#sadcanon sunday
the-mad-hattie · 6 years
here's a sadcanon: Smol is afraid of chisks future, for they will have to indure the pain of watching all their friends die without them one day like smol
Wow, okay, right in the feels. Sadcanon Sunday is cancelled. 
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ask-noah-maxwell-tt · 6 years
Noah tries not to shower often, as he feels vulnerable when inside it. When he does shower, it’s very quick (but not rushed), and he sets the water to either be ice cold or (almost) scalding hot to keep himself alert to get in and get out. Any crying or breaking down he would’ve done in there he does sitting elsewhere in the bathroom afterwards. The fact that he is reluctant to shower makes him angry and disgusted with himself as it further shows how pitifully afraid he is, and brings him what feels like one step closer to his freaky future self.
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hxlfsoul-a · 6 years
Shoto is aware how odd people find it that he only ever eats soba, but the reason he does that is because he worries if he tries something else, he won’t like it and people will be upset with him for not liking - but he’s slowly trying new things with the guidance of his friends!
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bug-captain-melody · 6 years
Send: “Ouch” to my inbox for a random, sad or distressing headcanon about my muse.
Melody was bullied as a child, for seemingly everything - for being the new kid, for liking bugs, for being so happy all the time, etc. The worst incident happened when she was about seven. Just after school, a group of kids took her backpack and emptied it into a mud puddle, stomping all over the contents.
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fuukonomiko · 4 years
"Ouch" (for Hirv, Thyra, or both)
Hirvik Solheim was very close to his father. It was for him that he signed up for the Astartes. His Dad supported him even after he turned from the Imperium saying “You’re my son and no allegiance is going to change that.” He had fallen ill after living a long, simple life and on his deathbed had refused to have the Goddess cure him to ascend to the Vaults.  "I need to sleep at some point.” were his last words, laughing lightly. He did manage to hold his grandson, Hirvik’s first born before he passed on. “I’ll see you someday, lille Ulv.”  Hirvik named his oldest son after him.
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oldboyjensrps · 6 years
Welcome to Sadcanon Sunday
Send: “Ouch” to my inbox for a random, sad or distressing headcanon about my muse.
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muted-howl · 5 years
Im gonna do this one for Mani- Continued on from a previous headcanon, After their children were slain they believed their souls rejoined the wood, this is why they refer to their flowers as their “precious children”
Sadcanon Sunday!
Thank you for the ask~! @fortress-and-flame
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thequietpickpocket · 5 years
sadcanon sunday ~ accepting
When Mika was very young, her parents often reminded her that if she ever got separated from them, to stay where she’d last seen them, and they’d come find her. After her village was destroyed, she stayed and slept near the ruins of her home for three days waiting for her parents to find her.
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closeknithearts · 5 years
“Ouch” for Nova
Sadcanon Sunday Monday | Accepting
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Nova seriously thinks that they’re just not good enough, and never will be. Constant flings and one night stands only fufill so much, and genuine (or what seems like) love always seems to take them off guard. Out of any of the siblings, Nova is most likely to fall into even more unhealthy habits.
And yet, they refuse to seek help. Because to them, as long as they can go most days with a smile, as long as they can make other people laugh, then clearly nothing is wrong- or isn’t serious enough. They nearly completely rely on their confident, silly, eccentric facade and their Ruby Song superhero ego to feel any sort of lasting positivity and fulfillment in life.
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dcathbringer · 6 years
Welcome to Sadcanon Sunday - Send: “Ouch” to my inbox for a random, sad or distressing headcanon about my muse.
Dolores has been functioning within the park for over 11k days; of those days she has been killed roughly 75% of those days.
 This means she’s been killed 8.6k times.
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the-mad-hattie · 6 years
He’s still alive, that’s the sadcanon. 
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ask-noah-maxwell-tt · 6 years
Noah’s biggest fear is of himself, in all its entirety. What he’s done, caused, is, becomes. The most horrific creature he’s ever met was himself.
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doyouliketosambax · 6 years
Sadcanon Sunday
He was handed a cigar at a party when he was thirteen. It was a really bad day. When he breathed out the smoke, it was the most relief he felt in a while. He immediately got over the bad taste and finished the cigar in a half-hour. Even though he was conscious he was getting himself hooked, this was the start of his adventures in smoking.
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d01ce · 6 years
Sadcanon Sunday  ☆.。.:*Accepting*:.。.☆  
Orion can sometime slip into depression when he gets really homesick. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does he secludes himself from the world and everyone he knows.  
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fxtelism-moved · 6 years
Welcome to Sadcanon Sunday, send “Ouch” to my inbox for a random, sad or distressing headcanon about my muse.
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The tip of his one horn was crushed in a cruel and sadistic manner by a scientist with such unacceptable reasons for being bored, and wanted to conduct a ‘experiment’ with the Lesser Demon. 
The pain once caused him to scream so much that his vocal cords were almost permanently damaged. 
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shotfreed · 6 years
Sadcanon Sunday but like rly late  // @strike-at-the-heart
Jesse has a very deep desire for physical affection. He can never be close enough to those he cares about and if allowed platonic cuddling is like one of his favorite things in the world??? Screw masculinity let dudes cuddle their bros wtf??????? But his need is intense and he knows it. He is very mindful about making sure he isn’t too physical with anyone if he’s not sure about how comfortable they are with being touched and it... For him it’s like watching someone breathe in deeply as he drowns, just inches from the water’s surface. But he’s also never work up the nerve to say anything, even to his partners, unless pressed to his limits. There have been quite a few times where he will have to focus hard on not just throwing himself at those he cares about, often restraining himself from outright shaking. he just loves yall a lot ok bls,,,,
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