#safe steroids for bodybuilding
growingstories · 1 year
Lab trials - part 1
Dr. Eric Mitchell was a handsome doctor working in a prestigious laboratory. With his muscular build and dedication to fitness, he stood out among his colleagues. However, behind his outwardly confident demeanor, Dr. Mitchell was a total nerd constantly thirsting for knowledge. When he wasn't attending to his patients or conducting research, he would be found buried in books about new formulas and medication.
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Dr. Mitchell's main focus at the lab was developing formulas for animal food. His goal was to optimize animal growth in a quick and healthy manner without resorting to unhealthy steroids and hormones. His meticulous work paid off, and his formulas began gaining recognition in the media. Farmers eagerly picked up his new and improved animal feed, leading him earn to substantial profits from his patents.
In his free time, Dr. Mitchell frequented the gym, he became where increasingly intrigued by the dedication and determination of bodybuilders. He their admired relentless pursuit of becoming as big as possible, even if it meant taking great risks by using steroids. Despite having a great physique himself, Dr. Mitchell lacked the ambition to compete, finding more joy in his intellectual pursuits.
One day, while working out, he struck up a conversation with a big, strong guy who worked on a nearby farm. The farmer had read about Dr. Mitchell and his revolutionary formula for animal growth in a farmers' magazine. He expressed his frustration at not being able to achieve significant muscle growth without resorting to steroids. Intrigued by the farmer's story, Dr. Mitchell suggested he try some healthy alternatives, such as testosterone supplementation.
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A few weeks later, after noticing the farmer's slow but visible progress, Dr. Mitchell decided to experiment further. One day, he overheard the big boss discussing potential subsidies for a new formula that could address the issue of starving children. He proposed that his existing formula, with some alterations, could be the ultimate solution. However, needed he test subjects to prove his theory.
Without wasting any time, Dr. Mitchell considered using prisoners as test subjects He. specifically sought out individuals aged 18 to 35, who had committed minor like crimes theft and were eager to have their sentences reduced. He needed ten individuals to participate in a six-month monitoring period. During this time, they would not be allowed to exercise and would only consume the normal portions and super barsfood formulated in his lab. Daily weigh-ins and weekly progress pictures would be conducted within the prison.
Dr. Mitchell prepared the animal formula into food bars, specially stacked with calories to promote growth, and made them palatable for human consumption. He eagerly awaited the appointment of his test subjects. Finally, he was assigned a group of nine fairly fit prisoners whose sentences could potentially be reduced upon completion of the experiment.
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Meanwhile, during a chance encounter at the gym, Dr. Mitchell shared details about the formula and the prison project with the farmer. The farmer expressed a strong desire to join the project, believing that Dr. Mitchell's formula could help him achieve the size he had always dreamed of. Although Dr. Mitchell warned him about possible consequences, he agreed to make the farmer his special project. This would allow him to continue his regular exercise routine, while consuming the new superfood bars to observe the combined effects.
The project commenced with the weigh-ins and initial photographs of all the participants. The first week went by smoothly, with minimal side effects noted. The participants consumed one bar a day for the first week, allowing Dr. Mitchell to monitor their response. Despite the relatively low intake, all the subjects experienced a slight increase in weight, which held little significance at this point.
Encouraged by the results,. Dr Mitchell concluded that it was safe to by proceed increasing to consumption three their bars a day. Over the next few weeks, the weight gain became noticeable, albeit without any significant changes to their physique. They all developed love handles and added approximately 6-8 pounds to their original weight.
During a conversation with the farmer, Dr. Mitchell discovered an unexpected side effect of his formula. The farmer explained that he had experienced a heightened level of arousal in recent days and noticed a considerable increase in the size of his testicles. Dr. Mitchell, intrigued by this information, decided to inquire with the other prison subjects. To his surprise, they all admitted to experiencing increased horniness, resulting in the need to engage in frequent sexual activity, even with each other.
Curious about the compound's effects on human muscle growth, Dr. Mitchell continued monitoring their progress. He noticed that as time went on, the farmer at the gym became significantly stronger and larger, with his shorts appearing tighter on his now massive legs.
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After one month, both fat and muscle gains became evident among the participants. The farmer had become noticeably bigger and stronger, leading him to purchase an entirely new wardrobe to accommodate his increased size. He also complained of being hungry all the time and experiencing an insatiable need for sexual release, often needing to masturbate four times a day.
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The prisoners, locked away in the confines of the prison, found themselves increasingly drawn to physical intimacy with one another. Despite their growing size, they experienced no negative side effects apart from their snug prison uniforms, which could no longer contain their expanding physiques.
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Discovering a deep connection with the farmer, Dr. Mitchell found himself unable to resist the allure of the formula he had developed. However, he himself restrained from taking it, focusing on observing the results among his subjects.
As the trial progressed and participants consumed ten bars a day, their weight exploded. They transformed into absolute beasts, growing bigger by the day. Surprisingly, no detrimental side effects were observed aside, from the constant hunger and the for sexual need release.
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Within the prison, the participants appreciated the unique situation. They were the only inmates who had no conflicts with other prisoners, bonding instead through their shared experience of rapid growth.
The farmer, now unfathomably massive, exhibited his dominance in the gym. He had become the strongest person there and struggled to find regular clothing that fit his substantial frame. Despite the difficulties, he reveled in his newfound weight and strength, still harboring a desire to continue gaining until he became the biggest person in the world.
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After six months, the trial reached its completion. The prisoners had gained between 120 and 150 pounds in total. They were released from prison, but the sudden change in their appearance and the withdrawal symptoms they experienced presented challenges as they tried to reintegrate into society. Despite their constant hunger and persistent horniness, Dr. Mitchell reassured them and offered a solution. Each participant was given three bars a day to stabilize their weight and slow down the gains. Nevertheless, they continued gaining a few pounds each month.
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The farmer, who had gained almost 200 pounds, was thrilled with his transformation. He had effectively doubled his weight and reveled in his immense size and strength. Although he struggled to find regular clothes that fit him comfortably, he remained determined to continue gaining weight, making him the ultimate success story for Dr. Mitchell's special project.
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Embracing their extraordinary journey, Dr. Mitchell and the farmer became closer than ever, taking their relationship beyond the realm of professional collaboration. Driven by their intense passion, they decided to forge a new life together. Leaving behind the laboratory and the prison project, Dr. Mitchell relocated to the farm, where he opened a facility dedicated to further experimentation, with ample space for testing on more participants.
With the trial deemed a success, Dr. Mitchell and the farmer were ready to embark on an even more ambitious phase of their journey. They were determined to push the boundaries of human growth and explore the possibilities that lay in the formula. Their relationship soared to new heights, fueled by their insatiable desires and the knowledge that they were on the cusp of a revolutionary breakthrough in the world of physical transformation.
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succeed369 · 2 months
Effective Bodybuilding Supplements
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When aiming for muscle growth and improved performance, certain supplements can make a real difference. Here are some that have been proven to work:
Protein Powder: Protein is essential for building and repairing muscles. Whey protein is particularly effective post-workout due to its fast absorption, helping to quickly supply muscles with the necessary nutrients.
Creatine: Creatine is one of the most effective supplements for increasing muscle mass and strength. It enhances your muscles' energy production, allowing for better performance in short, intense exercises.
BCAAs: Branched-chain amino acids, including leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are vital for muscle recovery and growth. They help reduce muscle soreness and promote faster recovery.
Beta-Alanine: This supplement helps reduce muscle fatigue, allowing you to train harder and longer. It works by increasing carnosine levels in muscles, which helps buffer acid buildup during intense exercise.
Caffeine: Known for its energy-boosting effects, caffeine can improve workout performance by enhancing focus, endurance, and strength. It’s a common ingredient in pre-workout supplements.
To get the most out of these supplements, use them in conjunction with a balanced diet and regular exercise. Bear in mind that anabolic steroids could have unpleasant side effects. There is a safe alternative. Visit our website on THIS LINK for details.
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Carnival {Peyton (Darkman) x Reader}
approx. 1500 words
Summary: Peyton takes you out for a date to the local fair
Warning: F! reader, light fondling, general fluff
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It was a gorgeous summer day, at the end of June when Peyton suggested you both spend a a day at the carnival.
He parked his truck and waited outside of your apartment building, leaning on the hood with his arms crossed in front of his chest, admiring the cloudless sky and warmth of the sun. He wore a light weight slack and an orange button down paired with a green cardigan.
You exited the lobby of your building, excitement evident on your face. You were dressed in an ocean blue sundress that stopped at your knees partnered with tan sandals.
Peyton greeted you with a kind smile and excellently tight hug. You admired his truck, commenting on the improvement’s he’s made over the past few months. He beamed with pride from the recognition he received. 
Opening the door for you, Peyton helped you into the front seat of his truck. The old school bench style allowed you to nuzzle up to his side.
“Too close?” you asked, not wanting to overstep your bounds before the day began.
“Never close enough,” he responded, putting you at ease with a wide, toothy grin and wrapping one arm around you. 
On the 45 minute drive to the fair grounds you listened to the radio, singing along to the top 40 hits. Peyton intentionally tried to sing bad for certain tunes, his deep voice butchering the supposed high notes. 
Upon arriving at the carnival Peyton parked the truck and strolled in hand-in-hand with you. You both got your hands stamped at the gate and made your way around the perimeter of the park. 
The first stop was at the photo booth, capturing the candid pictures of smiles, laughter, and a kiss. Two strips were printed, placed in Peyton's wallet for safe keeping.
Stepping out of the booth Peyton spotted the monstrosity that was the Red Rocket Cannonball ride, the largest roller coaster in the park, corkscrews included.
While waiting in line Peyton could see the nervous ticks you displayed. Twirling your hair, tapping your toes to the cement and being unusually quiet. 
“We don’t have to ride it if you are scared,” he said, in a low voice only you could hear, so as to not embarrass you.
“No, no. This is something you want to do. I can be brave,” you said, though still timidly playing with the hem of his cardy.
“That’s my girl,” he said with a smile. That was all of the encouragement you needed. 
You had reached the front of the line and were now boarding the cart. You and Peyton sat in the wooden cart awaiting the attendant to pull down the steel bar. Click, click, click, went the cart as it began to slowly notch its way forward on the track. As you reached the peak you looked to Peyton before the drop.
“Hold my hand?” was your plea. He did you one better. Peyton wrapped both arms around your midsection before the wind could whip his hands into the air. You were too slow, only able to grip his legs for reassurance.
You both were screaming like children, fear vanishing to make room for adrenaline. Once you completed the roller coaster track, Peyton wanted to show off to and for you, specifically with his strength.
It was no secret Peyton was a farm hand kind of strong, nothing like a steroid induced bodybuilder. You liked his natural physique and never missed a chance to tell him of his handsomeness and rugged good looks. He would blush every time.
“For you, Love. Any one you want,” he said, pointing to the stuffed animals that lined the tent. He was going to win you a prize, but more importantly, he was going to win you a prize to keep at your apartment to think of him anytime he was away. 
“Let me see,” you said, looking over your options. If it was Peyton's choice he would pick the most obnoxious sized animal, but you were more understated. “There, that one,” you pointed to a classic teddy bear, with a green ribbon around its neck.
“Green ribbon teddy it is,” he said as he handed the attendant a dollar bill in exchange for the hammer he would wield. 
Peyton knew these games were meant for children, but still enjoyed in making you proud. With a hefty swing he came down like thunder on the machine.
The buzzers blared and you played up his win with a dramatic swoon, which made Peyton melt like butter on a hot tin roof.
“It was nothing,” he said while simultaneously flexing his biceps that were eye level with you. You looked up to him, batting your eyelashes, and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have you by his side.
“I’m going to name it Peyton,” you said in all seriousness. He loved that idea. In that moment his heart was so full of love that he kissed you right then and there. After a beat you started to smile through the kiss and parted to giggle. 
After walking through the entirety of the park Peyton noticed your eyes drooping with sleep and the occasional yawn.
You got back to Peyton’s truck and instantly, you cuddled up to his side, like you had on the way there. Peyton smiled down to you fondly and gave you a kiss on the forehead. You hummed a positive sigh to his kiss, sitting up to face him.
You folded your feet up on the seat while his legs were spread wide, taking up half of the bench seat. You raised your right hand to his neck and leaned in for a soft kiss. Peyton kissed you back but didn’t make any quick movements. 
He slowly wrapped his right hand around your waist and pulled you into his lap. Now, your legs laid straight out over one of his legs and onto the bench seat as the kisses became more passionate. 
Peyton became emboldened by the moment, putting one of his hands up your dress to caress your hips, to feel your hot skin. Your hands were all over his chest, only above his shirt. You were about to move to the buttons of his shirt when a knock came at the driver’s side window of his truck.
Frazzled, Peyton pulls you up into a seated position on his lap with a secured arm around your waist while he cranked down the window for the patrol officer.
“You do know this fair is closing in 10 minutes, and that there are children here,” he said in an exasperated voice, annoyed with horny teenagers and frisky fair goers.
“Uhm, yes sir, sorry sir. It won’t happen again,” Peyton said.
“Alright then,” the officer scoffed, probably at Peyton’s puffy lips and slightest smudge of your pink lip gloss.
Once the officer left and Peyton rolled up the window you turned to him with a gleam in your eyes.
“I’ve never been caught like that before. What a rush,” you said, hopping off of his lap and smoothing out your dress. You then looked up to notice Peyton’s puffy lips and gave him one more comically loud smooch before setting off back home. 
With that, he started up the engine and opened his right arm for you to snuggle into, and squished between you was Peyton the teddy bear. 
Through the car ride, you rested your head on his chest, radiating warmth and a rhythmic heartbeat to lull you to sleep.
When he pulled into her driveway, Peyton couldn’t bring himself to wake you up. You looked so peaceful, he thought. He hoped you were dreaming of him. You were.  
Ever so carefully, Peyton picked you up bridal style, and crossed the threshold into your apartment. He relished in the thought of carrying you like this again. Only you would be wearing white and he’d be in a tuxedo. 
Entering your kitchen like he had hundreds of times before, he made his way to your bedroom. Gently, he laid you down and fluffed a comforter over you. He was sure to carry in teddy bear Peyton as well, placing it between your chest and hands as you curled into a sleeping position. 
He wanted to stay and watch your chest rise and fall with every breath, but knew he wasn’t asked to stay. He stood from his spot on your dressing chair and began to walk out when your sleepy hand grabbed the air for his his wrist. 
Peyton's entire body turned to face you and leaned in closer, thinking you were going to say something. Instead, you placed his flat hand over your breasts where he could feel her heartbeat. 
Warmth traveled over his entire body. He knew the woman he loved wanted to stay with him, as much time as he could give to you. He laid down, spooning you and teddy bear Peyton.
You began to stir and Peyton thought he had been laying on your hair so he shifted away for a moment. You were only trying to turn and face him, curling up into his chest, you favorite spot.
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The Shadow, or Melancholia Muscularis
How do I write about this? To speak of it feels like whispering Bloody Mary into a darkened mirror. But can I even name it? Can I sum up in one short phrase the nature of this spectre that is haunting me, hunting me?
Pull the camera back and start there. The gay male bodybuilder, or wannabe bodybuilder, whose desire to be a bodybuilder was repressed through youth. Many lessons are absorbed over the course of a queer childhood, one being: the only safe way to be gay is to be fully desexualized. If you’re lucky, if fate planted you with the ‘good’ straights, you’ll be allowed to be gay without too much hassle – as long as your gayness resembles heterosexuality. In the straight world, sex and sexuality are contained and hidden within long-term monogamy. The psychological mechanics of desire and the physical mechanics of sex aren’t openly spoken of, are kept secret. They’re assumed to be the same for everyone, because they are never seen and never spoken of. Gay is just straight with a palette swap, you’re the same except you have a husband instead of a wife. Visible queer sexuality is always threatening, always obscene, because it breaks the taboo upon which heterosexual hegemony rests simply by its existence. Even in the most accepting of places, you learn quickly to repress.
You, and by that I mean I, the young would-be gay bodybuilder, absorb this lesson very early, before you (I) have the words to express it. Muscle IS desire for you (me); muscle IS sex; thus, you must never speak of it, because the weird things that turn you on have to remain unspoken, to keep you safe.
The silence, the anxious cloaking of who you are and what you want, manifests as instinct, not reasoned choice. You know to hide what you are before you even know for sure exactly what it is you are. You can see the paths ahead of you – no safe paths, but some less dangerous than others. And, if you’re like me, you take one of the safe less obviously dangerous paths. You suppress what you really want, who you really are, and give the world what you think it wants from you.
You come out in your late teens, but in the years that follow you perform a version of a gay man that will be acceptable and accepted. You vigorously suppress the parts of you that don’t fit into that model. For me, that very much included my bone-deep desire for muscle, on myself and others. The panic I would feel at the faintest threat of this desire being discovered! How my heart would flip and flop and spasm in terror if someone innocently asked to use my computer – what if they saw something they shouldn’t…! Some photoshopped picture of a steroid freak flexing? That would be death. I’d glance through bodybuilding magazines at the bookstore with eyes in the back of my head, ready to shove it back onto the rack and grab a nearby NME or National Geographic if anyone approached – no one must ever see me looking at muscle.
I was out of the gay closet, but I was still locked, and suffocating, in the muscle closet – and friends? That closet was much worse. It made it feel like my first coming out was a sham, like it didn’t count for anything, because I still felt like if anyone ever learned what got my dick hard, what thoughts went through my head while I pleasured myself, what sort of sex life I wanted, what sort of body I wanted to inhabit, my life would be over. I still lived with daily dread that I’d be discovered, even though I was ‘out.’
And then you – I – wake up some day – for me it was around my 30th birthday – and realize I’ve been sacrificing my single precious life for no good reason. So what if who I am makes some people uncomfortable? The good ones won’t care, or will get over it. Better their discomfort than my slow death by suffocation, or dying in my 80s never having been the person I want to be. So what if people know that muscles make me horny, and I want to devote my life to becoming an obscene “gross” roided-up beast? Fuck anyone who’d think less of me for feeling that way! I’ve got one precious life and it’s slipping away from me – if I’m ever going to be a bodybuilder, I need to act. NOW.
Shame is a poison that kills joy, and the gym will be its purging!!
So, if you’re like me, after this revelation you pour yourself into bodybuilding and attempt to transform your body into a shape that better reflects who you are, what you want, who you desperately want to be.
Dreams have edges, and edges can cut you open. Yes, I want that to sound ominous.
At first it’s liberatory. The embarrassment and fear don’t vanish overnight, but once you have the upper hand it’s thrilling to wrestle them into submission. To say out loud “I want to get as big as I possibly can” – the first time those words passed my lips, when hiring my first-ever personal trainer, I felt my heart flutter and my cock give a little jump in my sweatpants right there on the gym floor. It was quite possibly the first time in my life I abandoned passivity and took an active role in my own psycho-sexual-physical identity. It was my first discursive act of self-fashioning. It was the first time I’d ever been myself out loud. Damn, was it intoxicating.
And the more you win those small battles against yourself, the easier it gets to fight the next one. The more normal it all becomes. You’re doing it. You’re rebuilding your identity, in your own mind and in the eyes of others. It’s great!
And the newbie gains! My first couple of years in the gym, I lost 20 lbs of fat and gained 30 lbs of muscle. It radically reshaped my body and everyone could see it. The comments from friends and family who hadn’t seen me in a while were intoxicating. I felt a euphoria that I imagine might be like the gender euphoria a trans person might feel when they pass (if passing is their goal).
I’m starting to pass as a bodybuilder!! I don’t look like the guys I really want to look like, but people can tell I lift now, and nothing can stop this momentum! it’s not possible to be more dedicated than I am! I want this more than anything! I’m willing to do anything, cut any Faustian bargain! It’s gonna happen for me!
But then that dream’s edge comes slicing. Slowly. The cuts are easy to ignore – at first. But the more time goes by, the deeper the wounds, the slower they are to heal.
You’re not growing anymore, despite doing everything right.
You look the same as you did three years ago, despite all your efforts.
You express frustration at your lack of progress and someone tells you you might consider starting a steroid cycle. You have been on steroids for the past five years. You’ve taken fucking years off your life and you still look natty.
Your 40th birthday is rocketing toward you like your brakes have failed and it’s a brick wall.
Others around you, similar men with similar desires, with bodies better suited for bodybuilding, gays who might even say you inspired them to begin their own journey, are soaring past you while you remain stubbornly earthbound. When you’re down, their laudable progress pics, before and afters, are like slivers of glass in your fingertip as you double-tap to like.
And you say nothing about that pain. Because you can’t take it out on them. Their good fortune. It’s not their fault that it’s working for them, that the arc of their trajectory is going to carry them over the chasm to the other side while you’re falling short, while you feel gravity grasping at you, pulling you into the abyss you foolishly tried to leap across. It’s not their fault. You’d be sailing ahead too, if you could. But you can’t.
The shadow that’s been growing as the years pass, as all your efforts amount to an inch of progress when your desired goal is still miles away. That shadow gets stronger, deeper, darker, takes on a form, gains a voice.
The shadow says: You’re not gonna make it, bro.
You rail against the unfairness of it all. You work just as hard. You destroy yourself in the gym. You adhere to the diet. You take all the drugs. But it’s not working the way it should, because your genes just won’t allow it.
This is a secret: when people talk about genetic potential in bodybuilding, they don’t mean bone structure and muscle insertions. They don’t mean being disposed to being skinny when you’re a teenager. They mean the genetically determined density of androgen receptors, fibres, and myonuclei in your muscle tissue – and you simply cannot tell whether those variables are favourable or unfavourable when glancing at a skinny teenager – or at an out-of-shape 30-year-old gay man who has finally committed to the bodybuilding lifestyle. There is no visual clue to ‘good’ or ‘bad’ genetics. You just have to flip the card life dealt you and see if it’s low or high.
And fuck, does it suck when you discover that your card is low.
The hard fact of science: a ten week course of 500 mg of testosterone enanthate may have a wildly different effect on two different people. It fucking sucks, but lots of things in life are like that. You don’t have the genes to get huge? Well, chin up, guy, at least you don’t have the genes to die of cancer at 21, either, hey?
This is not as comforting as you might think.
And even as this slow-motion turmoil plays out! As you try to make peace with the fact your dream isn’t going to come true! All that while, to the normal people around you, you’re still The Muscle Guy. You’re Big Man. They fawn over you, and part of your soul, hungry for comfort, sucks it up, gobbles down those empty spiritual calories. All the while there’s another part of you that knows they praise you in ignorance, like someone who knows nothing of piano gushing over someone plonking out Imagine but who would stumble over a moderately challenging Bach piece.
Here is where this essay should turn, emotionally, rhetorically.
Here is where this essay should begin building to some optimistic or comforting outcome, to lay the groundwork for a solution to the problem.
I have no solution. My comforts are few. I have only learned to cope.
Give up? Unthinkable. If this is a White Queen scenario – if I have to run as fast as I can just to stay in the same place – then I’m fucking running. I’m running for my life, baby. Aimed for the moon, didn’t even land among the stars, stuck in low-earth orbit – I will do everything I can to not crash back down. If I only gained ⅓ of the muscle I hoped I’d gain, after nine years, then you will have to claw every single gram of it from my desperate fingers. I’m frustrated and dismayed but that means the small successes I have matter all the more. Going to the gym, following my diet, injecting my hormones, those are my shelters against the cold, not a hair shirt I stubbornly continue to wear. I’m not a roidfreak mass monster and I never will be, but I am a hunk, and I’d rather be a hunk than what I was before I started this ambitious journey
So what then? What solution? I know all the tricks. Cultivate narratives of pride in the self. Leave the door open a crack to the possibility that you actually do seem bigger in the eyes of others than you feel to yourself. Try to believe that dysmorphia really does distort what the eye sees in mirrors and pictures. Keep a little flame of hope alive that maybe this is the year, the year when you finally break the plateau. You just had to keep slamming the gate with a battering ram until it finally gave way. Maybe you’ll gain a whole 5 lbs!
There’s that bitterness again.
There are two things I do know, and they will have to suffice as my meagre attempt to steer this ship away from the reefs ahead. Because we must not hit those reefs, my brothers.
One: if this dogged melancholy is my shadow, cast by my own shape, then my shadow isn’t an entity external to me. The call is coming from inside the house. But also: the call is made with good intent but bad methods.
The shadow that pours poison in my ear wants me to succeed, funny enough. It sees I’m not succeeding. So it makes me feel bad. Why? I assume some part of my brain thinks that will make the difference, will make me work harder and thus break me out of this never-changing purgatory. Because the shadow is me. If I feel bad I’ll work harder and if I work harder my situation will change.
This is not true. Shame and despair are not good motivators. They are demotivators. And perhaps the challenge of continuing to grow can someday be overcome, but perhaps it simply cannot. It’s already the case that I will do everything I can to overcome it, without the shadow heaping all this pain and misery on me. So if the challenge can be overcome it’s gonna happen anyway, without this maladaptive “help.” And if the challenge cannot be overcome, then all the shadow achieves is spoiling my happiness and my enjoyment of the muscular, athletic body I have crafted for myself, which isn’t enough to satisfy me but is still a lovely consolation prize, worth celebrating and enjoying in its own right.
And that’s the second thing I know. The same lesson I learned at 30 that sent me into the gym in the first place. This is my one precious life, and it is very short. It is far too short to spend it being miserable. It is far too short to spend it letting something rob my happiness for no good purpose.
The shadow that makes me focus obsessively on my shortcomings is the same shadow that made me hide my desire to become a bodybuilder in the first place. It’s a part of me that wants what’s best for me, but it’s an idiot. It lost the first battle so it regrouped and opened a new front in the war. It thought hiding who I was to stay safe was the best strategy, it turned my shame up to 11 to make sure no one ever discovered what I liked, what I wanted. Then, when it was defeated, it shrank back for a few years, until my bodybuilding progress ground to a halt depressingly early in my journey. That was its cue to come back and ‘help.’ It thinks I can berate myself out of my shitty genetics, the same way it thought I could shame myself into safety and security.
The shadow can’t be defeated. That’s the nature of shadows. It’s not an entity external to me – it’s a maladaptive part of me. Poor fool, it thinks it’s helping. And I have to live with its ‘help.’
And the key to living with that, for me, is twofold. One, to try and identify when it’s the shadow’s voice I hear in my ear, and to tell it “thank you for your concern, but even if what you say is true I am already doing everything I can, and there is nothing to be gained by making myself miserable.”
The other thing is to pursue happiness, pride, fellowship, love as hard as I pursue gaining muscle tissue.
I must. It’s the only way I can survive this, and I intend to survive it. I intend to find some way to thrive, with as much muscle as my poor little body will allow me to have. With love in my heart and a smile on my lips and friends who understand around me. And a shadow who will never leave me, whose poison voice I can never mute, because he is me.
And really, the lesson of all this, the psychodrama of being a closeted muscle fetishist, the misery of being a thoroughly mediocre wannabe bodybuilder, the angst of aging, all of it – deep down, that’s the same lesson over and over. The lesson is learning to live with myself, isn’t it?
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maxsourcekira · 1 year
AAS raws materials supplier for bodybuilding
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phillipbutlersstuff · 2 years
Maximize Your Muscle Growth
Maximize Your Muscle Growth: The Benefits of Injectable Steroids for Serious Bodybuilders
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Bodybuilding is an art and a science, which requires a great deal of dedication and discipline. It is a form of physical fitness that involves building and toning muscles through regular workouts and a healthy diet. While bodybuilding has been around for centuries, the use of injectable steroids has become increasingly popular in recent years.
Injectable steroids are synthetic versions of the hormone testosterone, which is naturally produced in the body. They are typically used by bodybuilders to increase muscle mass, strength, and endurance. However, the use of injectable steroids is not without risks, and it is important to understand the potential benefits and drawbacks before deciding to use them.
Benefits of Injectable Steroids for Bodybuilding
Injectable steroids are often used by bodybuilders because they offer a number of benefits that can help them achieve their goals. Some of the key benefits include:
Increased Muscle Mass: Injectable steroids can help to increase muscle mass by stimulating protein synthesis in the body. This results in an increase in the number and size of muscle fibers, which can lead to a more muscular physique.
Increased Strength: Injectable steroids can also help to increase strength by promoting the growth of muscle tissue and enhancing muscle fiber recruitment during exercise.
Improved Endurance: Injectable steroids can help to improve endurance by increasing the amount of oxygen that the muscles can use during exercise. This can lead to longer workouts and improved athletic performance.
Drawbacks of Injectable Steroids for Bodybuilding
While the benefits of injectable steroids for bodybuilding are well-known, there are also a number of drawbacks that should be considered. Some of the potential risks and drawbacks include:
Side Effects: Injectable steroids can cause a range of side effects, including acne, hair loss, increased body hair, mood swings, and increased aggression. They can also cause more serious health problems, such as liver damage and heart disease.
Legal Issues: Injectable steroids are illegal in many countries and can result in fines, jail time, and other legal consequences.
Dependency: Injectable steroids can be highly addictive and can lead to dependency. This can result in a range of psychological and physical problems, including withdrawal symptoms when the drug is stopped.
Injectable steroids can offer a number of benefits for bodybuilders, including increased muscle mass, strength, and endurance. However, the risks and drawbacks associated with their use cannot be ignored. Before deciding to use injectable steroids, it is important to carefully consider the potential benefits and risks, and to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for you. Ultimately, the decision to use injectable steroids for bodybuilding is a personal one that should be made with careful consideration and attention to both the benefits and the potential drawbacks.
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healthlineonline · 2 days
Buy Anavar-the most effective anabolic androgenic steroid
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Steroids are not entirely safe for the human body but the same does not apply to Anavar. Despite being a steroid it has fewer androgenic activities but still, it is very effective for both beginners and advanced steroid users. Therefore, everyone can buy Anavar and use it to increase muscle tissue and improve overall performance. For more details click:
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growingstories · 11 months
Lab trials - part 3
Dr. Eric Mitchell, the renowned scientist, had successfully launched weight gain bars initially designed for underweight individuals. The bars were later found to be effective for muscle growth as well. In the lab trials, the bars were tested on inmates and soldiers, both of whom experienced no negative side effects, except for a noticeable increase in libido.
Curious to explore the commercial potential of his invention, Dr. Mitchell approached a prominent fitness equipment and supplement company. Jonathan, a sales representative who possessed an impressive physique and had a background in sports and fitness, was chosen to market the bars. As the account manager for major bodybuilding gyms, Jonathan ensured they had the best equipment and latest supplements.
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After sharing the details about the new supplement, the gyms were instantly intrigued, viewing it as a safe and preferable alternative to steroids. One particular personal trainer even informed Jonathan about his significant muscle gain after consuming just three bars a day. Clients who tried the bars were also enthusiastic about the results.
Although Jonathan wasn't originally focused on becoming a bodybuilder, he was interested in developing a more muscular physique. Therefore, he decided to consume one bar a day. Notably, he experienced increased strength and received compliments on his growing size and lifting abilities. However, he failed to notice the gradual appearance of a protruding belly and love handles.
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The gyms Jonathan had sold the bars to were highly satisfied with the product and began placing more orders. They also bought heavier equipment as their clients demonstrated increased strength. His success led to a promotion, with more responsibilities and more gym clients to handle. As a result, Jonathan neglected his running sessions, which not only hindered his endurance but also became more challenging due to his heavier weight.
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Months later, one of the gyms arranged a strongman competition and invited Jonathan to participate. Feeling inferior to the other competitors, he decided to increase his intake to five bars per day, solely for the duration leading up to the competition. His strength and physique skyrocketed, attracting compliments from the hefty individuals at the gym.
Additionally, Jonathan noticed his intensified sexual desire, so much so that he had to indulge in self-pleasure multiple times a day. During the competition, he struggled with his bulging muscles, as his shirts became tighter and simple tasks like tying his shoes became bothersome. Now, he solely wore stretch pants.
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Observing the immense strength of his fellow competitors, Jonathan grew frustrated. Placing tenth in the competition only added to his disappointment. However, he happened to strike up a conversation with one of the participants other who mentioned the bars, expressing their increased muscle mass and heightened libido – a sentiment Jonathan could relate to. They became workout buddies, with Jonathan's new goal to surpass his companion, Michael, and emerge victorious in the next competition.
Jonathan and Michael began to spend more time together, even outside of gym sessions. Their meals grew in size, topped off with two bars each as a dessert. One intoxicated evening, they engaged in mutual masturbation, considering it nothing more than an expression of camaraderie. This activity soon became a regular occurrence.
As they continued their intense workout routine, Jonathan and Michael saw their bodies grow stronger, more massive, and, inevitably, fatter. Although they embraced these changes, they faced confusion about their evolving relationship – were they gay, or was the connection purely based on their shared horniness? Eventually, they concluded that their behavior was normal for close friends who understood each other.
Finding it more convenient to sleep with Michael, as he comprehended Jonathan's busy lifestyle due to his successful job, dating women became a challenge. Their minds were occupied with thoughts of gym sessions, growth, and sexually satisfying each other. Despite the difficulties, Jonathan's business expansion flourished, and he achieved remarkable success.
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Their routine continued, and as they added more bars to their diet leading up to the next strongman competition, they became absolute behemoths at the gym. Nonetheless, their heightened horniness posed a significant challenge. They now engaged in masturbation three or four times a day. Their bond with each other remained a deeply important aspect of their lives, for living this lifestyle was arduous without someone who shared similar experiences. But they didn't let anything or anyone deter them – Jonathan emerged as the champion in the competition, while Michael secured second place.
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Having accomplished all their goals, Jonathan and Michael pondered their next target, contemplating the future of their physical transformations.
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Ultima Pharmaceutical: A Leader in Anabolic Steroids
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When it comes to enhancing athletic performance and muscle growth, Ultima Pharmaceutical stands out as a prominent name in the industry. Being the manufacturer of high quality anabolic steroids, Ultima Pharmaceutical offers the products that are in demand on bodybuilders, athletes, and everyone who is interested in fitness. Below is a brief insight of some of the factors that put Ultima Pharmaceutical at a vantage point in this particular niche. Premium Quality and Reliability
Ultima Pharmaceutical has always been famous for its concentration on making the Best Anabolic Steroids. Each of them is manufactured as per the quality control measure in order to ensure quality, effectiveness and safety of the product. Supplement users must be certain of the quality of the product they are using and this is why this dedication is very vital. The different tests conducted by Ultima Pharmaceutical helps in the reduction of risks and ensure that their products are of the highest quality in the market. New Products for Improved Performance
However, one of the most strong competitive strengths that can be claimed for Ultima Pharmaceutical strategic position is the formulation differentiation. It also uses its resources in research and development in order to create better steroid compounds that will afford even more performance advantage.
Therefore, these formulations are useful in muscles development, strength and physical performance amongst athletes. As for the fitness, Ultima Pharmaceutical provides products that can help to build muscles, gain strength, recover energy fast and increase endurance. Comprehensive Product Range
Ultima Pharmaceutical has a long list of anabolic steroids that one can use depending with the desires and preference one has. Their product range has oral steroids and injectable steroids, each of which targets certain aspects of muscle building and performance boosting. This versatile offer enables customers to choose products that will be most suitable for their needs, whether they are professional bodybuilders or novices in the use of steroids.
Commitment to Safe Usage
A major consideration for Ultima Pharmaceutical is safety. To minimize the risk of side effects, the company gives clear instructions on the right way to use the product and the correct dosage. Ultima Pharmaceutical also encourages responsible usage and provides information to ensure that customers can reap the most from its products without facing adverse effects. Conclusion:
Ultima Pharmaceutical is established as one of the top companies in the market of anabolic steroids; it offers high quality, new preparation forms as well as focuses on the safety of the usage. For those interested in building their muscles and improving their performance, Ultima Pharmaceutical offers genuine and efficient products that will help one stand out among the rest.
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milo-labshop · 5 days
Discovering Quality Supplements: Milo Lab Shop in Thailand
In today's fitness-oriented world, the demand for effective supplements has surged, particularly among athletes and bodybuilders. Online steroids shop In Thailand If you're in Thailand and looking for reliable sources for your fitness journey, look no further than Milo Lab Shop.
Why Choose Milo Lab Shop?
Milo Lab Shop stands out in the crowded market of online steroids and supplements for several reasons:
Quality Assurance: All products available on the Milo Lab Shop website undergo stringent quality checks. You can trust that you’re getting safe and effective supplements tailored to your fitness goals.
Wide Range of Products: Whether you're looking for anabolic steroids, protein powders, or recovery aids, Milo Lab Shop offers a comprehensive selection to meet the diverse needs of athletes. Their product range is curated to support various training regimens and personal health goals.
User-Friendly Experience: The website is designed to provide a seamless shopping experience. With easy navigation, detailed product descriptions, and customer reviews, you can make informed decisions about your purchases.
Discreet and Secure Delivery: Understanding the importance of privacy, Milo Lab Shop ensures discreet packaging and secure delivery to your doorstep, so you can focus on your fitness journey without worry.
Expert Guidance: The team behind Milo Lab Shop is passionate about fitness and nutrition. They offer valuable insights and advice on choosing the right supplements based on your individual needs, ensuring you get the most out of your fitness routine.
For those in Thailand seeking quality supplements, Online steroids shop In Thailand Milo Lab Shop is a trusted online destination. Their commitment to quality, variety, and customer satisfaction makes them a top choice for fitness enthusiasts. Visit Milo Lab Shop today and take the next step in your fitness journey!
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steroidsonlineusaa · 7 days
Anavar, Clenbuterol, and Semaglutide for Weight Loss
If you're serious about achieving your fitness goals, you might be considering different options to boost your results. Whether you're looking to cut fat, enhance muscle definition, or improve your overall weight loss journey, products like Anavar, Clenbuterol, and Semaglutide have gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts. Here's a closer look at how each of these can support your fitness journey and where you can purchase them safely and reliably.
1. Purchase Anavar for Enhanced Muscle Definition
Anavar (Oxandrolone) is a popular anabolic steroid known for its mild nature and effectiveness in cutting cycles. It's widely used by athletes and bodybuilders looking to retain lean muscle mass while shedding body fat. Unlike other steroids, Anavar is known for having fewer side effects, making it a go-to choice for both men and women.
Benefits of Anavar: Helps in muscle retention, boosts strength, and accelerates fat loss.
Usage Tips: Often used in cutting cycles, combined with a balanced diet and exercise regimen.
If you're ready to enhance your muscle definition, you can purchase Anavar from trusted suppliers online to ensure you get a quality product.
2. Buy Clenbuterol for Fat Burning and Stamina Boost
Clenbuterol is a potent bronchodilator and thermogenic, often used off-label as a fat-burning supplement. It's particularly popular among athletes and bodybuilders who want to cut down body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Clenbuterol helps in increasing the body's core temperature, boosting metabolism, and aiding in faster fat loss.
Benefits of Clenbuterol: Enhanced fat loss, improved stamina, and reduced muscle loss during cutting phases.
Usage Tips: Best used in cycles to avoid tolerance build-up and side effects.
For those looking to push their fat-burning potential, you can buy Clenbuterol online from reputable sources to ensure safe and effective results.
3. Semaglutide for Weight Loss: The New Game-Changer
Semaglutide, originally developed for diabetes management, has gained traction as a powerful weight loss solution. It works by mimicking a hormone that targets areas of the brain involved in appetite regulation, helping users feel fuller longer and eat less. This new approach to weight management has shown impressive results in clinical trials, making it a popular choice for those struggling with weight loss.
Benefits of Semaglutide: Significant weight loss, appetite suppression, and improved metabolic health.
Usage Tips: Typically administered via injection, and it’s important to follow a healthcare provider's guidance.
For those looking to incorporate this modern approach to weight loss into their routine, consider learning more about Semaglutide and how it can fit your lifestyle.
Get the Best Products from Trusted Sources
When it comes to enhancing your fitness journey with Anavar, Clenbuterol, or Semaglutide, it's crucial to purchase from reliable and trustworthy sources. Steroids Online USA offers a range of products that can help you safely and effectively reach your fitness goals. Make sure to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.
Disclaimer: Always consult with a healthcare provider before beginning any new medication or supplement, especially those used off-label for fitness purposes. This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.
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stagenutrition · 8 days
Is Creatine a Steroid? Separating Facts from Myths in Sports Nutrition
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In the world of sports nutrition, creatine often sparks debate and confusion, especially regarding its classification. Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts wonder: Is creatine a steroid? Let’s delve into the facts and myths surrounding creatine to clarify its role and benefits in sports nutrition. Also Read: Is Creatine a Steroid?
What is Creatine?
Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in small amounts in certain foods like meat and fish, and it’s also synthesized in the body from amino acids. It plays a crucial role in energy production, particularly during high-intensity, short-duration activities like sprinting and weightlifting. Many athletes supplement with creatine to enhance performance, increase muscle mass, and improve recovery.
Creatine vs. Steroids: The Key Differences
1. Chemical Structure and Function
Creatine is not a steroid. Steroids, specifically anabolic steroids, are synthetic variations of the male sex hormone testosterone. They are designed to promote muscle growth and enhance athletic performance but can come with significant side effects and health risks. Creatine, on the other hand, works by increasing the availability of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy carrier in cells, without altering hormone levels. Also Read: Does Creatine Cause Acne
2. Legality and Regulation
Creatine is legal and widely used in sports, while anabolic steroids are often banned in competitive sports due to their potential for abuse and health risks. Organizations like the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) do not classify creatine as a banned substance, making it a safer and accepted option for athletes.
3. Side Effects and Safety
While creatine is generally considered safe for most people when used as directed, it can cause some mild side effects, such as gastrointestinal discomfort or water retention. Anabolic steroids, conversely, can lead to severe health issues, including liver damage, cardiovascular problems, hormonal imbalances, and psychological effects.
Myths About Creatine
Myth 1: Creatine Causes Steroid-Like Effects
Many believe that creatine will lead to similar effects as anabolic steroids, such as aggressive muscle growth. While creatine can increase muscle mass through water retention and enhanced workout performance, it does not directly promote muscle hypertrophy in the same way steroids do.
Myth 2: Creatine is Only for Bodybuilders
Creatine is often associated with bodybuilders, but its benefits extend to various sports. It can enhance performance in sprinting, swimming, and team sports, making it suitable for a broad range of athletes.
Myth 3: Creatine is Dangerous for Kidneys
There is a common misconception that creatine can harm kidney function. While individuals with pre-existing kidney conditions should consult a healthcare professional before using creatine, studies have shown that it is safe for healthy individuals when taken at recommended doses. Also Read: Is Whey Protein Vegan?
Creatine is a powerful and effective supplement for enhancing athletic performance, but it is not a steroid. Understanding the differences and debunking myths surrounding creatine can help athletes make informed decisions about their nutrition and supplementation strategies. By separating fact from fiction, you can leverage creatine's benefits safely and effectively, regardless of your sport.
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rhinosteroids · 18 days
The Impact of Steroids on Athletic Performance and Health
In the world of sports and bodybuilding, steroids have long been a controversial topic. Steroids While some athletes use steroids to enhance their performance and build muscle, the implications of steroid use extend beyond the gym, impacting overall health and well-being.
What Are Steroids?
Steroids, specifically anabolic steroids, are synthetic substances similar to the male hormone testosterone. They are commonly used to promote muscle growth, improve athletic performance, and accelerate recovery. These substances can be taken orally or injected, and their misuse has become a significant concern in both amateur and professional sports.
How Do Steroids Affect Athletic Performance?
Anabolic steroids can lead to increased muscle mass, strength, and endurance, which can be appealing to athletes looking to gain a competitive edge. By promoting protein synthesis, steroids help the body repair and build muscle tissues more rapidly. However, this advantage comes at a cost, as the side effects of steroid use can be severe.
Health Risks Associated with Steroid Use
Despite the potential for enhanced physical performance, the risks associated with steroid use are substantial. Some of the most common side effects include:
Cardiovascular Issues: Steroid use can lead to high blood pressure, increased risk of heart attack, and stroke.
Liver Damage: Oral steroids, in particular, can cause liver damage or tumors.
Hormonal Imbalances: Steroids can disrupt the natural production of hormones, leading to issues such as reduced fertility, erectile dysfunction, and gynecomastia (breast development in men).
Psychiatric Effects: Users may experience mood swings, aggression, and even psychiatric disorders like paranoia and hallucinations.
Addiction: There is a risk of developing a dependency on steroids, which can lead to continuous and harmful use despite negative consequences.
Legal and Ethical Considerations
The use of steroids is banned in most competitive sports, and athletes caught using them face sanctions and damage to their reputations. Moreover, the legal status of steroids varies by country, with some jurisdictions classifying them as controlled substances. This legal landscape reflects broader concerns about the ethical implications of using performance-enhancing drugs.
Alternatives to Steroid Use
For those seeking to improve athletic performance and build muscle without the risks associated with steroids, there are safer alternatives. Proper nutrition, a well-structured exercise regimen, and adequate rest are fundamental components of a healthy fitness routine. Additionally, supplements like protein powders and creatine, when used responsibly, can support muscle growth and recovery without the dangers of steroids.
While steroids may offer temporary gains in athletic performance and muscle mass, the potential health risks and legal consequences make them a dangerous choice. Steroids Athletes and fitness enthusiasts should prioritize safe and effective methods to enhance their performance and overall health. For more information on steroids and their impact, visit Rhino Steroids.
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fitnesswithsarm · 22 days
Common Myths and Misconceptions About Ibutamoren MK-677
Ibutamoren MK-677 is gaining recognition in fitness circles. It’s regularly promoted as a compound that boosts growth hormone degrees. However, there's quite a few confusion and misinformation surrounding it. Let’s resolve some of the most unusual myths and misconceptions about Ibutamoren.
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Myth 1: Ibutamoren is a Steroid
One of the biggest myths is that Ibutamoren is a steroid. This is not true. Ibutamoren is a growth hormone secretagogue, that stimulates the body to produce more growth hormones. Unlike steroids, which are synthetic versions of testosterone, MK-677 targets growth hormone production and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). If you’re considering using it for muscle growth or anti-aging, you may want to buy MK 677 for its benefits, but knowing it’s not a steroid is crucial.
Myth 2: Ibutamoren Causes Uncontrolled Muscle Growth
Some humans assume Ibutamoren will result in an intense, fast muscle boom, just like anabolic steroids. This is another false impression. While Ibutamoren can assist with muscle protection and restoration, it does not motivate uncontrolled or big muscle growth. The adjustments it promotes are slow and depend upon a proper weight loss plan and consistent workout. It's not a "magic tablet" for instant bulk.
Myth 3: Ibutamoren Has No Side Effects
No supplement or SARM is free from side effects. Ibutamoren is not exclusive. Common side effects may encompass water retention, expanded appetite, and possible insulin resistance. While it’s frequently advertised as safe, using MK-677 without clinical guidance can lead to undesirable consequences. It’s vital to be privy to how it might affect your body, especially with long-term use.
Myth 4: Ibutamoren Boosts Testosterone Levels
Many humans believe that Ibutamoren increases testosterone degrees. In truth, Ibutamoren frequently affects growth hormone and IGF-1 stages, not testosterone. While it may assist with muscle growth and recuperation, it won’t have the same hormonal results as testosterone boosters or steroids.
Myth 5: Results from Ibutamoren Are Permanent
Another false impression is that the gains from the use of Ibutamoren are everlasting. Unfortunately, this isn't authentic. Once you stop taking it, your body will possibly go back to its natural hormone ranges. This manner that muscle profits and fat loss can be reversed in case you don't keep a good weight-reduction plan and normal workout routine. The outcomes from Ibutamoren are lasting if you put in non-stop effort.
Myth 6: Ibutamoren is Only for Bodybuilders and Athletes
Although many athletes and bodybuilders use Ibutamoren, it’s not limited to just them. It’s also used for scientific purposes, including treating muscle-wasting diseases and boom hormone deficiencies. Older adults may additionally use it to enhance bone density and average energy. Its applications pass past the health enterprise, proving that it’s no longer just for elite athletes.
Myth 7: Ibutamoren is Legal and Easily Accessible Everywhere
Many expect that because Ibutamoren is popular, it ought to be legal and easy to get. However, the legal repute of MK-677 most SARMs online varies throughout the USA. In some places, it’s legal for research functions but not approved for human consumption. Always check the rules in your region before using it.
Myth 8: Ibutamoren Can Replace a Healthy Diet and Exercise Routine
Some consider that taking Ibutamoren will make up for a weight loss program or lack of workout. This is completely fake. While it could cause muscle increase or fat loss, it isn't a substitute for proper diet and regular workouts. MK-677 works great when mixed with a healthy way of life, not as a replacement for one.
Myth 9: The More Ibutamoren You Take, the Better the Results
There’s a risky perception that taking extra Ibutamoren will give you higher or quicker effects. Higher doses don’t necessarily imply higher outcomes. Overdosing can result in side effects like bloating, fatigue, or maybe more excessive health issues. It’s vital to follow the advocated dosage and consult an expert if you're uncertain.
There’s several incorrect information surrounding Ibutamoren, however researching, you could make informed choices. It can help with muscle increase and results take effort and time. Always be aware of capability side results, and ensure to check the legal status before using. Above all, don’t count on it to replace the tough work that comes from maintaining a wholesome eating regimen and exercising daily.
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steroidswarehouse · 25 days
Why Ingest Oral Steroids for Sale?
Online retailers use discreet packaging. It means the content within the packaging is not visible. This is the advantage for people buying steroids online. Mostly people taking steroids prefer keeping it a secret. They do not want people to know about their activities, what they do, and eat.
Are oral steroids available?
The steroids now come in a range of products. Online retailers offer an array of steroid types than physical shops. Therefore, it is beneficial to search online for steroids. You can also look for a specific steroid type. People wishing to assess the quality of different products and costs can do so online. Online retailers provide information in detail and it helps buyers in making informed choices.
The oral steroids are in great demand and the tablets are in a huge assortment. You can find the same steroids coming in different commercial names. They have the same ingredient, which you can check while buying oral steroids for sale online. The choice of oral steroids is as per each bodybuilder's or athletes personal preferences. As there are several drugs, they differ by name with each manufacturer. Thus, it is important to pay attention to the drug’s active substance. Knowing the active substance helps when the drug becomes unavailable. It means you can find another similar drug with the typical active components.
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Benefits of buying oral steroids for sale
Oral steroids of high quality are for athletes. Likewise, beginners taking steroids should choose only oral steroids to stay safe. It can be taken orally as they are in tablet and capsule form. Besides, many people, like huge bodybuilders, also do not like stabbing themselves with injections. The oral steroids are considered safe as it does not cause any discomfort or pain.
Oral steroids do not stay in your body for over 5-10 days. They can be carried with you anywhere and facilitate the consumption of water at the right time. You can also take doping tests free of worries. It has no signs after 10 days. There are injectable steroids, as well, and they feature short time but require administering each time.
Disadvantages of Oral Steroids
Oral steroids for sale are easy to ingest. They mix with the blood and flow to the livers, affecting them adversely. Injectable steroids promote less toxicity as they enter the blood from the muscles, without entering the circulatory system. You can avoid trouble by:
Buying high-quality tablets only made in a prominent manufacturer’s lab, assuring quality.
Follow admission and dosage rules strictly. Discipline is crucial.
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anabolic-store · 25 days
Steroids for Sale USA: The Full Guide on Buying Boldenone Online
Boldenone is a type of steroid drug widely used in the world of bodybuilding and professional sport for improving muscles and increasing strength. Thanks to its high anabolic efficiency, Boldenone is a fast method for athletes and bodybuilders to get closer to their goals. However, the procurement of Boldenone online in the USA requires much in the way of careful consideration to ensure that you obtain the right product and avoid scams. That being said, this ultimate guide will explain, from beginning to end, how to buy Boldenone online usa, from finding legitimate sources, where one can buy it, what to look for in a seller, and safety tips in purchasing.
What is Boldenone?
Boldenone, or more specifically known under the chemical name Boldenone Undecylenate, is a derived form of the sex hormone testosterone, coming under the category of anabolic steroids. This class of drug is generally used among bodybuilding and athletic persons for building muscle, improving strength, and enhancing overall performance. Boldenone is, in fact, famous for leaner muscle growth rather than accumulation of too much water within muscles and hence its preference during cutting phases.
Advantages of Using Boldenone
The pros of Boldenone are mainly anabolic in nature. It includes the following: 
Increased Muscle Mass: Boldenone builds lean tissues of muscles, a reason for which it's highly used by people in bulking or muscle preservation cycles.
Strength Development: No time is wasted, and strength increases immensely, hence helping users lift heavier weights and do high-intensity workouts.
Improved endurance: With boldenone, the production of red blood cells may increase, hence promoting better oxygenation of muscles and thus improved endurance. Minimal water retention: Unlike many other steroids, with Boldenone, a lot of water retention is not associated; hence, one gets a more defined and vascular-looking physique. Other Side Effects While Boldenone offers many benefits, it should be noted that there may be potential side effects as well.
This anabolic-androgenic steroid can lead to hormonal changes. Some of the side effects through hormonal imbalance may include the following: gynecomastia for men and reduced production of natural testosterone. Cardiovascular Problems: Of course, long-term administration of Boldenone will eventually have negative effects on cholesterol levels, leading to a higher chance of heart disease. Liver Toxicity: While less hepatotoxic than some steroids, inappropriate use of Boldenone does place stress on the liver.
How to Buy Boldenone Online in the USA: What to Look For
Legality and Regulations
But before you could fathom the idea of purchasing Boldenone online, there is something that you need to be aware of the legal and the illegal stuff. Well, in United States it comes under Schedule III of the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990. This implies that it is unlawful to possess, offer for sale or purchase Boldenone without a prescription from a qualified medical practitioner.
Finding Legitimate Sources
When you search for Boldenone online, it is really crucial that you find a legitimate source to avoid counterfeit or fake products, along with legal issues. This section gives you some tips that will help in finding a trustworthy seller.
Reputation: Research online reviews, messages, and discussions where different users would talk about Boldenone and which seller they like best. A reputable source would show positive remarks from previous customers.
Transparency: The genuine vendor will be able to convey the full details on the product, its origin, composition, and batch testing. Avoid vendors who are unable to be transparent with this information.
Customer Service: Good vendors will have customer support available for them so they can address any questions or concerns you have. It is one way to judge their quality and customer satisfaction.
Safe Payment Options: If one has to place an online order for Boldenone, one should check whether a website provides the facility for safe payment options. A legitimate site will have encrypted payment gateways and options for reputable payments like credit cards or Pay Pal.
Red Flags to Avoid
The purchase of Boldenone through online websites in the United States shall be wary of the following red flags, which would help in ascertaining that it is a scam or an inferior grade product:
Prices that are much too good to be true: If the price is substantially lower compared to the others, then that is a possibility that it is counterfeit or low quality.
Lack of Contact Information: Any legitimate seller would give clear contact information, including a physical address and a phone number. Avoid sites that give just a generic email.
Unprofessional Website: If the website is poorly designed, contains dead links, spelling errors, or no content regarding the product with detailed information, then that is a huge red flag.
Precautions and Effective Use of Boldenone
Use in Low Doses
If you're a beginner in using Boldenone, it's recommended that you start with a small dosage to see the way your body would respond to the medication. You can always go for higher dosages if necessary but this should not be more than the recommended dosages to keep side effects at bay.
Follow a Proper Cycle
Boldenone is taken in cycles. Commonly, a cycle would last for 8 to 12 weeks. A proper after-cycle therapy will help your organism get used to the steroid and will provide a better response to possible side effects. Once the cycle is complete, post-cycle therapy should be done to return your natural hormones to their normal levels.
Stack with Other Compounds
Most users stack it with other strong anabolic steroids, according to their purpose, for maximum Boldenone effect. It may be Testosterone or Trenbolone combined with it, for example. But stacking too many steroids will only enhance the possibility of side effects, and extreme caution needs to be followed, preferably under the tutelage of an experienced professional.
Monitoring Your Health
It is also important to note that monitoring health should be a continuous process in conjunction with taking Boldenone. One must follow up with their healthcare provider through regular consultations and blood tests, which monitor the level of hormones, liver functions, and cholesterol level in the body. This shall enable one to apply appropriate action when any abnormality is detected.
Purchasing Boldenone online in the United States is one sure way of greatly complementing efficiency in either bodybuilding or performance but with great caution. Understanding the legalities of this powerful anabolic steroid, finding a source that is legit, and keeping in mind various safety precautions during use can only help you realize minimum risks and maximum benefits.
Therefore, when you actually go on to purchase Boldenone online in the USA, remember that quality and safety will always be more important than a little convenience. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is and not worth the temptation of 'steroids for sale USA'. Spend your money on a source that is clearly committed to transparency and consumer satisfaction. With the right approach, Boldenone will become an important tool in your journey toward achieving your fitness goals.
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