#sadly for us and itachi it was not in fact uchiha madara
everyitachi · 7 months
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omg i love your blog sm!! i was wondering if you could write an itachi x reader angst?? like it's set during the uchiha massacre and itachi has to yk,, kill his wife aka the reader?? it literally came up to me in a dream! thank you!!
Hi. You have no idea how happy I am I got this request. I’ve been wanting to write this FOREVER. Let me tell you why. So, in one of the Naruto Storm video games, Tobi/Madara is talking to Sasuke, explaining to him about who Itachi had killed and such. Eventually, he mentions he killed his lover and I made a noise between a gasp and a scream. So...I wholeheartedly believe that Itachi having a lover is canon based on the video games and I won’t let anyone take that away from me. That was many many years ago though. But that desire to put it into words has remained and I haven’t seen anything else like this out there, so I’m glad to give it to you!Also, Itachi is aged up to be at least 18. But let’s just say 20 to be safe~ I hope you enjoy the read!
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It’s Ok. (Itachi x Fem!Reader)
Warning(s): angst, death, I cried writing this so you better cry reading this
Word Count: 2,531
“Oh my.” A yawn escaped your lips for the fourth time as you made your way back to the Uchiha compound. “I’m more tired than I thought.” You muttered into your hand as a means to conceal the yawn. A small bit of cold metal touched your lips, making you pull your hand away. The silver ring on your finger brought a smile to your face. “How did I get so lucky.” It was a statement, not a question as you would never question the reason why, just glad that it was.
Itachi had sent you on a spa getaway for a few days and nature seeing. The both of you were supposed to go, but of course, the Anbu came first. You weren’t upset by it, it was something that the both of you knew would happen and what was accepted going into the marriage: the village and its safety come first.
However, that did not mean your marriage was accepted by others.
The rest of the clan found it an ill match as Itachi was the pride and joy of the Uchiha clan, while you…you were some ‘nobody’ who barely made it to Chunin rank. It would be a lie to say if it did not bother you at the beginning of the relationship.
“Shh, (F/N), don’t let it bother you.” Itachi’s deep and soothing voice hummed in your ear, curled up in his arms on the couch in your small apartment.
“How can I not?” You sniffled back, nuzzling your way even closer to him only to have his arms tighten around you even more.
A small kiss was placed at your forehead. “Because, they don’t know you. And, unfortunately, they’re telling you all you need to know about them.” Itachi sighed sadly. “I’m sorry they cannot accept the beautiful soul of the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with.”
That had put a smile to your lips. “Really?” You whispered, looking up at him for confirmation.
He returned that smile and nodded his head. “Really.” His lips met yours, sealing that statement forever in your heart.
Itachi supported you no matter what, regardless of what anyone may say or think of him as a cold-hearted ‘weapon’. Although, the mere thought of how he was treated always made your blood boil. Truly, the Uchiha clan had told you all you needed to know about their practices without being told directly. Whenever Itachi had brought you over to his parent’s home, Fugaku would always be sure to praise his son’s accomplishments a little too hard.
“It’s wonderful, isn’t it? That the next great shinobi of our generation is of the Uchiha clan.” Fugaku would boast, motioning to Itachi with a drink in his hand. “A genius. A perfect weapon.” He mused to which his wife, Mikoto nodded.
“It truly is. He makes the clan proud.” She would say in agreement, never seeming to make a statement of her own.
The pair would always make you tense, your hand balling into fists. But as soon as that would happen, a larger hand would lay over your own and put you at ease. Your hand relaxed and laced together with Itachi’s, allowing you to eat your dinner in peace while he fended off the attention to him as a ‘tool to be used’ into something more mundane.
And unfortunately, another dinner was planned. This one was by his parents inviting them over, not Itachi’s own goodwill to try and have a connection.
You had just lay Sasuke down for bed on the couch, the boy having fallen asleep while you read to him, when Itachi told you his parent’s wishes. “They what? You’re kidding.” You asked in disbelief, keeping your voice quiet as you lay a blanket over Sasuke’s small form. “What do they even want to talk about?”
“Something that is none of their business.” Came the short reply.
Confused, you made your way over to where he was leaning against the kitchen counter, a cup of tea in his hands with another beside it. Itachi handed you the other brewed cup to which you gave small sip before asking, “Which is…?” You pressed, wanting him to explain a bit further.
He ran his hand through his dark hair, the hair tie not in to hold it back. “When we are going to have a child.”
You stared at him blankly for a moment before clenching your jaw. “You’re right, that is none of their business.” You rolled your (E/C) eyes and leaned on the counter next to him. “And here I thought they may be coming around to me,” lifting the cup up to your lips, you added, “guess not,” and took a long sip.
Silence filled the air for a good while, the both of you sipping on your tea with the occasional snore from Sasuke being the only other sound. “Would you like a child?” Itachi asked, his hand reaching out to grasp your left one, gently rubbing the silver band on it with his thumb.
“I,” your eyes glanced down in the near empty cup of tea, “I don’t know. I like the idea of them. But…I’m not sure I would make a good mother.” A small snort came from Itachi and you looked at him with narrowed eyes, “What?” You asked in challenge, wondering exactly what he was going to say.
Setting his own cup down, he stepped in front of you and effortlessly lifted up your (B/T) form to sit on the counter and occupied the space between your legs. “I’m surprised is all.” He hummed, a hand reaching up to gently grasp your cheek, his pale thumb stroking your cheek bone. “I’m surprised you’re doubting the skills you clearly possess.”
Now it was your turn to snort, but a smile found its way to your face regardless—like it always seemed to when you’re with him. “I’m curious. Why don’t you tell me?”
“Well,” he glanced over his shoulder before motioning with his head at it, “the way you were interacting with Sasuke would be my best example.”
“That’s different, we are just watching him for the night.”
“It’s not different.” He immediately said, his hands now finding their way to your hips. “You’ve shown incredible patience. Allowing him to show you whatever he wanted to. An interesting stick he found? You marveled at it. The fireball he was able to summon? You cheered for him like no one else had.” He praised, his forehead now leaning forward to rest against your (S/C) one. “Reading to him and doing voices with it? You are a natural.” His lips came closer to yours. “Not to mention, how you treat the blonde boy. Whenever you see him, you speak with him, give him attention. You have a kind soul.”
By now, a dark flush was beginning to spread on your face. You would never not love the compliments he gave, but it always was embracing to have him say them so openly and as a matter of fact, not opinion. “You…you would make a great father.” You whispered back, now finding your lips just a breath apart; so close, that you could practically feel him smile.
“Thank you, (F/N). That means the world.” Your lips and bodies met that night, hoping that whatever the result would be, it would be a good one.
Playing with a lock of your (H/C) hair, you had been waiting patiently for the doors to the compound to open. But…they wouldn’t budge. Frowning, you glanced around and while it was night time, it was dead silent. “That’s odd.” You muttered, noting the air smelt weird too. Itachi had not been at the home you shared that was thankfully away from the compound, his mission supposed to have been over the day prior, and figured he might be at his family’s home to pick up Sasuke early as you were going to look after him again.
Ignoring the warning in your head to not pursue it and turn around, you leapt up to balance on the top of the gate only to nearly fall back in shock.
Bodies. Bloodied, fallen, bodies littering the ground. Given your relationship with the clan as a whole, the only thing you felt was shock and worry about the two Uchiha that mattered in your life: Itachi and Sasuke.
Quickly leaping down, you ran from door to door, body to body, quickly determining that none of them were Itachi nor Sasuke. And while you should have been relieved, you just weren’t.
Rounding another corner, you stopped midstep, finding the small figure you were hoping but dreading to see. “Sasuke!” You cried out, running and sliding down next to him, quickly checking over his body and determining the blood on him was not his own. He seemed to be merely passed out. Right as you were about to pick him up and take him to the hospital when a pained voice spoke behind you.
“Why are you here, (F/N)?” The voice, while so familiar, sounded to be deeply in pain.
Laying Sasuke’s upper body back down on the ground, you slowly stood up. “I got back early. I wanted to surprise you.” You whispered back, knowing full well who eliminated the Uchiha clan. “Surprise.”
Taking a deep breath, you turned to find your blood-splattered husband with his Sharingan activated and tears flowing from his eyes. The both of you stared at one another for what felt like an eternity. “It’s ok.” You said after a moment, your hand reaching up to brush away some of his tears, effectively spreading the blood away as well. “It’s ok.” You whispered again.
“(F/N)…I…you can’t….” His voice was cracking as his body trembled, struggling to speak.
“I know.” A few tears began to fall from your face now. You had seen too much. You knew what had to happen. Tilting your head, you placed a soft kiss against Itachi’s lips which was quickly met with desperation, a need from him to never let it stop.
One of his hands found its way to your hair and holding it tightly, the other wrapped around your waist to pull you close to him, sword falling to the ground. “Take us back to our home?” You whispered against his lips before he gave a small nod, your body getting picked up and in what seemed like an instant, you were inside your bedroom.
Sitting on the edge of your bed, he loomed over you, hands grasping the bedsheets and his head leaning on your shoulder as it seemed even more tears were falling. “(F/N)….” He said again, this time seeming to choke out your name.
A sad smile graced your features, your head turning to place a kiss against his cheek while your left hand found a kunai in the pouch on his thigh. “It’s ok.” You said again, nudging it into his hand.
Itachi pulled back to look at you, his red eyes seeming to memorize every last inch of you, so he could always remember you—his beautiful wife.
“Oh.” You said suddenly, lifting your left hand up, smiling fondly at the silver ring there. With shaking fingers, you took it off and placed it on his pinky. Once it was securely on, you smiled back up at him. “There. See? I won’t be leaving you.”
Itachi gave a small laugh, “You always find a way, don’t you.” He whispered, letting you take his hand that held the kunai to raise it to your heart.
“Yes, I do.” You smiled back, your eyes staring up at him with nothing but love and acceptance.
His hand seemed to still a little with both of your hands wrapped around his on the kunai’s handle. “I love you, (F/N).” Itachi leaned in, his lips against yours.
Closing your eyes, you whispered against him, “I love you too, Itachi.” And with one last kiss and your hands jerking towards you, your world went entirely dark. All the while the body that sobbed above you mourned what could have been.
Having died for the second time was odd. But now, Itachi could eternally rest. He was able to see Sasuke accept the truth of that fateful night, knowing full well that he may never be forgiven. Or even son, get sent to the darkest parts of the afterlife. So, it was met with some confusion that all he saw was light.
The man’s body froze. A voice he hadn’t heard in person for years, and had only replayed conversations in his mind. Turning in disbelief, his breath got caught in his throat at seeing the most wonderful sight before him. “(F/N)?” The name came out barely audible, it was not a name he had said aloud in a long time.
You smiled brightly, walking over to him while making sure to keep the small bundle to your chest. “Hello, my love. I’m glad you’re finally with us.”
Itachi had been in awe of how serene you were in the white kimono that he had nearly missed the small object in your arms, but he did not miss the ‘us’ comment. “Us?” He whispered, a sense of guilt and dread beginning to fill his heart.
“Itachi Uchiha. I know what you’re thinking, and don’t you dare. I had no idea either.” Your hand opening the bundle a bit more, an infant with black hair and large dark eyes stared up at the man. “It’s ok.” You said again, letting the man embrace the two of you.
“Do…do they have a name?” He whispered into your hair, his heart trying to accept that he had unknowingly killed his own unborn child.
You shook your head, your free hand reaching out to adjust his arms. “No, not yet.” Placing the small bundle into his arms, you smiled up at him proudly. “I wanted to wait for his father.”
“A boy.” He smiled, unable to help the tears from falling in both joy and sorrow.
Nodding, you wrapped your arm around his waist and leaned against his shoulder, looking down at the life you had created and now meeting in the afterlife. “Yes. You’ve done so much, Itachi.” You hummed, laying your hand over his. “You’ve sacrificed so much. Now…it’s time for you.” Leaning up, you placed a kiss against his lips, a feeling he had missed so much. “It’s time for us.” A small sound of happiness came up from the baby in his arms. “He agrees. Now, what should we name him?”
Looking at you, then to his son, Itachi closed his eyes. “How about…(C/N)?”
Smiling, you nodded in agreement. “(C/N) it is.”
Swallowing hard, he raised (C/N) up and gave a light kiss to the boy’s forehead which earned a happy giggle from the boy before placing one on your own. “I love you, (F/N).”
Glad that you could finally be together forever, you beamed back up at him, “I love you too, Itachi. Now, come on. We have eternity together. We’re not going anywhere.” Taking his hand, the three of you walked off into that bright void, your souls at peace.
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badluckbilly13 · 5 years
Dancing with Shadows- Chapter 2: Partners
Pairing: KakuHida School AU- similar to My Hero Academia (obviously Naruto-based). 
Here is Chapter 2! Each chapter will be a little longer as I go along for details and plot development.  Chapter 1: First Impressions Matter Wattpad Version
I’ll have Chapter 3 written up soon! Enjoy! 
The day dragged along till ten minutes before the lunch bell rang. Madara looked up, relieved that half the day was already over. God, Hokage-sama better thank me for this shit. He thought to himself. “Alright before all of you head to lunch, I’m going to put you in pairs,” Madara pulled the Five Great Nations map, releasing it upward which revealed the pairing. “There will only be one group of three”. 
Itachi and Kisame Deidara and Sasori Zetsu and Obito Hidan and Kakuzu Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato 
“Huh?!” Hidan looked up, slamming his fist on his desk, “Sensei! Why do I have to be paired with Kakuzu? He was already rude to me!” the silver hair boy stood up. 
“Hidan, sit down or else I’ll automatically fail you,” Madara said with a stone cold face. 
Everyone laughed at the new boy which caused him to become more irritated. Hidan sat back down, grumbling to himself. He looked over at Kakuzu, staring him up and down. Why the fuck do I have to paired up with this freak?
“Do you have a problem with me, crybaby?”, Kakuzu glared over, his emerald eyes meeting Hidan’s magentas. 
“You’re going to be my partner starting today so you better watch your tone, creep.” Hidan huffed, crossing his arms. 
“Alright, you’re dismissed. See you all back at one o’clock.” Madara disappeared, leaving a cloud of smoke behind. He had teleported to the teacher’s lounge where he sat on a couch, rubbing his head and only thought about Hidan’s obnoxious attitude. It was only the first day of classes and the Uchiha already needed a drink. 
The students filed within the hallways. Hidan plugged in his headphones, turning up a rock song and drowned out the school. The teenager made his way to the food court, grabbing a sandwich, water, and a bag of sweets. He knew everyone was looking at him and it wasn’t the giant scythe on his back that gave it away. It was the fact that he was new and everyone laughed at him and the sense of style he had. The kids already gave him a nickname in the classroom: The Grim Reaper. Hidan let out a sigh, nodded his head to the beat of his music, and paced through the hallways to escape to the roof. 
“Baby, don’t you leave me. I’ve got a lot of dreams to share with you, because you’re the one I want to create memories withhhhh…” Hidan sang as he opened the door to the roof, found a spot where the staircase door created a shadow, and sat down. He hummed his song while he munched on his sandwich and ignored the school he already hated. 
A shadow appeared, walking closer to the boy who jammed to his music. Hidan looked up, startled at the sudden appearance. His eyes met those who constantly glared at him during Madara-sensei’s lectures. “K-K-Kakuzu-kun?!” Hidan backed up a little and removed a headphone. 
“You’re in my spot, find your own, crybaby.” Kakuzu’s blank expression sent a chill down Hidan’s spine. 
“I was here first, asshole. You don’t own shit!” Hidan barked as sweat dripped from his forehead from his nervousness.
“Fine…” Kakuzu sighed then kicked Hidan out into the sunlight and sat down. 
“Ugh, what the…” Hidan rubbed his head then the blood that ran down his nose. “What the fuck was that for?!”
“For taking my spot and being annoying.” Kakuzu opened his lunch and began to eat. “What are you going to do about it, crybaby?”
Hidan bit the inside of his cheek and with a huff, he stood up and grabbed the stitched boy by the collar of his shirt. He glared at Kakuzu, unable to see his own reflection in the emerald eyes that had no soul. What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Hidan thought. 
“Listen, you and I are partners whether you like it or not. Sensei may be a crazy old fuck but I have to deal with your asshole-like attitude and you have to deal with me!” Hidan got closer to Kakuzu’s face. 
“I already didn’t like you because of that show-off attitude of yours…” Kakuzu grinned.
“Don’t be so cocky, you fucking creep!”
“Not many pair up with me because of my abilities and amount of chakra I store inside of me. If I were you, you should just drop out of this class if you know what’s best for you.” Kakuzu chuckled quietly. 
“Fuck off, asshole!” Hidan yelled and threw Kakuzu off balance. 
Kakuzu quickly reached for his back pocket and took out a kunai then elbowed Hidan to the concrete wall, the kunai at his throat. “Don’t underestimate me, crybaby”. 
Hidan coughed, letting in a gasp of air. He smirked then shook his head. “I dare you to cut my throat, creep. You can’t kill me, my body belongs to Jashin.” He cackled, his eyes widen in hysteria. Hidan pressed his neck to Kakuzu’s kunai, blood leaked down. 
Kakuzu stared at Hidan for a moment, looked down to see the blood drip from his neck. He knew Hidan was serious and let go of the silver hair boy. He grumbled, placed the kunai back in his pocket and sat back down to continue along his lunch. Hidan relaxed, then rose an eyebrow as he looked down at Kakuzu. 
“You weren’t going to cut Lord Jashin’s vessel?” 
“No, you’re not worth killing right now.” 
“Scaredy cat.” 
“Do you want to be thrown off the building?” 
“Like I said, I’m immortal. Killing me is impossible.”
“I do enjoy a science experiment.” 
“Eh? I didn’t know you crack jokes.” 
“It wasn’t a joke.” 
Thirty minutes passed since Madara-sensei released the class to lunch. Hidan and Kakuzu stayed on the roof and shared the small shadow space. Quietness lurked between the two of them as they ate the rest of their lunch. Hidan looked up and raised his hand to see if he could feel Kakuzu’s stitches. His curiosity sparked since seeing Kakuzu. The other boy glared and punched Hidan then went back to eating his food. 
“Man… I would’ve been better off being with Obito Uchiha…” Hidan grumbled. He coughed up blood from Kakuzu’s punch and cracked his neck. “That was nothing…” 
“Shut up and eat your food before the bell rings.”
“Aw, stitches does care about me.”
“Hidan, I will throw you off the building.”
Hidan sighed then sat back down next to Kakuzu. He finished his sandwich then opened the bag of sweets he had been saving up. He continued to listen to his music, quietly humming and popped a sweet in his mouth. Kakuzu looked over at the strange boy and observed his behavior. He tied his hair back and leaned against the wall, closed his eyes and sat in silence. Hidan glanced over at Kakuzu, his eyebrows rose to see the boy relaxed. 
“Eh… do you want a piece? Truce?”
“Hm?” Kakuzu opened one eye. “Didn’t know the crybaby could use his head.”
“Listen asshole, I’m trying to not be a dick.” 
Kakuzu reached over and grabbed a piece of candy. He plopped it into his mouth and stayed in his current position without any fuss. Hidan sighed and joined him. “So… you wanna tell me about yourself Kakuzu-kun?” The boy looked up with his magenta eyes fascinated by the mystery of his partner. 
“Why do I have to tell you anything about myself?”
“Because I can at least not piss you off as much since I don’t know you well enough.”
“That is fair. Fine I s’pose. I do like sweets which is why I couldn’t resist an offer. I’m a Leo and like money. I’m also not too friendly with others and prefer to be alone. However, you seem to be a pest I can’t get away from considering you’re my partner now.” 
“Ahhh I knew you liked something. Eh, okay so about me… I’m a follower of Jashin. It’s a religion where you dedicate yourself to the afterlife in lame man’s terms. No drinking, smoking, or sex or else I go to hell. Let’s see, what else… I’m an Aries and like rock music. I also like sweets and reading mangas ohhh and also I hate being in school.”
“You talk too much no wonder you decided to embarrass yourself.” 
“I don’t care what those people think of me. In a year I won’t be the new guy anymore so I just have to go through it. I go back to the place I rent and pray to Jashin to make sure He knows I don’t forget about Him.” Hidan sadly sighed. “Why are you up here?”
“Like you, I was new last year as well... “
“What?! You were new too!”
“Shut up… Yes, that is why no one still talks to me. I’m the guy with stitches all over my body and intense chakra that every person is feared by me and ends up dropping out or switching partners.” 
“You may look like a gloomy freak, but you’re cool y’know.” Hidan smiled. 
“Heh, you’re the first person to compliment my attitude.” 
“Y’know, you and I are the same. You’re fairly new and I’m new-new. I don’t know much about you but I’d like to at least get to know my new partner from now on and pass this class or else Madara-sensei will be furious with us.” 
“You have a point, crybaby. Perhaps you’ll be the first partner I’ll actually mutually like.”
Hidan looked up, chuckled and nodded. The two of them ate sweets together and relaxed under the shade. Hidan offered his other headphone to Kakuzu in return the both decided to listen to music together, finding a common liking to rock music and candy. 
“Heh, partners…” Hidan chuckled quietly. The bell rang, lunch was now over.
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