#saima sayed
saimasyedmd · 5 months
Dr. Saima Syed: Revolutionizing Mental Health Care in Primary Settings
Empowering Communities: A Closer Look at Dr. Saima Syed's Approach to Mental Health
In today's fast-paced world, mental health issues have become increasingly prevalent, affecting individuals across all age groups and backgrounds. Despite this growing need, accessing quality mental health care remains a significant challenge for many. Recognizing this gap, Dr. Saima Syed, a visionary in the field of mental health, has been at the forefront of revolutionizing care delivery, particularly within primary care settings.
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Dr. Syed's approach emphasizes the integration of mental health services into primary care, recognizing the vital role that primary care physicians play in identifying and addressing mental health concerns early on. By embedding mental health screenings and interventions into routine primary care visits, Dr. Syed aims to destigmatize mental health discussions and ensure timely access to support for those in need.
One key aspect of Dr. Syed's approach is the emphasis on community engagement and education. By partnering with local organizations and community leaders, she works to raise awareness about mental health issues, reduce misconceptions, and promote help-seeking behaviors. Through workshops, seminars, and outreach programs, Dr. Syed empowers individuals to take control of their mental well-being and seek support when necessary.
Furthermore, Dr. Syed recognizes the importance of culturally competent care, especially in diverse communities. By incorporating cultural sensitivity training into primary care practices, she ensures that patients from all backgrounds receive personalized, respectful, and effective care that acknowledges their unique experiences and beliefs.
In conclusion, Dr. Saima Syed's innovative approach to mental health care in primary settings is transforming the way we address mental health challenges. By prioritizing early intervention, community engagement, and cultural competence, Dr. Syed is paving the way for a more inclusive and accessible mental health care system.
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lilyoffandoms · 2 months
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Detective Agent Saima “Sai” Greene
Aryan • Evan • Jason • Lucas
Sooooo I really wanted a N playthrough so I can experience all the routes but have struggled so hard with liking their route. So I decided to try again with a different detective and okay, okay, I will admit I was wrong about this route. I just needed a detective that’s pretty much a carbon copy of A’s personality and traits but with M’s sarcasm.
My Art ish Tag (Wayhaven Edition): @thosehallowedhalls
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theinfinitedivides · 4 months
Bhansali really said let's shove the good freedom fighter sh*t into the last 40 or so minutes of this series i think we can get away with it. pray tell me what, exactly, did he expect me to do with that
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Did you hear?
Baizhu is now playable! are you still planning on adding him to the roster?
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"I was not expecting to be invited to this place. Is the owner really busy? I wish to thank her for the invitation." Baizhu was sitting in a chair but speaking to the other two doctors; Miyuki and Akiko while they were helping with him getting a room and things due to Alastor taking a 'break'.
"Yes, Peahen mom is busy with something but she does wish to welcome you dear. It's nice to see another doctor staying with us. I'm really curious of how you do your work." Miyu smiled pouring some tea for him.
"Indeed, we do wish to welcome you dear." Akiko was happy.
Baizhu smiled picking up the tea but looks to the two. "Thank you again. I hope we can become close friends and do our best here as doctors for the guests." he said as the three raise their cups.
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what herb are you?
You grew up too fast and all you know is the calluses on your fists and the thousand invisible scars that you pretend don't ache. Your anger burns so bright, so hot or maybe not at all, so deep you could never tell it was there. You are yours and you will defend that to the death after so many years of being ripped apart and denied your own agency and maybe you are still facing the bastards who stole your innocence but you will survive because that's the only thing you know how to do without breaking, the only thing you know besides protect, protect, protect, protect, yourself or sometimes those few others you claim as yours.
You are a thousand sharp edges but impenetrable, a traumatized child so covered by thorny armor that you promised yourself you're grown now, you're stronger than anyone who has ever hurt you. You're safe. Nothing will ever hurt you again.
You're so alone though sometimes, in a world that sees you as too much or too broken or too angry or too hurt, and you want to scream with the too-much of it, prove that you're okay, that you're self-reliant, that you are strong enough to stake your claim on your body, on your mind, on your heart, on your people, and protect it from any who dare take it away from you.
You are the sea in tempest, a howling sky, a tsunami in motion, a force of nature, no matter how much you sometimes yearn to be still, to be safe, to be small. You are a dandelion, stubborn and determined to grow in the rockiest of soil, and bloom again in spring.
tagged by:@nectaric
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themassmaster · 3 months
"I can't believe we got to see our first Sumo wrestling show sis. I think it was pretty cool even with tonight's match." Hanoka saima smiled at her big sister Miyuki Saima who agreed on that.
"True, it was rather fun...even the fighters were good." she said.
"Do you think we'll see that one wrestler and congratulate him on a job well done for his match?" Hana asked that Miyu thinks.
It was a draining event for Hiroyuki. He'd gone up against an opponent far larger than himself, and well, now he was sore and in need of rest of relaxation. However, the up and coming sumo wrestler wasn't going to get that for a little bit. He'd been encouraged by his stable master to go and mingle with the fans who had decided to stay behind after the tournament. Well, it was a part of his job. He couldn't say no.
So he did just that, quickly washed up, slipped into his kimono and Geta, and then made his way to the small group of people. Luckily for him, it seems like it was only about three that remained, and one of them was occupied with another sumo wrestler. Making his way towards the two girls, Hiroyuki smiled. "Hello. Thank you for coming to watch all of us." He'd say politely.
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 9 months
Closed w/ @seekesotsibteadmist
Nadia had heard tell of Saima and the stories they told, praises of them having been sung far and wide across the nations. Some of her sisters had heard their tales when they stopped by her home nation of Prakra and told Nadia just how captivating of a person they were and she absolutely needed to see for herself, sending for them and inviting them to stay as her personal guest in the palace of the city-state of Vesuvia. Her sisters had told her not only were they skilled at storytelling but also quite gifted in more intimate venues and that interested her greatly.
As they arrived at the palace, Nadia stepped out to greet them, dressed to the nines in a long white gown and adorned with various precious gems or metals be they pearls, Jade, or just gold. She was meaning to make an impeccable first impression as the countess of Vesuvia on them, smiling gently as the carriage door opened. “Saima, very punctual arrival, I must say I’m impressed. I’m pleased to meet you, my sisters have told me nothing but amazing things about you and your time with them.”
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helreginn · 8 months
Saima was starting to feel like they really should at least mention this just so there is some clarity. Because as much as they are glad to make Hel feel more comfortable, it probably shouldn't come at the cost at making them feel .. ill at-ease either. "Yeah, I get what you mean. I will have to admit that you like saying that I'm big multiple times in a few moments did make me feel.. not great. Like I'm glad that you can feel just like yourself with me and I won't change that to make sure you're still comfortable. But that makes me feel super discomfited when you comment on the difference so much with me. " @seekesotsibteadmist
"Oh." Hel made a small sound in the back of her throat. Akin to a whining puppy. Her expression was so apologetic and she was quick to replace her hand on their arm, "I am so sorry. I did not mean... You are a very good size. Perfectly average. It's just that.. to me everyone is bigger and I only meant that I am glad I feel normal."
"I cannot apologise enough. I did not mean anything bad. You are lovely. Perfect as you are. I really truly am sorry, Saim. You are not big. I am just small. "
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What the most fun thing you've all done since being sent to your other worlds?
Parvana - Definitely The Devildom's Thanksgiving. For once I can somewhat catch a break from the brothers' usual shenanigans
Joanne - I'd say visiting Voleri for the first time. Everyone was really welcoming 😊 And Rio really enjoyed showing me all the neat things about his country
Saima - Visiting Silk City without a doubt. This was the closest I got to experience my home country's culture in Twisted Wonderland (I know Silk City isn't exactly Bangladesh, but my point stands)
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realmythsmoved · 5 months
@seekesotsibteadmist continued from here Saima casually raised an eyebrow at Farryn's suggestion. But it only takes a few moments before they give a small nod. "You know what? It's been a while since I have gone out on the town.. for real. It might be fun to go out and be out all night for once." A part of them genuinely missed it and this was as good an excuse as any to indulge. "I'm up for it. What kind of places do you have in mind?"
"Nice!" Farryn says with a smile. "That's why you need it. Everyone needs to indulge every once in a while." At least from their perspective, it's something that people would enjo9y. Of course, everyone has different tastes. So perhaps some people wouldn't like it. But Farryn themself does enjoy it. And luckily, Saima feels the same. "I was thinking maybe some clubs so we could dance. If you're up for that." Farryn loves to dance. Though they aren't sure if they're any good at it, they enjoy it nevertheless.
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lilyoffandoms · 2 months
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Sai sends Nate pictures of himself in Nate’s bed in a valiant, yet failed, attempt at getting him to hate technology slightly less.
Every member of UB has seen some of these pictures because Nate can’t work technology (and this is probably my favorite thing about N lol). Ava is traumatized. Felix can’t help but tease Nate (can’t tease Sai because he has no shame). And Mason is just damn proud of his bestie [and yes I know that’s not a possible canon combination but I live in my own perfect world].
My Art ish Tag (Wayhaven Edition): @thosehallowedhalls
Thanks to @agentnatesewell and @lalizah for your help with the room colors and furniture. You are awesome!
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All Things Linguistic - 2022 Highlights
2022 was a year of opening up again and laying foundations for future projects. I spent the final 3 months of it on an extended trip to Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand, which is a delightful reason to have a delay in writing this year in review post. 
Interesting new projects this year included my first piece in The Atlantic, why we have so much confusion on writing the short form of "usual" and 103 languages reading project: inspired by a paper by Evan Kidd and Rowena Garcia. 
Continuations of existing projects: 
Return of LingComm Grants
A survey for those using Because Internet for teaching
10 year Blogiversary of All Things Linguistic: highlights from the past year and highlights from the past decade
6 years of Lingthusiasm
LSA 2022 and judging Five Minute Linguist
I was on panels about swearing in SFF and the Steerswoman books at a local literary speculative fiction con, Scintillation
I was on panels at WorldCon (ChiCon 8) in Chicago: Ask A Scientist, That's Not How That Works!, and Using SFF for Science Communication
I was a contestant for the second time in Webster's War of the Words, a virtual game show fundraiser for the Noah Webster House.
I attended the Australian Linguistics Society annual meeting in Melbourne and the New Zealand Linguistics Society annual meeting in Dunedin, where I gave a talk co-authored with Lauren Gawne called Using lingcomm to design meaningful stories about linguistics
In our sixth year of Lingthusiasm, a podcast that’s enthusiastic about linguistics which I make with Lauren Gawne and our production team, we did a redesign of how the International Phonetic Alphabet symbols are layed out in a chart, in order to correspond more closely with the principle that the location of a symbol is a key to how it's articulated. This involved much digging into the history of IPA layouts and back-and-forths with our artist, Lucy Maddox, and we were very pleased to make our aesthetic IPA design available on a special one-time edition of lens cloths for patrons as well as our general range of posters, tote bags, notebooks, and other all-time merch. 
We also did our first Lingthusiasm audience survey and Spotify for some reason gave us end-of-year stats only in French, which I guess is on brand, but we were pleased to see notebooks, and Lingthusiasm is one of Spotify's top 50 Science podcastsF/href.li/?https:/www.redbubble.com%2Fi%2Fmouse-pad%2FAesthetic-IPA-Chart-Square-by-Lingthusiasm%2F129215087.G1FH6&t=OTkxYjYxYjNmMzA1M2VhNGViOGIxZWIxOGI0NDRjYjE2YTIzYTE2NCw2YTgzNDQyZTM3MzY0YjRkNjc3NGJkNzhhYzJhMzk3ZjA2Y2NkYzIz&ts=1684794278">other all-time merch!
Main episodes from this year
Making speech visible with spectrograms
Knowledge is power, copulas are fun.
Word order, we love 
What it means for a language to be official
Tea and skyscrapers - When words get borrowed across languages
What we can, must, and should say about modals
Language in the brain - Interview with Ev Fedorenko
Various vocal fold vibes
What If Linguistics
The linguistic map is not the linguistic territory
Who questions the questions?
Love and fury at the linguistics of emotions
Bonus Episodes
We interview each other! Seasons, word games, Unicode, and more
Emoji, Mongolian, and Multiocular O ꙮ - Dispatches from the Unicode Conference
Behind the scenes on how linguists come up with research topics
Approaching word games like a linguist - Interview with Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer of Spectacular Vernacular
What makes a swear word feel sweary? A &⩐#⦫&
There’s like, so much to like about “like”
Language inside an MRI machine - Interview with Saima Malik-Moraleda
Using a rabbit to get kids chatting for science
Behind the scenes on making an aesthetic IPA chart - Interview with Lucy Maddox
Linguistics and science communication - Interview with Liz McCullough
103 ways for kids to learn languages
Speakest Thou Ye Olde English?
Selected Tweets
Linguistics Fun
aunt and niece languages
Swedish chef captions
IPA wordle
wordle vs kiki
creative use of emoji and space
resume glottal stop
dialects in a trenchcoat
which of these starter Pokemon is bouba and which is kiki
(for no author would use, because of the known rendolence of onions, onions)
acoustic bike
An extremely charming study by Bill Labov featuring a rabbit named Vincent
Rabbit Meme
Cheering on linguistics effects (Stroup and Kiki/Bouba) in a vote on the cutest scientific effect name
Old English Hrickroll
The word you get assigned with your linguistics degree
Sanskrit two-dimensional alphabet
Cognate Objects
Linguist Meetup in Linguaglossa?
baɪ ði eɪdʒ ʌv θɚti
j- prefixing
"But clerk, I am Bill Labov" (pagliacci meme)
Usual winner
Because Internet Tumblr vernacular
Linguist "Human" Costume
Cursed kiki/bouba
dot ellipsis vs comma ellipsis
intersection of signed languages and synesthesia?
Antipodean linguistic milestone
Selected Blog Posts:
Linguistic Jobs
Online Linguistics Teacher
Impact Lead
Customer Success Manager
Hawaiian and Tahitian language Instructor, Translator & Radio Host
Language Engineer
Data Manager & Digital Archivist
Linguistics fun
xkcd: neoteny recapitulated phylogeny
Eeyore Linguistic Facts
Lingthusiasm HQ: Frown Thing!
xkcd is making a vowel hypertrapezoid
Title: Ships and Ice Picks: An Ethnographic Excavation of alt.goncharov
Missed out on previous years? Here are the summary posts from 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. If you’d like to get a much shorter monthly highlights newsletter via email, with all sorts of interesting internet linguistics news, you can sign up for that at gretchenmcc.substack.com.
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||Hidden truth; forbidden lies||
~~Reserved Blank period/Naruto au with @kaito-akimoto ~~
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHERE SHE IS!?" One of the ninja speaks but sees that Hiroshi was looking down quiet while he was unsure why.
"I'm telling the truth here! I don't know what happened to her. I was just talking to her that night and she-"
"And you didn't follow or report her missing at all?! You baka! You should have contacted me or the hokage when it happened or after a few days!!" he winces hearing the anger in their sensei's voice. However, she was worried. Eiji said nothing but he was worried.
"For the last time, what happened? Do you remember?" another ninja asked. However, he was trying to remember.
"For the last time Panda how come you won't date me! Your just being dumb." Hanoka looks to Hiroshi with arms crossed now annoyed but he was her teammate but he still was hardheaded.
"Listen Hiroshi, I told you once and I'll say it again. I'm not going to dump Kaito because your telling me to. You don't get it." she sighed but he only looks to her.
"But I'm better than him! I'm cooler and I'm better with the ladies. If you just listen to me I can be a better boyfriend for you!" he said but she glares.
"I am not doing it! I love Kaito and your not forcing me to change my mind. So just stop it already!" she said angry but turns to walk off. "And stop calling me panda!" she said now walking home.
"Panda wait! Ughhhhh women!" he said but grumbles to go home. However, three men was watching the Saima heading home but one glares at her. However, Hiroshi sighed not knowing what she saw him Kaito but he was determined to win her heart.
'I will win your heart Hanoka. I know it! I don't know what you see in him but..I wish you were not so stubborn about it.' he thought not knowing she was being kidnapped that same night.
"I swear I don't know! I don't remember! All I know is I thought she was heading home honestly! I had no idea she would be......she.."
"Hiroshi, Hanoka Saima was kidnapped you idiot! I know we are in the blank period but I don't need ninjas missing. And she's been gone for weeks now! No one knows where she is! NO ONE!" the ninja said but sighed. "And thanks to you, I have to inform the ANBU about this-"
"No!? What do you mean no!?"
"You don't understand, if you tell them especially Kaito I'll get my ass kicked or worse killed! Kaito dosen't know about this and he will kill me if he thinks I was the one that let her get kidnapped!" he said.
".....I have no choice Hiroshi. I already asked him and the others to show to help find her. They don't know the mission yet but they have to know.." the hokage said but he sees him scared with Eiji not saying a word. He did mess up but he should have said something. Followed by him holding something in his pocket. Yeah, he was dead.
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mysterycflife · 2 months
[ 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 ] : sender and receiver are spooning for comfort and warmth. - mnemosyne
The thunderstorm and rain had surprised them during their walk. And while it had been a welcome cooling from the summer's heat at first, it had them shivering with cold eventually. But now they were back at Mnemosyne's house, wrapped in a blanket. Steam was rising from the tea in front of them, but the Titaness didn't make an attempt to move to drink it. That would mean letting go of @seekesotsibteadmist and she rather enjoyed having them in her arms at the moment. "That was quite a downpour!" Mnemosyne chuckled. "I'm a bit sad we didn't get to finish the walk we planned, but I can't say I'm particularly sad about this." With this, she pressed a kiss on Saima's cheek.
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mrsq8geek · 7 months
Ramadan Challenge 2024, Day 3
Day 3: What is your favorite act of worship? Has it always been your favorite?
Fasting tatawu' and sadaqa, hands down.
I love the personal quality of volunteering to fast extra days.  Fasting Ramadan is already plenty blessed, but from a young age I especially liked the various hadiths about fasting additional days, be it Mondays & Thursdays or the three white days.  Fast three days a month and you've fasted the whole year?  Yes please!?
A lot of worship is symbolic and not really about what you're doing, but about everything else around it, and to me, volunteering to fast is like that.  It's not going through the motions, it's the intention, which is really what counts anyway.  Alhamdulillah I'm grateful I got to fast a lot when I was younger, because things have gotten a lot harder post-covid.  I'm hopeful we'll swing back around and I'll get to do it again.
As for sadaqa… again this is personal to me, I grew up very aware that people are in different socioeconomic classes.  Some of my cousins were kids of actual millionaires, with diamond-encrusted watches as teenagers, while others were living six people in a backyard trailer, and everything in between.  I grew up as something I came to call "fake poor"-- we weren't really poor, but my foundational years were during a rough few years, for a bunch of legitimate reasons, so I lived "poor" for the main part of my childhood.  Our situation got better when I was in high school, but when you grow up poor (or thinking you're poor because you don’t know any better), that gets ingrained in you.
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These two ayas are the reason I started giving sadaqa as soon as I had my own salary.  Because I was very aware of what it was like to have or not have the money you need to do things for yourself, and I'd seen a range of examples in my family.  Whatever I saved was precious to me, which is exactly why it's meaningful for me to give from that.
We have a local saying that goes "money is the filth of dunya" and that's even more reason to take out that trash!
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Similarly since covid, things have become quite tight financially, so now that's how we've been living.  I'm used to tightening the belt, but the difference between now and my childhood is now I'm the one making the financial decisions.  And when things are this hard, you find out who you can really trust.  People who I thought I could rely on turned out to be, well, allahuma inni saima.  Others surprised me with their kindness and generosity.
When I was giving sadaqa when I was younger, I didn't have in mind some kind of karmic quid pro quo.  But being on the receiving end now, I believe even more that the system works.  Every little bit really does help.
Even clicks.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 4
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superlinguo · 2 years
Superlinguo 2022 in review
At the start of 2022 it was my aim to move gently through this year, after the general global upheaval the pandemic brought, and settling back into work after parental leave. I mostly think managed that for myself, and things worth sharing still happened this year.
Lingthusiasm turned 6 this year. As well as regular episodes and bonus episodes every month, this year we ran a special offer for patrons and did a one-off print run of lens cloths with our redesigned aesthetic IPA.
Main episodes
Love and fury at the linguistics of emotions (transcript)
Who questions the questions? (transcript)
The linguistic map is not the linguistic territory (transcript)
What If Linguistics - Absurd Hypothetical Questions with Randall Munroe of xkcd (transcript)
Various vocal fold vibes (transcript)
Language in the brain - Interview with Ev Fedorenko (transcript)
What we can, must, and should say about modals (transcript)
Tea and skyscrapers - When words get borrowed across languages (transcript)
What it means for a language to be official (transcript)
Word order, we love (transcript)
Knowledge is power, copulas are fun (transcript)
Making speech visible with spectrograms (transcript)
Bonus episodes
Speakest Thou Ye Olde English?
103 ways for kids to learn languages
Linguistics and science communication - Interview with Liz McCullough
Behind the scenes on making an aesthetic IPA chart - Interview with Lucy Maddox
Using a rabbit to get kids chatting for science
Language inside an MRI machine - Interview with Saima Malik-Moraleda
There’s like, so much to like about “like”
What makes a swear word feel sweary? A &⩐#⦫& Liveshow
Approaching word games like a linguist - Interview with Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer of Spectacular Vernacular
Behind the scenes on how linguists come up with research topics
Emoji, Mongolian, and Multiocular O ꙮ - Dispatches from the Unicode Conference
LingComm: 2022 grants and conference posts
This year we ran another round of LingComm Grants, and we’ve been enjoying seeing new linguistic communication projects come to life. We also published summaries of top tips from plenary panels of the 2021 LingComm conference, and I teamed up with Gabrielle Hodge to write about how to plan communication access for online conferences. The LingComm conference will be back in 2023!
Tips for LingComm series
Planning communication access for online conferences: A Research Whisperer post about LingComm21
LingComm23 conference (February 2023)
2022 LingComm Grantees: New linguistics projects for you to follow
Top Superlinguo posts in 2022
Superlinguo remains a place where I can test out ideas or share things that aren’t necessarily the shape of an academic publication. I also continued my slow series of posts about linguistics books for kids, with a gem from 1966!
General posts
Superlinguo turns 11!
New Superlinguo Welcome page
Linguistics books for kids: How You Talk
Long form blog posts
Notes and observations about air quote gestures
Fictional gestures in scifi and fantasy
Information and advice
Doing your own Linguistics Job Interviews
Planning communication access for online conferences: A Research Whisperer post about LingComm21
Managing Breakout Rooms in online Tutorials and Workshops
Adopting the Trømso Recommendations in academic publishing
Linguistics Job Interviews
In 2022 the Linguistics Job Interviews series was edited by Martha Tsutsui-Bilins. After 8 years and 80+ interviews, the regular monthly series is coming to an end. There were 12 new interviews this year: 
Interview with a  Director of Conversation Design
Interview with an Artist
Interview with a Research Scientist
Interview with a Language Engineer
Interview with a Data Manager & Digital Archivist
Interview with a Natural Language Annotation Lead
Interview with an EMLS/Linguistics instructor & mother of four
Interview with a Performing Artiste and Freelance Editor
Interview with a Hawaiian and Tahitian language Instructor, Translator & Radio Host
Interview with a Customer Success Manager
Interview with an Impact Lead
Interview with an Online Linguistics Teacher
Regular interviews may have ended, but I’ll have more on linguistics, jobs and careers in 2023. I also wrote this post about doing your own Linguistics Job Interviews, to encourage other people to share their stories or interview others about their experiences.
Academic articles in 2022
This year I had two academic articles published. I also published one academic review of a monograph:
Gawne, L. & S. Styles. 2022. Situating linguistics in the social science data movement. In A.L. Berez-Kroeker, B. McDonnell, E. Koller & L.B. Collister (Eds), The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management, 9-25. MIT Press. [Open Access PDF][Superlinguo summary]
Gawne, L. & T. Owen-Smith. 2022. The General Fact/Generic Factual in Yolmo and Tamang. Studies in Language. Issue number forthcoming doi: 10.1075/sl.21049.gaw [published version][Green OA version][blog summary]
Gawne, L. 2022. Review of Repetitions in Gesture by Jana Bressem. The Linguist List. [HTML]
The year ahead
I will be on parental leave in 2023 🎉
Last time I went on leave with a newborn I had no idea if I would have a job to return to. I’m very grateful to not have that stress hanging over me this time around. Lingthusiasm will continue as regularly scheduled. It will be interesting to see how things here go without the monthly job interview posts. I’ll still have new publications, and various linguistics resources and observations to share, if maybe on a less than weekly basis. You can always follow Superlinguo on Tumblr @superlinguo), join the mailing list (in the sidebar), go retro and use the RSS feed, or follow me on Twitter (@superlinguo)
Previous years
Superlinguo 2021 in review
Superlinguo 2020 in review
Superlinguo 2020 (2019 in review)
Superlinguo 2019 (2018 in review)
Superlinguo 2018 (2017 in review)
Superlinguo 2017 (2016 in review)
Superlinguo 2015 highlights
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