achlysfx · 3 days
Unsure if this was solved over the years - but in Inquisition when Solas takes the Inquisitor into a 'dream' and they walk through Haven while discussing plot & the anchor, I can't stop wondering HOW he managed to get them to sleep?
Was it a spell? A drink? We know Inky didn't realize they were dreaming until Solas amusingly asks, "where did you think we were?"
Inky clearly wasn't aware until the end, so how did he do it?! 🤔
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achlysfx · 8 days
Solas' level of confidence whenever we see him walk slowly in DA:V is just so well animated, it bleeds power to me.
Wisdom has left the building & Pride is assuming his throne. It's as if he completely embodies the Fen'Harel side whenever he's not speaking with someone from the Inquisition.
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achlysfx · 11 days
Did Solas and Lavellan do it?
I made a post a while back about my changing thoughts on whether or not Solas and my Lavellan did the deed, and I did not word it well, so let me try again.
It is 1000% up to Lavellan whether or not they slept together.
The entire Solas romance is him trying to hold back and then failing his Will save every time she touches him. He is incapable of denying her when her hands are on him. That is the important factor all of this hinges on.
It depends entirely on how YOUR Lavellan would have approached the subject.
If things just got hot and heavy one evening with kisses and touches and maybe a little champagne (looking at Solas being tipsy and perhaps a little too relaxed at the Winter Palace), then that man is doomed. Whether he would have preferred to have held back, it wouldn't matter. He would be incapable of thinking things through in the heat of the moment. We have seen that as a canonical fact.
But, if your Lavellan would have had a conversation about it and given Solas time to voice his concerns (like he does after the Fade kiss), and she acknowledges that and decides to wait until he's comfortable and is certain to make 100% sure he's comfortable with it before going through with anything, then Thank the Maker for Lavellan being the responsible one in this relationship.
It's Lavellan, not Solas who decides.
That was honestly the switch for me. Because my very first playthrough, I was picking up vibes during the Winter Palace quest line. And I had the idea in my head of Solas having a thought in the middle of things of "Wait. We shouldn't do this." And only recently have I realized - Nah, honey. The two of you have got a room. Half your clothes are off. You are already gone. You're going to have fun in the morning after the adrenaline and the champagne has worn off.
So yeah, Inan and Solas totally smashed because that's what she wanted and she thought he wanted it too, and they didn't have a conversation about it beforehand. And honestly, if asked in the heat of the moment, I think he'd say yes anyway because, of course, he would want this even if he would prefer to hold back. The question is if he would hesitate and if she'd pick up on it.
My point is, YOUR Lavellan completely steers the ship in this matter.
And if she's impulsive and not the kind to approach Solas beforehand and have a conversation about it when his mind isn't already clouded with longing, Creators help them both.
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achlysfx · 15 days
Imagine for a second everyone ends up happy and Lavellan and Solas get back together. Cue Dorian popping a blood vessel.
Dorian: “You’re back with this fuck?"
Lavellan, flustered: "I can explain—"
Dorian: "With this living omelette?"
Lavellan: "It's not—"
Dorian: "This balding crypt keeper with the emotional range of a brick wall and a wardrobe that makes him look like a discount drapery store threw up on him? The same one who poofed away after saying some cryptic shit about I WiSh iT CoUlD vHenAn?"
Solas: “The mark would have—"
Dorian: "Shut the fuck up, cue ball. I don't care if the mark was going to explode, you still look like you wash your clothes in your own self-pity. And you—" jabs a finger at Lavellan, "what’s your excuse? Has it really been so long that the sight of a naked skull and endless 'mystical' speeches turned you on again?"
Lavellan: “It’s more than that—"
Dorian: "More than that?! He abandoned you, took your fucking arm, and now you’re letting him back in your bed? Are you out of your mind or just starved for terrible decisions? You could’ve had anyone. But no, you pick the fade's worst motivational speaker.”
Solas: “Master Pavus, this is between—”
Dorian: “Oh no, don’t even try that ‘Master Pavus’ nonsense with me. You’ve got the emotional depth of a wet mop and a sex appeal that makes a mud pit look enticing. And yet here you are, again, trying to guilt-trip your way back into her pants with your world-saving speeches. What is it, Solas? You gonna whisper sweet nothings about 'the averted apocalypse' this time? Maybe throw in a lecture on why she was just not woke enough to understand your big, tragic plan but it's fine since everything worked out?"
Rook and Emmrich in their happy, non toxic relationship: :0
Solas: "Dorian—"
Dorian: "No, no, shut the fuck up. Seriously, what do you even do that’s remotely appealing? What did you do for the past ten years? Did you just sit there, staring at a wall, philosophizing about how it’s not 'connected to the Fade' while Lavellan was over there, not that far, mind you, actually trying to live her life?"
Lavellan, miserably: “Dorian, please—"
Dorian: "Do you know how many tears she cried over your wrinkly, bald ass? The sleepless nights? And for what? So you could show up with the same damn sad expression, like a dog that got kicked, expecting her to fall right back into your arms? Well, congratulations, you manipulative little twat, it worked. You got her again. But if you think for one second I’m going to sit here and let this farce play out without letting you know exactly what I think—"
Solas: “This is not your concern—"
Dorian, grinning viciously: "Not my concern? Oh, it’s my concern now, you ancient, egg-headed disaster. You took her arm, and now, what? You’re back for the other one too? What’s next? Gonna steal her dignity too? No, wait—" He flips both of them off. "You already did that. Honestly, Lavellan, were you that desperate? Did your standards drop so low that this walking mid-life crisis seemed like a good idea AGAIN?"
Lavellan, trying to hide: "I just thought—"
Dorian: "No, no, you didn't think. You never think when it comes to this pointy-eared monk reject. You just let him walk all over you with his cryptic, brooding bullshit and now here we are—again. Tell me, Lavellan, how many bad life choices does it take before you finally learn not to open your legs to misery?"
Lavellan: “Dorian—”
Dorian, rounding on Solas: "You’ve got some nerve coming back, Solas. You with your ‘oh woe is me, I didn't fix the world so I'll ruin this woman's life instead again’ schtick. And for what? What do you even have to offer besides a fucking headache and a masterclass in celibacy?”
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achlysfx · 16 days
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achlysfx · 22 days
If anyone's interested in joining me while streaming Veilguard Oct 31st on Twitch, it'll be a casual experience where I remain muted during cutscenes, but discuss and compare story elements to Inquisition & Trespasser. We'll have fun and critique will be honest!
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achlysfx · 25 days
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achlysfx · 1 month
I hope the Vows & Vengeance podcasts won't be a means to share content for DATV that should be in the game. While I'm just as excited for any extra content about the game, I'm praying we'll get all our game questions from Trespasser's lead-up answered in the actual game and not external sources.
I don't want a repeat of what happened with Final Fantasy 15 where you had to watch the (free) Youtube anime, Kingsglaive, & novel just to get the full story of a game that was also 10 years in the making, only to have the last 2 DLCs cancelled and leave the story incomplete.
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achlysfx · 1 month
I'm glad I'm not the only one who believes Solas looks/sounds more sad than anything...
I wonder if he's in some form of shock or disbelief that his ritual backfired so hard. I'm actually worried for his character. Will his lack of emotion lead him down the wrong path of self-destruction out of spite for having his plans be upended a second time?
In the part of the trailer where Solas is chastising Rook for interrupting the ritual, he doesn’t sound angry, he sounds like an exasperated mentor explaining something to their unwilling student
And I think he looks sad- regretful
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We’ve heard him angry before, when his spirit friend was bound and corrupted and when the Inquisitor drinks from the wall of sorrows. That venom and fury is completely absent in the trailer. When he’s genuinely angry, Solas looks more like this
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I genuinely, truthfully believe that he wanted to be stopped (probably in a different way and by different people yes, but still stopped)
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achlysfx · 2 months
It's unfortunate to see the Dragon Age community tearing each other apart over DA4.
While I personally understand where both sides are coming from, I'm finding content creators who've been fortunate enough to play a portion of the game the rest of us have yet to see, are not handling the concerns of most gamers as well as they could be. (Let alone, BW...)
If they're on a sort of council and under NDAs, they should be acting with professionalism at all times. Being disrespectful or borderline rude to comments they don't like is never a good sign.
It all comes down to Bioware's poor marketing surrounding Veilguard. We keep being told that the game is amazing and to take everyone's word for it, yet I genuinely have to ask - how can we?
If we look at the marketing for the prior games, or Inquisition alone, we got story teasers, gameplay combat, and proper mood/tone...and later, character trailers. Of course, a lot of players didn't like Inquisition before it launched and it ended up being a hit.
However, one person's exitement after having the privilege to play an unreleased version of DA4 is a biased view, and while I share in these influencers excitement, I believe they should also remind themselves that most gamers who are a fan of the franchise do have a right to be critical without receiving hurtful comments as a response.
We've ALL been waiting 10 years for this and with poor marketing, negative sentiment is unavoidable.
[I've seen far too many YouTube vids & comments stating the rest of the community are 'fake DA fans' simply because a lot of longtime gamers got upset over the new trailers and news that have shown nothing aside from romance & CC options. Even I'll admit that this has been an odd experience.]
On the other hand, if longtime gamers aren't allowed to express concern based off of what we've been shown so far, how is it right for influencers or those part of this new(er) community council to get upset when gamers won't throw caution to the wind and blindly take their biased (yet excited) word that DA4 will be amazing? 😅
I don't share this to downplay anyone's views on the game's status so far, but seeing more YouTube videos arise by claiming that fans who've been playing the series over a long period of time are no longer considered 'true fans' because they have concerns, doesn't help anyone.
Yes, there's going to be hateful people from both sides who will troll comments, but watching content creators getting defensive in the comments section of their own videos/posts regardless of how others act, is not professional and simply will not help support their cause of anticipation for the game.
Personally, I understand the stress under an NDA, and I've run online gaming communities a lot longer than most (current) influencers, but the key is to welcome all forms of discussion, not oppress those with concerns or different views. Yes, it can be tiresome, but if you've been placed in a position higher than the average gamer, there's still a level or responsibility in professionalism that must be maintained.
I believe most content creators have forgotten that under their frustrations surrounding Veilguard's fans. I ask that everyone respect each other, because everyone will form their own opinions regardless of whether or not someone else got a sneak peak. 💜
[Forever remaining cautiously optimistic about this long wait.]
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achlysfx · 2 months
Me until Veil Guard comes out
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achlysfx · 3 months
Friendly reminder that Solas did *this* in Trespasser without breaking a sweat....
....and he is visibly shaken by *these* guys.
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....Yeah. To quote BioWare themselves again
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achlysfx · 10 months
Halsin in the BG3 epilogue be like
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achlysfx · 1 year
I can't breathe 🤣😭😵
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achlysfx · 1 year
I painted over my Halsin portrait with his hair down for science and
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oh my fucking god
somebody call me an ambulance
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achlysfx · 1 year
I went into BG3 expecting to go after Astarion but ended up choosing Halsin, only to fall hard for Gale...
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achlysfx · 1 year
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I literally couldn't love this man more
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