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katuschka · 1 year ago
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Never too early to start a new sewing project. I just saw this grey stretchy velvet and knew immediately what I'd do with it (NOT a jumpsuit, lol). Sacred the thread, darling.
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andtherestishistory13 · 2 years ago
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Gifting you some of my favorite Jake photos (every photo of him is my favorite but shhhh let's pretend I can choose) he looks so pretty in black and white
He looks pretty in black and white! Thank you Jas!! 🫶🫶
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mountain-in-springtime · 2 years ago
Don't feel bad, I didn't learn how to ride a bike until I was about 10 years old. It was the same week I learned how to tie my shoes. Delayed learning isn't bad :) I teach adults how to hula hoop regularly
i used to ride one with training wheels a lot as a child, but i fell one time, and it scared me from trying to ride again lol. you’re right about delayed learning though. better late than never! i also love that you’re teaching adults to hula hoop on the reg lol. my best friend used to be able to hula hoop for like 10 minutes straight. it’s the coolest!!
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readyforthegarden · 2 years ago
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No because literally I have a maladaptive daydream about baking with Jake, and he is 100% the type to brag about how good his cookies are. I'd challenge his to something very simple, just a good oatmeal cookie. I feel like as good of a cook he is, his skills would far exceed his baking abilities. That and also my oatmeal raisin cookies have gotten me marriage proposals lmao and it's just take Quaker oats recipe
No bc the best recipes are ON THE BOX!!!!
Nestle’s chocolate chip cookie recipe is UNMATCHED. People have literally asked me the secret and I’m like…I use the recipe on the back of the bag of the chips!
But also I feel like Jake is not a baker as well. He can do basics and bake some casseroles, but an actual dessert is where he would fail.
I’d love to challenge him to make profiteroles with homemade crème patisserie and see how he does!!!
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myfriendtheghost · 2 years ago
I'm so suprised that the target exclusive for Starcatcher is going to be pink!! Like it's not a color I expected at all, far less than their release being milky clear and not white.
Pink is such a rare color in my collection, I only have the Pretty in Pink soundtrack on pink. So I'm very tempted by the target exclusive Starcatcher, and I'm curious to see what the walmart exclusive will be
ME TOO the pink was very unexpected !!! I actually think my only colored record besides the Dolly one is the Target exclusive TBAGG (which is my favorite color !!)… if they end up releasing a blue Starcatcher, it’ll be hard to resist even though I already preordered the one from their website 😵‍💫
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loser-user-noaccuser · 2 years ago
The song you got has way too many lyrics i love so I cannot pick just one
Lyrics: My mother’s love is choking me. I’m sick of words that hang above my head what about the kid? Its time the kid got free
I’m sitting pretty on the throne, there’s nothing more i want except to be alone
Send me a 🎶 for a song and lyric
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obetrolncocktails · 2 years ago
Maud-gone -> sacredthethread
I've got you down, friend!!
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andtherestishistory13 · 2 years ago
Aw thank you Jas!!!
Good morning Jas!!! Just wanted to say I hope you have a great day!!
Good morning Kasey! I hope you have a great day as well!! Have some Josh for you lil Josh week
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Stargazing with Jake
Requested by @sacredthethread
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rhythm-of-space · 2 years ago
🏵 Hi! I'm new to GVF tumblr and I wanted to ask what blogs you recommend and why? 💁‍♀️ I'm also doing this to spread some love among the community while trying to find people to follow! 🏵😊
Hello! There's so many lovely, incredibly talented people here - it depends on what you're looking for! Here's some I recommend off the top of my head (I apologize if I miss anyone it's all love)
@sunfl0wer-power @myfriendtheghost @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @lightmylove-gvf @sacredthethreadgvf @pr41sethemoon @asparrowofthedawn @ascendingtostardust @allieisacrybaby @joshsindigostreak @hearts-hunger @streamingcolors-gvf @joshkiszkas @mountain-in-springtime @st4rdust-ch0rds @gold-mines-melting @sacredthethread @musicxlover97 @ohhkaty @andtherestishistory13 @sparrowofthedawnsworld @belovedsamuel
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katuschka · 1 year ago
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One of my sewing projects back from the pandemic era. I just realised it's a bit Starcatcher-y, so I feel like sharing. My custom print design, sewn by me, photographed by me, pattern by Jalie. I LOOOOOVE hiking and I wanted something fancy to wear outdoors.)
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andtherestishistory13 · 2 years ago
“From Nothing Comes The King”
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Jas!! I hope you love it, I’ve been thinking about it for days and who better than to make this moodboard for than you! If you want something else, let me know!! Hope you like it!! 🫶🫶
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mountain-in-springtime · 2 years ago
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My cursed Josh photos and a 48 second video of the intro are all I have of TWOD....
honestly this is so fitting for gvf tho. like this matches the general chaos that they bring everywhere. also i’m just genuinely so amused that this show and seeing jake was so insane that you forgot most of twod
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readyforthegarden · 2 years ago
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Also thinking about how his instagram caption for this photo is "Oh, better far to live and die under the brave black flag I fly", which is from The Pirates of Penzance which is an opera. I wonder if he has seen it performed and went because pirates, or maybe even because Josh didn't want to go to it alone.
You can’t remind me, a former theatre and performing arts major, about this and not expect me to be okay.
I feel like with his willingness to join in on theatrics and stuff he is more of a secret theatre nerd. I think he likes shows like that and I think he enjoys the performance aspect of it and likes watching them. And you bet your ass if there’s pirates he’s THERE
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myfriendtheghost · 2 years ago
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I can't not associate Summer Solstice Josh with you <3
MY BRANDDDD FR !!! I’m telling u when they dropped that first pic of him I was so happy I could cry because I had the yellow theme (because everyone associated me with yellow even before the photoshoot) but I had no good pictures of Josh to match and it was like they said “here u go Katie just for u”
which josh is my josh?
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loser-user-noaccuser · 2 years ago
🌻, 🐾, ⏲
🌻- What’s your favourite type of flower?
I love Daisies and Roses always have
🐾- Whats a fun fact about your favourite animal?
Cows have best friends and stress if they can’t find them
⏲️ - what thing (no matter how small) are you looking forward to?
Probably seeing my best friend in the next week (we haven’t planned it properly but I haven’t seen him for his birthday yet)
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