#safe affordable homes
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frogeyedape · 5 months ago
I am so unbelievably pissed off. FUCK HOAs
Oh, my trash/recycling bin can't be visible except on pickup day? Ok whatever fine I hate you but I can deal with this
Weekly inspections?????? FU FU FU FU FU
SECOND NOTICE ALSO WE'RE CHARGING YOU MONEY TO SEND YOU CERTIFIED MAIL OF THIS TOTALLY LEGIT TOTALLY SECOND NOTICE OF WHAT IS ACTUALLY A VIOLATION cue me: checks notes. Hmm. My recycling bin was. on the curb. on recycling pickup day. You know. The day it has to be out. The day it is motherfucking ALLOWED TO BE FUCKING OUT AND VISIBLE.
so. 1) not a violation
I have sent them the trash AND recycling pickup schedules, which are DIFFERENT, btw
I have disputed the fact of the violation
I have disputed the linking of this "violation" to a previous violation MONTHS AGO--their "first notice" in this case was a "Courtesy Notice" LITERALLY 5 MONTHS AGO and they've done so many inspections since then and my bin CLEARLY WASN'T OUT IN THOSE INTERVENING MONTHS so WTMFH
So I am posting like a crazy person here instead of sending the absolutely deranged email I almost sent (I did send a slightly less deranged version with the disputes, and requesting a hearing)
OMG. It has been. Less than one hour since I learned this fun fun news. My bin was out YESTERDAY, y'all. YESTERDAY. I am going to blow a gasket
#it's a relatively privileged problem to have (omg i have a home truly i am grateful) but it's still a goddamned problem and i'm allowed#to fucking complain about it#in case it needs to be said#*rolling my eyes*#i advocate for free/actually affordable housing for everyone who needs it because we ALL deserve a safe secure stable home#whatever type of home that may be#it is absolutely goddamned ridiculous that megacorps can buy all the housing#rent it out at extortionate rates and evict people willy nilly#and we're talking about a “housing crisis” and not a “STOP LETTING CORPORATIONS AND BILLIONAIRES HOARD ALL THE HOUSING” crisis#goddamn.#ha elect me president (ahaha don't do this i am not a good public speaker) and I'll push congress to pass some really neat legislation#hey be more direct: elect me to congress (ahaha don't do this) and i'll WRITE some goddamn nifty legislation and yell about it as long and#as loud as i can until people start to just fucking say yes to make me shut the fuck up#(i know that's not how it works. again. don't actually elect me to a government position)#exemplia gratis:#No individual person shall own more than 6 homes UNLESS they pay a Housing Market Shrinkage Fee for removing viable housing from the market#why 6 and not 2? 2 is a lot! it's excessive! but having A vacation home shouldn't be a crime. Having 5 vacation homes is ridiculous and#awful and whatever but it's not likely to be the source of all our greatest “housing shortage” problems. no. I'm aiming for the absolutely#monstrously greedy and egregious motherfuckers who---ok#hang on. how many homes does the average min and max homeowner own? I would like to see data on that. but anyway#the next part of the legislation:#Homes owned >6 shall be charged X% Housing Market Shrinkage Fee UNLESS they are rented for affordable (15% or less than renter net income)#housing and are actively occupied by said renters. Rented out and charging more than 15% of renter's net? still gotta pay up.#EMPTY housing >6 shall be subject to an additional Y% Housing Market Shrinkage Fee (tax? should I call it a tax?) which increases with ever#month that the housing goes unoccupied. no one living in it? sell it rent it or pay the fuck up. and still pay the fuck up if you rent it#for way too goddamn much money#but like. less. we only REALLY hate you if you sit on empty houses that you don't even let anyone use#ok that's individuals. now onto BUSINESSES#ok so immediately it gets a little complicated cuz like presumably there's rental management businesses that don't own the rental propertie#that they manage BUT there are also companies that just outright own a shitfuckton of housing and THIS is the truly egregious monstrous sid
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wandering-free-and-queer · 3 months ago
THANK YOU NYX for making sure I didn't get a parking ticket today 😭
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deckervsdracula · 5 months ago
id like for the tampa bay area to not be submerged in chemical-filled gulf water, or blown away, just dont let my state and everyone i know get totally pummeled by something named Milton
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capitaldogcare · 5 months ago
Explore expert doggy care services in Canonbury. We at Capital Care Services provides budget friendly professional dog care services in parts of London.Our services include dog sitting, dog walking, overnight care and puppy day care.
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lesbianstarlightglimmer · 6 months ago
Idk what my f*ther’s unhealthy obsession is with “soldiering on” even when it’s downright dangerous but that genius thought I should’ve gone back to work for the last two class hours when I could mostly see the road but couldn’t see any screen stuff. Which is 90% of my job and all I could’ve done today for my remaining classes.
His thought process is if I got all the way there wearing sunglasses they’d be like “oh you’re not fit to stay go home uwu” which I KNOW is not what would happen. They’d be like “oh thank god you’re back the second to last class just started”
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fayeandknight · 1 year ago
Going through the boxes from when I moved from Virginia and it's low-key devastating.
My collection of decorative masks.
The box of painting supplies, including the little easel that I used to set up on my balcony so I could paint at night. How it felt safe to paint without being good because it was just for me.
The quirky knickknacks I decorated my space with.
All these pieces of my personality that got packed up and never unpacked because there's no space for them in my current house.
It hurts to be reminded of them. To close them back up even as I tell myself someday I will bring them out again. That someday I will have a place of my own that has space enough for all me.
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apollo-zero-one · 2 years ago
I wish capitalism was a tangible object I could bite and claw at I start foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog when I think about it gwrrwhrwgwwrgwr
#my mom shouldn't have to have a job she is busy all goddamn day every goddamn day taking care of her mom and her 6 year old child#and she takes care of me and my brother and her husband this woman is exhausted#and she makes us breakfast and dinner every day and she watches all the neighborhood kids and and and#she is already fulfilling an extremely valuable roll in society!! why the FUCK should she have to have a job too!!#not even going to say 'outside the home' because her job IS OUTSIDE THE HOME she contributes to this whole damn community#It's BULLSHIT it's UNFAIR she deserves justice#and it's also bullshit and unfair that a household with three workinh adults cant afford a 4 bedroom family home.#We collectively make enoigj money that we lost our fucking health insurance and are being kicked out of our subsidized housing#But there are no homes anywhere near any of our jobs that we can afford so WHAT THE FUCK#and every part of it is capitalism and I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it#Is the purpose of life not to find and be with wnd care for loved ones?? are humans not born to love and be loved and help one another??#what went wrong? why did we let it get this far? why are we taking a mother away from her 6 year old daughter so she can afford#both of their medicines that they need to live healthy lives???#A caretaker away from a disabled elderly woman? A safe person to leave your children with away from the village? Why the goddamn divide??#sorry there was ten minutes begween that tag and this one because I had to cry I am calmer now#still heavily anti-capitalist tho
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atricitytransportation · 1 year ago
Tri-City Medical Transportation
Phone: (509) 410-4561
Address: 2555 Duportail St., Suite G149, Richland, WA 99352
Website: https://www.tricitytransportation.com
A+ Tri-City Transportation Solutions is a non-emergency transportation service It is for people in need of rides to doctor appointments, pharmaceutical visits, physical therapy, shopping, recreation, & more. Convenient rides are offered at the most affordable price.
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carewyncromwell · 2 years ago
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“Is it rude to say I’d volunteer  For a day of fun just once a year? I’d fly the coop, if only I could... But I've got a really bad case of being good! I’d go find trouble if there was some to get in: Ask a friend to play if I had one to let in... Nana’s rocker sawing through the floor -- Every day just like the one before --  We lock ourselves behind that door... Is it wrong to wish for something more?
~“Good Girl Winnie Foster” from Tuck Everlasting (musical)
Carewyn’s gingham dress based on this design // original photo used for the background, edited with Lunapic! 💚
If asked about her childhood, Carewyn Cromwell would always say that even if her family was poor and she had to wear a lot of second-hand dresses when she was growing up, she, her mother Lane, and her brother Jacob still were nonetheless able to manage all right. What Carewyn often did not talk about was at just how young of an age she was forced to start looking after herself -- something that many people would look at with quite a bit more dismay than Carewyn herself did, looking back at her own circumstances. 
Now to be clear, Lane Cromwell was a very loving and caring mother -- but with the abandonment of her husband Evan and the abrupt lack of financial income that came with it, Lane had to take on the role of both breadwinner and caregiver simultaneously. While Carewyn was a toddler, that forced Lane to do menial laundry and seamstressing work from home, as well borrow some money from her good friend Judy Castine to help make ends meet until Carewyn could start public school. Once Carewyn did start school, however, Lane still couldn’t afford childcare -- and so, after doing a lot of research and preparation, Lane made the difficult decision to teach her nearly-five-year-old daughter how to walk home from her new primary school. Understandably worried for Carewyn’s safety walking anywhere by herself, Lane used both magical and Muggle means to ensure she would know Carewyn’s location at all times, on her way coming home from school. Lane made contact with several trustworthy adults along Carewyn’s route, like the elderly owner of the local ice cream parlor, Mrs. Sackett, and introduced Carewyn to each of them, so that they could help Carewyn get home in case of an emergency or even call Lane if they didn’t see Carewyn walk by at a specific time. Lane also taught Carewyn about the Knight Bus, which she could always call by sticking her left hand out over the street, just in case anyone tried to hurt or grab her. Judy even gifted Lane a small Magical-Child-Monitor watch from Diagon Alley in preparation of Carewyn’s first year at school, which could always tell Lane whether Carewyn was at “school” or “home,” whether she was “traveling,” or even whether she was “lost” or “in distress.” (The last feature Judy customized to make the watch chirp loudly, just in case Lane didn’t notice it immediately. Lane kind of had wished she hadn’t, given how loud it was, but appreciated the sentiment.)
Most children about to turn five would’ve been petrified at the thought of walking anywhere by themselves. Carewyn, fortunately, had always been a rather brave and independent child -- and considering that she knew her mother needed to keep her job in order to provide for all of them, the little girl took the responsibility onto her tiny shoulders like a champ, walking home with her head held high every day with no sense of fear or resentment. She and Jacob were all their Mum had now, after all, and with Jacob away at school, Carewyn knew she had to do her best to help take care of Lane, just like Lane did her and Jacob. Jacob always made her promise to take care of their mother and flat before leaving for Hogwarts every year...and Carewyn would never break a promise to her brother. 
So every day, from the age of 4 all the way to 11, Carewyn Cromwell walked home from school every single day by herself, straight home to her mother’s and her flat, where she’d lock the door and stay safe inside until her mum came home. And to Lane’s relief, in that entire time, the single mother never heard her Magical-Child-Monitor watch chirp once -- for truly, Carewyn had always been a rather risk-adverse child. Her brother Jacob used to break into the kitchen cabinets and try to drink bleach as a baby, but Carewyn? Lane herself would often compare her daughter to a “little angel,” never starting trouble or getting into anything she shouldn’t. And because Carewyn knew Lane was working so hard trying to do well for her and Jacob, the last thing Carewyn wanted to do was make things more difficult for her mother -- so she stoically followed the same routine every day without complaint, going to school just for her classes and then heading straight home, all the while trying hard to not to let any accidental magic slip out that could make anyone side-eye Carewyn or her family any more than they already did. 
This didn’t mean that Carewyn didn’t ever quietly lament the arrangement, of course. What child wouldn’t? It was hard having to see other kids getting picked up by their parents in their cars when it was wet or snowing outside. It was hard to have to walk straight home when there was an exciting football match going on in the field near the local secondary school. It was hard to sit cooped-up inside when Carewyn could hear all the neighborhood kids riding their bikes on a sunny Friday afternoon. 
But hey, Carewyn told herself gloomily -- she didn’t even have a bike to ride on next to them anyway. And really, she thought more stubbornly, they’d probably just think she was a freak like everyone else did, which meant they’d only say nasty things that would make her upset and make her cast magic by accident anyway. And then she’d scare everyone, and the Ministry would have to come in and fix things...and her mother would worry. Carewyn couldn’t worry Lane...
And so Carewyn stayed inside dutifully, day after lonely day, soldiering through with no complaint. Because really, all of that silence was worth it, the moment Jacob would come home for a holiday break. As soon as he was home, Carewyn wouldn’t be alone, and with someone else around at home, it was safer to go outside without her mother. She and Jacob could walk to the park or the library -- to Mrs. Sackett’s ice cream parlor, or maybe even take a trip to the beach. Even being inside some of the time wasn’t so hard, when Carewyn didn’t always have to be by herself. And then once Lane was home too, they could all eat dinner together, the way Carewyn wished they could every night -- laughing and talking and sharing and bonding the way they all loved doing. And once Carewyn started at Hogwarts herself...well, then she’d be able to go wherever she wanted, whenever she wanted -- be the great witch she wanted to be, instead of the “freak” ginger that the Muggles in her neighborhood would never understand. She’d be able to play out every single wild daydream Jacob and Lane had sparked to life inside of her through all their stories about the magical school -- cast spells, brew potions, visit all the shops of Hogsmeade village...play Quidditch, sing for the Frog Choir...maybe even tame a real-life dragon! 
Carewyn held fast to this thought and never let go of it. Once she could go to Hogwarts and chase her dreams, Jacob and her mother rooting for her all the while...all those silent, cooped-up, lonely days of the past would be worth it. 
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huangrenjuns · 1 year ago
so my boss wants to go out for a meal with our whole team sometime in december and they decided on a restaurant that is difficult and inconvenient for me to reach (due to really long train ride). I told him so and asked if there might be another option since I don't know the area at all and I don't necessarily want to drive there/back with one of the other coworkers (most of them are male btw only one other female on my team) and he more or less told me that he doesn’t care 🙃
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tardis--dreams · 1 year ago
Choosing to suffer instead of taking medication for my cold symptoms because i don't think there's an equivalent medicine available here and i must limit my intake to one tablet a day to make it through the 4 months here
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taptrial2 · 22 days ago
im so restless i havent gone out for like a week. im gnawing my leg off
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fellator · 30 days ago
being fat when lifting weights feels like a cheat code though. so happy to have my starting weight around 35kg when my roommate's around 10kg 🤭🤭
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emergencyplumbingil · 2 months ago
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inboundremblog · 3 months ago
Exploring Aurora Neighborhoods: The Best Places to Call Home
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Credit: Image by Paul Brennan | Pixabay
Aurora Neighborhoods: Choose the Perfect Fit For You
Located near the eastern slopes of the Rockies, Aurora neighborhoods is an up-and-coming city of communities that has earned it the nickname of the 'Gateway to the Rockies.'
Aurora is ranked the third largest city in Colorado with a population of more than 390000; residents can take advantage of both the fast-growing city experience and operating within an environment of a suburban setting. Here, we will share information about several of Aurora's most prominent districts and their features, facilities, and attractions.
Cherry Creek District
Cherry Creek District in Aurora neighborhoods is one of the most prestigious areas characterized by high living standards, in addition to Cherry Creek State Park.
This neighborhood targets families, businesspeople, and those who like outdoor activities. It's popular near some of the highest-ranked schools, like Cherry Creek High School, and beautiful houses with large lawns and landscaping.
Cherry Creek Reservoir has always attracted tourists through recreation in boat riding, fishing, and camping, and other attractions include Cherry Creek Shopping Center and bike trails.
Saddle Rock
Saddle Rock is a tastefully developed community with many large, beautiful homes and well-manicured facilities. This is the case for Saddle Rock, where golf lovers will find the Saddle Rock Golf Course the community's centerpiece.
Housing types also include single units and townhomes. The homes have amenities like community pools, parks, and tennis courts. Saddle Rock is a suburban /family-adapted residence featuring eateries near the Southlands Shopping Center and other amenities.
Aurora Highlands
The homes in Aurora Highlands are also relatively cheap and conveniently located. Because there is a range of homes, including condos and single homes, many young people, single or newlyweds, make up many residents.
The neighborhood is conveniently situated near the Denver International Airport, and more establishments in shops and restaurants are being developed. The Plains Conservation Center, close to Aurora Highlands, will interest nature lovers, making this community friendly and versatile.
Murphy Creek
Murphy Creek is home to a fantastic golf course, and the general atmosphere of the town is relaxed, which is good news for people who like to avoid the hustle and bustle of the big city.
The Murphy Creek Golf Course defines the community as home to cracked, barren roads with modern and traditional-style houses. Community activities encourage interaction with neighbors. However, recreational facilities include Aurora Reservoir and the Aurora Sports Park.
Del Mar Parkway
Del Mar Parkway, one of Aurora's older neighborhoods, is experiencing renewed development and has emerged as a melting pot area with several ethnic eateries. The neighborhood has many affordable properties, including many mid-century homes, and has noted dining and some international groceries.
The close location to the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus creates another advantage. Additions such as the History Museum, Aurora, and Moorhead Recreation Center also add to the urban and multicultural character of the nearby surroundings.
Stapleton (Central Park)
Stapleton is one of Denver's youngest neighborhoods, which occupied the territory of the city's previous airport; modern and innovative, the area is now called Central Park. Though a part of Denver, it is close to Aurora, so people eagerly look forward to buying a property there.
New Central Park includes offices, commercial and residential buildings, shops, cafes, and many others, as well as an infinite number of parks, including Central Park. People can live in an area with a modern and environmentally friendly atmosphere, such as Stanley Marketplace and Bluff Lake Natural Area nearby.
Mission Viejo
Mission Viejo is a Californian-inspired neighborhood in a suburban atmosphere. Popular for its well-cultured community and families' lifestyle, the area has well-cultivated roads filled with well-designed houses.
A loud homeowners association (HOA) provides reunion occasions to ensure the inhabitants in the region feel like they are living in a shared community.
This neighborhood is excellent for children and families, with close accessibility to schools, parks, Meadowood Park, and Mission Viejo Library.
Tallyn's Reach
Tallyn's Reach is in the southeastern part of Aurora and offers scenic views of the Rockies. It has beautifully designed houses and homes with contemporary architecture, a community clubhouse, and a swimming pool.
More than 200,000 sq.m. of common areas and greenways are designed for recreation lovers. Great places such as the Aurora Reservoir and the Southlands Shopping Mall are nearby, complementing the classy and peaceful neighborhood of Tallyn's Reach.
Southeast Crossing
It is an emerging estate with affordable accommodation and social amenities within easy access. The area comprises some established homes and recent construction, so the property should appeal to a broad audience.
The kinds of bus routes are convenient, with access to interstate highways such as I-225 and an increasing number of cuisine and shopping outlets boosting the district. Aurora's tourist interests are the Town Center at Aurora and the Colorado Freedom Memorial.
Highpoint presents the key qualities of a suburban environment as a neighborhood that accommodates families to the needs of the house, is affordable, and has easy access to nature. The area comprises single-family residents with low prices near Cherry Creek State Park.
Community participation and activities contribute to an appropriate environment within the community. Highpoint is convenient for families who like being close to different amenities, including Quincy Reservoir and the Trails Recreation Center.
Heather Gardens
Heather Gardens is one of the leading 55+ active lifestyle golf course communities. Most of the property is residential, consisting of condominiums, townhouses, and patio homes.
An executive golf course and a modern clubhouse contribute to many kinds of recreation; restaurants and health care facilities on site also contribute significantly.
Some neighboring facilities include Cherry Creek State Park, Heather Gardens, and Heather Ridge Golf Course, making it a quiet and neighborhood-oriented area.
Meadow Hills
Meadow Hills is a serene community near the Meadow Hills Golf Course. The neighborhood includes terrific golf course views and well-maintained buildings, so people live comfortably.
Cherry Creek State Park and Reservoir are nearby so that you can enjoy outdoor physical activities.
Meadow Hills boasts beautiful tree-lined streets, free from much noise in other more bustling neighborhoods. The nearby facilities mentioned are Meadow Hills Golf Course and Nine Mile Station.
Aurora Knolls
Affordable and located in Berkeley's flatlands, Aurora Knolls encompasses single-family homes and new construction. It could cater to first-time buyers and has an active community with agencies and events. Another advantage is mobility.
It is in proximity to major shopping centers, which boosts the convenience of the area. Facilities in the vicinity include Aurora Hills Golf Course and Horseshoe Park; therefore, Aurora Knolls is a cheap hotel for travelers with families.
Why Choose Aurora?
Below are the Aurora neighborhoods where residents of different lifestyles and tastes can find a home of their choice.
Whether they desire multi-million dollar homes outside the Reach of trains and buses or small, modest homes with land for rent, there is something for everyone. Aurora has become rated for its schools and recreation areas and is developing proactivity in arts and cultural amenities.
There are so many lovely neighborhoods in Aurora, wonderful people, and so much to offer. Saddle Rock has advantages, while the Murphy area is relatively calm, so residents prefer houses in these areas.
If you plan to relocate to Aurora, check out these neighborhoods to help decide which place suits you best. Aurora is a uniquely perfect place to live, work, and play within and around the Rockies.
Explore the community details at our site: https://movetoaurora.com/aurora-best-neighborhoods/.
Explore Aurora neighborhoods, discover unique communities, and discover vibrant amenities. Find your perfect home in Aurora today!
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stampstamp · 3 months ago
I'm trying to find the energy to start house hunting again and I'm cycling through all the same anxiety spirals I had when I was looking two years ago.
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