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saltywaveaustralia · 10 months ago
The way the #sky is above me.
What’s it like where you are?
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tanthamoretober · 1 year ago
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As Tanthamoretober fades into Never Not Commenting November (watch this space) lets have a massive show of appreciation (via comments! Because comments!) for all our writers, artists and even musicians who were involved!
Our Authors and prompts (all links go to AO3)
Anarik or @theanarik Two fics One for the prompts: harvest, witchcraft and voyeurism One for the prompts: festival, wet, voyeurism, mistaken identity
Cailean or @jalehh Four fics One series, evolution to progress, prompts: bondage and impact play One for the prompt: first time One for the prompt: injury
Geek_and_Nina or @geek-and-nina Thirty-four fics! One series, Show Don't Tell, deaf Kit au. One series The Laughing Whale, siren/pirate au Pretty much every single prompt we could think of!
Haruka81 or @rukaroggy One fic, five chapters For the prompt: injury
Jad3dEt3rnal or @jad3det3rnal One fic For the prompts: the lights go out, magic, full moons
Jayenator565 or @jayenator565 One fic For the prompt: monsters (vampire Jade!)
KitsKat18 One fic For the prompt: haunted house
lowkeyed1 or @lowkeyed1 Eight fics in the series, Tanthamoretober Crack Fics Multiple prompts in each installment!
myrebelliousphase or @myrebelliousphase One fic For the prompt: biting (more vampire Jade!)
Nunspringa One fic For the prompts: haunted house and possession/exorcism
OnlySheStandsThere or @onlyshestandsthere One fic, two chapters (so far) For the prompt: black cat (werecat!Kit!)
pirateygoodness or @swashbucklery Three fics One for the prompts: Monsters (werewolves), dry humping, overcast morning, rainy day, underneath the sky, full moons One for the prompt: nestled under blankets, with traces of exhibitionism One for the prompt: black cat
rochke11 or @commanderbuffy One fic, two chapters (so far) For the prompt: killers
saltywaves or @shellyseashell One fic For the prompts: witchcraft/magic, cursed location, voices in your head, possession
Silver85 or @wigster07 Twenty-four fics Nineteen fics in the series Loving Me Loving You, (AWOOOO) hitting most prompts almost daily! Three fics in the Alpha Kit series for the prompts: Omegaverse and mirror sex, and jumping in a leaf pile One surprise epilogue for Architect of Catastrophe for the prompts: kissing in the rain and softness/tenderness As well as a co-written fic with rochke11 for the prompt: killers
slvershdws Two fics for the series Endearing Idiots One with ten chapters, each chapter for a different prompt: making caramel/candy apples, seasonable garments, pumpkin spice, bobbing for apples, rainy day, warm drinks, nestled under blankets, kissing in the rain, dead end, and costume party One for the prompt: first time
sofys37 or @blackdalek Three fics Two for the series Andowyne by Night, for the prompts: monsters (vampire Kit!), and comes back wrong One for the prompts: fireside, something in the woods, and wet
spybrarian or @spybrarian Five fics One for the prompt: exorcism/possession One for the prompt: dungeon Three for the series There's not a step we can take that does not bring us closer and the prompts: knife play, fireside, first time, wax play
StorySpinner_91 or @storyspinner91 Two fics One for the prompt: autumn foliage One (drabble!) for the prompt: double penetration
TheArcher or @bisexualshakespeare Four fics in the Harvest Festival series One for the prompts: first time, 69, and autumn foliage One for the prompts: long distance, mirror sex, voyeurism, magic, dominance/submission, full moon One for the prompts: biting, dominance/submission, face sitting One for the prompts: caramel apples and harvest ride
TheLateNightStoryTeller or @evodevo-geekmonkey One fic, nine chapters For the prompts: killers, witchcraft/magic, stalking, the Wyrm, help isn't coming, cursed person, mask, found footage, something in the woods
TheyAreSoGay or @theyaresogay One fic, three chapters (so far) For the prompts: festival and autumn breezes
ThisIsHelvetica or @this-is-helvetica One fic For the prompt: witchcraft/magic
Our Artists and prompts (links to tumblr)
@rghema Three sweet comics For the prompts: making caramel/candy apples, baking pies, and abduction
@jlmichigan Willow as bots text post series For many, many prompts through the month!
Our Music Composer (links to tumblr)
@mayblueflamesreign Two songs for the prompts making caramel/candy apples and seasonal garments
Absolutely epic work, everyone. Thank you all so much for being involved!
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lowkeyed1 · 2 years ago
Willow Fic Recs
this will be a list of non-tanthamore (or non-tanthamore-centric) recs, just to highlight some that might get overlooked in the general surfeit of love for our amazing sword lesbians :) "take me with you when you go" by madnessiseverything Elora/Graydon Elora is a goddess, and Graydon her devoted follower https://archiveofourown.org/works/44628982 "on bonding with creatures beyond mortal ken" by madnessiseverything Graydon discovers there is more to Kenneth than meets the eye https://archiveofourown.org/works/44582263/chapters/112145203 "You're All That I Wanna Breathe" by aaliona Graydon/Airk set pre-series, Airk goes to Galladoorn on a diplomatic mission and falls for Graydon https://archiveofourown.org/works/43912383/chapters/110409849 "I Need My Mum" by CrowofArcadiaOaks Boorman checks up on his mum https://archiveofourown.org/works/47228233 "i’m a wanted man (i got blood on my hands)" by saltywaves Boorman's backstory, pre-series https://archiveofourown.org/works/45852070 "on nockmaar; and how it finds a prince" by madnessiseverything the exorcism doesn't work, but from the castle's perspective that's just fine https://archiveofourown.org/works/44186320 "Resilience" by herworship429 Graydon escapes the Wyrm and makes his way out into the world https://archiveofourown.org/works/44358181 "the glory of day will hit the land like a wave" by KiaraSayre a darker take on Graydon rejoining the party https://archiveofourown.org/works/44912641 "Regret" by The_Hawk_Eye Graydon gives in to Darklora https://archiveofourown.org/works/44434135 "Like Constellations, A Million Years Away" by Storyspinner_91 A Lancer AU which if you don't know (I didn't) involves futuristic space-faring, politics, and mech fighting. super fun read, very thoughtful take on transposing the adventure to that universe. https://archiveofourown.org/works/45609868/chapters/114768031 "a star you can always keep" by rotaryshakes Elora/Graydon sweet post-season1 take on them getting together, very sexy https://archiveofourown.org/works/44418523/chapters/111721351 "Like a Vermathrax at a Vestal Faire" by cold_Artist just gonna quote the author summary for this one because it hit me like a truck the first time: "They’d lost Silas in the Pitiless Pass. Graydon had tried to stop Silas’s attacker, but all that he had to show for it was a cut across his upper chest and shoulder.
The group is forced to take shelter in Nockmaar Castle. The castle might be cursed. There might be ghosts lurking within in its halls. Whatever horrors the castle might hold, though, pale in comparison to the evil that truly awaits them:
Sex pollen." smutty and very funny! https://archiveofourown.org/works/44799145/chapters/112714258 ----- please feel free to add your own recs if i've missed anything you like, but keep it non-tanthamore-centric if you please :)
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year ago
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Card is from @feedthefandomfest. I’m going to keep going for at least a double bingo, but pretty pleased with the fic I’ve read so far!!
As before, list of what I’ve been reading is below the cut:
Fic with no comments so far: 
Not A Hero by mpmwrites. Descendants, Mal & Jay. 
Fic posted at least 3 years ago: 
run by dutchydoescoke. Descendants, gen. 
Fic with less than 50 hits: 
rainfall by saltywaves. Descendants, Claudine Frollo/Mayra Rasputin https://archiveofourown.org/works/49823245
Highlight and explain three favorite quotes (idk if I should could this towards my live-blogging square instead, but I was going to liveblog a multichap so counting it here for now):
Falling Is Like This by notquiteaghost. Clone Wars, Cody/Obi-Wan, 4k. 
Comment on what made you cry/laugh/scream:
eleven stars by qigiined. Star Wars, gen, 11k. 
Holy trinity: Through Thine Eyes by Orockthro. The Goblin Emperor, 3k
Half emojis (this fic is STUNNING and I’ll be leaving a longer comment once it’s not 1am as well) : thou, who art victory and law by The_Apocryphal_One. The Goblin Emperor, 7k. 
Theorize about world, character, or theme: 
silver dollar, golden flame, dirty water, poison rain by anonymous. The Goblin Emperor. 
Comment on a WIP: The Michen Emperor by hermitknut. The Goblin Emperor, 7k 
Lopsided kudos to comments ratio (although there are a lot of fic that have this, I’ve been deeply enjoying my way through the Goblin Emperor tag rn) : Drinks With Friends by searchingforserendipity. The Goblin Emperor, 2k. 
Comment on every chapter of a multi chapter fic: Falling (Please Catch Me) by mabonwitch. The Goblin Emperor, 27k. 
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saltywavedog · 1 year ago
Hi pals 🌼🐶
#rocketswalkrepawt went river side this morning. I helped my bestie find a ghost net at low tide. Take a look at the video @saltywave (Instagram). It was very big. Very smelly. It looked like a giant snake but it wasn’t. My snoz is still getting over it.
Luv Rocky 🩵🐶
#dogwalk #sniffariwalk #sniffari #riverwalk #saltywavedog #doggosdoingthings #snozalert #dogs #dogsofinstagram
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saltywaveblue · 3 years ago
Pretty walk through a #mangrove forest 💦🌿 Beautiful place 🍃
📷 gabrielleahern 👩🏼‍🦰🐶
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saltywavephoto · 6 years ago
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Journey through a salty #mangrove forest 📷 gabrielleahern 👩🐶
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untoucht · 7 years ago
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shellyseashell · 4 years ago
I don’t know why this makes me both happy and incredibly nervous
Do people connect who’s who on tumblr and ao3? Like if I comment on someone’s ao3 fic do they realize it’s me or do they think it’s some other random person? Do they know? Do they?
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saltywaveaustralia · 2 months ago
If you have just subscribed to Salty Wave, welcome!
I produce videos that share the magic of innovative ideas and inventions. Enjoy my new video via #YouTube 🤩
#saltywave #visualstoryteller #videoproduction
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tanthamoretober · 1 year ago
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One more week of horror prompts done and dusted. Here are all the fics added to the Tanthamoretober collection this week:
Don't forget to leave a comment if you enjoyed a fic!
Multi day prompts 
Horror day 9, 11, 29 - The Wyrm, Cursed person, Cult
One Night in October, Chapter 4: The Bait on the Hook by TheLateNightStoryTeller
Rating: Teen and up Summary: On their way back from a family visit, a turn of events leaves Kit and Jade stranded in the wild. As night falls and the weather grows colder, the pair soon realize that someone in the woods is hunting them.
Days 8, 11, 19 - Witchcraft/magic, Cursed location, Voices in your head
drown out the voices in the air by saltywaves 
Rating: Teen and up Summary: “Airk said, “again?” and Kit reminded herself to fill him in later.
Jade raised an eyebrow, gave her a concerned look, but said nothing.
“Why?” Willow asked.
“I think,” Kit said louder than necessary, “that we can find something on the Order of the Wyrm. We didn’t really . . . have time to explore last time.”
Boorman nodded approvingly. “You want to loot your dead grandmother’s castle.””
or, kit insists the group returns to nockmaar, but she isn’t honest about why
Day 5: Monsters
the embers never fade by pirateygoodness
Rating: Explicit Summary: Kit doesn't see her for weeks. The girl with the curly red hair, the girl eating peanut butter toast in bare feet in her kitchen, the girl whose strong hands and sharp nails left marks on Kit's body that lasted for days. Jade.
(Or: the modern werewolf AU I still can't stop thinking about, but longer. Kit discovers the boring logistical challenges of full moons. She and Jade are both very good and very bad at communicating.)
Part 2 of meet you where the spirit meets the bones (tanthamore 90s werewolf au)
(Also appears under the Smut prompt Day 2 - Dry humping, and Autumn prompts Overcast Morning, Rainy Day, Underneath The Sky, Full Moons)
Day 7: Injury
What you don't know, can't hurt you by Haruka81
Rating: Explicit Summary: Kit had always wondered why Jade was constantly wearing high necked clothes and now that her relationship with Jade had finally shifted from a platonic friendship to a physical romance, with a lot of kisses and make-outs, Kit really wanted to move things further.. And having Jade constantly stopping her from undressing her, was making Kit quite frustrated.
Day 15: Isolation / Home alone
on our own by Geek_and_Nina
Rating: General audiences Summary: kit and jade go on a hay ride through a really pretty forest and run into a friend
sorry to the smut lovers, but this one is sheer sweetness Part 15 of Show Don't Tell
Day 16: Killer(s)
Camp Nockmaar by rochke11, Silver85
Rating: Explicit Summary: It’s Kit’s first summer as a camp counselor at Camp Nockmaar, and she’s more than a little bit excited to be assigned a cabin with fellow counselor and overall hottie Jade Claymore. Jade is equally excited to be ‘randomly’ assigned a cabin with the girl she spent the previous summer hooking up with, wanting more with. The campers aren’t supposed to arrive at camp for another three days. But that doesn’t stop an invited visitor from making their way through camp, hacksawing their way counselors and staff alike.
The Campy Camp Horror AU
Day 17: Mask
in my head by Geek_and_Nina
Rating: Explicit Summary: Kit takes a bath after a long and hard day
she was sad
she missed her girlfriend
jade missed her
(Also appears under the prompts ‘candles’ and ‘mutual masturbation’) Part 17 of Show Don't Tell
Day 18: Haunted house
after by Geek_and_Nina
Rating: Explicit Summary: after knifeplay day 11
vanilla but good and sweet and kind
kit and all of her feelings (also appears under the prompts ‘flannel’ and ‘aftercare’) Part 18 of Show Don't Tell
Day 19: Voices in your head
like legos by Geek_and_Nina
Rating: Explicit Summary: stressed kit jade takes the lego kit apart (also appears under the prompts ‘nestled under blankets’’ and ‘overstimulation’)
Part 19 of Show Don't Tell
Day 20: Mistaken identity
These Are the Places by Geek_and_Nina
Rating: Teen and up Summary: The girls go camping
Part 20 of Show Don't Tell
(also appears under the prompt ‘festival’)
Day 21: Is it a nightmare or am I awake?
Like Diamonds Lost All Over the Ground by Geek_and_Nina
Rating: Explicit Summary: Jade had a restless night Kit had a great morning (little fucker doesn't get hangovers)
(also appears under the prompts ‘first frost’’ and ‘wet’)
Part 21 of Show Don't Tell
Wake Me From This Nightmare by Silver85
Rating: Mature Summary: The woods are filled with terrors. Jade lives through her worst nightmare.
Part 16 of Loving Me Loving You, (AWOOOO)
Missed some? Here’s the link to Horror, Week One and Week Two
Want to join in? See this post for the complete list of horror prompts for the rest of October.
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lowkeyed1 · 2 years ago
Gotta recommend this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45852070
i’m a wanted man (i got blood on my hands) by saltywaves it's got great, detailed backstory about boorman and the quest for the kymerian cuirass, really well written and interesting
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turtlesandtanlines-blog · 4 years ago
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@never--ending-summer-blog​ @o-hmystars​ @thankgod-its-summer-blog​ @undeniablyenviable​ @daaare-too-dreaaam​ @dropitlikeitssummmer-blog​ @coconut--kissses-blog​ @thesummerset05-blog​ @byeee-babe​ @liesandguys​ @surf-ar​ @vachick​ @sandyy-hair-summer-air-blog​ @whiskey-bisous​ @bon-jour-blog​ @aussiebeachkids-blog​ @sun-kissed-starfish​ @summer-by-cocoa-beach-blog​ @pray-for-waves-27​ @a-dr0p-in-the-oceann​ @ex-o-t-i-c​ @that-beach-lover​ @live-like-you-are-dyingg-blog​ @forget-daisy​ @people-are-cruel​ @summerloving-xox-blog​ @boulty​ @daisydaysnever-die-blog​ @breezy-sea​ @aloha-summer13​ @make-summ3r-last​ @summertimetan​ @beachtans-brightvans​ @kate-tasker​ @ineverysmilethereisbeauty​ @the-summer-waves-with-hot-b-blog​ @endless-summer69-blog​ @infinite--summerrr-blog​ @e-m-p-t-ylife​ @light-up-my-colourless-worl-blog​ @alle-bara​ @palm--trees--sea--breeze-blog​ @a-l-o-h-a-ocean​ @tropicaal-mindss​ @summer-s-back​ @sweetdrinks-and-saltywaves--blog​ @oceann-childd​ @raised-by-sloths​ @onethousand-daisies-blog​ @palmtreeesandsunsets​ @m0oreissuesthanv0gue​ @s--unkissedparadise-blog​ @s-ummer-t-i-m-e-blog​ @local--kids​ @tropicall--breeze​ @summersun-beachbuns-x0x0-blog​ @unluckygem​ @dream-catcher-exoh-blog​ @endless-summer-at-the-beach-blog​ @equallyinfatuated​ @surfing-with-turtles​ @soft-serves-blog​ @tro-pic-a-blog​
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saltywaveblue · 3 years ago
The Ocean Walk from Bondi to Brontë takes on so many forms depending on the environment 🌿
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📷 gabrielleahern 👩🏼‍🦰🐶
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saltywavephoto · 5 years ago
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Cool seaside walk with views of Moreton Bay, Brisbane. 📷 gabrielleahern 👩🏼‍🦰🐶
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riddlemetom · 13 years ago
omg i love the rage comic you made! can you do more!
ooh thank you :D hmm perhaps, if I can think of anything. You're welcome to give me ideas :P
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