Relationship advise from a bitter 21 year old
I think young love is stupid. Yeah i might just be saying that beause every relationship i've ever had (three) have ended in COMPLETE disaster. Or i;m saying it because its true. I think people often rush into relationships because they feel its the "normal" thing to do. I also think people stay in relationships that are toxic and dead because they're scared of change and that is just stupid. How are you supposed to be happy with another person if you cant even figure out how to be happy alone. I have one friend who just got out of a SEVEN YEAR relationship. They were together from the time they were 13 untl they were 20.... they grew together for so long and now that they broke up (and believe me they needed to) they have no idea how to be independant and alone. That is just so scary to me. You cannot rely on other people for happiness. If you can support yourself physically and mentally and you can be really happy alone then being with another person will be easier i think. Who knows i could be completely wrng this is just my opinion but it is what i truly believe. So try and be alone for a little while.. try and figure out the things YOU like to do and the music YOU like to listen to and the shi YOU wanna do with your life without the influence of another person... i think its the most important shit you'll do
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Love yourself
One of the greatest things i've ever done was name myself queen. I spent the first 21 years of my life HATING myself. That is no way to live. Right at the end of 2016 i was dumped by the love of my life. I was left broken and weak. I sulked for months. Then in may i was sexually assaulted. I was even more broken than before and i was the most insecure i had ever been. And than one day i woke up and i felt different. I dont even really know how to explain in. In some sense i felt untouchable. I figuredwhat else could the world do to me? Kill me? I have had to deal with every shitty thing u could think of; death, assault, heart break, mental illness. and i am still standing. I have two jobs and i work my ass off. One day i realized how great i m and idk maybe im full of myself but i am so proud of the person i have become. I look at myself everyday and say "yeah you might be a depressed anxious mess but you look hot as FUCK" and it helps so much. Y'all need to stop being so hard on urselves.WE ARE ALLLL HUMAN. HUMANS FUCK UP!!!! i am so tired of hearing "god i am so ugly i hate the way i look" EMBRACE UR SHIT. You are beautiful and amazing and special in ur own ways and you need to rock that shit before someone trys to take it away from u. I've been fucked over so many times but none of that shit defines me. The fact that i am a good person and i am still standing (taller than ever might i add), THATS the shit that defines me
do urself a favor and put ur crown on and and claim the title of the bad ass queen u are. you deserve that shit..
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Alrght I'm gunna be honest here. I dont play nice with other girls. I don't mean to be such a cunt but i have been massivley fucked over by every female friend i have ever had and that is no exaggeration. Whether it was talking shit behind by back, sleeping with my boyfriend of TWO FUCKING YEARS, or just straight stealing hundreds of dollars from me, every female friend i have ever had has just dicked me over so much i don't really have trust for girls. All my guy friends on the other hand have always been so good to me. They watch out for me and stand up for me, and i never have to worry about them stealing my boyfriends from out under my nose. For the last 6 years i have been the only girl in my friend group and there were never any issues. No drama or bullshit just many great nights hanging out with the best friends i've ever known. I always said that i didn't need girls or girl time that i had my boys and that was all i needed. I was really fucking wrong. (sorry getting a bit off topic back to the main point)
When i met my best friend, we'll call her Marie, I was suprised that there was actually another girl like me out there. She was always one of the guys. She always got fucked over by her girl friends so she became good friends with this group of guys. (they kinda suck but that is a WHOLE other story.) But she was "one of the guys". She didn't care about stupid drama or things most girls cared about. She'd rather sit down and get drunk playing video games than get all dolled up and go out partying trying to get dick. We instantly got along really well. For years i thought having a female friend would be all bullshit and drama but once again (and like always) I was really fucking wrong. Now adays we have "girls night" which is where we sit in her room and smoke hella weed get drunk and do face masks and do girly shit while talking shit about everyone we hate. I never realized how much i would appreciate this shit. After being the only girl in a group of guys for YEARS i never knew how much i would truly appreciate and love a girls night. My boys are amazing don't get me wrong but sitting here with my best friend and her litte sister with a cucumber peel on my face and fresh polish on my toes brings me a certain type of serenity i can't explain. I feel like there is nothing in this world a good fun girls night can't fix. So if you're feeling low just grab your girl friends, go drop 50 dollars in walmart on junk food booze and red box and have a good old fashion girls night... i swear that shit really helps. And if your'e like me and you only have shitty dramatic ass girl friends hmu and come chill with me and my bff, not to sound concieted but we're pretty fucking awesome.
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Well here's my first official post on tumblr. Basically my therapist told me that writing shit down helps with depression and it's a good outlet blah blah blah... well i've never really liked writing things down so i decided to make a blog where i can sorta just pour my heart out to a bunch of strangers. I'm not using my real name cause i'd be royally mortified if anyone in my life saw this. there is just a lot of shit i need to get off my chest and this seemed like the best option for me. So prepare yourself to hear some pretty fucked up shit. My whole life is kinda a shit show so don't be appalled when things get dark. And i mean not everything is gunna be dark good things happen sometimes and i just wanna share it all. So this is me... introducing you to the sad life of "delaney" (You see what I did there;)) 
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