#sakura blushing
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samoankpoper21 · 7 days ago
Exploring Sakura - Part I
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Haruka Sakuara x chubby! poc reader
Content Warnings: slight cursing, fat shaming, teensy weensy self deprecation
Genre: crack and fluff
Word count: 1.9k
⊱ ─── ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ ─── ⊰⊱ ─── ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ ─── ⊰
Meeting for the first time
Lost in thought, hands in his pockets, Sakura made his way to Furin unaware that his friends were calling out to him; the concept, the word friends still foreign to him.
"Sakura-san good morning!"
"Sakura-kun good morning!" Not realizing that his feet had stopped Sakura screamed. "Wh-what the! How long have you guys been here?!"
"Both Suo and I have been calling your name and you didn't respond."
"What's so heavy on your mind this morning, Sakura-kun?"
"N-nothing." Blushing furiously Sakura shoved his hands in his pockets making his way to Café Pothos, Suo and Nirei right beside him. Opening the door to the café he was met with a loud umph causing him to fall on his butt, you in between his legs. Looking down he was met with big brown eyes, chubby cheeks, and brown skin. "Wow, you look," his grip on you tightening. Exhaling through his nose this was nothing new to him, he was used to the rejection, glares, dejected stares, any negative emotion you could think of he received. "So cool."
"Huh?!!" Reaching up you began pulling at his hair, poking his face. "Is this your real hair? Oh it is! And those are your real eyes too?! Ah you have heterochromia aye? Your eyes are cool. Oh you go to Furin High? What's your name? Eh? Are you ok?"
"SAllow me to help you up." you looked up to see a boy with curtain brown hair, eye patch over his right eye, yellow tassel earrings smiling down at you both.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to squish ya." Sakura wanted to defend you for yourself. How dare you put yourself down like that? Why did you think you were heavy? Still sitting on the concrete blushing he watched as Suo extended his hand pulling you up with ease, you dusting off your skirt that stopped midway against your thick thighs; Sakura watching the interaction uncomfortably, an unfamiliar feeling taking root in the pit of his stomach. "His name is Sakura."
"Sakura huh?" liking the way his name rolled off your tongue made him blush harder. Extending your hand toward him you say, "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you!" Grabbing your hand his eyes widened at the jolt of electricity that shot through both of you as you pulled him up with ease. "I go to the international school few blocks down from Furin. Ya should stop by and say hi. Where are my manners? And you two are?"
"Suo Hayato."
"A-Akihiro Nirei." Taking the messy blonde into consideration you smiled. "Nice to meet you all. Hope to see you guys around!" Waving goodbye you turned making your way down the street.
Sou and Nirei exchanged knowing glances smirking. "Sakura-kun, she said you looked cool."
"Sh-shut up!"
"Sakura-san, why are you blushing? She gave you a compliment."
"Just move out of my way." Sakura pushed past the two making his way into Pothos where he was met with a smirking Kotoha. "Oh ho ho does our little Sakura-kun have a crush?"
"Huh?! What is with you guys?! You don't know what you're talking about!" Grabbing the sandwiches off the plate Kotoha set in front of him he ran off leaving Kotoha, Suo, and Nirei to chuckle at his naivety.
A few days had passed since meeting you and Sakura couldn't get you out of his head, wrestling with new emotions swirling in the pit of his stomach. Why did he dislike it when Suo touched you? Why did he want to hold onto you longer? Why did his heart race when you told him he looked cool? Why were you the last person he thought of before bed? He hated the fact that he was losing sleep but if it was over you, oddly, he didn't mind. Taking in his surroundings he noticed you and another boy wearing identical uniforms making himself hide around a corner. Unable to hear your conversation he watched as the two of you exchanged words, your body language neutral. You were nodding and smiling politely, shaking your head a bit. "What are we watching Sakura-kun?"
"Aaaaahhhh!" Sakura whipped his head to see a smiling Suo and grinning Nirei. "H-how long have you been here?"
"Since you decided to hide from Y/N-chan."
"I'm-I'm not hiding."
"Then why don't you be a gentleman and greet her?"
"B-because she's with-"
"Sakura! Good morning!"
"Aaaaaaahhh!" Covering your mouth you giggled. "Is that how you normally say good morning? Suo, Nirei good morning!"
"Please excuse Sakura-kun, he's not a morning person."
"I can tell but Sakura why did you go in this alleyway? You could've came up and said hi."
"Huh? You saw me?!"
"Well of course silly. You stand out. In a good way!" Scratching the back of his neck, a light blush dusting his cheeks he mutters, "I didn't want to ruin you and your boyfriend's talk." A moment of silence passed before you tilted your head asking, "Boyfriend? You mean Wooyoung?"
"Y-yeah sure."
"Sakura, Wooyoung is a classmate of mine. He was just asking where I eat breakfast."
"Are you guys on your way to school?"
"Yes we are!" Nirei answered.
"Cool, we can all walk together!
"I uh...have something to do." You looked to Sakura, a hint of sadness in your gaze. You knew you weren't society's typical beauty standard but there was something about him that drove you to be bold, step out of your shell, take a chance. You figured it was twisted logic on your end: two pariahs getting together. Regardless of his looks, was he like a majority of the population who preferred smaller girls? Smiling sadly you say, "Maybe next time huh? I'll see you guys later." Bowing you swiftly turned walking towards the school.
Letting out a sigh an exasperated Suo turned to Sakura. "Sakura-kun, she is attracted to you."
"That's why she's been putting in the effort to hang out with you and only pays attention to you even though Nirei-chan and I are here."
"Th-that's not true!"
"Believe what you want but Sakura-kun if my suspicions are correct, and you're harboring feelings for her, you'd better hurry. Looks like this Wooyoung guy might have a thing for her." Patting Nirei, Suo led the way to school, Sakura clenching and unclenching his fists.
You were used to the taunts, the whispers, the stares; you had practiced long enough to block out all of that, what you weren't used to though was how the guys used your feelings as fodder. Taking up self defense classes in case of an emergency you were surprised to see Wooyoung approach you. Getting into a neutral ready stance you listened as Wooyoung expressed that his friend Dowon had expressed interest in you. "If he was so interested then why isn't he here himself? Why did he send you on his behalf?" Out of your peripheral you saw a familiar mop of black and white hair split down the middle. Overjoyed was what you felt until you saw his eyes grow wide and duck into an alleyway. "Dowon doesn't know I'm here. I'm letting you know so that you can put me out of my misery, all he talks about is you." Grateful for Sakura's scream you dismiss Wooyoung with, "I'll listen to what he he has to say." Gnawing at your lip you were hurt by Sakura's reaction. Were you reading the signs wrong? Is he prone to blush easily? You've made it semi clear that you found him attractive. Sighing you entered your school's gate daydreaming about the dichromatic rugged boy.
Sakura sat in class clenching his fists. Did he find you attractive? Yes. Was he jealous? Yes (Nirie explained to him that ugly emotion). Everything in life he has lerned to face head on but why couldn't he face you? Groaning he slammed his head down on his desk catching the attention of Kiryu and Tsugeura.
"What seems to be bothering our Sakura-chan?" Kiryu asked.
"Girl." Both Nirei and Suo respond.
"Girl?! You got a girlfriend Sakura-kun? What is she like? Is she pretty? Does she fight? What's her virtue?"
"Sh-she's not my girlfriend!"
"Ooooohh but you want her to be right?" Kiryu cooed. Saved by Enomoto yelling out "patrrrrrrrrrrrrol time" Sakura rushed out, Suo and Nirie behind.
"Oh! Isn't this the school Y/N-chan goes to?"
"Well," Suo replies. "She did say it's a few blocks from ours." All three looked up taking in the large gated gray with maroon rooftop building.
Sakura noticed you ahead, another boy from your school practically yelling at you. You smirked, shaking your head saying a few words, turning around walking away. Noticing the boy ball his fists he ran towards you at full speed, you turning around standing there expectantly. Without hesitation Sakura ran, his heart thumping loudly in his chest.
"Y/N!" you turned around to see Dowon charging towards you at full speed. Planting your right foot slightly behind you ,as to not make it too obvious, you waited for your opening until a blur of movement knocked Dowon unconscious: Sakura just kicked Dowon in the head. Stunned you looked to see a panting Sakura. "Sakura what the hell! You just took my shot!"
"Huh?!!" Bending down poking at the unconscious Dowon you complain, "I was getting ready to kick him on the side but you came out of nowhere. I was going to give myself 30 points." Facepalming himself Sakura began laughing, your head tilting upwards. "I was being serious you know."
"You're an odd one you know that?"
"Takes one to know one." Standing at full height dusting off your knees you looked down asking, "What should we do about him?" After much deliberation, you both settled on leaving him laying on the park bench; hoping he would at least be grateful for the kind gesture. Making your way back to Pothos you both began laughing, sharing stories, and reliving the altercation between Dowon. "So let me get this straight: you wanted to kick his ass because he heard that you were easy?"
"Apparently that's the rumor going around. It's so annoying though! They think just because I'm fat that I'm willing and desperate to be in a relationship with anyone? They're fucking pathetic." Turning to see Sakura stopped in the middle of the sidewalk with his head down you make your way back to him, cautiously reaching out your hand to grab his. "Sakura?"
"Stop doing that."
"I'm sorry," assuming he meant your hand, you were quick to remove it, he was faster to retrieve it. "Not that." Looking up you see him blushing, eyes darting everywhere except you. "I don't like when you call yourself fat. You're perfect just the way you are and if someone has something to say then I'll kick-" Standing on your tiptoes you place a chaste kiss on his cheek. "Thank you. I like you too." Gruffing and blushing furiously Sakura squeezed your hand pulling you towards Pothos.
"Sooooo you got Y/N-chan's contact huh?"
"S-stop looking over my shoulder!"
"Oho Suo-san, she's sent him heart emojis." Kiryu cooed.
"Life's unfair!" Tsugeure pulled at his orange afro. "I want a girlfriiiiiiiiieeeennnnd!"
"Sh-shut up all of you!"
"Sakura-kun, why are you blushing?"
"Shut up all of you!" the sound of laughter filled the room as Sakura raced out excited to walk you home.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── >>
A/N: Welcome to the first part of the mini series based around Sakura ^^ I hope you all enjoy the progression of Sakura x chubby! reader's relationship ^^
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x3nafix · 5 months ago
just started windbreaker :)))
sakura is such a cutie i love him hes so cute when he blushes
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meoowwxx · 5 months ago
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It looks like they all pretty much look the same age now. By the end of Boruto, Ino and Sakura would definitely look older than Tsunade, since Sakura opted out of using the transformation technique.
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togament · 10 months ago
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even his fingers blush. THEY FUCKING BLUSH.
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tatakaeeren · 9 months ago
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Sakura Haruka | Wind Breaker Ep 13 "For a Friend"
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apparently-artless · 10 months ago
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blushing sakura in every episode (◕‿◕)♡ [6.1/?]
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aucrowne · 2 months ago
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( ≧ᗜ≦) Sakura might have allowed Kiryu to style his hair but it doesn't mean pictures are allowed
➺ More windbreaker fanart
➺ More KiryuSaku
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chifuya · 1 year ago
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sakura's cute flustered expressions ᵔᴗᵔ (2/?)
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oldmama · 8 months ago
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kazuhaiku · 7 months ago
he's such a cutie patootie i love him
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ebenholzs-husband · 11 months ago
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Blushing Sakura is my fucking religion
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domdomdraka · 2 months ago
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this was for like the furin week fashion day but.... yeah a bit too late lol
winter coats and robes and all <3
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lovethephotoo · 2 years ago
Nature is Healing to the Soul
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littencloud9 · 2 months ago
i think sakura would be suonirei’s biggest hater. don’t get him wrong he loves them both so much but on the pure basis that suo is an asshole he’d grab nirei by the shoulders and go really??? THIS guy??? and nirei’s like yeah! ^^
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tatakaeeren · 9 months ago
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Aww Sakura (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)
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apparently-artless · 10 months ago
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blushing sakura in every episode (◕‿◕)♡ [5/?]
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