glue-factory · 8 months
wanna be my valentine?
valentine drabble special for the boys in the pokemon au bc it's all I do rn -> 947 words of geetrick being idiots in love w/ established relationship
So maybe he should have listened to Espeon and got the invite earlier, and maybe he shouldn’t have waited until the very same day to give it to Patrick. But it was a Valentine’s gift, supposed to be a surprise. What was the point if he gave it earlier in the week and Patrick already knew his gift on the day? It was a fancy dinner, either way, Patrick was supposed to be free by then.
He wasn’t counting on Patrick dropping off the face of the earth, though.
By the time Gerard woke, he was already gone. Which was weird, but whatever. Things got progressively more ridiculously difficult for him when Patrick refused to answer his calls or messages. 
Then he wasn’t in the Lab. Venusaur was sunbathing outside, her trainer was nowhere near. Lazily, she walked him inside, gave him a heart-shaped chocolate bonbon from on Patrick’s desk, and told Espeon that Patrick had gone down to Cinnabar Island.
“What the fuck is he doing on Cinnabar Island?” He asked himself as he flew Salamence there.
It wasn’t like the island was too big, and unless Patrick was hiding in a hole in the wall of a cave, Gerard didn’t find him anywhere, even after walking through the inside of the volcano.
The lab techs, scared as they were of Patrick, denied seeing him, but told him about a project of his on Mt. Moon. They, too, seemed to be in the Valentine’s spirit because they offered Gerard a bonbon, and how could he refuse when it was one of those filled with salted caramel.
Again, he flew up to Mt. Moon, growing more frustrated as lunch time approached and time ran out. Espeon was growing insufferably smug about her warnings of doing things sooner.
Mt. Moon was vacant in a way he had never seen before. In fact, other than a bunch of Clefairies running around and a flock of Zubats fast asleep, it was deserted. Save for Andy, who seemed to be training near the top.
“No clue where Patrick may be.” He shrugged, “You should try Saffron, though. Oh! Here, have this, happy Valentine, I guess.” 
Gerard received a bonbon, this time, white chocolate. He stuffed it in his pocket and flew to Saffron. 
Saffron was a big city, and he didn’t have the time to search it all for his squirrely boyfriend, so he went to the gym.
Gabe had decorated it ceiling to floor with heart-shaped paraphernalia, a myriad of flowers all around. The only way to describe it was tacky. But at least it disguised the sheer ugliness of Gabe’s thematic outfit.
“Haven’t seen him! Happy Valentines!” Gabe exclaimed happily before he could open his mouth to ask. 
With a wave of the hand his Exeggutor sent a bonbon flying to Gerard’s head, and he was promptly pushed out of the gym.
“Well, that’s just fucking rude.” He muttered, offense only growing when he saw the door opening and Espeon walking out primly by herself.
‘Viridian Forest.’ She told him before he could complain.
So there they went because Gerard’s life was ruled by creatures smaller than him, with mean streaks.
By the time he made it to the heart of Viridian Forest, it was already mid afternoon and he was steadily and quickly losing any last hope of making it to dinner.
Espeon squished under some bushes determinedly, and he followed with a sigh.
There were no words for the sight of Patrick, with a blinding smile and a bouquet of flowers, standing in the middle of the clearing like Gerard hadn’t been looking all over for him the entire day.
“So…?” Patrick chirped out curiously, seemingly proud of himself.
“So whatcha say?”
“I’ve been looking for you all day!” He frowned confusedly, throwing his hands out.
“Yeah, that was the point.” Patrick's face slowly morphed to match his confusion, eyeing Gerard oddly, “It was a gymkhana.”
“A gymkhana?”
“Yeah! Didn’t you get the confectionaries?”
“People gave me bonbons, yeah.”
“And didn’t you read the wrappers?”
With a deep frown, Gerard reached in his pocket and pulled out the two wrappers, and after straightening them, he could see the insides perfectly scribbled with the words wanna and be. In a hassle, he pulled out the other two untouched confectionaries and quickly unwrapped them to see the rest of the message spelling my valentine? 
He stared at Patrick and the bouquet with his mouth open in disbelief. Patrick wasn’t one for grand gestures, so he hadn’t even thought of him planning something for valentines. 
With a self-tormented groan, he dropped his face to Patrick’s shoulder, making him move the flowers away so they wouldn’t get squished. 
“Of course I wanna be your valentine…” He whined.
Patrick laughed, pressing a kiss to his head and patting his back encouragingly, “Great. We should hurry, wouldn’t want to be late to your dinner reservations.”
“You knew!” He pushed back, wide eyes and wide mouth in utter disbelief as things pieced together in his mind.
“You should have listened to Espeon and told me yesterday so we could actually make plans.” Patrick reproached lightly, a self-satisfied smile on his face. “I won’t lie I was hoping you were stubborn enough so I could pull this stunt.”
Well, at least that explained the suit pants. 
With a sigh and a kiss on the lips, he accepted the bouquet with one hand, taking Patrick’s in the other as they turned to walk out of the forest, Espeon following smugly.
“Now I’m not dressed for a fancy place.”
“You were champion, you don’t need fancy clothes to be let in places.”
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goldenfox3 · 2 months
I can't find my old post about game Falcon and Stewart's Pokemon teams but I've thought about some new teams for Andy and Robert this time ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Braviary (shiny): well we have to give him his blue not-a-Falcon right. It's noted to be able to carry cars. Falcon Flier (literal bird)
Salamence: bc of Andy's "creatures with wings"/"don't be afraid to grow up" quote and how Bagon dreams of having wings and then finally gets them when it grows up.
Boltund: from his Galaxy Police days. Fast, enduring, loyal, and electric type ties into the way I associate Andy with electricity more than fire bc of the possible cyborg + what I see as electric effects in his Falcon Punch (vs Doug being associated mostly with fire but minorly with electricity).
Floette (red flower): red salvia…I also just wanted to give him some small cute Pokemon to contrast the big dramatic ones.
Quaquaval: blue bird martial artist. I also think Andy would enjoy its flamboyance lol he acts mild and unassuming but he is really such a showman. I had Roserade on his team initially because of the whole masked gallant thing and I think it could also fit.
Minun: another electric type, one that cheers for and supports others. But also I really wanted him to be twinsies with Rob so I gave him the blue one bc Blue Falcon lol.
Ninetales: he's gotta have the golden fox Pokemon is that even a question. I know there are more fox Pokemon but I feel like anime Rob doesn't go as hard on the fox association as game Rob with his fox hair and eyes lmao. Thus I limited it to Ninetales this time.
Audino: and of course he needs to have his doctorly Pokemon with the ability to assess feelings and physical condition along with heal others
Indeedee: a serving Pokemon that dislikes conflict and can sense emotions. I'm really drawing on the differences between game and anime Rob here—obviously game Rob is also a doctor and well-liked, but anime Rob is a vice commander and actively still in medical service as well as more of the supporter and peacemaker of the team compared to game Rob's more confident and bombastic personality.
Comfey: can soothe others and help with treatment with its scent, but I also picked this because the idea of Rob giving it the salvias Andy gave him to preserve them after his death (his fake death or his real one) is 🫠
Iron Hands: the odd one in this team, but I wanted to have a Pokemon related to Rob's cybernetics work and a Pokemon that’s potentially a cyborg itself? Yeah. It is a Paradox Pokemon though so like for a Pokemon that would be normally easier to access I would probably put Electabuzz (electricity generation) or Alakazam (psychic powers, intellect) or something to be an assistant in Rob's robotics work.
Plusle: this one is self indulgent again yeah but I really do think a cheering and supporting Pokemon who does better in a team suits him. Electric type is a bonus though I don't think it can generate electricity on the degree of Electabuzz or Electivire lol. Rob has the red one bc red scarf.
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cherri-limeade · 11 months
Go Look Another Way
Hozier/Fem!Reader with fluff and smutty elements + some angst also hozier is a werewolf but reader doesn't know hehehe. No y/n It's too much work and it's in 1st person. It's divided into 4 chapters but I wrote it all at once. Enjoy! :P
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Chapter 1
Getting ready for a date with Andrew this late in the day was odd. Sure, its only 5 o’clock but he never liked going out at night. I guess my idea of stargazing tonight was too good to pass up. We missed the full moon a few weeks ago but tonight is a new moon, meaning the stars will be extra bright and beautiful. I try to pick out a cute outfit even though I know it’ll be too dark to even see, but it’s the thought that counts.
Shortly after finishing my makeup and packing my purse, I hear a light knock at the door and I answer it to see my boyfriend, Andrew, so tall he’s almost the height of the door.
“Evening, love.” He plants a kiss on my cheek as I welcome him in. He reveals from behind his back a small sprig of forget-me-nots. “Saw these down the road thought they were nice so I brought you some.” he smiled with his announcement o his gift.
“Oh my gosh, Andy! Thank you, these are beautiful.” You’d think for how big his hands are he might’ve crushed the stem even the slightest bit, but they barely even look picked. As if the flowers jumped themselves into his hand, excited to just be held by him. “Give me one second, I’m gonna put these in a book and press them.” I gave his hand a squeeze and ran down the hall to my guest room/study to put the flowers under the heaviest book I have. “Alright, are you ready?”  I said as I came back out of the room and took his arm in mine as we walked out the door.
“Alright,” Andrew sat in the drivers seat and turned toward me, “I was thinking we’ll stop by the store for food and wine, then set out our blanket at the creek?” He asked me to make sure I was good with his plan.
“Sounds perfect.” Anything he says sounds perfect. “Should I go grab a basket for our food?”
“No need.” He smiled and pointed to the backseat where an old picnic basket sat, a beautiful wicker basket with brown leather straps engraved with a delicate floral design.
“Wow, where did you find this?” I almost yelled. He just chuckled.
“It’s my mom’s, I found it the other day in the attic and figured I’d finally take you up on that stargazing idea.”
At the store, I picked out some crackers, honey goat gouda, and italian dry salame. Andrew’s picks were a delicious lavender wine and some grapes for the cheese. It was blue hour by the time we got to the creekside spot. Far enough away from the town that light pollution wouldn’t interfere too bad with the stars. Venus soon showed up, burning brighter than normal. She was followed by Jupiter, then Mars, then Saturn, and very soon the sky was littered with stars.
It was nearly pitch black outside, but looking over, I could see the shine of my lovers' eyes. I turned on my side, gazing at Andrew’s side profile. He must’ve sensed my staring, because he looked over at me, green eyes boring holes in my heart.
“Can I kiss you?” I asked, sheepishly. We’ve been dating for a few months, but I still like to ask every time. Makes everything feel new.
“I wouldn’t want anything else, love.” He wraps his arm around my back, his hand cradling the back of my neck as our lips touch. He kisses so sweetly, and softly, and with so much passion that makes every kiss feel like our first. I bring my hands up to cradle each side of his cheeks, feeling the soft stubble move under my touch with every kiss he deepens.
Chapter 2
The rain outside the window provided such nice ambience. I sat in my living room with Andrew. I’m sitting on a green loveseat, packed in with pillows and blankets, and Andrew in a chair by the light of the window. We both sat with comfortable silence, broken up by the occasional hum of Andrew, who was writing. I hear him shift in his seat and look up at me.
“Yes?” I half look up, finding a spot in my book to stop. He gives me a comforting smile, though I suspect more for him than for me.
“Ah, nothing. I’m just stuck.” He reassures. “Just looking at you for inspiration.” I sense somethings off but I just let out a soft chuckle.
“Do you want some tea?” I get up from my oh so comfortable spot. “I’ve got a new blend from that local tea shop, very relaxing.”
“No, I think I’m fine.” He checks his watch and looks out the window. “I should get going soon, hate to drive in the dark.” I frown at his declaration. I walk towards him and put my hands on his shoulders, pressing against his chest. We both let out a comforted sigh.
“You sure you don’t want to stay over? It’s no trouble.” I look up at him, now wrapping my arms around his neck (to the best of my ability.) His hands wrap around my waist and he sways back and forth.
“I wish I could, darling.” His hand takes mine and he presses a kiss to it. “I’ve got to meet up with Alex early tomorrow at my place.” He just seems… off somehow.
“Yeah I know, every month.” I sigh and walk to the couch to fold the blanket I was using. Andrew comes up behind me and settles his chin in the crook of my neck. “Wait, I’ve got an idea,” I turn around and take his hands. “Why don’t I come with you? I’ll just sleep through your time with Alex if its so early.” He looked taken aback by my sudden enthusiasm.
“Ehm,” He looked away, “maybe not tonight, love.” He seemed nervous at the thought, I’ve spent the night before, so why would he be nervous right now?
“Oh uh, alright.” I said with a hint of disappointment. He seemed saddened but somehow relieved. “Here,” I broke the short silence, “let me make you some tea for the road.” He gladly accepted and sat down at the kitchen counter.
Chapter 3
“Hey, love!” Andrew answered my phone call with a welcome surprise.
“Hello, darling. So random question that has nothing to do with anything at all,” I led to my question, “what are you doing tonight?” I could hear him chuckle a little bit at the silly nature of how I asked.
“Well, it’s the month so probably going to bed early to meet up with Alex in the morning.” He explained.
“Well thats a shame, because tonight, my love,” I sang, “is Friday the 13th!” I suspect he might’ve had to hold the phone away from his ear with the excitement of how I announced the date.
“I suppose it is.” Andrew laughed.
“So, I was thinking a movie night tonight? We could still go to bed early if you need but I could come over and we can watch a scary movie!” There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone.
“Ehm, sure.” He sounded hesitant. “Eh, just one condition, you leave before dark? I hate the idea of you driving in the dark, especially on this date.” He explained. “You don’t know the weirdo’s out there, you know?” He seemed to over explain but I had no complaints, it’s a movie night tonight!
“Alright! But if you have a condition I have one too.” I bargained. “I pick the movie.” He laughed softly.
“Alright, love. See you tonight.” And the phone call ended
I arrive at Andrews’ place at around 4 pm. Before I can even knock, Andrews’ door swings open to reveal him wearing shitty vampire fangs and making spooky sounds. I look at him for a moment, trying to keep a face of judgement, but ultimately failing and laughing at his stupid joke. We both laugh and he welcomes me in with a kiss.
“Okay! Before I put the movie in, I need you to guess.” I hide the dvd behind my back so he cant sneak a peek.
“Hmm, do I get a hint?” He asks for me to narrow it down.
“Your hint is 80s’ horror.” His eyes light up with excitement and he smiled wide.
“Ehm… Lost Boys!” I shake my head no. “Evil Dead? The Thing. Christine! The Shining?” I just kept shaking my head. “Jesus, woman, what is it?” He asked defeatedly.
“Get prepared. For!” I dramatically announced the movie. “An American Werewolf In London!” He seemed upset he couldn’t guess it.
“Not my favorite movie ever, but I suppose I’ll give it another chance.” He smiled nervously and leaned back on the couch. I put the DVD in the player and started the movie, cuddling into Andrew.
During the movie, he kept his arms around me but couldn’t stop fidgeting with his hands like he does when he’s nervous. I looked up at him with concern but he didnt seem to notice, he was staring at the window.
“Are you alright?” I asked and paused the movie. He seemed to snap back and looked at me with confusion.
“Eh, yeah- yeah. I’m alright.” His words, usually said with purpose, trailed off. “It’s almost sunset.” He said, but not to me. He looked back at the window. I readjusted to face him, taking his arm off of my shoulder. He didn’t notice. He just kept fidgeting and staring out the window.
“Hey, Andrew.” I lightly cupped his cheek to try to get his attention. “Do you need me to leave?” I tried looking in his eyes but he just kept staring out the window.
“Why would you leave?” His words were soft, barely audible. Was he drunk? Even drunk I’d never seen him like this.
“You told me to leave before dark, remember?” I kept trying to look at his eyes. He snapped back.
“Dark! Yes.” How sudden he came back startled me. “Yes, you need to leave. I’m sorry we couldn’t finish the movie.” Why was he hurrying? Was he scared?
“Andy! Andrew, what’s going on are you ok?” I attempted to ask but he was almost forcing me out of the door.
“I’m sorry you just really need to go, I need you to be safe.” He was looking around erratically. “It’s a dangerous day.”
“Andrew!” I near shouted at him, and he stilled. My hands grabbed his face. “I’m worried for you, do I need to call someone? The ambulance? Just- slow down. Tell me what’s going on.” His breathing was heavy, his arms hanging by his side. His eyes were locked on to mine, he looked scared, sorry, tired. His eyes became droopy and his whole body fell, nearly crushing me with his weight. I tried to lay him down on the floor and put a pillow under his head. His phone on the side table started ringing, it was Alex.
“Alex! Thank God come over here right now! Andrew’s fainted and I don’t know what’s going on!” I tried to slow down but tears were filling my eyes.
“What? You’re still there? I told him having you over tonight was a bad idea.”
“Alex what do you mean?”
“Don’t worry about it, just go home. I’m on my way now.” I heard him mumble under his breath “he was supposed to tell me when she left 20 minutes ago.”
“Alex? I’m not leaving my boyfriend like this-” dial tone. “Alex? Godamnit he hung up” I heard Andrew groan from the floor and rushed to him. 
“Andrew? Hey it’s ok I’m here.” i pet his hair and pressed my forehead to his. “I’m here, it’s ok.” His breathing was heavy and hot on my neck, his whole body sweating. He made little groans with each exhale, almost growling.
“You’re, so, nice.” His voice was lower than I’ve ever heard. He hummed in that low growl as I played with his hair. He sat up, and I sat back on my knees, giving him space. He looked at me with what I could only describe as hungry eyes, but beyond that was- fear? “Hm- You, need- ugh- to, leave.” His voice sounded two-toned, monstrous. His head hung low but he held it up just enough to look up at me through his messed hair.
“I’m not leaving you, Andrew. I love you too much to let you suffer alone.” His growls were sometimes replaced by a whimper, what seemed like an attempt to fight whatever was going on.
“Please- ugh- please just, ha- go. You’re, m-making, it- ugh- worse.” I could barely understand him.
“What’s getting worse, Andrew?” In what felt like a second he was pressing me against the couch, still sitting on the floor. He buried his head in my neck. I didn’t know what to do, run? Push him off? Comfort him? I just stayed there, paralyzed. He moved his head slightly, lipping at my neck. “...Andrew?” He just hummed- or- growled- in response.
“Say it again.” He said softly, speaking into my neck.
“What? Andrew-” He groaned.
“Yeah.” He breathed. “Again.” I hesitated.
“A-Andrew.” His breathing got heavier. His lips roughly kissed my jaw, neck, collarbone. He was rarely this rough, it was- nice.
“Do I have to repeat myself?” He spoke into my jaw. He was kissing harder now, almost biting. I repeated his name and every time it was followed by a groan. “I need you, love.” As his mouth moved on my skin I felt something sharp digging into me where his mouth had been. There it is again. And again. He’s… biting me. And biting harder. His teeth feel like they’re sinking into my skin.
“Andrew, ow, stop biting so hard!” I pushed him away by the chest. He was still looking at me with those eyes. Hungry but scared.
“I-m, sor-ry.” His speech was broken.
“Sorry for wh-” I could’ve sworn his canines were bigger. “Andrew?” He buried his face in his hands. His hands. Did he have- claws? Finally, Alex burst through the door.
“Why are you still here?!” He shouted at me.
“No- m-my, fault.” Andrew was still struggling to speak. He was on all fours now, sitting back on his knees but hunched over. His back looked like it was rippling.
“Goddamnit, Andrew! It’s fine- It’s fine.” Alex was stopping himself from yelling at his friend. “Alright, You’re gonna have to help me now, he’s too far along for me to do this myself.”
“Alex, what do you mean far along?” I still sat where Andrew had pinned me.
“I’ll explain after you help me! If you care about Andrew at all you’ll help me with this, alright?” I nodded and stood up. Alex ordered me to help him carry Andrew down into his basement. He never let me go in there because he said it was too messy and disorganised. It was most definetly not. The whole basement was completely empty save for chains mounted into the stone wall. Andrew’s growling became louder, more grotesque. As we carried him towards the chains I could hear and feel his body popping and contorting.
“Love, lo-ve.” Andrew was calling me. I could tell he was in pain with his broken growls and whimpers. “Plea-se, love.”
“It’s ok Andy,” Alex responded before I could, “it’ll be over soon. Just like every month.”
“Every month?” I put the pieces together. “Every, damn, month.” I chained Andrews wrist how Alex showed me and I stepped back. I could see Andrews face now, his face had become dark gray, furry. His eyes were no longer green but a piercing yellow and his teeth. Good God his teeth. His canines were even bigger now, and it looked as if the bottom part of his skull pushed forward.
“Alex? Whats happening to him?” Alex looked with sadness as i watched Andrew struggle against the chains, gnashing his teeth.
“God this is gonna sound insane.” Alex sighed. “It runs in his family.”
“This?” I pointed to my disfigured lover. “What do you mean?”
“Look I don’t fully know how it started, okay? He started doing this in high school. He said he was out walking to a bus stop after a gig and some fucked up wolf bit him and ever since then, he transforms every full moon.” Alex explained to me.
“So my boyfriend is a werewolf is basically what you’re telling me?” I know it was right infront of me, Andrew, my love, transforming into this beast but I couldn’t help but get angry at Alex’s explanation.
“Let’s just go upstairs, get some rest, he’ll be back in the morning.” Alex ushered me upstairs as tears welled in my eyes. It was already 8pm but I was so exhausted and I needed to sleep. I layed on the couch and Alex brought me a blanket.
“Thank you for taking care of him. I can't imagine this ever gets easier.” I spoke to him but didn’t look Alex in the eye.
“Not particularly, but you learn how to cope. And I know it’s whats best for him. The real challenge is when we’re on tour.” He half-jokes. I just sniffle in response. “Do you want me to stay out here with you?” I nodded. I don’t know what I need right now but it’s definitely not being alone. Alex sets himself up a bed on the floor and keeps the lamp on, per my request.
Chapter 4
I woke up to the sun in my eyes and the smell of coffee. Still feeling like shit, I put the blanket over my head and bring my knees to my chest. I hear a mug get placed down on the side table by my head and the couch sink in by my feet. A familiar hand touches my shoulder lightly but retreats when I stir. I sit up and lean against the arm of the couch, putting distance between me and Andrew.
“I-” He starts. “You weren’t supposed to find out like that.” He didn’t look me in the eyes.
“Was I supposed to find out?” He knew it was coming. “How long were you gonna wait? Until we moved in together? Until our honey moon?” He just sighed.
“I didn’t know how to tell you.” I could hear the shake in his voice. “It’s not like I could just say ‘hey by the way, every full moon i turn into a monster and could kill you.’” I have to admit he makes a fair point, but so do I. I didn’t respond. “If you want to leave, you can. You’ll be safer that way anyway.” He sighed. He still hasn’t looked at me.
“Look at me.” He hesitated, but met my eyes. I could see the same fear I saw just behind his eyes last night. “You don’t want me to leave, do you?”
“Of course not. I love you, but, if you dont love me anymore, I understand.” I put my hand to his cheek, the same one hold so often.
“I still love you, Andrew. Last night I saw you become a literal monster, but for some reason, I can’t stop loving you. If you need me, I will stay.” He kissed me with a sadness and passion I’ve never felt from him before. His hand came up to hold the bottom of my jaw and I winced, I hadn’t noticed until now how hard he actually bit me last night. Not hard enough to draw blood but still enough to smart when it’s touched. He stopped and looked at the marks on the right side of my neck and shoulder. 
“I’m sorry,” The fear was back, “I lost control last night.” He sort of chuckled. “I guess you being here didn’t help. I’ve never felt that uh… strongly, in that state.” I grabbed his chin and made him look at me.
“I think I’ll be fine. Plus,” I leaned into his ear to whisper, “It felt good.”
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mnwlife · 9 months
kaki-kaki dakwah salaf dipijakkan di atas amal yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang dididik oleh Nabi secara langsung, yaitu para shahabat...
kaki-kaki dakwah salaf dipijakkan di atas dalil-dalil, bukan akal-akalan...
kaki-kaki dakwah ini sudah dipijakkan pada kaidah bahwa manusia itu bisa benar dan salah, kecuali Nabi shalallahu alaihi wa salam...
kaki-kaki dakwah ini sudah dipijakkan pada kaidah membedakan mana yang dalil dan mana yang ijtihad...
karenanya dakwah ini tidak akan goyah, insyaAllah ta'ala, hanya karena celometan lalat yang menyembur-nyemburkan kotoran...
entah lalat itu menghiasi dirinya dengan gelar apapun yang menyilaukan mata sekalipun...dengan amal yang menggelegar sekalipun...
karena makar terhadap agama Allah itu dilakukan oleh syaithan...dan ingat, kita punya Allah...
Sumber: (Prof Andy Bangkit Setiawan Rahimahumullah) https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid027MKGPhi99DhsVyMjaZEoNRDbH4ZhCLeAyq8UcXPfszdqq2DGBzEAmYDRb4Z8jUwbl&id=1551506798&mibextid=Nif5oz
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nazwaif · 1 year
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Guys, aku gatau ini yang versi indo apa gak, tapi bacanya sambil dengerin lagu abadi versi indo yahh😋
Woi sumpah hahaha, aku pengen bikin ginian tapi versi tulus dari hatii. Dibaca yaakk❤❤
Makasih yaa kamar 8 ku terasixxxx. Kalian membantu banget dalam kedewasaan hidup aku. Dengan beragam pribadi kalian, aku makin liat luasnya dunia dan gimana cara ngendaliinnya. Makasih buat semuaaanyaaaa yang gabisa aku sebutin satusatu. Maaf aku masih sangat banyak kurangnya, tapi makasih kalian bantu tutup itu dengan kesempurnaan kalian masing masing.
Buat my lup bestfriend till jannah ku khalisa hahaha. Duh, ini makasih banyak banyakk banyak akuu. Aku pengen nangis deh ngetik ini. Mungkin kalian ga banyak tau dan gakan terlihat yaa, kalau aku banyak nanggung cerita yang bikin hidup berat banget, sampai bisa ngelucon selucu itu. Makasi yaa udah jadi jembatan aku dekat sama allah, makasih udah selalu menuhin apa yang aku butuh dan aku mau, aku bakal kangen banget sama kata dan kalimat kamu yang selalu positif ke aku, doa, dukungan dan semua hal baiknya lainnya. Makasih udah jadi teman yang terabadi di aku. Sadar ga sadar ya khal, kita itu bedanyaaa banyakkkkkkk banget, tapi selalu bisa dilengkapi dengan kelebihan masing masing, aku percaya sekarang kalau hubungan itu lebih nyaman kalau kita saling melengkapi, gada persaingan dan gada rasa menang maupun kalah. Malah kita saling belajar, mengingatkan dan saling mendukung. Makasih untuk itu semua. Setelah ini, lebih semangat yaa buat ngejar mimpinya, aku seneng banget tahun ini kamu ga nangis wkwk selamat yaa 10 besarnya, aku, keluargamu dan orang lain percaya kalau kamu bisa lebih dari itu khal. Lebih sabar sama dunia ya khal, karena pasti akan sangat lebih keras dari sebelumnya. Jangan pernah segan untuk minta bantuan apapun ke aku, untuk cerita apapun dan untuk doa apapun walaupun S1 S3 jauh, aku pasti datang kok. Jangan kapok jadi temen aku ya khal, kamu temen yang baik buat semua orang, makanya malikal masih butuhin kamu sampai sekarang. Terus jadi orang baik yaaa, supaya hidup ini imbang, hubunhn dg diri sendiri bagus dengan sesama manusia bagus ,dan semakim erat hubungn dengan allah. Sehat sehat dan baik yaa, kirim salam untuk keluargamu ya khal dan minta maaf atas segala kekurangan❤❤
Untuk indi, ahh bocil lucuu akuuu. Sipaling mulus mukanya di kamar 8 ini. Kalau sedih nangis aja yaa, ceritain kalau buat lega. Kita kurang deket, aku jadinya kurang tau kamu gimana ndi. Tapi ga pernah terbesit sedikitpun di aku, kalau kamu buruk. Orang yg gapernah berkonflik ya cuma kamu diantara kitakita wkwk. Makasih untuk sharing skincarenya, membantu banget buat nutipin bulukya aku hihihi. Maaf ya indi, selama jadi teman, banyak tutur kata aku yang gaena. Sampain salam dan maaf aku ke andi. Aku gapernah benci kamu buat sama andi kok, kemarin" cuma uji mental andi doang wkwk. Ternyata mentalnya oke, lulus dari mk aku. Semoga terus bersama orang baik yaa indi, terus lucuu dan sehat sehat yahh🤗🤗
Kali ini, buat asetnya k8 nih wkwk. Hi jasmine ku yang mirip bule. Suara kamu jangan berubah ya min, terus lucu gitu. Makasih untuk sharing makeupnya. Jangan sering nangis yahh, kurangkurangin tidurnya jugak ntar yaa udah mau agit wkwk. Makasih udah jadi pemimpin di drumband kita, maaf aku jarang dateng padahal pemimpinnya sekamar sama aku :(. Aku seneng bisa sekamar sama kamu yang pribadinya lemah lembut. Aku juga suka denger obrolan kamu sama opung kamu, lucu banget. Ga semua anak bisa gitu ke keluarganya. Kita bakal sekamar lagi sih yaa, tapi kan harus lewatin 3 bulan dulu. Untuk itu, sehat sehat dan baik baik ya minnul bekasii aku😗😗
Yang terakhir, buat absen pertama kamar 8 leaaaaa. Hi le, maaf sedalam dalamnya ya le dari aku untuk kamu. Banyak tutur kata dan perbuatan aku yang bikin kamu sakit hati. Makasih untuk itu, kamu selalu kembali baik dan gabosen nolongin aku maupun kamar 8, kita gatau kalau gada kamu pasti kita ga brasso. Makasih udab pernah ambilin laptop aku dan dipinjamin laptop kamu. Kamu luar biasa le, masih bisa berdiri sampai sekarang, kuat terus yaaa ingat ibu kamu yang udah berjuang dan ga berhenti doa buat kamu. Semoga tercapai yaa citacita kamu le, terimakasih🙏🙏❤
Buat kalian semua, makasih udah nganggap aku mami kalian hihihi. Sehat sehat semuanyaa yaa love u more. Doain aku supaya terus kuat dan sukses selalu yaa. Kalian jangan segan buat cerita dan nangis di aku yaa. Aku siap ke s2 dan ke s1 asal ada ongkir wkwkw. Sukses terus buat kedepannya, aku doain kita semua lancar yaa dalam rintangan dan perjalanan apapun itu untuk kebaikan kita semuanya. Selamat berjumpa dengan keluarga yang disayang, kirim salam hangat aku dan terimakasih ke orangtua kalian yaa. Semangat 3 bulannya untuk jadi mawar mekar yang indah. Sampai jumpa 3 bulan lagi. I love u🥰🥰❤❤❤
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seddenostalgia · 2 years
the things i do for love > bancarme al salame de andy hablar por 45 minutos sólo para escuchar que dice messi
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elangfatah · 3 months
Bertemu Pak Andika
Beberapa hari yang lalu saat ikut webinar tentang Arsitektur Bali, aku teringat Pak Andika, dosen yang sangat aku kagumi yang wafat pada awal tahun 2023 lalu. Selain ada beberapa istilah dalam Arsitektur Bali, logat si pembicara juga mengingatkanku pada dosen favoritku itu. Pak Andika adalah orang Jawa yang lahir dan dibesarkan di Bali, jadi seperti tidak ada bedanya beliau dengan orang Bali secara logat dan gaya bahasa.
Atas dasar memori itu jadilah aku membuat pesan status WhatsApp yang hanya bisa dilihat oleh beberapa temanku saja. Inti dari pesan status itu adalah bahwa aku teramat sangat ingin berdiskusi lagi dengan almarhum Pak Andika, karena rasanya dulu belum puas berbicara dan bergurau banyak hal. Rencananya, setelah lulus aku ingin bercerita banyak hal dengan beliau. Tentang bagaimana meniti karir di dunia arsitektur, tentang kesulitan-kesulitan yang aku hadapi saat magang dan meng-handle beberapa project, tentang kegelisahan saat menemui desain yang kacau, tentang filsafat, tentang bagaimana membangun sebuah kehidupan dengan arsitektur, tentang bagaimana membangun peradaban Islam dari arsitektur masjid, dan masih banyak tentang-tentang yang lainnya. Tapi semua itu tidak bisa lagi terwujud. Setidaknya aku berharap Allah akan mempertemukan dengan seseorang yang bisa menggantikan peran Pak Andika.
Namun semalam sepertinya Allah memberi sedikit penawar atas kerinduanku. Aku bertemu Pak Andika dalam mimpi.
"Pak Andika nggih?", sapaku. "Hehe iya Lang", jawab beliau. "Kok jenengan ada di sini Pak?", tanyaku pada beliau dengan kaget. "Iya, saya ndak apa-apa kok", katanya. Walau kulihat badannya terlihat tidak sehat.
"Lang, minta tolong antarkan saya kesana ya. Saya dituntun pelan-pelan", beliau menunjuk ke sebuah pendopo luas. "Siap pak", kataku.
Sembari menuntun pelan Pak Andika menuju pendopo, aku memberanikan diri bercerita kepada beliau.
"Pak, sejujurnya saya rindu jenengan. Rasa-rasanya kok saya hilang arah harus bagaimana menjadi seorang arsitek setelah lulus ini. Berpraktik sebagai seorang profesional arsitek ternyata sangat rumit, membentuk biro konsultan sendiri juga tak semudah yang dibayangkan, menjadi akademisi juga bebannya sangat berat. Dulu saya pernah menyampaikan ke bapak, kalau saya bercita-cita magang di studionya Pak Yusing dan Pak Andy kan? Tapi saya gagal pak. Belum saya mencoba mendaftar lagi, karena sepertinya idealisme saya mulai luntur. Soal idealisme arsitektur profetik yang dulu jenengan sampaikan di perkuliahan tugas akhir, yang memuat transformasi peradaban dan emansipasi membela kaum lemah, itu mulai pudar dan hilang. Karena ternyata realitas dunia selalu menggerus idealisme saya pak. Saya benar-benar bingung harus bersikap bagaimana. Di saat titik itu tiba, sebenarnya saya berharap Pak Andika bisa memberi banyak wejangan, nasehat, dan arahan." Tanpa berkata sepatah kata pun, beliau hanya membalas dengan senyuman.
Selesai aku bicara, kami sudah sampai di depan pendopo itu. Entah ada apa di sana, tapi sepertinya sedang ada semacam perkuliahan atau majlis ilmu. Akupun melepas tangan beliau dan mengucap salam perpisahan. Beliau tak lupa mengucap terimakasih dan melambaikan tangan.
Ya. Bahkan dalam mimpi pun Pak Andika tergambarkan sebagai seorang pecinta ilmu yang bijaksana. Semoga beliau mendapat tempat terbaik di sisi Allah.
Allahummaghfirlahu warhamhu wa'afihi wa'fu'anhu
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naufal-portofolio · 8 months
Selamatkan Pekerja, Selamatkan Dunia
Hai, Sob-X! 12 Januari diperingati sebagai Hari Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja? Apa pendapatmu?
a) Bagus, sebagai pengingat pekerja perlu diperhatikan = 50%
b) Seremoni doang, realisasi sering diabaikan = 35%
c) Dirayain atau enggak, nggak ngaruh. Kenapa? = 15%
Sob-X, did you know? Ternyata, 12 Januari itu diperingati sebagai Hari Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja loh. Wakwaw, pasti baru pada tau ya? Emang sih, secara, hari ini bukan hari besar dan bukan tanggal merah juga. Tapi, makna hari khusus tersebut besar banget loh. Coba deh Sob-X sejenak berpikir, apa jadinya kalau sebuah kota nggak ada para pekerja? Bisa diprediksi perekonomian akan lumpuh karena nggak ada tenaga penggeraknya. Yup, tentu aja para penggeraknya ya pekerja itu.
Terus, coba deh Sob-X renungi lagi, kalau nggak ada pekerja, bisa-bisa kita terlambat mendapatkan hak dan fasilitas publik kita. Kemudian, bayangin juga kalau tiba-tiba aja para pekerja mogok. Ya salam, bisa-bisa gedung yang lagi dibangun nggak selesai-selesai. Lah wong hak mereka belum dipenuhi secara layak.
Misalnya aja hak untuk mendapatkan keselamatan dan kesehatan dalam bekerja. Nah, dua hal ini emang vital banget. Kalau nggak sehat, mana bisa konsen kerja? Lah, apalagi kalau nggak selamat, bisa nggak selesai-selesai kerjaannya.
Yuk, sejenak kita pikirkan nasib para pekerja. Buat Sob-X yang belum bekerja, apa tanggapannya seputar keselamatan dan kesehatan pekerja ini? Berdasarkan survei KrueX, ada 50 persen Sob-X yang berpendapat, kalau adanya Hari Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja ini hal yang bagus. Itung-itung sebagai pengingat, kalau pekerja juga perlu diperhatikan.
Simak komentar Madun. Alumni SMKN 1 Cikande ini berpendapat, kalau hal itu sesuatu yang bagus banget. “Karena K3 itu sangat penting di dunia kerja. Biar kita selamat dan sehat tentunya ya,” ujar cowok asal Serang ini. Sama juga kayak Reyhans Dwi Guna. “Bagus sih dirayain. Tapi, jangan hanya ngerayainnya aja. Namun, harus benar-benar diterapkan tuh,” papar remaja yang demen banget sama kartun Walt Disney ini.
Tengok juga opini Chirina Diah Fitriani. “Dengan adanya hari peringatan itu, kita bisa mengetahui rasa senang dan sedihnya saat bekerja dan menambah semangat baru,” ungkap cewek pemilik rambut lurus ini.
Tapi, nggak cuma itu, Sob. Ada lagi 35 persen Sob-X yang beropini, kalau itu hanya seremoni doang. Realisasinya sering diabaikan.. Lihat deh pendapat Romi M. Firdaus. Kelahiran 8 Juni 1993 ini berkata, hari khusus kayak gitu cuma peringatan doang. Nggak ngefek di kehidupan nyata. “Buktinya, toh banyak pegawai-pegawai yang celaka dalam kerja. Jadi, cuma memperingati doang. Nggak ada perubahan berarti,” tutur siswa SMAN 1 Rangkasbitung.
Ada juga Andy Retsuyama yang setuju akan hal ini. “Yang ada hanya bisa membuat masyarakat makin sengsara. Kenyang dengan janji. Laper akan jawaban dan hasil dari semua janji,” unek-unek si Andy.
Namun, tersisa 15 persen Sob-X yang mengungkapkan, dirayain atau nggak, nggak ngaruh. Silakan Sob-X tengok komen Dederosyada Rosyid. Penyuka hewan kucing ini berpendapat, nggak ngaruh juga dirayain hari khusus pekerja ini. “Kalau mau dirayain, mendingan dengan rasa syukur dan manfaatkan kesehatan juga keselamatan itu dengan ibadah. Tapi, harus setiap hari. Bukan ditanggal atau di hari yang ditentuin, oke?!” saran mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi Untirta ini.
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pertamax7 · 11 months
Keseruan Classy Yamaha Youth Festival Makassar Fazzio Grand Filano Hibrida Ringan
Kesruan Classy Yamaha Youth Festival ., salam pertamax7.com, Keseruan Classy Yamaha Youth Festival Makassar Fazzio Grand Filano Hibrida Ringan Link ponsel pintar ( di sini ) Salam Hibrida Ringan Ada info resmi dari pulau Jakarta sana bahwa Makassar jadi kota pertama penyelenggaraan Classy Yamaha Youth Festival. Bertempat di GOR Andi Mattalatta, Classy Yamaha Youth Festival kota Makassar…
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ramil06kertek · 1 year
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Polres Wonosobo Kunjungi Kodim Untuk memberikan Ucapan HUT TNI
Dipimpin Wakapolres Kompol Andi Setiyo Wibowo didampingi anggota, Polres Wonosobo mendatangi Makodim 0707/Wonosobo untuk memberikan ucapan selamat HUT TNI ke 78 bertempat di Makodim. Rombongan diterima Pasi Log Kapten Inf Sugeng Hariyanto. (5/10/2023)
Wakapolres dalam sambutannya mengucapkan selamat hari ulang tahun ke 78 kepada TNI khususnya Kodim 0707/Wonosobo. Semoga TNI di usia yang semakin matang tersebut semakin profesional untuk bersama – sama instansi lain menjaga kedaulatan negara.
“Selamat memperingati HUT TNI yang ke 78. Semoga TNI khususnya Kodim 0707/Wonosobo semakin profesional dan dicintai rakyat. Sehingga bisa melaksanakan tugas yang diberikan oleh negara dengan baik.” Kata Wakapolres.
Lebih lanjut disampaikan permohonan maaf karena Kapolres tidak bisa hadir langsung karena sedang tugas diluar kota. Untuk itu Kapolres titip salam dan berdoa semoga Kodim 0707/Wonosobo kedepan semakin solid dan menjadi prajurit yang profesional.
“Kedatangan ini sebagai bentuk persaudaraan yang kuat antara Kodim dengan Polres. Dan sudah menjadi kebiasaan yang dialami di Wonosobo setiap ada HUT saling mengunjungi memberikan ucapan. Kebetulan saat ini yang sedang merayakan ulang tahun adalah TNI maka Polres memberikan ucapan kepada Kodim sebagai bentuk perhatian dan jalinan persaudaraan yang kuat sehingga sinergitas tetap terjaga dan bukan hanya slogan saja akan tetapi ini yang nyata dilapangan,” kata Kompol Andi Setiyo Wibowo.
Bersatunya antara Polri dan TNI harus terus di jaga dan dibina, mengingat situasi politik dan ekonomi di wilayah Republik Indonesia yang semakin dinamis, dengan kekompakan kedua institusi ini bisa menciptakan situasi yang aman, tentram dan kondusif di wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Apalagi saat ini sudah memasuki tahun politik dimana kerawanan dan stabilitas wilayah sangatlah rentan. Untuk itu sesama alat negara harus selalu bersatu dan kompak sehingga Wonosobo bisa tetap kondusif, ujar Wakapolres.
Pasi Log Kodim 0707/Wonosobo Kapten Inf Sugeng Hariyanto saat menerima kunjungan Polres bersama rombongan mengucapkan banyak terima kasih atas perhatian dan ucapan HUT TNI yang ke 78 ini. Semoga dengan adanya ucapan tersebut membuat TNI semakin profesional dan dicintai rakyat.
Harapan kami adalah dengan kedatangan Polres ke Kodim untuk memberikan ucapan HUT adalah menunjukan bahwa TNI dan Polri itu bersatu bersama – sama mengayomi masyarakat. Dengan adanya sinergitas tersebut maka masyarakat akan merasa aman dan nyaman sehingga pembangunan bisa berjalan dengan lancar.
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dimasawdotco · 1 year
The Only Love
Jumpa pertama di depan ruang TU SMA 84 Jakarta. Kita beradu pandang dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Itu adalah moment pertama kalinya aku merasa 'Jatuh Cinta Pada Pandangan Pertama.'
Hari esoknya, aku tungguin kamu di depan kelas. Untuk memastikan kamu benar anak IPB atau bukan. Dan kamu pun datang memeluk jaket belang-belangmu, melintas di hadapanku. Sejak hari itu, aku sudah punya feeling kuat kepada kamu. Meski kita belum mengenal satu sama lain.
Perjumpaan ke-tiga itu di ruang Bu Andi saat pembagian Buku Tahunan Sekolah. Hanya ada Bu Andi, Aku, dan Kamu di ruangan itu. Kok bisa begitu? Kenapa aku selalu dipertemukan dengan kamu? Aku sangat malu untuk berkenalan denganmu. Padahal hatiku saat itu ingin sekali berkenalan.
Hingga akhirnya kita sama-sama mencari tahu satu sama lain lewat Buku Tahunan Sekolah.
Dan saat itu aku tahu namamu "Nurabiti Indah Lestari."
Aku pun langsung mencari Facebookmu namun gak ketemu. Karena kamu pakai nama Siinurbay waktu itu...
Beberapa waktu berselang. Di hari persiapan MPA FBS UNJ. Di saat aku lagi bosan, aku melihat ke arah belakang. Aku melihat seorang perempuan yang kukenal duduk di belakang, di samping AC.
Lagi-lagi aku dipertemukan denganmu...
Bukan hanya itu, namun kita seringkali dipertemukan...
Momen di depan TU pun terulang. Kali ini di gedung Q. Sehabis kelasmu memakai ruang listening yang ada di gedung Q, kita berjumpa lagi dan kembali beradu pandang.
Selanjutnya di sekitar kosan. Sungguh sangat kebetulan kos milik temanmu tepat berada di depan kos milik temanku. Di sana kita pun berjumpa lagi...
Aku semakin penasaran denganmu. Feeling aku semakin kuat kepada kamu. Aku yakin kamu adalah wanita yang memang diciptakan untuk aku.
Aku pun mengupayakan keras mencari facebookmu saat itu juga. Dan akhirnya ketemu.
Namun, statusmu saat itu sedang berpacaran.
Aku pun lemas. Sepanjang perjalanan pulang aku hanya memutar satu lagu milik Chrisye, yang bertajuk 'Aku Cinta Dia.'
"Hati yang berbunga pada pandangan pertama.
O... Tuhan tolonglah.
Aku cinta...
Aku cinta dia..."
Akhirnya, ketika kupulang aku putuskan untuk melukis wajahmu di buku gambarku.
Saat itu aku belum kepikiran untuk memberi tahu kamu akan lukisanku.
Namun, setelah aku melihat foto kamu dan pacarmu di Kota Tua. Aku berubah pikiran...
Aku scan lukisan tersebut, lalu aku upload. Dan link-nya aku DM ke kamu.
"Hi... Buka link ini deh..."
"Seandainya DM aku itu adalah salam aku kepadamu untuk yang pertama dan terakhir. Setidaknya, aku meninggalkan sedikit kesan menarik dalam hidupmu." Pikirku.
Aku sangat jarang buka FB waktu itu. Sehingga aku gak tau apa balasanmu waktu.
Sampai suatu ketika...
Di hari senin...
Hari yang kunanti-nanti selama satu tahun terakhir tiba...
Ada dua peristiwa yang tidak biasa kulakukan di hari itu. Yang aku yakin, itu merupakan bagian dari cara Tuhan mempertemukan kita.
Pertama, Aku membawa buku gambarku, yang mana di dalamnya ada lukisan wajahmu. Aku hampir gak pernah membawa buku gambar aku ke kampus. Karena kalau di kampus. Aku biasa gambar di binder. Namun di hari itu, entah kenapa ada hasrat untuk membawa.
Kedua, Aku nongkrong di Kampus hingga pukul 7. Selain ada acara kampus, aku gak pernah nongkrong di kampus hingga pukul 7. Paling mentok magrib. Tapi hari itu, entah ada angin apa, aku nongkrong sampai pukul 7. Habis Isya di MNI aku baru pulang.
Rangkaian kejadian itu lah yang akhirnya menuntunku pada kejadian selanjutnya...
Saat aku melihat perempuan yang aku dambakan sejak SMA, berdiri di hadapanku, di Halte Matraman.
Hasrat untuk berkenalan pun muncul lagi. Namun aku gak tahu bagaimana cara untuk memulai. Sepanjang perjalanan Matraman-Harmoni, aku mencoba mencari kalimat pertama yang baik untuk berkenalan.
"Hai. Anak 84 ya?"
"Hai. Apa kabar?"
"Hai. Boleh kenalan gak?"
Namun lagi-lagi, mulutku bisu seketika. Hatiku terlalu berdebar-debar.
Sampai pada akhirnya, kamu menunjukan HP kamu dengan foto wallpaper lukisanku.
Dan kalimat pertamaku pada akhirnya:
"Gambar gue tuh..."
Di situ lah, hari pertama aku dan kamu berkenalan. Hari pertama aku menatap matamu secara dekat. Hari pertama aku menjabat tanganmu dan merasakan hangatnya.
Dan lagi-lagi, aku telah jatuh hati pada kamu...
Lalu aku pun memberikan kamu lukisan itu dan kita pulang bareng untuk pertama kalinya.
Waktu itu, aku gak meminta nomor HP kamu, karena aku pikir, kamu masih punya pacar.
Jadi, ya hari indah itu pun berlalu...
Beberapa waktu kemudian. Selesai kuliah aku main ke kos temanku. Aku pinjam laptopnya untuk membuka FB. Dan aku melihat kamu sedang online.
Ini adalah hari yang paling berkesan juga untukku.
Aku chat...
"Pulang bareng lagi ga?"
Kamu bales.
"Boleh. Tapi gue udah pulang."
Aku bales.
"Yaudah. Lain kali aja. Tapi nanti abinya marah ga?"
Kamu bales.
"Udah gak ada abinya."
Betapa bahagianya aku mendengar itu. Dan itu adalah hari di mana aku meminta nomor HP mu...
Yang selanjutnya kita mulai berkomunikasi lewat SMS.
Kita pun merencanakan untuk berangkat bareng. Aku masih ingat betul pakaianmu di hari itu.
Kerudung coklat/oren
Kemeja putih
Celana cream
Sandal Croc hijau
Aku masih belum tahu bagaimana cara untuk menyatakan cinta padamu saat itu...
Hingga pada akhirnya...
Di tanggal 7 Juni 2013.
Kamu ajak aku "Mau Skype gak?"
Kita pun ber-video call-an akhirnya.
Ada satu percakapan yang aku masih ingat sampai sekarang.
Aku: Pake celana pendek ya?
Kamu: Kok tau sih?
Aku: Keliatan tadi. Hahaha...
Dan akhirnya, via chat aku tulis "Boleh jadi abinya gak?"
Kamu balas
Aku gak tahu apakah itu cara menyatakan cinta yang baik, tapi itu menjadi salah satu hari paling bahagia dalam hidupku...
Sejak hari itu aku dan kamu menjalin kisah cinta ini hingga 10 tahun lamanya.
Aku yakin kisah ini gak akan berakhir di sini, Sayang.
Setiap kali aku membayangkan masa depan, hanya ada kamu di sana. Begitu pun di setiap mimpi-mimpiku. Hanya ada kamu.
Seperti yang pernah terjadi pada 10 tahun lalu, aku yakin akan ada hari di mana pada akhirnya kita akan disatukan dalam pernikahan.
Dan kalimat pertama yang akan kukatakan padamu di malam pengantin kita adalah "Akhirnya. Kita bisa sampai di sini, Kuy..."
Aku ingin terus sama-sama kamu, Kuy. Cinta sejatiku yang sudah kukenal lama...
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untukmu-april-ku · 1 year
Takut Pulang
Makassar, 5 Juli 2023
Dahulu, rumah merupakan tempat yang paling ku rindukan, tempat yang selalu ingin ku datangi, tempat menuai kebahagiaan, saling berbagi, canda tawa selalu ada disana. Walau terkadang harus menumpahkan air mata karena keegoisan masing masing.
Tapi, mengapa semua berlalu begitu cepat, seolah olah rumah itu sudah tidak beratap, apa yang hilang di sana? Apakah peran seorang lelaki hebat itu?
Yahh benar, setelah kepergiannya rumah itu menjadi tempat yang menakutkan bagi seorang anak perempuan manjanya.
Malam itu dia benar benar pergi tanpa menunggu anak perempuan nya. Lantas bagaimana dengan perkataan nya dulu " setiap pulang kerja hanya kau yang ingin kulihat nak" sambil memeluk dengan hangat. Bahkan hangat peluknya masih terasa sampai sekarang, walau raganya sudah tidak ada di depan mata.
Dulu, kedatangan ku selalu di sambut dengan senyum manis dan hangat peluk mu. Tapi mengapa malam itu sangat berbeda, engkau terbaring dengan kaku dan sangat dingin.
Aku tidak marah, aku hanya kecewa. Tapi bagaimana pun itu, aku tetap berusaha untuk ikhlas walau air mata jatuh tiada hentinya.
Permintaan maaf dan salam rindu dari anak perempuan mu Fung , allahummagfirlahu warhamu wa'afihi wa'fuanhu Andi usman 🖤
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Jogja. 18:01. 24042023.
Kemarin saya impulsif ke Solo.
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Waduh gimana nih, padahal ke Jogja kan untuk berkontemplasi. Tau-tau malah ngumpulin 3 teman terpilih (wow sombong banget bu ayu?) untuk ketemuan.
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MashaAllaah, megah sekali Mesjidnya. Selain Pak Andy, sebenarnya dulu orang pertama yang berani suruh saya untuk umroh adalah yang bukan saudara seiman. Haluuus sekali kan teguran Allah tuh.
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Katanya ini adalah replika Mesjid Syeikh Zayed di Abu Dhabi, plussss ada batik kawung di lantainya, kalau ndak salah artinya kesempurnaan dan kesucian.
Saya, Kak Tiki, dan Pak Andi ini sebenarnya.... sangaaaatt jarang tukar kabar. Lha ya gimana... formasi pertemanannya juga ajaib.
Kak Tikki ini, murid terpintar di kelas kami, kebanggaan bapak ketua jurusan, lulusan arsitek murni, kereeeen sekali kalau bikin peta, lulusan terbaik di australia, suka tiba-tiba kirimin saya buku, mungkin biar otak saya ada isinya.
Pak Andy, si ASN bijaksana, buanyaaaakk sekali saya belajar dari beliau. Ndak banyak tingkah, tapi satset aja kerjaannya, ndak tergiur kekuasaan. Penengah kalau bapak-bapak ego udah mulai memanas.
Ayuprissa, si mahasiswi sering ketiduran, keahliannya cuma bisa presentasi kenapa di pasar kembang dan sarkem ada lokalisasi besar yang tersembunyi, selalu dapat dosen pembimbing dan penguji paling galak, si salah masuk jurusan, yang beruntuuung sekali terdampar di antara mereka.
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Kami mengenang masa muda kuliah dulu.
Mengenang teman-teman yang aneh.
Mengenang alumni kampus yang aneh.
Lalu terdiam.
Kan, kalau banyak teman dan alumni yang aneh, jangan-jangan kami juga aneh.
"Eh Kak Tikki, aku kan lulusan kampus yang sama dengan Ibu Retno Marsudi...
....ah tapi Bu Retno beda jurusan ya? Hehe hehe kejauhan ngaku-ngakunya."
Lalu ketawa lagi, menertawakan diri sendiri 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Merasa pintar, padahal ya ternyata aneh.
Semoga ini bagian dari belajar menjadi rendah hati ya, saling tampar supaya ndak terlalu berbangga hanya dengan pencapaian almamater. Kalau ndak mau menjadi bagian dari generalisasi golongan yang kurang oke, ya juga mesti ndak kepedean nyama-nyamain diri dengan yang keren-keren 🤣 Jadi yaudalah, berusaha jadi sebaik-baik diri sendiri ajalah memberi warna.
Sayapun pulang ke Jogja dalam hati yang hangat dan penuh. Alhamdulillaaah.
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ayuprissakartika yang bajunya itu-itu aja karena enak nih adem dan bisa ndak pake mukena lagi untuk ngeeeng shalat 🛸
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sdnarjowinangun2 · 2 years
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Kunjungan Lurah Arjowinangun Bapak Andi Hamzah, S. Sos dalam rangka memberikan dukungan kepada SDN Arjowinangun 2 dalam persiapan Adiwiyata tingkat Provinsi Jawa Timur. Selain memberikan dukungan dan semangatnya, Bapak Lurah juga turut serta dalam aksi nyata gerakan menanam seribu pohon yang dilaksanakan di SDN Arjowinangun 2. Salam lestari. #sdnarjowinangun2 #artwo #adiwiyata https://www.instagram.com/p/CnWV03nLYsa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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beritanews · 2 years
Bahas Penyaluran BLT, Komisi IV DPRD Bone Rapat Bersama Dinas Terkait
Bahas Penyaluran BLT, Komisi IV DPRD Bone Rapat Bersama Dinas Terkait
BERITA.NEWS, Bone – Komisi IV DPRD Bone melaksanakan rapat bersama dengan Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Bone, perwakilan PT Pos dan Bank Mandiri di ruang Komisi IV Gedung Lantai II DPRD Bone, Rabu 7 September 2022. Pertemuan tersebut membahas penyaluran bantuan sosial dipimpin Wakil Ketua Komisi IV Muh Salam didampingi, Muhammad Wahyu, Andi Akhiruddin dan dr Ryad Baso Padjalangi. Andi Muh Salam meminta…
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hiredemo · 2 years
Guitar rig 5 presets download
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Song was recorded with an Ibanez Gio th Should sound good with any good guitar This preset has been m Metallica Jeff F This bank is obsolete. Van Halen This preset creates a fair amount of distortion using an AC Box in front of a Lean still preserving the glass like crisp tone from the Fender and the Lead Try out my Eric Johnson tone.
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Matt's Stereo Delay Stereo delay settings using varoius amps and cabinets. Sound was created with a Ibanez ProPower Volume control on guitar is very interactive Panned left and tremolo timed roughly with the Kill Bill -version. A jangly clean setting utilizing the Cool Plex and the Control Room.Īs you'll see, they're pretty simple, scrap my comments about them being bassy. Try playing the Let it Be solo with Stevelands Bass Bank Enjoy! U2 Bad this is for live so its a bit faster than original. Not quite there yet, but it's kinda hard for me since I have a Les Paul with humbuckers and Andy uses an Ibanez strat with single-coil sized humbuckers and ver The zip file includes the rhythm, lead and the rhythm for Too Late For Love. Para temas de sepultura suena para mi gusto muy parecido Yes there is a lot of reverb but it is djeng live sound like! Kyle Robinson Young The fuzz increases quite a bit between 5 and 10 on my stock strat with a harmonic swee This was one of my first attempts at creating a 'weird' synth-ish sound in Guitar Rig 4. Easy mistake for beginners or in this case NI developers who are all into electronica anyways. Nothing too fancy, but I get a lot of use out of them. Nice solo sound for single-coil pickup in neck position. Rock blues lead cool finest sound for lead rock fusion guitar Most suitable to Zion guitars signature model. Please let me know what they sound like on your setup. Vol IN off lets the dly tail fade into space guitad There are 2 banks with over presets. Be sure to use Ensemble on for clean sound or Screamer for a heavier sound. I've tried other presets but found that they are way to packed with presence and drive. Green Dolphin Various presets suited for rock-tunes, blues Blues with a bit of twang This is my current setup for Blues Uploader: Acoustic guitar sound Make your electric guitar sound like a real acoustic guitar That's the chain I use and it works pretty well. Fat, bold and clear with a little bit of reverb Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.
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