augusthex · 6 years
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AUGUST FOREST ( CISMALE & HE/HIM )? oh, aren’t they the 22 year old LIGHT WITCH who works as EMBALMER at THE MORTUARY? word on the streets is that they are SMART & INTUITIVE, but they can also be ANXIOUS & NOSY. by the way, they look eerily similar to TOM HOLLAND, don’t they?
August was born in a middle class family that was all pretty and normal… until you caught the family doing rituals under the full moon, summoning dark forces and writing down gruesome spells. If you enter the Forest household, it is more like entering the Addams House revamped.
They used to live in Canada, but when August was around three years old, they moved to Fairview to escape from the big cities and the public eye that was already suspicious about the family; but why?
The Forests come from a lineage of dark witches that have always been proud of their magic abilities and their chaotic nature. It wasn’t weird that they took no time to stir up some stress and rumors after people disappeared near the Forests house. Not willing to deal with the responsibility, they moved to Fairview.
August, opposite to the rest of his family, always showed an innocent and kind nature. He was overly curious about everything and loved spending time outside. Since he was very young, he was taught black magic and its history, but the boy always found it weird, unnecessary and quite dangerous.
The only person who understood August’s point of view, was his great grandmother who encouraged him to pursue white magic if he preferred to do so. Unfortunately, she passed away when he was thirteen, so the rest of his big family went back to push him into the dark arts. His parents and grandparents even prohibited him of practicing white magic within the walls of the house, which only pushed August to spend way less time at home and more time outside to practice.
As soon as he was done in the local college studying history (mostly because there wasn’t much else that caught his attention), August was sent to work at the mortuary not only because the Forests embraced their grim aesthetic, but also because the owners of the Mortuary sometimes allowed them to take a bone or two for their rituals. They also joined Ezra Astor’s coven.
He was basically a sunshine child, jumping around the garden and befriending animals. He was confident and happy, but as he grew up and after his great grandma died, the stress his family induced in him was so much that he became an anxious boy, always looking behind his back getting sure none of his nosy cousins were spying on him just to tell his parents later. Always preferring white magic, August grew stigmatized since it had never been practiced in his family; they were all proud dark witches (Think a bit of a pureblood family in the Harry Potter world, having a half-blood or a mudblood in their ranks).
He is very curious, to the point of being nosy as well, but never with bad intentions. He is very interested in every little mystery or crime that happens in the small town. Usually bullied, August developed some tolerance for pain and a knack for healing spells, although they backfire every now and then, specially when he lacks confidence. Because of the same reason, he has good stamina, always running away from his bigger cousins, but don’t make him play a sport because he will fail miserably. In general, August is very prone to get in trouble, always being at the wrong place at the wrong time, which definitely doesn’t help to his already nervous behavior. His biggest weakness is the lack of confidence in his magic, specially because deep inside, he knows he should follow his fam’s footsteps; so even though he focuses in white magic, he learned a weak trick or two of black magic just so his family doesn’t complain. Still, he sometimes is tempted by black magic, since some things are waaaay easier with a demon’s power around.
He has notes written on his hands and arms for when he doesn’t have paper and pen close (he forgets to use his phone).
Most likely crying when you are not seeing him.
He bites his nails out of anxiety and sometimes chews the loosen skin from his lower lip.
Crushes easily on pretty girls that are nice to him (or just pretty girls in general).
Wanted to be a superhero when he was little.
Thinks werewolves as cool. He is scared of vampires.
Cat person, but allergic.
Doesn’t like being called Auggie, but everybody does it anyways so he stopped complaining.
He would have liked to study criminology, but since he couldn’t, he tries to read everything related to that.
Still has his first Pokemon sticker album.
Has more sweaters and hoodies than anything else.
The first time he discovered he had magic, he was playing to be Harry Potter and shook a stick and boom! Teddy bear gone. (His great grandma got him another one afterwards and he still has it too).
Best black magic done when really angry or sad.
Best white magic done when really happy AND confident about it.
Virgin obvs. Never have had a girlfriend even.
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wolfbrn-blog · 6 years
EEP HI. i’m faith !!  and this is my smol !! i hope you grow to love him as much as i do! <3  before i get started i just wanna thank everyone for being super welcoming already! it’s been like a year since i’ve done any group roleplays and i’m super excited to be doing this one with you all! <3 okay !! onto the facts about my baby. :)) (  aLSO IF YOU WANNA PLOT HIT THE HEART <3 AND I WILL POP UP TO PLOT. :))) ) 
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NAME.     alexander jay blake.
NICKNAME.     A.J // blake // sharky (a nickname he’d been given when he first joined the pack. it stuck.) 
AGE.    27.
BIRTHDATE.    january 13th 1997.
ORIENTATION.    pansexual.
OCCUPATION.     bartender.
HEIGHT.   5'9.
WEIGHT.    165ibs.
EYES.    blue.
HAIR.   brown.  
CLOTHING STYLE. he’s very stereotypical ‘bad boy’ in the way he dresses. leather jackets and dark jeans. sometimes you’ll find him in a flannel or a gray tee-shirt.
OVERALL PERSONALITY.  without knowing him, the real him. most would say he’s the stereotypical asshole. someone no one wants to be friends with, someone most people would hate.  it’s true, he’s a dick. but a lot of it is a front. his personality, like most people’s, is very layered. on the outer he is very crude and snarky. living and breathing sass. as you get to know him and dig deeper you’ll come to learn things like.. he’s kind to animals and children alike. that he has a passion for music and while he can’t play any instruments he could listen to instrumentals for HOURS.  or you’d learn silly little things like he hates ice cream but he loves frozen yogurt. chocolate is his worst enemy, the taste is vile to him. he’s one of those people that to see past the walls that they’ve built. to actually like them you have to stick with it. you have to get past his snark. you have to learn to love it, even.  only then will you see any of the positive things about him. 
POSITIVE TRAITS.    like i said above, you really have to get to know him to see his positive traits. his front, his armor, is all bad. but once he lets you in you’ll find things like: he’s silly, he loves to laugh and will do anything to make his friends laugh, even if it’s at his own expense. he loves to smile and does it as often as possible in close company. he’s loyal and VERY protective over those he care’s about. animals will always hold a spot in his heart. he loves dogs and cats alike. he loves kids and they tend to really like him too, despite his mildly frightening appearance. 
NEGATIVE TRAITS.     as a front, he has quite a few negative traits. he’s harsh to almost everyone, cruel and he makes no use of his verbal filter. which, contrary to popular belief, he does have one.  he’s been a fighter since he was young, trained in boxing and shit like that. so he’s fairly skilled in that department. he has a lot of fun with the fighting ring in the back of the quarter moon. 
BAD HABITS.    chewing his lips, tugging on his hair. he fiddles a lot when he’s uncomfortable. and ofc, he curses a lot. 
EYES. his eyes are a BEAUTIFUL shade of blue, flecked with dark gray specks that make them look a bit more blue / gray than just blue. his eyelashes are long and dark. enough to make woman jealous. his eye shape is very complimenting to his features, minus the fact that they could be considered just a bit small. 
LIPS.  he has a scar that goes just down the edge of his top lip, splitting it almost permanently. it’s not really noticeable except in certain lights. - though you’ll find him pointing it out more often than not because he’s proud of it. 
BUILD. he doesn’t have a big muscle-y build. he’s long and lanky, but just because his body doesn’t really show his strength doesn’t mean it isn’t there. 
his mom and dad were highschool sweethearts, much to both of their families dismay. they hated each other and it eventually led to their kids ( his parents. ) moving across the country to be away from them. to be finally happy. 
it worked, for awhile. they did well. had a nice house, a dog. both had good jobs. and then his mother fell pregnant with him and they were so excited. they told their families, just with the hopes that they would finally accept them. they didn’t care. 
unphased by their families decision. they had alex and moved on. 
it was perfect. until he was six. his first sleepover. 
everything about it should’ve been fine. he was at his best friends house, they had so much fun. and then.. it was time to sleep... 
he thought he would be fine, like he really, really did. but.. it started storming and he hated storms and so.. in his panic he made them call his parents and his mother gladly got up and got dressed and got him. it was two am and foggy and storming and it was a saturday night. 
you can probably see where this is going. his mom got hit head on by a drunk driver. she was killed instantly. 
his father spiraled after that. he’d never been the healthiest mentally, his wife had kept him together for the most part and now she was gone and he was stuck trying to raise a six year old boy by himself. 
he couldn’t do it. 
he gave their dog up for adoption and he sold the house. he uprooted alex and then they were off. they moved to fairview. where no one really paid much attention to the new arrivals. they lived on the outskirts of town. barely noticeable. he held a job for awhile. but he was drinking heavily by this point. 
it was okay at first. his father tried. but the further into his alcoholism he drank himself the more he couldn’t help but blame alex for the loss of his wife. 
the abuse was slow, it didn’t start right away. nor was it ever really bad. mostly just neglect and harsh words. his father was never physically abusive, it just wasn’t in his nature. ( until the other was old enough to fight back... but i’ll get to that. ) 
 it just started with occasionally locking him in his bedroom without dinner...
he never allowed the kid to go anywhere, not that he ever really made friends in fairview anyway. 
being the outcast had it’s perks, no one really wanted to go near him. which meant he was never really bullied, he was mostly just left alone. allowed to live in peace. 
at around seventeen, the abuse changed, more on the physical side. trying to start fights with the boy. alex very rarely fought back, but when he did it almost always ended worse than what it would’ve if he’d have just taken it. 
he moved out very soon after that though, so it wasn’t that bad. 
soon after he moved out he got his job at the den, where he finally felt at home. he loved the people there and really took to it. 
since moving out of his fathers, he’s definitely come out of his shell a bit. working at the den and dealing with people every day has certainly helped.  
( full bio will be up on his blog asap. but this will have to do for now ! :) ) 
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svlene · 6 years
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SELENE KIM ( CIS FEMALE & SHE/HERS )? oh, aren’t they the TWENTY-FIVE (510) year old VAMPIRE who works as a BARTENDER at ELSWOOD’S? word on the streets is that they are INDEPENDENT & ASTUTE, but they can also be CALCULATING & RETICENT. by the way, they look eerily similar to LEE SUNG-KYUNG, don’t they? ( izzie / 21 / pst / she/hers )
give this a like if you want to plot and i’ll hit you up!
FULL NAME: selene kim /  kim seol-hee  AGE: 25 ( 510 )  PRONOUNS / GENDER: cis female / she/hers SPECIES: vampire HOUSING: she lives in halkirk, because as much as she likes mansions, she lives alone and such a large house like the ones in rosehill would be too empty. she has a nice apartment in one of the wealthier complexes, and it’s very well-furnished ( read: expensive furniture ). FAMILY: she has no surviving family that she knows of because she’s a vampire and lost contact with her mother centuries ago. she’s never been pregnant, either, so she doesn’t have descendants from one of her previous relationships back when she was human. if she has any living relatives, she doesn’t know about them. she’s fine that way. it’s less attachments to worry about. BACKSTORY: 
in 1508, kim seol-hee was born in the honam region, inheriting her mother’s beauty and grace. she would later show she had taken after her father’s ruthlessness and ambition, though she would never meet him — he was a nobleman and her mother, his lover and a kisaeng ( an entertainer & courtesan )
because seol-hee’s mother was a kisaeng, she was to become one too. she was educated in various disciplines, including prose, poetry, music, dance, medicine, and needlework. by the age of 18, she had surpassed her mother in skill and popularity, and became renowned for her poetry and singing voice. she went from entertaining in the honam region to the courts seoul because of her talents, and though the training was stricter, it was a better opportunity.
she took several lovers over the years, scholars and former soldiers and government officials, and while men wanted her, none would really have her. not until she met jong-yul, a very rich, very charismatic scholar. they spent a significant amount of time together, and he promised her something better than wealth and prosperity—immortality. seol-hee agreed; ever opportunistic, she knew she wasn’t getting any younger. and then what would she do? retire and run a tavern like her mother? become a concubine like her friend? ( if she wanted that, she would’ve done it already. )
so he turned her into a vampire, and that was that. in an ideal situation, they would’ve traveled together, but life wasn’t a dream and he wasn’t her savior—nor did she need one. he said he’d meet her again someday, and so they parted ways. three years later, she faked her death, left kim seol-hee to only be remembered by her poems and talents, and resurfaced in another city under a new name.
she did this for several decades, doing what she did best: entertaining and seducing, though with the added occupations of political informant and occasional murderess. with her clientele, ~important~ people she socialized with, and her tendency to frequent guest houses and taverns, she had a wealth of information at her fingertips that was all too easy to collect. as for the killings—it was also too easy to bleed choice victims dry ( ie, japanese generals during the japanese invasions of 1592 - 1598 ).
at the turn of the 17th century, she traveled to china with a dignitary; it was time to leave korea for somewhere new. she grew tired of the chinese official, and traveled through china, sometimes as the lover of a nobleman or scholar. some years later, she met jong-yul again, and they began to travel together. there’s something to be said about having a constant in a world where everyone around you grows old, and jong-yul would become that for her.
they set their sights on europe, and hitched a ride on the ship of portuguese merchants. she befriended an astronomer, who taught her portuguese. she would go on collecting several languages over the centuries to come, including mandarin and cantonese chinese, english, spanish, french, german, japanese, and italian. she has since smoothed the accent from her voice.
at this point, she’d amassed more than a fair amount of wealth from her conquests. she and jong-yul spent their travels pretending to be visiting nobles or whatever they needed to be; they took and shared lovers; she immersed herself in the art movements of the years, becoming a singer, a dancer, a writer, a muse; she did whatever she wanted because she could. she continued to trade information for favors and money. she took different names with different cities. she slipped into new roles as easily as slipping into a new dress.
in the middle of the 19th century, jong-yul disappeared. of course, she was angry and despondent, but still, she carried on. perhaps they would meet again, like he promised ( or perhaps he was dead. there were vampire hunters out there, no? ) she went from milan to paris just as the belle epoque began, where she was once again a performer and courtesan. it was what she loved, after all.
during wwii, she was a spy for the allies because of her intelligence, fluency in several languages, and inability to die ( though as if any humans knew this ). she traveled across europe, collecting intel through her own methods as well as her many connections. for a centuries-old vampire, it was a quick, though devastating, four years, watching the world pass through cruel hands yet again. she was glad when korea is liberated from the japanese, though the aftermath still broke her heart when her country was torn in two. 
she continued moving around the world, changing names as easily as she changes clothes, settling in california for a few years before moving back to france, then to portugal, germany, singapore, then in south korea. she went back and forth to avoid suspicion that she looked the same after ten or so years ( she’s just effortlessly youthful, you know ). her occupations range from translator to dancer to informant to socialite to anything she wishes. she has a lot of time and money on hand to develop skills, after all.
somehow, she ends up in fairview. it’s full of small town charm and perhaps something more interesting, and it makes a good place to lie low for a while. she’s not part of the elswood coven, she just kinda works at the bar because she needs something to do.
she’s vivacious, independent, and charming, chasing after thrill and indulgence, but also selfish, vain, and calculating. generally an outgoing & lovely woman until you cross her, and is particularly ruthless when it comes to getting what she wants. knows a lot of secrets about a lot of people. tries her best not to raise suspicion, and lives life as a seemingly normal, but very rich and rather flippant human. gets her blood through various…connections, whether that’s a hospital or somewhere else. the red wine in her glass is most definitely not a nice merlot.
flirty as hell, but also knows not to get attached since, y’know, immortality and her partner disappeared without a word decades ago so she’s still kind of bitter about that!! enjoys attention and companionship, basically. here for a good time and a long time. she also likes ~the art of conversation~ and learning about people. definitely into a good story, though it takes a lot to fully get her attention since she’s not easily impressed.
she has seen a lot. been through a lot. lived through a lot of history, so has zero time for bullshit. she’s also terribly, terribly bored, always looking for something new and interesting to take up her time. immortality can truly drag on.
Does your character have any nicknames? not really tbh. she’s not one for nicknames. she has a lot of names though from over the years (-:
Does your character have any distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc? she has two piercings on both her earlobes. no tattoos. 
What is your character like in relationships? Are they clingy? Faithful or unfaithful? Do they jump from one relationship to the other? Do they even have an interest in something romantic? faithful in the sense she’ll end the relationship once she’s bored rather than hang on and cheat behind their back ( though she’s certainly been unfaithful in the past ). she’s much fonder of arrangements that have no strings attached, so she can be with who she likes, when she likes. it doesn’t matter if a relationship lasted ten years or two months---once she’s grown tired of it, she’ll end it and move onto the next one. or be single for a while. it depends. romance does interest her to an extent, but she hasn’t been as in love as she was with jong-yul in a very long time. it’d take a very special being for her to give so much of herself to someone else again.
What kind of things does your character like? What do they dislike? she enjoys the finer things in life, like art, beautiful clothing, and jewelry. she has penchants for designer labels and vintage clothing, as well as obscure art spanning centuries. she loves traveling and exploring new cities; she likes architecture, languages, gambling, and reading; she still loves dancing and singing. she also likes technology for how innovative it is. she dislikes boredom, staying in one place for too long, and people getting too close to her. she hates nosy people, but she wouldn’t ever let someone know that. 
How does your character treat their friends and family? How about strangers? Enemies?  treats her friends very well. will give them gifts, will help them in their times of need, would kill for them. literally. she’s a very good friend ( and ally ) to have. she’s friendly and seemingly open to strangers, and is generally a vibrant, outgoing woman. you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, after all. as for enemies, she’s rather ruthless when dealing with them. if you’re on her bad side, you’ll know. also pretty fond of snide comments.
Where does your character go when they are angry? it’s a mystery
What is your character’s biggest fear? Who have they told this to? Who would they never tell this to? Why? she’s not really scared of much at this point. being killed would really suck, but she’s lived so long that death doesn’t particularly scare her either. fearlessness isn’t necessarily always a good thing, though.
Does your character have a secret? If so, what is it? what secrets doesn’t she have? one, her real name is kim seol-hee. she has spied for governments, spied for criminals. she has blackmailed numerous people and sold secrets and information to the highest bidder without regard for the consequences of the parties involved. she has killed not only to feed, but for money, for revenge, and she is not sorry for some of it. her wealth is certainly not built on virtue and taking the high road, and, well, she’s a vampire. depending on who she’s talking to, that might be the biggest secret of all.
Has your character ever been in love? Have they ever had a broken heart? she was in love with the vampire who turned her, as they spent numerous years together and formed an unbreakable bond---until he disappeared and broke her heart. she got over it. mostly. sometimes she gets angry at him for disappearing, and other times she grows despondent, afraid that he was killed by a hunter.
Does your character have any flaws? What are they? she’s self-serving, vain, selfish, ruthless, fickle. she’s a liar, and won’t hesitate to deceive someone to save herself. she’s not the most trustworthy, either, and her loyalty can sometimes only last so long. she’s awfully cynical, though she doesn’t show it.
What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting? 500 years has blurred memories, but sometimes, she’ll remember singing with her mother as a little girl. everyone starts somewhere, and despite their circumstances, her mother truly loved her and tried to give her the best she could.
vampire friends/allies --- as much as she keeps others at a certain length, it’d actually be nice to have friends who won’t die in a few decades. these could be vampires she’s known for a very, very long time, those she’s just recently struck up a friendship with, a new vampire she’s mentoring because sometimes she does nice things, etc. these could also be varying degrees of trust---maybe they’re proven loyal till the end, or they’re just around each other because it’s fun. or they relate to each on some vampiric level. 
acquaintances / friends --- she’s not trying to make her life difficult, so she’s a pretty friendly person until you piss her off. so these would be people she gets along with for whatever reason. also, human friends who think she’s human and she’s not doing a thing to correct them would be fun!!
interests --- she thinks you’re interesting/amusing and hangs around you for that reason.
enemies --- you got on her bad side for some reason, or she got on yours. or you just hate each other. also here for love/hate relationships with all that tension and ‘i hate you but i can’t stay away from you and arguing with you is really fun and also you’re kind of hot???’
other supernatural being shenanigans 
she hasn’t been in town as long as some other people ( i haven’t really figured it out yet, but she’s only been around for a few years, or maybe it’s one of those things where she pops in every couple decades ), and you don’t trust her. you think she’s hiding something and you aim to find out what’s behind the charming facade, and you’re sure all she’s feeding you are lies ( which is true ).
you’re at elswood’s and she’s bartending that night and now you’re drunkenly spilling all her problems to her. and you’d think all this years she’d get good at comforting people, but she’s not. she’s just good at faking it!
anything else!!! pls come to me w any ideas!!!
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ariesbled · 6 years
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CASSIUS FULGORA ( CIS MALE & HE/HIM )? oh, aren’t they the TWENTY-SEVEN year old SHAPESHIFTER who works as a BARTENDER at QUARTER MOON & ( PART-TIME ) PERSONAL TRAINER at PRIMAL FITNESS? word on the streets is that they are DRIVEN & RELIABLE, but they can also be RELENTLESS & ARROGANT. by the way, they look eerily similar to GREY DAMON, don’t they? ( admin karin / 20 / she/fae / aest )
FULL NAME: cassius evander fulgora. ( x. ) AGE: twenty-seven. PRONOUNS / GENDER: he/him / cis male. SPECIES: shapeshifter. HOUSING: rosehill, in an apartment with his girlfriend moon hana. FAMILY: born to claudio and anita fulgora, cassius is their eldest child. however, cassius views his half sister portia’s mother, merce as a mother of his own too. he also has one other sibling born to claudio and anita, five years younger than him.
they say that family shapes a person. and in cassius’ case, truer words have never been said. it is impossible to tell his story without telling the story of his family.
it started with a marriage proposal. almost thirty years ago, before his mother anita was pregnant with the boy that would be known to the world as cassius evander fulgora. a business deal had been struck between the fulgoras and the kleins. the eldest fulgora son, claudio was to marry the kleins’ only daughter. but he was in love with another then, a woman named merce. still, a deal was a deal, and claudio fulgora did not turn his back on promises.
and so anita and claudio got married, and a few months later, cassius was born. but it wasn’t until cassius was five, upon returning to fairview after the couple and their child spent a few months in germany, that anita learned claudio had another child. his ex lover came to their home, begging anita and claudio to please not hate her little daughter portia, only a few months older than cassius himself. and anita, despite her disappointment, could not help herself from falling in love with the little girl and feeling a kinship towards this girl’s mother. cassius, however, was a different story. while he was immediately fond of merce, the little girl his father made him call sister earned glares and scowls from him.
claudio and merce were over now. merce got pregnant before claudio married anita, before he fell in love with his wife. but it didn’t change the fact that the lives of these two families would always be intertwined, and in the future, cassius would think of them all as one family.
it was around the same time cassius first met his half-sister that his powers bloomed. something that, as a little boy, he enjoyed showing off to his sister. the only shapeshifters in the family were cassius and his father, and it always made him feel like he was special. it was difficult to control at first, but gradually, over time, his powers became less of a game and something that cassius truly cherished, something that he saw as a part of him rather than an extension of who he was.
at age twelve his father sent him to a boarding school in switzerland. but merce wouldn’t allow portia to get the same education claudio was offering cassius, and in his stubborness, cassius had refused more than a few years at the school, eventually returning to fairview to finish his high school education.
high school was when he met and befriended hana, a striking girl who like him, seemed to know that she was special and above everyone else. it was a gamble, really. they could’ve hated each other or became the best of friends, and somehow, they ended as allies, partners and friends. if there was a person he would call his soulmate, it would be hana.
they remained friends even when cassius left fairview again to go to university further up on the east coast. certainly, there were feelings involved that were a little more than friendship, but neither of them knew how to act on it. when cassius returned to fairview at last, one of the first things he found out that hana was in a relationship with someone else.
but soulmates always came back together. long story short, he and hana found each other again, and in the years to come, they would both become the best versions of each other. cassius, ever the arrogant and stubborn fighter, would eventually find work at the quarter moon ( he says it’s because it has moon in its name, which so happens to be hana’s last name ) where he bartends but more importantly, where he is close to the exclusive fight ring in fairview. it was the perfect mix of elegance and violence alike.
tldr; he has a pretty standard backstory, but it shaped cassius into the person who he is today.
there’s no easy way to describe cassius. he’s an arrogant asshole, he’s a person who wants more, who is greedy for power and glory. he’s quick-witted, clever, in the way that he could be a strategist for war. he could be a child of the god of war himself, lord ares. he is driven, passionate and once he has a goal set in mind, he would strive at it until he could grasp it and taste it on his tongue. he is ruled by a strict moral code, although his codes aren’t the ideal or best ones. still, he adheres to his code, knowing full well that he isn’t a good person. on the moral alignment scale, cassius is lawful evil, if you will.
but above all, love drives him. his love for the ones closest to him trumps everything, and despite his greediness and his selfishness, it is all driven by love. he fights, he bleeds for the people that he loves. love makes him selfish because he can’t bear the idea of losing his loved ones, and he would do anything and everything for them.
to sum it up, here is an excerpt from an explanation i had of cassius: “cassius evander fulgora is sensitive but not soft, lawful but not law-abiding, bold and brazen but not brave, and above all, he is a good brother, son, friend, husband and father, but not a good man.”
Does your character have any nicknames? the people closest to cassius are allowed to call him cas. for the most part, only his family does. there’s also evander, his middle name. an old nickname, given by a childhood best friend from the town he came from.
Does your character have any distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc? curled dragon wings tattooed onto his back, gotten when he was twenty. they’re done in black and white, and take up most of his upper back.
What is your character like in relationships? Are they clingy? Faithful or unfaithful? Do they jump from one relationship to the other? Do they even have an interest in something romantic? cassius has been steadily in a relationship with moon hana for two years now. he doesn’t fall in love easy, but when he does, it’s intense and all consuming. hana is cassius’ world, and he knows that he wants to be hers forever.
What kind of things does your character like? What do they dislike? cassius was born a fighter. if you ask me to define him in one word, it would be that. so it’s no strange thing that he enjoys fighting at the ring down in the quarter moon, but verbal arguments ( so long as they’re not completely pointless ) also give him satisfaction. other things he likes includes but are not limited to: his girlfriend hana, mornings, italian cuisine, the art of war by sun tzu, running/jogging, books ( particularly non fiction ones ), hitting up the gym. one of cassius’ biggest dislikes is smoking and cigarettes, and he does not tolerate with people who smoke near him.
How does your character treat their friends and family? How about strangers? Enemies? the thing about cassius fulgora is that nothing he does is by halves. for him, it’s all or nothing. love, hate — you name it. it’s all the same. he’s intense, passionate and full of fire. when he loves someone, he loves them so fiercely. he is loyal to his family first and foremost ( the list includes friends closest to him and his girlfriend hana ), and he would do anything for them. while he too is loyal to his friends, if they threatened his family, he would drop them in a heartbeat. strangers, he keeps at arm length until they prove themselves. enemies? he would burn the world to burn them. just as he loves, he hates with a passion too.
Where does your character go when they are angry? the ring or the gym sometimes, and other times? home. to hana.
What is your character’s biggest fear? Who have they told this to? Who would they never tell this to? Why? perhaps to some it was a strange fear, but cassius’ biggest fear has always been total blindness. it’s no big secret either, if anyone asks he would tell them about it. but it also isn’t something he advertises, considering that it’s difficult to explain that his fear is stemmed from the fact that that sort of darkness would suffocate him.
Does your character have a secret? If so, what is it? tba, i can’t think of one.
Has your character ever been in love? Have they ever had a broken heart? cassius has had a few crushes here and there, some more intense than others. but the first time his heart felt like it belonged to another was when he fell in love with hana in high school. it was almost too late when he realised it, away from fairview for university and coming back only to see her with another on her arm. it almost broke his heart too, if it wasn’t for the fact that he and hana came back to each other in the end.
Does your character have any flaws? What are they? he likes to act like he’s better than everyone else, but cassius is incredibly flawed. he has a temper, he’s stubborn and he does everything in extremes. too much is what he is. he knows this too, and while he hates how it drives some people away and he fears that it’ll drive his loved ones away one day, he isn’t exactly sure how to stop. he is empty, and the only way he knows to fill himself is to become too much.
What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting? there are probably more than one, but the moment his half sister walked into his home changed cassius’ life. they go a long way, but that day was the day that cassius added two more people into his list of family.
enemies. people he hates, and people who probably hate him back. whether it’s petty hateship, or whether they truly are a dangerous person or perhaps someone he’s made fun of in high school. anything goes for this.
frenemies. he probably has a lot of these, especially werewolves who fight in the ring as he does, or wolves who frequent the gym he sometimes works at. while he has a grudging respect for them, they’re werewolves, and he’s a shapeshifter. they’re meant to be at odds despite being two sides of the same coin. 
coworkers. both primal fitness or quarter moon, if your character works there, hit me up.
regular customers. similarly, if your character frequents the gym or the quarter moon, then they would probably be well acquainted with cassius too. a plot i’d also like is someone who has cassius as a personal trainer at the primal fitness.
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thesilvertides · 6 years
FULL NAME: Lilith Miriam Baines
AGE: 28
PRONOUNS / GENDER: Cis woman. She/her
SPECIES: Human/Hunter.
HOUSING: Lilith rents a house in Halkirk, close to the Baines residence.
FAMILY: Lilith is the eldest daughter of the Baines family. She has a tense relationship with her parents.
- Asher Baines: Asher is her second youngest sibling and she still thinks of him as her baby brother despite him being an adult. She's protective and motherly towards him.
BACKSTORY: Lilith was treated like a second mother to the Baines children. This, plus the fact that when she was a kid they were constantly moving around and training to fight the supernatural, makes her feel as though she was robbed of a childhood.
Lilith didn't realize her childhood experiences weren't normal until she went to college for a year and actually wound up socializing with people her age outside of the hunting community. She wound up dropping out of college after her first year, the natural troubles of being a hunter wound up being too much to balance with the college life, but the discovery of the lifestyles and choices that she was never given created a permanent divide between her and her parents.
PERSONALITY: Lilith is a deeply angry person. The realization that she can never be anything other than a Hunter has left her deeply upset and nihilistic, bordering on depression.
However, at her core she is a compassionate individual. Having six younger siblings has given her a permanent motherly instincts, and she is quick to jump to the defense of anyone she believes to be vulnerable or in need of help.
Lilith's training as a Hunter has made her quick-thinking, and good under pressure. She is decisive and adaptable, and once she has decided on a course of action she will carry it through to the end.
Does your character have any nicknames?
Her siblings, and her siblings alone, are allowed to call her "Lil". No one is allowed to call her Lily and god help them if they try.
Does your character have any distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc?
Lilith has a black labrys tattooed on her right wrist, and an eyebrow piercing over her right eye. She wears an ear cuff on her left ear.
Lilith has a long scar going from the bottom center of her ribs to her left hip. She doesn't mind showing it though, a scar isn't gonna stop her from showing off her muscles.
What is your character like in relationships? Are they clingy? Faithful or unfaithful? Do they jump from one relationship to the other? Do they even have an interest in something romantic?
Lilith has never been in a serious romantic relationship, but she is the kind to be faithful and commited to her partner. Not necessarily clingy, but she does love being shown affection.
What kind of things does your character like? What do they dislike?
Lilith likes listening to songs that have stories to tell, exercising, reading fiction, respectfully taking up space, riding her motorcycle, and the atmosphere of coffee shops.
She dislikes petty drama, sudden loud noises, aggressive men, passive-aggressive behaviour, wearing makeup, olives, and the smell of fish.
How does your character treat their friends and family? How about strangers? Enemies?
Lilith is protective and caring towards anyone she cares about. Her lifestyle hasn't allowed her to make any close friends, but she hopes to change that since she plans to stay in Fairview. She generally treats strangers with empathy and compassion, unless she deems them to be a threat. She treats aggressive men with challenge.
Lilith treats her enemies coldly, no longer allowing them access to the desire to help and protect that she feels for other people. She is merciless and calculating when dealing with them, but waits for them to strike first.
Where does your character go when they are angry?
She usually goes to the gym. But if not the gym she'll go home and just play the guitar as loudly as she can.
What is your character’s biggest fear? Who have they told this to? Who would they never tell this to? Why?
Her biggest fear is that her siblings, or someone else, will die because of her failure to protect them. She hasn't shared this with anyone, and would never admit it to her siblings since she doesn't want to put that burden on them.
She is also afraid of mistaking an innocent person for a malicious supernatural being, and directly harming them.
Does your character have a secret? If so, what is it?
The only real secret she has is that she's a Hunter.
Has your character ever been in love? Have they ever had a broken heart?
She's never been in love, but she has had passing crushes on many of the girls in her classes when she was younger.
Does your character have any flaws? What are they?
She has a tendency to look for fights. She's bitter about being stuck in her lifestyle and wallows in that anger if she's alone for too long. She acts recklessly as a roundabout way of taking out her aggression as if that will hurt her parents.
What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?
When she first hit a perfect target with a throwing knife. It was the payoff of a lot of hard work, and she was filled with pride and delight at her accomplishment.
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namheeyoung-blog · 6 years
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FULL NAME: nam heeyoung  AGE: twenty - six / one hundred - six. PRONOUNS / GENDER: she / her / cisfemale. SPECIES: vampire. HOUSING: a quaint one - bedroom apartment in halkirk, rent paid in cash on the 1st of every month.
having been born an only child and turned soon after her 26th birthday, heeyoung outlived her parents and most close relatives. while her biological family is unfortunately no longer given the nature of her supernatural status, she surrounds herself with acquaintances to form what she dubs a ‘ found family. ‘
heeyoung born to two well - meaning, though slightly over - protective parents in a small town just outside of new york city in 1912. having come to the country shortly before 1910 -- notable for the immigration halt -- her parents ran a restaurant to make ends meet, often teetering a baby - talking heeyoung in one harm while carrying a plate with the other. though her parents were often busy, a side effect of running a business, she grew up loved, always sure of her importance in her parents’ lives. for all intents and purposes, she was their princess, and their modest home was a modern, albeit modest, castle.
though it likely wasn’t her parents’ intention, heeyoung grew sheltered in the confines of the family business. when she was old enough to work, she began her shifts at the restaurant and was left with little time to enjoy simply being a kid. her youth came and went, but that child - like innocence, a product of her upbringing, remained. it would break her parents’ hearts if she were to ever leave, their only daughter and hope for continuing on the family legacy running out, but she longed for the freedom outside of four-walls and a town that felt stifling. what was a princess with a castle, without a prince?
he was a customer, blonde and blue - eyed and everything that her father, in all of his wisdom, was careful to remind her to stay away from. he was dangerous, aloof with a grin and a sly glance. it began as a tryst, his visits becoming routine and the notes passed back and forth, dropped on the table with whatever scraps they could find. she never questioned skin that was cool to the touch, the way he only ever seemed to pick at his food. she never questioned the ring, glinting in the sunlight like a secret. for the first time, she felt hopeful that there was something else out there, something beyond the known. he promised her forever and she never asked twice. 
her poor parents bawled and begged when she told them about the boy who promised her forever, promised to whisk her away and make for a better life. he’d come into some inheritance, and they’d have to lay low, but it was something more... something better than a stationary life going nowhere fast. her father kissed her forehead, both her cheeks while her mother’s hands clasped one of her own, and reminded her that promises could be broken -- that things weren’t always what they seemed. that their princess, their precious princess, deserved only the world and she ought to be sure she was going to get it. 
she signed on the dotted line without a second thought, chin upturned and neck exposed. he bled her dry soon after her 26th birthday, stilling the clock and stilling her heart. when she awoke, thirsty for something she couldn’t bring herself to name, the realization of what she’d done begun to sink in. and when he told her this was the end of the line, that she’d served her purpose to him only days later... he stilled her heart and broke it all the same.
the years after blurred. she supposes she’s one of the lucky ones, one of the lucky ones who’d managed to find their way without their maker’s guiding hand. he’d disappeared without a trace, though she’d never stopped being haunted by that head of blonde hair and that sick, sick smile. it wasn’t long before the need for revenge began to bloom and flower in her chest, the idea of what she would do if ever presented the opportunity taking root in her mind. she savored the thought, the possibilities. he’d destroyed her deepest desires, made a joke of her wildest fantasies. he’d taken and taken and taken until there was nothing left to give, until she’d left her mortality lying at his feet. gone was the sweet little girl who’d wanted nothing more than to be wanted, nothing more than something more than the hand she was dealt. how could she be blamed for the desperation to make him pay when he’s the one that created this monster?
heeyoung is incredibly blunt, veering on abrasive ruthlessness, and rarely with good intentions. she lacks the ability to believably sugar - coat her words, preferring a direct and often painful approach. while she attributes this to her hatred of ‘beating around the bush,’ her intentions are frankly more sinister: she enjoys coaxing the brief crest-fallen looks that come with every well - timed low blow, enjoys the downcast eyes and somber air. she refuses to handle others with kid gloves, and after all, the world never sugar-coated itself for her.
she’s manipulative in nature, often employing others to do her bidding for her. she thrives on chaos of her own creation to cure her boredom -- she doesn’t seem to understand that just because you can, doesn’t always mean that you should. she enjoys exerting her will on situations and she relishes the control. neutral evil at best, chaotic evil at worst.
her ability to conceal her emotions often leads to others not quite being sure what to expect. what’s going on in that pretty little head of hers? what is she thinking? what is she feeling? the air of mystery is so carefully constructed, the girl she once was -- the girl who longed for happiness and freedom, the girl who longed for something so much more -- concealed by a grim facade. in truth, her personality is a myth, a survival tactic. it’s unclear if that little girl so desperately naive still lingers somewhere down deep, and even more unclear if that girl will ever make an appearance again. 
if you’d like to keep your head, no nicknames allowed. however, if you’re feeling particularly daring and want to press her buttons, spin the wheel and see if she responds. 
devoid of tattoos and piercings other than the standard ears, there’s nothing particularly distinguishing about her, save for a small mole at the outer edge of her left eyebrow.
heeyoung is careful to always hold herself at arms’ length. while she’s had the occasional tryst throughout her life, her motivations have stemmed from a place of boredom rather than genuine desire for a relationship. though it’s been over a hundred years since the betrayal that changed her life, her supernatural identity serves as a constant reminder of what she went through. a romantic relationship would nearly require an act of god, a bond that awakens the part of her she’s longed to keep at rest -- relationships with mortal beings are fleeting, temporary. and the last person to promise her forever... well, you can see why she’s not keen on it.
heeyoung is quite the fan of mystery. not only a good novel, but also in the way she presents and carries herself. she prides herself on being always out of reach, on having at least one card tight to her chest. she derives pleasure from being a woman unknown -- the girl known by everyone and yet, known by no one. in addition, she loves a good horror movie and a quiet night in. she wouldn’t say no to a little chaos, either. she has a taste for luxury items, though never overly extravagant or flashy -- she prefers understated to overstated. and of course, a little fresh blood seems like a no - brainer. 
her dislikes are a never - ending list of pet peeves. account for the usual “talking with the mouth full” and add the curve - ball “messy feeders.” she hardly tolerates fakeness, with a hint of irony given that much of her appearance to the world is a facade. boredom is impossible to deal with. 
bold of anyone to assume she has friends.
her biggest fear is simply... what happens when it’s over? so much of her life has been dedicated to extracting revenge on what had been done to her, on finding her once lover and forcing him to pay for his crimes. so what happens when it’s over? where does she go, what will she do? without that drive, what else is left? she fears the inevitable sense of emptiness where the fulfillment should be. because while this thing feels so big, so overwhelming, so huge in her life... it’s so small in the greater aspect of her eternity. and so she grapples with what will happen when it’s over, how she’ll feel and what she’ll do. 
it’s something she’s never told anyone. it’s something she barely wants to admit to herself. 
her biggest secret parallels her biggest fear. it’s so heavily intertwined that one cannot be separated from the other. she refuses to allow anyone to know just how closely her vulnerability lies to the surface.
heeyoung’s been in love once. nothing more, nothing less. no one had caught her eye before him, and she’d never allow herself to fall for someone after. the first and only time cost her her mortality -- she’s not interested in seeing what the price would be next time.
while she’d say that her heart isn’t broken, she’s never allowed herself to fully grieve what was lost -- her heart broke the day she woke up alone, immortal and damned, and it’s never recovered. her desire for revenge sat in the space where the hurt should have been. it was easier to be angry, easier to hate than it was to mourn. to an extent, though she’s so far removed, her heart still is a little broken.
her desire to keep everything hidden and remain a mystery. it’s impossible to let anyone in, because she’s terrified of getting hurt. more so than that, she’s terrified of losing someone after allowing them into her life. she’s not interested in temporary and fleeting things -- allowing someone in for the lifespan of a human when her forever stretches far beyond feels pointless. additionally, her ruthless and manipulative nature, as well as her selfishness.
acutely, she remembers every aspect of telling her parents all about this boy who was going to whisk her away, make for a better life. she remembers lamenting on how he promised her forever -- their own little inside joke -- and how her parents had warned her, almost knowingly, to be careful, that things weren’t always what they seemed.
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AGE: 46
PRONOUNS / GENDER:  She/her, cis woman
HOUSING: Wen has had a living space for herself built into Flo's Motel.
FAMILY: Wen has an older brother who has been missing, and presumed dead, for 20 years. He vanished in Fairview and she has spent the past two decades trying to find him. They were very close and she used to look up to him.
She also has a mother and father who she keeps in touch with on occasion. They have a loving but somewhat distant relationship.
BACKSTORY: Wen's childhood was relatively uneventful. Her and her family lived in the same neighbourhood for her childhood and adolescence, so she stayed in school with the friends she made in primary school. After graduating highschool, she went to a non-prestigious but still good university to persue a degree in communications. Her brother, who had moved to Fairview after graduating, went missing while she was doing her master's degree. The search for him ended before she finished her master's program, and he was officially presumed dead.
Immediately after the official search for her brother ended, Wen dropped out and her search began. She moved to Fairview and took up a job as an editor for the Fairview Times. Realizing that that alone wouldn't be enough to keep her housed and pay off her student debts, Wen took a second job working at Flo's Motel. The former owner, a reserved woman who wasn't one for small talk, left the motel to Wen after her retirement. They have not kept in touch.
Wen has spent the last 20 years desperately searching for her brother in secret, while maintaining the persona she has built for herself. Her search has been inconvenienced by the fact that she can not directly ask for information or let anyone know that she even wants information, since she is certain that whoever was involved in her brothers disappearance wouldn't take well to her looking for him. She instead gathers information by partaking in town gossip, and acting as a friendly ear for anyone who needs it. She also uses her job as an editor to investigate old records and buried stories, under the guise of a woman curious about the town's history. She allows shady activity in her motel because she finds the trouble it attracts advantageous to her search, meanwhile the suspicious people staying there make her seem normal and throw anyone who might be suspicious of her off her trail.
PERSONALITY: Wen protrays herself to be energetic, charismatic, and a bit of a story teller. She behaves like someone who is fascinated with gossip for gossips sake. In reality, Wen is exhausted. She feels lost and hopeless and as if she is grasping at empty air to find what she's looking for. She is determined never to stop looking for her brother until she finds him but she feels as though she's given up her life for her search, which depresses her. She has become apathetic and distrustful of the other townsfolk, keeping them all at an arms length just in case they were involved in her brothers disappearance.
On a less environmental level Wen is someone who, when push comes to shove, will do what she can to help those who need it. She finds herself empathizing with "lost causes" or reckless youth. And her false cheerfulness and sociability has led her to feel an odd sense of community with the townspeople, despite her distrust of them, and she genuinely loves housing people in her motel and hearing whatever stories they have to give regardless of if they're helpful to her or not. It makes her feel like part of something outside of her own life. She is a genuinely curious person.
Wen is also somewhat impulsive and since she sees herself to be working against the town she has little problem breaking minor laws to achieve her goals, though she would never harm an innocent person.
Does your character have any nicknames? 
She has no nicknames. She had an anglocized name that her teachers and classmates called her up until her final year of highschool, when she decided she just wanted to be 'Wen'.
Does your character have any distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc?
She has non scars, tattoos, or piercings, but she does wear medium-large black glasses.
What kind of things does your character like? What do they dislike? 
Wen likes writing, story telling, investigative journalism, her mom's cooking, comedies and dramas, rom-coms and her two pet cats. She dislikes corruption, synth-pop, people smoking in her presence, clickbait headlines, excessive wealth, and horror movies.
What is your character’s biggest fear? Who have they told this to? Who would they never tell this to? Why? 
Wen's biggest fear is that her brother really is dead and she has spent the past twenty years searching in vain. She has confesses this once, to her mother in the middle of a breakdown brought on by delayed grief.
She also fears that once her search is over it will be too late for her to start a life for herself.
WANTED CONNECTIONS / PLOTS: considering how much it's in this post, anything to do with her brother and his disappearance!
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faithbred-blog · 6 years
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JEROME VELES ( CIS MALE & HE/HIM )? oh, aren’t they the FIFTY year old HUNTER ( VAMPIRE ) who works as the MANAGER at DÉGAGÉ? word on the streets is that they are FAITHFUL & INNOVATIVE, but they can also be ILL-TEMPERED & CALLOUS. by the way, they look eerily similar to KEANU REEVES, don’t they? ( admin karin / 20 / aest / she/fae )
FULL NAME: jerome veles. AGE: fifty. PRONOUNS / GENDER: he/him / cis male. SPECIES: vampire. jerome is only very recently turned, with not many knowing of his vampirism yet. formerly, he was a human of a hunter, and still does operate within the hunters. HOUSING: halkirk, in a two bedroom house with his daughter. FAMILY: his parents long gone and dead, the only family that jerome has now is his adoptive daughter meredith grant. she’s the daughter of a friend who passed away a while ago, and he had taken her in when she was thirteen. he adores her like a father would a daughter even if meredith only became his daughter in her later years.
his mother left when he was young. too young for jerome to even remember, even. said that she wasn’t ready to raise a son, that she wanted to do it the right way and get married before being a mother, and had upped and ran in the middle of the night, leaving jerome under the care of only his father. they didn’t talk about his mother.
heart attack tw / he was sixteen when his father died of a heart attack. the only parent jerome had ever known, gone. they weren’t thick as thieves, but he had loved his old man. losing him was a huge loss to jerome. only two years before he hit adulthood, his aunt and uncle had taken him in and provided the support he needed. they never became parent-like figures, but despite the loneliness he felt after his father was gone, jerome was grateful of them.
he had chosen to forge his own path when he entered adulthood. a year after high school and now in college, he rented a one bedroom apartment in the frenchtown quarters of town. over the years, he’d slowly move himself up.
almost in his thirties and struggling to make a steady income that could properly support him, jerome finally stumbled into an opportunity. he’d been acquainted with the now mrs. vanderbilt in his childhood, although they didn’t run in the same circle. the offer had came from her side of the family — the hunters side of it. they had notice of his affinity for defending himself, and had offered him money — good money — in exchange for becoming a hunter. 
he doesn’t hunt blindly. while he is wary of most supernatural creatures, the only ones he outright hunts are the ones he’s assigned to hunt. the ones that pay good money. his targets are usually big too, as he sees no point in hunting the lesser of the supernaturals. doing that won’t change anything.
death tw / eight years ago a long time friend of his died, leaving behind a thirteen year old girl called meredith grant. while jerome was never exactly her godfather, he had liked her, and her mother was one of the few real friends he had before she passed away. the girl grew up without a father, and a mother who died when she was still a teenager. it was almost a mirror image of what happened to him. not wanting her to grow up completely and utterly alone, jerome had taken her in. a favor to the girl’s mother, perhaps, since he’d been fond of her too.
adopting meredith drove him to further his hunting career. he needed that money more than ever now that he had a daughter. and he’s a good one at it too. he’s come across quite a few of fairview’s more popular supernaturals, either as a warning or as a failed attempt on their lives. jerome isn’t an infamous hunter the way jeremiah baines and his family are amongst the hunters’ community, but he does his job well when he needs to. ( sidenote: the fact that he’s a good hunter was also what led him to convince victoria vanderbilt to manage her restaurant. the pay wasn’t as good as he wanted it to, but he had managed to secure it in exchange to becoming a good hunter who was affiliated with her family, even if victoria herself wasn’t an active hunter. )
the two of them make do pretty well. jerome taught his daughter how to hunt and defend herself if it ever came down to it, and she was well aware of what he did for a living. she didn’t know the extents he would go to when he hunted, but after all, a daughter didn’t need to know that about her father.
and things went well. until recently, when jerome crossed paths with a vampire who had, in an attempt of revenge for hunting him, bitten jerome and left him almost for dead in the woods. and perhaps death would’ve been better too, for that bite had changed his life when he woke and realized what he is now. the very thing that he hates the most. out of all the supernaturals, jerome resents vampires and faeries most, because he views them as invulnerable creatures who can get away with any crime while still living a long life. the fact that they faced no consequences unless they were killed unnerved him, and they were the two creatures that he would stop at nothing to hunt when it calls for it. now? he was exactly the creature that he hated.
it’s only been a few weeks since jerome’s transformations, and he has managed to conceal himself pretty well. most older vampires in town could tell who he was from their honed enhanced senses, but jerome cuts back on the blood bags and still attempts to eat like a normal human would to hide his identity — especially from meredith.
no matter what people say about jerome, he is a passionate man. he’s passionate, he’s loving, and he’s very much driven by the loyalty he feels towards meredith. there are few that he lets in, but if he does let you in and cares about you, he is very much loyal.
jerome is as morally grey as they go. he’s the epitome of the ends justify the means.
he’s also very ill-tempered, and while he’s not a grim man who is always seen scowling or frowning, — he does offer smiles — most of degage’s employees know better than to set him off.
it may not seem like it at first glance, but he’s cunning. he has a very high sense of self-preservation and always had since he was a kid. jerome’s good at thinking things up on the spot and weaselling his ways out of terrible situations, although the means for doing so aren’t always so great.
he’s also deeply resentful. he’s quick to anger, but he’s not quick to forgive. if you’ve hurt him or the people who are close to him, the chances of him forgiving you is very low. after all, he still hates his sire with his entire heart and never will stop in all the immortal years to come.
at the end of the day, he’s on the verge of being a broken man. not that that excuses any of his actions, — because he often takes it too far — but he’s lonely and the only light in his life is meredith. his resentment doesn’t exclude the one he has towards himself too, and he feels like he hasn’t done enough for her and never will. but if it weren’t for her, he would’ve lost all his shreds of humanity and become the monster that he hates the most.
Does your character have any nicknames? a few close friends can probably get away with calling him jer, but that’s the only nickname he’s ever gone by.
Does your character have any distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc? n/a.
What kind of things does your character like? What do they dislike? jerome’s fond of heights. while it’s a fear that many people have, he enjoys being on higher grounds and looking at the skyline and the city beneath him. it relaxes him.
Where does your character go when they are angry? he takes walks, or he goes up on the roof and stares at the skyline to calm himself down.
What is your character’s biggest fear? Who have they told this to? Who would they never tell this to? Why? there are many, but his ultimate biggest fear is being alone. other than hating vampires, it’s the biggest reason why he hates his vampirism. being immortal means having to watch people come and go, and he feels sick thinking about being alone after meredith finally grows old and dies. it’s not a fear that he shares, especially not know when there is so much at stakes and he’s an adult with many responsibilities, but it’s a fear that’s never gone away since the day his dad left him.
Does your character have a secret? If so, what is it? yes, his vampirism is currently a secret. not one that no one knows of, but it is something that he keeps concealed from most others.
Has your character ever been in love? Have they ever had a broken heart? he’s never been in love, but he thinks if meredith’s mother had stayed alive he might’ve fallen in love with her one day.
sire. give me the person who turned him!!! jerome would’ve attacked them as soon as he realized that he was turned, probably almost killing them now that he had these newly acquired strength and speed that he didn’t know how to control in addition to his hunting abilities. the details of this can be ironed out when we plot it out, but i imagine jerome would have either very nearly killed them before they escaped or he thought they were dead but they didn’t die.
vampires. while it isn’t common knowledge that he’s been turned, i imagine that most vampires in town — especially the older ones — would be able to sniff out his vampirism due to their heightened senses. jerome takes care to not smell too much like blood, but it’d be interesting to have a few vampires knowing what he is now.
targets. he’s hunted supernaturals for over 20 years now. i’m sure he’s run into a lot of the supernaturals in fairview and has gotten into fights with them. whether or not he’s actively hunted them before, some supernaturals jerome just outright don’t like.
dark witch. obviously, he needed a daylight ring as soon as he was turned into a vampire. i’m open with two directions with this: a dark witch who had blackmailed him by giving him a daylight ring and promised to keep his secret as long as they do his binding ( or vice versa, him blackmailing them into it ), or a witch that he trusts with his secrets and is friends with.
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vampirdion · 6 years
DION BRANSON ( CIS MALE & HE/HIM )? oh, aren’t they the TWENTY ONE [ 120* ] year old VAMPIRE who works as a DANCER at ECLIPSE? word on the streets is that they are CHARISMATIC & EARNEST, but they can also be ARROGANT & MEGALOMANIACAL. by the way, they look eerily similar to NEELS VISSER, don’t they?
i. interlude
            around a hundred years ago, dion branson was born into the most miserable living conditions at a poverty-stricken home in london, england, 1898*. he was greatly influenced by his mother’s upbringing of religious faith until she passed away. after her death, he was left under the care of his alcoholic and abusive father who he secretly detested.
            his first encounter with the supernatural was the same night he’d poison his father at a nearby pub. he meets a stranger named abel elsewood, who lures and turns him into a vampire. just as any other fledgling and close companion, he joins the man’s coven. he’s increasingly attracted to abel and his abilities that are similar to god. he’s determined to usurp his creator and take that power; especially, following the events of the unveiling and moving to fairview, virginia.
            he blended in seamlessly with the clubbing lifestyle and eventually became one of the many dancers at the strip club called eclipse. from his low standards of morality to the way he dressed to his borderline androgyny; he’s an instant sensation and gains his own empire of followers. every night meant new bodies, new blood – and most of his clients end up disappearing shortly right after he drains them of their lives.  
ii. attitude
            he’s manipulative, selfish, and ruthless. he enjoys being in control by using methods of seduction or violence to further his goals. when interacting with someone, he uses a tone of gentleness and his natural charm to make people admire / like him. he’s generally calm and level-headed, but can openly insult and belittle anyone who goes against his word.
iii. relationships
               dion’s relationships aren’t considered safe or healthy. he’s not empathetic and it’s very unlikely that he would ever have strong feelings for anyone. he’s bisexual, and has male and female lovers. if he’s interested in what someone has to offer him, he’d keep them close at hand until he can dispose of them. with that being said, here’s some ideas for wanted connections -
1.  the regular clients or admirers at the eclipse. 2.  individuals who he feeds / prey on.
iv. trivia
-  he likes red wine and reading books. -  sun sign: libra. neutral evil.
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FULL NAME: Aida Alexandria Boone AGE: 26 PRONOUNS / GENDER: She/Her, cis woman SPECIES: Natural Witch HOUSING: She rents a place in Halkirk FAMILY: Aida has a younger sister. They were close in age and didn’t get along as kids but as they entered high school they grew close, though they still fight now and then. Their interactions are usually silly and fun, but can escalate into fights over nothing. 
She was close with her parents and, while they didn’t move to Fairview, she keeps in contact with them regularly. She is a little bit closer with her dad than she is with her mom. BACKSTORY: Aida had a near ideal childhood. Her parents adored her and she always felt she could come to them with any problems she had. Her and her sister fought with each other frequently, but would still have each other’s backs. She had a small circle of friends in high school, who she tried to keep in touch with after graduation. 
After it was revealed to the world that supernatural beings exist, her entire world was turned upside down. It was quickly discovered by her community that her, her sister, and her father where witches. Everyone she’d known suddenly turned against her family, and they had to quickly leave. Aida got a job in Fairview as Fire Chief and rented a place there to stay, while the rest of her family bought a house in a small supernatural-friendly community. 
PERSONALITY: Aida has always been a deeply empathetic person. She is driven by her compassion and desire to help others. She does her best to make herself a comforting presence. She has a generally cheerful disposition, and is known for her optimism. She believes in second chances, but does draw a line in certain cases. As fire chief she is decisive, quick under pressure, and firm. She can be quite stubborn in her decisions and beliefs. 
Does your character have any nicknames?
When she was a baby, her sister couldn’t say “Aida” and called her “Aya”
Does your character have any distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc.  
She has a tattoo of three violets behind each ear.
What kind of things does your character like? What do they dislike? 
Aida loves nature and going on hikes through the woods, she keeps a small succulent garden on her desk. She loves coffee shops and playing her violin 
How does your character treat their friends and family? How about strangers? Enemies?
Aida is enthusiastic, chatty and understanding when she’s with her friends and family. She is inviting and friendly towards strangers. Towards her enemies she is firm and cold, but not cruel.
Where does your character go when they are angry?
When Aida is angry she finds somewhere private to work through or express her anger.
Has your character ever been in love? Have they ever had a broken heart? 
She was in love with one of her friends from high school, and was heart broken when she turned against Aida and her family after discovering they were witches. 
Does your character have any flaws? What are they?
Aida can be unreasonably stubborn. She is also somewhat oblivious to the events going on around her, as she lives somewhat in her own daydreams.
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araliaceaes · 6 years
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IVY LANGSTON ( CIS FEMALE & SHE/HERS )? oh, aren’t they the TWENTY-TWO year old DARK WITCH who works as a BARISTA at THE ROASTED BEAN? word on the streets is that they are BOLD & DYNAMIC, but they can also be DEFIANT & IMPETUOUS. by the way, they look eerily similar to JESSICA HENWICK, don’t they? ( izzie / 21 / pst / she/hers ) 
like this if you wanna plot!
FULL NAME: ivy amelia langston AGE: 22 PRONOUNS / GENDER: cis female / she/hers SPECIES: human ( witch ) HOUSING: an apartment in frenchtown with a couple of protection spells around it. FAMILY: her mother, her stepfather, and three step-siblings. on some days, she actually gets along fine with her step-siblings. she and her mother are estranged. she hates her stepfather. BACKSTORY:
( tw: emotional and verbal abuse )
a human and a witch fall in love, but like many tragic love stories, there is no happy ending. the human doesn’t know the witch is a witch, and when she finds out, she leaves and takes their child with them, swearing their---her---daughter will have nothing to do with magic. but i’m one of the good witches, her lover protests. the woman doesn’t see the difference: they’re all dealing with the devil.
and so the girl is named ivy langston, given her mother’s surname and nothing of her father, though she looks more like him with her dark hair and dark eyes than the blonde and blue of her mother. the two move to the suburbs of massachusetts just a short drive from the coast, and they’re lulled into normalcy.
her mother soon meets a man full of charisma with no spells or potions in sight, and when ivy turns four, they marry. she’s not even jealous of her new stepbrother, born a year later; she gets candy when she asks for it and her parents buy her books and dolls and a gameboy. in the back of her mind, she knows her father is not really her father, but she never bothers to ask. why should she? after all, everything is perfect.
but cracks start to show. children are cruel when you look different, especially when you look different from the rest of your family. middle school is no better, and ivy fights back. she’s a regular at detention and she becomes known for her argumentative personality.
the biggest crack, the one that shatters everything, is when her mother finds out she’s a witch just like her dad. childhood wishes turn into reality, and kids who are mean to her suddenly get sick or trip over nothing. ivy’s mom starts to turn on her, a reminder of a man she never wants anything to do with again, and all of ivys attempts to win her mother’s affection ( drawings and tugs on sleeves and good grades ) are in vain. even as a young girl, she can sense the hostility, how her mother’s eyes wander over her to her other children, how she greets them warmly but greets ivy with dismissal. 
if there is one thing her mother has been sincere about when it comes to her, it is harsh disapproval. nothing ivy ever does gets her mother to look at her as someone other than as a mistake, a girl with the same magic running through her veins as her father’s; she swears she saw fear flash across her mother’s face, too.
high school is better. she’s more outgoing, more fun. she finds a passion for art, makes new friends, throws herself into a thriving social life, searching for the attention and affection she never receives at home. she brings home c’s and b’s, d’s on her worst days, but it’s not like anyone cares. she tries to spend as little time at home as possible; all she gets from her mother is emotional and verbal abuse if not dismissal, and her stepfather’s not much different. there’s always arguments happening in the langston house.
all but cut off from her supernatural side except for passing comments her mother makes, it’s up to her to figure out this shit on her own. her dad’s nowhere to be found, thanks to her mother. social media brings her together with a couple of other witches from her school, and they form a little coven, helping and teaching other magic. there’s solidarity and security in it, even if they aren’t always using spells and potions for the good of society. her ex was shit, so why not hex him?
when the unveiling happens, ivy knows she has to get the hell out of her house. her stepdad’s revealed to be a hunter, her mom’s anti-supernatural, and ivy’s never felt more suffocated in her life. her stepdad might not realize she’s more than human now, but she’s not sticking around for him to find out. as soon as graduation hits, she takes all the money she’s saved and takes off for art school in rhode island. 
college is full of flings and parties and loud laughter and feeling almost whole. four years pass and she’s lost again. she’s not going back to massachusetts, but when a friend of a friend tells her about fairview, she figures it’s a good place for another fresh start. she gets an apartment in frenchtown and a job as a barista, working as a freelance illustrator on the side.
she’s daring, vivacious, and brash with a tendency to jump first and look later, but she gets along easily with a variety of people due to how vibrant and genuine she is. a definite spitfire with a love for life and a good time, she also has a sharp tongue and a temper on her. likes attention and searches for it in parties, the beds of strangers and almost lovers. 
makes arguably bad decisions, both when sober and drunk. insecure and unsure as hell, but covers it up with faked confidence and a smartass attitude. not much of a filter. trying her best while at the same time not trying at all. she is also unapologetically, wholly herself even if she isn’t quite sure who that is all the time. if you don’t like it, she doesn’t care---she’s tried to be someone she’s not before, and she’s tired of it.
bisexual biracial babe
dark witch bc she’d rather side with the supernaturals than the humans, despite having a foot in both worlds. and she’s always been a bit of a spiteful, petty thing.
Does your character have any nicknames? if you can come up with a nickname for ivy, be my guest
Does your character have any distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc? she has a few tattoos; one on her thigh, another on her back, and one on her arm. she has a few piercings on her ears, as well.
What is your character like in relationships? Are they clingy? Faithful or unfaithful? Do they jump from one relationship to the other? Do they even have an interest in something romantic? she’s faithful in relationships but with a tendency to leave before people can’t too close in fear that they’ll abandon her. so, she’d rather be the one to cut off. jumps from one relationship to another quite quickly because of her need for affection. kind of a serial monogamist who also has flings in between??? she really enjoys sex, too. 
What kind of things does your character like? What do they dislike? she likes alcohol, nightlife, binging netflix, drawing, painting, and being around others. big on art. she dislikes boredom, authority, being told what to do, bigotry, and being hungover. good thing there are potions for that!
How does your character treat their friends and family? How about strangers? Enemies? she is steadfastly loyal to her friends, and while she’s not great at advice, she’s always there to listen and help them get their minds off things. she’s fun. she likes a good time. she’s friendly to strangers, supernatural or otherwise, and tries not to antagonize them. as for the rest? fuck her enemies, and fuck her family. 
Where does your character go when they are angry? she likes to go the gym and punch her feelings out. or she goes running. she likes to stay active otherwise her anger will consume her, and it’s one of the few times she likes to be alone.
Does your character have a secret? If so, what is it? once a spell went very, very wrong and the outcome was very, very bad
Does your character have any flaws? What are they? she is headstrong, reckless, and spiteful. she doesn’t like to face her problems until she absolutely has to, and she’d rather numb her pain than deal with it. she’s argumentative, pushing buttons simply because she can; she can also easily say the wrong thing at the wrong time. and she has her vices. she’s also rather dependent on people; she needs to be surrounded by others to feel loved, and she has a hard time being alone. surprisingly, she’s also the type to keep her problems bottled up until she bursts.
i’d love some friends! people who showed her around fairview when she first moved there / helped her settle in, maybe. some ride or dies. new friends. party friends who really only get drunk and high together; it’s fun, but a rather surface-level friendship. drinking buddies who end up having a heart-to-heart and becoming better friends.
will they won’t they, flings, friends with benefits, slow burn????? 
enemies & rivals. she’s probably pissed some people off, and she’s not one to hold back when she doesn’t like someone. 
witches! dark witches who are trying to further bring her into the ~dark side~ or light witches who are trying to sway her away being a dark witch. an older witch who can be a mentor. she’s mostly self-taught, a magical education cobbled together through old spellbooks, the internet, and other witches she’s come across. girl’s got a lot to learn. witchy friends would be cool too :’)
anything and everything
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feralrcge-blog · 6 years
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TAREK CAIN ( CISMALE & HE/HIM )? oh, aren’t they the 33 year old ALPHA WEREWOLF OF THE NORTHSIDE PACK who owns PRIMAL FITNESS? word on the streets is that they are CHARISMATIC & LOYAL, but they can also be STUBBORN & DEFYING. by the way, they look eerily similar to CHRIS PINE, don’t they?
°。BACKGROUND. (Blood tw, Death tw)
Growing up under his brother wing, Tarek was always protected but also worried. He noticed how his brother tried to shield him from the entire world, their family included and he didn’t like seeing Malachai suffering.
Everything was relatively normal, he would usually see how their mother dropped her anger on his brother, even after their father left. He was small and weak in comparison with his brother, so when he discovered he was a werewolf as well, it wasn’t weird that the mother didn’t find it hard to now turn her anger towards her youngest son. It happened quickly, the first slaps happened, he was pushed against the wall and before he knew it, there was blood all around the room. He didn’t have time to process what was happening because their neighbor was already getting both of them into the car and driving away.
It took him the whole trip to realize what had happened and seeing his brother with dry blood on his clothes and a relatively stern expression, yet always loving towards him, made him realize he really needed to step up for himself and save his brother a problem or two.
When they arrived to Fairview, he started training and paying more attention in his classes. He tried to top everything he was in, the debate club, soccer club and even math club. Aside of that, he paid close attention to whatever his brother had to teach him about being a werewolf. Of course, being a nerd and young is never a good combination. He started to get some bullies, but he never told Kai about that, he learned how to deal with it, he used the right hook his big bro told him and that’s when Tarek started getting some popularity around school.
Their adoptive mother is killed and it feels like the world falling down all over him. He goes through a very strong depression to the point he is unable to shift into a wolf, so of course, it is his brother and the rest of the pack who take care of it. Tarek understood the anger and hatred towards the murderer of their mother, but he didn’t understand why they should judge all humans the same, specially after he starts dating a girl that shared classes with him. It lasted around a year and everything was nice and pretty… until she was found dead at the bottom of the stairs in the stadium. It was an accident, her shoelaces were undone, so she most likely tripped and fell to her death. Tarek was devastated, he had lost three people already and he was only 20.
He finished college ( studying politics ) and with part of the money he received from his mother, he opened Primal Fitness. Even though he shared the house with Malachai, he avoided at all costs to be there at the same time the other was, he never tried his best to not sleep there since he didn’t tolerate the smell of human blood whenever his brother returned home. Everything were just petty issues, until their alpha died.
Nobody expected it, everything seemed to be okay, but apparently, some wolves of the pack thought it was time for the leader to step down. They surrounded him when they were alone and killed him with no mercy, ready to take the crown, but certainly, they weren’t expecting that the Cain brothers would act against that. Tarek and Malachai destroyed the rioters, but now, without an alpha a decision had to be made. Theobvious option was Kai, but… what about Tarek? He fought as well, he showed signs of being a good leader, he was more capable of holding that ferocious attitude, so why Malachai?
Then comes the story everybody knows. The pack divides in two and some go with Kai and some others go with Tarek; still… they continued sharing the household, but why? Maybe because it once had been the house of the person who took care of them. Maybe because it was the only place that had good memories for both. Maybe because wolves protect what is theirs and none of them was going to let go what they thought was theirs. Whichever is the reason, the two brothers seem to deepen their eternal feud each day, but how long will the strings last before they finally tear apart?
Studious and kind, Tarek was always the small one, the submissive and the one that lived afraid. He depended too much on Malachai to the point of constantly hiding behind him; but years go by and events go by and life doesn’t pick favorites. After all the problems and loss in Tarek’s life, he toughens up and begins a silent competition against his older brother. He wanted to be strong, smart and vicious like the other and so, he trained and trained. This turned him into a person who focused hard on his objectives and the overwhelming protectiveness of his brother became too much to handle. He wasn’t a boy anymore, he could take care of himself. Hell, he even was one of the strongest in the pack, but feeling patronized by Kai caused in him an aversion towards authority in general. Still, not everything is sad and edgy with him; Tarek can usually be seen chilling around town with his pack or some other friends, helping people at the gym or even spending some time at the local orphanage! Tarek is a real sweetheart, but oh, boy… better not make him angry; little he knows the feral attitude runs as well in his blood.
He gives some money to the local hospital and the local orphanage to help those who can’t pay.
Actually loves spending time at the orphanage and playing with the children.
Don’t tell him what to do cause he’ll do the opposite. He hates receiving orders or feeling patronized.
Tries to act as guardian of the whole town, protecting mostly humans from supernatural species.
Hard to hold back or control when he gets angry. Can go on berserk mode if FURIOUS.
Very interested in magic, lowkey wishes he had been born a witch instead of a wolf.
Loves his brother very much, but their feud has made him forget it.
Actually very smart and immersed in the town’s politics, tries to keep a peaceful stance with every town’s leader/important family.
Stops to feed and pet every stray animal in Fairview.
Wants a cow.
Leather jackets!
.°。 CONNECTIONS/PLOTS (Some aside of the obvious ones).
A witch that tells him about magic, be ready for lots of questions and eager opinions about everything.
Weird/unlikely friendships with other species!
Protege/someone he has to protect/teach.
And the default ones: best friend, friends, pack members, flings, exes, enemies, frienemies, childhood friends/acquaintances.
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cecilic · 6 years
FULL NAME: Cecilia {tche-tchilya} Henriksdotter AGE: 32 (300) PRONOUNS / GENDER: Female she/her SPECIES: Faerie HOUSING: Rosehill FAMILY: Cecilia has adopted parents and an adopted older sister and brother. Her birth parents are dead. She has a bad relationship with her parents. Her relationship with her siblings was good when she still lived with her family, but she has not had contact with them for 100 years. She is currently avoiding her family. BACKSTORY: Born in Buenos Aires, Cecilia’s birth parents decided to visit Norway when she was 6. While in Norway her parents were murdered by a newly-turned vampire couple. Feeling guilty over what they had done they decided to adopt Cecilia, introducing her to their son and daughter- who at the time were still human since her adopted parents were waiting until they were adults to turn them. On good days her parents would avoid her because of her blood. On bad days they would manipulate and guilt her, telling her she should be thankful to them for her life. When she was chronologically 200 but physically and mentally 18 they disowned her for refusing to marry. She has been travelling country to country since then, settling into Fairview about 10 years ago and taking up a job at the Vanderbilt law firm. PERSONALITY: Cecilia is reckless and bold. She is gregarious and flighty. She longs for meaningful connections but keeps people at a distance. She is prone to sudden drops in mood and getting stuck in a negative loop.
Nicknames: Her siblings used to call her ‘Ilia or Cece.
WANTED CONNECTIONS / PLOTS: Anything relating to her family!
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vulpc · 6 years
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ANDREW ZHAO ( CIS MALE & HE/HIM )? oh, aren’t they the TWENTY-ONE year old SHAPESHIFTER who is UNEMPLOYED? word on the streets is that they are BOLD & CUNNING, but they can also be MATERIALISTIC & INSENSITIVE. by the way, they look eerily similar to WANG ZIYI, don’t they? ( admin karin / 20 / aest / she/fae )
FULL NAME: andrew arsene zhao. AGE: twenty-one. PRONOUNS / GENDER: he/him / cis male. SPECIES: shapeshifter. HOUSING: rosehill, in a house with his parents. FAMILY: his father is emile zhao’s younger brother. every zhao in fairview is andrew’s family, but immediate family wise, he’s the only child of his parents.
the earliest years of his life was spent in indonesia, where his mother ( who is an indonesian-born chinese ) grew up. his parents met in university somewhere in the us, but had decided to move to indonesia shortly after they got married. but when andrew was five, when his shapeshifting abilities start coming into power too, his father had persuaded the entire family to move back to virginia, where the zhaos reside. 
he fit right in. spoiled and part of the upper echelons back in jakarta, he immediately adapted well to the rich of fairview. he adored his cousins, aunts and uncles almost the moment he laid eyes on them. he knows he’s a zhao through and through, and that this is where he belongs.
he was quick to pick up that being a zhao meant having power in fairview. while he may not be one of emile and andrea’s children, he still is a zhao, and even at the young age, andrew was clever enough to know what power meant. he flaunted his ancestry, — including the fact that he solely shifts into a fox — and took charge and became ringleader in early elementary school.
the attitude carried through for the rest of his childhood. he grew up into a confident young man, who always seemed to know where he belonged and acted like he did even when he didn’t. 
even now, at twenty-one, just after completing community college and taking a break before deciding what else he wanted to do in life, you wouldn’t know that he has indecisions about his future just by looking at him.
andrew may not be a king in fairview, but he knows that he belongs to a powerful family and fancies himself as someone untouchable. 
say what you will, but many who knew andrew would probably be quick on agreeing that he’s insufferable. 
there’s nothing inherently evil about the young man, but despite that, it is easy to see he’s made many enemies on the grounds of simply not caring about other people. he has a sharp tongue, and paired with his tendency to speak what’s on his mind without looking at the repercussions, he’s surely hurt many people before.
in the back of his mind, i think even andrew himself is aware that he doesn’t display a lot of positive traits. yet he doesn’t seem to know how to bring himself to care about it, because he knows too that he’s intelligent, quick-thinking and cunning. he knows — or thinks he does — how to spin the world on his fingertips, and to andrew, that’s what matters the most.
perhaps, though, what is most surprising and fascinating about andrew is how he is both generous and selfish. he’s selfish, he has no regards of most others’ feelings, but he is also quick to offer smiles. he has no qualms offering help either, though they always come with an air of superiority — and you know he might just return to you to collect that favor you owe too. he may not be charming and seductive beyond belief, but sometimes, his sincerity is his form of manipulation.
Does your character have any nicknames? a few have tried to call him drew, but it never stuck. he never liked it anyway. andrew is an easy enough name, who needed a nickname for that?
Does your character have any distinguishing features such as tattoos, scars, piercings, etc? he has a lobe piercing on his left ear, with a silver earring usually adorning it. there’s also a scar running along his right knee, the aftermath of stitches from a fall in his childhood.
Where does your character go when they are angry? probably home to sulk, or to a friend’s place to vent.
Has your character ever been in love? Have they ever had a broken heart? it isn’t to say that andrew doesn’t believe in love. sure, many people assume that he doesn’t, but he would freely admit that he loves the people he loves. romantic love, however, was always a different thing altogether. he has never been in love, and to be quite honest, he isn’t sure if he will be.
Does your character have any flaws? What are they? his insensitivity is probably his biggest one. he really doesn’t care about other people’s feelings unless he’s friends with them or they’re a close family member, and one of these days, it’s gonna bite him back in the ass. but for now, andrew thinks he’s invincible. 
friends. rich brats squad! as a member of one of the founding families, andrew is dripping with money. he is probably well acquainted with many other wealthy families in fairview, and i would love them to just have a little squad a la gossip girl where it’s just all the rich kids of fairview.
frenemies/rivals/enemies. i’m sure a LOT of people would dislike andrew, so those! or people who put up with him but secretly hates him. or i don’t know, high school rivals or something since andrew’s probably struck up a lot of rivalries with different people.
admirers. if anyone is strong enough to put up with andrew and weird enough to like him, i want a connection where he has someone who like....admires him or has a huge crush on him and andrew is just like huh ?
family members. more zhaos. give me zhaos. his cousins, maybe his parents, anything. i want to explore his relationship with his family.
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