#sad how i have to put that on any art including them even when they're not even interacting but eh
whimsiboy · 2 months
relearning how to draw traditionally
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han4el · 19 days
How I see the moon signs, as a cancer rising + leo moon
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— Taurus Moon
This might be favorite moon sign. No one ever really hates them. They're that person which makes you feel comfortable just by being in their presence. They actually accept the way you are, with all your flaws and unique qualities. Very good at understanding their own needs, thoughts, feelings and reactions. Might not be very talkative, since they prefer to just ponder on their inner life quietly, but when they do say something, it's usually that piece of the puzzle you were looking for. But don't try to exploit them, because they can and will put you in your place, while also being graceful and pretty with it. Others might not even understand that what they said hurt you, because of how charismatic they are, but it WILL hurt you. And you won't even be able to say anything, since you'll know they're right. Their self-esteem is usually unshakeable. But they earned it after a long period of obsessing over their insecurities, most probably related to body dysmorphia or weight gain. However, this also means that they put a lot of heart into what they cook for themselves, because they won't eat just anything. Food for them is almost therapeutic. This comes from their strong relationship with anything related with comfort, luxury, security and personal needs/values. VERY pretty faces. Omg... Even if when you first see them they might not be your type, they start to grow on you quickly. They might be the friend to which everyone runs for mental or emotional health advices. To which they'll respond the best as they can, to a certain limit. Keep in mind that they value their boundaries a lot and won't tolerate you using them for your own benefits. Might be philosophical (more specifically, stoic) but won't discuss it openly, since they keep their more important thoughts to themselves. Once they start seeing something as their anchor for grounding, they'll defend it with their life. This includes material things AND people.
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⚘ Random associations: the friend that was there for you no matter what, healthy food, self investment, self-care, skincare, spas, perfumes, luxurious lifestyle, big comfortable home, gifts as a love language, producing music, making art as a way of relieving stress, spending time in nature, having a very strong bond with your pets, putting on lip balm in public, putting on certain perfumes depending on your mood, reapplying perfume whenever you feel kinda sad, experimenting with food, experimenting with furniture arrangement until finding the perfect place for everything, pilates, desserts, macaroons, tiramisu, chocolate or vanilla flavoured body scrubs, best smelling one in the room, exquisite clothing style, only clothes made of quality materials, gold or silver jewellery, generous mom, good relationship with every female figure, LOYALTY, very sensual and they know it, that one girl that doesn't really have any drama in her life, pretty mysterious... you often realise you don't actually know that much about their personal life, curly hair, dimples, soft skin, very resilient and independent, looks great in earth toned outfits, will NOT do physical labour (especially the girls) not even for money.
⚘ What I love about this placement: very loyal, resilient, loving (but not openly), sees the beauty in everything, values self care and self love, they can control their emotions very well, always takes care of their needs first, makes sure they are stable enough before starting something new, will not come venting at you with their issues, genuinely enjoys making others feel comfortable and loved, amazing at flirting, unshakeable mindset, if they put their mind to something it's impossible to stop them, very cute when affectionate, soothing voice, healthy skin, gives the best hugs, possessive but in a good way (territorial almost).
⚘ What I dislike about this placement: might have a s** or p*** addiction, they get addicted to things very fast and it's difficult to control it, stubborn af, sometimes lazy, the kind of person to be stuck on their ex while in multiple situationships, usually very materialistic, they have more of a hedonistic lifestyle, does NOT care about your feelings once you got them mad (on a good note: it's difficult to get them mad).
⚘ My experience with this placement: 10/10
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• Disclaimer: I'm not a certified astrologer. Everything in my posts is based on my personal experience and observations. Please, feel free to ask any questions or tell me your opinions.
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
hi socks just wanna let u know i have been thinking about those vashwood as roommates headcanons and i always come back to it cz it’s somehow??? so comforting??? 10/10 chef’s kiss thank u!
it's honestly my comfort au-- so here's a part two ! (here's part one)
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include(part two);;
warnings;; I included some nsfw headcanons this time. they're at the end and have a warning. This also has a bit of fighting/angst that ends in fluff notes: i have a couple of fics in the work for this au. let me know if there any big moments you would like to see written out into a full fic! (also possibly a knives spin off??)
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Their jobs/majors
I kind of feel like Vash is studying in the science department. Specifically something that has to do with plant science? Botany, Environmental science, maybe even biology? I know it’s a little on the nose but I really do think it would work perfectly for him
Maybe he even opens up his own little flower shop in the future??
No matter what he has a lot of labs and he is always tired after them.
He probably has a part-time job as a barista at a little cafe on campus
No thoughts just Vash in a cute little apron
He’s a fan favorite among the college kids. They say he makes the best coffee, and he sometimes gives people little freebies when they look sad
His manager Meryl actively yells at him for it, but she doesn’t actually care that much.
He ALWAYS will give you freebies if you come in to visit him. He gets a free drink as an employee, and he’ll save it for you just in case you come in. Sometimes he’ll even take it to go and drop it off for you
Wolfwood gives huge phycology vibes. Mans had a messed up childhood and wants nothing more than to help other people through that stuff
Either that or he’s an art student. I can see that too
He takes school very seriously, but he is horrible at math. He cannot divide to save his life. He’s had to retake his math class like three times
His job? Well nobody knows and at this point everyone is too scared to ask. (He’s a security guard lol)
Whatever it is, he hates it. He comes home grumpy and needs lots of hugs and kisses.
He’ll be all pouty and pissed off, and then you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek and a small smile will break out 
Bonus; Knives is on the track to becoming a surgeon. I will die on the hill that he is going into the medical field. (he’d look so good in scrubs) and i know McDonalds knives is kind of funny, but I'm thinking he’s actually and EMT. Imagine getting hurt and having Knives be your first responder (id die on the spot)
First Date
It’s not really a date- well you don’t call it a date. Vash just walks in with a couple of free tickets to a haunted house event thing  and asks if you and Wolfwood want to come
You’re like hell yeah
The drive there is like the calm before the storm. You listen to some music, seated in front with wolfwood driving. He definitely has his hand on your thigh. Vash is super excited about finally doing something that isn’t getting high and playing games
You all thought it was gonna be some dumb little spooky house. They’re never that scary. It’s just fun to see all the decorations and actors
Oh boy were you wrong
It’s so well put together. The actors are really into it, and they have amazing make up. When you’re standing in line, some clown girl walks up to Vash and you watch the regret build up on his face. The guy is already terrified
The first hallway is pitch black, and you have to rely on a feeling your way through it. Vash is mumbling about how much he hates it the entire time
Wolfwood is like “Don’t worry guys I’ll protect you.” And then proceeds to let out the loudest scream when the lights come on and there’s a girl dressed up as a ghost standing there
Soon all three of you are huddled up, holding hands, and shaking
These things should not be that scary!!!
It’s Vash who gets you kicked out
He gets so spooked that he runs into a bunch of boxes and knocks one of the fake walls down. The entire thing has to stop to fix it
You’re all banned
After that you go eat pancakes and complain about how scary it was
When things get tense
Fights can happen sometimes
None of you are perfect, and those boys have gone through some shit
Vash tends to shut himself away from you when he’s upset. He doesn’t come out of his room, and when he does he pretends like he’s fine. 
He doesn’t like burdening other people with his problems.
Eventually it just starts to feel like he doesn’t trust you enough to let you in. SIt gets really bad when he tells you to go away one day, and you watch Wolfwood walk into his room 30 minutes later
It doesn’t really turn into a fight. You just get sad, and even a little insecure. So, you avoid him back. Not because you’re vengeful, just because you feel hurt
A few days of the two of you not talking and Vash is in tears by your door
He begs for forgiveness and explains why he’s like this
You tell him it’s okay, but what he does really hurt you. He promises to work on it, and he does
That night the two of you make up for loss time
Wolfwood and you fight a lot more
Most of the time it’s silly little arguments that you solve pretty fast
Wolfwood is bad at communicating in general. But especially when it comes to his feelings
He has really bad days sometimes, and he can get grumpy really fast these days, and one day you really piss him off
He won’t tell you what you did though, he just gives you the cold shoulder
That pisses you off because you’d so be willing to talk it out and apologize, but he won’t tell you what you did 
So you’re mad now too
Things are tense between you too, and it all comes to an end on movie night when you start arguing about what movie to watch
You want to watch one of your favorite movies from your childhood and he says that it’s a stupid movie
Things get heated fast, while Vash just disappears into the background. He that the two of you need to workout your problems on your own (but he really wants to intervene) 
When the tears start falling, Wolfwood immediately stops
He takes a breath, and the two of you sit down and just talk. 
You talk ALL night about what happened, and what the two of you could have done better. In the end, you fall asleep on his chest while he plays with your hair. 
You have movie night the next night to make up for it, and he puts the movie you wanted to watch in before you can even talk about it ( he ends up loving the movie and after that you two watch it all the time)
Id have to make an entire other thing for when Vash and Wolfwood fight because it’s no fun for anyone
NSFW stuff
After the three of you finally get past the awkward stages and start fucking, you find out these two are…horny
They’ll grab you and go to town any time
They really like to share you, but there’s no jealousy in the relationship so it’s okay for one on one time as well!
Wolfwood will pull you into steamy make out sessions whenever. He’ll do it out of nowhere. I imagine he just really likes you, and can’t get enough
He’s very handsy. He’ll constantly have his hand on your hips, or your thigh, and your waist. He likes touching you
He’s the type to sneak risqué touches in public. He like watching you struggle to not let anyone else know what he’s doing
Quickies everywhere with Wolfwood
Vash is a lot more loving (not that Wolfwood isn’t loving– he probably has cried during sex) 
Vash takes his time though. He wants every moment with you to be special. He likes to do stuff like rubbing your back, and peppering kisses down your shoulders. He’ll run his hand up your shirt, and kiss your neck softly. He builds up to it
He really likes shower/bath sex. It’s intimate and relaxing
He also like when you take control (i know he’s a whimperer)
He is so bad at any type of public sex though. He gets embarrassed way too easily (and i think Wolfwood has fun with that) 
When the three of you do it together it’s fucking electric 
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rainbowdaisy13 · 6 months
I see many people having a hard time understanding that you can write break up albums or heartbreak albums while in a stable relationship. It's an outlet to process things while also adding artistic licence. Pink said she wrote break up songs based on fights with her husband but they're still together. There's a signer in my country that only puts out sad albums but she's been with the same person for 14 years. It's funny how people were capable of defending her relationship with Joe as not being reflected in sad albums but when it's about other people, no it's not possible they're still together.
Art is complex and that also includes at times writing from the other person's pov which again many don't take into consideration.
I agree with this 1000000%
I’ve been with the same man for 17 years—but guess what Taylor song lyrics I have tattooed on me with our wedding date underneath? The Archer—the first time I heard it I lost my breathe bc I recognized OCD thinking in the words and said holy shit, Taylor knows what it’s like to have these obsessive nonstop destructive thoughts about the person you are with which hurts the relationship even though all you ever want is for them to be the one to stay
Any long term relationship is a choice—you have to constantly choose each other over and over again no matter what. Sometimes you stop choosing each other and that’s fine too, you both move forward alone. But yes, true deep loving relationships span the scope of all human emotions without necessarily coming to an end
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terraliensvent · 2 months
Ok civ's response is honestly kinda funny, I should've known only someone equally as delusional could go along with coy's bullshit all this time.
Image link in case it gets deleted: https://imgur.com/a/lDxBSoT
As another unemployed artist the fact they think terra staff "ruined their income" when not only are they absolutely popular enough to make money off their art. They also have coy's audience backing them as well, so this claim is extremely laughable to me. Try having no audience at all and not having a community made up of big spenders from cs communities, then maybe we'll feel a little sympathy.
Or better yet maybe if you and coy contributed an ounce of effort beyond being greedy assholes you'd still be able to make money off the species. But no, clearly they never learn their fucking lesson because every single species they've made eventually gets ruined because of their insistence on running the species according to how much money they can make.
It's genuinely hilarious to me that they both actually think they're the victims in this situation because terra staff finally put their foots down and said they can't keep using the species for money. Go get a damn job if you're that desperate and stop taking advantage of the people who want to actually enjoy the species and especially stop causing issues for the terra staff team who are actually fucking trying despite all the bullshit they've had to go through because of you both.
I'm so tired of them and entitled greedy cs owners in general, I couldn't fathom being this self centered honestly it's sad.
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yeah i think im gonna call bullshit on this, lets do a little dissection here
" What they didn't mention was how they banned both coy and myself (even though I had nothing to do with the deletion of the pets/left the conversation civilly before that was discussed), "
even if civ had nothing to do with deleting the pets, i would argue terra staff made the right choice in banning them. what coy did is equivalent to vandalism and can cause further problems if there are issues with code and such. furthermore, wouldnt it make sense to ban civ as well if theyre closely associated and have the power on the account to do more vandalism? civ you werent doing shit for the species other than farting out adopts every week, youll live.
 "..refused to negotiate with us, did not include us in the original discussion about OUR OWN TERMS that were agreed on when we left ownership, and the new owner was unwilling to participate in the discussion originally."
i am SO curious to see what actually went on in staff chat. the conclusion im personally drawing here is that the original discussion occurred in a staff-only chat (somewhere where civ and coy wouldnt be because theyre NOT FUCKING STAFF) and then when the final agreement was reached, they came to civ and coy. maybe they could have gone differently about it but honestly, knwoing now that civ and coy have continually shut down any sort of discussion like this due to their greed (cough cough THIS whole debacle) im not surprised they wouldnt be asked for their two cents.
"Both sides have made mistakes; but the terra staff refused to acknowledge their dishonest and disrespectful actions that led up to this. Had they been willing to compromise and talk to us, this wouldn't have happened. "
again i am just not willing to believe this when civ and coy have a history of being shitty to staff (shall i bring back the receipts?), when cal(tycho) has a history of being a good owner even after the enormous shitshow of what you put him through, when, after you two finally fucked off, things are actually being MOVED FORWARD in the species (like trait guides, new items to allow lim traits, new site assets, all within a timeframe of like. two months. civ and coy had the species for over a fucking year and did nothing. just some food for thought)
like im not going to believe you unless you give adequate proof in the form of screenshots or something. but they probably wouldnt do that because it would most likely show current staff being totally reasonable and you two shitting your diapers over it.
"They silenced me and put their foot down, ruining my source of income as a disabled unemployed artist."
hmm lets crunch some numbers here
you have seven terra adopts that are on your most recent designs tab. presumably you are allowed to keep the money from that because it happened before everything went down
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now a lot of these are pretty pricey, the first in the list is $300
however if you go through the rest of their recent designs its all little chibi stuff for around ~$20. that could be a defense for the "wah wah you stole my one source of income" if it werent for the fact these designs almost never go unsold, they have chibi slots open for $45, and they also have fucking isopups to ride the coattails off of. like you will be fine, you have many ways to make money off of your art as opposed to some 10 follower account. this is pop artist bitching at its finest.
and again, it is THEIR FAULT they dont have terra income anymore. how in the world is it fair for them to have more money opportunities than people actively working on the species just because they slapped their names on it.
finally lets do a funny little comment showcase!
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people keep equating the old staff team to the new staff team. lets talk about bear, lets talk about kea, lets talk about fucking coy. thats the staff YOU employed, not the people trying to throw together the pieces. you want to again, absolve yourself of all responsibility acting like it wasnt YOUR FRIENDS that YOU picked for the staff team that was causing problems. bear literally caused the first downfall of the species (architechals) and YOUR staff are the ones who ran with it and decided to be petty and immature and make knockoffs. i swear to god this reminds me of people saying shit like "the economy was better under x president!" when the current president inherits the economy of the previous one
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jesse please do everyone a favor and just shut up for once, you only care as long as you can profit off of the situation, your wording is so stupid i genuinely lost braincells. civ and coy absolutely do have the means to make money off their art, far more than other people, and the issue with the situation is that theyre making more money off the species than the people actually putting in work to maintain the fucking species, the agreement according to tycho would have STILL allowed them to make more than terra staff but they were too greedy and stupid to just shut up. and to make an ableism argument really just makes me want to bash my head into a wall. civ is not some poor discarded puppy "thrown out in the rain," they have the ability to make a lot more fucking money than most others can off of art, and not to mention they have the ability to use the fans of those they have connections with, like coy or even fucking kea
but in all seriousness, its SO fucking funny to me how theyre acting like civ and coy are some fucking marytrs for terraliens, like they were working sleepless nights to do the best they could each and every day hoping and praying they could make it!! please be fucking for real. again, that species did not even have TRAIT GUIDES for the full calendar year after it was created because civ and coy just didnt give enough of a fuck to do it. listen im gonna ride or die for new staff right now because there is TANGIBLE EVIDENCE of them actually going above and beyond anything ever done under civ and coy. compare #staff-wips from civ and coys reign to now. before, all you would see is adopts. thats it. nothing else just adopts. now, within the course of three months, new staff have come up with unique events, had lore writer, mod, and OA applications, released a new set of forageables THAT GIVE REWARDS, entirely revamped one of the forage areas with plans to do the rest, held the myo compensation event (a feat in and of itself), show CONTINUAL wips of shit actually important to the species (like new items), take in community input, and again, above all else, FINALLY put out trait guides. id say theyre doing fucking leagues more work than civ and coy ever did.
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and this is just fucking laughable. ive already made all my arguments, you can see the types of people we are dealing with here. calling jealousy is absurd and downright hilarious
their fanbases need to wake tf up because these people love to victimize themselves and misconstrue shit all day long
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brooklynisher · 3 months
Here's a bunch of old sketchbook doodles I made y'all
Stick around bc this includes my first SPG drawings!! (Before I joined Tumblr)
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Riveting start
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I'll start off with little drawings I made of myself. And my god do you see what I'm doing with the anatomy? Do you see how tiny those joints are? That's horrific. Why did I build everyone like that? But Yugo is where I began to find my art style. Will love them forever for that. I've got to go back to simple-shaped heads one of these days and blush/eyelashes on everything
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We've got some lovely Smile For Me-related doodles. First is a Flower Kid design. Second was not smile for me specifically, but Face Love (by the same devs). And the last two were my earlier attempts at making comics and scenes. Ft. lancer for some reason.
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Here are a couple of abandoned OCs. Pretty boy (Basil) is supposed to be yellow. We've all had that OC whose only trait was being a hot person and that's what he was all about. Didn't develop him much in terms of character which is sad because I kinda like his design. He was created when I was doodling random designs in FireAlpaca. I'll have to show the other doodles in a different post (If you are interested).
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THIS GUY I WOULD LIKE TO BRING BACK! Might be kinda basic in terms of like "Weird Core" designs but I still love him. His plot keeps changing though because his design is so strange yet so simple to the point where I could put him in just about any world I wanted to had I gotten bored of the old one. Which is silly bc he's just a depressed news anchor man.
Anyway bc of that, Basil used to be his bf, but isn't anymore. He got replaced with fat peppermint man who fun fact: was inspired by the song Brass Goggles BEFORE I even got into SPG and learned what it was about! How silly is that! Peppermint boy is technically my first SPG OC!
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She was a fun one, but I abandoned her too. I think she was too influenced by Frye's character from Splatoon. She was a warrior of sorts. Sort of tribal I suppose. She spoke fast, and in her tribe's language, so many people struggled to understand her. She was very bouncy too. Jumping all over the place. If you know Frye, you'll probably notice that they're a bit too similar to each other. That's usually why I abandon my OCs. When they're too similar to another.
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Critter I doodled. Not really an OC, but I still think she's cute
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Don't ask me about the first guy. The girl was a mii that was born in Tomodachi Life! Her name is Lily. She is the child of Kris (Deltarune) and Hatsune Miku. She looks silly which is why I love her.
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I'm Picasso. Kinda vibe with this ngl. Not sure if I could ever turn this into anything though
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Here are some low-effort doodles. Enjoyed the design of the big lady more than I thought. I was practicing drawing bigger bodies at the time. Joints are still KILLING ME but it's not bad considering I had the worst anatomy method imaginable
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Here are some higher-effort doodles. Aside from the abhorrent anatomy (WHY DOES THE PIG ZOMBIE HAVE TWO DIFFERENTLY SIZED SHOULDERSS????) I quite like these critters. That mermaid girl had lore too. She could control the dead of the sea. She was lowkey evil. Never turned her into anything though. Also, you can see by that guy at the bottom of the first one, that Bunny's art was starting to take an influence on me.
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I was inspired by Bunny to make these monster-ish-looking people
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More thingies! There's the goopy robot which I initially drew as a first attempt at drawing a robot, but then I made it black and goopy bc that's what it was giving. The star guy appears and disappears a few times. I think I wanted to keep them, but the design was very similar to LightLazer so I felt a bit weird about drawing them.
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More robot shenanigans. First time drawing Rabbit and The Spine! Cannot believe that my first Spine drawing was in a dress oh my god.
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More Bunny-inspired drawings and I'm REALLY kinda digging that weird tiny robot critter. Looking at it now, it's kinda like Spring in a few ways, but it's also completely different from Spring in so many other ways. The limbs are retractable. I kinda like this thing actually. I Oughtta do something with it.
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These ones are more SPG-specific. You'll have to forgive me, most of these are from memory. Don't ask me why Rabbit looks like David Bowie in the first one.
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And finally, some Rabbit and Spine doodles! Rabbit's doing the "Hey Andy Sweetie" meme. I could totally reattempt drawing that today actually.
Anyway, hope you had fun. I did. Ugh this is so sillyy
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supergirlmayhem · 10 months
I’m excited about the Supergirl May-hem event, you guys are doing a great job but I can’t help but wish that supercorp wasn’t allowed at least this time. After seeing that 90% of the recs were supercorp I fear this event will barely have some more ‘rare’ ships and that’s a pity.
Hi Anon!
Thanks for reaching out with your concern. We have a few reasons why we decided not to exclude Supercorp and I'll list them below for you. Please excuse the ramble. I'll start with our main reason for making this an inclusive event for every WLW ship in the Supergirl fandom. We want to uplift every ship and give them a space to express themselves. We don't want to exclude anyone and leave them on the sidelines while we actively promote other people. That wouldn't be fair and the thought leaves a bad taste in our mouths.
Another reason is that the ship lines aren't as black and white as a lot of people believe. Many people have multiple ships in the fandom and care deeply about all of them even if they also ship Supercorp. Many Supercorp writers have expressed interest in writing for multiple ships and artists have shown they're open to creating for multiple ships. Many of the Supercorp creators would not join the event if Supercorp was excluded and that would mean that there would be a lot less content for the 'smaller' ships as they are interested in writing/creating additional pieces for other ships.
Whether Supercorp is in the event or not, there'll still be a very similar number of fics/art created for the smaller fics. To exclude them would simply deprive Supercorp of also having new fics/art created for them.
As a multi-ship event, there's always going to be a ship that is more popular than the others. Whether that's Supercorp, Supercat or Agentcorp. One will always have the majority. Yes, that majority increases with Supercorp but they're not getting any special treatment. We're putting an equitable amount of time and effort into promoting each ship. We understand that some ships are smaller and need more of a shove to get them seen, so we've done our best to make that happen.
As for the fic list, fics are added from the community. There are 3 of us, and we can't be in every ship fandom at once. We need help from those ship communities to add the fics. We've reached out to each community and asked for recs. If there are none on the list, that's because nobody recommended any. If there's only a few, that's because those are what we were sent. We're always adding to the list and will always keep updating it so people can send us links at any time to their favourite fics. Supercorp might have the majority, but even if they weren't on the list, there would be the same amount of other ship's fics on the list.
The sad truth is that while many of the fandoms are still alive, there are a few that are running on fumes and barely have any active members left. This event would not be what we envision it to be with a lack of people involved. We're trying to get as many members of those communities involved as possible but time has played a big part in the dwindling numbers for all ships, Supercorp included, although there are still a lot of active members for that particular ship.
We're doing everything we can to reach out to every ship we can think of, and want everyone to be included. If there's more you think we can do, other than excluding people, feel free to reach out and let us know. We're all ears and would love tips on how to reach them.
The final reason as to why we're including Supercorp is simple. As the event creators, we're fans of multiple ships and we've created this event to showcase our passion for those ships. We're not going to ban Supercorp from an event we created to make other people happy when this is a passion project. We don't get paid for creating the event and we're putting in hours upon hours of work into making it. We're not going to change it to appease other people because that would simply take away our passion and make the event worthless.
We understand where you're coming from with your worries. You don't want the smaller ships to be drowned out by Supercorp. There's only two places that may happen, and that's our socials when we start promoting each fic/art as it's posted on posting week. That's unavoidable. However, the clicks aren't all going to come from us. Each person is responsible for also promoting their work and while we'll do our best to help, we physically won't be able to put masses of effort into each and every one.
The second place is the collection. The collection will have all of the fics stored in one place. The good news is that AO3 has a great filtering system so people will find the ship they want out of the collection with ease. Other people will discover new ships through looking through the collection too, and may end up being inspired.
We've seen a lot of people expressing worry or anger about other ships being included, or not getting enough attention but there's not enough attention on how this is beneficial for every ship. Everyone gets to display their work in one place full of like-minded individuals, showing off their love for their ships of choice. You're showing off your work and showing everyone why you love them in a place where it's going to get attention. The attention you want on your ships will come from you proudly displaying your work in an event made to provide a safe space for everyone.
Of course, we're also taking measures to ensure there's a safe space for everyone individually too. Our Discord server (which will open after sign-ups) has individual channels for ships as well as general channels so you can choose to mingle or simply stay within your ships without being drowned out by chats from other ships.
Finally, we're taking the ship disputes very seriously. We understand that people have different preferences and we won't tolerate any hate being thrown at anyone else for who they ship. You can like or dislike any ship you want, but anyone who is making our safe space unsafe for anyone else will be removed from the event and banned from future events. We're very strict on that policy.
All in all, I apologize for the long answer and would like to say that this response is not just for the person who asked the question but to spread our views on the matter to everyone. Thank you, Anon, for giving us this opportunity to properly give an in-depth answer to everyone asking the same question as you.
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shmowder · 2 months
Hii I’m cringe free so here is my self-insert as I don’t have any other pathologic ocs :(
Name: Katerina Katina
Age: 27 years old
Job/Credentials: painter! I imagined she would do portraits for the Kains and the other leading families but can also do paintings for anyone in town
And she would just be an NPC
Katerina was born in the town and has lived her whole life there, though she did want to go to the capital to study in art but unfortunately for her she took too long to decide and ended up married to a guy who wants her to stay so she does
She does like the town and since she feels it’s too late to study art anyways she doesn’t want to leave anymore, maybe she’ll just visit the capital one day
She doesn’t have much friends she just talks to the Stamatins often, she WAS once friends with Vlad Jr. but not anymore (I thought he was just a pathetic kinda guy but nope I do not fuck with racists)
Also friends with Verdell Popov another oc which I hope my partner submits here!
She believes in the Mistresses at least Nina and Victoria still not really sure about Katerina Saburov or both of them for the matter
She does believe the steppe legends as she is friends with Verdell who is from the kin and even enjoys hearing about them
Not sure about authority she tries not to get in trouble and doesn’t really like any of the families especially after doing portraits for many of them
Definitely tries to help the Haruspex the most even if she was scared of The Ripper at first, later she’ll offer him to sleep at her house if he needs and if her district is plagued would give him quests and when he’s done she’ll give him food in exchange
Sorry if the writing is wonky somewhere I’m not good at telling info in English shshdh also I’m including a drawing I made of her in Pathologic 2 dialogue
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Yes, a painter! I always wondered where all the ruling families got their portraits from? Especially since the paintings shared a similar style, one which clearly contrasted with Peter's more abstract and fluid works.
She is woven into the story seamlessly, I really like the fact that she has an already repeated name. It makes it just more realistic, yk? It makes sense for the most popular names of the time period to get repeated a bunch in a town this big.
Saburov and Block, Victor and Victoria, it's a small detial but provides a touch of realism. We've all known multiple people who shared the same name throughout our lives.
Her connection to Andrey and Peter does make sense. They're both interested in steppe legends and art. Maybe she did the paintings in the brokenheart pub, too?
I love her blue scarf. I know it's not intentional, but it matches Artemy's blue sweater. Poetic how he's the one she'll willing to help the most, does she believe in his cause and the Termite ending? In destroying the Polyhedron, despite the agony, it will put her two friends–the Stamatins–through?
Including the wedding ring in the art is such a good detail too, her curly/wavy hair is very lovely. God, I wish we could've seen more diverse hairtypes in pathologic.
It is lowkey ironic that she doesn't like to get into trouble yet befriended The Stamatin and used to be friends with Vlad Jr. Honestly, even if she does, she is a little too useful to the ruling families for them not to let her go with a slap on the wrist.
Keeping such a talented painter under their thumb and inside the town? Especially an artist who never went to art school, so she doesn't realise her actual worth or talent. Her only other point of reference is Peter, a literal genius in his field whose talent is beyond comprehension. So much so, Nina had to drag the twins to town no matter the cost.
It's also sad in a way, like a beautiful buttefly who may never see its own colourful wings. Who's trapped inside an artificial greenhouse, never wandering to the lush garden outside, and for love to be the one thing chaining her too? That's just amazing.
Your art is amazing! I can tell a lot about Katerina from the body language alone, the nervous side glance, the tendency to touch her fingers.
The wedding ring being silver rather than gold. Ouch.
"I shouldn't have yelled at him" Is she referring to her husband? Do they fight often? Or someone else entirely.
What a lovely and flushed out OC you have! <33 I'm so happy you told me about her, I can't wait to see your partner's OC as well. It's a unique thing for two OCs to have a slightly intertwined story, to be friends in every universe.
unrelated, but I wanted to thank you for the lovely ask you sent before. Encouraging me after the person pretending to be a different anons thing. I never got the chance to reply because the matter was resolved. Still, thank you greatly for your sweet words.
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aristotels · 8 months
Thinking about art and fiction and concepts of ownership and honestly it's kinda fucked that collaborative and transformative storytelling is literally as old as time and one of the most basic human instincts that exists, but the only good word it we have right now is "fanfiction"
and when you tell people you write fanfiction they think you're some kind of cringe weirdo and possibly pervert and then the whole thing gets derailed by this bizarre side discussion into how "No it's not all porn, it's absolutely everything and anything imaginable, duh, but like, even if it were all porn, that would also be okay". Like I'm all for pointing out the double standards about how published authors who put sex into their stories don't lose any respectability (especially if they're men, and especially if the sex is cishet), but the second I, a fanfiction person, add a romantic arc into my plotty casefic suddenly I'm a fujoshi with shipper brainrot etc etc-
But it's tiring that this is even a focal point
My favourite funny and sad thing is watching people (usually dudes) who clearly either view themselves as above fanfiction or have simply never ever thought of themselves as "the type" to do creative writing discover The Fanfiction Urge, because the way they express it is like. An increasingly passionate and detailed video essay about how Movie should have gone instead, or, my favourite, a story about something cool that happened to them in XCOM or Darkest Dungeon or some other Difficult Game For Serious Gamers and by the end of the post they're legitimately just writing prose. Like look at this! LOOK! Damn if this person didn't speedrun the gamerbro-to-AO3 pipeline just for a sec. And not that there's anything wrong with those formats but it makes you wonder if that's something they'd be interested in exploring more if their wings got unclipped
Or DnD. Small wonder that TTRPGs are becoming so popular when they're one of the few increasingly non-cringe ways to do the extremely basic human urge of Tell Story Collaboratively
A friend of mine had this to say recently about his own struggles with this kind of internal bias:
i'd like to try out Thousand-Year-Old Vampire (a solo role-playing game with minimal rules to make you write your own narrative) and my toxic masculinity is getting in the way. discouraging thoughts include: i'm not creative enough; creative writing is for Floofy Humanities types and i am a Cold STEM type; it's not a real game unless it has Systems that you can Study and Master. would anyone like to say something encouraging?
and honestly that's incredibly illuminating innit isn't it. The splitting off of creative activity (not just fanfiction, either) into something only for Floofy Humanities Types but not Serious People and the way it's linked to whether or not you can make money off it... oof.
This became a long post thank you for your patience
ngl i just dont rly care that much for fandoms... i like fanfic, i read it and write it, but i dont rly see fandom as my identity or smth i particularly care about, to me all of it is just the same as me playing with barbie dolls.
i dont think its something special that can be compared to actual literature and i think there are certain problems w booktok people relying on tropes that come from fanfic mentality. its just not the same, and i do wish people who like fanfic would sometimes also read.......some actual books sometimes
i just generally dont see what youre describing as some huge thing or problem, i think anti-kink ppl doxxing artists is the major worrisome thing when it comes to fandoms, but i think the doxxers also take the whole fandom experience too seriously
and i say this as someone who also writes fanfic, so like, it rly isnt me going "fanfic authors/readers are stupid", i find fanfic super cool to explore yourself, fanart taught me sooo much as an artist, i even enjoy roleplaying; all of this serves a very real purpose of exploring things as a human in realms of fiction, and pre-existing characters make that easier. i think that can be very useful, we learn about ourselves through books and stories. i just think fandom should be treated the way it is - playtime with toys ✌️
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dimdiamond · 1 year
Hey I just found some interviews of herge's team and close people to him which they talked about tintin in it and boy many of them said that herge near the end of his life had problems with tintin and although he called him his son he didn't like him that much anymore just because he thought tintin character stole his fame and popularity and he felt that tintin is way more popular and loved than himself so he kinda started hating him lol,it's just funny man one of them even said that he didn't write any character development for tintin like him not wanting to include with action or criminals anymore was more about herge wanting to change him and writing him untrue to his nature to kinda take a revenge from him ,if you think about it he kinda did his characters dirty at the end like tintin not behaving like himself or even haddock not being able to drink whisky lol,they said that he didn't think the tintin character could be this iconic or become even more popular than himself and didn't want people to at the end just remembering tintin not herge,it's kinda sad to think he became paranoid of his own character and so called son,they just said he didn't know what to write of his last adventure himself and he unfortunately died befor compeleting it so if you ask me it could've been a strong chance to kill tintin at the end of Alph_Art,I wrote it because I thought it would be interesting to you either .
Adding this here too:
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Thank you for all these information! I have to confess that, although big fan of Tintin, I haven't read or searched many things about Herge himself or behind production what was happening.
I tend to not give much attention to the creator but to the creation itself. It's not because I think they don't have any connection or it isn't interesting or important to know about the creator. It's because simply I don't care much. Yeah, very unpopular opinion I know but I can't put too much faith on someone's thoughts and rumours, especially when they're not alive anymore. Comparing to creators who actually did or still doing harm, in cases like Herge (or Tolkien or any other writer and artist that, in one way, were products of their time) I try not to let them affect my experience in "consuming" their works. We can know that much about what was truly happening, and even if Herge said himself "I hate Tintin" I can't know what was going through his mind when he said that.
Anyway back to the topic. Yeah I know that Herge soon felt trapped in his own creation and its popularity. I do understand that from the perspective of not having the artistic freedom to write or draw whatever he was pleased with or wanted to experiment with- Tintin was HUGE as long as he lived and no way they would let him stop publishing it. Naturally he would be fed up and exhausted with that and lash out to his own creation. However, the fact that he didn't want anyone else to take over the comic shows at least that he still cared for it. Was it selfishness or true worry about how his work would be handled? I don't know and I don't care honestly. Herge was just a man with talents and flaws, not a master, not a genius, not a saint. No one is and ever was.
Tintin and Haddock in the last books are way different than the first ones together and that's a fact. I disagree however with the belief that they're out of character. These are their characters. I feel people tend to forget or be blind on the natural slow change the characters had from the first time they appeared. Take Tintin from Cigars of Pharaoh, from Seven Crystal Balls and from Calculus Affair. No way they're all the same and they were written a long time before Alph Art. Tintin in Calculus Affair is already shown to like the peaceful life and he goes to adventure only because Professor Calculus, now his family, is in danger. How can someone say that Tintin in Picaros or Alph Art is done dirty because he wants to stay home when he had already shown signs of that way before? And let's not forget Tintin in Tibet, one of the stories that changed Tintin as a character and as a series fundamentally. How could Tintin after this peril want to put himself and following naturally his closed ones more in danger? He had almost lost not just his life, for which he barely cared when it was for other people's sakes, but also his best friends' lives and that time he could not blame any bad guy. I am referring a lot to this story because we know it was huge for Herge too and its effect was evident to the rest of the series. And Haddock with alcohol?! He had been reducing alcohol more and more, to the point not making him have it had become a running gag! Calculus giving him the anti alcohol pills was a natural exaggeration to the joke already.
In a few words I think it's dirty to reduce their characters only to action addicted Tintin and alcohol addicted Haddock. They are far more than that and they had shown many other sides of their characters throughout the whole series. Is Tintin Tintin when he's not in danger? Is Haddock Haddock when he doesn't drink? These are questions that we're dealing with for many stories, especially after Explorers on the Moon. If someone sees them only like that I'm afraid to tell them they have fallen victims of the first impression.
It's also dirty to believe that after committing all his life to a project, and one that was beloved by so many, the creator would want to sabotage it and destroy it. It makes a good story for the tortured artist but I never believed in that myth. Maybe if we had the chance to talk to him we could see why he did what he did but we can't do that. We can only make our own readings from his work itself.
Sorry if my language was too strong, no way I intended to attack on you or anyone with different opinions. I am expressing my own thoughts on the matter. Herge might have been jealous or tired or simply unsatisfied or all of these or none. Tintin and Haddock changed as their creator changed and that's only natural to happen. If we like that or not it's up to each one of us. Personally, I like a lot that the characters and the stories changed too. It makes it feel alive and real than a still character that is never allowed to change. If you don't adapt you die as they say.
By the way I highly doubt Tintin would be killed in the end. Not because he's Herge's "son" or whatever. Neither just because the publisher wouldn't allow it. Simply because if Herge wanted him dead he would have done it way before.
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heroshotofvodka · 2 years
"All I need is to write something sad in my intro, that'll get someone's attention."
"Why don't you write about yourself? Your book is basically burning, your time to put out the fire is thin."
Independent Semi-Selective Agent4 Roleplay Account (New to the platform itself, forgive me!!)
The Deets on this Account
1.) SFW ; I do not partake in such vile activities at awl.. flirting is okay! Physical contact in general too, just nothing..moist.
2.) If art is posted here, it is either my art or an edit of official art.
3.) While I don't usually prefer more violent roleplays, I might be okay with one depending on the plot.
4.) You are free to actively roleplay with this account! No dms or anything is needed, replies/comments are perfectly okay with me. If you ARE looking for dm roleplays, I ask that you have good literacy and at least two braincells to rub together so that we both enjoy it.
5.) If you don't like the way I use a character, PLEASE tell me. I don't get the hint super easily.
6.) If you’re a "I ain't readin allat but we 🆙💯💯‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥" kinda person, a tdlr is just be a decent person and don't assume that I'll just be okay with something.
I will NOT interact with/will not roleplay with:
Proshippers-- (coping or not, yikes.)
Powerplayers-- (attempting to control a character that isn't yours)
Multifandom-- (not yet!! I am not experienced enough for that level, but maybe eventually!)
Human/mammal Ocs-- (Just not a fan..)
Low Level Literacy
I appreciate/am okay with:
Mid-level/high level literacy
Ocs-- (including agents)
Canon characters-- (including band members, idols, and shopkeepers!)
One liners OCCASIONALLY-- (it can be hard to write a lot! If you aren't feeling super smart but know how to keep your head in the game, feel free!)
& more to be added!
-Name : Agent4, Sparks.
-Species : Inkling
-Pronouns : They/He/She
-Height : 5'7
-Age : 23
About: Academically smart! Otherwise? Not so much. Spent so much time doing extracurricular activities that they barely had time for any social media. Even just watching T.V, so don't be surprised when they aren't caught up on the latest fashion. Four has never once mentioned her true first name, and will avoid answering if you ask. Sparks works just fine, anyways. Eyes are a deep yellow-orange, with short down-and-outwards markings along the bottom of her eye mask. The feminine look is just another outfit, since their birth gender has never been told either. You will occasionally catch them looking a bit more masculine. They are THIN, despite their incredible physical strength. They also tend to overdose on daydreams and whatever they're drawing at the time, which you will NEVER be allowed to look at.
1.) Dislikes:
'proper' behavior, staying serious, being brushed aside/ignored, consequences, the colors that emit from stoplights, sitting still, small rooms, the existential weighted burden of consciousness and being alive, and distractions.
2.) Likes:
brain-exercising activities, puzzles, their hero weapons, rainmaker matches, extracurriculars, Exercising physically, other agents, imminent chaos, cold weather, being included in tough times, A 'big swig' of alcohol and a 'hero shot' of vodka.
Character reference below ⬇️
Xoxo thank you for reading!!
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puppy-phum · 2 years
Soldier, Poet, King with the main trio of 3 will be Free? 👀? (for the edit prompt)
hello ♥
here is what you asked for!
tbh this request was one of my absolute favorite ones out of all the amazing ones i got. this instantly spoke to me, and i was soooo excited to get to this. so thank you very much. i am in love with this ♥
some more about the process of making this edit plus my own thoughts on it under the cut!
first of all, i am not quite familiar with the whole soldier, poet, king -concept. i have seen it around and know it's somehow related to a quiz but i have never seen anything more about it. so, when i first started thinking about this edit, i only thought of soldier, poet, and king as simply those and nothing else.
like that, my first instinct was to assign poet to shin. that was the easiest choice out of the three. he's the calmest one, a quiet and shy guy who likes arts and soft things. i felt like it was obvious and even once i learned what being a poet was really about, i thought this one was perfect.
bc shin IS the poet of the trio. he is the heart of them, the warmth of them (i included so many hugs bc of this). he is the one who fights with words and his mind rather than with his fists. it's a continuous theme in the series; why shin clashes with his father, why he connects with pp (and saves him), why he works so well with neo and miw. he was easy to place bc he was so loud about where he wanted to be placed.
and then came the problem of the other two. my initial plan was to make miw the king and neo the soldier, probably bc i liked the thought of miw being their leader while neo was the protector. miw is so strong it felt the king's title was something she deserved while i could clearly remember neo putting himself always between the others and any danger. but then i read a bit more about this whole thing and well, here we are.
miw is the soldier of this trio bc she's the one who always wants to fight. she has been hurt enough in her life to regard everything and everyone with suspicion. she doesn't trust ppl, doesn't let them close to her, and always tries to survive on her own first. she's prideful and hates to get emotional about things.
she's not afraid to confront others about the things they're doing wrong either. we see her fighting for others as well as for herself so many times in the series. especially fond she is of fighting for other oppressed women; a quality i thought fit the soldier personality very well as that shows how easily she sees everything as a battle. there is always a new fight to get into. there will never be peace.
with these thoughts, i was not sad to eventually give the king position to neo. it is... kind of obvious, now that i think about it. he's the glue that brings the trio together. he's the one who pushes into motion this whole chain of events and he's the one who leads the others through it. this is his crusade - and so he's willing to be the one who gets hurt or even killed during it. as i read from somewhere, the kings are there when no one else wants to be. they ask themselves, "if not me, then who else?" it seemed to be neo's continuous theme too. he was willing to put himself in harm's way just bc he thought it was something he needed to do.
so these are my thoughts! this is how this edit came alive. i tried to show all these sides of them, tried to show them happy and sad and struggling. tried to show miw being the fighter she is, shin the rational one he needs to be, and neo the heroic one he always jokes about being. i hope it shines through as well as the bond between them i adore.
idk if you had similar thoughts about their roles or if you disagree with my choices :'D but i had a blast with this edit! thank you once more for allowing me to do it ♥
(also as a final side note, i have zero knowledge about chess. my choices for those are solely based on vibes and what seemed cool; other than the king of course. also there's a very big difference with the vibes that come off of the english vs the finnish names for the pieces and it made choosing them even more difficult haha)
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level20mallow · 2 years
note that you should just keep this one in the inbox, before you make a laughable response. but maybe you should reflect on why you feel the need to throw around your traumas every time you think an argument isn’t going your way. like did you expect the world to stop and coddle you. did you expect them all to gasp and nod. now that it isn’t working, do you feel small? scared? cornered and angry? does pretending every person who disagrees with you is some abusive monster make you feel like a safer victim? mwahahaha
We all should probably have a talk about users like this.
This was a response I received from an individual when I told them that stealing a child's artwork, putting it in an AI and getting views (and therefore making money) off of it was wrong.
People absolutely are becoming lazy, entitled, selfish, and hostile moreso than in recent history and I'm starting to think there's a lot of truth to the notion that it's because of the existence of technology like AIs like ChatGPT and the various art ones. People just don't use technology responsibly anymore and it's because they're not being checked by the people around them.
Individual creativity is so important and people like this think that technology like this has always been around, is normal, and more importantly means they can exploit it to make themselves rich without putting in any work or creating anything meaningful on their own. And when you challenge their behavior, they try to suppress you through intimidation, personal attacks and bullying like what happened here.
They think that they have a right to fame and fortune normally reserved to people who cultivate their talents instead of cultivating any of their own, because they believe deep down inside they don't have any and that they shouldn't miss out just because they couldn't scribble a circle onto paper to save their lives instead of, you know, learning how and building the motor skills themselves. Or just accepting that not everyone can be like Rembrandt or Van Gogh and to try doing something else they're more suited for.
People like that are really morally bankrupt and, as you can see from the way they react when called out, pretty vile.
I won't post the name of the individual who wrote that, I already dealt with the problem, but it's the principle of the thing.
I've used those art AIs myself and even now I am starting to find their existence pretty reprehensible given this is how people will treat them and use them.
I feel really sad having to say that, because the newer AIs coming out could do a lot of good, like preserving the voices, appearances and art styles of the dead for example, but people would rather just use them to exploit and abuse others for profit instead. Including children. And get mad when they're told they can't do that
AI needs to be limited to mundane tasks so people can focus on creating all of the art and music themselves so shit like this doesn't happen.
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bluebunnysart · 8 months
Ok since this is where I post my fandom stuff now, I'm just gonna write it here. But I miss Sumikeke from LL Superstar so much lol
I just finished rereading one of my favorite fics ever about them and it's such a masterpiece. Still so amazing today. It contains so much yearning and feelings and depth that even though it's like at least 30k words long, it ends way too quickly and I'd happily read more and more.
It's not like I can't keep shipping Sumikeke now, but I was going through the tag again and another tumblr user put it really well: their dynamic and characterization was absolutely ruined in season 2, which is also why I felt really unpleasant watching it and had no idea how to react to the canon confession scene. It's nice that it happened at all, sure, but by that time, my love for the ship had already begun to fade (for reasons) and s2 seemed to just confirm my annoyances, frustrations, and fears.
I loved Sumikeke though. Don't get me wrong. I actually don't regret any of the time I spent on them at all, and I truly had so much fun indulging in this love of mine. They were great and brilliant, and I know people have different feelings about it (even going as far as calling it abusive :c ), but in my opinion, there was a method and an art to smkk that I tried to convey when I spent those times in college writing actual fanfiction for them lol.
First of all, and this is a big reason why I fell out of love with it, smkk is a bickering couple, but there's a line and nuance you need to have, otherwise it does turn abusive and boring and not romantic at all. When I first watched season 1, I was drawn in by how kind and gentle Sumire could be (big sister-like, taking care of Keke or giving her soft looks) and I latched onto that immediately. I dunno how fast it took to show up, but maybe by like episode 3, I was already eyeing them and wondering what kind of dynamic we'd have there.
As for Keke's antagonism towards Sumire, there was an obvious reason for that. Sumire was looking down on and using Liella to bolster herself, but to Keke, Liella and school idols were everything. It's a natural conflict that arises from people whose goals and opinions differ and who obviously clash over ideology and dreams. Keke would tease or snub Sumire, but it never crossed into actual bullying or anything, last I saw. Just the expected bickering between someone who actually might not like the other and Sumire, who knows she messed up and tries to make up for it, but it's fine if relationships aren't all sunshine and rainbows. Actually, I used to really love the tsundere trope and tsundere-like couples, so when I shipped smkk, I liked them in a more tsundere way. As the anime progressed, their relationship clearly improved and even had plot relevance and all that, and I was really impressed by all of it and fell in love and wanted to give back as a fan by making as much delicious smkk content as possible.
The method to the madness is Keke is childish, demanding, and even annoying maybe (I liked Keke tho lol), but Sumire loves her and since they're teenagers, they eventually grow out of such childish behavior/bickering but the fact remains that they love each other and it's really sweet and cute to see. Sumire was my fave Superstar chara (probably still is? idk), and I just looved her love for Keke and completely enjoyed coming up with story ideas that would showcase that. It's liking someone and having a crush on them even if they're kinda annoying but since you like them, you can look past that. It's that kind of love...!
But anyway. To be quite frank, the fandom ruined smkk for me, and I'm sad I let it happen. If smkk is like 50% arguing and 50% fluff (which is kinda a high percentage, I'll give you that), the fandom kicked it up a notch where it was like 90% arguing and 10% just deciding to make out after saying super cruel/dumb things to each other. I saw a lot of unpleasant things I really disliked (including straight-up immoral SA stuff) and I saw that my excitement from checking the tag eventually turned into aversion and eventually dislike/annoyance/irritation/frustration/anger.
Season 2 having them continue to bicker for bad reasons didn't help things and it felt like the anime was on the fandom's side in that regard. It's fine to give the fandom fanservice, obviously, but that's when I kind of lost interest for good and moved on.
But I truly had a fun time loving smkk, and it had so much potential and was so good. I really truly enjoyed it and that's why I miss it. I think with the release of SIF2 and seeing smkk in there, I was reminded a bit of my old fire (my old love), but in short, it's really unfortunate when fandom (or the show itself) ruins something for you.
I could say the same about my immense love of Shioriko and how I was really disappointed how they wrote and treated her (in the anime and side materials like Nijiyon too), but part of that's personal bias. The true Shioriko I like is probably SIFAS Shioriko and the other Shioriko's exist as their own entities, but since they're all supposed to be the same chara, it's hard to love her in the exact same way if you get what I mean, especially when I had such high hopes and expectations. It's ok though: such is life.
Anyway, I obviously like loving and affectionate ships a lot more than, like, bickering ships. Smkk was just special to me because when two girls act like that canonically, it's a lot easier to claim they're into each other or hiding feelings for each other. I also want to add that I liked the idea of Keke being embarrassed of her feelings for Sumire and that translating a bit into aggression-- obviously as Keke gets older or her feelings are reciprocated or her friends accept her for who she is, she gets less teenage-y about it.
That was a trip down memory lane though. I really care for LL, even though it breaks my heart sometimes. "Expectation leads to resentment", they say, so maybe I shouldn't expect anything at all?
I miss these girls and hope they get better writing. I'll still love yuri and shipping girls for as long as I live xD
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
Today was intense, in a lot of ways.
I got about 3-4 hours of sleep. I woke up from a very intense dream. It was about me being in a relationship, and having an interaction with my brother, and it actually was a good dream. We were just hanging out like the old days, and he noticed some bands he hadn't heard of in my recently played queue on YouTube and asked about them, and I showed him some that I thought he'd be into. I can't even tell you how long it's been since that's happened, since he's even asked me what I listen to nowadays.
This may not seem like much but... my brother and I used to jam out constantly. There was a period where we would play music several hours a day, every day. We played a few gigs together too. And a few years back we even recorded a full length album together, just the two of us. Music has really been the common thread. But I don't know what happened to him. He would introduce me to so much cool music, but like... and I had this happen with two other friends who are also... not friends anymore... for very similar reasons... They would go "hey man, we should exchange music" and then they'd just play like 20 songs in a row for me, and if I share any, they'd talk over it or half tune-out. Fucking... can't really explain how much that's a death sentence for a musical friendship.
In 2000's terms, that's like if I burned a mix CD for them, specifically curated for them, and they never listened to it and I found it on the floor of the passenger seat. I have no clue why people do that... ego, I guess. It just really hurts that like... the two people who told me (over a decade later) that I passively helped introduce them to the music that shaped their lives... I guess they're just... done with me? I mean, they never even told me. And 10+ years later they let me know, and I go... "oh shit, well now I can actually curate stuff for you! Now that you're fucking communicating... I used to be a radio DJ, that's like a dream for me!" And they fucking tune out. It's so sad.
So yeah, the dream was really nice, but once I woke up... I was devastated. Because those days are long behind me, and may never happen again. And I started to spiral a bit.
I started to go down the thought chains of like... seeing cartoon versions of myself in my head the way my family has painted me. My own flesh and blood. And seeing myself as this like... angry, delusional, ranting homeless person... And I kept having this thought, like... if my parents didn't have money? Or if they just decided to stop sending money to me. I would either be homeless or my career would be over, likely for good. Given that I have no employment history for the last... going on 10 years... outside of self-employment... and no references... and no friends... and no connections... I mean... Do you really think I'm getting a job? I mean... if I get anything, I'm getting the bottom of the barrel, and that shit ain't gonna pay the bills.
And my life has been this for a long time. But... the image of how my family sees me? That shit was super vivid today. Maybe it's because I grew out my beard that it makes it easier for me to see it in myself. I don't know. But it was deeply unsettling.
Then my phone rang. At 8:30 AM, when I was trying to clear that image from my head and cleanse my palate so I could go back to sleep. It was the doctor's office. They cancelled my appointment, the doctor wasn't in today. They rescheduled for Wednesday.
I just stayed up. I started playing Oxygen Not Included, which is fun but... kinda just makes me want to play Rimworld. I set up the succulent leaves in a container so they should be set to start growing clones. (I hope.) The tomato seems to be recovering nicely, though its leaves are still very curled over, but it's been cold out the past few days so... that's probably a factor.
I started on a big art piece today and I put a ton of work into it. I made a huge 10k x 10k pixel canvas in Krita and started doing this bubble abstract style... but I am planning to do this one fractally. So... I'm basically doing the same kinda bubble patterns at 10% zoom, then zooming in to 25% and drawing bubble patterns inside the bubbles, then zooming in to 50% and drawing bubble patterns inside those bubbles, etc. I got to 50%, I'm about halfway through that. I just need to figure out what I'm going to do for the kinda membrane texture between the bubbles. I put in a ridiculous amount of work on that today... like... at least 5-6 hours. My wrist and fingers are actually sore from it. It looks really damn cool.
I took a nap, it went well, I got up and did more drawing. I also ended up going for a walk in the woods.
I was pretty anxious, to be honest. Especially when I got to the woods, which is usually my calm place. Because I used to go to woods where there weren't a lot of people, this is in the middle of a city. With all the plants all overgrown and shit, with me by myself? There was zero visibility. I was expecting to get jumped for a lot of the walk, kept looking over my shoulder. It was uncomfortable. I was searching for cut dried branches, small logs, big moss patches by the riverside. I unfortunately did not have much luck. I ended up grabbing some moss samples from a felled tree that was soft enough it could be pulled apart with my bare hands. I grabbed two samples and some extra wood to use as a base for them and headed home. My plan is to get some stones and set up water circulation with the pump I have, then set up the wood chip layer (maybe some soil of some kind?) and the moss samples by the waterside. They can just absorb the moisture from the water in the container, that's the theory. I just... didn't get any rocks is all... but I've actually been debating grabbing some of the rock debris from down by the laundry room... this building is very old and the stone from that part of the building is local stone that was used in constructing the old walls. It has history to it. But it's also been inside for god knows how long, not exactly the same ecosystem as out there. Idk. Still thinking that part over.
When I was coming back from the woods, I looked at the sky... and I saw a huge red sun. It was... surreal. I'm sure people from other parts of the world are rolling their eyes, but I've honestly never been able to look directly at the sun before. I guess there was a lot of dust or smoke particulates in the air? My first thought seeing it was "super thick atmosphere, that's what causes that". When I got back, I checked the weather and... sure enough... weather alert warning people with breathing problems not to go out and exercise today. I guess we're just gonna have to start getting used to this, it's been going on for years now. But that sun, damn. That was a really powerful sight. Definitely fit the tone of the day.
So yeah, that was basically the day. Very little sleep. Lots of art. Lots of stress, some apocalyptic feelings, but overall a pretty nice day, considering.
Tarot time.
Past - VIII: Strength, inverted (Overcoming fear, mastery of emotions through equilibrium and inner strength.) Present - Knight of Swords (Clarity from confusion. Rugged, fierce, determined, logical. Deliverer of answers, but frank to a fault.) Future - Page of Pentacles (The bearer of opportunity, relating to material or financial matters; or possibly of studious or pragmatic nature.  A chance to prove yourself.)
Alright... seeing some familiar cards. This thread is starting with inverted Strength... an emotional imbalance, overwhelming of fear, that kinda shit. That's connected to Knight of Swords... so... my issues with fear and emotional turmoil have resulted in a lot of clarity and determination... true... and this leads to... Page of Pentacles - a new one for me - which is representative of a great opportunity presenting itself, one of material or intellectual wealth.
A nice affirming message is what I'm getting out of this tonight, which is welcome. I don't feel a need to go any deeper than that. Though my emotional struggles have been difficult (to say the least), they have taught me so much. Because I didn't cower from them, I learned about them. I studied them. I sat down and had parlays with them. And, you know, we're still finding that democratic balance. It's always tough when trauma strings get plucked... but something in the knowledge, clarity and will that I've developed as a direct result of my fear disorders... if I play my cards right (haha <eyeroll>)... can lead to a great reward. Not just for myself, but for others as well.
At least, that's the goal.
Alright. I'm utterly wiped. Time for bed.
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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reader impact || first meetings: adventurer edition
series masterlist characters: amber, bennett genre: fluff summary: a game has been released entitled genshin impact, consisting of otherworldly abilities relying on the basic elements of nature. the game follows the story of an interdimensional traveling twin in search of their other half. along this journey, they meet different characters that live in this world. including you. notes: i decided to put these two together since i've already done one for diluc!
amber's playthrough -
amber's more of an outdoorsy type of person but that doesn't stop her from streaming!
she likes doing camping streams where she just camps out in her backyard and shows her chat what she would normally do. and the occasional cooking stream to show how you can make good foods healthy <33
she has a little bunny that she shows on stream sometimes :))
there'll be some days where she just sits at home talking to chat about her day while playing with her little baron bunny.
she plays games occasionally, but their mainly adventure type ones that mimic the lifestyle she holds.
like minecraft, rust, any survival game really.
she's still very energetic so any stream of hers is just bustling with excitement.
she'd probably host some streams where she teaches basic survival techniques?? idk man i don't go out much AIHSDASHLDKJ--
anyway anyway, she got a bunch of requests asking her to play genshin ofc.
i mean?? cute game, cute models, cute characters, and aDVENTURE.
i feel like she'd go with the male traveler solely because it isn't very practical to go exploring/adventuring in a dress?? like girl's over here genuinely thinking about real life scenarios.
anyway she's sitting there after finding dvalin's corrupted tear and the cutscene plays.
she's there vibing with chat and her little bunny by her side because of course they'll be sitting there while she plays.
"hey you! stop right there!"
please she screeched when you yelled at her--
and then she squealed when jumped in front of her character.
the camera showing off your cute little headband mimicking animal ears makes her melt.
and then you jump from the little cliff and you have to stumble to regain your balance?!?!??!
"may the anemo god protect you, stranger! i am (name), outrider for the knights of favonius."
catch her copying your little salute.
"they're so cute!!!!"
she will point out the animal ears constantly.
and then your vision has a cute little ribbon at the end of it!!!!!!
"just! just! just look at them!!"
and then you join her party officially!!!
please she switches to you automatically--
she'll just jump around for a few minutes to watch all your accessories bounce around.
and she can just tell that your story would be a delight to read about.
when paimon mentions her mc's missing sibling, you sound so soft and caring and just aGH.
and then she gets to try out your elemental skill and it's the aNIMAL THAT YOUR CHARACTER'S HEADBAND IS BASED OFF OF!!!
if it's a bunny she would definitely find a matching headband she can wear when she plays :00
her chat's usually a really sweet place to vibe and hang out but of course, there's gonna be those kinda people.
she catches wind of some people badmouthing you and calling you the worst character in the game >:((
she's not too keen on banning people for their opinions so instead...
"hey, guys, can we just have fun with this game? if you don't like how i'm playing you can always just?? leave??"
please girl's fuming inside but she's trying her hardest to be nice about it >:((
back to you <3
she'd get another pet that matches yours and name it after you or your elemental skill.
she'd find ways to copy your outfit too ngl--
she'd definitely cook your signature dish!!
gotta make it all cute for you <3
bennett's playthrough -
ah yes, our unlucky baby boy bennett <3
like amber, he really loves adventures!!
he's still pretty unlucky for some reason???
idk man he's just vibing and his bad luck says too bad,,,
he's kind of a baby streamer if you catch my drift?
like he's new to everything so he's just trying to figure it out.
he used to be in a streamer house but... yeah.
we don't like them anyway, it's fine.
unlike in the game, bennett's bad luck didn't bring the other members harm, it was just... little inconveniences i guess.
but he left so now he's all on his own!
he's kinda inexperienced in all of this but he's trying his best!
for now he's sticking to gaming because that's a majority of what he knows.
lots of survival games!!!
and, sadly, luck-based games.
his chat just wants to see if his luck impacts games!!
and it does,,,
luckily they request genshin, which has the best of both worlds.
bennett's got all of the adventuring and his chat gets to see his misfortune in action.
sadly you don't appear in the main archon quests so bennett actually goes a long while not knowing who you are :((
veterans of the game, however, know exactly who you are >:))
first, they'd help show you off by posting links to your splash art in his chat.
bennett, being the baby he is, just clicks on the links without a second thought.
and he's in aWE!!!
"woahh!! who are they? can i meet them soon?"
they tell him he has to roll for you and he's sad, but only for a bit!
at least you're not an exclusive character because if he were, he thinks he'd have no chance at getting you :((
but he can get you whenever!
anyway, one stream he's rolling because he's stocked up a bunch of primogems (which took a long time) and he's like might as well use them up now.
he gets a lot of weapons :(((
he's basically dedicated his whole team to c6ing his characters he has now because he "knows" he won't get a good character.
luckily the pity systems exist so he gets the occasional four star <33
so he thinks it's another character he already has, so he's very prepared to get another constellation in.
he's looking through the trash weapons and then splash art appears!
"wait... i recognize that--"
his chats hyping him up as he's running around his room because they love him <33
please i love this boy with a passion.
he'll put you in his team automatically with all of his c5/6 characters asdhaklsf
he doesn't even care you get everything and anything he owns in the game <3
"this is your team! it's really cool! i'm (name), leader of (name)'s adventure team! is there... do you think we could team up? i-it could even be just once!"
"they're staying on my team forever."
he loves you so much.
not just because you're a cool character but because he can relate to you--
anyway, he goes to your voicelines because that's the only time he can actually hear you fully :((
he's genuinely excited to learn about your story.
and then he learns that you have extremely bad luck too???!?!?!?
please y'all can be unlucky together!!
would that cancel out or just make you more unlucky??
he gets all sad when he hears you talking bad about yourself so he's here to reassure you (even if you're a fictional character).
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