hot-crest · 5 years
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Las slow down, your brother’s the rabbit not you
Las and all the kids. Azura’s responsible for Shig and Soleil, Saizo rented out Orochi’s womb in order to create an heir to the Saizo name(Orochi and kagero were also looking for a doner to make a baby so it all worked out), keaton was like “dang, everyone’s having babies, I want some”, and selena was like “fine you tore me down, i’ll have a kid for you.” even though he didn’t actually ask, and Ophelia and Jou’ta were conceived with dark magic. don’t worry about it.
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They definetely notice those feelings Saizo develops when he meets Laslow... altho its probly gonna be a really adorable and funny reaction when it's all revealed that Mystery Warrior and Laslow are one and the same. Like, Saizo having a total Gay Panic about his boyfriend actually being his mystery crush and Kaze and Kagero doing all the 👀👀👀👀👀
(referring to these asks)
Laslow: *exists*
Saizo: Absolutely Revolting
Laslow: *does something that vaguely reminds Saizo of That Mysterious Warrior*
Saizo: 👀
Kagero & Kaze: 👀👀👀👀
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fire-castle-pokemon · 6 years
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When you swear girls are your thing but the angry ninja assassin has a boob window and he manhandles you ^ (Also based off supports: and he doesn’t want you to cry and he compliments you-)
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lazzledazzler · 5 years
Is it bad i was watching fanmade fate supports today and now i heavily support saizlow (or what ever the official term is)
yeah, kmlz is the only valid ship in fates
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Hii! I was just scrolling through the Laslow tag and come across your blog. Ahh I’m in love with the Saizo/Laslow fanfiction you’re writing! I can’t wait for the next chapter. Great work!
Oh wow, you’re so nice! Thanks, I’ve been having a blast writing (Not-So) Strong Riposte, and can’t wait to wrap everything up. Saizlow is a good pairing. Those boys are very tender lol. Glad you’re enjoying the fic ☺️
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wingsofglass · 7 years
I'm sorry for the saizlow spam of reblogs but god damnit im in rarepair hell I need more content
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hot-crest · 5 years
Saizo made dissapointing fried eggs and Inigo was the only one who liked it and I think he was the only Ylisse boy in the Dining Hall and.
The awakening/tax evader trio will eat anything.
Living through the apocalypse means you can't be picky. If it will not kill you, then you gotta eat it. He has the same tastes as Yarne and prefers veggies but Yarne actually can't eat meat because he's a rabbit so Inigo will put meat into his diet.
But Saizo doesn't know that, he just thinks that his sweet husband likes his food or is nice enough to lie to him.
He doesn't know that Inigo lived on unseasoned chicken for a time.
He just loves his husband.
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hot-crest · 6 years
Laslow: “Wow, inigo, that’s a pretty name, sure sounds like a great person Saizo: “You can’t tell anything about someone based on their name, unless you know a inigo?” Laslow, sweating profusely: “what? Me, know someone named inigo? Never! Ahahah, is that lord Xander calling me? I have to go right now, immediately”
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I like the way you think, you’re hired
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hot-crest · 5 years
Just a quick saizlow Hallmark movie au thing
Asugi is really good at dance so that he can squeeze into Inigo's circle and convince him to marry his dad so his dad can stop thinking that he's tramatized by his parents separating.
Except he realized that Inigo's paying more attention to the kids who haven't been training to be ninjas. He's not trying to favor his daughter, but gosh. She is not coordinated at all.
So Asugi has to step it up. He’s going to injure himself, so that Inigo has to call his dad and then they’ll meet and fall in love.
So Asugi hurts himself and they call Saizo and Saizo shows up, very worried about Junior, and Asugi’s like “hey, mr. Inigo’s really good at taking care of kids wink wink”
And Saizo is like “Saizo the sixth. What on earth are you talking about.”
In comes Asugi’s partner in crime. Soleil tugs on her dad’s shirt and is like “he’s not a cute girl but he looks like he could lift a ton.”
So Olivia’s watching this all and is laughing because it is kind of adorable watching kids try and figure out what adults look for in romance.
So Saizo leaves with Asugi and Asugi thinks that he and Soleil failed but luckily for him, he accidentally pulled a cinderella and left his little ninja backpack.
So Inigo calls Saizo and uh. He lets Saizo know that he left his bag and Saizo’s like “Oh I just dropped Sai-- Asugi off with his mother for her weekend with him. Are you still at your studio?” and Inigo’s like “We have to lock up soon but there’s a little coffee shop nearby that I could meet you at. If that’s alright with you that is.” and it is.
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hot-crest · 5 years
Dumb modern au stuff.
Inigo seeks out Owain to seek out his DnD buddy Leo to seek out his bf Takumi to help him with Japanese because they're going to visit his dad's (Lon'qu) parents this summer.
Takumi gives Inigo a hick accent.
Takumi wonders why Inigo doesn't know shit about his dad's home country, and Inigo's like "I don't know, dad was a teenage runaway and doesn't talk, I'm Russian my guy" and takumi's like "oh yeah I guess that makes sense. If you're in (whatever) prefecture, let me know. My brother knows a guy. He'll hate you, but he knows his way around." And Inigo's like " oh thanks, is he going to make fun of the accent you're giving me?" And Takumi's like "not to your face."
So that summer, Inigo can make his way through a store as long as he makes sure no one can see him and as long as he doesn't actually need anything.
And they are in whatever prefecture, nice, and Saizo is like.... Down to help them around because Ryoma asked nicely.
And he gives of the same "don't touch me, don't look at me" vibe as Lonq, so it's not totally uncomfortable.
Lon'qu's parents know Saizo as the red one. Kaze is more sociable so everyone around there just know him better. But Ryoma knows Saizo, so they're hanging with Saizo.
Lon'qu's able to take Olivia around no problem, but Inigo is clingy in public spaces where he doesn't know the language well. So Lon'qu asks Saizo to take care of his son, and scare people away from him so that he is safe. Ryoma told Saizo not to be mean to Takumi's friend, so he agrees.
Saizo thinks that it's pretty interesting that Inigo is nothing like what he heard from Ryoma and Takumi. "Womanizing dork whose hubris will be his down fall" Inigo very quiet, doesn't make direct eye contact, has trouble ordering food for himself. This guy is a disaster of a human being.
Except eventually Inigo does get comfortable around Saizo, and he starts acting a little more in line to what he expected, but like. not towards girls. he still can’t initiate conversation with girls. but to Saizo? huh, wonder what that- oh god he’s hitting on Saizo.
And Saizo doesn’t know what to do with this information.
Inigos cute but like.... he’s going back home at the end of summer, so that’s not gonna work. but oh no he’s cute. AND LIKE HELL IS HE GOING TO LET HIS LITTLE BROTHER GET MARRIED BEFORE HIM, STAND ASIDE CORNKAZ, SAIZO’S GONNA FUCK. Or at least figure out how to stay in contact with this guy that he likes hanging out with and is kind of cute and clingy and his dad already left him in charge of this sweet idiot disaster boy, sooooo.
they gonna smash.
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hot-crest · 6 years
Saizo/laslow/Keaton? Idk man, I think you’re gonna have to give us some headcanons to really sell me on that 👀👀👀👀👀
Oh I got you Anon, I got you.
Cue three hours of me screaming under the cut-
Alright, so I guess we start at the beginning.
Las is the guy who falls in love easily. He just so badly wants to be in love and be with someone who loves him just the same. He never really hit it off with the girls back home, and as much as he hit on the girls in Nohr, he was scared of what would happen next. How could he fall in love and start a family here when his friends and family are in another realm? 
Keaton got very attached to Laslow very fast, as much as he liked to play at being a lone wolf. He started giving Laslow gifts, much to Laslow’s horror, until he started figuring out what Las liked. And Laslow smells nice too, and he has a nice smile, and he’s awfully cute when he’s embarrassed.
Saizo of course didn’t like Las at first, thinking he didn’t take his job as seriously as he should, attacking him, being a general douche. They have the charm off, and Laslow cries on Saizo, and Las prepares for the next competition. There’s of course a battle in between these, and Laslow saves Ryoma and Saizo is like “oh shit, he’s actually really good at what he does. He’s a fucking idiot, but that idiot saved his Lord’s life.” and he tells Laslow this. After that he starts thinking about Laslow differently. As a capable fighter, a man who almost dances across the battle field.
Saizo learns about Laslow’s dancing first, seeing him sneaking off and making sure he wasn’t an enemy spy that was just really good at acting like an idiot womanizer. No, he was a dancer who loathed the spotlight. Saizo found himself watching Laslow more than he cared to admit. A lot more.
Laslow was terribly distracting to the very disciplined Ninja, so distracting that he didn’t even notice the lost wolfskin coming up behind him.
“what’re you doing?” “SHH!” “Oh is that Laslow? Oh wow I didn’t know he danced, he’s really good!” “S H U S H”
Saizo covers Keaton’s mouth, trying to keep the noise down so Laslow wouldn’t notice them. Unfortunately, Laslow noticed something.
Laslow is so paranoid that someone was watching him that he stops for a while, and gets a little antsy.
Saizo and Keaton are both upset that they can’t watch Laslow dance.
Keaton realizes he likes Laslow first, and he spends all his free time with Laslow.
When Saizo finally figures it out he’s shook and has no idea how to proceed.
Saizo never lets Keaton be alone with Laslow.
Keaton comes clean to Saizo, to try and get him off his dick so he can make his move on Las, and Saizo’s like “not if I make my move first”
The confessions are very awkward and Laslow is screaming into his pillow because he doesn’t now what to do with all this new information.
He always expected to fall in love with a pretty girl and everything would fall into place. He never expected for two men to confess their feelings for him, and he never expected to be so torn between them.
Laslow loved the way Keaton found beauty in anything.
And with Saizo he adored how devoted he was.
And then Laslow realized he was quite selfish and didn’t want to choose. And he felt quite terrible about that.
Meanwhile Saizo and Keaton do some bonding themselves. Saizo finds himself quite amused by Keaton, and Keaton thinks Saizo is kind of cool.
They decide that no matter who Laslow chooses they will not murder the other in a jealous passion.
Then Laslow drops the bomb that he likes both of them and will not choose between them.
Saizo and Keaton come to an agreement that they are capable of sharing.
So the three of them are to be wed in the morning.
And now for some misc. headcanons now that they’re together.
Laslow sleeps in the middle of Keaton and Saizo, jetpacking Keaton and getting spooned by Saizo.
Keaton’s very excited before bed, tail slapping  Laslow for a while until he calms down for sleep. Saizo thinks its cute.
Saizo thinks its cute when Keaton’s tail wags while they sit in silence during meditation.
Selena is the surrogate mother to Soliel, and she loves her three powerful fathers.
Asugi comes next, and is part of an agreement between Orochi and Kagero who also wanted a child. The three of them raise Asugi, and he thinks Dance Dad and Stinky Dad are pretty cool.
Velouria comes from someone. She is attached to one of her three powerful fathers at all times.
Asugi likes hanging out with Laslow because he had a recipe for a honey cake from his great grandmother that he would occasionally make for him.
Asugi loves playing fetch with Stinky Dad.
Soleil spoils both her baby siblings, always giving Asugi some sweets she’s gotten.
Soleil is very confused about her father’s husbands, seeing as they are not cute girls. With Saizo especially, she wonders how this gruff and scary guy caught the interests of her sweet cute and soft father.
Even more confusing is how Keaton caught the interest of her dad. How did a gross wolf boy worm his way into Laslow’s heart?
Even so, she loves her three powerful dads all the same.
She’s turned off my Velouria’s wet dog smell whenever she’s doing her snuggling thing, but she loves her puppy sister.
Soleil has a lot of fun with Asugi while he teaches her to make sweets. She’s not great at it, but Asugi stomachs her creations sometimes anyway.
Velouria is able to find Saizo at all times. She knows his scent and is always able to track him no matter where he is. Saizo is incredibly proud of his puppy daughter.
Velouria sniffs Lasow out when he starts dancing because she loves seeing him do the thing he loves to do. He was scared at first, but it was his cute youngest child, and he gets more comfortable dancing with the kids around.
She doesn’t appreciate Asugi treating her like a dog like he does with Keaton. She most certainly does not do fetch. But she will protect that boy with her life.
she doesn’t understand her sister’s obsession with girls. you cant collect girls.
Odin was the number one supporter of the relationship. Selena told Laslow he was stupid but she knows that this wasn’t a bad decision that would ruin him someday.
Keaton willingly takes baths now, but only if Laslow and Saizo are there to shampoo him and wash his back.
Saizo loves to just press his face against the top of Laslow’s head, it’s  a force of habit because he’s always wearing his mask and can’t just kiss Laslow whenever he wants.
Saizo likes to mess with Keaton’s ears, flipping them inside out and asking if he can hear better. It always gets a laugh out of Laslow.
Keaton likes to curl up against Saizo’s side. He lets out a lot of those deep dog sighs.
Laslow lets both Saizo and Keaton in on his secret, at first they’re like, “yes, we know you dance.” and Laslow is like “what no, I’m from another dimension, WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW I DANCE?” because he has his priorities in place.
okay, I’ll leave it at that because I’m tired. I hope you come to know the joys of my rarepair hell.
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hot-crest · 6 years
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tfw you could have gotten cute pink hair genes but you’re red like your scary dad. BUT YOUR CUTE LITTLE BROTHER GETS THEM WHEN HIS JOB IS TO SNEAK? NO FAIR!
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So if Saizo were to marry Laslow how would he react to Henry being his dad?
Like if Laslow were to describe what kind of dad Henry was to Saizo? I think Saizo would certainly react in a very Saizo-like manner, lol. Which is to say, with some manner of disbelief, incredulity, and understanding in a “Oh, so this is why you’re Like That” kind of way, haha. Because Henry is, canonically, a good father! The game says so itself! But also there’s something about describing your father, who loves you very much, as the man who was also followed by crows because of how many bodies he left in his wake, perpetually smiled no matter what happened (which Inigo/Laslow definitely tries to do), was friends with a wolf as a child, had no problem betraying one army for another because of the “fun” the war would cause, etc. So Henry is definitely a character, lol. Saizo might not be able to get a full picture from Laslow’s stories alone. But since he and Laslow are in love, he might appreciate Henry’s dedication to his family even if he doesn’t fully understand the man.
If he actually met Henry? Definitely all of the above still, lol. Maybe even more incredulity now that he realizes how young Henry is (until he learns the time travel thing, of course). But with the chance of understanding Henry more too! And Henry coming to understand his son’s husband!
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hot-crest · 6 years
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Okay so I needed to look up a Saizo ref for a comic earlier, and I came across one of the 4koma pages where Oboro dresses him up all nice and swaggy, and I couldn’t stop thinking about a Saizlow date.
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hot-crest · 6 years
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Asugi’s been teaching his future second dad some stuff but also
His dad is from Chon’sin, Chon’sin is very similar to Hoshido and the Awakening squad believe it’s possible that the two lands are connected in one way or another, Dad’qu would occasionally speak his native language around Baby Inigo and Olivia, and the languages are similar, so even if Asugi hadn’t been tutoring future extra dad, he might have been able to figure it out.
Either way.
They will smash.
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hot-crest · 6 years
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The spicy half of the date.
Severa knew what was up from the moment Inigo asked her to take their child for the night.
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Part 1 | 5 Part 2 ( you are here!)
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