#sailfish os
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hedgehogform · 1 year ago
I'm bored! Let's wipe this piece of brick and install Linux!
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No Play Store yet :(
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Installed a lot of stuff and also installed Play Store!
Installed Nmap, wget, and Zypper package manager.
Also installed Storeman.
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All Android apps work just fine!!
I love the experience so far!!!
Now that I have a new phone I can use this old phone as a Linux phone!
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therealhealth · 1 month ago
Fastest Fish: 🐟💨 Sailfish #fastest fish, #sailfish, #fastest fish in the ocean, #fastest fish in the world, #sailfish fastest fish, #sailfish speed, #fish, #sailfish fishing, #fast fish, #worlds fastest fish, #world's fastest fish, #fastest fish in the sea, #sailfish facts, #black marlin fastest fish, #atlantic sailfish, #sailfish speed test, #fastest fish ever, #top 5 fastest fish, #top 10 fastest fish, #sailfish swimming fast, #what is the fastest fish, #sail fish, #sailfish vs other fish, #sailfish os, #shorts, #short, #viralvideo, #youtubeshorts, #shortvideo, #ytshorts
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peterchiublack · 7 months ago
量子學派 2022.05.10.
量子學派 俄烏背後:美國在打一場“根”的戰爭,2022.05.10. https://i.ifeng.com/c/8FvOavG8uqn
美國的“彈簧刀300”,電子系統集成化程度很高,使用了精密晶片和電容原件。俄羅斯的匕首高超音速導彈(Kh-47M2 Kinzhal),同樣也密佈微電子電路及超算晶片操控。如果最後失去了精尖晶片的支援,戰爭怎麼打?
誰是晶片技術之根,大多數人看到的只是幾家明星晶片企業,例如三星、台積電等。美國的晶片企業有多少?包括英特爾、高通、博通、microchip、霍尼韋爾、IM Flash、IXYS、Skyworks、TowerJazz。還有Vishay、TSI、Skorpios、X-FAB、TowerJazz、TI、Kokomo、MACOM、Elmos、Skywater、Sanken、NXP等。
作業系統的落後,軟體體系的缺乏,可謂錐心之痛。當然,俄羅斯也有自己的極光Aurora OS 移動作業系統。可誰又知道AuroraOS移動作業系統基於開源 Sailfish OS。Sailfish OS是哪裡的?它是俄羅斯此次的對手之一的芬蘭Jolla公司開發,真是悲哀且荒謬。因為這裡涉及到另一個根——開源體系。
而這次俄烏戰爭中,俄羅斯3月移民超388萬人,民眾稱等局勢好轉再回!再舉一個例子,乙太坊創始人Vitalik Buterin,這位來自俄羅斯的優秀年青才俊,最終紮根於美加世界,這次就表態支持烏克蘭。
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7ooo-ru · 7 months ago
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Операционная система Аврора: обзор функций и возможностей в 2024 году
Операционная система Аврора позиционируется как отечественная мобильная ОС, предназначенная в первую очередь для работников госструктур. Ее основная фишка — повышенная безопасность, которая была достигнута при помощи радикальных мер. Расскажем о ��ом, что такое ОС Аврора, и попробуем понять, какова ее ценность для обычного пользователя.
Собрали актуальную информацию по ОС Авора в 2024 году, выделили основные возможности системы и рассказали о ее главных достоинствах и недостатках.
Что такое операционная система Аврора
ОС Аврора — это мобильная операционная система, которая обладает высоким уровнем безопасности и предназначена в основном для корпоративного сегмента. По сути, она является проприетарным форком операционной системы Sailfish OS, который был существенно переработан отечественными разработчиками. В основном именно поэтому система считается российской.
Отличия ОС Аврора от Sailfish OS
Главное отличие от Sailfish заключается в том, что Аврора может быть установлена только на специфические устройства.В отличие от Sailfish OS, Аврора не поддерживает установку приложений для Android.Также у обеих систем разная целевая аудитория: Sailfish для энтузиастов и гиков, а Аврора предназначена для госслужащих. ОС Аврора имеет сертификаты безопасности ФСБ России АК1/КС1 и АК2/КС2. Это говорит о том, что система сертифицирована для работы на устройствах, предназначенных для различных госструктур.
Подробнее https://7ooo.ru/group/2024/06/02/344-operacionnaya-sistema-avrora-obzor-funkciy-i-vozmozhnostey-v-2024-godu-grss-312901814.html
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tamarovjo4 · 8 months ago
Jolla, maker of Android variant Sailfish OS, details plans for a privacy-focused AI device, Jolla Mind², coming this fall for €699 and a €9.99/mo. subscription (Natasha Lomas/TechCrunch)
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vietngocbs · 2 years ago
*nay đi chơi về hơi mệt nên xí chỗ chứ chưa muốn chém gió gì hơn*
Cho bạn nào tìm mà không thấy: Classical Conditioning là Phản xạ có điều kiện kiểu Paplov, còn Operant Conditioning là Phản xạ có điều kiện kiểu Skinner :D
Mã nguồn của Tizen rối như canh hẹ! Thật. Gần 1000 tiểu phần (module) cơ :(
*Uh. Một module là một phần hệ thống có thể hoạt động riêng rẽ mà không cần đến sự hỗ trợ của các module khác trong hệ thống. Tức là các tiểu phần nằm giữa bộ phận và toàn thể khi xếp theo độ phức tạp và chức năng. Là một khái niệm trừu trượng của thiết kế hệ thống nên việc triển khai nó trên thực tế cũng rất linh hoạt. Ví dụ trong một bộ máy vi tính, tiểu phần được hiểu là những linh kiện có thể dễ dàng thay thế như bộ vi xử lý trung tâm (CPU), bộ nhớ truy cập ngẫu nhiên (RAM), bản mạch chủ (mainboard), ổ đĩa và các loại thiết bị ngoại vi. Bản thân mỗi bộ máy vi tính cũng sẽ là một tiểu phần ở hệ thống lớn hơn :v*
Chưa biết tạo bản dựng và chạy nó ở máy ảo kiểu gì... Chán hơn cả KaiOS 🙄
*Bạn có thể tự dựng WebOS và thử nó với VirtualBox theo hướng dẫn ở đây :|| Và như bạn có thể thấy, tài liêu dành cho máy ảo QEMU đã được chú thích là lỗi thời (deprecated) nhưng điều này lại dễ hiểu bởi hiện WebOS đâu có hỗ trợ tận năm loại vi xử lý là armv7, x86, aarch64, x86_64 và riscv64 như Tizen đâu!*
Ồ. Không có tí gì về máy tính dạng bảng ở mã nguồn của Tizen luôn này!!! 😱
*Cho bạn nào chưa biết thì Samsung đã luôn là công ty sản xuất máy tính dạng bảng lớn thứ hai trên thế giới, chỉ sau Apple. Rất nhiều sáng tạo của Samsung như tính năng chia màn hình nói riêng và thao tác với màn hình lớn nói chung hiện đã được đưa vào Android gốc để các hãng khác sử dụng. Câu hỏi là nếu Samsung nghiêm túc với việc mở mã Tizen thì điều gì đã ngăn công ty đưa các sáng tạo trên vào Tizen hay ít nhất là làm cho trang Tizen.org dễ đọc hơn???*
Cơ mà chả ngạc nhiên lắm khi bị loại từ vòng gửi xe :D
Nhu cầu (need) là thứ mà người dùng cuối mong muốn. Tính năng (feature) là những đặc điểm về tính chất và chức năng của sản phẩm. Và như thế thì giá trị sản phẩm (value) được tạo ra khi nhu cầu cụ thể được thoải mãn bởi tính năng
Chiểu theo lý luận này thì cửa hàng ứng dụng nghèo nàn của Tizen không đáp ứng được cho người dùng đại trà nhưng lại khá hợp cho học sinh và giáo viên.
Tuy nhiên, câu hỏi ở đây là tại sao phải đốt tiền để thay Android bằng hệ điều hành mới có ít khác biệt giao diện và kém tương thích phần cứng? Trong khi lại dễ dàng bỏ Google Mobile Services và cải thiện chất lượng của cửa hàng ứng dụng trên phần cứng thiết kế sẵn giống như Amazon Appstore trên Kindle Fire!
Uhm. Rất đáng thử giao diện người dùng của MeeGo/Sailfish OS/Nemo Mobile, đặc biệt là màn hình quản lý đa nhiệm. Có điều để làm như vậy, ta sẽ phải tách riêng giao diện đã có cho thiết bị Samsung và lượng mã viết từ đầu sẽ khá cao.
Không ạ! Microsoft đúng là một nhân tố bí ẩn đối với Tizen nhưng không phải ở định hướng phát triển .Net mà là ở cách tiếp cận thị trường thiết bị di động của các CEO. Ai mà biết được họ sẽ hứng thú với phân khúc này trong bao lâu! ~~
*Cho bạn nào có hứng* Với .Net MAUI miễn phí và Avalonia UI trả phí, bạn có thể tạo ứng dụng cho Tizen cùng lúc với tạo ứng dụng cho iOS và Android 😎
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davidcuniverse · 2 years ago
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Been there. Done that. 2013 called.. #BlackBerry wants their innovations and ideas back! . . Yup. Still salty. #teamBlackBerry #BB10 *ps* I know sailfish OS also had swipe gestures back then too.. But I don't care 😋 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoPviypONg_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wedgestratos · 6 years ago
Sailfish OS: One Day
Today’s gonna be a weird and long post, so let’s start slow and give you the choice.
We’ve had, for years, seen the constant back and forth between Google and Apple on their respective phone operating systems. Android, which has dominated the market on basically any device you can pick up here in the states, and iOS, which exclusively powers iPhones, iPods and iPads. Despite the two duking it out, Android does hold the highest market share. As of Q2 2018, Statista claims a whopping 82% market share for Android, and no other competitors really exist.
But, for years, I’ve been enamored by an OS that has been seemingly out of my reach, and has had a lot of drawbacks that prevented me from ever considering using it for more than an hour. An OS that’s been going strong for over 5 years, and might soon see a new breath of fresh air due to recent allegations to Huawei. So, after the break, let me tell you my tale of Sailfish OS.
Now one thing I want to briefly mention is the history of this, but don’t take it as gospel. I’m not an expert on this stuff, but what I’ve gathered is Sailfish OS is built on a foundation of MeeGo and Mer. MeeGo has prospered on its own to Tizen, an alternative OS used widely by Samsung on their watches and fridges (for some reason), while Mer was a fork of MeeGo driven by the community, and became the framework for ex-Nokia employees to start a new project, with the funding of Nokia through their Bridge program. Those ex-Nokia employees would found Jolla, and Sailfish OS would be their creation.
I first heard of Sailfish in 2013, as I was dipping my toes into the world of smartphones at that point. It looked incredible, with vivid, vibrant colors, a gesture-driven UI, a uniform design language, and a promise of privacy and openness that we definitely don’t see from companies today. And at the time, I was especially curious of their hardware.
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Credit By Michael Coté - Flickr: Charles' Jolla phone, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=31979039
The Jolla phone saw its first pre-orders in April of 2013, and was officially available for purchase by November. It had decent specs for the time. Snapdragon 400, a modest 540x960 resolution (keep in mind, the flagship Samsung Galaxy SIII had a mere 720p resolution), 1GB of RAM, a 2100mAh battery, and most interesting to me, the “Other Half” which powered the system’s Ambiences. You slap a new Other Half on it, and the color changed to match in the OS. Cool in concept.
The later Jolla tablet would be promoted with an Indiegogo campaign, but unfortunately, costs and availability of materials, and the development of Sailfish OS 2.0 led to the tablet ultimately being cancelled, with a handful of units out in the wild.
Since then, Jolla’s gotten back on stable footing. The OS is open for licensing with OEMs, and Jolla’s been able to get official support from places like Russia, and companies like... Sony.
I have the Xperia XA2, released in March 2018 for $300 in the US. I snatched it up on eBay for a mere $170, and I’ve enjoyed its clean design, near-stock OS, and the solid in-house Sony apps like the Gallery and Music apps worked wonders. But then I discovered Jolla was working on Sailfish X for the XA2.
As a way to support the OS, and a way to fund the continued development of an Android compatibility layer for those who need Android apps, Jolla has Sailfish X, a version of their OS that features predictive text input with the keyboard, software updates and customer support, and of course, the Alien Dalvik, which lets you run Android apps on the OS natively. This was important, since I knew I needed apps like Discord, Twitter, Google Maps, and I could see the available open-sourced apps of things like Keepass weren’t gonna cut it.
The process was a bit difficult, and I stayed up until 4am on Saturday, trying to get the phone backed up, flashed, and ready to go with what I needed. First, I had to unlock the bootloader, which Sony and Jolla made it pretty easy. Then I had to buy the OS for the meager $35 USD (which I had done before even being certain my phone would do it, don’t make my mistake), download their software package and just... do it. After an hour, I had the phone running Sailfish, and man, it was a delight from the beginning. Swiping, tapping, sliding, the OS felt smooth, it had this flow about it.
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After I got the accounts logged in, I proceeded to grab a few apps... before realizing all too soon that I’d need Google Play services. This is where I’m probably gonna get a lot of flack. For all the effort I put in, I was about to install apps that were at least partially at fault for the slowness of my XA2 on Android, and defeating the point of installing Sailfish.
Let me be forward in saying I don’t care that much about privacy. Do I like Google being involved in every facet of my life? Absolutely not, but they are sadly a necessary evil. And it’s not like you, the reader, would be any different. Tumblr, after all, is owned by Verizon, who has a history of screwing customers in plenty of situations, including firefighters who need constant access to emergency services for contact. And too many things want or need Google Play for me to avoid it. Discord, Telegram, Authy, Youtube, I use all this stuff, and without GP, it gets unhappy. I could remedy some of those by using Amazon or just going open-source with F-Droid, but it won’t fix the issue. And even now, microG, an open-source implementation of Google Play services, isn’t perfect, and would likely cause more headaches than I could handle at 4am on a Saturday.
Fortunately, some good Samaritans on Jolla’s Together forums created a simple Bash script I could run by just SSHing into my phone... Wow, that was a sentence. A fitting one though. After that, and after some headaches with the Google Setup wizard (here’s a tip: use Vision settings to get to your Android settings, and disable permissions on “Android Setup” when you’ve gotten your account logged in), I was finally using my phone, and it runs quite well. Android apps don’t consistently work correctly. Often, I have to close apps like the settings or Keepass because the framework stops updating the frontend, or even fully stop and start Android support, but it works well for just about everything I’m using on it now!
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I really like the UI and design, and since the Other Half concept isn’t there for the XA2, ambiences are just a menu away from changing the look and feel of the OS in this pleasing way.
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The system flows thanks to its gesture-driven controls. Swiping up from the bezel will bring you your app tray, swiping from the top bezel gives you quick settings. When you’re on the home screen, swiping left or right gives you a sort of agenda view where notifications, weather, and updates from your Twitter, Facebook, XMPP, VK and other accounts stack up. When you’re inside an app, swiping from the left or right bezel should bring you back home. Of all the interface controls on this device, that one is the most inconsistent one, a pain point given the nature of Android’s design language encourages these slide-out menus that you can’t consistently swipe open due to that gesture. The only setting I’ve found on that is to change the left-side bezel swipe to open the agenda instead of going home. I’d personally prefer hot zones on the bezels, so if I wanted to go home, swipe in from the lower half of the screen, but if I want the Android menus, slide from the top half.
Other interesting design cues come from the glowing parts of the UI, where extended menu options usually hide, or places you can slide out to are available.
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Sliding down if the top is glowing usually opens this pulley menu, where each option can be selected by just pulling a bit and letting go. It’s an odd one, and due to the inconsistencies of apps and options, the pulley menu isn’t as instantly intuitive as I would hope. If there’s a glowing dot on a page though, you can simply slide to return to a menu from previously, or access another menu if the dot’s on the right side. Again, this is a bit inconsistent, as the unofficial Twitter app, Pingviini, showcases. You can actually just swipe left and right at will to access your notifications, conversations, search and trendings, and timeline. That bottom menu you’re seeing there is hidden so often, it’s basically pointless to have it there. This does make the whole system feel more cohesive, Pingviini looks like it belongs on this phone, but it does hurt usability.
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Thus far, I’m still testing and learning about this OS. I had to google screenshotting, which is simply holding the volume rocker together. Doesn’t feel as reliable as the Android alternative of Volume Down and Power / Home, but I’ll take it. I don’t plan on gaming with this. Games are just not what I buy a phone for. It’s nice to have it there, but I’d prefer to just play my 3DS if I’m out and about.
I can’t wait to do more with Sailfish. It feels really nice to use, and I’m honestly draining my phone’s battery just from the amusement of swiping and sliding menus around and admiring the design of this. The last OS I really enjoyed using was Blackberry 10, and this feels like a sort of spiritual successor, with the included agenda feed and the persistent cards for apps you’re using.
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illuminarch · 5 years ago
Astro Slide é um smartphone 5G com Android, Linux e teclado
A Planet Computers, com sede em Londres, está em uma missão para reinventar o icônico PDA da série 5 da Psion para a era dos smartphones. Emboramuitos entusiastas se lembrem da Série 5 de 1997 com carinho e estejam frequentemente abertos à ideia, os esforços anteriores da empresa, o Gemini PDA e o Cosmo Communicator, tiveram desvantagens. Conheça, portanto, o Astro Slide, smartphone 5G vem com…
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mlembug · 1 year ago
I bought a Sony Xperia 10 III and installed Sailfish OS on it
my smartphone just died
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revyuh · 6 years ago
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zvaigzdelasas · 4 years ago
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There's now an opensuse pinephone distro :)
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androidos-by-ff · 8 years ago
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edekakam · 7 years ago
install #Sailfish X OS from #Jolla. #nerd #nerdkram #sony #experia #alternativ #os
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iwan1979 · 6 years ago
--- Due to the ongoing legal troubles that Huawei is experiencing in the US, the company will most likely need to start finding an alternative operating...
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smartphonehrvatska · 6 years ago
Huawei navodno u pregovorima s Rusima o korištenju Sailfish OS-a za buduće uređaje
Proteklih smo tjedana imali prilike doznati da se Huawei možda već ove jeseni sprema lansirati vlastiti OS kao alternativu, za njih zabranjenu Androidu. Danas pak izlazi vijest da navodno pregovaraju i s Rusima o mogućem korištenju Sailfish OS-a na svojim budućim uređajima. Ima smisla. (more…)
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