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dolldefaced · 1 year ago
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saltminerising · 1 year ago
sorry saltmods that everyone is treating the ask box like a confessional booth to confess their multiaccounting sins. currently picturing you as a sexy dragon priest though if that helps--
This made me laugh :) -Secretmin
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dreadnought-dear-captain · 6 years ago
You Asked, I Told - Part 2 of 2
More Endgame and Baghdad Waltz spoilers ahoy!
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This is such high praise, and I’m really humbled to receive it. Well, I would be lying if I told you I’ve never daydreamed about giving up my current career to write. I imagine many fic writers fantasize about this. But it’s hard work to break into, as you’ve implied, and there really aren’t shows out there like the old Star Trek that have open submission policies, so my understanding is that you’ve got to hustle to get your shit out there. I am not a person who has that kind of hustle, I’m afraid, nor the confidence in my skills, and I really do love my current career deeply. But I probably won’t stop writing any time in the near future, because it’s my sole creative outlet, and who knows what the future may hold. I appreciate your kind words very much and will endeavor to keep improving my skills to deliver better character arcs than Endgame did. I hope my next fic will be better than BW, in terms of craft and consistency, though people will probably be lukewarm on the subject.
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Okay, I don’t want to go full SALTMODE (edit: I totally did), but let’s talk about this Steve who goes back to Peggy. Can we agree that Endgame Steve is about 110-180 degrees different from the Steve Rogers who went into the ice? And, really, why wouldn’t he be? He’s been through horrifying, horrifying things and placed the burden of it on himself, whether he earned it or not, because he’s Steve Rogers and that’s how he Steves. And he’s had five years to disconnect and sink into himself and pine over Peggy the Idealized Woman/Past and probably get horribly stuck in his grief process over Bucky and Sam and everyone else, and I imagine he just get all sorts of messed up after failing to reverse the snap. So, why would Peggy want this guy? Would she even recognize him? And then there’s our poor Ice Steve. I mean, shit, he was the one who Peggy probably really would have wanted, but did Endgame Steve just leave that guy? Did he set him loose? Tell him about Bucky? Help him find Bucky? Who’s this Bucky guy again…?
And now that I think of it, if Endgame Steve came back to her, would he say he’s from the future? Would he lie and say he’s Ice Steve (fat chance pulling off that one)? Because if he didn’t lie, she would absolutely insist that they find Ice Steve and pull him out. That’s the man she loves! And you’re telling me, movie, that she STILL chooses the weird disaffected, depressed, traumatized future Steve she doesn’t know over the Steve she loves and knows already — and who just saw Peggy, like, 20 minutes ago, as far as he knows?? (All of this is functioning on the MCU’s presumption that Steve capital-L Loves her back, BTW.) Did Ice Steve and Endgame Steve fight over Peggy? Did he pull the ol “Hey your BFF is actually alive” card to win the fight and then compliment his own star-spangled ass? I mean, this whole thing is so patently absurd that it’s almost not worth thinking about, but Jesus. It makes NO SENSE why Endgame Steve would get Peggy while Ice Steve would either a) stay in ice or b) not get Peggy, if he was in love with her. Poppycock!! This MOVIE.
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Welp, I can’t do really anything in one or two sentences, apparently, so...
I will open with the caveat that I am not a Loki person. I have nothing against Loki, I just never particularly attached to him. This is probably because I didn’t really enjoy the Thor movies (except Ragnarok, which I know is divisive and may mean I have bad taste?) and so never got deep into Loki’s story. And I am one of the five people on the planet who didn’t like the first Avengers movie, in part because I thought Steve’s character was so off the mark that it made me wonder if Joss Whedon even saw TFA, and I just found the jokes and the pacing to be so mehhh. And also Joss Whedon has none of my respect, first for Avengers 1’s bad characterization and flat jokes, and second for Age of Ultron’s rampant misogyny poorly disguised under gurl power. Prima nocta? Really? And most egregious — Natasha’s random dating of Bruce (i.e., any penis without a family, a girlfriend, or a gay love interest) just to give birth to some shitty infertility narrative, as if the Black Widow doesn’t have a tragic enough backstory that she needs some bullshit sterilization procedure to make her a sympathetic figure — I’m sorry, make her “a monster,” which infertility apparently makes you.
ANYWAY, about Loki. If I were a Loki fan, I would be pissed about the way his story ended. I was pretty irritated anyway, because his death in IW only seemed to serve as a device to trigger Thor’s emotional journey in that film. And even then, it was minimized by Rocket being like, “So, dead brother, huh? Yeah, that can be annoying.” And yeah, that’s totally a Rocket thing to say, but Thor responds with “Well, he's been dead before. But this time... I think it really might be true…” and then he launches into his grief about his other family and his people. There’s hardly a sense that he’s grieving for Loki personally, and we never see any closure or interaction between them in Endgame, which also minimizes the character’s importance in the MCU as the big sendoff movie. Sure, he gets ahold of the Tesseract and gets to escape, great, but what does that even mean? It wasn’t a moment of major emotional valence.
The audience didn’t really get a chance to properly say goodbye to him. You got a horrific image of his death, truly awful, worse than almost any significant minor character. I cannot imagine what that must have felt like. I can relate to the Loki bad arc thing through the crappy way that Steve and Bucky’s relationship was barely tended to in the last two movies, but they both made it alive, so it’s not even the same. I feel dissatisfied and frustrated on your behalf that his death was a mere device and that his behavior on the Asgardian ship was stupid at best and possibly OOC at worst, I’m not sure what you thought of it. Maybe that was part of some redemptive arc, but he seemed like he should be more clever than that. My condolences for your character getting short shifted along with everyone else except Tony Stark.
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Another interesting question.
Bucky probably hasn’t talked to Steve much about George, because it’s just too raw of a subject for him. He still blames himself for George’s death, too, so to think of George is to almost inevitably feel pain. I think Steve has surmised that his death is a core wound for Bucky, which he’s no doubt projecting his own experience of losing his mother upon, but I imagine he holds George in positive regard because the little Bucky has said about him has been positive. I really think the more telling thing is Bucky’s behavior, which is emulating George’s career as a soldier (which, as an infantryman, is more closely aligned with George’s than Winnie’s), and Steve would probably see that as a reflection of the positive role George has had. But like most things, Steve undoubtedly wants to know more, especially as he learns more about Bucky. He would want to know why Bucky has such a bad relationship with his own sexual orientation. Why he started drinking so young. I imagine he’d start to wonder why the math doesn’t add up. Steve knows Winnie well and believes that she’s a very good mother, so how would Bucky grow up to be this way if he had two wonderful, stable parents? Was it just George’s death that threw him off? Maybe, or was there something else? I imagine he’ll get more suspicious as he learns more.
That’s all for now! Stay tuned in the next week or so for Chapter 34. Thank you so much for the wonderful Asks and keep them coming! 
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nurrdsa · 6 years ago
Metal Detecting I XP ORX Wet Sand Top Tips
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Today's alittle bit different I'm gonna be trying XP ORX on the beach well more to thepoint "the wet sand" so why not join me in the metal detector skill school I justwant to demonstrate how the ORX works on I justwant to demonstrate how the ORX works on the wet sand the dry sands, not a problembecause you can use all your conventional inland settings the firstthing I do here on COIN FAST is press and hold the HASHTAG button so the wordSALT comes up now this changes the ground balance range to compensate for th et sand now it's always good to ground balance the machine but the saltmode does a pretty good job there you are it's pretty much stopped and as you'llsee there 24 - 24 corresponding numbers and when I detect you'll see the 24 comeup on the right-hand side there you go now we will get the coming up on thetarget ID screen we need to ignore that for a whileapologies it's a little bit windy at the moment so as you can hear the ORX isrunning pretty smoothly although a little bit twitchy so there's oneadjustment I'm going to make to this to try and settle it down as you can seethere on the left-hand side of the screen it's saying 24 on the groundbalance I'm just going to use the plus button just to raise it up couple ofnotches and hopefully settle it down a bit and there it is is perfectly smoothnow we've just got the odd little bit feedback coming through.
This beach is particularly noisy there is a lot of mineral on the beach for some reason I don't know why now if I wanted to settle it down a little bit more all I have to do was drop the sensitivity down to about 86 and there we go but that's my settings for the ORX on the coin fast mode you can use coin deep as well but there may be one or two little adjustments which you need to do if you're using the coin deep mode but I've got a better program one I love using on the wet sand.
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saltminerising · 11 months ago
thank you saltmods for dealing with unrelenting dragon game drama bullshit. i salute you and hope you enjoy retirement
Thank you :) we’ll be waiting a bit and doing our best to honor you all by giving the blog to the right person!
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saltminerising · 7 months ago
silly question for the saltmods, have any of you ever gotten an ask sent in about yourself? if you did, did you post it or did you just quietly go "hmm, no thank you"
I haven't seen any asks about myself, but I also don't expect to since I'm not very public on FR -Catmin
I was posted about multiples times when I fought with people on my personal and on my Saltmin account in FRAD lol (I am now not in there at all)
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saltminerising · 2 years ago
is the queue just Really Backed Up, did saltmods block me, or is tumblr eating asks again: A Saga (this isn’t mod salt it’s a Silly Relatable Post i hope)
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saltminerising · 2 years ago
Saltmod can you start doing scrys again I really liked those
hey! so we've discussed it and we've decided that like once a week or so i'll do something in regards to scrying! but we'd like feedback on what kind of scrying stuff you guys would like to see! do you want skins featured? outfits? just dragons, etc? feel free to leave your replies in the comments of this, or send in asks!
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saltminerising · 2 years ago
im so glad this blog exists. sugar to the saltmods for this blog existing. thak u
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saltminerising · 3 years ago
i'm sorry, i didn't realize that the word i used in that ask was derogatory, i was using it as a descriptor and didn't think much of it. i will be better with my words in the future saltmods ;-;
Don’t worry! I queued it and I didn’t know either, so we both got to learn something new 💕🥨
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saltminerising · 4 years ago
AR/R mod talking anon again- dfgjsdf no shade to you saltmod! Your modding is v great and ily for doing your job <3 also @ the person in the notes talking about doxxing, if you doxx on AR it gets screen real quick, first rule is even about not posting identifiable info sooo. Anyway love you saltmod and thank you for providing a good alternative to DR <3<3<3
It’s ok <3 I was jk ur totally fine :)
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saltminerising · 4 years ago
wake up saltmod new breed just dropped
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