#saltburn defense squad gearing up rn
marsixm ยท 9 months
it never even occurred to me to be drawn in by the "shock" of the grosser scenes in saltburn, like, yeah they elicited a strong ick from me, but the part of the movie that ACTUALLY resonated with me in a deep, sickening way, was something related to my own fear and anxiety over being perceived as a creepy stalking weirdo obsessive freak. like, oliver actually getting accused of this, to his face, and doubling down, him actually leaning into being a phony who manipulates people in ways that feel so obvious its almost like taking candy from a baby. sowing seeds of mistrust and watching it actually work, such that being exposed as the creepy weirdo you are doesn't matter. THAT, to me, was the most perverse part of the film, that was the 'watching someone do something disgusting and forbidden' aspect, that was the part that made me feel fucking weird about myself, because obviously i'd never truly go that far, id never actually use the info i have to manipulate, id never actually be that bad, but i can see exactly how to get there and that part is scary but thrilling, way more than something involving bodily fluids
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