#sad sack of bones
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Eldritchrune - Dreemurr of Jokes
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Story Setup Eldritchrune Masterpost
Toriel stops by Sans' shop for some goods, and for some more cheery distractions! Unfortunately, all this time later, it's still too difficult to escape reminders of what's been done.
It was fun finally getting to do some stuff with Sans in this universe! The last part for this trio of scenes will be up sometime next week!
Alt text for these pages is under the read more:
Page 1 Panel 1: Interior shot of a small store, with displays of goods, loose plywood, sacks of things. Two circular woven hangings bracket the door through which Toriel enters, a heavyset woman in a polka-dotted dress with a basket over her arm. Sans watches her enter, though we see only the back of his head.
Panel 2: Toriel enters the shop and we see more displays, mostly food. There are large potted trees as well, and the shop’s counter, draped in patterned cloth and decorated with candles. Toriel: “Well, hello again. I was wondering if you had-” Sans, a jovial, bearded man dressed in loose robes and always smiling, waves a hand and cuts her off. “Hold on, you hear that?”
Panel 3: “...Hear what?” Toriel asks, nonplussed. Up close, her face is soft but distressed.
Panel 4: Sans leans over his slightly messy counter, still grinning. “I HERB that you needed some more cinnamon cloves, and look what I have here!” He offers a handful of herbs. Up close, the cuffs on his robe sleeves are patterned with little bones.
Panel 5: “Just what I needed! How did you guess?” Toriel exclaims, reaching out with a real smile to accept the herbs. She and Sans are framed by other mysterious shop wares- jars of things, open sacks, rolled-up mats. Things you might find in an open-air desert market.
Page 2 Panel 1: Sans: “Was just thinking it’d been awhile since I saw you making the neighborhood rounds with some of those pies of yours… Figured you were planning to start this month’s soon!” Sans gestures up at Toriel in explanation.
Panel 2: Toriel smirks, setting down a handful of coins. “And perhaps hoping that I would stop by your place first with them?” Sans: “I pride myself on my forward thinking, y’know.” His grin is conspiratorial as he leans towards her and he taps his temple with one finger.
Panel 3: Toriel, eyes sad despite her smile: “All right. How about this: Tell me a good joke, and you have my word you will have the first and freshest one.”
Panel 4: Sans: “Just a good joke?” He raises an eyebrow.
Panel 5: Toriel clutches her chest- we don’t see her eyes. “I find myself in desperate need of levity these days.”
Panel 6: Sans waves his hand as if to keep her from feeling like she need say more, scratching his chin in thought with the other. “Sure, I got one…”
Page 3 Panel 1: Sans, with the smug grin of someone about to tell a terrible pun: “Why was the empire soldier happy to get demoted to horse groomer?” Toriel, with her hand on her chin in thought: “I do not know, why?”
Panel 2: Sans shrugs widely like the answer is obvious. “Because he finally had STABLE employment!”
Panel 3: Toriel laughs in genuine delight, although maybe a little harder than expected.
Panel 4: Toriel: “Thank you, I needed that.” She smiles a relieved little smile. Sans: “No problem. So hey, aside from the pie… Can I maybe get an invite to those little get-togethers I see some folks around here doing once a month?” He steeples his fingertips together.
Panel 5: San’s dialogue continues: “I’m so curious as to what goes on then!” We only see Toriel, though, shocked and dismayed. She’s thinking of the Ritual gatherings- townspeople gathered in their robes and animal masks- reindeer, fish, but most centrally, the goat masks she and Asgore wear.
Panel 6: Toriel: “Unless you are completely enraptured by tedious talk of planting schedules and building repairs, I believe I can sate your curiosity by saying you would find them quite boring.” She waves a hand in front of her, dismissing the thought- her expression is once again drawn and weary.
Page 4 Panel 1: Toriel turns to leave, waving goodbye. “You should look forward to your well-earned pie more!”
Panel 2: Sans gives her a slightly skeptical look. “Alright.” is all he says.
Panel 3: As she leaves, Toriel looks down and sees for the first time a small statue set by the door, surrounded by candles- it’s not a merchandise display, more like an altar. The statue is a horned figure holding a bowl filled with greenery- an offering of some type. The figure is rounded like a sitting child, and simple, with closed eyes and little other detail.
Panel 4: Toriel’s dialogue over a close up shot of the figure: “What an interesting little figure you have. It does not look like it is for sale, is it?” The little horned one has three toes and four fingers on its stubby little arms and legs, and a detail on its forehead that could be a suggestion of hair, or it could be a symbol. The pillar candles surrounding it have been burned enough to have long wax drips pooled around them.
Panel 5: Sans: “Nah, that’s just a holdover from my home country. Supposed to help keep demons out of your space.” He seems uninterested in this bit of lore, but Toriel, still facing away, is wide-eyed and shaken.
Panel 6: Toriel whirls back to him, sweating. “I-Is that so?”
Panel 7: Sans’s expression intensifies, eyebrows dropping dramatically. “Sure thing. You know what happens when demons get in your grain stores?”
Page 5 Panel 1: “They’re OATsolutely RYE-ined!” Sans holds his hands wide, like he’s waiting for the rimshot effect. It’s almost like his shop counter and back wall are suddenly a stage.
Panel 2: Toriel hides a giggle behind her hand, relieved.
Panel 3: “Is that something you have had to deal with previously?” she asks, stepping a little closer in her interest. Sans makes a slight gesture of dismissal. “Nah, I don’t really go in for that sort of stuff, honestly.”
Panel 4: Sans: “My brother, though… He’s all in on charms and wards and that sort of thing.” He gestures up, as if to point to wherever it is in the town that his brother might be now.
Panel 5: “Keeping customs from your home country, I suppose?” Toriel asks, drawn again into the shop and closer to Sans. “Something like that,” he responds, leaning forward on his counter. On the wall next to him, there’s another woven wall hanging like the ones over the door. Toriel: “Do you have any customs that have a reverse effect?”
Panel 6: Sans looks as skeptical as one can while constantly grinning. “You mean like, if you want demons in your house?”
Page 6 Panel 1: Toriel puts a hand up in denial. “N-No, that would obviously be undesirable! I meant more… just out of curiosity about your home.”
Panel 2: Sans stares up at her, for a beat of silence.
Panel 3: “Maybe? Again, this stuff isn’t my thing.” He leans back in his chair with his hands behind his head, nonchalant as can be. “And anyways, we left our country for a reason. Old customs aren’t relevant in this town, y’know?”
Panel 4: Toriel once again turns to go, with a rueful smile. “Maybe not… but I cannot imagine letting go of your entire history.”
Panel 5: Sans shrugs and looks away. “There’s worse things to let go of, honestly.”
Panel 6: Toriel, gritting her teeth, thinks of a happier time tucking Kris into bed.
Panel 7: Close on Toriel’s expression, now more haggard and pained than it was when she came in. She clutches her chest tight.
#lynx art#eldritchrune#deltarune au#toriel#sans#gosh I'm so nervous about trying to get their dialogue right#accounting for universe differences and all that#but I'm at least happy with Sans' grain stores joke#Sans doesn't know...he just has suspicions!
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I’m deleting tw*tter tonight. I can’t stand being on there anymore with all this shit going on and that sad disgusting sack of bones running that app.
#ideally id delete anything meta too but that’s where most of my income comes from and it’s scary#so so scary#i wish there was another app thats similar to instagram thats like actually something dependable
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Sanji With A Clingy Reader Would Include...
Request: OH BABY telling about one piece is like unlocking a whole second heart of mine i have fully for that anime and manga and live action. and so, if you ever decided of course, you writing something similar to something you did on marvel once and sanji with reader that has no personal space and is touchy would be amazing. but also... kissing zoro is great to, if you ever decided? anyway! HOPE YOU LOVE IT (one piece i mean), and if not ignore me UwU
Ooh yess babes this is so SWEET!! :3 I LOVED IT omg hello to my latest obsession not me ordering the first collection of the manga
This was really sweet and fun to do, but I did stay up all night writing it so all comments are much appreciated!
Warning: slightly spicy, some mentions of fighting!
(I do not own One Piece or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @fanpageknight.)
Look at this man. Seriously, look at this man with his little bottom lip bite and eyes like the sun shines heavily out of them and tell me he would be anything less than absolutely madly, heart wrenchingly, soul crushingly enthralled with a clingy reader??? That's right you can't take the l on this one.
It all started that day when the three of you ended up shipwrecked on that sad sack excuse of a rock. When you and Sanji huddled on one side of the forsaken isle to stay away from the terrifying Pirate Zeff. His hands had shaken as he drew them up to his chest, but he mustered the nerves to string open the sack Zeff had thrown at his feet. Once he had counted out the cans, he offered all the food to you.
He wanted you to stay alive far more than himself. Ever since you had landed on his ship he had been smitten, and his weary heart would beat its last under this smothering sun as long as you would live on for the both of them.
To keep him calm: to stop his gasping, tortured heaves as he tried his best not to writhe in panic at the thought of never stepping back on safe land again, you would spent most of those 85 days sitting over the cragged edges. Sanji couldn't tear his eyes away from peering down at the gushing shards of stone below that seemed to rip up in tides and tear for his swinging feet; to try and distract him from sniffling any longer, your hand would tentatively creep over the rock until it landed flatly, and unceremoniously on top of his own. His fingers flexed beneath your own, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he folded them upwards, giving your hand a shaking squeeze: a dutiful promise, a flitting confession of love, that you just happened not to feel in your ruminations of the circumstances.
In fact, he asked you that night, in an uncharacteristically quiet and bashful voice, if you would keep his nightmares away by holding him like his mother used to. You felt terrible: you were so stunned that for a moment you stood with the last piece of mouldy bread you had in your hand in shocked silence. Poor Sanji thought you were about to reject him outright: throw what little he had left of his heart - that he had so carefully lifted out and placed in his hands to offer to you, only to have it thrown back to his feet in the usual ridicule he got for his love. His bottom lip began to tremble, until you nearly knocked him onto his bottom with how fast you dropped everything and flew over to lock him in a tight hug, not minding the fact that your shoulder was growing wetter and wetter despite the brewing rain each time Sanji buried his snivelling head against it.
So you would let him rest safely in the bracket of your arms: his left cheek resting in the warm stretch between your collar bone and your neck, his right hand draped leisurely around your waist as you told him stories of pirates and treasure: of the Deep Blue and tropical fish that shone like bursts of fragmented starlight every time their fins graced the water. Although he would groan any time you removed your hand from where you were stroking the wet strands of his hair back from his forehead, it was quickly replaced with wonderment as you would point up at a cluster of stars and whisper excitedly: 'look, there's some now!'
He had never been afraid of nights ever since that moment, not when the stars were still out and he could trace with the butt of his cigarettes the fish you had drawn specially for him in the skies. It was like a secret message: a lover's reminder that he was never alone. That you were always with him. That your beauty - your light, it shone everywhere, no matter where he was.
It was the first time he had kissed you, two forgotten children lost underneath the dripping crevice of your little hideaway. As your belly began to rise and fall underneath his elbow, and he believed you had exhausted yourself out after trying to make him feel better, he dared to dart up from your shoulder and press his lips firmly against your cheek. It had been quick, almost gliding past time like a dolphin leaping up out of the water, but it had meant so much to him that he curled up into a ball in your side and flushed a bright cerise, having to shove his fist into his mouth to stop his manic giggling from waking you up.
But you weren't asleep, and as Sanji settled back into your neck with a smile bright enough to rival the shine of buttercup petals, you swore as he began to drift off in the first peaceful dream he had had in years that one day you would return the favour, but in full.
The two of you were thick as thieves growing up, to the point where Zeff became so distracted by your antics that he often tried to separate the two of you by making you work the floor and Sanji either in the kitchens, or off fishing at the docks. Ten seconds later though, he'd be kicking through the kitchen doors again to find you leaning on the kitchen counter next to an eager faced Sanji, whose to busy to register Zeff's shouting. Instead he places the spoon to your lips, having spent half of lunch service prep cooking you a brand new recipe he had spent the whole night creating out of a medley of your favourite foods. He subconsciously licks his bottom lip, the tension in the room felt by the other chefs who try to carry on washing pans and cutting vegetables enough to put everyone on edge as Sanji refused to look anywhere but your lips. Holding his hand under your chin, his dipped eyes were broken by a sudden grin as a loud 'mmhhh' left your mouth and you chewed in sweet bliss.
Still ignoring Zeff's increasingly erratic rant, as Sanji goes to start cleaning up his pan you slide down to stand behind him, wrapping your arms tightly around your back and jutting your chin into his shoulder blade like a baby koala. You can tell he's laughing silently by the way his shoulders shake against you, but all he does is pull up your hand from his belly button to press sweet, dainty kisses up and down the lengths of your fingers, before dropping it down to press your palm flatly against his heart.
'I think that might be your greatest dish yet, buttercup!'
'From you, that means everything my precious heart.'
'Why do you call me that?', you murmur, refusing to lift your lips from his shirt.
'Well my sweet love, why do you call me buttercup? I mean, I always know I smell of butter and the likes-'.
He's distracted by your snort against the side of his neck, but the two of you are too love-strikingly embarrassed to say anything again. Even if neither of you could see the warm peach rushing up both your cheeks, Zeff could. He could also hear the padding thuds of Sanji's heart as he gripped his fingers that almost imperceptibly bit tighter around your hand, and he found himself sighing at how oblivious you two idiots were.
Sanji is definitely just as clingy as you, if not more so. You've definitely met your match in this man. I mean, any time you're out on the floor, handing out bread to tables and scanning the room to check if there were any patrons you may have to throw out by the scuff of their collars later, his eyes are trained on yours. He leans against the banisters, not even trying to remotely hide how obviously he's tracing your path with a dumbstruck, lit up smile. If you're in the kitchens, desperately trying to bite your tongue and not tear Zeff a new one as he chops his hands together and rushes you to plate up? He's sliding up to your side in an instant, throwing scathing looks at the man while trying to help you spoon thyme onto your bass, nuzzling the side of his head into yours encouragingly. If you have any free time at all? Sanji is fast on your heels, darting after you like someone's firing shots at his dress shoes, as if you have his heart tied to a string on your wrist as he seeks out whatever nook you're going to relax in. It doesn't matter if you're at the bar, watching the docks, or trying to hide from Zeff in one of the cupboards in the pantry: Sanji is squatting down and grunting as he shoves himself in right next to you. He sits criss cross, only satisfied when at least one of his knees is resting heavily over yours, and he has full access to watch what you're reading over the side of your neck.
He only fully settles, though, if you touch him in some way. He genuinely will begin mewling once your hand reaches over to brush your knuckles over his jawline, or your hand finds itself guided to bunch itself up in his hair. One time, he guided your hand into his lap, and you began to absentmindedly stroke your pointer finger along the seam of his inner thigh. Thank goodness you had your head buried in a book one of the pirate crews had come to swap some dried meats with you for, because it took every muscle in Sanji's body twitching: every finger clenching and unclenching into his knee until he drew blood not to knock you flat right there and then and kiss you like there was no tomorrow.
He gets a MASSIVE nosebleed - so gushing, in fact, that he tries to reassure you he's fine as you hold him by the elbows and lead his tilted back head and pinched nose down to Zeff for some help.
It becomes a very major recurring issue every time he looks at you. He makes sure to carry a handkerchief in his breast pocket from then on.
God, if he didn't love you more than anything in all the seas. If you weren't the only one that he let see past his charming nature: if you weren't the only person left in his life that truly could recognise the young boy left in his eyes, in his gait, in his smile, in his dreams. That little kid on that great big ship, the one who had found you stowed away behind one of the barrels of rum, and instead of calling for the crew had taken your trembling hand and led you into the kitchens, introducing you as his newest sous chef. That same kid, who stood beside you and held your hand so gently, so heartbreakingly gently under his as he guided you through lessons of chopping onions and sautéing garlic, breaking out into long strings of rushed, praising French every time you got it right. The same one, who would frown as if he were the one who had been hurt any time you burnt your hands or sliced your fingers. Who would unravel the knot at the back of his apron, and tug it over his head to carefully place it over yours.
'This always brings me luck', he would say as his fingers daintily tucked the strings underneath your shirt collar. 'But I don't need it anymore, because you've brought me all the luck and happiness a man could ever dream of, my cherie.'
The same kid who would tip toe out of his bed to sneak down to your hammock, crawling in and burying himself underneath your blankets where you slept in the brig, telling you fantastical stories about his mother until you fell sound asleep. He would watch you from where he lay on his side, hands folded by your head, as if you had hung every star in the wide skies. He would brush his fingers over the edge of your cheek and curl up beside you, wishing that every minute of every day of the rest of his life could be spent with you.
Yeah, smitten wasn't enough to cover it. Only destiny could be raw enough to draw the two of you to each other, Sanji always thought.
As teenagers, you would end every shift outside, sitting on the wonky boards of one of the jutted docks. Just sitting side by side, as you always wanted to be, pretending you weren't playing a game of chicken as the two of you teased and pressed and glanced your fingers over each other's, leaning back and looking up at the stars. Sanji always appreciated the better chance it gave him: shrouded in naught by wisps of moonlight and the rare flashing neon of ship string lights, to take you in as much as he could. You didn't mind the fact that he spent the whole time staring over at you. In fact, if you hadn't been so lovestruck, you might have found the courage to tear your head away from the horizon to meet the look of gut-wrenching devotion that always seemed to pour out of his eyes and beam only on you. It always felt like warm sunlight, sitting next to him, and so you finally dared a chance at grabbing his fingers and intertwining them between your own, pretending it was because of the sea chill spraying a fine mist over your legs.
Again, the squeeze he gave your hand was almost, almost imperceptible, but you felt it this time. And you could feel the look of enduring devotion he pierced into your skin, a warm tingle washing like a spring tide through your tired body.
He always knew. He always knew that if he had stayed on that rock, he would have been content to. Happy, even. Because he would have been with you.
'I love you', he said without words. He gave your hand another squeeze. 'I'm going to love you forever. No matter how many lifetimes. No matter who I am. I'm always going to find you, and I'm always going to love you.'
His voice nearly made you jump, surprising you at how it started with his usual buttery smoothness, before cracking with a thick gulp as his words trailed of. 'Never leave without me.'
'I promise, as long as you don't leave without me.'
He shakes his head. 'You never leave me. Not even for a moment.'
Sometimes, when the two of you are older, he still comes stealing into your room at night, wiping his nose with the back of his hand as his lips wobble into a frightened frown. Turns out, as he draws the covers back and comes reaching in for you, he had another nightmare that pirates had come to steal you away from him again. With an aching sigh for how stricken he looked, how desolate, you let him claw at your shirt and bury his head into the side of your neck until the rest of the world melted away.
He kissed you again, that night. When the feel of his legs strewn familiarly between your own began to burn against his skin, and the weight of hand perched over his thrumming heart became too heavy to bear in secret. With nothing but the light streaming like shards of pearly stars through the porthole to betray a moment so special, so longed for, Sanji let his eyelashes flutter close as he slowly... slowly pressed his lips against your cheek again.
This time, his eyes widened in shock as the feeling of your hand gripping at his jaw and turning his face straight on to your own. Before he can even open his mouth in confusion, the sweet pressure of your lips pressed against his top one. For a moment, Sanji doesn't move an inch: doesn't even breath, not even processing that the thing he’s spent every moment of his waking and sleeping life wishing for ever since he found you on that boat was actually happening, right here right now. He tries really hard to stop his whole body from shaking, as his silky lashes finally falter shut against the top of your cheeks and he tries to focus his whole attention on the way your plush lip seems to press so perfectly against his own.
When he finally pulls away, he lets out a loud 'OW' as he pinches his arm.
'What did you do that for!?'
'I had to double check this wasn't a dream, my sweets!'
And then he's on you again, like a ravished man gasping for air. God, he wasn't sure if soulmates were real, but when your top lip pulled down against his, and he could feel the thud of your heart synch against his own beneath the tips of his fingers, if he didn't know that he was yours.
He stays in your room a lot more often after that, using it as an excuse for you to help him button up his shirt during sleepy mornings, smiling at the feel of your fingers as they knocked against the muscles of his chest. It was also his favourite part of the day - the good morning kiss the two of you shared before you raced down to be at your shifts before Zeff decided to knock your heads together.
One time you forgot to give him one, too distracted by one of the sous chefs busting into your room with a bloodied nose and a chipped front tooth, whistling through the gap as he begged you to come down to the main foyer and help him break out a fist fight that had started between two gangs of rival pirates. The pout on Sanji's face that day was enough to make even the most bounty-heavy pirate's knees tremble. Every other chef steered way clear of his station, watching the arch of his back and the jaw in his muscle jump as he busied himself by frying his steak of tuna, so gutted at the loss of just one kiss. Not angry, no: just grief stricken, because this man seriously just adores you that much.
When you finally get your lunch break, the first thing you do is throw your napkin down on the kitchen ground and grab Sanji by his suit collar, enjoying the surprise tilt of his head as he drops his spoon onto his serving tray and allows you to lead his feet backwards to the fire exit. As soon as he's outside, you slam him gently against the wooden beams of the Baratie restaurant, and kissed him silly to make up for it. His look of trusting confusion suddenly melt into jumping heart eyes when your knee slides up between his thighs to try and pin him in place. His breathing comes out in harsh, shallow gasps between ferocious kisses, and you have to press him back against the wall every time he comes arching forward to follow your head for even more kisses. No, this was about you making him feel good. And by goodness, as your tongue pressed against the seam of his lips and tentatively ran over his front teeth, if he wasn't two seconds away from falling to his knees right there and then.
When you let him go, he slides down the wall like putty until he's sitting with legs stretched out and both his suit and hair a ruffled mess. He's literally never been more deliriously happy in his whole life.
Your favourite time of the day is when the restaurant closes, and the two of you finally have the kitchens to yourselves. Once you've tossed your aprons back onto the rack with a tired sigh, the only thing that can cheer you up is the sound of Sanji kicking his chair back with the toe of his shoe, and the sight of him beckoning you over to him with that tilted head and pearly beam of his. Mmh, how safe you feel, how loved as you collapse down to sit on his knees, and he tucks you in between the brackets of his arms in a vice so tight it could match any Marine knot.
You take one of his hands off the pen he was holding, turning his palm round to face you so you could fiddle with the rings he was wearing. You draw one up, curling his finger before your eyes, before slotting one off and sliding it onto your own ring finger. It was the one his father had given him: one he so loathed to wear, and yet felt guilt bore down too heavily on his conscious to ever take it off. You turned the one on top of it, one you know Zeff had given him after his first day working at the Baratie, and you smiled at the memory.
'You know', you start, still fiddling with his hand, feeling him shift his thighs as you pressed a gentle kiss on the pointer finger you were currently grasping onto. 'I may just have to keep this one.'
'Oh yeah?', he says dreamily, and you could feel his grin growing as he hid his burning face in the nape of your neck. 'Don't worry sweetheart. One day, once I find the perfect one, I'll give you a ring of your own.'
The two of you sneak out and share cigarettes out the back door a lot, where Sanji steps forward and kisses you like a man possessed every time you pinch the stub from out of his mouth and draw it along your bottom lip teasingly. When you try to get him to go back in, he just wraps his arms around your waist and lifts you up, spinning you around to stop you from leaving him alone. Laughing, you try to shove him off, swatting at the hands that form a tight clasp over your belly button, until his large fingers finally slide down to hold your waist. You glance behind you, smirking at the way his eyes are tightly shut in euphoria as ducks down, chest nearly enveloping in his desperation to reach your face again. His kisses become sloppier: smoke stained as they leave wet trails up your jaw, before he finally gives in and tries to make you laugh one last time by nibbling at the lobe of your ear.
Whenever he has a fight with Zeff, you have to hold him afterwards. The feel of your fingers curling the hair at the nape of his neck, or rubbing soothing circles into the sore muscles of his shoulders stops the furious darts of air from flaring his nostrils almost immediately.
Man has blaring heart eyes 100% whenever he's in a fight with rowdy customers, and you get to kick the flashy knife out of the last one's hand before the pirate could launch straight for Sanji's neck. He tilts his head at you with those amazed eyes, a gentle smile growing almost shyly on his face like a secret wink, before he throws his now empty plate at the pirate trying to sneak up behind your back. The crash echoes out through the booth area, a cry so furious: so full of rage that anyone would try and dare hurt you, that it makes all the remaining pirate crews crawl out towards the door on their hands and knees.
Stitching each other up afterwards is a motherfcking mess though, that Zeff straight up just abandons all hope of being able to use his kitchen. With a defeated rub of his pounding temples, he lets the door slam shut on his heel because he just can't deal with the two of you. He'd much rather pick up a brush and start sweeping bits of crushed and splattered asparagus off the floors than have to watch you to battle it out in a stiff competition of who could be more sickeningly, maddingly in love with the other. Between you standing between Sanji's entrapping thighs, closing you in tighter so you could have full access to kiss his bobbing Adam's apple as you use a rag to swipe bits of dry sauce off his neck, and him throwing his head back and whimpering, Zeff was going to go insane. Even worse, as soon as you're finished, Sanji's reaching between your fingers to lick split consomme off your nose.
The two of you are literally insufferable, and if every one apart from Zeff doesn't find it the cutest thing I-
When Luffy comes and wrangles Sanji into joining his crew, the chef's first thought is to be distraught. He seeks you out straight away, nearly breaking some poor fisherman's pole as he tries to hurdle over it and grip onto your shoulders, making you drop the barrel of dried meats you were carrying from Luffy onto the planks and watching Luffy nearly dangle off the edge of his ship to stop it from rolling into the ocean.
'Y/n- I- I can't go!'
'You're hardly scared!'
'I'm not scared of going, I'm terrified of going without you!'
You let him pour his heart out for a moment, before stopping his rambling, near sobbing mess of a sentence by bopping the tip of his nose. You giggle, swiping some hair from his forehead. 'Sanji, Luffy asked me to come first. I promised I wouldn't go without you, and I meant it.'
You manage to unlatch his twitching hand from your left shoulder, and give it an almost imperceptible squeeze. The tears that threatened to fall from his eyes finally cascade down, although he's so relieved that he's smiling through the blurriness. You swipe them away with your free thumb, finally, after all these years, feeling the squeeze of your hand that Sanji gives you back, before he envelops you in a breath taking hug.
'Awww, you guys are so sweet!', Luffy calls out from where he's hanging by his sandal off the railing of his ship. 'But could someone give me a hand before my hat falls into the waves? That would not be very cool.'
The first thing the two of you do once you're on The Going Merry is to find your bunk. Sanji isn't very subtle when he kicks your door shut with his heel, and comes scampering towards you like an upended sand crab, pinching for you until he's hefted you up over his shoulder and has unceremoniously landed you in your shared hammock. He's quick to jump in, straddling you as the hammock sways back and forth with the commotion.
He nearly starts crying again when he sees a flash of silver poke out from underneath your neckline; he grazes his hand over the chain, recognising it as his father's ring you had taken months ago. The one he had hated so much. The one you had tried to save him from. A small piece of him. A weight you tried to bear for him. A reminder of how much he was loved.
A confused Zoro, not realising there are new crew members on board, follows the sound of Sanji's voice crooning out how much he adores you, and how he loves you more than every star in the sky, down past the window on your bedroom door. Let's just say, he's not very impressed when he catches sight of the hammock swinging wildly from side to side, and an array of clothes thrown out and discarded in a mess around it.
#one piece#sanji#one piece imagine#sanji imagine#sanji x reader#sanji headcanons#opla#monkey d luffy#zoro#vinsmoke sanji#vinsmoke sanji imagine#vinsmoke sanji x reader#vinsmoke sanji headcanons
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here's the tweet :)
AU where China Sorrows only succeeds in kidnapping Skulduggery's child, and so Skulduggery, his wife, Erskine, Ghastly and Hopeless mount a brutal, fully powered rescue mission which somehow succeeds.
#it's a couple years old now tbf but that's the gist of it really but i do think it's daft#he should have more depth as a character than just a sad sack of lifeless bone i completely agree#anyway i am well ty!! how are you how have things been i hope you're doing good :)
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / This is Part 3! / Part 4 Here!
A/N: I don’t think the poll is over yet, but this one was very clearly going to have the highest percentage, I’ll do the “maybe if we were closer in age” one later though!
If you haven’t already please check out my Batman zine, it’s got so much fanfiction and beautiful art from five different artists! Please check it out, please. I need to find a way to compensate these artists. You can check it out here!
Bruce slumps in his chair, a longing glance spared to the decanter on the bookshelf.
He closes his eyes and wills away the craving. It’s always ten times worse when he wakes up the next day, and he can’t afford feeling worse at this point in his life.
Wasn’t it just yesterday he was twenty years old and he could spend all night playing Bruce Wayne’s party boy image, and be up in three hours feeling none the worse for wear. Now even after nine hours of solid sleep, he wakes up sluggish with an ache in his bones.
I have to be strong.
“Why did you keep her away from us?”
“Who?” he asks absentmindedly, his entire focus still on the brandy.
“(Y/N).” It’s the last name he expected to hear, especially from his oldest son. He looks up, hoping he’s misheard, but the look in Dick’s eyes proves him wrong.
Looks like I’m going to need that drink after all.
He reaches for the decanter, two crystal glasses retrieved from his desk drawer instinctually, glittering on his desk.
“Why are you bringing this up now?” He stalls by taking a sip, feigning casual, like the mention of your name alone didn’t set his heart racing.
“Don’t play this game with me Bruce,” Dick sounds more sad than angry, and it softens him. “Why didn’t you let us see her?”
“It’s complicated.”
“Then start untangling it for me.”
Bruce sighs, taking another sip of his father’s brandy. There’s a million reasons he could tell his son, none of which would be lies entirely, but softer than the truth.
But when he looks up into Dick’s eyes, he can’t bring himself to say any of them. Armed with nothing but liquor at the bottom of his cup, for the first time in four years, after dodging this question from reporters and acclaimed journalists and new paramours, he finally tells the truth.
“Because I didn’t want her to see you.”
A simple, ugly truth. He doesn’t bother looking up to see his sons reaction, he already knows a kind boy like Dick, a boy who’s fully believed his entire life that good prevails, won’t be able to process that his father did something like this. He makes better use of his time by refilling his glass.
Dick slumps in the chair by the time he’s polishing off his second peg, and pouring in his third.
“You did it to punish her?” He can see anger begin to replace shock, and he doesn’t blame him for it, but Bruce is angry enough at himself for the both of them.
“I wanted her to forget we ever existed.” This truth is as kind as it is ugly, and the nuance confuses Bruce even now. But three glasses of brandy affect him in a way that makes his tongue feel lighter and his mind feel free.
“I wanted to give her a potato sack full of money and jewels, and send her far away where no one knew who she was. I wanted her to meet a good partner, someone who would always put her first, and if they decided to extend their family I wanted her to be able to move on without feeling like she left anyone behind.”
“So you wanted her to have a great life, far away from you, and you never wanted to hear anything about it,” Dick’s voice is cold.
Bruce shakes his head. He wanted to hear everything about your new life. What kind of partner you picked. How you spent your days. When you got married. When you had your first child. When you had your second. Everything. And on bad days, he’d close his eyes and let himself imagine it was him standing next to you, that in some alternate universe he made a single different decision that gave him permission to deserve you.
“I was just tired of hurting her,” when you came in to his life, for the first time, he felt like he’s been allowed to have something of his own. Not as Batman, protecting to the city, or Bruce Wayne the mask he carried, but him as a man. But he could never seem to return the reverie you extended to him.
“Do you think she’d ever be able to move on, to live even a semblance of a normal life, if all of you were showing up at her house all bruised and beaten?”
Dick stays quiet now, and Bruce hates himself for having to say it out loud. His son may be an adult in the eyes of the law, but some parts of him are still childlike. After all, Bruce isn’t the only one putting Gotham first.
“I wouldn’t call the way she’s living now normal.” Dick’s been to your penthouse, he’s seen the photo albums full of tabloid clippings and the rare pictures he and his extended family post on social media. He’s seen the journal you keep, hidden on your bookshelf that he mistook for a regular novel during his bi-weekly trips to your place, full of notes on every article and picture and what might be happening behind the scenes to prompt a public appearance like that. Years of deductions and question he could have answered with a single text message a month, but Bruce wouldn’t even allow that.
Dick’s anger grows.
If Bruce had told him he did it to punish you, he’d be angry, but he would understand. Sometimes when you love someone that much, someone who’s too good for you, you grasp at any way to keep them. But this is a million times worse than that.
“If you loved her that much why’d you even let her go?”
Again, another question he wasn’t expecting. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but he doesn’t feel the sharp sting of surprise this time.
“Because sometimes love isn’t enough.”
Dick leaves. Bruce pours another glass, and when he’s sure he’s alone he pulls out his wallet, tugging out the family photo he keeps tucked beneath his black card, turning it over to see your portrait taped on the other side.
The corner of his mouth quirks up.
It was from when you’d both just gotten married, before you were used to upper class etiquette. You complained all morning about having to get ready and wear a bunch of expensive uncomfortable clothes designers had sent in for the article in the Gotham Times, emphasizing how ridiculous opulence like this was when there were so many bigger issues in Gotham.
He’d bought out every copy of the magazine in the city. He still had most of them, tucked away in a box in his closet that became the casket for your relationships. Every now and then he’ll unearth it, just to allow himself to be haunted again by your memory.
But for tonight, just your picture and a glass of brandy is enough.
“You’re so much better at this than I am.”
#batman imagine#dc comics imagine#bat mom#bat mom imagine#Bruce Wayne#bruce wayne x reader#Bruce Wayne imagine#Batman zine#bruce wayne x you#bruce wayne x y/n#Batman x reader#batman x you#batman x y/n#Batman reader insert#superhero imagines
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They Don't Make Them Like Her Anymore - VTM Bloodlines 20th Anniversary
Commissioned art by @medeaft
Author's Note: I wrote this to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Vampire: The Masquerade �� Bloodlines and for a Gallery Noir server event by @vampemoqueen and @bigswordenergy.
Step into the shoes of our favorite sick freak, Vandal Cleaver, as he ruminates on the recent happenings in his life. Pliers and blowtorch included. Terms and conditions apply.
Content Warnings: Violence, torture, self-harm, body horror, mild gore, mild sexual content, obsessive behavior, blood bond, Hannah Glazer and Therese Voerman mentions, murder.
Hannah, Hannah… oh, Hannah. They don’t make them like her anymore, do they? It was sad actually—tragic—well no more tragic than another dead hooker found in a soulless apartment Downtown. Nothing that would make the headlines, not even worthy of a back page obituary in the local paper. Heh, I may be a sap for saying this, but she was good enough for me.
You see, they don’t make them like her anymore. No shit. The new girl? She can’t quite do the job like Hannah did, but since when were beggars choosers? Yeah, I know my place in the pecking order. At least she has the stomach for what I request of her. Doesn’t outright scream, “You fucking freak!” in my face, leaving me high and dry. I need my fix afterall, like the rest of you… Hiding dirty little secrets to dig out between your sorry sack of bones with a scalpel—do you know what a skilled hand can do with a scalpel? Have you ever run your finger across the edge of a blade? Any blade—come on, don’t lie to me now, we’re friends, aren’t we? Everyone’s done it once in their life, lost their innocence as blood blooms from the vulvic slit like a bouquet of roses. Sometimes it gushes like a torrent, depending on how deep you sliced. Shh, it’s okay to get carried away. Your secret’s safe with me.
Anyway, she does as I ask, like a good enough girl, then pukes her guts out—politely—in the bathroom next door. I know, because I hear it. Her chest concave and hollowed, heaving, organ crushing against organ as she squeezes her lungs, gagging on saliva and air. They don’t make them like her anymore, you get what I’m saying?
Earlier, I watched as the flimsy fabric of my skin peeled away, acid pink flesh melting from bone, and the charred layers curling under the blue flame like burning plastic. What remains blisters and festers. I’ve done it so many times I think all that can be salvaged from me are deadened nerves and an empty husk. I like being empty though. Sprawled out on the floor, naked and clean as a newborn while the world around me spins in circles. For a moment, everything feels attainable and unattainable.
My queen… queen of all queens—
And just like that, it’s gone. I’m left with the chick who has a blowtorch in one hand and her nose in the other, pinching it as though the fumes are toxic. Her hands are always trembling, like an addle-brained patient, maybe because I don’t know whether I’m laughing or screaming half of the time.
My body is already mending at twice the speed when she brings out the pliers. I am a god and a shitty mistake all in one—not quite like the bitch goddess who owns me, but almost. Give it another hundred years, and I’ll be standing in this exact room, cutting myself open with my bare hands, alive and kicking to see the process. Imagine tucking my fingers under the sagging flaps, flaying skin from tissue as I pull it apart. Wet, stinking clumps of flesh and its sinewy tendons will stick between my nails, overstaying their welcome, yet impossible to scrub out. And that smell—mmm, that smell! A putrid, cloying tang of filthy pennies, assaulting my senses like a hammer to the head. I want to untangle my entrails like the wires in my brain that got crossed somewhere, just to check and see if they’re the same as everyone else.
Oh, so the new girl needs a bit of encouragement, does she? Lingering there slack-jawed and taking her sweet time. The missus—no, I mean, Hannah never needed to be told twice. Deep down, I think she even enjoyed it, the sick fuck. They don’t make them like her—
“Do it,” I hiss, saliva drooling from my lips like a rabid dog.
I hear bones snapping before the pain hits me, rattling my teeth as an excruciating jolt shoots up my arm. For a split second, I’m blinded by a searing white light. My thumb is dangling at an awkward angle and I must be howling, because the look on that girl’s face… well, what wouldn’t I give to have a picture as a keepsake? Frame it up on the wall like a goddamn Picasso.
Sometimes I feel the hairy legs of spiders skittering around my skull. It tickles like the high strings of a violin being plucked—faintly, daintily, as if it were never there. Sometimes I say things, but my words aren’t my own. And it’s happening right now. The girl before me is no longer a girl, but the queen bitch herself.
“Therese,” I weep and moan. It’s lewd and urgent like a fever prayer falling from my lips. I swear I could cum from her name alone, and I hate myself for it.
“What did you just call me?”
Therese in body and blood, spirit and flesh. Therese in all her unbearable glory. The cold metal clamps down on my trigger finger and her grin is so wicked I can only grovel and lick the dirt off her boots. She’s inside of me. When I hurt myself, she hurts too, and I enjoy it.
“Yes, please! Oh, mistress, oh fuck—”
My eyes shut as I throw my head back, mouth in the shape of an “O” that’s simply ridiculous. I try not to imagine how it looks like one of those snuff tape suckers in post-coital, or should I say, post-feast bliss. Disgusting and vile. I remember mocking them with Phil as I forced him to watch every single Death Mask film in that dingy basement of the Santa Monica Clinic.
When I come to, my balls are no longer heavy and aching, like an oppressive, shameful need. Semen trickles down my leg, pooling in my pants as though I wet myself. It smells of rotting fish and I’m trying not to cry. I wish it were the Nectar of the Gods instead.
A flash of anger rears up in my chest and I tear my eyes open. Therese—no, the new girl lies like a crumpled doll on the floor, mouth agape in that stupid “O.” Good enough like a pair of single-use gloves to dispose of in the trash without a second thought. Except, I used mine again and again. What’s the point if they break apart so easily? They don’t make them—
I yank her face towards me. The whites of her eyes loll back as I squash the fat of her cheeks within my bloodied hand, and her lips mime a fish sucking in breath.
“Tell me I’m good enough! Say it!” something that sounds more akin to a pig squealing explodes like a burst tap.
The stumps of my fingers move her mouth like a ventriloquist, but she says nothing. Blood smears across her dull skin. She doesn’t wake up. That can only mean one thing: useless. They don’t—
I let her body fall to the ground with a thud. Whipping a phone out from my back pocket, what’s left of my fingers fly over the keypad, punching in a line I’ve rehearsed a thousand times.
“A special order for the mistress.”
Tears cloud my eyes as I hear my quivering breath. It’s shallow and erratic. I still can’t tell if I’m laughing or crying half of the time.
Dividers by @diableriedoll
#vandal cleaver#vtmb vandal#vtm ghoul#vtmb#vtm bloodlines#vampire the masquerade bloodlines#vtm#vampire the masquerade#world of darkness#my vtm writing#porcelainscribbles
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bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 32 all chapters
WARNING: NSFW, SEXUAL CONTENT, YANDERE SH!T. Plz take care. I luv u all. 😘

The closer you get to the house, as you make your way back up the mountain, the more and more anxious you feel. It seethes in your bones, this feeling of aching disquiet.
It’s not because you know he’s going to punish you.
It’s because you remember what you said, in the heat of the moment when you dared to bare your truth to John Wick.
You’d finally fucking said it.
I’m your girl.
You’d told him that you are his, and you’d meant it, and he didn’t hear you, or he didn’t believe you.
There is a ringing in your ears that only gets worse as the peaks of the house come into view through the thick trees. Only once you are inside the gates, standing on the sunny flagstone patio, do you begin to resist him again. “Wait,” you plead. “Please, I’m not ready to go back inside yet.”
“You should have thought about that before you ran from me.” He doesn’t sound angry anymore. Just…matter of fact. Inevitable. Immovable.
You know that tone, as surely as you know you are fucked.
“I was playing,” you insist again, trying to twist out of his iron grip. It’s futile, of course. The only time in your life you had an advantage over John Wick was with the help of gravity, running downhill through a maze of trees. Here, now, you know there is no hope in resisting him.
“I’m still not sure about that.” You shouldn’t feel guilty about the undertone of sadness in his words.
You know you should be gentle with this man, in his fragile state. You know, deep down, that fighting him like this gets you nowhere but dug deeper in a hole of your own making. But maybe you are beginning to lose it too. This taste of freedom reminded you of what you had lost, and you are not so eager to let it go again without a fight.
“You aren’t listening to me!” you snarl, still pulling on your arm, getting more frantic by the second. “I told you! I told you that I’m yours, finally, and it’s like you don’t even care! All you want is to keep me under your thumb!”
You know by his now thunderous expression that this is not helping your case at all, but you are too infuriated to stop.
“I heard you,” he growls, then hauls you up over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry like you are naught but a sack of potatoes. “I heard you call me an old man, and laugh with joy as those quick little feet carried you away from me.”
You squirm against him but it comes to nothing, and in no time he has you back in the house, the door secured.
Back in your prison.
He does not put you down, striding for the stairs. You hate it, but the cavewoman part of you is impressed when he carries you all the way to your bedroom, breathing like a dragon through his nostrils as he tosses you down on the bed hard enough to bounce.
There is a pregnant moment as you glare at each other. Even through his anger, there is a glitter of unshed tears at the corners of his eyes, and you know you have pushed this man to the very brink once more.
You shouldn’t feel guilty for that either–but you do.
“I”m disappointed, y/n. I thought we were past these childish games.”
“You keep me locked up like an animal, and you’re surprised when I frolic a little when you let me feel the sun on my face for the first time in months?”
“Like an animal?!” He looks around the opulent house–really it only resembles a cabin in broadest terms. “I have spoiled you rotten. Anything you possibly could have wanted, I provided. Things you never could have had, in your old life.”
Except the thing you needed the most. Freedom.
“Yes, you’ve done very well at distracting me with pretty things,” you admit, ashamed of yourself now. “But I’m not a magpie, John. You can’t keep me in a cage forever.”
His next words fill you with ice.
“You’d be surprised what I can do, y/n.”
He takes a step closer to the bed, his dark form looming over you, his big hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. This is it, you realize. All the progress you seemingly made had flown out the window. He was going to spank you hard, the way he’d promised not to, or tie you up, or some diabolical thing you can’t even fathom because your brain just doesn’t work that way.
You close your eyes, because you don’t want him to see you cry, and you don’t want to see what’s coming. You count the time going by in heartbeats, thundering in your ears. You wait for your world to fall apart–again.
You wait, and you wait some more.
In the end, you have to look. You find him still standing there, silent as a ghost, looking down at you. Looking through you.
In the end he shakes his head, mostly to himself, and strips out of his jacket, down to his t-shirt. Then, he reaches for your boot. Too late, you try to scramble away, but he has your ankle in his unbreakable grasp, pinning it on the bed. “I thought you said you were mine, y/n? Yet here you are, still trying to run from me. You wonder why I don’t believe you.”
“You’re scaring me.” You may as well be honest about it now.
“In all the time we’ve been together, have I ever truly hurt you?”
He plucks at the laces with sharp movements, indicating the undertow churning beneath his still expression.
“Besides fucking me raw?”
The corner of his mouth twitches, despite himself. “Besides that.”
You sigh. “No.”
“Then trust me.”
“I’m not sure I can do that right now.”
He nods, to himself as much to you, pulling off your other shoe. “Then you understand the situation we’re in.” He reaches for the button of your pants next. You try to roll away, because you’d rather have this talk without your hoohaa bared to the wind–again. But he just grips the waist of your pants with impatience, hauling you to him sharply. Fabric tears in protest, but not before he has you pinned beneath him, his hips wedged between your legs. He leans over you, those trunks for arms on either side of you. As ever, your fear is tinged–utterly contaminated–with desire.
It might be the death of you. Your loins protest even from this small bit of contact, after the way he rode you before in the woods.
“What do you want, John?” You hate yourself, for how small your voice sounds. Did he make you this way, or were you always such a coward? Were you always so feckless, so easily led? Doubt and self-loathing seethe inside you like poison brewing in your veins.
“I want you to prove what you said earlier.”
You narrow your eyes at this; a part of you is grateful for the surge of righteous anger that rises in your breast. It infuriates you, that you have to prove anything to him, at this point. Does he want proof? Or does he just want your submission? Maybe they’re one and the same to him.
It breaks your heart all over again.
“Well, I’m not in the mood.”
You wait for his anger, ready for the fight again, craving it–but it doesn't come. After a long moment he just nods, his hair swinging into his eyes, which are cast down, away from yours. You see the flash of hurt upon his face, there and gone like a ripple in a pool, his fists flexing in the duvet beneath you.
Immediately, you feel fucking terrible.
“John…” You reach for him, but he’s too quick for you, as ever. In the blink of an eye he has retreated out of your reach–then out of the room. You blink stupidly at the sound of the door slamming.
You hear the electronic lock whirr, and with a heart filled inexplicably with despair you know you’ve arrived back at square one.
As time goes on, you decide it’s worse than square one. That taste of freedom was like a shot of pure heroin in your veins, and now you are inconsolable in your withdrawal. Just as bad, you find, is your longing for him.
He leaves you alone in the room for days. Your meals appear at your bedside when you sleep. When you try not to sleep–you do not eat. Now you absolutely emulate a caged animal, pacing in your boredom.
You try throwing books at the security camera, but fail to dislodge it. You give it up when you break the spine of one and feel guilty. Even though you know John can repair it–it’s not the book’s fault you ran your mouth.
Maybe it’s not your fault either.
You even try to entice John by putting on a little show, wearing one of the slinky negligées he’d bought for you, touching and teasing yourself in full view of the electronic eye that tracks your day to day. All it wins you is a lackluster orgasm–all else pales, you find, compared to his thick fingers and strong hands upon you. There’s not a naughty toy in the world that could compare to his cock either–not that you have any at your disposal.
Radio silence.
Your heart aches, and now you really feel as though you are losing your mind.
You shouldn’t miss him. The madman. The monster. The absolute beast.
You do.
You miss the John you’ve come to know, when he is doing well. His gentle smile, and his deep voice, and the glitter of his dark eyes when you say something that inadvertently amuses him. You miss his strong arms, and his long body tucked against yours while you sleep. Your nights have never felt so lonely, having had John Wick, and now not having him.
You simply are not a whole person, anymore, without John, and maybe that should scare you more than anything else he’s done.
However–it just fills you with despair. Your heart feels like the tar pit of La Brea, blackened and filled with the bones of the love you’d shared. For surely, you’ve really broken it now.
At first, you thought he meant to just shake you up, show you what life would be like without him if you should succeed to run… Unbearable, is the answer.
Worse yet, however, as it goes on you fear the root of this confinement lays not in punishment, but in him not wanting your company after your perceived betrayal. He’d asked for your assurance, and you’d thrown it back in his face, too caught up in your own fear, your own anger, your own desires. You reckon he can’t stand you now, and he’s probably just trying to figure out what the hell to do with you.
A week of solitude goes by before you decide to comb through every book on the towering shelves that take up the wall. Desperate to distract yourself from this clawing loneliness inside, you read a bit of this, and a bit of that, making stacks in odd piles across the floor, cairns of your reading whims organized in a logic known only to you.
In one of these books you find tucked a picture of Helen. It can only be a scene from their wedding day, John in a dapper dark gray suit, she in a sweet but sensible white dress, a crown of daisies in her hair. He is kissing her cheek, and she is scintillatingly happy. You feel it radiating like the sun, even through the photo. What a force she must have been.
It is no wonder John Wick has gone mad without her.
What a paltry substitute you must be.
Perhaps you are extra sensitive at the moment to such things, but you weep in your hands, unable to stop until you’ve exhausted yourself entirely, laying on the floor amongst your stonehenge constructed of books. You fall asleep there, not even possessing the energy to move yourself up to the bed.
That is when the explosion wakes you.
It is loud enough to rock the entire house, several of your bookstacks toppling over. You leap to your feet, your ears ringing.
Then you hear the gunfire.
It is beneath your very feet, in the downstairs, volleys and volleys of rounds. You freeze as you listen, fear rending your heart to a lump of ice in your chest.
Which of John Wick’s old enemies has found you this time?
The power dies, plunging the room into blackness. There are no street lights through the window here in the woods to light your way. There’s barely even a moon this night.
Huddling in the dark like a scared little woodland animal, you realize, that possibly this means the lock on the door is no longer engaged. The battle is still raging beneath you–you take heart in that, as terrifying as it is, because it means John is not dead.
You are not proud of how long it takes for you to gather the courage to force yourself to your feet, to make your way by memory to the door in your pajamas and bare feet, and try the handle.
It turns freely, and you are faced with a new choice.
Hide like a coward, helpless and untrained as you are, or join the fray.
You pluck up a heavy book, the only possible weapon left to you, and slip out into the hallway.
It really is like poetry in motion, watching John Wick fight. From the landing above, you stare as he mows through the home invaders, men dressed like commandos in all black, kicking and striking, breaking limbs and shooting them with their own guns, taking down one then the next until the living room is scattered with dead and splattered with their lifeblood.
His final opponent is an even match in size. He wears a mask, and that is all you can discern. After an assessing pause they charge each other, moving so quickly you can hardly follow. Their struggle takes them deeper into the kitchen, out of your view.
Making yourself small as possible, you scurry down the stairs.
You pause at a corpse whose head sits at an impossible angle, neck clearly broken, and trade your heavy tome for his handgun. It’s been forever since you’ve handled a firearm. You try to remember the lessons your father taught you a lifetime ago, and come up blank in the absolute stress of the situation. You hope that all you have to do is pull the trigger.
You can hear the sounds of fighting deeper in the kitchen, maybe in the breakfast nook beyond. You hear grunts and the sound of flesh striking flesh, the crash of breaking crockery and furniture. Adrenaline sings through your veins, and you realize with a strange detachment that you don’t actually expect to walk away from this alive. But John is there, and maybe he needs you, so you go.
You arrive in time to see John’s opponent throw him to the ground in some complicated jiu-jitsu move, using John’s own weight against him to send him sprawling across the floor. You see the flash of a knife, as the attacker pounces, pushing the blade with all his force towards John’s chest. John resists, holding him at bay with all his strength, and the knife hovers, even as the attacker puts all his weight behind it, desperate to drive it home.
You do not even think, as you scream and lift the gun, pulling the trigger. The sound and the fury of it surprises you, the large-caliber weapon jumping in your hand.
Somehow, one of the bullets catches the man perfectly in the side of the throat. You stare in horror as he falls over with a gurgling groan.
An eerie silence falls upon the house, seemingly the only sounds your heartbeat in your ears. But you realize it is only because you are now partially deaf. The sound of Dog barking furiously leaks in through the ringing, from behind a door down the hall. John must have sequestered him to keep him safe when the shooting started.
With wide eyes and slow feet you approach, the gun shaking in your hand. You can tell that John is hurt badly, cuts on his face, his arms, and you can see he is bleeding beneath the soft fabric of his white henley. Yet he does not ask you for help, looking at you with a strange sadness in his eyes.
Then you realize he is looking at you–with the gun.
A long, weary breath escapes him, and he glances to the blown out window beyond. The result of the explosion, no doubt. The cool night breeze wafts through the void, carrying the bewitching scent of the trees, lifting your hair.
Your portal to freedom, should you be ruthless enough to claim it.
He closes his eyes, nodding to himself as much as you. “It’s ok, y/n. Do what you’ve got to do.”
The horror of it dawns on you; he thinks you will kill him too, to gain your freedom.
Maybe you even have every right to.
It infuriates you to the bottom of your soul, that he thinks you even could.
“You asshole,” you snarl, hitting the right button by pure luck to eject the clip, which is empty, racking the slide and throwing the blocky handgun across the room in your fury, shattering a crock full of utensils on the far counter. “You would put that on me?” You fall to your knees beside him.
Does the only path to your freedom have to be his death?
As though you could survive the guilt of it?
As though you can survive without him, at all?
Carefully you lift his shirt to look at his wounds, and you curse at the sight of the nasty cut on his side. “Fuck. I’ve got to call an ambulance.” You reach for a dishtowel, folding it and pressing it into his side, making him wince.
“No ambulance,” he groans. “No police.”
Now the tears arrive, filling your eyes and pouring down your cheeks. “John, you are hurt, and I don’t know what to do.” You know he needs professional medical attention. There is another bloodstain on his shoulder, a bullet wound, you realize. Jesus Christ. You don’t have enough hands.
“Hold this,” you demand, putting his hand over his side, scrambling for the drawer where he keeps the kitchen towels.
“Baby…” He grunts as you press the next towel down.
“Where is your phone?”
“You’re not leaving?” He reaches for your face with a bloodied hand, and you clutch him to you, pressing your cheek into his palm.
At a time like this, that is what he asks you? It shatters your heart all over again, and you press your lips to his in a fervent kiss, the taste of him tainted with copper. You hope it’s only his blood, but somehow you doubt it.
“No, I’m not leaving, you idiot,” you grouse. “Now who the fuck do I call?”
#john wick#john wick x reader#john wick x y/n#john wick x you#john wick fic#keanu reeves x reader#keanu reeves#yandere john wick#bittersweet john wick imagine
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Why is it always Hellva Boss earworms that make me come up with ideas?
So, during the whole Freakshow thing, it wasn't true mind control. Danny was definitely affected, but it messed with his self esteem and emotions to the point where he damaged all of his relationships and is considering running away. Freakshow, who was a little bit smarter in this, then reveals that he knows Danny's a halfa and hey, why don't you join my ghost circus while you figure some things out.
So Danny becomes a clown because he's always liked clowns, and if you've seen the new episode, you know what happens next
and over the course of a few years, Freakshow isolates Danny from his family and friends, indoctrinates him into the crime side of business, and gaslights Danny into thinking he's nothing without him. Danny loves performing, but is so beaten down that he thinks he can't leave even if that's what he wants. Danny's a famous performer at this point, even if no one knows his real identity. The other ghosts aren't really a comfort since they're mind controlled.
The Justice League, specifically Young Justice, already know that Circus Gothica is a crime ring, but have no evidence to get them arrested bc the ghosts (who they think are just metas) are too good. The leader during the thefts (Danny) is the only one they've ever been able to get close to. Maybe at some point, Tim!Robin and Danny get trapped and Danny has a panic attack for failing Freakshow? Something happens that makes Tim convinced Danny isn't a criminal willingly, but he can't convince the others.
Danny and Klarion somehow end up dating. Freakshow joins the light, probably, and the two work really well together. Klarion asks Danny out, and Danny was really reluctant since he hasn't had... anyone, in years, but they date and it's just another thing for Freakshow to hold over his head.
Eventually, Freakshow gets the inkling that Danny isn't working as hard as he should be so he puts "Greatest Clown in the World" contest, and tells Danny that all the clowns who don't win will be immediately killed.
Danny is horrified, but he can only care about himself right now, so he's working his ass off.
(Meanwhile, in Gotham, the Joker tried to join, but the Batman broke in, stole all his bones, and left him in the hospital for a few months)
So Danny's putting his all into this performance, but Young Justice finds out about the murder bit and infiltrates with, IDK, disguised Nightwing? Klarion is also there to support his man.
Danny ends up tying with Nightwing, and the tie-breaker is a three minute performance and whoever's more entertaining wins. Danny has a panic attack during Nightwing's performance and Tim and Klarion team up to talk to Danny.
Danny's convinced he will be nothing without Freakshow (literally, he might fully die), so while Klarion helps him feel better about his skills, Tim finally gets the deets about Danny's whole situation. Tim logics that Freakshow mindcontrolling this other dimensional species + Danny is half this species = Danny is being mind controlled, pissing off Klarion while Danny thinks back to what happened when Circus Gothica first came to town.
His irrational anger at family and friends, his desperate need for approval from Freakshow, how he never even considered going independent, how he thought he was immune to the mind control staff despite being half ghost.... He's pissed. He wants to quit.
So he tells Tim that YJ needs to get the staff during his performance; without it, Freakshow wouldn't be able to mind control anyone. And he goes on to give his performance.
As for that... look, 2 Minute Notice is an amazing song with amazing choreography. the only thing i would add would be a quad somersault during the trapzee part.
Danny proves himself as an amazing clown, Freakshow gets arrested since Danny is willing to testify against him, the ghosts are free, and Klarion later murders Freakshow in a cell because that's his boyfriend, you pathetic excuse of a warlock.
"Freakshow, you sad sack of shit! Fuck you!"
#chaotic spirits#dc x dp#dcxdp#dpxdc#dp x dc#c: danny fenton#c: freakshow#c: klarion the witch boy#c: tim drake#c: nightwing#cw swearing#cw attempted murder#did i imply that danny was actually a grayson in the end?#yes i did and both tim and nightwing are having a little freakout over that#i'm tired of people saying danny's afraid of clowns bc freakshow isn't a clown! it's just circus trauma#now i gave him DOUBLE circus trauma#klarion loves his silly clown boyfriend#danny loves his scary magic boyfriend#tim loves having his theories validated and lords the fact that he was right about Danny over YJ for weeks
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hi very late but may I request a cute cg!jaehyun taking care of a VERY fussy little!reader hehehehehhehehehehheheh cant wait to see what u write :)) (saying this bc I was very late but I saw you saying like a week or 2 after u saying u wanted to write jaehyun fics..)
no ! ( but okay ) caregiver ! jeong yoonoh x age regressor ! reader
genres age regression content , fluff warnings reader has hair long enough to put behind the ears dni nsfw / kink author's note FAV MOOT . i will go to war for you . as someone who is extremely fussy when small , you and i are cut from the same cloth . hope u like it ! tag list restarting ! lmk if you would like to be added .
“No, no, no…”
“Come on, Honey.”
“Not finish yet.” You ignore Jaehyun’s gentle hand pushing the hair behind your ear, scribbling your crayon furiously to the paper on the floor like a painter struck with genius inspiration.
“Can we finish this later? Tomorrow, maybe?”
“No, no, no, no, no…”
Jaehyun’s eyes flutter shut. You’ve entered your ‘no’ phase all of a sudden and it has been carving at his patience. It’s not that he never wants you to say no, but when it comes to eating your lunch or cleaning up your toys or changing out of your outside clothes for comfy, clean inside clothes, he can’t deny it’s frustrating. He just wants the best for his baby, why can’t you see that?
“Baby.” He looks down at the phone in your other hand, currently shining a terrifying (in Jaehyun’s opinion) four-finned shark-dinosaur-thing. Papers surround your curled-up ball self on the floor, each one detailing a different kind of dinosaur. “The dinos need to sleep too, baby. We need to start getting ready now so you don’t forget to brush your teeth ‘cause you’re just so sleepy.”
“Nuh-uh. Dinos can’t sleep. They’re dead.”
His shoulders slump in his crisscrossed sitting position in front of you. It’s difficult to keep up with the canonical and non-canonical existences of your baby world.
“Okay… maybe. But when they were alive, they had to sleep.”
“…maybe.” You throw him a bone! Finally, it only took an hour.
“Yeah?” He places a hand over the screen. “There are those pretty eyes. Hi Honey.”
“Hi, Hyunnie.” You frown. “Hyunnie let go.”
“The phone told me he’s very tired and would like to go to bed now. Sorry, baby.”
“Not true, phones don’t talk.”
“Mine does.” He gives you a look that says ‘so embarrassing for you…’
You squint at him, unamused.
“Hyunnie let go.”
“Sorry, sweetheart. My hand fell asleep. Right here.” He shines his dimples at you innocently.
“Let go!” Your blue crayon is left forgotten to roll under the couch as you pull and pull on Jaehyun’s arm.
“No!” He sings, finally taking matters into his own hands, quite literally, by pulling you onto his lap. “Bed time. Bed time for my baby.”
He rocks you side to side, cheek resting on the top of your head as he confines you in between his arms.
“No!” You squirm around but to no avail. “No bedtime. No tired!”
“Mmm, yes!” You feel his lips press to your head. “Bedtime, bedtime. Time for jammies and teeth brushing and stories. Doesn’t that sound fun, baby?”
“No-o-o-o-o-o!” Your voice shakes as Jaehyun’s soft rocking turns more into a shake one would give only to a potato sack.
“Ye-e-e-e-e-es!” He smiles down at you as he finishes his best imitation of your little tantrum.
“No.” You frown up at him, but his eyes catch the quirks at the end of your lips that you fail to push down.
“Yes!” He attacks your cheek with a kiss, littering your face with them as he continues. “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”
“But why?” You give in, allowing yourself to go limp in Jaehyun’s hold.
“Because,” He mocks your whiny tone. “It’s late. It’s late and you get really mean when you don’t sleep enough.”
“That’s not true!”
“Hey.” He pinches your nose. “Why are you fighting me so much lately? It absolutely is true and you know it. Do you want Hyunnie to be all sad and weepy tomorrow? I’ll cry. You know I will. Wanna see? W-”
“No!” You giggle, putting both your hands up to cover his face. “Don’t wanna see Hyunnie sad. But am just no tired, Hyunnie.”
Another kiss to your palms lets Jaehyun see your face again.
“But I am. Can’t you just get ready for bed with me? It’s so scary to be alone.” He pulls you into his chest, squeezing but never too tight. “So scary! I need my Honey to help me!”
“Not scary, Hyunnie.” You giggle. “But okay. Honey help!”
“Really?” He pulls you away to meet your eyes and bumps your foreheads together. “Really really? For reals? How many reals are you talking?”
“All the reals!” You beam.
“Oh, thank you, baby. You sure are doing Hyunnie a solid.”
You didn’t realize how cold you were until you put your pajamas on, soft and warm, still smelling of laundry detergent. It’s like wearing a blanket and you rub the fabric against your arms to warm yourself up some more.
Your socks slide against the wooden floor as you hear Jaehyun take his turn to brush his teeth in the bathroom. You left a total mess! Your artwork is all over the floor, what if you lost one?
Not feeling like wanting to clean up at the moment, you put your crayon box on the coffee table to put it in its proper place tomorrow.
You’re missing one!
Where did it go?
You hum to yourself as you gather all your drawings in a neat pile, making a mental note to yourself to date them all in the morning. You search under the table and behind pillows and blankets. Where is your green crayon?
“Ah-hah!” Jaehyun spots you back in the living room, face to the floor.
“Baby, what are you doing?”
“Found my crayon, Hyunnie. Thought I lost it.” You lift yourself up, pulling your hand out from under the couch to show it to Jaehyun proudly.
“I’m glad you didn’t lose it, Honey.” He smiles. “But you didn’t have to get on the floor for that. You’re gonna get your jammies dirty.”
“’s okay! Needed my crayon.” You kneel over to slide the crayon back amongst its brethren in the paper box.
“Don’t you have a lot of other ones?” He helps you up by the hand.
“Not the same. Different shade o’ green.”
“Mmm, makes sense.” Jaehyun notices the pile of paper on your arm. “You’re taking your drawings to bed?”
“Yeah. Not tired so Honey’s gonna do storytime today.”
“Oh, really? Thank you, baby. You’re gonna teach me about dinosaurs?”
“Yeah.” You flop onto the bed. “Dinosaurs are super cool.”
“But aren’t they scary?” Jaehyun flicks off the light in the middle of the ceiling, warm soft light from your nightstands keeping the room from complete darkness.
“No. ‘cause they’re dead,” You explain simply.
“..right. I forgot that for a second.” He lifts the covers and slides inside the bed, shivering at the still-cold sheets. “Your drawings are just so good, baby, I thought they were pictures.”
“I get that a lot,” You say, rubbing your head against his arm. “You ready?”
“Ready Freddy.”
“Who’s Freddy?”
“I don’t know.” Jaehyun pauses to think. “Someone who’s ready, I guess. Go on, baby. Show me your dinos.”
“Okay!” You go through your pile of drawings and end up deciding on your most recent creation. “This one’s not finished, but it’s called a Liopleurodon. It existed in the Jurassic period. It was an apex predator—that means that no one could fight it and win! It just went chomp chomp and everybody died.”
“Oh, I see. It’s kind of like you, in a way.”
author's note ( pt 2 ) sorry for taking so long ! i have no excuse , just trying to deny the reality of valentine boy being gone . haven't been keeping up w nct lately bc of irl stuff + the boycott so if anyone has a google drive or anything like that for sm artists , pls lmk ! and as always , comments and constructive criticism are accepted and encouraged . just be nice or i will be finding your loved ones ' contact information and telling them you're CYBER BULLYING . hope everyone is having a good day and if not i hope it gets better !!
#sfw interaction only#cg!nct#cg!nct 127#cg!127#cg!jeong jaehyun#cg!jeong yoonoh#cg!jaehyun#cg!jeong jaehyun x reader#cg!idol#agere!reader#little!reader#jaehyun x reader#jung jaehyun x reader#nct jaehyun x reader#jaehyun fluff#kpop agere#agere kpop#nct fluff#agere sfw#cg!bias#nct fanfic
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Had it been any other situation, he would've given warning. However, his beloved nouliths were shattered! And only one of them at that!
Thus, Lex was dropping shards of metal into Nero's hands with the most pathetic look on his scarred face. He didn't mean to break it. He just wanted needed to push it further and further.
"I was thrown into a wall," he explained and brought around the other nouliths, which showed similar damage. Only the one was shattered, but the others were still dented at the very least. "I've never had this happen, Nero. Is it due to the aetheric desert of the Thirteenth maybe? Would it cause me to struggle to keep moving them?"
@kintsugiscars asked:
"Nero!" Lex barges into the lab with nary a warning. "One of the nouliths shattered! Help!"
"Fucking hells-!" The door slams open with a crash and Nero startles, dropping his soldering iron and narrowly avoiding burning himself in the ensuing fumble. "Could you give me a warning before you start shouting in my lab?" Shouting is for fire (either in celebration of wanted fire or warning of unwanted), not for a simple noulith breaking.
After making sure what he has before him is not in any further immediate danger to itself, him, or anything else, Nero then turns with a frown to the meddling cat in the room. "How did you shatter it? Were you trying to use it like a bat or something?" A tsk. Nero extends his hand expectantly. "Let me see it then so I know what I have to deal with." He's not great with nouliths, given they're based on a level of aether circulation he doesn't have much cause to use in magitek, but he can at least... improve them.
#ic; records of the soul {ic post}#verse; picking up the pieces {post ew}#minarcana#lex is just a sad sack of bones when he breaks stuff sometimes ;w; sorry nero#bonus sorry for the fact it was the ones nero made specifically lmao#;w; bc i hc that the Scaevan Magitek Wings were developed alongside lex's sage development#he can have stronger ones but he loves the ones nero developed
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I was awake again last night unable to sleep so I wrote more, except this time I wrote self indulgent Gyutaro fluff
No tws, this is literally just fluff. It was intended to be the modern AU but after re-reading it I realized it could really be interpreted as the og universe or the gakuen

Gyutaro had no problem being cruel or degrading to anyone who upset him, or even anyone at all for that matter. But you… you were different. He was fond of you, for some reason he himself wasn’t exactly able to wrap his head around. Maybe it was the way your voice sounded so sweet when you spoke to him?.. how you seemed so genuine and enthusiastic about your interests without a fear to hide yourself?.. the strange amounts of sympathy and empathy you held towards anyone despite he himself being unable to understand how you could feel such things?… or maybe it wasn’t one little thing. Maybe, just maybe it was all of you.
You laid in bed with him, snuggled up so close you were nearly on top of his slim frame. He didn’t mind of course, why would he? He would never understand why or how he deserved someone as kind as you to be so close, but he wasn’t going to lose it.
The comforting feeling of his boney calloused fingers running through your hair was something that made you feel almost numb. He had every capability to harm someone, break bones, to cause damage. Yet with you he was so careful and delicate down to every single strand of hair you had, his fingers delicately grazing your scalp as he petted you.
“Sweet girl..”
He cooed, his croaky voice nothing more than a hushed whisper you could hear as you laid with him. The way you ever so subtly leaned your head into his palm to signal for him to keep going made his heart flutter, his stomach doing flips. And how could he deny giving you what you wanted after a long day? You were his lover after all, and you deserved nothing but the best.
“You tired..?”
He asked softly; though he already knew the answer to that question. You had a stressful long day of work and when you had time to lay down with him you refused to get up. Your Nodding in response to his question was all he needed for confirmation that you were most likely going to fall asleep like this. It had become a habit for you to fall asleep on top of or right next to him, especially when you were exhausted. If it were anyone else he would have been annoyed; but with you? God, he couldn’t ask for anything better.
“It’s funny.. even when you’re all tired you’re still the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen..”
He teased, leaning down to place a little kiss on top of your head, eliciting a giggle from your lips. You drape your arms around him as a way to feel closer than you already were, your legs tangled with his own as you basked in his presence.
Gyutaro attempted to move his hand from your head down to rub your back, but it seemed like you had different plans. Lazily, your arm raised and he felt you gently grab his wrist and direct his hand back onto your head.
A light chortle escaped Gyutaros lips at your little action of nonverbal communication to signify what you wanted.
“Is that where that goes, pretty thing?..”
He teased slightly, not hesitating to give into your demands as he ran his fingers through your hair once more. A little hum escaped your lips as you nodded in response, letting him know that yes; his hand did go there.
The pleasant wave of euphoria that washed over you whenever he used one of those cute little nicknames was enough to make you sigh with content. Worm, Cretan, sad sack, imbecile, were all words you had heard come out of his lips, yet never directed at you. It seemed all of his loving delicate vocabulary was strictly saved for you and little Ume.
“You’re so needy, you know that?..”
You only giggled in response.
“You’re the one who always spoils me..”
You muttered, teasing him back as you held your body close to his own. Gyutaro snorted slightly, ruffling your hair a bit.
“How can I not when you’re always so damn cute? Not my fault I wanna keep my woman happy.. I can't help it.”
Gyutaro moved his free arm to snake it around you, pulling you close against his chest while his other hand still played with your hair. You couldn’t help but giggle at his teasing that you had grown all too used to. Yet it never seemed to get old.
“Oh it must be so hard for you, being the best boyfriend ever, must be such a chore I’m sure..”
You responded with a chuckle, tilting your head up just slightly in order to be able to kiss his neck a few times. He rolled his eyes, holding back a little snicker.
“Might as well be a chore considering how much princess treatment I give you.”
Your lover moved his hand slightly to move some of your messy hair from your face, his gaze meeting your own as he looked down. A smirk tugged at your lips due to his teasing, giving him a little squeeze in response.
“Yea, yea.. you know you love doing it though~”
That was definitely one thing Gyutaro enjoyed about you as-well, the playful banter you two had. It was a nice way for him to let off steam and spend time with you without having to do too much. After all of his struggles he didn’t figure he would ever be able to have such domestic interactions as this.
But oh how you proved him wrong..
And he loved you for it, every little single thing about you, every single little moment he spent with you. All of your flaws, when you were angry or sad, every. Single. Damn. Thing.
He was drawn out of his thoughts by a little yawn escaping your lips, resting your head back down.
“I love you, Taro..”
Your words made his heart flutter and his head go blank. No matter how many times you could say that it would always have the exact same effect, and he loved it.
“I love you too, sweetie..”
#demon slayer#gyutaro#demonslayer#gyutaro demon slayer#kimestu no yaiba#kny#gyutaro shabana#gyutaro x reader#demon slayer x reader#gyutaro fluff#fluff fanfiction#toothrotting fluff#x reader#self indulgent#lots of cuddles and praise my favorite#gyutaro my beloved
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I think there's too much moralizing in the HP fandom. Like, every time I see arguments between the Marauder/Snape fandoms, it boils down to morality, which is ridiculous because characters are not real people. They do not have morals, or thoughts, or actions. They're puffs of smoke that only exist inside your own brain. Imo, the worst thing a character can be is boring. Snape is many, many things, but he's not boring. Part of what makes him interesting is that he's contradictory, sometimes he does bad things with no real reason but to satisfy his own emotional stuntedness, sometimes he does good things because it's the right thing to do, and all of these actions remain in character.
James Potter is a footnote in canon. A tabula rasa. We know a handful of basic facts: he desired Lily, he bullied Snape, he saved Snape from getting eaten by a werewolf, saving Snape didn't stop him from bullying him, somehow Lily decided to date him even though he literally tried to blackmail her, his friends loved him, he was loyal to them, he was charming, he fought in a war. Everything else is fair game! Make him your own! Do something with these bare bones and create an interesting character! And yet when I see these interpretations of him that are like "Bambi did nothing wrong, Snape was actually the evil mastermind behind all of this just to make poor James look like the bad guy >:(" I just saw a take that had Snape as the mastermind of the werewolf prank that he designed to break up the group, and I'm just like, my friend, those horrible flaws make James interesting. You just turned him into a sad sack of goo. He's no longer a character who acts, he's a blank slate that things happen to. There's a difference. You somehow made a footnote even more boring. Don't be afraid to embrace the darker aspects of him just because you're afraid of a character who is not perfectly moral and good 100% of the time.
#severus snape#pro snape#snapedom#not even anti james potter or anti marauders#stan them all you want#but for the love of god stop stripping them of everything that makes them interesting#at this point they're just pretty pieces of plastic
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✨ 16th: Favourites from the past year (another post where i get to go on and on about people who have written things i luv) (in no particular order cuz i could not start to try to do that)
one of my fave fics of the year and one i was so happy to get to see before everyone else is my dear Nico's @priincebutt Some Part of Me Came Alive that was written for the RWRB RBB - if you have not checked this out yet - RUN, DON'T WALK!!! it's so beautifully written you will fall in luv with it too
Leeks @softboynick's it's all in my head (i fuck up again and again) was another fic i was so honored to get to see early and y'all definitely need to check it out! this was a wonderful addition to the RWRB RBB
while we're on the RBB fics - another fic i have luv'd with my whole damn heart this year is Meet Me on the Other Side by @sparklepocalypse Mags wrote the very best horny cowboys period fic and i luv it so damn much!! - if somehow you haven't yet go check it out and fall in luv with it too - now i'm gonna throw links here for two more of Mags fics that i cannot get enough of from this year while we're at it Single Sad-Sack Seeking Same & All the Ocean was Sleeping - go read them!!!
now i'm moving onto a fic that has OC's that stole my frakkin heart and was an utter joy to follow along with this year - Sara @cha-melodius wrote an amazing you've got mail au False Dichotomy - it really is so good - and Sara's Body and Soul(mate) is a great spy soulmate fic that has bodyswapping and so many other great things
so next i got a couple of my faves from MJ kiwiana that when he wrote them they just frakkin spoke to me Like loving the stars themselves - DR Who AU - yes plz - and MJ knocks this one outta the park - so you want a Santa Clarita Diet AU MJ also has ya covered there and it's so damn good!!! - Never want to live (or die) without you now the last one i'm including here is taking the "this year" a lil bit loosely cuz he technically finished it end of last year - but i have definitely read it again this year i'm certain of it - A Practical Arrangement - one of the best arranged marriage fics !!!
@tinyarmedtrex's The only Heaven I'll be sent to is when I'm alone with you Priest!Henry verse which includes An Exquisite Temptation & A Beautiful Reality is so damn good you need to go read it
@xthelastknownsurvivorx's Every Time My Heart Swings Back to You is a great fic that combines college au and reincarnation and was very easily one of my fave fics of the first part of the year
Grace @eusuntgratie's already over was one of those fics that even tho I wasn't reading a lot of fic at the time it came out i had to read it and you should to if ya want a lil alex/raf fic - and who doesn't lolz while ur checking out Grace's fics if ya want a lil firstprince one after hours (mechanic!Alex) is so good and you won't be sorry you read it
okay you also need to check out @cricketnationrise's Yes, it's an emergency! & and now i'm back / from outer space - two very great the martian firstprince AUs
from very early in the year there is @everwitch-magiks Room For Rent (Sex Dungeon Not Included) a roommates fic that is so wonderful and deserves a read
Taylor @tailsbeth-writes has a wondeful Bi² Alex series where Alex explores gender identity that is worth you taking a read (with a co-write from Elle @run-for-chamo-miles on the 3rd fic)
the lovely M @thighzp wrote a wonderful raf/alex omegaverse fic that is so good heat of the moment & while ur there they have so many wonderful fics but i'm gonna tell ya to give put my mind at ease a read as well
@dumbpeachjuice wrote the very best college student alex who really wants to bone his professor henry in you know i can't be found with you
@meraki-yao wrote the tangled au everyone should read All At Once Everything Looks Different (Now That I See You) - you will not regret checking it out!
Stephanie @caterpills wrote this wonderful publicist Alex and author Henry fic that you should really check out if ya haven't This Is More of a Comment Than a Question - it broke my heart so many times and then mended it so perfectly
@smc-27 wrote this amazing age gap that if you have not checked out you really should - take it and have it all - and so many other wonderful fics as well of course
and i'm gonna wrap this up with something current
Charlotte @captainjunglegym wrote this amazing fic just this month about Alex getting railed by Henry while he fucks his pocket pussy and it's so damn delicious! The Image of Your Face Comes To Me (When I'm Alone in the Dark)
there are so many i'm forgetting but I've rambled way too long already so we're wrapping this up ... finally lolz
#rwrbfff#red white and royal blue#rwrb fic#rwrb#rwrb fic recs#i rambled so much here that no one is gonna read it#but plz at least follow some of the links#fics i luv dearly#there are so many more i could have added to this
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so long story i rewatched corpse bride had a brainrot of it + vil brainrot and i was wondering about a corpse bride au vil x reader (like possibly vil being a corpse/undead groom (idk if i used that word correctly) if that makes sense, and the reader just reciting their wedding vows and accidentally marrying him
tldr: vil x reader corpse bride au where vil is an undead groom request
This was actually kind of fun to write, Lol. I surprised myself with how interesting this was! Thank you for the fun lil' request <3
My (perfect) undead groom
Vil X reader
General warnings: Gender neutral reader, corpse bride au
You stood at the altar to be married off with some...stranger. Riddled with nerves you could not help but become a shaking stuttering mess, after managing to set your soon-to-be mother-in-law on fire and stumbling over your vows, you left in a moment of embarrassment and weakness.
You wandered into the forest, rubbing the engagement ring in your hand with your thumb as you swung your legs back and forth sighing.
"How can I possibly be so stupid," You grumbled to yourself, "Can't even remember just a few silly words? I swear I had them down earlier! why can't I just..."
You took a deep breath with your eyes closed, holding the ring in your hand with a tight grip before exhaling and slowly opening your eyes. With one hand on your chest and the other holding the ring up to the sky, you began to perfectly, clearly, and confidently speak your vows. As you came to the finishing line, you gracefully placed the ring onto a thin branch before your final declaration, and your ultimate life sentence;
"Will you marry me?" A moment of silence, the wind blowing through the leafless trees as you let out a breathless sigh and a pitiful smile with sad eyes. The moment you bent down to retrieve the ring, the branches seemed to come alive as your wrist was suddenly grasped tightly within the brambles, pulling you to the ground. You let out a screech of shock as you pulled your arm roughly back from nature's grasp, falling to the ground. Before you had the chance to get back up, a tall figure was looming over you.
Whoever it was, was incredibly handsome. Strangely, you couldn't really describe how uneasy yet...attracted it made you feel. The man had skin of a blue tint, sunken cheeks, and torn-up wedding attire. One arm was fully shown to be a skeleton, with a portion of his rib bones showing in an opening of his torn tuxedo. Despite this...he was tall, with his blue-tinted skin free from impurities and hair forming his facial features elegantly. His arms were crossed, staring down at your trembling body.
"Hmm," He said, bending over to get a better look at you with a finger up to his chin in thought. With a tilted head, his beautifully decorated yet empty amethyst eyes looked you up and down- you suddenly felt incredibly insecure at the sudden attention.
"Unkempt outfit, unconfident gaze, and the resemblance of a half-priced sack of potatoes," You shook your head and furrowed your eyebrows, flabbergasted at his brazen comments. You opened your mouth to protest before he roughly grabbed your cheeks and turned your head left and right. "However, confident vows, elegant execution, and heartfelt emotions" You felt yourself side-eye awkwardly, feeling this very one-sided conversation further your confusion (and lowkey hurt your ego while inflating it all the same.)
"You could use some work, but.." He removed his skeleton hand from your face to take a look at the ring you had put upon what was a branch only moments before, admiring the way it glittered in the moonlight. The strange man smiled fondly before looking back down at you.
"I do."
"You do what?" You exasperated.
"I will marry you, potato."
You suddenly scrambled to your feet and began to spit out incoherent words of protest- all falling upon deaf ears. The tall, mysterious man grabbed you by your hand and began to lead you into his world.
"I must introduce you to Rook and Epel," He said, turning to you with a handsome smile, "They must know I have finally found myself a spouse. And I need all the help I can get to fix you up to be suitable to be called mine."
#twisted wonderland#Twisted wonderland X reader#Twst#Twst x reader#twst headcannons#twst fanfic#twst fanfictions#twisted wonderland fanfictions#twisted wonderland fanfic#Vil#Vil x reader#vil schoenheit x reader#vil schoenheit#Twisted wonderland Vil#Vil twisted wonderland#Vil twisted wonderland x reader
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Info sheet for the Human Bill design + some drawings
*had to censor because I don’t know if it would get me yeeted off Tumblr or not.
The Handyman Bill AU is actually interesting because there are multiple outcome possibilities from there…
For one, I like the idea of Bill exiting the Theraprism to find himself with most of his powers stripped away and be taken in by Soos and Melody to live and work with them in the mystery shack. I can imagine the amount of shenanigans he’d drag the Pines family into.
On the topic of appearance
Ive seen a ton of anthropomorphic Bill Cipher designs over the past weeks, and each has a cool concept with their own specialties (Spoony’s design is particularly notable). My Bill, unfortunately, looks like a middle aged, expired version of the ‘twink Bill’ from around 2015, except with longer hair. This design is different from what I had imagined it to be, so I chose to draw Bill in 3 stages (as a kid, young adult and as a middle aged man. I’ll post his younger form sometimes later) so the character design wouldn’t go to waste.
For the outfit, I just went with what I’ve seen people draw him clothed in and what I thought would look comfortable. I feel like after being trapped in the Theraprism for ‘rehab’, he would be neglectful of his overall appearance, instead of going for fancier stuff like tuxedos or coats and capes, he’d probably enjoy to wear baggy clothes you can easily throw in the washer and won’t require thorough maintenance. (He might look dusty, but he takes baths, I swear—)
They’re a few variations of what he wears while still with the totality of his powers, maybe I will give him another , more elaborate outfit. I have yet to draw a full body version of Bill where I can show his tattoos and scars—currently I must decide on what to do with his face, I have too many single-eyed ocs, and I’d like to add an original touch to him.
When would the AU in which Bill returns take place?
After the Weirdmaggedon occurred, the residents of Gravity Falls were probably still shaken by the amount of strange and atrocious things they experienced. They’re great chances they’d still be triggered when they see cipher script or anything that reminds them of the evil triangle demon.
In the case of my design for him ,and potential fanfiction outline, Bill would have returned into the dimension where the Pines family won two years after the events, so the traumatic events are fresh in their collective memory. So, Bill would be put under intense scrutiny (by everyone but especially Stan and Ford, they’d be mistrustful of him) and be forced to cover up his tattoos when at work…and in general.
Bill would have a certain reluctance to work at the shack, he’d try to scam the customers to get the sales up upon and get caught red handed at it, or try slacking off during his shifts to try to sneak in Ford’s lab in search for anything that could help him restore his power to its former glory.
The highlight of his days would potentially be to annoy the Pines family, bonding with Mabel and Dipper (being let onto their gossip and some activities they do, maybe help out with their studies as well), and ABOVE ALL, to have some alone time at night to stare at the starry sky.
Psychological traits and etc.
As for his personality, he would be a lot less flamboyant, still as sassy as Weber though, perhaps grouchy from being forced to interact with ‘insufferable sentient meat sacks trapped in a cage of bones with a squishy exterior’. From the majority of cases I have observed, Bill keeps a nonchalant attitude, he is fairly collected and only truly lets out his emotions when it comes to fits of anger, jealousy or, in rare cases, sadness (often related to flashbacks of his childhood or his parents in the Euclidean world).
But what if it wasn’t the case? What if instead, Bill, as a human, would be unable to control his emotions? I had a theory that Bill Cipher has a higher pain tolerance while in his triangular, two-dimensional form partially from his powers but also because of his body isn’t entirely physical, and so it may lack several sensory receptors.
His liking for pain may be due to the fact he could barely feel anything (or plainly because he’s a masochist. Who knows.) It would qualify as a new and interesting experience for him, and he is a curious creature who also ‘efs around to find out’.
However, once he gains a physical human body, he will be faced with various problems humans have: muscle pain, bloating, cramps, eye sores, back sores, hair loss, acne, sickness, getting cuts and bruises easily…and never mind gravity, which would be a new inconvenience for a being who used to float almost 24/7.
So Bill wouldn’t be able to control his emotions because of how humans tend to feel a lot,he’d be forced to resort to masking and even then he wouldn’t be able to hold it for long. Plus, when he was a metaphysical shape, he had a bigger pain tolerance by contrast to when he gained a human body with hundreds of touch and pain receptors—Drinking with his eyes won’t be working no more, ouch!
He’d easily get a meltdown because of overstimulation (from the environment, from interaction with people he mostly hates or dislikes, and from being able to feel a lot more sensations than while in his bi-dimensional, triangular form) and have trouble regulating his body.
Additionally, Bill heavily relied on his magic powers to get stuff he needed or to protect himself, but now that a great chunk of his magic abilities would be gone , it would require more effort from him to do anything. And if he ends up activating the remaining power, the constant use of it would always backfire as his human shell isn’t made to contain the pressure of magic, resulting in cramps and stomach issues.

As a final note to this, in the show it had been shown that he is short tempered and easily leans into his emotions (especially anger) but can use his magic in order to ‘blow off some steam’. (Remember Time Baby and his whole squadron of men—except like for Blendin, getting erased?) However now, he cannot blow up a planet just because he’s having a tantrum, so he would most likely just stomp the ground while shrieking like a five year old.
Yes, when put under pressure, the evil Triangle becomes a CRYangle.
P-S. : He’s trying his best, plz be nice to him.
Edit: Woops it’s Blendin , not Baldwin, he’s not bald yet.
#gravity falls#gravity falls bill cipher#gravity falls headcanons#bill cipher#bill ci the triangle guy#antropomorphic#human bill design#human bill au#handyman bill au#Bill still calls everyone by nicknames#Bro will be rebaptised William to not get canceled by the townsfolk#gravity falls fanart#tbob#the book of bill#baby bill cipher
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https://www.tumblr.com/tojisun/739286806700376064/as-a-strange-little-dude-who-collects-bones-im or hear me out…Soap with a little true crime/ conspiracy theory gf! He’d totally get behind the deep dives trying to find the truth!
shes a goth girl into true crimes/conspiracies!! (esp after how he and bimbo!reader have this conspiracy talk sesh happening?? he’s definitely falling for a true crime/conspiracy theory gf!!)
giggling imagining johnny and his gf (you) hiding from each other their… interest (borderline obsession tbh) because they’re both afraid of being judged. so you know, they’d watch these movies that kinda deal with conspiracies or the main character is being targeted by a serial killer and they’re vibrating on their seats, both holding back from exploding in jittered excitement because they wanna be the chill partner, ykyk?
well, one day, johnny forgot to wheel away his whiteboard of conspiracies (currently, he’s trying to prove that pigeons are govt spies) and you come home to see this board with detailed analyses and accounts; dates are underlined with a red marker, while a blue marker was used to write the names of people who have been “silenced” after “exposing” the “truth” about pigeons. it’s lacking a red string that connects one case to another, but that’s only because johnny was using washytape — the designs are, ironically, birds.
johnny’s in the kitchen, preparing dinner, when he remembers what he forgot; he skids to the living room, hoping to salvage a piece of his dignity, only to see you standing in front of the board, your mouth agape.
“i can explain,” he starts, cringing to himself at hearing just how more suspicious that sounded. “i-”
“oh my god, jock,” you say, breathless in your own excitement. “oh. my. god. jock!”
“what?” johnny asks, confusion now triumphing over his mortification because if you’re still using his nickname, then that must mean things are okay, right?
“wait here!” you scream before turning to run to your room. you flung your bag to the carpet where it sags like a sad potato sack. johnny picks it up and hides it in the closet.
he waits like promised, fiddling with his thumbs while shooting looks between where you’ve ran off to and the board. he rereads some anecdotes, his mind running on overdrive, before snapping his head up at hearing the sound of your feet padding back towards him.
you have about three leather-bound notebooks clutched in your embrace, two of which look worn, while the other it still quite crisp. his nose wrinkles in confusion but johnny decides to wait it out, trusting you to take over.
you fall to the carpet, crowding the coffee table, before urging him to sit beside you. johnny does, his legs knocking against each other as he crouches down and shuffles to move closer to you. he watches as you lay out your notebooks, hands gentle as you begin to flip through the pages.
johnny still feels so lost as to what’s going on.
“mo luaidh?” he asks.
you hum in question, still focused on finding a specific page, he guesses.
“what’re you lookin’ for?”
“oh, just- ah! here!” then you’re thrusting your notebook to him.
johnny takes it with care, his eyes flitting through the pages — “to what end is it satirical? what if, amidst the jokes, the government began to use it in actuality? what if they began to capitalize on it? what if we had given them an excuse to hide behind? had we served them a cover on a silver platter? how do we trust that they’re not conniving enough to truly take advantage of this? ‘birds aren’t real’ but to what extent?”
“what-” johnny’s voice peters. “holy shit?”
he whirls to look up at you. “is this-”
“yes!” you say, giggling. “i thought it was just me!”
johnny drops your notebook back on the table to pluck you from where you sat and plop you on his lap. you laugh when he begins to pepper kisses across your face, exaggerated smooching-noises ringing between you two.
(his office gains another whiteboard.)
i went fuckin bonkers again aeojdajef forgive me!!!
ikik the pigeon conspiracy is mostly a parody atp but its just. funny hehaeejr
#live-love-be-unique#ask#johnny soap mctavish x reader#johnny mctavish x reader#soap x reader#johnny soap mactavish#weird gf!reader#suns
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