#salary negotiation example
sreepadamangaraj · 2 years
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comprehensive resources and information to help you successfully negotiate salary, benefits, and other compensation. You will find advice and tips on how to negotiate salary, how to communicate your value to employers, and how to make sure you get the most out of every negotiation. With our help, you can maximize your earning potential and get the salary you deserve. So don't wait any longer and start getting the salary you deserve today!
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tchaikovskym · 1 year
My coworker: I've heard different opinions about the barbie movie
Me: oh yeah bad and good?
My coworker: yeah, some say it's a really good movie and the others say it's such a feminist movie
And that's how I came out as a feminist at my work
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novy2sirius · 9 months
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how to find your house lords in your chart
explanation of house lords: house lords give us deeper insight than the sign itself in each house. there are 12 different house lords just like there’s 12 different houses. house lords are different than just the houses signs though
how to find them: in order to find a house lord you must first locate the sign of the specific house you want more insight on then locate the planet that rules that sign
planetary rulers for each sign: leo is ruled by the sun, cancer is ruled by the moon, virgo/gemini are ruled by mercury, libra/taurus are ruled by venus, aries/scorpio are ruled by mars, sagittarius/pisces are ruled by jupiter, capricorn/aquarius are ruled by saturn, aquarius is ruled by uranus as well in western astrology, pisces is ruled by neptune as well in western astrology, and scorpio is ruled by pluto as well in western astrology
examples: if your 7th house sign is aries then your 7th house ruler is mars, if your 5th house sign is sagittarius then your 5th house ruler is jupiter, if your 10th house sign is libra then your 10th house ruler is venus, etc
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what each lord can tell you
༊*·˚ the 1h lord/chart ruler · can tell about the main themes in your life, physical appearance, identity, confidence, individuality, beauty, mannerisms, masculinity, fitness, etc
༊*·˚ the 2h lord · can tell about your finances, what you spend money on, values in life, self worth, possessions, stability, work ethic, singing voice, etc
༊*·˚ the 3h lord · can tell about your communication style, speaking voice, siblings, social media presence, perceptions, early school life, short journeys/trips, cars and transportation, conscious mind, neighbors, etc
༊*·˚ the 4h lord · can tell about your family, heritage, traditions, inner child, femininity, emotions, childhood, houses/homes, mother, etc
༊*·˚ the 5h lord · can tell about your children, fertility, talents, hobbies, pleasures (all, not just sexual), puppy love, short term relationships/flings, drama, creativity, self expression, joy, attention, etc
༊*·˚ the 6h lord · can tell about your daily routine/tasks, health, consistency, self improvement, analyzation skills, co-workers, pets, etc
༊*·˚ the 7h lord · can tell about your future spouses traits, where you’ll meet your future spouse, long term relationships, business partners, enemies, love affairs, negotiating skills, best friends, etc
༊*·˚ the 8h lord · can tell about your death, intimate life (sexual and general), major transformations, joint finances, investments, inheritance, taxes, trauma, secrets, reproduction, close connections, etc
༊*·˚ the 9h lord · can tell about your knowledge/wisdom, school life in college, traveling life, experiences with the law, viewpoints, languages, foreign environments, learning style, experiences with television and media, in-laws, etc
༊*·˚ the 10h lord · can tell about your career, public image, status, legacy, goals, responsibilities, fame, father, achievements, etc
༊*·˚ the 11h lord · can tell about your desires in life, friends, your salary, wealth, technological interests, uniqueness, influence, fans, internet followers, social networking, manifestations, humanitarianism, etc
༊*·˚ the 12h lord · can tell about your spirituality, healing, karma, experiences in old age, mental health problems, isolation, dreams/nightmares, bed pleasures, hidden desires and things, secret enemies, subconscious mind, fears, losses, etc
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seravphs · 1 year
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ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — GOJO x FEM READER
Gojo's a brat.
wc — 1k 
tags —  been reading a lot of shoujo manga lately which is its own warning, jealous Gojo spoiling reader 
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You hiss between your teeth, annoyed and barely restraining yourself from murder. The sting of the elastic jolts you out of your studies, but after a quick break to glare at the headache sitting next to you, you dive right back into your work. Patience is one of your strong suits. It’s why Yaga worked so hard to steal - in his words, ‘recruit’ - you from the Kyoto campus. Someone has to set a good example for the kids. He knows it’s not going to be Gojo.
Speaking of-
This time, you feel the brush of his cold fingers against your skin as well. You yelp in shock, both at the sudden change in temperature and at the way your skin smarts. Gojo takes a break from his triple sized blue raspberry slushee to laugh at you hysterically, clutching his sides. It’s not even that funny. You wish all kinds of illnesses on him with fervor.
One more time. Just one more time, you promise yourself, and you’ll-
Snap goes the hair tie on your wrist against your skin.
You don’t even let him withdraw his fingers before you leap over the chair to punish him.
“You little punk,” you snarl, catching his collar in your hand and throttling him with it. It’s a rare day where he’s wearing business casual, which he doesn’t even do for meetings with the elders.
“I’m older than you,” he says. “Gotta respect your elders.”
“Yeah? I’ll show you respect!” 
You’re already reaching out to pinch his cheek, only to come into contact with infinity. This comes with the realization that he must have had it turned off earlier, if you could have choked him. Why does the thought make you happy?
“Men don’t like women who are so high strung,” he teases.
“Tell that to my roster of Hinge dates,” you snort (lying through your teeth). You’re admittedly popular, but you’ve stopped seeing anyone in recent months for a reason you don’t want to explore further. That’s a stone you’re willing to leave unturned.
“Oh, yeah?” You can only tell his voice is just slightly huskier because you spend so much time with him these days that you can catch the slight changes in his mood. It’s for lesson plans, of course.
That doesn’t stop you from swallowing hard. Jealousy looks good on him. He had the kind of looks that could drive women crazy, but combined with his unfiltered attention on you? It was a difficult to fight the urge to provoke him further. 
“Yeah. As for me, I don’t like men who are a pain in the ass,” you smooth down his collar once you realize you’ve still been holding it.
The tension breaks. Gojo never stays serious for long. You’ve only caught fleeting glimpses of the god that lurks within his skin, trapped and turbulent.
“Aw, come on. I’m not so bad, am I? Can I make it up to you?”
“Depends,” you sniff, highlighting a important sentence in your textbook. You’ll have to remember that for class later. Nobara had asked about it. You should really tell him to go away, he’s distracting you so much, but you rarely do tell him off no matter what he does.
“I happen to have a reservation-“
So that explains why he’s dressed so nicely, though you wouldn’t put it past him to show up to Michelin star restaurants in sweatpants and get his way. You have to remind yourself not to get excited that he’s doing this for you. If you do, you lose.
“Happen to, is it? What if I don’t want your leftovers?”
“Don’t be that way,” he wheedles. “I’ll pay for everything.”
“As if I was going to.”
“I’ll pick you up.”
“You can do better than that,” you retort. This is almost fun, like negotiating with Yaga to raise your salary. Utahime thinks there’s something wrong with you for enjoying workplace politics so much, but maybe that’s why you can tolerate Gojo’s company so well when no one else can. You have to be a little crazy to put up with him.
“Hmm,” he says. You see right through him. He’s only pretending to think. In fact, every second of this conversation was predetermined. It’s all part of a bit you’ve done before. “Last offer, then. You can max out my card getting ready.”
And your answer, therefore, is also already prepared. You don’t even deign to give him one, simply holding out your hand.
“Who says I’m giving it to you?” Gojo’s eyes sparkle. He’s being particularly difficult today, so much so you’re tempted to just slap him across his pretty face so you can kiss the hurt away afterwards. He’d like that, though. “Don’t you need someone to carry your bags?”
This is the game he likes to play, messing with you so he can apologize with extravagant gifts. Just once, you wish he could be straightforward about it. You’re not bragging, but everyone knows he likes you. It would make everyone’s life easier if he could just be mature about it, but instead, Gojo insists on acting like a teenager with a crush.
Whatever. You can put up with it for a while longer. You’re not particularly opposed to this situation. He spoils you with attention and lavish gifts; you spoil him by being the only one who can tolerate him. 
Besides, you’re keeping secrets too, a big one that Utahime had whispered to you the other day over lunch. She had been so excited to have something to hold over Gojo that she hadn’t even registered the look on your face when she told you. 
The other reason Yaga tried so hard to steal you from Kyoto?
Gojo asked him for a favor.
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kiefbowl · 6 months
hi! do you have any advice for negotiating a higher salary? i think the job i was hired to do a few months ago deserves a better pay but idk how to go about asking for it
This is so spooky I was literally thinking about making a post about asking for more money this morning. you must have been listening to my thoughts lol
Yeah, I have some advice, but keep in mind that different companies and industries might have little quirks I'm not aware of, take these points as very broad advice you might want to adapt for your own personal situation:
If you company does any kind of raise schedule (as an example: every year on your anniversary you are entitled to a 1-3% raise based on performance) - if you're about 8-12 weeks until that time, try to hold out until after you get that raise. I only suggest this because almost all companies will tell you the raise you negotiated takes over as your new raise schedule, so this is really just to get more money in the long run. The 8-12 weeks benchmark is just a suggestion to try to keep your request to negotiate and your scheduled raise in different financial quarters, which might help.
Have a clear goal of what you're asking for. Clear doesn't mean "super specific" but it can. At minimum, have the number you're going to be asking for. What's probably better though is to have the number you're going to be asking for if nothing else changes, and what more you'd be willing to do for even more money than that.
Only answer questions that are asked, only provide information as needed. You can start the conversation by saying "I'm coming to you requesting a raise" and let them respond to that. You can say things like "My duties have expanded including xyz" and you can say things like "I think my skillset is valuable" and "I think I provide x value to the company because of y reasons," but don't just launch into a spiel about what you think you deserve without seeing how they react first.
Talk in numbers. Just get straight to the point when they ask how much. Have a number for the amount per year if salary/amount per hour if hourly, plus convert that number into the percentage raise it would be. Asking for 20% more is a big ask, you know what I'm saying? Even if it's fair on the market for you industry, if they're paying that low from the market it means it's built into their business plan and you might want to consider a different company. and if they set a precedent with giving you 20%, they don't have much to stand on when you go tell all your buddies and they start asking for 20%. And if that's the situation at your company, at that point, you might wanna consider just unionizing instead lol.
It's good to consider the other guy on the other side of the table when you're negotiating. People give you things you want if you're considerate of the things they want. Some things to keep in mind that might be on your boss's plate: annual budgets, quarterly budgets, hiring quotas, hiring freezes, established pay structures decided by powers that be way above them that they have no control over, the fact that they will have to take your request to their boss and/or HR to get approval...like speak intelligently to these concerns as best you can. And be in a quid pro quo mindset. The argument is either "I already do this incredibly valuable thing you don't want to lose so give me more money or I will stop doing this by going elsewhere" or "I will do even more incredible value you don't want to lose if you give me more money, or I will do nothing by going elsewhere." Focus on what do they get and what do they lose if you don't get what you want. Except in professional parlance :)
Have confidence that you have every right to just ask. You are not some shit covered indentured peasant speaking to your god appointed king. You are a human person who is allowed to have adult conversations with other adults. If you can keep that confidence of "I'm just an adult having a normal conversation" it'll keep you on track and not get swayed into whatever tangets your boss my hem and haw on. Short, sweet, and to the point as best as possible.
Your boss is probably not fantastic at negotiating because almost no one is. So don't even sweat it. Ambush them a little, be polite, lay it on the table, then ask them what's next. If they seem to be hesitant, weird, put off...you could read malicious evil intent into it, but they're probably just woefully under-prepared and might flail a bit as some distraction. Just be like "Well, we can table this and I'll follow up with you on Friday" if it really seems like they can't get nail down an answer, or if you know they have to talk to their higher up anyway.
You might just get it. It might be the easiest thing you've ever done. I've countered and gotten exactly what I've wanting in 0.005 seconds flat. That's always a bit bittersweet because you just know you could have asked for more lol. Your boss might already have numbers at the ready for when people ask for raises, they just need people to ask. If you're company is doing well and pulling in good revenue, you will probably have a very easy conversation. So go get 'em.
Most importantly, show them your switchblade have fun and just be yourself!!!
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Femme Fatale Playbook: How To Cultivate Self-Regard (In Every Area Of Life)
How to live with self-respect in every aspect of life. Here's your ultimate guide to living in your dark feminine energy.
Living with self-regard (or self-respect) means understanding that you cannot pour from an empty cup and the importance of making yourself your #1 priority. Feeling your best also has a domino effect. You become a better friend, boss, sibling, parent, child, lover, etc. when you feel comfortable with yourself and content in your own skin. Of course, some of these practices will apply to more than one area of life (ex. Sleep improves your physical and mental health and a good night’s rest can also be considered an act of self-care), but these principles/examples are divided up to streamline these tips. Enjoy xx 
Areas of Life: 
Physical Health 
Mental Health/Emotional Well-Being 
Sexual Health/Sexuality & Sensuality 
Relationships (All Types - Friends, Family, Work, Intimate) 
Discover what you love: Find the subject matters, industries, and a way of adding value that lights you up inside. Take a job or get creative in your methodology to make this area of interest into your career.
Set clear goals: Do I want to work at a particular company? What position/title? Do I want to go out on my own – who are my dream clients, work volume, lifestyle, business structure, income? Write all these details down and strategize small, practical daily tasks/habits to reach your goal.
Build an indispensable skillset: Research, case-building, copywriting, strategic planning, computer programming, sales, data analytics, etc. Learn transferable skills to guarantee you'll always have something valuable to bring to the table in our ever-changing world/work culture. Start with one and accumulate more as you work towards self-mastery.
Know your worth: Negotiate – your salary, rates, workday structure, corporate benefits, PTO, etc. Never let someone have you begging for breadcrumbs or the bare minimum.
Speak up (when necessary): Communicate – clearly, directly, and assertively. Don't let someone walk all over you. Finish your sentences with certainty even if someone tries to interrupt you while you're speaking. Advocate for yourself, whether you're trying to secure a promotion, a new project, a proposed solution for a client, or taking a necessary break. Also, know when it's in your best interest to stay silent. Ensure your integrity remains intact. The truth of a matter speaks volumes.
Organize your day (Prioritize!): Set yourself up to win by outlining your priorities first before others' tasks and projects consume your mind and calendar. List your top 3 to-dos for the day that are non-negotiables for you and will inch you closer to your goals. I recommend the Productivity Planner for daily use.
Keep records: Have email records and call notes regarding every interaction and decision written down. This practice enables you to stand your ground when necessary and saves you a lot of trouble.
Set boundaries: Proudly affirm your 'no' to a project, any disrespectful comment, or too many nights of overtime work. Schedule and stick to your breaks and the time you clock out (within reason, of course). Never allow a company or endeavor to run you into the ground at the expense of your mental or physical health.
Make connections: Cultivating a network of mentors, colleagues, and peers in the same or adjacent fields is priceless. These connections can lead to new opportunities, provide a healthy and productive space to explore ideas, or generally vent and exchange advice. Strike up that conversation at lunch or an event. Follow up with a LinkedIn request or thoughtful email. You never know what this conversation might lead to and the opportunities it can bring.
Create daily/weekly rituals: Establish ones that add a little joy and streamline your day. These habits can range from a 10-minute yoga or meditation session every morning, to practicing morning pages or a daily shadow work prompt, reading 10 pages daily, getting your steps in, and planning your tasks, lunch, and outfit for the next day the night before to creating a weekly house-cleaning schedule or meal planning. Discover systems that allow you to put yourself first and set you up to win the day.
Find ways to feel beautiful: Create luscious skincare, shower, and hair/makeup/nail routines that make you feel like a queen. Invest in well-fitting, high-quality wardrobe staples. Make your favorite cup of coffee or tea daily. Keep your signature scent on hand. Exfoliate. Invest in matching pajama sets.
Indulge all of your senses: Light a candle. Put on a moody playlist to relax, focus, unwind, or turn you on – any melody that suits the occasion and gets you in the zone. Take a bubble bath or do a face mask. Relish in a warm beverage or a healthful, comforting meal. Use silk pillowcases, hair ties, and bed sheets. Pamper yourself with small everyday luxuries.
Expand your knowledge: Make it a priority to read a few articles and 10 pages of a book daily. Being educated on different topics and the world provides you with personal fulfillment and enables you to enter into a wider pool of conversations. This practice also strengthens your mind, sharpens focus, and helps your brain relax.
Explore your interests: Learn what subjects and activities light you up inside. Whether it's painting, dancing, tennis, spin classes, learning about ancient world history, politics, fashion, science, etc. Take time to study and practice in these areas of interest.
Embrace your creative side: Write, read, draw, create a mood board, explore Pinterest or Tumblr, style outfits, organize a section of your room, cook a new recipe, make a playlist – any fun activity that ignites creativity.
Plan dates for yourself: Take yourself out for coffee, lunch, a shopping date, or even a mini vacation. You deserve to enjoy experiences and derive pleasure from enjoying these life moments without worrying about anyone but yourself.
Remember to rest: Getting 7-8 hours of sleep nightly and taking breaks is essential for productivity and overall well-being. Never feel guilty for allowing your body and mind to recover. Neglecting rest only backfires if you're playing the long-term game.
Know your income/expense ratio: Ensure you know exactly how much money is coming in and going out every month. Create a personal balance sheet to audit your financial well-being.
Track everything: Keep a record of every stream of income and where every dollar is going – expenses, savings, estimated taxes, investments, charity, etc.
Have a set emergency fund: Between 3-12 months of expenses should be ready in a high-yield savings account at all times. If you have a family or are self-employed, aim for 6-12 months of necessary savings to stay sane. Saving this amount of money takes time. Be patient, and cut back on frivolous expenses if needed for the short term. It's an act of self-care.
Invest (especially in a Roth IRA or backdoor Roth IRA): Set one up through Vanguard or Fidelity ASAP if you have not already. Don't underestimate the importance of compound interest on your financial future and security.
Automatically pay yourself first: Automate a portion of your paycheck to savings and your investments, so you never see this money. Pay yourself first before spending (on anything but necessities).
Always max out your 401K employer-matching: Make sure you know what percentage your employer will match and always meet this investment requirement. Do yourself the favor. It's literally free money.
Only spend on your essentials & what you actually enjoy: Invest in pleasurable items and activities strategically. Only spend on additional experiences and products that add value to your life. Cut unfulfilling expenses.
Read about personal finance/speak with your brokerage firm: Take time to read about these topics and learn everything your parents didn't teach you or were not taught at school. Use licensed professionals (CPAs, brokerage firms, etc.) as a resource, too, for your personal goals.  
Use savings plug-ins/discount codes 
Physical Health: 
Cook/eat healthy meals: At least 80% of the time. Focus on eating whole foods and a (mainly) plant-based diet. I've been vegan for 10 years and it's done wonders for my body, skin, and mental clarity.
Drink plenty of water daily: Set a target of ounces = to your weight in pounds. Incorporate lemon, lime, orange wedges, or frozen berries if necessary to keep this habit interesting.
Find workouts you love: Whether that's low-impact like pilates, yoga, walking or dance classes, spin classes, weight-lifting, etc. The best exercise routine is the one you can gladly maintain.
Make daily movement a priority: At least 15-30 minutes daily. I aim for 10-12K steps at least 5 days a week.
Limit processed foods, alcohol, cigarettes 
Step outside: Get at least 10 minutes of sun daily, weather permitting. Always wear sunscreen.
Sleep Well: Aim for 7-8 hours (Create a sleep hygiene routine!)
Maintain proper hygiene: Shower daily, moisturize, wash your hair on your necessary schedule, brush your body from head to toe, etc.
Do pelvic floor exercises: It does wonders for your bladder and helps to satisfy your libidinal energy.
Go to your annual appointments: Primary doctor/Obgyn/Dentist/Dermatologist
Mental Health/Emotional Well-Being: 
Meditate: Some of my favorite ones are linked HERE (for anxiety), HERE, (focus/productivity), and HERE (feminine/sexual energy).
Journal: Do a daily shadow work prompt, gratitude journal exercise, or practice morning pages (stream of consciousness journaling for 3 pages every morning).
Read: 10 pages of a self-development/psychology book, at least 3-5 articles, or a chapter of a fiction or non-fiction book. Daily.
Take breaks: A 10-minute walk, a real lunch break, listening to music, making coffee. Something pleasurable to recenter your focus and energy.
Discover movement you love: Walking and dancing are your best friends.
Keep your space clean: Wipe off all surfaces and put things away daily. Keep your desk organized. Clean and put away the dishes before bed. Stick to a house cleaning schedule.
Make to-do/bullet-point lists: For every area of life – work, chores, groceries, other items you need, wishlists, activities, and hobbies you want to pursue
Schedule and plan out your week: House cleaning, laundry, work project management, email time blocking, appointments, beauty routines, workouts, etc.
Create non-negotiables: Sleep, daily walks, a healthy dinner, your skincare routine, a 15-minute shower – whatever must-do rituals you need to look and feel your best every day.
Connect with your inner circle: Make a deliberate effort to stay in touch and catch up with those who are loyal and have your best interest at heart. Make time to chat on the phone, send a text, or better yet –get coffee, lunch, drinks, or dinner weekly with at least one person who you know makes your life richer in some type of way.
Put restrictions on social media/screen time: Use your settings to limit your time on certain apps (Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, Facebook, etc.). I set mine for 2 hours a day. Stop checking email right before bed and first thing in the morning (at least try really hard not to –I'm so guilty of this one!).
Give freely: Be generous with those who you love, mentors, and mentees. Everyone appreciates when you put a little effort into giving someone a small thoughtful gift, doing a kind gesture, or lending an ear. It makes you feel good and can make someone's day, week, month, or year.
Set boundaries: Take time for yourself – to recharge, indulge in solo activities, have some fresh air, breathe, or sit in silence. Give freely with no expectations, but never overextend yourself. When seeking to know whether you're striking the right balance between giving and gatekeeping your energy ask yourself: Am I being kind, or do I feel like I'm losing a piece of myself when engaging with this person/attending this event? Be honest with yourself. Listen to and follow your initial gut reaction.
Go to therapy: If you can afford it, weekly (or bi-weekly, monthly) sessions are a game-changer for self-discovery, emotional regulation, and general happiness/life fulfillment.
Sexual Health/Sexuality & Sensuality:
Let go of shame: Internalize your right to pleasure. Claim ownership over this aspect of your life. It gives you confidence in and outside of the bedroom, so you move through the world with a magnetic aura and powerfully feminine energy.
Own your sexuality and preferences: Embrace who and what you're attracted to. This principle extends from your sexual orientation to your libido, turn-ons (fantasies, adult content, steamy memories, etc.), preferred positions, kinks, and devices. Sexuality and arousal are so personal. Allow yourself to be free of stigmas for the things you do in private. No one needs to know how you derive pleasure behind closed doors (unless it's a partner who's involved, of course).
Make time for self-pleasure and exploration (at least weekly): Understanding that you're in control of your own pleasure is empowering. Learning what you like is essential for sexual gratification – whether you're alone or sharing the experience with a partner.
Allow the mind-body connection to be your friend, not your enemy: Sex starts in the mind, so this point is important for climaxing. Get out of your head and into your body. Learning to enjoy your own body is a sign of self-respect.
Keep everything clean & hygienic: Only wash inside with water (no steaming!), clean any toys, and use protection. Safety and self-regard go hand-in-hand.
Find products & habits that make you feel beautiful: Invest in lingerie, sheets, perfume, body lotions, candles, wine, etc. that make you feel confident while in the mood.
Engage in playful & creative activities: Don't be shy about (safe and consensual) experimentation (I'll leave this to your imagination) and activities to build up tension, like a romantic dinner or a dancing session beforehand to make this area of your life more exciting and fulfilling.
Communicate expectations: Clearly and often with any individual in your life. Listen and respond. Don't react. Validate emotions when necessary. If someone cannot do the same, understand that it's almost always a sign of projection. Remain calm and confident in yourself. Always command and show up to others with the highest level of respect.
Have empathy, but not at your own expense: Live with respect and consideration for others, but remember your life is for YOU. Beware of guilt-trippers. Don't take the bait.
Set boundaries: Uphold them unapologetically. Seek to understand others' needs and boundaries, so you can be considerate of their needs too. Empathy and kindness come from a place of self-respect. They are not the same people-pleasing.
Be generous (but don’t overextend yourself): See above in the mental health section.
Be true to yourself: Authenticity is essential to personal fulfillment. Live in your uniqueness. Remember: trying to be someone else doesn't work, she's already taken. You have so much value to offer this world. Let your queen energy shine through. Live your truth. Remain self-assured. Be unapologetically you.
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So I don’t know anything about contracts and stuff but does the season where the player is injured count? Like if they got injured on their last season do they leave after or do they have to make up for the season they weren’t playing? Cause I’m Saudi and only just got into women’s soccer but here when we got Neymar he only played a few games before he got injured and has one season left so does he stay only one more year or two?
short answer: yes, it counts. and no, a player's injury does not automatically extend the duration of their contract. a player contracts from one term to another. for example, when alexia ruptured her acl and mapi hurt her meniscus, it did not add another year or 6 months on to their contract for the duration in which they could not play. they still entered into contract negotiations as if they never were injured.
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player injuries and pregnancy for female players are life events that clubs need to accept as normal and it factors into negotiations in the first place. for example, there is a correlation with older players and injuries and a drop in performance. hence, you will get some more contentious negotiations at times.
that's why players prefer longer contracts (remember one of the delays for alexia's contract was that she wanted the full 3 years per media reports!) it gives them financial security because there's guaranteed salary and income to be paid even in the case that a player gets injured.
that's the gamble that clubs have to take. however, as i mentioned before, if a player like neymar gets injured during international break, then fifa will have to compensate their club. al-hilal will get millions from fifa for neymar's injury in this specific situation, so they are somewhat compensated financially by the loss of this player.
similarly, there are other ways for players and clubs to get out of contracts before the duration of a contract. hope this makes sense!
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10 most Influential women in the Ottoman Empire (plus five non- sultans)
I must say in advance, this is purely my opinion and it doesn't include legal power,but general influence. For example if one woman had more legal power but still was limited to some actions, that another woman could get away with, I will rank her higher. Let's start with non sultans.
Part I: Non-Sultans
Number 5: Çevri kalfa
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Çevri kalfa was a woman of Georgian origin and previously loyal servant to Nakşidili Sultan (also Georgian). She became mistress head treasurer( Baş hazindar usta) after accession of Mahmud II, who she saved from executioners by throwing them hot coals and sneaking the prince out. After becoming Head treasurer, she attained so much wealth that she could afford expensive clothes not even sultans wore. A girls school, built in her name, is one of the first schools for girls and the biggest primary school in Istanbul. She remained in her office until her death and was Sultan's trusted and favoured advisor.
Number 4: Meleki Kalfa
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Meleki kalfa was a servant of Kösem and Ibrahim, however following the deposition of the sultan, she secretly switched sides as an agent of Turhan. Meleki played an important role in Turhan's rebellion by giving her information about Kösem's plan to dethrone Mehmed. After Kösem's death and Turhan's accession, she became an important person in Valide Sultan's court, was freed and married to Şaban Khalife. The couple built a residence in Istanbul, where Meleki not only conditioned her line of information to Turhan, but also acted as a negotiator in the palace on behalf of people. The political influence of her and her husband grew so much and they were murdered in 1656 for abuse of power.
Number 3: Gulfem Hatun
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I have spoken about her in my previous posts
Number 2: Mahidevran Hatun
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I have thought a lot about where to put her. People would expect her to be Number 1,mostly because they are used to her being sultan. That is what I first thought,for other reasons,but here we are. She has several significant influences that not many other women had:
1. She was popular with janissaries and people
2. Had a spy network, allowing her to hear major events happening in the capital.
3. She had strong allies. Ibrahim Paşa supported her and Mustafa later in his life, Hatice and her husband were supporting her openly or indirectly.
4. She was a considerable rival to the first and one of the most powerful women in the ottoman empire.
5. She had powerful characteristics: Was an intelligent, educated woman. Could mask her resentment towards Hürrem and act calmly around him.
6. She was a trusted advisor to her son. Actually, she supported the idea of Mustafa revolting against Suleiman,but only after she received information about his imminent execution, through her spy network.
Number 1: Çanfeda Kalfa
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Çanfeda was the woman of Circassian origin, who served as second in command of Nurbanu for 18 years and the ruler of harem for another 11, so we can say she was de-facto Valide sultan.
In her almost three decades of service, she acquired wealth, so great that it attracted negative attention of Janissaries and even the grand Vizier. Although she collected such affluence through her salary(that was extraordinarily high consisting of 200 akches a day, it was the average salary of an imperial princess) and bribery, she used it for selfless purposes. She built three mosques, fountains, hamams, two schools, irrigation systems and fixed the roads, costing her several million akches, still she remained as one of the wealthiest people in the empire. In 1595, when Safiye exiled her, she needed dozens of carriages to carry her holdings, which apparently did not consist of much of the furniture, because she bought it from Venice the next year. It's also considerable that as an exiled person, she had to give up some of her wealth to imperial treasury.
Apart from her vital involvements in harem management in which she dominated Safiye, she had considerable influence over state matters as well. Çanfeda used her connections to install her not so bright brothers as paşas and after the series of mistakes,they were imprisoned, Çanfeda not only defied Grand viziers orders and had them set free,but restored them to their offices as well. Her power, wealth and influence came to the attention of Janissaries, who demanded her dead, but she got away with this as well. Another indication of her power, was her attempt to free the second son of sultan Murad. Even though she was caught red handed, the power it would take to infiltrate the prison is still considerable.
P.S. I did not list Halime and Handan,because after becoming Valide Sultans and regents they reached a whole different level, leagues above almost every single woman in ottoman history, however their power and influence was immense even when they were Hatuns.
As there is only 10 images/Gif limit. I will speak about 10 most powerful women in second posts.
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avissapiens · 1 year
How to be a Jock Ch.7: Work
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You don’t need a work-life balance when your work is your life. The Jock derives joy from performance. From success and objective measures of victory and hard fucking work.
For a jock their paycheck and the numbers they pull in for their job are as much a thrilling rush as their days crushing skulls on the court. The line just gets higher. That’s all they care about. Coming in an hour early and leaving only when they’ve given 110%. A real company man through and through. Winning promotion after promotion, award beyond measure.
They’ll smile for their “Best quarterly earner” photo, but inside it’s a different story. An almost psychotic drive. Fiery passion and bloodlust mixed with frigid calm and efficiency. Willing to do anything, step on anyone’s back to get to the top of the ladder and then kick it down after them. Because unlike most of the other worker drones, they aren’t working for someone else; not really. They might have a boss but they are basically interchangeable. Just a place filler while the Jock climbs their way to the top. Maybe a source of hatred and vitriol, or perhaps being a cause for inspiration and aspiration. But ultimately just another enemy. Another obstacle to be broken in half and left on the field.
*Subtle demonic whispers here*
Take Karan for example. A young up-and-comer in the Avis Athletics Agency. Scouted from university specifically after the recruiting agent saw him take down a guy twice his weight on the wrestling mat in a minute flat. Dude never broke a sweat, every second with that soft but piercing glare of absolute victory. Like his opponent was just an object to be manipulated for his own pleasure and purpose. He didn't let go of that Death grip until the Ref shook off his astonishment and counted the poor jobber out. A perfect fit for an internship at our illustrious corporation. 
He’s such a good team player too. Practically integrated with all of the other interns and made them into a single unit. A well-oiled regiment that followed orders and executed them with deadly efficiency. Best Copy-and-coffee squad the office has ever had. But of course, Karan was never satisfied. He plays his work like a game. Just another sport to break records with. Get the high score at one level, move on to the next, collect all of the rewards, leave destruction in your wake.
The CEO saw him wait around until his team member clocked out, only to kick his fucking teeth in in the parking lot for holding him back on his reports. It was decided that his talents would be better served at a higher level. One where that drive and deadly commitment to efficiency could make some real profit. That and the HR policies covered actual employees better than interns. So he got the job, no question. Along with a well negotiated 6 figure starting salary with stock options later down the line. Plus access to the 24 hour boxing gym on site so we could make sure we keep those interns for a little bit longer.
For Resources to help embody your Jock Journey you can check out the Jock Archetype guide for free on Patreon If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.
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justforbooks · 4 months
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In 1990 the Spanish writer Juan Goytisolo published a short essay called Paris, Capital of the 21st Century. By the end of the 20th century, he had decided that Paris was exhausted. The city of avant gardes, ideas, revolutions and class struggle, which had defined so much of European and world history, was now no more than a museum. As almost a lifelong Parisian and a lover of the place, Goytisolo desperately wanted Paris in the 21st century to retake its place as a great metropolis. But this could only happen, he argued, if Paris reinvented itself by “de-Europeanising” itself. By this, he meant it had to look towards the world beyond Europe, welcoming its sometimes dissident non-French, non-European voices to make itself a truly global city. Only in this way could Paris be brought back to life.
More than 30 years on from that essay, Simon Kuper has written a book about what it has actually been like to live in Paris during the past two decades. I have lived in the city for exactly the same period, in the working-class district of Pernety, and seen all the changes that Kuper has. The view from Pernety and the view from his hipster right bank world have not always been the same. He often underestimates, for example, the severity of racial and class tensions in Paris. To his credit, however, he is always aware of his limitations as a foreigner and as an apprentice Parisian.
The author, a journalist for the Financial Times, begins by describing his arrival in the city in the early 00s, a refugee from extortionate property prices in London. He finds in Paris an alternative economic universe, where decent city centre apartments were affordable along with a good quality of life that wasn’t dependent on a big salary.
Initially, Kuper bought into the shibboleth that Paris was a dead place – economically moribund, artistically bankrupt, something very much like Goytisolo’s museum. Over the years and decades, however, as he settled in, established a family and a way of life, Kuper began to change his mind as he navigated the unpredictable joys and vicissitudes of Parisian daily life. This involved wrangling with tough neighbours, taking kids to football matches in the banlieues (the outer suburbs, which are definitely not museum-ified), learning schoolyard slang from his kids (which contains a surprising amount of street Arabic), dealing with his wife’s cancer diagnosis, negotiating the daunting French social security system and, perhaps hardest of all, learning how to act as a proper Parisian – a performance that demands mastery of an almost infinite number of behavioural codes.
Kuper is a self-confessed “Bobo”, a member of the middle-class elites and as such most of the behaviours he has to acquire revolve around the right way to wear clothes or making the right sort of conversation. Above all, you should never appear to be provincial (an old Gaulish word, plouc, is still used by Parisians to describe out-of-towners) or from the banlieues (wearing sports clothes is a giveaway). As he learns to be a local, however, Kuper can seem a little too pleased with himself and there are moments when, as he yet again cycles down a lovely cobbled street to another designer coffee shop, you wish he’d get a puncture.
Nonetheless, Kuper is a clear-eyed observer of the history that is happening all around him. He witnesses the revolt of the gilets jaunes, which he notes are in part a protest “against Paris itself” (against people such as Kuper, in fact), sees the burning of Notre Dame, sweats through historically unprecedented heatwaves and copes with the pandemic. The most momentous – and terrifying – event that marked Kuper’s Parisian life was the night of 13 November 2015, which no Parisian who lived through it will ever forget. He was in the Stade de France when the first bombs went off, the prelude to a night of massacre that finished with 130 innocent people dead. Ever the professional reporter, Kuper keeps his feelings to himself, until a few days later he cries in front of a friend, broken by the strain of living in a city that seemed about to go mad.
Now the Olympic Games are on the horizon and Paris looks set to announce itself again to the world as a global leader, as the multicultural city imagined by Juan Goytisolo. For all of the transformations of the past two decades, however, Kuper is always alert to the city’s particularity. This is the immutable essence – to be found in the daily pleasure of the menu du jour or just the snarky, nasal banter at your local zinc (bar) – that makes Parisians love their city, and foreigners such as Kuper (and me) love it even more.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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merthwyn · 8 months
People probably wonder why I don't quit since I'm fed up with my current job environment. Well, I've been searching for job for 7 months now. And I've found quite many that I could apply for and I'm sure they would choose me. But I still don't. The current job and the interviews I had for other jobs opened my eyes so now I'm extra careful and suspicious when I read a job advertisement as it is easier for me to spot the hidden red flags. For example:
Do they brag about how like a warm family or an amazing team they are? STAY AWAY. You will certainly be the black sheep of that family or being expected to be the doormat of the team
Do they brag about equality, respect, diversity? STAY AWAY. You will probably experience the worst amount of disrespect, inequality and favouritism you've ever experienced.
Are they trying to "seduce" you with promises of opportunities, training, development? STAY AWAY. You will end up doing the same things forever while others less capable are getting promoted because they are the bosse's friends or simply narcissists.
Too much enthusiasm in the job advertisement with many exclamation marks and excitement? STAY AWAY. You will soon find out that the job you applied is the most boring and abusive thing you've ever seen.
Only saying things like "amazing holiday scheme" or just "holiday entitlement" instead of mentioning exactly the actual amount of holiday allowance? STAY AWAY. Otherwise, you will get like 20 days of holiday and you will have to fight to manage to get them approved.
If they mention e.g.28 days of holiday ALWAYS CLARIFY whether it's actual 28 days or just 20 + bank holidays. If it's the second, STAY AWAY. You may be ok with this (I would be ok if I liked the job environment) but they should have clarified this in the job advertisement. Who knows what other maybe more important things they are hiding..
Never go somewhere where the salary is not mentioned. If you find advertisements saying "competitive salary" or "salary negotiable" STAY AWAY otherwise you'll be lucky if you get minimum wage.
Always check their website and read their policies. If it's too much about equality or whistleblowing STAY AWAY. You will probably get bullied for refusing to use pronouns or for being a Christian and this whistleblowing will never protect you from the bullies. You will not be allowed to wear a cross but your Muslim coworkers will have breaks for prayer. And if their bullying doesn't work, you will end up falsely accused of theft or rape.
If it's an entry level or apprenticeship compare the salary they give with the amount of work you will be expected to do and the experience they ask. I've found dozens of APPRENTICESHIPS out there which want you to have loads of certificates and qualifications and do the job of a fully experienced person with half the minimum wage and with the prerequisite of having 3 years experience.
I'm sure there are more things to add. For me, it's all the above PLUS those which they don't come to mind right now PLUS the fact that I want a Mon-Fri day job. Because, imagine if you end up working with bullies and have to sacrifice evenings, weekends, Christmas and time with friends and family for them, as it happens with my current job.
When you truly value respect, discipline, accountability, responsibility, honesty, team work, equality, development, work-life balance and generally moral values, it's damn hard to find a job.....
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ahedderick · 1 year
I wish there was a more universal acknowledgement that human behavior does not in any way resemble mathematics.
For example, if a young black man, a middle aged white woman, a retired indigenous lesbian, a shy introvert, and a loud extrovert all did a set of math problems, the answer to 5 + 7 would be 12 for all of them. And surely, SURELY we all know that in a business, social, or legal situation all of the above people could say the exact same words with the exact same tone and get (potentially) five different results.
I think about this every time I see career advice for women suggesting that, if you just speak up and negotiate for a raise the way a man would, you would get results. That simply isn't true. Not only did I try it, back in the day, to absolutely no result, but I've recently read a whole lengthy essay about women who try to negotiate salary (just as we are advised!) and had really, really terrible results. Losing firm job offers completely, just for asking about salary flexibility, for example.
I think about this every time I see advice for nd people that boils down to "Have you tried being neurotypical?!! 😊 Here are actions that nt people take to Get Results, and if you Do Action, you will Get Result."
I think about this every time I see advice for introverted or shy folks to speak up more or 'mask' as more extroverted in a social situation. As an introvert, I have (scientifically!) tried mimicking the behavior of my extroverted friends. That often backfires, and I've had people be terribly rude to me when their perception of me as an introvert didn't match up to my attempt to be socially more outgoing and speak up. I've tried talking to people in business/school/social settings only to have them literally turn their backs and walk away from me. My family have witnessed this a few times, and it always causes a "what the heck just happened?!" moment.
These are just a few situations I have been through on my own axis of white/woman/nd/ablebodied. Others who are poc, visibly disabled, overweight, ESL, etc could probably write lengthy essays about their own experiences. And every time I hear an extrovert tell me how to behave, or read an online article about the best way to do X - I do want to smack someone.
Fine for anyone to reblog and/or add on their own experiences, btw.
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bitchesgetriches · 1 year
Hi Bitches!
After months and months of job hunting I finally got an offer!! Woohoo! However, the salary is lower than I would like. So I want to negotiate but I am so worried about the company retracting the offer.
One question I have in particular is, should I bring up other options in my initial ask? For example, saying something like "if the salary is inflexible, I'd also be open to discussing a possible signing bonus or extra PTO days."
Any advice would be great! I really need this job but I also need more money!
It is EXTREMELY unlikely that they'll retract the offer if you ask for more. They EXPECT you to ask for more. It's a standard part of the job offer process!
And yes, if they turn you down with a hard no, feel free to ask for other options! Some examples:
More PTO days
A flexible schedule
A promise to revisit the salary question within 9 months
An EcoPass or whatever your region's equivalent is for commuter costs
Don't be scared about seeming ungrateful or losing the opportunity. They like you. They've been through a lot of hassle to decide on you as a candidate. Asking for more money won't scare them away.
How NOT to Determine Your Salary 
What To Do When You're Asked About Your Salary Requirements in a Job Interview
Salary Range: Are You Asking for Enough? 
Post a Salary Range in the Job Description, You Fucking Cowards 
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talkingtea · 10 months
You can google the average salaries of actors on Broadway shows anon. It all depends on what the show calculates on what they’re gonna make and what they’re willing to risk when it comes to more well known actors. I believe I saw that Jesse Williams from Greys earned about 1600 dollars a week (mind you, this is for 8!! Shows a week) and Hugh Jackman about 40.000 for example. But the average is around 2400 a week and then maybe percentages (if negotiated) from proceeds and album sales. Basically, Actors mostly do it for the love of Broadway and not the money
Thanks 👍🏾
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raptorsaurusmelain · 1 year
Let me show you... Youtube - chapter 21
My oh my... Do we have the birth of a future yandere ?
Warning : no proof reading, English is not my mother tongue.
If you are interested in reading this fic, the tag "#twst lmsyy" will give you all the chapters.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The woman went outside. In the ambient noise, the whispers seemed to have stopped. Finally a calm day.
She got a waft of all the stand food smell. It made her hungry. She just hoped that they can take credit card because she had 0 cash on her… Or maybe she could negotiate an advance on salary in cash ? [Good idea, let’s pester the bird.]
Once she found Crowley, she had to wait a little before pestering him. He was with important investors from what she understood of the conversation.
Crowley spotted her from the corner of her mask. “What can I do for you Mrs Devi ?”
Victoria batted her eyelashes, hoping it would make her seem innocent. “Can you lend me some cash ? From my salary, so I could join the festivities… Please Headmaster Crowley ? You're so generous after all…”
Crowley was weak to those words. He laughed, his beak seemed to elongate. “Oh yes of course ! I am so gracious after all !”
And that’s how Victoria got half her monthly salary in cash. [He he he life is good when you butter people.]
Crowley tilted his head. “What are you going to do today ? Are you going to watch the match ?”
Victoria plastered a smile on her face. “I am going to roam a bit before making my way to the stadium ! I can’t wait to see what it looks like IRL !”
Crowley blinked. “I…RL ? What’s that ?”
Victoria was caught off guard. [Of course he doesn’t know, he is like a billion years older than me.]
Trein arrived at that moment with Crewel. “Oh ? Who do we have here ?”
Crewel, seeing Victoria being deep in her thoughts, asked. “What is happening ?”
Crowley asked wholeheartedly. “Do you know what IRL means ?”
The two men also blinked. They all turned her head to face her, ready to listen to her explanation. [Oh dear, even Crewel ?? He is my age !!]
It took all her inner control not to laugh at the three men. “It is an acronym, mostly used by gamers to say ‘in real life’. It became quite common so I thought you knew, sorry for assuming you knew !”
Crewel was the first one to speak. “That explains a lot about Shroud way to speak… Do you play video games ?”
Victoria tilted her head innocently. “Yeah I do, it is fun to kill zombies when you had a bad day where a colleague proves that your theory is wrong and you need to redo your whole month of research.”
Trein was taken aback. “It is quite accurate for an example.”
Crowley understood one word : ‘research’. “You… were a researcher ?”
Victoria smiled widely, proud of her accomplishment. “Yeah, I used to be a researcher for a ‘true luck’ algorithm. It is used for gambling. I’ve patented it.” 
The two older men were shocked. This little girl had a PATENT ? Crowley spoke. “But… You’re too young to have a patent ! You are what ? 23 ?”
Crewel and Victoria laughed at this. Her ? 23 ? “That’s quite a compliment thank you, but no. I am 29, with a master in applied physics and a thesis in artificial intelligence under my belt.”
They both blinked her eyes. Crewel raised an eyebrow. “In applied physics ? I didn’t know that ! So you really are a jack of all trades !”
It added another layer of laughter. “Yeah, I can do anything that is math related.”
Crewel smiled. “We should try alchemy together then, you will have loads of fun.”
Victoria's eyes became full of sparkles. “Really ? Really really ? I can teach you about… erm… Video games ? I like to play chess, if you are up to it.”
At that moment both of the older men felt a bit of jealousy. They, too, wanted to spend some time with the woman.
Crewel smirked, at this sudden advantage he got. “Of course, Dr Devi. Let’s play together. Why not enjoy the festivities together ?”
The brunette was over the moon. “Oh ! Yes, it would be fun to spend some time with someone who knows his way around the festival. Let’s go !”
She grabbed his hand under the glares of Crowley and Trein. Crewel only smiled. He already liked her and her way to subtly show off her intelligence. Who could have guess that it was hidden in such a small woman ?
While waiting for her breakfast order -loads of pancakes-, she asked the fashionable man. “You are sure that you don’t want anything ? I can pay it for you…”
Crewel was astonished. “Young lady, do you think I am poor to say that ? I have way more money than you think.”
The woman looked at him. “I am sorry, but you smell rich. Rich like someone without cash on him.”
It made the man laugh. “I still have some change on me, I am just watching my figure.”
Victoria nodded. “To not have to tailor your wardrobe ? I understand that.”
Crewel looked at the woman from head to toe. She asked. “What ?”
He smiled earnestly. “You look great today. I like it. We also have the same shoes.”
She looked at his black and white derbies then hers. She laughed, happy that he noticed such a small detail. “I haven’t noticed… Quite a funny coincidence !”
That woman was like the Sun. She laughed a lot, she was optimistic, she smiled despite having a run down dorm, she was doing a job that wasn’t in line with her studies…  She needed to be protected at all cost from the bad of this world.
Tag : @boba-tea-fish @hipsterteller
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
The House approved a measure late Tuesday that would slash Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg's taxpayer-funded government salary to just $1.
The bill — which was introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga. — was passed via voice vote Tuesday as an amendment to the 2024 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act, the standalone funding bill for the General Services Administration, Securities and Exchange Commission and other related agencies.
"I’m proud to announce my amendment to FIRE Pete Buttigieg just PASSED the House. Pothole Pete staged fake bike rides to the White House and used private planes funded by taxpayers to receive awards for the way certain people have sex," Greene said in a social media post Tuesday. "American taxpayers should not be on the hook for paying for his lavish trips or his salary."
"Pete Buttigieg doesn’t do his job. It’s all about fake photo ops and taxpayer-funded private jet trip to accept LGBTQ awards for him," Greene added. "I’m happy my amendment passed, but he doesn’t deserve a single penny."
Since taking office in 2021, Buttigieg has faced criticism for Republican lawmakers in response to several crises that have faced the Department of Transportation.
For example, in February, after a train carrying vinyl chloride, a dangerous colorless gas, derailed in East Palestine, Ohio, Buttigieg was criticized for his apparent inaction and for waiting several weeks before traveling to the site of the derailment. 
In addition, there have been multiple instances of mass commercial airline cancellations during his tenure for various reasons, including a pilot shortage. Republicans and Democrats alike had called for Buttigieg to take decisive action to ensure air travelers are protected from such cancellations.
And while Buttigieg has spent much of his tenure addressing commercial delays, he has used government-managed private jets on at least 18 occasions since taking office. Those flights sparked an ongoing inspector general probe and, according to information obtained by Americans for Public Trust (APT), have cost taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars.
In one instance in September 2022, Buttigieg used a government jet for a roundtrip journey to Montreal. During the visit, he attended a ceremony hosted by a large Canadian gay rights organization and received an award for his "contributions to the advancement of LGBTQ rights."
Buttigieg's office has further stonewalled additional information about his use of the executive fleet.
Secretary Buttigieg continues to blow off the American people who simply want to know the true cost of his taxpayer-funded private jet trips," APT Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland told Fox News Digital on Tuesday. "After multiple FOIA requests, a lawsuit, and an ongoing inspector general investigation, Buttigieg's office still refuses to provide vital details about using a private government jet for a swing state tour, which appears more akin to campaigning than official DOT business."
"Buttigieg looks to be politicizing his role and making it clear that he believes he’s above accountability and transparency, a dismissive attitude that seems to be endemic throughout the Biden administration," Sutherland said.
And the transportation secretary came under fire last year after it was revealed he vacationed in Porto, Portugal, while his agency and the White House were locked in tense negotiations with rail worker unions to avert a strike that could have had a dire impact on the U.S. economy. The Department of Transportation said at the time that the vacation was a "long-planned personal trip." 
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