#sakhar sladkiy
pamplemoussekiss · 6 months
Peeking back in to say happy birthday Sakhar Sladkiy and happy second anniversary to Sweet Care! I have no idea what to do with these characters anymore but god I have to do something!!!!!
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sweetcarevn · 2 years
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PSA Moment: Yeah don’t download the game from here.
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murdersimarchive · 2 years
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Sweet Care Creator: pamplemoussekiss Release Date: March 20th 2022 Game description: You are a person who suffers with depression, with very little motivation to do much of anything to take care of yourself. You only leave the house to buy cheap, processed food. A pink-haired checkout attendant, the cheerful and outgoing Sakhar Sladkiy, becomes concerned about you and takes matters into his own hands.
You already have his heart, but what's important is how you feel. Is this kidnapping the unexpected sweetness you needed in your life, or will you be rightfully bitter towards him?
Whatever you do, you shouldn't refuse his care. Bad things happen when you don't let him help. Link: https://pamplemoussekiss.itch.io/sweet-care
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pamplemoussekiss · 4 months
If Sakhar didn’t despise energy drinks he’d drink Strawberry Dreams.
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pamplemoussekiss · 1 year
AITA for taking care of a person who needed my help?
i (22M) work at a supermarket, and one of my regular customers was obviously not doing well. they only bought terrible processed food that was bad for them, and they looked so sad and dirty. so, i took matters into my own hands and took them home.
it took a bit of time and work, and i had to do some things i wasn’t proud of, but now they’re doing so much better! they were so grateful to me that we ended up getting together!
but, their ex-girlfriend (23F) got nosey and found out how we got together. now she’s freaking out at me about how what i did was “kidnapping” and “illegal”. but, honestly, what does she know about what’s best for my sweetie? it was her cruelly breaking their heart that put them in the state i found them in in the first place. she has no right to tell me what’s best for them.
so, AITA?
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
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One year ago today, Sweet Care, my first complete game project, was uploaded to itch.io. A lot of things have happened since then, but becoming a game developer led to me discovering a great passion. Thank you everyone who has played!
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pamplemoussekiss · 1 year
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A desktop wallpaper with Sakhar making some chocolate!
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pamplemoussekiss · 9 months
Sakhar will attempt to cuck other yanderes if given the chance.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
Is Sakhar Sladkiy a babygirl? (In the very masculine Tumblr sense of the word)
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pamplemoussekiss · 1 year
The Official Sakhar Sladkiy Playlist, now on Spotify! Feel free to suggest music or make your own playlist of him.
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pamplemoussekiss · 11 months
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Sketches of Halloween costumes for the Candy Lovers gang!!! Guess who they are!!! Yumi is just spaghetti though, no pop culture here.
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
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Sweet Care has gotten 500 downloads!!!! Thank you to everyone who downloaded Sweet Care!!!! Now, a word from the man himself:
"Thank you for wanting to experience my story! It means a lot to me that you all on the other side of the screen would want to spend time with me like this. Thank you sweet Joey for making this possible for everyone! Please look forward to future stories featuring me and my friends!"
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pamplemoussekiss · 1 year
Every day I wake up and I’m like “i HAVE to make Sakhar more of a Gary Stu”
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
I played the dev build of Sweet Care today and mother of fuck on wheels THIS FUCKING HAPPENED?????
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This is the dev build. I checked the code for this scene, and nothing like this was in there. What the FUCK is going on and why is this happening??? I have no idea how the fuck this could have happened.
But… why is the dialogue different here? Swans Filth Sakhar wanted that player gone, but he’s saying this shit to me? What is happening?
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pamplemoussekiss · 2 years
Would anyone be interested in Sweet Care merchandise?
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pamplemoussekiss · 1 year
Sakhar is going to be fat in the next game, I’ve decided.
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