#sad ex-assassin just wants to k*ss the cute vampire
potterpastawrites · 4 years
hhhhhhhhhhhh now that i’ve played Greymoor i am going to infodump about my Daggerfall Covenant Hero for ESO
Name: Alexei “The Spekter” (Soon to be Ravenwatch) Age: 19 at the beginning, 20 during Greymoor Race: Breton (Vampire) Gender: No with a dash of demiboy Sexuality: Pan, Demi Pronouns: They/Them, He/Him but only with permission Appearance:
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Originally from some slum outside Daggerfall, they had a pretty not-good life. They ran away from home at the age of 16 to get away from their dad and try to make their own way in the world. While camping out in the woods, they were attacked by bandits, and killed them in self-defense. The Dark Brotherhood took an interest in them and lured them in with the promise of a family who actually cared about them. There they met Sings-of-the-Void, who was basically their only real friend. When Sings was transferred to the Gold Coast, they became disillusioned with the whole “Family of Darkness” thing. They were offered a contract in Port Hunding, which they accepted. The ship crashed, but they managed to survive and make it ashore. They ended up getting sucked into Captain Kaleen’s pirate scheme, and it was the most fun they’d had in years (and they even got to complete their contract on Captain Helane!) After Port Hunding, Lambur somehow convinced them to help out with the troubles in Betnikh, where they destroyed the relic (No one should have that kind of power) Captain Kaleen reluctantly dropped them off at Daggerfall, where they were accidentally drawn into political schemings because they wanted to pet a cute doggy. It felt nice saving someone for once, so they decided to try and turn their life around. They took up a new title (The Spekter, Hero of Daggerfall), changed their looks, and bribed a contact at the outlaw’s refuge to convince someone with the DB that they had died in the ship wreck on the way to Port Hunding. They would still kill for Sithis, to avoid his Wraiths of Wrath, but no longer would they be the Dark Brotherhood’s puppet. They offered their allegiance to King Casimir, and worked their way across Glenumbra, using their assassination skills for good. They took an immediate dislike to Darien, who for some reason thought it was a good idea to try to bed a random stranger in a city overrun with werewolves. After the finale in Glenumbra, they went to Stormhaven to continue serving, and became one of King Emeric’s favored assets. But it was Rivenspire that had the biggest effect on them. After saving Stormhaven from Vaermina’s plot, they went to Rivenspire at King Emeric’s request. Of course, Darien was there to bother them, but they had to agree with his whole “no talking, pretty lady says sleepy time” after that run in with the bloodfiends. And Count Verandis Ravenwatch just had such a soothing personality, he was so nice, and he said he was proud of them. The good and nice father figure they’d always wanted. They wanted to be someone he was proud of. Meeting House Ravenwatch was the best moment in their life (so far) Everyone was so nice! And helping Adusa counter the Bloodfiend army and the Montclair loyalists made them feel like a good person. It was finally like having a real family, so unlike what the Dark Brotherhood had offered. And it was over in a flash. When Verandis spoke to them at the Doomcrag, and told them of what he had done, the pact with Molag Bal, their heart broke. He teleported them outside before they could protest, and they cried as they told Gwendis what happened. They attended the coronation, of course. They had to. They gave their input, but they were still grieving. They almost had a family, and then it was gone. They slipped out during the celebrations, and ran off to skulk back in Glenumbra. Eventually, they ran into Lyris Titanborn, helped her investigate the Icereach Coven, and saved King Jorunn. They at some point after the Doomcrag became a vampire. They thought about going to House Ravenwatch, but when Lyris contacted them about heading to Western Skyrim to continue the investigation, they knew they had to go. They immediately trusted Fennorian upon meeting him outside Kilkreath, especially when he mentioned being with House Ravenwatch. When they found Exarch Tzinghalis during “The Vampire Scholar” it was just. On Sight. They just rushed in and ripped him to shreds when they saw what he was doing to Fenn. They have nightmares about what they heard and saw. Over the course of Greymoor, they found themself falling for Fennorian, which confused and stressed them.
This will be updated once I finish Greymoor and play Markarth. For now I plan on having them confess their feelings either between Greymoor and Markarth, or at the end of Markarth. Also need to finalize the story of their becoming a vampire.
They are ADHD, Autistic, and struggle with Depression
So far the only people who know their name and not just their titles are: -Verandis Ravenwatch -Adusa-daro -Gwendis -Heloise Menoit -Captain Jenaeve -Fennorian -Svana -Lyris Titanborn (These are also the only ones who currently have permission to use He/Him pronouns for them)
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