do with intimacy.”
Sam shook his head baffled, “I don’t know if I agree with that, but I can see what you’re saying. How is holding hands more intimate than sex?”
Hwa sighed, seeing she wasn’t making much sense to him. Frankly, it didn’t make a lot of sense to her, either. But, he asked, and she could only respond honestly. “Because holding hands isn’t necessary. It’s a choice. And, it’s a…a public choice. It’s like saying, ‘this is mine’. I’ve never had anyone…I’ve never had anyone,” here she looked at the ground, “I’ve never had anyone who wanted me.”
“Ahh,” Sam said after a moment, “sex is sex.” Hwa nodded, seeing he understood what she was saying. “Oh, Hwa, I love you. I’m madly in love with you. Do you want me to shout it to the stars? Because I will.”
She looked back up into his eyes, “No, that’s not necessary.”
He tilted up her chin and kissed her softly, which made her shake a bit. Sam looked at her critically again, “Let me guess, first kiss in public?” She nodded and blushed again. “Oh wow. Then, like…” here Sam grinned lasciviously at her, “I’m your…first?”.
“Oh my god, I shouldn’t have said anything,” Hwa blushed an even darker red.
“No, no! It’s cute! And, you’re even more beautiful when you blush,” he said, and with his body pushed her against the wall, deeper into the shadows. 
Hwa started shaking her hands again, which Sam grabbed with one hand. With his other, he leaned up against the wall, pressing her body against it, and kissed her more passionately. He broke the kiss, and stared into her eyes, “I want you,” he said throatily.
She involuntarily squeaked again, which made Sam laugh, breaking the mood. “OK, might be a little too much?” he asked, backing off a bit. She nodded, noticeably trembling and shaking her hands. He kissed the top of her head. “What do you think of public displays of affection?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” she said in another squeaky voice, her eyes wide and confused.
Sam laughed and took her hand and kissed it. “You are the damndest woman,” he said, shaking his head. “Just when I think I have you figured out, you go and blow all of my ideas out of the water.” He led her back out onto the walkway, smirking, “But, I like the idea that I’m your first.”
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esorydoolb · 11 months
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day 3 /friendship
starfield drawtober
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bread0nhead · 11 months
For Your Eyes Only (18+)
Sam Coe (Starfield) X F!Spacefarer!Reader
It’s the first time you and Sam have been apart since your relationship began. So why not send some photos to remind him of what he’s missing?
“Sarah, ready to head out?” You ask as you and the other members of Constellation stand around the lodge.
“Of course.” Sarah confirms.
“Really? Sending the big boss instead of me?”
“Don’t worry Sam, I’ll be sure to bring her back in one piece.” Sarah teases and a glint in her eyes.
“We’ll be in UC territory, somewhere a Coe doesn’t exactly fit in. Besides, we’ll be back in a week. Tops.” You kiss Sam on the cheek before grabbing your things to head out.
It’s not the week apart that has Sam pouting, it’s the fact he’ll be stuck in the Lodge for a week without you. Sam hasn’t been grounded for that long in months and the stars are already calling him.
The first three days weren’t all that terrible, as he spent most of his time helping Cora with her schooling and gathering supplies. It’s by the fifth day he’s practically bashing his head against the walls.
Knowing self mutilation isn’t the scratch to the explorers itch, he picks up the boxing gloves sitting on the floor of his room and starts wailing at the punching bag. The chain holding up the bag rattle and snap with each swing. He continues long enough to get sweat creeping down his bare chest. It isn’t until a ping from his phone comes in that he takes off the gloves and rests on the steel bench next to the leather bag.
It’s a message from you, the first he’s heard from you since you left.
“Bad news, looks like this mission might take an extra couple of days. Think you can hold out just a little longer for me?”
Sam groans at the message and grabs his explorer hat to put it back on, ready to scream into it. The hat has always brought him a little comfort.
“Another few days and I might need a new punching bag at the end of this. I miss you crazy.”
There’s no response for several minutes, making Sam all the more frustrated. After ten minutes, Sam tosses his phone on the bed and picks up the weights next to him. It’s just as the cell bounces on the mattress that another chime comes in.
Sam’s happy no one is there to see how fast he rushed to his phone to open your message. And when he does, he’s even happier that he’s alone in his room. Sam lets out a breath curse under his breath as he examines the attached image.
You’re on some hotel bed, propped up with your ass in the air and the camera angle just getting the edge of your devious smile. You’re in nothing but your bra and panties with your hair down.
Damn you’re a sight to behold.
“Don’t tease me like that. Show me more of that beautiful body.”
You respond almost immediately with a new photo. One where your bra has been removed and your hand is just barely covering your nipples. Your whole face is in this one, which he finds to be the most beautiful part of the entire photo. Your cheeks are lightly dusted from blushing and your pupils are blown out. You have a flirty smile and a certain twinkle in your eyes.
Sam can feel his loose shorts getting tighter. If you’re going to tease him, he can do just the same. Sam snaps a picture of the tent growing in his shorts. Since he’s not wearing any boxers underneath, every edge and curve of his dick just peaks through in the shadow outlines. His toned stomach is also in the picture, glistening with sweat.
Sam’s a little nervous to send the photo. He’s never sent or received photos like these. Lilian wasn’t the most keen on intimacy, and before her all the girls he’s been with didn’t last long enough to even get their phone number. His heart picks up a bit as he hits send, anxiously waiting to see what you say.
“Look who’s teasing now.”
Before Sam even has a chance to respond, you send another photo. Your back is on the bed and you’re playing with one of your pert nipples. Your teeth bitting and sucking the corner of your bottom lip.
“Fuuuuuck” Sam groans, dragging a hand down his face and letting out a breathy chuckle.
His dominate hand palms his dick over his shorts as his other hand types up a response.
“Such a good girl for me”
“God I wish you were here taking good care of me”
Sam snaps another picture, this time his hand is holding his hard member. Veins, girth, hair and all are in the photo. It’s shameless, he knows. But fuck this is just so fun. He feels young and reckless again.
“The shit I would do to you right now…”
You respond to Sam’s text with the a short video of your slender fingers stroking and dipping into your folds with your fingers coming out covered in your own slick. Sam can hear your soft moans in the video and it has his eyes rolling back.
Sam can’t take this anymore, he needs to hear you. All of you. Every breathy moan and call of his name on your tongue. He hits the dial icon next to your contact in his phone and after the first ring, you answer with the cutest giggle he’s ever heard in his life.
“Well hello handsome. Miss my voice already?”
“I miss waaay more than just your sweet voice.”
Sam starts to stroke himself, feeling himself finch in his hand. He try’s to stifle the moan that’s sitting in his throat, but it comes out louder than he expected.
“What are you doing?” You ask in a teasing tone.
“You know damn well what I’m doing.”
“What do you want to be doing?”
“Ah fuck…” Sam took in a sharp breath through his teeth. “I want to taste you.” He strokes harder, thumbing the tip of his cock.
Sam can hear your gentle cries of pleasure, hear the squelching from below. It’s fucking music to his ears.
“I want to suck on your breasts until you’re panting for me. Then when you’re nice and wet, I want to devour you. Touch you in all the ways I know you like.”
“Sam” it comes out as more of a prayer than a call. He can hear how close youre getting.
“I want to fuck you so bad”
“I need you Sam”
“I know baby. I need you too.”
As your panting picks up, so does Sam’s. Neither of you speak for a couple minutes, just moaning and groaning into the phone, cursing and chanting each other’s names.
“I’m going to cum, Sam”
“Fuck, let me hear you”
Just seconds later you’re unraveling into the mic, calling out Sam’s name. This sends Sam over the edge, moving his hand faster until warmth oozes out of him and drips onto the floor. He groans loud and fulfilled while looking at your photos.
You both take a few moments to come down from the high.
“Please, hurry back to me.”
“I promise.”
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fangbangerghoul · 9 months
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Comrade Coe's Spouses Discord
I host a Sam Coe Discord that is a lovely hub for creatives in the Starfield fandom! It consists of mostly Coemancers but we do have our little spot for the Crimson Fleet lovers as well!
21+, full of nerds, and we host lovely fandom events!
There are tons of game shots, fanfics, fanart, and shared head cannons that are within the server created by lovely, friendly members!
We help each other brainstorm and create along with sharing our passion with the game and our own creative passions!
If you are interested in joining comment below! Must be 21+, have a discord account, and adhere to the server rules!
Gif and banner made by members in the server!
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atonalginger · 10 months
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Sam and Doc. A quiet moment.
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aro-pancake-writes · 3 months
WIP Wednesday! \o/
And I finally have something to post! Bonus, my new OC!
He's my baby boy, Hector. Yes, like the prince of Troy, because I still have Epic playing on loop in my head.
Anywho, enjoy me breaking my character like a glow stick!
Night was falling as Hector noticed the storm approaching. The Frontier too far to reach right now, so he opened his scanner to look for shelter. And luck was on his side today.
“Got something?” Sam asks, making him startle.
“Yeah. A cave, not far from here.” He says, making his way there. A short comm to warn the Frontier that they found shelter and would wait out the storm, and they're inside.
It's as cold as outside, but at least they're protected from the wind here.
Hector pulls out the sleeping bag and heater from his bag, setting up a makeshift camp.
“Hey, can I bend your ear for a moment?” Sam says, making Hector look up curious and hopeful.
“Sure.” He says, bringing his hands closer to the heater.
“There's something I gotta tell you, about my past.” Hector's hope deflates. “I… uhm… had a really dark spot in my youth.”
“I know.” Hector finally says something. When will they be this alone again?
“No, I mean, it's not like ‘we all did things we regret’ issue. It's-” Sam tries to articulate and explain himself. The new member of Constellation being a riddle wrapped in a mystery to him. “My father set me up with a job and-”
“I know, Sam.” Hector tries again, this time stronger. “I was there. I was born in Neon. Spent most of my life there.”
“But I'm not-” Hector gets up, pacing around the cave.
“You don't remember me, do you?” He says, squaring up to Sam. Upon seeing the confusion in the blue eyes, he chuckles. “Of course not. How could you?”
“What do you mean, Hector?” Sam looks back at Hector's red eyes, a proof of his time on Mars, hoping to find anything. Only to find heartbreak and tears.
“I was nineteen years old back then. Black hair, no tattoos, no beard, and my eyes were green.” He pulls the emerald Sam gave him the other day from his pocket. “You showed me how to enjoy my life, what it felt like to be loved and cared for. And what true heartbreak feels like.”
Sam scours his mind, the deep dark corners of his memory, only to find a spot of light. It was warm, and safe.
“How could I have broken your heart?” He asks, watching as the bigger man falls to the ground in a boneless heap.
“You promised me you'd take me away from that place. That I'd never have to go back unless I wanted to.” His once booming voice now a barely audible whisper. “You said you just had to finish that trip, and then you'd come back to get me, that you'd show me the stars. And I was foolish enough to believe you'd keep that promise, to actually wait, and hope that you'd come back for me.” Hector cleans up his tears on the sleeve of his coat, trying to find anything to distract himself. It's been fifteen years. It shouldn't hurt like this anymore, but it did.
Sam can't bring himself to say anything. Hector had seemed almost unbreakable when they first met. An unyielding tank, strong enough to protect those he cared for. And to now see such man so small and crying on the floor of a random cave…
Sam wanted to run. To find somewhere empty enough he could scream at his younger self.
He made a promise, one that he couldn't keep. There's a small voice on the back of his head, one that he knows too well: Lillian.
You don't need anyone else right now, she said, I'm right here with you, Sam. You don't need to go back to Neon. There's nothing left for you there.
The memory, being in stupor of going cold turkey, the feverish dreams, the tight hand on his…
Only to be replaced by laughs shared in bed, the neon lights coming in from the window of the room, a heavy warm body pressed against his as they rest. There's movement, and he's faced with emerald green eyes and black hair. On his lips, a genuine smile, followed by the scars on his cheeks.
It couldn't be Hector. He's… different. Broken. With turquoise hair and red eyes. And he doesn't have the forced smile scars.
Hector feels a warm hand place a blanket over his shoulders, and dares to look up to find Sam sitting down next to him.
“I didn't want to remember that time.” He finally said, removing his hat. “But there's one other thing I got to know.”
Hector cleans up his final tears. He knows what's coming. The one thing he clearly had as his own defining feature back then.
“I have a beard to hide the scars.” He mumbles, bringing his face closer to the light so he could show Sam the still present smile on his cheeks, before forcefully getting up. “Look, Sam, it's been a long time, ok? I don't want to force you into anything you're uncomfortable with. I don't even know why I'm still broken about this.”
“Hector, I'm-” Sam stutters. Maybe looking to apologize or make up excuses, but he can't go on.
“It's late, and I'm tired. Can we please just go to sleep for now?” Before waiting for an answer, Hector toes off his boots, removes his coat, and lays down on his sleeping bag.
Sam watches him attentively. The way the shirt latched on to Hector's skin, showcasing his strength and power, made Sam's stomach fall.
He wanted to be caught in those arms, yes, but at the same time, he could have had it for years now, if only he kept his promise.
Following in on Hector's example, Sam also goes to bed, finding himself unable to sleep properly. His dreams are haunted with emerald green turning to bright red.
Sam wakes up, guilt eating him up inside as the cold settles on his bones. The light of the heater gone almost out in their sleep.
Across from him, he can hear a sniffle.
“You ok?” Sam asks, hoping to get Hector to turn.
“Peachy.” Hector hisses, curling up in himself. “Just cold.”
Not really thinking, Sam gets up, moving to Hector's sleeping bag.
“Let me in with you.” He says, and Hector finally turns to him. “We can keep eachother warm, ok? Now move, I'm freezing my ass out here.”
Processing, Hector tries to occupy as little room as possible, watching as Sam dexterously enters the sleeping bag with him.
He never thought they'd be this close again, sharing the same air as Sam curls himself against his chest. Unsure, Hector wraps his arms around Sam's waist, pulling him closer.
“How long did you wait?” Sam finally asks.
“Three years, four months and seventeen days.” Hector says, eyes lost in the emptiness behind Sam. “Not like I was counting, you know.” He shrugs it off, like he wasn't a mess about it minutes ago. “But I got out on a contract to mine on Mars. Apparently, my size made me a good choice.” And that explains the red eyes.
“I'm sorry I don't remember you.” Sam whispers, enjoying the oddly familiar warmth and comfort.
“I shouldn't expect you to.” Hector's grip on Sam loosens. “It's been too long. You got married and had a kid since. Not like a fling while high would be of importance to you in the long scheme.”
“It wasn't just a fling, thought. Was it?” Sam pokes the bear, leaning closer and almost brushing his lips to Hector's. “You wouldn't react like that if it was.”
“I was a kid, Sam.” Hector tries to pull away, but is caught in the edge of the sleeping bag, tapping him in place. “Anything is way bigger in a kids head.”
“I'm only a year older than you.” Sam clocks an eyebrow, getting closer to Hector. “And a fling wouldn't hurt so much this long after it.”
Trapped, he does the only thing he can. Use of his size and strength to turn the tables.
“Maybe,” he says, taking Sam's wrist in his hand, “it was the broken promise that hurt.” Hector turns, pinning Sam under him with his weight. “Or the fact that when you didn't come back for me, I spent all my free time waiting for you, wondering if you had said it as pillow talk or I wasn't worth the effort. Can you imagine what it felt like, Sam? To believe you're stuck in your personal hell because you're not good enough to be saved?”
“Yes. I know.” Sam finally spits back, fighting against the hands restraining him. “That's why I allowed myself to fall in Neon. And then I was proven wrong! That's why I never went back!”
That's enough for Hector, feeling as all he had left of his heart breaking. He lets go of Sam's arms, turning his back to the man next to him.
“Good to know it's just me.” He says, cutting off the subject.
He can hear Sam mumbling, before wrapping his hands on Hector's waist.
“I wish I remembered you back then.” He hears, feeling the light caress where his shirt escapes his pants. “I wish I wasn't so high that I could forget about you. But there's nothing we can do about the past, so maybe, we can try the future?”
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