dirtbagcore · 3 months
in my AU where satou got isekai'd:
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+ OMAKE🌸⬇️
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because the mans always surrounded by clichés and WHAT is more cliché than this genre??? (゜∇^d)!!
writing a fic for it atm thats titled
"My Average CRUSH Turned into an ISEKAI PROTAGONIST: That Time I Became the Overpowered Heroine & Followed Him to Another World!!"
if that gives you context for the scene LMFAO
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jllyfshu · 5 months
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dont mind me ☺️
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glitter-gummy-bears · 2 years
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I'm so glad I'm finally done with this! It's been living in my head and on my laptop for weeks!
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cybercow6oy · 24 days
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sobbingsir · 10 months
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Thought it would be cute to draw these two idk but yippee :))
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watcher0033 · 1 year
I love how Saiki’s creator introduced Satou the moment he expresses onscreen that yes, he finds Teruhashi’s advances annoying but he ofc care about her. It really went—
Them: *le GASP* He does care about her DoES tHaT MeAn—!?
Creator: Do you think he’s reciprocating? Fools. Meet his standard.
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satsuo · 10 months
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Saiki K sketches during class ;D
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loveromeo1641 · 5 months
I recently reinstalled tiktok and GOD it was such a jumpscare remembering how god awful the tiktok tdlosk fandom was compared to tumblr. Like jesus christ why is everyone so negative and shitty all the fucking time, do they not get like exhausted from it
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mac33cheese · 6 months
Satousai is just manic pixie dream boy x some guy
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escaped-cryptid · 6 months
People need to understand that you can ship things without wanting them to be cannon
Yeah I ship Sengen. Do I think it should be cannon? No because I prefer scientist characters that show little interest in romance to be aromantic. I think it a great exploration and how the character was intended. Does that mean I don’t ship him with his narrative foil? Of course not. Always ship with the Foil
Same with Satousai. Do I like it and giggle and kick my feet when I see them kiss? Yes absolutely. But Saiki in cannon is an aromantic asexual icon who doesn’t care for any relationship because of his physic powers and the effect that has on how he views people.
And honestly if these ships became cannon I wouldn’t like it. Fan content is a place for characters to be outside of what the author wants them to be for the story they want to tell. In both situations a relationship between these characters would fuck up the whole point of the story. The whole point of Saiki is his disconnect from humans and not feeling a lot of the emotions that define humanity one of the largest being Romantic love. If they took that away from him he’d fit right in as an average high schooler but that’s not who the story needs him to be.
In the sengen case I mean look at those fuckers nothing would get done
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thestupido54 · 1 year
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starzels · 2 years
A kind reminder, I know that saiki doesn't have actual feelings for satou. I just ship Satousai.... Because I CAN.
(I actually ship satousai because I strongly relate to Saiki and I have strong interest in Satou so I project those feelings and the rest is history.)
But to be honest, you can't tell me Satou doesn't have a tiny crush on saiki in this panel alone.
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"Badump Badump" 💀💀 I know what you are.
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vinylbiohazard · 1 year
*sigh* thinking about saiki befriending satou and the more time he spends with him, the more he learns that satou isn't just the perfect definition of normalcy, but finds he still likes him just as much, and is very confused as to why
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makifishcake · 5 months
Chapter 1 of my KuboSai Fic That's Been Sitting in my WIPs Since the Beginning of Time:
'What's so wrong with having a crush?' Is what Kusuo wanted to say, but in reality, there was a big problem with having a crush. It has been proved by scientists and Kusuo himself that liking someone romantically leads to irrational actions and thoughts, and ultimately leads to disappointment, because crushes don't last. Past experiences- Yumehara, Aiura and Teruhashi- are prime examples of crushes that failed horribly. Kusuo sighed at the thought. Good grief, he knew this information and what it would indefinitely lead to, so why did he still stand at the entrance of PK Academy with a Jump Magazine, peach tea, and music that a certain someone took a liking to? It was stupid for Kusuo to even assume that Satou Hiroshi(forgettable name, right?) would even think of interacting with him after he'd displayed such strange behavior.
Kusuo knew that he looked wierd in Satou's mind, but was still disappointed when he walked past him(not after taking notice of his belongings which were eerily accurate to his likings), brushing him off as a wierdo. 'Why would he drink peach tea, of all things, here? That's kind of wierd...' Hiroshi thought. Saiki frowned ever-so-slightly. This did not stop Saiki from following the insanely average boy down the road to his house. Every move Satou made, every thought he possessed, every little smile, step, and wave he enacted made Saiki so innately curious. He couldn't deny he had some kind of attachment to Satou, despite having never spoken to him directly.
This, apparently, had shown through his features the next day, when he was watching Satou from the door of his classroom, as Toritsuka had commented on his unusual behavior, "Hey, Saiki, who are you spying on, today? I need to ask a favor of you," Saiki shot him a glare, and sent a telepathic sentence to his brain, saying, 'What do you want.' Toritsuka huffed and crossed his arms. "Why so rude, Saiki? Unless..." Saiki cut him off before his mind could wander. Saiki pointed to Satou, who sat in his seat with a book in hand. "Huh? Who are you pointing to? Satou? You mean that guy by the lockers?" Saiki shook his head. 'He's the one with the book,' Saiki sent the words to Toritsuka's tiny, filthy brain.
"Ah! So that's Satou," Toritsuka commented. Then, two other guys walked over to Satou's seat. One was chubby while the other was skinny, which made Saiki smile. He even has two average friends! Just like the stereotypical Hollywood movie friend trio. Kusuo almost burst with joy when the three boys greeted each other and conversed about their breakfast(such an average topic!). Kusuo heard sniggering to his left and glared at Toritsuka. 'Oh, he's down bad!' He heard the sentence appear in the perv's mind, and his face darkened. Toritsuka's joking manner quickly shifted to defense when Kusuo shot him the death glare. He laughed, shakily, and rubbed the back of his head. Kusuo turned back around to watch Hiroshi and his friends, thinking that nothing could possible disrupt their normalcy, and if right on cue, Toritsuka decides to test Kusio's patience.
The Purple-Haired 'psychic' slams his hand down on Hiroshi's desk, and Kusuo notes the startled look on his face with detestment towards the culprit. "Hey, Satou Hiroshi, right?" Hiroshi nods, and a sly grin spreads across Toritsuka's face. "Y-yes. Who are you?" Hiroshi stutters. It didn't surprise Kusuo in the least that Hiroshi had been frightened by Toritsuka's demeanor. Toritsuka, after all, was a menace to society. Knowing this, that Toritsuka was up to no good, Kusuo just stood there, watching as Toritsuka asked Hiroshi an inappropriate question, earning an uncomfortable look and response. Hiroshi laughed shakily, and Toritsuka walked off towards Kusuo. "You hear that, Saiki?" Toritsuka smirks, and unfortunately, Kusuo is confused as to why. "He likes girls openly, but we don't know his true feelings! Well, I don't know his true feelings. But you do! Don't you?" Toritsuka was really getting onto Kusuo's nerves, now. "You can see his deepest darkest thoughts, but I'll still tail him for you!" 'Then I'll owe you.' Kusuo snipes back. Toritsuka's smirk droops. "Damn, already caught on." He says. Kusuo shrugs, 'I am a telepath.' "Then you already know why I wanted to talk to you, earlier, too." Toritsuka whines. He sounded idiotic even asking the question. Kusuo nodded. "Then will you-" And with that, Kusuo walked back to class, Toritsuka screaming in protest.
It was all Kusuo could think about, that Hiroshi Satou. It made Kusuo wonder, he know he has no interest in me, but it would hurt to give it a shot at confessing, would it? No, that was stupid. Hiroshi is straighter than a ruler. Kusuo sighed. This was going to be harder than he had thought.
'Hm. Saiki seems pretty out of it. I wonder what He's thinking about.'
Saiki heard the thought and stiffened. He recognized the voice and took a look around. He found a certain purple-haired delinquent eying him from across the classroom. They caught eye contact and Kuboyasu Aren looked away.
'Shit, did he catch me staring? That's embarrassing...'
Yeah, it was. Why do you care what I'm thinking about, nosy?
'Wait, could he have...?'
If there was one thing Kusuo hated, more than social outings, it was unfinished thoughts. What could Kuboyasu mean by that? What if Kusuo had a what?
'No, not that guy. I'm sure he has no interest in anyone. Doesn't he?'
Oh. So that's what it was. Kusuo couldn't deny it, but he would be mad at himself if he fed into Kuboyasu's imagination as to who he could possibly have any interest in. Kusuo fought the urge to sigh a good grief. He counted the seconds until the bell rang for the day to end. 3... 2... 1...
Every student clambered out the door, well, almost every student. Kaidou, Nendou and Kuboyasu were grouped up around Kusuo, asking various questions and ultimately annoying Kusuo. He felt affection toward the three, but that didn't excuse their idiocy. "Hey, pal, wanna get ramen? I know a good joint around that café you like," Nendou blabbed. "We always get ramen, you meat-head! Why can't we go somewhere else!?" Kaidou argued. Kuboyasu... stayed quiet. It left Kusuo wondering. His thoughts betrayed nothing about his change in behavior. But, nevermind that. Kusuo had other things to worry about, like how he was going to confess to Hiroshi.
"Damn, I can't believe you convinced me to go," Kaidou complained. Well, he had abliged after about 20 minutes of arguing. If Kusuo didn't know any better, he'd think Kaidou and Nendou were best friends. "Haha, I'm a master convincer!" Hey, Nendou, when did you expand your vocabulary? That's a pretty big word, coming from you. Kaidou and Nendou sniped at each other for a while while Kusuo contemplated and went over his plan. He would slip a blank piece of paper into Hiroshi's desk during his lunch, invisible. If anyone saw him commit the act, he would play it off as... No, that wouldn't work. He couldn't play it off as just giving Hiroshi some extra loose-leaf paper if he already had paper in his desk. Kusuo sighed quietly. What was he going to do? And damn, were Kaidou and Nendou loud. He wanted to get away.
Kusuo sat on his bed with his germanium ring on. It'd been a while since he'd last used it. He had retrieved it after it fell into the saisen box. Kusuo needed the quiet if he wanted to focus. So far, he'd come up with two ways to subtly invite Hiroshi to the park. One, he'd apport a paper from inside Hiroshi's desk with a blank piece and wait until lunch, where he'd take it back and place it inside the desk. If someone saw him, hed play it off as "I found the paper in the hall and I'm taking it back". He'd then get his invitation ready and switch it for the blank piece. Two, he'd make himself invisible and take the invitation to Hiroshi's desk personally.
Kusuo decided on the first option. #2 was too risky. What if Toritsuka saw him or someone bumped into him, or if someone saw the floating invitation he was carrying? He couldn't bear to think of the consequences. It was already rare to see him even try to enter a relationship. He wasn't going to lose before he started. Kusuo was going to get the invite to Hiroshi. He was going to confess to Hiroshi, even if he didn't return his feelings. Kusuo grimaced at the thought of how he would feel if Hiroshi rejected him. He couldn't even begin to think of what might happen. A breakdown in the middle of the park? Tears? The whole entire world might blow up because of the stressed fit he'd have? In the living room, a certain Kuniharu shuddered, a bad feeling washing over him. He wondered what Kusuo was up to...
The plan went well. Everything went over smoothly, and Kusuo wasn't caught. It was an hour until he was supposed to meet up with Hiroshi. It was 15 minutes until the bell rang. It was only 15 minutes, but it felt like hours. People clambered around him, their voices rang loudly in his ears. It irritated Kusuo how time seemed to move so much slower when you were excited. Well, nervous-excited. He was almost shaking, but he couldn't tell why. Was he shaking with anger? Estaticity? Nervousness? Good grief, maybe he'd never know. Anyway, it was now 5 minutes and everyone was packing up. Zippers, rustling, crumpling, so many sounds. His leg bounced from under his desk. 4 minutes. Kusuo sighed.
Kusuo walked to the park. He wore his best cardigan, a light brown one, on top of a white blouse, with some light, loose-fitting jeans. Kusuo fretted, picking at the small balls of lint on his cotton cardigan, wondering whether he had dressed up too nice. He was panicking, but he was also listening in to all the thoughts of the people surrounding him, listening for any nuisances.
It was autumn. The grass and leaves were a dull brown, and they crunched beneath Kusuo's feet when he walked. So many people were down because of how dreary the park seemed, according to his analyzation of their thoughts. Kusuo, however, quite liked autumn and it's muted colors. It wasn't the most colorless season, and it wasn't incredibly vibrant. It was the vortex between colorful and colorless, the most average season, and Kusuo loved it. He sat down on a wooden bench, his eyes running over the engraved decals in the wood. Kusuo peeled his eyes off it after he heard the thoughts of Hiroshi approaching. He looked at his watch. Hiroshi had arrived right on the dot. Not late, not early, and not standing out in any way.
Kusuo had signed the invitation with his last name and first initial, so Hiroshi knew who had invited him to the park. "Hey, Saiki, right?" Hiroshi said as he ran up to Kusuo. He nodded. "Well, I'm here. What did you want to tell me?" Kusuo thought for a moment. No, he couldn't chicken out, not now. His hand twitched.
'Hiroshi Satou...'
Kusuo started, the words ringing in Hiroshi's head, only for him to hear. Hiroshi raised an eyebrow in question.
'Hiroshi, I like you. I hope you'll return my feelings.'
Y'all you don't know how long this has been sitting. I've been working on this for so long oml
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spicy-cannoli · 1 year
Inspired by @presidentcarrot ‘s art, and possibly a future fanfic for me to write, AU where Saiki becomes the baseball club manager
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Saiki likes the manager position because his job is taking care of people and getting close to zero recognition. Also he finally has an excuse for knowing all of Satou’s stats.
Idk what happened to the manager chick tho…maybe they’ve got two?
Commissions link under the cut! If you pay me to draw them ill love you forever
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sobbingsir · 10 months
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Saiki x Satou fanart with pochacco and pompom purin wip
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