#sachel paige
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chantssecrets · 3 months ago
Satchel with his car. Paige was the first black pitcher to play in the American League and was the seventh black player to play in Major League Baseball. Also in 1948, Paige became the first player who had played in the Negro leagues to pitch in the World Series; the Indians won the Series that year.
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galaxyblake · 7 years ago
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The 100 premiered 4 years ago today! Here’s to the cast we don’t deserve 🖤
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444names · 2 years ago
russian forenames + german towns + dance styles
Abackh Aben Abisch Abmück Abrück Adeben Affen Akel Alba Alderg Allm Alteid Ameim Amme Ance Anich Ankir Antadt Arch Aria Avdim Aven Averg Avgum Avika Avin Aving Avipe Avks Avlang Avroch Avrose Avtorn Bach Bachen Back Badt Balz Baue Beld Berf Berg Berlen Betz Biedan Bisch Bledt Blen Boach Boch Bochen Bopart Bordel Borf Borfen Born Borty Bosnya Bovel Bregs Breim Brems Brow Bruch Brurg Brüm Busten Buth Büden Candy Caspe Chten Colach Cold Colory Conz Couich Crode Damerg Dammen Dance Dangen Datz Dena Deren Diesa Ditten Dmück Dorf Dorme Dornst Drance Drand Drim Düls Dürep Eberg Eburg Ehohna Ekamee Elydar Emda Emste Epen Erel Erlohn Erna Ersen Esen Esim Fafin Falin Fanda Felden Fing Fingen Finser Fiya Flya Frecke Free Fremar Fren Frey Frie Frig Fring Frio Fursen Fürt Gelen Gelzen Gena Genben Genna Genz Gerg Gerlub Gern Glau Gneuth Gnorf Gorf Greck Greild Groda Grück Grüde Gubau Günce Gütja Hach Haisen Hamben Harn Haron Hatadt Haum Hayda Heck Heille Heim Held Hena Henle Henst Herg Hild Hingen Hirch Hock Hofel Hofeld Houick Hüfin Ileonn Ingen Jivel Joseld Kald Karich Karrem Kasonn Katinz Keln King Kletz Kober Kold Konnen Kral Kran Kren Könich Künden Lach Lade Ladt Lamoe Lance Lara Launn Laurg Leburg Leck Lehne Lemp Lenbug Lerg Leue Ling Liya Loch Lohna Lukow Lutbur Lörten Lüberg Lüch Lündan Lünsch Mach Maikya Marg Marke Marn Marurg Meld Merg Milhen Mirau Mood Moode Moodt Moody Murg Münde Müne Müns Münsch Münst Nade Nadt Neben Nefeld Neffel Nerden Neuch Neus Nich Nide Niemp Nighl Nisast Nitz Nomm Noves Novils Nusten Nörf Obeln Oben Obenn Oburg Oeben Oeln Oerg Ofst Ohburg Olly Olmste Ordim Ossadt Oval Paichn Paig Papdan Parg Passen Perg Pfel Pfulz Pichof Ping Piong Pirch Plaviv Polde Poth Preim Prein Prüsta Pößen Quaken Quen Rackal Raden Radt Raisch Rand Rarg Rehr Reim Remgo Renth Reuba Rhee Rheich Rheim Rheit Rhen Rhorf Rhüns Ringen Rock Rocka Roden Rodt Rody Rons Rosen Rotten Runnow Ruten Rödien Sach Sachel Sade Sadelm Samp Schen Schhen Schin Schl Schlen Schmer Schom Schorm Schorn Schr Seck Seld Seln Sendoh Senra Setz Seßlen Shald Sheing Snide Solich Sonna Soya Stald Stap Stasin Sten Sthn Stra Städt Sumber Svim Swal Tach Tadand Taden Tadie Tadt Tadtin Taladt Tand Tannen Tedana Tehl Teim Thal Theim Then Tradt Tredt Treim Ueck Uling Umberg Ummerg Unde Vells Vena Verg Vily Vlau Vlow Vreim Vsen Wadan Walen Walk Walz Wanya Wassin Weig Weim Weing Weis Welenn Wemste Werf Werg Wern Wert Westy Wetten Wien Wigen Wing Wislig Witz Witzen Woogau Woogee Wosen Wundan Wupf Wurg Würg Würsh Xange Yelln Yerg Yern Yeshau Zach Zeuth Zied Zien Zing Zingen Zirn Zitals Zorf Zweim Zwöhr Zülln Öhrim
same thing but longer names
Aarna Abaar Aberg Abissen Aboich Aburg Agapauburg Agelfin Agenree Agolfsweim Ahrtadt Alberg Alklönburg Allmeim Alpin Amptolen Angen Arden Attenke Avdipege Avdisch Aveldance Avelim Averg Avguburg Avina Avinatzen Avisa Avisch Avroß Aßfulen Baboslona Backlen Badan Bechsten Beckling Beckup Beensen Beinge Benbatz Bermücken Bernen Bersee Bersha Biederg Bissance Blenheim Bling Bluderg Boldorf Bolfen Bolitzen Boogderiya Boorf Borchheim Bosee Brausaark Brocked Broderst Bruck Brucker Brungerg Bruppinker Brücka Brüelden Brühlen Brünce Burgary Burgen Büdimmy Bünnhen Bürticht Büthoya Büttis Cance Chittia Chterg Clitterg Clomingen Clusen Conwalzgen Crierwal Dahlsdorf Dance Danzbach Dechst Denbal Densen Diachweim Diedt Dierenburg Dipeth Disfeld Disteden Doriedt Dorteitz Dortren Driede Drophicht Dürsenteid Eggenid Eifen Einsen Eldorn Elsee Elsenka Elsriegka Elsulmetlo Erseckau Eshurg Estadt Eublolz Fakenburg Feldorf Felerneuck Filin Finau Flöhr Fradt France Frath Frating Frehe Freumar Friesel Frislow Friverg Frömily Fullinen Fürenstadt Fürspance Gathold Genbance Genheim Genstuhl Gentin Giebern Glang Gniklit Gortep Gremme Grinbe Groch Grömhohn Gröneudorf Grünneuck Görfen Hafal Hafody Hagusa Haleing Hareburg Hasyk Haung Hausen Hausenfeld Hauten Heida Heild Heimmirch Heindsach Heindy Heischim Heitzlau Helletten Henburg Hende Henderg Hilsteun Hinden Hingert Hoese Hofenstädt Hofferg Holbach Holleyen Hopdanau Hopper Iburg Iltmarien Irche Irilheln Irsburg Ischof Jahmen Jeven Jiven Kaich Kaing Katzinfen Kenberf Kineup Kipdance Klenauena Klickena Klitz Klounlang Kochst Konov Kornhaus Kranied Kroch Könau Könerst Könienburg Köthar Laden Lahda Laisina Lakoh Lance Lastaßladt Lausten Lavdinene Lavdisen Lavenburg Lavil Leneseßen Lenhaust Lenhein Lensch Lexeystadt Lichteng Lingenhen Litburg Loittehn Lomilsburg Loppau Lubershein Lukleim Lückamboa Lüglüder Lünce Magalbern Magen Mancin Marsta Marten Marth Mayrinig Meerg Melden Menstorg Merthoch Metze Minfen Mingen Mingenberg Minkobech Miratadt Mirivel Moderburg Molyda Monndeven Moorf Mölshoferg Mückeum Mügle Münce Müneben Müneueberg Münzen Naildanda Nascheißen Nebel Nebnin Nebnitz Neburg Neckan Nectreim Neudwip Neuhna Neusecht Neusee Neuternben Neuth Neuwin Nisch Obeck Oberg Obergsbe Oburg Oelin Ohnaunken Olbogenz Olfrenkel Olklind Olseyek Olsulmsda Orsterg Oselingen Osilin Ostadt Ostenzen Oterich Paingein Pashirch Pausenbut Penack Penburgda Pfheigheck Pfury Photsdorf Pitzen Pladt Plangen Pohenber Pohna Radburz Raffellim Rande Rannau Rarich Raung Renberg Rershula Rhelstorf Rhenstrow Rhofsburg Rhohe Rhoyth Riches Roden Rorches Rostann Roßal Roßenstadt Roßschwer Rungen Ruselsulms Rödel Rönburg Rönitz Sachwardan Saline Salledin Samark Sarzendorf Saschweid Sausen Schance Schau Schhen Schiln Schim Schkerg Schsen Schsestena Schste Schstennin Schtege Schöneuden Senneburt Sivainov Snieschof Solsen Sonsber Sophoppeis Spana Stach Steill Steim Stelshen Sterburg Sterknitz Stinberg Straerd Sulmshora Sunst Sunwarsia Sveneude Südin Tabach Tadang Tadit Tenberherg Terkinalk Theingeimm Thern Tordt Torsde Torsum Trasee Treuf Trode Tromiriedt Trontederg Trosben Tuteingen Twien Twolerg Uenhaffurg Ulzen Undan Velberf Velzben Velzen Velübburg Ventetzsch Verick Veskock Vetzsch Vikylance Vilst Vremer Walberg Walda Waleimitz Walinge Walsfen Wance Wedaingen Weilenbach Weingen Weingenhau Werow Wetlance Wieberg Wiewabrup Wigsburg Wilaug Wingolohn Witteim Woldorf Wolengen Wolpitz Wolslippe Wrichluch Würteim Xance Yernktburg Yungenferg Zenber Zenkerg Zevesheim Zigenlen Zinfehrede Zweim Zwerg Zwesina Zwipzir Öhronha Übber Übburg
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manwalksintobar · 3 years ago
Poem for My Father  // Quincy Troupe
for Quincy T. Trouppe Sr.   father, it was an honor to be there, in the dugout with you, the glory of great black men swinging their lives as bats, at tiny white balls burning in at unbelievable speeds, riding up & in & out a curve breaking down wicked, like a ball falling off a table moving away, snaking down, screwing its stitched magic into chitlin circuit air, its comma seams spinning toward breakdown, dipping, like a hipster bebopping a knee-dip stride, in the charlie parker forties wrist curling, like a swan’s neck behind a slick black back cupping an invisible ball of dreams   & you there, father, regal, as an african, obeah man sculpted out of wood, from a sacred tree, of no name, no place, origin thick branches branching down, into cherokee & someplace else lost way back in africa, the sap running dry crossing from north carolina into georgia, inside grandmother mary’s womb, where your mother had you in the violence of that red soil ink blotter news, gone now, into blood graves of american blues, sponging rococo truth long gone as dinosaurs the agent-oranged landscape of former names absent of african polysyllables, dry husk, consonants there now, in their place, names, flat, as polluted rivers & that guitar string smile always snaking across some virulent, american, redneck’s face scorching, like atomic heat, mushrooming over nagasaki & hiroshima, the fever blistered shadows of it all inked, as etchings, into sizzled concrete but you, there, father, through it all, a yardbird solo riffing on bat & ball glory, breaking down the fabricated myths of white major league legends, of who was better than who beating them at their own crap game, with killer bats, as bud powell swung his silence into beauty of a josh gibson home run, skittering across piano keys of bleachers shattering all manufactured legends up there in lights struck out white knights, on the risky edge of amazement awe, the miraculous truth sluicing through steeped & disguised in the blues confluencing, like the point at the cross when a fastball hides itself up in a slider, curve breaking down & away in a wicked, sly grin curved & posed as an ass-scratching uncle tom, who like old sachel paige delivering his famed hesitation pitch before coming back with a hard, high, fast one, is slicker sliding, & quicker than a professional hitman— the deadliness of it all, the sudden strike like that of the “brown bomber’s” crossing right of sugar ray robinson’s, lightning, cobra bite   & you, there, father, through it all, catching rhythms of chono pozo balls, drumming, like conga beats into your catcher’s mitt hard & fast as “cool papa” bell jumping into bed before the lights went out   of the old, negro baseball league, a promise, you were father, a harbinger, of shock waves, soon come
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jshoulson · 3 years ago
Today's Poem
Poem for My Father --Quincy Troupe
for Quincy T. Trouppe Sr.
father, it was an honor to be there, in the dugout with you, the glory of great black men swinging their lives as bats, at tiny white balls burning in at unbelievable speeds, riding up & in & out a curve breaking down wicked, like a ball falling off a table moving away, snaking down, screwing its stitched magic into chitlin circuit air, its comma seams spinning toward breakdown, dipping, like a hipster bebopping a knee-dip stride, in the charlie parker forties wrist curling, like a swan’s neck behind a slick black back cupping an invisible ball of dreams
& you there, father, regal, as an african, obeah man sculpted out of wood, from a sacred tree, of no name, no place, origin thick branches branching down, into cherokee & someplace else lost way back in africa, the sap running dry crossing from north carolina into georgia, inside grandmother mary’s womb, where your mother had you in the violence of that red soil ink blotter news, gone now, into blood graves of american blues, sponging rococo truth long gone as dinosaurs the agent-oranged landscape of former names absent of african polysyllables, dry husk, consonants there now, in their place, names, flat, as polluted rivers & that guitar string smile always snaking across some virulent, american, redneck’s face scorching, like atomic heat, mushrooming over nagasaki & hiroshima, the fever blistered shadows of it all inked, as etchings, into sizzled concrete but you, there, father, through it all, a yardbird solo riffing on bat & ball glory, breaking down the fabricated myths of white major league legends, of who was better than who beating them at their own crap game, with killer bats, as bud powell swung his silence into beauty of a josh gibson home run, skittering across piano keys of bleachers shattering all manufactured legends up there in lights struck out white knights, on the risky edge of amazement awe, the miraculous truth sluicing through steeped & disguised in the blues confluencing, like the point at the cross when a fastball hides itself up in a slider, curve breaking down & away in a wicked, sly grin curved & posed as an ass-scratching uncle tom, who like old sachel paige delivering his famed hesitation pitch before coming back with a hard, high, fast one, is slicker sliding, & quicker than a professional hitman— the deadliness of it all, the sudden strike like that of the “brown bomber’s” crossing right of sugar ray robinson’s, lightning, cobra bite
& you, there, father, through it all, catching rhythms of chono pozo balls, drumming, like conga beats into your catcher’s mitt hard & fast as “cool papa” bell jumping into bed before the lights went out
of the old, negro baseball league, a promise, you were father, a harbinger, of shock waves, soon come
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mekdanny · 8 years ago
Inspirational Quotesence (IQ):  Knowledge
Inspirational Quotesence (IQ): Knowledge
“What’s scary in life is not what people know (or don’t know), but what they know that ain’t so.” – Leroy “sachel” Paige
What do you know? Often, asking this question is like slapping someone on the chin. Ironically, the one asking the question does not also know what he or she knows. We are living in the era of skepticism, everyone that encounters Knowledge of any kind must ask who, when, what…
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